The emperor of evening stars - laura thalassa

Produkt The emperor of evening stars - laura thalassa sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The emperor of evening stars - laura thalassa upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Emperor of Evening Stars - Laura Thalassa


Prequel to the darkly hypnotic Bargainer series!In the beginning, there was darkness.Before he met Callie, before he became the Bargainer, there was Desmond Flynn, the bastard son of a scribe. A boy born to a weak mother, cursed with little magic, and destined to marry a slave.But fate had something else in mind.Till darkness dies.From the barren caves of Arestys to the palace of Somnia to the streets of earth, this is how Desmond Flynn, a fairy who began with nothing, became the Emperor of Evening Stars. (

Podobné produkty ako The Emperor of Evening Stars - Laura Thalassa , Emperor: wrath of the tyrant (red vinyl) - lp (0899570)

Death (The Four Horsemen 4) - Laura Thalassa


They came to earth-Pestilence, War, Famine, Death-four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.The day Death comes to Lazarus Gaumond's town and kills everyone in one fell swoop, the last thing he expects to see is one woman left alive and standing. But Lazarus has an extraordinary gift: she cannot be killed. Not by humans, not by the elements, not by Death himself.She is the one soul Death doesn't recognize. The one soul he cannot pry free from her flesh. Nor can he ignore the unsettling desire he has for her.And the longer she tries to stop him from his killing spree, the stronger the desire becomes. When Lazarus crosses paths with the three other horsemen, an unthinkable situation leads to a terrible deal: seduce Death, save the world. A hopeless task, made worse by the bad blood between the two.But try as she might, Lazarus cannot stay away from that ancient, beautiful being and his dark embrace. The end is here. Humankind is set to perish, and not even the other horsemen can stop Death from fulfilling his final task.Only Lazarus can. (

Podobné produkty ako Death (The Four Horsemen 4) - Laura Thalassa , Ashleigh & burwood velká katalytická lampa emperor of mars (ab_pfl354)

Famine (The Four Horsemen 3) - Laura Thalassa


They came to earth-Pestilence, War, Famine, Death-four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.Ana da Silva always assumed she'd die young, but she never expected it to be at the hands of the haunting immortal who spared her life years ago. Famine. But if the horseman remembers her, he must not care, for when she comes face to face with him for the second time in her life, she's stabbed and left for dead.Only, she doesn't quite die. If there's one thing Famine is good at, it's cruelty. He can't forget the pain humanity has brought him, and he's ready to bring it back to them tenfold.But when Ana, a ghost from his past, corners him for what he did to her, she and her empty threats captivate him, and he decides to keep her around. In spite of themselves, Ana and Famine are drawn to each other. But at the end of the day, the two are enemies.Nothing changes that. Not one kind act, not two. And definitely not a few steamy nights.But enemies or reluctant lovers, if they don't stop themselves soon, heaven will. (

Podobné produkty ako Famine (The Four Horsemen 3) - Laura Thalassa , Cranberries: stars (the best of 1992-2002) (2x lp) - lp (5393229)

The Emperor of All Maladies (0007250924)

The Emperor of All Maladies (0007250924)

Kniha - autor Siddhartha Mukherjee, 400 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Siddhartha Mukherjee, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "Paperback edition of the history of cancer, from its first documented appearances thousands of years ago through the epic battles to cure, control and conquer it, to a radical new understanding of its essence. 'The notion of 'popular science' doesn't come close to describing this achievement. It is literature.' "Observer"" (

Podobné produkty ako The Emperor of All Maladies (0007250924) , Emperor: anthems to the welkin at dusk - lp (3500103)

Rapsodie - Laura Thalassa


ZA CO BYSTE BYLI OCHOTNÍ PRODAT VLASTNÍ DUŠI?Callypso je siréna, jejíž život se právě obrátil naruby. Sedm let nosila na ruce náramek s více než tři sta korálky. Na první pohled obyčejný šperk, jenže každý z těch korálků představoval magickou směnku – dluh Handlíři, vílímu králi.Handlíř má pověst nelítostného vyjednavače, který dokáže splnit jakékoli přání – za přiměřenou cenu. A dluhy neodpouští. Po Callypso za své laskavosti nikdy nic na oplátku nechtěl. Až teď. Do jejího života se ale nevrátil jen proto, aby obnovil jejich dávný vztah. V Jinosvětě, který existuje paralelně s tím naším, se děje něco podivného. Vílí bojovníci mizí a vracejí se jen ženy – ve skleněných rakvích, s kojenci na hrudích. A mezi otroky se šíří zvěsti o probouzejícím se zlu.Pokud má Handlíř svůj lid zachránit, musí požádat o pomoc sirénu, které před lety zlomil srdce. Jenže jeho nepřítel má naneštěstí v oblibě jedinečné tvory. A Callypso patří k těm nejvzácnějším… (

Podobné produkty ako Rapsodie - Laura Thalassa , Lukas nelson & promise of the real: a few stars apart - cd (7223696)

Bespelled - Laura Thalassa


From bestselling indie author Laura Thalassa comes the next in a dark fantasy romance spin-off of her smash-hit Bargainer series. No one told witch Selene Bowers having a soul mate would be so difficult. Nor did they warn her that he might be a vengeful, ancient sorcerer who would frame her for murder, force her to remember a past life he swears she lived, and then coerce her into an unbreakable marriage pact. But that’s exactly what happens the night of the Samhain Ball, when Selene finds herself in a jail cell.After waking from enchanted sleep, Memnon swore to find out why Selene betrayed him long ago. But when his soul mate’s memories return, the truth reveals something else entirely. Horrified by what he’s done and desperate to make amends, Memnon offers Selene the unthinkable: a magic bond that will give her full control over his will. And Selene is desperate enough to accept it. But other enemies still haunt Henbane Coven, Selene’s magical academy, and they’ve taken a keen interest in her. If she wants to stop them, she’ll need Memnon’s help. But partnering with the sorcerer is a tricky business, especially when he’s dead set on winning her heart. And that can’t happen…because the bond controlling him will break the moment she falls in love with him. (

Podobné produkty ako Bespelled - Laura Thalassa , Lukas nelson & promise of the real: a few stars apart - lp (7223697)

Rhapsodic - Laura Thalassa


Callypso Lillis is a siren with a very big problem, one that stretches up her arm and far into her past. For the last seven years she's been collecting a bracelet of black beads up her wrist, magical IOUs for favors she's received. Only death or repayment will fulfill the obligations. Only then will the beads disappear.Everyone knows that if you need a favor, you go to the Bargainer to make it happen. He's a man who can get you anything you want ... at a price. And everyone knows that sooner or later he always collects.But for one of his clients, he's never asked for repayment. Not until now. When Callie finds the fae king of the night in her room, a grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eye, she knows things are about to change. At first it's just a chaste kiss-a single bead's worth-and a promise for more.For the Bargainer, it's more than just a matter of rekindling an old romance. Something is happening in the Otherworld. Fae warriors are going missing one by one. Only the women are returned, each in a glass casket, a child clutched to their breast. And then there are the whispers among the slaves, whispers of an evil that's been awoken.If the Bargainer has any hope to save his people, he'll need the help of the siren he spurned long ago. Only, his foe has a taste for exotic creatures, and Callie just happens to be one. (

Podobné produkty ako Rhapsodic - Laura Thalassa , The hound of the baskervilles

The Emperor of All Things - Paul Witcover

The Emperor of All Things - Paul Witcover

1758. England is embroiled in a globe-spanning conflict that stretches from her North American colonies to Europe and beyond. Across the Channel, the French prepare for an invasion - an invasion rumored to be led by none other than Bonnie Prince Charlie. It seems the map of Europe is about to be redrawn. (

Podobné produkty ako The Emperor of All Things - Paul Witcover , The turn of the screw

Temná harmonie - Laura Thalassa


STRHUJÍCÍ ZÁVĚR TEMNÉ NEW ADULT FANTASY O SIRÉNĚ CALLYPSO A ZÁHADNÉM HANDLÍŘI... ***** Siréna Callypso unikla jen o vlásek smrti a nyní jí v žilách koluje vílí krev, což je pro ni současně požehnáním i prokletím. Její pouto s Desmondem Flynnem – pro víly králem noci a pro smrtelníky Handlířem – je konečně kompletní a uzdravené. Jenže noční můra zdaleka neskončila. ***** Existují totiž i věci horší než smrt. Mnohem horší. Takové, vůči jejichž moci je nyní Callypso zranitelná. Jednou z nich je Zloděj duší – bytost číhající ve stínech, která vůbec nepatří do tohoto světa. Která kdysi spala a teď se probouzí. A má v plánu podrobit si celý Jinosvět a Callypso s ním. ***** Nadpřirozenou říši ale neterorizuje jen on. Galleghar, Desův otec, vstal z mrtvých a chce se mstít – především svému synovi, který ho kdysi poslal do hrobu. ***** Des a Callie musejí přijít na to, jak oba muže zastavit, a dochází jim čas. Ve hře jsou totiž i síly, které chtějí milence jednou provždy rozdělit. A naneštěstí pro krále a královnu noci už není ztráta života to nejkrutější, co by je mohlo potkat… (

Podobné produkty ako Temná harmonie - Laura Thalassa , Avantasia: a paranormal evening with the moonflower society - cd (0727361583026)

Dark Harmony - Laura Thalassa


There are worse things than death. Things that lurk in the shadows and slip into your dreams. Things that have no business existing. Things that once slept ... but have now awoken.For Callypso Lillis, the fae magic that now runs through her veins is equal parts curse and good fortune. For the very thing that bonds her to Desmond Flynn, the King of the Night, also makes her vulnerable to the Thief of Souls, a man who wants to break the world ... and Callie along with it.But it's not just the Thief whose shadow looms over the Otherworld. Des's father is back from the dead, and he wants revenge on the son who sent him to the grave in the first place.Des and Callie must figure out how to stop both men, and time is running out. Because there are forces at play working to tear the lovers apart once and for all ... and unfortunately for them, death is no longer the worst thing to fear. (

Podobné produkty ako Dark Harmony - Laura Thalassa , A winter beneath the stars (1472250133)

Dark Harmony - Laura Thalassa


The finale to the darkly hypnotic Bargainer series!There are worse things than death. Things that lurk in the shadows and slip into your dreams. Things that have no business existing. Things that once slept... but have now awoken.For Callypso Lillis, the fae magic that now runs through her veins is equal parts curse and good fortune. For the very thing that bonds her to Desmond Flynn, the King of the Night, also makes her vulnerable to the Thief of Souls, a man who wants to break the world... and Callie along with it.But it's not just the Thief whose shadow looms over the Otherworld. Des's father is back from the dead, and he wants revenge on the son who sent him to the grave in the first place.Des and Callie must figure out how to stop both men, and time is running out. Because there are forces at play working to tear the lovers apart once and for all... and unfortunately for them, death is no longer the worst thing to fear. (

Podobné produkty ako Dark Harmony - Laura Thalassa , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

Neznámý žalm - Laura Thalassa


PŘEŽILA ŠÍLENÉHO KRÁLE. NOČNÍ MŮRA ALE JEŠTĚ NESKONČILA.Siréna a družka Desmonda Flynna Callypso unikla ze spárů šíleného krále Karnona. Jeho děsivé vězení se na ní trvale podepsalo, tím však její strasti zdaleka nekončí. Callie a Des se vydávají do Říše flory, aby pokračovali ve svém pátrání.Záhy zjišťují, že najít Zloděje duší je pouze jeden z mnoha jejich problémů. Na světě neexistuje krutější místo než vílí dvůr a před intrikami králů a královen nemůže Callypso ochránit ani Handlířova magie.Víly hrají nebezpečné hry. Některé touží po lásce nebo po pomstě, jiné baží po lidském mase a pár jich sní o věcech tak zvrácených, že je nelze ani vyslovit. Jedno je jisté: nikdo není tím, kým se zdá být. Dokonce ani Desmond.Také Říše flory má záhad víc než dost: od krvácejících stromů po ocejchované otroky a nezvěstné stráže. V království všeho, co roste, klíčí cosi temného, a když si Callie nedá pozor, přijde o všechno, na čem jí záleží. Včetně jí samotné… (

Podobné produkty ako Neznámý žalm - Laura Thalassa , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

The Emperor of Sound - A Memoir - Chambers Veronica

The Emperor of Sound - A Memoir - Chambers Veronica

The long-anticipated inside look at the extraordinary career of the man who brought Sexy Back, the legendary producer in the pantheon of music greats as influential and groundbreaking as Motown's Berry Gordy and a memoir of the creative process. Hailed by the New Yorker as "the eminence grise behind half of what is great in the Top Forty these days," world-renowned producer Timbaland has been a fixture on the pop charts, with more top-ten hits than Elvis or the Beatles. An artist whose fans are multi-racial and multi-generational, Timbaland works with the hottest artists, from Mariah Carey and Missy Elliott to Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado, Madonna, and his childhood friend, Pharrell Williams. Yet this celebrity is a uniquely private man who shuns parties, stays out of gossip columns, and rarely gives interviews. Deliberately choosing to tour by bus and conspicuously bling-free, he maintains a low-key lifestyle. If he's not at the recording studio, he is at home with his family. In The Emperor of Sound, Timbaland offers fans an unprecedented look into his life and work. Completely uncensored and totally honest, he reveals the magic behind the music, sharing the various creative impulses that arise while he's producing, and the layering of sounds that have created dozens of number one hits. Cinematically written, full of revealing anecdotes and reflections from today's most popular music icons, The Emperor of Sound showcases this master's artistry and offers an extraordinary glimpse inside this great musical mind. (

Podobné produkty ako The Emperor of Sound - A Memoir - Chambers Veronica , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

A Strange Hymn - Laura Thalassa


Siren and soulmate to the King of Night, Callypso Lillis survived the clutches of Karnon, the mad king, and his twisted prison. But the nightmare isn't over. Callie wears the physical reminders of her time as a captive, and mounting evidence suggests the Thief of Souls is still out there.When a fae celebration thrusts Callie and her mate, Desmond Flynn, into the Kingdom of Flora, they take their investigation with them. But under the bright lights and striking blooms of the realm, they find there are more immediate issues to deal with. No place is more uniquely savage than the great fae halls, and no amount of bargains can save Callie from royal intrigues.Fairies play dangerous games. Some want love, some want vengeance, some want flesh, and some want things too unspeakable to utter. One thing is for sure: no one is who they appear to be. Not even Des, who only grows more enigmatic with every passing secret.But the Kingdom of Flora has its own secrets, from bleeding trees to branded slaves and missing guards. Something is stirring in the land of all that grows, and if Callie isn't careful, it will claim everything and everyone she loves-and her along with it. (

Podobné produkty ako A Strange Hymn - Laura Thalassa , Laura biagiotti laura edt

Rapsodie - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha


eBook: ZA CO BYSTE BYLI OCHOTNÍ PRODAT VLASTNÍ DUŠI? Callypso je siréna, jejíž život se právě obrátil naruby. Sedm let nosila na ruce náramek s více než tři sta korálky. Na první pohled obyčejný šperk, jenže každý z těch korálků představoval magickou směnku – dluh Handlíři, vílímu králi. Handlíř má pověst nelítostného vyjednavače, který dokáže splnit jakékoli přání – za přiměřenou cenu. A dluhy neodpouští. Po Callypso za své laskavosti nikdy nic na oplátku nechtěl. Až teď. Do jejího života se ale nevrátil jen proto, aby obnovil jejich dávný vztah. V Jinosvětě, který existuje paralelně s tím naším, se děje něco podivného. Vílí bojovníci mizí a vracejí se jen ženy – ve skleněných rakvích, s kojenci na hrudích. A mezi otroky se šíří zvěsti o probouzejícím se zlu. Pokud má Handlíř svůj lid zachránit, musí požádat o pomoc sirénu, které před lety zlomil srdce. Jenže jeho nepřítel má naneštěstí v oblibě jedinečné tvory. A Callypso patří k těm nejvzácnějším… (

Podobné produkty ako Rapsodie - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha , Avantasia: a paranormal evening with the moonflower society (digibook) - cd (0727361583002)

Vládce hvězdné oblohy - Laura Thalassa


CO VŠECHNO MUSEL TAJEMNÝ HANDLÍŘ OBĚTOVAT, ABY SE MOHL VRÁTIT KE SVÉ LÁSCE? TOHLE JE JEHO PŘÍBĚH. JEHO TAJEMSTVÍ... Než se stal Handlířem a potkal svou lásku Callypso, byl Desmond Flynn jen nemanželským synem prosté písařky. Své magické schopnosti musel před ostatními skrývat, jenže Jinosvět je kruté místo, kde se slabost neodpouští, a proto s ním jednali jen o málo lépe než s otrokem. A s jeho matkou zrovna tak. Desmond strávil dětství na Arestysu, nejchudším ostrůvku Říše, a pro zbytek Jinosvěta byl obyčejná, bezmocná víla. Osud s ním však měl jiné plány a zavedl ho z hlubokých jeskyní přes zločinné podsvětí Barbosu a bitevní pole na hranici Říše dne až k chodbám paláce v Somnii a uličkám velkoměst na Zemi. Tohle je příběh Desmonda Flynna. Muže, který vzešel z ničeho a stal se vládcem hvězdné oblohy, aby zachránil nejen sebe a svůj lid, ale taky jednu nešťastnou dívku, kterou mu hvězdy přiřkly… (

Podobné produkty ako Vládce hvězdné oblohy - Laura Thalassa , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

A Strange Hymn - Laura Thalassa


Book two in the darkly hypnotic Bargainer series!All your debts must be repaid...Siren and soulmate to the King of Night, Callypso Lillis survived the clutches of Karnon, the mad king, and his twisted prison. But the nightmare isn't over. Callie wears the physical reminders of her time as a captive, and mounting evidence suggests the Thief of Souls is still out there.When a fae celebration thrusts Callie and her mate, Desmond Flynn, into the Kingdom of Flora, they take their investigation with them. But under the bright lights and striking blooms of the realm, they find there are more immediate issues to deal with. No place is more uniquely savage than the great fae halls, and no amount of bargains can save Callie from royal intrigues.Fairies play dangerous games. Some want love, some want vengeance, some want flesh, and some want things too unspeakable to utter. One thing is for sure: no one is who they appear to be. Not even Des, who only grows more enigmatic with every passing secret.But the Kingdom of Flora has its own secrets, from bleeding trees to branded slaves and missing guards. Something is stirring in the land of all that grows, and if Callie isn't careful, it will claim everything and everyone she loves - and her along with it. (

Podobné produkty ako A Strange Hymn - Laura Thalassa , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

Temná harmonie - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha


eBook: TEMNOTA SE CHYSTÁ POHLTIT VŠE. DOKÁŽOU JI ZASTAVIT DŘÍV, NEŽ JE NAVŽDY ROZDĚLÍ? Siréna Callypso unikla jen o vlásek smrti a nyní jí v žilách koluje vílí krev, což je pro ni současně požehnáním i prokletím. Její pouto s Desmondem Flynnem – pro víly králem noci a pro smrtelníky Handlířem – je konečně kompletní a uzdravené. Jenže noční můra zdaleka neskončila. Existují totiž i věci horší než smrt. Mnohem horší. Takové, vůči jejichž moci je nyní Callypso zranitelná. Jednou z nich je Zloděj duší – bytost číhající ve stínech, která vůbec nepatří do tohoto světa. Která kdysi spala a teď se probouzí. A má v plánu podrobit si celý Jinosvět a Callypso s ním. Nadpřirozenou říši ale neterorizuje jen on. Galleghar, Desův otec, vstal z mrtvých a chce se mstít – především svému synovi, který ho kdysi poslal do hrobu. Des a Callie musejí přijít na to, jak oba muže zastavit, a dochází jim čas. Ve hře jsou totiž i síly, které chtějí milence jednou provždy rozdělit. A naneštěstí pro krále a královnu noci už není ztráta života to nejkrutější, co by je mohlo potkat… (

Podobné produkty ako Temná harmonie - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

Neznámý žalm - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha


eBook: PŘEŽILA ŠÍLENÉHO KRÁLE. NOČNÍ MŮRA ALE JEŠTĚ NESKONČILA. Siréna a družka Desmonda Flynna Callypso unikla ze spárů šíleného krále Karnona. Jeho děsivé vězení se na ní trvale podepsalo, tím však její strasti zdaleka nekončí. Callie a Des se vydávají do Říše flory, aby pokračovali ve svém pátrání. Záhy zjišťují, že najít Zloděje duší je pouze jeden z mnoha jejich problémů. Na světě neexistuje krutější místo než vílí dvůr a před intrikami králů a královen nemůže Callypso ochránit ani Handlířova magie. Víly hrají nebezpečné hry. Některé touží po lásce nebo po pomstě, jiné baží po lidském mase a pár jich sní o věcech tak zvrácených, že je nelze ani vyslovit. Jedno je jisté: nikdo není tím, kým se zdá být. Dokonce ani Desmond. Také Říše flory má záhad víc než dost: od krvácejících stromů po ocejchované otroky a nezvěstné stráže. V království všeho, co roste, klíčí cosi temného, a když si Callie nedá pozor, přijde o všechno, na čem jí záleží. Včetně jí samotné… (

Podobné produkty ako Neznámý žalm - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha , Pausini laura: the greatest hits (2x cd) - cd (5053105943722)

Vládce hvězdné oblohy - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha


eBook: I PADOUCH MŮŽE MÍT DOBRÉ SRDCE… Než se stal Handlířem a potkal svou lásku Callypso, byl Desmond Flynn jen nemanželským synem prosté písařky. Své magické schopnosti musel před ostatními skrývat, jenže Jinosvět je kruté místo, kde se slabost neodpouští, a proto s ním jednali jen o málo lépe než s otrokem. A s jeho matkou zrovna tak. Desmond strávil dětství na Arestysu, nejchudším ostrůvku Říše, a pro zbytek Jinosvěta byl obyčejná, bezmocná víla. Osud s ním však měl jiné plány a zavedl ho z hlubokých jeskyní přes zločinné podsvětí Barbosu a bitevní pole na hranici Říše dne až k chodbám paláce v Somnii a uličkám velkoměst na Zemi. Tohle je příběh Desmonda Flynna. Muže, který vzešel z ničeho a stal se vládcem hvězdné oblohy, aby zachránil nejen sebe a svůj lid, ale taky jednu nešťastnou dívku, kterou mu hvězdy přiřkly… (

Podobné produkty ako Vládce hvězdné oblohy - Laura Thalassa - e-kniha , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

The epic new novel in Conn Iggulden's bestselling EMPEROR series, featuring a new short story by the author. Julius Caesar has been assassinated. A nation is in mourning. Revenge will be bloody. Rome's great hero Julius Caesar has been brutally murdered by his most trusted allies. While these self-appointed Liberatores seek refuge in the senate, they have underestimated one man: Caesar's adopted son Octavian, a man whose name will echo through history as Augustus Caesar. Uniting with his great rival Mark Antony, Octavian will stop at nothing to seek retribution from the traitors and avenge his father's death. His greatest hatred is reserved for Brutus, Caesar's childhood friend and greatest ally, now leader of the conspirators. As the people take to the streets of Rome, the Liberatores must face their fate. Some flee the city; others will not escape mob justice. Not a single one will die a natural death. And the reckoning will come for Brutus on the sweeping battlefield at Philippi. (

Podobné produkty ako Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

The Discomfort of Evening (0571349374)

The Discomfort of Evening (0571349374)

Kniha - autor Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná I asked God if he please couldn't take my brother Matthies instead of my rabbit. 'Amen.' Ten-year-old Jas has a unique way of experiencing her universe: the feeling of udder ointment on her skin as protection against harsh winters; the texture of green warts, like capers, on migrating toads; the sound of 'blush words' that aren't in the Bible. But when a tragic accident ruptures the family, her curiosity warps into a vortex of increasingly disturbing fantasies - unlocking a darkness that threatens to derail them all. A bestselling sensation in the Netherlands, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld's radical debut novel is studded with images of wild, violent beauty: a world of language unlike any other, exquisitely captured in Michele Hutchison's translation. (

Podobné produkty ako The Discomfort of Evening (0571349374) , Avantasia: a paranormal evening with the moonflower society (2x lp) - lp (0727361583019)

Emperor: Wrath Of The Tyrant (Red Vinyl) - LP (0899570)

Emperor: Wrath Of The Tyrant (Red Vinyl) - LP (0899570)

LP vinyl - Debutové album norské blackmetalové kapely Emperor z roku 1992. Debutové album norské blackmetalové kapely Emperor z roku 1992. Obsah: Introduction Ancient Queen My Empire's Doom Forgotten Centuries Night Of The Graveless Souls Moon Over Kara-Shehr Witches Sabbat Witches Sabbath Ancient Queen (

Podobné produkty ako Emperor: Wrath Of The Tyrant (Red Vinyl) - LP (0899570) , Yankee candle evening star

The Mercurial Emperor : The Magic Circle of Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague


First published under the title "The Theatre of the World", this work is a portrait of the crucible of magic, science and religion at the court of the doomed dreamer Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague. It is filled with angels and devils, high art and low cunning, talismans and stars. (

Podobné produkty ako The Mercurial Emperor : The Magic Circle of Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague , The narrative of arthur gordon pym of nantucket

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan

The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

Emperor of Thorns - Mark Lawrence


Lawrence brings the Broken Empire series to its devastating conclusion The path to the throne is broken - only the broken can walk it The world is cracked and time has run through, leaving us clutching at the end days. These are the days that have waited for us all our lives. These are my days. I will stand before the Hundred and they will listen. I will take the throne no matter who stands against me, living or dead, and if I must be the last emperor then I will make of it such an ending. This is where the wise man turns away. This is where the holy kneel and call on God. These are the last miles, my brothers. Don't look to me to save you. Run if you have the wit. Pray if you have the soul. Stand your ground if courage is yours. But don't follow me. Follow me, and I will break your heart. (

Podobné produkty ako Emperor of Thorns - Mark Lawrence , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)

Emperor of Rome - Mary Beardová


THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLER'[Mary Beard] has always had the sharpest eyes for telling detail and colourful anecdote' Sunday Times'Britain's most famous classicist ... at the peak of her powers' The Times'Extraordinary ... a deliciously varied tapestry of detail drawn from across nearly three centuries' Telegraph'The reigning Queen of Classics' SpectatorWhat was it really like to rule and be ruled in the Ancient Roman world?In her international best-seller SPQR, Mary Beard told the thousand-year story of ancient Rome.Now, she shines her spotlight on the emperors who ruled the Roman empire, from Julius Caesar (assassinated 44 BCE) to Alexander Severus (assassinated 235 CE). Emperor of Rome is not your usual chronological account of Roman rulers, one after another: the mad Caligula, the monster Nero, the philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Beard asks bigger questions: What power did emperors actually have? Was the Roman palace really so bloodstained?Emperor of Rome goes directly to the heart of Roman (and our own) fantasies about what it was to be Roman, offering an account of Roman history as it has never been presented before. (

Podobné produkty ako Emperor of Rome - Mary Beardová , The witcher - signs of the witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)

God Emperor of Dune (0593098250)

God Emperor of Dune (0593098250)

Kniha - autor Frank Herbert, 608 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Book Four in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles, the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time. Millennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world's savior, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity's future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as God Emperor of Dune for the past thirty-five hundred years.Leto's rule is not a benevolent one.His transformation has made not only his appearance but his morality inhuman. A rebellion, led by Siona, a member of the Atreides family, has risen to oppose the despot's rule. But Siona is unaware that Leto's vision of a Golden Path for humanity requires her to fulfill a destiny she never wantedor could possibly conceive.... (

Podobné produkty ako God Emperor of Dune (0593098250) , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (1439170916)

Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (1439170916)

Kniha - autor Siddhartha Mukherjee, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Siddhartha Mukherjee, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, Siddhartha Mukherjee's instant New York Times-bestselling The Emperor of All Maladies, a 'magisterial' history of cancer--one of the New York Times Book Review's 10 Best Books of 2010. 'An extraordinary achievement." -The New Yorker "It's time to welcome a new star in the constellation of great writer-doctors. ' --Washington Post. (

Podobné produkty ako Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (1439170916) , The end of loneliness (1473654041)

God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert

God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert

Book Four in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles-the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time Millennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world's savior, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity's future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as God Emperor of Dune for the past thirty-five hundred years. Leto's rule is not a benevolent one. His transformation has made not only his appearance but his morality inhuman. A rebellion, led by Siona, a member of the Atreides family, has risen to oppose the despot's rule. But Siona is unaware that Leto's vision of a Golden Path for humanity requires her to fulfill a destiny she never wanted-or could possibly conceive.... (

Podobné produkty ako God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert

God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert


The epic that began with the HUGO and NEBULA Award-winning classic DUNE -- now a major motion picture from the director of Blade Runner 2049 and Arrival -- continues ...More than three thousand years have passed since the first events recorded in DUNE. Only one link survives with those tumultuous times: the grotesque figure of Leto Atreides, son of the prophet Paul Muad'Dib, and now the virtually immortal God Emperor of Dune.He alone understands the future, and he knows with a terrible certainty that the evolution of his race is at an end unless he can breed new qualities into his species.But to achieve his final victory, Leto Atreides must also bring about his own downfall ...Read the series which inspired the 2021 Denis Villeneuve epic film adaptation, Dune, starring Oscar Isaac, Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya and Josh Brolin. (

Podobné produkty ako God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert

Signs : The secret language of the universe - Laura Lynne Jacksonová


A modern guide to connecting with the other side, Signs is full of stories of hope. It teaches us how to recognise and interpret the life-changing messages from loved ones and spirit guides, by a renowned psychic medium.Laura Lynne Jackson is a psychic medium and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Light Between Us. She possesses an incredible gift: the ability to communicate with loved ones who have passed, convey messages of love and healing, and impart a greater understanding of our interconnectedness. Though her abilities are exceptional, they are not unique, and that is the message at the core of this book. Understanding 'the secret language of the universe' is a gift available to all. As we learn to ask for and recognise signs from the other side, we will start to find meaning where before there was only confusion, and see light in the darkness. We may decide to change paths, push toward love, pursue joy, and engage with life in a whole new way.In Signs, Jackson is able to bring the mystical into the everyday. She relates stories of people who have experienced uncanny revelations and instances of unexplained synchronicity, as well as others drawn from her own experience. There's the lost child who appears to her mother as a deer that approaches her unhesitatingly at a highway rest stop; the name written on a dollar bill that lets a terrified wife know that her husband will be okay; the Elvis Presley song that arrives at the exact moment of Jackson's own father's passing; and many others. This is a book that is inspiring and practical, deeply comforting and wonderfully motivational, in asking us to see beyond ourselves to a more magnificent universal design. (

Podobné produkty ako Signs : The secret language of the universe - Laura Lynne Jacksonová

The Giver of Stars - Jojo Moyes

The Giver of Stars - Jojo Moyes

The greatest love story is the one you least expect... Alice is stifled, bored, and misunderstood. So when she meets wealthy and handsome American, Bennett Van Cleve, she is quickly swept off her feet. Marrying him and moving to America seems like a great adventure - but life as a newlywed in stuffy Baileyville, Kentucky, is not at all what she hoped for. Until, that is, she responds to a call for volunteers to start a travelling library, surprising herself by saying yes, before her husband can say no... But not everyone approves of what they are doing, especially her new father-in-law. (

Podobné produkty ako The Giver of Stars - Jojo Moyes

The Girl of Ink & Stars (1910002747)

The Girl of Ink & Stars (1910002747)

Kniha - autor Kiran Millwood-Hargrave, 228 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Isabella volunteers to guide the search party when her friend disappears. As a mapmaker's daughter she's equipped with elaborate ink maps and knowledge of the stars. But beneath the mountains a legendary fire demon awakens and her journey is fraught with danger. A beautiful, lyrical story of friendship, discovery, myths and magic. (

Podobné produkty ako The Girl of Ink & Stars (1910002747)

The Library of Lost Things - Laura Taylor Namey


Fangirl meets Jane Austen in this deeply heartfelt love story about hiding the worst parts of ourselves, and the people who love us anyway. "How could I open that door and let him see the messiest part of me?" From the moment she first learned to read, literary genius Darcy Wells has spent most of her time living in the worlds of her books. There, she can avoid the crushing reality of her mother's hoarding and pretend her life is simply ordinary. But then Asher Fleet, a former teen pilot with an unexpectedly shattered future, walks into the bookstore where she works...and straight into her heart. For the first time in her life, Darcy can't seem to find the right words. Fairy tales are one thing, but real love makes her want to hide behind her carefully constructed ink-and-paper wall. Still, after spending her whole life keeping people out, something about Asher makes Darcy want to open up. But securing her own happily-ever-after will mean she'll need to stop hiding and start living her own truth--even if it's messy. "A lovely tale for bookish readers that will give them all the feels." --Kirkus (

Podobné produkty ako The Library of Lost Things - Laura Taylor Namey

The Giver of Stars (Defekt) - Jojo Moyes


The greatest love story is the one you least expect... Alice is stifled, bored, and misunderstood. So when she meets wealthy and handsome American, Bennett Van Cleve, she is quickly swept off her feet. Marrying him and moving to America seems like a great adventure - but life as a newlywed in stuffy Baileyville, Kentucky, is not at all what she hoped for. Until, that is, she responds to a call for volunteers to start a travelling library, surprising herself by saying yes, before her husband can say no... But not everyone approves of what they are doing, especially her new father-in-law. (

Podobné produkty ako The Giver of Stars (Defekt) - Jojo Moyes

The Cranberries - Stars (The Best Of 92-02) (2 LP)

The Cranberries - Stars (The Best Of 92-02) (2 LP)

Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Indie Rock Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Datum vydání: 2022-05-27 Barva: Černá Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 2 ks Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Irsko Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Stars (The Best Of 92-02) (2 LP) Žánr: Indie;Rock Interpret / Téma: The Cranberries Vydavatelství: Universal Music (

Podobné produkty ako The Cranberries - Stars (The Best Of 92-02) (2 LP)

Ashleigh & Burwood Velká katalytická lampa EMPEROR OF MARS (AB_PFL354)

Ashleigh & Burwood Velká katalytická lampa EMPEROR OF MARS (AB_PFL354)

Katalytická lampa - pro pročištění a provonění vzduchu v místnosti, aromaterapie, čištění a dezinfekce, vůně není součástí balení, objem 500 ml Katalytická lampa vám hezky provoní váš interiér. Na jejím fungování se podílí katalytická reakce, při které vonná náplň oxiduje a postará se o neutralizaci nežádoucích pachů. Katalytická lampa Ashleigh & Burwood je vytvořena ze skleněné nádoby, knotu, ozdobného víčka s otvory a zhášecího víčka. Pročistí vzduch vašeho domova od nepříjemných pachů a mikroorganismů, jako jsou plísně, viry či bakterie. Před jejím použitím do nádoby o objemu 500 ml vlijete vonnou směs dle vašeho výběru, zapálíte směsí nasáklý knot a po pár minutách jej sfouknete. Díky tomu dochází ke vzniku katalytické reakce. Teď už jen stačí na kahan položit ozdobné víčko a počkáte, než vám provoní místnost. Pokud milujete aromaterapii, bude pro vás katalytická lampa skvělou volbou. Bronzová a vícebarevná katalytická lampa Ashleigh & Burwood se může... (

Podobné produkty ako Ashleigh & Burwood Velká katalytická lampa EMPEROR OF MARS (AB_PFL354)

The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha


eBook: Commissioner Sanders is back again! However, this adventure sees him set against the backdrop of London rather than Africa. When a bunch of small-time crooks decide to try and steal a diamond mine, Sanders must decide whether he\'s up to the job, or whether to hand it over to someone more qualified. Full of twists and turns, \'The River of Stars\' sees our hero at his most vulnerable and introduces a bevy of fascinating characters. A film adaptation of \'The River of Stars\' was made in 1921.This is a superb read for fans of the ´Sanders of the River´ series. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule. (

Podobné produkty ako The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

The Map of Salt and Stars - Zeyn Joukhadar

The Map of Salt and Stars - Zeyn Joukhadar

In 2011, the peace of the Syrian city of Homs is disturbed by protests and shelling. A young girl, Nour, is forced to flee across the Levant and North Africa in search of safety. 800 years before, Rawiya, disguised as a boy and apprenticed to a famous map maker, set out on an epic quest to chart the globe, following the very same route. In The Map of Salt & Stars, the tales of these two heroines coming of age in perilous times interweave, and shine a light on a country in turmoil, human resilience and the power of stories. (

Podobné produkty ako The Map of Salt and Stars - Zeyn Joukhadar

The Library of Heartbeats: A sweeping, heart-rending Japanese-set novel from the author of The Phone Box at the Edge of the World - Laura Imai Messina


On the peaceful Japanese island of Teshima there is Shinzo--on no A-kaibu, a library of heartbeats, a place where the heartbeats of visitors from all around the world are collected. In this small, isolated building, the heartbeats of people who are still alive or have already passed away continue to echo. Several miles away, in the ancient city of Kamakura, two lonely souls meet: Shuichi, a forty-year-old illustrator, who returns to his home-town to fix up the house of his recently deceased mother, and eight-year-old Kenta, a child who wanders like a shadow around Shuichi's house.Day by day, the trust between Shuichi and Kenta grows until they discover they share a bond that will tie them together for life. Their journey will lead them to Teshima and to the library of heartbeats . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Library of Heartbeats: A sweeping, heart-rending Japanese-set novel from the author of The Phone Box at the Edge of the World - Laura Imai Messina

A Clock of Stars: The Shadow Moth - Gibbons Francesca

A Clock of Stars: The Shadow Moth - Gibbons Francesca

With all the magic of Narnia and the humour of Mary Poppins, this is a future middle grade fantasy classic - and the beginning of an unforgettable journey...Imogen should be nice to her little sister Marie. She should be nice to her mum's boyfriend too. And she certainly shouldn't follow a strange silver moth through a door in a tree.But then... who does what they're told?Followed by Marie, Imogen finds herself falling into a magical kingdom where the two sisters are swept up in a thrilling race against time - helped by the spoiled prince of the kingdom, a dancing bear, a very grumpy hunter... and even the stars above them.Thrilling, sharply funny, and with characters you will fall in love with, A Clock of Stars is a timeless fantasy from an astonishing new voice. (

Podobné produkty ako A Clock of Stars: The Shadow Moth - Gibbons Francesca

The Locrian Ensemble of London - Live Beethoven Series: Piano Concerto No. 5 'Emperor' (180 g) (LP)

The Locrian Ensemble of London - Live Beethoven Series: Piano Concerto No. 5 'Emperor' (180 g) (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album Interpret / Téma: The Locrian Ensemble of London Varianta: Live Beethoven Series: Piano Concerto No. 5 'Emperor' (180 g) (LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Classical Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2019-02-01 Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Chasing The Dragon Rok vydání: 2019.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Classical (

Podobné produkty ako The Locrian Ensemble of London - Live Beethoven Series: Piano Concerto No. 5 'Emperor' (180 g) (LP)

A History of the Universe in 100 Stars - Freistetter Florian

A History of the Universe in 100 Stars - Freistetter Florian

From the Big Bang to the Gaia Mission, this is a very personal history of the universe through the author's favourite 100 stars. Astronomer Florian Freistetter has chosen 100 stars that have almost nothing in common. Some are bright and famous, some shine so feebly you need a huge telescope. There are big stars, small stars, nearby stars and faraway stars. Some died a while ago, others have not even yet come into being. Collectively they tell the story of the whole world, according to Freistetter. There is Algol, for example, the Demon Star, whose strange behaviour has long caused people sleepless nights. And Gamma Draconis, from which we know that the earth rotates around its own axis. There is also the star sequence 61 Cygni, which revealed the size of the cosmos to us. Then there are certain stars used by astronomers to search for extra-terrestrial life, to explore interstellar space travel, or to explain why the dinosaurs became extinct. In 100 short, fascinating and entertaining chapters, Freistetter not only reveals the past and future of the cosmos, but also the story of the people who have tried to understand the world in which we live. (

Podobné produkty ako A History of the Universe in 100 Stars - Freistetter Florian

The Emperor and the Endless Palace - Huang Justinian


“What if I told you that the feeling we call love is actually the feeling of metaphysical recognition, when your soul remembers someone from a previous life?”In the year 4 BCE, an ambitious courtier is called upon to seduce the young emperor—but quickly discovers they are both ruled by blood, sex and intrigue.In 1740, a lonely innkeeper agrees to help a mysterious visitor procure a rare medicine, only to unleash an otherworldly terror instead.And in present-day Los Angeles, a college student meets a beautiful stranger and cannot shake the feeling they’ve met before.Across these seemingly unrelated timelines woven together only by the twists and turns of fate, two men are reborn, lifetime after lifetime. Within the treacherous walls of an ancient palace and the boundless forests of the Asian wilderness to the heart-pounding cement floors of underground rave scenes, our lovers are inexplicably drawn to each other, constantly tested by the worlds around them.As their many lives intertwine, they begin to realize the power of their undying love—a power that transcends time itself…but one that might consume them both. (

Podobné produkty ako The Emperor and the Endless Palace - Huang Justinian

The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)

The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)

Kniha - 912 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)

JHS Pedals The Emperor V2 Kytarový efekt

JHS Pedals The Emperor V2 Kytarový efekt

Kytarový pedálový efekt chorus/vibrato s funkcí tap tempo. Přináší teplý zvuk s modulací stejně jako předchozí model v kompaktnějším rozměru. Pedál je vhodný pro jakoukoliv konfiguraci efektů díky true bypass. Vybaven je nožním ovládáním funkce Tap tempo pro nastavení tempa modulace. 3207 bucket brigade chipset přináší ikonický chorus tón s možností nastavení 3 typů křivek. Navíc pedál disponuje vstupem pro expression pedál pro další možnosti modulace zvuku. Vstup: 1 x 6,3 mm jack konektor. Výstup: 1 x 6,3 mm jack konektor. I/O: 1 x 6,3 mm jack konektor (tap/expression). Napájení: 9V DC/100 mA napájecí zdroj (není součástí balení). Rozměr: 127 x 66 x 54 mm. Hmotnost: 290 g. Barva: Gray Typ: Chorus;Vibrato Adaptér součástí: Ne Napájení: 9V;Adaptér Země původu: USA True bypass: Ano (

Podobné produkty ako JHS Pedals The Emperor V2 Kytarový efekt

Cranberries: Stars (The Best Of 1992-2002) (2x LP) - LP (5393229)

Cranberries: Stars (The Best Of 1992-2002) (2x LP) - LP (5393229)

LP vinyl - Stars: The Best of 1992-2002 je kompilační album od irské kapely The Cranberries vydané v roce 2002. Stars: The Best of 1992-2002 je kompilační album od irské kapely The Cranberries vydané v roce 2002. Rok vydání : 2002 Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop LP 1 Dreams / Linger / Zombie / Ode To My Family / I Can't Be With You / Ridiculous Thoughts / Salvation / Free To Decide / When You're Gone / Hollywood LP 2 Promises / Animal Instinct / Just My Imagination / You & Me / Analyse / Time Is Ticking Out / This Is The Day / Daffodil Lament / New New York / Stars (

Podobné produkty ako Cranberries: Stars (The Best Of 1992-2002) (2x LP) - LP (5393229)

Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: A Few Stars Apart - CD (7223696)

Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: A Few Stars Apart - CD (7223696)

Hudební CD - A Few Stars Apart je sedmé studiové album americké country rockové skupiny Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real . Album vyšlo v roce 2021 A Few Stars Apart je sedmé studiové album americké country rockové skupiny Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real . Album vyšlo v roce 2021 Rok vydání . 2021 (7.album) Seznam stop CD We'll Be Alright / Perennial Bloom (Back To You) / Throwin' Away Your Love / A Few Stars Apart / No Reason / Leave 'em Behind / Wildest Dream / Giving You Away / Hand Me A Light / More Than We Can Handle / Smile (

Podobné produkty ako Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: A Few Stars Apart - CD (7223696)
Emperor: Wrath Of The Tyrant (Red Vinyl) - LP (0899570), Ashleigh & Burwood Velká katalytická lampa EMPEROR OF MARS (AB_PFL354), Cranberries: Stars (The Best Of 1992-2002) (2x LP) - LP (5393229), Emperor: Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk - LP (3500103), Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: A Few Stars Apart - CD (7223696), Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: A Few Stars Apart - LP (7223697), The Hound of the Baskervilles, The turn of the Screw, Avantasia: A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society - CD (0727361583026), A Winter Beneath the Stars (1472250133), Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442), The Heart of the Matter (0099478420), The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), LAURA Biagiotti Laura EdT, Avantasia: A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society (Digibook) - CD (0727361583002), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch (045496420055), Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078), Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921), Pausini Laura: The Greatest Hits (2x CD) - CD (5053105943722), The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217), The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368), Avantasia: A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society (2x LP) - LP (0727361583019), YANKEE CANDLE Evening Star, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD), The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777), The Lord of the Rings - Elven - hrnek (3665361048251), The Witcher - Signs of the Witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad), House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, The End of Loneliness (1473654041)