The mister - e.l. james

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Mister - James E L

Mister - James E L

Londýn, 2019. Maxim Trevelyan vede bezstarostný život. Je pohledný, má konexe v aristokratických kruzích a peníze. Nikdy nemusel pracovat a zřídka spí sám. Vše se ale mění vlivem nešťastné události, po které Maxim zdědí šlechtický titul, bohatství a nemovitosti, avšak také veškerou související zodpovědnost. Na tuto roli není připraven a zdráhá se jí zhostit. Daleko větší výzvu však pro něj představuje potlačování touhy po záhadné mladé ženě, která nevlastní o mnoho víc než nebezpečnou a vtíravou minulost a teprve nedávno se přistěhovala do Anglie. Uzavřená, krásná a hudebně nadaná žena je přitažlivou hádankou, jež mění Maximův chtíč ve spalující vášeň, jakou nikdy předtím nepocítil a ani se ji neodvažuje pojmenovat. Kdo je Alessia Demachi? Dokáže ji Maxim ochránit před zlobou, která ji pronásleduje? A jak zareaguje ona, až zjistí, že i Maxim skrývá svá vlastní tajemství? Nechte se unášet ze srdce Londýna napříč divokou panenskou krajinou Cornwallu až k drsné a hrozivé kráse Balkánu. Mister je jako jízda na horské dráze plné nebezpečí a touhy, kterou prolétnete se zatajeným dechem až do poslední strany. (

Podobné produkty ako Mister - James E L , Blunt james: the afterlove - cd (9029585080)

The Mister - E.L. James


The thrilling new romance from E L James, author of the phenomenal number 1 bestselling Fifty Shades trilogy London, 2019. Life has been easy for Maxim Trevelyan. With his good looks, aristocratic connections, and money, he’s never had to work and he’s rarely slept alone. But all that changes when tragedy strikes and Maxim inherits his family’s noble title, wealth, and estates, and all the responsibility that entails. It’s a role he’s not prepared for and one that he struggles to face. But his biggest challenge is fighting his desire for an unexpected, enigmatic young woman who’s recently arrived in England, possessing little more than a dangerous and troublesome past. Reticent, beautiful, and musically gifted, she’s an alluring mystery, and Maxim’s longing for her deepens into a passion that he’s never experienced and dares not name. Just who is Alessia Demachi? Can Maxim protect her from the malevolence that threatens her? And what will she do when she learns that he’s been hiding secrets of his own? From the heart of London through wild, rural Cornwall to the bleak, forbidding beauty of the Balkans, The Mister is a roller-coaster ride of danger and desire that leaves the reader breathless to the very last page. (

Podobné produkty ako The Mister - E.L. James , James etta: the montreuxyears (2x lp) - lp (4050538631173)

Mister - James Barclay - e-kniha

Mister - James Barclay - e-kniha

eBook:,Ponořte se do milostného příběhu plného vášně. Mister je novou poutavou romancí spisovatelky E L James, autorky celosvětově úspěšné trilogie Padesát odstínů. Londýn v roce 2019. Maxim Trevelyan vede bezstarostný život. Je pohledný, má přátele v aristokratických kruzích a peníze. Nikdy nemusel pracovat a zřídka spí sám. Vše se ale mění vlivem nešťastné události, po níž Maxim zdědí šlechtický titul, bohatství a nemovitosti, avšak také veškerou související zodpovědnost. Na tuto roli není připraven a zdráhá se jí zhostit. Daleko větší výzvu však pro něj představuje potlačování touhy, již cítí k záhadné mladé ženě, která nevlastní o mnoho víc než nebezpečnou a vtíravou minulost a teprve nedávno se přistěhovala do Anglie. Uzavřená, krásná a hudebně nadaná žena je přitažlivou hádankou, jež mění Maximův chtíč ve spalující vášeň, jakou nikdy předtím nepocítil a ani se ji neodvažuje pojmenovat. Kdo je Alessia Demachi? Dokáže ji Maxim ochránit před zlobou, která ji pronásleduje? A jak zareaguje Alessia, až zjistí, že i Maxim skrývá svá vlastní tajemství? Nechte se unášet ze srdce Londýna napříč divokou panenskou krajinou Cornwallu až k drsné a hrozivé kráse Balkánu. Mister je jako jízda na horské dráze plné nebezpečí a touhy, kterou prolétnete se zatajeným dechem až do poslední strany. (

Podobné produkty ako Mister - James Barclay - e-kniha , American dj mister kool ii

Mister (SK) - James Barclay - e-kniha

Mister (SK) - James Barclay - e-kniha

eBook:,Nechajte sa pohltiť vášnivým ľúbostným príbehom. Mister je nová vzrušujúca romanca od E L James, autorky fenomenálnej trilógie Päťdesiat odtieňov, svetového bestsellera. LONDÝN 2019. Pre Maxima Trevelyana je život hračka. Dobre vyzerá, priatelí sa s aristokratmi a je bohatý, nikdy nemusel pracovať a len zriedkakedy spáva sám. To všetko však zmení tragédia. Maxim nadobudne šľachtický titul svojej rodiny, zdedí jej peniaze i nehnuteľnosti. S tým však súvisí aj zodpovednosť, na ktorú nie je pripravený, nedokáže ju vziať na seba. Ešte ťažšie je preňho nepodľahnúť pokušeniu v podobe tajomnej mladej ženy, ktorá len nedávno pricestovala do Anglicka a náhle mu skrížila cestu a ktorá sa okrem nebezpečnej, nepríjemnej minulosti nemá čím chváliť. Je zdržanlivá, je nádherná, je hudobne nadaná – skrátka, vzrušujúca záhada. A tak sa Maximova túžba čoskoro zmení na dosiaľ nepoznanú vášeň, ktorú si ani len nedovolí pomenovať. Kto je vlastne Alessia Demachi? Dokáže ju Maxim ochrániť pred nevraživosťou, čo jej hrozí? A čo urobí ona, keď sa dozvie, že aj on skrýva tajomstvá? Čitateľ príbehu Mister sa zo srdca Londýna prenesie cez divoký vidiek Cornwallu až na Balkán, typický svojou pochmúrnou, drsnou krásou, a počas šialenej jazdy, plnej nebezpečenstva a túžby, bude až do samého konca zadržiavať dych. (

Podobné produkty ako Mister (SK) - James Barclay - e-kniha , Mister stuzzy vanička krůtí 100g (8005852600318)

Mister - E.L. James

Mister - E.L. James

Londýn, 2019. Maxim Trevelyan vede bezstarostný život. Je pohledný, má konexe v aristokratických kruzích a peníze. Nikdy nemusel pracovat a zřídka spí sám. Vše se ale mění vlivem nešťastné události, po které Maxim zdědí šlechtický titul, bohatství a nemovitosti, avšak také veškerou související zodpovědnost. Na tuto roli není připraven a zdráhá se jí zhostit. Daleko větší výzvu však pro něj představuje potlačování touhy po záhadné mladé ženě, která nevlastní o mnoho víc než nebezpečnou a vtíravou minulost a teprve nedávno se přistěhovala do Anglie. Uzavřená, krásná a hudebně nadaná žena je přitažlivou hádankou, jež mění Maximův chtíč ve spalující vášeň, jakou nikdy předtím nepocítil a ani se ji neodvažuje pojmenovat. Kdo je Alessia Demachi? Dokáže ji Maxim ochránit před zlobou, která ji pronásleduje? A jak zareaguje ona, až zjistí, že i Maxim skrývá svá vlastní tajemství? Nechte se unášet ze srdce Londýna napříč divokou panenskou krajinou Cornwallu až k drsné a hrozivé kráse Balkánu. Mister je jako jízda na horské dráze plné nebezpečí a touhy, kterou prolétnete se zatajeným dechem až do poslední strany. (

Podobné produkty ako Mister - E.L. James , Mister stuzzy vanička šunka 100g (8005852600516)

Darker - James E L

Darker - James E L

Prožijte znovu vášeň Padesáti odstínů temnoty očima Christiana Greye prostřednictvím jeho vlastních slov, zmučených myšlenek, úvah a snů. E L James se vrací do světa Padesáti odstínů v hlubším a temnějším pohledu na milostný příběh, který okouzlil miliony čtenářů celého světa. Jejich spalující a smyslný poměr vyústil v hluboký žal a výčitky, přesto nedokáže Christian Grey vyhnat Anastasii Steeleovou z hlavy, natož z krve. Odhodlaný získat ji zpět, pokouší se potlačit své zvrácené touhy i potřebu absolutní kontroly a snaží se milovat Anu za jejích vlastních podmínek. Hrůzy jeho dětství ho však pronásledují dál, zatímco Anin úskočný šéf, Jack Hyde, chce zjevně Anu pro sebe. Pomůže Christianovi důvěrník a terapeut, doktor Flynn, čelit jeho démonům? Nebo ho majetnictví Eleny, jeho svůdkyně, a vyšinutá oddanost Leily, jeho bývalé submisivní společnice, vtáhnou zpět do minulosti? I kdyby si Christian opět vybojoval Anino srdce, může tak temný a osudem zdeptaný muž doufat, že si jej udrží? (

Podobné produkty ako Darker - James E L , Mister (978-80-269-1222-4)

The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha


eBook: The Dead written by legendary author James Joyce is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Dead is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for others who simply enjoy reading timeless piees of classic literature, this gem by James Joyce is highly recommended. Published by Classic House Books and beautifully produced, The Dead would make an ideal gift and it should be a part of everyone\'s personal library. (

Podobné produkty ako The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha , Arthur james: it'll all make sense in the end - cd (0194398740324)

The Bostonians - Henry James - e-kniha


eBook: Regarded as one of his finest works, Henry James' ‘The Bostonians’ (1886) is a brilliant satire about the women’s rights movement in America. Verena Tarrant is an inspirational feminist speaker, but her two disparate cousins are at loggerheads as they seek to control her future. Boston feminist Olive Chancellor hopes to turn Verena into a famous activist, while Basil Ransom, a southern lawyer, hopes to win Verena’s heart. Fans of ´The Bostonians´ might want to watch the movie adaptation from 1984, starring Christopher Reeve and Vanessa Redgrave. Henry James (1843-1916) was an American-born British author, and one of the founders of the school of realism in fiction. His inventive use of interior monologues and unreliable narrators brought complexity and depth to his work, making him hugely popular. A prolific writer, he published numerous novels, articles, travel books, biographies and plays. Among his best-known works are ‘Daisy Miller’ (1879), ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ (1881), and ‘The Bostonians’ (1886). Many of his stories have been adapted for TV and film, but it is his celebrated Gothic novella ‘The Turn of the Screw’ (1898), regarded as one of the greatest ghost stories ever written, that has been adapted more than any other. Most recently, the eponymous 2009 BBC TV series starring Michelle Dockery, and the Netflix series, ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’ (2020). James was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911, 1912, and 1916. (

Podobné produkty ako The Bostonians - Henry James - e-kniha , Mister stuzzy vanička pro sterilizované 100g (8005852601216)

Fifty Shades Darker - James E L

Fifty Shades Darker - James E L

Fifty Shades Darker Padesát odstínů temnoty od autorky E. L. James je druhým dílem trilogie. Poté co Anastasia Steeleová na vlastní kůži pocítí, jak temná jsou tajemství Christiana Greye, opouští ho. Přese vše, co se mezi nimi stalo, na něj stále nemůže zapomenout. Když jí tedy Christian předloží novou smlouvu, nemůže odolat a vrací se k muži, kterého miluje. Postupně odhaluje všechna tajemství a zjišťuje, že jeho padesát odstínů šedi je temnějších, než si kdy dovedla představit. A zatímco Christian bojuje se svými démony, Ana musí učinit nejdůležitější rozhodnutí ve svém životě… Prvním dílem, který vyšel je Fifty Shades of Grey Padesát odstínů šedi. Kniha Fifty Shades Darker získala ocenění Český bestseller za rok 2013 v kategorii Erotická literatura. (

Podobné produkty ako Fifty Shades Darker - James E L , Mister (sk) (978-80-269-1225-5)

Padesát odstínů temnoty - James E L

Padesát odstínů temnoty - James E L

Druhý díl erotického románu o temných touhách v každém z nás... Poté co Anastasia Steeleová na vlastní kůži pocítí, jak temná jsou tajemství Christiana Greye, opouští ho. Přese vše, co se mezi nimi stalo, na něj stále nemůže zapomenout. Když jí tedy Christian předloží novou smlouvu, nemůže odolat a vrací se k muži, kterého miluje. Postupně odhaluje všechna tajemství a zjišťuje, že jeho padesát odstínů šedi je temnějších, než si kdy dovedla představit. A zatímco Christian bojuje se svými démony, Ana musí učinit nejdůležitější rozhodnutí ve svém životě… (

Podobné produkty ako Padesát odstínů temnoty - James E L , Mister stuzzy vanička kuřecí+játra 100g (8005852600219)

Smoky the Cowhorse - William James - e-kniha


eBook: Born into the Wild West, Smoky knows nothing but the breath of freedom whipping through his mane as he rides into the wind. And when a cowboy named Clint takes him in as his trusty steed, his deep intelligence and strong spirit renders him the best cow horse in all the land. Everybody wants Smoky. But not just anybody can have him. Stolen by a horse thief on a dark summer\'s night, Smoky\'s loyalty to Clint remains unwavering. But what happens when a cow horse refuses to be ridden by a cruel thief? And more importantly, what becomes of a free spirit tossed around from owner to owner? Winner of the 1927 Newberry Medal, and adapted into three films, Will James\' \'Smoky the Cowhorse\' is ideal for fans of the beloved adventure-animated hit, \' Stallion of the Cimarron\'. (

Podobné produkty ako Smoky the Cowhorse - William James - e-kniha , James etta: this is etta james - lp (4260494436150)

The Unsinkable Greta James - Jennifer E. Smithová


Greta James's meteoric rise to indie stardom was hard-won. Before she graced magazine covers and sold out venues, she spent her girlhood strumming her guitar in the family garage. Her first fan was her mother, Helen, whose face shone bright in the dusty downtown bars where she got her start—but not everyone encouraged Greta to follow her dreams. While many daydream about a crowd chanting their name, her father, Conrad, saw only a precarious life ahead for his daughter.Greta has spent her life trying to prove him wrong, but three months after Helen's sudden death, and weeks before the launch of her high-stakes sophomore album, Greta has an onstage meltdown that goes viral. Attempting to outrun the humiliation and heartbreak, she reluctantly agrees to accompany her father on a week-long Alaskan cruise, the very one that her parents had booked to celebrate their fortieth anniversary.This could be the James family's last chance to heal old wounds and will prove to be a voyage of discovery for them, as well as for Ben Wilder, a historian also struggling with a major upheaval in his life. Ben is on board to lecture about Jack London's The Call of the Wild, the adventure story Greta's mother adored, and he captures Greta's attention after her streak of dating hanger-ons. As Greta works to build up her confidence and heal, and Ben confronts his uncertain future, they must rely on one another to make sense of life’s difficult choices. In the end, Greta must make the most challenging decision of all: to listen to the song within her or make peace with those who love her. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unsinkable Greta James - Jennifer E. Smithová , Taylor james: james taylor's greatest hits - lp (0349785254)

The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James - e-kniha


eBook: Can an Independent Woman Escape Her Destiny? After the death of her father, Isabel Archer, a young American lady with many hopes and dreams decides to visit her aunt in England. Isabel wants to be independent and rejects the marriage proposals of two wealthy men. Her cousin wants to help her so he convinces his father on his deathbed to leave much of the estate to Isabel. Can the Lady finally fulfill her dreams? (

Podobné produkty ako The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James - e-kniha , Taylor james: james taylor's greatest hits - cd (0349784786)

Jejich moře - James L. Cambias - e-kniha

Jejich moře - James L. Cambias - e-kniha

eBook:,Měsíc Ilmatar leží na hranici poznaného vesmíru. Svírá jej příkrov věčně praskajícího ledu a mrazivá hlubina oceánu. Z temnoty na jejím dně se noří tajemné bytosti obývající nehostinnou vodní prázdnotu. Vědecká expedice na podmořské stanici Hitode zkoumá tyto podivuhodné formy života i prastarou místní kulturu. Ve jménu civilizace ale přichází i další návštěvníci z vesmíru. Moře pod ledem se nečekaně stává dějištěm hrozícího mezigalaktického konfliktu mezi lidmi a nepřátelským mimozemským druhem. Nepatří však ani jednomu z nich, patří Ilmatařanům. Je to Jejich moře. (

Podobné produkty ako Jejich moře - James L. Cambias - e-kniha , Taylor james: the warner bros. albums 1970-1976 (6x cd) - cd (0349785239)

The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man - James Weldon Johnson - e-kniha


eBook: James Weldon Johnson\'s emotionally gripping novel is a landmark in black literary history and, more than eighty years after its original anonymous publication, a classic of American fiction.The first fictional memoir ever written by a black person, The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man influenced a generation of writers during the Harlem Renaissance and served as eloquent inspiration for Zora Neale Hurston, Ralph Ellison, and Richard Wright. In the 1920s and since, it has also given white readers a startling new perspective on their own culture, revealing to many the double standard of racial identity imposed on black Americans.Narrated by a mulatto man whose light skin allows him to \"pass\" for white, the novel describes a pilgrimage through America\'s color lines at the turn of the century--from a black college in Jacksonville to an elite New York nightclub, from the rural South to the white suburbs of the Northeast. (

Podobné produkty ako The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man - James Weldon Johnson - e-kniha , Arthur james: it'll all make sense in the end (podepsané) - cd (0194398740423)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce - e-kniha


eBook: "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is a semi-autobiographical novel by James Joyce that follows the coming-of-age of Stephen Dedalus, a young Irish artist. The book charts Stephen's intellectual, moral, and spiritual development from childhood to adulthood as he struggles with his identity, religious faith, and independence. Through Stephen's experiences and introspective thoughts, the novel explores themes of nationalism, identity, and artistic expression, painting a vivid portrait of the young artist's inner world and the societal and cultural forces that shape it. (

Podobné produkty ako A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce - e-kniha , Williams james: star wars: the empire strikes back (2x lp) - lp (8746273)

HIT: Kompletný sprievodca histamínovou intoleranciou - James L. Gibbs - e-kniha

HIT: Kompletný sprievodca histamínovou intoleranciou - James L. Gibbs - e-kniha

eBook:,Histamínová intolerancia (HIT) patrí v súčasnosti medzi rozšírené ochorenia. Postihuje mnohých z nás, aj keď o jej existencii často netušíme. Jej príznakmi môžeme trpieť dlhodobo a sú také rôznorodé, že si ich zvyčajne nedáme do súvisu so stravou, ktorú naše telo nevie správne spracovať. Dôvodom je neznášanlivosť histamínu – látky, ktorá sa vyskytuje v mnohých potravinách. Dobrá správa je, že ak o HIT získame informácie a pochopíme mechanizmus tohto ochorenia, môžeme sa úspešne vyliečiť. (

Podobné produkty ako HIT: Kompletný sprievodca histamínovou intoleranciou - James L. Gibbs - e-kniha , Klarstein mister eco, motorový filtr, náhradní díl, ochrana motoru

HIT. Kompletní průvodce histaminovou intolerancí - James L. Gibbs - e-kniha


eBook: Histaminová intolerance (HIT) postihuje mnohé z nás, i když leckdy ani nevíme, že ji máme. Tato kompletní příručka informuje o příčinách vzniku onemocnění i symptomech a možnostech léčby. Přináší seznam potravin s nízkým obsahem histaminu a více než 150 skvělých receptů od předkrmů až po dezerty. (

Podobné produkty ako HIT. Kompletní průvodce histaminovou intolerancí - James L. Gibbs - e-kniha , Blunt james: once upon a mind (ed speciale france), the afterlove (2x cd) - cd (9029671404)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (YA) - James Joyce - e-kniha


eBook: What if all that you knew was a lie? A version of the truth prescribed and injected to you without consultation, conversation or countability? When Stephen Dedalus finds fault with religion and reality in 19th-century Ireland, he quickly decides to forge his own fate. But society is less than kind to those who reject their rightful futures. And Stephen will soon learn the price he has to pay if he is to reclaim a sense of soul and conscience. Weaving a powerful and poignant tale of passion and perseverance, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ is perfect for fans of Michelle Gallen, Niall Williams, and Frances Macken. Born in Ireland, James Joyce (1882-1941) was a trailblazing and experimental novelist and poet. He is celebrated as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century with his landmark novel ‘Ulysses’, which parallels Homer’s ‘Odyssey’, whilst his other works include ‘Dubliners’, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, and ‘Finnegans Wake’. (

Podobné produkty ako A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (YA) - James Joyce - e-kniha , Mister dog - môj tajný denník (978-80-8103-108-3)

The Four Stragglers - Frank L. Packard - e-kniha


eBook: This is the story of four Allied soldiers who found themselves lost behind the enemy lines. Later it is revealed that three of them are running high-class criminal organisations running scams in England and France. They stumble upon the great opportunity to make a big score in one action, and it leads to a complex and thrilling journey to the USA. The story has been well conceived and keeps the mystery guessing throughout. (

Podobné produkty ako The Four Stragglers - Frank L. Packard - e-kniha , James bond: chobotnička - dvd (d007103)

The Turn of the Screw - James Henry

The Turn of the Screw - James Henry

After I had accepted the position and agreed to his condition, I had two or three very bad days. I was full of doubts, sure I had made a terrible mistake. I was in this state of mind as I sat in the uncomfortable coach which was taking me to my new home.’ Tag Ghost story In this Reader you will find: - Information about Henry James’s life - Sections focusing on background and context - Glossary of difficult words - Comprehension activities - FCE-style activities - Exit test A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The children are beautiful and well-behaved, but are they too good to be true? When the governess starts to experience strange visions, she suspects that the children are hiding a terrible secret. Are there ghosts at Bly, or is the governess going mad? Henry James’s classic ghost story is retold here at level B2. Syllabus Verbs: Present perfect, Past perfect, Future tenses including, future perfect, Irregular verbs: would for, willingness/refusal, Third conditional, If clauses (in zero conditional), Used to and would, Phrasal verbs, Passive forms, Infinitive constructions Conjunctions: as soon as, but, however, and, because Determiners: whichever, whatever, whoever etc, either, neither, none, both, little, some, enough, every, most, time phrases Sentence types: Relative clauses: embedded, defining Modal Verbs: Will, Might, May, Shall, Could, Should Other: Adverbs, Where clauses, Phrases with when, Before/After clauses (not with future reference) (

Podobné produkty ako The Turn of the Screw - James Henry , James bond: skyfall - dvd (w02525)

The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: This collection of three plays written by two equally creative minds takes the reader on a wild journey. In ‘Deacon Brodie’ we follow the double life of the character of the same name, a politician by day and a thrill seeking thief by night - will his double life catch up with him? We are then thrown in to a vicious boiling pot of romance and violence in ‘Beau Austin’ where a womanising bachelor will have to move carefully if he hopes to survive. Spurned lovers, duels to the death and huge sums of money on the line, what more could you ask from a dramatic play? Finally we take to the seas, where some iconic characters from ‘Treasure Island’ will reprise their roles in a tale of love, hope of course lost treasure. It is an adventurous caper with wonderful characters, perfect for any lovers of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. (

Podobné produkty ako The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Tommy hilfiger james 1791340 (1791340)

The Machine - James Smythe

The Machine - James Smythe

Vic returned from war tormented by his nightmares. His once happy marriage to Beth all but disintegrated. A machine promised salvation, purging him of all memory. Now the machines are gone, declared too controversial, the side-effects too harmful. But within Beth’s flat is an ever-whirring black box. She knows that memories can be put back and that she can rebuild her husband piece by piece. A Frankenstein tale for the 21st century, The Machine is a story of the indelibility of memory, the human cost of science and the horrors of love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Machine - James Smythe , Contigo james tmavomodra vesmir 840276128196

The Horsewoman - James Patterson


Maggie Atwood and Becky McCabe - mother and daughter, both champion riders - vowed to never, ever, compete against one another. But a dramatic turn of events ahead of the Paris Olympics changes everything. Mother and daughter share a dream: to be the best in the world.Only one rider can fulfil that dream and make history. (

Podobné produkty ako The Horsewoman - James Patterson , Bay james: leap - cd (4558515)

The Enchanters - James Ellroy


Los Angeles. August 4, 1962. The city broils through a mid-summer heat wave.Marilyn Monroe ODs. A B-movie starlet is kidnapped. The overhyped LAPD overreacts.Chief Bill Parker's looking for some getback. The Monroe deal looks like a moneymaker. He calls in Freddy Otash.The freewheeling Freddy O. Tainted ex-cop, defrocked private eye, dope fiend, and freelance extortionist. A man who lives by the maxim "Opportunity is Love." Freddy gets to work.He dimly perceives Marilyn Monroe's death and the kidnapped starlet to be a poisonous riddle that only he has the guts and the brains to untangle. We are with him as he tears through all those who block his path to the truth. We are with him as he penetrates the faux-sunshine of Jack and Bobby Kennedy and the shuck of Camelot.We are with him as he falters, and grasps for love beyond opportunity. We are with him as he tracks Marilyn Monroe's horrific last charade through a nightmare L.A. that he served to create - and as he confronts his complicity and his own raging madness.It's the Summer of '62, baby. Freddy O.'s got a hot date with history. The savage Sixties are ready to pop.The Rolling Stones proclaim it best: We're just a shout away. The Enchanters is a transcendent work of American popular fiction. It is James Ellroy at his most crazed, brilliant, provocative, profanely hilarious, and stop-your-heart tender.It is a luminous psychological drama. It is an unparalleled thrill ride. It is resoundingly the great American crime novel. (

Podobné produkty ako The Enchanters - James Ellroy , Contigo james tmavomodrá vesmír (840276159084)

The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha

The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The children are beautiful and well-behaved, but are they too good to be true? When the governess starts to experience strange visions, she suspects that the children are hiding a terrible secret. Are there ghosts at Bly, or is the governess going mad? Henry James’s classic ghost story (

Podobné produkty ako The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha , James bond 007 - rohožka (j000472)

The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper


Across north-eastern America the armies of Britain and France struggle for ascendancy. This book contains vivid incident - pursuits through wild terrain, skirmishes - but reflects also on the interaction between colonists and native peoples. Through the character of Hawkeye, it questions practises of the American frontier and eclipse of cultures. (

Podobné produkty ako The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper , Bay james: leap - lp (4546102)

The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper


‘Death and honour are thought to be the same, but today I have learned that sometimes they are not.’ Set in frontier America in the midst of the French-Indian war, as the French are attempting to overthrow an English fort, Cooper’s story follows Alice and Cora Munro, pioneer sisters who are trying to find their way back to their father, an English commander. Guided by an army major and Magua, an Indian from the Huron tribe, they soon meet Hawk-eye, a frontier scout and his Mohican Indian companions Chingachgook and Uncas. Magua is not all that he seems and the sisters are kidnapped. In The Last of the Mohicans, Cooper sets Indian tribe against Indian tribe and lays bare the brutality of the white man against the Mohicans. (

Podobné produkty ako The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper , Klarstein mister eco, hepa filtr, náhradní díl, hepa filtr třídy 13

James Lovelock et al. The Earth and I - James Lovelock


“We are buried beneath mountains of fast-accumulating data. In such circumstances, this book, rather than adding to the data load, aims to offer real understanding.” —James Lovelock Human beings are extraordinary creatures. Intelligent, agile, and curious, we have adapted and invented our way to becoming the most important species on the planet. So great is the extent of our influence, that many speak of a new geological era, the Anthropocene, an age defined by human-induced change to the blue and green globe we call home. Our lofty status comes with responsibility as much as possibility: How should we approach our present and future? What knowledge should we carry with us? Conceived by James Lovelock, inventor of the Gaia theory, this illustrated essay collection brings together an all-star lineup of thinkers and scientists to offer essential understanding about who we are, how we live, and where we might be going. Much as the Gaia theory considers our Earth as an integrated whole of living systems, The Earth and I encourages holistic understanding. Across 12 chapters, we take in both the intricate details and immense structures of our species and our planet, from our ever-expanding universe to our minuscule but mighty cells. We see stellar explosions and the layers of life beneath our feet, delve into the neuroscience of decision-making, get to grips with our climate, and contemplate our increasing intimacy with technology. The book’s world-class contributors include quantum physicist Lisa Randall, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, Pulitzer Prize–winning biologist Edward O. Wilson, and Nobel Prize–winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel. With lively illustrations from British artist Jack Hudson, the result is an inspiration for curious minds young and old, and a trusted tool kit for an informed and enlightened future. (

Podobné produkty ako James Lovelock et al. The Earth and I - James Lovelock , James bond: thunderball - blu-ray (bd000123)

The Full Catastrophe - James Angelos

The Full Catastrophe - James Angelos

A transporting, good-humored, and revealing account of Greece s dire troubles, reported from the mountain villages, idyllic islands, and hardscrabble streets that define the country today In recent years, small Greece, often associated with ancient philosophers and marble ruins, whitewashed villages and cerulean seas, has been at the center of a debt crisis that has sown economic and social ruin, spurred panic in international markets, and tested Europe s decades-old project of forging a closer union. In "The Full Catastrophe," James Angelos makes sense of contrasting images of Greece, a nation both romanticized for its classical past and castigated for its dysfunctional present. With vivid character-driven narratives and engaging reporting that offers an immersive sense of place, he brings to life some of the causes of the country s financial collapse, and examines the changes, some hopeful and others deeply worrisome, emerging in its aftermath. A small rebellion against tax authorities breaks out on a normally serene Aegean island. A mayor from a bucolic, northern Greek village is gunned down by the municipal treasurer. An aging, leftist hero of the Second World War fights to win compensation from Germany for the wartime occupation. A once marginal group of neo-Nazis rises to political prominence out of a ramshackle Athens neighborhood. "The Full Catastrophe" goes beyond the transient coverage in the daily headlines to deliver an enduring and absorbing portrait of modern Greece." (

Podobné produkty ako The Full Catastrophe - James Angelos , James bond: spectre - blu-ray (w02550)

The Samurai Inheritance - James Douglas

The Samurai Inheritance - James Douglas

April 1943 - A Mitsubishi transport plane, carrying Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto, architect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, plunges from the sky over the island of Bougainville. In a document case chained to his wrist is the greatest secret of the Second World War...December 2011 - Art recovery expert Jamie Saintclair is offered a lucrative commission: he has been tasked to find the preserved head of a Solomon Island warrior, missing from a German museum since 1945?The search takes Jamie from Berlin to Tokyo and with every turn the significance of the Bougainville skull becomes ever greater. Soon he realizes he's become involved in something much more important than finding a lost piece of history... (

Podobné produkty ako The Samurai Inheritance - James Douglas

The Summer House - James Patterson

The Summer House - James Patterson

Four Army Rangers are accused of murdering civilians in cold blood in this scorching summer thriller from the worldwide bestseller James Patterson. ________________ THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER For seven unsuspecting victims, death comes in the dark . . . Once a luxurious getaway for a wealthy Southern family, the Summer House has long since fallen into disrepair. Its fall from grace is complete when it becomes the scene of a horrific mass murder. Shocking evidence points to four Army Rangers recently returned from Afghanistan. The Army sends Major Jeremiah Cook, a war veteran and former NYPD cop, to investigate. As Cook and his team struggle to put together pieces of evidence that just won't fit, powerful forces rally against them to try to ensure that damning secrets are buried along with the victims. ________________ 'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD (

Podobné produkty ako The Summer House - James Patterson

The Flip Side - James Bailey

The Flip Side - James Bailey

One coin, one year and one new shot at love.It's New Year's Eve and Josh has a high-flying proposal planned.An exclusive pod on the London Eye, with champagne, truffles and the ring.It's perfect.Until she says no.And they have to spend the next 29 excruciating minutes alone together.By the time Josh is back on the ground, his whole life is up in the air.He's managed to lose his girlfriend, his job and his flat.Realising he can't trust his own judgement, Josh puts his faith in fate.From now on he will make every choice by flipping a coin.It's reckless and scary, but Josh has tried the right way and look where he ended up.And what if the girl of his dreams is just one flip of a coin away?Hilarious, feel-good and uplifting. A romantic comedy perfect for anyone who has ever failed at love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Flip Side - James Bailey

The Maze Runner - James Dashner


Book one in the blockbuster Maze Runner series that spawned a movie franchise and ushered in a worldwide phenomenon! And don't miss The Fever Code, the highly-anticipated series conclusion that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built! When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers--boys whose memories are also gone. Outside the towering stone walls that surround them is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out--and no one's ever made it through alive. Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying: Remember. Survive. Run. The Maze Runner and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials are now major motion pictures featuring the star of MTV's Teen Wolf, Dylan O'Brien; Kaya Scodelario; Aml Ameen; Will Poulter; and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. The third movie, Maze Runner: The Death Cure, will hit screens in 2018. Also look for James Dashner's edge-of-your-seat MORTALITY DOCTRINE series! Praise for the Maze Runner series: A #1 New York Times Bestselling Series A USA Today Bestseller A Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book of the Year An ALA-YASLA Best Fiction for Young Adults Book An ALA-YALSA Quick Pick "[A] mysterious survival saga that passionate fans describe as a fusion of Lord of the Flies, The Hunger Games, and Lost." "Wonderful action writing--fast-paced...but smart and well observed." --Newsday "[A] nail-biting must-read." "Breathless, cinematic action." --Publishers Weekly "Heart pounding to the very last moment." --Kirkus Reviews "Exclamation-worthy." --Romantic Times "James Dashner's illuminating prequel [The Kill Order] will thrill fans of this Maze Runner [series] and prove just as exciting for readers new to the series." --Shelf Awareness, Starred "Take a deep breath before you start any James Dashner book." --Deseret News From the Hardcover edition. (

Podobné produkty ako The Maze Runner - James Dashner

The Machine (Defekt) - James Smythe

The Machine (Defekt) - James Smythe

Vic returned from war tormented by his nightmares. His once happy marriage to Beth all but disintegrated. A machine promised salvation, purging him of all memory. Now the machines are gone, declared too controversial, the side-effects too harmful. But within Beth’s flat is an ever-whirring black box. She knows that memories can be put back and that she can rebuild her husband piece by piece. A Frankenstein tale for the 21st century, The Machine is a story of the indelibility of memory, the human cost of science and the horrors of love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Machine (Defekt) - James Smythe

Management - Donelly James H., Gibson L. James, Ivancevich M. John

Management - Donelly James H., Gibson L. James, Ivancevich M. John

Kompetentní publikace pro manažerskou praxi a vynikající vysokoškolská učebnice je rozdělena do čtyř základních částí: Management a prostředí, Řídící funkce a organizace (plánování, organizování, kontrolování), Řízení lidí (motivace, vedení, řízení pracovních skupin, komunikace a vyjednávání, řízení lidských zdrojů organizační změny) a Řízení procesů (produkční a operační management, plánování produkce a řízení zásob, řízení informací pro rozhodování). V samostatných kapitolách páté části se autoři zabývají principy podnikání a budováním manažerské kariéry. Text doplňují případové studie. (

Podobné produkty ako Management - Donelly James H., Gibson L. James, Ivancevich M. John

The Turn of the Screw and Owen Wingrave - Henry James

The Turn of the Screw and Owen Wingrave - Henry James

Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. This edition of Henry James' classic ghost stories features an afterword by bestselling author and OBE, Kate MosseA young governess is employed to look after two orphaned siblings in a grand country house. Isolated and inexperienced, she's at first charmed by the children but gradually she suspects that they may not be as innocent as they seem. She soon begins to see sinister figures at the window, but do they exist solely in her imagination or are they ghosts intent on a terrible and devastating task? The Turn of the Screw is one of the most famous and eerily equivocal ghost stories ever written.Owen Wingrave is the story of the son of a long line of military heroes who refuses to follow tradition, yet proves his bravery in a haunted room. (

Podobné produkty ako The Turn of the Screw and Owen Wingrave - Henry James

Kočka a čert/ The Cat and the Devil - Joyce James

Kočka a čert/ The Cat and the Devil - Joyce James

Významný irský prozaik a básník, jenž svým dílem patří mezi přední autory 20. století a je považován za největšího experimentátora moderního románu, se narodil a vyrůstal v Dublinu v katolické rodině. Studoval na jezuitském gymnáziu a posléze na univerzitě v Dublinu. Po ukončení studií odchází do Evropy, kde prožije až na několik návratů do Irska celý život. Celé jeho dílo je však dětstvím a pobyty v Irsku protknuto a silně ovlivněno. (

Podobné produkty ako Kočka a čert/ The Cat and the Devil - Joyce James

Kočka a čert/The Cat and the Devil - James Joyce

Kočka a čert/The Cat and the Devil - James Joyce

Významný irský prozaik a básník, jenž svým dílem patří mezi přední autory 20. století a je považován za největšího experimentátora moderního románu, se narodil a vyrůstal v Dublinu v katolické rodině. Studoval na jezuitském gymnáziu a posléze na univerzitě v Dublinu. Po ukončení studií odchází do Evropy, kde prožije až na několik návratů do Irska celý život. Celé jeho dílo je však dětstvím a pobyty v Irsku protknuto a silně ovlivněno. (

Podobné produkty ako Kočka a čert/The Cat and the Devil - James Joyce

The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls - VanderKam James C.


The story of the discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls has become a part of Western lore. Who has not heard about the Bedouin shepherd who threw a rock into a cave, heard a crash, went in to explore, and found the scrolls? The story in that form may be accurate, but it turns out to be something of a simplification. As a matter of fact, much remains unknown about the exact circumstances under which those scrolls were discovered. The story of the discovery at first deals with just one cave; the other ten were located at later times. (

Podobné produkty ako The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls - VanderKam James C.

My Friend the Mercenary - Brabazon James

My Friend the Mercenary - Brabazon James

He wanted a war. And, for his sins, he got one. James Brabazon was an ambitious young war reporter when he entered the chaos of the Liberian Civil War in 2002. Running with the infamous LURD rebels, he survived numerous deadly ambushes and a dramatic two-hundred-mile escape from Government troops through dense equatorial jungle. He even had a bounty put on his head. Surrounded by child soldiers, cannibals and ruthless rebels, Brabazon was accompanied by Nick du Toit, a South African mercenary with a dark past. Before long, Nick promised James the scoop of his life: a front seat, beside Simon Mann, in an audacious coup attempt in Equatorial Guinea. And the offer was too good to refuse. (

Podobné produkty ako My Friend the Mercenary - Brabazon James

Endgame 1 - The Calling - James Frey

Endgame 1 - The Calling - James Frey

THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING. PLAY NOW. OR WE ALL LOSE.After centuries waiting in secret, twelve unbroken bloodlines, armed with hidden knowledge and lethal training, are called to take humanity’s fate into their hands…The first book in a game-changing new series by bestselling author, James Frey.Bryan High School, Omaha, Nebraska: Sarah stands at her graduation ceremony perfect SATs, a star athlete, her life ahead of her. Then a meteor wipes out half her school. But Sarah is not hurt and not surprised. Because she is the Player of the 233rd line the Cahokian. And she knows what this means.Endgame is here.Juliaca, Puno, Peru: Jago walks the streets after the meteor hits. There’s looting and violence but he’s not scared. He is the Player of the 21st line the Olmec. And he’s ready.Endgame is here.China, Australia, Turkey Twelve meteors fall. Cities and people burn. The news is full of the end of the world.But Sarah, Jago and ten others are already plotting and planning for the fight. They are the Players and Endgame is here.All but one of them will fail. But that one willsave the world. We hopeWritten into this book is a puzzle. Solve the puzzle, and you will find the key to open a case of gold. Read the Books. Find the Clues. Solve the Puzzle. Who will Win?Google Niantic is building a mobile location-based augmented reality videogame inextricably tied to the books and mythology, a major prize will be tied to a puzzle in each book, and Twentieth Century Fox has bought the movie rights. (

Podobné produkty ako Endgame 1 - The Calling - James Frey

The Earth and I - James Lovelock


Human beings are extraordinary creatures. Intelligent, agile, and curious, we have adapted and invented our way to becoming the most important species on the planet.So great is the extent of our influence, that many speak of a new geological era, the Anthropocene, an age defined by human-induced change to the blue and green globe we call home. Our lofty status comes with responsibility as much as possibility: How should we approach our present and future? What knowledge should we carry with us? Conceived by James Lovelock (1919-2022), inventor of the Gaia theory, this illustrated essay collection brings together an all-star lineup of thinkers and scientists to offer essential understanding about who we are, how we live, and where we might be going. Much as the Gaia theory considers our Earth as an integrated whole of living systems, The Earth and I encourages holistic understanding.Across 12 chapters, we take in both the intricate details and immense structures of our species and our planet, from our ever-expanding universe to our minuscule but mighty cells. We see stellar explosions and the layers of life beneath our feet, delve into the neuroscience of decision-making, get to grips with our climate, and contemplate our increasing intimacy with technology. The book's world-class contributors include quantum physicist Lisa Randall, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, Pulitzer Prize winning biologist Edward O.Wilson, and Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel. With lively illustrations from British artist Jack Hudson, the result is an inspiration for curious minds young and old, and a trusted tool kit for an informed and enlightened future. (

Podobné produkty ako The Earth and I - James Lovelock

The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin


'We, the black and the white, deeply need each other here if we are really to become a nation' James Baldwin's impassioned plea to 'end the racial nightmare' in America was a bestseller when it appeared in 1963, galvanising a nation and giving voice to the emerging civil rights movement. Told in the form of two intensely personal 'letters', The Fire Next Time is at once a powerful evocation of Baldwin's early life in Harlem and an excoriating condemnation of the terrible legacy of racial injustice. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin

The Red Book (Defekt) - James Patterson


Detective Billy Harney exposes an evil lurking deep within his city - but it also brings his own past demons to light... To Billy Harney, the newest member of Chicago PD's elite strike force, getting shot in the head, stalked by a state's attorney, and accused of murder by his fellow cops is all part of breaking a case. So, when a drive-by shooting on the Chicago's West Side turns political, he doesn't shy away from leading the investigation. As the easy answers prove to be the wrong ones, Harney's quest to expose the evil that's rotting the city from the inside out takes him to the one place he vowed never to return to: his own troubled past. (

Podobné produkty ako The Red Book (Defekt) - James Patterson

The Full Catastrophe (Defekt) - James Angelos

The Full Catastrophe (Defekt) - James Angelos

A transporting, good-humored, and revealing account of Greece s dire troubles, reported from the mountain villages, idyllic islands, and hardscrabble streets that define the country today In recent years, small Greece, often associated with ancient philosophers and marble ruins, whitewashed villages and cerulean seas, has been at the center of a debt crisis that has sown economic and social ruin, spurred panic in international markets, and tested Europe s decades-old project of forging a closer union. In "The Full Catastrophe," James Angelos makes sense of contrasting images of Greece, a nation both romanticized for its classical past and castigated for its dysfunctional present. With vivid character-driven narratives and engaging reporting that offers an immersive sense of place, he brings to life some of the causes of the country s financial collapse, and examines the changes, some hopeful and others deeply worrisome, emerging in its aftermath. A small rebellion against tax authorities breaks out on a normally serene Aegean island. A mayor from a bucolic, northern Greek village is gunned down by the municipal treasurer. An aging, leftist hero of the Second World War fights to win compensation from Germany for the wartime occupation. A once marginal group of neo-Nazis rises to political prominence out of a ramshackle Athens neighborhood. "The Full Catastrophe" goes beyond the transient coverage in the daily headlines to deliver an enduring and absorbing portrait of modern Greece." (

Podobné produkty ako The Full Catastrophe (Defekt) - James Angelos

The Summer House (Defekt) - James Patterson


Four Army Rangers are accused of murdering civilians in cold blood in this scorching summer thriller from the worldwide bestseller James Patterson. ________________ THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER For seven unsuspecting victims, death comes in the dark . . . Once a luxurious getaway for a wealthy Southern family, the Summer House has long since fallen into disrepair. Its fall from grace is complete when it becomes the scene of a horrific mass murder. Shocking evidence points to four Army Rangers recently returned from Afghanistan. The Army sends Major Jeremiah Cook, a war veteran and former NYPD cop, to investigate. As Cook and his team struggle to put together pieces of evidence that just won't fit, powerful forces rally against them to try to ensure that damning secrets are buried along with the victims. ________________ 'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD (

Podobné produkty ako The Summer House (Defekt) - James Patterson

Blunt James: The Afterlove - CD (9029585080)

Blunt James: The Afterlove - CD (9029585080)

Hudební CD Na pátém studiovém albu Jamese Blunta se podíleli i Ed Sheeran a Ryan Tedder z OneRepublic, jenž je spoluautorem pilotního singlu Love Me Better. Deska je k dispozici ve standardním CD formátu, dále na Lpa také v rozšířené verzi Extended Softpack, která je bohatší o tři skladby. Na pátém studiovém albu Jamese Blunta se podíleli i Ed Sheeran a Ryan Tedder z OneRepublic, jenž je spoluautorem pilotního singlu Love Me Better. Deska je k dispozici ve standardním CD formátu, dále na Lpa také v rozšířené verzi Extended Softpack, která je bohatší o tři skladby. James Blunt na sebe strhl pozornost v roce 2004, kdy debutoval albem Back To Bedlam. Singl You're Beautiful se stal pomyslnou hymnou roku a Bluntovi vynesl pět nominací na Grammy. Posluchače zaujalo Bluntovo nesporné charisma, jeho líbivý vzhled i romantizující příběh vojáka nasazeného v Kosovu. Pro české fanoušky byl též pikantní jeho vztah s českou modelkou Petrou Němcovou. S dalšími deskami se... (

Podobné produkty ako Blunt James: The Afterlove - CD (9029585080)

James and the Giant Peach (0451480791)

James and the Giant Peach (0451480791)

Kniha - autor Roald Dahl, 176 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags. Aunt Sponge is enormously fat with a face that looks boiled and Aunt Spiker is bony and screeching. He's very lonely until one day something peculiar happens. At the end of the garden a peach starts to grow and grow and grow. Inside that peach are seven very unusual insects - all waiting to take James on a magical adventure. But where will they go in their giant peach and what will happen to the horrible aunts if they stand in their way? There's only one way to find out... (

Podobné produkty ako James and the Giant Peach (0451480791)



Odolné a spolehlivé běžecké hole vhodné jak na trénink, tak na rekreační sportování. Rukojeť z přírodního korku, neoprenový nastavitelný řemínek. Běžecký trojúhelníkový talířek. Materiál: Aluminium 6061 Průměr: 16 mm Délka: 125 cm / 5 cm mix barev: nelze zvolit barevnou variantu (

Podobné produkty ako SULOV MISTER 125 cm
Blunt James: The Afterlove - CD (9029585080), James Etta: The MontreuxYears (2x LP) - LP (4050538631173), american dj mister kool ii, MISTER STUZZY Vanička krůtí 100g (8005852600318), MISTER STUZZY Vanička šunka 100g (8005852600516), Mister (978-80-269-1222-4), Arthur James: It'll All Make Sense In The End - CD (0194398740324), MISTER STUZZY Vanička pro sterilizované 100g (8005852601216), Mister (SK) (978-80-269-1225-5), MISTER STUZZY Vanička kuřecí+játra 100g (8005852600219), James Etta: This Is Etta James - LP (4260494436150), Taylor James: James Taylor's Greatest Hits - LP (0349785254), Taylor James: James Taylor's Greatest Hits - CD (0349784786), Taylor James: The Warner Bros. Albums 1970-1976 (6x CD) - CD (0349785239), Arthur James: It'll All Make Sense In The End (podepsané) - CD (0194398740423), Williams James: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (2x LP) - LP (8746273), Klarstein Mister Eco, motorový filtr, náhradní díl, ochrana motoru, Blunt James: Once Upon A Mind (Ed Speciale France), The Afterlove (2x CD) - CD (9029671404), Mister Dog - Môj tajný denník (978-80-8103-108-3), James Bond: Chobotnička - DVD (D007103), James Bond: Skyfall - DVD (W02525), TOMMY HILFIGER James 1791340 (1791340), contigo james tmavomodra vesmir 840276128196, Bay James: Leap - CD (4558515), Contigo James tmavomodrá vesmír (840276159084), James Bond 007 - rohožka (J000472), Bay James: Leap - LP (4546102), Klarstein Mister Eco, HEPA filtr, náhradní díl, HEPA filtr třídy 13, James Bond: Thunderball - Blu-ray (BD000123), James Bond: Spectre - Blu-ray (W02550)