The fashion shoe - desire beatty

Produkt The fashion shoe - desire beatty sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The fashion shoe - desire beatty upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Fashion Shoe - Desire Beatty


This comprehensive survey of women's fashion footwear, with more than 1,000 photos, includes every type of fashion shoe that has walked through the century, from the 1900s through the early 2000s. Along with a decade-by-decade photo timeline, with detailed information on each shoe's design and craftsmanship, every aspect of shoes is also explained. Starting with a clear explanation of the fundamentals of shoe design and the parts of the shoe, this treasure trove of info goes on to cover the great shoe designers and well-known brands, and the many cultural and societal influences and trends that shoes reflected. Special sections explore the health of the fashionable foot, the care and preservation of antique and vintage footwear, and the role of the celebrity shoe designer. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fashion Shoe - Desire Beatty , Elgato cold shoe (10aar9901 )

The Sellout (Defekt) - Paul Beatty

The Sellout (Defekt) - Paul Beatty

A biting satire about a young man's isolated upbringing and the race trial that sends him to the Supreme Court, The Sellout showcases a comic genius at the top of his game.Born in Dickens on the southern outskirts of Los Angeles, the narrator of The Sellout spent his childhood as the subject in his father's racially charged psychological studies. He is told that his father's work will lead to a memoir that will solve their financial woes. But when his father is killed in a drive-by shooting, he discovers there never was a memoir. All that's left is a bill for a drive-through funeral.What's more, Dickens has literally been wiped off the map to save California from further embarrassment. Fuelled by despair, the narrator sets out to right this wrong with the most outrageous action conceivable: reinstating slavery and segregating the local high school, which lands him in the Supreme Court.In his trademark absurdist style, which has the uncanny ability to make readers want to both laugh and cry, The Sellout is an outrageous and outrageously entertaining indictment of our time. PAUL BEATTY is the author of the novels Slumberland, Tuff, The White Boy Shuffle and The Sellout, which won the Man Booker Prize in 2016. He is also the author of two books of poetry, Big Bank Take Little Bank and Joker, Joker, Deuce, and is the editor of Hokum: An Anthology of African-American Humor. He lives in New York City. (

Podobné produkty ako The Sellout (Defekt) - Paul Beatty , Star wars the mandalorian - fashion casual - batoh (8427934473083)

Zaprodanec - Paul Beatty

Zaprodanec - Paul Beatty

Satirická tradice v americké černošské literatuře je dlouhá snad stejně jako otroctví samo. V románu Zaprodanec si nemilosrdného humoru směřujícího do řad bělochů i černochů užijeme do sytosti. Hned na prvních stránkách sedí hlavní hrdina v zasedací síni Nejvyššího soudu USA, který projednává rozsudek, jenž nad ním vynesla americká justice: vězení za pokus o obnovení otroctví a zavedení rasové segregace v jedné škole v sousedství. Kontroverzní román oceněný roku 2016 Man Bookerovou cenou. (

Podobné produkty ako Zaprodanec - Paul Beatty , Vipole nordic walking rubber shoe (8033378248998)

Kožené polobotky Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Wallabee Shoe pánské, černá barva

Kožené polobotky Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Wallabee Shoe pánské, černá barva

Polobotky z kolekce Tommy Hilfiger. Model vyroben z přírodní kůže. (

Podobné produkty ako Kožené polobotky Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Wallabee Shoe pánské, černá barva , Power air shoe - kecky černá (8595600913956)

Serafina a rozštěpené srdce - Robert Beatty


Velká a ničivá bouře se blíží… Serafině se stalo něco zvláštního. Probudila se do temnoty a světa, kterému nerozumí. Biltmorské panství se tolik změnilo, její staří přátelé dělají nemyslitelné věci a zdá se, že nepřátelé jsou všude okolo. Biltmorem prochází síla beze jména, která s sebou přináší násilné bouře, jež smetou vše, co jim stojí v cestě. A Serafina musí přijít na to, co se stalo, aby mohla zachránit nejen sebe, ale i ostatní (

Podobné produkty ako Serafina a rozštěpené srdce - Robert Beatty , Shoe slot organizér na boty (35971)

The Fashion Vlogger's Handbook - Frankie Jonesová


Sketch, doodle and vlog your way through the year with The Fashion Vlogger's Handbook. This handy pocket-sized book is divided into four sections, each dedicated to one of the four seasons of the year. You can plan seasonal colour and pattern mood boards, create LookBooks, design outfits for your favourite vloggers, create accessories, write and doodle about your favourite fashion items and much more! Each section contains planning pages filled with top tips, linked to the activities, to help you plan your very own vlogs, from fashion DIY tutorials and LookBooks to trends including 'What's In My Bag?' and 'My Morning Routine'. There are 36 vlogs to plan, with extra pages dedicated to creating four seasonal LookBooks, plus there's loads of inspiration and ideas for additional vlogs to be created.With line art by Emma Price and featuring vloggers such as Zoella, Lucy and Lydia, Jo Wee, Marcus Butler, Louis Cole, Samantha Maria, Victoria Magrath, Bethany Mota, Fleur DeForce, Niomi Smart, Patricia Bright and Miranda Sings, this handbook is the perfect partner for any aspiring fashion vlogger or fan! (

Podobné produkty ako The Fashion Vlogger's Handbook - Frankie Jonesová , Peak design shoe pouch (bsb-ch-1)

Cooper Alice: Flush The Fashion - LP (0349786075)

Cooper Alice: Flush The Fashion - LP (0349786075)

LP vinyl - Vydavatelství Rhino v rámci reediční kampaně nabízí sérii alb z osmdesátých let. V kampani Back To The 80's vycházejí na vinylu desky řady interpretů, kteří v osmé dekádě minulého století vytvořili důležitá díla své diskografie. Vydavatelství Rhino v rámci reediční kampaně nabízí sérii alb z osmdesátých let. V kampani Back To The 80's vycházejí na vinylu desky řady interpretů, kteří v osmé dekádě minulého století vytvořili důležitá díla své diskografie. Madonna, Alice Cooper, Yes, The B-52's, The Time, a-ha, Richard Hell nebo Los Lobos, těch všech se katalogová aktivita týká. K dispozici jsou i dvě kompilační desky zaměřené na hudební styly spojené s osmdesátkami. Dvanácté studiové album Alice Coopera vyšlo původně v roce 1980. Produkoval ho Roy Thomas Baker a hudebně je silněji ovlivněno new wave. Americký zpěvák, skladatel a příležitostný herec je přezdíván kmotrem shock rocku. Proslavila ho směs heavy metalové a rockové hudby, do níž vnášel prvky... (

Podobné produkty ako Cooper Alice: Flush The Fashion - LP (0349786075) , Herlitz a4 80 mm lamino- jeans shoe (50030965)

Obraz na stěnu The Emotion of Desire / Dan Johannson XOBDJ091E3

Obraz na stěnu The Emotion of Desire / Dan Johannson  XOBDJ091E3

Obraz na plátně s námětem od světoznámého umělce Dana Johannson nyní dostupný ve vysoké kvalitě a různých rozměrech. Moderní obraz do Vašeho domova, ve kterém se kombinuje umělcova vášeň, zkušenosti a úcta k tradici přenesena do moderního loft stylu. To vše v úžasných barvách a s originálním motivem inspirovaným cestovatelskými a osobními zkušenostmi. Obraz je v digitální kvalitě a na dřevěném rámu. Plátno překrývá i boční strany, čímž vytváří nepřehlédnutelný 3D efekt. Tradiční výrobek z přírodních materiálů, které dělají tento obraz oblíbeným a kvalitním výrobkem. Zhotovený technologií tisku bez zápachu. (

Podobné produkty ako Obraz na stěnu The Emotion of Desire / Dan Johannson XOBDJ091E3 , Adidas foot protection shoe refresh 150 ml (3661163928807)

Serafína a čierny plášť - Robert Beatty - e-kniha

Serafína a čierny plášť - Robert Beatty - e-kniha

eBook:,Serafína nikdy nemala dôvod neposlúchnuť svojho otca a opustiť svoj tajný úkryt v podzemí Biltmoru. Doma je stále čo objavovať, musí si však dávať pozor, aby ju nikto zo zbohatlíkov na poschodí nezbadal. Z Biltmoru sa však začnú záhadne strácať deti. Serafína spojí sily so synovcom majiteľa Biltmoru Braedenom Vanderbittom a riskujú všetko, aby odhalili vinníka. Je ním záhadný muž v čiernom plášti?Pri záchrane biltmorských detí hľadá Serafína odpovede, ktoré odhalia aj mozaiku jej minulosti... (

Podobné produkty ako Serafína a čierny plášť - Robert Beatty - e-kniha , Peak design shoe pouch - sage (bsp-sg-1)

Serafína a starcova palica - Robert Beatty - e-kniha

Serafína a starcova palica - Robert Beatty - e-kniha

eBook:,Serafína každú noc v lese navštevuje mamu a dychtivo sa učí spôsobom divošeliem. Uviazla však medzi dvoma svetmi: je pridivoká na dom plný dám v nádherných róbach a spoločenských zvykov, no priveľmi ľudská, aby sa naplno pripojila k svojmu druhu.Raz natrafí na zvláštneho, desivého neznámeho a zaútočia na ňu zlovestné vlkodavy.Záhadná séria útokov preveruje Serafíninu úlohu ochrankyne Biltmoru a vyvrcholí tragédiou, ktorá od nej odlúči najlepšieho priateľa a jediného spojenca Braedena Vanderbilta. Zlo siaha oveľa ďalej, než si predstavovala. Aby mohla Serafína odvrátiť novú hrozbu, musí sa zahĺbiť do svojho vnútra a prijať osud, ktorý ju očakáva. (

Podobné produkty ako Serafína a starcova palica - Robert Beatty - e-kniha , Devil fashion

The Fashion Through Time Colouring Book - Ann Kronheimer


The perfect gift for fashion-lovers, The Fashion Through Time Colouring Book charts the history of clothes and fashion through time.Discover the history of fashion in intricate detail from the Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks, right up through the roaring 20s and the swinging 60s to today.This informative yet fun colouring book will inspire interest in different historical periods whilst keeping kids happy and entertained. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fashion Through Time Colouring Book - Ann Kronheimer , Boll shoe sack duo dry s dutch blue (8591790105287)

Knížka The Fashion Book by Phaidon Editors, English

Knížka The Fashion Book by Phaidon Editors, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. „The Fashion Book“ vrhá nový pohled na svět módy a na lidi, kteří jej vytvořili a inspirovali. (

Podobné produkty ako Knížka The Fashion Book by Phaidon Editors, English , Singer fashion mate 3337 (singer fashion mate 3337)

The Vampire\'s Desire - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha


eBook: In the dark streets of Victorian London, Lilian moves quietly and without attracting attention, despite her slender body and haughty bearing. Behind her ash-blond hair, her gaze scans the delicious Vikran, whose matte complexion betrays his Indian origins. Torn between desire and hunger, what fate does she have in store for him? How many centuries has she been wandering these streets in search of such precious prey? Chrystelle LeRoy is a Canadian author who grew up in Montreal with a French father. From an early age, she developed a passion for animals and nature, largely due to growing up near a zoo. In recent years, she has worked as a historian in museums in both Canada and France. Her writing is often based on history, with elements of eroticism. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vampire\'s Desire - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

Dolce & Gabbana - The Fashion Album - Mariuccia Casadio, Luca Stoppini


Not merely a record of 20years of fashion and icons tied to the world of Dolce & Gabbana, but also a complete and exclusive photographic anthology and collection of articles and images that the worlds top fashion magazines have dedicated to Dolce & Gabbana. Focusing on Dolce & Gabbanas passion for fashion magazines and the styles, hallmarks and icons of contemporary fashion photography. The prolific relationship between fashion and photography is a mind-boggling burst of inspiration. The innovation and ideas of fashion design have in fact generated an extraordinary output of creativity and transformed fashion photography into one of the most seductive and influential languages of our day. This large format book full of stunning images is not merely a record of twenty years of fashion and icons tied to the world of Dolce & Gabbana, but it is also a complete and exclusive photographic anthology and collection of articles and images that the world’s top fashion magazines have dedicated to Dolce & Gabbana.This book of over four hundred pages, with the same format and all the glamour of a fashion magazine, is a compendium of the styles and creative trends of both fashion and photography and includes memorable photos by Patrick Demarchelier, Steven Klein, Peter Lindbergh, Craig McDean, Steven Meisel, Helmut Newton, Mario Sorrenti, Paolo Roversi, Juergen Teller, Mario Testino, Michael Thompson, Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin, and Ellen von Unwerth. The text by Mariuccia Casadio focuses on Dolce & Gabbana’s special passion for fashion magazines and the styles, hallmarks and icons of contemporary fashion photography.Fashion Album is a charitable project which supports Child Priority Vogue.Mariuccia Casadio is the art consultant for Vogue Italia. An art critic and curator of several exhibits, she specializes in the study of the interactions between contemporary art and fashion. She is also the author of books on fashion and writes for many international magazines. About the AuthorLuca Stoppini is the art director of Vogue Italia, L’Uomo Vogue and Casa Vogue. Mariuccia Casadio is the art consultant for Vogue Italia. An art critic and curator of several exhibits, she specializes in the study of the interactions between contemporary art and fashion. She is also the author of books on fashion and writes for many international magazines. (

Podobné produkty ako Dolce & Gabbana - The Fashion Album - Mariuccia Casadio, Luca Stoppini , Vuch dark desire wallet (8594198070034)

The World at Your Feet: Bata Shoe Museum - Elizabeth Semmelhack


The Bata Shoe Museum, the largest shoe collection in the world, celebrates fabulous footwear across the ages in beautifully curated displays, exhibiting styles from tiny Chinese bound-foot shoes to French chestnut-crushing clogs and Elton John's over-the-top silver platform boots. The collection has become a source of inspiration for designers, including Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, Nicholas Kirkwood, and Sophia Webster, among others. Many of the shoes are as relevant today as when they were created: anyone who has worn flip-flops will recognize ancient Egyptian sandals, and men's thigh-high boots from seventeenth-century France are virtually identical to those worn by women today. High-fashion styles by famed designers such as Ferragamo and Vivienne Westwood are always a draw, but one of the collection's most popular features is its celebrity footwear, including Queen Victoria's ballroom slippers, Elvis Presley's blue patent loafers, and John Lennon's Beatle boot. The 100 iconic shoes featured in the volume tell the story of humanity, revealing ways of life and entire civilizations through its shoes. (

Podobné produkty ako The World at Your Feet: Bata Shoe Museum - Elizabeth Semmelhack , Jordan kerr fashion (fj3686m4bb)

Bata Shoe Museum: A Guide to the Collection - Elizabeth Semmelhack


This handy mini-guide offers a snapshot of the museum, perfect for the visitor who has no time to linger, presenting approximately thirty of the must-see shoes and footwear-related objects from the collection. The Bata Shoe Museum contains the largest shoe collection in the world and celebrates footwear in beautifully curated displays ranging from tiny Chinese bound-foot shoes to French chestnut-crushing clogs and Elton John's silver platform boots. The vast collection has become a wonderful source of inspiration for designers around the world, including Manolo Blahnik, whose exhibition was on view at the museum in 2018. Regardless of age, the shoes are as remarkably relevant today as they were when they were created: anyone who has worn a flip-flop will be familiar with the ancient Egyptian sandals and the pair of thigh-high men's boots from 17th-century France are virtually identical to those worn by women today. Among the museum's most popular features is an extensive assortment of celebrity footwear, including Queen Victoria's ballroom slippers, Robert Redford's cowboy boots, Elton John's monogrammed silver platform boots, Elvis Presley's blue patent loafers, Karen Kain's ballet shoes, John Lennon's Beatle boot, and a pair of Diana Vreeland's shoes, a recent addition to the collection. (

Podobné produkty ako Bata Shoe Museum: A Guide to the Collection - Elizabeth Semmelhack , Vak na záda fashion (5903162089188)

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE (1471146723)

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE (1471146723)

Kniha - 386 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In 1962, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father and created a company with a simple mission: import high-quality, low-cost athletic shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the boot of his Plymouth, Knight grossed $8000 in his first year. Today, Nike's annual sales top $30 billion. In an age of start-ups, Nike is the ne plus ultra of all start-ups, and the swoosh has become a revolutionary, globe-spanning icon, one of the most ubiquitous and recognisable symbols in the world today. But Knight, the man behind the swoosh, has always remained a mystery. Now, for the first time, he tells his story. Candid, humble, wry and gutsy, he begins with his crossroads moment when at 24 he decided to start his own business. He details the many risks and daunting setbacks that stood between him and his dream - along with his early triumphs. Above all, he recalls how his first band of... (

Podobné produkty ako Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE (1471146723) , Gedi ladies’ fashion js8890 (9120077177472)

The Men's Fashion Book - Jacob Gallagher


The first-ever authoritative A–Z celebration of the 500 greatest names in men’s fashion – an unprecedented guide to 200 years of men’s style through the work of designers, brands, photographers, icons, models, retailers, tailors, and stylists around the globe The Men's Fashion Book is an unparalleled A–Z deep-dive into the people and brands that have produced and inspired the most memorable looks in menswear – and are advancing today’s renaissance in men’s clothing and style. Created in collaboration with Jacob Gallagher, men’s fashion editor at Off Duty for the Wall Street Journal, this stunning book with its striking cover design and red and black marker ribbons, documents more than two centuries of men’s fashion, bringing its history to life through iconic, inspirational images, from traditional suits to streetwear, and beyond. Inside this ground-breaking book you’ll find approximately 130 designers, 100 brands, 70 icons, 40 photographers, 40 footwear and accessory designers, 30 retailers, 25 stylists, editors, and writers, 20 tailors, 15 publications, 15 models, and 10 illustrators, as well as art directors, influencers, milliners, and textile designers. Arranged alphabetically, the 500 entries spotlight living legends such as Giorgio Armani and Paul Smith alongside today’s most innovative creatives, including Ozwald Boateng, Alessandro Michele, Kim Jones, and Virgil Abloh, and cutting-edge brands such as Bode, Sacai, and Supreme. Following in the footsteps of Phaidon’s globally acclaimed and bestselling The Fashion Book, this is the most comprehensive guide to the men’s fashion world ever published. (

Podobné produkty ako The Men's Fashion Book - Jacob Gallagher , Gedi ladies’ fashion js2118 (9120077176963)

Appearance Stripped Bare: Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even - Gioni


The first book to explore two of the biggest names in modern and contemporary art side by side, Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons In the first half of the 20th century, Marcel Duchamp redefined what we consider art and what it means to be an artist. Many of his ideas return, transformed, in the work of Jeff Koons, born when Duchamp was 68 years old and whose own career lit up the art world of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This is the first book to explore the affinities between these two highly influential artists, whose creative universes similarly question the function of objects and the allure of commodities. International art historians, writers, and curators contribute their expertise on topics such as each artist's persona, as well as reflecting on the influence of technology and sexuality on their work. The publication of this intriguing book coincides with an exhibition at the Museo Jumex in Mexico City, opening in May 2019. (

Podobné produkty ako Appearance Stripped Bare: Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even - Gioni , Gedi ladies’ fashion js981210s (9120077177892)

Makeup Revolution Ultimate Desire paletka očních stínů odstín Into The Bronze 8,1 g

Makeup Revolution Ultimate Desire paletka očních stínů odstín Into The Bronze 8,1 g

Makeup Revolution Ultimate Desire, 8,1 g, Oční stíny pro ženy, Paletka pro líčení očí Makeup Revolution Ultimate Desire vám otevře možnosti vytváření těch nejúžasnějších variací očního make-upu. Vlastnosti: pigmentace je velmi intenzivní třpytivý i matný efekt zvýrazňuje oči pro denní i večerní líčení Složení: barevné pigmenty – vytváří dlouhotrvající sytou barvu stínů veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte stíny na oční víčka štětečkem, pěnovým aplikátorem nebo bříšky prstů. (

Podobné produkty ako Makeup Revolution Ultimate Desire paletka očních stínů odstín Into The Bronze 8,1 g , Gedi ladies’ fashion js2132 (9120077176970)

The Little Book of Hermes: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová


The iconic bags, the instantly recognizable packaging, the celebrity fans – Hèrmes is the last word in luxurious accessories. Through the generations, Hermès have created innovative and exquisite accessories for the most glamorous customers. From their nineteenth-century saddlery workshop to 1960s Paris and beyond, Hermès has graced the arms and wardrobes of style icons from Grace Kelly and Jane Birkin to Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian. Little Book of Hermès tells the story of the evolution of the House of Hermès, through beautiful illustrations of the most coveted items and authoritative text by fashion historian Karen Homer. (

Podobné produkty ako The Little Book of Hermes: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová , Fischer alpine fashion (22ta-z03822)

Little Book of Tokyo Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Emmanuelle Dirix


'If you go to Tokyo, I think it becomes very obvious that there's this almost seamless mixture of popular culture and Japanese traditional culture.' - Kazuo IshiguroFrom the youthful maximalism of Harajuku to the luxurious sophistication of Ginza, Tokyo is the city of a thousand styles. With diverse and unique subcultures like the kitsch Sweet Lolitas, the dark and dramatic goths and punks, the retro rockbillys and the elegant and traditional Wa Lolitas, Tokyo is home to an explosion of fashion like no other. This instalment of the beautiful Little Books of City Style series will look at the style evolution of this incredible capital, providing an exquisitely illustrated guide to dressing like a true Tokyoite. (

Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Tokyo Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Emmanuelle Dirix , Rapid fashion hd70 černá (21281406)

Box na kapesníky Beatty bílá, 25 x 13,5 x 9 cm

Box na kapesníky Beatty bílá, 25 x 13,5 x 9 cm

Nenechávejte kapesníky jen tak volně ležet a pořiďte jim slušivý obal. Tento vypadá, jako kdyby byl z dřevěných prken. Je minimalistický a hodí se do jakéhokoli interiéru. Dovozce: 4home, a.s. (

Podobné produkty ako Box na kapesníky Beatty bílá, 25 x 13,5 x 9 cm , Singer fashion mate 2263 (136074)

The Doctor and I - 9 stories about forbidden desire - B. J. Hermansson - e-kniha


eBook: Liz works as a medical secretary at a clinic. She is both attracted to and fascinated by the striking and confident doctor. During the days, Liz listens to his voice and transcribes his dictations. Meanwhile, she fantasizes about everything she wants him to do to her. The doctor becomes like a drug to Liz. He calls her to his office after she has made several mistakes in the medical records. She finally sees her chance and decides to seduce him – for real this time. (

Podobné produkty ako The Doctor and I - 9 stories about forbidden desire - B. J. Hermansson - e-kniha , L.o.l. surprise! fashion stage (0050743651885)

Makeup Revolution London Ultimate Desire 8,1 g oční stín pro ženy Into The Bronze

Makeup Revolution London Ultimate Desire 8,1 g oční stín pro ženy Into The Bronze

Makeup Revolution London Ultimate Desire Oční stín pro ženy 8,1 g Odstín Into The Bronze (

Podobné produkty ako Makeup Revolution London Ultimate Desire 8,1 g oční stín pro ženy Into The Bronze , Gedi ladies’ fashion js981236 (9120077177885)

Little Book of New York Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Kristen Bateman


From Carrie Bradshaw to Grace Jones, and from Nicki Minaj to Blair Waldorf, New York is the fashion 'it girl' capital of the world.Home of both laid-back street style and the luxury of the MET Gala, New York has earned its reputation as one of the most stylish capitals in the world. From the eclectic looks of Brooklyn to chic Manhattan elegance, it is a city that hums with style. This instalment of the beautiful Little Books of City Style series will explore the fashion history of the city that never sleeps, providing an exquisitely illustrated guide to dressing like a Native New Yorker. (

Podobné produkty ako Little Book of New York Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Kristen Bateman , Friends - fashion casual - batoh (2100003289)

Star Wars The Mandalorian - Fashion Casual - batoh (8427934473083)

Star Wars The Mandalorian - Fashion Casual - batoh (8427934473083)

Batoh , rozměry: 47 × 31 × 24 cm, unisex provedení Ať se vydáte kamkoli, batoh Star Wars The Mandalorian - Fashion Casual - batoh vám bude tím nejlepším pomocníkem. Bezesporu zaujme opravdu originálním vzhledem i důrazem na běžnou funkčnost a příjemné užívání. Spadá do kategorie unisex. Co do rozměrů, má batoh Cerdá Group 47 × 31 × 24 cm. Klíčové funkce batohu Star Wars The Mandalorian - Fashion Casual - batoh Batoh Cerdá Group vám padne jako ulitý Praktické unisex provedení Rozměry jsou 47 × 31 × 24 cm (

Podobné produkty ako Star Wars The Mandalorian - Fashion Casual - batoh (8427934473083) , Pj harvey: this desire? - demos - cd (0898537)

Adults only: The Price of Desire and 9 other erotic stories - Camille Bech - e-kniha


eBook: Johanne has always been attracted to men, so when she meets a beautiful, young girl, Maliwan, at a party, she tries to pair the girl up with her friend, Jesper. It turns out, though, that Maliwan likes girls, and she has targeted Johanne as her prey of the evening... (

Podobné produkty ako Adults only: The Price of Desire and 9 other erotic stories - Camille Bech - e-kniha , Lena cosmetics lubrikační gel desire 150ml (8595682905825)

NEONAIL The Muse In You gelový lak na nehty odstín Desire To Inspire 7,2 ml

NEONAIL The Muse In You gelový lak na nehty odstín Desire To Inspire 7,2 ml

NEONAIL The Muse In You, 7,2 ml, Laky na nehty pro ženy, Nádherná manikúra jako po návštěvě nehtového studia? Lak na nehty NEONAIL The Muse In You umožňuje vytvořit si ji v pohodlí vlastního domova. Pokrývá povrch nehtů souvislou vrstvou dlouhotrvající intenzivní barvy s lesklým finišem, a pomáhá tak dodat nehtům pěstěný, dokonale upravený vzhled. Můžete s jeho pomocí jednoduše zvýraznit své nehty a nebo třeba podtrhnout styl vašeho outfitu. Tak která barva se zaleskne na vašich nehtech? Vlastnosti: zářivá a sytá barva zajišťuje vysoký lesk má dlouhotrvající výdrž pro zaschnutí je nutné využít LED lampu (

Podobné produkty ako NEONAIL The Muse In You gelový lak na nehty odstín Desire To Inspire 7,2 ml , Dunhill desire blue edt 100 ml (85715801555)

Little Book of Valentino: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová


To have a colour named after you is one of the highest accolades in fashion. Valentino Garavani is one such icon. Since the founding of the House of Valentino in 1950s Rome, Garavani has been celebrated for the desirability of his designs. His stunning gowns in his signature Valentino Red have been sought after by the jet set for over half a century, and still signify the very epitome of red carpet glamour. Little Book of Valentino tells the story of this most elegant of brands. Beginning with Garavani's initiation into the world of haute couture in 1950s Paris, progressing through the glittering social scene of 1970s New York and Valentino's domination of Hollywood from the 1980s to the present day, images of every dazzling era are beautifully reproduced alongside text exploring the significance of each stunning piece. (

Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Valentino: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová , Revolution desert desire forever flawless palette (5057566581929)

Little Book of Givenchy: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová


"It's a fabulous thing to give life to fabric, to make something move well, the harmony of colour" - Hubert de Givenchy Ever since Audrey Hepburn stood outside Tiffany's, croissant in hand, Givenchy has been the last word in elegant couture. The clean, sweeping lines and classic, feminine silhouettes have enthralled women from the Duchess of Sussex to Kendall Jenner, all of whom adore the romanticism and sophistication of a Givenchy ensemble. More sculptor than designer, Hubert de Givenchy created a house that is utterly timeless. This exquisitely illustrated volume explores the story behind the brand, from its creation in 1952 to its current leadership and designs. Through a carefully curated collection of finished designs, close-up details and key moments, this book shines a light on the dazzling world of Givenchy. (

Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Givenchy: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

Little Book of Balmain: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová


"Good fashion is evolution, not revolution" – Pierre Balmain One of the original big Parisian couture houses, alongside the likes of Dior and Chanel, Pierre Balmain reigned supreme over the 1950s fashion world with his spectacular and intricate evening wear. Now, in the twenty-first century, Balmain's ultra-modern look – still with the spirit of Pierre – is worn by the likes of Beyoncé, Kristen Stewart, Kate Moss and Kendall Jenner. Heavily embellished, dazzling detail meets futuristic silhouettes for an instantly recognisable look.Known for their strong social media presence driven by their "Balmain army" of fans, Balmain holds a unique position among the top couture houses today (

Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Balmain: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

Fashion History from the 18th to the 20th Century - Kyoto Costume Institute (KCI)


Take an trip through three centuries of trend. In this spectacular collection from the Kyoto Costume Institute, one of the world’s most extensive clothing collections, the smartest minds and sharpest eyes in fashion studies walk us through the outer- and underwear, shoes, and accessories that have defined people around the world. Clothes define people. A person’s attire, whether it’s a sari, kimono, or business suit, is an essential code to his or her culture, class, personality, even faith. Founded in 1978, the Kyoto Costume Institute recognizes the importance of understanding clothes from sociological, historical, and artistic perspectives. With one of the world’s most extensive clothing collections, the KCI has amassed a wide range of historical garments, underwear, shoes, and fashion accessories dating from the 18th century to the present day. Showcasing the Institute’s vast collection, Fashion History is a fascinating excursion through clothing trends from the 18th to the 20th century. Featuring impeccable photography of clothing expertly displayed and arranged on custom-made mannequins, it is a testimony to attire as “an essential manifestation of our very being” and to the Institute’s passion for fashion as a complex and intricate art form. The authors include some of the smartest minds and sharpest eyes in fashion studies: Akiko Fukai (Director and Curator Emeritus of the Kyoto Costume Institute), Tamami Suoh (Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute), Miki Iwagami (Lecturer of fashion history at Bunka Gakuen University, Tokyo), Reiko Koga (former professor of fashion history at Bunka Gakuen University, Tokyo), and Rie Nii (Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute). The Kyoto Costume Institute (KCI) collects and preserves outstanding examples of fashion through the centuries. It is one of the leading centers of fashion research, sharing its findings in both exhibitions and publications. (

Podobné produkty ako Fashion History from the 18th to the 20th Century - Kyoto Costume Institute (KCI)

Little Book of Louis Vuitton: The Story of the Iconic Fashion House - Karen Homerová


Little Book of Louis Vuitton is the pocket-sized and fully illustrated story of one of the world's most luxurious fashion houses.Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.Detailing the global expansion of Louis Vuitton in the 1980s, the creation of the powerful fashion conglomerate LVMH, and the appointment in 1997 of Marc Jacobs, this is the story of a transformation from luggage company to high-fashion label. Louis Vuitton's continued evolution under the creative direction of Nicolas Ghesquiere and Virgil Abloh is also depicted through fabulous images and captivating text. (

Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Louis Vuitton: The Story of the Iconic Fashion House - Karen Homerová

The Incomplete: Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture


Street fashion and urban culture have come a long way from humble beginnings in the ‘90s. From disparate local scenes in Japan, Europe, and the US, the youth-driven movements of hip-hop, punk, and skateboarding have finally infiltrated high fashion. Brands are now eager to collaborate with the icons of music and art who are leading this creative crossover. Customers will stand in line for hours to be the first to own exclusive pieces designed by the likes of Pharrell Williams, Kanye West, and Tom Sachs. Based in New York, Berlin, and Tokyo, lifestyle publication Highsnobiety is at the forefront of this global phenomenon. The Incomplete immortalizes the stories of brands ranging from Supreme to COMME des GARÇONS. Alongside the most influential designers and tastemakers, Higsnobiety highlights the pieces and brands in men’s fashion which have stood the test of time. (

Podobné produkty ako The Incomplete: Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture

Missoni: The Great Italian Fashion - Massimiliano Capella, Luca Missoni


Written by Massimiliano Capella, Edited by Luca Missoni, Introduction by Mario Boselli, Contribution by The Missoni Archive A celebration of the unmistakable Missoni style, whose innovative approach mixes bold color, pattern, and material with an extraordinary sense of balance and elegance. This is the first fully comprehensive book about Missoni, created with full access to the archives and with the support of the Missoni family. Lavishly designed, it features reproductions of Missoni patterns printed on special material and stitched into the binding between signatures along with other special features. This volume was conceived as a design object, in which images, texts, original fabrics, drawings, color palettes, and fashion patterns speak to one another. Missoni celebrates an elegance that has become an artistic expression as well as something of a cultural and fashion revolution since the early 1950s, when Rosita and Ottavio Missoni began their creative journey into fashion and art, with a talent for experimentation that never betrayed the spirit of their origins in the decades to come.Divided into thematic sections, each is introduced by an essay including quotes by the Missonis themselves, highlighting the artistic decisions that contributed to the success and recognizability of their fashion house. With previously unpublished material from both the family and the company archives, this volume is a look into the creative and artistic world of Missoni. (

Podobné produkty ako Missoni: The Great Italian Fashion - Massimiliano Capella, Luca Missoni

Knížka The Men’s Fashion Book by Phaidon Editors, English

Knížka The Men’s Fashion Book by Phaidon Editors, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Nejobsáhlejší průvodce světem pánské módy, jaký byl kdy vydán. (

Podobné produkty ako Knížka The Men’s Fashion Book by Phaidon Editors, English

Great Fashion Designs of the Sixties Paper Dolls - Tom Tierney


In his latest paper doll tribute to high fashion of past decades, artist Tom Tierney spotlights the bold colors, miniskirts, and offbeat accessories that typified haute couture of the 1960s. Included are stunning creations by a new wave of young designers who exalted youth and promoted the "little girl look" while catering, for the first time in fashion history, to the tastes of working-class consumers. Extensively researched and painstakingly rendered, this dramatic full-color collection includes two dolls, each with 15 additional costumes, among them such innovative items as a spectacular Saint-Laurent see-through dress (strategically embellished with bands of beads); Courréges' innovative pantsuit of navy jersey; an evening dress of gilded plastic rectangles joined by metal links, created by Paco Rabanne; Mary Quant's wool minidress, with an industrial zipper down the font; a Bill Blass above-the-knee-length wedding dress of white silk crepe trimmed with snow-rose scallops, and Rudi Gernreich's ankle-length, free-swinging print dress. Additional outfits by such veterans of haute couture as Nina Ricci, Balmain, Givenchy, Patou, Chanel, and others complete this full-color fashion extravaganza. A fact-filled introduction provides historical background to the sixties fashion scene, and captions briefly describe each costume. (

Podobné produkty ako Great Fashion Designs of the Sixties Paper Dolls - Tom Tierney

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Slim tenká matující rtěnka s koženým efektem odstín 33 Orange Desire 2,2 g

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Slim tenká matující rtěnka s koženým efektem odstín 33 Orange Desire 2,2 g

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Slim, 2,2 g, Rtěnky pro ženy, Rtěnka Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Slim krásně zvýrazní vaše rty a perfektně podtrhne denní i večerní líčení. Vlastnosti: rty vypadají plně a zdravě dlouhotrvající výdrž vysoká pigmentace matný efekt opticky zvětšuje rty snadno se nanáší Jak používat: Naneste na rty barevnou vrstvu pomocí aplikátoru. (

Podobné produkty ako Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture The Slim tenká matující rtěnka s koženým efektem odstín 33 Orange Desire 2,2 g

Icons of Style - Taylor Swift: The story of a fashion icon - Glenys Johnson


Global icon. Songwriting sensation. Fashion phenomenon.Welcome to the Taylor-verse. Through stunning photographs that explore key outfits from her style evolution alongside expert analysis, Icons of Style pays homage to the artist whose every outfit tells a tale. From country boots to bejewelled body suits, explore the wardrobe of the girl-next-door-turned-superstar, who connects with fans the world over with her ever-evolving attire, eye-catching looks and signature pieces.Taylor's relatability, integrity and sartorial storytelling mean this fearless fashion queen will never go out of style. (

Podobné produkty ako Icons of Style - Taylor Swift: The story of a fashion icon - Glenys Johnson

Vuch Dark Desire


Nadčasová a elegantní peněženka Dark Desire vás okouzlí svým stylovým designem s puntíky uvnitř i zvenčí a vejde se do každé kabelky i batůžku. Díky extra velkému množství přihrádek na karty budete mít doklady, věrnostní i platební kartičky či poukázky přehledně uspořádané vždy tam, kde je chcete mít při ruce. Chybět vám nebude ani klasická výbava – kapsa na mince na zip, 2 oddíly na bankovky či praktické okénko na fotografii či jízdenku. kapsa na mince uzavíratelná zipem průhledná přihrádka na fotku 2 prostorné kapsy na bankovky 12 přihrádek na karty a průkazy zapínání na cvoček detaily – zip, druk i logo ve zlaté barvě kartička Vuch pro usnadnění identifikace v případě ztráty peněženky baleno v dárkovém balení Vuch Dots collection – jedinečná kolekce veselých a hravých peněženek s motivem barevných puntíků, do které se na první pohled zamilují všechny „puntičkářky“, tedy milovnice puntíčků. (

Podobné produkty ako Vuch Dark Desire

DUNHILL Desire Silver EdT

DUNHILL Desire Silver EdT

Toaletní voda - pro muže, dřevitá hlavní vůně, vedlejší vůně dřevitá, vonná složka amber, bergamot, fialka, lotos, mandarinka, pomeranč a vetiver, anglické výroby Pánská toaletní voda DUNHILL Desire Silver EdT s rozprašovačem o objemu 50 ml zaujme osvěžující dřevitou vůní. Nechte se okouzlit netradiční kompozicí bergamotu, citrusů a svěžích tónů společně s pronikavým kardamomem, fialkou a vodními tóny, kterou doplňuje základ z ambry, břízy a vetiveru. Svěží dřevitá toaletní voda je vhodná pro skutečné gentlemany, kteří se chtějí prezentovat mužnou a přes to elegantní vůní. Dunhill Desire působí charismaticky a energicky, hodí se pro každodenní použití. Klíčové vlastnosti toaletní vody DUNHILL DESIRE SILVER EdT 50 mlPánská toaletní voda o objemu 50 mlPřekrásná dřevitá vůněSmyslná směs ingrediencí v čele s bergamotem a pepřemHodí se pro opravdové elegányToaletní voda DUNHILL DESIRE SILVER má elegantní stříbrný flakónHlava: bergamot, citrusy,... (

Podobné produkty ako DUNHILL Desire Silver EdT

Knížka home & lifestyle What the Band Wore: Fashion & Music by Alice Harris, Christian John Wikane, English

Knížka home & lifestyle What the Band Wore: Fashion & Music by Alice Harris, Christian John Wikane, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Nádherná a nezapomenutelná kompilace módy a hudby na jednom místě. (

Podobné produkty ako Knížka home & lifestyle What the Band Wore: Fashion & Music by Alice Harris, Christian John Wikane, English

Doppler Fiber Magic Desire Navy

Doppler Fiber Magic Desire Navy

Dámský deštník Fiber Magic Desire s kompaktními rozměry, velkou stříškou a stylovým nadčasovým potiskem bude věrným společníkem do nepohody. Konstrukce vyrobená z odlehčeného sklolaminátu, hliníku a oceli je odolná vůči větru i korozi. Při otočení deštníku lze ramena překlopit zpět do původní polohy bez známek poškození. Automatický mechanismus se postará o rychlé otevírání a zavírání. Součástí výrobku je ochranné pouzdro ve stejném designu. odolná kostra ze sklolaminátu, hliníku a oceli kvalitní potah z nesrážlivého 100% polyesteru plně automatické otevírání/zavírání větruodolná konstrukce – testována v aerodynamickém tunelu při rychlosti větru až 100 km/h délka složeného deštníku: 28 cm průměr střechy: 98 cm počet ramen: 8 délka ramen: 54 cm prodloužená záruka 3 roky Upozornění: Plně automatický deštník otevírejte a zavírejte pouze stisknutím tlačítka, jinak hrozí poškození mechanismu. (

Podobné produkty ako Doppler Fiber Magic Desire Navy

Orion Adventní kalendář Christmas Desire

Orion Adventní kalendář Christmas Desire

Orion Adventní kalendář Christmas Desire Adventní kalendář s 24 erotickými hračkami pro vzrušující vánoční období. Dopřejte si čas na sebe a partnera a užijte si předvánoční čas plný erotiky. (

Podobné produkty ako Orion Adventní kalendář Christmas Desire

Toaletní voda Dunhill - Desire , 100ml

Toaletní voda Dunhill - Desire , 100ml

Hlavabergamot,citron,jablko,neroliSrdcepačuli,růže,týkové dřevoZákladpižmo,vanilka (

Podobné produkty ako Toaletní voda Dunhill - Desire , 100ml

VUCH Dark Desire Wallet (8594198070034)

VUCH Dark Desire Wallet (8594198070034)

Peněženka - dámská, z umělé kůže, s kapsou na mince a bankovky, s průhlednou částí pro průkazy, s přihrádkou na karty a doklady, pro 12 karet, zapínání na patenty, každodenní využití, černá barva, rozměry 9 × 19,5 × 2,5 cm (V׊×D) Peněženka nemusí sloužit jen k praktickým účelům, může být také ikonickým doplňkem pro váš vzhled. Nároky každodenního používání ustojí peněženka VUCH. Váš zájem vzbudí její černá barva, když si ji ale prohlédnete pozorněji, zalíbí se vám i její kvalitní materiál. K její výrobě se používá umělá kůže. Zaujme vás velmi kvalitní imitace pravé kůže, a navíc také cenová dostupnost. Dámská peněženka VUCH má vkusný a účelný design, který z ní dělá ideální doplněk. Hlavní přednosti peněženky VUCH Dark Desire Wallet Každý den využijete peněženku VUCH Hned vám učaruje její černá barva K její výrobě zvolil výrobce kvalitní materiál, jakým je umělá kůže Zapínání je řešeno na patenty Vnitřní prostor tvoří kapsa na mince, kapsa na bankovky,... (

Podobné produkty ako VUCH Dark Desire Wallet (8594198070034)

Vuch černá peněženka Dark Desire

Vuch černá peněženka Dark Desire

Elegance, hravost i praktičnost v jednom. Uzavíratelná kapsa na zip na mince Přihrádka na fotku Velká prostorná kapsa na bankovky Zapínání na cvok Umělá kůže 195 x 90 x 25 mm (

Podobné produkty ako Vuch černá peněženka Dark Desire

A Streetcar Named Desire (0141190272)

A Streetcar Named Desire (0141190272)

Kniha - autor Tennessee Williams, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire, fading southern belle Blanche Dubois depends on the kindness of strangers and is adrift in the modern world. When she arrives to stay with her sister Stella in a crowded, boisterous corner of New Orleans, her delusions of grandeur bring her into conflict with Stella's crude, brutish husband Stanley. Eventually their violent collision course causes Blanche's fragile sense of identity to crumble, threatening to destroy her sanity and her one chance of happiness. (

Podobné produkty ako A Streetcar Named Desire (0141190272)

Kusový Desiré 103326 Blau (FSkob1298nad)

Kusový Desiré 103326 Blau (FSkob1298nad)

Koberec - kusový, tvar obdélníkový, výška vlasu 35 mm, materiál polypropylen, modrá barva Pokud přemýšlíte nad nákupem koberce, který navodí v pokoji příjemnou atmosféru, zvolte koberec Mint Rugs - Hanse Home koberce. Jde o kusový typ, který svým designem i tvarem ozdobí každý prostor. Kusový koberec je ideální například pod konferenční stolek a stane se z něj originální doplněk. Jeho obdélníkový tvar výborně zútulní celý prostor. Zatímco jeho modrá barva nabízí vkusnou eleganci, použité materiály zase dlouhou životnost, díky čemuž bude zdobit váš prostor po dlouhá léta. Ke zhotovení tohoto produktu byl použitý kvalitní materiál, jako je polypropylen. Koberec Mint Rugs - Hanse Home koberce má kvalitní zpracování, které je vhodné pro vnitřní použití. Je vyroben pomocí tuftování. Principem je spojení tradiční ruční i moderní strojní technologie, díky níž bude koberec vysoce odolný. Šířka koberce Mint Rugs - Hanse Home koberce činí 80 cm, přičemž výška vlasu... (

Podobné produkty ako Kusový Desiré 103326 Blau (FSkob1298nad)
Elgato Cold Shoe (10AAR9901 ), Star Wars The Mandalorian - Fashion Casual - batoh (8427934473083), Vipole Nordic Walking Rubber Shoe (8033378248998), Power Air Shoe - Kecky černá (8595600913956), Shoe Slot organizér na boty (35971), Peak Design Shoe Pouch (BSB-CH-1), HERLITZ A4 80 mm lamino- Jeans Shoe (50030965), ADIDAS Foot Protection Shoe Refresh 150 ml (3661163928807), Peak Design Shoe Pouch - Sage (BSP-SG-1), devil fashion, Boll Shoe Sack Duo Dry S Dutch Blue (8591790105287), SINGER Fashion Mate 3337 (SINGER Fashion Mate 3337), VUCH Dark Desire Wallet (8594198070034), JORDAN KERR Fashion (FJ3686M4BB), Vak na záda Fashion (5903162089188), GEDI LADIES’ FASHION JS8890 (9120077177472), GEDI LADIES’ FASHION JS2118 (9120077176963), GEDI LADIES’ FASHION JS981210S (9120077177892), GEDI LADIES’ FASHION JS2132 (9120077176970), Fischer Alpine Fashion (22TA-Z03822), RAPID Fashion HD70 černá (21281406), Singer Fashion Mate 2263 (136074), L.O.L. Surprise! Fashion Stage (0050743651885), GEDI LADIES’ FASHION JS981236 (9120077177885), Friends - Fashion Casual - batoh (2100003289), PJ Harvey: This Desire? - Demos - CD (0898537), LENA COSMETICS LUBRIKAČNÍ GEL DESIRE 150ML (8595682905825), DUNHILL Desire Blue EdT 100 ml (85715801555), REVOLUTION Desert Desire Forever Flawless Palette (5057566581929)