The book of prague - ivana myšková, jan zikmund

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The Book of Prague - Ivana Myšková, Jan Zikmund


An ex-con on compassionate release revisits his old haunts, only to feel dispossessed by how much the city has changed... The son of political dissidents in Soviet-era Prague is condemned to a life of menial jobs, like working at a local abattoir, unable to imagine his prospects ever improving... A young shop assistant in a tourist-friendly antique shop imagines what Prague would now look like if Czechoslovakia had stood up to the Nazis... The stories collected in this anthology show Prague to be a city of myriad layers and multiple histories. Famous for its untouched, Gothic and Baroque architecture and its trapped-in-aspic charm, it is also a place that has lived through numerous traumas over the last century and learned to conceal its scars, perhaps a little too well. Just as its landmarks should be preserved, so should these hidden histories, and sometimes the best place to preserve them is in stories. Autors: Bohumil Hrabal , Michal Ajvaz, Irena Dousková , Simona Bohatá , Jan Zábrana , Petr Borkovec , Marek Šindelka, Patrik Banga , Veronika Bendová a Marie Stryjová Translated by Alžběta Belánová, Geoffrey Chew, Melvyn Clarke, Graeme Dibble, Paul Kaye, Andrew Oakland, Justin Quinn, Julia and Peter Sherwood, Paul Wilson and Alex Zucker. Supported by the Czech Literary Centre and the Moravian Library. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Prague - Ivana Myšková, Jan Zikmund , The big book of prague for little storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers

Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě! (

Podobné produkty ako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

The Big Book of Prague for Little Storytellers - Libor Drobný

The Big Book of Prague for Little Storytellers - Libor Drobný

Toto není jen tak nějaká obyčejná obrázková kniha o Praze. Je speciální! Je velká a plná obrázků nejznámějších pražských míst, které znají turisté z celého světa. Najdete v ní Karlův most, Malostranské náměstí, Staroměstské náměstí a Stromovku. Každé její otevření přináší nové objevy a dobrodružství. A když se podíváte blíže, uvidíte, že kniha ukrývá mnoho příběhů! Jejich pokračování a spoustu nových si s pomocí rodičů určitě vymyslíte samy. Možná ještě neumíte číst písmenka, ale tvořit zajímavé příběhy zvládnete určitě. Hurá do toho! Kniha je v anglickém jazyce. (

Podobné produkty ako The Big Book of Prague for Little Storytellers - Libor Drobný , The little book of feminism (1849538441)

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)

Kniha - 10 stran, anglicky, leporela Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě! (

Podobné produkty ako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9) , Tiamat's wrath: book 8 of the expanse (0356510360)

The Prague of Charles IV. - Jan Royt


In The Prague of Charles IV, 1316-1378, Czech professor of art history Jan Royt renders a vivid image of the capital of the Bohemian Kingdom during the High Gothic period, presenting the city in the broader historical context of Prague's golden age during the reign of Charles IV (1346-1378). Following Charles's coronation as the Holy Roman Emperor in 1355, for the first time in history Prague, the capital of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, was simultaneously the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Thanks to royal and imperial care, which reflected Charles's Western European education and cosmopolitan openness as well as his respect for the royal Bohemian tradition, Prague flourished, becoming a unique and beautiful city. The cathedral, the stone bridge, the university, and construction of the New Town and its churches laid out in its distinctive cross pattern still remain visible reminders of the period today. Prague's Gothic architecture provides the artistic backbone to a city renowned for its painting, sculpture, and haunting music. Filled with photographs of Prague's historic monuments and sights, this account of the medieval roots of one of the most visited and beloved cities in the world is at once history, cultural guide, and sumptuous art book. (

Podobné produkty ako The Prague of Charles IV. - Jan Royt , The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (0393244792)

Prague: A Jewel in the Heart of Europe (anglicky) - Ivan Henn


Praha - Klenot v srdci Evropy je historickou exkurzí o vzniku a průběhu výstavby našeho hlavního města od jeho počátků až po současnost, to vše doplněno nespočtem krásných fotografií a několika doplňujících podrobných ilustrací nejdůležitějších památek včetně ilustrované mapy historického centra Prahy. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague: A Jewel in the Heart of Europe (anglicky) - Ivan Henn , Iron maiden: the book of souls (2x cd) - cd (9029556758)

Nícení - Ivana Myšková - e-kniha

Nícení - Ivana Myšková - e-kniha

eBook:,Text, který může zklamat polykače příběhů, ale jejž je radost číst: nejvyšší jazyková vytříbenost, kultivovanost výrazu, brilantní surfování na špici verbální vlny – Alexandra Berková. Prozaický debut mladé autorky. Ivana Myšková (1981) se narodila v Roudnici nad Labem. Vystudovala Literární akademii v Praze, obor tvůrčí psaní a mediální komunikace. Od roku 2007 působí na stanici ČRo 3 – Vltava, kde natáčí rozhovory a reportáže o literatuře pro pořad Mozaika a příležitostně vytváří i delší komponované pořady. Jejím debutem byla rozhlasová hra Odpoledne s liliputem (2007). Prozaické texty publikovala v Revolver Revue a v internetovém časopise Dobrá adresa. (

Podobné produkty ako Nícení - Ivana Myšková - e-kniha , Prague cuisine: a selection of culinary experiences in the city of spires (978-80-906245-1-1)

Zločiny Velké Prahy - Jan Drbohlav, Petr Zikmund, Ivan Hubač

Zločiny Velké Prahy - Jan Drbohlav, Petr Zikmund, Ivan Hubač

Dne 1. ledna 1922 vznikla tzv. Velká Praha. V následujících letech se k dosavadním pražským částem postupně přičlenilo 37 obcí. A stejně jako policejní strážníci vystřídali četnictvo, museli se detektivové zvyklí na vnitřní Prahu utkat se zločinem na zcela novém poli – místo do dlážděných ulic a kaváren vyrazit blátivou pěšinou mezi statky a vesnické chalupy. V deseti povídkách inspirovaných skutečnými případy, které dosud nebyly literárně zpracované, vyšetřuje zločiny trojice detektivů. Vrchní inspektor Budík je vynikající kriminalista, jenž zná vnitřní Prahu jako své boty, které zatvrzele odmítá vyměnit za cokoli vhodnějšího, co by se lépe hodilo do terénu jeho nového působiště, Velké Prahy. Těžce se smiřuje s tím, že byl s povýšením odsunut na okraj, zatímco vnitřní Prahu dostal nějaký legionář. Fakt, že své bohaté zkušenosti a zásluhy nasbíral za dob monarchie, mu kariérní postup usnadňuje asi stejně jako jeho manželka, bývalá hraběnka von Czákoly. Ani jeho dvě dcery mu starosti neubírají. Jak se vyrovná s novými poměry i s blížící se pohromou ve vlastní rodině? Budíkův přítel a bývalý kolega, nyní jeho podřízený obvodní inspektor Havlík je zkušený znalec pražského podsvětí a ještě zkušenější znalec a milovník žen. V kriminální branži už ho stěží co překvapí, avšak i on se dostane do nečekané situace, a to v osobním životě. Posledním z týmu je mladý policejní agent Nováček, který se velmi snaží, aby si své zařazení pod velení vrchního inspektora zasloužil. Sice postupně získává kriminalistické ostruhy a tu a tam se mu dostane i trocha uznání ze strany nadřízeného, avšak veškerá odvaha ho opouští, když si uvědomuje, že by se měl Budíkovi přiznat, že je v budoucnu možná bude spojovat víc než jen práce. Literární předloha k historickému krimiseriálu z 20. let minulého století, stylově navazujícímu na seriál Hříšní lidé Města pražského a Četnické humoresky. (

Podobné produkty ako Zločiny Velké Prahy - Jan Drbohlav, Petr Zikmund, Ivan Hubač , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - majordomo (889698686532)

The Historic Centre of Prague and the Průhonice Park - Jan Bažant, Arno Pařík, Pavel Vlček, Zdeněk Dragoun, Marie Platovská, Jan Hendrych, Petr Uličný


Publikace představuje tento jedinečný a nesmírně rozsáhlý soubor všech slohových období zahrnující téměř 1400 kulturních památek (z toho 23 národních) představuje nejpodstatnějšími typy významných staveb (paláce, kostely, kláštery, židovské památky, stavby určené pro vzdělání a kulturu, ostatní významné stavby a měšťanské domy) jednotlivých částí historického centra - Pražského hradu a Hradčan, Malé Strany, Starého města a Josefova, Nového Města a Vyšehradu. Spolu s nimi představit také významný komplex Průhonického parku. Publikace na svých 336 stranách ilustruje toto mimořádné kulturní bohatství a krásu stovkami obrazů a současných snímků. Publikace připravená nakladatelstvím FOIBOS BOOKS vyšla jako desátá kniha v edici Památky UNESCO za podpory Ministerstva kultury. (

Podobné produkty ako The Historic Centre of Prague and the Průhonice Park - Jan Bažant, Arno Pařík, Pavel Vlček, Zdeněk Dragoun, Marie Platovská, Jan Hendrych, Petr Uličný , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - krrsantan (889698686518)

The Book of Symbols


The Book of Symbols combines original and incisive essays about particular symbols with representative images from all parts of the world and all eras of history. The highly readable texts and over 800 beautiful full-color images come together in a unique way to convey hidden dimensions of meaning. Each of the c. 350 essays examines a given symbol’s psychic background, and how it evokes psychic processes and dynamics. Etymological roots, the play of opposites, paradox and shadow, the ways in which diverse cultures have engaged a symbolic image—all these factors are taken into consideration.Authored by writers from the fields of psychology, religion, art, literature, and comparative myth, the essays flow into each other in ways that mirror the psyche’s unexpected convergences. There are no pat definitions of the kind that tend to collapse a symbol; a still vital symbol remains partially unknown, compels our attention and unfolds in new meanings and manifestations over time. Rather than merely categorize, The Book of Symbols illuminates how to move from the visual experience of a symbolic image in art, religion, life, or dreams, to directly experiencing its personal and psychological resonance. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Symbols , Harry potter: the monster book of monsters: it roams and chomps!

Bílá zvířata jsou velmi často hluchá - Ivana Myšková

Bílá zvířata jsou velmi často hluchá - Ivana Myšková

Postavy uvězněné ve svých životech jako jelení šíje ve zpuchřelé pneumatice Chřestí garnýžemi, nosí si domů odstraňovače žmolků, sbírají vzorky vorvaního dechu, rozkrajují hálky a budí žlabatky, prokousávají se obludnými želatinovými medvědy, sestrojují lapače času, a hlavně srdnatě pojídají nahnilá jablíčka pravdy. Ženy zaplavují muže tirádami a muži ženy mlčením. Všichni jsou trochu nahluchlí a vychýlení z rovnováhy, tihle lidé možností, kteří čelí teroru nejednoznačnosti. Jsou si dobře vědomi svých slabostí, vad a chyb a očekávají za své viny spravedlivý trest v podobě klíče zmizelého pod podšívkou, pádu do vnitrobloku, vyhození z bytu vlastním hostem nebo znásilnění. Jestliže se Ivana Myšková v ceněné prozaické prvotině Nícení soustředila hlavně na co nejpřesnější zprostředkování zjitřených stavů hlavní protagonistky, tyto vytříbené povídky působí příběhověji a čiší z nich radost z fabulace. Jestliže byl literární jazyk Nícení cudný a současně ohýbaný až k zaumnosti, tady je Myšková věcnější, cyničtější a občas mravenčivě nemravná. (

Podobné produkty ako Bílá zvířata jsou velmi často hluchá - Ivana Myšková , Nevermoor 02: wundersmith: the calling of morrigan crow book 2 (1510103848)

The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim

The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim

A lauded 'masterpiece' that tells with compassion and humour the story of Janusz Korczak, a hero of the Polish Jewish ghetto**SHORTLISTED FOR THE CARNEGIE AWARD**'Powerful . . . shattering . . . a masterpiece' The Times'Testament of love and sacrifice . . . a masterpiece' Joshua Ferris, Guardian'Transcendent and timeless . . . masterpiece' Washington PostAron is a nine-year-old Polish Jew, and a troublemaker. His mother despairs of him. His father beats him. He tries to be good. But in 1939, as the walls go up around the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, as lice and typhus rage, families starve and fight, it is Aron who finds a way - however dangerous, however treacherous - to survive. It isn't until he lands at the feet of Janusz Korczak - orphanage director and reluctant hero - that he learns of something greater than survival.**With new exclusive endmatter, featuring a biography of Korczak and questions for book clubs**Biographical Notes Jim Shepard is the National Book Award-finalist and highly acclaimed author of six novels and four collections of stories, including Nosferatu and Like You'd Understand, Anyway. He lives in Massachusetts with his family and teaches creative writing at the historic liberal arts establishment Williams College. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim , Zikmund lucemburský ()

The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram

The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram

They chose not to speak and now they are gone. . .What?s left to fill the silence is no longer theirs. This is my story, woven from the threads of rumour and legend.Jakub Rand flees his village for Prague, only to find himself trapped by the Nazi occupation. Deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, he is forced to sort through Jewish books for a so-called Museum of the Extinct Race. Hidden among the rare texts is a tattered prayer book, hollow inside, containing a small pile of dirt.Back in the city, Frantiska Roubickova picks over the embers of her failed marriage, despairing of her conversion to Judaism. When the Nazis summon her two eldest daughters for transport, she must sacrifice everything to save the girls from certain death.Decades later, Bram Presser embarks on a quest to find the truth behind the stories his family built around these remarkable survivors.The Book of Dirt is a completely original novel about love, family secrets, and Jewish myths. And it is a heart-warming story about a grandson?s devotion to the power of storytelling and his family?s legacy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - cad bane (889698686495)

The Book of Beginnings - Sally Page


From the author of the phenomenal bestseller The Keeper of Stories, comes an utterly beautiful and charming novel full of mystery and secrets waiting to be uncovered... Her new chapter starts now... Jo Sorsby is hiding from her past when she agrees to run her uncle's beloved stationery shop.Glimpsing the lives of her customers between the warm wooden shelves, as they scribble little notes and browse colourful notebooks, distracts her from her bruised heart. When she meets Ruth, a vicar running from a secret, and Malcolm, a septuagenarian still finding himself, she suddenly realizes she isn't alone. They each have a story that can transform Jo's life...if only she can let them in. The perfect gift for book lovers, The Keeper of Stories meets The Lost Bookshop in this gorgeous novel about secrets, second chances and finding friendship in the most unlikely places. Netgalley reviewers LOVE The Book of Beginnings! 'Another extraordinary read by the author of The Keeper of Stories.' 'What a gem of a book!' 'Everything about the story moved me.' 'I am in awe of Sally Page's writing' 'So refreshingly original.' 'You just have to read it.' 'A read cover-to-cover-in-one-sitting book that gives all the feels.' 'Wonderful, just wonderful.' (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Beginnings - Sally Page , Humans of prague (978-80-87260-86-9)

The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown


Because some doors should never be opened.New York bookseller Cassie Andrews is not sure what she's doing with her life. She lives quietly, sharing an apartment with her best friend, Izzy. Then a favourite customer gives her an old book. Full of strange writing and mysterious drawings, at the very front there is a handwritten message: This is the Book of Doors. Hold it in your hand, and any door is every door. Cassie is about to discover that the Book of Doors is a special book - a magic book. A book that bestows extraordinary abilities on whoever possesses it. And she is about to learn that there are other magic books out there that can also do wondrous - or dreadful and terrifying - things. Because where there is magic there is power and there are those who will stop at nothing to possess it. Suddenly Cassie and Izzy are confronted by violence and danger, and the only person who can help them is Drummond Fox who has a secret library of magical books hidden in the shadows for safekeeping, a man fleeing his own demons. Because there is a nameless evil out there that is hunting them all . . Because this book is worth killing for.Addictive, brilliantly written and utterly irresistible, The Book of Doors is the spell-binding, mind-bending, heart-pounding new adventure that is perfect for fans of The Binding, The Midnight Library and A Discovery of Witches . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - grogu with armor (889698686501)

The Book of Astrology - Marion Williamson


Astrology is more than just the 12 signs of the zodiac - it's a layered, multi-faceted tool for understanding ourselves and others. In this fascinating guide, you can discover what your sun sign says about you, who you are most compatible with romantically, and how you can progress in life with insights from the heavens above. More advanced ideas regarding aspects such as Mercury Retrograde, Moon Signs and other astrological terms are explained fully and permit the reader to begin their journey into this lifelong passion.• Descriptions of all 12 signs• Controversies about whether there is a 13th sign addressed• Moon signs and their significancePart of the beautiful Mystic Archives series, this ornate hardback is a wonderful companion for anyone wanting to align their life with the magic of the stars. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Astrology - Marion Williamson , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - mando with pouch (889698686549)

The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown


Because some doors should never be opened.New York bookseller Cassie Andrews is not sure what she’s doing with her life. She lives quietly, sharing an apartment with her best friend, Izzy. Then a favourite customer gives her an old book.Full of strange writing and mysterious drawings, at the very front there is a handwritten message:This is the Book of Doors. Hold it in your hand, and any door is every door. Cassie is about to discover that the Book of Doors is a special book – a magic book.A book that bestows extraordinary abilities on whoever possesses it. And she is about to learn that there are other magic books out there that can also do wondrous – or dreadful and terrifying – things. Because where there is magic there is power and there are those who will stop at nothing to possess it.Suddenly Cassie and Izzy are confronted by violence and danger, and the only person who can help them is Drummond Fox who has a secret library of magical books hidden in the shadows for safekeeping, a man fleeing his own demons. Because there is a nameless evil out there that is hunting them all . . . Because this book is worth killing for. Addictive, brilliantly written and utterly irresistible, The Book of Doors is the spell-binding, mind-bending, heart-pounding new adventure that is perfect for fans of The Binding, The Midnight Library and A Discovery of Witches . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown , The pointless book 3 (191127483x)

The Book of Minds - Philip Ball


Understanding the human mind and how it relates to the world that we experience has challenged philosophers for centuries. How then do we even begin to think about 'minds' that are not human?Science now has plenty to say about the properties of mind. In recent decades, the mind - both human and otherwise - has been explored by scientists in fields ranging from zoology to astrobiology, computer science to neuroscience. Taking a uniquely broad view of minds and where they might be found - including in plants, aliens, and God - Philip Ball pulls these multidisciplinary pieces together to explore what sorts of minds we might expect to find in the universe. In so doing, he offers for the first time a unified way of thinking about what minds are and what they can do, arguing that in order to understand our own minds and imagine those of others, we need to move on from considering the human mind as a standard against which all others should be measured, and to think about the 'space of possible minds'.By identifying and mapping out properties of mind without prioritizing the human, Ball sheds new light on a host of fascinating questions. What moral rights should we afford animals, and can we understand their thoughts? Should we worry that AI is going to take over society? If there are intelligent aliens out there, how could we communicate with them? Should we? Understanding the space of possible minds also reveals ways of making advances in understanding some of the most challenging questions in contemporary science: What is thought? What is consciousness? And what (if anything) is free will?The more we learn about the minds of other creatures, from octopuses to chimpanzees, and to imagine the potential minds of computers and alien intelligences, the greater the perspective we have on if and how our own is different. Ball's thrillingly ambitious The Book of Minds about the nature and existence of minds is more mind-expanding than we could imagine. In this fascinating panorama of other minds, we come to better know our own. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Minds - Philip Ball , The hound of the baskervilles

The Book of Elsewhere - Keanu Reeves


The legendary Keanu Reeves and inimitable writer China Mieville team up on this genre-bending epic of ancient powers, modern war, and an outcast who cannot die. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Elsewhere - Keanu Reeves , The turn of the screw

The Book of Bok - Neil Armstrong


First man on the Moon Neil Armstrong reveals the adventure of the first Moon landing, and how the Earth and the Moon came to be, in this unique non-fiction picture book.A young boy sits up in bed and gazes at the distant Moon through his window. He wonders if, one day, a human will stand on its surface and look back at the Earth. But Earth is already being studied from the Moon. An all-seeing Moon rock of almost impossible age, called Bok, has been looking down at our blue and green planet for millennia.Geologists - people who study rocks - have a saying: 'Rocks remember'. During his time, Bok has witnessed some truly wondrous things. Created in the Earth-shattering collision 4.5 billion years ago that led to the formation of the Moon, he has seen stars burst into being and meteors streak through the solar system. He has seen his own Moon surface be transformed with craters, and he has watched a fiery, volcanic planet transform into the haven we know today - as mountain ranges rose up, oceans appeared and dinosaurs roamed the Earth.And he found himself rudely awoken one early lunar morning by a strange creature picking him up and throwing him into a box.That is how Bok and Neil Armstrong first met, and this is their (true) story. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Bok - Neil Armstrong , Humans of prague (en) (978-80-87260-85-2)

The Book of Mehrin - Martin Reiner


The Book of Mehrin summarizes four yers of the project aiming to build the Moravian Jewish Museum in Brno. The history of the Jewish presence in Moravia spans at least nine hundred yers and is extremely interesting. In many respects it differs from that of the Czech Republic as a whole and is often closer to Vienna and Slovakia. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Mehrin - Martin Reiner , Tales of mysterious prague (978-80-87003-44-2)

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition

Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official book of the exhibition, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Bloomsbury, J.K. Rowling and the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes through to Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. There's also a specially commissioned essay for each subject area by an expert, writer or cultural commentator, inspired by the contents of the exhibition – absorbing, insightful and unexpected contributions from Steve Backshall, the Reverend Richard Coles, Owen Davies, Julia Eccleshare, Roger Highfield, Steve Kloves, Lucy Mangan, Anna Pavord and Tim Peake, who offer a personal perspective on their magical theme. Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, vials of dragon's blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch's broomstick, in a book that shows J.K. Rowling's magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears. This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person. (

Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the Exhibition , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - boba fett (bobble-head) (889698602365)

Bílá zvířata jsou velmi často hluchá - Ivana Myšková - e-kniha

Bílá zvířata jsou velmi často hluchá - Ivana Myšková - e-kniha

eBook:,Jsou uvězněni ve svých životech jako jelení šíje ve zpuchřelé pneumatice, chřestí garnýžemi, rozkrajují hálky a budí žlabatky, sestrojují lapače času, a hlavně srdnatě pojídají nahnilá jablíčka pravdy. Ženy zaplavují muže tirádami a muži na ženy sesílají mlčení. Postavy této knihy jsou si dobře vědomy svých slabostí a za své viny očekávají spravedlivý trest. Nejsou vláčeny neblahými historickými událostmi, na pořádné drama si zadělají samy. Pořád se něčeho bojí, hodně se štítí a občas někoho nedopatřením zabijí. Snad by trocha sebelásky vedla ke šťastnějším koncům i začátkům. Ale jak ji do nich vpravit, aby ji nevyzvracely? Z ohlasů na knihu: O souboru povídek Ivany Myškové stále platí slova, jimiž její prvotinu Nícení charakterizovala Alexandra Berková: Text, který může zklamat polykače příběhů, ale jejž je radost číst: nejvyšší jazyková vytříbenost, kultivovanost výrazu, brilantní surfování na špici verbální vlny. Druhá knížka má však navíc náboj, co nezklame ani ty „polykače“; autorčina „verbální vlna“ je dějotvorná. Tvoří tragikomické situace s erotickou podšívkou, aby vzápětí roznítila odpovědi na matoucí otázky. Nese vzkaz, že soucit povznáší a vede k obohacení. Antonín Bajaja Čtenář si jistě všimne, že každou z jedenácti čísel povídkové sbírky Ivany Myškové předchází motto, pozoruhodný citát z nejrůznějších autorů. Spisovatelku jako by inspiroval k budování situací. Buduje je velmi vynalézavě. Souvislost s mottem se vynoří později a je vždy překvapivá. Tento typ prózy patří k uměleckému rodokmenu, jejž v české literatuře představují například Věra Linhartová nebo Jiří Kratochvil: oporou a průvodcem hravého tvůrčího procesu je vědomí, že jde o umělé dílo. Ivana Myšková si přitom počíná po svém. Vývoj situací řídí naléhavá, přímo posedlá fantazie: míří ke stále nečekanějším a vrývavě konkrétním detailům, k zážitkům a myšlenkám, které náhle zavoní nebo zapáchají „skutečným životem“. Vyprávění zní jednou humorně, ba groteskně, jindy účastně. Pokaždé mě zaskočilo jako úchvatné dobrodružství odehrávající se v lidském světě plném nepojmenovaných prohlubní. Vypovídá o současném člověku: o tom, co zvedá vypravěččina obraznost odněkud ze dna. Milan Uhde Ivana Myšková (*1981) vystudovala Literární akademii v Praze. V letech 2007—2013 působila na stanici Vltava ČRo. Nyní je na volné noze. V roce 2007 debutovala rozhlasovou hrou Odpoledne s liliputem, o pět let později jí nakladatelství Fra vydalo prozaickou prvotinu Nícení. (

Podobné produkty ako Bílá zvířata jsou velmi často hluchá - Ivana Myšková - e-kniha , Prague radio chorus: františek škroup - columbus - highlights from the opera (prague opera collectio (310153-2)

The Prague Cathedral - Boněk Jan

The Prague Cathedral - Boněk Jan

Emperor and King Charles IV had many monumental edifices built, but paid special attention to the Cathedral of St. Vitus at the Prague Castle. He wanted it to be a Gothic masterpiece - a stone epitome of faith, the symbol of royal majesty, the see of the archbishop, the cult center of the land patrons, the place of royal crowning and the royal as well as national necropolis. No other church in Europe plays so many roles of great importance. The project of Matthias of Arras, the first architect of the cathedral, was literally one of the architectural wonders of that time. Commissioned to build a Gothic house of prayer in Prague modeled after cathedrals in Southern France, he inconspicuously modified the assignment according to his own ideas and local traditions. The approach of his successor Peter Parler was so distinctive, ingenious and yet architecturally risky that he fell afoul of backthen recognized rules. Looking at the cathedral, originally consecrated to the unknown Sicilian martyr Vitus and built in the heart of our capital city, from afar, up close and from inside, people are in awe of its impressive grandness even now in the 21st century. The Prague cathedral is not the oldest, largest or highest cathedral in Europe, but is unparalleled with its breathtaking balance. It is 124m long, 60m wide and over 33m high. The Southern Spire, which is almost 100m high, has become the landmark of the capital city. Over 8,000 people can hear the word of God inside this sacred place all at once. (

Podobné produkty ako The Prague Cathedral - Boněk Jan , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

The Prague Cathedral - Jan Boněk


Císař a král Karel IV. se zasloužil o vybudování celé řady monumentálních staveb, ovšem zvláštní pozornost věnoval Svatovítské katedrále na Pražském hradě. Měla se stát vrcholným dílem gotiky - kamenným ztělesněním víry, symbolem královského majestátu, sídlem arcibiskupa, střediskem kultu zemských patronů, dějištěm slavnostních korunovací, pohřebištěm královským a vlastně i národním. Žádný jiný kostel v Evropě nespojoval tolik důležitých funkcí najednou. Projekt prvního stavitele katedrály Matyáše z Arrasu patřil už ve své době doslova ke stavebním zázrakům. Jednoznačné zadání přenést do Prahy styl jihofrancouzských katedrál nenápadně přizpůsobil vlastním představám i místním tradicím. Přístup jeho nástupce Petra Parléře byl natolik osobitý, geniální a přitom architektonicky riskantní, že se dostal do konfliktu s tehdy uznávanými pravidly. A tak chrám zasvěcený původně neznámému sicilskému mučedníku Vítovi v srdci naší metropole budí i v 21. století úžas svou impozantní vznešeností z dálky, z blízka i zevnitř. Pražská katedrála není nejstarší, nejširší ani nejvyšší v Evropě. Její jedinečnost spočívá v ohromující vyváženosti. Celková délka stavby je 124 metrů a šířka transeptu dosahuje 60 metrů. Klenba se tyčí do výšky pres 33 metrů a téměř stometrová tzv. jižní věž dodává hlavnímu městu čitelné charakteristické panorama. Slovo Boží může v posvátném prostoru katedrály vyslechnout najednou víc než osm tisíc lidí. V anglickém jazyce. (

Podobné produkty ako The Prague Cathedral - Jan Boněk , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

The Art of War / The Book of Lord Shang (Defekt) - Sun Tzu


Translated by Yuan Shibing and J.J.L.Duyvendak. With introductions by Robert Wilkinson. The two political classics in this book are the product of a time of intense turmoil in Chinese history.Dating from the Period of the Warring States (403-221BC), they anticipate Machiavelli's The Prince by nearly 2000 years. The Art of War is the best known of a considerable body of Chinese works on the subject. It analyses the nature of war, and reveals how victory may be ensured.The Book of Lord Shang is a political treatise for the instruction of rulers. These texts are anything but armchair strategy or ivory-tower speculation. They are serious, urgent and practical responses to the desperate situations in which they were written.They have been immensely influential both inside and outside China. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War / The Book of Lord Shang (Defekt) - Sun Tzu , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

Kniha - autor Judea Pearl; Dana Mackenzie, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality -- the study of cause and effect -- on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411) , Prague in the heart (978-80-7252-605-5)

The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar Hemon

The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar Hemon

Aleksandar Hemon grew up in a blissful Sarajevo, where his childhood was consumed by football, his adolescence by friends, movies and girls and where, as a young man, he poked at the pretensions of his beloved city with American music, bad poetry, and slightly better journalism. And then at twenty-seven Hemon flew to Chicago for a month-long visit. A matter of weeks later Sarajevo was engulfed in an atrocious war and Hemon found himself an exile - he wouldn't return home for five years, and when he did, he found his city irrevocably changed. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar Hemon , Wylde zakk: book of shadows - cd (0634164644925)

The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

ONE MAN'S TRUTH IS ANOTHER MAN'S LIE. When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued. The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder. One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved. Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime. But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici , Binky a kouzelná kniha / binky and the book of spells (978-80-247-4842-9)

The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová

The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová

Ana is born in Galilee at a time when women are seen as possessions, only leaving their fathers' homes to marry.Ana longs to control her destiny. Taught to read despite her mother's misgivings, she wants to be a writer and to find her own voice. A voice that will speak for the silenced women around her.Betrothed to an elderly widower, Ana almost despairs. But an encounter with a charismatic young carpenter in Nazareth awakens new longings in her, and a different future opens up.Yet this is not a simple love story. Ana's journey will bring both joy and tragedy, but it will also be enriched by the female friendships she makes along the way.The Book of Longings is an exquisite tale of dreams and desire, and of the power of women to change the world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Longings - Sue Monk Kiddová , Tales of old prague houses (978-80-7428-302-4)

The Book of Azrael - Amber V. Nicole


WHERE THERE ARE GODS, THERE ARE ALSO MONSTERS . . .For a thousand years, the Etherworld has known peace. Until now. Many centuries ago, desperate to save her dying sister, Dianna made a deal with Kaden, a monster far worse than any nightmare.Locked in servitude to him, she is forced to hunt down an ancient relic held by her most dangerous enemies: an army led by Samkiel, the World Ender. After the Gods War, Samkiel hid from everything, denying his crown and deserting his people. Now, an attack on those he loves sends him back to the realm he never wished to return to, and into the sights of an enemy he had hoped to forget.With every world at stake, Dianna and Samkiel are forced to set aside their animosity and work together, before all is lost . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Azrael - Amber V. Nicole

The Book of Beginnings (Defekt) - Sally Page


From the author of the phenomenal bestseller The Keeper of Stories, comes an utterly beautiful and charming novel full of mystery and secrets waiting to be uncovered... Her new chapter starts now... Jo Sorsby is hiding from her past when she agrees to run her uncle's beloved stationery shop.Glimpsing the lives of her customers between the warm wooden shelves, as they scribble little notes and browse colourful notebooks, distracts her from her bruised heart. When she meets Ruth, a vicar running from a secret, and Malcolm, a septuagenarian still finding himself, she suddenly realizes she isn't alone. They each have a story that can transform Jo's life...if only she can let them in. The perfect gift for book lovers, The Keeper of Stories meets The Lost Bookshop in this gorgeous novel about secrets, second chances and finding friendship in the most unlikely places. Netgalley reviewers LOVE The Book of Beginnings! 'Another extraordinary read by the author of The Keeper of Stories.' 'What a gem of a book!' 'Everything about the story moved me.' 'I am in awe of Sally Page's writing' 'So refreshingly original.' 'You just have to read it.' 'A read cover-to-cover-in-one-sitting book that gives all the feels.' 'Wonderful, just wonderful.' (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Beginnings (Defekt) - Sally Page

The Book of Speculation (Defekt) - Swylerová Erika


For fans of The Night Circus, comes a sweeping and captivating debut novel about a young librarian who discovers that his family labours under a terrible curse. Simon Watson lives alone on the Long Island Sound. On a day in late June, Simon receives a mysterious book connected to his family. The book tells the story of two doomed lovers, two hundred years ago. He is fascinated, yet as he reads Simon becomes increasingly unnerved. Why do so many women in his family drown on 24th July? And could his beloved sister risk the same terrible fate? As 24th July draws ever closer, Simon must unlock the mysteries of the book, and decode his family history, before it's too late. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Speculation (Defekt) - Swylerová Erika

The Book Of Answers (Defekt) - Carol Bolt


AS SEEN ON TIKTOK: The Book of Answers holds the solution you've been looking for.Ask a yes or no question, open the book and find your answer...Is my partner the one?Should I travel this weekend?Should I ask my boss for a pay rise?The perfect gift for those looking for new perspectives and enlightenment...or simply (spookily accurate) fun!HOW TO USE THE BOOK OF ANSWERS:1. Simply hold the closed book in your hands and take ten to fifteen seconds to concentrate on your question.2. Whilst visualising or saying your question out loud, place one palm on the book's front cover and stroke the edge of the pages back to front.3. When you sense the time is right, open to the page your fingers land on and there is your answer!Beautifully packaged with over 700 guiding insights, The Book of Answers is a brilliant and original gift. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book Of Answers (Defekt) - Carol Bolt

The Book of Desires (PC) DIGITAL (213343)

The Book of Desires (PC) DIGITAL (213343)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: logická, PC The Book of Desires objevte fascinující svět v The Book of Desires, vzrušující dobrodružné hře s hlavolamy a skrytými objekty. Vypnuto Ponořte se do světa fantazie a zažijte úžasné dobrodružstvíAshley měla děsivou noční můru, kde cestovala po bizarní sféře. Když se probudila, uvědomila si, že to nebyla jen noční můra, ale děsivá skutečnost. Vypnuto Zajímavý příběh Objevte fantastický svět v této dobrodružné hře s logickými hádankami a skrytými objekty. Vypnuto Pomozte Ashley uniknout z této noční můry. Vypnuto... (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Desires (PC) DIGITAL (213343)

The Lights of Prague - Nicole Jarvis

The Lights of Prague - Nicole Jarvis

In the quiet streets of Prague all manner of otherworldly creatures lurk in the shadows. Unbeknownst to its citizens, their only hope against the tide of predators are the dauntless lamplighters - a secret elite of monster hunters whose light staves off the darkness each night. Domek Myska leads a life teeming with fraught encounters with the worst kind of evil: pijavica, bloodthirsty and soulless vampiric creatures. Despite this, Domek find solace in his moments spent in the company of his friend, the clever and beautiful Lady Ora Fischer - a widow with secrets of her own. When Domek finds himself stalked by the spirit of the White Lady - a ghost who haunts the baroque halls of Prague castle - he stumbles across the sentient essence of a will-o'-the-wisp captured in a mysterious container. Now, as it's bearer, Domek wields its power, but the wisp, known for leading travellers to their deaths, will not be so easily controlled. After discovering a conspiracy amongst the pijavice that could see them unleash terror on the daylight world, Domek finds himself in a race against those who aim to twist alchemical science for their own dangerous gain.In the quiet streets of Prague all manner of otherworldly creatures lurk in the shadows. Unbeknownst to its citizens, their only hope against the tide of predators are the dauntless lamplighters - a secret elite of monster hunters whose light staves off the darkness each night. Domek Myska leads a life teeming with fraught encounters with the worst kind of evil: pijavica, bloodthirsty and soulless vampiric creatures. Despite this, Domek find solace in his moments spent in the company of his friend, the clever and beautiful Lady Ora Fischer - a widow with secrets of her own. When Domek finds himself stalked by the spirit of the White Lady - a ghost who haunts the baroque halls of Prague castle - he stumbles across the sentient essence of a will-o'-the-wisp captured in a mysterious container. Now, as it's bearer, Domek wields its power, but the wisp, known for leading travellers to their deaths, will not be so easily controlled. After discovering a conspiracy amongst the pijavice that could see them unleash terror on the daylight world, Domek finds himself in a race against those who aim to twist alchemical science for their own dangerous gain. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lights of Prague - Nicole Jarvis

The Vedute of Prague - Roman Koucký


„Book „The Vedute of Prague“ describes the development of Prague cityscape in the period of last 5 centuries and emphasizes future possible scenarios how the city composition could be continuously developed in the 21st century,“ comments the content of the book Roman Koucký, the co-author of the book and the chief of the Metropolitan plan office, that prepares new urban plan of Prague, called Metropolitan plan.The overall visual composition of the city forms a significant part of its identity and the collective mental “city image”. The layered and diverse composition of the city “from medieval times up to now” is, as emphasized in the book’s first chapter, the reason for Prague’s inscription in the prestigious UNESCO Register of World Cultural Heritage. The second chapter describes how it is not only possible but indeed necessary to read the contemporary city/metropolis, and what to emphasis in supplementing its composition. The third chapter is a brief history of the formulation of Prague’s historic urban landscape, particularly in the turbulent 20th century, and an outline of a possible solution for its further development based on the Metropolitan Plan. It describes how it is possible to supplement the historically layered city with a contemporary cultural layer precisely as assumed in the wording of the UNESCO inscription from 1992. The attempt of the book is to place today’s views of the city into a historical context. For this reason, in the first excursus, the book provides a selection of historic Prague vedute from the collection of the City of Prague Museum. In the second excursus, the book presents selection from the archival collections of IPR Praha with views of the design of the city from the 20th century.The main part of the book represents in the 3rd excursus series of new Prague vedute: the panoramic photographs taken from 2014 to 2017 as the artistic vision of Ester Havlová, capturing of a crucial historical moment in the search for a vision of the future of Prague. The final, fourth excursus is a description of the entirely new depiction of the proposed future composition of the city, the ‘digital veduta’ using orthogonal imaging, used aswell in the Metropolitan plan of Prague proposal. The present book is published to mark the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the historic centre of Prague to the UNESCO Register of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The book also commemorates the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Office of the Metropolitan Plan. For the text and illustrations, the materials used are results of research by the Office of the Metropolitan Plan, published in full in the volume Metropolitní plán, koncept odůvodnění 2014, supplemented by an extensive new research including methodological principles of defining the height composition of the city. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vedute of Prague - Roman Koucký

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

Vydavatelství: Diggers Factory Země interpreta: Česká republika Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Varianta: The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP) Typ: LP deska;Kompilace Žánr: Stage & Screen Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Subžánr: Score Dekáda interpreta: 1940 - 1949;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Datum vydání: 2020-10-02 Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2020.0 (

Podobné produkty ako The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber

The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber

'I am with you always, even unto the end of the world . . .' Peter Leigh is a missionary called to go on the journey of a lifetime. Leaving behind his beloved wife, Bea, Peter sets out on a quest to take the word of God to the farthest corners of the galaxy. His mission will challenge everything - his faith, his endurance and the love that can hold two people together, even when they are worlds apart.two envelopes - random selection (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Strange New Things - Michel Faber

The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - Milan Kundera


'This book is a novel in the form of variations. The various parts follow each other like the various stages of a voyage leading into the interior of a theme, the interior of a thought, the interior of a single, unique situation the understanding of which recedes from my sight into the distance. It is a book about laughter and about forgetting, about forgetting and about Prague, about Prague and about the angels.'The Book of Laughter and Forgetting is the most secret of Kundera's novels. This new translation is the first to be fully authorized by Milan Kundera. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - Milan Kundera

The Book of Form and Emptiness - Ruth Ozeki


LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTIONWhen a book and a reader are meant for each other, both of them know it . . .After the tragic death of his father, fourteen-year-old Benny Oh begins to hear voices. The voices belong to the things in his house and sound variously pleasant, angry or sad. Then his mother develops a hoarding problem, and the voices grow more clamorous. So Benny seeks refuge in the silence of a large public library. There he meets a mesmerising street artist with a smug pet ferret; a homeless philosopher-poet; and his very own Book, who narrates Benny's life and teaches him to listen to the things that truly matter.Blending unforgettable characters with jazz, climate change and our attachment to material possessions, this is classic Ruth Ozeki - bold, humane and heartbreaking. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Form and Emptiness - Ruth Ozeki

The Book of All Books (Defekt) - Roberto Calasso


A splendid reimagining of key stories from the Bible, by the author of The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony. A man named Saul is sent to search for some lost donkeys and on the way is named king of his people. The queen of a remote African realm travels for three years with her multitudinous retinue to meet the king of Jerusalem and pose him a few riddles. A man named Abraham hears a divine voice speaking words that reverberate throughout the Bible: 'Go away from your land, from your kindred and from the house of your father toward the land that I will show you'. In The Book of All Books, Roberto Calasso weaves together stories of promise and separation from one of the founding texts of Western civilisation. These tales of grace and guilt, of the chosen and the damned, cast many Biblical figures and indeed the whole book in a light as astonishing as it is disquieting. The Book of All Books is part of a larger work which began with The Ruin of Kasch (1983) and includes The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, Ka, and The Celestial Hunter. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of All Books (Defekt) - Roberto Calasso

The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

ONE MAN'S TRUTH IS ANOTHER MAN'S LIE. When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued. The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder. One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved. Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime. But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

Iron Maiden - The Book Of Souls (3 LP)

Iron Maiden - The Book Of Souls (3 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 3 ks Rok vydání: 2015.0 Datum vydání: 2015-04-09 Typ: Album;LP deska Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Rock;Hard Rock;Progressive Rock;Heavy Metal Žánr: Rock;Hard Rock;Heavy Metal Země interpreta: Spojené království Varianta: The Book Of Souls (3 LP) Vydavatelství: Parlophone Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Iron Maiden (

Podobné produkty ako Iron Maiden - The Book Of Souls (3 LP)

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit (Silver Coloured) (LP)

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit (Silver Coloured) (LP)

Žánr: Soundtrack Barva: Stříbrná Barva podle výrobce: Silver Varianta: The Hobbit (Silver Coloured) (LP) Subžánr: Soundtrack Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Balení obsahuje: LP Datum vydání: 2024-04-12 Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Vydavatelství: Diggers Factory Rok vydání: 2024.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Barevná;LP deska (

Podobné produkty ako The City Of Prague - The Hobbit (Silver Coloured) (LP)

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

Kniha - autor Charlie Lovett, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Academic and bibliophile Arthur Prescott finds respite from the drudgery of his professorship in the Barchester Cathedral Library, where he devotes himself to researching the Holy Grail and writing his long-delayed guide to the history of the medieval cathedral. His peaceful existence is shattered by the arrival of a young American academic named Bethany Davis, who has come to digitize the library's ancient books. Arthur's initial hostility towards Bethany turns to affection as he discovers a kindred spirit who shares his interest in the Holy Grail and his devotion to literature. Together, they mount a search for the Book of Ewolda, an esoteric tome that could reveal long-forgotten secrets about the Cathedral, the Grail and their connections to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. As Arthur and Bethany delve further into the past, the secret history of England - from the... (

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Malazan Book of the Fallen 01. Gardens of the Moon (0765348780)

Malazan Book of the Fallen 01. Gardens of the Moon (0765348780)

Kniha - autor Steven Erikson, 666 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The first book in an epic, 10-volume fantasy is an enthralling adventure by an outstanding new voice. "A brilliant book! Exciting, inventive, intelligent--frequently funny"--David Drake. (

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The Dark Side of Prague - Natálie Kocábová

The Dark Side of Prague - Natálie Kocábová

Mladí bývají neklidní. S Natálií Kocábovou (1984) tomu nebylo jinak: prvotina v osmnácti, ve třiadvaceti pět knížek. K tomu sex, drogy a rock'n'roll. Kdysi jsem o ní napsal do Respektu: Rychle napsat, rychle vydat - a další. Natálie rychle psala, rychle vydávala, ale pak se začala "propisovat": s druhou knihou poezie (Někdo je v domě) a třetí prózou (Růže) došla sobě nadosah. Tempo zvolnilo, ohlasy a stylizace zčásti opadaly, křeč vzpoury proti všemu metamorfovala v jedinečné chvíle údivu a pokory. Změnily se "stravovací návyky": lehké maso postmoderny, kterým Natálie krmila agresivní vnějškovost svého psaní, vystřídal krvavý biftek vlastního života. Snění a fantazie vypověděly službu krátkodechým účelům a sblížily se s realitou. Iracionální se umazalo o konkrétní. Šestá kniha, The Dark Side of Prague, je toho očitým svědkem: pod vrstvou křiku citlivost, za vztekem milostnost, za nenávistí láska. Kulisy globální, aktéři v pohybu za svým stínem. Hledají tajemství světa a nastavují přitom obě tváře. A kdo hledá, najde: ostrovy harmonie vyplavené na hladinu chaosu. Radim Kopáč (

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The Lights of Prague (Defekt) - Nicole Jarvis

The Lights of Prague (Defekt) - Nicole Jarvis

In the quiet streets of Prague all manner of otherworldly creatures lurk in the shadows. Unbeknownst to its citizens, their only hope against the tide of predators are the dauntless lamplighters - a secret elite of monster hunters whose light staves off the darkness each night. Domek Myska leads a life teeming with fraught encounters with the worst kind of evil: pijavica, bloodthirsty and soulless vampiric creatures. Despite this, Domek find solace in his moments spent in the company of his friend, the clever and beautiful Lady Ora Fischer - a widow with secrets of her own. When Domek finds himself stalked by the spirit of the White Lady - a ghost who haunts the baroque halls of Prague castle - he stumbles across the sentient essence of a will-o'-the-wisp captured in a mysterious container. Now, as it's bearer, Domek wields its power, but the wisp, known for leading travellers to their deaths, will not be so easily controlled. After discovering a conspiracy amongst the pijavice that could see them unleash terror on the daylight world, Domek finds himself in a race against those who aim to twist alchemical science for their own dangerous gain.In the quiet streets of Prague all manner of otherworldly creatures lurk in the shadows. Unbeknownst to its citizens, their only hope against the tide of predators are the dauntless lamplighters - a secret elite of monster hunters whose light staves off the darkness each night. Domek Myska leads a life teeming with fraught encounters with the worst kind of evil: pijavica, bloodthirsty and soulless vampiric creatures. Despite this, Domek find solace in his moments spent in the company of his friend, the clever and beautiful Lady Ora Fischer - a widow with secrets of her own. When Domek finds himself stalked by the spirit of the White Lady - a ghost who haunts the baroque halls of Prague castle - he stumbles across the sentient essence of a will-o'-the-wisp captured in a mysterious container. Now, as it's bearer, Domek wields its power, but the wisp, known for leading travellers to their deaths, will not be so easily controlled. After discovering a conspiracy amongst the pijavice that could see them unleash terror on the daylight world, Domek finds himself in a race against those who aim to twist alchemical science for their own dangerous gain. (

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The Book of Life : (All Souls 3) - Deborah Harknessová


Fall deeper under the spell of Diana and Matthew once more in the phenomenal climax to their epic tale, following A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES and SHADOW OF NIGHT. A world of witches, daemons and vampires. A manuscript which holds the secrets of their past and the key to their future. Diana and Matthew - the forbidden love at the heart of it. After travelling through time in SHADOW OF NIGHT, the second book in Deborah Harkness's enchanting series, historian and witch Diana Bishop and vampire scientist Matthew Clairmont return to the present to face new crises and old enemies. At Matthew's ancestral home in France they reunite with their families - with one heart-breaking exception. But the real threat to their future is yet to be revealed, and when it is, the search for the elusive manuscript Ashmole 782 and its missing pages takes on a terrifying urgency. Using ancient knowledge and modern science, from the palaces of Venice and beyond, Diana and Matthew will finally learn what the witches discovered so many centuries ago. (

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