The power of lace - konstantina hlaváčková, ludvík hlaváček

Produkt The power of lace - konstantina hlaváčková, ludvík hlaváček sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The power of lace - konstantina hlaváčková, ludvík hlaváček upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Power of Lace - Konstantina Hlaváčková, Ludvík Hlaváček


Krajka - objekt - oděv / Lace-Art-Garment 1950-2020 Krajka je dnes považována za víceméně okrajový umělecký žánr. Přesto si udržuje výlučnou úlohu průvodce novověkých společenských osudů evropského člověka. Od renesance do počátku 20. století její výroba souvisela výhradně s náročným módním oděvem. Specifické období v oboru krajky nastalo v nově vzniklém československém státě ve 20. letech 20. století, kdy se textilní tvorba obecně stala součástí procesu avantgardní kulturní ideologie. Úspěšný rozvoj textilních uměleckých oborů vedený myšlenkou syntézy moderního životního stylu v souladu s národní tradicí pokračoval do konce 30. let. Po druhé světové válce se u nás, stejně jako ve světě, textilní umění přibližovalo umění volnému. Od konce 50. let se začalo radikálně měnit i pojetí krajky. Zcela opustila tradiční funkci a stala se trojrozměrným monumentálním dílem. Nový, umělecky svobodný pohled na krajku, spojený s dokonalou znalostí klasických technik, podnítil v Československu bohatou tvorbu tří generací výtvarnic. Jejich přínos světovému vývoji potvrdila ocenění získaná na mnoha mezinárodních výstavách. Katalog vydalo Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze v roce 2022 ke stejnojmenné výstavě konané v UPM od 19. května do 11. září 2022 u příležitosti 26. Generální konference ICOM Praha 2022. koncepce: Konstantina Hlaváčková texty: Konstantina Hlaváčková, Ludvík Hlaváček grafický design: Pavel Frič, Michaela Labudová, Monsters (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Lace - Konstantina Hlaváčková, Ludvík Hlaváček , Žanek hlaváček

Ascher: The Mad Silkman - Konstantina Hlaváčková

Ascher: The Mad Silkman - Konstantina Hlaváčková

Ascher - although the name and the brand are entirely unknown in the Czech Republic, in Western Europe they have been synonymous with fine textile design for more than seventy years. This book traces the story of Zika Ascher and his wife Lida, whose personal and professional lives played out against the dramatic history of the 20th century. After leaving Czechoslovakia in 1939, they built in London a highly successful enterprise that specialised in fashion fabrics. French, Italian and British designers and fashion houses chose Ascher textiles for their collections, including Dior, Balenciaga, Lanvin, Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent, Ronald Paterson, David Sassoon and Alberto Fabiani. Lida and Zika were especially celebrated for their Squares, a collection of luxurious printed scarves designed by famous artists such as Henry Moore, Henri Matisse and André Derain. The book weaves together all the different strands of their eventful lives to produce a comprehensive account that goes beyond the individual artistic, technical and business aspects. It devotes considerable attention to the years before Zika and Lida left Czechoslovakia in 1939 to go into exile in the United Kingdom, and it subsequently continues to map developments in their former homeland, which they never renounced. The book's author is Konstantina Hlaváčková, the curator of the textiles and fashion collection at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. Lida and Zika's son Peter Ascher has added some of his childhood memories. (

Podobné produkty ako Ascher: The Mad Silkman - Konstantina Hlaváčková , Dragonland: power of the nightstar - cd (0884860443920)

Ascher The Mad Silkman - Hlaváčková Konstantina

Ascher The Mad Silkman - Hlaváčková Konstantina

Ascher - although the name and the brand are entirely unknown in the Czech Republic, in Western Europe they have been synonymous with fine textile design for more than seventy years. This book traces the story of Zika Ascher and his wife Lida, whose personal and professional lives played out against the dramatic history of the 20th century. After leaving Czechoslovakia in 1939, they built in London a highly successful enterprise that specialised in fashion fabrics. French, Italian and British designers and fashion houses chose Ascher textiles for their collections, including Dior, Balenciaga, Lanvin, Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent, Ronald Paterson, David Sassoon and Alberto Fabiani. Lida and Zika were especially celebrated for their Squares, a collection of luxurious printed scarves designed by famous artists such as Henry Moore, Henri Matisse and André Derain. The book weaves together all the different strands of their eventful lives to produce a comprehensive account that goes beyond the individual artistic, technical and business aspects. It devotes considerable attention to the years before Zika and Lida left Czechoslovakia in 1939 to go into exile in the United Kingdom, and it subsequently continues to map developments in their former homeland, which they never renounced. The book's author is Konstantina Hlaváčková, the curator of the textiles and fashion collection at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. Lida and Zika's son Peter Ascher has added some of his childhood memories. (

Podobné produkty ako Ascher The Mad Silkman - Hlaváčková Konstantina , Van canto: to the power of eight - cd (npr1037dp)

Móda za železnou oponou - Konstantina Hlaváčková - e-kniha

Móda za železnou oponou - Konstantina Hlaváčková - e-kniha

eBook:,Odívání a móda mimořádně citlivě odrážejí způsob života společnosti a její ideály. Po roce 1948 českou módu poznamenala komunistická ideologie. Rozkvět v oděvnictví dosažený v období první republiky po válce pohasl a směr dalšího vývoje násilně ovlivnil rok 1948. Odívání se mělo stát základem nového životního stylu a móda jedním z nástrojů ideologického působení. Prosadily se snahy vytvořit společně s dalšími zeměmi východního bloku nový způsob odívání nezávislý na módě vycházející tradičně z francouzských návrhářských ateliérů. Teprve od druhé poloviny 50. let 20. století do konce let šedesátých se mohla také československá móda opět nechat inspirovat tzv. světovou módou. Na počátku nového desetiletí (v období tzv. normalizace) došlo k novým ideologickým zásahům do vývoje módy, ale již odlišným způsobem. Celý tento nepřirozený vývoj byl ukončen v rokem 1989, kdy se občané a stejně tak móda mohli svobodně nadechnout. Bohatě ilustrovaná publikace (fotografie sbírkových modelů Uměleckoprůmyslového musea, dokumenty, dobové časopisy) přibližuje čtenářům část každodenního života v 40letém období komunismu - způsob odívání, konformity i vzdoru, módní trendy, přebírání západních vzorů i hledání vlastní cesty. Na pozadí politických i společenských trendů kniha dokumentuje jak činnost výrobních podniků, tak především snahu lidí o důstojné a módní oblečení. (

Podobné produkty ako Móda za železnou oponou - Konstantina Hlaváčková - e-kniha , The hound of the baskervilles

Kachna, nebo králík? - Ludvík Hlaváček

Kachna, nebo králík? - Ludvík Hlaváček

Texty PhDr. Ludvíka Hlaváčka, ředitele Nadace pro současné umění Praha a pedagoga na Katedře dějin a teorie umění ústecké Fakulty umění a designu, které vznikaly původně jako záznamy přednášek z cyklu Socializace (v) umění z let 2007-2018, určených studentům magisterského studijního oboru Kurátorská studia FUD UJEP. "Po úvodních kapitolách věnovaných pojmům socializace, uměleckého díla a dějinnosti přistupuje autor ke svého druhu ‚dějinám umění‘ , ovšem pojednávaným z hlediska socializace a dějinnosti, roli průvodce má i Zuidervaartův model spirituality jako žitého obsahu, nikoli jako ideových tezí. […] Po stručném výkladu některých základních témat řeckého (zvl. typu kúros) a křesťanského umění vykládá renesanci jako přechod do ‚lineární perspektivy‘ , blízké heideggerovské vrženosti do světa, jehož jsme součásti, což nás pak bude provázet i v umění 20. století. […] Následuje další hraniční oblast, totiž tradičně velice hojně pojednávané baroko. Ludvík Hlaváček však i zde sleduje specifické, opomíjené a mnohdy paradoxní problémy socializace. Poslední přibližně třetina knihy pojednává témata víceméně aktuální, kde je autor zcela suverénně doma a může vybírat z nepřeberného množství příkladů. Kapitoly: Informel, Akční umění a Postmoderna. […] Za důležitý přínos považuji závěr knihy (Závěr: Sociální role umění jako probuzení bytostné nejistoty?). Opatrně skeptickým přístupem mapuje prostor nejistoty i jeho zneužívání k prezentaci falešných jistot. Hledání sociální role umění provází ovšem právě nejistota. Přesto, ba spíše proto, není hledání místa a sociální role umění v rámci ‚sociálního diskurzu‘ marné. Dokonce: takové hledání dynamiku ‚sociálního diskurzu‘ udržuje při životě. […] Gratuluji autorovi k vytvoření uceleného a dobře srozumitelného díla." (z lektorského posudku filozofa doc. Zdeňka Kratochvíla, Dr., 9. 4. 2020) (

Podobné produkty ako Kachna, nebo králík? - Ludvík Hlaváček , The turn of the screw

Josef Žáček - Anticorps - Ivan Martin Jirous, Milan Kozelka, Antonín Kosík, Magdalena Juříková, Ludvík Hlaváček


Tvorba malíře Josefa Žáčka má hluboce sociální a politický kontext. V současnosti kriticky reaguje na skryté i otevřené manipulace masmédií, otázku terorismu a na situaci vyvolanou uprchlickou krizí v Evropě. V publikaci ANTICORPS mimo jine umělec ukazuje svět jako každodenní mechanismus lidského konání, stereotypů, standardních úkonů. (

Podobné produkty ako Josef Žáček - Anticorps - Ivan Martin Jirous, Milan Kozelka, Antonín Kosík, Magdalena Juříková, Ludvík Hlaváček , Sidolux universal soda power lilly of the valley 5 l (5902986209604)

The Power of the Dog (9781784877842)

The Power of the Dog (9781784877842)

Kniha - autor Thomas Savage, 304 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Thomas Savage, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Discover Thomas Savage's dark poetic tale of a small town in early 20th century American that inspired the new Jane Campion film. Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley. Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years. When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins a relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector. From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The... (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of the Dog (9781784877842) , Sidolux universal soda power lilly of the valley 1 l (5902986208072)

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The international bestselling phenomenon, this book has inspired a generation and is as popular today as it was a decade ago when first published. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

The Power of the Dog - Savage Thomas

The Power of the Dog - Savage Thomas

Thomas Savage's dark poetic writing about bachelor brothers in a small town in early 20th century American will hook you in. Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley. Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. Phil is a vicious sadist, with a seething contempt for weakness to match his thirst for dominance; George has a gentle, loving soul. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years. When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins a relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector. From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The Power of the Dog will hold you in its grip. WITH AN AFTERWORD BY ANNIE PROULX 'With its echoes of East of Eden and Brokeback Mountain, this satisfyingly complex story deserves another shot at rounding up public admiration' Guardian (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of the Dog - Savage Thomas , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

The Power of the Powerless - Václav Havel

The Power of the Powerless - Václav Havel

Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of the Powerless - Václav Havel , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

The Power of the Dog - Thomas Savage


Discover Thomas Savage's dark poetic tale of a small town in early 20th century American that inspired the new Jane Campion film. Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley. Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years. When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins a relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector. From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The Power of the Dog will hold you in its grip. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of the Dog - Thomas Savage , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

Practising The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle


Eckhart Tolle's book describes the experience of heightenedconsciousness that radically transformed his life - and shows howby living in the moment we can also reach a higher state of beingwhere we can find joy and peace and where problems do not exist.The invaluable companion volume - PRACTISING THE POWER OF NOW -contains all the essential techniques we need to start to put thisimportant book into practice in our own lives. No reader will becomplete without it. (

Podobné produkty ako Practising The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

STAR Wars Tasse - The Power of Coffee

STAR Wars Tasse - The Power of Coffee

STAR Wars (The Power of Coffee) (

Podobné produkty ako STAR Wars Tasse - The Power of Coffee , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

Out of the Maze: A Story About the Power of Belief - Spencer Johnson

Out of the Maze: A Story About the Power of Belief - Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese? offered millions of readers relief for an evergreen problem: unanticipated and unwelcome change. Now its long-awaited sequel digs deeper, to show how readers can adapt their beliefs and achieve better results in any field. Johnson's theme is that all of our accomplishments are due to our beliefs: whether we're confident or insecure, cynical or positive, open-minded or inflexible. But it's difficult to change your beliefs - and with them, your outcomes. Find out how Hem, Haw, and the other characters from Who Moved My Cheese? deal with this challenge. (

Podobné produkty ako Out of the Maze: A Story About the Power of Belief - Spencer Johnson , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

The Power of Strangers : The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World - Keohane Joe


When was the last time you spoke to a stranger? In our cities, we barely acknowledge one another on public transport, even as rates of loneliness skyrocket. Online, we carefully curate who we interact with. In our politics, we are increasingly consumed by a fear of people we've never met. But what if strangers, long believed to be the cause of many of our problems, were actually the solution? In The Power of Strangers, Joe Keohane discovers the surprising benefits that come from talking to strangers, examining how even passing interactions can enhance empathy, happiness and cognitive development, ease loneliness and isolation, and root us in the world, deepening our sense of belonging. Warm, witty, erudite and profound, this deeply researched book will make you reconsider how you perceive and approach strangers, showing you how talking to strangers isn't just not a way to live, it's a way to survive. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Strangers : The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World - Keohane Joe , Svíčka ve skle the power of nature oud wood, 10 x 8,8 cm

The Ordinary The Power of Peptides Set dárková sada

The Ordinary The Power of Peptides Set dárková sada

The Ordinary The Power of Peptides Set, 3 ks, Oční séra pro ženy, Vše pro krásně vypadající pleť v jednom balení. Kosmetická sada The Ordinary The Power of Peptides Set obsahuje ne jeden, ale hned několik produktů, které pomůžou vytvořit nebo obohatit každodenní kosmetickou rutinu, a udělají tak radost vám nebo jako dárek potěší vaše blízké. Sada obsahuje: Multi-peptide + HA Serum zpevňující pleťové sérum 30 ml Multi-Peptide Eye Serum rozjasňující oční sérum 15 ml Multi-Peptide Lash and Brow Serum sérum na řasy a obočí 5 ml Vlastnosti: mix kosmetických produktů pro každodenní použití pro kompletní péči o pleť zpevňuje kontury obličeje dodává pleti hutnost podporuje a urychluje růst řas zabraňuje vypadávání řas odstraňuje otoky a tmavé kruhy pod očima Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu. (

Podobné produkty ako The Ordinary The Power of Peptides Set dárková sada , Svatý ludvík (978-80-257-0685-5)

Moc věcí / The Power of Things - Antonín Tomášek


Monografie Moc věcí přibližuje vidění a tvůrčí procesy designéra Antonína Tomáška. Pulzující dvojsmyslná hravost významů, kterou nabízí MOC v českém názvu publikace - vláda, vliv, síla versus míra, přesycenost až nadbytek, intuitivně podtrhuje roli věcí a poukazuje na vazby, jaké jsou mezi námi a předměty. Mezioborovou pestrost odráží i výběr autorů hlavních textů, jimiž jsou filozofka Anna Hogenová a teoretik Radek Wohlmuth, dále fotografie Jiřího Thýna či grafické zpracování Adély Svobodové. Postupně se rodící umělecké svědectví a způsoby, jakým Antonín Tomášek přistupuje k designu, k materiálu, k tělu a tělesům-objektům, a jak rozumí realitě, máte nyní možnost prozkoumat na stránkách česko-anglického vydání této knihy. Publikace doprovází výstavní projekt TOUCH, kurátorsky vedený Janem Dotřelem, jenž byl prezentovaný v pražské Galerii Kvalitář v roce 2021. (

Podobné produkty ako Moc věcí / The Power of Things - Antonín Tomášek , The narrative of arthur gordon pym of nantucket

Building ligatures: the power of type - Linda Kudrnovská


The 248-page book published by TypeTogether type foundry, presents a cross section of the knowledge, experience, and best practices in type design, typography, and graphic design written by over 50 contributors, each of whom are the most influential design writers and experts in the typographic industry. Featured contributors include Fiona Ross, Catherine Dixon, Gerry Leonidas, Veronika Burian, and José Scaglione, among others. Selected essays reflect not only on philosophical and ethical considerations, but also on practical and technological aspects of typographic life. Discussions range from font quality, digital typesetting, matchmaking and licensing, multiscript typography, and history of type design, to more fundamental questions, such as whether the world still needs new typefaces. The texts are accompanied by photographs documenting the life of TypeTogether type foundry over the course of fifteen years, and a selection of their typefaces which are paired with their brief impressions by acclaimed theoreticians and font users. Kniha na 248 stranách představuje příběh písmolijny TypeTogether, průřez znalostmi, zkušenostmi a osvědčenými postupy v oblasti tvorby písma, typografie a grafického designu. Čtenáři v knize najdou vyváženou kombinaci textů více než 50 nejvlivnějších současných expertů v oboru typografie z celého světa, rozhovory s designéry, fotografie dokumentující život písmolijny i nejslavnější písma z jejich katalogu. Autoři otevřeně a srozumitelně popisují úskalí tvorby fontů a nabízejí návody k jejich praktickému použití. Věnují se nejen kvalitě písma, jeho vzájemnému kombinování, nelatinkové typografii, digitální sazbě, licencím a historii tvorby písma, ale i obecnějším teoretickým otázkám: třeba jestli svět opravdu pořád potřebuje nová písma. Unikátním prvkem knihy jsou rozkládací anatomie představující různá světová písma. Čtenáři se tak mohou seznámit nejen s anatomií latinky, ale i arabštiny, čínštiny, řečtiny, azbuky, dévanágarí nebo thajštiny. (

Podobné produkty ako Building ligatures: the power of type - Linda Kudrnovská , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (1785040200)

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (1785040200)

Kniha - autor Angela Duckworth, 352 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Angela Duckworth, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Why do naturally talented people frequently fail to reach their potential while other far less gifted individuals go on to achieve amazing things? The secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a passionate persistence - in other words, grit. MacArthur Genius Award-winning psychologist Angela Duckworth shares fascinating new revelations about who succeeds in life and why. (

Podobné produkty ako Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (1785040200) , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

The Art of Fairness : The Power of Decency in a World Turned Mean - David Bodanis

The Art of Fairness : The Power of Decency in a World Turned Mean - David Bodanis

Can you succeed without being a terrible person? We often think not: recognising that, as the old saying has it, 'nice guys finish last'. But does that mean you have to go to the other extreme, and be a bully or Machiavellian to get anything done?In THE ART OF FAIRNESS, David Bodanis uses thrilling historical case studies to show there's a better path, leading neatly in between. He reveals how it was fairness, applied with skill, that led the Empire State Building to be constructed in barely a year - and how the same techniques brought a quiet English debutante to become an acclaimed jungle guerrilla fighter. In ten vivid profiles - featuring pilots, presidents, and even the producer of Game of Thrones - we see that the path to greatness doesn't require crushing displays of power or tyrannical ego. Simple fair decency can prevail.With surprising insights from across history - including the downfall of the very man who popularised the phrase 'nice guys finish last' - THE ART OF FAIRNESS charts a refreshing and sustainable new approach to cultivating integrity and influence. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of Fairness : The Power of Decency in a World Turned Mean - David Bodanis , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)

The Power of Geography : Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World - Tim Marshall


Tim Marshall's global bestseller Prisoners of Geography showed how every nation’s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn’t changed. But the world has.In this revelatory new book, Marshall explores ten regions that are set to shape global politics in a new age of great-power rivalry: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space. Find out why Europe’s next refugee crisis is closer than it thinks as trouble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth’s atmosphere is set to become the world’s next battleground.Delivered with Marshall’s trademark wit and insight, this is a lucid and gripping exploration of the power of geography to shape humanity’s past, present – and future.‘Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall is a master at explaining what you need to know and why.’ Peter Frankopan (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Geography : Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World - Tim Marshall , The witcher - signs of the witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)

Rebel Ideas : The Power of Thinking Differently - Matthew Syed

Rebel Ideas : The Power of Thinking Differently - Matthew Syed

Matthew Syed's phenomenal bestseller will change the way you think about success - forever. Rebel Ideas examines the power of 'cognitive diversity' - the ability to think differently about the world around us.It explains how to harness our unique perspectives, pool our collective intelligence and tackle the greatest challenges of our age - from climate change to terrorism. It draws on a dazzling range of case studies, including the catastrophic failings of the CIA before 9/11, a fatal communication breakdown on top of Mount Everest and a moving tale of de-radicalisation in America's Deep South.Rebel Ideas will strengthen any team or organisation, but has dozens of personal applications, too: from the art of personal reinvention to the remarkable benefits of personalised nutrition. It shows us how to become more creative, how to collaborate in a world becoming more interconnected, and how to break free of the echo chambers that surround us all.It's time to think differently... (

Podobné produkty ako Rebel Ideas : The Power of Thinking Differently - Matthew Syed , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

The Power of a Lie - Johan Bojer - e-kniha


eBook: Have you ever told a lie? How about a lie that ruins another man\'s reputation? This is the sin that Norby commits and the event that kicks off the storyline in this book. Will he feel guilty and come clean before he ruins another man\'s life?Norby is a farmer of wealth and a timber baron at the turn of the 20th century. He guarantees a loan for a young entrepreneur who ends up going bankrupt. Norby is embarrassed so goes along with a lie told to put the entrepreneur in a bad light. As time goes on this lie becomes bigger and bigger and causes more problems for Norby and the poor entrepreneur who works hard to clear his reputation. It eventually becomes difficult to separate the truth from fiction. Bojer explores how a lie effects the unfairly accused, the liar and everyone else involved. As we read how the novel delves into the psychology behind each character\'s personality and how they came to be that way, it isn\'t hard to see why this author was nominated five times for the Nobel prize in literature. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of a Lie - Johan Bojer - e-kniha , The end of loneliness (1473654041)

Van Canto: To The Power Of Eight - CD (NPR1037DP)

Van Canto: To The Power Of Eight - CD (NPR1037DP)

Hudební CD - To The Power Of Eigh je osmé studiové album německé metalové skupiny Van Canto. To The Power Of Eigh je osmé studiové album německé metalové skupiny Van Canto. Rok vydání : 2021 (8.album) (

Podobné produkty ako Van Canto: To The Power Of Eight - CD (NPR1037DP) , The tower of fools (1473226147)

The Power of Geography : Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World (Defekt) - Tim Marshall


Tim Marshall's global bestseller Prisoners of Geography showed how every nation’s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn’t changed. But the world has.In this revelatory new book, Marshall explores ten regions that are set to shape global politics in a new age of great-power rivalry: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space. Find out why Europe’s next refugee crisis is closer than it thinks as trouble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth’s atmosphere is set to become the world’s next battleground.Delivered with Marshall’s trademark wit and insight, this is a lucid and gripping exploration of the power of geography to shape humanity’s past, present – and future.‘Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall is a master at explaining what you need to know and why.’ Peter Frankopan (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Geography : Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World (Defekt) - Tim Marshall , Orphans of the carnival (1782116567)

The Power of Geography : Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World (Defekt) - Tim Marshall


Tim Marshall's global bestseller Prisoners of Geography showed how every nation’s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn’t changed. But the world has.In this revelatory new book, Marshall explores ten regions that are set to shape global politics in a new age of great-power rivalry: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space. Find out why Europe’s next refugee crisis is closer than it thinks as trouble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth’s atmosphere is set to become the world’s next battleground.Delivered with Marshall’s trademark wit and insight, this is a lucid and gripping exploration of the power of geography to shape humanity’s past, present – and future.‘Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall is a master at explaining what you need to know and why.’ Peter Frankopan (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Geography : Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World (Defekt) - Tim Marshall , The age of innocence (9788853620293)

The Power of Attraction - Lesbian Erotica - Roksana Zubrzycka - e-kniha


eBook: When Mal decides to end her five-year relationship with Anna, she feels it is a new beginning. However, time passes, and the excitement turns to sadness. She tries to convince herself that the breakup was a good decision, but a part of her misses her former beloved. One night, a woman from her dreams shows up at her place. Long-dormant feelings awaken in Mal... (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Attraction - Lesbian Erotica - Roksana Zubrzycka - e-kniha , The stories of sherlock holmes ()

The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society - Viorica Marian


Why should we learn more than one language?Can it change the way we think?Does it have the power to transform how we see the world? You may think you speak only one language. In fact, your mind is interpreting multiple codes of communication. Some people speak Spanish, some Mandarin. Some speak poetry, some are fluent in maths. Humans are built for multilingualism. Drawing on cutting-edge research and theory, delivered with wit and lucid insight, psycholinguist Viorica Marian explores the ways in which the mind uses multiple languages and how, in doing so, we can open the doors to unique forms of creativity, brain health and cognitive control. Every new language we speak - whether it is coding or musical notes, Hindi or Arabic - shapes how we extract and interpret information. It alters what we remember, how we perceive ourselves and those around us, how we feel, the insights we have, the decisions we make and the actions we take. The Power of Language lays bare how we use different linguistic codes to think about the world - and change our place within it.Empowering and practical, this is the perfect guide for anyone interested in how language really works. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society - Viorica Marian , The bastard of istanbul (0241972906)

Pyramid Hrnek Star Wars - The power of Coffee 315 ml

Pyramid Hrnek  Star Wars - The power of Coffee 315 ml

Hrnek Star Wars - The power of Coffee Designový hrnek s originálním potiskem Star Wars bude perfektním společníkem všech milovníků kávy, čaje ale především ideální pro každého fanouška Hvězdných Vojen. obsah: 315 ml oficiálně licencovaný produkt (

Podobné produkty ako Pyramid Hrnek Star Wars - The power of Coffee 315 ml , Fall of the argosi (1471405575)

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (0340733500)

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (0340733500)

Kniha - autor Eckhart Tolle, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A Canadian word-mouth-bestseller which asks us to leave analysis and the ego behind, surrender to the present, embrace your true self and skip happily into the sunset. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (0340733500)

Birdgirl: Discovering the Power of Our Natural World - Mya-Rose Craig


Discover Mya-Rose Craig's moving and life-affirming memoir about family, searching for rare birds, and the power of our natural world.In her memoir, Mya-Rose Craig and her family travel the world in search of rare birds and astonishing landscapes. But a shadow moves with them, too - her mother's deepening mental health crisis. In the face of this struggle, the Craigs turn to nature again and again, and every time it offers joy and stillness.On these journeys, Mya-Rose also witnesses the inequality and destruction we are inflicting on our fragile planet. And so, through the simple, mindful act of looking for birds, she becomes ever more determined to campaign for all our survival. (

Podobné produkty ako Birdgirl: Discovering the Power of Our Natural World - Mya-Rose Craig

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two - PC DIGITAL (693696)

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two - PC DIGITAL (693696)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: arkády a dětská, Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Zažijte dobrodružství s Disney, které je plné tvoření a objevování. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Ocitnete se v alternativním světě 80. let a setkáte se se zapomenutými postavami. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Zvolte si postavu Ve hře Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two si zahrajete za Mickey Mouse, ale také Oswalda Lucky Rabbit. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k... (

Podobné produkty ako Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two - PC DIGITAL (693696)

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know (0593298748)

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know (0593298748)

Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Adam Grant, 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know (0593298748)

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact (0552174459)

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact (0552174459)

Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact (0552174459)

Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha


Audiokniha: „Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred.“ Václav Havel. Martin Vopěnka weaves historical events with biographical narratives, describing the essence of a totalitarian society and the individual's yearning for truth. Are there gaps in your children's knowledge of 20th-century history? Would they struggle to assemble basic information about Václav Havel's life? This experienced author describes the personality of the first Czech president within the context of 20th-century history. He artfully combines historical occurrences with personal accounts, describing the nature of a totalitarian society and the unwavering pursuit of truth by individuals. Young readers will acquire a lucid understanding of figures like Masaryk and Hitler, the aftermath of the Munich Betrayal, and the milieu in which Václav Havel came of age. Following February 1948, the thoughtful, privileged child transformed into an undesirable son of a bourgeois family with the label "unsuitable for studies". Nevertheless, his heart and intellect were in the right place. His clear vision of the world around him and his personal charisma eventually propelled him into the unofficial leadership of the anti-regime movement and the presidency of our country. (

Podobné produkty ako Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha

Life in Motion. The Power of Physical Therapy - Pavel Kolář, Renata Červenková

Life in Motion. The Power of Physical Therapy - Pavel Kolář, Renata Červenková

"We move too little or in the wrong ways; movement is vanishing from our lives and from medicine,” says Professor Pavel Kolář, a physiotherapist at the forefront of rehabilitative and sports medicine, who works with the sophisticated machinery of the human body and mind to identify the causes of his patients' troubles and restore their health. In this interview with journalist Renata Červenková, he reveals surprising connections that confirm that nothing happens in our bodies by chance. (

Podobné produkty ako Life in Motion. The Power of Physical Therapy - Pavel Kolář, Renata Červenková

Think Like a Monk: The secret of how to harness the power of positivity and be happy now - Jay Shetty


Jay Shetty, social media superstar and host of the #1 podcast 'On Purpose', distils the timeless wisdom he learned as a practising monk into practical steps anyone can take every day to live a less anxious, more meaningful life.Over the past three years, Jay Shetty has become a favourite in the hearts and minds of millions of people worldwide. One of his clips was the most watched video on Facebook last year, with over 360 million views. His social media following totals over 32 million, he has produced over 400 viral videos, which have amassed more than 5 billion views, and his podcast, 'On Purpose', is consistently ranked the world's #1 health-related podcast.In this inspiring, empowering book, Shetty draws on his time as a monk in the Vedic tradition to show us how we can clear the roadblocks to our potential and power. Drawing on ancient wisdom and his own rich experiences in the ashram, Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us.The lessons monks learn are profound but often abstract. Shetty transforms them into advice and exercises we can all apply to reduce stress, improve focus, improve relationships, identify our hidden abilities, increase self-discipline and give the gifts we find in ourselves to the world. Shetty proves that everyone can - and should - think like a monk.Perfect for fans of Wim Hof, Robin S. Sharma and James Nestor! (

Podobné produkty ako Think Like a Monk: The secret of how to harness the power of positivity and be happy now - Jay Shetty

The Purpose of Power


In a powerful exploration of recent racial history, the cofounder of Black Lives Matter examines the moment we're in, how we got here and how together we can build movements to create a just and equal world.Black Lives Matter began as a hashtag when Alicia Garza wrote what she calls 'a love letter to Black people' on Facebook. But hashtags don't build movements, she tells us. People do. Interwoven with Garza's experience of life as a Black woman, The Purpose of Power is the story of how she responded to the persistent message that Black lives are of less value than white lives by galvanising people to create change. It's an insight into grass roots organising to deliver basic needs - affordable housing, workplace protections, access to good education - to those locked out of the economy by racism. It is an attempt not only to make sense of where Black Lives Matter came from but also to understand the possibilities that Black Lives Matter and movements like it hold for our collective futures. Ultimately, it's an appeal to hearts and minds, demanding that we think about our privileges and prejudices and ask how we might contribute to the change we want to see in the world._______________'Alicia Garza combines immense wisdom with political courage to inspire a new generation of activists, dreamers and leaders... People like Alicia have been speaking up for decades. If we want to turn protest into substantive change, it's about time we finally listened.' David Lammy, MP'Insightful, compelling and necessary.' Bryan Stevenson, author of Just Mercy (

Podobné produkty ako The Purpose of Power

Dragonland: Power Of The Nightstar - CD (0884860443920)

Dragonland: Power Of The Nightstar - CD (0884860443920)

Hudební CD - Power Of The Nightstar je šesté studiové album švédské power metalové skupiny Dragonland z roku 2022. Power Of The Nightstar je šesté studiové album švédské power metalové skupiny Dragonland z roku 2022. Dragonland je power metalová kapela ze Švédska. Skupina je známá svou vlastní fantasy ságou Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD The Awakening / A Light in the Dark / Flight from Destruction / Through Galaxies Endless / The Scattering of Darkness / A Threat from Beyond the Shadows / Aphelion / Celestial Squadron / Resurrecting an Ancient Technology / The Power of the Nightstar / Final Hour / Journey's End / Oblivion (

Podobné produkty ako Dragonland: Power Of The Nightstar - CD (0884860443920)

Václav Havel The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová


This biography is not just about Václav Havel and his legacy, but about the history of Central Europe in the 20th Century. It offers a foundation that anyone interested in this history should know. Václav Havel grew up during the great historical upheavals of the Second World War and the division of Europe by the Iron Curtain. Later he would make his own mark on history. Was he more powerful as a president struggling to bring a more human dimension to politics, or as a prisoner of the communist regime, acting in accordance with his conscience? In the face of the dangers and challenges of today, it becomes ever clearer that European politics in the decade since Havel's death has lacked figures of the same moral stature. Martin Vopěnka is the author of many successful books for children, young people and adults. His books have been translated into ten languages. Here, he once again shows his ability to select the most essential information and set it in comprehensible context. At the same time, he does not disguise the fact that the theme is a very personal one for him. Eva Bartošová's apt illustrations accompany his moving account of Havel's life and times. (

Podobné produkty ako Václav Havel The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová

Svíčka ve skle The power of nature Oud wood, 10 x 8,8 cm

Svíčka ve skle The power of nature Oud wood, 10 x 8,8 cm

Nádherná svíčka v matné skleničce bude skvělým doplňkem vašeho interiéru. Nádherná vůně agarového dřeva navodí u vás doma příjemnou atmosféru. (

Podobné produkty ako Svíčka ve skle The power of nature Oud wood, 10 x 8,8 cm

Life in Motion: The Power of Physical Therapy (978-80-7601-412-1)

Life in Motion: The Power of Physical Therapy (978-80-7601-412-1)

Kniha - autor Renata Červenková; Pavel Kolář, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná s přebalem lesklá "We move too little or in the wrong ways; movement is vanishing from our lives and from medicine,” says Professor Pavel Kolář, a physiotherapist at the forefront of rehabilitative and sports medicine, who works with the sophisticated machinery of the human body and mind to identify the causes of his patients' troubles and restore their health. In this interview with journalist Renata Červenková, he reveals surprising connections that confirm that nothing happens in our bodies by chance. (

Podobné produkty ako Life in Motion: The Power of Physical Therapy (978-80-7601-412-1)

The Power of Regret : How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward - Daniel H. Pink


Everybody has regrets. They're a fundamental part of our lives. In The Power of Regret, Pink explains how we can enlist our regrets to make smarter decisions, perform better and deepen our sense of meaning and purpose.Drawing on the largest sampling of attitudes about regret ever conducted from his own World Regret Survey, Pink identifies the four core regrets that most people have. With his signature blend of big ideas and practical takeaways, captivating stories and crisp humour, he argues that by understanding what people regret the most, we can understand what they value the most. We can transform our regrets into a positive force for working smarter and living better. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Regret : How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward - Daniel H. Pink

Sensitive: The Power of a Thoughtful Mind in an Overwhelming World - Jenn Granneman


Have you ever been told you're too sensitive? Welcome to the club. Nearly 1 in 3 people have the genes to be more sensitive than others. But what if we said it doesn't have to be the insult it's always been framed as?Highly sensitive people:· Have a heightened sense of empathy· Tune into subtle details and make connections that others miss· Are often wonderfully creative Through fascinating research, expert storytelling and practical insight, this book will teach you how to unlock the potential in this undervalued strength and leverage it in your relationships, your work and your life.Shattering the myth that being sensitive is a weakness, Sensitive will change - once and for all - how the world sees sensitive people, and how they see themselves. (

Podobné produkty ako Sensitive: The Power of a Thoughtful Mind in an Overwhelming World - Jenn Granneman

The Power of Regret : How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward (Defekt) - Daniel H. Pink


Everybody has regrets. They're a fundamental part of our lives. In The Power of Regret, Pink explains how we can enlist our regrets to make smarter decisions, perform better and deepen our sense of meaning and purpose.Drawing on the largest sampling of attitudes about regret ever conducted from his own World Regret Survey, Pink identifies the four core regrets that most people have. With his signature blend of big ideas and practical takeaways, captivating stories and crisp humour, he argues that by understanding what people regret the most, we can understand what they value the most. We can transform our regrets into a positive force for working smarter and living better. (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Regret : How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward (Defekt) - Daniel H. Pink

AHAVA The Power Of Love You Are Fabulous dárková sada (na tvář, ruce a tělo)

AHAVA The Power Of Love You Are Fabulous dárková sada (na tvář, ruce a tělo)

AHAVA The Power Of Love You Are Fabulous, , Krémové masky pro ženy, Vše pro krásně vypadající pleť v jednom balení. Kosmetická sada AHAVA The Power Of Love You Are Fabulous udělá radost vám nebo jako dárek potěší vaše blízké. Sada obsahuje: Time To Clear Purifying Mud Mask čisticí maska 100 ml Deadsea Water Mineral Hand Cream krém na ruce s minerály z Mrtvého moře 40 ml Time To Hydrate Essential Day Moisturizer hydratační denní krém pro normální a suchou pleť 50 ml kosmetická taška Vlastnosti: mix kosmetických produktů pro každodenní použití dárkové balení potěší všechny ženy luxusní taštička jako dárek Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu na etiketě. (

Podobné produkty ako AHAVA The Power Of Love You Are Fabulous dárková sada (na tvář, ruce a tělo)

Sensehacking : How to Use the Power of Your Senses for Happier, Healthier Living - Spence Charles

Sensehacking : How to Use the Power of Your Senses for Happier, Healthier Living - Spence Charles

The world expert in multisensory perception on the remarkable ways we can use our senses to lead richer lives 'Spence does for the senses what Marie Kondo does for homes - he shows us how to rearrange and declutter our way to better living' Avery Gilbert, author of What the Nose Knows How can the furniture in your home affect your well-being? What colour clothing will help you play sport better? And what simple trick will calm you after a tense day at work? In this revelatory book, pioneering and entertaining Oxford professor Charles Spence shows how our senses change how we think and feel, and how by 'hacking' them we can reduce stress, become more productive and be happier. We like to think of ourselves as rational beings, and yet it's the scent of expensive face cream that removes wrinkles (temporarily) and the noise of the crowd really does affect the referee's decision. Sensehacking explores how the senses are stimulated in nature, at home, in the workplace and at play. Using cutting-edge science, Spence shows how the senses interact and affect our minds and bodies. 'Everything you need to know about how to cope with the hidden sensory overload of modern life, engagingly told' Robin Dunbar, author of How Many Friends Does One Person Need? (

Podobné produkty ako Sensehacking : How to Use the Power of Your Senses for Happier, Healthier Living - Spence Charles

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change (1847946240)

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change (1847946240)

Kniha - autor Charles Duhigg, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A psychology/business crossover, this book reveals the secrets of why people do what they do and how they can change. Duhigg argues that the key to exercising regularly, losing weight, raising children, becoming more productive, etc, is in understanding how habits work. Duhigg was recently shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize. 'Once you've read this book, you'll never look at yourself, your organisation, or your world quite the same way.' Daniel H. Pink (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change (1847946240)

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (081298160X)

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (081298160X)

Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (081298160X)
žanek hlaváček, Dragonland: Power Of The Nightstar - CD (0884860443920), Van Canto: To The Power Of Eight - CD (NPR1037DP), The Hound of the Baskervilles, The turn of the Screw, SIDOLUX Universal Soda Power Lilly Of The Valley 5 l (5902986209604), SIDOLUX Universal Soda Power Lilly Of The Valley 1 l (5902986208072), Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442), The Heart of the Matter (0099478420), The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch (045496420055), Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078), Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921), The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217), The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368), Svíčka ve skle The power of nature Oud wood, 10 x 8,8 cm, Svatý Ludvík (978-80-257-0685-5), The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD), The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777), The Lord of the Rings - Elven - hrnek (3665361048251), The Witcher - Signs of the Witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad), House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, The End of Loneliness (1473654041), The Tower of Fools (1473226147), Orphans of the Carnival (1782116567), The age of Innocence (9788853620293), The Stories of Sherlock Holmes (), The Bastard of Istanbul (0241972906), Fall of the Argosi (1471405575)