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The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
The internationally bestselling story of a young girl in Nazi Germany who steals books, now a major motion picture starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson.Here is a small fact - You are going to die 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier. Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall. Some Important Information - This novel is narrated by Death. It's a small story, about: a girl an accordionist some fanatical Germans a Jewish fist fighter and quite a lot of thievery. Another thing you should know - death will visit the book thief three times.
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The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION with exclusive extra behind-the-scenes material from the authorIt is 1939. In Nazi Germany, the country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier - and will become busier still. By her brother's graveside, Liesel's life is changed forever when she picks up a single object, abandoned in the snow. It is The Gravedigger's Handbook, and this is her first act of book thievery. So begins Liesel's love affair with books and words, and soon she is stealing from Nazi book-burnings, the mayor's wife's library . . . wherever there are books to be found. But these are dangerous times, and when Liesel's foster family hides a Jew in their basement, nothing will ever be the same again.In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time.Now a major film from Twentieth-Century Fox starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson.
Podívejte se také The Pointless Book 3 (191127483X)
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
HERE IS A SMALL FACT - YOU ARE GOING TO DIE 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier. Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall. SOME IMPORTANT INFORMATION - THIS NOVEL IS NARRATED BY DEATH
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The Book Thief (1909531618)
Kniha - autor Markus Zusak, 584 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná It is 1939. In Nazi Germany, the country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier - and will become busier still.By her brother's graveside, Liesel's life is changed forever when she picks up a single object, abandoned in the snow. It is The Gravedigger's Handbook, and this is her first act of book thievery. So begins Liesel's love affair with books and words, and soon she is stealing from Nazi book-burnings, the mayor's wife's library . . . wherever there are books to be found.But these are dangerous times, and when Liesel's foster family hides a Jew in their basement, nothing will ever be the same again.In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time.Now a major film from Twentieth-Century Fox starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson.
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Smečka rváčů - Markus Zusak
Bratři Ruben a Cameron žijí na okraji - doslova. Na okraji Sydney, na okraji blahobytu. Ve světě psích závodů, bídy a nezaměstnanosti. Ve světě věčného zápasu. Celý život se rvou, spolu a za sebe. A tak když jim boxerský promotér nabídne, aby si ilegálními rvačkami přivydělali pár dolarů, přijmou. A rvou se jako psi. V sázce totiž nejsou jen peníze, ale i vlastní identita a hrdost... Silný, dojemně bolestný příběh je volným pokračováním debutového románu Roky pod psa (Argo 2014) Markuse Zusaka, australského spisovatele a autora slavné Zlodějky knih.
Objev podobné jako Smečka rváčů - Markus Zusak
Clayův most - Markus Zusak
Ústředním tématem Zusakovy knihy je důležitost a křehkost vztahů mezi nejbližšími lidmi: mezi sourozenci, mezi rodiči a dětmi. Clay a jeho čtyři bratři tvoří soudržnou partu, ale Clay si jednoho dne uvědomí, že bude muset z party vystoupit, i kdyby to mělo znamenat, že se do ní nikdy nebude moci vrátit. Přesto to udělá, aby se pokusil napravit staré křivdy a navázat přervaná pouta. Kniha má rafinovanou stavbu, autor nehodlá hned odkrýt karty, vrací se do minulosti a zas přeskakuje zpět, takže se čtenář jen postupně a v náznacích dozvídá, co pětici bratrů tak stmelilo, co je odtrhlo od jejich rodičů a a co musí a chce Clay podniknout: vystavět most, po kterém by k sobě mohli přejít ti, kdo byli z různých důvodů odloučeni. Ohromující. Úžasná, náročná, hluboce dojemná. Clayův most se jako v kouzelnickém triku odvíjí od konce, autor dovedně odvádí pozornost od toho, co se skutečně děje, a úloha všech těch úkroků se odhalí, teprve když je celá eskamotáž úspěšně ukončena. - Wall Street Journal Markus Zusak sepsal nezapomenutelnou ságu. - US Weekly Zusak ve svém komplexním vyprávění přeskakuje v čase, z místa na místo, z jednoho břehu oceánu na druhý, a vykresluje živý portrét bratrů, kteří se snaží znovu nabýt rovnováhu tím, že oživí příběh své rodiny. - Time Pokud byla Zlodějka románem, který vyklidil jeviště Smrti, pak její rozjasněný následovník je naopak plný života. - Guardian Vřelá a srdečná kniha… Příběh lásky, umění a vykoupení, neurvalý a radostný, se záblesky vtipu a jasnozřivosti, a neskutečně dojemný. - Times of London
Objev podobné jako Clayův most - Markus Zusak
Když psi pláčou - Markus Zusak
Cameron je z trojice bratrů Wolfových ten nejméně nápadný, není ani fotbalová hvězda jako Steve, ani hezký a okouzlující jako Ruben, který střídá holky jako na běžícím pásu. Cameron jenom sní, že jednoho dne potká dívku, do které se zamiluje a ona do něho. Ale třeba to bude právě Rubenův poslední objev, Octavie s krásnýma zelenýma očima. Jenže která normální holka by chtěla takového lůzra, jako je Cameron? A přece: Octavie je jiná než ostatní Rubenovy lásky a možná Camerona chtít bude... A najednou jsou z obou bratrů zase rivalové... Markus Zusak se narodil roku 1975 jako nejmladší ze čtyř dětí v imigrantské rodině usazené v Sydney. Jeho matka byla Němka a otec Rakušan. První knihou, kterou na sebe upoutal pozornost kritiky i čtenářů, byl Posel (2002). Získal za něj mimo jiné cenu The Children's Book Council of Australia za rok 2003 a Německou cenu za literaturu pro mládež 2007. V roce 2005 vyšlo jeho zatím nejslavnější dílo Zlodějka knih (česky Argo, 2009). K jeho napsání Zusaka inspirovalo vyprávění prarodičů o bombardování Mnichova za druhé světové války a o holocaustu. Román se stal mezinárodním bestselerem.
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Roky pod psa - Markus Zusak
Markus Zusak, autor světového bestseleru Zlodějka knih, nedávno zfilmovaného, vydal ještě před tímto zásadním dílem trilogii o bratrech Wolfových. Překlad prvního svazku, Roky pod psa, se nyní dostává také k českým čtenářům. Cameron a Ruben Wolfovi se rvou dnem i nocí, spřádají ujeté plány, aniž by domýšleli jejich důsledky, a pro rodiče, sourozence i všechny holky, které obdivují, jsou to jen budižkničemové, co to nikdy nikam nedotáhnou. Jenže když se Cameron poprvé zamiluje, nic už není jako dřív... Příběh patnáctiletého australského kluka s širokým srdcem a praštěnými nápady je dojemný a zábavný zároveň a Zusak opět nezůstává nic dlužen své pověsti výjimečného vypravěče.
Objev podobné jako Roky pod psa - Markus Zusak
Bridge of Clay - Markus Zusak
The breathtaking story of five brothers who bring each other up in a world run by their own rules. As the Dunbar boys love and fight and learn to reckon with the adult world, they discover the moving secret behind their father’s disappearance. At the center of the Dunbar family is Clay, a boy who will build a bridge—for his family, for his past, for greatness, for his sins, for a miracle. The question is, how far is Clay willing to go? And how much can he overcome?
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Zlodějka knih - Markus Zusak - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Věřte mi. Já doopravdy dokážu být bezstarostná. Dokážu být přátelská. Příjemná. Přívětivá. Ale nechtějte po mně, abych byla hodná, to není moje parketa. Když nic, jsem aspoň spravedlivá,“ prohlašuje o sobě vypravěčka tohoto příběhu, jímž je sama Smrt. „Budu vám povídat o jedné z těch, kdo dokážou neustále přežívat – odbornice na zůstávání. Jen jeden z té malé knihovny příběhů, které s sebou nosím. Každý z nich je pokus přesvědčit mě, že vy a vaše lidské existence za něco stojíte.“ A vy poslouchejte, abyste zjistili, co osudy Zlodějky knih neboli Liesel Memingerové – dívky, která v Německu pod nadvládou Adolfa Hitlera putuje ke svým pěstounům a snaží se v rostoucím chaosu a zmaru najít nějaký smysl – prozradí o lidech vám. Podle románu vznikla rovněž filmová adaptace (režie Brian Percival, 2013) s Geoffrey Rushem a Emily Watson v hlavních rolích.
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Thief´s Magic (Book 1 of Millennium´s Rule) - Trudi Canavan
SOMETIMES MAGIC LIES WITHIN . . .When the young student Tyen unearths an ancient book, it opens the door to a realm of mystery and danger. For it contains a clue to a disaster threatening the world.Elsewhere, in a land ruled by priests, Rielle has been taught that to use magic is to steal from the Angels. Yet she has a talent for it, and desperate times may force her to risk the Angels' wrath.But not everything is as Tyen and Rielle have been raised to believe. Not the nature of magic - and not even the people they trust.A gripping fantasy adventure filled with danger, intrigue and forbidden magic. Perfect for fans of Robin Hobb, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss and Peter V. Brett.ESCAPE TO A NEW WORLD.DISCOVER THE MAGIC OF TRUDI CANAVAN.
Objev podobné jako Thief´s Magic (Book 1 of Millennium´s Rule) - Trudi Canavan
The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé
An extraordinary historical debut for any reader who loves gothic mysteries like Rebecca and Fingersmith, and fiction which shines a light on untold stories.''Intriguingly and superbly plotted . . . Shenjé weaves race, identity, feminism, sexuality and class into a beguiling mystery'' WOMAN & HOMEThe library is under lock and key. But its secrets can''t be contained.After he brought her home from Jamaica as a baby, Florence''s father had her hair hot-combed to make her look like the other girls. But as a young woman, Florence is not so easy to tame - and when she brings scandal to his door, the bookbinder throws her onto the streets of Manchester. Intercepting her father''s latest commission, Florence talks her way into the remote, forbidding Rose Hall to restore its collection of rare books. Lord Francis Belfield''s library is old and full of secrets - but none so intriguing as the whispers about his late wife. Then one night, the library is broken into. Strangely, all the priceless tomes remain untouched. Florence is puzzled, until she discovers a half-burned book in the fireplace. She realises with horror that someone has found and set fire to the secret diary of Lord Belfield''s wife - which may hold the clue to her fate . . .''A tantalising read that swells with secrecy and intrigue. It''s hard to believe that Kuchenga Shenjé writes of the past, and not of the present. A beautifully and skilfully written debut'' CANDICE CARTY-WILLIAMS, author of Queenie''This debut gut-wrenchingly conveys a unique historical perspective on race, gender, and sexuality . . . Fans of Sarah Waters and Bridget Collins might have in Shenjé a new author to add to their TBR lists''LIBRARY JOURNAL''Powerful, gorgeously absorbing and wholly original''JOANNE BURN, author of The Hemlock Cure''Threads in themes of identity, sexuality and a woman''s impossible choices into an intricate web of mysteries that would not let me go''CARI THOMAS, author of Threadneedle''I was swept up with the mystery. A beautifully crafted story full of nuanced characters, gothic undertones and plenty of heart''STACEY THOMAS, author of The Revels''Atmospheric and compelling. Victorian gothic with a fresh twist''FREYA BERRY, author of The Birdcage Library
Objev podobné jako The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé
The Cloud Thief - James Nicol
Mara's village needs more rain. Without it, the crops and animalswill suffer. But in a world where clouds are brought and sold, the only wayMara can get one is to steal it. But when is it right to do somethingwrong?And is she brave enough to take on the cloud makers and theirgreedy trade?
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The River Thief - Hannah Peck
A remarkable friendship, a close-guarded secret and a quest to the sea. Be swept away by Hannah Peck's new novel for readers aged 9 and up.Like many rivers, the banks of the Lyde hold a hoard of forgotten things: pottery, trinkets, a shard of glass. They also hold a Memory. In the days of this story, the buried Memories were forgotten by most. But not by all . . . When Adderley discovers Ef - a being who seems part human and part fish - in the river by her home, she is drawn into an adventure that challenges everything she's learnt about the world. Ef is searching for a special stone that she says has been stolen from her people. Could this be the key to the drought that is destroying Adderley's home? Together, Adderley and Ef resolve to recover the stone and return it to its true home, but the river waters are not always on their side and the journey is filled with danger. Perfect for fans of Emma Carroll, Kiran Millwood Hargrave and S.F. Said.
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The Salt Thief - Neal Bascomb
The dramatic story of Gandhi and India''s long march to freedom by award-winning author Neal Bascomb.In 1930, the Indian people, long ruled by their British occupiers, were at a breaking point. No more could many stand the terrible demands of colonial rule. At this pivotal moment, Mohandas Gandhi, who had suffered firsthand for decades the cruelty of his oppressors, saw an opportunity to win his people''s freedom. And so, Gandhi led a small band of his followers on a grueling march from his ashram in western India to the Arabian Sea. After 24 days and 241 miles under a withering sun, the marchers arrived on the Dandi seashore. There, Gandhi scooped up a handful of salt to protest the much-hated British salt tax, demonstrating to the world the injustice of Britain''s yoke and setting the stage for a popular national uprising.In the dramatic months that followed, Gandhi led acts of nonviolent resistance against the British Raj across the country that would eventually culminate in a brutal crackdown. But Gandhi and those who bravely stood with him faced arrest, beatings, and even bullets without ever raising a hand in retaliation.These events inspired India to demand its liberty from Britain, awakened the world to a movement that would forever change the course of history, and inspired generations of freedom fighters all over the globe.Award-winning author Neal Bascomb chronicles what was arguably Gandhi''s most notable campaign in his struggle for India''s independence. His focus on nonviolent protest and revolutionary action introduces young readers to a pivotal historical moment with timely implications for today''s world.Scholastic Focus is the premier home of thoroughly researched, beautifully written, and thoughtfully designed works of narrative nonfiction aimed at middle grade and young adult readers. These books help readers learn about the world in which they live and develop their critical thinking skills so that they may become dynamic citizens who are able to analyze and understand our past, participate in essential discussions about our present, and work to grow and build our future.
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The Blacktongue Thief - Christopher Buehlman
Kinch Na Shannack owes the Takers Guild a small fortune for his education as a thief, which includes (but is not limited to) lock-picking, knife-fighting, wall-scaling, fall-breaking, lie-weaving, trap-making, plus a few small magics. His debt has driven him to lie in wait by the old forest road, planning to rob the next traveler that crosses his path.But today, Kinch Na Shannack has picked the wrong mark.Galva is a knight, a survivor of the brutal goblin wars, and handmaiden of the goddess of death. She is searching for her queen, missing since a distant northern city fell to giants.Unsuccessful in his robbery and lucky to escape with his life, Kinch now finds his fate entangled with Galva''s. Common enemies and uncommon dangers force thief and knight on an epic journey where goblins hunger for human flesh, krakens hunt in dark waters, and honor is a luxury few can afford.
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The Pineapple Thief - All The Wars (2 LP)
Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Rok vydání: 2012.0 Subžánr: Progressive Rock Varianta: All The Wars (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Kscope Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: LP deska;Album Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM
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The Thief of Farrowfell - Ravena Guron
Welcome to a fantasy world where edible magic is the hottest commodity, traded between those who can pay or - in the case of Jude Ripon, the youngest thief in Farrowfell - those who can steal it!An epic debut series from a FAB Prize winner.Twelve-year-old Jude Ripon has never been taken seriously by her family of magic-stealing masterminds. To them, she's just the youngest, only good for keeping watch while they carry out daring heists.Desperate to prove her worth, Jude decides to steal valuable magic from the fanciest house in town . . .But Jude's stolen prize was protected by a curse which threatens to wreak havoc on the family business.While attempting to untangle the mess she's made (and wondering why anyone would want to curse an honest thief trying to earn a living), Jude discovers just how far her family will go to stay at the top of the criminal world.Suddenly, her quest to become a true Ripon isn't straightforward any more . . .
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The Pineapple Thief - Nothing But The Truth (2 LP)
Datum vydání: 2021-10-21 Rok vydání: 2021.0 Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Vydavatelství: Kscope Varianta: Nothing But The Truth (2 LP) Subžánr: Progressive Rock Typ: Album;LP deska;Stereo Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Žánr: Rock Země interpreta: Spojené království Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá
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The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Phantom Thief - Marcus Rashford
Marcus and the Breakfast Club Investigators are back and better than ever, just in time for for a brand new investigation!The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Phantom Thief is the third book in an exciting mystery series by England International footballer, child food-poverty campaigner and bestselling author Marcus Rashford MBE, inspired by Marcus's own experiences growing up! Written with Alex Falase-Koya and packed with tons of illustrations by Marta Kissi, it is it the perfect book for children aged 8-11.A mysterious figure is stealing from clubs all over Rutherford High! The only clue is a strange calling card left at the scene of the crime . . .When the thief strikes just as Art Club is getting ready for a big show, everyone is worried the exhibition will be cancelled. As suspicion falls on one of the Breakfast Club Investigators, Marcus and friends must race against time to find the stolen painting and unmask the true thief before it's too late!
Objev podobné jako The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Phantom Thief - Marcus Rashford
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (0141346809)
Kniha - autor Rick Riordan, 374 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Readers can see Percy Jackson in action for the first time in this explosive graphic novel retelling of "The Lightning Thief".
Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (0141346809)
The Pineapple Thief - Tightly Unwound (2 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Typ: Remastered;Nové vydání;Album;LP deska Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Kscope Rok vydání: 2019.0 Varianta: Tightly Unwound (2 LP) Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Progressive Rock Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Datum vydání: 2019-01-11
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The Pineapple Thief - Hold Our Fire (LP)
Barva: Černá Subžánr: Progressive Rock Vydavatelství: Kscope Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Varianta: Hold Our Fire (LP) Datum vydání: 2019-11-15 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Rock Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva podle výrobce: Black
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The Pineapple Thief - Little Man (2 LP)
Varianta: Little Man (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Vydavatelství: Kscope Rok vydání: 2020.0 Subžánr: Progressive Rock Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Remastered;LP deska;Album Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Rock Barva: Černá
Objev podobné jako The Pineapple Thief - Little Man (2 LP)
Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2 LP)
Subžánr: Elektronický;Indie Rock;Experimental;Alternative Rock;Experimental Rock;Art Rock Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Žánr: Rock;Indie Země původu: Evropská unie;Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: LP deska;Album Země interpreta: Spojené království Interpret / Téma: Radiohead Datum vydání: 2016-07-01 Vydavatelství: XL Recordings Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2016.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Varianta: Hail To The Thief (2 LP) Rok nahrávky: 2003.0 Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1: The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
The first book in the bestselling Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Now with a new cover look! Discover the story behind the Disney+ series. HALF BOY - HALF GOD - ALL HERO.Look, I never asked to be the song of a Greek god, I was just a normal kid. . .until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher. Percy Jackson is having a bad week. His life has gone from totally normal to monsters-from-Greek-mythology-randomly-appearing kind of strange.Worse still, the king of the gods thinks Percy has stolen his all-powerful lightning bolt - and it seems making Zeus angry is a very bad idea. Now Percy and his friends have just ten days to catch the true lightning thief and stop all-out war from erupting on Mount Olympus. .. What could possibly go wrong?Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, brand-new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods – out now!And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1: The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
Half boy. Half God. All Hero. Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek God. I was just a normal kid, going to school, playing basketball, skateboarding. The usual. Until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher. Now I spend my time battling monsters and generally trying to stay alive.
Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1: The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
Skandar and the Unicorn Thief - A. F. Steadmanová
HEROES AND UNICORNS AS YOU’VE NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE. The first book in the major new hit fantasy adventure series for children age 9+, and fans of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Eragon and Amari and the Night Brothers. Thirteen-year-old Skandar Smith has only ever wanted to be a unicorn rider. To be one of the lucky few selected to hatch a unicorn. To bond with it for life; to train together and race for glory; to be a hero. But just as Skandar’s dream is about to come true, things start to take a more dangerous turn than he could ever have imagined. A dark and twisted enemy has stolen the Island’s most powerful unicorn – and as the threat grows ever closer, Skandar discovers a secret that could blow apart his world forever . . . Get ready for unlikely HEROES, elemental MAGIC, sky battles, ancient secrets, nail-biting races and FEROCIOUS UNICORNS, in this EPIC ADVENTURE series that will have your heart soaring.
Objev podobné jako Skandar and the Unicorn Thief - A. F. Steadmanová
The Pineapple Thief - One Three Seven (2 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Země původu: Německo Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Kscope Rok vydání: 2015.0 Varianta: One Three Seven (2 LP) Datum vydání: 2015-04-29 Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Typ: Remastered;LP deska Žánr: Rock Země interpreta: Spojené království Subžánr: Progressive Rock;Art Rock
Objev podobné jako The Pineapple Thief - One Three Seven (2 LP)
Pineapple Thief: Versions of The Truth - CD (0802644866222)
Hudební CD - Třinácté album progresivní anglické rockové kapely Pineapple Thief z roku 2020. Třinácté album progresivní anglické rockové kapely Pineapple Thief z roku 2020. Seznam stop Versions Of The Truth / Break It All / Demons / Driving Like Maniacs / Leave Me Be / Too Many Voices / Our Mire / Out Of Line / Stop Making Sense / The Game
Objev podobné jako Pineapple Thief: Versions of The Truth - CD (0802644866222)
The Pineapple Thief - Soord Sessions Volume 4 (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Typ: LP deska;Album;Barevná Země interpreta: Spojené království Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Green Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Zelená Vydavatelství: Kscope Varianta: Soord Sessions Volume 4 (LP) Subžánr: Progressive Rock Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Rok vydání: 2020.0 Datum vydání: 2020-12-04
Objev podobné jako The Pineapple Thief - Soord Sessions Volume 4 (LP)
The Pineapple Thief - Abducted At Birth (2 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska;Album;Remastered;Nové vydání;Stereo Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Subžánr: Progressive Rock;Post Rock;Art Rock Rok vydání: 2018.0 Datum vydání: 2018-05-11 Varianta: Abducted At Birth (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief Vydavatelství: Kscope
Objev podobné jako The Pineapple Thief - Abducted At Birth (2 LP)
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
The Lightning Thief: the first book in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek god.I was just a normal kid, going to school, playing basketball, skateboarding. The usual. Until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher.That's when things started really going wrong. Now I spend my time fighting with swords, battling monsters with my friends and generally trying to stay alive. This is the one where Zeus, God of the Sky, thinks I've stolen his lightning bolt - and making Zeus angry is a very bad idea .. . Rick Riordan has now sold an incredible 55 million copies of his books worldwidePraise for the Percy Jackson series:'Witty and inspired.Gripping, touching and deliciously satirical...This is most likely to succeed Rowling. Puffin is on to a winner' - Amanda Craig, The Times'Puns, jokes and subtle wit, alongside a gripping storyline' - Telegraph'Perfectly paced, with electrifying moments chasing each other like heartbeats' - New York TimesRick Riordan is an award-winning mystery writer. For the past fifteen years he has taught at middle schools in the San Francisco Bay area and in Texas.Rick lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two sons. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, the overall winner of the Red House Children's Book Award, was Rick's first novel featuring the heroic young demigod. The Percy Jackson series:The Lightning Thief; The Sea of Monsters; The Battle of the Labyrinth; The Titan's Curse; The Last Olympian Heroes of Olympus:The Lost Hero; The Son of Neptune; The Mark of AthenaThe Kane Chronicles:The Red Pyramid; The Throne of Fire; The Serpent's Shadow
Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.
Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
I am the Messenger (1909531367)
Kniha - autor Markus Zusak, 460 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A darkly funny and ultimately uplifting thriller from the author of "The Book Thief". Ed Kennedy is just your average underage taxi driver until he single-handedly manages to catch a bank robber, then receives a playing card in the mail; the Ace of Diamonds. This is the first message. Four more will follow. But before this particular card game can end, Ed will be changed forever. Ages: 12+.
Objev podobné jako I am the Messenger (1909531367)
Starfell: Willow Moss and the Magic Thief - Dominique Valente
The fourth book in the magical Starfell series, starring misfit witch Willow Moss. Perfect for readers of 8+ and beautifully illustrated throughout by Sarah Warburton. Willow Moss and the Lost Day was selected as Waterstones Book of the Month.Starfell is on the edge of disaster. The fight against Silas, the wizard determined to steal all magic for himself, is far from over – but how can Willow make a difference when her powers have been taken?With the help of her friends, the young witch sets off to the treacherous Mountains of Nach. There, she hopes to find the Craegun, a powerful beast believed to restore anything that has been lost – for a heavy price. The mission is fraught with danger, but there’s no turning back . . . or the magic of Willow’s world will be lost forever.The epic fourth adventure in the Starfell series is a powerful celebration of kindness, resilience and equality.
Objev podobné jako Starfell: Willow Moss and the Magic Thief - Dominique Valente
The Pineapple Thief - What We Have Sown (2 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 2 ks Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: Nové vydání;Album;Remastered;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Kscope Subžánr: Progressive Rock;Art Rock Datum vydání: 2019-03-15 Varianta: What We Have Sown (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: The Pineapple Thief
Objev podobné jako The Pineapple Thief - What We Have Sown (2 LP)
Gold Medal Mysteries: Thief on the Track - Ellie Robinson
Join three sporting detectives as they race around the world in the brand new mystery adventure series from multi gold medal-winning Paralympian, Ellie Robinson. Hannah, Maria, and Seb are at the World Championships in Tokyo, bonding over their excitement at watching their favourite athletes compete. But Jesse Marks, a star runner on the US relay team has had his gold medal stolen! The sport park is alive with gossip and as the three new friends begin to investigate, several suspects begin to emerge. With time running out before the final race is run, can the detectives uncover who is out to sabotage the team? The race to solve the case is on in this twisting, action-packed look-behind-the-scenes at the world's biggest sporting event, with clues and illustrations throughout from James Lancett.
Objev podobné jako Gold Medal Mysteries: Thief on the Track - Ellie Robinson
The Highland Falcon Thief - M. G. Leonardová, Sam Sedgman
Adventures on Trains is a major mystery series from bestselling authors M.G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman. First stop is The Highland Falcon Thief, a breathless train journey full of deceptions, puzzles and clues to solve. Harrison Beck is reluctantly joining his travel-writer Uncle Nat for the last journey of the royal train, The Highland Falcon. But as the train makes its way to Scotland, a priceless brooch goes missing, and things are suddenly a lot more interesting. As suspicions and accusations run high among the passengers, Harrison begins to investigate and uncovers a few surprises along the way. Can he solve the mystery of the jewel thief and catch the culprit before they reach the end of the line? Hear whispers in the dining car, find notes in the library, and unknown passengers among the luggage as you help Harrison to solve the mystery aboard one of the world's grandest trains. Fast-paced and packed with illustrations and clues, Adventures on Trains is a stop you won't want to miss!
Objev podobné jako The Highland Falcon Thief - M. G. Leonardová, Sam Sedgman
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief: Deluxe Collector's Edition - Rick Riordan
A gorgeous, foiled, clothbound edition of THE LIGHTNING THIEF with brand new interior art – a must-have for all Percy Jackson fans! The son of a sea god has never looked so good! Rick Riordan's classic first novel, THE LIGHTNING THIEF, has been dressed up in a deluxe, clothbound edition with a foiled cover, stained edges, a marker ribbon, ten pages of new interior illustrations, and notes from Rick. The perfect edition to beautify any book collector’s shelf. Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods – out now! And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!
Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief: Deluxe Collector's Edition - Rick Riordan
Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover - Motum Markus
A stylishly illustrated non-fiction book about the search for life on Mars, told from the unique perspective of NASA''s Mars rover, Curiosity.Discover the incredible story of the search for life on Mars, told from the unique perspective of Curiosity, the Mars Rover sent to explore the red planet. Markus Motum''s stylish illustrations and diagrams reveal how a robot travelled 350,000,000 miles to explore a planet where no human has ever been.Shortlisted for the Klaus Flugge Prize and the Royal Society Young People''s Book Prize, 2018.
Objev podobné jako Curiosity: The Story of a Mars Rover - Motum Markus
The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the human foundling adopted by a family of wolves. It tells of the enmity between him and the tiger Shere Khan, who killed Mowgli's parents, and of the friendship between the man-cub and Bagheera, the black panther, and Baloo, the sleepy brown bear, who instructs Mowgli in the Laws of the Jungle. This edition includes The Second Jungle Book which contains some of the most thrilling of the Mowgli stories.It includes Red Dog, in which Mowgli forms an unlikely alliance with the python Kaa, How Fear Came and Letting in the Jungle as well as The Spring Running, which brings Mowgli to manhood and the realisation that he must leave Bagheera, Baloo and his other friends for the world of man.
Objev podobné jako The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
The Book of Pasta
A fresh collection of more than 150 authentic, exciting pasta dishes from Barilla’s famed test kitchen Pasta has transcended its humble origins to become one of the world’s best-loved foods. This master class on Italy’s most iconic ingredient presents 150 elegant, elevated recipes tested and perfected by Barilla, the world’s leading pasta brand. Home cooks will discover easy weeknight meals, impressive weekend dinners, and recipes for every occasion in between. This diverse and delicious recipe collection covers seasonal, vegetable-based dishes such as Mafaldine with escarole and olives, Bavette with bagna cauda and crunchy vegetables, and Fusilloni with zucchini, cherry tomatoes, and salted ricotta; traditional dishes, including Rigatoni all’amatriciana and Penne rigate all'arrabbiata; evocative Italian classics, such as Gemelli with pesto alla trapanese and Spaghetti ai frutti di mare; and intriguing original creations, such as Papiri with Prosecco and oysters and Conchiglie rigate with lamb and saffron ragú.The book offers recipes for every taste, diet, budget, and bandwidth, with vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and nut-free options, as well as simple dishes made with five ingredients or fewer and quick meals made in thirty minutes or less. Stylishly designed, with vivid food photography and playful pasta illustrations, the book also includes short, punchy essays on subjects ranging from the technique of making bronze-cut pasta, to the Mediterranean diet and the use of spaghetti in art and film. Recipes include: Bucatini alla cacciatora; Casarecce with anchovy and wild fennel; Coquillettes with pumpkin cream; Ditalini rigati with mussels, potatoes, and saffron; Egg fettucine alla Bolognese; Farfalle with fava beans and fried bread; Four-cheese papiri; Fusilli with red radicchio and Parmigiano rinds; Gluten free vegetarian carbonara tortiglioni; Linguine with seafood and crunchy vegetables en papillote; Mezze maniche rigate with clams and chickpeas; Mini penne with arugula pesto; Orecchiette pugliese with cime di rapa; Riced linguine with dandelion, langoustine, and lemon; Rigatoni cacio e pepe; Tortiglioni with Parmigiano fondue and balsamic vinegar; Traditional sedanini timbale; Trigatelli with champignon mushrooms and thyme on a Gorgonzola fondue; Wholemeal penne rigate Mediterranean salad; Wholemeal pennette with lemon-scented vegetable pesto; and Wholemeal spaghetti with fennel and tomato pesto.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Pasta
The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book (Defekt) - Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the human foundling adopted by a family of wolves. It tells of the enmity between him and the tiger Shere Khan, who killed Mowgli's parents, and of the friendship between the man-cub and Bagheera, the black panther, and Baloo, the sleepy brown bear, who instructs Mowgli in the Laws of the Jungle. This edition includes The Second Jungle Book which contains some of the most thrilling of the Mowgli stories.It includes Red Dog, in which Mowgli forms an unlikely alliance with the python Kaa, How Fear Came and Letting in the Jungle as well as The Spring Running, which brings Mowgli to manhood and the realisation that he must leave Bagheera, Baloo and his other friends for the world of man.
Objev podobné jako The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book (Defekt) - Rudyard Kipling
The Subtle Art of Being Understood - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha
eBook: Psát jasně a srozumitelně není snadné, zvláště v cizím jazyce. Cílem této knihy určené k samostudiu je pomoci studentům psát anglicky jasným a účinným způsobem. Publikace krok za krokem vysvětluje, proč často selháváme a co s tím můžeme dělat. Kniha poskytuje množství praktických rad a užitečných příkladů, které ukazují, jak psát texty, aby splnily svůj účel. Protože je kniha zaměřena hlavně na studenty, mnoho příkladů pochází z akademického světa. Prezentované myšlenky však mohou být stejně dobře použity v jakékoli jiné situaci, proto je v knize také řada příkladů z dalších žánrů. Přáním autora je, aby publikace pomohla čtenářům zlepšit psaní a být více úspěšní. Writing clearly is not easy, especially not in a foreign tongue. The aim of this self-study book is to help students of English as a second language at university level how to write in a clear and effective way. Step by step it explains why we often fail and what we can do about it. The book provides a mass of hands-on advice and useful examples to show how to compose texts that will deliver. Since it is mainly is aimed at students, many of the examples come from the academic world. But the ideas presented can just as well be used in any other situation, and there is a number of examples of other genres in the book. The hope is that it will help you to improve your writing skills and become more successful.
Objev podobné jako The Subtle Art of Being Understood - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha
The Book of Five Rings
The Book of Five Rings is one of the most insightful texts on the subtle arts of confrontation and victory to emerge from Asian culture. Written not only for martial artists but for anyone who wants to apply the timeless principles of this text to their life, the book analyzes the process of struggle and mastery over conflict that underlies every level of human interaction. The Book of Five Rings was composed in 1643 by the famed duelist and undefeated samurai Miyamoto Musashi. Thomas Cleary''s translation is immediately accessible, with an introduction that presents the spiritual background of the warrior tradition. Along with Musashi''s text, Cleary translates here another important Japanese classic on leadership and strategy, The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War by Yagyu Munenori, which highlights the ethical and spiritual insights of Taoism and Zen as they apply to the way of the warrior.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Five Rings
The Book Swap - Bickers Tessa
A REASON TO LIVE.Still grieving the death of her best friend, Erin knows she needs to start living - but has no idea how. Then she loses her favourite book, a heavily annotated and containing her friend''s final words to her.A REASON TO LOVE.When James finds Erin''s note-filled book in his local community library, it sparks a life-changing conversation. He writes his own message back, and soon they are locked in an anonymous book exchange, with no idea who the other person in the margins might be.A REASON TO FORGIVE?But Erin and James have a shared history that neither of them realise. How will Erin react when she discovers the other writer isn''t a stranger at all - but the person she once swore she''d never forgive?A story of second chances and new beginnings, this is a love letter to books - and a love letter to love.Your favourite authors are loving The Book Swap:''Catnip for any book geek'' CESCA MAJOR''It''s You''ve Got Mail, but make it even more bookish'' NIAMH HARGAN''A gorgeous debut from tremendous Tessa Bickers'' SALLY PHILLIPS''What a gorgeous, life-affirming, bookishly beautiful novel this is!'' CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN''If you love books and you love love, you are going to adore The Book Swap'' JULIE COHEN
Objev podobné jako The Book Swap - Bickers Tessa
The Book-Makers - Adam Smyth
A celebration of the printed book, told through the lives of 18 people who took it in radical new directions. ‘Amazing. This book is a soul-expanding celebration of the human spirit’ MARTIN LATHAM, author of The Bookseller's Tale‘Will delight any booklover’ ROLAND ALLAN, author of The NotebookThis is an extraordinary story of skill, craft, mess, cunning, triumph, improvisation, and error.Of printers and binders, publishers and artists, paper-makers and library founders. Some we know. We meet jobbing printer (and United States Founding Father) Benjamin Franklin, and watch Thomas Cobden-Sanderson conjure books that flicker between the 20th and 15th centuries.Others we’ve forgotten. We don't recall Sarah Eaves, wife of John Baskerville, and her crucial contribution to the history of type. Nor Charles Edward Mudie, populariser of the circulating library – and the most influential figure in publishing before Jeff Bezos.Nor William Wildgoose, who meticulously bound Shakespeare’s First Folio, then disappeared. The Book-Makers puts people back into the story of the book. It takes us inside the print-shop as the deadline looms and the adrenaline flows – from the Fleet Street of 1492 to present-day New York.It’s a tale of contingencies and quirks, of successes and failures, of routes forward and paths not taken. This is a history of book-making that leaves ink on your fingers, and shows why the printed book will continue to flourish. ‘Evocative and fascinating’ EMMA SMITH, author of Portable Magic‘A brilliant time machine of a book’ JOSEPH HONE, author of The Book Forger
Objev podobné jako The Book-Makers - Adam Smyth
The Book of The Boss - Pop Press
''I think I just wanted to be great''Born in the USA ... but loved around the world, Bruce Springsteen has been a musical icon for the last 50 years and continues to rock stadiums with his legendary shows.An outspoken ally for social justice, this collection of quotes showcases The Boss''s wisdom on equality, performing and friendships and will inspire everyone to live a creative and confident life.
Objev podobné jako The Book of The Boss - Pop Press
The Business Book
Offers a guide to business, management and commerce. This book includes simple explanations and stylish infographics that open up the business world to even the complete novice. It covers inspirational business ideas, business strategy and alternative bus
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The eBike Book
Unikátní encyklopedie elektronických kol. Najděte si to nejlepší e-kolo podle vlastního vkusu a životního stylu. Ekologický dopravní prostředek vhodný jak pro náročné kopcovité terény, tak i pro jízdu na dlouhé vzdálenosti.
Objev podobné jako The eBike Book
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