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The Gulag Archipelago - Alexandr Solženicyn

WITH A NEW FOREWORD BY JORDAN B. PETERSON 'Solzhenitsyn's masterpiece...The Gulag Archipelago helped create the world we live in today' Anne Applebaum THE OFFICIALLY APPROVED ABRIDGEMENT OF THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO VOLUMES I, II & III A vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centres and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators but also of everyday heroism, The Gulag Archipelago is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's grand masterwork. Based on the testimony of some 200 survivors, and on the recollection of Solzhenitsyn's own eleven years in labour camps and exile, it chronicles the story of those at the heart of the Soviet Union who opposed Stalin, and for whom the key to survival lay not in hope but in despair. A thoroughly researched document and a feat of literary and imaginative power, this edition of The Gulag Archipelago was abridged into one volume at the author's wish and with his full co-operation. '[The Gulag Archipelago] helped to bring down an empire. Its importance can hardly be exaggerated' Doris Lessing, Sunday Telegraph

Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)

cena 357.0 Kč

Souostroví Gulag - Alexandr Solženicyn

Toto významné umělecké dílo Alexandra Solženicyna nyní vychází již ve čtvrtém, doplněném vydání, které obsahuje v minulém vydání chybějící jmenný rejstřík. Je zde uveden i kompletní jmenný seznam všech dvou set padesáti pamětníků Souostroví, jejichž vyprávění, dopisy, vzpomínky, náměty a připomínky byly v tomto textu autorem využity. Kniha byla napsána na utajeném místě mezi lety 1958 a 1968. Solženicyn sám sebe považuje za kronikáře Gulagů mezi roky 1918 a 1956 a uvádí, že knihu píše pouze z povinnosti vůči lidem, kteří zde byli mučeni, zemřeli nebo byli neprávem uvězněni. V knize můžeme sledovat osud jednoho vězně od zatčení přes vyšetřování a "soud" až po transport, tábor a vyhnanství. V poslední části se pak zabývá vývojem po Stalinově smrti. Tato trilogie poprvé vychází v jednom svazku o 1232 stranách, knihu zdobí exkluzivní koženková vazba se zlatou ražbou. Její součástí je velká složená a vyjímatelná mapa všech pracovních táborů - Gulagů. Vynikající předmluvu napsal historik, spisovatel a novinář Jaroslav Formánek.

Podívejte se také Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)

cena 1968.0 Kč

Meruňková zavařenina - Alexandr Solženicyn

Po více než třiceti letech od prvních Solženicynových próz jako Jeden den Ivana Děnisoviče či Matrjonina chalupa se po rozsáhlých projektech (Souostroví Gulag a Rudé kolo) jeden z největších ruských spisovatelů vrátil ke komorní literární formě. Vznikl tak soubor "povídek o dvou částech", nazvaný Meruňková zavařenina. Jejich děj pokrývá téměř celé dvacáté století a zabývá se jak boji občanské či Velké vlastenecké války, tak kupříkladu i rozporuplným poválečným osudem maršála Žukova.Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury České republiky.

Podívejte se také Alexandr Veliký (978-80-7508-817-8)

cena 232.0 Kč

Svatá temnota Poslední dny gulagu (Defekt) - Levan Berdzenišvili

Sovětský svaz se před okolním světem pyšnil perestrojkou a glasností, ale za ploty gulagů byli stále vězněni lidé za své názory. Kniha Svatá temnota. Poslední dny gulagu je založená na faktech, osobních prožitcích autora, který byl od roku 1984 vězněn v internačním táboře v Mordvinsku, kam byl poslán za protisovětskou činnost. Ačkoliv jde o téma závažné a strastiplné, Levan Berdzenišvili popisuje léta strávená v gulagu jako nejkrásnější ve svém životě. "Kde jinde jsem se mohl potkat se všemi těmi muži, tak pečlivě shromážděnými KGB?" klade si řečnickou otázku, na níž si současně sám ve svém textu odpovídá. V jednotlivých kapitolách vytváří galerii portrétů spoluvězňů - Gruzínů, Ukrajinců, Rusů, Arménů, Estonců a dalších reprezentantů žaláře národů, občanů všech společenských vrstev, převážně však intelektuálů. Osazenstvo gulagu za časů Andropova, Černěnka a Gorbačova čtenáře této knihy zasáhne. Vězňové si recitují řecky Iliadu, umějí dohromady desítky jazyků, vynalézají, hladoví, nuceně pracují. O ruském medvědovi vědí mnohem více, než si umíme představit. Tam venku běží perestrojka a glasnosť, ale gulagu se to netýká. Navzdory nepřízni osudu ale Berdzenišvili píše svůj příběh s humorem, ironií a optimismem. Vznikl tak živý obraz sovětské společnosti, která se těsně před vlastním zhroucením proměnila v obrovské absurdní divadlo.

Objev podobné jako Svatá temnota Poslední dny gulagu (Defekt) - Levan Berdzenišvili

cena 129.0 Kč

Svatá temnota Poslední dny gulagu (Defekt) - Levan Berdzenišvili

Sovětský svaz se před okolním světem pyšnil perestrojkou a glasností, ale za ploty gulagů byli stále vězněni lidé za své názory. Kniha Svatá temnota. Poslední dny gulagu je založená na faktech, osobních prožitcích autora, který byl od roku 1984 vězněn v internačním táboře v Mordvinsku, kam byl poslán za protisovětskou činnost. Ačkoliv jde o téma závažné a strastiplné, Levan Berdzenišvili popisuje léta strávená v gulagu jako nejkrásnější ve svém životě. "Kde jinde jsem se mohl potkat se všemi těmi muži, tak pečlivě shromážděnými KGB?" klade si řečnickou otázku, na níž si současně sám ve svém textu odpovídá. V jednotlivých kapitolách vytváří galerii portrétů spoluvězňů - Gruzínů, Ukrajinců, Rusů, Arménů, Estonců a dalších reprezentantů žaláře národů, občanů všech společenských vrstev, převážně však intelektuálů. Osazenstvo gulagu za časů Andropova, Černěnka a Gorbačova čtenáře této knihy zasáhne. Vězňové si recitují řecky Iliadu, umějí dohromady desítky jazyků, vynalézají, hladoví, nuceně pracují. O ruském medvědovi vědí mnohem více, než si umíme představit. Tam venku běží perestrojka a glasnosť, ale gulagu se to netýká. Navzdory nepřízni osudu ale Berdzenišvili píše svůj příběh s humorem, ironií a optimismem. Vznikl tak živý obraz sovětské společnosti, která se těsně před vlastním zhroucením proměnila v obrovské absurdní divadlo.

Objev podobné jako Svatá temnota Poslední dny gulagu (Defekt) - Levan Berdzenišvili

cena 129.0 Kč

Veselý Sisyfos (Defekt) - Alexandr Mitrofanov, Adéla Dražanová

Alexandr Mitrofanov patří k nejvýraznějším osobnostem české žurnalistiky posledních třiceti let. Jeho životní příběh a rozkročení mezi dva světy mu poskytuje jedinečný vhled jak do ruské, tak i do české duše. Orientuje se v domácí politice a jejích zákoutích, labyrintech a přesmyčkách. Zároveň se nebojí tvrdě kritizovat a trefně pojmenovávat i negativní jevy, které v posledních letech čím dál víc prostupují českou společností a mění se v temné proudy. Zároveň bedlivě sleduje dění na Východě. Hluboká znalost Ruska mu totiž už dávno vyslala varovné signály, že z téhle země nás v nejbližší době nečeká nic dobrého. Mnozí ho měli za strašáka. Jenže invaze na Ukrajinu mu dala za pravdu. A on umí jako málokdo popsat, proč to tak je. Kniha mapuje jak jeho život od mládí v Sovětském svazu až po komentátorskou současnost v českých médiích, tak velká témata a události, jichž byl svědkem a novinářsky je pokrýval: vývoj české politiky po roce 1989, dráhu Miloše Zemana, postsovětský vývoj v Rusku, osobu Putina, současnou válku v Ukrajině a též proměny české společnosti a žurnalistiky.

Objev podobné jako Veselý Sisyfos (Defekt) - Alexandr Mitrofanov, Adéla Dražanová

cena 149.0 Kč

Poslední život prince Alastora (Defekt) - Alexandra Bracken

Před stovkami let osud spojil životy démona Alastora, prince Podsvětí, a lidského chlapce Prospera Reddinga. V jednom lidském těle se teď vydávají do Podsvětí bojovat o vše, co je jim drahé. Odvěká rivalita i nesplacené dluhy musí jít stranou. Alastor se stává chlapcovým průvodcem temnou říší. Prosper je odhodlán zachránit svou sestru, a teď musí ukázat, kolik je v něm odvahy. I Alastora čeká boj. Jeho milovaný, hrůzostrašný domov pohlcuje Prázdnota a obyvatelé Podsvětí upírají své naděje k děsivé královně Pyře. Prosper spolu s čarodějkou Nelou v Podsvětí čelí neznámým nástrahám. Boje o záchranu rovnováhy ve světě vrcholí v Červánkově, kde všechno kdysi dávno začalo. V rozhodujícím momentu mají lidští hrdinové i temní panovníci Podsvětí poslední šanci dokázat, že mají srdce na správném místě. S pomocí přátel a rodiny, a když se nebojíme správných rozhodnutí, je totiž možné zvrátit i zdánlivě nevyhnutelný osud, obrátit list a začít psát nový příběh…

Objev podobné jako Poslední život prince Alastora (Defekt) - Alexandra Bracken

cena 99.0 Kč

Zpovědi trosky po čtyřicítce (Defekt) - Alexandra Potter

Je načase zamilovat se do svého života.Kniha pro každou ženu, které někdy dělalo starosti, že se její život nevyvíjí podle plánuŽivot Nell Stevensové je jeden velký chaos.Když Nell zkrachuje kavárna a spolu s ní i její vztah, její „šťastně až do smrti“, které si plánovala v Kalifornii, stěhuje se zpět do Londýna, aby začala znovu. V Londýně se toho však hodně změnilo. Všechny její svobodné kamarádky jsou vdané a mají děti. Kvůli závratné výši nájmů je nucena pronajmout si pokoj v domě neznámého člověka a ve světě dokonalých životů prezentovaných na Instagramu si připadá jako troska. A co je ještě horší, jako troska po čtyřicítce.Když však Nell získá práci jako autorka nekrologů, seznámí se s úžasnou Cricket, vdovou po osmdesátce potýkající se s vlastními problémy, a vznikne mezi nimi nepravděpodobné přátelství. Vzájemně si pomáhají uzdravit svá zlomená srdce a vyrovnávat se s tím, že jejich životy se nevyvíjejí podle plánu, jedna druhou směřuje k novým dobrodružstvím a nečekaným radostem. Po všech životních kotrmelcích je Nell odhodlaná zajistit, že příští rok bude úplně jiný. Je totiž načase převrátit svůj život vzhůru nohama.

Objev podobné jako Zpovědi trosky po čtyřicítce (Defekt) - Alexandra Potter

cena 79.0 Kč

Spousta, spousta zvířat (Defekt) - Bielinsky Claudia, Alexandra Garibal

Obrovitánská kniha plná zvířat ze všech koutů světa. Seznam se s nimi, pozoruj je v neobvyklých situacích a skvěle se bav!

Objev podobné jako Spousta, spousta zvířat (Defekt) - Bielinsky Claudia, Alexandra Garibal

cena 139.0 Kč

The Night Hunt - Alexandra Christo

THE NEW DARK FANTASY ROMANCE NOVEL FROM ALEXANDRA CHRISTO, AUTHOR OF TIKTOK SENSATION, TO KILL A KINGDOM. Enter a world of Gods and monsters . . . Atia is an immortal who feeds on fear and nightmare. As the last of her kind, she hides in the shadows of the world to escape the wrath of the vengeful Gods. Silas is a Herald, carrying messages and ferrying the dead, as punishment for a past he can't remember. Atia would never dream of allying with someone like him, but when she breaks a sacred law and the gods send monsters to hunt her, Silas offers an irresistible deal: he'll help her take on the Gods and get vengeance for her family. But in return, she must help him break the curse that binds him and restore his humanity. All they need to do is kill three powerful creatures: a vampire, a banshee and one of the very Gods who has destroyed both their lives. Only together can they finally rewrite their destinies. Perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas, Tricia Levenseller and Alexandra Bracken, this is a thrilling fast-paced fantasy with breath-taking romance.

Objev podobné jako The Night Hunt - Alexandra Christo

cena 259.0 Kč

The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken

Ruby is sixteen. She is dangerous. And she is alive. For now. A mysterious disease has killed most of America's children. Ruby might have survived, but she and the others have emerged with something far worse than a virus: frightening abilities they cannot control. Pressured by the government, Ruby's parents sent her to Thurmond, a brutal state 'rehabilitation camp', where she has learned to fear and suppress her new power. But what if mastering it is a whole generation's only chance for survival?

Objev podobné jako The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken

cena 259.0 Kč

The Rising Down - Alexandra Harris

‘Remarkable.’ THE TIMES''Wonderful.’ GUARDIAN''Fascinating.'' TELEGRAPH''As a portrait of a place, it’s hard to better.’ COUNTRY LIFE''A thrill akin to discovering buried treasure.'' RICHARD MABEY''Humane, humorous and joyful.'' RUTH SCURRWhen the celebrated critic and cultural historian Alexandra Harris returned to her childhood home of West Sussex, she realised that she barely knew the place at all. As she probed beneath the surface, excavating layers of archival records and everyday objects – bringing a lifetime''s reading to bear on the place where she started – hundreds of unexpected stories and hypnotic voices emerged from the area’s past. Who has stood here, she asks; what did they see? From the painter John Constable and the modernist writer Ford Madox Ford to the lost local women who left little trace, these electrifying encounters – spanning the Downs, Poland, Australia, Canada - inspired her to imagine lives that seemed distant, yet were deeply connected through their shared landscape.By focusing on one small patch of England, Harris finds ‘a World in a Grain of Sand’ and opens vast new horizons.

Objev podobné jako The Rising Down - Alexandra Harris

cena 738.0 Kč

Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra

Discover the true story behind the legendary pharaoh in this captivating look into the life of Cleopatra. Although her name and story might be familiar, much of what we know about Cleopatra is shrouded in mystery. Her life was one of politics, murder, war, marriage and passion – but it was also one of pride, bravery, love and strength.Cleopatra may have lived as a goddess, but, beneath her magnificent exterior, she was just a woman who fought tirelessly for what she felt was rightfully hers. With dynamic illustrations and a gripping, expertly researched and fact-checked text, this is the story of the woman behind the stories. Prepare to be lost in a world of kings and queens, power and strategy, love and war.Meet one of the most misunderstood women in history, demystify the propaganda spread by the men who feared her and find the truth behind it all, the truth of a powerful queen.

Objev podobné jako Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra

cena 447.0 Kč

Silver in the Bone - Alexandra Bracken

From the No.1 New York Times bestselling author of Lore and The Darkest Minds trilogy comes this stunning series opener inspired by Arthurian legend and fuelled by love, revenge and pure adrenaline - cementing Alexandra Bracken's status as one of the top fantasy authors writing today. Tamsin Lark is a Hollower - breaking into the ancient crypts of dark sorceresses in search of the treasures inside. Now, rumours are swirling about a powerful ring from Arthurian legend, a ring that could free her brother, Cabell from a curse. But they aren't the only ones who covet it . . . As word spreads, greedy Hollowers start circling, and many would kill to have the ring for themselves. Tamsin is forced into an alliance with her rival Emrys, the last person she wants to rely on. Together, they dive headfirst into a vipers' nest of dark magic, and expose a deadly secret with the power to awaken ghosts of the past and shatter her last hope of saving her brother. . . Driven by love, revenge and pure adrenaline, this is the stunning new novel from one of the top fantasy authors writing today.

Objev podobné jako Silver in the Bone - Alexandra Bracken

cena 133.0 Kč

The Christmas Jigsaw Murders - Benedict Alexandra

THIS CHRISTMAS, A KILLER TAKES FAMILY GAMES TO A MURDEROUS NEW LEVEL. On 19th of December, renowned puzzle setter, loner and Christmas sceptic Edie O’Sullivan finds a hand-delivered present on her doorstep. Unwrapping it, she finds a jigsaw box and, inside, six jigsaw pieces. When fitted together, the pieces show part of a crime scene – blood-spattered black and white tiles and part of an outlined body. Included in the parcel is a message: ‘Four, maybe more, people will be dead by midnight on Christmas Eve, unless you can put all the pieces together and stop me.’ It’s signed, Rest In Pieces. Edie contacts her nephew, DI Sean Brand-O’Sullivan, and together they work to solve the clues. But when a man is found near death with a jigsaw piece in his hand, Sean fears that Edie might be in danger and shuts her out of the investigation. As the body count rises, however, Edie knows that only she has the knowledge to put together the killer’s murderous puzzle. Only by fitting all the pieces together will Edie be able to stop a killer – and finally lay her past to rest.Praise for Alexandra Benedict’s Christmas mysteries: 'The perfect gift for quizzers and mystery addicts . . .' Val McDermid ‘Whatever you unwrap for Christmas, you had better hope it’s this book This is 21st-century cosy Christmas crime that doesn’t shy away from the darkness’ Janice Hallett ‘A thrilling journey from start to finish. Highly recommended’ Elly Griffiths ‘It’s wonderful! A page-turning homage to the Golden Age, with a dash of Poirot and a dark, modern heart’ S J Bennett

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Jigsaw Murders - Benedict Alexandra

cena 443.0 Kč

Silver in the Bone: The Mirror of Beasts - Alexandra Bracken

The breathtaking conclusion to the No. 1  New York Times bestselling Silver in the Bone.  A deliciously addictive high-stakes fantasy duology from Alexandra Bracken, author of Lore. Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Sarah J. Maas.''Action-packed and devastatingly romantic'' - Jennifer Lynne Barnes, author of The Inheritance GamesAvalon has fallen. Bonds have been broken. The Wild Hunt is on. To save her cursed brother, Tamsin travelled to Avalon - the mysterious world of Arthurian legend. She survived, only to see it fall and the two people she trusted most betray her. Now, back in the mortal world,Tamsin makes a shocking discovery: she is the one who is cursed.Meanwhile, Lord Death is harvesting souls with his Wild Hunt. To stop him, Tamsin must find the legendary Mirror of Beasts - even if it means enlisting the help of Emrys, her rival-turned-lover-turned-enemy who abandoned her in Avalon.But can Tamsin break her curse before it breaks her?

Objev podobné jako Silver in the Bone: The Mirror of Beasts - Alexandra Bracken

cena 561.0 Kč

Archipelago: An Atlas of Imagined Islands - Lewis-Jones

‘Think of this atlas as the beginning of a journey and a kind of island guidebook, a rough guide to far-flung places, a Baedeker of make-believe, and a new page waiting to be filled. The cycle of Crusoes continues’ Huw Lewis-Jones Islomania is a recognized affliction. But what is it about islands that is so alluring, and why do so many people find these self-contained worlds completely irresistible? Utopia and Atlantis were islands, and islands have captured the imaginations of writers and artists for centuries. Venetian sailors were the first to make collections of them by drawing maps of those they visited in their isolari – literally the ‘island books’. Then in 1719 Daniel Defoe published his tale of a castaway on a desert island, Robinson Crusoe, one of the first great novels in the history of literature and an instant bestseller. Defoe’s tale combined the real and the imagined and transformed them into a compelling creative landscape, establishing a whole literary genre and unleashing the power of an island for storytelling. To celebrate the tercentenary of Robinson Crusoe’s publication, a truly international range of leading illustrators imagine they too have been washed up on their own remote island. In a specially created map they visualize what it looks like, what it’s called and what can be found on its mythical shores. In a panoply of astonishingly creative and often surprising responses, we are invited to explore a curious and fabulous archipelago of islands of invention that will beguile illustrators, cartographers and dreamers alike.

Objev podobné jako Archipelago: An Atlas of Imagined Islands - Lewis-Jones

cena 752.0 Kč

Silver in the Bone 1 - Alexandra Bracken

The epic No. 1 New York Times bestseller. A new dark fantasy series steeped in magic and mythology from Alexandra Bracken, author of Lore.Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Sarah J. Maas. 'Simmering with magic, peril, romance, and heartbreak' - Leigh Bardugo, author of Shadow and BoneJoin a deadly hunt fuelled by love, revenge and pure adrenaline to find a legendary ring and break the curse.Tamsin Lark has always been a Hollower, a treasure hunter, and when rumours swirl about a powerful ring from Arthurian legend that can break her brother's curse, she embarks on her deadliest hunt yet. But she's not the only Hollower who covets the ring and Tamsin is forced into an alliance with the last person she can trust, her rival Emrys. Together, they must journey from underground Boston to the cursed ruins of Avalon, where the ghosts of the past await .. . A deliciously dark and sweeping new fantasy series from No.1 fantasy author, Alexandra Bracken.

Objev podobné jako Silver in the Bone 1 - Alexandra Bracken

cena 268.0 Kč

Silver in the Bone 2: The Mirror of Beasts - Alexandra Bracken

The epic finale to the No. 1 New York Times bestselling Silver in the Bone. A stunning new dark fantasy series steeped in magic and mythology from Alexandra Bracken, author of Lore.Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Sarah J. Maas. Praise for Silver in the Bone: 'Simmering with magic, peril, romance, and heartbreak' - Leigh Bardugo, author of Shadow and BoneJoin a deadly hunt fuelled by love, revenge and pure adrenaline to find the Mirror of Beasts and break the curse.In her search for a mythical ring to break her brother Cabell's curse, Tamsin saw the Avalon of Arthurian legend fall and the two people she trusted most betray her. Now, back in the mortal world, the stepfather she thought was dead has returned with a warning: Tamsin is the one who is cursed. Meanwhile, Lord Death is harvesting souls with his Wild Hunt and Cabell by his side.To stop him, Tamsin must find the legendary 'Mirror of Beasts' - even if it means enlisting the help of Emrys, her rival-turned-lover-turned-enemy who abandoned her in Avalon. The hunt is on, but can Tamsin save the mortal world and break her curse before it breaks her?A deliciously dark and sweeping new fantasy series from No. 1 fantasy author, Alexandra Bracken.

Objev podobné jako Silver in the Bone 2: The Mirror of Beasts - Alexandra Bracken

cena 402.0 Kč

The Book of Colour Concepts - Sarah Lowengard, Alexandra Loske

The earliest forms of human creativity – in carvings, markings, and cave paintings – bear witness to humanity’s engagement with color. Almost as old as these examples is the desire to assign structure, order, and meaning to this universal yet elusive concept, and it is this fascination that unites the works compiled in this expansive edition. Gathering over 65 rare books and manuscripts from a wealth of institutions, including the most distinguished color collections worldwide, The Book of Colour Concepts takes the reader on a chromatic odyssey across four centuries and over 1,000 images of luscious wheels and globes, painstakingly collated charts, and meticulous diagrams, many of them newly photographed exclusively for this edition.Some of these concepts provide exhaustive taxonomies of color, while others reflect upon the relationship of color and music, or the affinities between color and human emotions. Seminal works of color theory, such as Isaac Newton’s Opticks and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s hugely significant Zur Farbenlehre, are shown alongside rare and unfamiliar contributions, including the theosophical color systems of Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant, the comprehensive color ‘dictionary’ of Aloys John Maerz and Morris Rea Paul, and the patchwork combinations of the Japanese costume designer and artist Sanzo Wada. The two volumes also bring many intriguing and often overlooked works by women into the spotlight, including the radically inventive color “blots” of the English flower painter Mary Gartside and a botanical notebook by the pionieering spiritualist Hilma af Klint.The color systems that make up this edition are contextualized by introductory essays from editor Alexandra Loske and co-author Sarah Lowengard, while authoritative texts from the editor on the works reproduced set out each concept in further detail. Illuminating the history of color in all its shapes and forms, The Book of Colour Concepts offers a chromatic chronology unparalleled in scope.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Colour Concepts - Sarah Lowengard, Alexandra Loske

cena 3750.0 Kč

Giving your business the right face - Alexandra John - e-kniha

eBook: The e-book Giving Your Business the Right Face is an amazing tool for those who don't want to be overlooked anymore. It is for those who do, even though the world says boo. The e-book gives you an amazing range of know-how, tips and tricks when it comes to running your own business. First you’ll clarify what you want. Second you’ll find out what to do to be unique and set yourself apart from other brands. Then you’ll uncover how to build your presence online. You’ll also learn how to work with your customers and get the best feedbacks possible. On the top of that you’ll be given simple tricks that will align you with your brand so you’ll become absolutely irresistible.

Objev podobné jako Giving your business the right face - Alexandra John - e-kniha

cena 247.0 Kč

Synové gulagu - Armand Maloumian

Toto výborné Maloumianovo dílo je nejen svědectvím o "ráji pracujících", ale především varováním. Není to ani pozdní obžaloba, ani vyrovnání účtů. "Zkušený devatenáctiletý bojovník", Armand Maloumian, nejmladší syn, objevuje nový svět: svět hrůzy, teroru a bídy. Nedozírné galeje, kam je mladý dobrovolník francouzské armády neodvratně vtažen. Odsouzen na smrt jako zrádce vlasti, která není jeho vlastí, stráví A. Maloumian 2 685 dní ve spárech všemocného a všudypřítomného MGB, pozdějšího KGB. Osmdesát osm měsíců, z toho tři měsíce v očekávání smrti, hodinu za hodinou, den za dnem. Devět dalších měsíců utajeného vězení jako "politický" a padesát pět měsíců galejí a táborů v ledové poušti polárního kruhu na nejzazším konci Sibiře.

Objev podobné jako Synové gulagu - Armand Maloumian

cena 139.0 Kč

The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career. A porn-star is willing to talk about her affair with the man some hope and many fear will become the next president of the United Stares. But no one will touch it. Instead, Grace is sent to Europe where she discovers a story so big, so explosive that it could decide the American election and launch a new Cold War. If she can stay alive long enough to tell it... Spies, murder and one of the biggest conspiracies of our time lie at the heart of the thriller of the year.

Objev podobné jako The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

cena 129.0 Kč

The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years.

Objev podobné jako The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

cena 49.0 Kč

The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

cena 219.0 Kč

The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...Translated by David French.

Objev podobné jako The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 119.0 Kč

The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

While marooned at his banking job in the bewilderingly damp and insular realm known as Ireland, Claude Martingale is approached by a down-on-his-luck author, Paul, looking for his next great subject. Claude finds that his life gets steadily more exciting under Paul's fictionalizing influence; he even falls in love with a beautiful waitress.

Objev podobné jako The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

cena 49.0 Kč

The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

cena 129.0 Kč

The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world... a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 99.0 Kč

The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra

Objev podobné jako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 79.0 Kč

The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová

Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a terrible surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she may be falling in love with a murderer. Shazi discovers that the villainous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. It's up to her to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all. "So you would have me throw Shazi to the wolves?" "Shazi? Honestly, I pity the wolves."

Objev podobné jako The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová

cena 129.0 Kč

The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes

By the author of Look Who's Back, a radical and bold satire in inequitable times.REFUGEE CAMPS IN AFRICA ARE SWELLINGAnd Europe has closed its borders. The refugees have no future, no hope, and no money to pay the vast sums now demanded by people smugglers. But what they do have is time.AND THEN AN ANGEL ARRIVES FROM REALITY T.V.When German model and star presenter Nadeche Hackenbusch comes to film at the largest of the camps, one young refugee sees a unique opportunity: to organise a march to Europe, in full view of the media. Viewers are gripped as the vast convoy moves closer, but the far right in Germany is regrouping and the government is at a loss. Which country will halt the refugees in their tracks?THE HUNGRY AND THE FATA devastating, close-to-the-knuckle satire about the haves and have-nots in our divided world by one of Europe's finest and most perceptive writers, in which an outlandish conceit follows a kind of impeccable logic to a devastating conclusion.Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch

Objev podobné jako The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes

cena 69.0 Kč

The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck

In war they made impossible choices. Now can they live with them?'Moving . . . surprises and devastates' New York Times'Masterful' People'Mesmerising . . . reveals new truths about one of history's most tragic eras' USA TodayThe Third Reich has crumbled. The Russians are coming.Marianne von Lingenfels - widow of a resister murdered by the Nazi regime - finds refuge in the crumbling Bavarian castle where she once played host to German high society. There she fulfils her promise to find and protect the wives and children of her husband's brave conspirators, rescuing her dearest friend's widow, Benita, from sexual slavery to the Russian army, and Ania from a work camp for political prisoners. As Marianne assembles this makeshift family she is certain their shared pain will bind them together.But as Benita begins a clandestine relationship and Ania struggles to conceal her role in the Nazi regime, Marianne learns that her clear-cut, highly principled world view has no place in these new, frightening and emotionally-charged days.All three women must grapple with the realities they now face, and the consequences of decisions each made in the darkest of times . . . Deeply moving and compelling, The Women of the Castle is a heart-wrenching and hopeful novel of secrets and survival, a reckoning, and the astonishing power of forgiveness. Perfect for fans of All the Light You Cannot See, The Reader and The Light Between Oceans.

Objev podobné jako The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck

cena 99.0 Kč

Muž z Gulagu - Lacková Jolana

Dovedete si představit, že kráčíte po ulici ve vlastním městě, těšíte se, že válka skončila vítězstvím nad fašismem a najednou vás vojáci osvoboditelé odvlečou do zajateckého pekla gulagu? Jen proto, že jste v nesprávném čase na nesprávném místě a jim chyběli vězni do počtu? Přečtěte si o zvrácené tváři socialismu, přečtěte si o zvěrstvech na nevinných, o znásilňování a střelbě do lidí ze zábavy. Poznejte „živagovskou“ pouť Slováka Ladislava Erbana, kterému se život v roce 1945, na prahu dospělosti, změnil na příšerná muka. Přečtěte si, jak ho ani dvacet let marné touhy po domově nezlomilo, jak přežil sovětské peklo zvané gulag i následné vyhoštění, jak našel lásku i sílu vystudovat v cizině za lékaře. Jak neztratil víru ani ve chvíli, kdy za falešné obvinění opět skončil za mřížemi. Tento příběh bohužel není fikce. Přečtěte si o muži, kterého nedokázali zlomit.

Objev podobné jako Muž z Gulagu - Lacková Jolana

cena 357.0 Kč

Dítě gulagu - Yuri C. Feynberg

Vyprávění této knihy je založeno na životních zkušenostech Yuriho C. Feynberga, který je jedním z posledních žijících dětí, které prošly gulagem. Ačkoli nebyl jedním z vězňů, strávil část svého dětství za ostnatým drátem v odlehlém sibiřském táboře nucených prací, kde jeho matka pracovala jako lékařka. Jako jediné dítě tam tehdy žil mezi Stalinovými politickými vězni, těžkými zločinci a dozorci. I díky svým neobyčejným zkušenostem v gulagu se z něj stala silná osobnost s nezlomným charakterem, který mu v dospělosti umožnil vyniknout v sovětských speciálních jednotkách, přežít trestní stíhání v Sovětském svazu a překonat bolestné osobní tragédie, aniž by ztratil svou lidskost.

Objev podobné jako Dítě gulagu - Yuri C. Feynberg

cena 312.0 Kč

Američan v Gulagu - Alexander Dolgun

Tato kniha vyšla poprvé v USA v roce 1975 a nyní, téměř po padesáti letech vychází poprvé v Evropě, a to v České republice. Pojednává o osudu dvacetiletého amerického muže Alexandra Dolguna, neprávem obviněného ze špionáže.Tento skutečný příběh se odehrává v 50. letech minulého století, kdy Dolgun přijíždí se svým otcem do Sovětského svazu. Otec se smluvně zavázal pracovat v jedné moskevské automobilce. Syn získal práci na americkém velvyslanectví jako řadový úředník. Jenže žít v té době v Sovětském svazu jako cizinec, to nebyl jen tak obyčejný status. Cizinec byl de facto synonymem pro špiona. Po martiriu dlouhých výslechů strávil Alex osm krutých let v lágrech Gulagu. S jedinečností svého pohledu odvyprávěl v knize mnoho odstínů hrůzy, již prošel a odvyprávěl je se smyslem pro plastický detail. Je to kniha scén ne méně než dantovských a zároveň kniha o nezničitelnosti naděje a vůle k životu. Velmi odborný a fundovaný doslov ke knize napsala paní prof. PhDr. Milada Polišenská, CSc.

Objev podobné jako Američan v Gulagu - Alexander Dolgun

cena 393.0 Kč

Souhvězdí Gulag (MP3-CD) - audiokniha

Souhvězdí Gulag, Autor: Karla Pecky, Čte: Miroslav Táborský, Lukáš Hlavica. Syrové příběhy z jáchymovských lágrů 50. let. Nerudovsky něžný pohled na figurky z pražské Malé Strany 70. a 80. let. Temná i vtipná kafkovská metafora o fungování komunistické StB, odehrávající se na pozadí koncertu Johnnyho Cashe v Praze v roce 1978. Nebo povídka o tom, jak parta štamgastů na začátku 90. let zachrání hostinec U Černého vola před divokou privatizací. To jsou čtyři z mnoha tváří Karla Pecky, jednoho z nejvýznamnějších českých spisovatelů 20. století.

Objev podobné jako Souhvězdí Gulag (MP3-CD) - audiokniha

cena 325.0 Kč

The Inheritance (Defekt) - Tilly Bagshawe

Welcome to Tilly Bagshawe's Swell Valley, where the scandal is in a class of its own. Tatiana Flint-Hamilton's gilded cage is torn away when her estranged father dies. As the beloved family estate slips through Tati's fingers, the portraits of her ancestors look down disapprovingly. The new Lord of the Manor is just as ruthless as Tati. The old-world status of Furlings is everything the wealthy, self-made Brett Cranley has ever wanted. Luckily his wife Angela is the perfect homemaker, happy to fall into line with whatever Brett desires. Along with her two children, Furlings soon becomes Angela's lifeline, a place she can finally belong. And one she's not going to give up easily. Losing everything has made Tati realise that her rightful inheritance is all that she now lives for...and she will do anything to get it back. But the fate of Furlings lies in the hands of the villagers. Let the Fittlescombe fireworks begin!

Objev podobné jako The Inheritance (Defekt) - Tilly Bagshawe

cena 129.0 Kč

The Kingdom (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø

In the mountains of Norway a man lives a peaceful existence. However one day his younger brother, always the more successful and charming of the two, turns up to visit, accompanied by his new wife. It soon turns out that the little brother is not quite as angelic as he seems.Set in a small town filled with secrets, this is a compellingly atmospheric new thriller from the Sunday Times number one bestseller.

Objev podobné jako The Kingdom (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø

cena 139.0 Kč

The One (Defekt) - Kiera Cassová

THE SELECTION changed the lives of thirty-five girls forever. Now, only one will claim Prince Maxon's heart...It's swoon meets the Hunger Games in the third instalment of THE SELECTION series! For the four girls who remain at the palace, the friendships they've formed, rivalries they've struggled with and dangers they've faced have bound them to each other for the rest of their lives. Now, the time has come for one winner to be chosen. America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown - or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the competition approaches its end and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realises just how much she stands to lose - and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants. The breathtaking third title in THE SELECTION series will make you swoon!

Objev podobné jako The One (Defekt) - Kiera Cassová

cena 99.0 Kč

The Legacy (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

The international bestselling Off-Campus series returns with a collection of four novellas by New York Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation Elle Kennedy! This brand-new installment provides the much-anticipated answer to the question: Where are they now?Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation...A wedding.A proposal.An elopement.And a surprise pregnancy.Life after college for Garrett and Hannah, Logan and Grace, Dean and Allie, and Tucker and Sabrina, isn't quite what they imagined it would be. Sure, they have each other, but they also have real-life problems that four years at Briar U didn't exactly prepare them for. As it turns out, for these four couples, love is the easy part. Growing up is a whole lot harder.Come for the drama, stay for the laughs! Catch up with your favorite Off-Campus characters as they navigate the changes that come with growing up and discover that big decisions can have big consequences...and big rewards.

Objev podobné jako The Legacy (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

cena 159.0 Kč

The Plague (Defekt) - Albert Camus

'A story for our, and all, times' Guardian The Plague is Albert Camus's world-renowned fable of fear and courageThe townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr Rieux, resist the terror.An immediate triumph when it was published in 1947, The Plague is in part an allegory of France's suffering under the Nazi occupation, and a story of bravery and determination against the precariousness of human existence. 'A matchless fable of fear, courage and cowardice' Independent'Magnificent' The Times

Objev podobné jako The Plague (Defekt) - Albert Camus

cena 139.0 Kč

The Passenger (Defekt) - Cormac McCarthy

It is three in the morning when Bobby Western zips the jacket of his wetsuit and plunges from the boat deck into darkness. His divelight illuminates a sunken jet, nine bodies still buckled in their seats. Missing from the crash site are the plane's black box, and the tenth passenger. But how? A collateral witness to machinations that can only bring him harm, Western is shadowed in body and spirit - by men with badges; by the ghost of his father, inventor of the atom bomb; and by his sister, the love and ruin of his soul. From the bar rooms of New Orleans to an abandoned oil rig off the Florida coast, The Passenger is a breathtaking novel of morality and science, the legacy of sin, and the madness that is human consciousness, and one of the final works by Cormac McCarthy, a true American master.

Objev podobné jako The Passenger (Defekt) - Cormac McCarthy

cena 129.0 Kč

The Return (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with a moving new novel about an injured army doctor and the two women whose secrets will change the course of his life. Trevor Benson never intended to move back to New Bern, North Carolina. But when a mortar blast outside the hospital where he worked as an orthopedic surgeon sent him home from Afghanistan with devastating injuries, the dilapidated cabin he'd inherited from his grandfather seemed as good a place to regroup as any. Tending to his grandfather's beloved bee hives while preparing for a second stint in medical school, Trevor isn't prepared to fall in love with a local . . . yet, from their very first encounter, Trevor feels a connection with deputy sheriff Natalie Masterson that he can't ignore. But even as she seems to reciprocate his feelings, she remains frustratingly distant, making Trevor wonder what she's hiding. Further complicating his stay in New Bern is the presence of a sullen teenage girl, Callie, who lives in the trailer park down the road. Claiming to be 17, she works at the local sundries store and keeps to herself. Discovering that she was once befriended by his grandfather, Trevor hopes Callie can shed light on the mysterious circumstances of his grandfather's death, but she offers few clues - until a crisis triggers a race that will uncover the true nature of Callie's past, one more intertwined with the elderly man's passing than Trevor could have ever anticipated. In his quest to unravel Natalie and Callie's secrets, Trevor will learn the true meaning of love and forgiveness . . . and that in life, to move forward, we must often return to the place where it all began.

Objev podobné jako The Return (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks

cena 189.0 Kč

The Promise (Defekt) - Damon Galgut

Discover the powerful prizewinning story of a family in crisis. On a farm outside Pretoria, the Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least their treatment of the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. Salome was to be given her own house, her own land...yet somehow, that vow is carefully ignored. As each decade passes, and the family assemble again, one question hovers over them. Can you ever escape the repercussions of a broken promise?

Objev podobné jako The Promise (Defekt) - Damon Galgut

cena 119.0 Kč

The Mistake (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

He's a player in more ways than one...College junior John Logan can get any girl he wants. For this hockey star, life is a parade of parties and hook-ups, but behind his killer grins and easygoing charm, he hides growing despair about the dead-end road he'll be forced to walk after graduation. A sexy encounter with freshman Grace Ivers is just the distraction he needs, but when a thoughtless mistake pushes her away, Logan plans to spend his final year proving to her that he's worth a second chance.Now he's going to need to up his game...After a less than stellar freshman year, Grace is back at Briar University, older, wiser, and so over the arrogant hockey player she nearly handed her V-card to. She's not a charity case, and she's not the quiet butterfly she was when they first hooked up. If Logan expects her to roll over and beg like all his other puck bunnies, he can think again. He wants her back? He'll have to work for it. This time around, she'll be the one in the driver's seat...and she plans on driving him wild.

Objev podobné jako The Mistake (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy

cena 179.0 Kč

The Every (Defekt) - Dave Eggers

When the world's largest search engine / social media company merges with the planet's dominant e-commerce site, it creates the richest and most dangerous-and, oddly enough, most beloved-monopoly ever known: The Every. Delaney Wells is an unlikely new hire. A former forest ranger and unwavering tech skeptic, she charms her way into an entry-level job with one goal in mind: to take down the company from within. With her compatriot, the not-at-all-ambitious Wes Kavakian, they look for the company's weaknesses, hoping to free humanity from all-encompassing surveillance and the emoji-driven infantilization of the species. But does anyone want what Delaney is fighting to save? Does humanity truly want to be free? Studded with unforgettable characters and lacerating set-pieces, The Every blends satire and terror, while keeping the reader in breathless suspense about the fate of the company - and the human animal.

Objev podobné jako The Every (Defekt) - Dave Eggers

cena 119.0 Kč

The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse

A beautiful, eerie hotel in the Swiss Alps, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, is the last place Detective Elin Warner wants to be. But her estranged brother has invited her there for his engagement party, and she feels she has no choice but to accept.Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. And things only get worse when they wake the next morning to find her brother's fiancee is missing. With access to the hotel cut off, the guests begin to panic.But this is only the first disappearance. Everyone's in danger - and anyone could be next . . .

Objev podobné jako The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse

cena 129.0 Kč

The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

A new love story from Anna Todd continues with THE BURNING, the second novel in a new trilogy (Brightest Stars) from the No.1 internationally best-selling author of the AFTER series.Anna Todd's Brightest Stars trilogy continues with THE INFINITE LIGHT OF DUST, coming soon.

Objev podobné jako The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

cena 119.0 Kč

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