Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Karla pláče - Nikola Hoření
Natlučené kolínko, ulítlý balónek, zmrzlina na chodníku, panenka bez hlavy… a Karla se dá do neutišitelného pláče. Vtipné (byť je o dětských katastrofách) nápaditě ilustrované leporelo plné zvířátek o prožívání smutku pro naše nejmenší. Oblíbená ilustrátorka a čerstvá maminka Nikola Hoření dětem maluje sérii leporel o šesti základních popsaných lidských emocích: štěstí, smutek a překvapení, hněv, znechucení a strach.
Podívejte se také Soundtrack: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - CD (8748721)
Tonča se leká - Nikola Hoření
Ať je to černá kočka přes cestu, střelnice na pouti, anebo stíny na zdech obchodu. Oblíbená ilustrátorka Nikola Hoření s gustem maluje pro ty nejmenší sérii leporel o šesti základních lidských emocích: Karla pláče, Ida se raduje, Hubert se vzteká, Tonča se leká, Eliáš se štítí a Arne žasne.
Podívejte se také Ahome Plecháček se jménem Nikola (23275)
Ida se raduje - Nikola Hoření
Malá veverka Ida má pořád spoustu důvodů k radosti: když se kouluje s kamarády, cachtá se ve vaně nebo s maminkou brnká na piano. Oblíbená ilustrátorka a čerstvá maminka Nikola Hoření těm nejmenším maluje sérii leporel o šesti základních lidských emocích: Karla pláče, Ida se raduje, Hubert se vzteká, Tonča se leká, Tobiáš se štítí a Arne žasne.
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Hubert se vzteká - Nikola Hoření
Kocourek Hubert se vzteká! Aby ne – koho by bavilo zkoušet si kdovíkolikáté boty nebo poslušně sedět v tramvaji, vždyť přece klečet na sedačce a dívat se z okna je daleko větší zábava! A co teprve, když mu maminka nechce koupit vytouženou hračku… Pestrobarevné leporelo děti provede různými rozčilujícími se situacemi a při společném povídání s rodiči děti určitě přidají něco ze své zkušenosti a třeba najdou i jiná možná řešení. Oblíbená ilustrátorka a čerstvá maminka Nikola Hoření těm nejmenším maluje sérii leporel o šesti základních lidských emocích: Karla pláče, Ida se raduje, Hubert se vzteká, Tonča se leká, Tobiáš se štítí a Arne žasne.
Objev podobné jako Hubert se vzteká - Nikola Hoření
David a Goliáš - Ivana Pecháčková, Nikola Hoření
Dobrodružný příběh o tom, jak malý David přechytračil a porazil obra Goliáše, ilustrovala Nikola Hoření. MANAMANA je nová edice vydavatelství Meander zaměřená na vyprávění biblických příběhů ilustrovaných velmi mladými výtvarníky. V edici MANAMANA nepředkládá vydavatelství Meander biblické texty dětskému čtenáři za každou cenu, tedy i za cenu nepřiměřené velkého zjednodušení nebo zastření původního smyslu textu, ale snaží se o úpravy citlivé a k dětskému čtenáři empatické. Organickou součástí biblických adaptací edice MANAMANA jsou tvořivé otázky a úkoly pro děti, a to ke každé z knížek. V roce 2017 chystá vydavatelství Meander první šestici starozákonních příběhů: Stvoření světa, Archa Noemova, Přechod Rudým mořem, Desatero přikázání, David a Goliáš a Jonáš a velryba. Věříme, že edicí MANAMANA přispíváme nejen k radosti ze čtení a poznávání, ale také k povědomí o základech evropské vzdělanosti a humanismu, na nichž stojí naše civilizace…
Objev podobné jako David a Goliáš - Ivana Pecháčková, Nikola Hoření
Co jsi za zvíře? - Nikola Hoření, Paola Mastrocola
Když se malá kachnička vylíhne vedle bačkory ve tvaru myši, zprvu si myslí, že je taky bačkora. Ostatně, nemá nikoho, kdo by jí řekl, co je ve skutečnosti zač, protože "když se narodíte, nevíte, co jste zač. No jistě, jak byste to taky mohli vědět Někdo vám to musí říct. A pokud vám to nikdo neřekne, nemůžete vědět, co jste zač, je to tak? Je to tak." Přestože je kachnička se svou lehce netradiční maminkou spokojená, brzy zatouží opustit místo pod kontejnerem, kde spolu přebývají, a poznat svět. Paola Mastrocola, oceňovaná autorka knih pro děti i dospělé, zpracovává důležité otázky identity jedince a jeho sounáležitosti s okolím s jazykovou invencí a hlavně s humorem. Do tradiční " řetězové " pohádkové narativní struktury (opeřenkyně hledá maminku i sebe sama, přesouvá se v prostoru a setkává se tak s novými postavami a novým prostředím) dovedně vkládá moderní prvky a motivy a snaží se přitom v dětech nenásilně rozvíjet empatii, učí je respek tovat jinakost a pokouší se předat staré dobré poselství, že na světě (skoro) všechno zmůže láska.
Objev podobné jako Co jsi za zvíře? - Nikola Hoření, Paola Mastrocola
Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip (Really.) - Liz Pichon
THREE sad faces :( :( :( on the school achievement chart! And getting another sad face means Mr Fullerman won't let him go on the SCHOOL TRIP! Moany Marcus Meldrew is making things worse and now Tom's annoyed his grumpy sister Delia. Can his best friend Derek help? Will Rooster the dog stop eating his homework?
Objev podobné jako Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip (Really.) - Liz Pichon
Lottie Brooks's Totally Disastrous School-Trip - Kirby Katie
Lottie Brooks continues to navigate the many perils of growing up in this fantastically funny illustrated series for a 9-12 audience, filled with friendship, embarrassing moments and plenty of lols.Woe is me. So much is wrong in my life...Still look like a tomatoAm stuck indoors whilst my friends go bowling without me (rude)My parents are leaving me to go out on a ''Date Night''. GROSS!After a summer of meeting handsome French boys and getting a tiny bit sunburnt. OK, fine - a lot sunburnt, Lottie''s heading off on a week-long residential school trip. A whole week away from embarrassing parents and Toby''s tasty air biscuits!But the trip soon turns into a total disaster. The other girls staying at the camp are MEGA-MEAN, best friend Jess is spending all her time with new girl Isha, and Lottie''s diary gets stolen!Who knew a school trip could cause so much DRAMA?!Readers LOVE Lottie Brooks:My daughter couldn''t put it down and read it in 2 days. Read at breakfast, walking downstairs, tea time, in the bath. My 9-year-old daughter devoured it in two nights, and all I could hear from her was giggling and the occasional "Mum! Listen to this! This is SO me!".My 12 year old reluctant reader took this book, read 100 pages in one night and proclaimed it ''the best book ever''Katie has managed to capture the essence of what this group think and feel in a positive, life-affirming fashion''Have you read all of Lottie''s embarrassing diaries?Book 1: The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie BrooksBook 2: The Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie BrooksBook 3: The Mega-Complicated Crushes of Lottie BrooksBook 4: Lottie Brooks’s Totally Disastrous School-TripBook 5: The Completely Chaotic Christmas of Lottie BrooksBook 6: The Majorly Awkward BFF Dramas of Lottie BrooksAvailable to pre-order now: Lottie Brooks''s Totally Essential Guide to Lif
Objev podobné jako Lottie Brooks's Totally Disastrous School-Trip - Kirby Katie
Isadora Moon Goes on a School Trip - Harriet Muncasterová
Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she is a bit of both. Isadora''s class are going on a school trip to an old castle. The castle''s a little bit spooky and it doesn''t help that there''s thunder and lightning outside. While Isadora investigates the castle dungeon she discovers a surprising new friend. He''s a little different, like her, so Isadora''s going to have to try and find a way of introducing him to her friends without them getting too much of a shock. With a gorgeous glittery cover, irresistible pink and black artwork throughout, and a totally unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family, this is a beautiful, charming, and funny series of first chapter books. Perfect for fans of Claude, Dixie O''Day, and Squishy McFluff, Isadora Moon is the ideal choice for readers who want their magic and sparkle with a bit of bite!
Objev podobné jako Isadora Moon Goes on a School Trip - Harriet Muncasterová
Hercules: A Hero's Journey (on a School Trip) - Tom Vaughan
In this second book in the funny, contemporary diary-style series,Hercules hits Greece in search of his demigod superskill! Inspiredby Greek mythology and highly illustrated by David O'Connell- perfect for readers of 8+ and fans of Louie Stowell's Loki.
Objev podobné jako Hercules: A Hero's Journey (on a School Trip) - Tom Vaughan
Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka nejlepších a nejpronikavějších citátů ze série Škola života o vztazích, smutku, úzkosti, práci, přátelích, rodině, cestování a smyslu života.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Insomnia, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Úvahy o nespavosti.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Insomnia, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Calm, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Procvičování schopnosti zachovat klid a jasnou mysl ve stresových situacích.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Calm, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Bold Truths, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka moudrosti v podobě ilustrací, které jsou dokonalou kombinací krásy a užitečnosti, kterou můžete používat každý den.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Bold Truths, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press The Good Enough Parent, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kompendium znalostí o tom, jak funguje dětská mysl.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The Good Enough Parent, The School of Life
The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners - The School of Life Press
Modern life is full of minor but acute dilemmas: we get stuck at a gathering with someone unusually boring and wonder how to move on without causing offence; in the course of introducing one friend to another, we realise that we have forgotten one of the party's names; we run into an ex while on an early date with a new partner; we spill red wine across a host's sofa...Such dilemmas might - at one level - seem desperately insignificant. But theyactually belong to some of the largest and most serious themes in social existence: how can you pursue our own agenda for happiness while at the same time honouring the sensitivities and wishes of others; how can you convey goodwill with sincerity; how can you be kind without being supine or sentimental? These dilemmas were once covered by books on etiquette or manners. The modern age often doesn't seem to value manners, equating them with an old fashioned stuffiness, instead we are advised to communicate our feelings and tell it the way it really is.But the result, in practice, is that we are often confused as to how to act around others and discharge our obligations to them. This book puts good manners back at the centre our lives. It features twenty case-studies on common social dilemmas and our possible responses to them, contributing to a new and original philosophy of graceful conduct. Manners are far from negligible fancies; they stand at the day-to-day end of a hugely grand and dignified mission which The School of Life is committed to: the creation of a kinder and more considerate world.
Objev podobné jako The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners - The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha, která oslavuje tu nejvíce opomíjenou, a přesto drahocennou emoci, kterou můžeme cítit – melancholii, přechodný stav mezi zoufalstvím a naivním optimismem.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Varieties of Melancholy, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press Screen-Free Fun, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. 80 návrhů her pro děti, které stimulují rozvoj a kreativitu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press Screen-Free Fun, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Odvážné myšlenky o jednom z nejdůležitějších a nejoblíbenějších rituálů lidstva.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life
Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha poskytuje klíčový soubor tipů, které vám pomohou učinit bezpečnější, kreativnější a úspěšnější milostná rozhodnutí.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Find Love, The School of Life
The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani
THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL will soon be a major motion picture from Netflix, starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Cate Blanchett, and many more! A beautiful Collector's Edition of the first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series - perfect for gifting! Best friends Sophie and Agatha have been chosen to be students at the fabled School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to become fairy-tale heroes and villains. One will train for Good, taking classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication. One will become Evil's new hope: learning Uglification and Death Curses.Sophie and Agatha think they know where they belong, but when they are swept into the Endless Woods, they're switched into the opposite schools. Together they'll discover who they really are and what they are capable of. Because the only way out of a fairy tale .. . is to live through it.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani
The Trip - Phoebe Morgan
A sizzling beach read thriller with an ending readers are calling ''jaw-dropping''…''A stone cold tale of secrets, lies and betrayal unfolds on the holiday from hell – 2024’s suitcase essential.'' Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The Appeal‘A thrilling page-turner set against a stunning Thai backdrop where everyone has secrets and with a killer twist – loved it.’ Catherine Cooper, author of The Chalet''A sizzler – pack it in your beach bag!'' Cara Hunter, author of Murder in the Family''I raced through The Trip – thrilling and fabulous. A summer thriller you won''t want to put down.'' Lauren North, author of The Teacher''s Secret''A stunningly brilliant book. The Trip is sun-drenched suspense that demands to be read in one breathless sitting.'' Matthew Blake, author of Anna OThe perfect holiday. The perfect crime.Four friends on the holiday of a lifetime. Until a vicious murder shatters their paradise.Four friends who''d do anything for each other, until now.Only one of them committed a crime.But all four know how to keep a secret.And they''re all guilty of something…Readers love The Trip!‘A terrific thriller set on an island with a bunch of friends and one of them could be the killer – what more could you ask for in a book? Loved this!’Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This was such a fantastic gripping read it pulled me in from the first page until the very last … Excellent writing from start to finish and what a finish it was – such a jaw-dropping ending’Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Yet another brilliant novel by this author. I am a big fan''Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Awesome book! I can’t get enough of these beach vacation thrillers. Great suspense. Great ending!’Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''I loved the twist and was desperate to know the "secret"… Fantastic''Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Trip - Phoebe Morgan
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Okouzlující, naivně ilustrovaná kniha, která sleduje dobrodružství Bunnyho - verze nás všech -, když naráží na řadu překážek, které tak nějak známe z našich vlastních životů.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha The Book of Me, spojující psychologii, filozofii a čistou zábavu, je úvodem do umění sebepoznání v životě – jak se stát klidným, moudrým a mnohostranným.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Duševní cvičení pro tělesnou pohodu a fyzické cvičení pro duševní pohodu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha věnovaná kráse, pohodlí a jedinečnosti umění, ale také psychologii a léčitelství – pravé arteterapii.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Tato kniha nám připomíná naši lepší povahu a mobilizuje nás k boji za lepší, láskyplnější svět, který nám opravdu chybí.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
Knížka The School of Life Press
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Kniha receptů, která zkoumá, jak mohou potraviny uchovávat, připomínat a sdělovat nejdůležitější myšlenky našeho života.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press
The 1619 Project - Hannah-Jones Nikole
In late August 1619, a ship arrived in the British colony of Virginia bearing a cargo of twenty to thirty enslaved people from Africa. Their arrival led to the barbaric and unprecedented system of American chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years. This is sometimes referred to as the country's original sin, but it is more than that: It is the source of so much that still defines the United States. The New York Times Magazine's award-winning "1619 Project" issue reframed our understanding of American history by placing slavery and its continuing legacy at the center of our national narrative. This new book substantially expands on that work, weaving together eighteen essays that explore the legacy of slavery in present-day America with thirty-six poems and works of fiction that illuminate key moments of oppression, struggle, and resistance. The essays show how the inheritance of 1619 reaches into every part of contemporary American society, from politics, music, diet, traffic, and citizenship to capitalism, religion, and our democracy itself. This is a book that speaks directly to our current moment, contextualizing the systems of race and caste within which we operate today. It reveals long-glossed-over truths around our nation's founding and construction-and the way that the legacy of slavery did not end with emancipation, but continues to shape contemporary American life.
Objev podobné jako The 1619 Project - Hannah-Jones Nikole
The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
In this taut and explosive debut novel, one lapse in judgement lands a young mother in a government reform program where custody of her child hangs in the balance.Frida Liu is struggling. She doesn’t have a career worthy of her Chinese immigrant parents’ sacrifices. What’s worse is she can’t persuade her husband, Gust, to give up his wellness-obsessed younger mistress. Only with their angelic daughter Harriet does Frida finally feel she’s attained the perfection expected of her. Harriet may be all she has, but she’s just enough.Until Frida has a horrible day.The state has its eyes on mothers like Frida — ones who check their phones while their kids are on the playground; who let their children walk home alone; in other words, mothers who only have one lapse of judgement. Now, a host of government officials will determine if Frida is a candidate for a Big Brother-like institution that measures the success or failure of a mother’s devotion. Faced with the possibility of losing Harriet, Frida must prove that she can live up to the standards set for mothers — that she can learn to be good.This propulsive, witty page-turner explores the perils of “perfect” upper-middle-class parenting, the violence enacted upon women by the state and each other, and the boundless love a mother has for her daughter.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
Frida Liu is a struggling mother. She remembers taking Harriet from her cot and changing her nappy. She remembers giving her a morning bottle. They'd been up since four am.Frida just had to finish the article in front of her. But she'd left a file on her desk at work. What would happen if she retrieved it and came back in an hour? She was so sure it would be okay.Now, the state has decided that Frida is not fit to care for her daughter. That she must be re-educated. Can this mistake cost her everything?THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD MOTHERS is an explosive and thrilling novel about the pressures of perfectionism, parenthoodand privilege.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
The School for Wicked Witches - Will Taylor
Ava isn't ready to leave her home in Oz - especially not to becomea witch. Then the worst thing that could possibly happen occurs- Ava's magic goes very wrong and she is banished to a school forwicked witches.
Objev podobné jako The School for Wicked Witches - Will Taylor
The Secrets of Successful Relationships - The School of Life
The first book in a new series offering advice on the emotional skills required to maintain successful relationships.
Objev podobné jako The Secrets of Successful Relationships - The School of Life
The School for Good and Evil 01 (006210490X)
Kniha - autor Soman Chainani, 512 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Soman Chainani, 512 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The School for Good and Evil 01 (006210490X)
Crookhaven: The School for Thieves - J. J. Arcanjo
13-year-old Gabriel is a brilliant pickpocket, a skill which he uses to keep his often empty belly not quite so empty. And then one day, he's caught.But instead of being arrested, he is invited by the mysterious Caspian Crook to attend Crookhaven - a school for thieves. At Crookhaven, students are trained in lock-picking, forgery and 'crim-nastics', all with the intention of doing good out in the world, by conning the bad and giving back to the innocent.But ... can you ever really trust a thief?With a school wide competition to be crowned Top Crook and many mysteries to uncover, Gabriel's first year at Crookhaven will be one to remember...An irresistible series about chosen family, high stakes thievery, and what it really means to do good. Perfect for fans of M.G. Leonard and Anthony Horowitz.
Objev podobné jako Crookhaven: The School for Thieves - J. J. Arcanjo
A Voice of One's Own - The School of Life
A young woman's journey of self-discovery and finding her voice as she investigates the root of her self-doubt - accompanied throughout by stylish photos.
Objev podobné jako A Voice of One's Own - The School of Life
Essential Ideas 3: Serenity - The School of Life Press
From the new pocket book series, featuring key ideas from The School of Life exploring serenity.
Objev podobné jako Essential Ideas 3: Serenity - The School of Life Press
Anxiety: Meditations on the Anxious Mind - The School of Life Press
A guide to our anxious minds; offering a route to calm, self-compassion and mental well-being. Far more than we tend to realise, we're all - in private - deeply anxious. There is so much that worries us across our days and nights: whether our hopes will come true, whether others will like us, whether the people we care about will be OK, whether we can escape humiliation and grief...Anxiety is deeply normal and, like so much else that troubles our minds, it can be understood and brought under our control. We all deserve to wake up every day without a sense of foreboding. This is a guide to anxiety: why we feel it, how we experience it when it strikes and what we can do when we come under its influence. Across a series of essays that look at the subject from a number of angles, the tone is helpful, compassionate and in the best sense practical. We have suffered for too long under the rule of anxiety. Here - at last - is a pathway to a calmer, more compassionate and more light-hearted future.
Objev podobné jako Anxiety: Meditations on the Anxious Mind - The School of Life Press
Soundtrack: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - CD (8748721)
Hudební CD - Hudba k druhé sérii High School Musical. Hudba k druhé sérii High School Musical. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Even When / The Best Part / The Perfect Gift / High School Musical 2 Medley / Something in the Air / Bet On It / YAC Alma Mater / Belle / 1-2-3 / The Best Part / Even When / Red Means Love / Beauty and the Beast / Granted / YAC Alma Mater (Nini Version) / The Climb / A Dancer's Heart / The Rose Song / Home / The Mob Song / Around You / If I Can't Love Her / Gaston / You Ain't Seen Nothin / Let You Go / In a Heartbeat
Objev podobné jako Soundtrack: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - CD (8748721)
How to Survive the School Year - Parkinson Adam, Lee Parkinson
Let the Sunday Times bestselling authors and hosts of Two Mr Ps in a Pod(cast) lead you through the school year…Does the phrase ‘back to school’ fill you with dread? Or does it bring delight … until you see the size of your September to-do list? Can you really be expected to keep track of next Thursday’s swimming, spelling and singing club? Not to mention the PTA-sponsored bounce!From the autumn harvest festival to the summer sports day, the academic year is a non-stop frenzy of planning, preparation and potential chaos, whichever side of the school gates you find yourself. But now Britain’s best-loved teachers and podcast hosts Lee and Adam Parkinson are here to make it all that little bit easier as they share the hilarious trials, tribulations and tomfoolery going on inside our primary schools.Whether you’re a fatigued parent or a frazzled teacher – or just want a good laugh! – grab your back-to-school essentials, find your desk and get ready to learn what NOT to do in the year ahead.Don’t just survive the school year – thrive!
Objev podobné jako How to Survive the School Year - Parkinson Adam, Lee Parkinson
The School of Life : An Emotional Education - Alain de Botton
The essential guide to how to live wisely and well in the twenty-first century - from Alain de Botton, the bestselling author of The Consolations of Philosophy, The Art of Travel and The Course of LoveThis is a book about everything you were never taught at school. It's about how to understand your emotions, find and sustain love, succeed in your career, fail well and overcome shame and guilt. It's also about letting go of the myth of a perfect life in order to achieve genuine emotional maturity. Written in a hugely accessible, warm and humane style, The School of Life is the ultimate guide to the emotionally fulfilled lives we all long for - and deserve.
Objev podobné jako The School of Life : An Emotional Education - Alain de Botton
Oxford School Shakespeare: The Tempest - William Shakespeare
Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed edition especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. The Tempest is a popular text for study by secondary students the world over. This edition includes illustrations, preliminary notes, reading lists (including websites) and classroom notes.This title is suitable for all exam boards and for the most recent GCSE and AS/A level specifications.
Objev podobné jako Oxford School Shakespeare: The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School - Marcus Rashford, Alex Falase-Koya
Marcus and the Breakfast Club Investigators are back in The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School! From #1 bestselling author Marcus Rashford comes another exciting adventure full of fantastic friendships, high-stakes mysteries and strange goings-on! Written with Alex Falase-Koya and packed with tons of illustrations by Marta Kissi, it's the perfect book for children aged 8-11.There’s something strange going on at school . . .The Breakfast Club Investigators haven't managed to solve a mystery in months and Marcus is worried that the group is going to break up! So when Gbenga, the captain of the school basketball team, comes to ask for their help Marcus knows this might just be the Investigator's last chance to prove themselves.The basketball team have had a streak of bad luck, and Marcus and his mates are sure there's more going on than meets the eye. As the mystery deepens and they uncover one surprising clue after another, they discover that someone – or something – has cursed the basketball team! Can Marcus and his friends solve the mystery in time?
Objev podobné jako The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Ghoul in the School - Marcus Rashford, Alex Falase-Koya
Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World - Naomi Kleinová
*WINNER OF THE WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION* *THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER**A BOOK OF THE YEAR FOR THE TIMES, NEW YORK TIMES, GUARDIAN, OBSERVER, AND PROSPECT*‘If I had to name a single book that makes sense of these last few dark years, it would be this one’ New York Times‘A deeply compelling read … urgent and necessary’ Evening StandardNaomi Klein, author of era-defining bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine, This Changes Everything and No Logo, is back with her most compulsive and personal book yet: a revelatory journey into the mirror world of our polarised ageWhen Naomi Klein discovered that a woman who shared her first name, but had radically different, harmful views, was getting chronically mistaken for her, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. Then suddenly it wasn''t. She started to find herself grappling with a distorted sense of reality, becoming obsessed with reading the threats on social media, the endlessly scrolling insults from the followers of her doppelganger. Why had her shadowy other gone down such an extreme path? Why was identity - all we have to meet the world - so unstable?To find out, Klein decided to follow her double into a bizarre, uncanny mirror world: one of conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxers and demagogue hucksters, where soft-focus wellness influencers make common cause with fire-breathing far right propagandists (all in the name of protecting ''the children''). In doing so, she lifts the lid on our own culture during this surreal moment in history, as we turn ourselves into polished virtual brands, publicly shame our enemies, watch as deep fakes proliferate and whole nations flip from democracy to something far more sinister.This is a book for our age and for all of us; a deadly serious dark comedy which invites us to view our reflections in the looking glass. It''s for anyone who has lost hours down an internet rabbit hole, who wonders why our politics has become so fatally warped, and who wants a way out of our collective vertigo and back to fighting for what really matters.
Objev podobné jako Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World - Naomi Kleinová
Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World - Naomi Kleinová
'If I had to name a single book that makes sense of these last few dark years, it would be this one' New York Times'A deeply compelling read ... urgent and necessary' Evening StandardNaomi Klein, author of era-defining bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine, This Changes Everything and No Logo, is back with her most compulsive and personal book yet: a revelatory journey into the mirror world of our polarised ageWhen Naomi Klein discovered that a woman who shared her first name, but had radically different, harmful views, was getting chronically mistaken for her, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. Then suddenly it wasn't. She started to find herself grappling with a distorted sense of reality, becoming obsessed with reading the threats on social media, the endlessly scrolling insults from the followers of her doppelganger. Why had her shadowy other gone down such an extreme path? Why was identity - all we have to meet the world - so unstable?To find out, Klein decided to follow her double into a bizarre, uncanny mirror world: one of conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxers and demagogue hucksters, where soft-focus wellness influencers make common cause with fire-breathing far right propagandists (all in the name of protecting 'the children'). In doing so, she lifts the lid on our own culture during this surreal moment in history, as we turn ourselves into polished virtual brands, publicly shame our enemies, watch as deep fakes proliferate and whole nations flip from democracy to something far more sinister.This is a book for our age and for all of us; a deadly serious dark comedy which invites us to view our reflections in the looking glass. It's for anyone who has lost hours down an internet rabbit hole, who wonders why our politics has become so fatally warped, and who wants a way out of our collective vertigo and back to fighting for what really matters.
Objev podobné jako Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World - Naomi Kleinová
The Witcher - Wolf School - podložka pod myš (3665361089711)
Podložka pod myš , rozměry 24,0×20,0×0,2cm, černá Podložka pod myš Abysse usnadňuje ovládání zvýšením přesnosti myši a hladším pohybem. Abyste nešlápli vedle s velikostí podložky, potřebujete znát její rozměry. Její míry tedy činí 24 × 0,2 cm. Celkovému vzhledu kraluje černá barva. Klíčové přednosti podložky The Witcher - Wolf School - podložka pod myš Rozměry podložky pod myš Abysse činí 24 × 0,2 cm Neklouže po stole a nekrčí se Skvěle zvolená černá barva
Objev podobné jako The Witcher - Wolf School - podložka pod myš (3665361089711)
The Crayons Go Back to School - Drew Daywalt
The hilarious crayons from the #1 New York Times bestseller The Day the Crayons Quit are ready to go back to school!The crayons are getting ready to go back to school and each crayon has a subject they’re looking forward to the most. They’re also ready to meet new friends and let loose during their very favourite time of day . . . art class.A hilarious back-to-school story featuring everyone’s favourite school supplies!
Objev podobné jako The Crayons Go Back to School - Drew Daywalt
The Spy Who Loved School Dinners - Pamela Butchart
Izzy is really pleased to have been put in charge of the new girl at school. Matilde is French, and Izzy and her friends can't wait to show her their den and its moth, and to help her avoid school dinners (also known as poison). But Matilde LOVES school dinners and even has seconds! And that's when they know. Matilde is a SPY!
Objev podobné jako The Spy Who Loved School Dinners - Pamela Butchart
The Colour Monster Goes to School - Anna Llenas
Follow The Colour Monster on a brand new adventure, as he navigates his way through his first day at school!
Objev podobné jako The Colour Monster Goes to School - Anna Llenas
A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life - Alain de Botton
AS HEARD ON THE DIARY OF A CEO PODCAST WITH STEVEN BARTLETTFrom the Sunday Times bestselling author of The School of LifeThis is a book about how to optimise your mental health. Written with kindness and sympathy, it is a practical guide to emotional well-being, calm and psychological maturity. Alain de Botton explores how we can cope with a variety of mental challenges, from the mild to the severe.It considers how and why we can get overly anxious or low; how we can best understand our pasts and how they shape us; and how we can build resilience, so as to live wisely alongside certain difficulties. At heart this is a book about psychological happiness – about discovering equilibrium and meaning, and finding our way to connection and joy. ‘This book does a wonderful job of making you realise that the thing you’re going through, and the way that you are, isn’t evidence of your inadequacy.It’s actually evidence that you are perfectly human’ Steven Bartlett, author and host of The Diary of a CEO'One of our most consistently illuminating writers on contemporary culture' John Gray, New Statesman
Objev podobné jako A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life - Alain de Botton
The Maths Adventurers Share a Camping Trip - Sital Gorasia Chapman
Join two friendly and funny robots, Beep and Boots, as they learn all about division and discover that maths is everywhere they look.Beep and Boots are going on a camping trip in the great outdoors. They''ve got a warm sleeping bag each, a nice cosy tent each, and strawberries to share. But they realise there are not enough tent pegs! Can they learn to divide up what they have and put up their tents before it''s time for bed?This fun and educational maths book for children features: - A fun and engaging introduction to division for children aged 5-7.- Lively illustrations and rhyming text that brings the characters and maths topics to life.- Key maths topics including shapes, time, measurements, division, and fractions – all essential learning for this age group.- Illustrations that are in a non-gendered colour palette, making the traditionally male subject relatable for all genders.- A relatable storyline for young readers, encouraging them to look for maths in their homes and environments, and seeing how, often without even knowing it, they use maths everyday.Characterful illustrations and rhyming text bring characters Beep and Boots to life! Children aged 5–7 will love seeing the adventures the robot duo go on and will learn key mathematical concepts concerning division in a gentle, fun way. Questions at the end of the book reinforce learning and encourage kids to look at the maths they can see in the world around them.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there?The Maths Adventurers series uses everyday scenarios to show how maths is all around us, making this difficult subject more accessible. If you loved The Maths Adventurers Share a Camping Trip, then you’ll love The Maths Adventurers Measure Up to learn about measurements and The Maths Adventurers A Day At the Zoo to learn all about time!
Objev podobné jako The Maths Adventurers Share a Camping Trip - Sital Gorasia Chapman
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