Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Černý kraj (Defekt) - Alex Grecian
Když v hornické vesnici v Černém kraji zmizí beze stopy tři členové jedné rodiny a nedlouho poté najde místní děvčátko v ptačím hnízdě lidské oko, požádá místní strážmistr o pomoc londýnský Scotland Yard. Inspektor Walter Day a seržant Nevil Hammersmith však netuší, co je čeká. Musí bojovat nejen s nepřízní živlů, ale i s pověrčivostí místního obyvatelstva, které upřímně věří, že pták je znamením smrti a že pod zemí má doupě krvavá příšera. Navíc se celá vesnice pomalu, ale jistě propadá do neprobádané sítě starých štol. Než policisté s pomocí dr. Kingsleyho rozluští záhadu Černého kraje, musí odhalit nejedno temné tajemství a osvědčit, že mají nejen nervy, ale i svaly ze železa.
Podívejte se také Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years - CD (4050538767278)
Až najdu klíč (Defekt) - Alex Ahndoril
Lars Kepler přichází s napínavou detektivní sérií — pod novým pseudonymem! Soukromá vyšetřovatelka Julie Starková přijímá u sebe v kanceláři neohlášenou návštěvu. Per Günter Mott, který je jedním z majitelů úspěšné rodinné firmy, se předchozího dne zúčastnil firemní schůze na svém panství v severozápadní části Švédska. Ráno pak ve svém telefonu našel fotografii zkrvaveného svázaného muže s pytlem na hlavě. Kvůli výpadkům paměti způsobeným velkým množstvím vypitého alkoholu ale netuší, jak se snímek do jeho telefonu dostal a kdo je na něm zachycen. Ze strachu o svoji pověst chce Per Günter Julii pověřit, aby očistila jeho jméno, než se do případu vloží policie. Julie požádá svého bývalého manžela Sidneyho Mendelsona, který pracuje u policie, aby si vzal volno a s vyšetřováním jí pomohl. Stále ještě trochu doufá, že by to mohla být šance získat ho zpět. Julie a Sid se společně vydají do honosného sídla uprostřed hlubokých lesů, kde se postupně seznamují se všemi členy rodiny Mottových. A jak se brzy ukáže, každý z nich má své tajemství.
Podívejte se také Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years (2x LP) - LP (4050538767247)
Leader (Defekt) - Alex Ferguson, Michael Moritz
Co je třeba mít k tomu, aby člověk mohl vést tým k trvalým úspěchům na světové scéně? Sir Alex Ferguson patří k nemnohým leaderům, kteří to vědí. Během své osmatřicetileté trenérské kariéry sir Alex vyhrál neuvěřitelných 49 trofejí a z Manchesteru United pomohl vytvořit jednu z největších obchodních značek na světě. V inspirativní nové knize sir Alex odhaluje tajemství své rekordně dlouhé a úspěšné kariéry. Kniha Leader je uspořádána podle klíčových schopností, jichž si sir Alex cení nejvíce. Zahrnuje prvky, které si okamžitě spojíme s jeho trenérským stylem: kázeň, kontrolu, týmovou práci a motivaci. Zabývá se však i prvky, které sice nejsou tak zřejmé, ale v cestě za úspěchem nejsou o nic méně důležité: delegováním pravomocí, analýzou dat a překonáváním nezdarů. Společné dílo sira Alexe a jeho dlouholetého přítele, investora sira Michaela Moritze vyniká vhledem, moudrostí, humorem a upřímností. Jednotlivé příběhy se nevyhnutelně týkají fotbalu a fenomenálního úspěchu na tomto poli, ale ponaučení si z nich může vzít každý. Ať už vedete firmu, učíte ve škole nebo pracujete v malém týmu, kniha Leader vám pomůže stát se lepším vůdcem.
Podívejte se také Young Neil: The Times - LP (9362488578)
Podívejte se také
- Young Neil: The Times - CD (9362488895)
- Young Neil & The Restless: Eldorado - CD (9362489380)
- Young Neil, The Restless: Freedom - CD (7599258992)
- Playmobil 71083 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Feathers & Alex (4008789710833)
- Tsfasman Alexander: Alexander Tsfasmann and His Jazz Orchestra - CD (4600383268279)
- Young Neil: Roxy / Tonight's The Night Live - CD (9362490796)
- Young Neil & Promise Of The Real: Visitor - CD (9362490886)
- Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
- Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)
- Young Neil: Young Shakespeare - CD (9362488956)
- Young Neil: Young Shakespeare - LP (9362488951)
- Attias, Alex: Alex Attias presents LillyGood Party Vol. 2 (BBE581CCD)
- Thomas Alexander: Instrumental - CD (4600383301105)
- Alexander 23: Aftershock - CD (4557781)
- Alexander 23: Aftershock - LP (4557784)
- Young Neil & Promise Of The Real: Visitor (2x LP) - LP (9362490919)
- Young Neil, Promise Of The Real: Noise And Flowers - CD (9362488313)
- Dexys Midnight Runners: Searching For The Young Soul Rebels - LP (9029519531)
- Young Neil: Roxy - Tonight's The Night Live (2x LP) - LP (9362490700)
- Alex Ferguson Můj příběh
Stasi Wolf (Defekt) - David Young
How do you solve a murder when you can't ask any questions? The gripping new thriller from the bestselling author of Stasi Child . East Germany, 1975. Karin Müller, sidelined from the murder squad in Berlin, jumps at the chance to be sent south to Halle-Neustadt, where a pair of infant twins have gone missing. But Müller soon finds her problems have followed her. Halle-Neustadt is a new town - the pride of the communist state - and she and her team are forbidden by the Stasi from publicising the disappearances, lest they tarnish the town's flawless image. Meanwhile, in the eerily nameless streets and tower blocks, a child snatcher lurks, and the clock is ticking to rescue the twins alive . . .
Objev podobné jako Stasi Wolf (Defekt) - David Young
Chatrč (Defekt) - William Paul Young
Celosvětový bestseller o tom, jak lze tváří v tvář zlu, bolesti a beznaději nalézt Boha, milost, usmíření… a sebe sama. Missy, nejmladší dcera Macka Allena Phillipse, je unesena během rodinného výletu. Důkazy o tom, že byla pravděpodobně zavražděna, se najdou v opuštěné chatrči uprostřed oregonské divočiny. Díky podivné výzvě, kterou Mack obdrží pár let poté, se tam vrací, aby znovu vkročil do samého středu svých nejtemnějších nočních můr. To, co v chatrči najde, navždy změní jeho život…
Objev podobné jako Chatrč (Defekt) - William Paul Young
Tewyx, vir, který změnil náš život (Defekt) - Alex Adams
Silný příběh o tom, jak naše soukromé a pracovní vztahy může ovlivnit koronavirus. Z absolutního vrcholu na dno a zpět. Jak se budou chovat lidé, kteří přijdou úplně o všechno? A jak se budou chovat Ti, kteří rychle zbohatnou?
Objev podobné jako Tewyx, vir, který změnil náš život (Defekt) - Alex Adams
Food and Development (Defekt) - E. M. Young
The relationship between food and development has always been controversial. Over the last thirty years, development in the north and south has failed to deliver people a decent diet. While some people have too little food and die as a consequence, some people have too much food and die from associated diseases.Furthermore, some methods of food production create social dislocation and deadly environments where biodiversity is eroded and pollution is rampant. While guaranteeing enough food for the world's inhabitants continues to be a serious challenge, new issues about food have emerged. Food and Development is a lively and lucidly written text which provides a clear and accessible introduction to these complex and diverse food related problems.It explores the continued prevalence of mass under nutrition in the developing world; acute food crises in some places associated with conflict; the emergence of over nutrition in the developing world and the vulnerability of the contemporary global food production system. The text identifies the major problems and analyzes factors at international, national and local scales to understand their continued prevalence. The book concludes by evaluating the potential of some oppositional forces to challenge the hegemony of the contemporary food system.This timely and original text will be invaluable to undergraduates interested in the challenges surrounding food and development. The text is richly filled with case studies from the Global North and South to illustrate the nature and extent of these urgent issues and their interrelated nature. Each chapter contains a range of features to assist undergraduate learning, including: learning objective, key concepts, summaries, discussion questions, further reading and websites, and follow up activities.
Objev podobné jako Food and Development (Defekt) - E. M. Young
The Young Elites (0147511682)
Kniha - autor Marie Lu, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Young Elites (0147511682)
Toulky Alpami - Výběr treků po největším evropském pohoří (Defekt) - Alex Roddie
Tyčící se vrcholy hor, louky plné květin, zářící ledovce, sníh v létě i rozsáhlá síť horských chat: to je turistika v evropských Alpách. Toulky Alpami představují nejhezčí alpské trasy, včetně přehledných map, informace o turistických cestách z první ruky i dechberoucí fotografie.
Objev podobné jako Toulky Alpami - Výběr treků po největším evropském pohoří (Defekt) - Alex Roddie
The Young Team - Graeme Armstrong
The Times top ten bestsellerGranta Best of Young British NovelistsScots Book o the YearWinner of the Somerset Maugham Award & Betty Trask Award‘Trainspotting for a new generation’ – Independent‘An instant Scottish classic’ – The Skinny2005. Glasgow is named Europe’s Murder Capital, driven by a violent territorial gang and knife culture. In the housing schemes of adjacent Lanarkshire, Scotland’s former industrial heartland, wee boys become postcode warriors.2004. Azzy Williams joins the Young Team [YTP]. A brutal gang conflict with their deadly rivals, the Young Toi [YTB] begins.2012. Azzy dreams of another life. He faces his toughest fight of all – the fight for a different future.Expect Buckfast. Expect bravado. Expect street philosophy. Expect rave culture. Expect anxiety. Expect addiction. Expect a serious facial injury every six hours. Expect murder.Hope for a way out.Inspired by the experiences of its author, Graeme Armstrong, The Young Team is an energetic novel, full of the loyalty, laughs, mischief, boredom, violence and threat of life on these streets. It looks beyond the tabloid stereotypes to tell a powerful story about the realities of life for young people in Britain today.‘A swaggering, incendiary debut’ – Guardian‘Dialect that fizzes off the page’ – Observer‘One of the most admired young voices in British fiction’ – The Times
Objev podobné jako The Young Team - Graeme Armstrong
Young The Giant: Young The Giant 10th Anniversary Edition (2x LP) - LP (7567864705)
LP vinyl - Young the Giant je debutové album americké indie rockové skupiny Young the Giant z roku 2010. Kapela na desce pracovala s producentem Joem Chiccarellim. Její výroční reedice je k dispozici v nově zremasterované verzi na 180g 2LP. Americká rocková kapela Young The Giant pochází z Irvine v Kalifornii. Young the Giant je debutové album americké indie rockové skupiny Young the Giant z roku 2010. Kapela na desce pracovala s producentem Joem Chiccarellim. Její výroční reedice je k dispozici v nově zremasterované verzi na 180g 2LP. Americká rocková kapela Young The Giant pochází z Irvine v Kalifornii. Vznikla v roce 2004 jako The Jakes. Později se přejmenovala a v roce 2010 vydala eponymní debutové album na značce Roadrunner. Seznam stop LP1 Apartment (2020 Remaster) / My Body (2020 Remaster) / I Got (2020 Remaster) / Cough Syrup (2020 Remaster) / God Made Man (2020 Remaster) / 12 Fingers (2020 Remaster) / Strings (2020 Remaster) / Your Side (2020...
Objev podobné jako Young The Giant: Young The Giant 10th Anniversary Edition (2x LP) - LP (7567864705)
Leader - 38 let v čele nejen Manchester United (Defekt) - Alex Ferguson, Michael Moritz
38 let v čele nejen Manchester United. Sir Alex Ferguson o 38 letech rekordně úspěšné kariéry nejen v čele Manchesteru United. Nepostradatelný zdroj inspirace pro všechny, kteří se chtějí stát leadery!Co je třeba mít k tomu, aby člověk mohl vést tým k trvalým úspěchům na světové scéně?Sir Alex Ferguson patří k nemnohým leaderům, kteří to vědí. Během své osmatřicetileté trenérské kariéry sir Alex vyhrál neuvěřitelných 49 trofejí a z Manchesteru United pomohl vytvořit jednu z největších obchodních značek na světě.V inspirativní nové knize sir Alex odhaluje tajemství své rekordně dlouhé a úspěšné kariéry.Kniha Leader je uspořádána podle klíčových schopností, jichž si sir Alex cení nejvíce. Zahrnuje prvky, které si okamžitě spojíme s jeho trenérským stylem: kázeň, kontrolu, týmovou práci a motivaci. Zabývá se však i prvky, které sice nejsou tak zřejmé, ale v cestě za úspěchem nejsou o nic méně důležité: delegováním pravomocí, analýzou dat a překonáváním nezdarů.Společné dílo sira Alexe a jeho dlouholetého přítele, investora sira Michaela Moritze vyniká vhledem, moudrostí, humorem a upřímností. Jednotlivé příběhy se nevyhnutelně týkají fotbalu a fenomenálního úspěchu na tomto poli, ale ponaučení si z nich může vzít každý. Ať už vedete firmu, učíte ve škole nebo pracujete v malém týmu, kniha Leader vám pomůže stát se lepším vůdcem.Nepostradatelný zdroj inspirace pro všechny manažery, kteří se chtějí stát leadery!Inspirativní příručka pro každého, kde se chce stát vynikajícím vůdcem, z pera nejúspěšnějšího fotbalového trenéra všech dob.
Objev podobné jako Leader - 38 let v čele nejen Manchester United (Defekt) - Alex Ferguson, Michael Moritz
The Survivors - Alex Schulman
Years ago, they fled the lake house.Now, the brothers have returned.Three brothers return to the family cottage by the lake where, more than two decades earlier, a catastrophe changed the course of their lives. Now, they are here to scatter their mother's ashes - young men, estranged but bound together by the history that defines them. Their lives have been spent competing for their father's favour and their mother's love, in a household more like a minefield than a home. What really happened that summer day when everything was blown to pieces?The Survivors is a suspenseful, haunting novel about three brothers and their reckoning with the events of one disputed, disastrous summer.
Objev podobné jako The Survivors - Alex Schulman
The Fury - Alex Michaelides
This is a tale of murder.Or maybe that''s not quite true. At its heart, it''s a love story, isn''t it?One spring morning, reclusive ex-movie star Lana Farrar invites a small group of her closest friends for a weekend away, on her small private island, just off the coast of Mykonos.Beneath the surface, old friendships conceal violent passions and resentments. And in forty-eight hours, one of them will be dead.But that was just the beginning...You may think you know this story. Think again.
Objev podobné jako The Fury - Alex Michaelides
The Fury - Alex Michaelides
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER FROM THE MULTIMILLION-COPY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE SILENT PATIENT ''Infinitely thrilling and delicately crafted, the plot keeps everyone guessing until the very end, with an unscrupulous villain to underline just how good it is. DO NOT MISS IT'' Daily Mail-----It begins with a phone call. And it ends with a murder . . .Seven friends gather on an idyllic Greek island.Among them: the actress, the playwright, the housekeeper, the second husband and the wayward son.There’s jealousy, betrayal, unrequited love, a handful of secrets and too many lies.Thirty-six hours after they arrive one of them will be dead.You’ll never guess who. You’ll never guess why.-----''Deliciously twisty and fiendishly clever. A highly enjoyable tale of subterfuge, secrets and murder'' Observer‘My favourite Alex Michaelides yet – the undisputed master of the twist’ Lucy Foley‘The king of all unreliable narrators, enough twists and turns to power two novels’ David Baldacci‘You''ll think you know where it''s going and you couldn''t be more wrong’ Linwood Barclay‘A very special book and highly recommended’ Janice Hallett‘A masterclass in suspense’ Steve Cavanagh‘A glorious triumph - just brilliant’ Stephen Fry‘The best novel yet from Alex Michaelides’ Sophie HannahEven better than The Silent Patient . . . Alex Michaelides is a magician’ JP DelaneyThe Fury, the instant New York Times bestseller, January 2024, and Sunday Times bestseller, February 2024
Objev podobné jako The Fury - Alex Michaelides
The Housekeepers - Alex Hay
A daring group of women risk it all in this irresistible heist drama. ''Delightfully mischievous'' THE TIMES ''A rip-roaring tale of revenge'' DAILY MAIL''Flawless, lawless fun'' KIRAN MILLWOOD HARGRAVE---------- UPSTAIRS, MADAM IS PLANNING THE PARTY OF THE SEASON. All eyes are on the grandest house in Mayfair as the countdown to their lavish summer ball begins. Everything must be perfect. But with the chandeliers gleaming and the cellars stocked, loyal housekeeper Mrs King is suddenly dismissed. DOWNSTAIRS, THE SERVANTS ARE PLOTTING THE HEIST OF THE CENTURY. As the clock strikes twelve on the night of the ball, Mrs King will return to strip the house of its riches - right under the nose of her former employer. And she knows just who to recruit to pull off the impossible: a bold alliance of women with nothing left to lose and every reason for revenge.***READER REVIEWS***''Trust me, this one''s a must-have for your summer holiday''''This WILL be in my top reads this year. I loved every page ''''Reading should be like this, pure pleasure''''Clever, smart, fast-paced with a dash of wry humour'' ----------PRAISE FOR THE HOUSEKEEPERS ''Imagine Ocean''s 8 had an illegitimate baby with Fingersmith - a big fat diamond of a book'' Erin Kelly''A glamorous historical heist'' Prima ''Kept me hooked ''til the last page'' Jennifer Saint ''''Hay''s ambitious debut combines a memorable ensemble cast with a panoramic portrait of Victorian London'' Mail on Sunday ''Meet the most likeable group of criminals since Robin Hood''s merry men'' Nina de Gramont''A page-turning delight'' Red ''Hell hath no fury like a housekeeper scorned . . . this novel is unputdownable'' House Beautiful
Objev podobné jako The Housekeepers - Alex Hay
The Maidens - Alex Michaelides
Edward Fosca is a murderer. Of this Mariana is certain. But Fosca is untouchable. A handsome and charismatic Greek tragedy professor at Cambridge University, Fosca is adored by staff and students alike - particularly by the members of a secret society of female students known as The Maidens. Mariana Andros is a brilliant but troubled group therapist who becomes fixated on The Maidens when one member, a friend of Mariana's niece Zoe, is found murdered in Cambridge. Mariana, who was once herself a student at the university, quickly suspects that behind the idyllic beauty of the spires and turrets, and beneath the ancient traditions, lies something sinister. And she becomes convinced that, despite his alibi, Edward Fosca is guilty of the murder. But why would the professor target one of his students? And why does he keep returning to the rites of Persephone, the maiden, and her journey to the underworld? When another body is found, Mariana's obsession with proving Fosca's guilt spirals out of control, threatening to destroy her credibility as well as her closest relationships. But Mariana is determined to stop this killer, even if it costs her everything - including her life.
Objev podobné jako The Maidens - Alex Michaelides
The Housekeepers - Alex Hay
UPSTAIRS, MADAM IS PLANNING THE PARTY OF THE SEASON.DOWNSTAIRS, THE SERVANTS ARE PLOTTING THE HEIST OF THE CENTURY.When Mrs King, housekeeper to the most illustrious home in Mayfair, is suddenly dismissed after years of loyal service, she knows just who to recruit to help her take revenge.A black-market queen out to settle her scores. An actress desperate for a magnificent part. A seamstress dreaming of a better life.And Mrs King's predecessor, who has been keeping the dark secrets of Park Lane far too long.Mrs King has an audacious plan in mind, one that will reunite her women in the depths of the house on the night of a magnificent ball - and play out right under the noses of her former employers...THEY COME FROM NOTHING. BUT THEY'LL LEAVE WITH EVERYTHING.
Objev podobné jako The Housekeepers - Alex Hay
The Fury - Alex Michaelides
Totally original and utterly compelling, with a voice all of its own, this is the outstanding new thriller from the no.1 internationally bestselling author of The Silent Patient, Alex Michaelides. 'My favourite Alex Michaelides yet - the undisputed master of the twist' Lucy Foley'The king of all unreliable narrators, enough twists and turns to power two novels' David Baldacci'You'll think you know where it's going and you couldn't be more wrong' Linwood Barclay'A very special book and highly recommended' Janice Hallett'A masterclass in suspense' Steve Cavanagh'A glorious triumph - just brilliant' Stephen Fry'The best novel yet from Alex Michaelides' Sophie HannahEven better than The Silent Patient... Alex Michaelides is a magician' JP Delaney*****'There were seven of us in all, trapped on the island.One of us was a murderer . ..'On a small private Greek island, former movie star Lana Farrar - an old friend - invites a select group of us to stay.It'll be hot, sunny, perfect. A chance to relax and reconnect - and maybe for a few hidden truths to come out.Because nothing on this island is quite what it seems.Not Lana. Not her guests.Certainly not the murderer - furiously plotting their crime .. .But who am I?My name is Elliot Chase, and I'm going to tell you a story unlike any you've ever heard.BESTSELLING AUTHORS ARE ALREADY FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE FURY'The Fury is a masterfully woven story of Shakespearean twists and Machiavellian turns. A Greek Tragedy in the guise of a postmodern thriller.Do not miss this one' Holly Jackson'A classic, twisting, brilliant murder mystery. A wonderfully drawn cast of characters with a motive to kill for, in a location to die for, keep you guessing until the shocking finale. Clever, and fiendishly fun' Chris Whitaker'A very sophisticated book which takes the format of a classic murder mystery and elevates it to something very devious and clever indeed.The narrator is fabulous - I was throughly gripped' Harriet Tyce'Endlessly evolving, wildly entertaining, and like the very best fiction, impossible to pin down. Just when you think you have it cornered, it moves, impossibly and with stunning flourish, toward a devastating finale. The Talented Mr.Ripley for our time' Blake Crouch'Alex Michaelides is the grand master of the modern mystery. The Fury reads like Hitchcock with a heart, or Agatha Christie running amok on a wind-whipped Greek island. The Fury will, quite literally, blow you away. Totally brilliant' Tony Parsons'One of those rare books where really nothing is as it seems.As usual, Alex Michaelides does not disappoint' Ragnar Jonasson'Glamorous, sinister, and endlessly surprising, The Fury reads like Agatha Christie and Patricia Highsmith took a Greek vacation together and decided to write a book while there. It's twisty, twisted entertainment' Riley Sager
Objev podobné jako The Fury - Alex Michaelides
Toulky Skandinávií - Nejkrásnější treky po Švédsku, Dánsku, Norsku, Finsku, Islandu, Grónsku a Faerských ostrovech (Defekt) - Alex Roddie
Skandinávie nabízí neskutečně rozmanitou krajinu a možnosti pěší turistiky - od velkolepých fjordů v Norsku, tichých lesů ve Švédsku a odlehlé tundry Islandu až po kouzelná jezera ve Finsku, zelené pobřeží Dánska a všudypřítomné ledovce v Grónsku. Kniha Toulky Skandinávií vás zve k objevování charakteristické severské divočiny a nabízí širokou škálu tras a treků nejrůznějších délek. Pokochejte se nádhernými fotografiemi, projeďte prstem po mapách a načerpejte informace z tipů od nadšence Cama Honana, který všechny stezky prošel osobně.
Objev podobné jako Toulky Skandinávií - Nejkrásnější treky po Švédsku, Dánsku, Norsku, Finsku, Islandu, Grónsku a Faerských ostrovech (Defekt) - Alex Roddie
The Young Fur Traders - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: The Red River Settlement is home to many Indians, French-Canadians, and Scotsmen. Charlie Kennedy lives at Red River with his ex fur-trader father. In an attempt to convince Charlie to lead a more sensible life than he did, his father fills Charlie's mind with stories of his dangerous past life, but the adventure only draws Charlie in. Based on Ballantyne's own experiences, this novel details Charlie's encounters with voyagers, Indians, and the intrepid Jacques Caradoc. Lively prose and makes this novel perfect for fans of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book.'
Objev podobné jako The Young Fur Traders - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Young Gods Data Mirage Tangram (2 LP + CD)
Balení obsahuje: CD;LP Typ: Album;Extra CD;LP deska Hmotnost: 180 g Země interpreta: Švýcarsko Vydavatelství: Two Gentlemen Records Subžánr: Industrial Rock;Industrial;Ambient Interpret / Téma: The Young Gods Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Složení setu: 3 ks Datum vydání: 2019-02-22 Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Rock;Elektronický Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá Varianta: Data Mirage Tangram (2 LP + CD)
Objev podobné jako The Young Gods Data Mirage Tangram (2 LP + CD)
The Young Step-Mother - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
eBook: Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s \'The Young Step-Mother\' - or ´A Chronicle of Mistakes´ - is a historical fiction novel that tells the story of the heroine, Albinia Ferrars, who leaves her happy home to marry Edmund Kendal, a widower fifteen years older than her. She takes on the role of encouraging wife and stepmother to his three children, however, she quickly finds that other tasks and obstacles come her way. Her husband has depression, his children are sickly, and those around the family are hostile to change. Albinia tackles all these problems without judgement and begins to believe things have improved, up until her stepchildren begin to fall in love, with disastrous results. A novel to be enjoyed by fans of Louisa May Alcott\'s \'Little Women\' or Jane Austen\'s novels, Yonge\'s fiction has a subtle theme of moral teaching
Objev podobné jako The Young Step-Mother - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
Boy on Fire : The Young Nick Cave - Mark Mordue
An intensely beautiful, profound and poetic biography of the formative years of the dark prince of rock 'n' roll, Boy on Fire is Nick Cave's creation story, a portrait of the artist first as a boy, then as a young man. A deeply insightful work which charts his family, friends, influences, milieu and, most of all, his music, it reveals how Nick Cave shaped himself into the extraordinary artist he would become. A powerful account of a singular, uncompromising artist, Boy on Fire is also a vivid and evocative rendering of a time and place, from the fast-running dark rivers and ghost gums of country-town Australia to the torn wallpaper, sticky carpet and manic energy of the nascent punk scene which hit staid 1970s Melbourne like an atom bomb. Boy on Fire is a stunning biographical achievement.
Objev podobné jako Boy on Fire : The Young Nick Cave - Mark Mordue
115 magických fotbalových momentů (Defekt) - Alberto Bertolazzi, Stefano Fonsato, Alex Tacchini
Historie fotbalu je plná dojemných lidských příběhů a magických momentů, které z něj udělaly globální sport. Klíčové okamžiky z dějin sportu číslo jedna jsou řazené chronologicky a mají ambiciózní cíl vyprávět originálním způsobem historii fotbalu od jeho zrodu až po současnost. Takovým momentem může být rozhodující zápas, výjimečný sportovní výkon, výsledek, který vyvrátil všechny předpovědi odborníků, nebo neobyčejný lidský příběh. Každou kapitolu doprovázejí poutavé texty a originální fotografie, což vyprávění dodává tu správnou atmosféru. U každé kapitoly je navíc uveden QR kód, který odkazuje na on-line video, takže si daný moment můžete i pustit ve svém tabletu nebo chytrém telefonu. Tuto netradičně pojatou historii fotbalu ocení malí i velcí fanoušci.
Objev podobné jako 115 magických fotbalových momentů (Defekt) - Alberto Bertolazzi, Stefano Fonsato, Alex Tacchini
Young Neil: The Times - CD (9362488895)
Hudební CD - EP kanadského hudebníka Neila Younga obsahuje mimo jiné i předělávku skladby The Times They Are A-Changin od Boba Dylana. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. EP kanadského hudebníka Neila Younga obsahuje mimo jiné i předělávku skladby The Times They Are A-Changin od Boba Dylana. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. Invenční kytarista, skladatel, zpěvák a dnes už také podnikatel v hudebním průmyslu inspiroval celou řadu následovníků. Působil v kapelách Shadows a Buffalo Springfiled, v uskupení Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, ale především se proslavil jako sólový muzikant. Je označován za jednoho z největších rock'n'rollových interpretů a nejrespektovanějších kytaristů. Seznam stop CD1 Alabama / Campaigner / Ohio / The Times They Are A-Changin' / Lookin' for a Leader - 2020 / Southern Man / Little Wing
Objev podobné jako Young Neil: The Times - CD (9362488895)
Young Neil: The Times - LP (9362488578)
LP vinyl - EP kanadského hudebníka Neila Younga obsahuje mimo jiné i předělávku skladby The Times They Are A-Changin od Boba Dylana. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. EP kanadského hudebníka Neila Younga obsahuje mimo jiné i předělávku skladby The Times They Are A-Changin od Boba Dylana. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. Invenční kytarista, skladatel, zpěvák a dnes už také podnikatel v hudebním průmyslu inspiroval celou řadu následovníků. Působil v kapelách Shadows a Buffalo Springfiled, v uskupení Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, ale především se proslavil jako sólový muzikant. Je označován za jednoho z největších rock'n'rollových interpretů a nejrespektovanějších kytaristů. Rok vydání : 2020 Seznam stop LP1 Alabama / Campaigner / Ohio / The Times They Are A-Changin' / Lookin' for a Leader - 2020 / Southern Man / Little Wing
Objev podobné jako Young Neil: The Times - LP (9362488578)
The Martian. Young Readers Edition (1785034677)
Kniha - autor Andy Weir, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Classroom-appropriate language Discussion questions and activities Q&A with Andy Weir Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he's sure he'll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he's alive - and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won't have time to starve to death. Damaged machinery, the unforgiving environment, or plain old "human error" are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn't ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit, he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after...
Objev podobné jako The Martian. Young Readers Edition (1785034677)
The Toffee Factory Girls - Glenda Young
''Real sagas with female characters right at the heart'' Woman''s Hour''Saga fiction at its best . . . I enjoyed it immensely'' VICKI BEEBY''A lovely read, full of highs, lows, friendship and foes'' JOHANNA BELLDiscover the engaging new trilogy from the author of The Sixpenny Orphan, about three women working in a WWI toffee factory in the North-East!In 1915 three women start work at a toffee factory in the market town of Chester-le-Street, Durham.Anne works for the enigmatic owner Mr Jack. She is highly efficient and whips Mr Jack''s disorganised office - and Mr Jack himself - into shape. However, behind her business-like façade, Anne hides a heart-breaking secret.Elsie is feisty, fun and enjoys a good time. However, her gadabout ways get her into trouble when she falls for the wrong man in the sugar-boiling room. And there''s dependable Hetty, who''s set to marry her boyfriend when he returns from the war. But when Hetty is sent on an errand by the toffee factory boss, her life changes in ways she could never imagine and a whole new world opens up.The toffee factory girls begin as strangers before forging a close bond of friendship and trust. And, as the war rages on, they help each other cope through the difficult times ahead.The Toffee Factory Girls is a heart-warming novel about love, friendship, secrets, war . . . and toffee! It is the first in a trilogy from hugely popular author Glenda Young - ''such a good writer, she''s fantastic!'' Woman''s HourPraise for Glenda Young''s previous sagas: ''A gripping saga'' People''s Friend''Young creates a believable and richly detailed world in this emotive story full of hardship, kinship and resilience, and with a memorable cast of beautifully drawn characters'' Lancashire Evening Post''Will resonate with saga readers everywhere . . . a wonderful, uplifting story'' Nancy Revell''I really enjoyed . . . It''s well researched and well written and I found myself caring about her characters'' Rosie Goodwin''All the ingredients for a perfect saga'' Emma Hornby''Glenda has an exceptionally keen eye for domestic detail which brings this local community to vivid, colourful life'' Jenny Holmes''The feel of the story is totally authentic . . . Her heroine in the grand Cookson tradition . . . Inspirationally delightful'' Peterborough Evening TelegraphWhat readers are saying about Glenda''s heartwrenching sagas:''Definitely an author not to be missed when it comes to family sagas'' The Book Magnet''Writes superb historical fiction that bring the era alive. Her books are unbeatable and unputdownable'' Ginger Book Geek''The perfectly imperfect, human nature of Glenda Young''s characters are what keeps her readership hooked'' Clyde''s Corner''Gritty, compelling and full of heart . . an exceptional saga'' Bookish Jottings''Better than a Catherine Cookson'' 5* reader review''Wonderful read, full of rich characters, evocative description and a touch of romance'' 5* reader review''Just wanted it to go on forever and read more about the characters and their lives'' 5* reader reviewLove Glenda''s sagas? Don''t miss her cosy crime mystery series starring Helen Dexter and her trusty greyhound, Suki, starting with Murder at the Seaview Hotel, Curtain Call at the Seaview Hotel and Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel, out now!
Objev podobné jako The Toffee Factory Girls - Glenda Young
Komunistický manifest - Karl Marx, Martin Rowson, Friedrich Engels
Druhá nejprodávanější kniha všech dob, unikátně v komiksovém provedení hlavního kreslíře britského deníku The Guardian. Povinná četba: nemusíte jej milovat, ale měli byste jej znát. Proletáři všech zemí, spojte se! Nemáte co ztratit, leda své okovy. Dobýt můžete celý svět. V roce 2018 uplynulo 200 let od narození Karla Marxe, jedné z nejkontroverznějších postav světové historie. Text Komunistického manifestu Marx napsal ve svých necelých 30 letech, údajně během víkendu v Bruselu v lednu 1848. Ani on sám v době psaní jistě netušil, že v příštím století se bude bezmála polovině lidstva alespoň formálně vládnout v souladu s idejemi a ambicemi poprvé vyloženými na těchto stranách. V době, kdy pouhých několik desítek lidí má stejný majetek jako polovina lidstva dohromady, se však Marxovi nedá upřít ani velká míra vizionářství. Právě rozpor mezi zrůdností ideologií, které Marxovy myšlenky přebíraly a reálnou podstatou jeho myšlenek se snaží vykreslit známý britský kreslíř Martin Rowson, dvorní karikaturista prestižního deníku The Guardian. Úloha je to jistě nesnadná.
Objev podobné jako Komunistický manifest - Karl Marx, Martin Rowson, Friedrich Engels
The Hunt for the Cursed Unicorn - Alex Bell
All aboard for The Train of Dark Wonders! The second book in the magical must-read middle-grade series.
Objev podobné jako The Hunt for the Cursed Unicorn - Alex Bell
The Grumpus - Alex T. Smith
The Grumpus is a heartwarming story that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas, accompanied by irresistible colour artwork to make it the perfect story for all the family to enjoy together.Do you know about The Grumpus? And his Dastardly, Dreadful Christmas Plan? And about the Awful Thing that happened at the North Pole on Christmas Eve? Perhaps I should tell you about it . . .A beautiful hardback with a festively foiled cover and beautiful artwork from the author, it is the perfect Christmas gift, destined to become a modern Christmas classic that adults and children alike return to year after year.
Objev podobné jako The Grumpus - Alex T. Smith
Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead - Milan Kundera
Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles. A chance encounter leads a man to spend the afternoon with an older woman, now a widow, who escaped him fifteen years earlier. Neither of them doubts that the day will end in disgust, but for one intimate moment each finds a way to overcome mortality.Written in 1969, before Milan Kundera was known to English-speaking readers, this story renders male and female characters painful equals, and prompted Philip Roth to admire its 'detached Chekhovian tenderness'. Bringing together past, present and future in our ninetieth year, Faber Stories is a celebratory compendium of collectable work.
Objev podobné jako Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead - Milan Kundera
The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition (0241387485)
Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition (0241387485)
Young Neil & The Restless: Eldorado - CD (9362489380)
Hudební CD - EP Eldorado vyšlo původně v roce 1989 pouze v Japonsku a Austrálii. Neil Young ho nahrál s The Restless, tedy dvojicí Chad Cromwell (bicí) a Rick Rocas (baskytara). Deska obsahuje tři písničky, které se v odlišných verzích o rok později objevily na albu Freedom. EP je nyní k dispozici i na CD. EP Eldorado vyšlo původně v roce 1989 pouze v Japonsku a Austrálii. Neil Young ho nahrál s The Restless, tedy dvojicí Chad Cromwell (bicí) a Rick Rocas (baskytara). Deska obsahuje tři písničky, které se v odlišných verzích o rok později objevily na albu Freedom. EP je nyní k dispozici i na CD. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. Invenční kytarista, skladatel, zpěvák a dnes už také podnikatel v hudebním průmyslu inspiroval celou řadu následovníků. Působil v kapelách Shadows a Buffalo Springfiled, v uskupení Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, ale především se proslavil jako sólový muzikant. Je označován za jednoho z největších...
Objev podobné jako Young Neil & The Restless: Eldorado - CD (9362489380)
Young Neil, The Restless: Freedom - CD (7599258992)
Hudební CD - Freedom je 17. studiové album kanadsko-amerického hudebníka Neila Younga vydané 2. října 1989. Freedom je 17. studiové album kanadsko-amerického hudebníka Neila Younga vydané 2. října 1989. Neil Young je kanadsko-americký zpěvák, hudebník a skladatel. Po zahájení hudební kariéry ve Winnipegu v 60. letech se Young přestěhoval do Los Angeles , kde se připojil k Buffalo Springfield se Stephenem Stillsem , Richiem Furayem a dalšími. Od začátku své sólové kariéry se svou doprovodnou kapelou Crazy Horse vydal Young mnoho kritiky uznávaných a důležitých alb, jako jsou Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere , After the Gold Rush , Harvest , On the Beach. Rok vydání : 1989 (17.album) Seznam stop CD Rockin' in the Free World (Young) / Crime in the City (Sixty to Zero, Pt. 1) (Young) / Don't Cry (Young) / Hangin' on a Limb (Young) / Eldorado (Young) / The Ways of Love (Young) / Someday (Young) / On Broadway (Leiber/Mann/Stoller/Weil) / Wrecking...
Objev podobné jako Young Neil, The Restless: Freedom - CD (7599258992)
The Diary of a Young Girl (9780241952436)
Kniha - anglicky The definitive 70th anniversary edition of "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank and edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, the world's most famous diary and 'one of the greatest books of the century'. '12th June, 1942: I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.' In the summer of 1942, fleeing the horrors of the Nazi occupation, Anne Frank and her family were forced into hiding in the back of an Amsterdam warehouse. Aged thirteen when she went into the secret annexe, Anne kept a diary in which she confided her innermost thoughts and feelings, movingly revealing how the eight people living under these extraordinary conditions coped with the daily threat of discovery and death, being cut off from the outside world, petty misunderstandings and the unbearable strain of living like prisoners. An intimate record of tension...
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl (9780241952436)
The Upside of Falling - Light Alex
A fun, flirty teen debut from Wattpad phenom Alex Light about a fake relationship and real love. Perfect for Jenny Han fans.It’s been years since seventeen-year-old Becca Hart believed in true love. But when her former best friend teases her for not having had a boyfriend, Becca impulsively pretends she’s been secretly seeing someone.Brett Wells has it all. As captain of the football team and one of the most popular guys in his school, he should have no problem finding someone to date, but he’s always been more focused on his future than who to bring to prom.When he overhears Becca’s lie, Brett decides to step in and be the mystery guy. It’s the perfect solution: he gets people off his back for not having a meaningful relationship and she can keep up the ruse that she’s got a boyfriend.Acting like the perfect couple isn’t easy, though, especially when you barely know the other person. But with Becca still picking up the pieces from when her world was blown apart years ago and Brett just barely holding his together now, they begin to realize they have more in common than they ever could have imagined.When the line between what is pretend and what is real begins to blur, they''re forced to answer the question: Is this fake romance the realest thing in either of their lives?
Objev podobné jako The Upside of Falling - Light Alex
The Book of Bill - Alex Hirsch
Did you miss him? Admit it, you missed him.The demon that terrorized Gravity Falls is back from the great beyond to finally tell his side of the story in The Book of Bill, written by none other than Bill Cipher himself.Inside, Bill sheds light on his bizarre origins, his sinister effects on human history, the Pines family’s most embarrassing secrets, and the key to overthrowing the world (laid out in a handy step-by-step guide). This chaotic and beautifully illustrated tome contains baffling riddles, uncrackable ciphers, lost Journal 3 pages, ways to cheat death, the meaning of life, and a whole chapter on Silly Straws. But most importantly, The Book of Bill is deeply, deeply cursed.Alex Hirsch, #1 New York Times bestselling author, resuscitates this infamous villain and invites fans to a Bill’s eye view of the Gravity Falls universe. There are many who believe this book is too dangerous for human hands. But if you can’t resist, just know this: Once you make a deal with Bill, it’s not so easily undone . . . Beware: This book travels to dimensions meant for older readers.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Bill - Alex Hirsch
Spooksmiths Investigate: The Cinderman - Alex Atkinson
"Brilliantly spooky and funny." Jennifer Killick, author of Dread Wood"Spine-chilling terror and laughs on every page." S.J. Wills, author of Bite RiskDiscover a brilliantly spooky new horror-mystery series for fans of Dread Wood, Goosebumps and Aveline Jones... Indigo and Rusty might live in a funeral parlour, but they don't believe in ghosts. That is, until Indigo drops an old urn, accidentally releasing the Cinderman: a terrifying ash monster, who will smother their town in ashes and turn everyone into zombies, unless they can stop him by sunset. Using their newly awakened Spooksmith skills, Indigo and Rusty set out to enlist the help of other ghosts. But can the Blasted Banshee and Chuckles the Phantom Toddler really help them find the Cinderman's true name and put him in his grave for good before Ashmageddon strikes?
Objev podobné jako Spooksmiths Investigate: The Cinderman - Alex Atkinson
The Half Burnt House - Alex North
It begins with the house – and a body:Alan Hobbes stabbed to death in his own bed. For years, he’s lived as a recluse in the remains of aderelict mansion that once belonged to a serial killer. The police have a suspect: Christopher Shaw,observed on the premises on the night of the murder.Katie Shaw hasn’t seen her brother Chris in two years. All her life, she’s tried to look out for him. Even when he made it so hard.But now he’s bound up in the secrets of this dark house. To save Chris, dare she follow him inside . . .
Objev podobné jako The Half Burnt House - Alex North
Dexys Midnight Runners: Searching For The Young Soul Rebels - LP (9029519531)
LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice debutového studiového alba anglické popové skupiny Dexys Midnight Runners z roku 1980. Album kombinuje agresivitu punk rocku s soulovou hudbou, zvláště ovlivněnou hnutím northern soul. Jedním z hitů alba je skladba Geno. Vinylová reedice debutového studiového alba anglické popové skupiny Dexys Midnight Runners z roku 1980. Album kombinuje agresivitu punk rocku s soulovou hudbou, zvláště ovlivněnou hnutím northern soul. Jedním z hitů alba je skladba Geno. Anglická pop soulová skupina se v osmdesátých letech proslavila písněmi Come On Eileen a Geno, s nimiž to dotáhla až na vrchol britské singlové hitparády. Rok vydání : 1980 (1.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP Burn It Down (2000 Remaster) / Tell Me When My Light Turns Green (2000 Remaster) / The Teams That Meet in Caffs (2000 Remaster) / I'm Just Looking (2000 Remaster) / Geno (2000 Remaster) / Seven Days Too Long (2000 Remaster) / I Couldn't Help It If I Tried...
Objev podobné jako Dexys Midnight Runners: Searching For The Young Soul Rebels - LP (9029519531)
Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: Young Jeff Benson and his elder brother Jacob are left fatherless when their father dies unexpectedly. The tragic event changes the course of their lives forever – and Jeff sets his sights on a life at sea. After several years learning his craft, Jeff returns to land to become a coastguardsman in his hometown of Cranby – where plenty of daring adventures await him.
Objev podobné jako Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis
Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard?The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis.Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriabá, and brings the crisis vividly to life.It's time we passed the mic and listened to different perspectives. Bella's manifestos for change will inspire and mobilize you to rediscover the wonders and wilds of nature and, ultimately, change the way you think about our planet in crisis. This is your chance to hear the urgent stories of an endangered species too often overlooked: the children of the Anthropocene. ____________________________'Extraordinarily moving, wild and engaging - the book of the moment' Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and author of Climate Justice'A visionary statement for the future [...] Pragmatic, positive & beautifully written' Ben Macdonald, Award-Winning Conservation Writer, Wildlife TV Producer and Naturalist
Objev podobné jako The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis
Fabulous Stories For The Very Young - David Walliams
Three fabulously funny picture books in one box set! Cuddle up for giggles before bedtime with these three favourite picture books from NUMBER ONE bestselling author David Walliams, illustrated by the artistic genius Tony Ross. With fun and laughter on every page, this is the perfect to gift to share with young children. Includes:The Slightly Annoying ElephantThe First Hippo on the MoonThe Bear Who Went Boo!
Objev podobné jako Fabulous Stories For The Very Young - David Walliams
Young Neil: Somewhere Under The Rainbow (Live) (9362488503)
Hudební CD - Nově zveřejněný záznam koncertu z londýnského Rainbow Theater. Vystoupení, kde slavného kytaristu doprovází The Santa Monica Flyers a které proběhlo v roce 1973, je nyní k dispozici na 2CD a 2LP. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. Nově zveřejněný záznam koncertu z londýnského Rainbow Theater. Vystoupení, kde slavného kytaristu doprovází The Santa Monica Flyers a které proběhlo v roce 1973, je nyní k dispozici na 2CD a 2LP. Neil Young je zásadní postava nejen americké rockové historie. Invenční kytarista, skladatel, zpěvák a dnes už také podnikatel v hudebním průmyslu inspiroval celou řadu následovníků. Působil v kapelách Shadows a Buffalo Springfiled, v uskupení Crosby, Still, Nash & Young, ale především se proslavil jako sólový muzikant. Je označován za jednoho z největších rock'n'rollových interpretů a nejrespektovanějších kytaristů. Seznam stop CD1 Tonight's the Night (Live) / Mellow My Mind (Live) / World...
Objev podobné jako Young Neil: Somewhere Under The Rainbow (Live) (9362488503)
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
''One of the greatest books of the century'' - Guardian''Hiding...where would we hide?... Margot and I started packing our most important belongings into a satchel. The first thing I stuck in was this diary...''In July 1942 thirteen-year-old Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse. Over the next two years Anne vividly describes in her diary the frustrations of living in such confined quarters.This unabridged, definitive text reveals Anne''s innermost thoughts and feelings as she grows up, and provides a deeply moving true-life story that comes to an abrupt and tragic end.Contains an Afterword, chronology of events and glossary of terms.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
The Wisdom of Sheep & Other Animals - Rosamund Young
FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE SECRET LIFE OF COWS''Elegiac, funny, warm and wise, The Wisdom of Sheep will delight country folk and city dwellers alike.'' KATHERINE MAYWe talk about people behaving like sheep, which assumes that sheep all behave in the same way. That has not been my experience.Some are affectionate, others prone to head-butting. Some are determinedly self-sufficient, others seek our help when they need it. And some can be trusted to lead the flock home. They are as individual as we are.Farm animals are familiar to us from childhood stories, but little did we know that their inner lives are full of complexity, deep bonds and family dramas. Rosamund Young has been an organic farmer for over forty years and this is her record of a life at the beck and call of the animals while observing and preserving the abundant wildlife at Kite’s Nest Farm. It is a story of joy, discovery, cooperation and sometimes heartbreak. We learn about sheep growing old disgracefully, the intelligence of supposedly ‘bird-brained’ hens, ‘conversations’ between cows and why you should never send a text whilst milking . . .''Delightful.'' ALAN BENNETT, ON THE SECRET LIFE OF COWS
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Sheep & Other Animals - Rosamund Young
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
Anne Frank's "The Diary of a Young Girl" is among the most enduring documents of the twentieth century. Since its publication in 1947, it has been read by tens of millions of people all over the world. It remains a beloved and deeply admired testament to the indestructible nature of the human spirit. Restored in this "Definitive Edition" are diary entries that were omitted from the original edition. These passages, which constitute 30 percent more material, reinforce the fact that Anne was first and foremost a teenage girl, not a remote and flawless symbol. She fretted about and tried to cope with her own sexuality. Like many young girls, she often found herself in disagreements with her mother. And like any teenager, she veered between the carefree nature of a child and the full-fledged sorrow of an adult. Anne emerges more human, more vulnerable and more vital than ever.Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, hid in the back of an Amsterdam warehouse for two years. She was thirteen when she went into the Secret Annex with her family.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is an inspiring and tragic account of an ordinary life lived in extraordinary circumstances that has enthralled readers for generations. This Penguin Classics edition is edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, translated by Susan Massotty, and includes an introduction by Elie Wiesel, author of Night. 'June, 1942: I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.' In Amsterdam, in the summer of 1942, the Nazis forced teenager Anne Frank and her family into hiding. For over two years, they, another family and a German dentist lived in a 'secret annexe', fearing discovery. All that time, Anne kept a diary. Since its publication in 1947, Anne Frank's diary has been read by tens of millions of people. This Definitive Edition restores substantial material omitted from the original edition, giving us a deeper insight into Anne Frank's world. Her curiosity about her emerging sexuality, the conflicts with her mother, her passion for Peter, a boy whose family hid with hers, and her acute portraits of her fellow prisoners reveal Anne as more human, more vulnerable and more vital than ever.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel - Glenda Young
The third in the page-turning cosy crime series from Glenda Young, this unputdownable whodunnit is perfect for fans of Julia Chapman''s Dales Detective Agency, Richard Osman''s The Thursday Murder Club, Betty Rowlands and Helen Cox.Praise for Murder at the Seaview Hotel:''I loved this warm, humorous and involving whodunnit with its host of engaging characters and atmospheric Scarborough setting'' CLARE CHASE''Just the heart-warming tonic readers need right now. Endearing characters, intriguing twists and one very cute canine'' HELEN COX................................................In the charming Yorkshire seaside town of Scarborough, a killer game is being played . . . Helen Dexter is enjoying the new four-star status of the Seaview Hotel. But she begins to wonder if this accolade is cursed when a series of disasters strike.It starts when a crazy golf team arrive to play in a Scarborough tournament. Their odd behaviour heightens when the rival team captain turns up. Yet, there''s worse to come for Helen when one of the guests is murdered playing crazy golf. Then the Seaview''s prize-winning cook Jean quits, leaving Helen devastated. And so, as Helen''s fiftieth birthday approaches, the last thing she''s in the mood for is a celebration. However, mysterious invitations arrive to a party that Helen doesn''t want.Can Helen unmask the crazy golf killer, save the reputation of the Seaview, win Jean back and solve the mystery of the party invitations? With her rescue greyhound Suki by her side, Helen Dexter is on the case.................................................Don''t miss Helen and Suki''s first two cosy crime capers in Murder at the Seaview Hotel and Curtain Call at the Seaview Hotel which are warmly praised:''I really do love this series. It is light, easy to read and a perfect cosy crime series. I highly recommend''''Wow I love this author. This book did not disappoint loved all the characters and how the author brought them to life. I enjoyed it so much I finished it within 24hrs''''A wholly entertaining mystery set . . . A fun plot and plenty of wry humour completes the package''''I really can''t wait for more seaside adventures!'' Love Glenda Young''s cosy crime? Don''t miss her acclaimed Ryhope-set sagas, Belle of the Back Streets, The Tuppenny Child, Pearl of Pit Lane, The Girl with the Scarlet Ribbon, The Paper Mill Girl, The Miner''s Lass, A Mother''s Christmas Wish and The Sixpenny Orphan.
Objev podobné jako Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel - Glenda Young
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