Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Magnetická hora - Stalinismus jako civilizace - Stephen Kotkin

Kotkinovy dějiny Magnitogorsku jsou monstrózní mikrohistorickou sondou do stalinské každodennosti. V polovině dvacátých let se kolem Magnetické hory rozkládala pustá step. O pár let později tu již stálo gigantické průmyslové centrum pulzující životem. Jak se to mohlo stát? Jací lidé se k tomuto místu vydali a budovali jej? A proč? A jak v krajině bičované mrazivými větry dokázali přežít a zabydlet se? Stephen Kotkin si všímá každičkého detailu životů magnitogorských obyvatel. Strašlivé zimy, vítr, nehygienické životní podmínky, tvrdá práce na vysokých pecích, volnočasové aktivity, bytová nouze, šmelina, zbur¬žoaznění městské stranické elity, udávání, teror konce třicátých let atd. - Kotkinově pozornosti neunikne nic. Jeho magnitogorská sága inspirovaná Michelem Foucaultem bezesporu započala novou fázi ve výzkumu sovětských sociálních dějin.

Podívejte se také Artušův pád The Eall of Arthur: bilingvní (978-80-257-1928-2)

cena 535.0 Kč

Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King

WOLVES OF THE CALLA is the fifth volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the fifth novel in StephenKing's bestselling fantasy series, Roland and his ka-tet are bearing through the forests of the Mid-World on their journey to the Dark Tower. Tracking their every move is a group of farmers from the town of Calla Bryn Sturgis. The trackers have been warned that the Wolves, a band of masked riders, are about to gallop out of the dark land of Thunderclap and raid their town. And they want to enlist the help of the four gunslingers.How can Roland and his tet both protect the innocent community and return to New York to save our world's incarnation of the Dark Tower from the machinations of the evil Sombra Corporation?

Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)

cena 99.0 Kč

The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

Launching a new trilogy in the Shades of Magic universe, an enchanting and thrilling epic fantasy from the international sensation, V. E. Schwab, perfect for fans of Samantha Shannon, Kerri Maniscalco, Leigh Bardugo and R. F. Kuang.Seven years have passed since the doors between the worlds were sealed. Seven years since Kell, Lila and Holland stood against Osaron, a desperate battle that saved the worlds of Red, Grey and White London. Seven years since Kell's magic was shattered, and Holland lost his life.Now Rhy Maresh rules Red London with his new family - his queen, Nadiya, their daughter Ren, and his consort, Alucard. But his city boils with conspiracy and rebellion, fuelled by rumours he is causing magic to fade from the word.Now Kosika, a child Antari, sits on the throne of White London. The new queen leads her people in new rituals of sacrifice and blood in devotion to the altar of Holland Vosijk, summoning vast power she may not be able to control.Now Lila and Kell, living free on the waves, are charged by the captain of the Floating Market to retrieve an immensely powerful artefact, stolen by secretive forces.Now Tes, a young woman with a knack for fixing broken things, is thrust into the affairs of Antari and kings, traitors and thieves. And only her unique powers can weave the threads of power together.A triumphant return to the worlds of The Shades of Magic, The Fragile Threads of Power continues the stories of fan-favourite characters Kell, Lila, Rhy and Alucard, and introduces a new generation of magic, shadows and embers in the dark.

Podívejte se také Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)

cena 159.0 Kč

The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

Launching a new trilogy in the Shades of Magic universe, an enchanting and thrilling epic fantasy from the international sensation, V. E. Schwab, perfect for fans of Samantha Shannon, Kerri Maniscalco, Leigh Bardugo and R. F. Kuang.Seven years have passed since the doors between the worlds were sealed. Seven years since Kell, Lila and Holland stood against Osaron, a desperate battle that saved the worlds of Red, Grey and White London. Seven years since Kell's magic was shattered, and Holland lost his life.Now Rhy Maresh rules Red London with his new family - his queen, Nadiya, their daughter Ren, and his consort, Alucard. But his city boils with conspiracy and rebellion, fuelled by rumours he is causing magic to fade from the word.Now Kosika, a child Antari, sits on the throne of White London. The new queen leads her people in new rituals of sacrifice and blood in devotion to the altar of Holland Vosijk, summoning vast power she may not be able to control.Now Lila and Kell, living free on the waves, are charged by the captain of the Floating Market to retrieve an immensely powerful artefact, stolen by secretive forces.Now Tes, a young woman with a knack for fixing broken things, is thrust into the affairs of Antari and kings, traitors and thieves. And only her unique powers can weave the threads of power together.A triumphant return to the worlds of The Shades of Magic, The Fragile Threads of Power continues the stories of fan-favourite characters Kell, Lila, Rhy and Alucard, and introduces a new generation of magic, shadows and embers in the dark.

Objev podobné jako The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

cena 159.0 Kč

HOLLY (Defekt) - Stephen King

Holly Gibneyová, jedna z nejpodmanivějších a nejvynalézavějších postav Stephena Kinga, se vrací v tomto napínavém románu, aby vyřešila hrůznou pravdu o několikanásobném zmizení v městečku na Středozápadě. Holly Stephena Kinga představuje triumfální návrat oblíbené postavy Holly Gibneyové. Čtenáři byli svědky Hollyina postupného přerodu z plaché (ale také statečné) samotářky v románu Pan Mercedes přes partnerku Billa Hodgese v knize Právo nálezce až po plnohodnotnou, chytrou a občas drsnou soukromou detektivku v knize Outsider. V novém Kingově románu je Holly odkázána sama na sebe a stojí proti dvojici nepředstavitelně zvrácených a skvěle maskovaných protivníků. Když Penny Dahlová zavolá do detektivní agentury Finders Keepers a doufá, že jí pomůžou najít její ztracenou dceru, Holly se zdráhá případ přijmout. Její partner Pete má covid. Její velmi komplikovaná matka právě zemřela. A Holly má být na dovolené. Ale něco v zoufalém hlase Penny Dahlové způsobí, že Holly nemůže odmítnout. Jen pár bloků od místa, kde zmizela Bonnie Dahlová, žijí profesoři Rodney a Emily Harrisovi. Jsou to manželé osmdesátníci, oddaní jeden druhému a celoživotní akademici v částečném důchodu. Ve sklepě svého dobře udržovaného, knihami obloženého domu, však ukrývají hrozivé tajemství, které možná souvisí s Bonniiným zmizením. A ukáže se, že je téměř nemožné odhalit, co mají za lubem: jsou bystří, trpěliví a bezohlední. Holly musí zapojit všechny své ohromné schopnosti, aby v tomto novém mrazivém mistrovském díle Stephena Kinga přechytračila a přelstila zvrácené profesory.

Objev podobné jako HOLLY (Defekt) - Stephen King

cena 189.0 Kč

Pohádka (Defekt) - Stephen King

Charlie Reade vypadá jako obyčejný středoškolák, ale už toho má dost za sebou, život se s ním rozhodně nemazlil: máma mu umřela při autonehodě, z táty se stal alkoholik. Ve svých sedmnácti Charlie potkává Howarda Bowditche, samotáře z domu na vysokém kopci. Na zahradě za domem stojí zamčená kůlna, z níž se linou příšerné zvuky. Pan Bowditch umírá a Charlie zjišťuje, že mu dům odkázal - spolu s tajemstvím, které bude zatraceně těžkým břemenem. V kůlně je totiž portál do jiného světa. Ten jiný svět je v ohrožení a spolu s ním i ten náš. V paralelním vesmíru jsou honosné paláce s vysokými věžemi, zatuchlé podzemní kobky a magické hodiny, které umějí vrátit čas.

Objev podobné jako Pohádka (Defekt) - Stephen King

cena 239.0 Kč

Trója (Defekt) - Stephen Fry

"Básníci musí ten příběh znovu a znovu opěvovat a předávat jej z generace na generaci, protože přijdeme-li o Tróju, přicházíme tím zároveň o kousek sebe sama." Stephen Fry Únos nejkrásnější ženy na světě, tisíc lodí vyslaných proti jedinému městu, deset let obléhání se ztrátami na obou stranách. Trója je příběh o lásce, ztrátě, pomstě, hrdinství a chytrosti, nenávisti, odvaze i zbabělosti, síle, touze, krutosti a aroganci, zoufalství i naději. Je příběhem všech možných neřestí a ctností, které si lze představit. Je příběhem lidských vášní, krvavě zapsaných do písku vzdáleného pobřeží. Lidé si ho vypravují tisíce let. Stephen Fry ho obohatil pohledem současníka a především osobitým humorem. Trója je pokračováním úspěšných titulů Mýty (Beta, 2018) a Hrdinové (Beta, 2020).

Objev podobné jako Trója (Defekt) - Stephen Fry

cena 159.0 Kč

Billy Summers (Defekt) - Stephen King

Billy Summers is a man in a room with a gun. He's a killer for hire and the best in the business. But he'll do the job only if the target is a truly bad guy. And now Billy wants out. But first there is one last hit. Billy is among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet, a Houdini when it comes to vanishing after the job is done. So what could possibly go wrong? How about everything. This spectacular can't-put-it-down novel is part war story, part love letter to small town America and the people who live there, and it features one of the most compelling and surprising duos in King fiction, who set out to avenge the crimes of an extraordinarily evil man. It's about love, luck, fate, and a complex hero with one last shot at redemption. You won't put this story down, and you won't forget Billy.

Objev podobné jako Billy Summers (Defekt) - Stephen King

cena 209.0 Kč

Fairy Tale (Defekt) - Stephen King

Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher - for their world or ours. Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself - and his dad. Then, when Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and his aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house at the top of a big hill, with a locked shed in the backyard. Sometimes strange sounds emerge from it. Charlie starts doing jobs for Mr. Bowditch and loses his heart to Radar. Then, when Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe. What Bowditch knows, and has kept secret all his long life, is that inside the shed is a portal to another world.

Objev podobné jako Fairy Tale (Defekt) - Stephen King

cena 339.0 Kč

Pod Kupolí (Defekt) - Stephen King, Murin Wolf

Malé městečko odřízne od okolního světa neproniknutelná bariéra neznámého původu a obyvatelé jsou vydáni napospas svému osudu. Ovzduší se postupně znečišťuje, zásoby se tenčí, energetické zdroje docházejí, pokusy o proražení bariéry jsou marné. Vláda státu je bez ohledu na veškeré své zdroje bezmocná a může pouze přihlížet zvenčí. Radní s diktátorskými sklony, ilegální výrobna drog a jediná slyšitelná radiostanice, vtloukající lidem do hlavy jen boží lásku - to jsou přísady, které působí jako katalyzátor už beztak výbušné situace. Výsledkem je postupný rozklad lidského společenství, kde přestávají platit pravidla civilizace. To vše nabízí Kingova mistrná studie lidské bezmoci, arogance a násilí.

Objev podobné jako Pod Kupolí (Defekt) - Stephen King, Murin Wolf

cena 249.0 Kč

The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra

Objev podobné jako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

cena 99.0 Kč

Mé srdce je motorová pila (Defekt) - Stephen Graham Jones

V malém městě u jezera ve státě Idaho se sedmnáctiletá Jade Danielsová stává svědkem a účastníkem událostí, na které ji mohla připravit pouze znalost hororových filmů.Jade, napůl Indiánka, žije bez matky se svým násilnickým otcem, naštvaná na celý svět a hlavně městečko Proofrock, které s ní nechce nic mít. Útěchu nachází na neobvyklém místě: v filmových hororech... zejména těch, kde se maskovaný zabiják snaží pomstít světu, který mu ublížil. Jade nahlíží na svéráznou historii tohoto horského zapadákova a dění v něm, jako by to byla kulisa jednoho z těchto filmů. A tak když se vodami zdejšího jezera skutečně začne rozlévat krev, vtáhne nás do své encyklopedické hororové mysli a přesně předpoví, jak se zápletka vyvine.Jade nás stahuje do svého temného horečnatého snu čím dál hlouběji, ale na povrch zároveň vyplouvá překvapivý a intimní portrét... portrét vystrašené, traumatizované dívky schované za maskou sériového vraha. Dívky, jejíž city jsou větší než její tělo.

Objev podobné jako Mé srdce je motorová pila (Defekt) - Stephen Graham Jones

cena 99.0 Kč

Mexico (Defekt) - Marion Trutter, Stephen West

Mexico stands for barren landscapes and cacti, pyramids and palm beaches, indigenous cultures and scorching sun. The country impresses with its imposing scenery, fascinating archaeological sites and picturesque colonial towns. This volume shows the variety and beauty of Mexico in over 500 stunning photographs.

Objev podobné jako Mexico (Defekt) - Marion Trutter, Stephen West

cena 599.0 Kč

Mayo Clinic: Jak žít déle a cítit se mladší? (Defekt) - Stephen Kopecký

6 kroků pro prevenci kardiovaskulárních onemocnění, rakoviny, cukrovky, Alzheimerovy choroby a dalších chorob. První kniha nové edice, která vzniká ve spolupráci s prestižní klinikou Mayo Clinic! Všichni chceme prožít dlouhý život v dobrém zdraví, ale jak toho docílit? Profesor Stephen Kopecky, uznávaný kardiolog působící na prestižní americké Mayo Clinic, nám předkládá srozumitelný a ucelený návod, jak správným životním stylem dosáhnout účinné prevence hlavních civilizačních chorob, ke kterým patří onemocnění kardiovaskulárního systému, rakovina, cukrovka, předčasná demence a mnohé další. Doporučení uvedená v knize profesora Kopeckého přitom vycházejí jak z ověřených vědeckých faktů, tak z jeho rozsáhlých osobních zkušeností. V minulosti byla hlavní příčinou úmrtnosti infekční onemocnění. V průběhu minulého století se však ve vyspělých zemích hlavní příčina úmrtí posunula od infekčních nemocí k dlouhodobým chronickým civilizačním onemocněním a tento stav trvá dodnes. Paradoxně jsou tato civilizační onemocnění minimálně z části důsledkem toho, že žijeme déle než kdykoli předtím. Ale i když žijeme déle, žijeme lépe? Množství lidí, kteří žijí s břemenem některého z civilizačních onemocnění již od mladšího či středního věku, naznačuje opak. Stephen Kopecky, renomovaný lékař, který sám překonal dvakrát rakovinu, nám nabízí malé každodenní změny, které však mohou zásadním způsobem ovlivnit naše zdraví a náš život. Tajemství dlouhého života v dobrém zdraví spočívá v šesti oblastech - stravovat se zdravě, zvýšit fyzickou aktivitu a zlepšit tak svou kondici, nastavit si správně spánkový režim, účinně se chránit před stresem a pochopit vliv alkoholu a tabáku na naše tělo - a i z malé změny udělat změnu dlouhodobou. Přitom tyto relativně jednoduché principy poskytují organismu prevenci nejen pro vznik kardio- a cerebrovaskulárních onemocnění, ale i pro další vážná civilizační onemocnění, jako je rakovina, cukrovka či předčasná demence. Na vydání české verze této knihy se podílejí i přední čeští kardiologové, a proto tato kniha, byť původně napsána v Americe, propojuje nejlepší současné znalosti a zkušenosti jak americké, tak i české kardiologie. Pevně věříme, že tato unikátní kolegiální spolupráce, která vznikla při vydání této knihy, pomůže zlepšit i vaše zdraví a zdraví vaší rodiny.

Objev podobné jako Mayo Clinic: Jak žít déle a cítit se mladší? (Defekt) - Stephen Kopecký

cena 179.0 Kč

Artušův pád The Eall of Arthur: bilingvní (978-80-257-1928-2)

Kniha – autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 232 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 232 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Literární pastiš z Tolkienovy pozůstalosti. Jde bohužel o nedokončený text, ve kterém autor zpracoval klasickou artušovskou látku. Text k vydání připravil Christopher Tolkien a doplnil ho obsáhlým komentářem, v němž se věnuje básnickým i prozaickým zpracováním artušovské tematiky a srovnává je s otcovou verzí. Kniha dokládá Tolkienovu zálibu ve staroanglické poezii i možný pramen inspirace pro jeho slavné romány.

Objev podobné jako Artušův pád The Eall of Arthur: bilingvní (978-80-257-1928-2)

cena 270.0 Kč

The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Art of Disruption (Defekt) - Sebastian Mallaby

From an award-winning financial historian comes the gripping, character-driven story of venture capital and the world it madeInnovations rarely come from "experts." Jeff Bezos was not a bookseller; Elon Musk was not in the auto industry. When it comes to innovation, a legendary venture capitalist told Sebastian Mallaby, the future cannot be predicted, it can only be discovered. Most attempts at discovery fail, but a few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up for everything else.That extreme ratio of success and failure is the power law that drives venture capital, Silicon Valley, the tech sector, and, by extension, the world. Drawing on unprecedented access to the most celebrated venture capitalists of all time, award-winning financial historian Sebastian Mallaby tells the story of this strange tribe of financiers who have funded the world's most successful companies, from Google to SpaceX to Alibaba. With a riveting blend of storytelling and analysis, The Power Law makes sense of the seeming randomness of success in venture capital, an industry that relies, for good and ill, on gut instinct and personality rather than spreadsheets and data.We learn the unvarnished truth about some of the most iconic triumphs and infamous disasters in the history of tech, from the comedy of errors that was the birth of Apple to the venture funding that fostered hubris at WeWork and Uber to the industry's notorious lack of women and ethnic minorities. Now the power law echoes around the world: it has transformed China's digital economy beyond recognition, and London is one of the top cities for venture capital investment. By taking us so deeply into the VCs' game, The Power Law helps us think about our own future through their eyes.

Objev podobné jako The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Art of Disruption (Defekt) - Sebastian Mallaby

cena 179.0 Kč

Ankh-Morpork: Archivy 2 (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett, Stephen Briggs

Ankh-Morpork: Archivy, svazek II, spojují čtyři vydání proslulých zeměplošských diářů do jednoho luxusního digitálně revidovaného kompendia. Nové vydání dává vyniknout původnímu textu od Terryho Pratchetta a Stephena Briggse a kresbám Paula Kidbyho, prozradí vám ještě více o fungování některých jedinečných institucí v Ankh-Morporku, zjistíte, že už se nemůžete divit neuvěřitelně vysoké úmrtnosti v rodině Nobyho Nóblhócha, naučíte se překonávat drobné nedostatky, jako je pití lidské krve, nebo přeměnu v netopýra a věnujete pozornost strašlivým varováním paní Kosmopilíkové o tom nejtemnějším vtělení - její sousedce, paní Lehkochodné, vládkyni temnoty.

Objev podobné jako Ankh-Morpork: Archivy 2 (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett, Stephen Briggs

cena 269.0 Kč

Bag of Bones - Stephen King

Hodder are boosting Stephen King's backlist with new covers, new author brand lettering and a marketing campaign which directs readers to the right King title for them.

Objev podobné jako Bag of Bones - Stephen King

cena 268.0 Kč

Wolves of Calla - Stephen King

WOLVES OF THE CALLA is the fifth volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the fifth novel in StephenKing's bestselling fantasy series, Roland and his ka-tet are bearing through the forests of the Mid-World on their journey to the Dark Tower. Tracking their every move is a group of farmers from the town of Calla Bryn Sturgis. The trackers have been warned that the Wolves, a band of masked riders, are about to gallop out of the dark land of Thunderclap and raid their town. And they want to enlist the help of the four gunslingers.How can Roland and his tet both protect the innocent community and return to New York to save our world's incarnation of the Dark Tower from the machinations of the evil Sombra Corporation?

Objev podobné jako Wolves of Calla - Stephen King

cena 319.0 Kč

Borelióza - Přírodní prevence a bylinná léčba lymské boreliózy a jejích koinfekcí (Defekt) - Stephen Harrod Buhner

· Revmatoidní artritida· Poškození centrální nervové soustavy· Srdeční komplikace a angina pectoris· Oční problémy· Chronická únavaTyto a řadu dalších komplikací způsobuje lymská borelióza, infekční nemoc vyvolaná bakteriemi Borrelia burgdorferi. Nejen v České republice jde o nejčastější onemocnění přenášené klíšťaty. Počet nakažených lidí každoročně prudce stoupá, dopady nemoci jsou často mimořádně závažné. Ve většině případů je nemoc léčena antibiotiky, jejich účinnost bohužel není tak vysoká, jak se obecně předpokládá. Více než třetina nakažených pacientů na léčbu nereaguje nebo u nich dochází k relapsům. Borelie jsou totiž vysoce adaptabilní organismy, které jsou ve většině případů schopné úspěšně odolat i působení dlouhodobého antibiotikového protokolu. Kde alopatická medicína selhává, nastupuje přírodní prevence a bylinná léčba. Právě těmto dvěma metodám je věnována tato kniha, která je určena nejen lidem trpícím lymskou boreliózou, ale i lékařům, kteří chtějí lépe porozumět mechanismům procesu onemocnění i samotným boreliím.Stephen Harrod Buhner je přírodní léčitel, psychoterapeut a odborník na původní a kontemplativní duchovní tradice. Značnou část své práce i literárního díla zasvětil bylinné a alternativní medicíně, hlubinné ekologii a posvátnému (duchovnímu) rostlinolékařství. Žije v Novém Mexiku v USA.

Objev podobné jako Borelióza - Přírodní prevence a bylinná léčba lymské boreliózy a jejích koinfekcí (Defekt) - Stephen Harrod Buhner

cena 119.0 Kč

Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece by one of the world's greatest thinkers. It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time, from the Big Bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and strong theory. To this day A Brief History of Time remains a staple of the scientific canon, and its succinct and clear language continues to introduce millions to the universe and its wonders. This new edition includes updates from Stephen Hawking with his latest thoughts about the No Boundary Proposal and offers new information about dark energy, the information paradox, eternal inflation, the microwave background radiation observations, and the discovery of gravitational waves. It is published to accompany the launch of a new app, Stephen Hawking's Pocket Universe.

Objev podobné jako Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

cena 241.0 Kč

Band Of Brothers - Stephen E. Ambrose

**THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER** The book that inspired Steven Spielberg’s acclaimed TV series, produced by Tom Hanks and starring Damian Lewis. In Band of Brothers, Stephen E. Ambrose pays tribute to the men of Easy Company, a crack rifle company in the US Army. From their rigorous training in Georgia in 1942 to the dangerous parachute landings on D-Day and their triumphant capture of Hitler’s ‘Eagle’s Nest’ in Berchtesgaden. Ambrose tells the story of this remarkable company. Repeatedly send on the toughest missions, these brave men fought, went hungry, froze and died in the service of their country. A tale of heroic adventures and soul-shattering confrontations, Band of Brothers brings back to life, as only Stephen E. Ambrose can, the profound ties of brotherhood forged in the barracks and on the battlefields. ‘History boldly told and elegantly written . . . Gripping’ Wall Street Journal ‘Ambrose proves once again he is a masterful historian . . . spellbinding’ People

Objev podobné jako Band Of Brothers - Stephen E. Ambrose

cena 295.0 Kč

Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King

Something inhuman has come to Tarker's Mills, as unseen as the full moon riding the night sky high above. The first scream came from the snowbound railwayman who felt the werewolf's fangs ripping at his throat. The next month there was a scream of ecstatic agony from the woman attacked in her cosy bedroom. Now scenes of unbelievable horror unfold each time the full moon shines on the isolated Maine town of Tarker's Mills. No one knows who will be attacked next. But one thing is sure. When the full moon rises, a paralysing fear sweeps through Tarker's Mills. For snarls that sound like human words can be heard whining through the wind. And all around are the footprints of a monster whose hunger cannot be sated . . .

Objev podobné jako Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King

cena 420.0 Kč

The Drawing of the three - Stephen King

THE DRAWING OF THE THREE is the second volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the second novel of Stephen King's bestselling fantasy masterpiece, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger, encounters three mysterious doors which open - for Roland, and Roland alone - to different times in our world. He must draw the three who should accompany him on the road. In 1980s New York, Roland joins forces with defiant Eddie Dean. The second door leads to the 1960s and conflicted civil rights activist Odetta Holmes. The final door reveals Jack Mort, a deadly serial killer, in the 1970s. Mort is stalking Jake, the young boy Roland met in Mid-World.As titanic forces gather, a savage struggle between underworld evil and otherworldly enemies threatens to bring an end to Roland's journey toward the Dark Tower...J

Objev podobné jako The Drawing of the three - Stephen King

cena 279.0 Kč

A Brief History Of Time - Stephen Hawking

Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece by one of the world's greatest thinkers. It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time, from the Big Bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and strong theory. To this day A Brief History of Time remains a staple of the scientific canon, and its succinct and clear language continues to introduce millions to the universe and its wonders. This new edition includes updates from Stephen Hawking with his latest thoughts about the No Boundary Proposal and offers new information about dark energy, the information paradox, eternal inflation, the microwave background radiation observations, and the discovery of gravitational waves. It is published to accompany the launch of a new app, Stephen Hawking's Pocket Universe.

Objev podobné jako A Brief History Of Time - Stephen Hawking

cena 268.0 Kč

The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

Following one soldier's journey from naive recruit to hardened survivor, The Red Badge of Courage is a vivid and powerfully psychological take on the American Civil War. Fighting for the Union army, Henry Fleming is thrown into a bloody war where the harsh realities and horrors of battle quickly become evident. Fearful, occasionally vain, but always viewing the war with honest eyes, Henry eventually comes to thrive as a soldier in combat, and it is with a a new conscience and outlook that he matures into manhood.

Objev podobné jako The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

cena 89.0 Kč

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

Charlie is a freshman. And while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his year yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But he can't stay on the sidelines forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a deeply affecting coming-of-age story that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up.

Objev podobné jako The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

cena 299.0 Kč

The Unlikely Rise of Harry Sponge - Mangan Stephen

A high-energy, laugh-out-loud, fully illustrated adventurestory by much-loved actor Stephen Mangan and talented artistAnita Mangan.Grumpy old King Chisel has a problem.He needs an heir to his kingdom - fast! So he challenges the bestkids from across the country to compete in the Crown Duels, withthe ultimate winner becoming king or queen. Step forward:GLORIA SQUAT-FURTHER: champion athleteHUXLEY BEELINE: mathematical geniusJONNY MOULD: artistic aceGOSSAMER FOUNTAIN: empathy expertHARRY SPONGE: ordinary boy. Not to be underestimated.The ridiculous prime minister, Farting Bernie, is in charge andthe contest swiftly descend into chaos. Who will rise to the topand survive wild sabotaging, saggy royal pants, the most disgustingmeal ever invented, and a pair of frisky goats?The wildly funny, brilliantly silly adventurefrom the bestselling author and illustrator of Escape the Roomsand The Fart That Changed the World.

Objev podobné jako The Unlikely Rise of Harry Sponge - Mangan Stephen

cena 232.0 Kč

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

Charlie is a shy and introspective teenage boy, a wallflower always standing on the edge of the action. We learn about him through the letters he writes to someone of an undisclosed name, age and gender, a stylistic technique which adds to the heart-wrenching earnestness of the story. More intimate than a diary, Charlie's letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating.Charlie encounters many of the struggles familiar to everybody from their school days, from making friends, first crushes, experimenting with drugs and sexuality, but he must also deal with his best friend's suicide and a shocking realisation about his beloved late Aunt Helen which challenges his very grip on reality. This is a funny, touching, memorable first novel which captures with resounding accuracy the voice of a boy teetering on the brink of adulthood.

Objev podobné jako The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

cena 268.0 Kč

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

Charlie is a freshman. And while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But Charlie can't stay on the sideline forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a deeply affecting coming-of-age story that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up

Objev podobné jako The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

cena 268.0 Kč

The Angel of Indian Lake - Stephen Graham Jones

The most lauded trilogy in the history of horror novels concludes four years after Don't Fear the Reaper as Jade returns to Proofrock, Idaho, to build a life after the years of sacrifice-only to find the Lake Witch is waiting for her in New York Times bestselling author Stephen Graham Jones's breathtaking finale. It's been four years in prison since Jade Daniels last saw her hometown of Proofrock, Idaho, the day she took the fall, protecting her friend Letha and her family from incrimination. Since then, her reputation, and the town, have changed dramatically.There's a lot of unfinished business in Proofrock, from serial killer cultists to the rich trying to buy Western authenticity. But there's one aspect of Proofrock no one wants to confront...until Jade comes back to town. The curse of the Lake Witch is waiting, and now is the time for the final stand.New York Times bestselling author Stephen Graham Jones has crafted an epic horror trilogy of generational trauma from the Indigenous to the townies rooted in the mountains of Idaho. It is a story of the American west written in blood.

Objev podobné jako The Angel of Indian Lake - Stephen Graham Jones

cena 295.0 Kč

Lives of the Stoics - Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman

For millennia, Stoicism has been the ancient philosophy that attracts those who seek greatness, from athletes to politicians and everyone in between. And no wonder: its embrace of self-mastery, virtue and indifference to that which we cannot control has much to offer those grappling with today's chaotic world. But who were the Stoics? In this book, Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman offer a fresh approach to understanding Stoicism through the lives of the people who practiced it - from Cicero to Zeno, Cato to Seneca, Diogenes to Marcus Aurelius.Through short biographies of all the famous, and lesser-known, Stoics, this book will show what it means to live stoically, and reveal the lessons to be learned from their struggles and successes. The result is a treasure trove of insights for anyone in search of living a good life.

Objev podobné jako Lives of the Stoics - Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman

cena 312.0 Kč

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey

One of the most inspiring and impactful books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for nearly three decades. It has transformed the lives of presidents and CEOs, teachers and parents - millions of people of all ages and occupations. Now, this 30th anniversary edition of the timeless classic commemorates the wisdom of the 7 habits with modern additions from Sean Covey. The 7 habits have become famous and are integrated into everyday thinking by millions and millions of people. Why? Because they work! With Sean Covey's added takeaways on how the habits can be used in our modern age, the wisdom of the 7 habits will be refreshed for a new generation of leaders. They include: Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win/Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6: Synergise Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw This beloved classic presents a principle-centered approach for solving both personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and practical anecdotes, Stephen R. Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity - principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

Objev podobné jako 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey

cena 447.0 Kč

Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow

An icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the story of his friend and their friendship, offering an intimate account of this giant of science.The two met in 2003, when Stephen asked Leonard if he would consider writing a book with him, the follow up to the bestselling A Brief History of Time. As they spent years working on a second book, The Grand Design, they forged a deep connection and Leonard gained a much better understanding of Stephen's daily life and struggles - as well as his compassion and good humour. Together they obsessed over the perfect sentence, debated the physics, and occasionally punted on Cambridge's waterways with champagne and strawberries. In time, Leonard was able to finish Stephen's jokes, chide his sporadic mischief, and learn how the hardships of his illness helped forge that unique perspective on the universe.By weaving together their shared story with a clear-sighted portrayal of Hawking's scientific achievements, Mlodinow creates a beautiful portrait of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant, impish and generous man whose life was not only exceptional but also genuinely inspiring.

Objev podobné jako Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow

cena 402.0 Kč

48 Laws of Power

Amoral, cunning, ruthless, and instructive, this multi-million-copy New York Times bestseller is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending against ultimate control – from the author of The Laws of Human Nature. In the book that People magazine proclaimed “beguiling” and “fascinating,” Robert Greene and Joost Elffers have distilled three thousand years of the history of power into 48 essential laws by drawing from the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz and also from the lives of figures ranging from Henry Kissinger to P.T. Barnum. Some laws teach the need for prudence (“Law 1: Never Outshine the Master”), others teach the value of confidence (“Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness”), and many recommend absolute self-preservation (“Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally”). Every law, though, has one thing in common: an interest in total domination. In a bold and arresting two-color package, The 48 Laws of Power is ideal whether your aim is conquest, self-defense, or simply to understand the rules of the game.

Objev podobné jako 48 Laws of Power

cena 768.0 Kč

The Purpose of Power

In a powerful exploration of recent racial history, the cofounder of Black Lives Matter examines the moment we're in, how we got here and how together we can build movements to create a just and equal world.Black Lives Matter began as a hashtag when Alicia Garza wrote what she calls 'a love letter to Black people' on Facebook. But hashtags don't build movements, she tells us. People do. Interwoven with Garza's experience of life as a Black woman, The Purpose of Power is the story of how she responded to the persistent message that Black lives are of less value than white lives by galvanising people to create change. It's an insight into grass roots organising to deliver basic needs - affordable housing, workplace protections, access to good education - to those locked out of the economy by racism. It is an attempt not only to make sense of where Black Lives Matter came from but also to understand the possibilities that Black Lives Matter and movements like it hold for our collective futures. Ultimately, it's an appeal to hearts and minds, demanding that we think about our privileges and prejudices and ask how we might contribute to the change we want to see in the world._______________'Alicia Garza combines immense wisdom with political courage to inspire a new generation of activists, dreamers and leaders... People like Alicia have been speaking up for decades. If we want to turn protest into substantive change, it's about time we finally listened.' David Lammy, MP'Insightful, compelling and necessary.' Bryan Stevenson, author of Just Mercy

Objev podobné jako The Purpose of Power

cena 268.0 Kč

Stalin - Marie Jean-Jacques

Kniha představuje osudy jednoho z nejzáhadnějších mužů 20. století – Stalina – který po svém nástupu k moci zasvětil život pronásledování a vraždění komunistů v Sovětském svazu i jinde ve světě.Stalinův životopis, který nám předkládá Jean-Jacques Marie, přináší četné informace získané ze zdrojů, které se otevřely historickému bádání teprve v posledních letech. Kniha čtenáře nepochybně zaujme svojí věrohodností a systematickým přístupem.

Objev podobné jako Stalin - Marie Jean-Jacques

cena 447.0 Kč

Elena: Přes všechny překážky (978-80-264-1878-8)

Elektronická kniha - autor Nele Neuhausová, 296 stran Elenin svět jsou koně. A jezdecký dvůr rodičů je její život. S největší láskou se stará o svého koně Fritziho, který byl jako hříbě těžce zraněný a rodiče se vzdali naděje na jeho úplné uzdravení a dráhu parkurového koně. Elena spolu s kamarádkou Melike a s Timem však koně začnou potají v lese trénovat. V Timově přítomnosti se Eleně vždycky rozbuší srdce – a přitom je to zrovna jediný kluk, se kterým má přísně zakázáno se stýkat. Protože mezi jejich rodinami vládne už mnoho let nesmiřitelné nepřátelství. Oba se proto společně pokoušejí vypátrat důvod takové nenávisti a přijdou na stopu temného tajemství…

Objev podobné jako Elena: Přes všechny překážky (978-80-264-1878-8)

cena 189.0 Kč

Night of Power - Fisk Robert

''INCOMPARABLE DEPTH AND UNDERSTANDING…AND EXTRAORDINARY COURAGE'' NOAM CHOMSKYThe final work from foreign correspondent Robert Fisk, picking up the story in the Middle East where his internationally bestselling The Great War of Civilisation left off, starting with the aftermath of the Iraq invasion in 2005.From the Arab uprisings and the Syrian civil war to Israel’s conflicts with Palestine and Lebanon, Fisk condemns the West’s ongoing hypocrisy and interference while revealing the horrific truth of life on the ground. Unafraid to criticise authority and unpick complex truths, hecreates a compelling narrative of passionate and engaging journalism, historical analysis and eyewitness reporting.With a Postscript by Nelofer Pazira-Fisk and a foreword by Patrick Cockburn, Night of Power delivers an essential and prophetic account of the last twenty years, which exposes the inescapable consequences of colonial oppression and violence in the Middle East.‘Every sentence of Robert Fisk radiates his loathe of wars and the inevitable dehumanization they produce, which makes his (sadly) last book an everlasting warning, beyond its value as a meticulous historical recount and analysis of today''s events’ Amira Hass, journalist, Haaretz''Fisk''s reporting is clear-eyed and unflinching, a model for what journalists should aspire to practice in their ever more important and widely threatened craft'' Anthony Arnove, editor, Iraq Under Siege and author, Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal

Objev podobné jako Night of Power - Fisk Robert

cena 886.0 Kč

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the greatest collection of detective stories ever written. From his residence at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes solves a series of baffling and bizarre cases, including those of a man terrified by the arrival of an envelope containing orange pips, and a woman whose fiance disappeared on his way to their wedding. Each story showcases the great detective's inimitable and extraordinary deductive powers, recounted to us by his faithful friend and colleague, Dr Watson. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by David Stuart Davies - a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and an authority on Sherlock Holmes.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)

cena 119.0 Kč

Moments Of Being (Defekt) - Virginia Woolfová

Virginia Woolf's only autobiographical writing is to be found in this collection of five unpublished pieces. Despite Quentin Bell's comprehensive biography and numerous recent studies of her, the author's own account of her early life holds new fascination - for its unexpected detail, the strength of its emotion, and its clear-sighted judgement of Victorian values. In 'Reminiscences' Virginia Woolf focuses on the death of her mother, 'the greatest disaster that could happen', and its effect on her father, the demanding patriarch who took a high toll of the women in his household. She surveys some of the same ground in 'A Sketch of the Past', the most important memoir in this collection, which she wrote with greater detachment and supreme command of her art shortly before her death. Readers will be struck by the extent to which she drew on these early experiences for her novels, as she tells how she exorcised the obsessive presence of her mother by writing To the Lighthouse. The last three papers were composed to be read to the Memoir Club, a postwar regrouping of Bloomsbury, which exacted absolute candour of its members. Virginia Woolf's contributions were not only bold but also original and amusing. She describes George Duckworth's passionate efforts to launch the Stephen girls; gives her own version of 'Old Bloomsbury'; and, with wit and some malice, reflects on her connections with titled society.

Objev podobné jako Moments Of Being (Defekt) - Virginia Woolfová

cena 159.0 Kč

Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt of Rivia is on a mission to save his ward, Ciri, and with her the world, in this third novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times.But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries.While war rages across all of the lands, the future of magic is under threat and those sorcerers who survive are determined to protect it. It's an impossible situation in which to find one girl - Ciri, the heiress to the throne of Cintra, has vanished - until a rumour places her in the Niflgaard court, preparing to marry the Emperor.Injured or not, Geralt has a rescue mission on his hands.Translated by David French.

Objev podobné jako Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 119.0 Kč

Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare

The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, fromNew York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. The fourth series in The Shadowhunter Chronicles, following on from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices

Objev podobné jako Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare

cena 159.0 Kč

Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte

After the stunning success of DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte Smith offers another irresistible glimpse inside the wardrobe every women would love to own Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true.But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. From the moment Charlotte uncovered her first treasure, an exquisite 1920s evening dress, she was enchanted. But when she found her godmother's book of stories, the true value of her inheritancehit home. this wasn't a mere collection of beautiful things, it was a preciouscollection of women's lives. tiny glimpses of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. In DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte shared some of her treasures and the stories of the women who wore them for the first time. Now, in DREAMING OF CHANE;, with special appearances by Chanel, VivienneWestwood, Zandra Rhodes, Pucci and many more, Charlotte offers another unforgettable glimpse inside the magic wardrobe every woman would love to own. Charlotte Smith is custodian of a priceless vintage clothing collection, the Darnell Collection, she inherited from her Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States, Charlotte has a degree in art history and has lived and worked in the United States, England and France. She now lives in Australia. After studying fashion design Grant Cowan moved to London to further his career and has worked as an illustrator on magazines like Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour and Red Magazine.

Objev podobné jako Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte

cena 59.0 Kč

Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam

Adam Dvořák není klasický český foodbloger. Nejí moc zdravě, miluje kolu, nepeče chleba, nepozná drobné nuance v odrůdách kávy, a dokonce se ani neotužuje! Přesto z něj jeho vtip a neotřelé recepty (především neotřele napsané) udělaly OBJEV ROKU na Foodblogu roku 2019! Adam se živí jako fotograf, grafik a ilustrátor, a tak není divu, že je jeho první kuchařská kniha, kterou od prvního písmenka až do poslední tečky vytvořil se svou ženou Kateřinou, úplně jiná než ostatní české kuchařky. Především jde o kuchařku plnou povídek a o beletrii plnou receptů, což dělá z knížky jakéhosi kulinářského transformera. Stať je rozdělena do 5 kapitol, mapujicích život mladého chlapce, který se postupem času a vlivem okolí mění v dospělého muže (mentálně ovšem zůstává chlapcem). V knize najdete spoustu originálních fotek a ilustrací autora. Co je ale na knize, pojmenované podle Adamova blogu Taste of Red, to nejvíc? Budete se popadat za břicho! A to už při čtení jeho vtipných, lehce dehonestujících povídek, i při toužení po jeho parádních jídlech, českých nebo třeba portugalských. Taste of Red bude bavit muže i ženy. No, ty muže možná o malinko víc, i když...!

Objev podobné jako Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam

cena 159.0 Kč

Chain of Thorns (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare

Cordelia Carstairs has lost everything that matters to her.In only a few short weeks, she has seen her father murdered, her plans to become parabatai with her best friend, Lucie, destroyed, and her marriage to James Herondale crumble before her eyes. Even worse, she is now bound to an ancient demon, Lilith, stripping her of her power as a Shadowhunter.After fleeing to Paris with Matthew Fairchild, Cordelia hopes to forget her sorrows in the city’s glittering nightlife. But reality intrudes when shocking news comes from home: Tatiana Blackthorn has escaped the Adamant Citadel, and London is under new threat by the Prince of Hell, Belial.Cordelia returns to a London riven by chaos and dissent. The long-kept secret that Belial is James and Lucie’s grandfather has been revealed by an unexpected enemy, and the Herondales find themselves under suspicion of dealings with demons. Cordelia longs to protect James, but is torn between a love for James she has long believed hopeless, and the possibility of a new life with Matthew. Nor can her friends help — ripped apart by their own secrets, they seem destined to face what is coming alone.For time is short, and Belial’s plan is about to crash into the Shadowhunters of London like a deadly wave, one that will separate Cordelia, Lucie, and the Merry Thieves from help of any kind. Left alone in a shadowy London, they must face Belial’s deadly army. If Cordelia and her friends are going to save their city — and their families — they will have to muster their courage, swallow their pride, and trust one another again. For if they fail, they may lose everything — even their souls.

Objev podobné jako Chain of Thorns (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare

cena 189.0 Kč

House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová

'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.' The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. They are the confidants and bankers of governments and emperors. Little happens without their say-so and even less without their knowledge. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. While power lies in wealth, strength lies in family. Greta's union with cousin Albert will strengthen the bond between the Austrian and the English branches of the dynasty. It is sensible and strategic. Greta is neither. Defiant and unhappy, she is desperate to find a place that belongs to her, free from duty and responsibility. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course. For the first time in two hundred years, the family will find themselves on opposing sides. The House of Goldbaum, along with Europe herself, is about to break apart.

Objev podobné jako House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová

cena 149.0 Kč

Leap of Faith (Defekt) - Danielle Steel

In her fifty-second bestselling novel, Danielle Steel weaves a compelling story of the power of lies, the misuse of trust--and of one woman's triumph over a devastating betrayal. Marie-Ange Hawkins has the kind of childhood that most people dream of. Freedom, love, security in a beautiful old French château. But when Marie-Ange is just eleven, a tragic accident marks the end of her idyllic life. Orphaned and alone, she is sent to America, to live with her great-aunt on a farm in Iowa. Bitterly resented by the old woman, cut off from everything she has known and loved, Marie-Ange is forced to work tirelessly on the farm, dreaming only of the day she can return to her beloved Château de Marmouton. In Marie-Ange's isolated existence, only the friendship of a local boy, Billy Parker, offers comfort and hope. But her only wish is to gain an education--and escape. Then, just after her twenty-first birthday, an unexpected visitor brings startling news and an extraordinary gift: the freedom to return to France, to Château de Marmouton. When she arrives in France, Marie-Ange learns that the château's new owner is Comte Bernard de Beauchamp, a dashing young widower who invites her into his home, then into his heart. But their magical life together, which soon includes marriage, children, and lavish homes, slowly takes an ominous turn. A mysterious woman tells Marie-Ange a shocking story, a story so chilling she doesn't want to believe it. Not even her dear friend Billy can help her now. He is thousands of miles away. And as the darkness gathers around her, Marie-Ange must find the faith and courage to take one, last desperate step to save her loved ones and herself. Danielle Steel's powerful novel is about being pulled into a place where nothing is what it seems. It is about being seduced and lied to and turned around, and wanting to believe the lies--until the moment comes, in one blinding instant, when survival and salvation depend on a final Leap of Faith the only path to freedom, and life.

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cena 139.0 Kč

Mosnsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness

A new edition of this award-winning conclusion to the Chaos Walking trilogy, with a bonus short story, Snowscape.

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cena 129.0 Kč

Monsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness

A special anniversary edition, with a striking new cover design, to celebrate 10 years of the Chaos Walking trilogy. Three armies march on New Prentisstown. The New World is at war. Todd and Viola are caught in the middle, with no chance of escape. How can they hope to stop the fighting? How can there ever be peace when they're so hopelessly outnumbered? And if war makes monsters of men, what terrible choices await? This new edition marks the 10th anniversary of the award-winning modern classic, soon to be a major motion picture starring Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley.

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cena 119.0 Kč

Icons of England (Defekt) - Bill Bryson

This celebration of the English countryside does not only focus on the rolling green landscapes and magnificent monuments that set England apart from the rest of the world. Many of the contributors bring their own special touch, presenting a refreshingly eclectic variety of personal icons, from pub signs to seaside piers, from cattle grids to canal boats, and from village cricket to nimbies. First published as a lavish colour coffeetable book, this new expanded paperback edition has double the original number of contributions from many celebrities including Bill Bryson, Michael Palin, Eric Clapton, Bryan Ferry, Sebastian Faulks, Kate Adie, Kevin Spacey, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, Richard Mabey , Simon Jenkins, John Sergeant, Benjamin Zephaniah, Joan Bakewell, Antony Beevor, Libby Purves, Jonathan Dimbleby, and many more: and a new preface by HRH Prince Charles.

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cena 149.0 Kč

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