Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Finish Line - Kate Stewart

'A modern day re-telling of Robin Hood . . .giving us all the steam. Buckle up.' Glamour Magazine"The only love I've ever known or craved is the kind that keeps me sick, sick with longing, sick with lust, sick with need, sick with grief. The distorted kind that leaves scars and jaded hearts."Tobias King has lived most of his life in the shadows.A loner, and ruthless thief, he'd never deny that he's a villain. As the enigmatic leader of the band of vigilantes known as the Ravenhood, his life's ambition has always led in one direction - revenge. But his path is disrupted when he falls for the one woman that could destroy what he's spent two decades plotting.His all-consuming passion for Cecelia Horner comes at a great cost, including the loss of all he holds dear. But Tobias is a fighter, and he's determined to have it all: to settle old scores and win back the woman he loves . .. Kate Stewart's Ravenhood Trilogy is a gritty, sexy modern romantic day take on Robin Hood with a plethora of breathtaking twists. This unconventional love story is a white knuckle ride filled with suspense, steam, addictive bad boys, action, and ALL OF THE FEELS.Books in this bestselling series are Flock, Exodus and The Finish Line.

Podívejte se také Bush Kate: The Other Sides (4x CD) - CD (9029556888)

cena 268.0 Kč

The Plight Before Christmas - Kate Stewart

Whitney is not having a merry Christmas. The Plight Before Christmas is a second-chance, Christmas-themed sexy romance from Kate Stewart, author of the Ravenhood series. In the last three weeks she's lost her boyfriend and a promotion.Forced to gather at her grandparents' cosy cabin for the holidays with her large family, the only way she's going to get into the holiday spirit is with the help of three wise men: Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniel's, and Jim Beam. However, nothing offsets the shock of discovering her old boyfriend, Eli, on the doorstep. Now she's stuck for a week with Eli, the only man to ever break her heart.And he's ready to win her back . . .

Podívejte se také Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2x CD) - CD (0349784965)

cena 250.0 Kč

Flock - Kate Stewart

'A modern day re-telling of Robin Hood, Book One of The Ravenhood series is set to be a viral read...giving us all the steam. Buckle up.' - Glamour MagazineKate Stewart's Ravenhood Trilogy is a gritty, sexy, romantic, modern day take on Robin Hood with breathtaking twists."In your heart of hearts, if you didn't have to choose, would you?"The deal is simple: all nineteen-year-old student Cecilia Horner has to do is survive a year in the small town of Triple Falls, living with her estranged father and working at his factory. In return, he'll not only pay her college tuition but will hand over a small fortune that will enable Cecilia to help her single mother. . .But everything changes when she meets sexy local Sean on her first day of work. He introduces her to his close knit circle of friends - including the enigmatic Dominic - a group who live by their own rules and brandish the same raven tattoo . . .Cecilia has always played it safe, but, blinded by her growing feelings for Sean and Dominic, she's determined to enjoy her last summer of freedom and be open to new experiences no matter where they might lead . . .This unconventional love story is a white knuckle ride filled with suspense, steam, addictive bad boys, action, and ALL OF THE FEELS. Books in this bestselling series are Flock, Exodus and The Finish Line.

Podívejte se také Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2x LP) - LP (0349784964)

cena 268.0 Kč

Exodus - Kate Stewart

Dokázali byste žít ve lži?Je to město duchů. To místo, které mě pronásleduje. To místo, které mě stvořilo. Vím, že na Triple Falls nikdy nezapomenu a že si s sebou navždy ponesu všechno, co jsem tu zažila.Pořád je všechny cítím, své letní kluky. Podvolila jsem se jim, přestože jsem vycítila nebezpečí.Nedbala jsem jediného varování. Nechala jsem se ovládnout svými city a láskou a nechala se jimi taky zničit. Hrála jsem svou roli, přestože jsem měla oči otevřené dokořán, a pokoušela osud, dokud mi to nedal sežrat.Nikdy nebylo úniku.Za to, co se stalo, můžeme všichni. Každý si odpykáváme vlastní trest. Byli jsme neopatrní a lehkomyslní. Mysleli jsme si, že nás naše mladí chrání a oprošťuje od hříchů, a všichni jsme za to zaplatili.Už nebudu dál předstírat, že jsem největší kus sebe nezanechala v těchto kopcích a údolích, mezi mořem stromů, které skrývá moje tajemství. Proto jsem se vrátila zpátky. Abych se smířila se svým osudem.A jestli během svého pobytu tady nebudu schopná truchlit natolik, abych se vyléčila, zůstanu nemocná. Takové bude moje prokletí.Chci se teď smířit s tím, kdo jsem, bez ohledu na to, jak to dopadne.Protože já už ve lži žít nemůžu.

Objev podobné jako Exodus - Kate Stewart

cena 319.0 Kč

Exodus - Kate Stewart

Cecilia Horner had expected this to be a dull year, but it has been the most exciting summer of her life. She met local bad boys Sean and Dominic - and their relationship developed into something very, very dangerous . . .But she is left reeling from the discovery that they are members of The Ravenhood, a secret group of vigilantes. At the head of the society is a man known as the Frenchman - and he doesn't want Cecilia anywhere near his men or his mission.She has every reason to hate him but there's a fine line between love and hate. And if her time in Triple Falls has taught her anything, it's a line she's more than willing to cross . . .Kate Stewart's Ravenhood Trilogy is a gritty, sexy modern take on Robin Hood with a plethora of breathtaking twists. This unconventional love story is a white knuckle ride filled with suspense, steam, addictive bad boys, action and ALL OF THE FEELS.

Objev podobné jako Exodus - Kate Stewart

cena 268.0 Kč

Hejno havranů - Kate Stewart

Hlavní protagonistkou fascinujícího příběhu je Cecílie Hornerová, dcera majitele továrny, která je nucena pracovat v otcově závodě v Triple Falls, a to ze dvou důvodů: aby nepřišla o jmění a aby mohla finančně podporovat svou matku, s níž se Cecíliin otec Roman Horner před mnoha lety rozvedl. Významnou roli v celém příběhu hrají její nejlepší kamarádka Christy a Sean s Dominikem. Milenecké vztahy mezi Cecílií a těmito muži se postupně začnou komplikovat. Navíc se dozvídá, že mají co do činění se spolkem havraního bratrstva. Je to tajné uskupení, o kterém se toho mnoho neví. Cecílie musí začít jednat. Chce dostat odpovědi na nezodpovězené otázky. Závěr první části je překvapivý, a tak jistě budete chtít vzít do ruky druhou část tohoto díla, abyste zjistili, jak vše dopadne.

Objev podobné jako Hejno havranů - Kate Stewart

cena 319.0 Kč

Kluk napravo - Kate Stewart

První zásah – máma mě pojmenovala Theodore po svém oblíbeném čipmankovi. To nebylo fér, mami. Většinu svého života slyším na jméno Teddy, protože Theo mi nikdy moc nevyšlo. Tady ale ne. Ne na univerzitě. Na místě, kde se může stát cokoli a kde se mi podařilo opět začít od prvních dojmů. Je tu jen jediný problém: můj nový spolubydlící Troy je fotbalovou hvězdou a vypadá, jako by zrovna vylezl z reklamní kampaně od Abercrombie & Fitch. Mně to ale nevadí, vařím super snídani pro všechny jeho úlovky a vycházíme spolu. Navíc, letos už mám holku. A je dokonalá. Přesně tak. Theodore Houseman, dříve šprt ze školní kapely a nyní rocková hvězda, konečně ulovil holku svých snů. Všechno je perfektní. Totiž, dokud se na ni Troy pořádně nepodívá. Bez boje to ale nevzdám. Vlastně to nevzdám vůbec. Ať už se mému hvězdnému spolubydlícímu daří jakkoli, Laney je moje. Možná úplně netuším, jak zaskórovat, ale celý svůj život jsem byl hodný kluk. Poslouchal jsem a vím přesně, co holky chtějí. Na fotce vedle mě Troy možná vypadá jako pan Dokonalý, ale toho kluka napravo podceňuje.

Objev podobné jako Kluk napravo - Kate Stewart

cena 99.0 Kč

Vysněný cíl - Kate Stewart

Tajemství a lži…Celý můj život se točil okolo intrik a lstí, a to za jediným účelem – pomstou.Moje identita byla celá léta zahalená tajemstvím.Tak dlouho jsem popíral, že mám srdce, které tluče.Dokud se neobjevila ona. Dokud neodhalila vyhladovělý orgán uvnitř mě a nedonutila mě přiznat si, že i moje srdce bije a že dokáže krvácet stejně jako každé jiné.Draze jsme za to zaplatili. A svůj dluh stále splácíme.Ona si ho přes to všechno stále žádá, to nanicovaté srdce bezohledného zloděje a bezostyšného padoucha, do kterého se zamilovala. Já si ale nejsem jistý, jestli tím mužem stále jsem.Doplácím na svůj dosavadní způsob života a své lži – jsou mi v patách všechny chyby, kterých jsem se dopustil, a dohánějí mě. Jedna po druhé, den po dni.Tohle je moje poslední šance a já nemám v úmyslu o ni znovu přijít. Když ale začnou vyplouvat na povrch mé staré klamy, musím zahodit veškerou svou lidskost, abych nás oba zachránil.Možná už je ale pozdě.

Objev podobné jako Vysněný cíl - Kate Stewart

cena 99.0 Kč

Exodus - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

eBook: Dokázali byste žít ve lži?Je to město duchů. To místo, které mě pronásleduje. To místo, které mě stvořilo. Vím, že na Triple Falls nikdy nezapomenu a že si s sebou navždy ponesu všechno, co jsem tu zažila.Pořád je všechny cítím, své letní kluky. Podvolila jsem se jim, přestože jsem vycítila nebezpečí.Nedbala jsem jediného varování. Nechala jsem se ovládnout svými city a láskou a nechala se jimi taky zničit. Hrála jsem svou roli, přestože jsem měla oči otevřené dokořán, a pokoušela osud, dokud mi to nedal sežrat.Nikdy nebylo úniku.Za to, co se stalo, můžeme všichni. Každý si odpykáváme vlastní trest. Byli jsme neopatrní a lehkomyslní. Mysleli jsme si, že nás naše mladí chrání a oprošťuje od hříchů, a všichni jsme za to zaplatili.Už nebudu dál předstírat, že jsem největší kus sebe nezanechala v těchto kopcích a údolích, mezi mořem stromů, které skrývá moje tajemství. Proto jsem se vrátila zpátky. Abych se smířila se svým osudem.A jestli během svého pobytu tady nebudu schopná truchlit natolik, abych se vyléčila, zůstanu nemocná. Takové bude moje prokletí.Chci se teď smířit s tím, kdo jsem, bez ohledu na to, jak to dopadne.Protože já už ve lži žít nemůžu.

Objev podobné jako Exodus - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Nadělení před Vánocemi - Kate Stewart

Whitney letos neprožívá zrovna moc veselé Vánoce.Během posledních tří týdnů totiž přišla o přítele i povýšení v práci, zlomila si prst na noze a navíc je nucena se na svátky sejít se svou početnou rodinou na útulné chatě svých prarodičů. Dostat se do sváteční nálady jí tak nepomůže nikdo jiný než její tři králové, jejichž jména zní Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniel’s a Jim Beam.Nic však nedokáže odvrátit její šok, když na prahu najednou spatří svou dávnou lásku.Čeká ji celý týden ve společnosti Eliho, jediného muže, který jí kdy zlomil srdce, a i když se to stalo již před více než dvaceti lety, stále ji to velmi bolí.On je však připravený ji stůj co stůj získat zpátky a je odhodlaný pro to udělat opravdu cokoliv.Podaří se mu to, nebo ne? Nechte se překvapit.

Objev podobné jako Nadělení před Vánocemi - Kate Stewart

cena 319.0 Kč

The Marches - Rory Stewart

THE NO. 1 BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF POLITICS ON THE EDGERory Stewart explores his love for the UK in this account of history, memory and landscape as he traverses the the borderlands between England and Scotland.‘This beautifully written book is a haunting reflection of identity and our relationships with the people and places we love’ Daily MailHis father Brian taught Rory Stewart how to walk, and walked with him on journeys from Iran to Malaysia. Now they have chosen to do their final walk together along ‘the Marches’ - the frontier that divides their two countries, Scotland and England.On their six-hundred-mile, thirty-day journey - with Rory on foot, and his father ‘ambushing’ him by car – the pair relive Scottish dances, reflect on Burmese honey-bears, and on the loss of human presence in the British landscape.Travelling across mountain ridges and through housing estates they uncover a forgotten country crushed between England and Scotland: the Middleland. They discover unsettling modern lives, lodged in an ancient place, as their odyssey develops into a history of the British nationhood, a chronicle of contemporary Britain and an exuberant encounter between a father and a son.And as the journey deepens, and the end approaches, Brian and Rory fight to match, step by step, modern voices, nationalisms and contemporary settlements to the natural beauty of the Marches, and a fierce absorption in tradition in their own unconventional lives.‘Suggests an open-mindedness in Stewart, a tolerance and flexibility that could make him an exceptional politician while it also continues to define him as a writer’ New York Review of Books‘Travel writing at its best’ GuardianPlease note: The book cover received may differ from the cover displayed here.

Objev podobné jako The Marches - Rory Stewart

cena 325.0 Kč

Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra

Discover the true story behind the legendary pharaoh in this captivating look into the life of Cleopatra. Although her name and story might be familiar, much of what we know about Cleopatra is shrouded in mystery. Her life was one of politics, murder, war, marriage and passion – but it was also one of pride, bravery, love and strength.Cleopatra may have lived as a goddess, but, beneath her magnificent exterior, she was just a woman who fought tirelessly for what she felt was rightfully hers. With dynamic illustrations and a gripping, expertly researched and fact-checked text, this is the story of the woman behind the stories. Prepare to be lost in a world of kings and queens, power and strategy, love and war.Meet one of the most misunderstood women in history, demystify the propaganda spread by the men who feared her and find the truth behind it all, the truth of a powerful queen.

Objev podobné jako Cleopatra: The Woman Behind the Stories - Stewart Alexandra

cena 447.0 Kč

Vysněný cíl - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

eBook: Tajemství a lži…Celý můj život se točil okolo intrik a lstí, a to za jediným účelem – pomstou.Moje identita byla celá léta zahalená tajemstvím.Tak dlouho jsem popíral, že mám srdce, které tluče.Dokud se neobjevila ona. Dokud neodhalila vyhladovělý orgán uvnitř mě a nedonutila mě přiznat si, že i moje srdce bije a že dokáže krvácet stejně jako každé jiné.Draze jsme za to zaplatili. A svůj dluh stále splácíme.Ona si ho přes to všechno stále žádá, to nanicovaté srdce bezohledného zloděje a bezostyšného padoucha, do kterého se zamilovala. Já si ale nejsem jistý, jestli tím mužem stále jsem.Doplácím na svůj dosavadní způsob života a své lži – jsou mi v patách všechny chyby, kterých jsem se dopustil, a dohánějí mě. Jedna po druhé, den po dni.Tohle je moje poslední šance a já nemám v úmyslu o ni znovu přijít. Když ale začnou vyplouvat na povrch mé staré klamy, musím zahodit veškerou svou lidskost, abych nás oba zachránil.Možná už je ale pozdě.

Objev podobné jako Vysněný cíl - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Hejno havranů - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

eBook: Hlavní protagonistkou fascinujícího příběhu je Cecílie Hornerová, dcera majitele továrny, která je nucena pracovat v otcově závodě v Triple Falls, a to ze dvou důvodů: aby nepřišla o jmění a aby mohla finančně podporovat svou matku, s níž se Cecíliin otec Roman Horner před mnoha lety rozvedl. Významnou roli v celém příběhu hrají její nejlepší kamarádka Christy a Sean s Dominikem. Milenecké vztahy mezi Cecílií a těmito muži se postupně začnou komplikovat. Navíc se dozvídá, že mají co do činění se spolkem havraního bratrstva. Je to tajné uskupení, o kterém se toho mnoho neví. Cecílie musí začít jednat. Chce dostat odpovědi na nezodpovězené otázky. Závěr první části je překvapivý, a tak jistě budete chtít vzít do ruky druhou část tohoto díla, abyste zjistili, jak vše dopadne.

Objev podobné jako Hejno havranů - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Kluk napravo - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

eBook: První zásah – máma mě pojmenovala Theodore po svém oblíbeném čipmankovi. To nebylo fér, mami. Většinu svého života slyším na jméno Teddy, protože Theo mi nikdy moc nevyšlo. Tady ale ne. Ne na univerzitě. Na místě, kde se může stát cokoli a kde se mi podařilo opět začít od prvních dojmů. Je tu jen jediný problém: můj nový spolubydlící Troy je fotbalovou hvězdou a vypadá, jako by zrovna vylezl z reklamní kampaně od Abercrombie & Fitch. Mně to ale nevadí, vařím super snídani pro všechny jeho úlovky a vycházíme spolu. Navíc, letos už mám holku. A je dokonalá. Přesně tak. Theodore Houseman, dříve šprt ze školní kapely a nyní rocková hvězda, konečně ulovil holku svých snů. Všechno je perfektní. Totiž, dokud se na ni Troy pořádně nepodívá. Bez boje to ale nevzdám. Vlastně to nevzdám vůbec. Ať už se mému hvězdnému spolubydlícímu daří jakkoli, Laney je moje. Možná úplně netuším, jak zaskórovat, ale celý svůj život jsem byl hodný kluk. Poslouchal jsem a vím přesně, co holky chtějí. Na fotce vedle mě Troy možná vypadá jako pan Dokonalý, ale toho kluka napravo podceňuje.

Objev podobné jako Kluk napravo - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Rod Stewart - The Story So Far: The Very Best Of Rod Stewart (Reissue) (Remastered) (2 CD)

Subžánr: Pop Rock Žánr: Pop;Blues;Rock Interpret / Téma: Rod Stewart Typ: Nové vydání;Remastered;Album;CD Rok vydání: 2001.0 Varianta: The Story So Far: The Very Best Of Rod Stewart (Reissue) (Remastered) (2 CD) Datum vydání: 2001-11-12 Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: CD Vydavatelství: Warner Music

Objev podobné jako Rod Stewart - The Story So Far: The Very Best Of Rod Stewart (Reissue) (Remastered) (2 CD)

cena 410.0 Kč

The Gods Below - Stewart Andrea

''Stewart''s worlds are some of the most exceptionally inventive in modern fantasy. A must read!''Shannon ChakrabortyAfter a divine war shattered the world, humanity struck a pact with the god Kluehnn: in return for regular tribute of magical gems, Kluehnn would restore the world to its former glory. But as each land is transformed, so too are its people changed into strange new forms - if they survive at all.Hakara is not willing to pay such a price. Desperate to protect herself, and her sister Rasha, she flees her homeland for the safety of a neighbouring kingdom. But tragedy strikes when they''re separated, and Hakara is forced to abandon Rasha to an unknown fate.Yet when Hakara discovers she can channel the power of the magical gems, she''s invited to join a clandestine plot to destroy the God Pact. To win Hakara to their cause, the conspirators reveal a startling secret: Rasha is alive - and they can help rescue her.But only if Hakara goes to war against a god.The Gods Below begins an epic new fantasy series from Sunday Times bestselling author Andrea Stewart, where two sisters find themselves on opposite sides of a war against godsPraise for Andrea Stewart: ''One of the best fantasy novels I''ve read in a long time . . .This book is truly special'' Sarah J. Maas''Epic fantasy at its most human and heartfelt . . . inventive, adventurous and wonderfully written'' Alix E. Harrow''Brilliant world-building, deep intrigue and incredible heart'' Megan E. O''Keefe''Action-packed, must-read epic fantasy . . . One of the best debut fantasy novels of the year'' Buzzfeed''This brilliant fantasy debut has announced Andrea Stewart as quite possibly the best newcomer of the year'' Novel NotionsOther books by Andrea StewartThe Drowning Empire series The Bone Shard DaughterThe Bone Shard Emperor The Bone Shard War

Objev podobné jako The Gods Below - Stewart Andrea

cena 650.0 Kč

Nadělení před Vánocemi - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

eBook: Whitney letos neprožívá zrovna moc veselé Vánoce.Během posledních tří týdnů totiž přišla o přítele i povýšení v práci, zlomila si prst na noze a navíc je nucena se na svátky sejít se svou početnou rodinou na útulné chatě svých prarodičů. Dostat se do sváteční nálady jí tak nepomůže nikdo jiný než její tři králové, jejichž jména zní Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniel’s a Jim Beam.Nic však nedokáže odvrátit její šok, když na prahu najednou spatří svou dávnou lásku.Čeká ji celý týden ve společnosti Eliho, jediného muže, který jí kdy zlomil srdce, a i když se to stalo již před více než dvaceti lety, stále ji to velmi bolí.On je však připravený ji stůj co stůj získat zpátky a je odhodlaný pro to udělat opravdu cokoliv.Podaří se mu to, nebo ne? Nechte se překvapit.

Objev podobné jako Nadělení před Vánocemi - Kate Stewart - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Politics On the Edge - Rory Stewart

A searing insider’s account of ten extraordinary years in Parliament from Rory Stewart, former Cabinet minister and co-presenter of breakout hit podcast The Rest Is Politics ‘The most exceptional political memoir I’ve ever read’ ALAN JOHNSON ‘An instant classic’ MARINA HYDE ‘At last a politician who can write’ SEBASTIAN FAULKS The Times Political Book of the Year Over the course of a decade, Rory Stewart went from being a political outsider to standing for prime minister – before being sacked from a Conservative Party that he had come to barely recognise. Uncompromising, honest and darkly humorous, this is his story of the challenges, absurdities and realities of political life. Instantly praised as a new classic, it is an astonishing portrait of our turbulent times.‘Genuinely eye-opening…always riveting, often horrifying’ iNEWS‘Beautifully written’ GUARDIAN‘Hugely entertaining’EVENING STANDARD**A FINANCIAL TIMES, GUARDIAN, SUNDAY TIMES, DAILY TELEGRAPH, TIMES, OBSERVER, i NEWSPAPER, NEW STATESMAN, PROSPECT, CHURCH TIMES AND SCOTSMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023** Politics on the Edge was a #1 Sunday Times bestseller from 09.09.23–16.09.23, and 09.12.23–16.12.23, and 30.12.23–06.01.24

Objev podobné jako Politics On the Edge - Rory Stewart

cena 325.0 Kč

The Places In Between - Rory Stewart

Winner of the RSL Ondaatje PrizeShortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award‘A striding, glorious book . . . A flat-out masterpiece’ The New York Times Book ReviewCaught between hostile nations, warring factions and competing ideologies, Afghanistan was in turmoil following the US invasion. Travelling entirely on foot and following the inaccessible mountainous route once taken by the Mughal emperor Babur the Great, Rory Stewart was nearly defeated by the extreme, hostile conditions.Only with the help of an unexpected companion, and the generosity of the people he met on the way, did he survive to report back on his journey with unique insight on a region closed to the world by twenty-four years of war.‘This evocative book feels like a long-lost relic of the great age of exploration’ The Guardian

Objev podobné jako The Places In Between - Rory Stewart

cena 325.0 Kč

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Stewart Ross

This book is the essential guide to the extraordinarily complicated and developing situation in Israel/Palestine. Fully updated to reflect the tense and troubling changes in the region since 7 October 2023, this book puts the present situation into its broader context and, examining all perspectives, it unravels the origins and development of issues which make the headlines daily. Each aspect of this complex conflict is explained with engaging objectivity which will ensure you can examine the issues from all perspectives and in a social, political, historical and international framework.

Objev podobné jako The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Stewart Ross

cena 449.0 Kč

The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer

Eight-year-old Carmel has always been different - sensitive, distracted, with an heartstopping tendency to go missing. Her mother Beth, newly single, worries about her daughter's strangeness, especially as she is trying to rebuild a life for the two of them on her own.

Objev podobné jako The Girl in the Red Coat - Kate Hamer

cena 44.0 Kč

The Murder After the Night Before - Katy Brent

From the author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, don't miss this utterly thrilling and laugh-out-loud novel, perfect for fans of Bella Mackie, Dawn O'Porter and Killing Eve. Available to pre-order now! Something bad happened last night. I've woken up with the hangover from hell, a stranger in my bed, and I've gone viral for the worst reasons.But I can't remember a thing... My best friend Posey is dead. The police think it was a tragic accident.I know she was murdered. There's only thing stopping me from dying of shame. I need to find a killer.Readers LOVE Katy Brent! 'I literally couldn't put this book down.' NetGalley reviewer, 'This book has got to be my favourite so far this year.' NetGalley reviewer, 'There are just so many good things I could say about this book. I absolutely tore (pun intended) through this read. Everyone needs to go read it.' NetGalley reviewer, 'One word!!! AMAZING!!!' NetGalley reviewer, 'This is one of the most clever books I have read in quite a while.' NetGalley reviewer, 'A well-rounded cast of characters, quick pace, and thrilling twists make this one of my favourites of the year!' NetGalley reviewer, 'A twisted but witty read which will keep you up all night.' NetGalley reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Murder After the Night Before - Katy Brent

cena 241.0 Kč

Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - CD (0349784896)

Hudební CD - Kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi. Kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi. Na CD nebo v rozšířené variantě na 2CD mimo jiné najdete duet s Robbie Williamsem nebo zbrusu novou skladbu Stop Loving Her Today. Britský rockový zpěvák a skladatel patří mezi komerčně nejúspěšnější interprety všech dob. Celosvětově prodal na 100 milionů desek, získal bezpočet různých ocenění a natočil celou řadu nezapomenutelných písní. V roce 1994 byl zvolen do rock'n'rollové síně slávy. Uznávaný hudební měsíčník Q ho v anketě o nejlepšího zpěváka všech dob zařadil na třiatřicáté místo. Seznam stop CD1 Maggie May / It Takes Two (with Robbie Williams) / Sailing / Reason To Believe / Handbags and Gladrags / Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) / I Don't Want To Talk About It / The First Cut Is The Deepest / You're In My Heart (The Final Acclaim) / I Was Only...

Objev podobné jako Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - CD (0349784896)

cena 389.0 Kč

Rod Stewart - You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2 CD)

Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;2000 - 2009 Typ: CD Varianta: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2 CD) Balení obsahuje: CD Složení setu: 2 ks Rok vydání: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Žánr: Pop;Blues;Rock Interpret / Téma: Rod Stewart Subžánr: Blues;Pop;Symphonic Rock;Rock Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako Rod Stewart - You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2 CD)

cena 460.8 Kč

The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

‘Chillingly compelling and expertly assembled. An immersive piece of thriller writing of the sort late-night-reading binges are made of’ B. P. WALTER ‘Dark, intense, and expertly crafted. Kate Rhodes delivers exactly what I look for in a gripping thriller’ RACHEL ABBOTT She thinks she understand stalkers. Until she becomes a target . . . Elly is an expert in stalking – an academic at Cambridge University and a popular media pundit. She knows the subject intimately: what motivates a stalker, how they behave, how to rehabilitate them. But now it’s personal. Someone is following her, making silent phone calls and sending her ominous notes. The message is always the same – me or you. Elly can’t trust anyone – not her family, her friends or her colleagues. She knows that her stalker must be someone close to her. And when they suddenly turn violent, she realizes she’s running out of time to find out who it is. Because it looks like only one of them will survive.A terrifying cat-and-mouse chase, told from the perspective of the stalker and the stalked – a roller-coaster ride with an ending you won’t see coming. ‘Terrifying and tense, as unpredictable as it is compelling' LESLEY KARA ‘A classy, edge-of-the-seat thriller which will keep you guessing throughout!’ B.A. PARIS ‘Pacy, tense and unsettling . . . Kate keeps you guessing until the end, then hits you with a chapter that will stay with you long after you close the book’ MARI HANNAH ‘Stylish and atmospheric, with a final page that is sure to chill your bones. Loved it’ CAZ FREAR 'The tension never lets up. Just when you think you’ve unravelled the mystery, Rhodes masterfully delivers a twist that leaves you breathless’ JO JAKEMAN 'A bloody good read. Tense and intense' KATE EVANS ‘Pacy and chilling. I binged it’ EMMA BAMFORD ‘A classic whodunnit wrapped up in a psychological thriller, with an ending you won’t see coming. Kate Rhodes always delivers an entertaining read but this standalone novel really packs a punch’ RUSS THOMAS ‘Gripping . . . I just couldn't put this down’ SIMON McCLEAVE 'A creepy slow-burn of a thriller – one that will have you looking over your own shoulder as you read late into the night’ SARAH PEKKANEN ‘Superb plotting. The very best in psychological crime writing’ JANE ISAAC ‘Irresistible’ CRIME TIME

Objev podobné jako The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

cena 295.0 Kč

The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

‘Chillingly compelling and expertly assembled. An immersive piece of thriller writing of the sort late-night-reading binges are made of’ B. P. WALTER ‘Dark, intense, and expertly crafted. Kate Rhodes delivers exactly what I look for in a gripping thriller’ RACHEL ABBOTT She thinks she understand stalkers. Until she becomes a target . . . Elly is an expert in stalking – an academic at Cambridge University and a popular media pundit. She knows the subject intimately: what motivates a stalker, how they behave, how to rehabilitate them. But now it’s personal. Someone is following her, making silent phone calls and sending her ominous notes. The message is always the same – me or you. Elly can’t trust anyone – not her family, her friends or her colleagues. She knows that her stalker must be someone close to her. And when they suddenly turn violent, she realizes she’s running out of time to find out who it is. Because it looks like only one of them will survive.A terrifying cat-and-mouse chase, told from the perspective of the stalker and the stalked – a roller-coaster ride with an ending you won’t see coming. ‘Terrifying and tense, as unpredictable as it is compelling' LESLEY KARA ‘A classy, edge-of-the-seat thriller which will keep you guessing throughout!’ B.A. PARIS ‘Pacy, tense and unsettling . . . Kate keeps you guessing until the end, then hits you with a chapter that will stay with you long after you close the book’ MARI HANNAH ‘Stylish and atmospheric, with a final page that is sure to chill your bones. Loved it’ CAZ FREAR 'The tension never lets up. Just when you think you’ve unravelled the mystery, Rhodes masterfully delivers a twist that leaves you breathless’ JO JAKEMAN 'A bloody good read. Tense and intense' KATE EVANS ‘Pacy and chilling. I binged it’ EMMA BAMFORD ‘A classic whodunnit wrapped up in a psychological thriller, with an ending you won’t see coming. Kate Rhodes always delivers an entertaining read but this standalone novel really packs a punch’ RUSS THOMAS ‘Gripping . . . I just couldn't put this down’ SIMON McCLEAVE 'A creepy slow-burn of a thriller – one that will have you looking over your own shoulder as you read late into the night’ SARAH PEKKANEN ‘Superb plotting. The very best in psychological crime writing’ JANE ISAAC ‘Irresistible’ CRIME TIME

Objev podobné jako The Stalker - Kate Rhodes

cena 650.0 Kč

The Honeymoon - Kate Gray

''A page-turner full of secrets and lies, this is a totally addictive read'' HEAT ''An addictive, jaw-dropping read. I loved it'' CLAIRE DOUGLAS''A nerve-jangling tale of tension, suspicion and betrayal'' T.M. LOGAN''Tense, pacy, twisty . . . It''s going to be HUGE'' ISABELLE BROOM ***You''re on the honeymoon of a lifetime with your new husband. Isn''t everything perfect? You''re enjoying dinner at a luxury restaurant with another newlywed couple. Until the night ends with a dead body. All four of you are innocent. Aren''t you? . . .THE HONEYMOON IS OVER. THE NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN. A totally addictive thriller that will have you on the edge of your sunbed in summer 2024. Perfect for fans of Lucy Clarke, T.M. Logan and Catherine Cooper.

Objev podobné jako The Honeymoon - Kate Gray

cena 266.0 Kč

The Peepshow - Kate Summerscale

‘Once more, Kate Summerscale shatters our preconceptions of a classic crime’ Val McDermid''A gripping account of murder, misogyny and spectatorship'' Sarah Waters, author of FingersmithFrom Britain''s top-selling true crime writer and author of Sunday Times #1 bestseller THE SUSPICIONS OF MR WHICHER...London, 1953. Police discover the bodies of three young women hidden in a wall at 10 Rillington Place, a dingy terrace house in Notting Hill. On searching the building, they find another body beneath the floorboards, then an array of human bones in the garden. But they have already investigated a double murder at 10 Rillington Place, three years ago, and the killer was hanged. Did they get the wrong man?A nationwide manhunt is launched for the tenant of the ground-floor flat, a softly spoken former policeman named Reg Christie. Star reporter Harry Procter chases after the scoop. Celebrated crime writer Fryn Tennyson Jesse begs to be assigned to the case. The story becomes an instant sensation, and with the relentless rise of the tabloid press the public watches on like never before. Who is Christie? Why did he choose to kill women, and to keep their bodies near him? As Harry and Fryn start to learn the full horror of what went on at Rillington Place, they realise that Christie might also have engineered a terrible miscarriage of justice in plain sight.In this riveting true story, Kate Summerscale mines the archives to uncover the lives of Christie’s victims, the tabloid frenzy that their deaths inspired, and the truth about what happened inside the house.''A forensic reappraisal of a grimy episode in postwar British history ... Shocking, impeccably researched, lucidly written and always utterly compelling'' Graeme Macrae Burnet, author of His Bloody Project''A masterclass in true crime storytelling ... As relevant now as it was in the 1950s'' Jennie Godfrey, author of The List of Suspicious Things

Objev podobné jako The Peepshow - Kate Summerscale

cena 650.0 Kč

The Valkyrie - Kate Heartfield

*The Embroidered Book shortlisted for the Aurora Award for Best Novel*From SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author Kate Heartfield comes a glorious, lyrical retelling of one of Norse mythology’s greatest epicsBrynhild is a Valkyrie: shieldmaiden of the Allfather, chooser of the slain. But now she too has fallen, flightless in her exile.Gudrun is a princess of Burgundy, a daughter of the Rhine, a prize for an invading king – a king whose brother Attila has other plans, and a dragon to call upon.And in the songs to be sung, there is another hero: Sigurd, a warrior with a sword sharper than the new moon.As the legends tell, these names are destined to be lovers, fated as enemies. But here on Midgard, legends can be lies…For not all heroes are heroic, nor all monsters monstrous. And a shieldmaiden may yet find that love is the greatest weapon of all.

Objev podobné jako The Valkyrie - Kate Heartfield

cena 295.0 Kč

The Cloisters - Katy Hays

THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP 5 BESTSELLER . . . IN HARDBACK AND NOW IN PAPERBACK!The Secret History meets Ninth House . . . the discovery of a mysterious deck of tarot cards lays bare shocking secrets within a close-knit circle of researchers at New York''s famed Met Cloisters museum.-------''Glamour, power, seduction, ambition – The Cloisters has it all. I adored this deliciously gothic, beautifully written novel.'' LOUISE O''NEILL,''Dark and enigmatic . . . a story of academic obsession, Renaissance magic and the ruthless pursuit of power. Captivating in every sense.'' SARAH PEARSE''Elegant and atmospheric and suffused with brooding menace.'' LUCY CLARKE''Sultry and sinister . . . teems with sexual tension, the secrets of divination, and scholarly obsessiveness . . . jaw-dropping.'' SARAH PENNER‘Beguiling and atmospheric, an entrancing and gripping tale.’ KATE MOSSE-------Ann Stilwell arrives in New York City, hoping to spend her summer working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, she is assigned to The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its collection of medieval and Renaissance art.Drawn into a small circle of charismatic but enigmatic researchers, Ann happy to indulge some of their more outlandish theories, including the museum''s curator who is fixated on tarot and the real possibility of predicting the future.But when Ann discovers a mysterious, once-thought lost deck of 15th-century Italian tarot cards she finds herself at the centre of a dangerous game of power, toxic friendship and ambition.And as the game being played within the Cloisters spirals out of control, Ann must decide who she trusts . . .Instant Sunday Times bestseller, February 2024

Objev podobné jako The Cloisters - Katy Hays

cena 295.0 Kč

The Maiden - Kate Foster

The Times Bestseller'A masterpiece' - Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The Appeal 'Exceptional - a tense, thrilling investigation, with a decidedly feminist slant' - Daily MailInspired by a real-life case, Kate Foster's The Maiden is a remarkable story with a feminist revisionist twist, giving a voice to women otherwise silenced by history. Winner of the Bloody Scotland Pitch Perfect Award 2022 and the Bloody Scotland Crime Debut of the Year 2023. In the end, it did not matter what I said at my trial. No one believed me.Edinburgh, October 1679. Lady Christian is arrested and charged with the murder of her lover, James Forrester. News of her imprisonment and subsequent trial is splashed across the broadsides, with headlines that leave little room for doubt: Adulteress. Whore. Murderess. Only a year before, Lady Christian was newly married, leading a life of privilege and respectability. So, what led her to risk everything for an affair? And does that make her guilty of murder? She wasn't the only woman in Forrester's life, and certainly not the only one who might have had cause to wish him dead . . .'Riveting . . . the tension persists until the last page' - The Times

Objev podobné jako The Maiden - Kate Foster

cena 268.0 Kč

The Chatelaine - Kate Heartfield

Winner of the Aurora Award for Best Novel Hell is empty and all the devils are here. The Chatelaine has come. The year is 1328 and Hell has overrun Bruges.Demons stalk the streets and revenants swarm the walls. The city's men have fallen and only widows remain. But Hell should fear them.Margriet de Vos killed her first soldier when she was eleven. She has buried six children and will fight for the daughter left to her. Their only wealth is gone, taken into the inferno.And she will not be stolen from. The Devil be damned. Together with a man-at-arms with unfinished business, a widow and her forgehammer, and a alderman's wife who escapes with her children, Margriet will raise a raiding party like Hell has never seen.

Objev podobné jako The Chatelaine - Kate Heartfield

cena 268.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERDISCOVER THE NEW JACKSON BRODIE NOVEL, FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SHRINES OF GAIETY''How delicious to have Jackson Brodie back, this time in a story that starts off in Agatha Christie''s world but soon becomes a landscape that could only have been crafted from the pen of the incomparable Kate Atkinson'' Ian Rankin''Christie would be proud . . . I defy you not to snort with laughter as the novel progresses to its farcical denouement. Atkinson is brilliant'' Observer**SPECIAL FIRST EDITION PRINT RUN: With an exclusive design underneath the dust jacket and Author Q&A, available while stocks last*******Welcome to Rook Hall.The stage is set. The players are ready. By night’s end, a murderer will be revealed. Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is staving off a bad case of midlife malaise when he is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, and the seemingly tedious matter of a stolen painting. But one theft leads to another, including the disappearance of a valuable Turner from Burton Makepeace, home to Lady Milton and her family. Once a magnificent country house, Burton Makepeace has now partially been converted into a hotel, hosting Murder Mystery weekends.As paying guests, a vicar, an ex-army officer, impecunious aristocrats, and old friends converge, we are treated a fiendishly clever mystery; one that pays homage to the masters of the genre—from Agatha Christie to Dorothy Sayers.Brilliantly inventive, with all of Atkinson’s signature wit, wordplay and narrative brio, Death at the Sign of the Rook may be Jackson Brodie’s most outrageous and memorable case yet.****''Sharp, droll and knowing as ever, Atkinson has huge fun with the set-up;the supporting cast is terrific, and the rueful Brodie, ever more mindful of the passing years,feels like an old friend.'' Guardian‘Delicious character studies… fine writing, wit, originality and eccentricity – even as it induces a warm glow’ Telegraph‘Another brilliant addition to her impressive oeuvre, Atkinson masterfully blends intricate plotting with rich character development, delivering a mystery that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging.’ Glamour‘The set-up is a delight, paying homage to traditional Agatha Christie-style murder mysteries – the characters are well-drawn, their stories unfolding alongside each other until gradually the strands unite, keeping the reader guessing how they will ultimately tie together. A great read.’ PA Media‘Superior writing...a highly entertaining read’ GraziaKate Atkinson, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 650.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

The stage is set. Marooned overnight by a snowstorm in a grand country house are a cast of characters and a setting that even Agatha Christie might recognize - a vicar, an Army major, a Dowager, a sleuth and his sidekick - except that the sleuth is Jackson Brodie, and the 'sidekick' is DC Reggie Chase. The crumbling house - Burton Makepeace and its chatelaine the Dowager Lady Milton - suffered the loss of their last remaining painting of any value, a Turner, some years ago. The housekeeper, Sophie, who disappeared the same night, is suspected of stealing it. Jackson, a reluctant hostage to the snowstorm, has been investigating the theft of another painting: The Woman with a Weasel, a portrait, taken from the house of an elderly widow, on the morning she died.The suspect this time is the widow's carer, Melanie. Is this a coincidence or is there a connection? And what secrets does the Woman with a Weasel hold? The puzzle is Jackson's to solve.And let's not forget that a convicted murderer is on the run on the moors around Burton Makepeace. All the while, in a bid to make money, Burton Makepeace is determined to keep hosting a shambolic Murder Mystery that acts as a backdrop while the real drama is being played out in the house. A brilliantly plotted, supremely entertaining, and utterly compulsive tour de force from a great writer at the height of her powers.

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 447.0 Kč

The Story Orchestra: Carnival of the Animals - Katy Flint

Discover the magical world of Carnival of the Animals in this musical reimagining of this celebrated suite for children – push the button in each breathtaking scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Camille Saint-Saëns’ score. One day, two brothers discover a magical animal kingdom behind their bookcase. They are greeted by the royal lion with his shaggy mane; ask for directions from an old lonely tortoise; take a ride on some lumbering elephants; topple a skeleton of dinosaur bones; and swim among a school of shimmering fish. If only they could take them all home... The book includes extracts from “The Swan,” “Aquarium,” “Fossils,” and “Finale” (From Disney’s Fantasia) along with a totally new story to link the pieces together. As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the suite’s music. At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Camille Saint-Saëns, with details about his composition of Carnival of the Animals. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera, and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores. With The Story Orchestra keyboard sound books, children can play the famous melodies themselves with the sound of a real grand piano. Also available from the Story Orchestra series: The Magic Flute, I Can Play (vol 1), Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, and Four Seasons in One Day.Manufacturer's note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.The perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.

Objev podobné jako The Story Orchestra: Carnival of the Animals - Katy Flint

cena 502.0 Kč

Bridget Vanderpuff and the Monster Mountain Mystery - Martin Stewart

Bridget Vanderpuff is the Best Worst Baker in the World. A recipe for fun with villainy, cake and sprinkles of silliness, heart and hope.Bridget and Tom travel to Butterälp to stay with Vivienne Velvete – the world’s finest chocolatier. But a horrifying monster is terrorising the villagers and the chocolate festival has been shut down. What''s more, Le Choc - the world''s most perfect bar of chocolate, kept in an alarmed, triple-locked room – has been chomped! Bridget and Tom must trace a track of confuddling clues and unravel their most fiendish plot yet.

Objev podobné jako Bridget Vanderpuff and the Monster Mountain Mystery - Martin Stewart

cena 236.0 Kč

The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict - Trenton Lee Stewart

Before there was a Mysterious Benedict Society there was simply a nine-year-old orphan named Nicholas Benedict. When Nicholas is sent to a new orphanage, he encounters vicious bullies, selfish adults - and a mystery that could change his life for ever. On his quest to solve the mystery, Nicholas finds enemies around every corner, but also friends in unexpected places - and discovers along the way that the greatest puzzle of all is himself.

Objev podobné jako The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict - Trenton Lee Stewart

cena 160.0 Kč

Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2x LP) - LP (0349784964)

LP vinyl - Kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi. Kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi. Hit Vánoc 2019, který původně vyšel na CD nebo v rozšířené variantě na 2CD, je nyní k dispozici rovněž na 2LP. Na albu mimo jiné najdete duet s Robbie Williamsem nebo zbrusu novou skladbu Stop Loving Her Today. Britský rockový zpěvák a skladatel patří mezi komerčně nejúspěšnější interprety všech dob. Celosvětově prodal na 100 milionů desek, získal bezpočet různých ocenění a natočil celou řadu nezapomenutelných písní. V roce 1994 byl zvolen do rock'n'rollové síně slávy. Uznávaný hudební měsíčník Q ho v anketě o nejlepšího zpěváka všech dob zařadil na třiatřicáté místo. Obsah: LP1 Maggie May Reason To Believe Handbags and Gladrags Sailing Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) I Don't Want To Talk About It You're In My Heart (The Final Acclaim) I Was Only Joking Young Turks Forever...

Objev podobné jako Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2x LP) - LP (0349784964)

cena 809.0 Kč

Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2x CD) - CD (0349784965)

Hudební CD - Kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi. Kompilace představuje výběr největších hitů Roda Stewarta s orchestrálními aranžemi. Na CD nebo v rozšířené variantě na 2CD mimo jiné najdete duet s Robbie Williamsem nebo zbrusu novou skladbu Stop Loving Her Today. Britský rockový zpěvák a skladatel patří mezi komerčně nejúspěšnější interprety všech dob. Celosvětově prodal na 100 milionů desek, získal bezpočet různých ocenění a natočil celou řadu nezapomenutelných písní. V roce 1994 byl zvolen do rock'n'rollové síně slávy. Uznávaný hudební měsíčník Q ho v anketě o nejlepšího zpěváka všech dob zařadil na třiatřicáté místo. Seznam stop CD1 Maggie May / It Takes Two (with Robbie Williams) / Sailing / Reason To Believe / Handbags and Gladrags / Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) / I Don't Want To Talk About It / The First Cut Is The Deepest / You're In My Heart (The Final Acclaim / I Was Only...

Objev podobné jako Stewart Rod: You're In My Heart: Rod Stewart With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (2x CD) - CD (0349784965)

cena 419.0 Kč

The Embroidered Book - Kate Heartfield

‘Power is not something you are given. Power is something you take. When you are a woman, it is a little more difficult, that’s all’ 1768. Charlotte, daughter of the Habsburg Empress, arrives in Naples to marry a man she has never met. Her sister Antoine is sent to France, and in the mirrored corridors of Versailles they rename her Marie Antoinette. The sisters are alone, but they are not powerless. When they were only children, they discovered a book of spells – spells that work, with dark and unpredictable consequences. In a time of vicious court politics, of discovery and dizzying change, they use the book to take control of their lives. But every spell requires a sacrifice. And as love between the sisters turns to rivalry, they will send Europe spiralling into revolution. Brimming with romance, betrayal, and enchantment, The Embroidered Book reimagines a dazzling period of history as you have never seen it before.

Objev podobné jako The Embroidered Book - Kate Heartfield

cena 357.0 Kč

The New Breed - Darling Kate

A bold, optimistic exploration of the relationship between robots and humans based on our history with animals, from a renowned MIT researcherThe robots are here. They make our cars, they deliver fast food, they mine the sea floor. And in the near-future their presence will increasingly enter our homes and workplaces - making human-robot interaction a frequent, everyday occurrence. What will this future look like? What will define the relationship between humans and robots?Here Kate Darling, a world-renowned expert in robot ethics, shows that in order to understand the new robot world, we must first move beyond the idea that this technology will be something like us. Instead, she argues, we should look to our relationship with animals. Just as we have harnessed the power of animals to aid us in war and work, so too will robots supplement - rather than replace - our own skills and abilities.A deeply original analysis of our technological future and the ethical dilemmas that await us, The New Breed explains how the treatment of machines can reveal a new understanding of our own history, our own systems and how we relate - not just to non-humans, but also to each other.

Objev podobné jako The New Breed - Darling Kate

cena 312.0 Kč

The Memory Library - Kate Storey

‘A gorgeous story full of emotion and a very special library.’ – Evie Woods, bestselling author of The Lost BookshopSome stories stay with us forever…For forty-two years, Sally Harrison has been building a library.Each year, on her daughter’s birthday, she adds a new book to her shelves – with a note in the front dedicated to her own greatest work.But Ella – Sally’s only child – fled to Australia twenty-one years ago after a heated exchange, and never looked back. And though Sally still dutifully adds a new paperback to the shelves every time the clock strikes midnight on July 11th, her hopes of her daughter ever thumbing through the pages are starting to dwindle.Then disaster strikes and Ella is forced to return to the home she once knew.She is soon to discover that when one chapter ends, another will soon follow.All you have to do is turn the page…Journey through the pages of this heartwarming novel, where hope, friendship and second chances are written in the margins. Perfect for book lovers everywhere and fans of Sally Page’s The Keeper of Stories.Praise for The Memory Library:''An absolute joy to read. Uplifting, beautiful, and perfect for any book lovers!'' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''The Memory Library delivers on its promise of hope, friendship and second chances. It''s a love letter to the written word.'' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A powerful and poignant story. There were tears shed.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I laughed out loud and had more than one glassy eye!’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A real treasure for booklovers everywhere who completely appreciate the joy, knowledge and healing that books can bring.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘There’s page after page of wonderful wisdom in this novel.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Filled with tender moments of sharing, tears, forgiveness, revelation and healing.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘What a beautiful, moving story this was! It really had me sobbing my eyes out.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Memory Library - Kate Storey

cena 295.0 Kč

The Three Dahlias - Katy Watson

''An absolute treat of a read with all the ingredients of a vintage murder mystery: a country house, mysterious dead bodies and three actresses all keen to catch the killer. Perfect weekend reading!'' Janice Hallett, author of The Appeal''Celebrates and gently satirises Golden Age crime novels in a hugely entertaining country house mystery'' The Times----------Three rival actresses team up to solve a murder at the stately home of the author who made them famous - only to discover the solution lies in the stories themselves. A contemporary mystery with a Golden Age feel, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie and Jessica Fellowes.In attendance: the VIP fans, staying at Aldermere; the fan club president turned convention organiser; the team behind the newest movie adaptation of Davenport''s books; the Davenport family themselves - and the three actresses famous for portraying Lettice''s 1930s detective, Dahlia Lively.National treasure Rosalind King, from the original movies. TV Dahlia for thirteen seasons, Caro Hooper. And ex-child star Posy Starling, fresh out of the fame wilderness (and rehab) to take on the Dahlia mantle for the new movie.Each actress has her own interpretation of the character - but this English summer weekend they will have to put aside their differences, as the crimes at Aldermere turns anything but cosy. When fictional death turns into real bodies, can the three Dahlias find the answers to the murders among the fans, the film crew, the family - or even in Lettice''s books themselves?----------PRAISE FOR THE THREE DAHLIAS''Dame Agatha would approve'' Daily Mail''The perfect holiday read'' Woman and Home''A wonderful celebration of Golden Age crime. . . a read you can sink into, just like the perfect country house weekend. You will definitely love Dahlia in all her guises by the end'' S.J. Bennett, author of The Windsor Knot''A sprightly offering. . . a pleasant summer read'' The Critic''A fun, 1930s style murder-mystery, which makes for perfect holiday reading'' Woman''s Weekly''A cosy whodunnit told with modern flair'' Yours

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cena 295.0 Kč

The Walnut Tree - Kate Morgan

''Compulsively readable'' – Times Literary Supplement''An outstanding work'' – Philippa Gregory''A powerful narrative told with frankness and sensitivity'' Helen Fry, historian and author of Women In Intelligence''A woman, a dog and a walnut tree, the more they are beaten, the better they’ll be.''So went the proverb quoted by a prominent MP in the Houses of Parliament in 1853. His words – intended ironically in a debate about a rise in attacks on women – summed up the prevailing attitude of the day, in which violence against women was waved away as a part and parcel of modern living – a chilling seam of misogyny that had polluted both parliament and the law. But were things about to change?In this vivid and essential work of historical non-fiction, Kate Morgan explores the legal campaigns, test cases and individual injustices of the Victorian and Edwardian eras which fundamentally re-shaped the status of women under British law. These are seen through the untold stories of women whose cases became cornerstones of our modern legal system and shine a light on the historical inequalities of the law.We hear of the uniquely abusive marriage which culminated in the dramatic story of the ‘Clitheroe wife abduction’; of the domestic tragedies which changed the law on domestic violence; the controversies surrounding the Contagious Diseases Act and the women who campaigned to abolish it; and the real courtroom stories behind notorious murder cases such as the ‘Camden Town Murder’.Exploring the 19th- and early 20th Century legal history that influenced the modern-day stances on issues such as domestic abuse, sexual violence and divorce, The Walnut Treelifts the lid on the shocking history of women under British law – and what it means for women today.

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cena 591.0 Kč

The Bravest Word - Kate Foster

A rescue story of love and trust between a boy and a dog from the talented author of Paws.Matt is a football superstar. He can handle anything. Except lately his chest feels empty and his head is screaming. He can’t concentrate in school or enjoy football any more, and he is so, so tired. When Matt stumbles across an abandoned dog, there’s no doubt in his mind that he has to save him.But maybe the dog isn’t the only one who needs help.

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Diamond Eye - Kate Quinn

The brand-new historical novel based on a true story from the bestselling author of The Rose Code and The Alice NetworkIn the snowbound city of Kiev, aspiring historian Mila Pavlichenko's life revolves around her young son - until Hitler's invasion of Russia changes everything. Suddenly, she and her friends must take up arms to save their country from the Fuhrer's destruction.Handed a rifle, Mila discovers a gift - and months of blood, sweat and tears turn the young woman into a deadly sniper: the most lethal hunter of Nazis.Yet success is bittersweet. Mila is torn from the battlefields of the eastern front and sent to America while the war still rages. There, she finds an unexpected ally in First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and an unexpected promise of a different future.But when an old enemy from Mila's past joins forces with a terrifying new foe, she finds herself in the deadliest duel of her life.The Diamond Eye is a haunting novel of heroism born of desperation, of a mother who became a soldier, of a woman who found her place in the world and changed the course of history forever.

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cena 299.0 Kč

The King's Witches - Kate Foster

'A masterpiece . . . I literally didn't look up from the first page to the last' – Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The AppealThe King’s Witches by Kate Foster is a compelling and beautiful historical novel that gives voices to the women at the heart of the real-life witch trials in sixteenth-century Scotland. Women whisper secrets to each other; it is how we survive.1589. Princess Anna of Denmark is betrothed to King James VI of Scotland. Before they can wed, Anna must pass the trial period: one year of marriage to prove herself worthy of being Scotland's new Queen. Determined to fulfil her duties to King and country, Anna resolves to be the perfect royal bride. Until she meets Lord Henry . . .By her side is Kirsten Sorenson, her loyal and pious lady-in-waiting. But, whilst tending to Anna's every need, Kirsten has her own secret motives for the royal marriage to succeed . . .Meanwhile, in North Berwick, young housemaid Jura practises the healing charms taught to her by her mother. When she realizes she is no longer safe, she escapes to Edinburgh, only to find herself caught up in the witchcraft mania that has gripped not just the capital, but the new queen . . .'Enthralling, compelling and at times chilling . . . An utterly timely tale' – D. V. Bishop, prize-winning author of Ritual of Fire'A beautifully written tale of love and duty, fear and courage' – Jenny Ashcroft, bestselling author of The Echoes of Love'A gripping, poignant novel that gives voices to those so often unheard in historical accounts' – Elizabeth Lee, author of Cunning Women*The Maiden was longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction on 05/03/2024

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cena 502.0 Kč

The Burning Chambers - Kate Mosse

Bringing sixteenth-century Languedoc vividly to life, Kate Mosse's number one bestselling novel The Burning Chambers is a gripping story of love, betrayal, war, adventure, conspiracies and divided loyalties.Carcassonne 1562. Nineteen-year-old Minou Joubert receives an anonymous letter at her father's bookshop. Sealed with a distinctive family crest, it contains just five words: SHE KNOWS THAT YOU LIVE.But before Minou can decipher the mysterious message, a chance encounter with a young Huguenot convert, Piet Reydon, changes her destiny forever. For Piet has a dangerous mission of his own, and he will need Minou's help if he is to get out of La Cite alive . . .A thrilling adventure and a heartbreaking love story, The Burning Chambers is a historical novel of excitement, conspiracy and danger like no other . . .

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cena 295.0 Kč

The Briar Club - Kate Quinn

The New York Times bestselling author of The Diamond Eye and The Rose Code returns with a haunting and powerful story of female friendships and secrets in a Washington, DC, boardinghouse during the McCarthy era.Washington, D.C., 1950Everyone keeps to themselves at Briarwood House, an all-female boarding house in the heart of the US capital, where secrets hide behind respectable facades.But when the mysterious Grace March moves into the attic room, she draws her oddball collection of neighbours – a poised English beauty, a policeman’s daughter, a frustrated female baseball star, and a rabidly pro-McCarthy typist – into an unlikely friendship.Grace’s weekly attic-room dinner parties and window-brewed sun tea become a healing balm on all their troubled lives, but she hides a terrible secret of her own. And when a shocking act of violence tears the house apart, the Briar Club must decide once and for all: who is the true enemy in their midst?Capturing the paranoia of the McCarthy era and evoking the changing roles for women in postwar America, The Briar Club is an intimate and thrilling novel of secrets and loyalty put to the test.''This powerful, unforgettable historical romance is for fans of Mary Anna Evans''s Justine Byrne series and stories with strong women characters'' Starred Library Journal Review''Compulsively readable, The Briar Club will find eager readers in those who love woman-led historical fiction with rich, appealing characters'' Starred Booklist Review''Blending suspense with themes of class struggle and female empowerment, this is a thrilling addition to Quinn''s repertoire’ Glamour Magazine

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cena 561.0 Kč

The Fossil Hunter - Kate Winter

Unearth the mysteries of ancient fossils and discover the life and legacy of Mary Anning in this beautifully illustrated, fact-filled book for curious young readers.Have you ever found something mysterious? Something where you had no idea what it was but you had this feeling it was important, that it held a secret?Mary Anning was a fossil hunter, scouring the cliffs and seashores of Lyme Regis for strange rocks and shells. Monstrous marine reptiles and dinosaurs had once reigned the land and seas here millions of years ago, disappearing only to leave mysterious traces for humans to puzzle over.Mary''s fossils paved the way for modern palaeontology and helped to piece together a picture of how the dinosaurs lived and evolved. Little did she know that 200 years later we would still be talking about her amazing discoveries and how she influenced our understanding of the history of the earth.Beautifully illustrated by brand-new talent Kate Winter, with stunning panoramic fold-out pages, this is a book to treasure and to read again and again, perfect for all fans of natural history and curious young explorers.''A captivating story [...] wonderfully atmospheric'' - JUNO magazine

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cena 266.0 Kč

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