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Slovakia Travel Guide
A helping hand in the heart of Europe. With the majestic High Tatras and their gleaming mountain lakes up north, a network of wild caves to the east, and the ever-changing capital of Bratislava, referred to as “a vivacious young professional jet-setting around Europe” by travel writer Rick Steves, to the west, Slovakia is a truly spectacular country. Our team of travel-obsessed writers has a deep love for the heart of Europe, and with this handy, pocket-sized guide, you’ll soon see why. Included in this essential tool for travelers are:• top Slovak sights and detailed info on more than 450 tourist spots• 3D aerial drawings and more than 1,000 photos• 32 travel feature stories• topics such as castles, caves, tourism, animal watching, luxury holidays and how to save • including new chapters about family and tips for kids, as well as chapter unexpected with places which can surprise• 17 maps of city centres and major mountains• a suggested seven-day itinerary• a calendar of events• a selection of top hotels and restaurants• a pull-out map of Slovakia Let this guide be your helping hand in the heart of Europe, where medieval cities tout their tales of ruthless royals and tortured lovers. Join us as we sip on the “wine of kings”, gobble up the country’s fiercely-protected delicacies, climb up the slightly treacherous and undeniably exhilarating trails in Slovensky raj (Slovak Paradise) and discover why we can’t help but say, welcome to Spectacular Slovakia!
Podívejte se také Tatras Travel guide: Spectacular Slovakia, includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-05-1)
Mallorca - Travel Guide
Mallorku navštívili už jistě mnozí z vás a ti, kteří tak dosud neučinili, to mají bezpochyby v plánu. Pro spoustu turistů je Mallorca ztělesněním ideální dovolené u moře. Tento ostrov toho však může nabídnout mnohem víc než jen opalování, koupání a zábavu. Cestovní průvodce, kterého právě držíte v rukou, vám pomůže udělat si představu o tom, co je na Mallorce tak fascinující.
Podívejte se také Trenčín region travel guide / sprievodca: Obsahuje mapu / Includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-01-3)
Tatras Travel guide
This detailed travel guide to the Tatras in English introduces you to the whole region around the Tatra mountains, including attractions on the Polish side of the Tatras. Our adventurous team of travel writers has squeezed a mountain load of practical information into this pocket-sized guide, which contains:" information and contact details for more than 500 tourist spots" 25 travel feature stories" recommended hiking trips with detailed maps" 3D animations and countless photographs of the picture-perfect region" calendar of events" top accommodation facilities and restaurants" suggestions for family-friendly funThe precious peaks and enchanting valleys that define Slovakia are calling. Take a leisurely walk among the treetops, drift gently down the Dunajec River on a traditional raft and hangout with some rambunctious baby bears in a special contact zoo. Gobble up some gourmet grub in a restaurant where you pay for the experience but the food is free. V lete sú Tatry vychyteným miestom pre turistov a milovníkov prírody, v zime zasa zasnežené kopce priťahujú lyžiarov a každého návštevníka odmenia čerstvým horským vzduchom. Podrobný knižný sprievodca po Tatrách v anglickom jazyku predstavuje tatranský región ako celok od Oravy, cez Liptov, Tatry až po Spiš a zachytené sú v ňom aj atrakcie na poľskej strane Tatier. Knižný sprievodca obsahuje veľké množstvo praktických informácií: " odporúčané turistické výlety s podrobnými mapami" 3D animácie a viac ako 350 fotografií" zoznam podujatí" návrh 7-dňového programu v tatranskom regióne" 25 tématických článkov s desiatkami atrakcií (témy ako turistika, horské chaty, jaskyne, vodné atrakcie, kam s rodinou, a iné)" odporúčané hotely a reštaurácie.Vychutnajte si chvíľu v reštaurácii, kde neplatíte za jedlo ale za gastronomický zážitok. Prejdite sa korunami stromov, odvezte sa na psom záprahu alebo v kontaktnej zoo pohlaďte mláďatá divokých šeliem. V regióne Tatier na vás čakajú nádherné výhľady z končiarov, ale aj tajomné podzemie, kde sa môžete stať na chvíľu jaskyniarom.
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Trnava region Travel guide
The detailed 88-page, English-language tour guide on the Trnava Region contains landmarks, practical information, 3D animations, many articles and photographs. The practical pocket size is enriched with a folding map.Apart from touristic points, the Trnava region guide explores a wealth of topics in 23 travel feature stories. It presents not only profiles of castles, museums and other lesser-known attractions, but also the stories of the people behind these places. This guide will introduce you to the religious Trnava, as well as modern and unusual Trnava. It will take you to thrilling places where you can get a taste of the region by trying wine, beer or mead. It will lead you to the best spots for night life and renewing spas. It will give you an opportunity to see the world from a horse saddle, try different sports and admire the country from the most scenic viewpoints. An international team of journalists, who travelled around the region and provided information based on their own experience, contributed to the publication. The title is based on the travel edition of Spectacular Slovakia.About the edition Spectacular Slovakia:The Spectacular Slovakia edition, originally in English, was launched in 1996 as a specialized magazine attachment of The Slovak Spectator. In 2013, the guide's design was modified to today's practical, pocket-sized form. Spectacular Slovakia contains two titles in Slovak: Slovakia - book guide, guide - Nitra; three English-Slovak publications Košice region, Bratislava region, Trenčín region and three titles in English: Bratislava City Guide, Nitra City Guide and Slovakia - travel guide.Komplexný 88-stranový turistický bedeker o Trnavskom kraji v anglickom jazyku obsahuje profily pamiatok, praktické informácie, 3D animácie, mnoho článkov a nespočetné množstvo fotografií. Praktický vreckový formát je obohatený o rozkladaciu mapu.Okrem turistických miest sprievodca približuje 23 tém - prináša nielen profily samotných hradov, múzeí a iných atrakcií, ktoré často nepoznajú ani domáci, ale sú v ňom zachytené aj príbehy ľudí, ktorí sú za týmito miestami. Bedeker vám predstaví modernú i alternatívnu Trnavu ako aj Trnavu z pohľadu náboženskej tématiky. Zavedie Vás na miesta, kde môžete odhaliť chute regiónu prostredníctvom degustácie vína, piva či medoviny. Dozviete sa, kde si môžete užiť nočný život, zrelaxovať v kúpeľoch, vidieť svet z konského sedla, vyskúšať rôzne športy či vychutnať si najlepšie výhľady v regióne. Na vzniku publikácie sa podieľal medzinárodný tím novinárov, ktorí cestovali po regióne a prinášajú informácie na základe vlastného zážitku. Titul vychádza v cestovateľskej edícii Veľkolepé Slovensko (Spectacular Slovakia).Edícia Spectacular Slovakia (Veľkolepé Slovensko), začala pôvodne od roku 1996 vychádzať ako špecializovaná magazínová ročenka novín The Slovak Spectator iba v anglickom jazyku. V roku 2013 došlo k úprave dizajnu do dnešnej knižnej podoby s praktickým vreckovým formátom. Edícia Spectacular Slovakia obsahuje dva tituly v slovenčine: Slovensko - knižný sprievodca, Sprievodca - Nitra; tri anglicko-slovenské publikácie Košice región, Bratislavský región a Trenčín region a tri tituly v angličtine: Bratislava City Guide, Nitra City Guide a Slovakia - travel guide.
Objev podobné jako Trnava region Travel guide
Pocket Rough Guide Rome: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This compact, pocket-sized Rome travel guidebook is ideal for travellers on shorter trips and those trying to make the most of Rome. It''s light, easily portable and comes equipped with a pull-out map. This Rome guidebook covers: The Centro Storico, Campo de'' Fiori, The Ghetto and around, Piazza Venezia and the Capitoline Hill, Ancient Rome, The Tridente, Trevi and Quirinale, Monti, Termini and the Esquiline, The Caelian Hill and San Giovanni, The Aventine Hill and south, Trastevere and the Janiculum Hill, Villa Borghese and north, The Vatican.Inside this Rome travel book you will find:- Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, off-the-beaten-track adventures, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Rome - Villa Borghese, Roman Forum and Palatine, Piazza Navona, Colosseum, Domus Aurea, St Peter''s, Basilica of San Clemente, Vatican Museums, Capitoline Museums, Trevi Fountain, pizza, Campo de'' Fiori, Galleria Borghese, gelato, The Pantheon - Ready-made itineraries samples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Rome at a glance - an overview map of Rome with key areas and short descriptions of what you''ll find there- Day trips - extra information for those on longer breaks or wanting to venture further afield- Practical travel tips - information on how to get there and around, health guidance, tourist information, festivals and events, plus an A-Z directory- Handy language section - themed basic vocabulary for greetings, numbers and food and drink- Independent reviews - honest descriptions of places to eat, drink or stay, written by our expert authors- Accommodation - handy reference guide to a range of hotels for different budgets - Pull-out map - easy to extract folded map with places to see marked- What''s new - a short overview of the changes in Rome in recent years for repeat travellers- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed Rome guidebook - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide is a perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you a distinct taste of Rome with a concise edit of all the information you''ll need.
Objev podobné jako Pocket Rough Guide Rome: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
Scotland - DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
Your Guide to the 10 Best of Everything in Scotland.Discover the best of everything the country has to offer with this essential, pocket-sized DK Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guide: Scotland with pull-out map. Top 10 lists showcase the best places to visit in Scotland, from Edinburgh Castle and the fascinating National Museum of Scotland to breathtaking Glencoe. Eleven easy-to-follow itineraries explore the country - from things to do in Edinburgh to the Scottish Highlands - while reviews of Scotland's best shops, restaurants and hotels will help you plan your perfect trip.
Objev podobné jako Scotland - DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
Žilina region Travel guide / Bedeker
Sprawling with majestic mountains, mystical caves and cultural hubs, Žilina Region is a vital piece of the puzzle of Slovakia. It is the birthplace of the Slovak language and famous (or infamous to some) highway robber Juraj Jánošík. Housed within its picturesque borders are many national cultural institutions along with the priceless gifts of Mother Nature. Visitors young and old can soak their troubles away in a natural jacuzzi in Liptovský Ján, marvel at the rare wonders of Demänovská Ice Cave or get their ski fix at Jasná, the largest ski centre in Slovakia.This compact, bilingual guide is jam-packed with a wealth of information, including: " 3D drawings of historical monuments" a suggested five-day itinerary " 14 travel feature stories" a calendar of events" more than 300 photos" contact details for more than 100 tourist spotsIn Žilina Region, you can savour the national dish of bryndzové halušky in its truest form, explore a legendary giant's home, or, if you're feeling especially indulgent, bathe in gold at Zlaté Kúpele (the Golden Spa) in Turčianske Teplice. Majestátne hory, mystické jaskyne, adrenalín, tradície či Juraj Jánošík, populárne miesto, kde trávia dovolenku rodiny s deťmi. - to všetko je Žilinský kraj. Objavte hrad upíra z Nosferatu, vydajte sa s čelovkou do podzemia na Orave či Liptove, navštívte najväčšie lyžiarske strediská na Slovensku. Žilinský kraj svojou pestrosťou spája tradície ale aj novodobé atrakcie. V tomto dvojjazyčnom bedekri nájdete: " 3D nákresy historických pamiatok" plán cesty okolo regiónu za päť dní" 14 cestovateľských tém s najnovšími atrakciami (osobitná téma s desiatkami tipov je vyčlenená pre rodiny)" kalendár podujatí" viac ako 300 fotografií" kontaky na viac ako 100 turistických miest" anglickú časť, kde si môžete pozrieť viac ako 100 fotografií z regiónu Viete, v ktorej reštaurácii sa podávali prvýkrát bryndzové halušky, kde nájdete ríšu obra Čutka alebo kde sa môžete vykúpať v zlate? To je len pár otázok, na ktoré nájdete odpovede v modernom knižnom sprievodcovi po Žilinskom kraji.
Objev podobné jako Žilina region Travel guide / Bedeker
Chicago - DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this historic city.Admire Impressionist masterpieces at the Art Institute of Chicago, window shop on the Magnificent Mile, get a bird's eye view of four states from the Skydeck of Willis Tower or cruise along the river for for a great view of Chicago's landmark architecture: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Chicago with this indispensable travel guide.Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Chicago:- Over 20 colour maps, plus a large-scale pull-out map of the city and a transport map, help you navigate with ease- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of Chicago, designed for every interest and budget- Illustrations and floorplans show in detail the iconic Willis Tower, extensive Art Institute of Chicago, celebrated Field Museum and more- Colour photographs of Chicago's magnificent architecture, museums and galleries, historic sights, parks and gardens, and more- Detailed chapters, with area maps, cover Downtown; Near North Side; South Loop and Near South Side; South Side and more - Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about Chicago's colourful and often turbulent history, different cultures, innovative architecture, remarkable residents, festivals and events, and more- Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus transport, visa and health information DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Chicago is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your visit to Chicago.DK Eyewitness: winner of the Top Guidebook Series in the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards 2017. "No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The IndependentPlanning to explore more of America? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide USA.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Objev podobné jako Chicago - DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
Pocket Rough Guide Malta & Gozo: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This compact, pocket-sized Malta & Gozo travel guidebook is ideal for travellers on shorter trips and those trying to make the most of Malta & Gozo. It''s light, easily portable and comes equipped with a pull-out map. This Malta & Gozo guidebook covers: Valletta, The Three Cities, Sliema and St Julian''s, Mdina and Rabat, Central Malta, The north, The south, Gozo, Comino.Inside this Malta & Gozo travel book you will find:- Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, off-the-beaten-track adventures, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Malta & Gozo - Gozo''s Citadel, Valletta, Hagar Qim And Mnajdra Temple Complex, Birgu, The Blue Lagoon, Mdina, Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, The Marsaxlokk Fish Market, Fort St Elmo & The National War Museum, Sliema & St Julian''s Promenade, The Blue Grotto, St John''s Co-cathedral, Malta At War Museum, Ghajn Tuffieha Beach- Ready-made itineraries samples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Malta & Gozo at a glance - an overview map of Malta & Gozo with key areas and short descriptions of what you''ll find there- Day trips - extra information for those on longer breaks or wanting to venture further afield- Practical travel tips - information on how to get there and around, health guidance, tourist information, festivals and events, plus an A-Z directory- Handy language section - themed basic vocabulary for greetings, numbers and food and drink- Independent reviews - honest descriptions of places to eat, drink or stay, written by our expert authors- Accommodation - handy reference guide to a range of hotels for different budgets - Pull-out map - easy to extract folded map with places to see marked- What''s new - a short overview of the changes in Malta & Gozo in recent years for repeat travellers- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed Malta & Gozo guidebook - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide is a perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you a distinct taste of Malta & Gozo with a concise edit of all the information you''ll need.
Objev podobné jako Pocket Rough Guide Malta & Gozo: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to Tanzania & Zanzibar: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This Tanzania & Zanzibar guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Tanzania & Zanzibar travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Tanzania & Zanzibar guidebook covers: Dar es Salaam, The north coast, The south coast, Central Tanzania, The northern highlands, Arusha and around, The northern Safari Circuit, Lake Victoria and northwestern Tanzania, Lake Tanganyika and western Tanzania, Southern Tanzania, Zanzibar.Inside this Tanzania & Zanzibar travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to Tanzania & Zanzibar, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in Tanzania & Zanzibar - Serengeti, lake ferries, seafood in Zanzibar, chimpanzees at Gombe Stream and Mahale Mountains, Stone Town, Tarangire National Park, Indian Ocean flights, hiking in the Usambara and Udzungwa Mountains, Kondoa-Irangi rock paintings, cultural tourism, Mount Kilimanjaro, Kilwa Kisiwani, Ngorongoro Conservation Area- Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to Tanzania & Zanzibar - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to Tanzania & Zanzibar with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife- Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Essential Kiswahili dictionary and glossary of local terms - Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Tanzania & Zanzibar - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Tanzania & Zanzibar, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Tanzania & Zanzibar: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Lisbon: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This pocket-sized travel guide to Lisbon is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, the Bairro Alto, Torre de Belém, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Elevador de Santa Justa as well as hidden gems, including Alfama district. Our Lisbon guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating city. This Lisbon travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19.This Mini Rough Guide to LISBON covers: Alfama, Baixa (lower city), Bairro Alto (upper city), Lapa, Belém, North Lisbon, Parque das Nações, Across the Tagus, Excursions from Lisbon.In this guide book to Lisbon you will find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Lisbon, from cultural explorations in Mosteiro dos Jerónimos to family activities in child-friendly places, like Belém or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Castelo de São Jorge.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSThis Lisbon travel guide covers the destination''s top ten attractions not to miss, including the Bairro Alto, Torre de Belém, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Elevador de Santa Justa and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Lisbon is the perfect on-the-move companion when you''re exploring Parque das Nações.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Lisbon.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children''s activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Lisbon will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of this Lisbon guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Lisbon: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Puglia: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around Puglia. It covers top attractions like the Tremiti islands, the Gargano peninsula and Otranto, as well as hidden gems, including Alberobello - the centre of Puglia''s famous trulli, the quaint, conical-shaped houses - Castel del Monte, a unique medieval masterpiece, and Lecce, Puglia''s Baroque gem, packed with lavish architecture and fanciful facades. This will save you time, and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region. This title has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to Puglia covers: The Gargano Peninsula, Puglia Imperiale, Canosa di Puglia, Bari and beyond, Valle d''Itria, The Salento, An excursion to MateraIn this travel guide you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Puglia, from cultural explorations to family activities in child-friendly places or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSCovers the destination''s top ten attractions not to miss, including Martina Franca, Lecce, Gallipoli and a Perfect Day/Tour itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this is the perfect on-the-move companion when you''re exploring Puglia.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children''s activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Puglia: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Bucharest: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This mini pocket Bucharest travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Bucharest. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards.This Bucharest travel book covers: The Old Town; Along Calea Victoriei; Aviatorilor and Herastrau Park; Cotroceni to Cismigiu; Civic Centre; The Outskirts of the City and Excursions.In this Bucharest guidebook, you will find: - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Bucharest - Spring Palace, Parliament, Village Museum, Therme, Herastrau Park, Caru'' Cu Bere, Stavropoleos Church, Romanian Athenaeum, Piata Unirii, Cotroceni Palace - Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Bucharest introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Bucharest - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children''s activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Bucharest and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Bucharest - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It''s the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Bucharest without overwhelming you with too much information.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Bucharest: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Singapore: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This mini pocket Singapore travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Singapore. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards.This Singapore travel book covers: The Colonial District, Little India and Arab Street , Chinatown and the Financial District, Marina Bay, Orchard Road and the Botanic Gardens, Northern Singapore, Eastern Singapore, Western Singapore and Sentosa, the southern isles.In this Singapore guidebook, you will find: - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Singapore - Chinatown, Esplanade - theatres on the bay, Raffles Hotel, Orchard Road, Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, Gardens by the bay, Night Safari, Sentosa Island, The National Museum, Little India - Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Singapore introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Singapore - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children''s activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Singapore and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Singapore - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It''s the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Singapore without overwhelming you with too much information.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Singapore: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
Prague 2016 - DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
The DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Prague 2016 will lead you straight to the best attractions Prague has to offer. The guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's stunning architecture, plus 3D aerial views of the key districts to explore on foot. You'll find detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets in this fully updated and expanded guide, plus insider tips on everything from where to find the best markets and nightspots to great attractions for children.The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Prague 2016 also includes in-depth coverage of all the unforgettable sights and comes complete with a free pull-out city map, clearly marked with sights from the guidebook and an easy-to-use street index. The map has detailed street views of all the key areas, plus there are transport maps and information on how to get around the city, and there's even a chart showing the distances between major sights for walkers.
Objev podobné jako Prague 2016 - DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This Lake District guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Lake District travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Lake District guidebook covers: Windermere, Grasmere and the central fells, Coniston Water, Hawkshead and the south, Keswick, Derwent Water and the north, the western fells and valleys, Ullswater, out of the National Park.Inside this Lake District travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to the Lake District, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in the Lake District - Scafell Pike, Derwent Water, Eskdale, Ennerdale Water, hiking, bird watching, wildlife, boating, kayaking, biking, museums, history, wild swimming - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to the Lake District - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to the Lake District with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to the Lake District - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in the Lake District, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This Kent, Sussex & Surrey guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Kent, Sussex & Surrey travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Kent, Sussex & Surrey guidebook covers: Canterbury and around; North Kent; East Kent; The Kent Weald; The Sussex High Weald; East Sussex Downs; Brighton; West Sussex; Surrey.Inside this Kent, Sussex & Surrey travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to Kent, Sussex & Surrey, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in Kent, Sussex & Surrey - The Seven Sisters and Beachy Head, Chartwell, The Turner Contemporary, The Devil''s Punch Bowl, Rye, West Wittering, The Goods Shed, Pallant House Gallery, Charleston Farmhouse, Prospect Cottage, Hastings, Broadstairs Folk Week, Canterbury Cathedral, Botany Bay, Brighton, Petworth House, Dover Castle, Sissinghurst, Alfriston - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to Kent, Sussex & Surrey - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to Kent, Sussex & Surrey with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Kent, Sussex & Surrey - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Kent, Sussex & Surrey, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to South America on a Budget: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This South America on a Budget guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this South America on a Budget travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This South America on a Budget guidebook covers: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, The Guianas, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.Inside this South America on a Budget travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to South America on a Budget, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in South America on a Budget - Inca Trail, Peru; Carretera Austral, Chile; Cycling the Death Road, Bolivia; Ruta 40, Argentina; Serra Verde Railway, Brazil; The Circuit, Torres del Paine, Chile; Valparaíso, Chile; Historic Centre, Salvador, Brasil; Cusco, Peru; Niemeyer''s Masterpiece; Cartagena de Indias, Colombia; La Compañía de Jesús, Ecuador; The Pantanal, Brazil; Galápagos Islands, Ecuador; Amazonian Basin, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru; Cañon del Colca, Peru; Beagle Channel, Argentina; Los Llanos, Venezuela- Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to South America on a Budget - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to South America on a Budget with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Essential Spanish, Portuguese dictionary and glossary of local terms - Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to South America on a Budget - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in South America on a Budget, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to South America on a Budget: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages - Anthony Bale
‘Rich and wonderful . . . This is the world as you’ve never seen it before’ Ian Mortimer‘A joyful, erudite book . . . A global Middle Ages for our times’ Jerry Brotton''Wisdom fills the pages of this immensely entertaining history'' The New Yorker_____________________From the bustling bazaars of Tabriz, to the mysterious island of Caldihe, where sheep were said to grow on trees, Anthony Bale brings history alive in A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages, inviting the reader to travel across a medieval world punctuated with miraculous wonders and long-lost landmarks. Journeying alongside scholars, spies and saints, from western Europe to the Far East, the Antipodes, and the ends of the world, this is no ordinary travel guide, containing everything from profane pilgrim badges, Venetian laxatives and flying coffins to encounters with bandits and trysts with princesses.Using previously untranslated contemporary accounts from as far and wide as Turkey, Iceland, Armenia, north Africa, and Russia, A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages is a living atlas that blurs the distinction between real and imagined places. It offers the reader a vivid and unforgettable insight into how medieval people understood their world – a world of stories, desire and fantasies, of cherished pasts and longed-for futures._____________________''Serious scholarship and a sightseer’s unbridled enthusiasm make for fascinating armchair time travel'' Observer‘Masterful, panoramic, beautifully written and vividly imagined . . . a book to be savoured’ Dr Helen Castor, author of Blood and Roses‘An enthralling journey into the past and across the world . . . this book takes us to barely imaginable places – but the most remarkable thing we find may be ourselves’ Seb Falk, author of The Light Ages
Objev podobné jako A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages - Anthony Bale
Slovakia Travel Guide: Spectacular Slovakia (978-80-89988-16-7)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A helping hand in the heart of Europe. With the majestic High Tatras and their gleaming mountain lakes up north, a network of wild caves to the east, and the ever-changing capital of Bratislava, referred to as “a vivacious young professional jet-setting around Europe” by travel writer Rick Steves, to the west, Slovakia is a truly spectacular country. Our team of travel-obsessed writers has a deep love for the heart of Europe, and with this handy, pocket-sized guide, you’ll soon see why. Included in this essential tool for travelers are: • top Slovak sights and detailed info on more than 450 tourist spots • 3D aerial drawings and more than 1,000 photos • 32 travel feature stories • topics such as castles, caves, tourism, animal watching, luxury holidays and how to save • including new chapters about family and tips for kids, as well as chapter unexpected with places which can surprise • 17 maps...
Objev podobné jako Slovakia Travel Guide: Spectacular Slovakia (978-80-89988-16-7)
Insight Guides The Greek Islands: Travel Guide with eBook - Insight Guides
This Greek Islands guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about The Greek Islands''s people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Greek Islands travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of the Greek Islands. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Greek Islands guidebook covers: Athens, Thessaloníki, Corfu, Southern Ionian Islands, Kýthira, Argo-Saronic Islands, The Cyclades, Náxos, Santoríni, The Sporades, Evvia, Thásos, Samothráki and Límnos, Lésvos, Híos, Ikaría, Foúrni and Sámos, Rhodes, The Southern Dodecanese, The Northern Dodecanese, Crete.In this Greek Islands travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- The Greek Islands highlights - Haniá Old Quarter, Classical Temple of Aphaia, Panagía Hozoviótissa Monastery, Corfu Old Town, Santoríni, Agíou Ioánnou toú Theológou Monastery on Patmos, Ionian islands, Evpalínio Órygma, Sámos, Lésvos, Skópelos Town - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to the Greek Islands - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about the Greek Islands and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of the Greek Islands - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this Greek Islands travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title''s eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to the Greek Islands - Fully updated post-COVID-19This Greek Islands guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to the Greek Islands or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.
Objev podobné jako Insight Guides The Greek Islands: Travel Guide with eBook - Insight Guides
Insight Guides The Silk Road: Travel Guide with eBook - Insight Guides
This Silk Road guidebook is ideal for travellers seeking inspirational guides and planning a more extended trip. It provides interesting facts about the Silk Road''s people, history and culture and detailed coverage of the best places to see. This Silk Road travel book has the style of an illustrated magazine to inspire you and give a taste of the Silk Road. The book is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Silk Road guidebook covers: China (Shaanxi, Ginsu, Xinjiang), Central Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan), Western Asia (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey).In this Silk Road travel guidebook, you will find:- Unique essays - country history and culture, and modern-day life, people and politics- Silk Road highlights - Mingsha Shan and Crescent Moon Lake; Heavenly Lake Tianchi; Flaming Mountains near Turpan, China; Lake Karakul; Tajikistan''s Pamir Highway; Hunza Valley, Pakistan; Tehran Bazaar; Sunday Market,Kashgar; Peshawar, Pakistan; Isfahan architecture; Xi''an city; Samarkand; Istanbul - Practical travel information - getting there and around, budgeting, eating out, shopping, public holidays, information for LGBTQ+ travellers and more - When to go to the Silk Road - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots- Main attractions & curated places - narrative descriptions of where to go and what to see, covered geographically- Tips and facts - interesting facts about the Silk Road and useful insider tips- High-quality maps of the Silk Road - must-see places cross-referenced to colourful maps for quick orientation- Colour-coded chapters - each place chapter has its own colour assigned to aid easy navigation of this Silk Road travel guide- Striking pictures - rich, inspirational colour photography on all pages, capturing attractions, nature, people and historical features - Free download of title''s eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to the Silk Road - Fully updated post-COVID-19This Silk Road guidebook is just the tool you need to get under the skin of the destination and accompany you on your trip. It also makes a great gift because of its premium quality. This book will inspire you and answer all your questions while preparing a trip to the Silk Road or along the way. It will also remain a beautiful souvenir after your trip.
Objev podobné jako Insight Guides The Silk Road: Travel Guide with eBook - Insight Guides
Recharge: The Ultimate EV Travel Guide for Europe - Ralf Schwesinger, Nicole Wanner
Get in, drive off, and recharge positive energy sustainably Long journeys in an electric car—this is no longer a dream of the future! Traveling the world in an electric car; tracking down special places on the way where you can recharge not only your car, but also your own batteries; and inspiring others to simply travel more sustainably and with much more energy—these are the goals of Ralf Schwesinger and Nicole Wanner, alias “Mr & Mrs T on Tour.” Sustainability, climate protection, saving resources: we hear these concepts every day. So, too, do we hear of those free spirits who quit their regular day-to-day lives, leave everything behind, and set off to explore the world. Mr & Mrs T show us just how to combine such personal freedom with a sustainable planet: electromobility. In 2016, the couple bought an electric car. Two years later, they quit their jobs, closed the door on their apartment, said goodbye to their family and friends, and embarked on an electric driving adventure around the world. In this special EV travel guide, they show us the 50 most beautiful hotels of their journey through Europe. Every hotel is unique, but each allows the opportunity to recharge one’s batteries, and always welcomes you as a guest—whether you are driving an electric car or not. Through beautiful photographs and inspiring texts, Mr & Mrs T give us authentic insight into their journey and valuable suggestions for surrounding sights, leisure activities, restaurants, and events within each region. In addition, they have dedicated a very special chapter in the book to the subject of “Traveling by Electric Car,” which provides orientation for newcomers and also for those who already have e-xperience. Join Mr & Mrs T on Tour on an electric driving adventure!
Objev podobné jako Recharge: The Ultimate EV Travel Guide for Europe - Ralf Schwesinger, Nicole Wanner
World Travel: An Irreverent Guide - Anthony Bourdain
‘Witty and fascinating … a guide book that can''t help but inspire’ independent.co.ukAnthony Bourdain saw more of the world than nearly anyone. His travels took him from his hometown of New York to a tribal longhouse in Borneo, from cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, Paris, and Shanghai to the stunning desert solitude of Oman’s Empty Quarter – and many places beyond.In World Travel, a life of experience is collected into an entertaining, practical, fun and frank travel guide that gives readers an introduction to some of his favorite places – in his own words. Featuring essential advice on how to get there, what to eat, where to stay and, in some cases, what to avoid. Additionally, each chapter includes illustrations by Wesley Allsbrook.Supplementing Bourdain’s words are a handful of essays by friends, colleagues, and family that tell even deeper stories about a place, including sardonic accounts of traveling with Bourdain by his brother, Chris; a guide to Chicago’s best cheap eats by legendary music producer Steve Albini, and more.‘An enduring embodiment of Bourdain’s love for the whole world and a reminder of how to stack our priorities the next time we’re able to follow in his footsteps’ New York Times
Objev podobné jako World Travel: An Irreverent Guide - Anthony Bourdain
Tatras Travel guide: Spectacular Slovakia, includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-05-1)
Kniha - 130 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá This detailed travel guide to the Tatras in English introduces you to the whole region around the Tatra mountains, including attractions on the Polish side of the Tatras. Our adventurous team of travel writers has squeezed a mountain load of practical information into this pocket-sized guide, which contains: " information and contact details for more than 500 tourist spots " 25 travel feature stories " recommended hiking trips with detailed maps " 3D animations and countless photographs of the picture-perfect region " calendar of events " top accommodation facilities and restaurants " suggestions for family-friendly fun The precious peaks and enchanting valleys that define Slovakia are calling. Take a leisurely walk among the treetops, drift gently down the Dunajec River on a traditional raft and hangout with some rambunctious baby bears in a special contact zoo. Gobble up some gourmet grub in a...
Objev podobné jako Tatras Travel guide: Spectacular Slovakia, includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-05-1)
Trnava region Travel guide: Spectacular Slovakia, includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-03-7)
Kniha - 88 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The detailed 88-page, English-language tour guide on the Trnava Region contains landmarks, practical information, 3D animations, many articles and photographs. The practical pocket size is enriched with a folding map. Apart from touristic points, the Trnava region guide explores a wealth of topics in 23 travel feature stories. It presents not only profiles of castles, museums and other lesser-known attractions, but also the stories of the people behind these places. This guide will introduce you to the religious Trnava, as well as modern and unusual Trnava. It will take you to thrilling places where you can get a taste of the region by trying wine, beer or mead. It will lead you to the best spots for night life and renewing spas. It will give you an opportunity to see the world from a horse saddle, try different sports and admire the country from the most scenic viewpoints. An international team of...
Objev podobné jako Trnava region Travel guide: Spectacular Slovakia, includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-03-7)
Trenčín region travel guide / sprievodca: Obsahuje mapu / Includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-01-3)
Kniha - 112 stran, slovensky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Prvý komplexný 110-stranový turistický bedeker o Trenčianskom kraji (v slovenčine a angličtine) obsahuje profily pamiatok, praktické informácie, 3D animácie, mnoho článkov a viac ako 250 fotografií. Praktický vreckový formát je obohatený o rozkladaciu mapu. Trenčín region sprievodca prináša nielen profily samotných hradov, múzeí a iných atrakcií, ktoré často nepoznajú ani domáci, ale sú v ňom zachytené aj príbehy ľudí, ktorí sú za týmito miestami. Bedeker vám ponúkne najlepšie výhľady na mesto a zavedie vás na miesta, kde môžete prežiť chvíle napätia alebo odhalí ako chutí Trenčiansky kraj. Dozviete sa, kde môžete vidieť svet z konského sedla, zažiť Vianoce v júli, spoznať kraj z vtáčej perspektívy alebo zísť do podzemia. Na vzniku publikácie sa podieľal medzinárodný tím novinárov, ktorí cestovali po regióne a prinášajú informácie na základe vlastného zážitku. Titul vychádza v cestovateľskej edícii...
Objev podobné jako Trenčín region travel guide / sprievodca: Obsahuje mapu / Includes pull-out map (978-80-89988-01-3)
The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe - the latest picture-packed addition to Rough Guides'' Inspiration range - reveals 28 inspirational journeys across Europe by rail, road and sea in a brand-new coffee-table book.From scenic rail journeys to remote road trips and epic hikes, The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe highlights 28 no-fly adventures across Europe in this photo-rich, first edition gift book. As such, it''s the ideal gift for intrepid travellers who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and seek sustainable alternatives. Slow travel is as much about the journey as the destination, so every itinerary has been carefully handpicked by Rough Guides'' dedicated team of experts. From a wild camping adventure through Sweden to an extraordinary train odyssey from Berlin to Istanbul, this brand-new book aims to inspire readers to embrace immersive travel. At once inspirational and practical, each route will include a map, practical travel information and a short guide for each destination, including what to see and do, plus recommendations of independent shops, locally run hotels and restaurants.With every itinerary and recommendation selected by expert Rough Guides'' authors and editors, this brand-new book arms travellers with top tips and visual inspiration that''ll enthuse them to get out there and explore the world in a more planet-friendly way.Features of The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe- Stylish picture-packed coffee-table book with practical travel tips, maps and itineraries - Ideal gift for intrepid travellers who want to minimise their impact on the world they''re exploring- Suffused in Rough Guides'' "tell it like it is" ethos, and curated by Rough Guides'' team of expert authors and editors
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe - Rough Guides
The Eco-Conscious Travel Guide : 30 European Rail Adventures to Inspire Your Next Trip - Georgina Wilson-Powell
Whether you have a long weekend or a fortnight to spare, there are plenty of no-fly European adventures to discover. From coastal to cultural, mountainous to mouth-watering, The Eco-Conscious Travel Guide offers 30 themed routes you can hop on and hop off at any point, including:• Alpine Ambles• Ski Escapes• Chocolate, Cheese and Carb Delights• Wine-fuelled Wanders
Objev podobné jako The Eco-Conscious Travel Guide : 30 European Rail Adventures to Inspire Your Next Trip - Georgina Wilson-Powell
Sicílie je ostrov, který mnohé nadchne. Přijdou si zde na své především zájemci o kulturu, neboť seznam pamětihodností je velmi dlouhý. A nikde jinde u Středozemního moře nejsou větší a nádhernější řecké chrámy než právě zde, na Sicílii. Milovníci přírody a turistiky zde mají stále co objevovat a těm, kdo rádi relaxují na pláži, se tady nabízí mnoho klidných zátok jako stvořených ke koupání.
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Sicílie TOP 10
Průvodce s mapami přináší to nejlepší ze Sicílie. Představí hlavní památky, muzea, romantická městečka, pláže, víno, sicilskou kuchyni, zmrzliny, festivaly, pozve vás do Palerma... Doporučí vždy 10 nejlepších tipů v dané kategorii, každý itinerář má svou mapu. Průvodce oceníte pro jeho skladný formát plný TOP informací, inspirativních fotografií a vloženou mapu ostrova.
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Sicílie - Turistický průvodce
Průvodce po Sicílii, po ostrově měst a vinic na svazích Etny.Sicílie je autonomním regionem Itálie s rázovitými a temperamentními obyvateli. Je největším středomořským ostrovem, k němuž náleží pár desítek dalších ostrovů a ostrůvků. Vychutnáte si zde komfort poloprázdných pláží, průzračné moře i nádherné přírodní scenérie. Zažijete úchvatný výstup na aktivní sopku Etnu vysokou 3 370 m, která je zároveň nejvyšší sopkou Evropy. Vnitrozemí Sicílie vás oslní atmosférou měst. Některá zaujmou historií sahající přes normanské a arabské památky až k antice a jiná, kompletně vybudovaná po ničivém zemětřesení v roce 1693, okouzlí barokními památkami takového významu, že jinde ve světě nemají obdoby. Navštivte Palermo s tajemnou pověstí mafiánského města, starobylé Syrakusy, Agrigento v blízkosti světoznámého Údolí chrámů či oblíbená letoviska Giardini Naxos, Taormina nebo Porto Rosa. Objevit však můžete i zcela zastrčená a téměř neznámá místa. Nenechte si ujít jedinečnou sicilskou kuchyni s rybami, rajčaty, lilky, česnekem a bazalkou i unikátní zmrzlinou, která se zde konzumuje ve velkém množství. Nezapomeňte ani na husté, aromatické víno Marsala, jehož réva se pěstuje na svazích Etny.
Objev podobné jako Sicílie - Turistický průvodce
Sicílie - Lingea - e-kniha
eBook: Starší vydání jen za 99 Kč. Průvodce po Sicílii vás důkladně připraví na cestu na tento středomořský ostrov. Seznámíte se s jeho dějinami, které vám pomohou při poznávání těch nejdůležitějších sicilských památek a přírodních úkazů. Díky velkému množství praktických informací budete Sicílií jen mile překvapeni. Publikace obsahuje také mapy Sicílie, vybraných měst a regionů.
Objev podobné jako Sicílie - Lingea - e-kniha
Floriovci Úpadok kráľov Sicílie: Záverečný diel ságy o nekorunovaných kráľoch Sicílie (978-80-8090-362-6)
Kniha - autor Stefania Auciová, 432 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Keď po otcovej smrti zdedí impérium Floriovcov jeho dvadsaťročný syn Ignazio, zachváti ho strach. Nechce byť otrokom slávneho mena, netúži obetovať svoj život pre Casa Florio. Navyše, svet naokolo sa mení až príliš rýchlo. Aj keď syn dáva zo seba maximum, uvedomuje si, že mať krv Floriovcov samo osebe nestačí na to, aby vynikol. Potrebuje niečo viac. Niečo, čo mali jeho starý otec aj otec a čo jemu chýba. Dokážu si Floriovci napriek tomu udržať svoju moc, bohatstvo a silné meno? Ignazio má podobne ako jeho otec po svojom boku silnú ženu, krásnu a nespútanú manželku Francu, ktorej rozprávkový život v pozlátke ničia rany krutého osudu. Stojí pri ňom aj jeho životom skúšaná matka Giovanna, tvrdá a zároveň krehká ako krištáľ, plná vášne, no túžiaca po láske. Tieto dve ženy sú v skutočnosti osou príbehu rodiny, ktorá na dlhý čas rozžiarila svet. Vďaka nim pochopíme, prečo je aj po...
Objev podobné jako Floriovci Úpadok kráľov Sicílie: Záverečný diel ságy o nekorunovaných kráľoch Sicílie (978-80-8090-362-6)
Sicílie (80-7268-134-6)
Kniha - autor Jiří Kovařík; Drahomír Rybníček,, česky, pevná s přebalem lesklá
Objev podobné jako Sicílie (80-7268-134-6)
Potkala jsem Sicílii - Marie Třešňáková
Skvělý průvodce pro každého, kdo chce navštívit Sicílii - ať už doopravdy, nebo ve svých představách. Knížka vtipných příběhů, čerpajících z osobních zážitků autorky, které téměř dvacet let sbírá při důkladném poznávání Sicílie. Její obdiv se váže především k lidem, k sicilskému životu, který se vede piano, piano - tedy pomalu, ctí siestu, je nadmíru srdečný, přátelský, vnímavý, ale nám věčně spěchajícím seveřanům občas leze pořádně na nervy. Obdivuje sicilské umělce - architekty, fotografy, hudebníky, sochaře - a vypráví o setkání s nimi. Ve druhém plánu představuje města, pláže, přírodní parky, dobré jídlo a víno, dává praktické rady k pobytu i pohybu po ostrově, do kterého se zamilovává čím dál více Čechů. Kouzlo vyprávění tkví v autorčině schopnosti vtipně a s nadsázkou líčit tamní život. Za doprovodu obrazů českých malířů a 93 fotografií autorky se dostává do rukou čtenářů kniha vyprávění o setkání s odlišnou kulturou života, typickou pro středomořský ostrov Sicílie.
Objev podobné jako Potkala jsem Sicílii - Marie Třešňáková
IMPAR Prostírání Sicílie 42x28 cm
Prostírání na váš jídelní stůl, s moderními motivy. Prostíráni je vyrobeno z kvalitního materiálů Canvas 100% PES. Sublimační tisk zaručuje dlouholetou životnost barev. Rozměr 42cm x 28cm.
Objev podobné jako IMPAR Prostírání Sicílie 42x28 cm
Sicílie (978-80-874-7157-9)
Elektronická kniha , 144 stran, česky Starší vydání jen za 99 Kč. Průvodce po Sicílii vás důkladně připraví na cestu na tento středomořský ostrov. Seznámíte se s jeho dějinami, které vám pomohou při poznávání těch nejdůležitějších sicilských památek a přírodních úkazů. Díky velkému množství praktických informací budete Sicílií jen mile překvapeni. Publikace obsahuje také mapy Sicílie, vybraných měst a regionů.
Objev podobné jako Sicílie (978-80-874-7157-9)
Sicílie - Palermo 1:150 000 / automapa
Kromě přehledného designu nabízí silniční mapa „Sicílie – Palermo“ 1:150 000 mnoho dalších informací, jako je stav silnic, památky, kempy a mapy centra města. Rychlou orientaci umožňuje i rozsáhlý lokační index. Série „Top 10 Tips“ nabízí malou brožuru, ve které je stručně popsáno deset nejdůležitějších památek. Podrobnosti: Top 10 tipů na památky, mapy měst Palermo, Messina, Catania a Siracusa, rejstřík míst s PSČ. Automapy freytag & berndt jsou dostupné pro mnoho zemí a regionů po celém světě.
Objev podobné jako Sicílie - Palermo 1:150 000 / automapa
Sicílie (978-80-7565-239-3)
Kniha - autor Ros Belford, 416 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Průvodce po Sicílii, po ostrově měst a vinic na svazích Etny. Sicílie je autonomním regionem Itálie s rázovitými a temperamentními obyvateli. Je největším středomořským ostrovem, k němuž náleží pár desítek dalších ostrovů a ostrůvků. Vychutnáte si zde komfort poloprázdných pláží, průzračné moře i nádherné přírodní scenérie. Zažijete úchvatný výstup na aktivní sopku Etnu vysokou 3 370 m, která je zároveň nejvyšší sopkou Evropy. Vnitrozemí Sicílie vás oslní atmosférou měst. Některá zaujmou historií sahající přes normanské a arabské památky až k antice a jiná, kompletně vybudovaná po ničivém zemětřesení v roce 1693, okouzlí barokními památkami takového významu, že jinde ve světě nemají obdoby. Navštivte Palermo s tajemnou pověstí mafiánského města, starobylé Syrakusy, Agrigento v blízkosti světoznámého Údolí chrámů či oblíbená letoviska Giardini Naxos, Taormina nebo Porto Rosa. Objevit však...
Objev podobné jako Sicílie (978-80-7565-239-3)
Sicílie 1:150 000 Set / automapa
Mapy Freytag & Berndt jsou k dispozici pro mnoho zemí a regionů po celém světě. Kromě jasného designu mají silniční mapy řadu dalších informací, jako je kvalita ulice, památky, kempy a různé plány ve městě. S rozsáhlým místním registrem je také rychlá orientace. Série „Top 10 tip“ nabízí malou brožuru, ve které je stručně popsáno deset nejdůležitějších památek v několika jazycích. (Jazyky: Němec, angličtina, francouzština, italština). Sada Mapy na kartě se 2 listy na obou stranách. Městské plány z Palermo, Siracusa, Catania a Messina; Top 10 tipů památek, cyklistické stezky, místní registr s poštovními kódy;
Objev podobné jako Sicílie 1:150 000 Set / automapa
Floriovci Úpadok kráľov Sicílie - Stefania Auciová
Keď po otcovej smrti zdedí impérium Floriovcov jeho dvadsaťročný syn Ignazio, zachváti ho strach. Nechce byť otrokom slávneho mena, netúži obetovať svoj život pre Casa Florio. Navyše, svet naokolo sa mení až príliš rýchlo. Aj keď syn dáva zo seba maximum, uvedomuje si, že mať krv Floriovcov samo osebe nestačí na to, aby vynikol. Potrebuje niečo viac. Niečo, čo mali jeho starý otec aj otec a čo jemu chýba. Dokážu si Floriovci napriek tomu udržať svoju moc, bohatstvo a silné meno?Ignazio má podobne ako jeho otec po svojom boku silnú ženu, krásnu a nespútanú manželku Francu, ktorej rozprávkový život v pozlátke ničia rany krutého osudu. Stojí pri ňom aj jeho životom skúšaná matka Giovanna, tvrdá a zároveň krehká ako krištáľ, plná vášne, no túžiaca po láske. Tieto dve ženy sú v skutočnosti osou príbehu rodiny, ktorá na dlhý čas rozžiarila svet. Vďaka nim pochopíme, prečo je aj po toľkých rokoch život Floriovcov jedinečný, fascinujúci a nezabudnuteľný.
Objev podobné jako Floriovci Úpadok kráľov Sicílie - Stefania Auciová
TOP10 Sicílie (978-80-7508-630-3)
Kniha - 160 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Průvodce s mapami přináší to nejlepší ze Sicílie. Představí hlavní památky, muzea, romantická městečka, pláže, víno, sicilskou kuchyni, zmrzliny, festivaly, pozve vás do Palerma... Doporučí vždy 10 nejlepších tipů v dané kategorii, každý itinerář má svou mapu. Průvodce oceníte pro jeho skladný formát plný TOP informací, inspirativních fotografií a vloženou mapu ostrova. Najdete zde to nejlepší ze všeho, co ostrov nabízí, různorodé tipy, co podniknout, včetně nápadů, jak ušetřit, jak se vyhnout davům nebo kam zajít za romantikou. Oceníte i poznávací trasy, díky kterým v krátkém časovém úseku poznáte řadu památek a zajímavých míst. Díky příjemné grafice, inspirativním fotografiím a podrobným mapám tento průvodce představuje nepostradatelného cestovního společníka do kapsy. Vychutnejte si knihu i návštěvu Sicílie! Protože většina z nás se chce na dovolené také bavit, přichází kniha s dalšími tipy –...
Objev podobné jako TOP10 Sicílie (978-80-7508-630-3)
Sicílie + česko-italská konverzace za výhodnou cenu
Elektronická kniha ze série Inspirace na cesty, autor Lingea Sicílie + česko-italská konverzace za výhodnou cenu
Objev podobné jako Sicílie + česko-italská konverzace za výhodnou cenu
Potkala jsem Sicílii (978-80-253-1181-3)
Elektronická kniha - autor Třešňáková Marie, Dušek Jaroslav, 104 stran Vydejte se s námi za netradičním poznáním Sicílie. Autorka navštěvuje tento italský ostrov od roku 2000. Svůj pobyt tráví v malém městě na jihu země, zcela stranou od běžných turisticky známých míst. Jaké jsou zvyky, tradice a povaha zdejších svérázných obyvatel? Je téma italské mafie stále aktuální? Jaké zvláštnosti ostrov skrývá? Své vjemy, postřehy a zážitky zpracovala do krátkých vtipných fejetonů. Předmluvu napsal Jaroslav Dušek, který Sicílii navštěvuje pravidelně každý rok a je tedy i důstojným průvodcem této knihy. Detaily knihy: Autor: Třešňáková Marie, Dušek Jaroslav Rok vydání: 2013 ISBN: 978-80-253-1181-3 Počet stran: 104
Objev podobné jako Potkala jsem Sicílii (978-80-253-1181-3)
Potkala jsem Sicílii (978-80-253-1181-3)
Elektronická kniha - autor Marie Třešňáková, Jaroslav Dušek, 104 stran Vydejte se s námi za netradičním poznáním Sicílie. Autorka navštěvuje tento italský ostrov opakovaně již od roku 2000 a všechny své vjemy, postřehy a zážitky zpracovala do krátkých, vtipných fejetonů. Svůj pobyt tráví v malém městě na jihu země zcela stranou od běžných turisticky známých míst. Jaké jsou zvyky, tradice a povaha zdejších svérázných obyvatel? Je téma italské mafie stále aktuální? Jaké zvláštnosti ostrov skrývá? Předmluvu ke knize napsal Jaroslav Dušek, který ostrov navštěvuje pravidelně každý rok a je tedy důstojným průvodcem této knihy.
Objev podobné jako Potkala jsem Sicílii (978-80-253-1181-3)
Sicílie - Poznejte, 2. vydání - kolektiv autorů - e-kniha
eBook: Průvodce vás provede po 14 podrobně popsaných trasách po celé Sicílii.
Objev podobné jako Sicílie - Poznejte, 2. vydání - kolektiv autorů - e-kniha
Tři hároši na Sicílii - Jiří Kostúr - e-kniha
eBook: Tři hároši na Sicílii je druhou částí cestovatelských výbojů trojice Čuňase, Skaláka a autora Kostúra. Jsou doprovázeny opět ženskými členy posádky ženou Skaláka Šárkou a staronovou Romanou, expřítelkyní Čuňase. Ta se k expedici ale připojila až přímo na Sicílii, kam přiletí le-tecky Samozřejmě se i vyskytuje nepostradatelný psí společník boxer Roland. Cestu na Sicílii jsme absolvovali napřed východní Itálii až na podpatek její jižní boty a cesta nazpátek probíhala při italském západním pobřeží přes Toskánsko. Takže jsme toho prošmejdili dost. Na Sicílii jsme koketovali s výstupem na Etnu, pak byli Sirakusy, barokní Ragusa, starověké Agriento, Trapani a samozřejmě i Palermo Cosa Nostry. Návrat Itálií byl přes Pompeje, Neapol, Řím, Orvieto, Sienu a Florencii. Autor už sám si ještě šoupnul Bologne, Padovu a Benátky. Tak jako vždy jsme si mezi sebou užili explorerské taškařice a srandy. Knihu doprovází 120 barevných fotografií.
Objev podobné jako Tři hároši na Sicílii - Jiří Kostúr - e-kniha
Sicílie: inspirace na cesty (978-80-7508-398-2)
Kniha - 144 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Průvodce po Sicílii vás důkladně připraví na cestu na tento středomořský ostrov. Pomůže vám při poznávání hlavních sicilských památek a přírodních úkazů. Sicílie je poněkud drsná, ale nepostrádá kouzlo a krásu. Cestování po ostrově je jednou velkou podívanou! Klasické chrámy, mozaikami vykládané interiéry kostelů a zdobná náměstí utvářejí unikátní atmosféru, která se místy blíží podobě divadelních kulis. Pobřeží, okolní ostrůvky a hory vybízejí k celoročním sportovním aktivitám.
Objev podobné jako Sicílie: inspirace na cesty (978-80-7508-398-2)
Floriovci: Nekorunovaní králi Sicílie (978-80-8090-165-3)
Kniha - autor Stefania Auciová, 400 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem matná Strhujúce rozprávanie o nekorunovaných kráľoch Sicílie sleduje tri generácie známej talianskej dynastie Floriovcov od ich skromných začiatkov, cez budovanie obchodného impéria až na vrchol prísnej hierarchie uzavretej sicílskej spoločnosti. Paolo a Ignazio Floriovci odchádzajú po ničivom zemetrasení z Bagnary do Palerma s túžbou uskutočniť svoj sen o lepšom živote. V sicílskom mestečku si spolu otvoria obchodík s korením. Po Paolovej predčasnej smrti vedenie preberie Ignazio a v priebehu desiatich rokov dokáže strojnásobiť jeho hodnotu. Do tajov úspešného podnikania zaúča aj Paolovho syna Vincenza. Od začiatku 19. storočia až do polovice 20.storočia prevzala postupne rodina Floriovcov vládu nad Sicíliou. Cieľavedomí, ambiciózni a dôvtipní Floriovci boli odhodlaní stať sa bohatšími a mocnejšími než ktokoľvek iný. Príbeh o vizionárstve, obchodnom talente, dravosti, železnej vôli, ale aj...
Objev podobné jako Floriovci: Nekorunovaní králi Sicílie (978-80-8090-165-3)
Tři hároši na Sicílii (978-80-881-3912-6)
Elektronická kniha - autor Jiří Kostúr Tři hároši na Sicílii je druhou částí cestovatelských výbojů trojice Čuňase, Skaláka a autora Kostúra. Jsou doprovázeny opět ženskými členy posádky ženou Skaláka Šárkou a staronovou Romanou, expřítelkyní Čuňase. Ta se k expedici ale připojila až přímo na Sicílii, kam přiletí le-tecky Samozřejmě se i vyskytuje nepostradatelný psí společník boxer Roland.Cestu na Sicílii jsme absolvovali napřed východní Itálii až na podpatek její jižní boty a cesta nazpátek probíhala při italském západním pobřeží přes Toskánsko. Takže jsme toho prošmejdili dost. Na Sicílii jsme koketovali s výstupem na Etnu, pak byli Sirakusy, barokní Ragusa, starověké Agriento, Trapani a samozřejmě i Palermo Cosa Nostry. Návrat Itálií byl přes Pompeje, Neapol, Řím, Orvieto, Sienu a Florencii.Autor už sám si ještě šoupnul Bologne, Padovu a Benátky. Tak jako vždy jsme si mezi sebou užili explorerské taškařice a srandy. Knihu doprovází 120 barevných fotografií.
Objev podobné jako Tři hároši na Sicílii (978-80-881-3912-6)
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