Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Tread of Angels (Defekt) - Rebecca Roanhorse
In the mining town of Goetia, the world is divided between The Fallen, descendants of demonkind, and The Virtues, the winners in an ancient war. Celeste and Mariel are two Fallen sisters, bound by blood but raised in separate worlds.Celeste grew up with their father, passing in privileged society, while Mariel stayed with their mother in Goetia's slums. Celeste is wracked by guilt for leaving her sister behind, and when their father dies, she becomes Mariel's fiercest protector. But their lives are upended when Mariel is arrested for the murder of a Virtue.Determined to save her sister and prove her innocence, Celeste turns to her ex-lover, a former general in the armies of Hell, for help. Soon Celeste is making her own deals with devils and angels alike to prove her sister's innocence. However the journey to discover the truth threatens to become more than Celeste ever bargained for.
Podívejte se také Rebecca (9781844080380)
Tread of Angels - Rebecca Roanhorse
In the mining town of Goetia, the world is divided between The Fallen, descendants of demonkind, and The Virtues, the winners in an ancient war. Celeste and Mariel are two Fallen sisters, bound by blood but raised in separate worlds.Celeste grew up with their father, passing in privileged society, while Mariel stayed with their mother in Goetia's slums. Celeste is wracked by guilt for leaving her sister behind, and when their father dies, she becomes Mariel's fiercest protector. But their lives are upended when Mariel is arrested for the murder of a Virtue.Determined to save her sister and prove her innocence, Celeste turns to her ex-lover, a former general in the armies of Hell, for help. Soon Celeste is making her own deals with devils and angels alike to prove her sister's innocence. However the journey to discover the truth threatens to become more than Celeste ever bargained for.
Podívejte se také Tramvaj plná andělů/ Streetcar Full of Angels (978-80-902602-5-2)
Stopa blesku - Rebecca Roanhorse
Po potopě vstoupily do světa Navahů staré mýtické bytosti. Maggie, bojovnice obdařená klanovými silami, pátrá po mocném čaroději tvořícím netvory. Stopa však vede k polobožskému hrdinovi Neizghánímu…
Podívejte se také rebecca rolakovy pleteny svetr
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- Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
- Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)
- METAFORM REBECCA dvojháček, černá (CC023)
- Angels & Airwaves: Lifeforms - CD (4050538689181)
- METAFORM REBECCA sklenka, černá/keramika (CC004)
- METAFORM CC002 Rebecca mýdlenka, černá/keramika
- Dylan Bob: Fallen Angels - CD (0889853080229)
- Hell's Angels (978-80-277-0471-2)
- Dark angels (999-00-020-1094-1)
- Gabriels: Angels & Queens - Part I - CD (5054197358951)
- METAFORM REBECCA skleněná police 560mm, černá (CC015)
- METAFORM REBECCA držák ručníků 300x61mm, černá (CC320)
- METAFORM REBECCA držák ručníků otevřený, černá (CC006)
- Gabriels: Angels & Queens - Act 1 - CD (5054197285981)
- METAFORM CC015 Rebecca skleněná police 56 cm, černá
- Broken Angels: Netflix Altered Carbon Book 2 (0575081252)
- Dark Tranquillity: Enter Suicidal Angels (EP) - LP (0194398376516)
- METAFORM CC010 Rebecca WC štětka na postavení, černá/keramika
- METAFORM CC017 Rebecca držák toaletního papíru bez krytu, černá
- METAFORM REBECCA WC štětka na postavení, černá/keramika (CC010)
Stopa blesku - Rebecca Roanhorse - e-kniha
eBook: Po potopě vstoupily do světa Navahů staré mýtické bytosti. Maggie, bojovnice obdařená klanovými silami, pátrá po mocném čaroději tvořícím netvory. Stopa však vede k polobožskému hrdinovi Neizghánímu… Stopa blesku je napjatě očekávanou románovou prvotinou autorky, která získala Huga i Nebulu za svou první nominovanou povídku. V knize kombinuje drsný postapokalyptický svět se snovou atmosférou indiánských mýtů.
Objev podobné jako Stopa blesku - Rebecca Roanhorse - e-kniha
Race to the Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse
Lately, seventh grader Nizhoni Begay has been able to detect monsters, like that man in the fancy suit who was in the bleachers at her basketball game. Turns out he's Mr. Charles, her dad's new boss at the oil and gas company, and he's alarmingly interested in Nizhoni and her brother, Mac, their Navajo heritage, and the legend of the Hero Twins. Nizhoni knows he's a threat, but her father won't believe her. When Dad disappears the next day, leaving behind a message that says "Run!", the siblings and Nizhoni's best friend, Davery, are thrust into a rescue mission that can only be accomplished with the help of Diné Holy People, all disguised as quirky characters. Their aid will come at a price: the kids must pass a series of trials in which it seems like nature itself is out to kill them. If Nizhoni, Mac, and Davery can reach the House of the Sun, they will be outfitted with what they need to defeat the ancient monsters Mr. Charles has unleashed. But it will take more than weapons for Nizhoni to become the hero she was destined to be . . . Timeless themes such as the importance of family and respect for the land resonate in this funny, fast-paced, and exciting quest adventure set in the American Southwest.
Objev podobné jako Race to the Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse
Where Angels Tread Lightly: The Assassination of President Kennedy Volume 1 - John M. Newman
Revised edition, January 2017. The first in a series of volumes on the JFK assassination, Where Angels Tread Lightly is a unique scholarly examination of historical episodes that go back to WWII, the Office of Strategic Services, and the early evolution of the CIA—up to and beyond Castro’s assumption of power in Cuba in 1959. This book is a groundbreaking investigation of America’s failure in Cuba that uncovers the CIA’s role in Castro’s rise to power and their ensuing efforts to destroy him.This work retraces the paths taken by many of the key players who became entangled in the CIA’s plots to overthrow Castro and the development of the myth that Castro was responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy.With rigorous scholarship and the brilliant insight of a trained textual records interpreter and document forensic specialist, Dr. John M. Newman sheds new light on the multiple identities played by individual CIA officers. Where Angels Tread Lightly deciphers the people and operations that belong to a large number of CIA cryptonyms and pseudonyms that have remained, until now, unsolved.
Objev podobné jako Where Angels Tread Lightly: The Assassination of President Kennedy Volume 1 - John M. Newman
Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) (Defekt) - Rebecca Ross
TORN APART BY WAR. REUNITED BY LOVE?The epic conclusion to the intensely romantic and beautifully written story that started in Divine Rivals.Two weeks have passed since Iris returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over.Roman is missing, lost behind enemy lines, with no memory of his past, or Iris. Hoping his memories return, he begins to write again - but this time for the enemy.When a strange letter arrives through his wardrobe door, he strikes up a correspondence with a penpal who seems at once mysterious... and strangely familiar.As their connection deepens, the two of them will risk their very hearts and futures to change the tides of the war.
Objev podobné jako Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) (Defekt) - Rebecca Ross
Sedmihlas (Defekt) - Rebecca Kauffmanová
Sedm sourozenců, sedm osudů, jedna rodina. Nezapomenutelný román o tom, kolik toho vlastně (ne)víme o vlastní rodině.
Objev podobné jako Sedmihlas (Defekt) - Rebecca Kauffmanová
Sedmihlas (Defekt) - Rebecca Kauffmanová
Sedm sourozenců, sedm osudů, jedna rodina. Nezapomenutelný román o tom, kolik toho vlastně (ne)víme o vlastní rodině.
Objev podobné jako Sedmihlas (Defekt) - Rebecca Kauffmanová
Výměna (Defekt) - Rebecca Fleet
Caroline a Francis dostanou nabídku na krátkodobou výměnu bydlení. Rádi na týden opustí svůj městský byt, odpočinou si od běžných starostí a užijí si pobyt v honosném domě na předměstí Londýna. Jakmile se ubytují ve vile uprostřed zeleně, začnou na povrch znovu probublávat věci, které před časem málem zahubily jejich manželství. Caroline navíc začne v domě objevovat připomínky svého dřívějšího života a tajemství, na které se zoufale snaží zapomenout…
Objev podobné jako Výměna (Defekt) - Rebecca Fleet
Zmiz, dokud můžeš (Defekt) - Rebecca Zanetti
Agentka Laurel Snowová je zpět a kromě sériového vraha se musí vypořádat s komplikovaným vztahem se svou nově objevenou polovlastní sestrou. „Komplikovaný“ je však slabé slovo.Nejenže má Laurel podezření, že za záhadným zmizením jejich otce stojí právě Abigail, ale její nevyzpytatelné chování také Laurel ztěžuje život v rodném městečku. Přesto, když Abigail tvrdí, že ji někdo chce zabít, Laurelin instinkt chránit svou sestru se rozběhne na plné obrátky.Když se však v zasněžených horách začnou objevovat mrtvá těla, obklopená květy černých jiřin, je mezi nimi jedno pojítko: Abigail…Na scénu vstupuje Huck Rivers, zádumčivý ranger, který je stejně impulzivní a vznětlivý, jako je Laurel chladně analytická, což z jejich spojenectví činí tikající bombu. Aby se však postavila tak děsivě brilantnímu vrahovi, agentka bude potřebovat veškerou pomoc, které se jí může dostat. Záchrana sestřina života by ji totiž mohla stát ten její…
Objev podobné jako Zmiz, dokud můžeš (Defekt) - Rebecca Zanetti
Zmiz, dokud můžeš (Defekt) - Rebecca Zanetti
Agentka Laurel Snowová je zpět a kromě sériového vraha se musí vypořádat s komplikovaným vztahem se svou nově objevenou polovlastní sestrou. „Komplikovaný“ je však slabé slovo.Nejenže má Laurel podezření, že za záhadným zmizením jejich otce stojí právě Abigail, ale její nevyzpytatelné chování také Laurel ztěžuje život v rodném městečku. Přesto, když Abigail tvrdí, že ji někdo chce zabít, Laurelin instinkt chránit svou sestru se rozběhne na plné obrátky.Když se však v zasněžených horách začnou objevovat mrtvá těla, obklopená květy černých jiřin, je mezi nimi jedno pojítko: Abigail…Na scénu vstupuje Huck Rivers, zádumčivý ranger, který je stejně impulzivní a vznětlivý, jako je Laurel chladně analytická, což z jejich spojenectví činí tikající bombu. Aby se však postavila tak děsivě brilantnímu vrahovi, agentka bude potřebovat veškerou pomoc, které se jí může dostat. Záchrana sestřina života by ji totiž mohla stát ten její…
Objev podobné jako Zmiz, dokud můžeš (Defekt) - Rebecca Zanetti
Dračí republika (Maková válka 2) (Defekt) - Rebecca F. Kuangová
Pokračování úspěšného románu Maková válka - epické fantasy inspirované dějinami Číny. Jedna válka skončila. Další válka právě začíná. Říše Nikan už třikrát ve svých dějinách bojovala o přežití v krvavých makových válkách. Třetí z nich sice právě skončila, ale šamanka a válečnice Rin nemůže zapomenout na zvěrstvo, které spáchala, aby zachránila svůj lid. Teď je na útěku před pocitem viny, závislostí na opiu, jež se kolem ní utahuje jako svěrák, i vražednými pokyny ohnivého Fénixe, pomstychtivého boha, jenž ji obdařuje strašlivou mocí. Nechce se jí žít, ale odmítá zemřít, dokud nezabije zrádnou císařovnu, která zaprodala její vlast nepřátelům. Rininou jedinou nadějí je spojit síly s mocným Dračím správcem, který se chystá dobýt Nikan, sesadit císařovnu a založit novou republiku. Císařovna a Dračí správce však nejsou tím, čím se zdají být, a Rin se stále víc obává, že láska k Nikanu ji opět donutí uplatnit Fénixovu smrtonosnou moc. Neexistuje totiž nic, co by neobětovala pro záchranu své vlasti… a pro pomstu.
Objev podobné jako Dračí republika (Maková válka 2) (Defekt) - Rebecca F. Kuangová
I Have Some Questions For You (Defekt) - Rebecca Makkai
The riveting new novel from the author of The Great Believers, finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book AwardA successful film professor and podcaster, Bodie Kane is content to forget her past: the family tragedy that marred her adolescence, her four largely miserable years at a New Hampshire boarding school, and the 1995 murder of a classmate, Thalia Keith. Though the circumstances surrounding Thalia's death and the conviction of the school's athletics coach, Omar Evans, are the subject of intense fascination online, Bodie prefers-needs-to let sleeping dogs lie.But when The Granby School invites her back to teach a two-week course, Bodie finds herself inexorably drawn to the case and its increasingly apparent flaws. In their rush to convict Omar, did the school and the police overlook other suspects? Is the real killer still out there? As she falls down the very rabbit hole she was so determined to avoid, Bodie begins to wonder if she wasn't as much of an outsider at Granby as she'd thought-if, perhaps, back in 1995, she knew something that might have held the key to solving the case.One of the most acclaimed contemporary American writers, Rebecca Makkai reinvents herself with each of her brilliant novels. Both a transfixing mystery and a deeply felt examination of one woman's reckoning with her past, I Have Some Questions for You is her finest achievement yet.
Objev podobné jako I Have Some Questions For You (Defekt) - Rebecca Makkai
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - S
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - S
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - XL
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - XS
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - XS
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - M
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - M
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - L
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - L
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - XXL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - XXL
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - 3XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - 3XL
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - 5XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - 5XL
Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - 4XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee City of Angels Oversize Tee black - 4XL
City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
Fourth in Cassandra Clare’s internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series about the Shadowhunters. Discover more secrets about the Shadowhunters as they fight to protect the world from demons in the fourth book in the internationally bestselling series. To love is to destroy... The Mortal War is over, and Clary Fray is home in New York, excited about all the possibilities before her. She's training to become a Shadowhunter and – most importantly of all – she can finally call Jace her boyfriend. But her happiness has come at a price... This edition contains a map and a new foreword by Cassandra Clare. Read all the sensational books in The Shadowhunter Chronicles: The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, The Bane Chronicles, The Dark Artifices, The Last Hours and The Shadowhunter’s Codex.
Objev podobné jako City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
Forum 2/A2-B1 - Cahier d´exercices (Defekt) - Campa Angels
Pracovní sešit k 1. a 2. dílu obsahuje cvičení na rozvoj všech schopností dle jednotlivých lekcí ajejich částí v učebnici je doplněn abecedním několikajazyčným slovníčkem.
Objev podobné jako Forum 2/A2-B1 - Cahier d´exercices (Defekt) - Campa Angels
Inveray UV/LED Gel Lak No. 224 CITY OF ANGELS
Inveray UV/LED Gel Lak No. 224 CITY OF ANGELS Sytá barva, která neztrácí intenzitu po mnoho dní! Dlouhotrvající lesk a odolnost vůči vnějším vlivům. UV/LED gel lak na nehty představuje nejnovější generaci světlem vytvrzovaných gelových laků, které poskytují plné krytí při nanesení jedné vrstvy. Skutečná barva laku je zobrazena na uzávěru, abyste si mohli snadno a rychle vybrat barvu, kterou hledáte. Tento elegantní a praktický design balení byl navržen především s ohledem na pohodlí při práci. Ergonomický tvar uzávěru umožňuje, aby byl celý proces aplikace ještě pohodlnější. Aplikaci laku usnadňuje štěteček, který byl speciálně navržen pro značku Inveray. Jeden plynulý pohyb štětcem vám umožní pokrýt celou plochu nehtu správným množstvím přípravku. UV/LED gel lak dokonale spolupracuje s přírodní nehtovou ploténkou. Je také vhodný pro gelovou, akrylovou a akrygelovou metodu modeláže. Doba vytvrzení v UV/LED lampě o výkonu 9W a více je 30 sekund, v 36W UV lampě 120 sekund. Další informace: dokonalé pokrytí vynikající přilnavost flexibilita - lak se rozšiřuje a smršťuje spolu s nehtovou ploténkou, je odolný vůči změnám teploty, nepraská a neláme se, rovnoměrná aplikace bez šmouh intenzivní lesk barvy po dobu 21 dní a déle zakrytí drobných nerovností nehtové ploténky vysoká odolnost proti poškrábání a odlupování optimální hustota samonivelační vlastnosti inovativní složení bez 12 složek, které mohou způsobit alergické reakce: HEMA, di-HEMA trimetylhexyldikarbamát, trifenylfosfát, formaldehydová pryskyřice, ethyltosylamid, formaldehyd, parfém, parabeny, kafr, toluen, xylen, DBP. OBSAH: 10 ml Odstín barvy produktu se může lehce lišit s ohledem na nastavení obrazovky vašeho zařízení!
Objev podobné jako Inveray UV/LED Gel Lak No. 224 CITY OF ANGELS
Cage of Dreams - Rebecca Schaeffer
Chaos reigns over the City of Newham in the thrilling conclusion to the City of Nightmares duology, by critically acclaimed author Rebecca Schaeffer.All nightmares begin as dreams.Nineteen-year-old Ness used to be terrified of Nightmares - people who'd turned into their worst fears while they slept. Now, after two assassination attempts, an explosion, and a bargain with a demon, she's finally free of her terror.But Nightmares aren't the only dangerous thing in Newham. And Ness still has to reckon with her other fears - including her fear of mortality.It's easy to die in Newham, but hard to live. So when the monster responsible for creating Nightmares asks her for a favour, she agrees - as long as he will turn her into an indestructible Nightmare of her choice in exchange, so she can finally feel safe.Soon things spiral out of control. Ness finds herself in the crosshairs of enemies old and new, and this time, she can't run from her problems.If she wants to survive, she's going to have to conquer the most difficult enemy of all: herself.
Objev podobné jako Cage of Dreams - Rebecca Schaeffer
City of Nightmares - Rebecca Schaeffer
Gotham meets Strange the Dreamer in this thrilling young adult fantasy about a cowardly girl who finds herself at the center of a criminal syndicate conspiracy, in a city where crooked politicians and sinister cults reign and dreaming means waking up as your worst nightmare. Face your fear . . . or become your nightmare. Ever since her sister became a man-eating spider, Ness has been terrified of waking up as her own Nightmare. Because in the city that never sleeps, dreaming means becoming your worst fear. Ness seeks protection with the Friends of the Restful Soul, which may or may not be a cult. To prove her worth, she accepts what is meant to be a simple job. Only for it to blow up in her face. Literally. Ness and the only other survivor of the explosion - a Nightmare boy with an agenda of his own - must find their way back to the city and uncover the sinister truth behind the attack...
Objev podobné jako City of Nightmares - Rebecca Schaeffer
Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows (PC) DIGITAL (371241)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: dobrodružná, Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows PC skrývá démonické síly, které devastují lidstvo. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Vaším cílem bude projít tímto napínavým dobrodružstvím a zachránit lidstvo. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Noční můry Zahrajete si za moderní ženu Kate, kterou neustále sužují noční můry. Ty se týkají smrti její matky, kterou kdysi zabilo jakési hrůzostrašné monstrum....
Objev podobné jako Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows (PC) DIGITAL (371241)
Tramvaj plná andělů/ Streetcar Full of Angels (978-80-902602-5-2)
Kniha – autor Jiří Brůna, 84 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Jiří Brůna, 84 stran, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha básní Jiřího Brůny vychází opět ve dvoujazyčném vydání / ČJ , AN / a je doplněna ilustracemi pražské malířky Mirky Mádrové. Prvními třemi spoluautorskými knihami byly Básně a obrazy, Psověk a Každý jiný den. Dalšími tituly jsou z nakladatelství Mezera – Rozhovory s anděly, Rozhovory bez Andělů a Andělé na Zemi. Nově Tramvaj plná Andělů tentokráte v nakladatelství Moniky Elšíkové.
Objev podobné jako Tramvaj plná andělů/ Streetcar Full of Angels (978-80-902602-5-2)
The Reality of Everything - Rebecca Yarros
Before Xaden Riorson, there were the four Fly Boys: a deeply emotional and angsty New Adult romance series from the No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing. There are some wounds time can't heal, and some fears too consuming to conquer . . . Jackson Montgomery's life revolves around his daughter and job. He's no stranger to saving a damsel in distress, and though his gorgeous new neighbour is clearly in distress, she's no damsel.Morgan Bartley is stubborn as hell with walls a mile thick, and the dog tags hanging from her rearview mirror give him a pretty good clue as to why. It doesn't matter that their attraction is undeniable-she swore she'd never fall for another pilot, let alone a military man. She's a barely breathing heartbreak on the edge of recovery.He's a crash waiting to happen. Together they could have it all . . . if they can endure the coming storm.
Objev podobné jako The Reality of Everything - Rebecca Yarros
Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (LP)
Datum vydání: 2022-10-07 Subžánr: Blackened Death Metal;Sludge Metal;Thrash Metal;Black Metal Vydavatelství: Metal Blade Records Varianta: Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (LP) Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Goatwhore Rok vydání: 2022.0 Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Metal Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: LP deska
Objev podobné jako Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (LP)
The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels - Janice Hallett
True-crime author Amanda Bailey knows all about the notorious Alperton Angels cult. There have been dozens of books and films about the Angels, ever since the night nearly two decades ago, when they attempted to sacrifice a baby they believed to be the Antichrist.With all the cultists now dead - apart from their charismatic leader - it seems like there's nothing new to say about the Angels... until now. The Alperton baby has turned eighteen and can finally be interviewed, and if Amanda can track them down, it will be the scoop of the year.But rival author Oliver Menzies is just as smart, better connected, and is also on the baby's trail. As Amanda and Oliver are forced to collaborate, they realise that what everyone thinks they know about the Angels is wrong. The truth is something much darker and stranger.And the devilish story of the Alperton Angels is far from over... 'An astonishing piece of work' - IAN MOORE'Janice Hallett is on a roll' - TIMES'Another cracking mystery from a highly original author' - OBSERVER
Objev podobné jako The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels - Janice Hallett
Sisters of Sword and Song - Rebecca Ross
Two sisters… one unbreakable bond Evadne is finally going to be reunited with her older sister, Halcyon, who has been serving in the queen’s army for eight long years.But when Halcyon unexpectedly appears a day early, Evadne knows something is gravely wrong. Halcyon has been charged with a heinous crime and though her life is spared, she has been sentenced to fifteen years of punishment – five years of hard labour, five years of imprisonment and five years serving the house that she has wronged. Suspicious of the charges, as well as the details of the crime, Evadne volunteers to take part of her sister’s terms.If there’s a way to clear Halcyon’s name, she’ll find it. But as the sisters begin their sentences, they quickly learn that there are fates worse than death… Set in a richly-drawn, ancient world comes this epic fantasy from the author of The Queen’s Rising…
Objev podobné jako Sisters of Sword and Song - Rebecca Ross
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (0143122010)
Kniha - autor Steven Pinker, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Faced with the ceaseless stream of news about war, crime, and terrorism, one could easily think this is the most violent age ever seen. Yet as bestselling author Pinker shows in this startling and engaging new work, just the opposite is true.
Objev podobné jako The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (0143122010)
Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (Marbled Vinyl) (LP)
Subžánr: Black Metal;Sludge Metal;Blackened Death Metal;Thrash Metal Země původu: Německo Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: LP deska;Barevná Žánr: Metal Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: Goatwhore Vydavatelství: Metal Blade Records Datum vydání: 2022-10-07 Barva podle výrobce: Marbled Rok vydání: 2022.0 Barva: Šedá Varianta: Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (Marbled Vinyl) (LP)
Objev podobné jako Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (Marbled Vinyl) (LP)
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Rebecca Millerová
Pippa seems to have everything in life. But suddenly she finds her world beginning to unravel. Amid the buzzing lawnmowers and suburban coffee mornings, she starts to wonder how she came to be in this place. The answer is a story of wild youth, unexpected encounters, affairs and betrayals, and the dangerous security of marriage. It brilliantly reveals the challenges of modern life - and all the possibilities that it holds.
Objev podobné jako The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Rebecca Millerová
Pantosaurus and the Power of Pants - Rebecca Gerlings
Pants, pants, Pantosaurus! Join Pantosaurus for a fun-filled adventure. Pantosaurus can’t wait to wear his new pants. Dinodad says they’ll give him special powers! But, when Pantosaurus has a problem at school, will his super pants give him the power to speak up?
Objev podobné jako Pantosaurus and the Power of Pants - Rebecca Gerlings
Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) - Rebecca Ross
TORN APART BY WAR. REUNITED BY LOVE?The epic conclusion to the intensely romantic and beautifully written story that started in Divine Rivals.Two weeks have passed since Iris returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over.Roman is missing, lost behind enemy lines, with no memory of his past, or Iris. Hoping his memories return, he begins to write again - but this time for the enemy.When a strange letter arrives through his wardrobe door, he strikes up a correspondence with a penpal who seems at once mysterious... and strangely familiar.As their connection deepens, the two of them will risk their very hearts and futures to change the tides of the war.
Objev podobné jako Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) - Rebecca Ross
Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) - Rebecca Ross
TORN APART BY WAR. REUNITED BY LOVE?The epic conclusion to the intensely romantic and beautifully written story that started in Divine Rivals.Two weeks have passed since Iris returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over.Roman is missing, lost behind enemy lines, with no memory of his past, or Iris. Hoping his memories return, he begins to write again - but this time for the enemy.When a strange letter arrives through his wardrobe door, he strikes up a correspondence with a penpal who seems at once mysterious... and strangely familiar.As their connection deepens, the two of them will risk their very hearts and futures to change the tides of the war.
Objev podobné jako Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) - Rebecca Ross
A Fire Endless (Elements of Cadence, Book 2) - Rebecca Ross
THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING ELEMENTS OF CADENCE DUOLOGY The stunning sequel to A River Enchanted finds the delicate balance between the human and faerie realm threatened by Bane, the spirit of the North Wind, whose defeat can only come through fire, song, and heartrending sacrifice. East and west. Humans and spirits.The tenuous balance of the Isle of Cadence is under threat from Bane, the spirit of the north wind. In the west, Adaira struggles to find her place. And, though magic blooms there, the spirits suffer beneath Bane's harsh power, felt in every gust of wind.In the east, Jack Tamerlaine is adrift without Adaira, until he acquires a mission destined to lead him back to her. But among the Tamerlaines sickness is spreading and Torin desperately strikes a bargain with the spirits - a folly at any time. With their very land at risk, all will need to join together to confront Bane.Yet none can challenge the north wind without paying a terrible price, and the sacrifice required may be more than they can bear...
Objev podobné jako A Fire Endless (Elements of Cadence, Book 2) - Rebecca Ross
The Black Angels. The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis - Maria Smilios
New York City, 1929. A sanatorium, a deadly disease, and a dire nurse shortage.So begins the remarkable true story of the Black nurses who helped cure tuberculosis, one of the world's deadliest plagues, told alongside the often strange chronicle of the cure's discovery.During those dark pre-antibiotic days, when tuberculosis killed 1 in 7 people, white nurses at Sea View, New York's largest municipal hospital, began quitting. Desperate to avert a public health crisis, city officials summoned Black southern nurses, luring them with promises of good pay, a career, and an escape from the strictures of Jim Crow. But after arriving, they found themselves on an isolated hilltop in the remote borough of Staten Island, yet again confronting racism and consigned to a woefully understaffed facility, dubbed 'the pest house' where 'no one left alive'.Spanning the Great Depression and moving through World War II and beyond, this story follows the intrepid young women, the 'Black Angels', who, for twenty years, risked their lives working under dreadful conditions while caring for the city's poorest - 1,800 souls languishing in wards, waiting to die or become 'guinea pigs' for experimental (often deadly) drugs. Yet despite their major role in desegregating the NYC hospital system - and vital work in the race for the cure for tuberculosis and subsequently helping to find it at Sea View - these nurses were completely erased from history. The Black Angels recovers the voices of these extraordinary women and puts them at the centre of this riveting story celebrating their legacy and spirit of survival.
Objev podobné jako The Black Angels. The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis - Maria Smilios
Ember Shadows and the Fates of Mount Never : Book 1 - King Rebecca
In a land trapped by fate, only courage can re-write the future. In the magical village of Everspring, everyone receives a fate card before their twelfth birthday, sent down from the mysterious Mount Never. It tells them their purpose, their profession and how old they'll be when they die.Nearly 12-year-old Ember Shadows has always believed she is destined for great things. But when her fate card arrives, it's blank. What does that mean? Then, worse still, her sister's card decrees she will die before her next birthday.No way is Ember's going to let that happen. Determined to challenge what - or who - is responsible for these cards, Ember sets off up the mountain, a place no one is allowed to go. She encounters forbidden realms full of magic, trickery and curious creatures.In a thrilling race through a magical landscape, Ember Shadows must uncover the secret behind the fate cards in order to save her sister ... But will Ember likes what she finds at the top of the mountain? With hints of Alice in Wonderland, shades of The Phantom Tollbooth and echoes of Pixar's Inside Out, this a thrilling, warm-hearted race through magical realms, a classic magical adventure, beautifully illustrated throughout.
Objev podobné jako Ember Shadows and the Fates of Mount Never : Book 1 - King Rebecca
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the greatest collection of detective stories ever written. From his residence at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes solves a series of baffling and bizarre cases, including those of a man terrified by the arrival of an envelope containing orange pips, and a woman whose fiance disappeared on his way to their wedding. Each story showcases the great detective's inimitable and extraordinary deductive powers, recounted to us by his faithful friend and colleague, Dr Watson. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by David Stuart Davies - a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and an authority on Sherlock Holmes.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)
Moments Of Being (Defekt) - Virginia Woolfová
Virginia Woolf's only autobiographical writing is to be found in this collection of five unpublished pieces. Despite Quentin Bell's comprehensive biography and numerous recent studies of her, the author's own account of her early life holds new fascination - for its unexpected detail, the strength of its emotion, and its clear-sighted judgement of Victorian values. In 'Reminiscences' Virginia Woolf focuses on the death of her mother, 'the greatest disaster that could happen', and its effect on her father, the demanding patriarch who took a high toll of the women in his household. She surveys some of the same ground in 'A Sketch of the Past', the most important memoir in this collection, which she wrote with greater detachment and supreme command of her art shortly before her death. Readers will be struck by the extent to which she drew on these early experiences for her novels, as she tells how she exorcised the obsessive presence of her mother by writing To the Lighthouse. The last three papers were composed to be read to the Memoir Club, a postwar regrouping of Bloomsbury, which exacted absolute candour of its members. Virginia Woolf's contributions were not only bold but also original and amusing. She describes George Duckworth's passionate efforts to launch the Stephen girls; gives her own version of 'Old Bloomsbury'; and, with wit and some malice, reflects on her connections with titled society.
Objev podobné jako Moments Of Being (Defekt) - Virginia Woolfová
Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Geralt of Rivia is on a mission to save his ward, Ciri, and with her the world, in this third novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times.But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries.While war rages across all of the lands, the future of magic is under threat and those sorcerers who survive are determined to protect it. It's an impossible situation in which to find one girl - Ciri, the heiress to the throne of Cintra, has vanished - until a rumour places her in the Niflgaard court, preparing to marry the Emperor.Injured or not, Geralt has a rescue mission on his hands.Translated by David French.
Objev podobné jako Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, fromNew York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. The fourth series in The Shadowhunter Chronicles, following on from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices
Objev podobné jako Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte
After the stunning success of DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte Smith offers another irresistible glimpse inside the wardrobe every women would love to own Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true.But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. From the moment Charlotte uncovered her first treasure, an exquisite 1920s evening dress, she was enchanted. But when she found her godmother's book of stories, the true value of her inheritancehit home. this wasn't a mere collection of beautiful things, it was a preciouscollection of women's lives. tiny glimpses of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. In DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte shared some of her treasures and the stories of the women who wore them for the first time. Now, in DREAMING OF CHANE;, with special appearances by Chanel, VivienneWestwood, Zandra Rhodes, Pucci and many more, Charlotte offers another unforgettable glimpse inside the magic wardrobe every woman would love to own. Charlotte Smith is custodian of a priceless vintage clothing collection, the Darnell Collection, she inherited from her Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States, Charlotte has a degree in art history and has lived and worked in the United States, England and France. She now lives in Australia. After studying fashion design Grant Cowan moved to London to further his career and has worked as an illustrator on magazines like Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour and Red Magazine.
Objev podobné jako Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte
Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam
Adam Dvořák není klasický český foodbloger. Nejí moc zdravě, miluje kolu, nepeče chleba, nepozná drobné nuance v odrůdách kávy, a dokonce se ani neotužuje! Přesto z něj jeho vtip a neotřelé recepty (především neotřele napsané) udělaly OBJEV ROKU na Foodblogu roku 2019! Adam se živí jako fotograf, grafik a ilustrátor, a tak není divu, že je jeho první kuchařská kniha, kterou od prvního písmenka až do poslední tečky vytvořil se svou ženou Kateřinou, úplně jiná než ostatní české kuchařky. Především jde o kuchařku plnou povídek a o beletrii plnou receptů, což dělá z knížky jakéhosi kulinářského transformera. Stať je rozdělena do 5 kapitol, mapujicích život mladého chlapce, který se postupem času a vlivem okolí mění v dospělého muže (mentálně ovšem zůstává chlapcem). V knize najdete spoustu originálních fotek a ilustrací autora. Co je ale na knize, pojmenované podle Adamova blogu Taste of Red, to nejvíc? Budete se popadat za břicho! A to už při čtení jeho vtipných, lehce dehonestujících povídek, i při toužení po jeho parádních jídlech, českých nebo třeba portugalských. Taste of Red bude bavit muže i ženy. No, ty muže možná o malinko víc, i když...!
Objev podobné jako Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam
Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King
WOLVES OF THE CALLA is the fifth volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the fifth novel in StephenKing's bestselling fantasy series, Roland and his ka-tet are bearing through the forests of the Mid-World on their journey to the Dark Tower. Tracking their every move is a group of farmers from the town of Calla Bryn Sturgis. The trackers have been warned that the Wolves, a band of masked riders, are about to gallop out of the dark land of Thunderclap and raid their town. And they want to enlist the help of the four gunslingers.How can Roland and his tet both protect the innocent community and return to New York to save our world's incarnation of the Dark Tower from the machinations of the evil Sombra Corporation?
Objev podobné jako Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King
Chain of Thorns (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
Cordelia Carstairs has lost everything that matters to her.In only a few short weeks, she has seen her father murdered, her plans to become parabatai with her best friend, Lucie, destroyed, and her marriage to James Herondale crumble before her eyes. Even worse, she is now bound to an ancient demon, Lilith, stripping her of her power as a Shadowhunter.After fleeing to Paris with Matthew Fairchild, Cordelia hopes to forget her sorrows in the city’s glittering nightlife. But reality intrudes when shocking news comes from home: Tatiana Blackthorn has escaped the Adamant Citadel, and London is under new threat by the Prince of Hell, Belial.Cordelia returns to a London riven by chaos and dissent. The long-kept secret that Belial is James and Lucie’s grandfather has been revealed by an unexpected enemy, and the Herondales find themselves under suspicion of dealings with demons. Cordelia longs to protect James, but is torn between a love for James she has long believed hopeless, and the possibility of a new life with Matthew. Nor can her friends help — ripped apart by their own secrets, they seem destined to face what is coming alone.For time is short, and Belial’s plan is about to crash into the Shadowhunters of London like a deadly wave, one that will separate Cordelia, Lucie, and the Merry Thieves from help of any kind. Left alone in a shadowy London, they must face Belial’s deadly army. If Cordelia and her friends are going to save their city — and their families — they will have to muster their courage, swallow their pride, and trust one another again. For if they fail, they may lose everything — even their souls.
Objev podobné jako Chain of Thorns (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
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