The book of two ways: a stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - jodi picoultová

Produkt The book of two ways: a stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - jodi picoultová sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The book of two ways: a stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - jodi picoultová upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Book of Two Ways: A stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - Jodi Picoultová

The Book of Two Ways: A stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - Jodi Picoultová

Who would you be, if you hadn't turned out to be the person you are now?Dawn is a death doula, and spends her life helping people make the final transition peacefully.But when the plane she's on plummets, she finds herself thinking not of the perfect life she has, but the life she was forced to abandon fifteen years ago - when she left behind a career in Egyptology, and a man she loved.Against the odds, she survives, and the airline offers her a ticket to wherever she needs to get to - but the answer to that question suddenly seems uncertain.As the path of her life forks in two very different directions, Dawn must confront questions she's never truly asked: What does a well-lived life look like? What do we leave behind when we go? And do we make our choices, or do our choices make us?Two possible futures. One impossible choice. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Two Ways: A stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - Jodi Picoultová , Iron maiden: a matter of life and death (2x lp) - lp (9029585195)

A Spark of Light : from the author everyone should be reading - Jodi Picoultová

A Spark of Light : from the author everyone should be reading - Jodi Picoultová

A lone gunman takes the women and doctors at a controversial abortion clinic hostage. Nobody has ended up there by choice. As the tense negotiation for their release unfolds, hour by crucial hour, back in time through the day that brought the hostages and their captor to this moment, every certainty is questioned, every judgement thrown into sharp relief. Because matters of life and death look very different when you, or the ones you love, are staring down the barrel of a gun . . . Powerful, thought-provoking and deeply involving, Jodi Picoult's new novel is told in reverse, propelling the reader through intertwining characters and uncovering motives in this unflinching exploration of what makes a life. (

Podobné produkty ako A Spark of Light : from the author everyone should be reading - Jodi Picoultová , The friend: a novel (0735219451)

The Maths of Life and Death

The Maths of Life and Death

Maths is the story of the world around us, and the wisdom it gives us can be the difference between success and disaster.We are all doing maths all the time, from the way we communicate with each other to the way we travel, from how we work to how we relax. Many of us are aware of this. But few of us really appreciate the full power of maths - the extent to which its influence is not only in every office and every home, but also in every courtroom and hospital ward.In this eye-opening and extraordinary book, Yates explores the true stories of life-changing events in which the application - or misapplication - of mathematics has played a critical role: patients crippled by faulty genes and entrepreneurs bankrupted by faulty algorithms; innocent victims of miscarriages of justice and the unwitting victims of software glitches. We follow stories of investors who have lost fortunes and parents who have lost children, all because of mathematical misunderstandings.Along the way, Yates arms us with simple mathematical rules and tools that can help us make better decisions in our increasingly quantitative society. You will discover why it's always sensible to question a statistic, often vital to ask for a second opinion and sometimes surprisingly handy to stick to the 37% rule... (

Podobné produkty ako The Maths of Life and Death , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

Vypravěčka - Jodi Picoultová

Vypravěčka - Jodi Picoultová

Sage se skrývá se svými jizvami na tváři i na duši v pekařství, protože je to osamělá noční práce. Její rodina má židovské kořeny, babička přežila holokaust, ale ona sama se víře brání. Společnost nevyhledává, nicméně se při skupinové terapii, na níž se snaží vypořádat se smrtí maminky, seznámí a pak i spřátelí se sympatickým devadesátníkem Josefem Weberem. Při jednom z jejich dlouhých rozhovorů ji tento muž, kterého si všichni v jeho okolí váží a mají ho rádi, požádá, aby mu pomohla spáchat sebevraždu, neboť ho již dlouhá léta tíží svědomí. Aby Sage přesvědčil, vzpomíná na své působení v SS i koncentračních táborech.Po dlouhém zvažování Sage kontaktuje odbor ministerstva spravedlnosti pro lidská práva a zvláštní vyšetřování a podaří se jí přesvědčit babičku, aby jí i ona vyprávěla o svém mládí. Zděšeně naslouchá, co všechno zažila v polském ghettu, v Osvětimi i později na útěku. Je možné, že se s Josefem Weberem setkala a může ho usvědčit? A kdyby Sage vyhověla přání starého muže – byla by to vražda, nebo vykonání spravedlnosti na tyranovi? (

Podobné produkty ako Vypravěčka - Jodi Picoultová , Panic! at the disco: death of a bachelor - lp (7567864556)

Záblesk života - Jodi Picoultová

Záblesk života - Jodi Picoultová

Personál reprodukční kliniky poskytuje péči každému, kdo vejde do dveří. Toho rána však dovnitř vtrhne zoufalý rozrušený střelec a zahájí palbu. Všichni přítomní se rázem stanou jeho rukojmí. Na místo přispěchá policejní vyjednavač Hugh McElroy. Nechá budovu obklíčit a spřádá plány, jak komunikovat s útočníkem. Když mu zavibruje telefon, oznamující příchozí zprávu, s hrůzou zjistí, že uvnitř je jeho patnáctiletá dcera Wren… (

Podobné produkty ako Záblesk života - Jodi Picoultová , The seed of compassion: lessons from the life and teachings of his holiness the dalai lama (0241456975)

Velké maličkosti - Jodi Picoultová

Velké maličkosti - Jodi Picoultová

Co byste poslechli vy – příkaz, nebo svoje svědomí? Ruth je zkušená sestra pracující na novorozeneckém oddělení. Svého syna vychovává sama, neboť je vdovou po válečném hrdinovi. Nyní stojí před soudem, protože ji obvinili ze smrti novorozence – syna bílého amerického fašisty. Ruth je totiž černoška. Je však v tomto případu důležité, jakou má kdo pleť? Nebo je to jenom zástěrka pro předsudky a přesvědčení, které řídí životy nás všech? (

Podobné produkty ako Velké maličkosti - Jodi Picoultová , Harry potter: the monster book of monsters: it roams and chomps!

Velké maličkosti - Jodi Picoultová

Velké maličkosti - Jodi Picoultová

Co byste poslechli vy – příkaz, nebo svoje svědomí? Ruth je zkušená sestra pracující na novorozeneckém oddělení. Svého syna vychovává sama, neboť je vdovou po válečném hrdinovi. Nyní stojí před soudem, protože ji obvinili ze smrti novorozence – syna bílého amerického fašisty. Ruth je totiž černoška. Je však v tomto případu důležité, jakou má kdo pleť? Nebo je to jenom zástěrka pro předsudky a přesvědčení, které řídí životy nás všech? (

Podobné produkty ako Velké maličkosti - Jodi Picoultová , The little book of feminism (1849538441)

Nejsem jako vy - Jodi Picoultová

Nejsem jako vy - Jodi Picoultová

Jacob Hunt je jen zdánlivě obyčejný teenager – exceluje v matematice, má hodně černý smysl pro humor a nenávidí nepořádek. To, co má navíc, je Aspergerův syndrom, formu autistické poruchy. Je neprodyšně uzavřený ve svém vlastní světě. Snaží se být jako všichni ostatní, ale netuší, jak by to měl udělat. Jednoho dne je za podivných okolností zavražděna jeho lektorka Jess a chlapec s uhýbavým pohledem je rázem prvním podezřelým. Byl by schopen vraždy? Kdo se k němu dokáže dostat natolik blízko, aby poznal pravdu? (

Podobné produkty ako Nejsem jako vy - Jodi Picoultová , The golden house: a novel (0399592806)

The Skripal Files: The Life and Near Death of a Russian Spy - Mark Urban

The Skripal Files: The Life and Near Death of a Russian Spy - Mark Urban

The explosive story of the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and the new spy war between the West and Russia, based on hours of exclusive interviews Skripal gave before his near-death with number one bestselling author Mark Urban, diplomatic and defence editor for BBC Newsnight. 'With regard to traitors, they will kick the bucket on their own, I assure you . . . Whatever thirty pieces of silver those people may have gotten, they will stick in their throat.'Vladimir Putin, 2010 4 March 2018, Salisbury, England. Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were enjoying a rare and peaceful Sunday spent together, completely unaware that they had been poisoned with the deadly nerve agent Novichok. Hours later both were found slumped on a park bench close to death. Following their attempted murders on British soil, Russia was publicly accused by the West of carrying out the attack, marking a new low for international relations between the two since the end of the Cold War. The Skripal Files is the definitive account of how Skripal's story fits into the wider context of the new spy war between Russia and the West. The book explores the time Skripal spent as a spy in the Russian military intelligence, how he was turned to work as an agent by MI6, his imprisonment in Russia and his eventual release as part of a spy-swap that would bring him to Salisbury where, on that fateful day, he and his daughter found themselves fighting for their lives. (

Podobné produkty ako The Skripal Files: The Life and Near Death of a Russian Spy - Mark Urban , The witch elm: a novel (0735224641)

The Long and the Short of it - Jodi Taylor

The Long and the Short of it - Jodi Taylor

In print for the very first time, The Long and Short of It collects eight unmissable short stories from the international bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series. With introductions plus the brand new short story, A Perfect Storm. When a Child is Born A jump back to 1066 to witness the coronation of William the Conqueror goes slightly astray. Roman Holiday Max and her team become spectacularly involved with Julius Caesar, Cleopatra and a basket of confused asps. Christmas Present An attempt to rescue lost historians involving an enraged pig and Boudicca herself. The Very First Damned Thing From the very beginning of St Mary's. Discover the truth behind Markham s stolen furniture and Professor Rapson s flies. Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings A gun left behind in Ancient Egypt and a race against time to prevent a catastrophe. The Great St Mary's Day Out Hooray! Hooray! It's a happy holiday. For everyone except Max the only one with her mind on the job. My Name is Markham Alfred, the cakes and Mr Markham. The Great British Bake Off it's not! (

Podobné produkty ako The Long and the Short of it - Jodi Taylor , The alice network: a novel (0062654195)

Vypravěčka - Picoultová Jodi

Vypravěčka - Picoultová Jodi

Sage se skrývá se svými jizvami na tváři i na duši v pekařství, protože je to osamělá noční práce. Její rodina má židovské kořeny, babička přežila holokaust, ale ona sama se víře brání. Společnost nevyhledává, nicméně se při skupinové terapii, na níž se snaží vypořádat se smrtí maminky, seznámí a pak i spřátelí se sympatickým devadesátníkem Josefem Weberem. Při jednom z jejich dlouhých rozhovorů ji tento muž, kterého si všichni v jeho okolí váží a mají ho rádi, požádá, aby mu pomohla spáchat sebevraždu, neboť ho již dlouhá léta tíží svědomí. Aby Sage přesvědčil, vzpomíná na své působení v SS i koncentračních táborech. Po dlouhém zvažování Sage kontaktuje odbor ministerstva spravedlnosti pro lidská práva a zvláštní vyšetřování a podaří se jí přesvědčit babičku, aby jí i ona vyprávěla o svém mládí. Zděšeně naslouchá, co všechno zažila v polském ghettu, v Osvětimi i později na útěku. Je možné, že se s Josefem Weberem setkala a může ho usvědčit? A kdyby Sage vyhověla přání starého muže – byla by to vražda, nebo vykonání spravedlnosti na tyranovi? (

Podobné produkty ako Vypravěčka - Picoultová Jodi , No mercy: the brand new novel from the queen of crime (1472249445)

Záblesk života - Picoultová Jodi

Záblesk života - Picoultová Jodi

Personál reprodukční kliniky poskytuje péči každému, kdo vejde do dveří. Toho rána však dovnitř vtrhne zoufalý rozrušený střelec a zahájí palbu. Všichni přítomní se rázem stanou jeho rukojmí. Na místo přispěchá policejní vyjednavač Hugh McElroy. Nechá budovu obklíčit a spřádá plány, jak komunikovat s útočníkem. Když mu zavibruje telefon, oznamující příchozí zprávu, s hrůzou zjistí, že uvnitř je jeho patnáctiletá dcera Wren… (

Podobné produkty ako Záblesk života - Picoultová Jodi , Binky a kouzelná kniha / binky and the book of spells (978-80-247-4842-9)

The Ladybird Book Of The Mid-Life Crisis - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Mid-Life Crisis - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Mid-Life Crisis - Jason Hazeley , Touch of death ()

Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková

Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková

Annie is born into a world where like most of us she meets her Granny. She plays with her, she learns from her, they talk together and they even share their secrets together. As Annie grows and comes to know the world, Granny slowly leaves it. Annie is there with Granny right to the end and even plays with her afterwards. Now how does she do that? (

Podobné produkty ako Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková , The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (0393244792)

Krondor: The Assassins : Book Two of the Riftwar Legacy - Elias Raymond Feist

Krondor: The Assassins : Book Two of the Riftwar Legacy - Elias Raymond Feist

New York Times bestselling author Raymond E. Feist returns us now to a place of unparalleled wonders--a sprawling kingdom coveted by enemies on all sides; a bustling center of commerce and magic, vibrantly alive and eternally in conflict. This is Midkemia, where great heroes are bred, and its glorious center... Krondor Prince Arutha--newly returned from battle--is concerned about a rash of unexplained assassinations that plagues his capital city. And so he commissions his most trusted agent, Squire James--formerly the thief known as -Jimmy the Hand---to discover the source of the deadly epidemic. The answers seem to lie far beneath the streets in the dank depths of Krondor, where a terrible war rages in secret between two rival criminal gangs: those who call themselves -Mockers- and others in the thrall of a mysterious being known as -The Crawler.- But the deeper the Squire delves, the closer he gets to the true nature of the horror that has left untold dead in its wake. And unless James can prevent one last, unthinkable slaying, the nightmare forces of corruption and deceit will destroy his liege and reduce his beloved Krondor to ruins. (

Podobné produkty ako Krondor: The Assassins : Book Two of the Riftwar Legacy - Elias Raymond Feist , Dishonored: death of the outsider - xbox digital (g3q-00362)

Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells - Marcela Klofáčová - e-kniha

Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells - Marcela Klofáčová - e-kniha

eBook:,BINKY AND THE BOOK OF SPELLS A captivating fairy tale, Binky and the Book of Spells, draws children and adult readers into the fanciful world of spells and sorcery. A group of animal friends have many experiences on their journey to find beauty and adventure, during which they realize more and more how valuable friendship really is. The main character of the story is Froglet Binky, who wasn't born beautiful and who decides to go and seek her beauty. On her distressful journey, she meets friends of various temperaments, with whom she experiences happy and sad moments full of fantasy, magic, joy and happiness. (

Podobné produkty ako Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells - Marcela Klofáčová - e-kniha , Napalm death: throes of joy in the jaws of defeatis - cd (0194397638820)

Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells (978-80-247-4842-9)

Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells (978-80-247-4842-9)

Elektronická kniha - autor Marcela Klofáčová, 120 stran Dětem od 5 let je určen poutavý příběh žabky Binky v českém i anglickém jazyce. Malé i větší čtenáře vtáhne do světa kouzel a čarování. Skupinka zvířecích kamarádů prožívá na cestě za krásou kouzelná dobrodružství, při nichž si stále více uvědomují, jak velký význam má přátelství. Hlavní postavou poutavého vyprávění je krásou neobdarovaná žabka Binky, která se rozhodne jít svou krásu hledat. Na strastiplné cestě pozná kamarády rozličných povah, s nimiž zažívá veselé i napínavé chvíle plné fantazie, radosti i štěstí. ally is. The main character of the story is Froglet Binky, who wasn't born beautiful and who decides to go and seek her beauty. On her distressful journey, she meets friends of various temperaments, with whom she experiences happy and sad moments full of fantasy, magic, joy and happiness. (

Podobné produkty ako Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells (978-80-247-4842-9) , Armstrong louis: and the good book + louis and the angels - cd (8436563184369)

Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!

Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!

Kniha - anglicky The textbook of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's Care of Magical Creatures class comes to life in this one-of-a-kind collectable featuring the sound and movement of the famous Monster Book of Monsters. Kit includes: 3-1/2" Monster Book of Monsters replica featuring audio of the book in chomping action and movement. Both special features are sound-activated, prompted by a simple sound such as hand-clapping. 48-page book on magical creatures, featuring descriptions, quotes, and full-colour illustrations and photos from the films throughout. Requires two AAA batteries (not included). (

Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps! , Creeper: sex, death and the infinite void - lp (9029528392)

The Ways of the World - Robert Goddard

The Ways of the World - Robert Goddard

1919. The eyes of the world are on Paris, where statesmen, diplomats and politicians have gathered to discuss the fate of half the world's nations in the aftermath of the cataclysm that was the Great War. A horde of journalists, spies and opportunists have also gathered in the city and the last thing the British diplomatic community needs at such a time is the mysterious death of a senior member of their delegation. So, when Sir Henry Maxted falls from the roof of his mistress's apartment building in unexplained circumstances, their first instinct is to suppress all suspicious aspects of the event. But Sir Henry's son, ex Royal Flying Corps ace James 'Max' Maxted, has other ideas. He resolves to find out how and why his father died - even if this means disturbing the impression of harmonious calm which the negotiating teams have worked so hard to maintain. In a city where countries are jostling for position at the crossroads of history and the stakes could hardly be higher, it is difficult to tell who is a friend and who a foe. And Max will soon discover just how much he needs friends, as his search for the truth sucks him into the dark heart of a seemingly impenetrable mystery. (

Podobné produkty ako The Ways of the World - Robert Goddard , Creeper: sex, death and the infinite void - lp (9029528391)

With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial - Mannix

With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial - Mannix

In this unprecedented book, palliative medicine pioneer Dr Kathryn Mannix explores the biggest taboo in our society and the only certainty we all share: death.A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Told through a series of beautifully crafted stories taken from nearly four decades of clinical practice, her book answers the most intimate questions about the process of dying with touching honesty and humanity. She makes a compelling case for the therapeutic power of approaching death not with trepidation but with openness, clarity and understanding.With the End in Mind is a book for us all: the grieving and bereaved, ill and healthy. Open these pages and you will find stories about people who are like you, and like people you know and love. You will meet Holly, who danced her last day away; Eric, the retired head teacher who, even with Motor Neurone Disease, gets things done; loving, tender-hearted Nelly and Joe, each living a lonely lie to save their beloved from distress; and Sylvie, 19, dying of leukaemia, sewing a cushion for her mum to hug by the fire after she has died.These are just four of the book's thirty-odd stories of normal humans, dying normal human deaths. They show how the dying embrace living not because they are unusual or brave, but because that's what humans do. By turns touching, tragic, at times funny and always wise, they offer us illumination, models for action, and hope. Read this book and you'll be better prepared for life as well as death. (

Podobné produkty ako With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial - Mannix , Tiamat's wrath: book 8 of the expanse (0356510360)

This is London: Life and Death in the World City - Ben Judah

This is London: Life and Death in the World City - Ben Judah

'Judah grabs hold of London and shakes out its secrets' The Economist This is London in the eyes of its beggars, bankers, coppers, gangsters, carers, witch-doctors and sex workers. This is London in the voices of Arabs, Afghans, Nigerians, Poles, Romanians and Russians. This is London as you've never seen it before. 'An eye-opening investigation into the hidden immigrant life of the city' Sunday Times 'Full of nuggets of unexpected information about the lives of others ...It recalls the journalism of Orwell' Financial Times (

Podobné produkty ako This is London: Life and Death in the World City - Ben Judah , The case of bizarre death and other tales / případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7)

The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram

The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram

They chose not to speak and now they are gone. . .What?s left to fill the silence is no longer theirs. This is my story, woven from the threads of rumour and legend.Jakub Rand flees his village for Prague, only to find himself trapped by the Nazi occupation. Deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, he is forced to sort through Jewish books for a so-called Museum of the Extinct Race. Hidden among the rare texts is a tattered prayer book, hollow inside, containing a small pile of dirt.Back in the city, Frantiska Roubickova picks over the embers of her failed marriage, despairing of her conversion to Judaism. When the Nazis summon her two eldest daughters for transport, she must sacrifice everything to save the girls from certain death.Decades later, Bram Presser embarks on a quest to find the truth behind the stories his family built around these remarkable survivors.The Book of Dirt is a completely original novel about love, family secrets, and Jewish myths. And it is a heart-warming story about a grandson?s devotion to the power of storytelling and his family?s legacy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram , Curious minds: a knight and moon novel (147224138x)

The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim

The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim

A lauded 'masterpiece' that tells with compassion and humour the story of Janusz Korczak, a hero of the Polish Jewish ghetto**SHORTLISTED FOR THE CARNEGIE AWARD**'Powerful . . . shattering . . . a masterpiece' The Times'Testament of love and sacrifice . . . a masterpiece' Joshua Ferris, Guardian'Transcendent and timeless . . . masterpiece' Washington PostAron is a nine-year-old Polish Jew, and a troublemaker. His mother despairs of him. His father beats him. He tries to be good. But in 1939, as the walls go up around the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, as lice and typhus rage, families starve and fight, it is Aron who finds a way - however dangerous, however treacherous - to survive. It isn't until he lands at the feet of Janusz Korczak - orphanage director and reluctant hero - that he learns of something greater than survival.**With new exclusive endmatter, featuring a biography of Korczak and questions for book clubs**Biographical Notes Jim Shepard is the National Book Award-finalist and highly acclaimed author of six novels and four collections of stories, including Nosferatu and Like You'd Understand, Anyway. He lives in Massachusetts with his family and teaches creative writing at the historic liberal arts establishment Williams College. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim , Zevon warren: a quiet normal life: the best of - lp (0349783768)

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official book of the exhibition, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Bloomsbury, J.K. Rowling and the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes through to Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. There's also a specially commissioned essay for each subject area by an expert, writer or cultural commentator, inspired by the contents of the exhibition – absorbing, insightful and unexpected contributions from Steve Backshall, the Reverend Richard Coles, Owen Davies, Julia Eccleshare, Roger Highfield, Steve Kloves, Lucy Mangan, Anna Pavord and Tim Peake, who offer a personal perspective on their magical theme. Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, vials of dragon's blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch's broomstick, in a book that shows J.K. Rowling's magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears. This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person. (

Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition , About the sun, little pets and a mysterious night (978-80-735-3179-9)

This Book is Not Rubbish: 50 Ways to Ditch Plastic, Reduce Rubbish and Save the World! - Isabel Thomas, Alex Paterson

This Book is Not Rubbish: 50 Ways to Ditch Plastic, Reduce Rubbish and Save the World! - Isabel Thomas, Alex Paterson

OUR PLANET IS IN PERIL AND IT NEEDS YOUR HELP! But the good news is that there are loads of easy ways that you can make a difference! From throwing a planet party and ditching straws, to banning glitter and becoming an art-activist, helping to save the planet is not as difficult as you think. Covering issues like plastics, pollution, global warming and endangered animals, this is a one-stop guide to becoming an eco-warrior, not an eco-worrier. Discover how to ditch the plastic, reduce your rubbish and start making everyday steps that will make all the difference. It's time to take control of your future and help clear the world of all this rubbish! (

Podobné produkty ako This Book is Not Rubbish: 50 Ways to Ditch Plastic, Reduce Rubbish and Save the World! - Isabel Thomas, Alex Paterson , Republic of two: raising the flag - cd (mam837-2)

The Fates Divide - Veronica Roth

The Fates Divide - Veronica Roth

In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives. The lives of Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates, once determined, are inescapable. Akos is in love with Cyra, in spite of his fate: he will die in service to Cyra's family. And when Cyra's father, Lazmet Noavek - a soulless tyrant, thought to be dead - reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever. As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For Cyra, that could mean taking the life of the man who may - or may not - be her father. For Akos, it could mean giving his own. In a stunning twist, the two will discover how fate defines their lives in ways most unexpected. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fates Divide - Veronica Roth , Death and other horrors ()

The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar Hemon

The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar Hemon

Aleksandar Hemon grew up in a blissful Sarajevo, where his childhood was consumed by football, his adolescence by friends, movies and girls and where, as a young man, he poked at the pretensions of his beloved city with American music, bad poetry, and slightly better journalism. And then at twenty-seven Hemon flew to Chicago for a month-long visit. A matter of weeks later Sarajevo was engulfed in an atrocious war and Hemon found himself an exile - he wouldn't return home for five years, and when he did, he found his city irrevocably changed. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar Hemon , Dangerous minds: a knight and moon novel 02 (055339276x)

The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová

The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová

Ana is born in Galilee at a time when women are seen as possessions, only leaving their fathers' homes to marry.Ana longs to control her destiny. Taught to read despite her mother's misgivings, she wants to be a writer and to find her own voice. A voice that will speak for the silenced women around her.Betrothed to an elderly widower, Ana almost despairs. But an encounter with a charismatic young carpenter in Nazareth awakens new longings in her, and a different future opens up.Yet this is not a simple love story. Ana's journey will bring both joy and tragedy, but it will also be enriched by the female friendships she makes along the way.The Book of Longings is an exquisite tale of dreams and desire, and of the power of women to change the world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová , Beyond the wand: the magic and mayhem of growing up a wizard (9781529149425)

The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

ONE MAN'S TRUTH IS ANOTHER MAN'S LIE. When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued. The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder. One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved. Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime. But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici , Tempests and slaughter: the numair chronicles book one (0525578544)

The Temporary Gentleman - Sebastian Barry

The Temporary Gentleman - Sebastian Barry

A stunning return from the prize-winning and best-selling author ofThe Secret Scripture Jack McNulty is a 'temporary gentleman', an Irishman whose commission in the British army in the Second World War was never permanent. In 1957, sitting in his lodgings in Accra, he urgently sets out to write his story. He feels he cannot take one step further, or even hardly a breath, without looking back at all that has befallen him.He is an ordinary man, both petty and heroic, but he has seen extraordinary things. He has worked and wandered around the world - as a soldier, an engineer, a UN observer - trying to follow his childhood ambition to better himself. And he has had a strange and tumultuous marriage. Mai Kirwan was a great beauty of Sligo in the 1920s, a vivid mind, but an elusive and mysterious figure too. Jack married her, and shared his life with her, but in time she slipped from his grasp.A heart-breaking portrait of one man's life - of his demons and his lost love - The Temporary Gentleman is, ultimately, a novel about Jack's last bid for freedom, from the savage realities of the past and from himself.Sebastian arry was born in Dublin in 1955. His novels and plays have won, among other awards, the Kerry Group Irish Fiction Prize, the Costa Book of the Year award, the Irish Book Awards Best Novel, the Independent Booksellers Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. He also had two consecutive novels, A Long Long Way (2005) and The Secret Scripture (2008), shortlisted for the MAN Booker Prize. He lives in Wicklow with his wife and three children. (

Podobné produkty ako The Temporary Gentleman - Sebastian Barry , A-ha: headlines and deadlines: the hits of a-ha- lp (0349786017)

Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry - Tite Kubo

Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry - Tite Kubo

Ičigo Kurosaki byl normální středoškolský student. Tedy, až na to, že měl dvě šílené sestry, ještě šílenějšího otce, že se rád pral a viděl mrtvé lidi. To poslední byl asi tak nejmenší z jeho problémů. Ičigo s mrtvými vycházel docela dobře – alespoň do chvíle, než se mu v životě objevila záhadná Rukia Kučiki, která mu na krk hodila nebezpečný úkol. Už nestačilo jen mrtvé vidět. Bylo třeba i za ně bojovat. (

Podobné produkty ako Bleach 1: The Death and the Strawberry - Tite Kubo

The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber

The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber

'I am with you always, even unto the end of the world . . .' Peter Leigh is a missionary called to go on the journey of a lifetime. Leaving behind his beloved wife, Bea, Peter sets out on a quest to take the word of God to the farthest corners of the galaxy. His mission will challenge everything - his faith, his endurance and the love that can hold two people together, even when they are worlds apart.two envelopes - random selection (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber

The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera

The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera

In seven independent, but closely related chapters, the author presents his personal conception of the European novel, which he describes as 'an art born of the laughter of God'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of the Novel - Milan Kundera

The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

We are surrounded by stories of people on the move. Wild species, too, are escaping warming seas and desiccated lands in a mass exodus. Politicians and the media present this upheaval of migration patterns as unprecedented, blaming it for the spread of disease and conflict, and spreading anxiety across the world as a result.But the science and history of migration in animals, plants, and humans tell a different story. Far from being a disruptive behaviour, migration is an ancient and lifesaving response to environmental change, a biological imperative as necessary as breathing. Climate changes triggered the first human migrations out of Africa. Falling sea levels allowed our passage across the Bering Sea. Unhampered by borders, migration allowed our ancestors to people the planet, into the highest reaches of the Himalayan Mountains and the most remote islands of the Pacific, disseminating the biological, cultural and social diversity that ecosystems and societies depend upon.In other words, migration is not the crisis - it is the solution.Tracking the history of misinformation from the 18th century through to today's anti-immigration policies, The Next Great Migration makes the case for a future in which migration is not a source of fear, but of hope. (

Podobné produkty ako The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

eBook:,5 povídek s krimi a hororovým nádechem podle skutečných životních událostí. Povídky pojednávají o různých lidských slabostech a pohnutkách, které dokážou v člověku rozdmýchat temné stránky jeho osobnosti a vedou ho na scestí, aby se dopustil násilí na jiných lidech či sám na sobě, což je příčinou jeho neštěstí. Kromě anglicko-české četby pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny učebnice nabízí řadu aktivit na porozumění četbě, dále podněty k ústnímu či písemnému projevu, podrobný výklad gramatiky a řadu cvičení s klíčem. Zvolené aktivity a cvičení jistě upevní a rozšíří vaše znalosti anglického jazyka a podnítí vaši chuť do dalšího studia. (

Podobné produkty ako The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book

Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book

Grammar focus lessons guide students through the language and give thorough grammar practice. * Skills focus lessons and communication workshops provide a solid skills base. * Learning strategies throughout teach students how to become independent learners. * Culture corners give students a taste of life in the English speaking world. * Regular use of the FREE Mini-Dictionary extends students' vocabulary further. * Graded activities in the Language Powerbook provide practice for students of mixed levels. (

Podobné produkty ako Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

Kniha - autor Charlie Lovett, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Academic and bibliophile Arthur Prescott finds respite from the drudgery of his professorship in the Barchester Cathedral Library, where he devotes himself to researching the Holy Grail and writing his long-delayed guide to the history of the medieval cathedral. His peaceful existence is shattered by the arrival of a young American academic named Bethany Davis, who has come to digitize the library's ancient books. Arthur's initial hostility towards Bethany turns to affection as he discovers a kindred spirit who shares his interest in the Holy Grail and his devotion to literature. Together, they mount a search for the Book of Ewolda, an esoteric tome that could reveal long-forgotten secrets about the Cathedral, the Grail and their connections to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. As Arthur and Bethany delve further into the past, the secret history of England - from the... (

Podobné produkty ako The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975)

The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975)

Kniha - 40 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975)

The Fire Keeper : A Storm Runner Novel, Book 2

The Fire Keeper : A Storm Runner Novel, Book 2

Zane Obispo's new life on a beautiful secluded tropical island, complete with his family and closest friends, should be perfect. But he can't control his newfound fire skills yet (inherited from his father, the Maya god Hurakan); there's a painful rift between him and his dog ever since she became a hell hound; and he doesn't know what to do with his feelings for Brooks. One day he discovers that by writing the book about his misadventures with the Maya gods, he unintentionally put other godborn children at risk. Unless Zane can find the godborns before the gods do, they will be killed. To make matters worse, Zane learns that Hurakan is scheduled to be executed. Zane knows he must rescue him, no matter the cost. Can he accomplish both tasks without the gods detecting him, or will he end up a permanent resident of the underworld? In this cleverly plotted sequel to The Storm Runner, the gang is back together again with spirited new characters, sneaky gods, Aztec royalty, unlikely alliances, and secrets darker than Zane could ever have imagined. Secrets that will change him forever. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fire Keeper : A Storm Runner Novel, Book 2

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kessler

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kessler

The eagerly awaited new Emily Windsnap adventure from million-copy-selling author, Liz Kessler. Emily spies a mysterious ship and visits the lost city of Atlantis. Welcome back to the world of Emily Windsnap! A school trip to a beautiful island plunges Emily and her friends into a new adventure. What is the secret of the mysterious ship that sometimes appears on the horizon, and does the answer lie in the lost city of Atlantis? Emily's adventures have been captivating fans for more than ten years, and this is the eagerly awaited sixth book in the bestselling series. (

Podobné produkty ako Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kessler

The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7)

The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7)

Elektronická kniha - autor Alena Kuzmová, 137 stran, česky 5 povídek s krimi a hororovým nádechem podle skutečných životních událostí. Povídky pojednávají o různých lidských slabostech a pohnutkách, které dokážou v člověku rozdmýchat temné stránky jeho osobnosti a vedou ho na scestí, aby se dopustil násilí na jiných lidech či sám na sobě, což je příčinou jeho neštěstí. Kromě anglicko-české četby pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny učebnice nabízí řadu aktivit na porozumění četbě, dále podněty k ústnímu či písemnému projevu, podrobný výklad gramatiky a řadu cvičení s klíčem. Zvolené aktivity a cvičení jistě upevní a rozšíří vaše znalosti anglického jazyka a podnítí vaši chuť do dalšího studia. (

Podobné produkty ako The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7)

The First Mistake : A gripping psychological thriller about trust and lies from the author of The Other Woman - Sandie Jones

The First Mistake : A gripping psychological thriller about trust and lies from the author of The Other Woman - Sandie Jones

The First Mistake is the stunning second novel from The Other Woman author Sandie Jones, who delivers twist after heart-stopping twist, in this addictively readable domestic suspense about a wife, her husband, and her best friend. Perfect for fans of The Mother-in-Law and My Lovely Wife. For Alice, life has never been better. After the death of her first husband, she has remarried, with a successful business, two children and a beautiful house. In Beth, she also has the best friend she has always wanted. A friend without judgement, she is the most trustworthy and loyal person Alice knows. So when Alice begins to suspect her husband Nathan is having an affair, Alice turns to Beth to help her find the truth. She can trust Beth, can't she . . .? (

Podobné produkty ako The First Mistake : A gripping psychological thriller about trust and lies from the author of The Other Woman - Sandie Jones

Reckless: The Life and Times of Luis Ocana - Fotheringham Alasdair

Reckless: The Life and Times of Luis Ocana - Fotheringham Alasdair

Luis Ocana seemed doomed to live in the shadow of cycling's greatest ever rider, Eddy Merckx - 'The Cannibal'. Their rivalry defined Ocana's entire career, yet he was the one rider capable of beating the all-conquering Merckx in his prime. After an impoverished upbringing he flourished at the sport he loved and in 1970 secured his biggest victory on home soil, winning the Vuelta a Espana, and confirming his status as a Grand Tour challenger. But it was in the 1971 Tour de France that the battle between Merckx and Ocana reached its peak when, at the Orcieres-Merlette stage, he inflicted on Merckx the worst defeat he would suffer in a major Tour, with an astonishing 120 kilometre solo breakaway through the Alps. But then came one of most gut-wrenching crashes in Tour de France history when Ocana fell heavily on a Pyrenean descent, losing his leader's jersey, and with it his best chance of destroying Merckx's reputation of invincibility. In the midst of a torrential downpour, with minimal visibility, rider after rider crashed into the injured rider as he lay prone. The following day Merckx refused to wear the leader's jersey out of respect. It was only when Merckx was missing from the start-line in 1973 that Ocana became Spain's second ever Tour de France winner. If Merckx had been present, Ocana's chances of success would have been far slimmer. Further triumphs amassed before his swansong in 1976, but Ocana's decline in later life reflects the immense struggle he embraced during the height of his career. An enigmatic outsider to both the Spanish and French throughout his career - never truly accepted in either country - he died in mysterious circumstances aged just 48. A fascinating, complicated character both on and off his bike, Ocana's fierce determination, impetuosity and - some would say - recklessness created some of the most beautiful and gripping episodes in the history of the sport. This is the first ever biography in English of 'the Spanish Merckx' who remains one of the most fascinating Tour de France champions. (

Podobné produkty ako Reckless: The Life and Times of Luis Ocana - Fotheringham Alasdair

The Ladybird Book Of The Hipster - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Hipster - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Hipster - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Shed - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Shed - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Shed - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley

The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley

A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* The Ladybird Book of the Sickie - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (

Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

The internationally bestselling story of a young girl in Nazi Germany who steals books, now a major motion picture starring Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson. Here is a small fact - You are going to die 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier. Liesel, a nine-year-old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall. Some Important Information - This novel is narrated by Death. It's a small story, about: a girl an accordionist some fanatical Germans a Jewish fist fighter and quite a lot of thievery. Another thing you should know - death will visit the book thief three times. It's a small story, about: a girl an accordionist some fanatical Germans a Jewish fist fighter and quite a lot of thievery. "Extraordinary, resonant and relevant, beautiful and angry." Sunday Telegraph "...a beautifully balanced piece of storytelling...Unsettling, thought-provoking, life affirming, triumphant and tragic, this is a novel of breathtaking scope, masterfully told. It is an important piece of work, but also a wonderful page-turner." Guardian "A moving work which will make many eyes brim." Independent on Sunday "This is a weighty novel worthy of universal acclaim. A sense of dread prevades this beautifully written novel. As The Book Thief draws to a close, Death says: "There's a multitude of stories that i allow to distract me as I work." The story of the Book Thief, who tried to change the world in her own small way, proves one formidable and inspiring distraction." The Daily Express "Brilliant and hugely ambitious ... the kind of book that could be life-changing" New York Times Book Review Markus Zusak was born in 1975 and is the author of five books, including I am the Messenger and the international bestseller, The Book Thief, which is translated into more than forty languages. He lives in Sydney with his wife and two children. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own. (

Podobné produkty ako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

Iron Maiden: The Book Of Souls (2x CD) - CD (9029556758)

Iron Maiden: The Book Of Souls (2x CD) - CD (9029556758)

Hudební CD - Už čtvrté pokračování reediční kampaně navazující na koncept, který Iron Maiden v roce 2017 připravili ve spolupráci s americkou obchodní sítí Walmart. Už čtvrté pokračování reediční kampaně navazující na koncept, který Iron Maiden v roce 2017 připravili ve spolupráci s americkou obchodní sítí Walmart. V této vlně si lze samostatně pořídit čtyři alba (A Matter Of Life And Death, Dance Of Death, The Final Frontier a The Book Of Souls) v remasterované podobě z roku 2015 a též sběratelský box A Matter Of Life And Death (Collector's Edition), jehož součástí je znovu plastická figurka maskota skupiny. Skupina Iron Maiden patří k nejpopulárnějším reprezentantům britské rockové hudby. V nedávné anketě pořádané u příležitosti královnina diamantového výročí bylo jejich album The Number Of The Beast zvoleno nejlepší britskou deskou posledních šedesáti let. Také v našich končinách se sláva kapely „hvězd dotýká”. Opakovaně vyprodávají stadióny, s každým... (

Podobné produkty ako Iron Maiden: The Book Of Souls (2x CD) - CD (9029556758)
Iron Maiden: A Matter Of Life And Death (2x LP) - LP (9029585195), The Friend: A Novel (0735219451), The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217), Panic! At The Disco: Death Of A Bachelor - LP (7567864556), The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975), Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!, The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441), The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806), The Witch Elm: A Novel (0735224641), The Alice Network: A Novel (0062654195), No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445), Binky a kouzelná kniha / Binky and the Book of Spells (978-80-247-4842-9), Touch of Death (), The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time (0393244792), Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00362), Napalm Death: Throes of Joy In the Jaws of Defeatis - CD (0194397638820), Armstrong Louis: And the Good Book + Louis and the Angels - CD (8436563184369), Creeper: Sex, Death And The Infinite Void - LP (9029528392), Creeper: Sex, Death And The Infinite Void - LP (9029528391), Tiamat's Wrath: Book 8 of the Expanse (0356510360), The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7), Curious Minds: A Knight and Moon Novel (147224138X), Zevon Warren: A Quiet Normal Life: The Best Of - LP (0349783768), About the Sun, little pets and a mysterious night (978-80-735-3179-9), Republic of Two: Raising the Flag - CD (MAM837-2), Death and Other Horrors (), Dangerous Minds: A Knight and Moon Novel 02 (055339276X), Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425), Tempests and Slaughter: The Numair Chronicles Book one (0525578544), A-ha: Headlines And Deadlines: The Hits Of A-Ha- LP (0349786017)