The red pony - john steinbeck

Produkt The red pony - john steinbeck sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The red pony - john steinbeck upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Red Pony - John Steinbeck


Jody Tiflin is a ten-year-old boy, living on his father's ranch. One day his father brings home a small pony. He's Jody's, if the boy will learn to feed, clean, stable and care for him. But Jody learns, through the colt, and through his other adventures on the ranch, that with responsibility can come sacrifice and pain. Joy may swiftly turn to tragedy. And he also discover that the simplicities of childhood must eventually turn into the complications of adulthood.The Red Pony is Steinbeck's brilliant, and sometimes brutal, celebration of adolescence, with a stunning new cover by renowned artist Bijou Karman. (

Podobné produkty ako The Red Pony - John Steinbeck , Denver john: the album - cd (4260494433432)

The Vigilante - John Steinbeck


'Everything was dead, everything unreal; the dark mob was made up of stiff lay-figures' One of America's greatest writers explores mob violence, voyeurism and betrayal in these unforgettable tales of Californian life. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vigilante - John Steinbeck , John elton: the captain and the kid - lp (4505532)

The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck


Shocking and controversial when it was first published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer prize-winning epic, The Grapes of Wrath,remains his undisputed masterpiece. Set against the background of Dust Bowl Oklahoma and Californian migrant life, it tells of the Joad family, who, like thousands of others, are forced to travel west in search of the promised land. Their story is one of false hopes, thwarted desires and broken dreams, yet out of their suffering Steinbeck created a drama that is intensely human, yet majestic in its scale and moral vision; an eloquent tribute to the endurance and dignity of the human spirit. (

Podobné produkty ako The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck , Hooker john lee: the album - cd (7619943022302)

The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

'I've done my damndest to rip a reader's nerves to rags, I don't want him satisfied.' Shocking and controversial when it was first published, The Grapes of Wrath is Steinbeck's Pultizer Prize-winning epic of the Joad family, forced to travel west from Dust Bowl era Oklahoma in search of the promised land of California. Their story is one of false hopes, thwarted desires and powerlessness, yet out of their struggle Steinbeck created a drama that is both intensely human and majestic in its scale and moral vision. (

Podobné produkty ako The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck , Mayall john & the bluesbreakers: silver tones: the best of - cd (8718627233115)

The Moon is Down - John Steinbeck


Originally published at the zenith of Nazi Germany's power, The Moon Is Down explores the effects of invasion on both the conquered and the conquerors. Occupied by enemy troops, a small, peaceable town comes face-to-face with evil imposed from the outside and betrayal from within the close-knit community. As he delves into the motivations and emotions of the enemy, Steinbeck uncovers profound and often unsettling truths both about war and human nature. (

Podobné produkty ako The Moon is Down - John Steinbeck , Echo & the bunnymen: the john peel sessions 1979-1983 - cd (9029546020)

The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck


Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, The Grapes of Wrath is an epic human drama, with a stunning new cover by renowned artist Bijou Karman. 'To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains came gently, and they did not cut the scarred earth.' Drought and economic depression are driving thousands from Oklahoma. As their land becomes just another strip in the dust bowl, the Joads, a family of sharecroppers, decide they have no choice but to follow. They head west, towards California, where they hope to find work and a future for their family. But while the journey to this promised land will take its inevitable toll, there remains uncertainty about what awaits their arrival . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck , Red dragon šipky steel john henderson se - 24g (294525)

The Grapes of Wrath (Defekt) - John Steinbeck


Shocking and controversial when it was first published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer prize-winning epic, The Grapes of Wrath,remains his undisputed masterpiece. Set against the background of Dust Bowl Oklahoma and Californian migrant life, it tells of the Joad family, who, like thousands of others, are forced to travel west in search of the promised land. Their story is one of false hopes, thwarted desires and broken dreams, yet out of their suffering Steinbeck created a drama that is intensely human, yet majestic in its scale and moral vision; an eloquent tribute to the endurance and dignity of the human spirit. (

Podobné produkty ako The Grapes of Wrath (Defekt) - John Steinbeck , Prine john: diamonds in the rough - lp (0349784658)

Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck

Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck

Seznamte se s hráči, děvkami, ožraly, pobudy – běžnými obyvateli ulice Na Plechárně – během hospodářské krize. Chtějí udělat radost svému příteli Doktorovi a rozhodnou se uspořádat pro něj oslavu. Naneštěstí se celá akce vymyká kontrole a je při ní zničen Doktorův dům i laboratoř. Úsilí získat si zpět jeho přízeň přinese ještě bláznivější nápad – přichystat novou párty. Komický i nostalgický příběh obyčejných lidí a jejich radosti ze života. (

Podobné produkty ako Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck , Coltrane john: trane - the atlantic collection - lp (8122794068)

Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck - audiokniha

Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Ulička Na Plechárně v kalifornském městě Monterey je báseň a smrad, randál a skřípění, záchvěv světla a útržek hudby a síla zvyku a stesk a sen... A její obyvatelé? To jsou hráči, děvky, umělci, prosťáčci i okouzlující pobudové. Zápletka prvního poválečného románu držitele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu, Johna Steinbecka, se točí kolem snahy povaleče Macka a jeho přátel překvapit všemi oblíbeného mořského biologa Doktora večírkem na jeho počest. Protože jsou ovšem bez peněz, musí si na ten tajný mejdan vydělat. A kdo jiný by jim mohl dát práci než právě Doktor. Naneštěstí se celá akce vymkne kontrole a je při ní zničen dům i vzácný gramofon jejich dobrodince. Úsilí získat si zpět jeho přízeň je přivede na nápad přichystat novou oslavu, která se ale tentokrát určitě vydaří. Mozaika osudů obyvatel pobřežní uličky v Monterey je poetickým, melancholickým ohlédnutím za obdobím Velké hospodářské krize a jejími dětmi, lidmi na okraji společnosti a bez životní perspektivy, ale s touhou po kráse a nekonečnu. (

Podobné produkty ako Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck - audiokniha , Lord john and the hand of devils (0099278251)

Hrozny hněvu - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

Hrozny hněvu - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

eBook:,Krutá sucha zničila veškerou úrodu na farmě Tomovy rodiny. Zmámeni iluzí o šťastné budoucnosti odcházejí za prací do Kalifornie. Cesta za snem se ovšem promění v boj s větrnými mlýny, ve kterém naleznou někteří členové rodiny smrt a jiní se snaží navzdory situaci zachovat si víru v lidskost a naději na lepší zítřky. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrozny hněvu - John Steinbeck - e-kniha , Echo & the bunnymen: the john peel sessions 1979-1983 (2x lp) - lp (9029549495)

Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

eBook:,Seznamte se s hráči, děvkami, ožraly, pobudy - běžnými obyvateli ulice Na Plechárně - během hospodářské krize. Chtějí udělat radost svému příteli Doktorovi a rozhodnou se uspořádat pro něj oslavu. Naneštěstí se celá akce vymyká kontrole a je při ní zničen Doktorův dům i laboratoř. Úsilí získat si zpět jeho přízeň přinese ještě bláznivější nápad – přichystat novou párty. Komický i nostalgický příběh obyčejných lidí a jejich radosti ze života. (

Podobné produkty ako Na Plechárně - John Steinbeck - e-kniha , Mutter anne-sophie: john williams - across the stars - cd (4797553)

O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck

O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck

Dva nemajetní zemědělští dělníci přicházejí ve 30. letech 20. století pracovat na farmu do Salinaského údolí. Každý z nich má jinou povahu, oba však spřádají sny a iluze, že jednou se jim podaří mít své vlastní hospodářství a budou tam chovat králíky. Doba je hodně zlá – a nejhorší se teprve rýsuje. Ochranářský a prozíravý George správně tuší, že slaboduchý silák Lennie by nechtě mohl způsobit katastrofu… Světoznámá novela přináší působivý příběh, v němž osudové zlo nenávratně zničí idylickou touhu po klidném životě. O myších a lidech patří k nejhodnotnějším prózám Johna Steinbecka. Toto dílo bylo úspěšně zfilmováno a odneslo si řadu nejvyšších ocenění. (

Podobné produkty ako O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck , Coltrane john: in the winner's circle (2012 - remaster) - lp (4050538816198)

Na východ od ráje - John Steinbeck

Na východ od ráje - John Steinbeck

Adam a Charles. Dva nevlastní bratři. Jeden klidný a naivní, druhý sebevědomý a lstivý. Přísný otec hodného Adama trestá a ponižuje. Charles však správně tuší, že bratra upřednostňuje a jen z něho chce udělat „správného chlapa“. Žárlivost přivede Charlese až k neochvějné touze svého soka v otcově přízni zabít. Autor ve svém nejlepším díle vykresluje obraz rodného Salinaského údolí, jeho zvuků, vůní a barev. (

Podobné produkty ako Na východ od ráje - John Steinbeck , Hooker, john lee: blues is the healer (10xcd) - cd (222916)

Al este del Edén - John Steinbeck


Al este del Edén, epopeya de resonancias bíblicas que inspiró la célebre película homónima dirigida por Elia Kazan y que contó con James Dean en el papel del mítico Cal Trask, narra las vicisitudes de dos familias a lo largo de tres generaciones, desde la guerra de Secesión hasta la segunda guerra mundial, en el lejano valle Salinas, en la California septentrional. Tras acompanar a la familia Hamilton a su épico asentamiento en la región, el lector penetra en el sofocante mundo de los Trask, en el que el severo Adam ?tras ser abandonado por su mujer, a quien nadie de la familia osa nombrar? intenta educar en el recto camino a sus hijos Cal y Aron, nuevos Caín y Abel, que entablan una pugna soterrada por el reconocimiento de su padre. Cuando Cal se siente extranamente atraído por la misteriosa Cathy Adams, que regenta el burdel más célebre de la región, la maldición caerá sobre el joven, en adelante condenado a permanecer al este de un elusivo Edén. (

Podobné produkty ako Al este del Edén - John Steinbeck , My little pony

East of Eden (Defekt) - John Steinbeck


Follows the intertwined destinies of two families - the Trasks and the Hamiltons - whose generations hopelessly re-enact the fall of Adam and Eve and the poisonous rivalry of Cain and Abel. (

Podobné produkty ako East of Eden (Defekt) - John Steinbeck , Lord of the rings - prancing pony and gondor tree - sklenice 2ks (3665361066873)

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck


Drifters in search of work, George and his childlike friend Lennie, have nothing in the world except the clothes on their back - and a dream that one day they will have some land of their own. Eventually they find work on a ranch in California's Salinas Valley, but their hopes are dashed as Lennie - struggling against extreme cruelty, and more. (

Podobné produkty ako Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck , The eldest curses 1. the red scrolls of magic (1471162168)

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck


Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil. Drifters in search of work, George and his childlike friend Lennie have nothing in the world except the clothes on their back - and a dream that one day they will have some land of their own. Eventually they find work on a ranch in California's Salinas Valley, but their hopes are dashed as Lennie becomes a victim of his own strength. Tackling universal themes of friendship and shared vision, and giving a voice to America's lonely and dispossessed, Of Mice and Men remains Steinbeck's most popular work, achieving success as a novel, Broadway play and three acclaimed films. (

Podobné produkty ako Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck , John elton: elton john - lp (5707094)

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

Drifters in search of work, George and his childlike friend Lennie, have nothing in the world except the clothes on their back - and a dream that one day they will have some land of their own. (

Podobné produkty ako Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck , Prine john: john prine - lp (0349784659)

Na plechárně - Steinbeck John

Na plechárně - Steinbeck John

Seznamte se s hráči, děvkami, ožraly, pobudy – běžnými obyvateli ulice Na Plechárně – během hospodářské krize. Chtějí udělat radost svému příteli Doktorovi a rozhodnou se uspořádat pro něj oslavu. Naneštěstí se celá akce vymyká kontrole a je při ní zničen Doktorův dům i laboratoř. Úsilí získat si zpět jeho přízeň přinese ještě bláznivější nápad – přichystat novou párty. Komický i nostalgický příběh obyčejných lidí a jejich radosti ze života. (

Podobné produkty ako Na plechárně - Steinbeck John , Amorphis: under the red cloud - cd (2736132112)

Hrozny hněvu - Steinbeck John

Hrozny hněvu - Steinbeck John

Krutá sucha zničila veškerou úrodu na farmě Tomovy rodiny. Zmámeni iluzí o šťastné budoucnosti odcházejí za prací do Kalifornie. Cesta za snem se ovšem promění v boj s větrnými mlýny, ve kterém naleznou někteří členové rodiny smrt a jiní se snaží navzdory situaci zachovat si víru v lidskost a naději na lepší zítřky. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrozny hněvu - Steinbeck John , Hooker john lee: house of the blues (coloured lp) - lp (8436559469500)

Robinson Jeffers a John Steinbeck - Petr Kopecký

Robinson Jeffers a John Steinbeck - Petr Kopecký

Robinson Jeffers a John Steinbeck kdysi představovali zvučná jména české překladové literatury, z nichž k dnešku doléhají jen ozvuky. Před půl stoletím se tito kalifornští autoři těšili nebývalé přízni české čtenářské i kritické obce. Přesto se v Československu, potažmo v České republice, nedostalo jejich tvorbě hlubší reflexe. Většina z kritických textů navíc vznikla před rokem 1989, a proto zahrnují i nutnou ideologickou úlitbu cenzorům. Nemohou tedy zcela otevřeně pojednávat o všech aspektech příslušných děl. Tato kniha představuje první ucelenou tematickou studii díla Robinsona Jefferse a Johna Steinbecka napsanou v českém jazyce. Přináší především hodnocení literárních textů obou autorů z hlediska ekologické literární kritiky (tzv. ekokritiky), literárněkritického směru, který má zejména v anglosaském akademickém světě mnoho příznivců. V českém prostředí se však doposud neetabloval a neexistuje zde ani žádná systematická studie uplatňující ekokritický pohled na literaturu. V závěrečném oddílu knihy je pak pozornost věnována ideologické dimenzi recepce díla obou autorů v komunistickém Československu. (

Podobné produkty ako Robinson Jeffers a John Steinbeck - Petr Kopecký , Mojo - shetlandský pony (5031923872318)

Por el mar de Cortés - John Steinbeck

Por el mar de Cortés - John Steinbeck

En marzo de 1940, John Steinbeck y su amigo el biólogo marino Ed Doc Ricketts se embarcaron en un viaje que llevaban tiempo sonando con hacer juntos. Mientras en Europa la guerra amenazaba con hacerse mundial, Steinbeck y Ricketts recorrieron durante seis semanas, en un pequeno barco sardinero llamado Western Flyer, más de cuatro mil millas: desde la bahía de Monterrey hacia el sur, bordeando la península de Baja California, hasta adentrarse en el entonces casi inexplorado mar de Cortés. (

Podobné produkty ako Por el mar de Cortés - John Steinbeck , Mojo - velšský pony (5031923872820)

O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck - audiokniha

O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Poetická novela o síle přátelství, dnes již klasické dílo světové literatury, vychází v mistrném podání Vladislava Beneše. George a Lennie spolu putují za prací od jednoho kalifornského ranče k druhému. Ačkoli se píší 30. léta 20. století a chudý zemědělský dělník by si toho neměl od života příliš slibovat, spřádají sny a plány, jak si za ušetřené peníze koupí malé hospodářství. Prozíravý George bude mít na starost všechno podstatné a slaboduchý hromotluk Lennie bude chovat králíky. Když se na statku seznámí s mrzákem Candym, který se k nim chce přidat, zdá se, že jsou od skutečného života jen krůček. Hubené časy však v málokom probouzí to lepší a na cestě ze dna ať nikdo pomocnou ruku nečeká… Poetická novela o síle přátelství, dnes již klasické dílo světové literatury, vychází v mistrném podání Vladislava Beneše. (

Podobné produkty ako O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck - audiokniha , John yoko

Al este del Edén (Defekt) - John Steinbeck


Al este del Edén, epopeya de resonancias bíblicas que inspiró la célebre película homónima dirigida por Elia Kazan y que contó con James Dean en el papel del mítico Cal Trask, narra las vicisitudes de dos familias a lo largo de tres generaciones, desde la guerra de Secesión hasta la segunda guerra mundial, en el lejano valle Salinas, en la California septentrional. Tras acompanar a la familia Hamilton a su épico asentamiento en la región, el lector penetra en el sofocante mundo de los Trask, en el que el severo Adam ?tras ser abandonado por su mujer, a quien nadie de la familia osa nombrar? intenta educar en el recto camino a sus hijos Cal y Aron, nuevos Caín y Abel, que entablan una pugna soterrada por el reconocimiento de su padre. Cuando Cal se siente extranamente atraído por la misteriosa Cathy Adams, que regenta el burdel más célebre de la región, la maldición caerá sobre el joven, en adelante condenado a permanecer al este de un elusivo Edén. (

Podobné produkty ako Al este del Edén (Defekt) - John Steinbeck , John galliano

O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

eBook:,Dva nemajetní zemědělští dělníci přicházejí ve 30. letech 20. století pracovat na farmu do Salinaského údolí. Každý z nich má jinou povahu, oba však spřádají sny a iluze, že jednou se jim podaří mít své vlastní hospodářství a budou tam chovat králíky. Doba je hodně zlá – a nejhorší se teprve rýsuje. Ochranářský a prozíravý George správně tuší, že slaboduchý silák Lennie by nechtě mohl způsobit katastrofu… Světoznámá novela přináší působivý příběh, v němž osudové zlo nenávratně zničí idylickou touhu po klidném životě. O myších a lidech patří k nejhodnotnějším prózám Johna Steinbecka. Toto dílo bylo úspěšně zfilmováno a odneslo si řadu nejvyšších ocenění. (

Podobné produkty ako O myších a lidech - John Steinbeck - e-kniha , Vera john

Paddywax Vonná sójová svíčka JOHN STEINBECK 370 g

Paddywax Vonná sójová svíčka JOHN STEINBECK 370 g

Vonná svíčka z kolekce Paddywax. Model vyroben z skla. (

Podobné produkty ako Paddywax Vonná sójová svíčka JOHN STEINBECK 370 g , John cotton prošívaná lehká mikrovláknová přikrývka the first 220x200 cm (jc-027927)

Na východ od ráje (reed) - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

Na východ od ráje (reed) - John Steinbeck - e-kniha

eBook:,Adam a Charles. Dva nevlastní bratři. Jeden klidný a naivní, druhý sebevědomý a lstivý. Přísný otec hodného Adama trestá a ponižuje. Charles však správně tuší, že bratra upřednostňuje a jen z něho chce udělat „správného chlapa“. Žárlivost přivede Charlese až k neochvějné touze svého soka v otcově přízni zabít. Autor ve svém nejlepším díle vykresluje obraz rodného Salinaského údolí, jeho zvuků, vůní a barev. (

Podobné produkty ako Na východ od ráje (reed) - John Steinbeck - e-kniha , John jay jay: the eminent jay jay johnson, vol. 1 - lp (4535351)

O myších a lidech - Steinbeck John

O myších a lidech - Steinbeck John

Světoznámá novela přináší působivý příběh, vystavěný na dialozích hrdinů, v němž osudové zlo nenávratně zničí idylickou touhu po klidném životě. (

Podobné produkty ako O myších a lidech - Steinbeck John , Tank and the bangas: red balloon - lp (3899245)

Na východ od ráje - Steinbeck John

Na východ od ráje - Steinbeck John

"Adam a Charles. Dva nevlastní bratři. Jeden klidný a naivní, druhý sebevědomý a lstivý. Přísný otec hodného Adama trestá a ponižuje. Charles však správně tuší, že bratra upřednostňuje a jen z něho chce udělat „správného chlapa“. Žárlivost přivede Charlese až k neochvějné touze svého soka v otcově přízni zabít. Autor ve svém nejlepším díle vykresluje obraz rodného Salinaského údolí, jeho zvuků, vůní a barev." (

Podobné produkty ako Na východ od ráje - Steinbeck John , Red hot chili peppers: the getaway - cd (9362492015)

John Williams - Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP)

John Williams - Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP)

Barva: Červená Interpret / Téma: John Williams Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: Lalaland Records Rok vydání: 2019.0 Typ: Barevná;LP deska Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Datum vydání: 2019-11-08 Varianta: Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP) Žánr: Soundtrack;Stage & Screen Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Red Subžánr: Soundtrack (

Podobné produkty ako John Williams - Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP) , Dylan bob: under the red sky - lp (0190758469416)

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

When Bill Masen wakes up blindfolded in hospital there is a bitter irony in his situation. Carefully removing his bandages, he realizes that he is the only person who can see. This title expresses many of the political concerns of its time: the Cold War, the fear of biological experimentation and the man-made apocalypse. (

Podobné produkty ako The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne


The Witcher meets Vikings in this new Norse-inspired fantasy series from acclaimed British author John Gwynne, which will thrill his existing fans as well as being the perfect starting point for new readers THE GREATEST SAGAS ARE WRITTEN IN BLOOD. A century has passed since the gods fought and drove themselves to extinction. Now only their bones remain, promising great power to those brave enough to seek them out.As whispers of war echo across the land of Vigrið, fate follows in the footsteps of three warriors: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman pursuing battle fame, and a thrall seeking vengeance among the mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods.Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne.Further praise for The Shadow of the Gods'Visceral, heart-breaking and unputdownable' Jay Kristoff'A satisfying and riveting read. The well-realised characters move against a backdrop of a world stunning in its immensity. It's everything I've come to expect from a John Gwynne book' Robin Hobb'A masterclass in storytelling . . . epic, gritty fantasy with an uncompromising amount of heart' FanFiAddict'Quintessential Gwynne honed to perfection . . . The Shadow of the Gods is absolutely stunning, one hell of an epic series opener and a spectacular dose of Viking-flavoured fantasy' The Tattooed Book Geek'Reminds me of all that I love in the fantasy genre. The Shadow of the Gods is an action-packed cinematic read' Fantasy Hive (

Podobné produkty ako The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

The Exchange: After The Firm - John Grisham


What became of Mitch and Abby McDeere after they exposed the crimes of Memphis law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke and fled the country?The answer is in THE EXCHANGE, the riveting sequel to THE FIRM, the blockbuster thriller that launched the career of the world's bestselling author.It is now fifteen years later, and Mitch and Abby are living in Manhattan, where Mitch is a partner at the largest law firm in the world. When a mentor in Rome asks him for a favour that will take him far from home, Mitch finds himself at the centre of a sinister plot that has worldwide implications - and once again endangers his colleagues, friends and family. (

Podobné produkty ako The Exchange: After The Firm - John Grisham

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham


A stunning new clothbound edition of one of the most famous science-fiction novels of the twentieth century, designed by the acclaimed Coralie-Bickford Smith.When Bill Masen wakes up blindfolded in hospital there is a bitter irony in his situation. Carefully removing his bandages, he realizes that he is the only person who can see: everyone else, doctors and patients alike, have been blinded by a meteor shower. Now, with civilization in chaos, the triffids - huge, venomous, large-rooted plants able to 'walk', feeding on human flesh - can have their day... (

Podobné produkty ako The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

The Poems of John Donne - John Donne - e-kniha


eBook: Soldier, secretary, Anglican priest, MP, father of 12, Dean of St Paul\'s... it\'s amazing that John Donne had any spare time. But this collection of his poems shows why it is good to give work to a busy person. \'The Poems of John Donne\' is an education and an inspiration, with his signature rhetorical style ever-present. Through love letters, songs, epigrams, satires and memorial verse, Donne reveals a breadth of knowledge and depth of understanding of the human spirit that has hardly been surpassed. This collection is perfect for fans of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. (

Podobné produkty ako The Poems of John Donne - John Donne - e-kniha

The Reckoning - John Grisham

The Reckoning - John Grisham

John Grisham returns to Clanton, Mississippi, to tell the story of an unthinkable murder, the bizarre trial that followed it, and its profound and lasting effect on the people of Ford County. Pete Banning was Clanton's favourite son, a returning war hero, the patriarch of a prominent family, a farmer, father, neighbour, and a faithful member of the Methodist Church. Then one cool October morning in 1946. he rose early, drove into town, walked into the church, and calmly shot and killed the Reverend Dexter Bell. As if the murder wasn't shocking enough, it was even more baffling that Pete's only statement about it - to the sheriff, to his defense attorney, to the judge, to his family and friends, and to the people of Clanton - was 'I have nothing to say'. And so the murder of the esteemed Reverend Bell became the most mysterious and unforgettable crime Ford County had ever known. Praise for Grisham's latest book, The Rooster Bar (

Podobné produkty ako The Reckoning - John Grisham

The Whistler - John Grisham

The Whistler - John Grisham

From John Grisham, America's #1 bestselling author, comes the most electrifying novel of the year, a high-stakes thrill ride through the darkest corners of the Sunshine State. We expect our judges to be honest and wise. Their integrity and impartiality are the bedrock of the entire judicial system. We trust them to ensure fair trials, to protect the rights of all litigants, to punish those who do wrong, and to oversee the orderly and efficient flow of justice. But what happens when a judge bends the law or takes a bribe? It's rare, but it happens. Lacy Stoltz is an investigator for the Florida Board on Judicial Conduct. She is a lawyer, not a cop, and it is her job to respond to complaints dealing with judicial misconduct. After nine years with the Board, she knows that most problems are caused by incompetence, not corruption. But a corruption case eventually crosses her desk. A previously disbarred lawyer is back in business with a new identity. He now goes by the name Greg Myers, and he claims to know of a Florida judge who has stolen more money than all other crooked judges combined. And not just crooked judges in Florida. All judges, from all states, and throughout U.S. history. What's the source of the ill-gotten gains? It seems the judge was secretly involved with the construction of a large casino on Native American land. The Coast Mafia financed the casino and is now helping itself to a sizable skim of each month's cash. The judge is getting a cut and looking the other way. It's a sweet deal: Everyone is making money. But now Greg wants to put a stop to it. His only client is a person who knows the truth and wants to blow the whistle and collect millions under Florida law. Greg files a complaint with the Board on Judicial Conduct, and the case is assigned to Lacy Stoltz, who immediately suspects that this one could be dangerous. Dangerous is one thing. Deadly is something else. (

Podobné produkty ako The Whistler - John Grisham

The Singularities - John Banville


From the Booker Prize-winning John Banville comes a playful, multilayered novel of nostalgia, life and death, and quantum theory. A man with a borrowed name steps from a flashy red sports car also borrowed onto the estate of his youth. But all is not as it seems.There is a new family living in the drafty old house: the Godleys, descendants of the late, world-famous scientist Adam Godley, whose theory of existence threw the universe into chaos. And this mystery man, who has just completed a prison sentence, feels as if time has stopped, or was torn, or was opened in new and strange ways. He must now vie with the idiosyncratic Godley family, with their harried housekeeper who becomes his landlady, with the recently commissioned biographer of Godley Sr., and with a wealthy and beautiful woman from his past who comes bearing an unusual request.With sparkling intelligence and rapier wit, John Banville revisits some of his career's most memorable figures, in a novel as mischievous as it is brilliantly conceived. (

Podobné produkty ako The Singularities - John Banville

The Firm - John Grisham


He thought it was his dream job. It turned into his worst nightmare. When Mitch McDeere qualified third in his class at Harvard, offers poured in from every law firm in America.Bendini, Lambert and Locke were a small, well-respected firm, but their offer exceeded Mitch's wildest expectations: a fantastic salary, a new home, and the keys to a brand new BMW. Except for the mysterious deaths of previous lawyers with the firm. And the FBI investigations.And the secret files. Mitch soon realises that he's working for the Mafia's law firm, and there's no way out - because you don't want this company's severance package. To survive, he'll have to play both sides against each other - and navigate a vast criminal conspiracy that goes higher than he ever imagined... (

Podobné produkty ako The Firm - John Grisham

The Whistler - John Grisham


The most corrupt judge in US history. A young investigator with a secret informant. John Grisham will keep you on the edge of your seat with his electrifying number one bestseller. The most corrupt judge in US history. A young investigator with a secret informant. The electrifying new thriller. Lacy Stoltz never expected to be in the firing line. Investigating judicial misconduct by Florida's one thousand judges, her cases so far have been relatively unexciting. That's until she meets Greg Myers, an indicted lawyer with an assumed name, who has an extraordinary tale to tell. Myers is representing a whistle blower who knows of a judge involved in organised crime. Along with her gangster associates this judge has facilitated the building of a casino on an Indian reservation. At least two people who opposed the scheme are dead. Since the casino was built, the judge has made several fortunes off undeclared winnings. She owns property around the world, hires private jets to take her where she wishes, and her secret vaults are overflowing with rare books, art and jewels. No one has a clue what she's been doing - until now. Under Florida law, those who help the state recover illegally acquired assets stand to gain a large percentage of them. Myers and his whistle blower friend could make millions. But first they need Lacy to start an investigation. Is she ready to pit herself against the most corrupt judge in American history, a judge whose associates think nothing of murder? 'The best thriller writer alive' Ken Follett (

Podobné produkty ako The Whistler - John Grisham

The Exchange - John Grisham


TEN DAYS TO SAVE A LIFE. ONE SECOND TO END IT.Mitch McDeere has cheated death and come out the other side. Fifteen years ago, he stole $10 million from the mob and disappeared. Now, with his enemies jailed or dead, he has fought his way to the top of the biggest law firm in the world.When a new case takes Mitch to Libya, danger awaits: he's soon in the biggest hostage negotiation in recent history with terrorists who have murdered and will murder again. Their demand is staggering: a ransom of $100 million must be paid within 10 days. But this isn't a random kidnapping - it's personal.And no one, not even Mitch's wife in New York, is safe. With the clock ticking, can Mitch stay one step ahead of his enemies? (

Podobné produkty ako The Exchange - John Grisham

The Wall - John Lanchester

The Wall - John Lanchester

Kavanagh begins his life patrolling the Wall. If he's lucky, if nothing goes wrong, he only has two years of this, 729 more nights.The best thing that can happen is that he survives and gets off the Wall and never has to spend another day of his life anywhere near it. He longs for this to be over; longs to be somewhere else.He will soon find out what Defenders do and who the Others are. Along with the rest of his squad, he will endure cold and fear day after day, night after night. But somewhere, in the dark cave of his mind, he thinks: wouldn't it be interesting if something did happen, if they came, if you had to fight for your life?John Lanchester's thrilling, hypnotic new novel is about why the young are right to hate the old. It's about a broken world you will recognise as your own-and about what might be found when all is lost. (

Podobné produkty ako The Wall - John Lanchester

The Hunger of the Gods (Defekt) - John Gwynne


The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne's acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeanceLik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own - and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hunger of the Gods (Defekt) - John Gwynne

Elton John - The Captain And The Kid (LP)

Elton John - The Captain And The Kid (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969 Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2022-09-02 Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2022.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;Remastered;Nové vydání;LP deska Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Rocket Entertainment Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Elton John Žánr: Pop;Rock Subžánr: Pop Rock Varianta: The Captain And The Kid (LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království (

Podobné produkty ako Elton John - The Captain And The Kid (LP)

The Rooster Bar - John Grisham

The Rooster Bar - John Grisham

'The Best Thriller Writer Alive' Ken Follett. John Grisham's newest legal thriller takes you inside a law firm that shouldn't exist. They were three young law students. They dreamed of changing the world. But they were duped. They took out massive student loans and have no hope of graduating with a good job. Now the three friends have given up studying and spend a lot of time plotting in a bar. There is only way out of their crushing debt: pretend to be real lawyers and expose the crooked hedge fund operator who owns both the school and the bank that arranged their student loans.They are taking a desperate risk. After all, they are going to war with a billionaire and the might of the FBI. (

Podobné produkty ako The Rooster Bar - John Grisham

The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green

The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green

A deeply moving and insightful collection of personal essays from #1 bestselling author John Green, adapted from his critically acclaimed podcast. The Anthropocene is the current geological age, in which human activity has profoundly shaped the planet and its biodiversity. In this remarkable symphony of essays adapted and expanded from his groundbreaking podcast, John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet - from the QWERTY keyboard and Staphylococcus aureus to the Taco Bell breakfast menu - on a five-star scale. Complex and rich with detail, the Anthropocene's reviews have been praised as 'observations that double as exercises in memoiristic empathy.' John Green's gift for storytelling shines throughout this artfully curated collection that includes both beloved essays and all-new pieces exclusive to the book. (

Podobné produkty ako The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green

The Echo Chamber - John Boyne

The Echo Chamber - John Boyne

What a thing of wonder a mobile phone is. Six ounces of metal, glass and plastic, fashioned into a sleek, shiny, precious object. At once, a gateway to other worlds - and a treacherous weapon in the hands of the unwary, the unwitting, the inept.The Cleverley family live a gilded life, little realising how precarious their privilege is, just one tweet away from disaster. George, the patriarch, is a stalwart of television interviewing, a 'national treasure' (his words), his wife Beverley, a celebrated novelist (although not as celebrated as she would like), and their children, Nelson, Elizabeth, Achilles, various degrees of catastrophe waiting to happen.Together they will go on a journey of discovery through the Hogarthian jungle of the modern living where past presumptions count for nothing and carefully curated reputations can be destroyed in an instant. Along the way they will learn how volatile, how outraged, how unforgiving the world can be when you step from the proscribed path.Powered by John Boyne's characteristic humour and razor-sharp observation, The Echo Chamber is a satiric helter skelter, a dizzying downward spiral of action and consequence, poised somewhere between farce, absurdity and oblivion. To err is maybe to be human but to really foul things up you only need a phone. (

Podobné produkty ako The Echo Chamber - John Boyne

Behind the Enigma - John Ferris

Behind the Enigma - John Ferris

You know about MI5. You know about MI6. Now uncover the mystery behind Britain's most secretive intelligence agency, in the first ever authorised history of GCHQ. For a hundred years, GCHQ - Government Communications Headquarters - has been at the forefront of innovation in national security and British secret statecraft. Famed for its codebreaking achievements during the Second World War, and essential to the Allied victory, GCHQ also held a critical role in both the Falklands War and Cold War. Today, amidst the growing threats of terrorism and online crime, GCHQ continues to be the UK's leading intelligence, security and cyber agency, and a powerful tool of the British state. Based on unprecedented access to classified archives, Behind the Enigma is the first book to authoritatively tell the entire history of this most unique and enigmatic of organisations - and peer into its future at the heart of the nation's security. (

Podobné produkty ako Behind the Enigma - John Ferris

The Last Chairlift - John Irving


John Irving, one of the world's greatest novelists, returns with his first novel in seven years - a ghost story, a love story, and a lifetime of sexual politics. In Aspen, Colorado, in 1941, Rachel Brewster is a slalom skier at the National Downhill and Slalom Championships. Little Ray, as she is called, finishes nowhere near the podium, but she manages to get pregnant.Back home, in New England, Little Ray becomes a ski instructor. Her son, Adam, grows up in a family that defies conventions and evades questions concerning the eventful past. Years later, looking for answers, Adam will go to Aspen.In the Hotel Jerome, where he was conceived, Adam will meet some ghosts; in The Last Chairlift, they aren't the first or the last ghosts he sees. John Irving has written some of the most acclaimed books of our time - among them, The World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules. A visionary voice on the subject of sexual tolerance, Irving is a bard of alternative families.In The Last Chairlift, readers will once more be in his thrall. (

Podobné produkty ako The Last Chairlift - John Irving

The Complete Roderick - John Sladek


Roderick is a robot and this is his autobiography. Sladek conveys, with great sensitivity and insight the innocence of an artificial intelligence and asks profound questions about mankind's right to manipulate others. It also portrays how a numerological mind might structure a narrative.Inventive, funny yet melancholy this is one of SF's greatest creative geniuses writing at his thought-provoking best. (

Podobné produkty ako The Complete Roderick - John Sladek
Denver John: The Album - CD (4260494433432), John Elton: The Captain And The Kid - LP (4505532), Hooker John Lee: The Album - CD (7619943022302), Mayall John & The Bluesbreakers: Silver Tones: The Best of - CD (8718627233115), Echo & The Bunnymen: The John Peel Sessions 1979-1983 - CD (9029546020), Red Dragon Šipky Steel John Henderson SE - 24g (294525), Prine John: Diamonds In The Rough - LP (0349784658), Coltrane John: Trane - the Atlantic Collection - LP (8122794068), Lord John and the Hand of Devils (0099278251), Echo & The Bunnymen: The John Peel Sessions 1979-1983 (2x LP) - LP (9029549495), Mutter Anne-Sophie: John Williams - Across The Stars - CD (4797553), Coltrane John: In The Winner's Circle (2012 - Remaster) - LP (4050538816198), Hooker, John Lee: Blues Is The Healer (10xCD) - CD (222916), my little pony, Lord of the Rings - Prancing Pony and Gondor Tree - sklenice 2ks (3665361066873), The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471162168), John Elton: Elton John - LP (5707094), Prine John: John Prine - LP (0349784659), Amorphis: Under The Red Cloud - CD (2736132112), Hooker John Lee: House Of The Blues (Coloured LP) - LP (8436559469500), Mojo - Shetlandský pony (5031923872318), Mojo - Velšský pony (5031923872820), john yoko, john galliano, vera john, John Cotton Prošívaná lehká mikrovláknová přikrývka THE FIRST 220x200 cm (JC-027927), John Jay Jay: The Eminent Jay Jay Johnson, Vol. 1 - LP (4535351), Tank and The Bangas: Red Balloon - LP (3899245), Red Hot Chili Peppers: The Getaway - CD (9362492015), Dylan Bob: Under The Red Sky - LP (0190758469416)