Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Civilizace - Laurent Binet
Román Civilizace stojí na této hypotéze: Atahualpa, vládce Incké říše, se vylodí v Evropě Karla V. Habsburského. Jak to zde vypadá? Španělská inkvizice, Lutherovy reformy, rodící se kapitalismus. Zázračný vynález knihtisku, díky němuž promlouvá papír. Monarchie, vyčerpané nekonečnými válkami a bez ustání ohrožované Turky. Moře sužovaná piráty. Kontinent drcený náboženskými a dynastickými sváry. Ale především týraný, vyhladovělý, bouřící se lid, toledští Židé, granadští Mauři, němečtí rolníci: možní spojenci. Z Cuzca do Cách a hlavně až do bitvy u Lepanta - to je trasa vyprávění o převráceném chodu dějin, o ovládnutí světa, k němuž vlastně mohlo dojít. Mohlo se to stát. Chybělo málo - jen tři věci: kdyby měli indiáni koně, kolo a ty správné protilátky, ubránili by se konkvistadorům a museli bychom přepisovat dějiny. Román o alternativních dějinách světa - konkvista naruby. Oceněno Prix de l'Académie française 2019.
Podívejte se také The turn of the Screw
HHhH - Laurent Binet
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER Two men have been enlisted to kill the head of the Gestapo. This is Operation Anthropoid, Prague, 1942: two Czechoslovakian parachutists sent on a daring mission by London to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich - chief of the Nazi secret services, 'the hangman of Prague', 'the blond beast', 'the most dangerous man in the Third Reich'. His boss is Heinrich Himmler but everyone in the SS says 'Himmler's brain is called Heydrich', which in German spells HHhH. HHhH is a panorama of the Third Reich told through the life of one outstandingly brutal man, a story of unbearable heroism and loyalty, revenge and betrayal. It is a moving and shattering work of fiction. Laurent Binet's highly anticipated new novel, The Seventh Function of Language, is available for pre-order now...
Podívejte se také The Hound of the Baskervilles
HHhH - Laurent Binet
Je květen 1942 a výsadkáři Jozef Gabčík a Jan Kubiš se připravují na cíl operace Antropoid: zabít Reinharda Heydricha, zastupujícího říšského protektora Protektorátu Čechy a Morava, "pražského kata" a "blonďatou bestii". Druhého nejvyššího muže v hierarchii SS provází šeptem pronášená tajemná zkratka HHhH: Himmlers Hirn heißt Heydrich - Himmlerův mozek se jmenuje Heydrich. Ne nadarmo - Heydrich totiž patří k hlavním organizátorům židovského holocaustu neboli Endlösungu... Strhující prvotina francouzského spisovatele Laurenta Bineta, který dlouho pobýval na Slovensku a v Česku, barvitě vykresluje okolnosti "nejodvážnějšího protinacistického činu v dějinách druhé světové války" a novátorsky v něm zkoumá vztah mezi realitou a fikcí.Autor za svůj román obdržel prestižní Goncourtovu cenu 2010 pro nejlepší debut.
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Sedmá funkce jazyka - Laurent Binet
Druhý román autora pozoruhodné knihy HHhH se opět pohybuje v historických kulisách, ale tentokrát jde o minulost o něco méně vzdálenou – o osmdesátá léta dvacátého století – a o radikální změnu žánru: Laurent Binet se místo historického románu pouští do vod postmoderny, krimirománu a konspiračního thrilleru. Historické události už nerekonstruuje do co nejpřesnějších detailů, nýbrž je coby výchozí materiál mistrně a hravě mísí s fikcí. Je 25. února 1980 a v jedné pařížské ulici srazila dodávka chodce. Šlo by zřejmě o tragickou, leč ničím výjimečnou událost, nebýt toho, že oním chodcem byl světoznámý francouzský sémiolog Roland Barthes a že se právě vracel z oběda s prezidentským kandidátem Françoisem Mitterrandem.
Objev podobné jako Sedmá funkce jazyka - Laurent Binet
Heydrich Muž so železným srdcom - Laurent Binet
Prominentného nacistu Reinharda Heydricha prezývali pražský mäsiar a kat. Šéf gestapa, ktorý naplánoval holokaust a riadil tajnú službu, sa stal protektorom Čiech a Moravy. Po sérii podlých vrážd českých generálov a vlastencov dostal Slovák Jozef Gabčík a Čech Jan Kubiš z hnutia odporu poverenie Heydricha zabiť. Kniha opisuje kariéru nacistu až po smrteľné zranenie na pražskej zákrute v Kobylisiach – jediný úspešný atentát na vysokopostaveného esesáka počas vojny. Zrodil sa brilantný román o akcii Antropoid riadenej z Londýna.
Objev podobné jako Heydrich Muž so železným srdcom - Laurent Binet
The Magic of Language - Joseph Quinn
This is the story of James Joyce, a writer who overcame the limitations of poverty, nationalism, religion, family and near blindness. He only wrote about his native city, Dublin, though he refused to live there. In his lifetime, he was much criticised, but he became one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. However, he would not have achieved this without the help of three women. Dossier:The Irish renaissanceIrish emigration
Objev podobné jako The Magic of Language - Joseph Quinn
The Dictionary of Body Language (0008292604)
Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Dictionary of Body Language (0008292604)
The Language of Trees - Katie Holten
Inspired by forests, leaves, roots, and seeds, The Language of Trees is a gorgeously illustrated collection, a love letter to the wonder of trees – and how they make our world, stretch our minds and rewild our landscapes and lives.
Objev podobné jako The Language of Trees - Katie Holten
The Dictionary of Body Language - Navarro
From former FBI agent and bestselling author Joe Navarro, a field guide companion to his classic What Every BODY is Saying, revealing the more than 400 essential body language indicators.A decade after his huge international bestseller What Every BODY is Saying, which has sold more than half a million copies in the U.S. and been published in dozens of foreign territories, retired FBI agent Joe Navarro offers its follow-up. The Dictionary of Body Language is a companion “field guide” to What Every BODY is Saying, expanding the original work with hundreds of additional behaviours, and presenting them all in an easy-to-reference format.Moving from the head down to the feet, Navarro explains the hidden meanings behind the many conscious and subconscious things we do with our bodies. We learn how to tell a person’s true feelings from movement and dilation in their pupils; what to watch for in the lips of a person who may be afraid, or lying; the many different varieties of arm-crossing, and what each one means; how the position of our thumbs when we stand akimbo reflects our mental state; and many other fascinating insights. The applications for readers are numerous, from the business environment to romantic relationships.After reading The Dictionary of Body Language, you’ll have a new ability to read other people’s true intentions, and to adjust your own body presentation so that you can convey the right messages.
Objev podobné jako The Dictionary of Body Language - Navarro
The Language of War - Oleksandr Mykhed
A thirty-three-year-old writer lives in a quiet European suburb with his wife and his dog. His parents have bought an apartment nearby. On weekends they go out for brunch, cook and see friends. Life is good; it is normal. Then the invaders come. The Language of War is about what happens when your world changes overnight.When you wake up to the sound of helicopters and the smell of gunpowder. When your home is hit by shells or broken into by gunmen, and you spend another night in a basement-turned-bomb shelter. When, even though you’ve never held a weapon before, you realise the only choice is to fight back. It is about things one can never forget, or forgive. Bringing together Oleksandr Mykhed’s vivid day-by-day chronicles of the invasion of Ukraine with a chorus of other voices – his family, friends in exile, those who have fought and have witnessed unimaginable atrocities – this book is both a record, and a reckoning. Haunting and timeless, it asks how it is possible to find the words to describe a new reality; how you can still make sense of the world when the only language you can speak is the language of war.
Objev podobné jako The Language of War - Oleksandr Mykhed
Disney The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs - 7th Ed. Noty
Kniha společnosti Hal Leonard se skladbami pro piano, zpěv a kytaru. 7. vydání představuje vynikající sbírku skladeb z animovaných Disney filmů. Nabízí 70 skladeb pro piano/zpěv a je doplněna více než 100 barevnými ilustracemi. Skladby zahrnují: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (Cinderella), Circle of Life (The Lion King), Evermore (Beauty and the Beast), How Far I'll Go (Moana), I See the Light (Tangled), Let It Go (Frozen), Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid), When You Wish Upon a Star (Pinocchio), You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story) a mnoho dalších. Jazyk: Anglický jazyk Počet stran: 288 Žánr: Classical Interpret / Téma: Disney Země interpreta: USA Vhodné pro: Klavír;Vokální;Kytara Typ: Noty Úroveň obtížnosti: Začátečník Balení obsahuje: Noty Dekáda interpreta: 1940 - 1949;2000 - 2009;1930 - 1939;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1950 - 1959;1920 - 1929;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Země původu: Evropská unie
Objev podobné jako Disney The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs - 7th Ed. Noty
The Complete Language of Birds - Randi Minetor
Expand your bird knowledge with this gorgeous encyclopedia of nearly 400 bird species around the world, unique for its inclusion of both their physical and mythological characteristics.If you’re a nature lover who thrives on bird videos and photography, go beyond the scope of standard field guides with this comprehensive reference. Each entry of The Complete Language of Birds provides not only the bird’s name and physical qualities, but also its history, symbolic meanings, and hidden properties from mythology, legends, and folklore. Within the pages of this colorful volume, you’ll find: Beautiful illustrations and descriptions of common and unusual birds Notes on the surprising properties and powers of birdsDiscussions of the symbolism and mythological significance of each bird speciesDive into an unusual dimension of historical and arcane knowledge with the study of birds. A collection of fun and interesting facts about birds gathered from science and culture, the stunning illustrations and lively descriptions make this an engaging guide you’ll return to again and again.Elegantly designed and beautifully illustrated, the Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia series offers comprehensive, display-worthy references on a range of intriguing topics, including dream interpretation, techniques for harnessing the power of dreams, flower meanings, and the stories behind signs and symbols.Also available in the series: Complete Book of Dreams, Complete Language of Flowers, Complete Language of Herbs, Signs & Symbols of the World, Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, and Complete Language of Food.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Language of Birds - Randi Minetor
The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society - Viorica Marian
Why should we learn more than one language?Can it change the way we think?Does it have the power to transform how we see the world? You may think you speak only one language. In fact, your mind is interpreting multiple codes of communication. Some people speak Spanish, some Mandarin. Some speak poetry, some are fluent in maths. Humans are built for multilingualism. Drawing on cutting-edge research and theory, delivered with wit and lucid insight, psycholinguist Viorica Marian explores the ways in which the mind uses multiple languages and how, in doing so, we can open the doors to unique forms of creativity, brain health and cognitive control. Every new language we speak - whether it is coding or musical notes, Hindi or Arabic - shapes how we extract and interpret information. It alters what we remember, how we perceive ourselves and those around us, how we feel, the insights we have, the decisions we make and the actions we take. The Power of Language lays bare how we use different linguistic codes to think about the world - and change our place within it.Empowering and practical, this is the perfect guide for anyone interested in how language really works.
Objev podobné jako The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society - Viorica Marian
Signs : The secret language of the universe - Laura Lynne Jacksonová
A modern guide to connecting with the other side, Signs is full of stories of hope. It teaches us how to recognise and interpret the life-changing messages from loved ones and spirit guides, by a renowned psychic medium.Laura Lynne Jackson is a psychic medium and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Light Between Us. She possesses an incredible gift: the ability to communicate with loved ones who have passed, convey messages of love and healing, and impart a greater understanding of our interconnectedness. Though her abilities are exceptional, they are not unique, and that is the message at the core of this book. Understanding ''the secret language of the universe'' is a gift available to all. As we learn to ask for and recognise signs from the other side, we will start to find meaning where before there was only confusion, and see light in the darkness. We may decide to change paths, push toward love, pursue joy, and engage with life in a whole new way.In Signs, Jackson is able to bring the mystical into the everyday. She relates stories of people who have experienced uncanny revelations and instances of unexplained synchronicity, as well as others drawn from her own experience. There''s the lost child who appears to her mother as a deer that approaches her unhesitatingly at a highway rest stop; the name written on a dollar bill that lets a terrified wife know that her husband will be okay; the Elvis Presley song that arrives at the exact moment of Jackson''s own father''s passing; and many others. This is a book that is inspiring and practical, deeply comforting and wonderfully motivational, in asking us to see beyond ourselves to a more magnificent universal design.
Objev podobné jako Signs : The secret language of the universe - Laura Lynne Jacksonová
The Secret Language of Your Body - Inna Segal
Discover the groundbreaking bestseller and TikTok sensation that reveals the connection between your physical health and emotional well-being, and offers processes for healing—featuring a foreword by Bernie Siegel, M.D.Dive into the enchanting world of holistic healing with renowned intuitive healer Inna Segal. Digging into the root causes of over 300 symptoms and medical conditions, she lays bare the mental, emotional, and energetic triggers behind physical ailments. This comprehensive guide comes complete with a free thirty-five-minute audio download where Inna herself guides you into a powerful self-care and well-being journey, attuning you to the messages your body communicates. Venture into an empowering, transformative journey that calls upon your body’s built-in ability to heal itself. With Segal''s gentle guidance, you''ll not only restore your physical self but also break free from the shackles of limiting beliefs and emotions that may be hindering your growth and vitality. Decode the secret language of disease, access quick and easy exercises for nurturing your organs, and use color to rejuvenate your life. By the end of this inspiring journey, you''ll have uncovered and applied the life-altering teachings your body has been signaling you all along and be able to live the life you were truly meant to live.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Language of Your Body - Inna Segal
The Bilingual Brain: And What It Tells Us about the Science of Language (0141990384)
Kniha - autor Albert Costa, 176 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fascinating. . . This engaging book explores just how multiple languages are acquired and sorted out by the brain. . . Costa's work derives from a great fund of knowledge, considerable curiosity and solidly scientific spirit' Philip Hensher SpectatorThe definitive study of bilingualism and the human brain from a leading neuropsychologistOver half of the world's population is bilingual and yet few of us understand how this extraordinary, complex ability really works. How do two languages co-exist in the same brain? What are the advantages and challenges of being bilingual? How do we learn - and forget - a language?In the first study of its kind, leading expert Albert Costa shares twenty years of experience to explore the science of language. Looking at studies and examples from Canada to France to South Korea, The Bilingual Brain investigates the significant impact of bilingualism on...
Objev podobné jako The Bilingual Brain: And What It Tells Us about the Science of Language (0141990384)
Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván The language of butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
The Complete Language of Trees - Pocket Edition - S. Theresa Dietz
The Complete Language of Trees is a comprehensive encyclopedia providing the meanings, powers, facts, and folklore for over 400 types of trees—now in a pocket-size edition for easy, on-the-go reference. Along with a stunning visual depiction, each entry provides the tree’s scientific and common name, characteristics, and historic and hidden properties from mythology, legends, and folklore. Discover the lore of trees, including: Hackberry Tree – encourages someone to continuously do their best Manchineel Tree – it is so toxic that the smoke from a burning tree can cause blindness, and it is not even advised to inhale the air around the tree Bark from the Bird Cherry Tree was placed on doors during medieval times to ward off plague Washi paper is created from the inner bark of the Paper Mulberry Tree. Pando is a Quaking Aspen colony that is 108 acres wide (about the size of 83 football fields!). It is technically one tree. Imagine developing a spiritual connection with a tree in a way that exceeds visual perception; where learning its meaning and value simultaneously improves your own mental and physical wellness. Throughout history, floriographies—flower dictionaries—have gained notoriety for regulating human emotions and giving depth, symbolism, and meaning to extremely delicate aspects of nature. Following the success of The Complete Language of Herbs and its predecessor The Complete Language of Flowers, author S. Theresa Dietz continues this custom with The Complete Language of Trees. Coupled with two indexes, one for searching by common tree name and the other organized by meaning, Dietz cleverly connects quality time in nature with the overall improvement of mental health by developing a stunningly depicted dictionary for gardeners, environmentalists, and nature lovers alike.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Language of Trees - Pocket Edition - S. Theresa Dietz
The Dawn of Language: Axes, lies, midwifery and how we came to talk (1529411408)
Kniha - autor Frank Perry, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An entertaining and stimulating deep dive for anyone who has ever contemplated not just why we speak the way we do, but why we speak at all. The book is divided into three parts - language, origin and origin of language - and is packed with colourful examples. Part 1 - Language as an isolated phenomenon - How do languages develop, what are the differences and similarities between the languages spoken around the world? Chapters on the origin and use of grammar. Part 2 - Evolution of man - Intellectual development (from Neanderthal to social guru), but also physiological changes in evolution (e.g. brain capacity compared to apes) that have a bearing on our ability to develop language. Nature versus nurture is also discussed, to what extent is language development dependent on genes and environment? Both play a role, but perhaps have less impact than initially you think. Part 3 - Origin...
Objev podobné jako The Dawn of Language: Axes, lies, midwifery and how we came to talk (1529411408)
The Language of Thorns : Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic - Leigh Bardugová
Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns.Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread golems, where a young mermaid's voice can summon deadly storms and where a river might do a lovestruck boy's bidding but only for a terrible price.Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.Perfect for new readers and dedicated fans, these tales will transport you to lands both familiar and strange - to a fully realized world of dangerous magic that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse.This collection of six stories includes three brand-new tales, all of them lavishly illustrated with art by Sara Kiplin that changes with each turn of the page, culminating in six stunning full-spread illustrations as rich in detail as the stories themselves.
Objev podobné jako The Language of Thorns : Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic - Leigh Bardugová
Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection - Charles Duhigg
Who and what are supercommunicators? They're the people who can steer a conversation to a successful conclusion. They are able to talk about difficult topics without giving offence.They know how to make others feel at ease and share what they think. They're brilliant faciliators and decision-guiders. How do they do it?In this groundbreaking new book, Charles Duhigg unravels the secrets of the supercommunicators to reveal the art - and the science - of successful communication.He unpicks the different types of everyday conversation and pinpoints why some go smoothly while others swiftly fall apart. He reveals the conversational questions and gambits that bring people together. And he shows how even the most tricky of encounters can be turned around.In the process, he shows why a CIA operative was able to win over a reluctant spy, how a member of a jury got his fellow jurors to view an open-and-shut case differently, and what a doctor found they needed to do to engage with a vaccine sceptic.Above all, he reveals the techniques we can all master to successfully connect with others, however tricky the circumstances. Packed with fascinating case studies and drawing on cutting-edge research, this book will change the way you think about what you say, and how you say it.
Objev podobné jako Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection - Charles Duhigg
The Complete Language of Trees: A Definitive and Illustrated History - S. Theresa Dietz
The Complete Language of Trees is a comprehensive encyclopedia providing the meanings, powers, facts, and folklore for over 400 types of trees. Along with a stunning visual depiction, each entry provides the tree's scientific and common name, characteristics, historic and hidden properties from mythology, legends, and folklore. Some of the lore of trees will include: Hackberry Tree - encourages someone to continuously do their best Manchineel Tree - it is so toxic that the smoke from a burning tree can cause blindness, and it is not even advised to inhale the air around the tree Bark from the Bird Cherry Tree was placed on doors during medieval times to ward off plague Washi paper is created from the inner bark of the Paper Mulberry Tree.Pando is a Quaking Aspen colony that is 108 acres wide (about the size of 83 football fields!). It is technically one tree. Imagine developing a spiritual connection with a tree in a way that exceeds visual perception? Where learning its meaning and value simultaneously improves your own mental and physical wellness? Throughout history, floriographies-flower dictionaries-have gained notoriety for regulating human emotions; giving depth, symbolism, and meaning to extremely delicate aspects of nature.Following the success of The Complete Language of Herbs and its predecessor The Complete Language of Flowers, author S. Theresa Dietz continues this custom with The Complete Language of Trees. Coupled with two indexes, one for searching by common tree name and the other organized by meaning, Dietz cleverly connects quality time in nature with the overall improvement of mental health by developing a stunningly depicted dictionary for gardeners, environmentalists, and nature lovers alike.Elegantly designed and beautifully illustrated, the Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia series offers comprehensive, display-worthy references on a range of intriguing topics, including birthday astrology, dream interpretation, astrological self-care practices, techniques for harnessing the power of dreams, and the stories behind signs and symbols.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Language of Trees: A Definitive and Illustrated History - S. Theresa Dietz
Pegasus: The Story of the World's Most Dangerous Spyware - Laurent Richard, Sandrine Rigaud
The gripping, behind-the scenes story of one of the most sophisticated surveillance weapons ever created, which is threatening democracy and human rights.'Absorbing . . . a celebration of journalism and hacking being used to unmask the bad guys' - GuardianPegasus is widely regarded as the most powerful cyber-surveillance system on the market - available to any government that can afford its multimillion-dollar price tag. The system's creator, the NSO group, a private corporation headquartered in Israel, boasts about its ability to thwart terrorists and criminals: 'Thousands of people in Europe owe their lives to hundreds of our company employees', they declared in 2019. That may be true - but the Pegasus system doesn't just catch bad guys.Pegasus has been used by repressive regimes to spy on thousands of innocent people around the world: heads of state, diplomats, human rights defenders, lawyers, political opponents, and journalists. Virtually undetectable, the system can track a person's daily movement in real time, gain control of the device's microphones and cameras at will, and capture all videos, photos, emails, texts, and passwords - encrypted or not. Its full reach is not even known.This is the gripping story of how Pegasus was uncovered, written by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud, the two intrepid reporters who revealed the scandal in collaboration with an international consortium of journalists. They received a leaked list of 50,000 mobile phone numbers, but they needed to prove NSO's involvement. After a dangerous and secretive investigation spanning the globe, their findings shook the world. Tense and compelling, Pegasus reveals how thousands of lives have been turned upside down by this unprecedented threat, and exposes the chilling new ways governments and corporations are laying waste to human rights - and silencing innocent citizens.
Objev podobné jako Pegasus: The Story of the World's Most Dangerous Spyware - Laurent Richard, Sandrine Rigaud
The Definitive Book of Body Language : How to read others' attitudes by their gestures - Allan Pease
This international bestseller explains everything you need to know about body language, how to read it, and how to put your best self forwards.What people say is often very different to what they think or feel.Now, with THE DEFINITIVE BOOK OF BODY LANGUAGE, you can learn to read others people's thoughts by their gestures. It sounds implausible, but body language is easy to pick up and fun to use. Find out:How to tell if someone is lyingHow to make yourself likeableHow to get co-operation from other peopleHow to interview and negotiate successfullyHow to choose a partnerLearn the secrets of body language with Allan and Barbara Pease, bestselling authors of WHY MEN DON'T LISTEN AND WOMEN CAN'T READ MAPS.
Objev podobné jako The Definitive Book of Body Language : How to read others' attitudes by their gestures - Allan Pease
The Economist Guide To Financial Markets 7th Edition (1788160347)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Marc Levinson, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Economist Guide To Financial Markets 7th Edition (1788160347)
The Language Puzzle - Steven Mithen
''A tour de force'' Alice Roberts''Wonderful ... A remarkably comprehensive biography of the single most important thing we all share - language'' Robin DunbarThe relationship between language, thought and culture is of concern to anyone with an interest in what it means to be human.The Language Puzzle explains how the invention of words at 1.6 million years ago began the evolution of human language from the ape-like calls of our earliest ancestors to our capabilities of today, with over 6000 languages in the world and each of us knowing over 50,000 words. Drawing on the latest discoveries in archaeology, linguistics, psychology, and genetics, Steven Mithen reconstructs the steps by which language evolved; he explains how it transformed the nature of thought and culture, and how we talked our way out of the Stone Age into the world of farming and swiftly into today''s Digital Age.While this radical new work is not shy to reject outdated ideas about language, it builds bridges between disciplines to forge a new synthesis for the evolution of language that will find widespread acceptance as a new standard account for how humanity began.
Objev podobné jako The Language Puzzle - Steven Mithen
The Language Wars - Henry Hitchings
The English language is a battlefield. Since the age of Shakespeare, arguments over correct usage have been acrimonious, and those involved have always really been contesting values - to do with morality, politics and class. THE LANGUAGE WARS examines the present state of the conflict, its history and its future. Above all, it uses the past as a way of illuminating the present. Moving chronologically, the book explores the most persistent issues to do with English and unpacks the history of 'proper' usage. Where did these ideas spring from? Which of today's bugbears and annoyances are actually venerable? Who has been on the front line in the language wars? THE LANGUAGE WARS examines grammar rules, regional accents, swearing, spelling, dictionaries, political correctness, and the role of electronic media in reshaping language. It also takes a look at such niggling concerns as the split infinitive, elocution and text messaging. Peopled with intriguing characters such as Jonathan Swift, H. W. Fowler and George Orwell as well as the more disparate figures of Lewis Carroll, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lenny Bruce, THE LANGUAGE WARS is an essential volume for anyone interested in the state of the English language today or intrigued about its future.
Objev podobné jako The Language Wars - Henry Hitchings
The Language Lover's Puzzle Book (1783352191)
Kniha - autor Alex Bellos, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the bestselling author of Alex's Adventures in Numberland and Can You Solve My Problems? comes a fascinating, hugely entertaining collection of puzzles for crossword addicts and language-lovers of all stripes. The Language Lover's Puzzle Book is a book of more than 100 surprising and entertaining puzzles that celebrate the amazing diversity of the world of words and language. Featuring a huge variety of ancient, modern and even invented languages, this collection of problems will introduce you to unusual alphabets and scripts, curious vocabularies and phonologies, and global variations in simple behaviours like counting, telling the time, and naming children. Whether you are a crossword solver, a code-breaker or a Scrabble addict, these puzzles are guaranteed to twist your tongue and sharpen your mind.
Objev podobné jako The Language Lover's Puzzle Book (1783352191)
The Language Lover’s Puzzle Book - Alex Bellos
From the bestselling author of Alex''s Adventures in Numberland and Can You Solve My Problems? comes a fascinating, hugely entertaining collection of puzzles for crossword addicts and language-lovers of all stripes. ‘The only puzzle book I’ve seen that manages to befuddle both sides of the brain at the same time.’DARA Ó BRIAIN‘Such fun, full of unexpected ideas and charmingly written.’TIM HARFORDThe Language Lover''s Puzzle Book is a book of more than 100 surprising and entertaining puzzles that celebrate the amazing diversity of the world of words and language.Featuring a huge variety of ancient, modern and even invented languages, this collection of problems will introduce you to unusual alphabets and scripts, curious vocabularies and phonologies, and global variations in simple behaviours like counting, telling the time, and naming children.Whether you are a crossword solver, a code-breaker or a Scrabble addict, these puzzles are guaranteed to twist your tongue and sharpen your mind.''Alex Bellos is a dazzling polymath whose cleverness and ingenuity are on full display in this utterly brilliant and original collection of linguistic puzzles. This book is destined to be a classic for puzzle lovers.''JOSHUA FOER, co-founder of Atlas Obscura and author Moonwalking with Einstein''An irresistible linguistic workout — challenging and deeply satisfying.''GASTON DORREN, author of Lingo and Babel''For all the language and puzzle fans in your life!'' GRETCHEN McCULLOCH''A cornucopia of ingenious and insightful challenges.'' DAVID CRYSTAL''This compendium of puzzles is a great idea.'' MICHAEL ROSEN''You''ll love what Alex Bellos has done here.'' GYLES BRANDRETH''Tantalisting.'' THE ECONOMIST''The perfect way to pass the time.'' BBC SCIENCE FOCUS
Objev podobné jako The Language Lover’s Puzzle Book - Alex Bellos
Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)
Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván Language of Butterflies Dekorhome 225x172 cm (5-dílný)
Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages (0099505576)
Kniha - autor Guy Deutscher, 310 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A provocative exploration of how the cultures we live in affect the languages we speak and how we think of the world around us. Asks the questions 'Does language reflect the culture of a society, is a mother-tongue a lens through which a world is perceived, and can different languages lead their speakers to different thoughts?'
Objev podobné jako Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages (0099505576)
WFLP Moscow 7th edition
Lonely Planet Moscow is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Gawk at Red Square and the city's countless glittering domes, lose yourself in a performance at the Bolshoi, or brush up on your Cold War history; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Moscow and begin your journey now!
Objev podobné jako WFLP Moscow 7th edition
7th Circle - Tate James
From the author of the Madison Kate series comes the dark and delicious interconnected Hades series, another biting "why choose" romance in Shadow Grove. Five years ago, I masterminded the infamous massacre of the Tri-state Timberwolves. The streets outside the Wolves HQ ran red with the blood of the old guard, and not one of those members loyal to my father were spared mercy.Not a single one. I let the media twist and distort the story. My new recruits eagerly proved themselves in spreading false news, in covering our tracks.To the general public, the Tri-State Timberwolves were extinct. But that couldn't have been further from the truth. We changed, we grew, we evolved and came out stronger than ever.Now, I live, eat, sleep and breathe Timberwolves. I'll do anything to keep my empire safe and thriving. To keep the people depending on me safe.So, what do I do, when it's my own weakness that places us all in danger? When I let sex cloud my judgment, and my people pay the price?Simple. Kill the distractions. I'm called Hades for a reason, after all.
Objev podobné jako 7th Circle - Tate James
Essentials of French Cuisine - Laurent Mariotte
Discover how to create over 80 delicious classics of French gastronomy. In The Essentials of French Cooking, best-selling author Laurent Mariotte shares a collection of French classic recipes. Learn how to whip up starters such Cheese Soufflé and Onion Soup, mains such as Moules Marinières and Beef Stew, and desserts such as Clafoutis, Lemon Tart and Chocolate Mousse. With step-by-step methods, the recipes help aid home cooks of all skill levels to produce delicious dishes. Even though the recipes are broken into achievable steps, they are specific enough so that they can be used as a jumping point to make these classics your own. From understanding the importance of high-quality ingredients, to learning basic techniques, you will be guided through the fundamentals of French cooking. Plus, there are menus that offer inspiration for different occasions. Full of tips and anecdotes, The Essentials of French Cooking is the perfect companion for any home cook.
Objev podobné jako Essentials of French Cuisine - Laurent Mariotte
Wilkins Immanuel: 7th Hand - CD (3832650)
Hudební CD - Hudba saxofonisty a skladatele Immanuela Wilkinse je plná empatie a přesvědčení a ne jinak je to u tohoto alba. Hudba saxofonisty a skladatele Immanuela Wilkinse je plná empatie a přesvědčení a ne jinak je to u tohoto alba. Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD Emanation / Don't Break / Fugitive Ritual, Selah / Shadow / Witness / Lighthouse / Lift
Objev podobné jako Wilkins Immanuel: 7th Hand - CD (3832650)
The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent
Yves Saint Laurent, or YSL, is one of the most famous fashion designers of all time, whose impact on the fashion world is almost unmatched. A revolutionary designer for women, his designs took traditionally male styles and reinvented them for the modern women of the 1960s. From jumpsuits to safari jackets to his iconic tuxedo, YSL's designs revolutionised women's clothes forever.He can be credited with making ready-to-wear clothes reputable and desirable, in a marked move away from haute couture, and for championing trousers for women. Despite a life marred with addiction, war and mental health struggles, Yves remained a powerhouse of the fashion industry for 50 years, and his name – and initials – are now synonymous with quality, innovation and heritage. His collections may have sometimes generated controversy and criticism, but they have proved to be timeless and transformative.The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent charts his tumultuous rise to the top, accompanied by facts and quotes from, and about, the man himself and the fashion legacy he built.
Objev podobné jako The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent
Santini and Italy. Proceedings from the international conference Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca – Palazzo Carpegna, 6th–7th June 2023 - Pavel K
eBook: This book contains proceedings of the international conference Santini and Italy, held in Rome in June 2023. In his contribution, Augusto Roca de Amicis describes the nature of the structural relations of Santini\'s work to Italian architecture. Pavel Kalina discusses the development of Santini scholarship in the art historical literature of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Richard Biegel shows in his contribution that the sources of Santini\'s work can be found not only in Italian but also in French architecture. Michael Young\'s text points to the connection between Santini\'s architecture and contemporary literary theory and practice, which blended different languages and styles. In his article, Ulrich Fürst stresses the importance of a sense of originality for the design of the Benedictine monastery church at Rajhrad, whose construction demonstrated its independence from the monastery of Břevnov, for which the Dientzenhofers worked. Johana Bronková explores the relationship between Santini\'s architecture and the work of the great Italian architect Francesco Borromini. Marisa Tabarrini presents a completely new discovery - the unknown plans of Santini\'s church of St. Peter and Paul in Prague\'s Zderaz. Important for understanding the functioning of Baroque buildings is the article by Jakub Řehak, who analyses the water and ventilation system of the monastery in Plasy. On the other hand, Madleine Riedenklau\'s text is devoted to the literature on the monastery and church in Sedlec. Irena Bukačová introduces the reader to the past and present of the pilgrimage site in Mariánská Týnice.
Objev podobné jako Santini and Italy. Proceedings from the international conference Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca – Palazzo Carpegna, 6th–7th June 2023 - Pavel K
Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo
Women of the White House looks at the work, lives and times of the 47 women officially recognized as America's first lady.Through portraits, photographs, accounts and profiles, the book examines their contributions to the presidencies they supported and to the 230-year history of the role. The women who have held the position have evolved it from White House hostess to campaigner for social causes and a game-changing leadership position. A role model for the world, a powerful political player, a traditional yet modern woman - the position of first lady of the United States is many-faceted, complex and beyond high profile.Amy Russo explores how the social platforms these women established - from Mary Todd Lincoln's work for slaves and soldiers after the Civil War to Michelle Obama's fight for girls' education - have not only made the role iconic but also shaped America.
Objev podobné jako Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo
Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka nejlepších a nejpronikavějších citátů ze série Škola života o vztazích, smutku, úzkosti, práci, přátelích, rodině, cestování a smyslu života.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)
Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever. Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord’s realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom. The journey will test Frodo’s courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it – can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him?
Objev podobné jako The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)
The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)
Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 556 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná J.R.R. Tolkien's great work of imaginative fiction has been labeled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)
Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
Plakát Pán prstenů - Návrat krále se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu
Objev podobné jako Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)
Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)
The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)
Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1950 - 1959;1940 - 1949;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989 Země interpreta: Česká republika Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: LP deska;Kompilace Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Rok vydání: 2020.0 Datum vydání: 2020-10-02 Subžánr: Score Varianta: The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Diggers Factory Žánr: Stage & Screen
Objev podobné jako The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)
The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One)
The brilliant conclusion to the Chronicles of the One trilogy - an epic story of love, war, family and magic.Fallon Swift has spent all her life preparing for this moment. No longer can she stand by whilst her fellow Magicks are hunted by the fanatical Purity Warriors or rounded up and experimented on by the government.Fallon must follow her destiny to restore the magical shield that once protected them all. But she can't do it alone. It is time to build her army, to take on her nemesis and take down the enemy.She has learned to fight, now she must restore the light and banish the dark forever. The final battle has begun...
Objev podobné jako The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One)
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