Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The It Girl - Ruth Ware
Everyone wanted her lifeSomeone wanted her deadIt was Hannah who found April's body ten years ago.It was Hannah who didn't question what she saw that day.Did her testimony put an innocent man in prison?She needs to know the truth.Even if it means questioning her own friends.Even if it means putting her own life at risk.Because if the killer wasn't a stranger, it's someone she knows...
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The It Girl - Ruth Ware
Everyone wanted her lifeSomeone wanted her dead It was Hannah who found April’s body ten years ago. It was Hannah who didn’t question what she saw that day. Did her testimony put an innocent man in prison? She needs to know the truth. Even if it means questioning her own friends. Even if it means putting her own life at risk. Because if the killer wasn’t a stranger, it's someone she knows . . .
Podívejte se také The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382)
The Turn of the Key - Ruth Ware
When Rowan stumbles across the advert, it seems like too good an opportunity to miss: a live-in nanny position, with a very generous salary. And when she arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten by the luxurious 'smart' home fitted out with all modern conveniences by a picture-perfect family.What she doesn't know is that she's stepping into a nightmare - one that will end with a child dead and her in cell awaiting trial for murder.She knows she's made mistakes. But she's not guilty - at least not of murder. Which means someone else is...
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Podnikavá dívka - Ruth Ware
VŠICHNI TOUŽILI PO JEJÍM ŽIVOTĚ. JEN JEDEN SI PŘÁL JEJÍ SMRT... ***** Hanna poznala April během studií na Oxfordské univerzitě. Bystrá, akční a bohatá, ale také zlomyslná dívka Hannu okamžitě okouzlila nejen svým sebevědomím, ale i oslnivým životním stylem horních vrstev. Ještě s hrstkou dalších studentů – Willem, Hughem, Ryanem a Emily – pak tvořili nerozlučnou partu… alespoň dokud Hanna na konci prvního ročníku nenašla April mrtvou. ***** O deset let později John Neville, oxfordský vrátný odsouzený za Aprilinu vraždu, umírá ve vězení, a Hanna se konečně chystá na dávné trauma zapomenout. Jenže současně vyplouvá na světlo zcela nová skutečnost, možná svědčící o Nevillově nevině, a s ní i hrozivá myšlenka: pomohla tenkrát Hanna usvědčit nepravého? ***** Jestli chce ještě někdy najít klid, musí se Hanna znovu sejít se starými přáteli a ponořit se hluboko do tajemství Apriliny smrti. Přitom však zjišťuje, že její bývalí spolužáci toho mají mnoho co skrývat. Možná dokonce i vraždu...
Objev podobné jako Podnikavá dívka - Ruth Ware
Zero Days - Ruth Ware
International bestseller Ruth Ware returns with this adrenaline-fueled thriller about a woman in a race against time to clear her name and find her husband’s killer.Hired by companies to break into buildings and hack security systems, Jack and her husband Gabe are the best penetration specialists in the business. But after a routine assignment goes horribly wrong, Jack arrives home to find her husband dead. To add to her horror, the police are closing in on their only suspect – her.On the run and out of options, Jack must decide who she can trust as she circles closer to the truth in this unputdownable and heart-pounding mystery from 'one of the best thriller writers around today' Ruth Ware.
Objev podobné jako Zero Days - Ruth Ware
Zero Days - Ruth Ware
‘This is Ruth Ware like you’ve never read her before’ DAVID BALDACCI ‘She’s done it again!’ CLARE MACKINTOSH HER HUSBAND HAS BEEN MURDERED AND SHE'S THE ONLY SUSPECT. WHAT SHOULD SHE DO? Hired by companies to break into buildings and hack security systems, Jack and her husband Gabe are the best penetration specialists in the business. But after a routine assignment goes horribly wrong, Jack arrives home to find her husband dead. It soon becomes clear that the police have only one suspect in mind – her. Jack must go on the run to try and clear her name and to find her husband’s real killer. But who can she trust when everyone she knows could be a suspect? And with the police and the killer after her, can Jack get to the truth before her time runs out?An adrenaline-fueled thriller from international bestseller and Richard & Judy pick, Ruth Ware, described as ‘one of the best thriller writers around today’ (Independent).PRAISE FOR ZERO DAYS: 'A suspense rollercoaster' STEVE CAVANAGH 'A full-on, paranoid thrill ride with sky-high stakes and a thoroughly absorbing premise that’s never less than shockingly believable. This rare peek into the shadows of the dark web is visceral, human and terrifying. Five stars' JANICE HALLETT ‘A pulse-pounding opening launches you into a cat and mouse game of deadly intrigue that will push Jack Cross, Ware’s new, superb heroine, to her absolute limits. A rocket ride that will satisfy the biggest thriller addicts out there’ DAVID BALDACCI ‘A breathless action thriller which packs an emotional punch, Zero Days is Ruth Ware's best yet’ CLARE MACKINTOSH ‘Hits the ground running and doesn’t let up till the last chapter. Ruth Ware’s best book yet’ ERIN KELLY ‘Ruth Ware is in a league of her own. Zero Days is a breathless, pulse-pounding cat-and-mouse thriller that will have you racing through the pages as our heroine sets off on her deadly chase. Just don’t forget to breathe . . .’ JACK JORDAN ‘The best thriller you’ll read this year. From its explosive opening to that dizzying first twist, Zero Days is a fast-paced – but also very touching – ride’ WILLIAM SHAW
Objev podobné jako Zero Days - Ruth Ware
Perfektní podezřelá - Ruth Ware
PODEZŘELÁ Z VRAŽDY. NA ÚTĚKU. PROTI VŠEM.Jack Crossová má batoh plný paklíčů, skvěle ovládá umění převleků a kamufláže a umí výborně lhát. Velké korporace si ji s jejím manželem Gabem najímají, aby otestovali zabezpečení jejich budov a pokusili se nabourat bezpečnostní systémy – a oni jsou ve své práci vážně dobří. Nebo alespoň byli.Když Jack pokazí rutinní zakázku pro pojišťovací společnost Arden Alliance, ještě netuší, jak dramaticky se má její život změnit. To zjistí až po návratu domů, kde najde Gabea s podříznutým krkem, a hned nato je zatčena. Gabe před smrtí uzavřel nezvykle vysokou životní pojistku, což z ní dělá perfektní podezřelou.Aby dokázala svou nevinnu, nezbývá Jack nic jiného než využít všech svých schopností: musí utéct z policejní stanice a vypátrat skutečného vraha na vlastní pěst. Pokud to nedokáže, skončí na doživotí za mřížemi. Čas se neúprosně krátí a tentokrát nesmí udělat žádnou chybu…
Objev podobné jako Perfektní podezřelá - Ruth Ware
Otočení klíčem - Ruth Ware
JEJICH VYSNĚNÝ DŮM SE STANE JEJÍ NOČNÍ MŮROU…Když Rowan Caineová během brouzdání po internetu narazí na inzerát, v němž bohatí manželé Elincourtovi nabízejí štědře placené místo chůvy pro jejich čtyři děti, nedokáže odolat. Možná měla tušit, že je ta nabídka až příliš lákavá, jenže jakmile dorazí na luxusní sídlo Heatherbrae, je okamžitě ztracená.V okouzlení „chytrým“ domem plným nejmodernějších technologií, krásou skotské Vysočiny i perfektní rodinou si ani nevšimne, že se stala součástí děsivé noční můry, která skončí až smrtí osmileté Maddie a Rowaniným zatčením.Rowan ví, že udělala spoustu chyb. Lhala, když žádala o místo, a ani její chování vůči dětem nebylo vždy ideální. Rozhodně není nevinná. Ale vraždu nespáchala. Nebo se o tom alespoň během výčtu děsivých událostí snaží přesvědčit policii i svého obhájce.Jestliže však svou malou svěřenkyni nezabila ona, kdo to tedy byl?___Mrazivý psychologický thriller od autorky bestsellerů Chata v horách a Všude kolem černý les.
Objev podobné jako Otočení klíčem - Ruth Ware
Chata v horách - Ruth Ware
KAŽDÝ MÁ CO ZÍSKAT, CO SKRÝVAT A CO ZTRATIT…Strávit týden v zasněžených horách se zdá jako skvělý nápad, který by neměla pokazit ani blížící se vánice. Co je víc než velkolepá vyhlídka, teplo sálajícího ohně a společnost známých lidí? Pokud ovšem těmi lidmi není deset spolupracovníků jedné firmy…Když Topher St. Clair-Bridges, jeden ze zakladatelů úspěšného londýnského start-upu Snoop, zorganizuje pro zaměstnance týdenní pobyt ve francouzských Alpách, firemní akce probíhá naprosto běžným způsobem. Ovšem jen do chvíle, než spoluzakladatelka Snoopu Eva van den Bergová naruší všeobecnou pohodu, když se snaží protlačit sice lukrativní, ale spornou nabídku na odkup firmy jinou společností.Sněhová bouře není nic v porovnání s tou, která se chystá propuknout uvnitř chaty. A když návštěvníkům odřízne spojení se světem lavina, mizerná nálada a napětí se rychle mění v ponorkovou nemoc. A zatímco s každou další hodinou bez vyhlídky na záchranu roste panika, teplota v domě bez elektřiny klesá a účastníci akce jeden po druhém umírají…
Objev podobné jako Chata v horách - Ruth Ware
One Perfect Couple - Ruth Ware
AND THEN THERE WERE NONE meets THE TRAITORSFive beautiful couples. One deadly game. Who will escape alive? Lyla Santiago has spent months working on a research project that could be the key to getting a permanent job in her field. So, she can’t really drop everything to go to a desert island with her actor boyfriend Nico to film One Perfect Couple, a new reality TV show that Nico is sure will lead to his big break – can she? Two weeks later, Lyla finds herself boarding a boat to an isolated luxury resort in the Indian Ocean. The rules of the game are simple. Ten strangers have to survive together on the island - and the last couple standing scoops the prize. There will be sun, sea, laughs and plenty of flirting. What could possibly go wrong? But when a huge tropical storm cuts them off from everything, the group must band together. As tensions run high and fresh water runs low, Lyla realises that someone is playing this game for real – and they'll stop at nothing to win. Ten might have arrived, but who will survive to the end? ‘A sun-soaked, deeply sinister and unputdownable read’ Cressida McLaughlin 'The perfect “what if?” destination thriller – Agatha Christie with a Love Island twist. This is Ruth Ware at her very best’ Claire Coughlan ‘Ruth Ware has another winner on her hands! She so deftly sets the scene, and then the terror begins. Ware is a genius at building suspense – One Perfect Couple is an absolutely compulsive read!’ Shari Lapena ‘A must read . . . another thriller from one of our best thriller writers’ Daily Mail ‘Tense and entertaining’ Platinum ‘Outstanding . . . definitely one of this summer’s most exciting reads’ Joan Smith, Sunday Times ‘If you’re missing The Traitors, this one is for you!’ PrimaPraise for Ruth Ware: ‘A rocket ride that will satisfy the biggest thriller addicts out there’ DAVID BALDACCI 'Deliciously dark and utterly addictive' LUCY FOLEY ‘A breathless action thriller which packs an emotional punch’ CLARE MACKINTOSH ‘Hits the ground running and doesn’t let up till the last chapter’ ERIN KELLY 'Every Ruth Ware novel is a unique and unexpected gem and this one is no exception. A heady, tense, slowburn dream of a book, multi-layered and steeped in atmosphere and peril. I loved every page' LISA JEWELL 'Absolutely brilliant murder mystery – seamless, flawless, perfectly clued and utterly gripping' SOPHIE HANNAH 'Impeccably crafted and totally compulsive – you’ll be sad to reach the final page and realise you have to say goodbye' JP DELANEY 'Ruth Ware is in a league of her own' JACK JORDAN
Objev podobné jako One Perfect Couple - Ruth Ware
Podnikavá dívka - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
eBook: VŠICHNI TOUŽILI PO JEJÍM ŽIVOTĚ. JEN JEDEN SI PŘÁL JEJÍ SMRT. Hanna poznala April během studií na Oxfordské univerzitě. Bystrá, akční a bohatá, ale také zlomyslná dívka Hannu okamžitě okouzlila nejen svým sebevědomím, ale i oslnivým životním stylem horních vrstev. Ještě s hrstkou dalších studentů – Willem, Hughem, Ryanem a Emily – pak tvořili nerozlučnou partu… alespoň dokud Hanna na konci prvního ročníku nenašla April mrtvou. O deset let později John Neville, oxfordský vrátný odsouzený za Aprilinu vraždu, umírá ve vězení, a Hanna se konečně chystá na dávné trauma zapomenout. Jenže současně vyplouvá na světlo zcela nová skutečnost, možná svědčící o Nevillově nevině, a s ní i hrozivá myšlenka: pomohla tenkrát Hanna usvědčit nepravého? Jestli chce ještě někdy najít klid, musí se Hanna znovu sejít se starými přáteli a ponořit se hluboko do tajemství Apriliny smrti. Přitom však zjišťuje, že její bývalí spolužáci toho mají mnoho co skrývat. Možná dokonce i vraždu... ___ Strhující psychologický thriller z univerzitního prostředí od autorky bestsellerů Chata v horách a Otočení klíčem.
Objev podobné jako Podnikavá dívka - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
Otočení klíčem - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
eBook: JEJICH VYSNĚNÝ DŮM SE STANE JEJÍ NOČNÍ MŮROU… Když Rowan Caineová během brouzdání po internetu narazí na inzerát, v němž bohatí manželé Elincourtovi nabízejí štědře placené místo chůvy pro jejich čtyři děti, nedokáže odolat. Možná měla tušit, že je ta nabídka až příliš lákavá, jenže jakmile dorazí na luxusní sídlo Heatherbrae, je okamžitě ztracená. V okouzlení „chytrým“ domem plným nejmodernějších technologií, krásou skotské Vysočiny i perfektní rodinou si ani nevšimne, že se stala součástí děsivé noční můry, která skončí až smrtí osmileté Maddie a Rowaniným zatčením. Rowan ví, že udělala spoustu chyb. Lhala, když žádala o místo, a ani její chování vůči dětem nebylo vždy ideální. Rozhodně není nevinná. Ale vraždu nespáchala. Nebo se o tom alespoň během výčtu děsivých událostí snaží přesvědčit policii i svého obhájce. Jestliže však svou malou svěřenkyni nezabila ona, kdo to tedy byl? ___ Mrazivý psychologický thriller od autorky bestsellerů Chata v horách a Všude kolem černý les.
Objev podobné jako Otočení klíčem - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
Perfektní podezřelá - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
eBook: PODEZŘELÁ Z VRAŽDY. NA ÚTĚKU. PROTI VŠEM. Jack Crossová má batoh plný paklíčů, skvěle ovládá umění převleků a kamufláže a umí výborně lhát. Velké korporace si ji s jejím manželem Gabem najímají, aby otestovali zabezpečení jejich budov a pokusili se nabourat bezpečnostní systémy – a oni jsou ve své práci vážně dobří. Nebo alespoň byli. Když Jack pokazí rutinní zakázku pro pojišťovací společnost Arden Alliance, ještě netuší, jak dramaticky se má její život změnit. To zjistí až po návratu domů, kde najde Gabea s podříznutým krkem, a hned nato je zatčena. Gabe před smrtí uzavřel nezvykle vysokou životní pojistku, což z ní dělá perfektní podezřelou. Aby dokázala svou nevinnu, nezbývá Jack nic jiného než využít všech svých schopností: musí utéct z policejní stanice a vypátrat skutečného vraha na vlastní pěst. Pokud to nedokáže, skončí na doživotí za mřížemi. Čas se neúprosně krátí a tentokrát nesmí udělat žádnou chybu… ___ Adrenalinem nabitý psychologický thriller od autorky bestsellerů Chata v horách, Otočení klíčem a Podnikavá dívka.
Objev podobné jako Perfektní podezřelá - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
Chata v horách - Ruth Ware - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Bílá idylka? Vždyť ve tmě a závějích může vraždit kdokoli… Topher St. Clair-Bridges, šéf londýnského start-upu Snoop, se rozhodl uspořádat týdenní teambuilding pro deset loajálních zaměstnanců. Aktuální trendy velí, že zatáhnout účet za posezení v hospodě dávno nestačí. Luxusní lyžařský výlet do francouzských Alp, spojený s relaxací v panenské horské přírodě, ale nečekaně naruší spoluzakladatelka společnosti Eva van den Bergová, která do uvolněné atmosféry vnese nádech neodbytné pracovní záležitosti. Bílá idylka je v tahu. A jakmile hosty horské chaty odřízne od zbytku světa a elektřiny lavina, jdou veškeré řevnivosti i ponorkové nálady stranou. Nebo že by ne? Stmelování týmu se mění ve smrtící past, v níž umírá jeden za druhým… Bestsellerová autorka servíruje perfektně vychlazený koktejl napětí a záhad, který vás nenechá ani na okamžik v klidu. Milovníci klasických detektivek Agathy Christie (zvlášť Deseti malých černoušků :)) rozhodně nebudou zklamáni. Navíc hory byly odedávna skvělý plenér pro zločin!
Objev podobné jako Chata v horách - Ruth Ware - audiokniha
In a Dark, Dark Wood - Ruth Ware
Nora hasn't seen Clare for ten years. Not since the day Nora walked out of her old life and never looked back. Until, out of the blue, an invitation to Clare's hen party arrives. A weekend in a remote cottage - the perfect opportunity for Nora to reconnect with her best friend, to put the past behind her. But something goes wrong. Very wrong.
Objev podobné jako In a Dark, Dark Wood - Ruth Ware
Chata v horách - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
eBook: KAŽDÝ MÁ CO ZÍSKAT, CO SKRÝVAT A CO ZTRATIT… Strávit týden v zasněžených horách se zdá jako skvělý nápad, který by neměla pokazit ani blížící se vánice. Co je víc než velkolepá vyhlídka, teplo sálajícího ohně a společnost známých lidí? Pokud ovšem těmi lidmi není deset spolupracovníků jedné firmy… Když Topher St. Clair-Bridges, jeden ze zakladatelů úspěšného londýnského start-upu Snoop, zorganizuje pro zaměstnance týdenní pobyt ve francouzských Alpách, firemní akce probíhá naprosto běžným způsobem. Ovšem jen do chvíle, než spoluzakladatelka Snoopu Eva van den Bergová naruší všeobecnou pohodu, když se snaží protlačit sice lukrativní, ale spornou nabídku na odkup firmy jinou společností. Sněhová bouře není nic v porovnání s tou, která se chystá propuknout uvnitř chaty. A když návštěvníkům odřízne spojení se světem lavina, mizerná nálada a napětí se rychle mění v ponorkovou nemoc. A zatímco s každou další hodinou bez vyhlídky na záchranu roste panika, teplota v domě bez elektřiny klesá a účastníci akce jeden po druhém umírají… ___ Moderní detektivka v té nejlepší tradici „královny zločinu“ Agathy Christie od autorky bestsellerů Žena z kajuty č. 10 a Všude kolem černý les.
Objev podobné jako Chata v horách - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
Smrť pani Westawayovej - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
eBook: Jedného dňa, ktorý sa začne ako každý iný, Hal dostane záhadný list, podľa ktorého je vraj dedičkou veľkého imania. Veľmi rýchlo však zistí, že list bol poslaný nesprávnej osobe, ale uvedomí si, že vďaka svojim špeciálnym schopnostiam vykladačky tarotových kariet by mohla poľahky prísť k veľkému majetku. Zanedlho sa objaví na pohrebe zosnulej osoby, kde na ňu doľahne ťažké zistenie, že na celej tejto zvláštnej situácii, kde ide o dedičstvo, niečo veľmi nesedí... Pútavý triler od Agathy Christie našich čias, ktorý nepustíte z rúk.
Objev podobné jako Smrť pani Westawayovej - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
Žena v kajute 10 - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
eBook: Ruth Ware: Žena v kajute 10 V tomto pekne upradenom príbehu, pripomínajúcom knihy Agathy Christie, Lo Blacklocková, žurnalistka, ktorá píše pre časopisy o cestovaní, práve dostala prácu, aká sa pritrafí raz za život: má stráviť týždeň na luxusnej výletnej lodi. Nebo je jasné, more pokojne, vyberaní hostia v dobrej nálade, keď sa výletná loď Aurora vydá na plavbu po malebnom Severnom mori. Spočiatku je pre Lo pobyt na lodi číra radosť: kajuty sú prepychové, večierky iskrivé a elegantní hostia zábavní. No ako sa týždeň chýli ku koncu, nebo sa zatiahne, palubu bičuje studený vietor a Lo sa stane svedkom desivej udalosti, ktorá jej pripomína hrôzostrašnú nočnú moru: jednu ženu zhodia cez palubu. Podľa záznamov však nikto z pasažierov na lodi nechýba, a tak sa loď plaví ďalej, akoby sa nič nestalo, napriek zúfalej snahe presvedčiť ľudí, že sa stalo niečo strašné. Prekvapivé zvraty v deji a tajomne krásne no klaustrofobické prostredie robia z tohto románu Ruth Ware skutočnú čitateľskú lahôdku.
Objev podobné jako Žena v kajute 10 - Ruth Ware - e-kniha
Marple: Twelve New Stories - Kate Mosse, Agatha Christie, Val McDermidová, Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, Elly Griffiths, Leigh Bardugová, Naomi Aldermanová,
A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime’s legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors. This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie’s Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery.· Naomi Alderman· Leigh Bardugo· Alyssa Cole· Lucy Foley· Elly Griffiths· Natalie Haynes· Jean Kwok· Val McDermid· Karen M. McManus· Dreda Say Mitchell· Kate Mosse· Ruth Ware Miss Marple was first introduced to readers in a story Christie wrote for The Royal Magazine in 1927 and made her first appearance in a full-length novel in 1930’s The Murder at the Vicarage. It has been 45 years since Agatha Christie’s last Marple novel, Sleeping Murder, was published posthumously in 1976, and this collection of ingenious new stories by twelve Christie devotees will be a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains the most famous fictional female detective of all time.
Objev podobné jako Marple: Twelve New Stories - Kate Mosse, Agatha Christie, Val McDermidová, Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, Elly Griffiths, Leigh Bardugová, Naomi Aldermanová,
The Escape - Ruth Kelly
'Atmospheric and page-turning, The Escape is this winter’s The Hunting Party' – Veronica HenryFrom bestselling author Ruth Kelly, The Escape is an electrifying thriller of influencers, secrets and lies set in a grand mansion in rural France. Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell and Sarah Pearse.The Perfect OfferWhen struggling influencer couple Adele and Jack post a crowdfunding video online, they’re amazed when a mysterious benefactor offers to buy them a crumbling French chateau. It’s the lifeline they need to leave all their troubles behind.The Perfect DreamFor Adele, it’s a dream come true. She will post videos of the renovation as thousands of online subscribers follow their journey. But the chateau is not all it seems and the local community is far from welcoming.The Perfect NightmareThen Adele’s videos suddenly stop. Her sister Erin visits to make sure she’s OK, but the couple have vanished. Between the obsession of Adele’s fans and the claustrophobic secrecy of the nearby town, Erin must unravel the shocking truth behind the couple’s disappearance . . .'A deliciously dark look at the world of influencers set against the backdrop of a glamorous French chateau - tense and shocking' – Catherine Cooper, author of The Chalet
Objev podobné jako The Escape - Ruth Kelly
The Woman on the Ledge - Ruth Mancini
Obsession. Intrigue. Revenge. Get ready for one of the most twisty thrillers this year!‘I’ve been yearning for something to give me Girl on the Train vibes. . . this is that book.’ Lisa Jewell''I’m certain this will be one of my favourite thrillers of 2024 already!’ Prima''Utterly gripping from first to last ... I guarantee you’ll be absolutely hooked.'' The Guardian''Totally unpredictable. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough'' Claire Douglas''A thrill-ride of a novel - dark, riveting and twisty'' Lucy Clarke‘I inhaled this. . . Lots of twists and turns. Couldn’t put it down!’ Hayley Morris‘Razor-sharp plotting, great writing ... a pitch-perfect legal thriller’ Harriet Tyce''A deeply satisfying read'' Her Honour Judge Wendy Joseph KC___________A woman falls to her death from a London bank''s twenty-fifth-floor roof terrace.You''re arrested for her murder.You tell the police that you only met the victim the previous night at your office party. She was threatening to jump from the roof, but you talked her down.You''ve got nothing to do with this tragedy.You''re clearly being framed.So why do the police keep picking holes in your story?And why doesn''t your lawyer seem to believe you?It soon becomes obvious that you''re keeping secrets.But who are you trying to protect? And why?Get ready for one of the most gripping psychological thrillers of the year, perfect for fans of Gillian McAllister, Lisa Jewell and Paula Hawkins.___________Readers are loving The Woman on the Ledge . . .***** ''It’s been awhile since I have read a good PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER, and even longer since I read a great one-but this ORIGINAL gem is pretty great!''***** ''ONE OF THE BEST PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLERS I HAVE READ THIS YEAR!!! WHAT A BRILLIANTLY WRITTEN MASTERPIECE!!!''***** ''This has the best dynamics of a book that I have read in awhile. What a talented author!''***** ''I definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys an intense, twisted, thought-provoking and engaging Psychological Thriller.''***** ''All I can say is that this is not a book to be missed.''___________More love for The Woman on the Ledge:''A deliciously clever book. Jaw-dropping. Absolutely outstanding'' Andrea Mara''A twist-a-minute thrill ride!'' Lisa Gardner''Had me turning the pages through the night'' Heidi Perks''A gripping thriller with a great premise and a twist I didn’t see coming'' John Marrs''The best thriller I''ve read in ages'' Laura Pearson‘Wonderfully twisty, fabulously unexpected and immensely satisfying’ Alex Marwood''The best kind of plot-twisty story ... I devoured it!'' Sabine Durrant''Breathtaking storytelling ... Stunning!’ Jane Fallon''WOW! I absolutely loved it'' Stu Cummins''A clever idea and an even cleverer plot.'' Belfast Telegraph‘So full of twists and turns it will make your head hurt – in a good way!’ Fabulous, Sun on Sunday‘A tense novel’ Bella‘A twisty tale that will keep you on your toes’ Heat‘A dark and compelling legal thriller.’ Woman & Home
Objev podobné jako The Woman on the Ledge - Ruth Mancini
The Paris Novel - Ruth Reichl
Stella arrives in Paris and rediscovers her appetite for life, in this irresistible novel about taking chances and finding your true home, by a New York Times-bestselling author
Objev podobné jako The Paris Novel - Ruth Reichl
The Phoenix Ballroom - Ruth Hogan
THE BRAND NEW UPLIFTING NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE TWO-MILLION COPY BESTSELLER THE KEEPER OF LOST THINGS''Magical ... uplifting ... the Phoenix Ballroom feels like an old friend'' ANTON DU BEKE''A rich and joyful story, told with wit and heart'' BETH MORREY''Every page is a joy'' PIP WILLIAMSWhen it''s time to face the music, all we can do is dance...Recently widowed Venetia Hamilton Hargreaves is left with a huge house, a bank balance to match and an uneasy feeling that she''s been sleepwalking through the last fifty years. Determined to live fully again, she embraces life with an enthusiasm and purpose she''d forgotten she could muster.Buying the dilapidated Phoenix Ballroom and with it a drop-in centre and spiritualist church could be seen as reckless, but Venetia''s generosity, courage and kindness provide a refuge for a touching cast of damaged and lonely people who find their chosen family. As their stories intertwine, long buried secrets are revealed, missed opportunities seized and lives are renewed as the Phoenix lives up to its name.The Phoenix Ballroom is a story of hope and second chances across the generations.''Will enthral and delight everyone who reads it'' MIKE GAYLE''Packed with Ruth Hogan''s trademark warmth'' MATT CAIN
Objev podobné jako The Phoenix Ballroom - Ruth Hogan
The Saint Zita Society - Ruth Rendellová
'Someone had told Dex that the Queen lived in Victoria. So did he, but she had a palace and he had one room in a street off Warwick Way. Still he liked the idea that she was his neighbour.' Dex works as a gardener for Dr Jefferson at his home on Hexam Place in Pimlico: an exclusive street of white-painted stucco Georgian houses inhabited by the rich, and serviced by the not so rich. The hired help, a motley assortment of au pairs, drivers and cleaners, decide to form the St Zita Society (Zita was the patron saint of domestic servants) as an excuse to meet at the local pub and air their grievances. When Dex is invited to attend one of these meetings, the others find that he is a strange man, seemingly ill at ease with human beings. These first impressions are compounded when they discover he has recently been released from a hospital for the criminally insane, where he was incarcerated for attempting to kill his own mother. Dex's most meaningful relationship seems to be with his mobile phone service provider, Peach, and he interprets the text notifications and messages he receives from the company as a reassuring sign that there is some kind of god who will protect him. And give him instructions about ridding the world of evil spirits...Accidental death and pathological madness cohabit above and below stairs in Hexam Place.
Objev podobné jako The Saint Zita Society - Ruth Rendellová
Top Five Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware
''Bronnie''s work is a gift to the world. Her revelations on living regret-free are a continued source of inspiration. They fuel me to stay focused on what truly matters most.'' - Marie Forleo, creator of MarieTV and author of Everything Is FigureoutableBased on the blog post that reached 8 milion readers.After too many years of unfulfilling work, Bronnie Ware began searching for a job with meaning. Despite having no formal qualifications or experience, she found herself working in palliative care.During the time she spent tending to the needs of those who were dying, Bronnie''s life was transformed. Later, she wrote a blog post about the most common regrets that the people she had cared for had expressed to her. The post, also called ''The Top Five Regrets of the Dying'', has been read millions of times all over the world since it was first published.By applying the lessons of those nearing their death to her own life, Bronnie developed an understanding that it is possible for everyone, if they make conscious choices, to die with peace of mind. Bronnie''s delightful memoir is a courageous, life-changing book that will leave you feeling more compassionate and inspired to live the life you are truly here to live.
Objev podobné jako Top Five Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware
The Book of Form and Emptiness - Ruth Ozeki
WINNER OF THE WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2022When a book and a reader are meant for each other, both of them know it . . .After the tragic death of his father, fourteen-year-old Benny Oh begins to hear voices. The voices belong to the things in his house and sound variously pleasant, angry or sad. Then his mother develops a hoarding problem, and the voices grow more clamorous. So Benny seeks refuge in the silence of a large public library. There he meets a mesmerising street artist with a smug pet ferret; a homeless philosopher-poet; and his very own Book, who narrates Benny''s life and teaches him to listen to the things that truly matter. Blending unforgettable characters with jazz, climate change and our attachment to material possessions, this is classic Ruth Ozeki - bold, humane and heartbreaking.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Form and Emptiness - Ruth Ozeki
The Crossing Places (Ruth Galloway 1) - Elly Griffiths
The Norfolk marshes hold a dangerous secret for forensic archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway
Objev podobné jako The Crossing Places (Ruth Galloway 1) - Elly Griffiths
A Tale for the Time Being - Ruth Ozeki
In the wake of the 2011 tsunami, Ruth discovers a Hello Kitty lunchbox washed up on the shore of her beach home in British Columbia. Within it lies a diary that expresses the hopes, heartbreak and dreams of a young girl desperate for someone to understand her. Each turn of the page pulls Ruth deeper into the mystery of Nao''s life, and forever changes her in a way neither could foresee.Weaving across continents and decades, A Tale for the Time Being is an extraordinary novel about our shared humanity and the search for home.
Objev podobné jako A Tale for the Time Being - Ruth Ozeki
The Great Deceiver (Ruth Galloway 7) - Elly Griffiths
The seventh gripping volume in The Brighton Mysteries series by bestselling author Elly Griffiths. It starts with a magician and a murder in a Brighton boarding house; throw in a show on Brighton pier, a sinister radio personality and a potential serial killer, and you've got the next gripping book in the Brighton Mysteries series. Magician Max Mephisto, now divorced and living in London, is on his way to visit daughter Ruby and her new-born baby when he is hailed by a voice from the past, fellow performer Ted English, aka the Great Deceiver.Ted's assistant, Cherry, has been found dead in her Brighton boarding house and he's convinced that he'll be accused of her murder. Max agrees to talk to his friend, Superintendent Edgar Stephens, who is investigating the case. What Max doesn't know is that the girl's family have hired private detective duo Emma Holmes (aka Mrs Stephens) and Sam Collins to do some digging of their own.The inhabitants of the boarding house, most of whom are performing in an Old Time Music Hall show on Brighton pier, are a motley crew. The house is also connected to a sinister radio personality called Pal. When a second magician's assistant is killed, Edgar suspects a serial killer.He persuades Max to come out of semi-retirement and take part in a summer show. But who can pose as his assistant? Edgar shocks the team by recommending someone close. .
Objev podobné jako The Great Deceiver (Ruth Galloway 7) - Elly Griffiths
Knížka Allison & Busby The Jane Austen Remedy, Ruth Wilson
Kniha z kolekce Allison & Busby. Inspirativní poznatky z autorčiných lekcí z románů Jane Austenové. Krásné, život potvrzující paměti o lásce, sebepřijetí a léčivé síle čtení.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Allison & Busby The Jane Austen Remedy, Ruth Wilson
Building for Change: The Architecture of Creative Reuse - Ruth Lang
How can we build a sustainable future in a time of climate change and dwindling resources? Building for Change collects the strategies of reuse together, demonstrating their power for change through groundbreaking projects from some of the world’s leading architects. From waste repurposed as construction materials, to buildings reworked with canny spatial interventions, and modular structures designed to be dismantled, discover how the architecture of creative reuse is helping us build a better tomorrow.
Objev podobné jako Building for Change: The Architecture of Creative Reuse - Ruth Lang
Ruth Asawa: Citizen of the Universe - Emma Ridgway, Vibece Salthe
A unique look at the visionary artist, educator and activist Ruth Asawa (1926–2013). ‘I state, without hesitation or reserve, that I consider Ruth Asawa to be the most gifted, productive, and originally inspired artist that I have ever known personally’ R. Buckminster Fuller, 1971 Although less known outside North America, Japanese-American artist Ruth Asawa is an artist of vital importance to modern art. Ruth Asawa: Citizen of the Universe, which accompanies the first exhibition of Asawa’s work to be staged in public galleries in Europe, introduces European audiences to both Asawa’s powerful art - including her signature hanging sculptures in looped and tied wire - and her pioneering education practice. It positions her expansive ethos – her self-identification as ‘a citizen of the universe’ and belief that art education can be life enriching for everyone - as a catalyst for creative forward-thinking in the 21st century. Focusing on a dynamic and formative period in her life from 1945 to 1980, this book gives readers a unique experience of the artist and her work, exploring her legacy from a European perspective and positioning her as an abstract sculptor crucial to American modernism. It is a wonderful celebration of her holistic integration of art, education and community engagement, through which she called for a revolutionary and inclusive vision of art’s role in society. Contents List Director's Foreword Introduction A Citizen of the Universe EMMA RIDGWAY Art as an approach to living SIGRUN ÅSEBØ AND VIBECE SALTHE Camouflaging Asawa JOHN R. BLAKINGER Asawa as a Life Long Learner EMILY PRINGLE Interviews FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF RUTH ASAWA (ALVARADO WORKSHOPS AND ASAWA SCHOOL OF THE ARTS) TIMELINE EXHIBITION CHECKLIST
Objev podobné jako Ruth Asawa: Citizen of the Universe - Emma Ridgway, Vibece Salthe
The River Cafe Look Book, Recipes for Kids of all Ages - Ruth Rogers
The first children's cookbook from London's iconic and world renowned River Cafe - a collection of 50 fresh and playful recipes for kids to cook and for everyone to enjoyThis highly anticipated, child-friendly cookbook comes direct from the kitchen of the iconic and beloved Michelin-star restaurant River Cafe on the banks of the Thames in London. Its fabulous recipes bring the warmth, beauty, and sumptuous ease of Italian family home-cooking to kids of all levels of kitchen expertise, introducing inventive garden-fresh meals such as Smashed Broad Bean Bruschetta, Fusilli Zucchini, and Grilled Peaches as well as classics such as Carbonara and Focaccia. With engaging combinations of ingredients and images bursting with natural produce, this brightly-coloured warm and friendly book encourages young readers to connect with their food - and to get messy in the kitchen!
Objev podobné jako The River Cafe Look Book, Recipes for Kids of all Ages - Ruth Rogers
C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man (A Macat Analysis) - Brittany Pheiffer Noble, Ruth Jackson
C.S. Lewis's 1943 The Abolition of Man is a set of three essays that encapsulate some of the most important elements of good critical thinking. Lewis considers a weighty topic, moral philosophy - and more precisely how we teach it, and where morality comes from. As critics and enthusiasts for Lewis's work alike have noted, though, he was not a philosopher as such, but a professor of literature. And rather than presenting novel or original ideas, the essays' true qualities lie in the ways in which they evaluate and judge the arguments of prior philosophers, and how they construct a coherent, highly persuasive argument for Lewis's own point of view. Lewis takes issue with textbooks and philosophies that argue for (or imply) that all morals and moral judgments are relative. He deploys evaluative skills to point out the weaknesses in such arguments and then sets out for his readers the kind of moral future such relativism could lead to. This hard-hitting evaluation, in turn, provides a solid base upon which to construct a well-argued counter-proposal, that moral laws can be absolute, and stem from objective, universal values. Persuasive and enthralling, The Abolition of Man showcases reasoning at its best.
Objev podobné jako C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man (A Macat Analysis) - Brittany Pheiffer Noble, Ruth Jackson
Rimmel Stay Satin saténová rtěnka odstín 210 It Girl 5.5 ml
Rimmel Stay Satin, 5.5 ml, Rty pro ženy, Krásné zvýrazněné rty nikdy nevyjdou z módy. Rtěnka Rimmel Stay Satin pokryje povrch vašich rtů souvislou vrstvou neodolatelné syté barvy, a perfektně tak podtrhne jakékoli líčení, ať už se chystáte do práce, na schůzku či třeba večírek. Umožní vám však rty nejen zvýraznit, ale také jim dodat žádoucí tvar, případně jim i dopomoci k plnějšímu vzhledu. Během chvilky vám zkrátka pomůže dosáhnout nádherně zbarvených a dokonale tvarovaných rtů, které doslova přitahují pohledy a svádí k polibkům. Vlastnosti: vysoká pigmentace snadno se nanáší krémová textura Jak používat: Rtěnku naneste jemnými tahy na rty od středu ke koutkům.
Objev podobné jako Rimmel Stay Satin saténová rtěnka odstín 210 It Girl 5.5 ml
Lotus Silver Propletené stříbrné náušnice pro ženy It Girl LP3317-4/1
Šperk je dodáván v originálním balení.
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The Girl and the Mountain - Mark Lawrence
Second novel in the chilling and epic new fantasy series from the bestselling and critically-acclaimed author of PRINCE OF THORNS and RED SISTER. 'If you like dark you will love Mark Lawrence. And when the light breaks through and it all makes sense, the contrast is gorgeous' ROBIN HOBB On Abeth there is only the ice. And the Black Rock. For generations the priests of the Black Rock have reached out from their mountain to steer the ice tribes’ fate. With their Hidden God, their magic and their iron, the priests’ rule has never been challenged.But nobody has ever escaped the Pit of the Missing before. Yaz has lost her friends and found her enemies. She has a mountain to climb and even if she can break the Hidden God’s power her dream of a green world lies impossibly far to the south across a vast emptiness of ice. Before the journey can even start she has to find out what happened to the ones she loves and save those that can be saved. Abeth holds its secrets close, but the stars shine brighter for Yaz and she means to unlock the truth. To touch the sky, be prepared to climb
Objev podobné jako The Girl and the Mountain - Mark Lawrence
The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins
THE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KINGRachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason’, she calls them. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar.Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the trainPaula Hawkins worked as a journalist for fifteen years before turning her hand to fiction. Born and brought up in Zimbabwe, Paula moved to London in 1989 and has lived there ever since. The Girl on the Train is her first thriller. it has been published in over forty languages and has been a No.1 bestseller around the world. It has been optioned for film by Dreamworks.
Objev podobné jako The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins
The Girl Who Drank the Moon (1848126476)
Kniha - 386 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the Newbery Medal winner of the highly acclaimed novel, "The Witch's Boy", comes an enchanting, magical and unforgettable modern fable. Ages: 9-11yrs
Objev podobné jako The Girl Who Drank the Moon (1848126476)
Lightfall: The Girl & the Galdurian - Tim Probert
New York Times bestselling author Kazu Kibuishi says of Lightfall: “Beautifully drawn. Tim Probert has created a world readers will want to visit.”For fans of Amulet and middle grade readers who love sweeping worlds like Star Wars, the first book of the Lightfall series introduces Bea and Cad, two unlikely friends who get swept up in an epic quest to save their world from falling into eternal darkness.Deep in the heart of the planet Irpa stands the Salty Pig’s House of Tonics & Tinctures, home of the wise Pig Wizard and his adopted granddaughter, Bea. As keepers of the Endless Flame, they live a quiet and peaceful life, crafting medicines and potions for the people of their once-prosperous world.All that changes one day when, while walking through the woods, Bea meets Cad, a member of the Galdurians, an ancient race thought to be long-extinct. Cad believes that if anyone can help him find his missing people, it’s the Pig Wizard.But when the two arrive home, the Pig Wizard is nowhere to be found—all that’s left is the Jar of Endless Flame and a mysterious note. Fearing for the Pig Wizard’s safety, Bea and Cad set out across Irpa to find him, while danger fights its way out of the shadows and into the light.Will these two unexpected friends find the beloved Pig Wizard and prevent eternal darkness from blanketing their world? Or has Irpa truly seen its last sunrise?Praise for LightfallKirkus Best Books of 2020Fall 2020 Indie Next ListJunior Library Guild Selection2021 Texas Library Association’s Little Maverick Graphic Novels Reading List SelectionNominated for the Russ Manning Promising Newcomer Award
Objev podobné jako Lightfall: The Girl & the Galdurian - Tim Probert
The Girl and the Dinosaur - Hollie Hughes
A masterpiece of storytelling with evocative and stunning illustrations, destined to be read for years to come''Superb watercolour illustrations by Sarah Massini and a lively rhyming narrative all contribute to making this a classic book for keeps'' Irish ExaminerThe wishing stars burn bright tonight, the air is thick with dreams,And a deeply sleeping dinosaur is waking up, it seems . . . In a town by the seaside, Marianne is often seen foraging on the beach. But she isn’t playing with children her own age. Instead Marianne is alone, and digging for dinosaur bones to build a special sort of companion. Then, one night, she goes to sleep wishing with all her heart that her dinosaur might come to life . . . A very rare and special book where the words and pictures take you on a magical journey far beyond the page.
Objev podobné jako The Girl and the Dinosaur - Hollie Hughes
The Girl and the Mermaid - Hollie Hughes
Alina and her granny live in a lighthouse by the sea: a home filled with the warmth of Granny's magical stories.But Alina is worried. Granny's memories and stories are starting to fade away, and she doesn't know how to bring them back. Then one day, she meets a mermaid on the rocks near the lighthouse - and she's swept into a magical deep-sea adventure that will change everything.An instant classic from the bestselling creators of The Girl and the Dinosaur.
Objev podobné jako The Girl and the Mermaid - Hollie Hughes
Dortová fontána It´s a Girl! - Pyrogiochi
Pyrogiochi Dortová fontána It´s a Girl! Dortová fontána It´s a Girl! Fontána domácí. Fontánu stačí zapíchnout do dortu špičkou a horní okraj zapálit. Fontána vytvoří efekt zářících a chrlících jisker. Fontány vytvářejí jedinečnou atmosféru. Motiv: Baby Shower, Je to holka!! Vyrobce: Pyrogiochi
Objev podobné jako Dortová fontána It´s a Girl! - Pyrogiochi
The Windup Girl (0356500535)
Kniha - autor Paolo Bacigalupi, 506 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Anderson Lake is a company man, AgriGen's calorie representative in Thailand. Under cover as a factory manager, he combs Bangkok's street markets in search of foodstuffs long thought to be extinct. There he meets the windup girl - the beautiful and enigmatic Emiko - now abandoned to the slums. She is one of the New People, bred to suit the whims of the rich. Engineered as slaves, soldiers and toys, they are the new underclass in a chilling near future where oil has run out, calorie companies dominate nations and bio-engineered plagues run rampant across the globe.And as Lake becomes increasingly obsessed with Emiko, conspiracies breed in the heat and political tensions threaten to spiral out of control. Businessmen and ministry officials, wealthy foreigners and landless refugees all have their own agendas. But no one anticipates the devastating influence of the Windup Girl.
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The Girl in The Tower: (Winternight Trilogy) (1785031074)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Girl in The Tower: (Winternight Trilogy) (1785031074)
The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband (0062388177)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband (0062388177)
The Girl on the Train: A formát (9781784161101)
Kniha – autor Paula Hawkins, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Paula Hawkins, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá THE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR 'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KING Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason’, she calls them. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy. And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar. Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the train Paula Hawkins worked as...
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The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382)
Kniha - autor Amy Schumer, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Paperback edition of the memoir from the award-winning American comedian, producer and actor. 'This is the most I've ever laughed out loud at a book' J.K. Rowling
Objev podobné jako The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382)
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (1529391733)
Kniha - 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (1529391733)
The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer
Eight-year-old Carmel has always been different - sensitive, distracted, with an heartstopping tendency to go missing. Her mother Beth, newly single, worries about her daughter's strangeness, especially as she is trying to rebuild a life for the two of them on her own.
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The Girl From The Sea - Molly Knox Ostertag
From the author of The Witch Boy trilogy comes a graphic novel about family, romance, and first love.Fifteen-year-old Morgan has a secret: She can''t wait to escape the perfect little island where she lives. She''s desperate to finish high school and escape her sad divorced mom, her volatile little brother, and worst of all, her great group of friends...who don''t understand Morgan at all. Because really, Morgan''s biggest secret is that she has a lot of secrets, including the one about wanting to kiss another girl.Then one night, Morgan is saved from drowning by a mysterious girl named Keltie. The two become friends and suddenly life on the island doesn''t seem so stifling anymore.But Keltie has some secrets of her own. And as the girls start to fall in love, everything they''re each trying to hide will find its way to the surface...whether Morgan is ready or not.
Objev podobné jako The Girl From The Sea - Molly Knox Ostertag
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