Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Darebák David a vesmír - Francesca Simon

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o VESMÍRU. Věděli jste, že měsíční světlo ve skutečnosti neexistuje? Že Zemi se někdy říká Zlatovláska mezi planetami? Nebo že hvězdy jsou vlastně plynové koule? A věřili byste, že se kosmonauti nemůžou mýt vodou? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o vesmíru - ve stylu Darebáka Davida!

Podívejte se také Star Wars - The Child - zápisník (8427934512492)

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David a brouci - Francesca Simon

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o BROUCÍCH a jiné havěti. Věděli jste, že členovci mají tělo obrácené naruby? Nebo že motýli vnímají chuť nožičkama? A věřili byste tomu, že štěnice sají krev v noci jako upíři? Nebo že tělo švába žije ještě devět dní poté, co mu useknete hlavu? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o broucích a jiné havěti - ve stylu Darebáka Davida!

Podívejte se také Star Wars - The Child - batoh (2100003205)

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David čaruje - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

V zábavném vyprávění se znovu sejdeme s Darebákem Davidem a jeho kamarády. V nových příbězích budeme s Davidem stavět sněhuláka, navštívíme jeho kosmetický salon, popereme se s jeho bratrem o dálkový ovladač k televizi, zajdeme do školy Náladové Nely a zavítáme na oslavu Vzorného Vítka. S Darebákem Davidem se člověk nikdy nenudí, tenhle kluk totiž vzbudí i mrtvého.

Podívejte se také Star Wars - The Mandalorian - The Child - dětské tričko (GMERCHc0934nad)

cena 223.0 Kč

Horrid Henry: World's Worst Holiday - Francesca Simon

It''s the summer holidays and Horrid Henry would like to be spending his holidays eating unlimited ice cream and going on all the scariest roller coasters he can find - but instead his family are having a staycation. Life is never dull with Horrid Henry around, though, so it''s not long before he invents all sorts of holiday activities of his own. Discover six of the funniest Horrid Henry stories, about everything from the horrors of having to help with the housework to the time he convinced Perfect Peter that a cardboard box was a time machine!An irresistible introduction to reading for pleasure, with six stories plus a fun activity section - the perfect gift for new readers and Horrid Henry fans everywhere.

Objev podobné jako Horrid Henry: World's Worst Holiday - Francesca Simon

cena 236.0 Kč

Darebák David a brouci (Defekt) - Francesca Simon

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o BROUCÍCH a jiné havěti. Věděli jste, že členovci mají tělo obrácené naruby? Nebo že motýli vnímají chuť nožičkama? A věřili byste tomu, že štěnice sají krev v noci jako upíři? Nebo že tělo švába žije ještě devět dní poté, co mu useknete hlavu? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o broucích a jiné havěti - ve stylu Darebáka Davida!

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a brouci (Defekt) - Francesca Simon

cena 79.0 Kč

Dva strašliví Vikingové - Francesca Simon, Steve May

V zasněženém severském království protkaném fjordy žijí strašlivá dvojčata Tnul a Sekla a hrdě se označují za ty nejstrašlivější vikingy široko daleko. Pořádají nájezdy na narozeninové oslavy, s kamarády plení cizí pobřeží, loupí boty a troufnou si i na trolla. Tuhle děsivou dvojku zkrátka nic nezastaví. Tedy… skoro nic…Autorka Darebáka Davida přináší další příběh o neodolatelných lumpech, překypující vtipem a strašlivými skutky k popukání!

Objev podobné jako Dva strašliví Vikingové - Francesca Simon, Steve May

cena 223.0 Kč

Darebák David a duchové - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o DUCHÁCH.Věděli jste, že duchové jsou přízraky lidí, co umřeli, a vracejí se strašit na místa, která opustili? Nebo že na některých místech v Anglii můžete často potkat Bílou paní?Nebo že v Číně mají hladové duchy, jimž lidé musejí připravovat spousty jídla? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o duchách – ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a duchové - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David chystá léčku - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Další sbírka vyprávění o nenapravitelném rebelovi Davidovi přináší dvanáct příběhů, v nichž se setkáváme s Davidem, jeho rodinou a spolužáky třeba na pěším výletě, v nóbl restauraci, na fotbale nebo o Vánocích. Náš hrdina nikdy nezklame a svým chováním vždycky dělá čest svému jménu – Darebák David.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David chystá léčku - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 223.0 Kč

Darebák David a zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o ZVÍŘATECH. Věděli jste, že nejmenší savec na světě je tři centimetry dlouhý netopýrek? Nebo že čtverzubci se dokážou ve vodě nafouknout jako balon? Nebo že býci nereagují při zápasech na rudou barvu, protože jsou ve skutečnosti barvoslepí? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o zvířatech – ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David a tělo - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o TĚLE. Věděli jste, že kdybyste si z těla vysoukali střeva, omotala by několikrát tenisový kurt? Nebo že děti mrkají jednou nebo dvakrát za minutu, kdežto dospělí desetkrát? Nebo že pokaždé, když uděláte krok, pohne se vám na noze víc než 90 svalů? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o tělech – ve stylu Darebáka Davida!

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a tělo - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David má noční můru - Francesca Simon, Gisela Kubrichtová

Další pokračování veselých příběhů nenapravitelného Darebáka DavidaDvanáct nových příběhů známého uličníka Darebáka Davida, ve kterých nebude chybět jeho bráška Vzorný Vítek ani další kamarádi. Tentokrát Davida vyděsí noční můra, předvede Vítkovi kletbu kanibalů, rozhodne se napsat příručku o tom, jak zkrotit rodiče, a vyvede spoustu dalších rošťáren.Příběhy Darebáka Davida jsou určeny každému. Pobaví jak prvňáčky, tak pubescenty, stejně jako dospělé, kteří dětem předčítají. Autorka dokáže vystihnout dětskou duši i myšlení naprosto bezchybně, umí psát natolik poutavě a nadčasově, že odtrhnout se od knihy je prakticky nemožné. K dokonalosti prožitku přispívají i roztomilé a děj krásně podbarvující černobílé ilustrace.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David má noční můru - Francesca Simon, Gisela Kubrichtová

cena 223.0 Kč

Darebák David a podivná zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o zvířecích POTVŮRKÁCH. Věděli jste, že tučňák kroužkový krade kameny z hnízd svých sousedů? Nebo že chřestýši jsou nebezpeční ještě hodinu po tom, co sami umřou? Nebo že se sledi mezi sebou dorozumívají pšoukáním? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o potvůrkách - ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David a podivná zvířata - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David - králové a královny - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Vítejte u Davidova ujetého i úžasného, darebného i důvtipného populárně-naučného průvodce vším, co jste kdy chtěli vědět o KRÁLÍCH.Věděli jste, že anglická královna Alžběta má devět královských trůnů? Nebo že francouzský král Karel VI. si myslel, že je ze skla? Nebo že anglický král Richard II. vynalezl kapesník? Knížka nabitá bizarními informacemi i nahodilými maličkostmi je dokonalou příručkou o všem, co jste vždycky chtěli vědět (i o spoustě věcí, které jste možná vůbec vědět nechtěli) o králích i královnách – ve stylu Darebáka Davida! Zábavné čtení pro malé zvídavé čtenáře.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David - králové a královny - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

Darebák David: Hurá do oblak! - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

Darebák David se vrací a zlobí ještě víc než dříve! Přesvědčí vás o tom v nové knížce od Francesky Simonové, autorky nejprodávanějších knížek pro děti. Najdete v ní čtyři zbrusu nové příběhy, ve kterých Darebák David napáchá spoušť v letadle, musí napsat sloh o Tudorovcích, sabotuje školní hru a proklouzne na zakázaný tobogan. Tyto nadčasové skopičiny jednoho z nejoblíbenějších dětských hrdinů dětem s úspěchem poslouží jako první krok ke čtení pro radost.

Objev podobné jako Darebák David: Hurá do oblak! - Francesca Simon, Tony Ross

cena 178.0 Kč

The Monstrous Kind - Lydia Gregovic

The darkest secrets lie closest to home . . .''GORGEOUSLY EVOCATIVE'' AVA REID''ROMANTIC, CLEVER, DEEPLY EMOTIONAL'' ALLISON SAFT''HAUNTING AND TENDER'' KYLIE LEE BAKER An untpownable gothic historical fantasy romance, set in an Regency-inspired world and inspired by Jane Austen''s Sense and Sensibility. Merrick Darling''s life is better than most. As the daughter of a powerful lord, she wants for nothing - yet she will never inherit her family''s Manor. Her only options are a smart marriage, or to live at the kindness of her practical and regimented elder sister, Essie. Until the day her father dies in mysterious circumstances, and Merrick is torn from her glamorous New London society life to Norland House, her family''s mist-shrouded ancestral home. But the Manor has changed while Merrick has been away. Once strong and capable, Essie is withdrawn and frightened, and with good reason. The borders - their main defence against the toxic mist that has claimed much of their nation, and the deadly monsters that lurk within - have been failing for unknown reasons. When Essie goes missing, it''s clear that Merrick needs help. But who can she trust when everyone seems to be scheming, and all she holds true feels like it''s slipping out of her grasp?READERS LOVE THE MONSTROUS KIND'' Romantic and magical, this book was everything I was looking for in a romantasy'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ''I absolutely loved this gothic fantasy! I was on the edge of my seat and still every twist and turn and betrayal had me reeling!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''A perfect fit for readers who adore gothic, atmospheric monster stories with family dynamics, sibling love in a lush world of dark magic and mystery'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ''This is one of my favorite fantasy novels I''ve read in awhile'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Monstrous Kind - Lydia Gregovic

cena 591.0 Kč

Dva strašliví vikingové a smradlavý berserk - Francesca Simon, Steve May

Tnul a Sekla jsou ti nejstrašnější vikingové v celé vesnici - až do chvíle, kdy se přistěhuje děsivý berserk a zřídí si hned vedle jejich domu strašlivě smradlavou kadibudku. Pomůže snad dvojčatům jejich věrný pes a nově otevřená vikinská škola? Kdo vyjde vítězně ze zápasu se zápachem?Být ve všem úplně nejstrašnější není občas žádná sranda!

Objev podobné jako Dva strašliví vikingové a smradlavý berserk - Francesca Simon, Steve May

cena 223.0 Kč

The Secret - Lee Child, Andrew Child

1992. Two strangers bring a hospital patient a list of names. They ask him for one more, but it's a question the patient can't answer.Minutes later he is dispatched through the 12th floor window.His death generates some unexpected attention. That attention comes from the Secretary of Defence, who brings in an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher, recently demoted from Major to Captain, is assigned as the Army's representative.Reacher may be an exceptional soldier, but sweeping other people's secrets under the carpet isn't part of his skill set.As he races to find the killer, he must navigate around the ulterior motives of his new 'partners'. And all while moving into the sight line of some of the most dangerous people he has ever encountered.His mission is to uncover the truth. Fast.The question is: will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way . . .or his way?

Objev podobné jako The Secret - Lee Child, Andrew Child

cena 402.0 Kč

The Secret - Lee Child, Andrew Child

Chicago. 1992. A hospital patient wakes to find two strangers by his bed. They show him a list of names and ask a simple but impossible question. Minutes later he falls to his death from his twelfth-floor window - a fall which generates some unexpected attention. That attention comes from the Secretary of Defense, who calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher, recently demoted from Major, is assigned as the Army's representative. If he gets a result, great. If not, he's a convenient fall guy. Reacher may be an exceptional military investigator, but office politics aren't what gets him up in the morning. As he races to identify a cold-blooded killer and uncover a secret that stretches back 23 years, he must navigate around his new partners. Will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way . . . or his way?PRAISE FOR THE JACK REACHER SERIES'There's only one Jack Reacher. Accept no substitutes.' MICK HERRON'Jack Reacher is today's James Bond, a thriller hero we can't get enough of.' KEN FOLLETT'Everyone needs to kick some butt sometimes, even if it's just imaginary.' JOJO MOYESAlthough the Jack Reacher novels can be read in any order, The Secret is the 28th book in the internationally bestselling series. And be sure not to miss Reacher's newest adventure, no.29, In Too Deep! ***OUT NOW***

Objev podobné jako The Secret - Lee Child, Andrew Child

cena 650.0 Kč

The Child´s Child - Barbara Vineová

When Grace and her brother Andrew inherit their grandmother's house in Hampstead, they decide to move in together. They've always got on well, the house is large enough to split down the middle, and neither of them likes partying or loud music. There's one thing they've forgotten though: what if one of them wants to bring a lover into the house?

Objev podobné jako The Child´s Child - Barbara Vineová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Secret - Lee Child, Andrew Child

The gripping new Jack Reacher thriller from the No.1 bestselling authors Lee Child and Andrew Child. Chicago. 1992.A hospital patient wakes to find two strangers by his bed. They show him a list of names and ask a simple but impossible question. Minutes later he falls to his death from his twelfth-floor window - a fall which generates some unexpected attention.That attention comes from the Secretary of Defense, who calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher, recently demoted from Major, is assigned as the Army's representative. If he gets a result, great.If not, he's a convenient fall guy. Reacher may be an exceptional military investigator, but office politics aren't what gets him up in the morning. As he races to identify a cold-blooded killer and uncover a secret that stretches back 23 years, he must navigate around his new partners.Will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way . . .or his way?

Objev podobné jako The Secret - Lee Child, Andrew Child

cena 268.0 Kč

The Awkward Age - Segal Francesca

What does it take to be a family?Julia has fallen deeply, unexpectedly in love. James is her second chance, and everything she never knew she wanted. It's perfect but for two things: their children.Julia's beloved daughter Gwen loathes James and James's son Nathan takes pleasure in antagonising his new stepsister. Uniting two households is never easy, but the teenagers' unexpected actions will eventually threaten everyone's hard-won happiness.

Objev podobné jako The Awkward Age - Segal Francesca

cena 241.0 Kč

The Lost Music of the Holocaust - Francesco Lotoro

Scores sewn into coat linings, instruments hidden in suitcases, sheet music stashed among dirty laundry, concertos written on discarded food wrappers - these are just some of the ingenious ways prisoners in civilian, political and military captivity from 1933 to 1953 protected their music in the darkest of times.Italian pianist and composer Francesco Lotoro has been on a lifelong quest to find this remarkable music. He has painstakingly salvaged and performed symphonies, operas and songs written by the incarcerated musicians, many of whom died in the camps. He has travelled the globe to meet with families and survivors whose harrowing testimonies bear witness to the most devastating experiences in twentieth-century history.Movingly piecing together the human stories of those who wrote and performed whilst imprisoned, this compelling book takes readers on a journey into their extraordinary lives and music, shining a light on a unique beauty that somehow prevailed against all odds.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Music of the Holocaust - Francesco Lotoro

cena 738.0 Kč

The Last Caravaggio - Francesca Whitlum-Cooper

A focus on Caravaggio’s last work, The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula, telling the story of an empowered female saint

Objev podobné jako The Last Caravaggio - Francesca Whitlum-Cooper

cena 384.0 Kč

Monopoly The Child CZ

Představte si, že cestujete po galaxii s The Child neboli „Baby Yodou“. Tato desková hra Monopoly: Star Wars The Child obsahuje témata a vesmírná díla inspirovaná světem Mandalorianů. Po herní desce se pohybujte jako The Child –„Baby Yoda“, kupujte a prodávejte úkryty,společné domy a sledujte akce na kartách Camtono a Bounty Puck. Vítězem této hry se stává hráč, který jako jediný obehraje svoje spoluhráče a ti poté zbankrotují.

Objev podobné jako Monopoly The Child CZ

cena 447.0 Kč

The Visitor - Lee Child

Two female army high-flyers. Both acquainted with Jack Reacher. Both forced to resign from the service.Now they''re both dead.Found in their own homes, naked, in a bath full of paint. Apparent victims of an army man. A loner, a smart guy with a score to settle.A ruthless vigilante.A man just like Jack Reacher._________Although the Jack Reacher novels can be read in any order, The Visitor is the 4th in the series.And be sure not to miss Reacher''s newest adventure, no.29, In Too Deep! **PRE-ORDER NOW**Lee Child, Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, April 2024

Objev podobné jako The Visitor - Lee Child

cena 295.0 Kč

The Enemy - Lee Child

''There''s only one Jack Reacher. Accept no substitutes'' Mick Herron''The thing about Lee Child''s books is that you can''t put the damn things down. . .there''s something about his writing that''s addictive. The Enemy is no exception. . .Superb.'' Independent on Sunday_____________North Carolina. New Year''s Day, 1990. A soldier is found dead in a sleazy motel bed.Jack Reacher is the officer on duty. The soldier turns out to be a two-star general.The situation is bad enough, then Reacher finds the body of the general''s wife.This stomach-churning thriller turns back the clock to a younger Reacher, in dogtags. A Reacher who still believes in the service. A Reacher who imposes army discipline. Even if only in his own pragmatic way..._________Although the Jack Reacher novels can be read in any order, The Enemy is 8th in the series.And be sure not to miss Reacher''s newest adventure, no.29, In Too Deep! ***PRE-ORDER NOW***

Objev podobné jako The Enemy - Lee Child

cena 295.0 Kč

Monstrous Design - Kat Dunn

With swashbuckling, super-fast paced action and own voices queer romance, The Battalion of the Dead return in a dazzling new adventure, set amid the opulence and squalor of 18th-century London and Paris. 1794, London: where luxury and squalor rub shoulders and men of science conspire to raise the dead and make monsters. From the glamorous excesses of the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to the city's seedy underbelly, Camille continues her search for Olympe de l'Aubespine - the girl born of magic and mayhem.But with half the battalion trapped in Paris and a new enemy lying in wait in London, time is running out. Camille must decide how much she's willing to risk. To get what you want, how far is too far?Perfect for fans of Netflix's Shadow and Bone series.

Objev podobné jako Monstrous Design - Kat Dunn

cena 250.0 Kč

Monstrous Heart - McKenna Claire

A sensational debut novel: gothic, romantic gaslamp fantasy at it's very best. A magical tale of intrigue on dangerous waters and a love story for the ages. Perfect for fans of V.E. Schwab and China Mieville Arden Beacon arrives in the salt-swept port of Vigil with a job to do. Tasked with using the magic in her blood to keep the lighthouse burning, she needs to prove herself worthy of her family name and her ancestors' profession. But the coastline Arden must keep alight - battered by a sea teeming with colossal, ancient beasts - is far from the cultured, urban world she knows. It is a place of secrets, rumours and tight-lipped expectations of a woman's place. More than anyone, the town folk whisper about Arden's neighbour, Jonah Riven, the hunter of leviathans. They say he murdered his wife. They say he is as much a monster as his prey. Amidst all her determination and homesickness Arden cannot get this shadowy stranger out of her head. A plot swirls around the lighthouse keeper, the hunter and the authorities. Arden must make sense of these dark waters - before they wash her away.

Objev podobné jako Monstrous Heart - McKenna Claire

cena 241.0 Kč

Icon Light Mandalorian - The Child

Icon Light Mandalorian - The Child z kategorie Icon Light, od značky EPEE Merch - Paladone, máme skladem. Do 3 dnů u Vás.

Objev podobné jako Icon Light Mandalorian - The Child

cena 375.0 Kč

The Gruffalo's Child - Julia Donaldsonová

The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo shouldEver set foot in the deep dark wood.But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo's child disobeys her father's warnings and ventures out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist . . . does he?The Gruffalo's Child is the number one bestselling, much-loved sequel to the worldwide picture book phenomenon that is The Gruffalo. Julia Donaldson's trademark rhyming text and Axel Scheffler's brilliant, characterful illustrations combine once more to ensure that the Gruffalo's Child has followed firmly in her father's footsteps and that her story is one that children will ask for again, and again . . . and again! This handy board book format is perfect for younger readers. It features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have for even the smallest Donaldson and Scheffler fans! Also available in board book format and with striking redesigned covers are: The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, The Snail and the Whale, The Smartest Giant in Town, Monkey Puzzle, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book, and A Squash and a Squeeze.

Objev podobné jako The Gruffalo's Child - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

Monopoly Star Wars The Child

Představte si, že cestujete po galaxii s The Child neboli „Baby Yodou“. Tato desková hra Monopoly: Star Wars The Child obsahuje témata a vesmírná díla inspirovaná světem Mandalorianů. Po herní desce se pohybujte jako The Child –„Baby Yoda“, kupujte a prodávejte úkryty,společné

Objev podobné jako Monopoly Star Wars The Child

cena 499.0 Kč

The Story of the Lost Child - Elena Ferrante

The Story of the Lost Child is the concluding volume in the dazzling saga of two women- the brilliant, bookish Elena, and the fiery, uncontainable Lila. Both are now adults, with husbands, lovers, aging parents, and children. Their friendship has been the gravitational center of their lives. Both women fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up-a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. In this final novel she has returned to Naples, drawn back as if responding to the city's obscure magnetism. Lila, on the other hand, could never free herself from the city of her birth. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect the neighborhood. Proximity to the world she has always rejected only brings her role as its unacknowledged leader into relief. For Lila is unstoppable, unmanageable, unforgettable.The four volumes in this series constitute a long remarkable story that readers will return to again and again, and each return will bring with it new revelations.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Lost Child - Elena Ferrante

cena 268.0 Kč

The Survivor - Simon Conway

Jude Lyon of MI6 has narrowly foiled the traitor Fowle's plot to level London, but the public are demanding answers.Answers the government doesn't have.As the country reels, a new populist political figure carves a stratospheric trajectory - but is he all he seems?In Moscow the President is furious. The world now knows the destructive power of the programme his people had been developing, and as the Russians scramble to understand how it got into Fowle's hands, they start to worry that perhaps it could be used against them . . .But Jude Lyon has just one question on his mind:Guy Fowle is missing, with nothing left to lose,So what is he planning next?Seething with political machinations, burning with blood-thumping action, and featuring the best returning MI6 operative since James Bond The Survivor brings the espionage novel crashing into the modern day.

Objev podobné jako The Survivor - Simon Conway

cena 268.0 Kč

The Showman - Simon Shuster

AN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER''An intense, evocative portrait of one of the most remarkable figures of our era'' ANNE APPLEBAUM''This is the Zelensky book we’ve been waiting for’ CATHERINE BELTONTHE TIMES: A BEST BOOK OF 2024 – NEXT YEAR’S TOP READSGUARDIAN: BOOKS TO LOOK OUT FOR IN 2024INDEPENDENT: A BOOK OF THE MONTHWRITTEN WITH UNPRECEDENTED ACCESS, THIS IS THE FIRST INSIDE, INTIMATE ACCOUNT OF THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PRESIDENT ZELENSKY AND HIS TEAM.Based on four years of reporting; extensive travels with President Zelensky to the front; and dozens of interviews with him, his wife, his friends and enemies, his advisers, ministers and military commanders, The Showman tells an intimate and eye-opening story of the President’s evolution from a slapstick actor to a symbol of resilience, revealing how he managed to rally the world’s democracies behind his cause.Clear-eyed about the President’s early failures as a peacemaker and his willingness to silence political dissent, the book offers a complex picture of a man struggling to break what he sees as a historical cycle of oppression that began generations before he was born. Even as the war drags on, Zelensky lays out his vision for its future course and, through his actions, demonstrates his strategy for countering the Russians and keeping the West on his side. The result is a riveting, up-close picture of the invasion as experienced by its number one target and improbable hero.The Showman, as a work of eyewitness journalism, provides an essential perspective on the war defining our age. As a study in leadership and human resolve, its appeal is timeless and universal.''Intimate but unflinchingly objective, this biography gives you a seat at Zelensky''s war cabinet and penetrates his mind as he battles to save Ukraine''s freedom—and ours'' Peter Pomerantsev, author of Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible

Objev podobné jako The Showman - Simon Shuster

cena 650.0 Kč

The 'Peaks' - Simon Lilley

The BR diesel locomotive types, that under the TOPs renumbering scheme became Classes 44s, 45s, and 46s, are best known by their nickname of ''Peaks''. This is derived from the first ten locomotives being given the names of British mountains. These machines originated under the Modernisation Plan of 1955 as BR''s Type 4 design. The Class 45s and Class 46s had slightly more powerful engines compared to the Class 44s, with the Class 46s having Brush rather than Crompton Parkinson Ltd electrical equipment.The Class 45s became the main motive power on the Midland main line for many years, while the Class 46s were used heavily on cross country services between the North East and South West. The Class 44s were at first employed on the West Coast main line but were latterly were relegated to freight duties mostly being based at Toton depot in Nottinghamshire.This new study covers the three types from their design and inception through to withdrawal and preservation. It draws extensively on original source material from a number of archives, and is lavishly illustrated with over 200 black and white and colour photographs almost all of which are being published for the very first time.

Objev podobné jako The 'Peaks' - Simon Lilley

cena 813.0 Kč

The Blueprint - Simon Bajkowski

FOREWORD BY NEDUM ONUOHAThe year is 2012. Manchester City have failed in an audacious attempt to appoint Pep Guardiola, the most sought-after manager in world football. They watch as he wins consecutive league titles with Bayern Munich instead.The year is 2016. Guardiola has finally been courted by City. But his first season at the Etihad will be his first ever without a trophy. After drawing the first home game of his second season, he will shut himself away in the dressing room, inconsolable.The year is 2018. Manchester City followed that fateful draw with eighteen wins in a row. They will win the Premier League with a record, rampant 100 points - a now legendary 'Centurion' season.The year is 2023. Manchester City have just sealed an historic Treble by winning the Champions League in Istanbul, enhancing their legacy and Guardiola's. The world's most ambitious sporting project has come full circle and is ready to turn again.Throughout this project, Chief Manchester City Writer at the Manchester Evening News, Simon Bajkowski, has been alongside the team. Complete with unrivalled insight and new interviews, this book is a study in high-performance sporting excellence and elite management. But more than that, it is a true insider's guide: to how Manchester City won an historic Treble in 2023, a record fourth consecutive Premier League win in 2024 and how a near-perfect footballing machine was built from the ground up. Prepare for The Blueprint: a remarkable yet controversial ride through a sporting dynasty.

Objev podobné jako The Blueprint - Simon Bajkowski

cena 650.0 Kč

The Showman - Simon Shuster

'This book offers a front row seat to history as it is being made' ANNE APPLEBAUM'This is the Zelensky book we've been waiting for' CATHERINE BELTON'An elegant account of the invasion's first year as seen by those in the very eye of the storm' DAILY TELEGRAPHTIMES: A BEST BOOK OF 2024 - NEXT YEAR'S TOP READSGUARDIAN: BOOKS TO LOOK OUT FOR IN 2024INDEPENDENT: A BOOK OF THE MONTHWATERSTONES: JANUARY'S BEST BOOKSWRITTEN WITH UNPRECEDENTED ACCESS, THIS IS THE FIRST INSIDE, INTIMATE ACCOUNT OF THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PRESIDENT ZELENSKY AND HIS TEAM.Based on four years of reporting; extensive travels with President Zelensky to the front; and dozens of interviews with him, his wife, his friends and enemies, his advisers, ministers and military commanders, The Showman tells an intimate and eye-opening story of the President's evolution from a slapstick actor to a symbol of resilience, revealing how he managed to rally the world's democracies behind his cause.Clear-eyed about the President's early failures as a peacemaker and his willingness to silence political dissent, the book offers a complex picture of a man struggling to break what he sees as a historical cycle of oppression that began generations before he was born. Even as the war drags on, Zelensky lays out his vision for its future course and, through his actions, demonstrates his strategy for countering the Russians and keeping the West on his side. The result is a riveting, up-close picture of the invasion as experienced by its number one target and improbable hero.The Showman, as a work of eyewitness journalism, provides an essential perspective on the war defining our age.As a study in leadership and human resolve, its appeal is timeless and universal.

Objev podobné jako The Showman - Simon Shuster

cena 473.0 Kč

Monstrous Design (Defekt) - Kat Dunn

With swashbuckling, super-fast paced action and own voices queer romance, The Battalion of the Dead return in a dazzling new adventure, set amid the opulence and squalor of 18th-century London and Paris. 1794, London: where luxury and squalor rub shoulders and men of science conspire to raise the dead and make monsters. From the glamorous excesses of the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to the city's seedy underbelly, Camille continues her search for Olympe de l'Aubespine - the girl born of magic and mayhem.But with half the battalion trapped in Paris and a new enemy lying in wait in London, time is running out. Camille must decide how much she's willing to risk. To get what you want, how far is too far?Perfect for fans of Netflix's Shadow and Bone series.

Objev podobné jako Monstrous Design (Defekt) - Kat Dunn

cena 89.0 Kč

Monstrous Design (Defekt) - Kat Dunn

With swashbuckling, super-fast paced action and own voices queer romance, The Battalion of the Dead return in a dazzling new adventure, set amid the opulence and squalor of 18th-century London and Paris. 1794, London: where luxury and squalor rub shoulders and men of science conspire to raise the dead and make monsters. From the glamorous excesses of the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens to the city's seedy underbelly, Camille continues her search for Olympe de l'Aubespine - the girl born of magic and mayhem.But with half the battalion trapped in Paris and a new enemy lying in wait in London, time is running out. Camille must decide how much she's willing to risk. To get what you want, how far is too far?Perfect for fans of Netflix's Shadow and Bone series.

Objev podobné jako Monstrous Design (Defekt) - Kat Dunn

cena 89.0 Kč

What Monstrous Gods - Rosamund Hodge

A rich and romantic fantasy loosely inspired by the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. Perfect for fans of These Violent Delights and The Shadow Queen.Centuries ago, the heretic sorcerer Ruven raised a deadly briar around Runakhia''s palace, casting the royal family into an enchanted sleep—and silencing the kingdom''s gods.Born with a miraculous gift, Lia''s destiny is to kill Ruven and wake the royals. But when she succeeds, she finds her duty is not yet complete, for now she must marry into the royal family and forge a pact with a god—or die.To make matters even worse, Ruven''s spirit is haunting her.As discord grows between the old and new guards, the queen sends Lia and Prince Araunn, her betrothed, on a pilgrimage to awaken the gods. But the old gods are more dangerous than Lia ever knew—and Ruven may offer her only hope of survival.As the two work together, Lia learns that they''re more alike than she expected. And with tensions rising, Lia must choose between what she was raised to believe and what she knows is right—and between the prince she is bound to by duty … and the boy she killed.

Objev podobné jako What Monstrous Gods - Rosamund Hodge

cena 443.0 Kč

Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Child - dárkový set (5050293854632)

Dárková sada - hrnek, podtácek, klíčenka, oficiálně licencovaný produkt Pro všechny fanoušky Hvězdných válek tu je exkluzivní dárková sada, kterou si hned zamilují. Ke sledování oblíbené řady celovečerních filmů nebo seriálu The Mandalorian si můžete udělat kávu nebo čaj do designového hrnku, položit ho na tematicky stejný podtácek a ke klíčům si pověsit originální klíčenku. Oficiálně licencovaný set zdobený motivem oblíbeného mistra Yody užijete každý den. Dárková sada Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Child potěší jako krásná pozornost pod stromečkem nebo k narozeninám. Klíčové vlastnosti dárkové sady Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The ChildVšichni fanoušci Hvězdných válek si zamilují exkluzivní dárkovou sadu Designový hrníček, podtácek a klíčenku užijete každý denOficiálně licencovaný set je zdobený motivem oblíbeného mistra YodyDárková sada Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Child potěší jako krásná pozornost pod...

Objev podobné jako Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Child - dárkový set (5050293854632)

cena 259.0 Kč

Francesca Bianchi The Dark Side parfémový extrakt unisex 30 ml

Francesca Bianchi The Dark Side, 30 ml, Parfémy unisex, Nechte se přenést do dalekých krajin Orientu, kde se vzduchem nese vůně exotického koření, zní rytmická hudba a ze zlatých dekorací až přechází zrak. Unisex parfém Francesca Bianchi okouzlí vaše smysly hřejivou vonnou kompozicí s nádechem luxusu. originální vůně pro originální osobnost unisex – pro muže i pro ženy

Objev podobné jako Francesca Bianchi The Dark Side parfémový extrakt unisex 30 ml

cena 2652.0 Kč

Francesca Bianchi The Black Knight parfémový extrakt unisex 30 ml

Francesca Bianchi The Black Knight, 30 ml, Parfémy unisex, Objevte unisex parfém Francesca Bianchi The Black Knight , který je stejně originální jako vy. Je jen na vás, při jaké příležitosti necháte na své kůži vyniknout jeho mimořádně bohatou vůni. Stačí pár kapek a svět vám bude ležet u nohou. pro všechny, kteří se nebojí vystoupit z davu pro ženy i pro muže

Objev podobné jako Francesca Bianchi The Black Knight parfémový extrakt unisex 30 ml

cena 3051.0 Kč

Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale parfémový extrakt unisex 30 ml

Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale, 30 ml, Parfémy unisex, Poznejte luxus ukrytý ve flakonku. Unisex parfém Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale vyniká nezaměnitelnou vůní, která vám zajistí přesně takovou pozornost, o kterou stojíte. pudrová vůně kožená vůně dřevitá vůně originální vůně pro originální osobnost hřejivá vůně, ideální do chladného počasí unisex – pro muže i pro ženy

Objev podobné jako Francesca Bianchi The Lover's Tale parfémový extrakt unisex 30 ml

cena 3051.0 Kč

The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craigová

From the author of House of Salt and Sorrows comes the breathtaking fairytale retelling readers have been waiting for When death calls, she must answer. Hazel Trepas has always known she was different from her siblings. A thirteenth child, she was promised to one of the gods at birth - Merrick, the god of death. When he finally arrives, Hazel learns the art - and magic - of healing. Word of her extraordinary gift to know the cure for every ailment spreads throughout the kingdom. But all gifts come with a price. When Death claims a soul for himself, it is Hazel who must end their suffering... permanently. Soon, destiny brings her to the royal court where she meets Leopold, an infuriatingly alluring prince with a disdain for everything and everyone. Here, Hazel faces her biggest dilemma yet: to carry out her duties or follow the urges of her own heart. Can she go against the will of Death himself to save someone who is marked to die?

Objev podobné jako The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craigová

cena 268.0 Kč

Time of the Child - Williams Niall

Doctor Jack Troy was born and raised in the little town of Faha, but his responsibilities for the sick and his care for the dying mean he has always been set apart from his community. A visit from the doctor is always a sign of bad things to come.His youngest daughter, Ronnie, has grown up in her father's shadow, and remains there, having missed her chance at real love - and passed up an offer of marriage from an unsuitable man.But in the advent season of 1962, as the town readies itself for Christmas, Ronnie and Doctor Troy's lives are turned upside down when a baby is left in their care. As the winter passes, father and daughter's lives, the understanding of their family, and their role in their community are changed forever.

Objev podobné jako Time of the Child - Williams Niall

cena 402.0 Kč

The Gruffalo´s Child - Julia Donaldsonová

The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo should Ever set foot in the deep dark wood." But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo's child disobeys her father's warnings and ventures out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist ...does he? The Gruffalo's Child is the Number One best-selling, much-loved sequel to the worldwide picture-book phenomenon that is The Gruffalo. Julia Donaldson's trademark rhyming text and Axel Scheffler's brilliant, characterful illustrations combine once more to ensure that the Gruffalo's Child has followed firmly in her father's footsteps and that her story is one that children will ask for again, and again...and again! This edition features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have addition to the bookshelves of all Donaldson and Scheffler fans - big and small! Also available with redesigned covers are The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, The Snail and the Whale, The Smartest Giant in Town, Monkey Puzzle, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book, and A Squash and a Squeeze.

Objev podobné jako The Gruffalo´s Child - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 214.0 Kč

Discovery of the Child - Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori went beyond the conventions of the day to seek a new way of knowing and loving a child. In THE DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD, she describes the nature of the child and her method of working more fully with the child's urge to learn. With 16 pages of photographs.

Objev podobné jako Discovery of the Child - Maria Montessori

cena 214.0 Kč

Undercover Vozík The Child Polykarbonát 20'

Podrobnosti o produktu: Objem: 36 litrů 4 kolečka (otočná o 360°) ABS s ochranou proti poškrábání Kombinační zámek TSA Dvoustupňová teleskopická rukojeť Rukojeť pro přenášení Vnitřní obložení s napínacími popruhy a přepážkou na zip Rozměry a materiál: Rozměry ve složeném stavu (délka x šířka x výška): 21 x 35 x 56 cm Hmotnost: 2,4 kg Materiál: Polykarbonát Upozornění a bezpečnostní pokyny: Upozornění : Ověřte si prosím rozměry příručního zavazadla u své letecké společnosti.

Objev podobné jako Undercover Vozík The Child Polykarbonát 20'

cena 1598.0 Kč

All the Knowledge in the World - Simon Garfield

A gloriously illuminating history of the encyclopaedia (and how and why we have captured knowledge over the years) by the bestselling author of JUST MY TYPE and ON THE MAP The encyclopaedia once shaped our understanding of the world. Now these huge books sell for almost nothing on eBay while we derive information from our phones. What have we lost in this transition? All the Knowledge in the World tracks the story from Ancient Greece to Wikipedia, from modest single-volumes to the 11,000-volume Chinese manuscript that was too big to print. It exposes how encyclopaedias reflect our changing attitudes towards sexuality, race and technology, uncovers a fascinating part of our shared past and wonders whether the promise of complete knowledge - that most human of ambitions - will forever be beyond our grasp.

Objev podobné jako All the Knowledge in the World - Simon Garfield

cena 312.0 Kč

The Glass Room - Simon Mawer

Cool. Balanced. Modern. The precisions of science, the wild variance of lust, the catharsis of confession and the fear of failure - these are things that happen in the Glass Room. High on a Czechoslovak hill, the Landauer House shines as a wonder of steel and glass and onyx built specially for newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer, a Jew married to a gentile. But the radiant honesty of 1930 that the house, with its unique Glass Room, seems to engender quickly tarnishes as the storm clouds of WW2 gather, and eventually the family must flee, accompanied by Viktor's lover and her child. But the house's story is far from over, and as it passes from hand to hand, from Czech to Russian, both the best and the worst of the history of Eastern Europe becomes somehow embodied and perhaps emboldened within the beautiful and austere surfaces and planes so carefully designed, until events become full-circle.

Objev podobné jako The Glass Room - Simon Mawer

cena 178.0 Kč

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