The gentleman from peru - andre aciman

Produkt The gentleman from peru - andre aciman sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The gentleman from peru - andre aciman upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Gentleman From Peru - Andre Aciman


From the global bestselling author of Call Me By Your Name - a dazzling, sunbaked Italian summer story. We spend more time than we know trying to go back. We call it fantasising, we call it dreaming. . . but we're all crawling back, each in his or her own way.A group of college friends find themselves marooned at a luxurious hotel on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. While their boat is being repaired, they can't help but observe the daily routine of a fellow hotel guest - a mysterious, white-bearded stranger who sits on the veranda each night and smokes one cigarette, sometimes two. When the group decides to invite the elegant traveller to lunch with them, they cannot begin to imagine the miraculous abilities, strange wisdom, and a life-changing story he is about to impart to one of the friends in particular. . . Deeply atmospheric and sensual, The Gentleman From Peru weaves achingly poignant insight into a story of regret, fate and epic love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Gentleman From Peru - Andre Aciman , Love from the dark side ()

Najdi mě - Andre Aciman

Najdi mě - Andre Aciman

Autor světového bestselleru Dej mi své jméno znovu oživuje své postavy, aby si položil otázku: může opravdová láska uvadnout? V novém románu zachycuje Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Elio se brzy přestěhuje do Paříže, kde i on naváže milostný vztah, zatímco Oliver, nyní ženatý vysokoškolský profesor v Nové Anglii, začne znenadání uvažovat o návratu do Evropy. Nezapomenutelný román Andrého Acimana Dej mi své jméno svým líčením podstaty lásky dnešní čtenáře oslovil jako žádné dílo z nedávné doby. Jeho pokračování Najdi mě zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdi mě - Andre Aciman , A view from the bridge (0141189967)

Find Me - Andre Aciman

Find Me - Andre Aciman

Elio believes he has left behind his first love - but as an affair with an older man intensifies, his thoughts turn to the past and to Oliver. Oliver, a college professor, husband and father, is preparing to leave New York. The imminent trip stirs up longing and regret, awakening an old desire and propelling him towards a decision that could change everything. In Call Me By Your Name, we fell in love with Oliver and Elio. Find Me returns to these unforgettable characters, exploring how love can ripple out from the past and into the future. (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me - Andre Aciman , Edgedancer: from the stormlight archive (1250166543)

Enigmatické variace - Andre Aciman

Enigmatické variace - Andre Aciman

Nový román Andrého Acimana, kterého New York Magazine označil za "nejpozoruhodnějšího nového autora beletrie 21. století", mapuje milostný život hrdiny, který v dospělosti prožívá lásku se stejnou intenzitou a náruživostí jako v dospívání. Sleduje jeho chlapecké vzplanutí k truhláři z italské rybářské vesnice, posedlost mladíkem, jehož pozná na tenisovém kurtu v Central Parku, i vášnivé občasné schůzky s vdanou ženou. Ve své čtvrté knize autor opět zkoumá všechny tajemné projevy a aspekty lásky, aby popsal, jak se trápíme, toužíme a váháme. A klade si otázku, proč někdy necháváme odejít právě ty, po kterých prahneme nejvíc. Za zmínku stojí, že k názvu autora inspirovala skladba Edwarda Elgara, tvořená čtrnácti krátkými hudebními portréty skladatelových přátel. (

Podobné produkty ako Enigmatické variace - Andre Aciman , Amorphis: far from the sun - cd (4251981700564)

Najdi mě - Andre Aciman


Autor světového bestselleru Dej mi své jméno znovu oživuje své postavy, aby si položil otázku: může opravdová láska uvadnout? V novém románu zachycuje Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Elio se brzy přestěhuje do Paříže, kde i on naváže milostný vztah, zatímco Oliver, nyní ženatý vysokoškolský profesor v Nové Anglii, začne znenadání uvažovat o návratu do Evropy. Nezapomenutelný román Andrého Acimana Dej mi své jméno svým líčením podstaty lásky dnešní čtenáře oslovil jako žádné dílo z nedávné doby. Jeho pokračování Najdi mě zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdi mě - Andre Aciman , Clapton eric: from the cradle - cd (9362457352)

Enigma Variations - Andre Aciman


From a youthful infatuation with a cabinet maker in a small Italian fishing village, to a passionate yet sporadic affair with a woman in New York, to an obsession with a man he meets at a tennis court, Enigma Variations charts one man's path through the great loves of his life. Paul's intense desires, losses and longings draw him closer, not to a defined orientation, but to an understanding that 'heartache, like love, like low-grade fevers, like the longing to reach out and touch a hand across the table, is easy enough to live down'. André Aciman casts a shimmering light over each facet of desire, to probe how we ache, want and waver, and ultimately how we sometimes falter and let go of the very ones we want the most. We may not know what we want. We may remain enigmas to ourselves and to others. But sooner or later we discover who we've always known we were. (

Podobné produkty ako Enigma Variations - Andre Aciman , Nikka from the barrel 0,5l 51,4% (3700597302378)

Eight White Nights - Andre Aciman


A powerfully original novel of modern love by the author of Call Me By Your Name. A man in his late twenties goes to a large Christmas party in Manhattan where a woman introduces herself with three words: 'I am Clara.' Over the following seven days, they meet every evening in the snowy city. Overwhelmed yet cautious, he treads softly and won't hazard a move.But as they move closer together, this amorous dance builds towards a New Year's Eve charged with magic, the promise of renewal and love. (

Podobné produkty ako Eight White Nights - Andre Aciman , Halestorm: back from the dead - cd (7567864133)

Find Me (Defekt) - Andre Aciman

Find Me (Defekt) - Andre Aciman

Elio believes he has left behind his first love - but as an affair with an older man intensifies, his thoughts turn to the past and to Oliver. Oliver, a college professor, husband and father, is preparing to leave New York. The imminent trip stirs up longing and regret, awakening an old desire and propelling him towards a decision that could change everything. In Call Me By Your Name, we fell in love with Oliver and Elio. Find Me returns to these unforgettable characters, exploring how love can ripple out from the past and into the future. (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me (Defekt) - Andre Aciman , Diaries from a crypt: the final days of seven parachutists from the time of the heydrich terror (978-80-7557-186-1)

Dej mi své jméno - Andre Aciman


Příběh nečekané a silné lásky mezi dospívajícím Eliem a o pár let starším Oliverem, odehrávající se ve vile na jednom útesu italské Riviéry. Ani jeden z nich není na následky vzájemné přitažlivosti připraven, oba proto nejdřív předstírají lhostejnost. Jenže v průběhu následujících neklidných letních dnů jejich vášeň nesená neúprosnými proudy posedlosti, strachu, fascinace a touhy vzrůstá a oba mladíci začínají opatrně prozkoumávat své pocity. V hloubi jejich duší se zrodí láska trvající šest týdnů a přinese jim zkušenost, která je poznamená na zbytek života. Ti dva totiž na Riviéře a během jednoho dusného večera v Římě objeví něco, co možná už nikdy znovu nenajdou: naprostou důvěrnost. André Aciman zachycuje ve své upřímné, nesentimentální a srdcervoucí elegii na lidskou vášeň psychologické manévry doprovázející přitažlivost tak bravurně jako málokdo. Román Dej mi své jméno se čtenářem nezachází v rukavičkách, nedělá si žádné iluze a je zcela nezapomenutelný. (

Podobné produkty ako Dej mi své jméno - Andre Aciman , Gentleman v moskvě ()

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

This amazing novel about first love, published to a roar of acclaim, is now available in paperback: 'A superb novel about the sensuous light of the Mediterranean summer, the languorous days and nights filled with desire... wonderful.' Colm Toibin (

Podobné produkty ako Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman , Givenchy gentleman edt

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

Andre Aciman's Call Me by Your Name is the story of a sudden and powerful romance that blossoms between an adolescent boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliffside mansion on the Italian Riviera. Each is unprepared for the consequences of their attraction, when, during the restless summer weeks, unrelenting currents of obsession, fascination, and desire intensify their passion and test the charged ground between them. Recklessly, the two verge toward the one thing both fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy. It is an instant classic and one of the great love stories of our time. Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Ficition A New York Times Notable Book of the Year • A Publishers Weekly and The Washington Post Best Book of the Year • A New York Magazine "Future Canon" Selection • A Chicago Tribune and Seattle Times (Michael Upchurch's) Favorite Favorite Book of the Year Now a Major Motion Picture from Director Luca Guadagnino, Starring Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet, and Written by Three-Time Oscar™ Nominee James Ivory The Basis of the Oscar-Winning Best Adapted Screenplay A New York Times Bestseller A USA Today Bestseller A Los Angeles Times Bestseller A Vulture Book Club Pick An Instant Classic and One of the Great Love Stories of Our Time (

Podobné produkty ako Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman , Givenchy gentleman edp

Najdi mě - Aciman André

Najdi mě - Aciman André

Autor světového bestselleru Dej mi své jméno znovu oživuje své postavy, aby si položil otázku: může opravdová láska uvadnout? V novém románu zachycuje Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Elio se brzy přestěhuje do Paříže, kde i on naváže milostný vztah, zatímco Oliver, nyní ženatý vysokoškolský profesor v Nové Anglii, začne znenadání uvažovat o návratu do Evropy. Nezapomenutelný román Andrého Acimana Dej mi své jméno svým líčením podstaty lásky dnešní čtenáře oslovil jako žádné dílo z nedávné doby. Jeho pokračování Najdi mě zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdi mě - Aciman André , Various: music from africa - the album - cd (7619943022739)

Variácie záhad - Aciman André

Variácie záhad - Aciman André

Je možné, že nevieme, čo chceme. Možno navždy zostaneme záhadou pre seba a pre iných. Skôr či neskôr však zistíme, kým sme celý čas skutočne boli. Variácie záhad sú súpisom veľkých lások jedného muža od mladíckeho vzplanutia k mladíkovi v talianskom rybárskom mestečku cez posadnutosť mužom, ktorého stretne na tenisovom kurte, až po nenaplnenú vášeň k jednej Newyorčanke. A hoci ho intenzívne túžby, straty a sklamania k ničomu jednoznačnému neprivedú, pochopí, že zlomené srdce je niečo, čo sa dá prežiť, tak ako láska či zvýšená teplota alebo túžba načiahnuť sa ponad stôl a chytiť niekoho za ruku. André Aciman je autorom bestsellera New York Times Daj mi tvoje meno, podľa ktorého nakrútili aj úspešný film, ako aj jeho pokračovania Nájdi si ma. (

Podobné produkty ako Variácie záhad - Aciman André , Campbell glen: live from the troubadour - lp (3006195)

Enigmatické variace - Aciman André

Enigmatické variace - Aciman André

Nový román Andrého Acimana, kterého New York Magazine označil za „nejpozoruhodnějšího nového autora beletrie 21. století“, mapuje milostný život hrdiny, který v dospělosti prožívá lásku se stejnou intenzitou a náruživostí jako v dospívání. Sleduje jeho chlapecké vzplanutí k truhláři z italské rybářské vesnice, posedlost mladíkem, jehož pozná na tenisovém kurtu v Central Parku, i vášnivé občasné schůzky s vdanou ženou. Ve své čtvrté knize autor opět zkoumá všechny tajemné projevy a aspekty lásky, aby popsal, jak se trápíme, toužíme a váháme. A klade si otázku, proč někdy necháváme odejít právě ty, po kterých prahneme nejvíc. Za zmínku stojí, že k názvu autora inspirovala skladba Edwarda Elgara, tvořená čtrnácti krátkými hudebními portréty skladatelových přátel. (

Podobné produkty ako Enigmatické variace - Aciman André , Howard ben: collections from the whiteout - cd (0746831)

Call Me by Your Name (Defekt) - Andre Aciman


This amazing novel about first love, published to a roar of acclaim, is now available in paperback: 'A superb novel about the sensuous light of the Mediterranean summer, the languorous days and nights filled with desire... wonderful.' Colm Toibin (

Podobné produkty ako Call Me by Your Name (Defekt) - Andre Aciman , Campbell glen: live from the troubadour - cd (3006194)

Dej mi své jméno / Najdi mě (box) - Andre Aciman


Román Dej mi své jméno se čtenářem nezachází v rukavičkách, nedělá si žádné iluze a je zcela nezapomenutelný. Příběh nečekané a silné lásky mezi dospívajícím Eliem a o pár let starším Oliverem, odehrávající se ve vile na jednom útesu italské Riviéry. Ani jeden z nich není na následky vzájemné přitažlivosti připraven, jenže v průběhu následujících neklidných letních dnů jejich vášeň vzrůstá a oba mladíci začínají opatrně prozkoumávat své pocity. André Aciman zachycuje ve své upřímné, nesentimentální a srdcervoucí elegii na lidskou vášeň psychologické manévry doprovázející přitažlivost tak bravurně jako málokdo. V románu Najdi mě zachycuje autor Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Oživuje postavy bestselleru Dej mi své jméno a zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Dej mi své jméno / Najdi mě (box) - Andre Aciman , Fitzgerald ella: songs from the musicals - lp (4260134478465)

PER | Level 2: Tales from the Arabian Nights

PER | Level 2: Tales from the Arabian Nights

Classic / British English Sheherezade is beautiful and clever. She also knows a thousand and one wonderful stories. Her husband wants to kill her, but he can't. Sheherezade tells him stories about a clever servant girl and a boy judge, about Ali Baba and Aladdin. What happens next? Her husband wants to know. He listens - and she lives. (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Level 2: Tales from the Arabian Nights , Amorphis: far from the sun (coloured) - lp (4251981700588)

Bridgerton: An offer from a Gentleman - Julia Quinnová

Bridgerton: An offer from a Gentleman - Julia Quinnová

This year's most sought-after invitation must surely be that of the Bridgerton masquerade ball, to be held Monday next. Will some fortunate young lady use the mystery of a masquerade night to snare one of the eligible bachelors? Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, May 1815Sophie Beckett never dreamt she would sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball - or that 'Prince Charming' would be waiting there for her! Though the daughter of an earl, Sophie had been relegated to the role of servant by her disdainful stepmother. But that night, spinning in the strong arms of the debonair and devastatingly handsome Benedict Bridgerton, she felt like royalty. Yet she knows all enchantments must end.But Sophie has reckoned without Benedict's determined heart: he has sworn to find and wed his mystery miss, for he knows this is his only chance for a fairy tale love . . .Find out why readers love Julia Quinn . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Bridgerton: An offer from a Gentleman - Julia Quinnová , Fleetwood mac: from the forum 1982 - lp (cl84213)

Chocolates from Heaven BIO hořká čokoláda Peru 80% 100 g


Chocolates from Heaven přináší delikátní hořkou čokoládu s vysokým obsahem kakaa z Peru (80 %) a v plně kompostovatelném obalu. Vhodná pro vegany a vegetariány. (

Podobné produkty ako Chocolates from Heaven BIO hořká čokoláda Peru 80% 100 g , The doobie brothers: live from the beacon theatre (2x cd) - cd (0349785167)

PER | Level 3: Stories from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - William Shakespeare

PER | Level 3: Stories from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - William Shakespeare

These are the stories of some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. We travel to Venice, Greece, Denmark and Rome, and meet many different people. There is a greedy money-lender, a fairy king and queen, some Roman politicians and a young prince who meets the ghost of his murdered father. (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Level 3: Stories from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - William Shakespeare , No mercy: the brand new novel from the queen of crime (1472249445)

The Temporary Gentleman - Sebastian Barry

The Temporary Gentleman - Sebastian Barry

A stunning return from the prize-winning and best-selling author ofThe Secret Scripture Jack McNulty is a 'temporary gentleman', an Irishman whose commission in the British army in the Second World War was never permanent. In 1957, sitting in his lodgings in Accra, he urgently sets out to write his story. He feels he cannot take one step further, or even hardly a breath, without looking back at all that has befallen him.He is an ordinary man, both petty and heroic, but he has seen extraordinary things. He has worked and wandered around the world - as a soldier, an engineer, a UN observer - trying to follow his childhood ambition to better himself. And he has had a strange and tumultuous marriage. Mai Kirwan was a great beauty of Sligo in the 1920s, a vivid mind, but an elusive and mysterious figure too. Jack married her, and shared his life with her, but in time she slipped from his grasp.A heart-breaking portrait of one man's life - of his demons and his lost love - The Temporary Gentleman is, ultimately, a novel about Jack's last bid for freedom, from the savage realities of the past and from himself.Sebastian arry was born in Dublin in 1955. His novels and plays have won, among other awards, the Kerry Group Irish Fiction Prize, the Costa Book of the Year award, the Irish Book Awards Best Novel, the Independent Booksellers Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. He also had two consecutive novels, A Long Long Way (2005) and The Secret Scripture (2008), shortlisted for the MAN Booker Prize. He lives in Wicklow with his wife and three children. (

Podobné produkty ako The Temporary Gentleman - Sebastian Barry , Halestorm: back from the dead (extended edition) - cd (7567862785)

PER | Easystart: The Leopard and the Lighthouse - Anne Collins

PER | Easystart: The Leopard and the Lighthouse - Anne Collins

Original / British English One day a leopard swims across the sea to Sindi. He is hungry and he is looking for food. He runs into an old lighthouse. The people of Sindi do not want the leopard in their lighthouse. But what can they do? How can they catch the leopard? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Leopard and the Lighthouse - Anne Collins , Flaming lips: transmissions from the satellite heart - lp (9362489277)

PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180g) (LP)

PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180g) (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Art Rock;Alternative Rock;Folk Rock;Indie Rock Hmotnost: 180 g Rok vydání: 2021.0 Datum vydání: 2021-02-26 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Varianta: Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180 g) (Vinyl LP) Interpret / Téma: PJ Harvey Vydavatelství: Island Records Žánr: Pop;Rock Země interpreta: Velká Británie Balení obsahuje: LP (

Podobné produkty ako PJ Harvey - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea (180g) (LP) , Michael george: songs from the last century - cd (0886978404220)

Chocolates from Heaven Hořká čokoláda Peru & Dominikánská republika hořká čokoláda v BIO kvalitě 100 g

Chocolates from Heaven Hořká čokoláda Peru & Dominikánská republika hořká čokoláda v BIO kvalitě 100 g

Chocolates from Heaven Hořká čokoláda Peru & Dominikánská republika, 100 g, Čokoláda pro muže (

Podobné produkty ako Chocolates from Heaven Hořká čokoláda Peru & Dominikánská republika hořká čokoláda v BIO kvalitě 100 g , Halestorm: back from the dead (rsd 2022) - lp (7567864111)

The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book - André Darlington


Raise a glass to the 25th anniversary of The Big Lebowski with this highly giftable unofficial cocktail book featuring 50 cocktails, brews, and other spirits inspired by the beloved movie’s characters and scenes. The Big Lebowski—the hilariously quirky comedy-thriller about bowling, avant-garde art, nihilistic Austrians, White Russians, and a guy named…the Dude—is a cult classic. Now, with The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book, you can relive the movie one drink at a time!Award-winning beverage writer and best-selling author André Darlington shows you how to create these and more iconic cocktails at home:  The Dude (White Russian) Porn Star Martini The Nihilist Bowling with Jesus Maude’s Manhattan In addition to 50 signature drinks, this beautifully designed unofficial cocktail book includes food and song pairings that align with the major characters that have become life lessons and spouted advice within popular culture.Fully illustrated, this unofficial ode to The Big Lebowski is sure to have you reliving the movie and offering up these words of wisdom to your friends. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book - André Darlington , New tales from the borderlands: deluxe edition - xbox (5026555367684)

Andre Previn - Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty (3 LP)

Andre Previn - Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty (3 LP)

Vydavatelství: Warner Music Varianta: Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty (3 LP) Typ: LP deska;Album Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Classical Barva: Černá Subžánr: Classical Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Datum vydání: 2018-05-11 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2018.0 Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999 Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Andre Previn Složení setu: 3 ks Hmotnost: 180 g (

Podobné produkty ako Andre Previn - Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty (3 LP) , New tales from the borderlands - xbox digital (g3q-01431)

PER | Easystart: The Fireboy - Stephen Rabley


Original / British English Hapu lives in Ancient Egypt. Hapu's father is ill, but they haven't got any money for a doctor. Hapu makes a beautiful necklace for Queen Cleopatra and takes it to her. But a guard says, 'Go home'. How can Hapu meet the Queen and get a doctor for his father? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Fireboy - Stephen Rabley , Clapton eric: from the cradle (2x lp) - lp (9362457351)

PER | Easystart: The Leopard and the Lighthouse Bk/CD Pack - Anne Collins

PER | Easystart: The Leopard and the Lighthouse Bk/CD Pack - Anne Collins

Original / British English One day a leopard swims across the sea to Sindi. He is hungry and he is looking for food. He runs into an old lighthouse. The people of Sindi do not want the leopard in their lighthouse. But what can they do? How can they catch the leopard? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Leopard and the Lighthouse Bk/CD Pack - Anne Collins , Dekker desmond: from jamaica to the world - lp (4260494435658)

Rieu André: Magic Of The Waltz (2016) - CD (4783783)

Rieu André: Magic Of The Waltz (2016) - CD (4783783)

Hudební CD - André Rieu je nizozemský houslista, skladatel, kapelník a hudební producent, který se specializuje na lehkou klasiku. Hraje skladby krále valčíku - Johanna Strausse, ale i jeho otce. André Rieu je nizozemský houslista, skladatel, kapelník a hudební producent, který se specializuje na lehkou klasiku. Hraje skladby krále valčíku - Johanna Strausse, ale i jeho otce. Díky tomu se stal jedním z nejúspěšnějších zástupců svého žánru. Koncerty André Rieuho se vyznačují jedinečnou atmosférou, která dokáže nadchnout a přitáhnout i laické posluchače. Za svou práci získal tyto ocenění: Knight of the Dutch Lion, Honorary Medal of the Province of Limburg, Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Karlsmedaille für europäische Medien a Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich. Seznam stop CD The Windsor Waltz / The Blue Danube / The Merry Widow (Lip's Are Sealed) / Valse Triste / Edelweiss / The Marino Waltz / Walzer Medley / The... (

Podobné produkty ako Rieu André: Magic Of The Waltz (2016) - CD (4783783) , Steve miller band: selections from the vault - cd (7793412)

PER | Level 6: The Testament - John Grisham

PER | Level 6: The Testament - John Grisham

Contemporary / American English (Available June 2008) Nate O'Riley is a powerful Washington lawyer. Returning to work after a long stay in hospital is difficult for Nate. Then he is sent on a journey that takes him from the tense courtrooms of Washington to the dangerous swamps of Brazil. It is a journey that will change his life forever. (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Level 6: The Testament - John Grisham , New tales from the borderlands: deluxe edition - ps5 (5026555433150)

PER | Easystart: The White Oryx - Bernard Smith

PER | Easystart: The White Oryx - Bernard Smith

Original / British English Mandy Brown is in the desert with Abdullah, and an oryx ranger. But there are poachers in the desert too -- and a mother oryx is dead. Can Mandy and Abdullah catch the poachers? And can they find the dead oryx's baby? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The White Oryx - Bernard Smith

PER | Easystart: The Troy Stone - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Troy Stone - Stephen Rabley

Original / British English Mark Jackson is on holiday in Turkey. He visits the old city of Troy and finds a yellow stone. 'I know this stone, ' he thinks. 'It comes from ... from ...' Suddenly Mark goes back in time. He can see a beautiful city, soldiers and a big wooden horse (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Troy Stone - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Pearl Girl - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Pearl Girl - Stephen Rabley

Kate Grant comes from Canada. She is visiting Europe with her mother and father. One evening she sees two men in a museum. They are taking a very famous picture, Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring. What can Kate do? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Pearl Girl - Stephen Rabley

The Boy from the Woods - Harlan Coben

The Boy from the Woods - Harlan Coben

Thirty years ago, a child was found in the New Jersey backwoods. He had been living a feral existence, with no memory of how he got there or even who he is. Everyone just calls him Wilde. Now a former soldier and security expert, he lives off the grid, shunned by the community - until they need him. A child has gone missing. With her family suspecting she's just playing a disappearing game, nobody seems concerned except for criminal attorney Hester Crimstein. She contacts Wilde, asking him to use his unique skills to find the girl. But even he can find no trace of her. One day passes, then a second, then a third. On the fourth, a human finger shows up in the mail. And now Wilde knows this is no game. It's a race against time to save the girl's life - and expose the town's dark trove of secrets... (

Podobné produkty ako The Boy from the Woods - Harlan Coben

MR. SLOWBOY: Portraits of the Modern Gentleman - MR Slowboy


With high-profile commissions and international collaborations under his belt, fashion illustrator Mr. SLOWBOY’s first-ever book release curates the best of his fashion illustrations, including personal styling tips for additional appeal. Fashion trends may be ever-evolving, but the art of dressing up is a timeless affair. From investing wisely in flattering pieces that transcend the seasons to accentuating one’s personality with the right accessories, curating the perfect wardrobe can be a lifelong quest worth pursuing for those who enjoy expressing themselves in style.Drawing from his years of experience honed through commissions for iconic brands around the world, Mr. SLOWBOY presents his portraits of the modern gentleman in a variety of delightful illustrations that inspire with their sense of individuality and effortlessness. His book includes quintessential tips for assembling a coveted closet and a sneak peek into his creative background to appeal to both sartorialists and artists alike. (

Podobné produkty ako MR. SLOWBOY: Portraits of the Modern Gentleman - MR Slowboy

PER | Easystart: Hannah and the Hurricane - John Escott

PER | Easystart: Hannah and the Hurricane - John Escott

Original / British English Hannah loves her job on old Mr Duval's small boat. The boat takes people to the beautiful coral reef every day. Then a rich man arrives with a big new boat. Suddenly, there isn't any work for Hannah and Mr Duval. Then the hurricane comes ... (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: Hannah and the Hurricane - John Escott

PER | Easystart: Billy and the Queen - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: Billy and the Queen - Stephen Rabley

Original / British English Billy and his sister want new bicycles, but they don't have any money. Then their grandmother has an idea. There's a competition in Palace magazine. The first prize is GBP500. 'What do you think?' Billy asks his sister. 'We can buy two new bicycles for GBP500,' she says. (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: Billy and the Queen - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: Maisie and the Dolphin - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: Maisie and the Dolphin - Stephen Rabley

Original / British English Maisie King lives in the Bahamas. Her mother and father work at an Animal Hospital. Maisie has a new friend. His name is Ben and he's a dolphin. Ben is very ill. Maisie helps him. Then Maisie has a big problem. Can Ben help her? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: Maisie and the Dolphin - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: Pete and the Pirates - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: Pete and the Pirates - Stephen Rabley

A young boy, Pete Morgan, is on holiday in the Caribbean with his parents. They are staying on their boat called the Summer Sun. It is the only boat near Blue Sea Island. Or is it? One day, Pete has a visitor... (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: Pete and the Pirates - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Big Bag Mistake - John Escott

PER | Easystart: The Big Bag Mistake - John Escott

The 'Penguin Active Reading' series are edited into simplified text together with exercises designed to develop four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Big Bag Mistake - John Escott

Super School Kids and the Baby Alien Rescue - Andre Peter


Get ready for an adventure full of mayhem and mischief with Millie, Theo and a whole host of baby aliens who just can't sit still! On an average morning at Nisbet Primary School, no one expects the day to erupt into complete chaos, but when a whole load of eggs secretly brought back from Planet Drizzlebottom start to hatch … just wait and see what happens! Will everyone be able to keep the secret and stop the grown-ups from discovering what's going on? Will Millie be able to organise the smartest solution EVER and help get their new alien friends home before anyone notices what's going? In a hilarious new caper from the author of Super Space Kids Save Planet Drizzlebottom, these sweet baby aliens will win your hearts and having young readers giggling any time. Find fun, friends and fantastic aliens in this action-packed adventure! Based on the stories that Peter tells his own children This picture book for 3+ emphasises the importance of cooperation, teamwork, resilience and helping one another Take young readers throuhg key points in the school day Pack with vibrant and hilarious illustrations (

Podobné produkty ako Super School Kids and the Baby Alien Rescue - Andre Peter

The View from the Cheap Seats - Neil Gaiman


A collection of speeches, articles, essays and introductions from Sunday Times bestselling author, commentator and craftsman Neil Gaiman.The View from the Cheap Seats draws together myriad non-fiction writing by international phenomenon and Sunday Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman. From Make Good Art, the speech that went viral, to pieces on artists and legends including Terry Pratchett and Lou Reed, the collection offers a glimpse into the head and heart of one of the most acclaimed writers of our time.'Literature does not occur in a vacuum. It cannot be a monologue. It has to be a conversation'Welcome to the conversation. Neil Gaiman fled the land of journalism to find truths through storytelling and sanctuary in not needing to get all the facts right. Of course, the real world continued to make up its own stories around him, and he has responded over the years with a wealth of ideas and introductions, dreams and speeches. Here 'we can meet the writer full on' (Stephen Fry) as he opens our minds to the people he admires and the things he believes might just mean something - and makes room for us to join the conversation too. (

Podobné produkty ako The View from the Cheap Seats - Neil Gaiman

MS Music From The Movies - The Animation Collection

MS Music From The Movies - The Animation Collection

Noty pro klavír MUSIC FROM THE MOVIES – THE ANIMATED COLLECTION Tato kniha obsahuje notový záznam děl určených pro klavír. Zařazena jsou díla z oblíbených animovaných filmů a seriálů. Seznam skladeb: A Grand Day Out (Wallace And Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit) [Nott, Julian] An American Tail [Horner, James] Belleville Rendez-Vous [Charest, Ben] Best Friends/Zoosters Breakout (Madagascar) [Zimmer, Hans] Can You Feel The Love Tonight (The Lion King) [John, Elton] Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro) [Hisaishi, Joe] Chicken Run [Powell, John] [Gregson-Williams, Harry] Coach To Pleasure Island (Pinocchio) [Harline, Leigh] [Smith, Paul] Duke's Theme (Fritz The Cat) [Shanklin, Ray] Finding Nemo [Newman, Thomas] Giving Back The Baby (Ice Age) [Newman, David] I Will Go Sailing No More (Toy Story) [Newman, Randy] March Of The R.H.P.S. (Valiant) [Fenton, George] Marketplace (Aladdin) [Menken, Alan] On A Clear Day (Kiki's Delivery Service) [Hisaishi, Joe] Pepperland (Yellow Submarine) [Beatles, The] Porco Rosso [Hisaishi, Joe] Robot City (Robots) [Powell, John] Still (Over The Hedge) [Folds, Ben] The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book) [Gilkyson, Terry] The Best Day Ever (The Spongebob Squarepants Movie) [Kenny, Tom] [Paley, Andy] The Doll House I And II (Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence) [Kawai, Kenji] The Merry-Go-Round Of Life (Howl's Moving Castle) [Hisaishi, Joe] The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Fantasia) [Dukas, Paul] True Love's First Kiss (Shrek) [Powell, John] [Gregson-Williams, Harry] Wallace And Gromit (Wallace And Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit) [Nott, Julian] Yellow Submarine In Pepperland (Yellow Submarine) [Beatles, The] (

Podobné produkty ako MS Music From The Movies - The Animation Collection

PER | Level 2: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Tempest Deborah

PER | Level 2: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Tempest Deborah

Classic / British EnglishOnly the next king can pull the sword out of the stone. Many people try, but they cannot move the sword. Then young Arthur tries, but it comes out easily. Now he will be king. But will he be a good king? And will his life be happy? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Level 2: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Tempest Deborah

Baylis & Harding The Great British Gentleman sprchový gel 500 ml

Baylis & Harding The Great British Gentleman sprchový gel 500 ml

Baylis & Harding The Great British Gentleman, 500 ml, Přípravky na sprchování pro muže, Sprchový gel Baylis & Harding The Great British Gentleman učiní z nezbytné každodenní hygieny jedinečný osvěžující zážitek. Vlastnosti: šetrně myje pokožku celého těla vitalizuje pokožku po použití dodá pocit svěžesti a energie Jak používat: Naneste přípravek na vlhkou pokožku a smyjte veškeré nečistoty. Důkladně opláchněte. (

Podobné produkty ako Baylis & Harding The Great British Gentleman sprchový gel 500 ml

From the Embers - Aly Martinezová


In the aftermath of tragedy, it's strange what you remember.The deafening boom as the house exploded.The paralyzing fear as I searched for my wife.The smoke blinding me as I carried her out.But the woman in my arms was not my wife.Bree and Eason survive the fire that takes their partners - but neither of them are truly living after that fateful night. As a single dad with nowhere to turn, Eason moves in with Bree despite the old tensions and the new grief they share.Eason may have carried Bree out of the fire, but she just might be the one to save him. Yet as they both start to heal, and romance flickers to life, secrets from the past threaten to ignite.Their love was born from the embers, and together they could go up in flames. (

Podobné produkty ako From the Embers - Aly Martinezová

MS Ukulele From The Beginning

MS Ukulele From The Beginning

Škola hry na ukulele UKULELE FROM THE BEGINNING Tato ilustrovaná kniha je určená pro všechny začínající malé ukulelisty. Jde o sbírku blíbených písní vhodných zejména pro děti školního věku, které nemají žádné předchozí znalosti a s ukulele se teprve seznamují. Seznam skladeb: Animal Fair London Bridge This Old Man Old Macdonald Waltzing Matilda John Brown´s Body Oh When The Saints Oh! Susanna Camptown Races Ten Green Bottles If You´re Happy Row, Row, Row Your Boat She´ll Be Coming Round The Mountain Jingle |Bells Drunken Sailor My Grandfather´s Click Where Did You Get That Hat? Loch Lomond Cockles and Musslels Mulberry Bush Greensleeves I´m Henery The Eighth, I Am (

Podobné produkty ako MS Ukulele From The Beginning

Love from the Dark Side ()

Love from the Dark Side ()

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Bram Stoker a Mary Elizabeth Pennová, čte Courtney Claar, Roy McCrerey, Sam Kellett a Alex Went The ninth step into the Darkness is called Love from the Dark Side, and it brings us to the climax of the series – the Darkness itselfIt features The Tenant of the Cedars by Mary Elizabeth Penn – a story about the vengeance of the dead. Little is known of the author other than the fact that she was published in magazines in the late Victorian era. Her stories were long forgotten until being rediscovered in 1999 – over 100 years since the last of them was published in 1897. On the other hand, Bram Stoker (author of the famed novel, Dracula) is a legend in the horror world. This collection features Stoker’s short story, A Dream of Red Hands. The theme is crime and punishment, seasoned with a hint of redemption. Once again – excellent voices, stunning music, and great graphical design result in an exquisite mixture of emotions. (

Podobné produkty ako Love from the Dark Side ()

The Sword - Greetings From... (LP)

The Sword - Greetings From... (LP)

Subžánr: Hard Rock;Doom Metal;Stoner Rock Varianta: Greetings From... (Vinyl LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: USA Typ: LP deska;Album Interpret / Téma: The Sword Žánr: Rock Vydavatelství: Spinefarm Records Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Datum vydání: 2017-05-05 Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2017.0 Hmotnost: 180 g (

Podobné produkty ako The Sword - Greetings From... (LP)

MS Keyboard From The Beginning

MS Keyboard From The Beginning

Škola hry na keyboard Keyboard From The Beginning je učebnice na keyboard pro úplné začátečníky (doporučený věk 6 – 12 let), která využívá původní i známé světové melodie v kombinaci s vtipnými ilustracemi. Pomocí čtyřiceti zábavných a snadných skladeb se děti nejen naučí hrát jednoduché melodie, ale zároveň se seznámí se základy hry a hudební nauky. Publikace nabízí logický strukturovaný výklad s postupným výkladem jednotlivých pojmů a technik. Seznam skladeb: 1. All Through the Night 2. Amazing grace 3. Amelia The Mouse 4. Au Clair de la Lune 5. Barcarolle 6. Broccoli And Ice Cream 7. Coconut Sandwiches 8. Doughtnuts And Smelly Cheese 9. Dragons Like To Dance 10. Elephants And Big Sardines 11. Fireworks! 12. Frere Jacques 13. Gliding Downwards 14. Happy Holiday 15. Hedgehogs Are Awesome! 16. Hot Cross Buns 17. Isaac The Dinosaur 18. Kalinka 19. Land Ahoy! 20. Lightly Row 21. London Bridge 22. Max The Monster 23. Merrily We Roll Along 24. Ode to Joy 25. One Man Went To Mow 26. Parties Rock! 27. Pease Pudding Hot 28. Pop! Goes the Weasel 29. Purple Porridge 30. Space Mission 31. Spinning Waltz 32. Stomp, Stomp...Squeak! 33. Strange Echoes 34. Suo Gan 35. The Milky Way 36. The Old Steam Train 37. The Scaredy-Ghost 38. This old man 39. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock 40. Waiting For The Snowflakes (

Podobné produkty ako MS Keyboard From The Beginning
Love from the Dark Side (), A View from the Bridge (0141189967), Edgedancer: From the Stormlight Archive (1250166543), Amorphis: Far From The Sun - CD (4251981700564), Clapton Eric: From The Cradle - CD (9362457352), Nikka From The Barrel 0,5l 51,4% (3700597302378), Halestorm: Back From The Dead - CD (7567864133), Diaries from a crypt: The final days of seven parachutists from the time of the Heydrich Terror (978-80-7557-186-1), Gentleman v Moskvě (), GIVENCHY Gentleman EdT, GIVENCHY Gentleman EdP, Various: Music from Africa - The Album - CD (7619943022739), Campbell Glen: Live From The Troubadour - LP (3006195), Howard Ben: Collections From The Whiteout - CD (0746831), Campbell Glen: Live From The Troubadour - CD (3006194), Fitzgerald Ella: Songs From The Musicals - LP (4260134478465), Amorphis: Far From The Sun (Coloured) - LP (4251981700588), Fleetwood Mac: From The Forum 1982 - LP (CL84213), The Doobie Brothers: Live From The Beacon Theatre (2x CD) - CD (0349785167), No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445), Halestorm: Back From The Dead (Extended Edition) - CD (7567862785), Flaming Lips: Transmissions From The Satellite Heart - LP (9362489277), Michael George: Songs From The Last Century - CD (0886978404220), Halestorm: Back From The Dead (RSD 2022) - LP (7567864111), New Tales from the Borderlands: Deluxe Edition - Xbox (5026555367684), New Tales from the Borderlands - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01431), Clapton Eric: From The Cradle (2x LP) - LP (9362457351), Dekker Desmond: From Jamaica To The World - LP (4260494435658), Steve Miller Band: Selections From The Vault - CD (7793412), New Tales from the Borderlands: Deluxe Edition - PS5 (5026555433150)