The middle ages : a graphic history - janega eleonor

Produkt The middle ages : a graphic history - janega eleonor sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The middle ages : a graphic history - janega eleonor upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Middle Ages : A Graphic History - Janega Eleonor

The Middle Ages : A Graphic History - Janega Eleonor

A unique, illustrated book that will change the way you see medieval history The Middle Ages: A Graphic History busts the myth of the 'Dark Ages', shedding light on the medieval period's present-day relevance in a unique illustrated style. This history takes us through the rise and fall of empires, papacies, caliphates and kingdoms; through the violence and death of the Crusades, Viking raids, the Hundred Years War and the Plague; to the curious practices of monks, martyrs and iconoclasts. We'll see how the foundations of the modern West were established, influencing our art, cultures, religious practices and ways of thinking. And we'll explore the lives of those seen as 'Other' - women, Jews, homosexuals, lepers, sex workers and heretics. Join historian Eleanor Janega and illustrator Neil Max Emmanuel on a romp across continents and kingdoms as we discover the Middle Ages to be a time of huge change, inquiry and development - not unlike our own. (

Podobné produkty ako The Middle Ages : A Graphic History - Janega Eleonor , Imbruglia natalie: left of the middle - lp (8719262026407)

Parable of the Sower: A Graphic Novel Adaptation

Parable of the Sower: A Graphic Novel Adaptation

The graphic-novel adaptation of Octavia E. Butler's groundbreaking dystopian novel, Parable of the Sower, the follow-up to Kindred, a #1 New York Times bestsellerIn this graphic-novel adaptation of Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower by Damian Duffy and John Jennings, the award-winning team behind Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation,the author portrays a searing vision of America's future. In the year2024, the country is marred by unattended environmental and economiccrises that lead to social chaos. Lauren Olamina, a preacher's daughterliving in Los Angeles, is protected from danger by the walls of hergated community. However, in a night of fire and death, what begins as afight for survival soon leads to something much more: a startlingvision of human destiny . . . and the birth of a new faith. (

Podobné produkty ako Parable of the Sower: A Graphic Novel Adaptation , A colleague from the middle of nowhere (999-00-035-3136-0)

Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Central Bohemian-Moravian Highlands on the threshold of the High Middle Ages - Karel

Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Central Bohemian-Moravian Highlands on the threshold of the High Middle Ages - Karel

eBook:,Kniha přináší syntézu přírodovědných a archeologických dat a pramenů při řešení historických otázek spojených se vznikem vrcholně středověké sídelní struktury, s počátky exploatace zlata a později i stříbronosných rud v zájmovém území. V ucelené formě předkládá strukturované informace o středověkém vývoji oblasti, která objektivně přímými archeologickými doklady příliš neoplývá. Místy archeologickými postupy nízká a obtížná zachytitelnost stop odlesňování, osídlování a celého spektra montánních aktivit je kompenzována archeobotanickými, geochemickými a archeometalurgickými analýzami sedimentárních výplní potočních niv. (

Podobné produkty ako Centrální Českomoravská vrchovina na prahu vrcholného středověku. Central Bohemian-Moravian Highlands on the threshold of the High Middle Ages - Karel , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

Filmish: A Graphic Journey Through Film - Ross Edward

Filmish: A Graphic Journey Through Film - Ross Edward

Edinburgh-based cartoonist Edward Ross uses comics to illuminate the ideas behind our favourite films. In Filmish, Ross's cartoon alter-ego guides readers through the annals of cinematic history, introducing us to some of the strange and fascinating concepts at work in the movies. Each chapter focuses on a particular theme - the body, architecture, language - and explores an eclectic mix of cinematic triumphs, from A Trip to the Moon to Aliens. Sitting within the tradition of bestselling non-fiction graphic novels like Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics and the Introducing...series, Filmish tackles serious issues - sexuality, race, censorship, propaganda - with authority and wit, throwing new light on some of the greatest films ever made. (

Podobné produkty ako Filmish: A Graphic Journey Through Film - Ross Edward , Pánské tričko eleonor tmavě modré (76506)

White Bird : A Graphic Novel - Raquel J. Palaciová

White Bird : A Graphic Novel - Raquel J. Palaciová

SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE! A powerful, unforgettable graphic novel from the world of Wonder, by globally bestselling and award-winning author R J Palacio. To the millions of readers who fell in love with R J Palacio's Wonder, Julian is best-known as Auggie Pullman's classroom bully. White Bird reveals a new side to Julian's story, as Julian discovers the moving and powerful tale of his grandmother, who was hidden from the Nazis as a young Jewish girl in occupied France during the Second World War. An unforgettable, unputdownable story about strength, courage and the power of kindness to change hearts, build bridges, and even save lives, from the globally bestselling author of Wonder. (

Podobné produkty ako White Bird : A Graphic Novel - Raquel J. Palaciová , Soundtrack: willis christopher - the personal history of david - cd (9029686087)

The History of the Brave Czech Nation

The History of the Brave Czech Nation

Rodinná knížka Dějiny udatného českého národa je určena nejen těm, co nedávali ve škole pozor (dozvědí se překvapivé informace z naší historie), ale i šprtům, ty zase pobaví (pro tyto vzdělanější čtenáře jsou připraveny zadní strany s podrobnějšími informacemi a zajímavostmi). Když rozložíme knihu jako harmonikovité leporelo, otevře se před námi 9 metrů dlouhá krajina v níž se odehrávají drobné děje od pravěkých lovců po současnost. Fakta, informace, chronologické tabulky ke všem obdobím nechybí a komiksové textíky a kreslené postavičky umožní hledět na minulost a naše předky s humorem, nadsázkou a ironií. Petr Prchal (

Podobné produkty ako The History of the Brave Czech Nation , Comrades: a history of world communism (0330439685)

The History of the Brave Czech Nation

The History of the Brave Czech Nation

Rodinná knížka Dějiny udatného českého národa je určena nejen těm, co nedávali ve škole pozor (dozvědí se překvapivé informace z naší historie), ale i šprtům, ty zase pobaví (pro tyto vzdělanější čtenáře jsou připraveny zadní strany s podrobnějšími informacemi a zajímavostmi). Když rozložíme knihu jako harmonikovité leporelo, otevře se před námi 9 metrů dlouhá krajina v níž se odehrávají drobné děje od pravěkých lovců po současnost. Fakta, informace, chronologické tabulky ke všem obdobím nechybí a komiksové textíky a kreslené postavičky umožní hledět na minulost a naše předky s humorem, nadsázkou a ironií. Petr Prchal (

Podobné produkty ako The History of the Brave Czech Nation , Meatfly bike middle (sptdtr6953nad)

The History Man - Malcolm Bradbury

The History Man - Malcolm Bradbury

With an introduction by James NaughtieTake a Valium. Have a party. Go on a demo. Shoot a soldier. Make a bang. Bed a friend. That's your problem-solving system . . . But haven't we tried all that?Howard Kirk, product of the Swinging Sixties, radical university lecturer, and one half of a very modern marriage, is throwing a party. The night will have all sorts of repercussions: for Henry Beamish, Howard's desperate and easily neglected friend, and for Howard's wife Barbara, promiscuous '70s liberal and exhausted victim of motherhood.The History Man is Malcolm Bradbury's masterpiece, the definitive campus novel and one of the most influential novels of the 1970s. Funny, disconcerting and provocative, Bradbury brilliantly satirizes a world of academic power struggles as his anti-hero seduces his away around campus. But beneath the surface is an altogether more affecting portrait: it reveals a marriage in crisis and demonstrates the fragility of the human heart. (

Podobné produkty ako The History Man - Malcolm Bradbury , Meatfly middle grey (sptdtr6956nad)

The Secret History - Donna Tarttová

The Secret History - Donna Tarttová

Truly deserving of the accolade Modern Classic, Donna Tartt's cult bestseller The Secret History is a remarkable achievement - both compelling and elegant, dramatic and playful.Under the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the boundaries of normal morality their lives are changed profoundly and for ever. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret History - Donna Tarttová , Speak english 4: about medicine through the ages (978-80-7346-280-2)

Imbruglia Natalie: Left of the Middle - LP (8719262026407)

Imbruglia Natalie: Left of the Middle - LP (8719262026407)

LP vinyl - Natalie Imbruglia je australská, zpěvačka, písničkářka, modelka a herečka. Celosvětově se proslavila v roce 1997 cover verzí skladby „Torn” od americké skupiny Ednaswap. Left Of The Middle je debutové album z roku 1997 trojnásobné držitelky ceny Grammy, skladatelky, herce a modelky Natalie Imbruglia. Pobídnuto úspěchem hitového singlu „Torn” se album okamžitě stalo celosvětovým úspěchem. Kromě obrovského hitu „Torn” (85 milionů zhlédnutí na youtube) album obsahuje několik klasických melodií jako „Big Mistake” (#2 ve Velké Británii), „Smoke” (Top 5 ve Velké Británii) a „Wishing I Was Here” Album znovu vydané v roce 2022 Seznam stop LP Torn / One More Addiction / Big Mistake / Leave Me Alone / Intuition / Smoke / Pigeons and Crumbs / Don't You Think? / Impressed / Wishing I Was There / City / Left of the Middle (

Podobné produkty ako Imbruglia Natalie: Left of the Middle - LP (8719262026407) , Freedom in the mirror of university history (978-80-210-9743-8)

Instability in the Middle East - Karel Černý - e-kniha

Instability in the Middle East - Karel Černý - e-kniha

eBook:,Blízkovýchodní nestabilita se vnějškově manifestuje různými způsoby: krizí vládnoucích režimů, vzestupem politického islámu, terorismu, revolucí, občanských válek či rostoucí migrací a zhroucením řady států. Kniha nabízí výklad kořenů této nestability s pomocí teoreticky původní a empiricky podložené historicko-sociologické srovnávací analýzy. Zatímco ve výkladech vývoje post-koloniálního Blízkého východu dosud dominovaly dvě protichůdné teze – jde o region zaostalý, neměnný a rigidní, nebo naopak proměňující se až příliš rychle – kniha nabízí alternativní perspektivu vycházející z vysoce nerovnoměrného a nesynchronizovaného tempa změn v jednotlivých dimenzích blízkovýchodní modernizace. Dochází zde totiž k (1) rychlé socio-demografické změně (razantní růst populace a podílu mládeže, prudká urbanizace, expanze médií a vzdělanosti), (2) pomalejší, nestabilní a zaostávající změně ekonomické (závislost na exportu ropy, vysoká nezaměstnanost) a (3) pomalé až regresivní změně politické (eroze schopnosti států vládnout, absence demokratizace i liberalizace). Teoretický model studie je vybudován s pomocí kritického čtení teorií modernizace a koncepce rozmanitých modernit, která umožňuje zohlednit také širší kulturně-náboženský a mezinárodně-politický kontext blízkovýchodní nerovnoměrné modernizace. Teoretický model je poté empiricky testován s pomocí časových řad (1960-2010) několika desítek indikátorů, které pokrývají demografickou, sociální, ekonomickou i politickou dimenzi modernizačního procesu. To autorovi umožňuje provádět čtyři typy komparací míry nerovnoměrnosti blízkovýchodní post-koloniální modernizace: (1) blízkovýchodní modernizace a modernizace v dalších post-koloniálních makro-regionech, (2) nerovnoměrnosti jednotlivých fází samotné blízkovýchodní modernizace, (3) jednotlivých států uvnitř blízkovýchodního regionu s důrazem na vzájemné srovnání zemí arabských, (4) post-koloniální blízkovýchodní modernizace s ranou modernizací západoevropskou. Poslední krok analýz představuje přechod od makro-úrovně nerovnoměrné strukturální změny k mikro-úrovni sociálních a politických aktérů a jejich jednání. Jejím výsledkem je identifikace více než padesáti dílčích kauzálních mechanismů, které ve strukturálním rámci nerovnoměrné modernizace generují politickou nestabilitu. Celkově se kniha nesoustředí, jak je často zvykem, na vnějškově sledovatelné politické aktéry a jejich souboje. Nýbrž na pod povrchem politického soupeření probíhající hluboké a dlouhodobé kumulativní demografické, sociální a ekonomické změny. Na změny, které neprobíhají pouze v jednotlivých zemích Blízkého východu, nýbrž jdou od konce 2. světové války napříč celým regionem a dnes ve svém souhrnu dávají vzniknout zcela novému Blízkému východu než byl ten, na který jsme byli dlouhá desetiletí zvyklí. (

Podobné produkty ako Instability in the Middle East - Karel Černý - e-kniha , Rock of ages - dvd (w01464)

And the Rest is History - Jodi Taylor

And the Rest is History - Jodi Taylor

The eighth book in the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series which follows a group of tea-soaked disaster magnets as they hurtle their way around History. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor. Because, my dear Max, you dance on the edge of darkness ... and I don't think it would take very much for you to dance my way. When an old enemy appears out of nowhere with an astonishing proposition for Max - a proposition that could change everything Max is tempted. Very tempted. With an end to an old conflict finally in sight, it looks as if St Mary's problems are over with. Can they all now live happily ever after? As everything hangs in the balance, Max and St Mary's find themselves engulfed in tragedies worse than they could ever imagine. Is this the end? (

Podobné produkty ako And the Rest is History - Jodi Taylor , Odyssea: history - cd (9029534884)

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official book of the exhibition, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Bloomsbury, J.K. Rowling and the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes through to Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. There's also a specially commissioned essay for each subject area by an expert, writer or cultural commentator, inspired by the contents of the exhibition – absorbing, insightful and unexpected contributions from Steve Backshall, the Reverend Richard Coles, Owen Davies, Julia Eccleshare, Roger Highfield, Steve Kloves, Lucy Mangan, Anna Pavord and Tim Peake, who offer a personal perspective on their magical theme. Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, vials of dragon's blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch's broomstick, in a book that shows J.K. Rowling's magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears. This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person. (

Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition , Odyssea history hudebni cd

The Silk Roads: A New History of the World - Peter Frankopan

The Silk Roads: A New History of the World - Peter Frankopan

The sun is setting on the Western world. Slowly but surely, the direction in which the world spins has reversed: where for the last five centuries the globe turned westwards on its axis, it now turns to the east. For centuries, fame and fortune was to be found in the west in the New World of the Americas. Today, it is the east which calls out to those in search of adventure and riches. The region stretching from eastern Europe and sweeping right across Central Asia deep into China and India, is taking centre stage in international politics, commerce and culture and is shaping the modern world. This region, the true centre of the earth, is obscure to many in the English-speaking world. Yet this is where civilization itself began, where the world's great religions were born and took root. The Silk Roads were no exotic series of connections, but networks that linked continents and oceans together. Along them flowed ideas, goods, disease and death. This was where empires were won and where they were lost. As a new era emerges, the patterns of exchange are mirroring those that have criss-crossed Asia for millennia. The Silk Roads are rising again. A major reassessment of world history, The Silk Roads is an important account of the forces that have shaped the global economy and the political renaissance in the re-emerging east. (

Podobné produkty ako The Silk Roads: A New History of the World - Peter Frankopan , Meatfly middle, bike black (sptmea024nad)

Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

Kniha - autor Patrick Radden Keefe, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The story of the Sackler Dynasty, Purdue Pharma, and their involvement in the opioid crisis that has created millions of addicts, even as it generated billions of dollars in profit. (

Podobné produkty ako Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078) , Monbento original graphic | jungle (1000_01_430)

The Illustrated Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

The Illustrated Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

This is Stephen Hawking's updated, expanded and illustrated edition of his celebrated work which includes the most recent developments in the field, many of which were forecast by him. At the same time, he explains his complex theories through a fresh visual dimension. Over one hunded and fifty stunning colour illustrations have been specially commissioned for this purpose to help the reader understand what have become popular mythic images of our century, but which nonetheless remain difficult, abstract ideas to grasp. It includes a new introduction written specially for this edition. (

Podobné produkty ako The Illustrated Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking , Calvin klein graphic k7e23646 (k7e23646)

A colleague from the middle of nowhere (999-00-035-3136-0)

A colleague from the middle of nowhere (999-00-035-3136-0)

Elektronická kniha - autor Marie Veselá, 32 stran, anglicky A young woman abandoned her husband in Cuba. She returned with a big trauma that she has to cope with. She has to take great pains to do so. However, while struggling to make amends for the error of her life, she finds solace in something that she would never have imagined before. (

Podobné produkty ako A colleague from the middle of nowhere (999-00-035-3136-0) , Monbento square graphic | jungle (13014001)

The Secret World : A History of Intelligence - Christopher Andrew

The Secret World : A History of Intelligence - Christopher Andrew

The history of espionage is far older than any of today's intelligence agencies, yet the long history of intelligence operations has been largely forgotten. The first mention of espionage in world literature is in the Book of Exodus.'God sent out spies into the land of Canaan'. From there, Christopher Andrew traces the shift in the ancient world from divination to what we would recognize as attempts to gather real intelligence in the conduct of military operations, and considers how far ahead of the West - at that time - China and India were. He charts the development of intelligence and security operations and capacity through, amongst others, Renaissance Venice, Elizabethan England, Revolutionary America, Napoleonic France, right up to sophisticated modern activities of which he is the world's best-informed interpreter. What difference have security and intelligence operations made to course of history? Why have they so often forgotten by later practitioners? This fascinating book provides the answers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret World : A History of Intelligence - Christopher Andrew , Monbento original graphic | ginkgo (11124016)

Sanditon, Lady Susan & the History of England - Jane Austenová

Sanditon, Lady Susan & the History of England - Jane Austenová

This rare collection is a must for all Jane-ites. It represents what Richard Church regarded as Jane Austen's literary work-basket, and contains some Austen's earliest work - her hilarious brief "History of England", illustrated by her favourite sister, which is a worthy forerunner of "1066 & All That", to the unfinished "Sanditon", the novel of her maturity on which she was working at her death aged 42. Also included are the two epistolary novels, "Lady Susan" and "Love and Friendship" (sic), "The Watsons", "Catharine", "Lesley Castle", "Evelyn", "Frederic and Elfrida", "Jack and Alice", "Edgar and Emma", "Henry and Eliza" and "The Three Sisters". (

Podobné produkty ako Sanditon, Lady Susan & the History of England - Jane Austenová , Kph baby history růžové (0010_fa912r)

Rethink: The Surprising History of New Ideas - Poole Steven

Rethink: The Surprising History of New Ideas - Poole Steven

Tells the story of how old ideas that were mocked or ignored for centuries are now storming back to the forefront of research. Using examples from the worlds of philosophy, science, technology, politics and business, the author shows what we can learn by returning to discarded ideas, and considering them from a different perspective. (

Podobné produkty ako Rethink: The Surprising History of New Ideas - Poole Steven , No fear: hamlet. graphic novel (1411498739)

The Cold War : A New Oral History - Bridget Kendall

The Cold War : A New Oral History - Bridget Kendall

The Cold War is one of the furthest-reaching and longest-lasting conflicts in modern history. It spanned the globe - from Greece to China, Hungary to Cuba - and lasted for almost half a century. It has shaped political relations to this day, drawing new physical and ideological boundaries between East and West. In this meticulously researched account, Bridget Kendall explores the Cold War through the eyes of those who experienced it first-hand. Alongside in-depth analysis that explains the historical and political context, the book draws on exclusive interviews with individuals who lived through the conflict's key events, offering a variety of perspectives that reveal how the Cold War was experienced by ordinary people. From pilots making food drops during the Berlin Blockade and Japanese fishermen affected by H-bomb testing to families fleeing the Korean War and children whose parents were victims of McCarthy's Red Scare, The Cold War covers the full geographical and historical reach of the conflict. The Cold War is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand how the tensions of the last century have shaped the modern world, and what it was like to live through them. (

Podobné produkty ako The Cold War : A New Oral History - Bridget Kendall , Bohemian stories: an illustrated history of czechs in the usa (978-80-7252-817-2)

Origins : How the Earth Shaped Human History - Lewis Dartnell

Origins : How the Earth Shaped Human History - Lewis Dartnell

Human evolution in East Africa was driven by geological forces.Ancient Greece developed democracy because of its mountainous terrain.Voting behaviour in the United States today follows the bed of an ancient sea.Professor Lewis Dartnell takes us on an astonishing journey into our planet's past to tell the ultimate origin story. Blending science and history, Origins reveals the Earth's awesome impact on the shape of human civilisations - and helps us to see the challenges and opportunities of the future. (

Podobné produkty ako Origins : How the Earth Shaped Human History - Lewis Dartnell , Wolfenstein: alt history collection - ps4 (5055856427889)

Quidditch Through the Ages - Illustrated Edition : A magical companion to the Harry Potter stories - Joanne K. Rowlingová

Quidditch Through the Ages - Illustrated Edition : A magical companion to the Harry Potter stories - Joanne K. Rowlingová

An essential companion to the Harry Potter series, this spectacular new full-colour edition of J.K. Rowling's Quidditch Through the Ages brings together one of the world's best loved storytellers with the creative genius of Emily Gravett. A sumptuous visual feast of a book, the pages are bursting with glorious illustrations, handmade memorabilia and two breathtaking gatefold spreads. This sporting almanac promises magic and wonder in equal measure for both newcomers to the Wizarding World and established Harry Potter fans. Each amazing page is waiting to pored over and enjoyed! Devoured by Harry Potter in his first year, Quidditch Through the Ages is consulted on a daily basis by the young witches and wizards at Hogwarts. Kennilworthy Whisp's sporting bible whisks readers through a whistle-stop tour of the wizarding world's favourite sport. Packed with trivia, tales of on-pitch antics, and Quidditch stars past and present, the sports almanac also contains comprehensive profiles of Quidditch teams loved by readers of the Harry Potter novels - Chudley Cannons, Puddlemere United, Vratsa Vultures and many more ... Twice winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal, Emily Gravett joins the celebrated team of hand-picked talent who have brought their illustration magic to the world of Harry Potter. Her wildly creative imagination has conjured a cornucopia of sporting memorabilia to surprise and delight. Lovingly created in a dazzling range of media - drawn, sewn, thrown - and infused with her trademark visual wit, these charming and funny handmade artworks are the perfect pairing for J.K. Rowling's humorous insights into the magical, airborne sport. (

Podobné produkty ako Quidditch Through the Ages - Illustrated Edition : A magical companion to the Harry Potter stories - Joanne K. Rowlingová , Meatfly middle černá eu 35 - 37 (8590202011772)

Speak English 4: About Medicine through the ages (978-80-7346-280-2)

Speak English 4: About Medicine through the ages (978-80-7346-280-2)

Kniha - autor Dana Olšovská, 78 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako Speak English 4: About Medicine through the ages (978-80-7346-280-2) , Monbento positive m graphic ginkgo | béžová (15014016)

A History of the Universe in 100 Stars - Freistetter Florian

A History of the Universe in 100 Stars - Freistetter Florian

From the Big Bang to the Gaia Mission, this is a very personal history of the universe through the author's favourite 100 stars. Astronomer Florian Freistetter has chosen 100 stars that have almost nothing in common. Some are bright and famous, some shine so feebly you need a huge telescope. There are big stars, small stars, nearby stars and faraway stars. Some died a while ago, others have not even yet come into being. Collectively they tell the story of the whole world, according to Freistetter. There is Algol, for example, the Demon Star, whose strange behaviour has long caused people sleepless nights. And Gamma Draconis, from which we know that the earth rotates around its own axis. There is also the star sequence 61 Cygni, which revealed the size of the cosmos to us. Then there are certain stars used by astronomers to search for extra-terrestrial life, to explore interstellar space travel, or to explain why the dinosaurs became extinct. In 100 short, fascinating and entertaining chapters, Freistetter not only reveals the past and future of the cosmos, but also the story of the people who have tried to understand the world in which we live. (

Podobné produkty ako A History of the Universe in 100 Stars - Freistetter Florian , Tognana jídelní sada 18ks metropol graphic (me070185529)

Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087)

Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087)

Hudební CD - Soundtrack k filmu The Personal History of David Copperfield z roku 2019. The Personal History of David Copperfield je film skotského režiséra Armanda Iannucciho. Ten je rovněž spolu se Simonem Blackwellem autorem scénáře, který vznikl na motivy románu David Copperfield od Charlese Dickense. Seznam stop My Own Story / Baby Davy / Yarmouth / Last Days of Innocence / The Murdstones / The Bottling Factory / I Fall Into Disgrace / A Corker of a Corker / Without a Home / 23 Miles to Dover / Notes and Impressions / A Blissful Summer / First Day at School / Mr. Dick and the Kite / Agnes / Tall Tales / Uriah Heep / Of Kites and Concertinas / Leaving Day / Meeting Dora / Adventures of a London Gentleman / Mock Turtle / Ruined / Mounting Troubles / Return To Yarmouth / Steerforth Mucks In / Emily Gone / The Search for Emily / David's Writings / The Shipwreck / Concluding Words / A Life Well Written / These Pages Must Show (End Credits) (

Podobné produkty ako Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087) , Maths made easy: advanced, ages 10-11 (9781409344742)

The History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Pictures - Martin Franc, Vlasta Mádlová

The History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Pictures - Martin Franc, Vlasta Mádlová

Based on period documents and photography, the book maps in detail the development of Czech non-university sciences from the 18th century when the Society of Unknown Scholars in the Austrian Lands was founded in Olomouc. The main attention is focused on the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its most important precursors, whether the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, active in 1953-1992, or earlier institutions, such as the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts (originally the Emperor Franz Joseph Czech Academy for Sciences, Literature and Arts), founded in 1890, or the Royal Bohemian Society of Learning, which existed already from the 18th century. Individual chapters are devoted also to Masaryk Academy of Labour and the main scientific institutions of the Germans living in the Czech lands - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen (Society for the Support of German Sciences, Arts and Literature in Bohemia). Attention is, however, also devoted to our most important scientists with whose research results as well as the milieu in which they worked and work the reader is acquainted with through archival and contemporary sources. The patrons and sponsors who made it possible for Czech science to reach a global level are also not forgotten. The entire process of the development of Czech non-university science is places in the wider social context, which influenced the development of the scientific institutions and the position of scientists in them. (

Podobné produkty ako The History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Pictures - Martin Franc, Vlasta Mádlová , Problem solving made easy, ages 9-11 (9780241224977)

Scorn : The Wittiest and Wickedest Insults in Human History - Matthew Parris

Scorn : The Wittiest and Wickedest Insults in Human History - Matthew Parris

'He's 100% political herpes. Back in six months whatever you do. Or three days, like last time.' Camilla Long on Nigel Farage 'You're as ugly as a salad.' Bulgarian insult 'I'm going to beat him so bad he'll need a shoehorn to put his hat on.' Muhammed Ali There's no pleasure like a perfectly turned put-down (when it's directed at somebody else, of course) but Matthew Parris's Scorn is sharply different from the standard collections. Here are the funniest, sharpest, rudest and most devastating insults in history, from ancient Roman graffiti to the battlefields of Twitter. Drawing on bile from such masters as Dorothy Parker, Elizabeth I, Donald Trump, Groucho Marx, Princess Anne, Winston Churchill, Nigel Farage, Mae West and Alastair Campbell - which form an exchange between voices down the ages - Scorn shows that abuse can be an art form. This collection includes extended literary invective as well as short verbal shin-kicks. Encompassing literature, art, politics, showbiz, marriage, gender, nationality and religion, Matthew Parris's sublime collection is the perfect companion for the festive season, whether you're searching for the perfect elegant riposte, the rudest polite letter ever written, or a brutal verbal sledgehammer. (

Podobné produkty ako Scorn : The Wittiest and Wickedest Insults in Human History - Matthew Parris , Maths made easy: decimals, ages 9-11 (9781409345084)

The Stones of Prague - History, Pattern & Memory - Anderson Mary R.

The Stones of Prague - History, Pattern & Memory - Anderson Mary R.

Ilustrovaná chronologie českých dějin od příchodu Slovanů až po Václava Havla anglické vydání (

Podobné produkty ako The Stones of Prague - History, Pattern & Memory - Anderson Mary R. , Maths made easy: beginner, ages 9-10 (9781409344841)

Written in History : Letters that Changed the World - Simon Sebag Montefiore

Written in History : Letters that Changed the World - Simon Sebag Montefiore

WRITTEN IN HISTORY celebrates the great letters of world history, creative culture and personal life. Acclaimed historian Simon Sebag Montefiore selects over one hundred letters from ancient times to the twenty-first century: some are noble and inspiring, some despicable and unsettling; some are exquisite works of literature, others brutal, coarse and frankly outrageous; many are erotic, others heartbreaking. The writers vary from Elizabeth I, Rameses the Great and Leonard Cohen to Emmeline Pankhurst, Mandela, Stalin, Michelangelo, Suleiman the Magnificent and unknown people in extraordinary circumstances - from love letters to calls for liberation, declarations of war to reflections on death. In the colourful, accessible style of a master storyteller, Montefiore shows why these letters are essential reading: how they enlighten our past, enrich the way we live now - and illuminate tomorrow. (

Podobné produkty ako Written in History : Letters that Changed the World - Simon Sebag Montefiore , Maths made easy: beginner, ages 7-8 (9781409344803)

The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

A beautiful picture-book adaptation of Thomas Harding's Costa-shortlisted biography for adults, exquisitely illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.On the outskirts of Berlin, a wooden cottage stands on the shore of a lake. Over the course of a century, this little house played host to a loving Jewish family, a renowned Nazi composer, wartime refugees and a Stasi informant; in that time, a world war came and went, and the Berlin Wall was built a stone's throw from the cottage's back door.Thomas Harding first shared this remarkable story in his Costa-shortlisted biography The House by the Lake - now he has rendered it into a deeply moving picture-book for young readers. With words that read like a haunting fairy-tale, and magnificent artwork by Britta Teckentrup, this is the astonishing true story of the house by the lake. (

Podobné produkty ako The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding

Džíny Lee Scarlett High Middle Of The Night dámské, high waist

Džíny Lee Scarlett High Middle Of The Night dámské, high waist

Džíny z kolekce Lee ve střihu skinny se zvýšeným pasem. Model vyroben ze sepraného denimu. (

Podobné produkty ako Džíny Lee Scarlett High Middle Of The Night dámské, high waist

Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor

Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor

Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor z kategorie Dámské kalhotky značky Passion, velikost L/XL, barva černobílá. (

Podobné produkty ako Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor

Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor

Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor

Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor z kategorie Dámské kalhotky značky Passion, velikost S/M, barva černobílá. (

Podobné produkty ako Černo-bílá tanga Eleonor

Prague In Black And Gold: The History Of A City - Peter Demetz

Prague In Black And Gold: The History Of A City - Peter Demetz

From the Velvet Revolution to the disturbing world of Franz Kafka, from the devestation of the Thirty Years War to the musical elegance of Mozart and Dvorak, Prague is steeped in a wealth of history and culture. PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is a first class history of this unique city, allowing us to unravel layer upon layer of startlingly symbolic sites and buidings to reveal the real Prague. "PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is an exceptional work - and exceptionally reliable ... I am sure that thiswill be an important and exciting guide for all who wish to learn more about the famous people and important events in the history of the Czech lands and their capital" Ivan Klima, The Times (

Podobné produkty ako Prague In Black And Gold: The History Of A City - Peter Demetz

A History of the Czech Lands - Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma - e-kniha

A History of the Czech Lands - Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma - e-kniha

eBook:,A HISTORY OF THE CZECH LANDS podává soustavný výklad naší historie od pravěku až po vstup České republiky do Evropské unie v roce 2004. Kniha sleduje vývoj českého státu a národa, stejně jako menšin žijících na českém území, zejména Židů, Němců, Slováků a Poláků. Osu výkladu tvoří proměny státu (včetně území, která k němu patřila jen dočasně) a společnosti v něm žijící, ale pozornost je věnována rovněž kultuře, náboženství, populačnímu vývoji a tisíciletému přetváření krajinného prostředí. Za vedení dvojice předních českých historiků – Jaroslava Pánka a Oldřicha Tůmy – knihu zpracoval kolektiv odborníků z Historického ústavu a z Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny Akademie věd České republiky. Druhé, doplněné vydání obsahuje bohatý obrazový doprovod (133 ilustrací a fotografií) a 16 map zachycujících územní vývoj českých zemí. Knihu uzavírá nová kapitola, věnovaná událostem let 1993–2004. Dle zahraničních recenzí prvního vydání nejucelenější výklad českých dějin dostupný v angličtině. (

Podobné produkty ako A History of the Czech Lands - Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma - e-kniha

Freedom in the Mirror of University History (978-80-210-9743-8)

Freedom in the Mirror of University History  (978-80-210-9743-8)

Kniha - autor Alena Mizerová; Lea Novotná; Radka Vyskočilová; Radek Gomola, 156 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A university without its own publishing house is like a cathedral without an organ: wild-growing and silent. Masaryk University has got its publishing house, which even ranks among the largest in Central Europe by the number of publications, tirelessly spreading university knowledge and ethos not only through books, but on all present-day conceivable media. This jubilee publication brings a colourful panorama of the Munipress publishing house activities together with a historical overview. It is dedicated to the centenary of the Masaryk University and to all the silenced authors in its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Freedom in the Mirror of University History (978-80-210-9743-8)

Rise and Fall : A History of the World in Ten Empires - Paul Strathern

Rise and Fall : A History of the World in Ten Empires - Paul Strathern

Rise and Fall opens with the Akkadian Empire, which ruled over a vast expanse of the region of ancient Mesopotamia, then turns to the immense Roman Empire, where we trace back our western and eastern roots. Next Strathern describes how a great deal of western classical culture was developed in the Abbasid and Umayyid Caliphates. Then, while Europe was beginning to emerge from a period of cultural stagnation, it almost fell to a whirlwind invasion from the East, at which point we meet the Emperors of the Mongol Empire . . . Combining breathtaking scope with masterful concision, Paul Strathern traces connections across four millennia and sheds new light on these major civilizations - from the Mongol Empire and the Yuan Dynasty to the Aztec and Ottoman, through to the most recent and biggest Empires: the British, Russo-Soviet and American. Charting 5,000 years of global history in ten succinct chapters, Rise and Fall makes comprehensive and inspiring reading to anyone fascinated by the history of the world. (

Podobné produkty ako Rise and Fall : A History of the World in Ten Empires - Paul Strathern

A Highly Specific, Defiantly Incomplete History of the Earlz 21st Century - Chuck Klosterman

A Highly Specific, Defiantly Incomplete History of the Earlz 21st Century - Chuck Klosterman

New York Times-bestselling author and cultural critic Chuck Klosterman sorts through the past decade and how we got to now. Chuck Klosterman has created an incomparable body of work in books, magazines, newspapers, and on the Web. His writing spans the realms of culture and sports, while also addressing interpersonal issues, social quandaries, and ethical boundaries. Klosterman has written nine previous books, helped found and establish Grantland, served as the New York Times Magazine Ethicist, worked on film and television productions, and contributed profiles and essays to outlets such as GQ, Esquire, Billboard, The A.V. Club, and The Guardian. Chuck Klosterman's tenth book (aka Chuck Klosterman X) collects his most intriguing of those pieces, accompanied by fresh introductions and new footnotes throughout. Klosterman presents many of the articles in their original form, featuring previously unpublished passages and digressions. Subjects include Breaking Bad, Lou Reed, zombies, KISS, Jimmy Page, Stephen Malkmus, steroids, Mountain Dew, Chinese Democracy, The Beatles, Jonathan Franzen, Taylor Swift, Tim Tebow, Kobe Bryant, Usain Bolt, Eddie Van Halen, Charlie Brown, the Cleveland Browns, and many more cultural figures and pop phenomena. This is a tour of the past decade from one of the sharpest and most prolific observers of our unusual times. (

Podobné produkty ako A Highly Specific, Defiantly Incomplete History of the Earlz 21st Century - Chuck Klosterman

Around the Globe. Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists - Miroslav Vaněk - e-kniha

Around the Globe. Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists - Miroslav Vaněk - e-kniha

eBook:,Publikace Around the Globe. Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists přináší rozhovory s třinácti významnými osobnostmi, které se zabývají orální historií. Profesor Miroslav Vaněk formou interview zaznamenal nejen části životních příběhů těchto osobností, to, jak a proč se začali orální historií zabývat, ale i jejich názory na postavení a význam orální historie v rámci společenských věd. V rozhovorech je reflektováno, jak se vyrovnávají s často kladenou otázkou subjektivity orální historie, zda orální historii považují za obor nebo metodu a jestli je taková klasifikace důležitá. Osobnosti jako David King Dunaway, Ronald Grele, Elizabeth Millwood, Alexander von Plato, Alessandro Portelli, Alistair Thomson, Paul Thompson a další se zároveň zamýšlejí nad budoucností orální historie v době rychle se rozvíjejících technologií i nad možnostmi interpretace orálně historických interview. Publikace je určena všem zájemcům o společenské vědy. (

Podobné produkty ako Around the Globe. Rethinking Oral History with Its Protagonists - Miroslav Vaněk - e-kniha

Lotharingia : A Personal History of France, Germany and the Countries In-Between - Simon Winder

Lotharingia : A Personal History of France, Germany and the Countries In-Between - Simon Winder

In AD 843, the three surviving grandsons of the great Emperor Charlemagne met at Verdun. After years of bitter squabbles over who would inherit the family land, they finally decided to divide the territory and go their separate ways. In a moment of staggering significance, one grandson inherited what became France, another Germany and the third Lotharingia: the chunk that initially divided the other two. The dynamic between these three great zones has dictated much of our subsequent fate.In this beguiling, hilarious and compelling book we retrace how both from west and from east any number of ambitious characters have tried and failed to grapple with these Lotharingians, who ultimately became Dutch, German, Belgian, French, Luxembourgers and Swiss. Over many centuries, not only has Lotharingia brought forth many of Europe's greatest artists, inventors and thinkers, but it has also reduced many a would-be conqueror to helpless tears of rage and frustration. Joining Germania and Danubia in Simon Winder's endlessly fascinating retelling of European history, Lotharingia is a personal, wonderful and gripping story. (

Podobné produkty ako Lotharingia : A Personal History of France, Germany and the Countries In-Between - Simon Winder

Pánské tričko Eleonor tmavě modré (76506)

Pánské tričko Eleonor tmavě modré (76506)

Pánské tričko - velikost S, rovný, 100% bavlna, modrá barva, s potiskem Uvažujete o koupi pánského trička, které by obohatilo váš šatník? Potom se vám možná zalíbí pánské tričko PIAZZA-ITALIA o velikosti S. Modrá barva se vám zajisté bude hodit do šatníku. Pánské tričko Eleonor tmavě modré tvoří bavlna. Bavlna je velice odolná a skvěle absorbuje vlhkost. Základní přednosti pánského trička Pánské tričko Eleonor tmavě modré Materiál pánského trička PIAZZA-ITALIA je bavlna Velikost: S Uvidíte na něm i potisk Střih pánského trička PIAZZA-ITALIA: rovný Jeho design podtrhuje modrá barva (

Podobné produkty ako Pánské tričko Eleonor tmavě modré (76506)

Rock of Ages (DVD)

Rock of Ages (DVD)

Nastavte uši smíchu, zábavě a hudbě zlatých let rock'n'rollu s našlapaným hereckým obsazením. Rock of Ages zježí vaše vlasy elektrizující hudbou skupin Def Leppard, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister a dalších. Postav dům, rozjeď klub Pohled na historický význam klubů na Sunset Stripu v 80. letech a jejich vliv na design „bourbonového salonku“ ve filmu.Bonusy: • Any Way You Want It: hudební bonusZpívají Mary J. Blige, Constantine Maroulis a Julianne Hough• Def Leppard• Živě na premiéře (

Podobné produkty ako Rock of Ages (DVD)

Třebel 1647: A Battlefield of the Thirty Years’ War from the Perspective of History, Archeolo (978-80-88104-31-5)

Třebel 1647: A Battlefield of the Thirty Years’ War from the Perspective of History, Archeolo (978-80-88104-31-5)

Kniha - autor Václav Matoušek; Tomáš Janata; Jan Chlíbec; Roman Urbani; Růžena Zimová, 232 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha „Třebel 1647. A Battlefield of the Thirty Years’ War from the Perspective of History, Archeology, Art-history, Geoinformatics, and Ethnology” pojednává o střetnutí švédské a habsburské armády, která se odehrála pod hradem Třebelí v západních Čechách mezi 18. srpnem a 5. zářím, v roce 1647. Krajina bojiště se od poloviny 17. století dodnes téměř nezměnila. Na bojišti je dochováno 7 reliktů polních opevnění. Terénní výzkum bojiště probíhal s přestávkami od roku 1988 do roku 2017.Kniha je 2. upraveným vydáním knihy archeologa a historika Václava Matouška “Třebel. Obraz krajiny s bitvou”, kterou v roce 2006 vydalo nakladatelství Academia. Celý náklad prvého vydání je již zcela rozebrán. Druhým vydáním vyšel autor vstříc jak domácím, tak zahraničním zájemcům o terénní výzkum bojišť třicetileté války v Českých zemích.Aktuální... (

Podobné produkty ako Třebel 1647: A Battlefield of the Thirty Years’ War from the Perspective of History, Archeolo (978-80-88104-31-5)

Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)

Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)

Kniha - autor Renáta Fučíková, 196 stran, anglicky, Pevná, plátěný potah - autor Renáta Fučíková, 196 stran, anglicky, pevná, plátěný potah Czech immigrants traveled to the unknown beyond the Atlantic in several waves. Some came to America in search of religious and political freedom, while others simply sought a better life in a country of great opportunities. Today we know that without their involvement, independent Czechoslovakia would hardly have come to exist, and without the assistance of the United States, the Czech lands would have twice recovered from totalitarianism only with great difficulty. In Bohemian Stories, Renáta Fučíková presents a graphic journey through the history of Czechs in the United States, capturing the bonds between the two countries through their lived experience. Short texts and vivid illustrations detail the fates of the cartographer Martin Bohemus, the rebel Vojta Náprstek, the Freethinker Ladimír Klácel; reveal the stories... (

Podobné produkty ako Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2)

Rock of Ages - DVD (W01464)

Rock of Ages - DVD (W01464)

Film na DVD - Nastavte uši smíchu, zábavě a hudbě zlatých let rock'n'rollu s našlapaným hereckým obsazením. Rock of Ages zježí vaše vlasy elektrizující hudbou skupin Def Leppard, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister a dalších. Nastavte uši smíchu, zábavě a hudbě zlatých let rock'n'rollu s našlapaným hereckým obsazením. Rock of Ages zježí vaše vlasy elektrizující hudbou skupin Def Leppard, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister a dalších. (

Podobné produkty ako Rock of Ages - DVD (W01464)

Mikina Pepe Jeans Eleonor dámská, tmavomodrá barva, hladká

Mikina Pepe Jeans Eleonor dámská, tmavomodrá barva, hladká

Mikina z kolekce Pepe Jeans. Model vyroben z elastické tkaniny. (

Podobné produkty ako Mikina Pepe Jeans Eleonor dámská, tmavomodrá barva, hladká



History je osobitým časopisem se širokým tematickým záběrem. Užívá svěží živý jazyk. Jednotlivými histrorickými událostmi se zabývá hlouběji a dává je do časových souvislostí s událostmi té doby v jiných zemích a kontinentech. Výraznou pozornost věnuje časopis českým dějinám. (

Podobné produkty ako HISTORY revue

The Canterbury Tales - Peter Ackroyd, Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales - Peter Ackroyd, Geoffrey Chaucer

"A romp for the ages" (Vanity Fair)-now with a graphic cover and deluxe packaging Renowned novelist, historian, and biographer Peter Ackroyd takes on what is arguably the greatest poem in the English language and presents it in a prose vernacular that makes it accessible to readers while preserving the spirit of the original. A mirror for medieval society, The Canterbury Tales concerns a motley group of pilgrims who meet in a London inn on their way to Canterbury and agree to take part in a storytelling competition. Ackroyd's contemporary prose emphasizes the humanity of these characters-as well as explicitly rendering their bawdy humor-yet still masterfully evokes the euphonies and harmonies of Chaucer's verse. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators. (

Podobné produkty ako The Canterbury Tales - Peter Ackroyd, Geoffrey Chaucer

The North Face Graphic Tee NF0A5591FN4

The North Face Graphic Tee NF0A5591FN4

The North Face Graphic Tee NF0A5591FN4 (

Podobné produkty ako The North Face Graphic Tee NF0A5591FN4
Imbruglia Natalie: Left of the Middle - LP (8719262026407), A colleague from the middle of nowhere (999-00-035-3136-0), Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078), Pánské tričko Eleonor tmavě modré (76506), Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087), Comrades: A History of World Communism (0330439685), Meatfly Bike Middle (SPTdtr6953nad), Meatfly Middle Grey (SPTdtr6956nad), Speak English 4: About Medicine through the ages (978-80-7346-280-2), Freedom in the Mirror of University History (978-80-210-9743-8), Rock of Ages - DVD (W01464), Odyssea: History - CD (9029534884), odyssea history hudebni cd, Meatfly Middle, Bike Black (SPTmea024nad), MonBento Original Graphic | Jungle (1000_01_430), CALVIN KLEIN Graphic K7E23646 (K7E23646), MonBento Square Graphic | Jungle (13014001), MonBento Original Graphic | Ginkgo (11124016), KPH Baby history růžové (0010_FA912R), No Fear: Hamlet. Graphic Novel (1411498739), Bohemian Stories: An Illustrated History of Czechs in the USA (978-80-7252-817-2), Wolfenstein: Alt History Collection - PS4 (5055856427889), Meatfly Middle černá EU 35 - 37 (8590202011772), MonBento Positive M Graphic Ginkgo | béžová (15014016), Tognana Jídelní sada 18ks METROPOL GRAPHIC (ME070185529), Maths Made Easy: Advanced, Ages 10-11 (9781409344742), Problem Solving Made Easy, Ages 9-11 (9780241224977), Maths Made Easy: Decimals, Ages 9-11 (9781409345084), Maths Made Easy: Beginner, Ages 9-10 (9781409344841), Maths Made Easy: Beginner, Ages 7-8 (9781409344803)