Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie
Just before dawn one winter’s morning, a hijacked aeroplane blows apart high above the English Channel and two figures tumble, clutched in an embrace, towards the sea: Gibreel Farishta, India’s legendary movie star, and Saladin Chamcha, the man of a thousand voices.
Podívejte se také The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)
Quijote - Salman Rushdie
Odvážné převyprávění klasického Cervantesova příběhu a současně svérázná reflexe televizní kultury. Tak by se ve zkratce dal charakterizovat nový Rushdieho román, jenž byl, tak jako celá řada autorových dalších děl, nominován na prestižní Man Bookerovu cenu. V postmoderní perspektivě, která klade román do románu a přisuzuje "všedním" postavám roli velkých literárních hrdinů, se setkáváme s americko-indickým spisovatelem špionážních thrillerů, jenž stvoří vlastního protagonistu. Jeho Ismail Smile, stárnoucí obchodní cestující s léčivy, tak dlouho a návykově sleduje po hotelových pokojích televizní vysílání, až se fatálně zamiluje do bývalé bollywoodské hvězdičky. Navzdory tomu, že se s ní nikdy nesetká, píše jí milostné dopisy podepsané Quijote a společně se svým smyšleným synem Sanchem podnikne za svou nenaplněnou láskou cestu napříč Spojenými státy. V barvitém, pro autora typickém literárním kaleidoskopu přitom ožívají témata, jako je rasismus, závislost na opiátech či dvousečné působení populární kultury.
Podívejte se také House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko
Nůž - Salman Rushdie
"Když se světoznámý spisovatel stal v létě roku 2022 obětí vražedného útoku, tragickou událost přežil s vážnými zraněními. Nůž v rukou atentátníka však nezanechal stopy pouze na jeho těle, ale zasáhl i autorovu mysl.V pronikavé a hluboce otevřené zpovědi, jež je považována za jednu z největších literárních událostí současnosti, tvypráví Rushdie o náročném fyzickém i mentálním zotavení, které by nebylo možné bez lásky nejbližších, podpory přátel i čtenářů – a víry v sílu slov. S nadhledem a také smyslem pro humor klade svůj osobní příběh do pletiva světového písemnictví a odkazuje na literární klasiky i své vlastní texty.Nůž je poutavou, intimní meditací o životě, ztrátě, statečnosti a schopnosti znovu vstát. Je to kniha, kterou Salman Rushdie musel napsat."
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Klaun Šalimar - Salman Rushdie
Když je na prahu losangeleského domu své dcery zavražděn někdejší hrdina protinacistického odboje a velvyslanec USA v Indii Maximilian Ophuls, vše nasvědčuje politickému pozadí činu, jehož pachatelem je Ophulsův osobní řidič „klaun Šalimar“, muslimský rodák z Kašmíru. Navzdory Ophulsově významné roli v protiteroristických aktivitách americké vlády se však ukáže, že motivy vraždy jsou výhradně osobního rázu: jejich ztělesněním je čtvrtá z klíčových postav, jejíž osud, úzce spojující oba muže, je spolu s nedávnou tragickou historií Kašmíru klíčem k celému příběhu. Tak jako ve svých předchozích knihách, i v Klaunu Šalimarovi vede Rushdie široce rozklenutý románový děj s charakteristickou suverenitou a jazykovou invencí až k samému závěru své „písně smutku i naděje“, reagující na neklidnou tvář dnešního světa.
Objev podobné jako Klaun Šalimar - Salman Rushdie
Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
A beautiful hardback edition of a modern Indian classic and winner of 'The Best of the Booker' - the best novel from Booker Prize history. Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts.Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem's story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and glorious. 'A wonderful, rich and humane novel that is safe to call a classic' GuardianVINTAGE QUARTERBOUND CLASSICS: Bound to be beautiful
Objev podobné jako Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
Jazyky pravdy - Salman Rushdie
„Když Christopher Hitchens dopsal svou knihu Bůh není veliký, poslal mi ji, abych si ji přečetl, a já mu řekl, jen napůl v žertu, že má v názvu jedno slovo navíc; bylo by užitečné, kdyby vymazal ‚veliký‘.“ Touto větou otevírá známý spisovatel esej Instinkt svobody. V kolekci brilantně napsaných textů se Rushdie profiluje nejen jako oddaný obhájce svobody slova a umělecké výpovědi, ale především jako znalec světového písemnictví a kultury. Věnuje se velkým literátům 20. století z rodu Kurta Vonneguta nebo Samuela Becketta, srovnává Shakespearovo mistrovství se Cervantesovým, na příkladu Aje Wej-weje, Pussy Riot či Roberta Saviana ukazuje, jakou roli hraje v tvorbě odvaha. Nechybí ani příspěvky, které se věnují dopadení bin Ládina nebo koronavirové pandemii. Rushdie vždy píše s vášnivým zaujetím pro styl, ve kterém se prolíná přesnost pozorování s bohatou obrazností. A se smyslem pro pravdu, bez ohledu na to, jak riskantní může být.
Objev podobné jako Jazyky pravdy - Salman Rushdie
Zlatý dům - Salman Rushdie
Světoznámý prozaik, jehož každé nové dílo se očekává v předtuše planetární senzace, napsal první velký román trumpovské éry. Mnohovrstevnatý příběh, který rámuje vláda Baracka Obamy a volba prezidenta nového, vypráví o záhadném magnátovi Neru Goldenovi a jeho třech synech. Mocný muž, jenž je bývalým společníkem bombajské stavební a filmové mafie, a právě proto žárlivě střeží tajemství své minulosti, se stěhuje do luxusního domovního bloku v newyorském SoHo. Ve svém okolí vyvolává řadu dohadů a fám, nejen kvůli výstřednímu chování či sňatku s krásnou a vypočítavou ruskou emigrantkou. Jedním z těch, kdo se touží o Nerovi dozvědět víc, je i vypravěč románu, mladý filmař René, kterého láká myšlenka natočit o rodině a jejích osudech polodokumentární film. Již brzy však má přijít apokalypsa... Filmová stylizace, noirová atmosféra, popkulturní narážky, hutný děj se spoustou odboček, to vše vytváří velkolepý „ohňostroj marnosti“ současné zblázněné Ameriky.
Objev podobné jako Zlatý dům - Salman Rushdie
Victory City - Salman Rushdie
The epic tale of a woman who breathes a fantastical empire into existence, only to be consumed by it over the centuries - from the transcendent imagination of Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie.In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in fourteenth-century southern India, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. After witnessing the death of her mother, the grief-stricken Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for the goddess Parvati, who begins to speak out of the girl's mouth. Granting her powers beyond Pampa Kampana's comprehension, the goddess tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga - literally 'victory city' - the wonder of the world.Over the next two hundred and fifty years, Pampa Kampana's life becomes deeply interwoven with Bisnaga's, from its literal sowing out of a bag of magic seeds to its tragic ruination in the most human of ways: the hubris of those in power. Whispering Bisnaga and its citizens into existence, Pampa Kampana attempts to make good on the task that Parvati set for her: to give women equal agency in a patriarchal world. But all stories have a way of getting away from their creator, and Bisnaga is no exception. As years pass, rulers come and go, battles are won and lost, and allegiances shift, the very fabric of Bisnaga becomes an ever more complex tapestry - with Pampa Kampana at its center.Brilliantly styled as a translation of an ancient epic, this is a saga of love, adventure, and myth that is in itself a testament to the power of storytelling.
Objev podobné jako Victory City - Salman Rushdie
Hanba - Salman Rushdie - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Rushdieho Hanba má spletitý děj: V honosném sídle spojeném se světem pouze nákladním výtahem se třem zhanobeným sestrám narodí syn Omar Chajjám Šakíl. Když se konečně odpoutá od jejich vlivu, vydá se z domu na pouť jakéhosi dychtivého voyeura všech metamorfóz hanby, před níž ho jeho tři matky chtěly ochránit. Venkovní svět je Pákistán a pro lidi v něm je hanba synonymem smrti. Román je pak složitou a fiktivní rodinnou ságou dvou národních hrdinů, Razy Hajdara a Iskandara Harappy, postav, které obě mají skutečný předobraz v pákistánských dějinách. Většinu historických postav přitom autor groteskně degraduje a paroduje. Démonická zuřivost Sofi e Zenobie, jedné z hlavních postav, symbolizuje projevy totalitních režimů: hanba a násilí jsou rubem a lícem téže mince. Kniha je zároveň jakousi moderní orientální pohádkou, ornamentální fantasmagorií, politickým pamfl etem i osobní výpovědí poangličtělého Inda, jemuž odstup exilu umožňuje vypořádat se s vlastními kořeny. Střídají se styly i vypravěčské polohy, dějiny se stávají pohádkou a pohádka dějinami, skutečnost je obalována legendou, která jí prorůstá. Složitě komponované dílo nabité příběhy a nečekanými zvraty představuje jeden z vrcholů světové prózy 20. století.
Objev podobné jako Hanba - Salman Rushdie - audiokniha
Zlatý dům (Defekt) - Salman Rushdie
Světoznámý prozaik, jehož každé nové dílo se očekává v předtuše planetární senzace, napsal první velký román trumpovské éry. Mnohovrstevnatý příběh, který rámuje vláda Baracka Obamy a volba prezidenta nového, vypráví o záhadném magnátovi Neru Goldenovi a jeho třech synech. Mocný muž, jenž je bývalým společníkem bombajské stavební a filmové mafie, a právě proto žárlivě střeží tajemství své minulosti, se stěhuje do luxusního domovního bloku v newyorském SoHo. Ve svém okolí vyvolává řadu dohadů a fám, nejen kvůli výstřednímu chování či sňatku s krásnou a vypočítavou ruskou emigrantkou. Jedním z těch, kdo se touží o Nerovi dozvědět víc, je i vypravěč románu, mladý filmař René, kterého láká myšlenka natočit o rodině a jejích osudech polodokumentární film. Již brzy však má přijít apokalypsa... Filmová stylizace, noirová atmosféra, popkulturní narážky, hutný děj se spoustou odboček, to vše vytváří velkolepý "ohňostroj marnosti" současné zblázněné Ameriky.
Objev podobné jako Zlatý dům (Defekt) - Salman Rushdie
Midnight´s Children - Salman Rushdie
WITH A NEW 40TH ANNIVERSARY INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts. Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem's story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and gloriousWITH A NEW 40TH ANNIVERSARY INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts. Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem's story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and glorious
Objev podobné jako Midnight´s Children - Salman Rushdie
Victory City (Defekt) - Salman Rushdie
The epic tale of a woman who breathes a fantastical empire into existence, only to be consumed by it over the centuries - from the transcendent imagination of Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie.In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in fourteenth-century southern India, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. After witnessing the death of her mother, the grief-stricken Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for the goddess Parvati, who begins to speak out of the girl's mouth. Granting her powers beyond Pampa Kampana's comprehension, the goddess tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga - literally 'victory city' - the wonder of the world.Over the next two hundred and fifty years, Pampa Kampana's life becomes deeply interwoven with Bisnaga's, from its literal sowing out of a bag of magic seeds to its tragic ruination in the most human of ways: the hubris of those in power. Whispering Bisnaga and its citizens into existence, Pampa Kampana attempts to make good on the task that Parvati set for her: to give women equal agency in a patriarchal world. But all stories have a way of getting away from their creator, and Bisnaga is no exception. As years pass, rulers come and go, battles are won and lost, and allegiances shift, the very fabric of Bisnaga becomes an ever more complex tapestry - with Pampa Kampana at its center.Brilliantly styled as a translation of an ancient epic, this is a saga of love, adventure, and myth that is in itself a testament to the power of storytelling.
Objev podobné jako Victory City (Defekt) - Salman Rushdie
Languages of Truth - Salman Rushdie
From 'Best of the Booker' winner Salman Rushdie, an incisive and inspiring collection of non-fiction essays, criticism and speeches that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the evolution of language and culture.'One of the greatest writers of our age' Neil GaimanAcross a wide variety of subjects, Rushdie delves into the nature of storytelling as a deeply human need and what emerges is a love letter to literature itself. Throughout, he shares his personal encounters, on the page and in person, with storytellers from Shakespeare to Toni Morrison and revels in the creative lines that can join art and life. Rushdie considers, too, the nature of truth and looks afresh at migration, multiculturalism and censorship.
Objev podobné jako Languages of Truth - Salman Rushdie
Jazyky pravdy - Salman Rushdie - e-kniha
eBook: V kolekci brilantně napsaných textů se Rushdie profiluje nejen jako oddaný obhájce svobody slova a umělecké výpovědi, ale především jako znalec světového písemnictví a kultury. Věnuje se velkým literátům 20. století z rodu Kurta Vonneguta nebo Samuela Becketta, srovnává Shakespearovo mistrovství se Cervantesovým, na příkladu Aje Wej-weje, Pussy Riot či Roberta Saviana ukazuje, jakou roli hraje v tvorbě odvaha. Nechybí ani příspěvky, které se věnují dopadení bin Ládina nebo koronavirové pandemii. Rushdie vždy píše s vášnivým zaujetím pro styl, ve kterém se prolíná přesnost pozorování s bohatou obrazností. A se smyslem pro pravdu, bez ohledu na to, jak riskantní může být. Salman Rushdie (nar. 1947 v Bombaji) je autorem třinácti románů a několika dalších svazků próz, esejů a publicistiky. Knižně debutoval románem Grimus (1975). Jeho druhý román Děti půlnoci, barvitá sága o šesti desetiletích moderních indických dějin, byl v roce 1993 jmenován nejlepším z děl oceněných v předchozích pětadvaceti letech prestižní literární cenou Booker Prize a roku 2008 rovněž zvítězil ve čtenářské anketě ke čtyřicátému výročí této ceny. Výrazný ohlas zaznamenaly i další Rushdieho romány Hanba, Satanské verše, Hárún a Moře příběhů, Maurův poslední vzdech, Zem pod jejíma nohama, Zběsilost, Klaun Šalimar, Čarodějka z Florencie, Luka a Oheň života a Dva roky, osm měsíců a osmadvacet nocí, svazek kratších próz Východ, Západ, kniha vzpomínek Joseph Anton a Zlatý dům. Roku 2007 byl Rushdie britskou královnou povýšen do šlechtického stavu.
Objev podobné jako Jazyky pravdy - Salman Rushdie - e-kniha
Two Years..Twenty-Eight Nights - Salman Rushdie
In the near future, after a storm strikes New York City, the strangenesses begin. A down-to-earth gardener finds that his feet no longer touch the ground. A graphic novelist awakens in his bedroom to a mysterious entity that resembles his own sub-Stan Lee creation. A seductive gold digger is soon tapped to combat forces beyond imagining.
Objev podobné jako Two Years..Twenty-Eight Nights - Salman Rushdie
Victory City: The new novel from the Booker prize-winning, bestselling author of Midnight´s Children - Salman Rushdie
In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in fourteenth-century southern India, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. After witnessing the death of her mother, the grief-stricken Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for a goddess, who tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga - literally 'victory city' - the wonder of the world. Over the next two hundred and fifty years, Pampa Kampana's life becomes deeply interwoven with Bisnaga's as she attempts to make good on the task that the goddess set for her: to give women equal agency in a patriarchal world. But all stories have a way of getting away from their creator, and as years pass, rulers come and go, battles are won and lost, and allegiances shift, Bisnaga is no exception.
Objev podobné jako Victory City: The new novel from the Booker prize-winning, bestselling author of Midnight´s Children - Salman Rushdie
Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder - Salman Rushdie
From internationally renowned writer and Booker Prize winner Salman Rushdie, a searing, deeply personal account of enduring - and surviving - an attempt on his life thirty years after the fatwa that was ordered against him Speaking out for the first time, and in unforgettable detail, about the traumatic events of August 12, 2022, Salman Rushdie answers violence with art, and reminds us of the power of words to make sense of the unthinkable. Knife is a gripping, intimate, and ultimately life-affirming meditation on life, loss, love, art - and finding the strength to stand up again.
Objev podobné jako Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder - Salman Rushdie
The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)
Kniha - 380 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A modern American epic set against the panorama of contemporary politics and culture--a hurtling, page-turning mystery that is equal parts The Great Gatsby and The Bonfire of the Vanities Set against the strange and exuberant backdrop of current American culture and politics, The Golden House also marks Salman Rushdie's triumphant and exciting return to realism. The result is a modern epic of love and terrorism, loss and reinvention--a powerful, timely story told with the daring and panache that make Salman Rushdie a force of light in our dark new age.
Objev podobné jako The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)
The Golden Notebook (0007498772)
Kniha - autor Doris Lessing, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The landmark novel of the Sixties – a powerful account of a woman searching for her personal, political and professional identity while facing rejection and betrayal. In 1950s London, novelist Anna Wulf struggles with writer’s block. Divorced with a young child, and fearful of going mad, Anna records her experiences in four coloured notebooks: black for her writing life, red for political views, yellow for emotions, blue for everyday events. But it is a fifth notebook – the golden notebook – that finally pulls these wayward strands of her life together. Widely regarded as Doris Lessing’s masterpiece and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, ‘The Golden Notebook’ is wry and perceptive, bold and indispensable.
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The House in the Cerulean Sea (1529087945)
Kniha - autor T. J. Klune, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place - and realizing that family could be yours. He expected nothing. But they gave him everything . . . Linus Baker leads a quiet life. At forty, he has a tiny house with a devious cat and his beloved records for the company. And at the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, he's spent many dull years monitoring their orphanages. Then one day, Linus is summoned by Extremely Upper Management and given a highly classified assignment. He must travel to an orphanage where six dangerous children reside, including the Antichrist. There, Linus must somehow determine if they could bring on the end of days. But their guardian, charming and enigmatic Arthur Parnassus, will do anything to protect his wards. As Arthur and Linus...
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The House in the Cerulean Sea (1250217318)
Kniha - 398 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The House in the Cerulean Sea (1250217318)
The House in the Pines - Ana Reyes
A REESE WITHERSPOON BOOK CLUB PICKA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER''AN ABSOLUTE, CAN''T-PUT-IT-DOWN THRILLER'' Reese Witherspoon (Reese''s Book Club Jan ''23 Pick)''EERIE AND ATMOSPHERIC''Riley Sager, New York Times bestselling author of The House Across the Lake''CREEPY''The Times''I READ IN A SINGLE SITTING, TOTALLY ENTHRALLED''Lisa Gardner, Sunday Times bestselling author of One Step Too Far''SUPERB''M. W. Craven, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Botanist''CHILLED ME TO THE BONE''Andrea Bartz, author of Reese''s pick We Were Never Here________Maya is still haunted by the cabin - deep in the woods, where the trees are so dense it''s easy to miss.She hasn''t been there since the summer she was seventeen. Since the day her best friend Aubrey died and Maya''s world shattered.Maya''s memories of that summer are fragmented, but there is one thing she knows for sure, and that''s who murdered Aubrey. Even if no one believes her.Now, seven years later, another woman from their hometown has died in the same strange, unexplained way.Maya knows only she can uncover the truth and save the next innocent girl. But to do that she''ll have to go back - back to the forest, back to the house in the pines . . .
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The House Across the Lake - Riley Sager
Something is lurking beneath the water's surface... Recently widowed actress Casey Fletcher has escaped to her family's lake house for peace and quiet. She's been happily losing herself in her thoughts and several bottles of bourbon, until the glamorous couple across the lake catch her attention.They look so perfect - just like Casey and her husband used to be. But is anyone what they seem? Casey has a detective sat at her kitchen table. She has a man bound and gagged upstairs.Casey will uncover dark truths so life-changing that nothing will ever be the same again. International bestselling sensation Riley Sager is back with his most ambitious thriller yet. With his trademark blend of sharp characters, psychological suspense and gasp-worthy twists, The House Across the Lake will shock readers from the first page to the last.
Objev podobné jako The House Across the Lake - Riley Sager
The Golden Fool - Robin Hobb
The second book in Robin Hobb's thrilling fantasy series returns readers to the Six Duchies and the magical world of the Fitz and the Fool.Fitz has been persuaded back to court, posing as a servant to the decadent Lord Golden (who is the Fool in disguise). In secret, he will train Prince Dutiful in the magic known as the Skill.The peace remains fragile, so the diplomatic wedding between Dutiful and the Outislander princess is a crucial alliance. But when Elliania arrives she challenges the prince to undertake an impossible quest before she will accept him.He must kill Icefyre, one of the last true dragons. And Fitz and the Fool must go with him...
Objev podobné jako The Golden Fool - Robin Hobb
The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Noviková
Saving the world is a test no school of magic can prepare you for in the triumphant conclusion to the Sunday Times bestselling trilogy that began with A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate. The one thing you never talk about while you're in the Scholomance is what you'll do when you get out - not even the richest enclaver would tempt fate that way. But that impossible dream has somehow come true for El and her classmates.And what's more, she didn't even have to become the monstrous dark witch she's prophesised to become to make it happen. Instead of killing enclavers, she saved them, and now the world is safe for all wizards. Peace and harmony have enveloped all the enclaves of the world.Just kidding. Instead, someone else has picked up the project of destroying enclaves in El's stead, and everyone she saved is at risk again with a full-scale enclave war on the horizon. And so, the first thing El needs to do after miraculously escaping the Scholomance, is to turn straight around and find a way back in.
Objev podobné jako The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Noviková
The Golden Library - Scott Mariani
Learn the secret – or die tryingHas ex-SAS soldier Ben Hope finally got out of his depth?That’s the question Ben faces when the hunt for a missing girl takes him to China. He’s a stranger in a strange land – but he’s also the victim’s only hope. To make things worse, she’s almost family.As the pressure mounts, so does the gruesome death toll. With ruthless enemies in pursuit and an unlikely alliance with an enigmatic detective his only lifeline, Ben realises that this situation is far more explosive than even he’d bargained for. Suddenly it’s no longer just the missing girl’s fate depending on him.At the heart of the mystery lies an ancient secret dating back to China’s first emperor and the legendary Terracotta Army – a secret that people will still kill for, millennia later. Ben Hope has never turned his back on those in need, and he’s no stranger to tough odds. But can he survive long enough to discover the truth – and is he ready for the consequences?
Objev podobné jako The Golden Library - Scott Mariani
The Golden Notebook - Doris Lessing
Introducing the Collins Modern Classics, a series featuring some of the most significant books of recent times, books that shed light on the human experience – classics which will endure for generations to come.In 1950s London, novelist Anna Wulf struggles with writer’s block. Divorced with a young child, and fearful of going mad, Anna records her experiences in four coloured notebooks: black for her writing life, red for political views, yellow for emotions, blue for everyday events. But it is a fifth notebook – the golden notebook – that finally pulls these wayward strands of her life together.Widely regarded as Doris Lessing’s masterpiece and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, ‘The Golden Notebook’ is wry and perceptive, bold and indispensable.
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The Golden Wok - Diana Chan
The Golden Wok is the cookbook that shows you how the work is the most versatile pan in the home, with over 80 approachable recipes covering everything from steaming to frying and roasting to sautéing. The wok is the pride of any Chinese kitchen and The Golden Wok will teach you how to nail the basics of mastering wok hei and navigate your way around the mechanics of the perfect stir-fry. Then, it’s time to spread your culinary wings and fly – from tempura vegetables and dashi-simmered dishes to smoky, crispy noodles and delicate dumplings.The Golden Wok will show you why the wok is the Chinese family heirloom that’s passed down through generations, and the one thing you need to unlock a whole new world of flavour.
Objev podobné jako The Golden Wok - Diana Chan
The Golden Mole - Katherine Rundellová
The world is more astonishing, more miraculous and more wonderful than our wildest imaginings.‘Rare and magical book.’ Bill Bryson‘A witty, intoxicating paean to Earth’s most wondrous creatures.’ Observer‘Exquisite and timely.’ Maggie O’Farrell** Shortlisted for the Waterstones and Foyles Book of the Year **** Shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing **In The Golden Mole, Katherine Rundell, the award-winning author of Super-Infinite and Impossible Creatures, takes us on a globe-spanning tour of the world’s strangest and most awe-inspiring animals, including pangolins, wombats, lemurs and seahorses. But each of these animals is endangered. And so, this most passionately persuasive and sharply funny book is also an urgent, inspiring clarion call: to treasure and act – to save nature’s vanishing wonders, before it is too late.‘Deeply affecting, intimate and wildly funny . . . I loved it.’ Edmund de Waal‘A wondrous ode to nature’s astonishing beauty – and an elegy for all the life we are in the midst ofdestroying.’ Amia Srinivasan‘An exuberant celebration of everything from bats, crows and hedgehogs to narwhals and wombats . . . Rundell is incapable of writing a dull sentence.’ Observer‘There is a constant joy in the book . . . A sense throughout of delight and wonder, and a reminder thatthese emotions also matter – may even save us. This is the point.’ New StatesmanKatherine Rundell''s book The Golden Mole was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 04-11-2023
Objev podobné jako The Golden Mole - Katherine Rundellová
The Golden Road - William Dalrymple
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA SPECTATOR BOOK OF THE YEARA revolutionary new history of the diffusion of Indian ideas, from the award-winning, bestselling author and co-host of the chart-topping Empire podcast‘Richly woven, highly readable ... Written with passion and verve’ Spectator‘Dazzling ... Not just a historical study but also a love letter’ Guardian‘An outstanding new account ... The most compelling retelling we have had for generations’ Financial TimesIndia is the forgotten heart of the ancient worldFor a millennium and a half, India was a confident exporter of its diverse civilisation, creating around it a vast empire of ideas. Indian art, religions, technology, astronomy, music, dance, literature, mathematics and mythology blazed a trail across the world, along a Golden Road that stretched from the Red Sea to the Pacific. William Dalrymple draws from a lifetime of scholarship to highlight India’s oft-forgotten position as the heart of ancient Eurasia. For the first time, he gives a name to this spread of Indian ideas that transformed the world. From the largest Hindu temple in the world at Angkor Wat to the Buddhism of China, from the trade that helped fund the Roman Empire to the creation of the numerals we use today (including zero), India transformed the culture and technology of its ancient world – and our world today as we know it. Praise for William Dalrymple and The Anarchy‘A superb historian with a visceral understanding of India’ The Times‘Magnificently readable, deeply researched and richly atmospheric’ Francis Wheen, Mail on Sunday
Objev podobné jako The Golden Road - William Dalrymple
The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Noviková
Saving the world is a test no school of magic can prepare you for in the triumphant conclusion to the Sunday Times bestselling trilogy that began with A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate. The one thing you never talk about while you're in the Scholomance is what you'll do when you get out - not even the richest enclaver would tempt fate that way. But that impossible dream has somehow come true for El and her classmates. And what's more, she didn't even have to become the monstrous dark witch she's prophesised to become to make it happen. Instead of killing enclavers, she saved them, and now the world is safe for all wizards. Peace and harmony have enveloped all the enclaves of the world. Just kidding. Instead, someone else has picked up the project of destroying enclaves in El's stead, and everyone she saved is at risk again with a full-scale enclave war on the horizon. And so, the first thing El needs to do after miraculously escaping the Scholomance, is to turn straight around and find a way back in.
Objev podobné jako The Golden Enclaves - Naomi Noviková
House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, materiál bavlna Klíčové vlastnosti trička PCMerch Tričko PCMerch je vyrobené tak, aby bylo pohodlné jak pro běžné nošení, tak pro sportovní aktivity Jeho výrobním materiálem je bavlna Pohodlné bavlněné tričko dokáže dobře odvádět vlhkost Krátké rukávy přinesou komfort pro teplé období roku Klasický model s kulatým výstřihem
Objev podobné jako House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko
The Guest House by the Sea - Hogan Faith
People come to the guest house for fresh air and views across the Atlantic. But if they''re lucky, they might just leave with the second chance they didn''t know they needed...Esme has run the guest house for as long as anyone in Ballycove can remember. But in her declining years, her sight is failing, and when she has a fall on the eve of the summer season, she is forced to take a back seat for the first time in her life.From her chair in the entry hall, not much passes Esme by. There''s Cora, the wife visiting indefinitely... without her husband; Niamh, the city professional with a life-changing decision to make; and Phyllie, the grandmother whose family is slipping away from her.Esme''s guests provide the colour that helps her keep her grip on the world. All of them have something they want to escape – or to hold on to. But can Esme help them find their way before the summer is over?From bestselling Irish writer Faith Hogan comes a new, uplifting story about discovering love, friendship and the healing power of the Irish sea air. It will charm fans of Sheila O''Flanagan, Heidi Swain and Susanne O''Leary.''Once again Faith pulls you into her world instantly and never lets you go, with such an incredibly real cast of characters who you feel actually exist. A Life affirming and unputdownable read.'' Phillipa Ashley''What a delight this book is. A gorgeous cast of characters, the perfect seaside setting and Faith Hogan''s wonderful talent for dialogue all come together to make this a lovely feel-good story with an ending that will cheer your heart.'' Imogen Clark
Objev podobné jako The Guest House by the Sea - Hogan Faith
The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz
Soon no one on Earth will have a place to hide in this novel about fears known and unknown by #1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz.In retreat from a devastating loss and crushing injustice, Katie lives alone in a fortresslike stone house on Jacob’s Ladder island. Once a rising star in the art world, she finds refuge in her painting.The neighboring island of Ringrock houses a secret: a government research facility. And now two agents have arrived on Jacob’s Ladder in search of someone—or something—they refuse to identify. Although an air of menace hangs over these men, an infinitely greater threat has arrived, one so strange even the island animals are in a state of high alarm.Katie soon finds herself in an epic and terrifying battle with a mysterious enemy. But Katie’s not alone after all: a brave young girl appears out of the violent squall. As Katie and her companion struggle across a dark and eerie landscape, against them is an omnipresent terror that could bring about the end of the world.
Objev podobné jako The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz
The House of the Dead/The Gambler - Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij
Alexey Ivanovitch is a young tutor in the household of a general. He is both observer and actor in the tempest which surrounds his impoverished employer. Everyone is waiting for the death of Granny, the general's rich aunt, but so far from dying, she turns up alive and well, and makes her way to the casino...
Objev podobné jako The House of the Dead/The Gambler - Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij
The Candy House - Jennifer Eganová
From one of the most dazzling and iconic writers of our time comes an electrifying, deeply moving novel about the quest for authenticity, privacy, and meaning in a world where our memories are no longer our own--featuring characters from A Visit from the Goon Squad.It's 2010. Staggeringly successful and brilliant tech entrepreneur Bix Bouton is desperate for a new idea. He's forty, with four kids, and restless when he stumbles into a conversation with mostly Columbia professors, one of whom is experimenting with downloading or "externalising" memory. Within a decade, Bix's new technology, Own Your Unconscious--that allows you access to every memory you've ever had, and to share every memory in exchange for access to the memories of others--has seduced multitudes. But not everyone.In spellbinding linked narratives, Egan spins out the consequences of Own Your Unconscious through the lives of multiple characters whose paths intersect over several decades. Intellectually dazzling and extraordinarily moving, The Candy House is a bold, brilliant imagining of a world that is moments away. With a focus on social media, gaming, and alternate worlds, you can almost experience moving among dimensions in a role-playing game. Egan takes her "deeply intuitive forays into the darker aspects of our technology-driven, image-saturated culture" (Vogue) to stunning new heights and delivers a fierce and exhilarating testament to the tenacity and transcendence of human longing for real connection, love, family, privacy and redemption.
Objev podobné jako The Candy House - Jennifer Eganová
Fly In The House (89325)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, Vstupte do Patriot City a společně se svými hrdiny zachraňte svět VypnutoFly In The HouseChytit mouchu! Jakkoli. Po několika letech na cestách se vracíte domů. Po návratu jste zaplaveni vzpomínkami. Vytane vám na mysli spousta otázek, které je potřeba zodpovědět. Než si však uvědomíte, co potřebujete ve svém životě změnit, všimnete si jí - mouchy ve vašem domě! Chyťte mouchu a zničte svůj domov - chyťte mouchu a přitom se pokuste nezničit svůj domov - vykašlete se na mouchu a prostě všechno zničte! Chytit mouchu - úkol číslo jedna!Projděte všechna tři patra - zničit můžete všechnoSbírejte hodnosti, body a provádějte kombaNajděte skryté objekty.Zahrajte si několik herních módůVybírejte z několika typů osvětlení
Objev podobné jako Fly In The House (89325)
The Rooster House - Belim Victoria
In the Ukrainian city of Poltava stands a building known as the Rooster House, an elegant mansion with two voluptuous red roosters flanking the door. It doesn't look horrifying. And yet, when Victoria was a girl growing up in the 1980s, her great-grandmother would take pains to avoid walking past it. In 2014, while the Russian state was annexing Crimea, Victoria visited her grandmother in Bereh, the hamlet near Poltava that was a haven in her childhood. Just before the trip she came across her great-grandfather's diary, one page scored deep with the single line: 'Brother Nikodim, vanished in the 1930s fighting for a free Ukraine.' She had never heard of this uncle and no one - especially her grandmother - seemed willing to tell her about him. Victoria became obsessed with recovering his story, and returned to her birth country again and again in pursuit of it. In the end, after years of sifting through Ukraine's post-Soviet bureaucracy, after travelling to tiny, ruined villages and speaking to the wizened survivors of that era, her winding search took her back to the place she had always known it would - to the Rooster House, and the dark truths contained in its basement. Inspired by the author's love for her family, and peopled by warm, larger-than-life characters who jostle alongside the ghostly absences of others, The Rooster House is at once a riveting journey into the complex history of a wounded country and a profoundly moving tribute to hope and the refusal of despair.
Objev podobné jako The Rooster House - Belim Victoria
The Orange House - Isabelle Broom
HENRY AND VIOLET FELL IN LOVE IN THE ORANGE HOUSE. AND SO WILL YOU.Henry and Violet first met in the garden of The Orange House on the beautiful island of Mallorca. They promised their lives to each other, poured their love into restoring the house and built the foundations of their marriage within its walls. First it was their private idyll, then a place to escape with their son, Luke - but now it has become a battleground. As the years have passed, cracks have appeared and secrets have built barriers between them. Finally, on the brink of divorce, they have come back to Mallorca to sell up. Will this final summer together be the end - or a new beginning? Twenty years ago, The Orange House brought them together. Now, will it be reason they part?YOUR FAVOURITE AUTHORS ARE FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE ORANGE HOUSE...''A beautifully written, thought-provoking novel of love lost and gained'' MILLY JOHNSON''Powerful, moving, evocative'' PAIGE TOON''Deeply moving and full of heart'' LUCY DIAMOND''You can feel the warmth coming off the pages ... the most immersive, evocative love story'' DAISY BUCHANAN''A rich family drama, suffused with sunshine and hope. Isabelle Broom is a wonderful storyteller'' LUCY CLARKE
Objev podobné jako The Orange House - Isabelle Broom
The Dolls' House - Tanya Rosie
One day Mia and her mum are walking home to their new house when they find a dolls'' house on the side of the road. It looks sad with its broken shutters and peeling paint, but Mia falls in love and takes it home to fix it up. The next morning a little boy is looking at the dolls'' house on Mia''s porch. Soon more and more children arrive, and they spend the long summer days playing together. Just one child does not join in, and nothing Mia does can persuade him to overcome his shyness. Then, one night, there is a terrible storm and the dolls'' house is damaged. Mia learns that kindness can come from the most unexpected places.
Objev podobné jako The Dolls' House - Tanya Rosie
The Dolls' House - Tanya Rosie
One day Mia and her mum are walking home to their new house when they find a dolls'' houseon the side of the road. It looks sad with its broken shutters and peeling paint, but Miafalls in love and takes it home to fix it up.The next morning a little boy is looking at the dolls'' house on Mia''s porch. Soon more andmore children arrive, and they spend the long summer days playing together. Just one childdoes not join in, and nothing Mia does can persuade him to overcome his shyness.Then, one night, there is a terrible storm and the dolls'' house is damaged. Mia learns thatkindness can come from the most unexpected places.
Objev podobné jako The Dolls' House - Tanya Rosie
The Mars House - Natasha Pulley
''Pure Pulley'' STUART TURTON''Joyful and profound'' CATRIONA WARD''Simply unputdownable'' THOMAS D. LEE''A work of staggering genius'' IMRAN MAHMOOD''Charming and funny and perfectly paced'' TEMI OH''A spiritual heir to Terry Pratchett'' ROBIN STEVENS ''Book of the year for me'' LAUREN JAMESJanuary Stirling was one of the principal dancers of London''s Royal Ballet. Now he''s a climate refugee bound for Tharsis, the notorious terraformed colony on Mars. It''s a utopia for the naturalised population. For January, as a dangerous Earthstronger whose body is unadjusted to the weaker Martian gravity, it''s a life sentence to hard labour and ferocious discrimination. But he will live.Aubrey Gale, energy trillionaire and hereditary senator, is running for election on a hardline platform to protect the native population from dangerous immigrants. The path to equality is simple, requiring all Earthstrongers who choose to come to Mars to undergo the disabling and sometimes fatal process of surgical naturalisation.Which is no life at all.When a disastrous media encounter plunges Aubrey and January''s lives into chaos, the solution is a five-year made-for-reality-TV marriage that could secure January''s future and ensure Aubrey''s political success . . . but it soon becomes clear that thousands of lives hang in the balance, and nothing is as it seems.Timely and utterly unputdownable, The Mars House is an exceptional genre-blending story about privilege, strength, life, and love across class divisions - perfect for fans of Babel by R.F. Kuang, The Ferryman by Justin Cronin, and This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
Objev podobné jako The Mars House - Natasha Pulley
The Night House - Jo Nesbø
In the wake of his parents' tragic deaths fourteen-year-old Richard Elauved has been sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the remote town of Ballantyne. Richard quickly earns a reputation as an outcast, and when a classmate named Tom goes missing, no one believes him when he says the telephone booth out by the edge of the woods sucked Tom into the receiver like something out of a horror movie.No one, that is, except the enigmatic Karen, who encourages Richard to pursue clues the police refuse to investigate. He traces the number to an abandoned house in the woods. There he catches a glimpse of a terrifying face in the window.And then the voices start. When another classmate disappears, Richard grapples with the dark magic that's possessing Ballantyne to try and find them before its too late...
Objev podobné jako The Night House - Jo Nesbø
The House Divided - Barnaby Rogerson
Recommended on The Rest is Politics and Empire''A masterly engagement with the most delicate and important of subjects - filled with gentle empathy, learning and rare balance'' Rory Stewart''Rogerson is an original - eloquent and always fascinating'' William Dalrymple''Brilliant'' Anita Anand''This is not a book to be ignored'' The TimesAt the heart of the Middle East, with its regional conflicts and proxy wars, is a 1400-year-old schism between Sunni and Shia. To understand this divide and its modern resonances, we need to revisit its origins, which go back to the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632, the accidental coup that set aside the claims of his son Ali, and the slaughter of Ali''s own son Husayn at Kerbala. These events, known to every Muslim, have created a slender faultline in the Middle East. The House Divided follows these narratives from the first Sunni and Shia caliphates, through the medieval caliphates and empires of the Arabs, Persians and Ottomans, to the contemporary Middle East. It shows how a complex range of identities and rivalries - religious, ethnic and national - have shaped the region, jolted by the seismic shift of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Rogerson''s original approach takes the modern chessboard of nation states and looks at each through its particular history of empires and occupiers, minorities and resources, sheikhs and imams. The result is a book of wide-ranging empathy, understanding and insights.
Objev podobné jako The House Divided - Barnaby Rogerson
The Rooster House - Belim Victoria
A RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK''Wild Swans for Ukraine ... rich and magnificent'' Bookseller''A paean to hope and home. I loved it and it will haunt me'' HELEN MACDONALD''Marvellously vivid and often heartbreaking... I read it in a single enthralled sitting''MIRANDA SEYMOUR''An instant classic: an essential book in these darkening times''SOPHY ROBERTS''Compelling, beautifully written... an insight into the complexity of Ukraine''s history''MERIEL SCHINDLERIn the Ukrainian city of Poltava stands a building known as the Rooster House, an elegant mansion with two voluptuous red roosters flanking the door. It doesn''t look horrifying. And yet, when Victoria was a girl growing up in the 1980s, her great-grandmother would take pains to avoid walking past it. In 2014, while the Russian state was annexing Crimea, Victoria visited her grandmother in Bereh, the hamlet near Poltava that was a haven in her childhood. Just before the trip she came across her great-grandfather''s diary, one page scored deep with the single line: ''Brother Nikodim, vanished in the 1930s fighting for a free Ukraine.'' She had never heard of this uncle and no one - especially her grandmother - seemed willing to tell her about him.Victoria became obsessed with recovering his story, and returned to her birth country again and again in pursuit of it. In the end, after years of sifting through Ukraine''s post-Soviet bureaucracy, after travelling to tiny, ruined villages and speaking to the wizened survivors of that era, her winding search took her back to the place she had always known it would - to the Rooster House, and the dark truths contained in its basement. Inspired by the author''s love for her family, and peopled by warm, larger-than-life characters who jostle alongside the ghostly absences of others, The Rooster House is at once a riveting journey into the complex history of a wounded country and a profoundly moving tribute to hope and the refusal of despair.
Objev podobné jako The Rooster House - Belim Victoria
The Midnight House - Amanda Geard
. . 1940: In south-west Ireland, the young and beautiful Lady Charlotte Rathmore is pronounced dead after she mysteriously disappears by the lake of Blackwater Hall.In London, on the brink of the Blitz, Nancy Rathmore is grieving Charlotte's death when a letter arrives containing a secret that she is sworn to keep - one that will change her life for ever. 2019: Disgraced young journalist Ellie Fitzgerald flees Dublin for the safety of rural Kerry. When she discovers a faded letter, tucked inside the pages of an old book from Blackwater Hall, she finds herself drawn in by the mystery of Lady Charlotte's disappearance, and uncovers a long-buried secret...
Objev podobné jako The Midnight House - Amanda Geard
Charlie Haden - The Golden Number (LP)
Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Album Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Charlie Haden Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: The Golden Number (LP) Datum vydání: 2024-06-07 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Vydavatelství: Verve Records Subžánr: Hard Bop;Jazz Žánr: Jazz
Objev podobné jako Charlie Haden - The Golden Number (LP)
Evenfall: The Golden Linnet - Alexander Armstrong
Discover the thrilling children’s debut novel from Alexander Armstrong. A modern classic for children aged 9-12, bursting with ancient magic, secret societies and fearsome foes! For fans of Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials, Skandar, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter.‘A Da Vinci Code for kids’ – RICHARD OSMAN''A wild-winged adventure that soars effortlessly to the greatest heights of fantasy!’ – BEN MILLER“A fabulous quest story … a total page turner.” – TOPPSTA READER REVIEW ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐………An ancient magic. A deadly enemy. A reluctant hero.12-year-old Sam’s world is blown apart when he discovers that his family was once at the heart of a secret society – The Order of the Evening – that had long protected the world. Now a powerful enemy is closing in, destroying all in its path to find the Order’s hidden palace of Bellasis and the source of its powerful magic. Only Sam can stop them. But first, he must bring the Order together again.The clock is ticking. Dark forces are massing. Sam must undertake perilous journeys, determine friend and foe, and discover his true powers. For this boy holds the future of the world in his hands …It’s time to enter a world of magic, intrigue, danger and glory … if you dare!
Objev podobné jako Evenfall: The Golden Linnet - Alexander Armstrong
The Golden Enclaves (Defekt) - Naomi Noviková
Saving the world is a test no school of magic can prepare you for in the triumphant conclusion to the Sunday Times bestselling trilogy that began with A Deadly Education and The Last Graduate. The one thing you never talk about while you're in the Scholomance is what you'll do when you get out - not even the richest enclaver would tempt fate that way. But that impossible dream has somehow come true for El and her classmates. And what's more, she didn't even have to become the monstrous dark witch she's prophesised to become to make it happen. Instead of killing enclavers, she saved them, and now the world is safe for all wizards. Peace and harmony have enveloped all the enclaves of the world. Just kidding. Instead, someone else has picked up the project of destroying enclaves in El's stead, and everyone she saved is at risk again with a full-scale enclave war on the horizon. And so, the first thing El needs to do after miraculously escaping the Scholomance, is to turn straight around and find a way back in.
Objev podobné jako The Golden Enclaves (Defekt) - Naomi Noviková
Knížka Hay House Inc Zen Meditations Journal, The Editors of Hay House
Kniha z kolekce Hay House Inc. Umění meditace a tipy pro jednoduchý, šťastný a klidný život v zen buddhismu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Hay House Inc Zen Meditations Journal, The Editors of Hay House
The House Witch and The Enchanting of the Hearth - Nikota Emilie
THERE'S A NEW COOK IN THE CASTLE. AND HE'S GOT A MAGIC TOUCH . .. A heartwarming blend of cosy fantasy and romance in this tale of a wayward house witch and his magical adventures in and out of the royal kitchen. When Finlay Ashowan joins the kitchen of the King and Queen of Daxaria, he’s an enigma.Which suits Fin just fine. He’s satisfied simply serving as the royal cook, keeping nosy passersby out of his kitchen, and concocting some truly scrumptious meals. But Fin has secret, one that may not stay hidden for long . . . As his past begins to catch up with him, Fin must negotiate court politics and stay out of trouble, together with his familiar, Kraken his fluffy black kitten.But things become even more complicated when he catches the eye of a certain lady who just so happens to be part of the royal court. Can Fin successfully hide his secret and protect his heart? Or will the chaos of the castle and its good-hearted people get the best of him? Filled with fascinating characters, courtly intrigue, political machinations, delicious cuisines, cuddly companions, magical hijinks, and will-they-won’t-they romance.
Objev podobné jako The House Witch and The Enchanting of the Hearth - Nikota Emilie
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