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Sebastiao Salgado. Kuwait. A Desert on Fire - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado
We must remember that in the brutality of battle another such apocalypse is always just around the corner.” —Sebastiao Salgado In January and February 1991, as the United States–led coalition drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait, Saddam Hussein’s troops retaliated with an inferno. At some 700 oil wells and an unspecified number of oil-filled low-lying areas, they ignited vast, raging fires, creating one of the worst environmental disasters in living memory. As the desperate efforts to contain and extinguish the conflagration progressed, Sebastiao Salgado traveled to Kuwait to witness the crisis firsthand. The conditions were excruciating. The heat was so vicious that Salgado’s smallest lens warped. A journalist and another photographer were killed when a slick ignited as they crossed it. Sticking close to the firefighters, Salgado braved the intense danger, stench, pollution, and scorching temperatures to capture the ravaged landscape; the air choking on charred sand and soot; the blistered remains of camels; the sand littered with cluster bombs; the flames and smoke soaring to the skies, blocking out the sunlight, dwarfing the oil-soaked firefighters. The epic monochrome pictures first appeared in The New York Times Magazine in June 1991 and were subsequently hailed as one of the photographer’s most captivating—and courageous—bodies of work. Adding to Salgado’s roster of international accolades, the series was awarded the Oskar Barnack Award, recognizing outstanding photography on the relationship between man and the environment. This signed and limited Collector’s Edition Kuwait: A Desert on Fire is the first monograph of this astonishing collection. In grand-scale, museum-quality reproduction, it presents more than 80 images, interlaid with transparency paper, and printed with cutting-edge High Definition Skia Photography technology. This new era of photographic printing allows, for the first time, all visible elements captured by the camera to transfer to print, achieving a visible range close to the very limits of what the human eye can perceive and a new level of three-dimensionality on the page. Like a breathtaking exhibition in print, the result is at once a remarkable encounter with one of Salgado’s landmark series and a major document of global history and awareness. In its pristine quality, scale, and intensity, it serves to remind us, in the photographer’s own words, “that in the brutality of battle another such apocalypse is always just around the corner.”
Podívejte se také Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121595)
Sebastiao Salgado. Amazônia - Sebastiao Salgado
For six years Sebastiao Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon and photographed the unparalleled beauty of this extraordinary region: the rainforest, the rivers, the mountains, the people who live there-this irreplaceable treasure of humanity in which the immense power of nature is felt like nowhere else on earth.
Podívejte se také Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121674)
Genesis Sebastiao Salgado - Sebastiao Salgado
Sebastiao Salgado je jeden z nejznámějších brazilských i světových fotografů. Brazílie je zemí, kde se na ulici střílí po dětech, kde musí statisíce bezzemků nezákonně obsazovat půdu a kde desítky aktivistů jejich hnutí mizí beze stopy - jako oběti bojůvek najatých těmi mocnými a bohatými. Když Salgadovi bylo pět let, jeho rodina se odstěhovala na maloměsto, pak žil v Sao Paulu, v jednom z nejlidnatějších měst na světě. Z politických důvodů byl nucen svou rodnou zemi opustit. Nyní žije ve Francii. Salgado zachycuje na svých snímcích realitu jakou je utrpení a fakt, že lidský život v takových oblastech světa, jako je Rwanda, Brazílie, Nigérie či Bosna, naprosto ztrácí hodnotu. Obzvláště působivé jsou jeho perspektivní snímky, na kterých má anonymní lidský dav na velké ploše černobílé fotografie skutečnou hloubku. Snímky Salgado komponuje podobně jako jsou plátna starých mistrů. Kompozice a hlavní postava, to ústřední, co se v ten moment stalo: to dokáže fotografie zachytit. Brazilský fotograf potkával na svých cestách mnoho dětí. „Vždycky se kolem mě rozestoupily, až když jsem si je dal pěkně do řady a vyfotil je, daly mi pokoj,“ „Mají toho už tolik za sebou, že mají ve výrazu zkušenost dospělých, moudrých a smířených,“ říká o svých dětských duších fotograf. Tak vznikla celá série portrétů dětí, jejichž tváře jsou pravdivé. Tvary mříží, za kterými jsou uvězněny děti v ghettu Hočkinova města, mají ostré obrysy - a vystrašené tváře, které vykukují zpoza nich, ostře kontrastují v černobílé fotografii. Mrtvá těla a zbytky tlejících mrtvol nepůsobí na černobílé fotografii tak naturalisticky. O to víc jsou ovšem působivé. Sebastiao Salgado není klasickým fotoreportérem, ale spíše lidským fotografem s cítěním a schopností soucítit s trpícími. Je také umělcem, který se staví na stranu utlačovaných a ponižovaných. „Přijel jsem do Brazílie, abych fotografoval odbojné rolníky - jsou pro mě totiž jedním z posledních hnutí odporu v tomto světě,“ uvedl ke svým snímkům brazilského hnutí bezzemků Movimiento Sem Terra. Co najdeme v jeho knize Genesis? Sopku Galapagos, tučňáky, lachtany, kormorány a velryby z Antarktidy a jižnho Atlantiku, brazilské aligátory a jaguáry, lvy, leopardy a slony z Afriky, izolovaný kmen Zo'é hluboko v amazonské džungli; Korowajovsky lid na úrovni doby kamenné ze Západní Papuy, kočovné chovatele skotu Dinka v Súdánu; kočovníky a jejich stáda sobů za polárním kruhem; komunitu mentawajske džungle na ostrovech západně od Sumatry; ledovce na Antarktidě, sopky ve střední Africe, poloostrov Kamčatka, saharské pouště, černochy od řeky Juruá v Amazonii, rokli Velkého kaňonu, ledovce Aljašky ... a mnohem více. Salgado tvorbě této knihy věnoval tolik času, energie a vášně, že ji přirovnává k jeho "milostnému dopisu planetě."
Podívejte se také Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121542)
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Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis - Sebastiao Salgado
Sebastião Salgado’s haunting black-and-white photographs from the GENESIS project record landscapes and people unchanged in the devastating onslaught of modern societyand development. Salgado calls GENESIS “my love letter to the planet.” A photographic homage to our planet “In GENESIS, my camera allowed nature to speak to me. And it was my privilege to listen.” —Sebastião Salgado On a very fortuitous day in 1970, 26-year-old Sebastião Salgado held a camera for the first time. When he looked through the viewfinder, he experienced a revelation: suddenly life made sense. From that day onward—though it took years of hard work before he had the experience to earn his living as a photographer—the camera became his tool for interacting with the world. Salgado, who “always preferred the chiaroscuro palette of black-and-white images,” shot very little color in his early career before giving it up completely. Raised on a farm in Brazil, Salgado possessed a deep love and respect for nature; he was also particularly sensitive to the ways in which human beings are affected by their often devastating socio-economic conditions. Of the myriad works Salgado has produced in his acclaimed career, three long-term projects stand out: Workers (1993), documenting the vanishing way of life of manual laborers across the world; Migrations (2000), a tribute to mass migration driven by hunger, natural disasters, environmental degradation and demographic pressure; and this new opus, GENESIS, the result of an epic eight-year expedition to rediscover the mountains, deserts and oceans, the animals and peoples that have so far escaped the imprint of modern society—the land and life of a still-pristine planet. “Some 46% of the planet is still as it was in the time of genesis,” Salgado reminds us. “We must preserve what exists.” The GENESIS project, along with the Salgados’ Instituto Terra, are dedicated to showing the beauty of our planet, reversing the damage done to it, and preserving it for the future. Over 30 trips—traveled by foot, light aircraft, seagoing vessels, canoes, and even balloons, through extreme heat and cold and in sometimes dangerous conditions—Salgado created a collection of images showing us nature, animals, and indigenous peoples in breathtaking beauty. What does one discover in GENESIS? The animal species and volcanoes of the Galápagos; penguins, sea lions, cormorants, and whales of the Antarctic and South Atlantic; Brazilian alligators and jaguars; African lions, leopards, and elephants; the isolated Zo’é tribe deep in the Amazon jungle; the Stone Age Korowai people of West Papua; nomadic Dinka cattle farmers in Sudan; Nenet nomads and their reindeer herds in the Arctic Circle; Mentawai jungle communities on islands west of Sumatra; the icebergs of the Antarctic; the volcanoes of Central Africa and the Kamchatka Peninsula; Saharan deserts; the Negro and Juruá rivers in the Amazon; the ravines of the Grand Canyon; the glaciers of Alaska... and beyond. Having dedicated so much time, energy, and passion to the making of this work, Salgado calls GENESIS “my love letter to the planet.” Sebastião Salgado. GenesisHardcover, 14 x 19.5 cm, 0.41 kg, 192 pages
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Sebastiao Salgado. Gold - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado, Alan Riding
For a decade, Serra Pelada evoked the long-promised El Dorado as the world’s largest open-air gold mine, employing some 50,000 diggers in appalling conditions. Today, Brazil’s gold rush is merely the stuff of legend, kept alive by a few happy memories, many pained regrets—and Sebastião Salgado’s photographs. This collection is a major document of modern history and an extraordinary photographic portfolio.Also available in a signed and limited Collector’s Edition and as an Art Edition “What is it about a dull yellow metal that drives men to abandon their homes, sell their belongings and cross a continent in order to risk life, limbs and sanity for a dream?” – Sebastião Salgado When Sebastião Salgado was finally authorized to visit Serra Pelada in September 1986, having been blocked for six years by Brazil’s military authorities, he was ill-prepared to take in the extraordinary spectacle that awaited him on this remote hilltop on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. Before him opened a vast hole, some 200 meters wide and deep, teeming with tens of thousands of barely-clothed men. Half of them carried sacks weighing up to 40 kilograms up wooden ladders, the others leaping down muddy slopes back into the cavernous maw. Their bodies and faces were the color of ochre, stained by the iron ore in the earth they had excavated. After gold was discovered in one of its streams in 1979, Serra Pelada evoked the long-promised El Dorado as the world’s largest open-air gold mine, employing some 50,000 diggers in appalling conditions. Today, Brazil’s wildest gold rush is merely the stuff of legend, kept alive by a few happy memories, many pained regrets—and Sebastião Salgado’s photographs. Color dominated the glossy pages of magazines when Salgado shot these images. Black and white was a risky path, but the Serra Pelada portfolio would mark a return to the grace of monochrome photography, following a tradition whose masters, from Edward Weston and Brassaï to Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson, had defined the early and mid-20th century. When Salgado’s images reached The New York Times Magazine, something extraordinary happened: there was complete silence. “In my entire career at The New York Times,” recalled photo editor Peter Howe, “I never saw editors react to any set of pictures as they did to Serra Pelada.” Today, with photography absorbed by the art world and digital manipulation, Salgado’s portfolio holds a biblical quality and projects an immediacy that makes them vividly contemporary. The mine at Serra Pelada has been long closed, yet the intense drama of the gold rush leaps out of these images. This book gathers Salgado’s complete Serra Pelada portfolio in museum-quality reproductions, accompanied by a foreword by the photographer and an essay by Alan Riding.Also available in a signed and limited Collector’s Edition and as an Art Edition. The photographer and author Sebastião Salgado began his career as a professional photographer in Paris in 1973 and subsequently worked with the photo agencies Sygma, Gamma, and Magnum Photos. In 1994 he and his wife Lélia Wanick Salgado created Amazonas Images, which exclusively handles his work. Salgado’s photographic projects have been featured in many exhibitions as well as books, including Sahel, L'Homme en détresse (1986), Other Americas (1986), Workers (1993), Terra (1997), Migrations (2000), The Children (2000), Africa (2007), Genesis (2013), The Scent of a Dream (2015), and Kuwait, A Desert on Fire (2016). The editor and art director Lélia Wanick Salgado studied architecture and urban planning in Paris. Her interest in photography started in 1970. In the 1980s she began conceiving and designing the majority of Sebastião Salgado’s photography books and all the exhibitions of his work. Lélia Wanick Salgado has been the director of Amazonas Images since 1994. The contributing author Alan Riding is a Brazilian-born British author and former long-time foreign correspondent for The New York Times. Having served as the paper’s bureau chief in Mexico, Brazil, and France as well as its European arts correspondent, he is now writing for the theatre. A resident of Paris like Sebastião Salgado, the two have been friends and collaborators since the early 1980s.
Objev podobné jako Sebastiao Salgado. Gold - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado, Alan Riding
Salgado: Children - Sebastiao Salgado
In every crisis situation, children are the greatest victims. Physically weak, they are often the first to succumb to hunger, disease, and dehydration. Innocent to the workings and failings of the world, they are unable to understand why there is danger, why there are people who want to hurt them, or why they must leave, perhaps quite suddenly, and abandon their schools, their friends, and their home. In this companion series to Exodus, Sebastiao Salgado presents 90 portraits of the youngest exiles, migrants, and refugees. His subjects are from different countries, victims to different crises, but they are all on the move, and all under the age of 15. Through his extensive refugee project, what struck Salgado about these boys and girls was not only the implicit innocence in their suffering but also their radiant reserves of energy and enthusiasm, even in the most miserable of circumstances. From roadside refuges in Angola and Burundi to city slums in Brazil and sprawling camps in Lebanon and Iraq, the children remained children: they were quick to laugh as much as to cry, they played soccer, splashed in dirty water, got up to mischief with friends, and were typically ecstatic at the prospect of being photographed. For Salgado, the exuberance presented a curious paradox. How can a smiling child represent circumstances of deprivation and despair? What he noticed, though, was that when he asked the children to line up, and took their portraits one by one, the group giddiness would fade. Face to face with his camera, each child would become much more serious. They would look at him not as part of a noisy crowd, but as an individual. Their poses would become earnest. They looked into the lens with a sudden intensity, as if abruptly taking stock of themselves and their situation. And in the expression of their eyes, or the nervous fidget of small hands, or the way frayed clothes hung off painfully thin frames, Salgado found he had a refugee portfolio that deserved a forum of its own. The photographs do not try to make a statement about their subjects’ feelings, or to spell out the particulars of their health, educational, and housing deficits. Rather, the collection allows 90 children to look out at the viewer with all the candor of youth and all the uncertainty of their future. Beautiful, proud, pensive, and sad, they stand before the camera for a moment in their lives, but ask questions that haunt for years to come. Will they remain in exile? Will they always know an enemy? Will they grow up to forgive or seek revenge? Will they grow up at all?
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Sebasti?o Salgado. Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado
Sebastião Salgado’s photo book classic Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age (first published in 1993) pays tribute to the time-honored tradition of manual labor in the new millennium when machines and computers replace human workers throughout the globe. With images of striking beauty and integrity, Salgado composes a visual elegy for the working men and women, whose indomitable spirit has prevailed over the harshest of conditions to achieve a singular grace.More than those of any other living photographer, Sebastião Salgado’s images of the world’s poor stand in tribute to the human condition. Salgado defines his work as “militant photography”, dedicated to “the best comprehension of human being”; over the decades he has bestowed great dignity on the most isolated and neglected among us — from famine-stricken refugees in the Sahel to the indigenous peoples of South America. With Workers, Salgado brings us a global epic that transcends mere image making to become an affirmation of the enduring spirit of working men and women. In this volume, three hundred fifty duotone photographs form an archaeological perspective of the activities that have defined hard work from the Stone Age through the Industrial Revolution to the present.With images of the infernal landscape of an Indonesian sulfur mine, the drama of traditional Sicilian tuna fishing, and the staggering endurance of Brazilian gold miners, Salgado unearths layers of visual information to reveal the ceaseless human activity at the core of modern civilization. Workers presents its subject on several interactive levels: Salgado’s introductory text, written in collaboration with Brazilian author Eric Nepomuceno, expands his passionate photographic iconography; extended captions, also written by Salgado, provide a historical and factual framework. Honoring the timeless and indomitable spirit of the manual laborer, Workers renders the human condition with honesty and respect.
Objev podobné jako Sebasti?o Salgado. Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado
Caraval Collector´s Edition - Stephanie Garber
This must-have, deluxe collectible edition of the first book in the #1 bestselling series has new art, a slipcase, and bonus content including a scene from Julian's point of view, the original ending, Stephanie Garber's writing journals, and a sneak peek at the next book set in the world of CaravalScarlett has never left the tiny island where she and her beloved sister, Tella, live with their powerful, and cruel, father. Now Scarlett's father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval, the far-away, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show, are over.But this year, Scarlett's long-dreamt of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show.Only, as soon as they arrive, Tella is kidnapped by Caraval's mastermind organizer, Legend. It turns out that this season's Caraval revolves around Tella, and whoever finds her first is the winner.Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But she nevertheless becomes enmeshed in a game of love, heartbreak, and magic with the other players in the game.And whether Caraval is real or not, she must find Tella before the five nights of the game are over, a dangerous domino effect of consequences is set off, and her sister disappears forever.Welcome, welcome to Caraval . . .beware of getting swept too far away.
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Macbeth (Collector´s Edition) - William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s Macbeth is one of the greatest tragic dramas the world has known. Macbeth himself, a brave warrior, is fatally impelled by supernatural forces, by his proud wife, and by his own burgeoning ambition. As he embarks on his murderous course to gain and retain the crown of Scotland, we see the appalling emotional and psychological effects on both Lady Macbeth and himself. The cruel ironies of their destiny are conveyed in poetry of unsurpassed power. In the theatre, this tragedy remains perennially engrossing.
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Ulysses (Collector´s Edition) - James Joyce
James Joyce’s astonishing masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom’s voluptuous wife, Molly, commits adultery.Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this richly-allusive novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.Scandalously frank, wittily erudite, mercurially eloquent, resourcefully comic and generously humane, Ulysses offers the reader a life-changing experience.
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Red Queen Collector´s Edition - Victoria Aveyardová
A beautifully designed collector's edition of the #1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, featuring exclusive content, fan art, a redesigned cover, and more!This deluxe package features: color fan artredesigned coverprinted casea never-seen-before look behind the scenes of the Scarlet Guardand more!The perfect gift for fans of the series, for anyone looking to add this beautiful edition to their collection, and for new readers eager to discover the lush, vivid fantasy series where loyalty and desire can tear you apart and the only certainty is betrayal.Plus don't miss Realm Breaker! Irresistibly action-packed and full of lethal surprises, this stunning fantasy series from Victoria Aveyard, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Red Queen series, beg
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Never Never Collector´s Edition - Colleen Hooverová
Forgetting is terrifying. Remembering is worse… Charlie Wynwood and Silas Nash have been best friends since they could walk. They've been in love since the age of fourteen.But as of this morning… they are complete strangers. Their first kiss, their first fight, the moment they fell in love… every memory has vanished. Now Charlie and Silas must work together to uncover the truth about what happened to them and why.But the more they learn about the couple they used to be… the more they question why they were ever together to begin with. Forgetting is terrifying, but remembering may be worse. The Number One Sunday Times bestselling author of It Ends with Us joins forces with the New York Times bestselling author of The Wives for a gripping, twisty, romantic mystery unlike any other.
Objev podobné jako Never Never Collector´s Edition - Colleen Hooverová
Caraval Collector´s Edition (Defekt) - Stephanie Garber
This must-have, deluxe collectible edition of the first book in the #1 bestselling series has new art, a slipcase, and bonus content including a scene from Julian's point of view, the original ending, Stephanie Garber's writing journals, and a sneak peek at the next book set in the world of CaravalScarlett has never left the tiny island where she and her beloved sister, Tella, live with their powerful, and cruel, father. Now Scarlett's father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval, the far-away, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show, are over.But this year, Scarlett's long-dreamt of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show.Only, as soon as they arrive, Tella is kidnapped by Caraval's mastermind organizer, Legend. It turns out that this season's Caraval revolves around Tella, and whoever finds her first is the winner.Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But she nevertheless becomes enmeshed in a game of love, heartbreak, and magic with the other players in the game.And whether Caraval is real or not, she must find Tella before the five nights of the game are over, a dangerous domino effect of consequences is set off, and her sister disappears forever.Welcome, welcome to Caraval . . .beware of getting swept too far away.
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Pokemon Adventures Collector´s Edition 3 - Hidenori Kusaka
All your favorite Pokemon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga!A stylish new omnibus edition of the best-selling Pokemon Adventures manga, collecting all the original volumes of the series you know and love.Trainer Amarillo del Bosque Verde, while on the hunt for the famous Pokemon Trainer, Red, continues to gather other Trainers, Gym Leaders and even a few enemies to fight against the team known as the Elite Four! And rival Trainers Gold and Silver put aside their differences to battle Team Rocket!Collects the original Pokemon Adventures volumes 7, 8 & 9!
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Pokemon Adventures Collector´s Edition 2 - Hidenori Kusaka
All your favorite Pokemon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga!A stylish new omnibus edition of the best-selling Pokemon Adventures manga, collecting all the original volumes of the series you know and love.When Pokemon Trainer Red goes missing, his faithful Pikachu teams up with Trainer Amarillo del Bosque Verde to find him. The quest will take smarts, skills and a lot of help from Red's friends and other Pokemon. It will also pit Yellow and Pikachu against the Elite Four, whose headquarters on the mysterious Cerise Island will put all their battle tactics to the test!Collects the original Pokemon Adventures volumes 4, 5 & 6!
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Six of Crows: Collector´s Edition - Leigh Bardugová
A glorious Collector's Edition of New York Times bestselling, epic fantasy novel, SIX OF CROWS. Beautifully designed, with an exclusive letter from the author and six stunning full-colour character portraits. This covetable hardback with red sprayed edges is a perfect gift for fans, and a perfect way to discover the unforgettable writing of Leigh Bardugo. Criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker is offered a chance at a deadly heist: break into the Ice Court - a military stronghold that has never been breached - and retrieve a hostage whose knowledge could change Grisha magic forever. To succeed would mean riches beyond his wildest dreams - but he can't pull it off alone . . . A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager.A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Together they might just be unstoppable - if they don't kill each other first.
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Afnan Supremacy Collector`s Edition - EDP 100 ml
Supremacy Collector`s Edition od značky Afnan je ovocná, ambrová parfémovaná voda pro muže. Další klenot z kolekce Supremacy, která ztělesňuje prestiž, sílu a luxus. Supremacy Collector`s Edition je synonymem pro nadčasovou eleganci a neodolatelný šarm skrytý v ikonickém flakonu. Lahodný úvod vás překvapí sladkou přítomností ananasu a jablka, jehož svěžest umocní jablko a jemné tóny bílých květin. Osvěžující tóny pomerančového květu se v srdci snoubí s břízou a hřejivým jantarem, zatímco základ je zasvěcen spojení dubového mechu s pižmem a ambergris. Zdůrazněte sílu své osobnosti a nenechte si ujít novou edici oblíbené vůně od značky Afnan. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2024.
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Where the Crawdads Sing - Collector´s Edition - Delia Owensová
'Painfully beautiful' The New York Times Book Review'Heart-wrenching... a compelling love story' Entertainment Weekly'Astonishing' PeopleFor years, rumours of the 'Marsh Girl' have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl.But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the marsh that she calls home, finding friends in the gulls and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be touched and loved.When two young men from town become intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new life - until the unthinkable happens.
Objev podobné jako Where the Crawdads Sing - Collector´s Edition - Delia Owensová
Throne of Glass Collector´s Edition - Sarah J. Maasová
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas started a worldwide phenomenon when she published her debut novel, Throne of Glass. To date, Sarah's books have spent more than 92 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and she has hit #1 on charts around the world. Her books have sold more than seven million copies and have been translated into 36 languages. Throne of Glass alone has sold over one million copies. Now you can own this epic fantasy classic in a deluxe hardcover collector's edition.Throne of Glass begins the sweeping saga of assassin Celaena Sardothien, who is serving a life sentence in the mines of Endovier - until a young captain of the guard offers her a deal. She will have her freedom, on one condition: she must fight to win a deadly competition to serve as the champion of the king. The king who rules his kingdom with a cruel and merciless hand.Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, her destiny will claim her.Now available in this gorgeous new package, the Throne of Glass Collector's Edition features unique foil-stamped cover art, a ribbon marker, beautiful new interior page designs, colour endpapers and a new map of Erilea.
Objev podobné jako Throne of Glass Collector´s Edition - Sarah J. Maasová
Alice Through the Looking Glass (Collector´s Edition) - Lewis Carroll
Through the Looking-Glass the sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, containing the famous illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. No greater books for children have ever been written. The simple language, dreamlike atmosphere, and fantastical characters are as appealing to young readers today as ever they were.Meanwhile, however, these apparently simple stories have become recognised as adult masterpieces, and extraordinary experiments, years ahead of their time, in Modernism and Surrealism. Through wordplay, parody and logical and philosophical puzzles, Lewis Carroll engenders a variety of sub-texts, teasing, ominous or melancholy. For all the surface playfulness there is meaning everywhere.The author reveals himself in glimpses.
Objev podobné jako Alice Through the Looking Glass (Collector´s Edition) - Lewis Carroll
A Midsummer Night´s Dream (Collector´s Edition) - William Shakespeare
Its lyricism, comedy (both broad and subtle) and magical transformations have long made A Midsummer Night's Dream one of the most popular of Shakespeare's works. The supernatural and the mundane, the illusory and the substantial, are all shimmeringly blended. Love is treated as tragic, poignant, absurd and farcical.'Lord, what fools these mortals be!', jeers Robin Goodfellow; but the joke may be on him and on his master Oberon when Bottom the weaver, his head transformed into that of an ass, is embraced by the voluptuously amorous Titania. Recent stage-productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream have emphasised the enchanting, spectacular, ambiguous and erotically joyous aspects of this magical drama which culminates in a multiple celebration of marriage.
Objev podobné jako A Midsummer Night´s Dream (Collector´s Edition) - William Shakespeare
Lady Chatterley´s Lover (Collector´s Edition) - David Herbert Lawrence
Trapped in a marriage which has become sterile and joyless since her husband''s return from the trenches of the First World War, partially paralysed and confined to a wheelchair, Connie seizes the chance of sexual fulfilment she had thought lost to her forever.First published privately in Florence in 1928, it only became a world-wide best-seller after Penguin Books had successfully resisted an attempt by the British Director of Public Prosecutions to prevent them offering an unexpurgated edition. The famous ‘Lady Chatterley trial’ heralded the sexual revolution of the coming decades and signalled the defeat of Establishment prudery.
Objev podobné jako Lady Chatterley´s Lover (Collector´s Edition) - David Herbert Lawrence
Milk and Honey: 10th Anniversary Collector´s Edition - Rupi Kaur
A deluxe 10th anniversary edition of the bestselling poetry collection milk and honey, including an exclusive new chapter of poetry, a new introduction by Rupi, a collage of behind-the-scenes photos and memorabilia illustrating the book’s decade-long journey, handwritten diary entries, and heartfelt annotations from Rupi and some of today’s most respected voices in a selection of fan-favorite poems. Since debuting in 2014, milk and honey has gone on to sell over 6 million copies globally, becoming one of the highest-selling books of poetry in the 21st century and propelling Rupi Kaur into the stratosphere as the poetic voice of a generation. For the past 10 years, milk and honey has taken millions of readers on a journey through life's most bitter moments, reminding them along the way that there is also sweetness everywhere, if only you are willing to look. In addition to the four iconic original chapters—the hurting, the loving, the breaking, the healing—milk and honey 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition includes a brand-new chapter of never-before-shared poetry sure to delight fans new and old. This stunning collector’s edition is a celebration of Rupi Kaur, the debut collection that caught lightning in a bottle in the fall of 2014, and her ability to share that light with the world ever since.
Objev podobné jako Milk and Honey: 10th Anniversary Collector´s Edition - Rupi Kaur
A Court of Thorns and Roses Collector´s Edition - Sarah J. Maasová
Experience Feyre Archeron's journey all over again with the beautiful collector's edition of A Court of Thorns and Roses, the seductive first book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series by Sarah J. Maas, featuring a deluxe new package, an updated map, ribbon pull, and more!When nineteen-year-old Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin-one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she's been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow over the faerie lands is growing, and Feyre must find a way to stop it or doom Tamlin-and his world-forever.All of the magic of Feyre's epic journey and romance is reflected in this enchanting, collectible edition of A Court of Thorns and Roses, which comes complete with a cloth slipcase featuring unique foil art on the case and book cover, ribbon pull, brand-new interior page designs, metallic endpapers, and a newly illustrated map.
Objev podobné jako A Court of Thorns and Roses Collector´s Edition - Sarah J. Maasová
Elemis Dárková sada tělové a pleťové péče Travels The Collector`s Edition
Sada obsahuje: Sprchový krém British Wilderness (Shower Cream) 100 ml Mléko do koupele British Wilderness (Milk Bath) 100 ml Čisticí pleťový balzám Pro-Collagen (Cleansing Balm) 20 g Obnovující oční maska proti vráskám Pro-Collagen (Eye Revive Mask) 4 ml Denní pleťový krém proti vráskám Pro-Collagen (Marine Cream) 15 ml Hydratační esence na obličej Pro-Collagen (Marine Moisture Essence) 28 ml Cestovní taška
Objev podobné jako Elemis Dárková sada tělové a pleťové péče Travels The Collector`s Edition
Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121674)
Nástěnná lampa - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál: beton, IP20 Chcete kvalitně osvětlený interiér domu či garáž? Pak vás nadchne výrobek, kterým je nástěnná lampa. Materiálem konstrukce svítidla je beton. Konstrukce je vybavena certifikátem na stupeň krytí IP20. Lampička je kompatibilní s žárovkami s paticí E27 o maximálním příkonu 60 W. Dokoupit si musíte jednu žárovku, která se v balení nenachází. Abyste mohli produkt bez problémů instalovat, potřebujete znát rozměry. Ty činí 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Produkt napájí klasická elektrická zásuvka, takže vám odpadá hlídání stavu baterie. Zajímavé parametry lampy na stěnu Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton Konstrukce je vhodná spíše do interiéru Materiálem této lampy na stěnu je beton Nástěnné světlo má stupeň krytí s označením IP20 Vstupní napětí činí 230 V Nezapomeňte na patici E27 Nutno dokoupit jednu žárovku
Objev podobné jako Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121674)
Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121606)
Stropní světlo - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál beton, IP20, Máte v plánu pořídit světlo, které vytvoří lepší atmosféru vašeho pokoje? Se stropním světlem Donoci určitě neuděláte chybu. Jeho jednoduchý moderní styl přirozeně splyne s designem vašeho domova. Aby vám světlo mohlo hezky svítit, potřebuje přístup k elektrické síti. Ptáte-li se na technické specifikace, tak očekávejte, že potřebuje napětí 230 V. S tím je neodmyslitelně spjat i příkon, jenž se zastavil na 60 W. Výrobce přidal světlu stupeň krytí IP20. Tudíž se hodí zejména do interiéru. Jeho design umocňuje šedá barva. Zajímají-li vás jeho rozměry, tak ty činí 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Pro jeho výrobu byl zvolen kvalitní materiál, jímž je beton. Výrobce neopatřil stropní světlo zdrojem světla, je zapotřebí si jej dokoupit. Budete potřebovat jednu žárovku. Do tohoto svítidla je určena žárovka s paticí E27. Důležité funkce stropního světla Stropní svítidlo...
Objev podobné jako Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121606)
Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121707)
Stolní lampa - moderní styl, do ložnice, do obývacího pokoje, do pracovny, hnědá barva, zdroj světla žárovka (není součástí), příkon 60 W, s vypínačem, rozměry 10 × 10 × 10 cm (V׊×D), minimální výška 10 cm Hledáte hezkou lampičku na váš stůl, která by se zabydlela v domácí kanceláři, obývacím či dětském pokoji? Stylová lampička Donoci v působivém designu spolehlivě rozsvítí váš stolek, pracovní stůl či komodu. Svítidlo je dodáváno bez zdroje světla. Lampička je kompatibilní s žárovkami s paticí E27. Výrobce ji opatřil stupněm krytí IP20. Tím říká, že ji lze umístit do interiéru. Počítejte s tím, že správný chod bude stolní lampě zajišťovat příkon 60 W. S tím je neodmyslitelně spjato i napětí 230 V. Abyste ji mohli pohodlně umístit na požadované místo, měli byste být seznámeni s jejími rozměry. Stolní lampa Donoci má délku 10 cm a šířku 10 cm. Její výška se pak dostala na hodnotu 10 cm. Produkt byl zhotoven z materiálu, kterým je dřevo. Stolní lampa Donoci je...
Objev podobné jako Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121707)
Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121542)
Stolní lampa - moderní styl, do ložnice, do obývacího pokoje, do pracovny, šedá barva, zdroj světla žárovka (není součástí), příkon 60 W, s vypínačem, rozměry 10 × 10 × 10 cm (V׊×D), minimální výška 10 cm Hledáte jednoduchou lampičku na váš stůl, která by se vyjímala v domácí pracovně, obývacím či dětském pokoji? Stylová stolní lampička Donoci v krásném designu rozsvítí váš stůl či komodu. Svítidlo je dodáváno bez zdroje světla. Do svítidla pasuje libovolná žárovka s paticí E27. Výrobce ji dodal stupeň krytí IP20. Tím pádem je vhodná k umístění do interiéru. Očekávejte, že stolní lampa potřebuje pro svůj chod příkon 60 W. S tím je pevně spjato i napětí 230 V. Abyste si mohli být opravdu jistí, že se vám vejde na požadované místo, měli byste být seznámeni s jejími rozměry. Stolní lampa Donoci má délku 10 cm a šířku 10 cm. Její výška se pak dostala na hodnotu 10 cm. Produkt byl zhotoven z materiálu, kterým je beton. Stolní lampa Donoci je standardně napájená ze...
Objev podobné jako Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121542)
Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121663)
Nástěnná lampa - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál: dřevo, IP20 Chcete si zařídit dokonalé osvětlení pro interiér domu? Pak vás jistě zaujme nástěnná lampa. Materiálem konstrukce svítidla je dřevo. Konstrukce získala certifikát na stupeň krytí IP20. Bude rozumět s libovolnou žárovkou s paticí E27 o maximálním příkonu 60 W. Je potřeba si dokoupit jednu žárovku, která se v balení nenachází. Rozměry zajisté potřebujete znát k bezproblémové instalaci. U nabízeného modelu se stanovily na 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Pro správnou funkčnost potřebujete připojení do elektrické sítě. Základní parametry nástěnné lampy Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo Konstrukce je vhodná spíše do interiéru Materiálem nástěnné lampy je dřevo Nástěnná lampa udává stupeň krytí IP20 Vstupní napětí dělá 230 V Lampa má patici E27 Musíte si dokoupit jednu žárovku
Objev podobné jako Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121663)
Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121595)
Stropní světlo - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál dřevo, IP20, Rádi byste vybavili svou domácnost novým osvětlením? Se stropním světlem Donoci určitě neuděláte chybu. Jeho jednoduchý moderní styl přirozeně splyne s designem vašeho domova. Aby světlo mohlo fungovat jako na drátkách, potřebuje přístup k elektrické síti. Ptáte-li se na technické specifikace, tak vězte, že potřebuje napětí 230 V. S tím je neodmyslitelně spjat i příkon, jenž se zastavil na 60 W. Benefit skýtá přítomnost stupně krytí IP20. Tudíž se hodí zejména do interiéru. Jeho design podtrhuje hnědá barva. Ptáte-li se na jeho rozměry, tak ty dosahují 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Při jeho výrobě byl použit kvalitní materiál, kterým je dřevo. Výrobce neopatřil stropní světlo zdrojem světla, je nutné si jej tedy pořídit. Bude potřeba jedna žárovka. Do tohoto svítidla pasuje žárovka s paticí E27. Základní vlastnosti stropního světla Stropní svítidlo SALGADO...
Objev podobné jako Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121595)
Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Life of a Desert Nomad (1860497586)
Kniha - autor Waris Dirie; Cathleen Miller, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of this remarkable story, recounting how Waris Diri ran away from her family in her native Somalia after being a victim of female circumcision, and became a successful model after being discovered working in a McDonalds in London. Illus.
Objev podobné jako Desert Flower: The Extraordinary Life of a Desert Nomad (1860497586)
Cooking on Fire
Cooking on an open fire is the most archaic of all cooking methods. This cookbook provides many varied recipes as well as practical tips. For decades, open-fire cooking has been considered a pastime reserved for scouts and elite soldiers, leaving the rest of us to grill sausages on the terrace. But open-fire cooking is for everyone. It is sensuous and impractical in the best sense of the word. It is as much about the time spent making the food as it is about eating it. Cooking on Fire is full of delicious firecooked recipes requiring varying degrees of effort. It teaches you how to build and light campfires, different campfire cooking techniques, the equipment you will need (if any), and everything else you need to know. You'll find classic recipes like Chilli Con Carne and roasted chestnuts but also more challenging dishes that require a fair amount of time--which is a good thing. Because if there is one thing the authors would like to accomplish with this book, it is to give you, the reader, the freedom to sit down by the fire, and with food as the excuse, look into the flames, and relax.
Objev podobné jako Cooking on Fire
A Desert Drama - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
eBook: Also published under the title ‘The Tragedy of the Korosko’, ‘A Desert Drama’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt, by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘A Desert Drama’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.
Objev podobné jako A Desert Drama - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
SWMRS: Berkele's On Fire - CD (7567865403)
Hudební CD Čtvrté studiové album SWMRS vydávají tři roky po předchozí, kladně přijaté desce Drive North, která se dostala až na 50. příčku americké nezávislé hitparády. Čtvrté studiové album SWMRS vydávají tři roky po předchozí, kladně přijaté desce Drive North, která se dostala až na 50. příčku americké nezávislé hitparády. Album Berkeley's On Fire bylo natočeno ve spolupráci s producentem Richem Costeyem (Muse, Death Cab For Cutie) a skupina se na něm podle svých slov inspirovala širokou paletou nahrávek od interpretů jako Rage Against The Machine, The Breeders či De La Soul. Album je k dispozici na CD a LP. Punk rocková kapela SWMRS si nejprve říkala Emily's Army. zformovala se v roce 2004 v Oaklandu v Kalifornii a ovlivněna tvorbou Beach Boys i Ramones natočila pod původním názvem dvě alba. Teprve třetí desku Drive North z roku 2016 skupina nahrála jako SWMRS. Seznam stop CD 1 Berkeley's On Fire / Too Much Coffee / Trashbag Baby / Lose Lose Lose /...
Objev podobné jako SWMRS: Berkele's On Fire - CD (7567865403)
The Sky on Fire - Jenn Lyons
The Sky on Fire is a daring new fantasy heist adventure from Jenn Lyons that will thrill fans of Temeraire, Fourth Wing and Dragonriders of Pern.Anahrod lives only for survival, forging her own way through the harsh jungles of the Deep with her titan drake by her side. Even when an adventuring party saves her from capture by a local warlord, she is eager to return to her solitary life. But this is no ordinary rescue. It’s Anahrod’s past catching up with her. These cunning misfits – and their frustratingly appealing dragonrider ringleader – intend to spirit her away to the dragon-ruled sky cities, where they need her help to steal from a dragon’s hoard.There’s just one problem: the hoard in question belongs to the current regent, Neveranimas – and she wants Anahrod dead.
Objev podobné jako The Sky on Fire - Jenn Lyons
Nike On Fire - EDT 30 ml
Nike On Fire je toaletní voda pro muže od značky Nike. Citrusový osvěžující mix se prolíná se silnou kořeněnou vůní pepře, kardamomu, skořice a muškátového oříšku. Dřevité tóny cedru spolu s hřejivou ambrou a pačuli uzavírají kompozici. Tato mužná podmanivá vůně je vhodná pro každodenní nošení a vzplane díky ní srdce každé ženy ve vašem okolí. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2015.
Objev podobné jako Nike On Fire - EDT 30 ml
Afnan Patchouli On Fire - EDP 80 ml
Parfémovaná voda Patchouli On Fire od značky Afnan je určena pro muže i ženy a potěší především milovníky dřevitých vůní s výraznými zemitými tóny. Dynamický dřevitě-kořeněný úvod v srdci vůně střídá harmonická vůně levandule, svěžích citrusů a intenzivní akord pačuli, který prostupuje i základem kompozice a za doprovodu exotického koření na vaší pokožce vytvoří nezapomenutelnou a svůdnou auru. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2022.
Objev podobné jako Afnan Patchouli On Fire - EDP 80 ml
Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire (Reissue) (2 LP)
Subžánr: R&B;Soul Interpret / Téma: Alicia Keys Vydavatelství: Sony Music Varianta: Girl On Fire (Reissue) (2 LP) Žánr: R&B;Soul Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Album Rok vydání: 2024.0 Datum vydání: 2024-07-12 Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black
Objev podobné jako Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire (Reissue) (2 LP)
You're Not 'Fat', You're On Fire - Stephen Perrine
When you control inflammation, you control your destiny. You control your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels; you reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases; you slash your cancer and heart disease risk; improve your gut health and you free yourself from many sources of chronic pain, skin conditions, and autoimmune issues. And, as a side effect, you will see the emergence – the permanent emergence – of a leaner, healthier body. What if everything we thought we knew about being 'fat' was wrong? What if being overweight or obese was really a symptom of your body’s response to a chronic underlying health condition? Stephen Perrine is here to tell you that it is, and that condition is inflammation. The majority of weight-loss programmes are trying to cure the symptom. This book will show you how to cure the disease, starting with the 7-Day Power Plant Program that you can follow for life, if you choose. You’re Not Fat, You’re on Fire will give you all the science and strategies you need to understand the problem, extinguish the flames, feel great and, yes, lose weight too.
Objev podobné jako You're Not 'Fat', You're On Fire - Stephen Perrine
Lab on Fire: Imperfection (Vinyl LP) - EP Singl
Pilotním singlem z EP je skladba Fog, k níž dvojice v Portugalsku natočila také videoklip. Jeho tvůrcem je další dlouholetý kamarád skupiny režisér Slávek Horák, autor oceňovaného filmu Domácí péče. Pražská formace Lab on Fire je spojením zasněné kytarové melancholie a současného panatlantického indie popu. Za projektem, v němž se objevuje i několik hostů, stojí ústřední dvojice, již tvoří multiinstrumentalista a producent Jan Kleník (ex-Ohm Square, Sklenik aj.) a zpěvák Prokop Svoboda (ex-Hyena Family, Sklenik). V koncertní sestavě je doplňuje kytarista Yarda Helešic, bubeník Jiří Stivín či zpěvačka Zaelbeth. Lab On Fire vydali v srpnu své debutové šestipísňové EP Imperfection. Jeho mastering svěřili slavnému Timu Youngovi. Na přebalu EP je obraz od uznávaného domácího výtvarníka Jana Uldrycha, zastupovaného pražskou Chemistry Gallery.
Objev podobné jako Lab on Fire: Imperfection (Vinyl LP) - EP Singl
Funko POP! Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Mini Puft on Fire (M00782)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, motiv Ghostbusters, výška 10 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá, vhodná od 3 let Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Mini Puft on Fire, o výšce 10 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Klíčové vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Mini Puft on Fire Figurka Funko nadchne každého sběratele Je určena pro děti od 3 let Figurka ze série Ghostbusters potěší kvalitním zpracováním Použitým...
Objev podobné jako Funko POP! Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Mini Puft on Fire (M00782)
Blumfeldt Knight on Fire, zahradní krb, nerezová ocel, černý
Když se na terase nebo v zahradě ochladí, zahradní krb Blumfeldt Knight on Fire je připraven zajistit Vám teplé hodiny. Jeho podoba s rytířskou helmou přitom není náhodná. Stabilní terasový krb Knight on Fire je vyroben kompletně z nehořlavé oceli. Velkou rychlostí šíří příjemné teplo a nabízí překrásné plameny díky FireView: stačí zapálit uhlí, dřevo nebo dřevěné uhlí uvnitř a můžete si vychutnávat teplo a oheň po celé hodiny. Díky svému pěknému, modernímu designu zahradní krb Knight on Fire nejen že výkonně ohřívá, ale hodinám stráveným v přírodě dodává i jedinečnou atmosféru a na každém místě se z něj stane decentní poutač pozornosti. Užívejte si podzim i zimu útulně v přírodě: zahradní krb Knight on Fire od společnosti Blumfeldt je obohacení pro každou zahradu a každou terasu.
Objev podobné jako Blumfeldt Knight on Fire, zahradní krb, nerezová ocel, černý
Blumfeldt Knight on Fire, zahradní krb, nerezová ocel, černý
Když se na terase nebo v zahradě ochladí, zahradní krb Blumfeldt Knight on Fire je připraven zajistit Vám teplé hodiny. Jeho podoba s rytířskou helmou přitom není náhodná. Stabilní terasový krb Knight on Fire je vyroben kompletně z nehořlavé oceli. Velkou rychlostí šíří příjemné teplo a nabízí překrásné plameny díky FireView: stačí zapálit uhlí, dřevo nebo dřevěné uhlí uvnitř a můžete si vychutnávat teplo a oheň po celé hodiny. Díky svému pěknému, modernímu designu zahradní krb Knight on Fire nejen že výkonně ohřívá, ale hodinám stráveným v přírodě dodává i jedinečnou atmosféru a na každém místě se z něj stane decentní poutač pozornosti. Užívejte si podzim i zimu útulně v přírodě: zahradní krb Knight on Fire od společnosti Blumfeldt je obohacení pro každou zahradu a každou terasu.
Objev podobné jako Blumfeldt Knight on Fire, zahradní krb, nerezová ocel, černý
Montale Wood on Fire parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml
Montale Wood on Fire, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Pro každého. Bez rozdílu. Unisex parfémovaná voda Montale Wood on Fire se skvěle hodí jak pro ženy, tak pro muže a nechá naplno vyniknou vaši osobnost. pro osobnosti s nekonvenčním stylem unisex – pro muže i pro ženy
Objev podobné jako Montale Wood on Fire parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml
Afnan Patchouli On Fire parfémovaná voda unisex 80 ml
Afnan Patchouli On Fire, 80 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Pro každého. Bez rozdílu. Unisex parfémovaná voda Afnan Patchouli On Fire se skvěle hodí jak pro ženy, tak pro muže a nechá naplno vyniknou vaši osobnost. unisex – pro muže i pro ženy
Objev podobné jako Afnan Patchouli On Fire parfémovaná voda unisex 80 ml
Boy on Fire : The Young Nick Cave - Mark Mordue
An intensely beautiful, profound and poetic biography of the formative years of the dark prince of rock 'n' roll, Boy on Fire is Nick Cave's creation story, a portrait of the artist first as a boy, then as a young man. A deeply insightful work which charts his family, friends, influences, milieu and, most of all, his music, it reveals how Nick Cave shaped himself into the extraordinary artist he would become. A powerful account of a singular, uncompromising artist, Boy on Fire is also a vivid and evocative rendering of a time and place, from the fast-running dark rivers and ghost gums of country-town Australia to the torn wallpaper, sticky carpet and manic energy of the nascent punk scene which hit staid 1970s Melbourne like an atom bomb. Boy on Fire is a stunning biographical achievement.
Objev podobné jako Boy on Fire : The Young Nick Cave - Mark Mordue
Time of Contempt: Collector´s Hardback Edition (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The adventures of Geralt the Witcher continue in this second novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games. The kings and armies are manoeuvring for position, each fearing invasion from across the river, each fearing their neighbours more. Intrigue, dissent and rebellion fester on all sides.After decades of oppression, the elves and other races are fighting each other and attacking the humans - and with growing numbers preparing for battle, the threat of all-out war looms ever greater. Against this backdrop of fear, Geralt and Yennefer must protect Ciri, the orphaned heir who is sought by all sides. For the child of prophecy has the power to change the world - if she lives to use it.Translated by David French.
Objev podobné jako Time of Contempt: Collector´s Hardback Edition (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Montale Wood On Fire - EDP 2 ml - odstřik s rozprašovačem
Wood On Fire od značky Montale je parfémová voda pro muže i ženy. Nechte se pohltit oslňujícím žárem této vůně. Oud tóny agarového a santalového dřeva podtrhuje dřevitá vůně vetiveru, hřejivého jantaru a vanilky. Vše doplňuje lehká kouřová stopa, která propůjčuje celé vonné kompozici jedinečnou notu. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2021.
Objev podobné jako Montale Wood On Fire - EDP 2 ml - odstřik s rozprašovačem
Babor Krémová rtěnka (Creamy Lipstick) 4 g 01 On Fire
Krémová rtěnka s obsahem mangového másla a oleje ze semen granátového jablka vyživuje rty a má vyhlazující a protivráskový efekt. Již od prvního nanesení poskytuje intenzivní barvu a zářivý povrch.
Objev podobné jako Babor Krémová rtěnka (Creamy Lipstick) 4 g 01 On Fire
Uoga Uoga Jemný regenerační tělový peeling I´m on Fire 200 ml
Uoga Uoga Jemný regenerační tělový peeling I´m on Fire s obsahem mořské soli jemně exfoliuje a obnovuje pokožku a zanechává ji hebkou a sametově jemnou.
Objev podobné jako Uoga Uoga Jemný regenerační tělový peeling I´m on Fire 200 ml
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