Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Solutions Advanced Workbook with Audio CD Pack 2nd (International Edition) - C. Krantz
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart. Solutions has been thoroughly modernized with 80% new content to draw in students, embed the grammar and vocabulary presented, and engage them in the tasks. Its guided approach builds up every student’s confidence, through step-by-step objectives, lots of practice, meaningful personalization activities, and exam preparation tasks. The course now embraces a wide range of teaching methods, furnishing the teacher with a flexible pick-and-choose package for use in the classroom, at home, and on the move. The digital elements of the course enliven the material and allow teachers to vary the pace and focus of their lessons. Solutions turns all students into active learners, by offering a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities through extension and revision activities in all components - giving everyone a sense of achievement whatever their level. Key featuresLesson-per-page structure with achievable goals, clear signposting of the skill being practised, and gradual build-up to a productive outcome, gives everyone a sense of achievement after every classUpdated, motivating texts with effective vocabulary exploitation activities for increased engagement and active practiceSpeaking is integrated into all lessons, with step-by-step guidance leading to real-life practice, to make the activities meaningful and memorableWorkbooks with integrated audio, either in a print + audio CD combination, or online with built-in audio and an automated marking system, offer students a huge amount of listening practice while giving the teacher the option of reducing their marking loadProductive tasks, ‘Check your work’ features, Exam Strategy boxes, and opportunities for home learning through the Online Workbook and Words phone app all help to involve the students actively in their learning process and build their confidence in preparation for examsDVD-ROM material for every Culture, Reading, or Speaking lesson in the Student’s Book reinforces the grammar and vocabulary being taught and presents it in a different, student-appealing contextiTools material and extra activities on the Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM allow the teacher to vary the pace and focus of the lesson, and tailor the material in a mixed-ability classroom settingThe Words phone apps offer fun, ‘on the move’ vocabulary reference and practice, giving students control over their vocabulary revision
Podívejte se také Project Fourth Edition 1 Workbook: With Audio CD and Online Practice (International English Version) (978-0-947628-8-5)
Solutions Advanced Student´s Book 2nd (International Edition) - Tim Falla
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom.A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart.Solutions has been thoroughly modernized with 80% new content to draw in students, embed the grammar and vocabulary presented, and engage them in the tasks. Its guided approach builds up every student’s confidence, through step-by-step objectives, lots of practice, meaningful personalization activities, and exam preparation tasks.The course now embraces a wide range of teaching methods, furnishing the teacher with a flexible pick-and-choose package for use in the classroom, at home, and on the move. The digital elements of the course enliven the material and allow teachers to vary the pace and focus of their lessons.Solutions turns all students into active learners, by offering a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities through extension and revision activities in all components - giving everyone a sense of achievement whatever their level.
Podívejte se také Maturita Solutions Advanced Workbook (978-0-945521-6-5)
Solutions Advanced WorkBook 3rd (International Edition) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies
With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students' interest and drive them to succeed.
Podívejte se také Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Intermediate Workbook Czech Edition (9780194504539)
Podívejte se také
- Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Elementary Workbook Czech Edition (9780194561877)
- Business Basic International Edition Workbook (978-0-945777-7-9)
- Business objectives international edition workbook (978-0-945782-7-1)
- New Horizons 1 Workbook: International Edition (978-0-941342-8-6)
- New Headway Fourth Edition Intermediate Workbook with Key (9780194770279)
- Maturita Solutions Advanced Student's Book: with MultiRom (978-0-945521-3-4)
- New Headway Fifth Edition Beginner Workbook with Answer Key (9780194524223)
- English File Fourth Edition Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (9780194039888)
- English Plus 4 Workbook with MultiRom (9780194749039)
- Bad Company: Run With The Pack (Deluxe) (2x CD) - CD (8122795364)
- K. Flay: Solutions - CD (7769745)
- Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Intermediate Student's Book (9780194504515)
- Life Vision Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice (9780194080675)
- English File Fourth Edition Elementary Multipack A: with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194031493)
- Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter Course Book (9780194808354)
- Life Vision Pre-Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice (9780194080392)
- Oxford Grammar for Schools 4 Teacher´s Book with Audio CD (9780194559171)
- English File Fourth Edition Pre-Intermediate Multipack B: with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194037327)
- English File Fourth Edition Pre-Intermediate Multipack A: with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194037303)
- Business Basic New Edition Workbook (978-0-945734-1-2)
Straightforward Advanced: Workbook & Audio CD with Key, 2nd Editio - Amanda Jeffries
Straightforward Second edition is now even more experienced in providing English for adults and young adults at all levels. Clear student progression and self checking (CEFR) Pick-up-and-use practicality Intuitive, easy-to-follow format Flexible and adaptable Supported by one of the most comprehensive Teacher's Books around What's new? New topics, articles and exercises Emphasis on wordlists and lexical features including a unique interactive online wordlist New online component supports the students in their language development New authentic video content
Objev podobné jako Straightforward Advanced: Workbook & Audio CD with Key, 2nd Editio - Amanda Jeffries
Compact Advanced 2nd Edition Workbook with Answers with Digital Pack - Helen Tiliouine
Fast, focused exam preparation - a 50-to-60-hour course for the C1 Advanced exam. Intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise performance. Consolidate language and skills forthe C1 Advanced exam success through clear, concise training. Compact builds confidence with its unique step-by-step approach and teaches essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking bank and Writing bank extend proficiency in productive skills. Compact offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise student performance. Key features ‘Exam tips’, grammar and vocabulary exercises target common mistakes providing insights from actual test -takers’ performance. Test & Train provides perfect on-the-go, intuitive preparation and practice across all devices. Speaking bank and Writing bank extend students' familiarity and proficiency in productive skills. Downloadable Teacher's Photocopiable Resources provide a wealth of additional teaching materials to extend and practice. Access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for your bank of learning resources. Interactive practice includes a digital test environment to build strategies and skills for exam success.
Objev podobné jako Compact Advanced 2nd Edition Workbook with Answers with Digital Pack - Helen Tiliouine
Speakout Advanced Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Antonia Clare
The Workbook contains a wide variety of review and practice exercises and covers all of the language areas in the corresponding Students' Book unit. It also contains regular review sections to help learners consolidate what they have learned. * Additional grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises to complement material in the Students' Book. * Additional functional language practice exercises. * Additional reading, listening and writing practice. * Regular review and check sections. * Versions available with and without key. * Audio material to practise listening, pronunciation and functional language available online. * With Key
Objev podobné jako Speakout Advanced Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Antonia Clare
Speakout Intermediate Workbook with key with Audio CD Pack - Antonia Clare
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Intermediate Workbook with key with Audio CD Pack - Antonia Clare
Intelligent Business Advanced Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Irene Barrall
At the back of the workbook is a complete BEC exam including a listening test. There is also a CD which contains all the audio material from the Workbook.
Objev podobné jako Intelligent Business Advanced Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Irene Barrall
Speakout Advanced Plus Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Richard Storton
The new Plus levels give those students who need it more time to progress and achieve their objectives using fresh material.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Advanced Plus Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Richard Storton
Ready for Advanced (4th edition) Workbook + Digital Workbook with Audio + key - Jeremy Day
Oblíbená série titulů Ready for… pomáhá studentům v přípravě na zkoušku už více než 20 let. Upravené čtvrté vydání poskytuje stejně pečlivou přípravu na zkoušku jako vydání předchozí, zachovává všechny typy cvičení, která si studenti oblíbili v edici třetí, doplňuje je o digitální podporu a novou sekci pronunciation, texty v oddílech reading a listening jsou aktualizované a navigace na stránkách byla pro snazší orientaci změněna. WORKBOOK AND DIGITAL WORKBOOK WITH KEY AND ACCESS TO AUDIO: Jedná se o tištěný pracovní sešit s klíčem a jeho digitální verzi s přístupem k audio nahrávkám. Interaktivní cvičení v digitálním pracovním sešitě se sama opraví. Všechny výsledky se automaticky ukládají do Progress Tracker, takže jak studenti, tak učitelé okamžitě vidí k jakému pokroku došlo.
Objev podobné jako Ready for Advanced (4th edition) Workbook + Digital Workbook with Audio + key - Jeremy Day
face2face Advanced Workbook with Key, 2nd - Gillie Cunningham
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence.
Objev podobné jako face2face Advanced Workbook with Key, 2nd - Gillie Cunningham
Compact Advanced Workbook with Answers with Audio - Simon Haines
A focused, 50-60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam from 2015. Compact Advanced provides C1-level students with thorough preparation and practice needed for exam success. Ten units cover all four exam papers in a step-by-step approach. This Workbook provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Compact Advanced Student's Book. Topics and exam tasks follow the progression of language in the Student's Book units. Grammar and vocabulary exercises train students to avoid common mistakes, identified using the Cambridge Learner Corpus of real exam candidates' answers. Downloadable Audio contains the listening material for the Workbook listening activities and includes exam-style listening tasks. A Workbook without answers is also available.
Objev podobné jako Compact Advanced Workbook with Answers with Audio - Simon Haines
New Inside Out Beginner: Workbook (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Peter Maggs
Nové vydání učebnice Inside Out přináší nové materiály (texty, nahrávky, témata), avšak zachovává si hlavní vlastnosti původního vydání, které byly u učitelů i studentů tak oblíbené - personalised speaking tasks a anecdotes. Hlavní koncept zůstává stejný - umožnit studentům dosáhnout co nejlepších výsledků v dovednosti, které si cení nejvíce - v mluvení a konverzaci. - pracovní sešit s odpovědním klíčem a poslechovým CD Popis:New Inside Out je reakcí na připomínky a náměty tisíců studentů a učitelů, kteří používají Inside Out a zúčastnili se výzkumu vedeného nakladatelstvím Macmillan. Nové vydání učebnice Inside Out přináší nové materiály (texty, nahrávky, témata), avšak zachovává si hlavní vlastnosti původního vydání, které byly u učitelů i studentů tak oblíbené - personalised speaking tasks a anecdotes.Hlavní koncept zůstává stejný - umožnit studentům dosáhnout co nejlepších výsledků v dovednosti, které si cení nejvíce - v mluvení a konverzaci.NovinkyNew Inside Out obsahuje tyto nové prvky:jasně označené oddíly v učebnici (Reading, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary apod.)Useful phrases - oddíly s praktickými obraty, které studenti mohou ihned využítCD-ROM - každá učebnice nyní obsahuje výukový CD-ROM určený k samostudiu nebo při práci v počítačové učebněDVD - videoprogram na DVD, který doplňuje témata ve Student's BookTeacher's Book obsahuje kopírovatelné materiály (Resource Pack)New Inside Out nyní obsahuje oddíly Grammar, které ještě více pomáhají učiteli při výuce gramatiky, kterou si studenti mohou procvičit více v oddílech Grammar Extra na konci učebniceoddíly Vocabulary Extra na konci každé lekce procvičují a opakují osvojenou slovní zásobuInternetInternetová stránka www.insideout.net obsahuje další informace , které vám umožní seznámit se s učebnicí New Inside Out, a materiály, které můžete využít při výuce.K této učebnici je k dispozici e-learning Macmillan Practice Online. Internetové kurzy angličtiny Macmillan Practice Online nabízí flexibilitu a nezávislost. Studenti mohou přistupovat k MPO z kteréhokoli počítače připojeného k internetu - ve třídě, doma, v práci, na cestách nebo v internetové kavárně. Není potřeba nic instalovat ani nastavovat. MPO funguje na všech počítačích s internetovým vyhledávačem.
Objev podobné jako New Inside Out Beginner: Workbook (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Peter Maggs
Think 2nd Edition 2 Workbook with Digital Pack - Herbert Puchta
This six-level English course develops your students as learners and challenges them to consider global issues such as climate change and important scientific discoveries. With inspirational topics and texts from around the world, pages dedicated to life competencies and focused Cambridge English exam practice, this course encourages students to think big – in English. Challenge and inspire your students with thought-provoking global topics. Give language a context with entertaining vlogs, grammar animations and documentary videos throughout. Develop students’ vital skills for the future, all mapped to the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies. Build students’ confidence for Cambridge English Qualifications with exam practice checked by Cambridge Assessment English. Flexible digital tools all in one place on Cambridge One including Presentation Plus, Practice Extra, Collaboration Plus, interactive eBooks and more.
Objev podobné jako Think 2nd Edition 2 Workbook with Digital Pack - Herbert Puchta
New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate: Workbook (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Philip Kerr
New Inside Out takes all the best elements of the original Inside Outseries - including the emphasis on personalisation and meaning - and adds a host of brand-new features.
Objev podobné jako New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate: Workbook (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Philip Kerr
Objective First Workbook with Answers & Audio CD, 4th Edition - Annette Capel
Fourth edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: First (FCE) course, updated to prepare for the 2015 revised exam.
Objev podobné jako Objective First Workbook with Answers & Audio CD, 4th Edition - Annette Capel
Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Starter, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Super Minds is back and is super charged! From the same renowned author team, the second edition is thoroughly updated, enhanced and ready to teach your students so much more than English. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, the course has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, as well as three key cognitive control functions for young learners. Students enjoy exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, with creative projects, authentic CLIL projects and extensive skills practice along the way to B1. The second edition is supported by a comprehensive and enriching digital package in Cambridge One, including big screen style animations and Practice Extra for home use. Herbert Puchta and his team possess a deep understanding of the learning needs of Primary students, as well as profound knowledge of classroom practice and the challenges faced by teachers. Watch Herbert Puchta giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of the creation of Super Minds Second Edition. The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework underpins the creative and critical thinking strands of Super Minds Second Edition. The framework examines social, emotional and cognitive skills at different stages of the learning journey. Super Minds is much loved by millions of learners in over 70 countries. Since its publication, we have carried out extensive research to find out what teachers and learners love about the course, and what could be updated and made even better. Power your students' learning all the way towards B1 with the wealth of audio digital content, including exciting adventure stories worthy of the big screen! Children will love learning grammar with the Language Focus sections and videos featuring the hilarious characters Penny the Penguin, Greg the Gecko and Leo the Leopard. Brand new CLIL content throughout the course is designed to mirror topics students will be studying in their first language. Documentary-style videos help to bring this content to life. All the teaching and learning materials are easily accessible, on any device, on our digital platform. The Teacher's Pack gives you Presentation Plus, test generator and a range of resources. Students have Practice Extra - a motivational learning path with bite-sized original activities, games and brain breaks along the way. Workbook with Digital Pack The Workbook, now full colour for the second edition, correlates page by page with the Student’s Book, making it easy to use both books in class. The Workbook also includes a code for students to access the Digital Pack, including Practice Extra. Digital Pack Practice Extra includes: Online activities which consolidate the classroom learning, as well as animations and interactive games to engage students. Brain Break activities designed to aid motivation and help recharge the brain.
Objev podobné jako Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Starter, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Ready for IELTS (2nd edition): Workbook with Answers Pack - Louis Rogers
The Workbook with Answers Pack provides extra practice for students preparing to take the Academic IELTS module and achieve an IELTS band of between 5.0 and 7.0. All IELTS task types are practised, along with grammar and vocabulary and further practice for the Listening, Reading and Writing. The Workbook is packaged with an audio CD.show more
Objev podobné jako Ready for IELTS (2nd edition): Workbook with Answers Pack - Louis Rogers
Cambridge English Empower Advanced Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio
Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Advanced Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities.
Objev podobné jako Cambridge English Empower Advanced Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio
Messages 3 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Meredith Levy
Messages is a motivating lower-secondary course. Teachers and students are rewarded with immediate results at every 'Step' of each unit. Students can use their English to explore a complete set of online 'Infoquest' websites. Reading skills are developed through continuous stories and regular 'Life and culture' sections. KET- and PET-style exercises help develop exam skills. Exercises where students can work to their level make the course ideal for mixed-ability classes. Fast finishers can complete the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook. Messages has been correlated against the CEF. The 'Coursework' activities at the end of each module provide students with examples of work to add to it. Regular 'Learning diary', 'How's it going?' and 'Study skills' sections create independent learners who take responsibility for their own progress. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. Key features 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results. 'Life and culture' sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students' interest. Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year. A variety of exercises such as the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level. Teacher's Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills. KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams. Workbook description In addition to extra practice of the language covered in the Student's Book, there are extension exercises for fast finishers in the Workbook. A 'Learning diary' helps students assess their progress and take ownership of their own learning.The accompanying Audio CD/CD-ROM includes the workbook audio recordings and a wealth of fun interactive CD-ROM exercises so students can practise what they've learnt at their own pace.
Objev podobné jako Messages 3 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Meredith Levy
Messages 1 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Diana Goodey
Messages is a motivating lower-secondary course. Teachers and students are rewarded with immediate results at every 'Step' of each unit. Students can use their English to explore a complete set of online 'Infoquest' websites. Reading skills are developed through continuous stories and regular 'Life and culture' sections. KET- and PET-style exercises help develop exam skills. Exercises where students can work to their level make the course ideal for mixed-ability classes. Fast finishers can complete the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook. Messages has been correlated against the CEF. The 'Coursework' activities at the end of each module provide students with examples of work to add to it. Regular 'Learning diary', 'How's it going?' and 'Study skills' sections create independent learners who take responsibility for their own progress. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. Key features 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results. 'Life and culture' sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students' interest. Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year. A variety of exercises such as the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level. Teacher's Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills. KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams. Workbook description In addition to extra practice of the language covered in the Student's Book, there are extension exercises for fast finishers in the Workbook. A 'Learning diary' helps students assess their progress and take ownership of their own learning.The accompanying Audio CD/CD-ROM includes the workbook audio recordings and a wealth of fun interactive CD-ROM exercises so students can practise what they've learnt at their own pace.
Objev podobné jako Messages 1 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Diana Goodey
Messages 2 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Diana Goodey
Messages is a motivating lower-secondary course. Teachers and students are rewarded with immediate results at every 'Step' of each unit. Students can use their English to explore a complete set of online 'Infoquest' websites. Reading skills are developed through continuous stories and regular 'Life and culture' sections. KET- and PET-style exercises help develop exam skills. Exercises where students can work to their level make the course ideal for mixed-ability classes. Fast finishers can complete the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook. Messages has been correlated against the CEF. The 'Coursework' activities at the end of each module provide students with examples of work to add to it. Regular 'Learning diary', 'How's it going?' and 'Study skills' sections create independent learners who take responsibility for their own progress. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. Key features 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results. 'Life and culture' sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students' interest. Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year. A variety of exercises such as the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level. Teacher's Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills. KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams. Workbook description In addition to extra practice of the language covered in the Student's Book, there are extension exercises for fast finishers in the Workbook. A 'Learning diary' helps students assess their progress and take ownership of their own learning.The accompanying Audio CD/CD-ROM includes the workbook audio recordings and a wealth of fun interactive CD-ROM exercises so students can practise what they've learnt at their own pace.
Objev podobné jako Messages 2 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Diana Goodey
Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Level 1, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Super Minds is back and is super charged! From the same renowned author team, the second edition is thoroughly updated, enhanced and ready to teach your students so much more than English. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, the course has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, as well as three key cognitive control functions for young learners. Students enjoy exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, with creative projects, authentic CLIL projects and extensive skills practice along the way to B1. The second edition is supported by a comprehensive and enriching digital package in Cambridge One, including big screen style animations and Practice Extra for home use. Herbert Puchta and his team possess a deep understanding of the learning needs of Primary students, as well as profound knowledge of classroom practice and the challenges faced by teachers. Watch Herbert Puchta giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of the creation of Super Minds Second Edition. The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework underpins the creative and critical thinking strands of Super Minds Second Edition. The framework examines social, emotional and cognitive skills at different stages of the learning journey. Super Minds is much loved by millions of learners in over 70 countries. Since its publication, we have carried out extensive research to find out what teachers and learners love about the course, and what could be updated and made even better. Power your students' learning all the way towards B1 with the wealth of audio digital content, including exciting adventure stories worthy of the big screen! Children will love learning grammar with the Language Focus sections and videos featuring the hilarious characters Penny the Penguin, Greg the Gecko and Leo the Leopard. Brand new CLIL content throughout the course is designed to mirror topics students will be studying in their first language. Documentary-style videos help to bring this content to life. All the teaching and learning materials are easily accessible, on any device, on our digital platform. The Teacher's Pack gives you Presentation Plus, test generator and a range of resources. Students have Practice Extra - a motivational learning path with bite-sized original activities, games and brain breaks along the way. Workbook with Digital Pack The Workbook, now full colour for the second edition, correlates page by page with the Student’s Book, making it easy to use both books in class. The Workbook also includes a code for students to access the Digital Pack, including Practice Extra. Digital Pack Practice Extra includes: Online activities which consolidate the classroom learning, as well as animations and interactive games to engage students. Brain Break activities designed to aid motivation and help recharge the brain.
Objev podobné jako Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Level 1, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
English Plus (2nd Edition) 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (9780194202244)
Kniha – 120 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition! With 80% new content, more video, new grammar animations, puzzles, and games, it's never been so easy to capture your students' attention. You'll find the same clear structure and high level of support for mixed-ability classes. With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.
Objev podobné jako English Plus (2nd Edition) 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (9780194202244)
Maturita Solutions 2nd Edition Elementary Workbook Czech Edition (9780194553186)
Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions 2nd Edition Elementary Workbook Czech Edition (9780194553186)
New Success Pre-Intermediate Workbook: with Audio CD (9781408297148)
Kniha - autor Lindsay White, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Nová čtyřdílná řada učebnic se cvičeními ve zkouškovém formátu, speciálně napsaná pro středoškoláky s věkově cílenými tématy a s multimediálními komponenty. Doporučujeme k přípravě na maturitu a další jazykové zkoušky. - pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD
Objev podobné jako New Success Pre-Intermediate Workbook: with Audio CD (9781408297148)
Global Advanced: Workbook with key + CD - Lindsay Clandfield
nový šestidílný všeobecný kurz angličtiny pro dospělé studenty ve věku nad 20 let, je tedy vhodná pro vysoké školy a jazykové školy - pracovní sešit s klíčem správných řešení a poslechovým CD
Objev podobné jako Global Advanced: Workbook with key + CD - Lindsay Clandfield
English in Mind Starter Level: Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Herbert Puchta
English in Mind je čtyřdílný kurz pro teenagery. Každý díl obsahuje 16 oddílů začleněných do 4 modulů (80 – 90 vyučovacích hodin). Popis: English in Mind is a four-level course for teenagers. Each level contains 16 units grouped into four modules. Clear learning objectives at the beginning of each module, plus 'Check your Progress' sections at the end, help students and teachers plan learning more effectively.Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of class work with extra photocopiable activities and tests in the Teacher’s Resource Pack. The Workbook comes with a free CD combining interactive CD-ROM and audio material.The course can be used with mixed-ability classes. The Starter level is for complete beginners. Level 1 is for elementary students and contains a 16-page starter section to revise key language. Levels 2 and 3 take students from pre-intermediate to intermediate level.
Objev podobné jako English in Mind Starter Level: Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Herbert Puchta
Straightforward Advanced: Workbook (with Key) Pack - Amanda Jeffries
Učebnice angličtiny pro střední školy a dospělé. Popis:
Objev podobné jako Straightforward Advanced: Workbook (with Key) Pack - Amanda Jeffries
Inside Out Advanced. Workbook with Key + CD - Ceri Jones
A classroom-tested English course designed to develop real life communicative skills and powers of self-expression. Written by teachers for teachers, Inside Out provides a thoroughly enjoyable and lively course for adults and young adults built around structured work on grammar and lexis, planned speaking tasks and engaging writing and listening texts. Personalized tasks which focus on learners' own experiences and encourage meaningful language practice Structured planning time built into tasks improve fluency and accuracy Focus exercises which highlight and recycle lexis help students build a bigger and more active vocabulary Imaginative activities based on pop songs, book extracts and magazine articles maximize motivation Inductive grammar presentations enable students to organize and develop their knowledge. Easy-to-use exercises put these rules into practice and are then recycled as personalized speaking activities. Workbook: - Grammar exercises and vocabulary practice - Complete writing syllabus linked to the language and situations in the Student's Book - With and Without Key editions available at Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate levels - Without Key editions include a short story from the Macmillan Readers Series.
Objev podobné jako Inside Out Advanced. Workbook with Key + CD - Ceri Jones
Solutions Advanced Student´s Book 3rd (International Edition) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies
The Solutions Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all abilities fully engaged and motivated. Each unit consists of eight lessons, all of which focus on a particular skill, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, and writing. New to the third edition are specific listening and word skills lessons, to help develop well-rounded, confident communicators. Additional resources, including exam skills trainer sections and extra speaking practice help consolidate what students have covered in the lessons. The supported approach to speaking, writing and exam practice ensure every student can achieve success.
Objev podobné jako Solutions Advanced Student´s Book 3rd (International Edition) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies
Objective Proficiency Workbook with Answers with Audio CD - Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp
Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
Objev podobné jako Objective Proficiency Workbook with Answers with Audio CD - Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp
Speakout Starter Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Frances Eales
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Starter Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Frances Eales
Oxford Bookworms Library New Edition 2 Five Children and It with Audio CD Pack - Edith Nesbitová
When the children dug a hole in the gravel-pit, they were very surprised at what they found. 'It' was a Psammead, a sand-fairy, thousands of years old. It was a strange little thing - fat and furry, and with eyes on long stalks. It was often very cross and unfriendly, but it could give wishes - one wish a day. 'How wonderful!' the children said. But wishes are difficult things. They can get you into trouble ...The Oxford Bookworms Library offers high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience, with a world wide range of classic and modern fiction, non-fiction and plays. Bookworms include original and adapted texts in seven carefully graded language stages (Starter to Stage 6), which take learners from beginner to advanced level.Key Features All 'Oxford Bookworms Library' titles are fully illustrated. The Activities section at the back of each title has been extended to include extra activities before, while and after reading, helping students to interact with the text and get the most out of each story. Each title also has an Introduction, a Glossary of key topic words, and an informative 'About the Author' section.
Objev podobné jako Oxford Bookworms Library New Edition 2 Five Children and It with Audio CD Pack - Edith Nesbitová
Prepare 3/A2 Workbook with Digital Pack, 2nd - Treloar Frances
'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First for Schools. The Level 3 Workbook provides additional practice and reinforcement of the language, skills and exam techniques covered in the PREPARE Level 3 Student's Book units. Students can access the Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimised for a range of devices, for their bank of learning resources and accompanying Audio. Interactive practice includes Test and Train Exam Practice to build strategies and skills for exam success, and a timed Practice Test (when assigned by the class teacher). Practice Extra provides interactive grammar and vocabulary activities and games with instant feedback.
Objev podobné jako Prepare 3/A2 Workbook with Digital Pack, 2nd - Treloar Frances
Ready for First (4th edition) Workbook + Digital Workbook with Audio with key - Holmes Lucy
The bestselling Ready for... series has been helping students prepare for their exams for over twenty years. This revised Fourth edition of Ready for B2 First continues to provide the in-depth exam training for which the course is known. It keeps all the popular features of the 3rd edition whilst adding innovative digital support, updated reading and listening texts, new pronunciation sections and improved page design for easy navigation. Ready for sections focus on each paper of the exam in more detail ensuring that students feel fully confident before taking their exam. In each unit, all four language skills are systematically developed and practised, so even if students are not taking the exam, they will develop the language skills necessary for their future lives.
Objev podobné jako Ready for First (4th edition) Workbook + Digital Workbook with Audio with key - Holmes Lucy
Maturita Solutions Advanced Workbook (978-0-945521-6-5)
Kniha – 118 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky More support, more speaking, more Solutions. Maturita Solutions. A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation. Solutions' simple structure and guided approach to learning supports and motivates students to use language confidently. The Student's Book and digital resources provide achievable activities and consistent practice. Exam pages and online practice tests also thoroughly prepare students for school-leaving exams. The course develops language and skills so that speaking becomes frequent and familiar. Teachers who use Solutions say that by the end of each lesson 'every student spoke!' A clear structure, results-based lessons, extra practice, and specific exam preparation are all key elements in Solutions. The course supports students through its straightforward layout and clear presentation....
Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Advanced Workbook (978-0-945521-6-5)
New English File Advanced Workbook with Key + Multi-ROM Pack - Clive Oxenden
Učebnice, učebnice rozdělená na půl v balíčku vázaná i s pracovním sešitem a CR-ROMem (tzv. Multipack), pracovní sešit s audio a CD-ROM (s klíčem nebo bez), učitelská příručka, audio kazety nebo audio CD, studentská kazeta nebo audio CD, kazeta pro studenta listen and speak – pro poslech v autě nebo doma (k dílům 1 a 2), DVD k novým dílům, příručky s obchodní angličtinou, iTools, iPacks, internetové stránky. Hlavní znaky: • Šestidílný kurz pro středoškoláky a dospělé studenty. • Humor, zábava, motivace studentů. • Důraz na komunikativní schopnosti studentů a jejich jazykovou vybavenost nutnou pro běžnou praxi, obzvláště pak při různých společenských a pracovních příležitostech. • Word bank – obrázkový slovník 500 slov seřazených do tématických celků na konci učebnice. • Travel with English – základní fráze nutné pro cestování. • Dokonalá metodická příručka má v každém díle přes 60 stran kopírovatelných doplňkových aktivit (60–120 hodin).
Objev podobné jako New English File Advanced Workbook with Key + Multi-ROM Pack - Clive Oxenden
Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Louis Harrison
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Louis Harrison
Speakout Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Stephanie Dimond-Bayer
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Stephanie Dimond-Bayer
Empower 2nd edition Upper-intermediate Workbook with Answers - Wayne Rimmer
Empower Second Edition combines up-to-date content from expert authors with validated, CEFR-aligned assessment to measure progress. Your adult and young adult learners will develop all four skills through this six-level British English course, further enhanced with online content in our Cambridge One platform. The robust assessment, integrated into the course, means learners are always working towards a measurable goal. A series of documentary style videos (in addition to the Lesson C videos) bring English to life in authentic, real-world contexts. These high-interest supplementary videos are thematically linked to the topics and language of each unit and come with a downloadable worksheet. Reliable, accurate and meaningful End-of-unit tests, mid- and end-of-course competency tests provided by the world leaders in language assessment. A CEFR test report is provided which reliably benchmarks the learner’s level in each of the four skills. A Student’s Book and eBook with thought-provoking images and texts and engaging video, designed to generate an emotional response; all helping teachers to deliver motivating and memorable lessons. Workbook with answers can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. Downloadable audio and the Workbook vox pop video is available on Cambridge One.
Objev podobné jako Empower 2nd edition Upper-intermediate Workbook with Answers - Wayne Rimmer
Wider World 4 Workbook with App, 2nd Edition - Damian Williams
Wider World Second Edition is a new edition of Pearson’s most popular mid-secondary course. It prepares teenagers for their life ahead by giving them the skills they need to enjoy their social lives, pursue their studies and succeed in their career. The improvements in this new edition are in response to research and feedback we received from teachers and students. Authentic English – humorous situations, interviews with real people, and clips taken from BBC programs, show language used in real-life situations. Global topics – each unit explores the wide diversity of life and culture, exposing students to topics from around the world, including global citizenship or sustainability goals. Future skills – Set for Life is a new development program mapped to Pearson’s Personal and Social Capabilities Framework, which helps learners develop the skills they need. Extra support for mixed ability classes and neurodivergent students – extensive resources and tips that reduce preparation and give them greater flexibility in how to teach students with different learning needs. Exam support – much more exam support for both teachers and students. Diversity and inclusion principles – follows our comittment to equality, diversity and inclusion. It recognises cultural diversity, and supports tolerance and respect. In response to feedback and ongoing research, Wider World Second Edition builds on what teachers and students liked about the first edition and improves it with new content, features and digital solutions. Virtual classroom – the upgraded virtual classroom uses live video, sharable interactive whiteboard, live assignments with real-time teacher view of student performance, chat, and a hand-raising system. Online workbooks enable teachers to provide instant feedback to students. New content – 70% of the content in levels 1 to 4 has been updated, with future skills training, extra support, new teaching ideas for teachers, and an update to the course methodology. New BBC videos – clips from BBC programs remain at the core of the course, with new videos reflecting important themes, such as culture, global citizenship and topics promoting diversity and inclusion. Set for Life program – a completely new integrated program for developing future skills. Mixed ability classes and neurodivergent students – an expanded range of support materials enable teachers to respond to the needs of all students. Extended reading and writing program – extra focus on the gradual development of reading and writing skills, providing greater opportunities to learn, practice and recycle the language and use it in more authentic contexts. New design – a fresh look, while retaining the Wider World identity, including a regular unit structure and clear color-coded sections.
Objev podobné jako Wider World 4 Workbook with App, 2nd Edition - Damian Williams
Straightforward Upper-Intermediate: Workbook with Key Pack, 2nd Edition - Julie Penn, Jim Scrivener, Mike Sayer, Barbara Mackay, Adrian Tennat, Steve
Nové vydání oblíbené učebnice angličtiny pro studenty středních škol a dospělé - pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD a klíčem správných řešení Popis:Straightforward second editionUčebnice angličtiny pro střední školy a dospělé.Straightforward je nejprodávanější učebnicí nakladatelství Macmillan v České republice. Jelikož už je na trhu několik let, bylo potřeba její obsah aktualizovat tak, aby lépe vyhovoval současným studentům, výukovým metodám a výukovému prostředí. Proto nyní učebnice Straightforward vychází ve druhém vydání. První vydání zůstává i tak nadále k dispozici.Je samozřejmé, že kvality prvního vydání Straightforward jsou zachovány i v druhém. Jedná se o tyto:možnost okamžitého použití (téměř) bez přípravypřehledný formátflexibilita při používánískvělá Teacher’s Book od Jima Scriveneraoblíbenost u velmi i méně zkušených učitelůsilná návaznost na Evropský referenční rámecNovinky druhého vydáníCo je nového ve druhém vydání?moderní e-learning s možností vytváření tříd a sledování výsledků učitelemnová témata, články a cvičenínový, modernější vzhledvelký důraz na slovní zásobu a její procvičováníStraightforward Student’s BookKniha pro žáka je rozdělena do 12 lekcí.4 dvoustrany v každé lekci - jedna dvoustrana na 90 minutlekce propojeny za účelem recyklace učivamožnost soustředit se jen na klíčová cvičenísmysluplné konverzační aktivityopakování každé lekce na konci knihyStraightforward Teacher’s BookStraightforward Teacher's book napsaná Jimem Scrivenerem patří mezi nejlepší na trhu. Najdete v ní:podrobné poznámky pro učiteledalší cvičení a nápady do hodindetailní poznámky k jazykovému a kulturnímu obsahu Student’s bookpřístup k Straightforward Practice Online s možností sledovat pokrok studentů onlinemetodické tipyvložený Teacher‘s Resource Disc:ke každé lekci video z BBC nebo ITN48 kopírovatelných materiálů ke každému dílumetodická videa testy ke každé lekci (+ progress a závěrečné) s klíčem a poslechyZdarma onlineDalší online materiály zdarma pro učitele najdete na webu učebnice Straightforward http://www.macmillanstraightforward.com.výukové materiály ke staženírozřazovací testypracovní listytipy do hodinTip of the week – každý týden nový tip do výuky od Jima ScriveneraTeaching made simpleTeaching made simple – 4 praktické průvodce teorií a praxí výuky angličtiny si můžete přečíst online, nebo stáhnout a vytisknout. Straightforward has come of age and has been treated to a review, revamp and facelift. Much of the content has been updated and made more relevant. What's new? A lot of the content has been updated and made more relevant to our ever changing world. You'll find new topics, articles and exercises plus a fresh new design. You won't lose out on the old favourites though - they are still there with a facelift! We've put a lot of emphasis on wordlists and lexical features and there is a vocabulary builder with activities from the new supporting online component. The strength of the Teacher's Book has been built on with the addition of a Teacher's Resource disc that includes six 2-3 min video clips per level from the BBC and ITN, photocopiables and new methodology videos from Jim Scrivener's Learning Teaching 3rd Edition. There is a Teacher resource website with additional reading texts and teaching support. The CEFR still plays a prominent part in the series and there is even clearer signposting and self assessment. There is a new supporting online component - no more worries about installation or CD-ROMs sitting untapped at the back of the Student's book. The content of the previous CD-ROM is now accessible through a code in the Student's Book available via the website plus a whole host of other features such as... • 130+ interactive activities per level • Interactive word lists with pronunciation, bespoke practice straight to your inbox and the option to edit and add L1 definitions • 12 video clips with interactive practice from the BBC and ITN • A markbook
Objev podobné jako Straightforward Upper-Intermediate: Workbook with Key Pack, 2nd Edition - Julie Penn, Jim Scrivener, Mike Sayer, Barbara Mackay, Adrian Tennat, Steve
Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with out key, 2nd Edition - Louis Harrison
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with out key, 2nd Edition - Louis Harrison
Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition (Defekt) - Louis Harrison
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Objev podobné jako Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition (Defekt) - Louis Harrison
English Plus 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd)
The Workbook contains six pages of additional practice for each of the Student's Book units. The Starter unit has eight pages. This comprises exercises for vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing at three levels of difficulty. A two-page Progress review after every unit with self-assessments and I can ... statements. Four pages of Cumulative review which provide revision of all the language and skills studied up to a particular point in the Student's Book. · A Reference section which includes: a Language focus reference with additional practice exercises for each grammar point; an alphabetical Wordlist with illustrations and a phonetic chart; a Key phrases section with Key phrases from the Student's Book; an Irregular verbs list. A Student access card to the online Practice kit for additional self-study practice.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 2 Workbook with Access to Audio and Practice Kit (2nd)
Choices Elementary Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker
Choice Motivates. Motivation creates successful learners. Flexibility in Choices caters for all your students' needs and encourages them to be independent learners, equipped with skills for the 21st century. No student is left behind!
Objev podobné jako Choices Elementary Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker
Choices Intermediate Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker
Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online (MyEnglishLab) and print material, Choices gives teachers the power to adapt to their classrooms, while the authentic BBC video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low!Highly respected authors of bestselling Opportunities, New Opportunities, Challenges and New Challenges, Michael Harris and Anna SikorzynskaStrong strand of choice throughout the course which motivates and is a crucial element of life-long learning skills important in the 21st century as technology and jobs change rapidlyAuthentic Video BBC and Channel 4 clips (eg Jamie Oliver)Your Choice - students choose between different topics to discuss and write aboutDVD Choice - an optional section with authentic video material with comprehension questions. These are mainly oral skills lessons extending the lesson topicListen or Watch - the target functional language is presented through dialogues which can be watched or listened toLearning Links - references to extra activities. Students are directed to culture input (Culture Choice) and extra revision, practice and self-assessment (in the MyEnglishLab)Online Skills - in the workbook. Information-handling skills and critical thinkingMyEnglishLab online learning where teachers can grade and monitor.
Objev podobné jako Choices Intermediate Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker
Maturita Solutions Upper Intermediate Workbook 2nd (CZEch Edition) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies
Popis edice: More support, more speaking, more Solutions. Maturita Solutions. A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation. Solutions' simple structure and guided
Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Upper Intermediate Workbook 2nd (CZEch Edition) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies
New Success Elementary Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker
Nová čtyřdílná řada učebnic se cvičeními ve zkouškovém formátu, speciálně napsaná pro středoškoláky s věkově cílenými tématy a s multimediálními komponenty. Doporučujeme k přípravě na maturitu a další jazykové zkoušky. - učebnice s aktivitami ke každému modulu, testy a přehledem gramatiky, slovníkem s výslovností na CD-ROMu
Objev podobné jako New Success Elementary Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker
New Challenges 3 Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Amanda Maris
New Challengeshelps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development. The information-driven approach in New Challengesencourages teenagers to think about the world around them and provides lively achievable tasks, building their confidence, creativity, participation and performance. With New Challengesteachers make lessons educational, successful and fun!
Objev podobné jako New Challenges 3 Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Amanda Maris
Podívejte se také
- Horizons 4 Workbook Czech Edition (978-0-943889-1-7)
- Mikrotik RBwAPr-2nD (RBwAPr-2nD)
- Mikrotik RBmAPL-2nD (RBmAPL-2nD)
- Lifelines Pre-intermediate Workbook with Key (978-0-943380-2-8)
- Bang & Olufsen Beosound A1 2nd Gen. LIMITED EDITION Jade Green (1734038)
- MIKROTIK RB912R-2nD-LTm (RB912R-2nD-LTm)
- International Express Third Ed. Pre-intermediate Student's Book with Pocket Book (9780194418263)
- Thrustmaster TCA Officer Pack Airbus edition (2960842)
- Thrustmaster TCA Yoke Pack Boeing Edition (4460210)
- Prašina: 1x Audio na CD
- BENTIME Edition E3635-C-1 (E3635-C-1)
- AESPA: Girls - The 2nd Mini Album (Digipack Version) - CD (8809883962083)
- Baseus Magic Multifunctional Type-C HUB with a Retractable Clip Standard Edition Space Gray (CAHUB-DA0G)
- XXXTentacion: (Deluxe Edition 2x CD) - CD (1211354)
- Stevens Cat: Teaser and the Firecat (2021 Reissue) (Super Deluxe Edition) (4x CD + Blu-ray Audio) - (3594962)
- Rat Pack: The Album - CD (7619943022616)
- Vention HDMI to VGA Converter with 3.5mm Jack Audio (AIDB0)
- Zaz: Isa (Limited Edition) (2x CD) - CD (9029652482)
- Queen: Queen - Deluxe Edition (2x CD) - CD (2763879)
- Various: Brahms Complete Edition (46x CD) - CD (4778183)
- MSR WhisperLite International Combo