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Salgado: Children - Sebastiao Salgado

In every crisis situation, children are the greatest victims. Physically weak, they are often the first to succumb to hunger, disease, and dehydration. Innocent to the workings and failings of the world, they are unable to understand why there is danger, why there are people who want to hurt them, or why they must leave, perhaps quite suddenly, and abandon their schools, their friends, and their home. In this companion series to Exodus, Sebastiao Salgado presents 90 portraits of the youngest exiles, migrants, and refugees. His subjects are from different countries, victims to different crises, but they are all on the move, and all under the age of 15. Through his extensive refugee project, what struck Salgado about these boys and girls was not only the implicit innocence in their suffering but also their radiant reserves of energy and enthusiasm, even in the most miserable of circumstances. From roadside refuges in Angola and Burundi to city slums in Brazil and sprawling camps in Lebanon and Iraq, the children remained children: they were quick to laugh as much as to cry, they played soccer, splashed in dirty water, got up to mischief with friends, and were typically ecstatic at the prospect of being photographed. For Salgado, the exuberance presented a curious paradox. How can a smiling child represent circumstances of deprivation and despair? What he noticed, though, was that when he asked the children to line up, and took their portraits one by one, the group giddiness would fade. Face to face with his camera, each child would become much more serious. They would look at him not as part of a noisy crowd, but as an individual. Their poses would become earnest. They looked into the lens with a sudden intensity, as if abruptly taking stock of themselves and their situation. And in the expression of their eyes, or the nervous fidget of small hands, or the way frayed clothes hung off painfully thin frames, Salgado found he had a refugee portfolio that deserved a forum of its own. The photographs do not try to make a statement about their subjects’ feelings, or to spell out the particulars of their health, educational, and housing deficits. Rather, the collection allows 90 children to look out at the viewer with all the candor of youth and all the uncertainty of their future. Beautiful, proud, pensive, and sad, they stand before the camera for a moment in their lives, but ask questions that haunt for years to come. Will they remain in exile? Will they always know an enemy? Will they grow up to forgive or seek revenge? Will they grow up at all?

Podívejte se také Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121595)

cena 1118.0 Kč

Sebastiao Salgado. Amazônia - Sebastiao Salgado

For six years Sebastiao Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon and photographed the unparalleled beauty of this extraordinary region: the rainforest, the rivers, the mountains, the people who live there-this irreplaceable treasure of humanity in which the immense power of nature is felt like nowhere else on earth.

Podívejte se také Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121674)

cena 402.0 Kč

Genesis Sebastiao Salgado - Sebastiao Salgado

Sebastiao Salgado je jeden z nejznámějších brazilských i světových fotografů. Brazílie je zemí, kde se na ulici střílí po dětech, kde musí statisíce bezzemků nezákonně obsazovat půdu a kde desítky aktivistů jejich hnutí mizí beze stopy - jako oběti bojůvek najatých těmi mocnými a bohatými. Když Salgadovi bylo pět let, jeho rodina se odstěhovala na maloměsto, pak žil v Sao Paulu, v jednom z nejlidnatějších měst na světě. Z politických důvodů byl nucen svou rodnou zemi opustit. Nyní žije ve Francii. Salgado zachycuje na svých snímcích realitu jakou je utrpení a fakt, že lidský život v takových oblastech světa, jako je Rwanda, Brazílie, Nigérie či Bosna, naprosto ztrácí hodnotu. Obzvláště působivé jsou jeho perspektivní snímky, na kterých má anonymní lidský dav na velké ploše černobílé fotografie skutečnou hloubku. Snímky Salgado komponuje podobně jako jsou plátna starých mistrů. Kompozice a hlavní postava, to ústřední, co se v ten moment stalo: to dokáže fotografie zachytit. Brazilský fotograf potkával na svých cestách mnoho dětí. „Vždycky se kolem mě rozestoupily, až když jsem si je dal pěkně do řady a vyfotil je, daly mi pokoj,“ „Mají toho už tolik za sebou, že mají ve výrazu zkušenost dospělých, moudrých a smířených,“ říká o svých dětských duších fotograf. Tak vznikla celá série portrétů dětí, jejichž tváře jsou pravdivé. Tvary mříží, za kterými jsou uvězněny děti v ghettu Hočkinova města, mají ostré obrysy - a vystrašené tváře, které vykukují zpoza nich, ostře kontrastují v černobílé fotografii. Mrtvá těla a zbytky tlejících mrtvol nepůsobí na černobílé fotografii tak naturalisticky. O to víc jsou ovšem působivé. Sebastiao Salgado není klasickým fotoreportérem, ale spíše lidským fotografem s cítěním a schopností soucítit s trpícími. Je také umělcem, který se staví na stranu utlačovaných a ponižovaných. „Přijel jsem do Brazílie, abych fotografoval odbojné rolníky - jsou pro mě totiž jedním z posledních hnutí odporu v tomto světě,“ uvedl ke svým snímkům brazilského hnutí bezzemků Movimiento Sem Terra. Co najdeme v jeho knize Genesis? Sopku Galapagos, tučňáky, lachtany, kormorány a velryby z Antarktidy a jižnho Atlantiku, brazilské aligátory a jaguáry, lvy, leopardy a slony z Afriky, izolovaný kmen Zo'é hluboko v amazonské džungli; Korowajovsky lid na úrovni doby kamenné ze Západní Papuy, kočovné chovatele skotu Dinka v Súdánu; kočovníky a jejich stáda sobů za polárním kruhem; komunitu mentawajske džungle na ostrovech západně od Sumatry; ledovce na Antarktidě, sopky ve střední Africe, poloostrov Kamčatka, saharské pouště, černochy od řeky Juruá v Amazonii, rokli Velkého kaňonu, ledovce Aljašky ... a mnohem více. Salgado tvorbě této knihy věnoval tolik času, energie a vášně, že ji přirovnává k jeho "milostnému dopisu planetě."

Podívejte se také Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121542)

cena 1781.0 Kč

Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis - Sebastiao Salgado

Sebastião Salgado’s haunting black-and-white photographs from the GENESIS project record landscapes and people unchanged in the devastating onslaught of modern societyand development. Salgado calls GENESIS “my love letter to the planet.” A photographic homage to our planet “In GENESIS, my camera allowed nature to speak to me. And it was my privilege to listen.” —Sebastião Salgado On a very fortuitous day in 1970, 26-year-old Sebastião Salgado held a camera for the first time. When he looked through the viewfinder, he experienced a revelation: suddenly life made sense. From that day onward—though it took years of hard work before he had the experience to earn his living as a photographer—the camera became his tool for interacting with the world. Salgado, who “always preferred the chiaroscuro palette of black-and-white images,” shot very little color in his early career before giving it up completely. Raised on a farm in Brazil, Salgado possessed a deep love and respect for nature; he was also particularly sensitive to the ways in which human beings are affected by their often devastating socio-economic conditions. Of the myriad works Salgado has produced in his acclaimed career, three long-term projects stand out: Workers (1993), documenting the vanishing way of life of manual laborers across the world; Migrations (2000), a tribute to mass migration driven by hunger, natural disasters, environmental degradation and demographic pressure; and this new opus, GENESIS, the result of an epic eight-year expedition to rediscover the mountains, deserts and oceans, the animals and peoples that have so far escaped the imprint of modern society—the land and life of a still-pristine planet. “Some 46% of the planet is still as it was in the time of genesis,” Salgado reminds us. “We must preserve what exists.” The GENESIS project, along with the Salgados’ Instituto Terra, are dedicated to showing the beauty of our planet, reversing the damage done to it, and preserving it for the future. Over 30 trips—traveled by foot, light aircraft, seagoing vessels, canoes, and even balloons, through extreme heat and cold and in sometimes dangerous conditions—Salgado created a collection of images showing us nature, animals, and indigenous peoples in breathtaking beauty. What does one discover in GENESIS? The animal species and volcanoes of the Galápagos; penguins, sea lions, cormorants, and whales of the Antarctic and South Atlantic; Brazilian alligators and jaguars; African lions, leopards, and elephants; the isolated Zo’é tribe deep in the Amazon jungle; the Stone Age Korowai people of West Papua; nomadic Dinka cattle farmers in Sudan; Nenet nomads and their reindeer herds in the Arctic Circle; Mentawai jungle communities on islands west of Sumatra; the icebergs of the Antarctic; the volcanoes of Central Africa and the Kamchatka Peninsula; Saharan deserts; the Negro and Juruá rivers in the Amazon; the ravines of the Grand Canyon; the glaciers of Alaska... and beyond. Having dedicated so much time, energy, and passion to the making of this work, Salgado calls GENESIS “my love letter to the planet.” Sebastião Salgado. GenesisHardcover, 14 x 19.5 cm, 0.41 kg, 192 pages

Objev podobné jako Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis - Sebastiao Salgado

cena 402.0 Kč

Sebastiao Salgado. Gold - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado, Alan Riding

For a decade, Serra Pelada evoked the long-promised El Dorado as the world’s largest open-air gold mine, employing some 50,000 diggers in appalling conditions. Today, Brazil’s gold rush is merely the stuff of legend, kept alive by a few happy memories, many pained regrets—and Sebastião Salgado’s photographs. This collection is a major document of modern history and an extraordinary photographic portfolio.Also available in a signed and limited Collector’s Edition and as an Art Edition “What is it about a dull yellow metal that drives men to abandon their homes, sell their belongings and cross a continent in order to risk life, limbs and sanity for a dream?” – Sebastião Salgado When Sebastião Salgado was finally authorized to visit Serra Pelada in September 1986, having been blocked for six years by Brazil’s military authorities, he was ill-prepared to take in the extraordinary spectacle that awaited him on this remote hilltop on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. Before him opened a vast hole, some 200 meters wide and deep, teeming with tens of thousands of barely-clothed men. Half of them carried sacks weighing up to 40 kilograms up wooden ladders, the others leaping down muddy slopes back into the cavernous maw. Their bodies and faces were the color of ochre, stained by the iron ore in the earth they had excavated. After gold was discovered in one of its streams in 1979, Serra Pelada evoked the long-promised El Dorado as the world’s largest open-air gold mine, employing some 50,000 diggers in appalling conditions. Today, Brazil’s wildest gold rush is merely the stuff of legend, kept alive by a few happy memories, many pained regrets—and Sebastião Salgado’s photographs. Color dominated the glossy pages of magazines when Salgado shot these images. Black and white was a risky path, but the Serra Pelada portfolio would mark a return to the grace of monochrome photography, following a tradition whose masters, from Edward Weston and Brassaï to Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson, had defined the early and mid-20th century. When Salgado’s images reached The New York Times Magazine, something extraordinary happened: there was complete silence. “In my entire career at The New York Times,” recalled photo editor Peter Howe, “I never saw editors react to any set of pictures as they did to Serra Pelada.” Today, with photography absorbed by the art world and digital manipulation, Salgado’s portfolio holds a biblical quality and projects an immediacy that makes them vividly contemporary. The mine at Serra Pelada has been long closed, yet the intense drama of the gold rush leaps out of these images. This book gathers Salgado’s complete Serra Pelada portfolio in museum-quality reproductions, accompanied by a foreword by the photographer and an essay by Alan Riding.Also available in a signed and limited Collector’s Edition and as an Art Edition. The photographer and author Sebastião Salgado began his career as a professional photographer in Paris in 1973 and subsequently worked with the photo agencies Sygma, Gamma, and Magnum Photos. In 1994 he and his wife Lélia Wanick Salgado created Amazonas Images, which exclusively handles his work. Salgado’s photographic projects have been featured in many exhibitions as well as books, including Sahel, L'Homme en détresse (1986), Other Americas (1986), Workers (1993), Terra (1997), Migrations (2000), The Children (2000), Africa (2007), Genesis (2013), The Scent of a Dream (2015), and Kuwait, A Desert on Fire (2016). The editor and art director Lélia Wanick Salgado studied architecture and urban planning in Paris. Her interest in photography started in 1970. In the 1980s she began conceiving and designing the majority of Sebastião Salgado’s photography books and all the exhibitions of his work. Lélia Wanick Salgado has been the director of Amazonas Images since 1994. The contributing author Alan Riding is a Brazilian-born British author and former long-time foreign correspondent for The New York Times. Having served as the paper’s bureau chief in Mexico, Brazil, and France as well as its European arts correspondent, he is now writing for the theatre. A resident of Paris like Sebastião Salgado, the two have been friends and collaborators since the early 1980s.

Objev podobné jako Sebastiao Salgado. Gold - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado, Alan Riding

cena 1590.0 Kč

Sebastiao Salgado. Kuwait. A Desert on Fire - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado

We must remember that in the brutality of battle another such apocalypse is always just around the corner.” —Sebastiao Salgado In January and February 1991, as the United States–led coalition drove Iraqi forces out of Kuwait, Saddam Hussein’s troops retaliated with an inferno. At some 700 oil wells and an unspecified number of oil-filled low-lying areas, they ignited vast, raging fires, creating one of the worst environmental disasters in living memory. As the desperate efforts to contain and extinguish the conflagration progressed, Sebastiao Salgado traveled to Kuwait to witness the crisis firsthand. The conditions were excruciating. The heat was so vicious that Salgado’s smallest lens warped. A journalist and another photographer were killed when a slick ignited as they crossed it. Sticking close to the firefighters, Salgado braved the intense danger, stench, pollution, and scorching temperatures to capture the ravaged landscape; the air choking on charred sand and soot; the blistered remains of camels; the sand littered with cluster bombs; the flames and smoke soaring to the skies, blocking out the sunlight, dwarfing the oil-soaked firefighters. The epic monochrome pictures first appeared in The New York Times Magazine in June 1991 and were subsequently hailed as one of the photographer’s most captivating—and courageous—bodies of work. Adding to Salgado’s roster of international accolades, the series was awarded the Oskar Barnack Award, recognizing outstanding photography on the relationship between man and the environment. This signed and limited Collector’s Edition Kuwait: A Desert on Fire is the first monograph of this astonishing collection. In grand-scale, museum-quality reproduction, it presents more than 80 images, interlaid with transparency paper, and printed with cutting-edge High Definition Skia Photography technology. This new era of photographic printing allows, for the first time, all visible elements captured by the camera to transfer to print, achieving a visible range close to the very limits of what the human eye can perceive and a new level of three-dimensionality on the page. Like a breathtaking exhibition in print, the result is at once a remarkable encounter with one of Salgado’s landmark series and a major document of global history and awareness. In its pristine quality, scale, and intensity, it serves to remind us, in the photographer’s own words, “that in the brutality of battle another such apocalypse is always just around the corner.”

Objev podobné jako Sebastiao Salgado. Kuwait. A Desert on Fire - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado

cena 24075.0 Kč

Sebasti?o Salgado. Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado

Sebastião Salgado’s photo book classic Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age (first published in 1993) pays tribute to the time-honored tradition of manual labor in the new millennium when machines and computers replace human workers throughout the globe. With images of striking beauty and integrity, Salgado composes a visual elegy for the working men and women, whose indomitable spirit has prevailed over the harshest of conditions to achieve a singular grace.More than those of any other living photographer, Sebastião Salgado’s images of the world’s poor stand in tribute to the human condition. Salgado defines his work as “militant photography”, dedicated to “the best comprehension of human being”; over the decades he has bestowed great dignity on the most isolated and neglected among us — from famine-stricken refugees in the Sahel to the indigenous peoples of South America. With Workers, Salgado brings us a global epic that transcends mere image making to become an affirmation of the enduring spirit of working men and women. In this volume, three hundred fifty duotone photographs form an archaeological perspective of the activities that have defined hard work from the Stone Age through the Industrial Revolution to the present.With images of the infernal landscape of an Indonesian sulfur mine, the drama of traditional Sicilian tuna fishing, and the staggering endurance of Brazilian gold miners, Salgado unearths layers of visual information to reveal the ceaseless human activity at the core of modern civilization. Workers presents its subject on several interactive levels: Salgado’s introductory text, written in collaboration with Brazilian author Eric Nepomuceno, expands his passionate photographic iconography; extended captions, also written by Salgado, provide a historical and factual framework. Honoring the timeless and indomitable spirit of the manual laborer, Workers renders the human condition with honesty and respect.

Objev podobné jako Sebasti?o Salgado. Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age - Sebastiao Salgado, Lélia Wanick Salgado

cena 1960.0 Kč

Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121674)

Nástěnná lampa - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál: beton, IP20 Chcete kvalitně osvětlený interiér domu či garáž? Pak vás nadchne výrobek, kterým je nástěnná lampa. Materiálem konstrukce svítidla je beton. Konstrukce je vybavena certifikátem na stupeň krytí IP20. Lampička je kompatibilní s žárovkami s paticí E27 o maximálním příkonu 60 W. Dokoupit si musíte jednu žárovku, která se v balení nenachází. Abyste mohli produkt bez problémů instalovat, potřebujete znát rozměry. Ty činí 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Produkt napájí klasická elektrická zásuvka, takže vám odpadá hlídání stavu baterie. Zajímavé parametry lampy na stěnu Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton Konstrukce je vhodná spíše do interiéru Materiálem této lampy na stěnu je beton Nástěnné světlo má stupeň krytí s označením IP20 Vstupní napětí činí 230 V Nezapomeňte na patici E27 Nutno dokoupit jednu žárovku

Objev podobné jako Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121674)

cena 740.0 Kč

Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121606)

Stropní světlo - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál beton, IP20, Máte v plánu pořídit světlo, které vytvoří lepší atmosféru vašeho pokoje? Se stropním světlem Donoci určitě neuděláte chybu. Jeho jednoduchý moderní styl přirozeně splyne s designem vašeho domova. Aby vám světlo mohlo hezky svítit, potřebuje přístup k elektrické síti. Ptáte-li se na technické specifikace, tak očekávejte, že potřebuje napětí 230 V. S tím je neodmyslitelně spjat i příkon, jenž se zastavil na 60 W. Výrobce přidal světlu stupeň krytí IP20. Tudíž se hodí zejména do interiéru. Jeho design umocňuje šedá barva. Zajímají-li vás jeho rozměry, tak ty činí 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Pro jeho výrobu byl zvolen kvalitní materiál, jímž je beton. Výrobce neopatřil stropní světlo zdrojem světla, je zapotřebí si jej dokoupit. Budete potřebovat jednu žárovku. Do tohoto svítidla je určena žárovka s paticí E27. Důležité funkce stropního světla Stropní svítidlo...

Objev podobné jako Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121606)

cena 690.0 Kč

Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121707)

Stolní lampa - moderní styl, do ložnice, do obývacího pokoje, do pracovny, hnědá barva, zdroj světla žárovka (není součástí), příkon 60 W, s vypínačem, rozměry 10 × 10 × 10 cm (V׊×D), minimální výška 10 cm Hledáte hezkou lampičku na váš stůl, která by se zabydlela v domácí kanceláři, obývacím či dětském pokoji? Stylová lampička Donoci v působivém designu spolehlivě rozsvítí váš stolek, pracovní stůl či komodu. Svítidlo je dodáváno bez zdroje světla. Lampička je kompatibilní s žárovkami s paticí E27. Výrobce ji opatřil stupněm krytí IP20. Tím říká, že ji lze umístit do interiéru. Počítejte s tím, že správný chod bude stolní lampě zajišťovat příkon 60 W. S tím je neodmyslitelně spjato i napětí 230 V. Abyste ji mohli pohodlně umístit na požadované místo, měli byste být seznámeni s jejími rozměry. Stolní lampa Donoci má délku 10 cm a šířku 10 cm. Její výška se pak dostala na hodnotu 10 cm. Produkt byl zhotoven z materiálu, kterým je dřevo. Stolní lampa Donoci je...

Objev podobné jako Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121707)

cena 840.0 Kč

Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121542)

Stolní lampa - moderní styl, do ložnice, do obývacího pokoje, do pracovny, šedá barva, zdroj světla žárovka (není součástí), příkon 60 W, s vypínačem, rozměry 10 × 10 × 10 cm (V׊×D), minimální výška 10 cm Hledáte jednoduchou lampičku na váš stůl, která by se vyjímala v domácí pracovně, obývacím či dětském pokoji? Stylová stolní lampička Donoci v krásném designu rozsvítí váš stůl či komodu. Svítidlo je dodáváno bez zdroje světla. Do svítidla pasuje libovolná žárovka s paticí E27. Výrobce ji dodal stupeň krytí IP20. Tím pádem je vhodná k umístění do interiéru. Očekávejte, že stolní lampa potřebuje pro svůj chod příkon 60 W. S tím je pevně spjato i napětí 230 V. Abyste si mohli být opravdu jistí, že se vám vejde na požadované místo, měli byste být seznámeni s jejími rozměry. Stolní lampa Donoci má délku 10 cm a šířku 10 cm. Její výška se pak dostala na hodnotu 10 cm. Produkt byl zhotoven z materiálu, kterým je beton. Stolní lampa Donoci je standardně napájená ze...

Objev podobné jako Stolní lampa SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V beton (121542)

cena 820.0 Kč

Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121663)

Nástěnná lampa - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál: dřevo, IP20 Chcete si zařídit dokonalé osvětlení pro interiér domu? Pak vás jistě zaujme nástěnná lampa. Materiálem konstrukce svítidla je dřevo. Konstrukce získala certifikát na stupeň krytí IP20. Bude rozumět s libovolnou žárovkou s paticí E27 o maximálním příkonu 60 W. Je potřeba si dokoupit jednu žárovku, která se v balení nenachází. Rozměry zajisté potřebujete znát k bezproblémové instalaci. U nabízeného modelu se stanovily na 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Pro správnou funkčnost potřebujete připojení do elektrické sítě. Základní parametry nástěnné lampy Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo Konstrukce je vhodná spíše do interiéru Materiálem nástěnné lampy je dřevo Nástěnná lampa udává stupeň krytí IP20 Vstupní napětí dělá 230 V Lampa má patici E27 Musíte si dokoupit jednu žárovku

Objev podobné jako Nástěnné svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121663)

cena 623.0 Kč

Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121595)

Stropní světlo - pro žárovku E27 (není součástí), max. příkon 60 W, výška 10 cm, šířka 10 cm, materiál dřevo, IP20, Rádi byste vybavili svou domácnost novým osvětlením? Se stropním světlem Donoci určitě neuděláte chybu. Jeho jednoduchý moderní styl přirozeně splyne s designem vašeho domova. Aby světlo mohlo fungovat jako na drátkách, potřebuje přístup k elektrické síti. Ptáte-li se na technické specifikace, tak vězte, že potřebuje napětí 230 V. S tím je neodmyslitelně spjat i příkon, jenž se zastavil na 60 W. Benefit skýtá přítomnost stupně krytí IP20. Tudíž se hodí zejména do interiéru. Jeho design podtrhuje hnědá barva. Ptáte-li se na jeho rozměry, tak ty dosahují 10 × 10 × 10 cm. Při jeho výrobě byl použit kvalitní materiál, kterým je dřevo. Výrobce neopatřil stropní světlo zdrojem světla, je nutné si jej tedy pořídit. Bude potřeba jedna žárovka. Do tohoto svítidla pasuje žárovka s paticí E27. Základní vlastnosti stropního světla Stropní svítidlo SALGADO...

Objev podobné jako Stropní svítidlo SALGADO 1xE27/60W/230V dřevo (121595)

cena 740.0 Kč

A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection - Nina Rosenblum

Naomi Rosenblum (1925-2021) was the leading historian of photography in her lifetime. Her two major books, A World History of Photography and A History of Women Photographers, furthered the recognition of photography as a central art form of the 20th century, and one in which women played a critical role. Rosenblum's deep knowledge and remarkable eye are evident in the collection of photography that she and her family built in her lifetime.This beautifully designed volume, conceived by Naomi and her daughters, Nina and Lisa, marks the first publication of the family's exceptional collection, which is focused on work that combines aesthetic considerations with humanist values. The photographers represented range from pioneers like Alfred Stieglitz, Margaret Bourke-White, Dorothea Lange, Lewis Hine, Paul Strand (the subject of Naomi Rosenblum's doctoral dissertation), and her husband, Walter Rosenblum, to acclaimed contemporary practitioners including Mary Ellen Mark, Ming Smith, and Sebastiao Salgado. The collection is intergenerational and also includes important examples of 20th century sculpture by such artists as Lynn Chadwick and Barry Flanagan.Essays by several distinguished contributors - including artist and scholar Deborah Willis; curator Barbara Tannenbaum; Milan-based curator and writer Enrica Vigano; and editor and writer Diana C. Stoll - celebrate and elucidate Naomi Rosenblum's life and career. A Humanist Vision is both a fitting tribute to a path breaking scholar and a contribution to the photographic literature in its own right.

Objev podobné jako A Humanist Vision : The Naomi Rosenblum Family Collection - Nina Rosenblum

cena 1790.0 Kč

Ocean, Exploring the Marine World

Experience the force, mystery, and beauty of the ocean and seas through more than 300 images - featuring underwater photography, oceanographic maps and scientific illustrations, as well as paintings, sculptures and popular films.Oceanography and art collide in this visual celebration of humans' relationship with the marine world. From early nautical cartography, scientific illustrations and astounding maps of the ocean floor to ancient Roman mosaics, Japanese woodblock prints and pop-culture ephemera Ocean takes readers across continents and cultures, spanning more than 3,000 years of history.Vivid, full-page images reveal prehistoric marine creatures and fossils, mysterious flora and fauna, mythical creatures of the deep and surfing icons of today. Explore the diverse groups of fish and coral on the Great Barrier Reef, jellyfish from the deepest location on Earth and life in the polar waters of the Arctic and Antarctic. Learn about the dangers facing our planet's oceans due to climate change activity and the dedicated efforts of conservationists to benefit our underwater ecosystems.Developed with a panel of marine biologists, research scientists, conservationists, photographers, museum curators and experts from organizations including the Wildlife Conservation Society and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ocean illustrates Sylvia Earle's observation: 'Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea.Featured artists, designers, explorers, photographers and other creators include: Mary Anning, Brian Skerry, Jacques Cousteau, David Doubilet, Sylvia Earle, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Katsushika Hokusai, Esther Horvath, NASA, Sebastiao Salgado, Vincent van Gogh, Yayoi Kusama, Eileen Agar, Edward Burtynsky, Ray Eames, Ernst Haeckel, Kerry James Marshall, Greg Lecoeur, Claude Monet, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Catherine Opie.

Objev podobné jako Ocean, Exploring the Marine World

cena 1378.0 Kč

Midnight's Children (0099578514)

Kniha - 648 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 648 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New Vintage edition of the Booker of Booker winners.

Objev podobné jako Midnight's Children (0099578514)

cena 279.0 Kč

Children of Dune (0593098242)

Kniha - autor Frank Herbert, 624 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Book Three in the Magnificent Dune Chroniclesthe Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All TimeThe Children of Dune are twin siblings Leto and Ghanima Atreides, whose father, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, disappeared in the desert wastelands of Arrakis nine years ago. Like their father, the twins possess supernormal abilitiesmaking them valuable to their manipulative aunt Alia, who rules the Empire in the name of House Atreides.Facing treason and rebellion on two fronts, Alia's rule is not absolute. The displaced House Corrino is plotting to regain the throne while the fanatical Fremen are being provoked into open revolt by the enigmatic figure known only as The Preacher.Alia believes that by obtaining the secrets of the twins' prophetic visions, she can maintain control over her dynasty.But Leto and Ghanima have their own plans for their visionsand their destinies....

Objev podobné jako Children of Dune (0593098242)

cena 259.0 Kč

Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie

A beautiful hardback edition of a modern Indian classic and winner of 'The Best of the Booker' - the best novel from Booker Prize history. Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts.Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem's story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and glorious. 'A wonderful, rich and humane novel that is safe to call a classic' GuardianVINTAGE QUARTERBOUND CLASSICS: Bound to be beautiful

Objev podobné jako Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie

cena 89.0 Kč

Only Children - David Baddiel

A Sunday Times Best Book for Children 2023From million-copy bestselling author David Baddiel comes a laugh-out-loud collection of three short stories for readers of 8 and up, brilliantly illustrated by Jim Field and Steven Lenton.MEET ALFIE… THE BOY WHO COULD DO WHAT HE LIKED!Previously published for World Book Day 2016Alfie has a routine. To be honest he has a lot of routines.But then one day Alfie’s babysitter is unavailable, and Alfie’s parents get Mrs Stokes instead. Mrs Stokes doesn’t do routines. Instead, she just tells Alfie to do what he likes. And that’s when things start to go weird.Does everything get hilariously out of control? Yes.Does Alfie learn a valuable lesson? Nah. This isn’t that kind of story…DISCOVER CHRISSIE… THE GIRL WHO HAD NEVER BEEN ON A TRAIN!Chrissie loves trains. She has train books, train pictures – and, of course, model trains. But Chrissie has never been on an actual train. In part, because Chrissie doesn''t find getting around as easy as other people. Then, Chrissie finally gets on a train, with her Grandpa Henry, to go down to London for an important operation. Her parents and Henry hope the journey will take Chrissie''s mind off things.And they''re right: but in a way they couldn''t possibly imagine. Because Chrissie''s trip from Scotland to London turns out to be quite literally magical – and changes her life forever.MARVEL AT ARIEL… THE CHILD WHO HAD NEVER BEEN ON HOLIDAY!Every year, Max, Lily and Jack are taken to Snoring-On-Sea for their holiday – quite possibly the most boring town in the world. There’s nothing to do and nothing to see – even the beach at Snoring-on-Sea is dull and grey.But this year, something DOES happen. The children meet someone on a tiny island out at sea – a mysterious child called Ariel. Ariel claims to have never left their tiny island, and to Ariel, everything about Max, Lily and Jack’s lives is amazing – fish and chips, fizzy drinks… even the view of the brick wall out of their bedroom window.And their new friend forces Max, Lily and Jack to see Snoring-On-Sea in a whole new light…Three hilarious, heart-warming and adventure-filled stories that will have you laughing out loud!

Objev podobné jako Only Children - David Baddiel

cena 236.0 Kč

The World's Worst Children (0008197040)

Kniha - autor David Walliams, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the world's favourite author, David Walliams - ten cautionary tales and a delightfully dreadful cast of characters; all in a gorgeously gifty FULL COLOUR format!Are you ready to meet the World's Worst Children? Five beastly boys and five gruesome girls!* Like Sofia Sofa - a TV super-fan so stuck to the sofa that she's turning into one!* Or Dribbling Drew - a boy whose drool gets him into trouble on a school trip!* And not forgetting Blubbering Bertha - a girl who bawls and tells terrible tales!Also featuring a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj!From Number One bestselling author David Walliams comes this collection of wickedly funny, deliciously mischievous tales, illustrated in glorious colour by the artistic genius Tony Ross.

Objev podobné jako The World's Worst Children (0008197040)

cena 364.0 Kč

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet. However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it. They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else. They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance, and the family is happily reunited.

Objev podobné jako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

cena 89.0 Kč

Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

Book Three in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles-the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time The sand-blasted world of Arrakis has become green, watered and fertile. Old Paul Atreides, who led the desert Fremen to political and religious domination of the galaxy, is gone. But for the children of Dune, the very blossoming of their land contains the seeds of its own destruction. The altered climate is destroying the giant sandworms, and this in turn is disastrous for the planet's economy. Leto and Ghanima, Paul Atreides's twin children and his heirs, can see possible solutions - but fanatics begin to challenge the rule of the all-powerful Atreides empire, and more than economic disaster threatens ... Read the series which inspired the 2021 Denis Villeneuve epic film adaptation, Dune, starring Oscar Isaac, Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya and Josh Brolin.

Objev podobné jako Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

cena 268.0 Kč

Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

Book Three in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles-the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time The Children of Dune are twin siblings Leto and Ghanima Atreides, whose father, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, disappeared in the desert wastelands of Arrakis nine years ago. Like their father, the twins possess supernormal abilities-making them valuable to their manipulative aunt Alia, who rules the Empire in the name of House Atreides. Facing treason and rebellion on two fronts, Alia's rule is not absolute. The displaced House Corrino is plotting to regain the throne while the fanatical Fremen are being provoked into open revolt by the enigmatic figure known only as The Preacher. Alia believes that by obtaining the secrets of the twins' prophetic visions, she can maintain control over her dynasty. But Leto and Ghanima have their own plans for their visions-and their destinies....

Objev podobné jako Children of Dune - Frank Herbert

cena 223.0 Kč

Happy Hoppy English for children

Kniha - 40 stran, česky Angličtina pro děti, výukový komplet Happy Hoppy, umožňuje osvojit si anglický jazyk přirozenou a zábavnou formou. Nabízí komplexní řešení nejen pro mateřské a základní školy, ale i pro rodiče, kteří by chtěli naučit své děti anglicky v prostředí domova a vlastním tempem. Komplet tvoří pevná krabice s oboustrannou deskovou hrou, 40 pracovních listů, pexeso, audio CD s 18 písněmi a obrázkový slovníček. Více informací získáte na samostatné webové stránce věnované tomuto produktu na www.happyhoppy.cz. Najdete zde další výukové materiály, jako flashcards nebo noty k písničkám, takže dětem můžete melodie zahrát a společně si zazpívat.

Objev podobné jako Happy Hoppy English for children

cena 456.0 Kč

ELMEX Children 3-6 (7610108043552)

Zubní kartáček - dětský, soft, plastový, 1 kartáček v balení Sháníte kartáček pro děti v předškolním věku? Právě pro ně byl navržen a vyroben speciální kartáček Elmex Children. Toto období je velice citlivé, protože vaše děti by již měly mít kompletní mléčný chrup a pod ním by se měly vyvíjet nové stálé zuby. Proto vlákna na kartáčku navržena tak, aby pronikla hluboko do obtížně čistitelných míst. Pomocí čištění se odstraní plak a pomůže tomu, aby se zamezilo tvorbě zubního kazu.Vlákna jsou mimo jiné také měkká a zaoblená, proto na zuby netlačí, čištění je jemné a velice komfortní. Je třeba dohlédnout na pravidelné a systematické čištěn zubů u nejmenších. Práci vám jistě usnadní tento malý pomocník.

Objev podobné jako ELMEX Children 3-6 (7610108043552)

cena 95.0 Kč

BG France Harnais Children S42SH

Popruh na saxofon Francouzská firma BG France se již více než tři dekády věnuje výrobě a vývoji komponentů a příslušenství k dechovým nástrojům. V jejím portfoliu naleznete širokou škálu ligatur, hubiček, popruhů, stojanů, vytěráků a dalšího příslušenství. Dětský popruh na saxofon

Objev podobné jako BG France Harnais Children S42SH

cena 665.0 Kč

BG France Harnais Children S42MCSH

Popruh na saxofon Francouzská firma BG France se již více než tři dekády věnuje výrobě a vývoji komponentů a příslušenství k dechovým nástrojům. V jejím portfoliu naleznete širokou škálu ligatur, hubiček, popruhů, stojanů, vytěráků a dalšího příslušenství. Dětský popruh na saxofon

Objev podobné jako BG France Harnais Children S42MCSH

cena 1790.0 Kč

The Children of Hurin (0007309368)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 314 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 314 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts, this is the first complete, standalone Middle-earth book by J.R.R. Tolkien since The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Objev podobné jako The Children of Hurin (0007309368)

cena 239.0 Kč

The Children of Jocasta (1529057132)

Kniha - autor Natalie Haynes, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From Natalie Haynes, the Women's Prize shortlisted author of A Thousand Ships, comes The Children of Jocasta, a retelling of Oedipus and Antigone from the perspectives of the women the myths overlooked. My siblings and I have grown up in a cursed house, children of cursed parents . . . Jocasta is just fifteen when she is told that she must marry the King of Thebes, an old man she has never met. Her life has never been her own, and nor will it be, unless she outlives her strange, absent husband. Ismene is the same age when she is attacked in the palace she calls home. Since the day of her parents' tragic deaths a decade earlier, she has always longed to feel safe with the family she still has. But with a single act of violence, all that is about to change. With the turn of these two events, a tragedy is set in motion. But not as you know it.

Objev podobné jako The Children of Jocasta (1529057132)

cena 282.0 Kč

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet. However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it.They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else. They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance, and the family is happily reunited.

Objev podobné jako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

cena 142.0 Kč

Midnight´s Children - Salman Rushdie

WITH A NEW 40TH ANNIVERSARY INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts. Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem's story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and gloriousWITH A NEW 40TH ANNIVERSARY INTRODUCTION BY THE AUTHOR Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts. Inextricably linked to his nation, Saleem's story is a whirlwind of disasters and triumphs that mirrors the course of modern India at its most impossible and glorious

Objev podobné jako Midnight´s Children - Salman Rushdie

cena 259.0 Kč

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet.However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it. They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else.They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father''s disappearance, and the family is happily reunited.

Objev podobné jako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

cena 266.0 Kč

Children of Ruin - Adrian Tchaikovsky

Children of Ruin follows Adrian Tchaikovsky's extraordinary Children of Time, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke award. It is set in the same universe, with new characters and a thrilling narrative.It has been waiting through the ages. Now it's time . . .Thousands of years ago, Earth's terraforming program took to the stars. On the world they called Nod, scientists discovered alien life - but it was their mission to overwrite it with the memory of Earth. Then humanity's great empire fell, and the program's decisions were lost to time.Aeons later, humanity and its new spider allies detected fragmentary radio signals between the stars. They dispatched an exploration vessel, hoping to find cousins from old Earth.But those ancient terraformers woke something on Nod better left undisturbed.And it's been waiting for them.

Objev podobné jako Children of Ruin - Adrian Tchaikovsky

cena 268.0 Kč

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of The Railway Children Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this charming edition of The Railway ChildrenFather is in trouble, and Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis have to leave their home in London and go into hiding in the countryside. 'Boys and girls are only little men and women. And we are much harder and hardier than they are.'Each day, the children run down to the nearby railway station, where they say good morning to the Station Master and hello to Perks the Porter and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to Father.Little do they know that the stranger on board the 9:15 a.m. train might be able to help track him down. .

Objev podobné jako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

cena 420.0 Kč

Happy Hoppy English for children

Dopřejte dětem vstoupit do světa angličtiny přirozeně, zábavně a vlastním tempem. Knihu Happy Hoppy využijete jak v domácím prostředí, tak na cestách, ve školce i ve škole. Jedná se o obrázkovou učebnici, která na 40 stranách představuje základní slovíčka a fráze stěžejních témat předškolního a mladšího školního věku a jednoduché básničky. Čtěte, poslouchejte, hrajte si, kreslete a radujte se z úspěchů s Happy Hoppy! O místo v dětské knihovničce se uchází další člen rodiny Happy Hoppy. Jedná se o obrázkovou učebnici, která na 40 stranách představuje základní slovíčka a fráze stěžejních témat předškolního a mladšího školního věku (barvy, počítání, bydlení, rodina, zvířata, počasí, jídlo, oblékání, pocity, svátky atd.) a jednoduché básničky.Hlavní deviza této publikace se však skrývá hned na přední předsádce knihy, kde je umístěno audio CD s 26 tematicky zaměřenými písničkami i jednoduchým audioslovníčkem, namluveným rodilým mluvčím. Děti si totiž zafixují správnou výslovnost a zcela přirozeně si vytvoří paměťové vzorce nejběžnějších frází zejména prostřednictvím opakovaného a přirozeného poslechu.Kniha má tedy sloužit především jako doprovodný obrázkový a textový materiál ke vloženému CD (obsahuje texty všech písní i fonetický přepis jednotlivých slovíček), tedy jako určitý praktický a zábavný „booklet“, který lze vzít s sebou kamkoli na cesty a bez úhony vydrží i pobyt v dětské aktovce. Uživatelé proto jistě ocení, že publikace je opatřena pevnou vazbou s uchycením CD na plastovém trnu, který odolá i častému používání.

Objev podobné jako Happy Hoppy English for children

cena 232.0 Kč

Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovsky

Winner of the 30th anniversary Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Novel.Adrian Tchaikovksy's critically acclaimed novel Children of Time, is the epic story of humanity's battle for survival on a terraformed planet.Who will inherit this new Earth? The last remnants of the human race left a dying Earth, desperate to find a new home among the stars. Following in the footsteps of their ancestors, they discover the greatest treasure of the past age - a world terraformed and prepared for human life.But all is not right in this new Eden. In the long years since the planet was abandoned, the work of its architects has borne disastrous fruit. The planet is not waiting for them, pristine and unoccupied. New masters have turned it from a refuge into mankind's worst nightmare.Now two civilizations are on a collision course, both testing the boundaries of what they will do to survive. As the fate of humanity hangs in the balance, who are the true heirs of this new Earth?

Objev podobné jako Children of Time - Adrian Tchaikovsky

cena 268.0 Kč


Sandály dětské, vhodné pro volný čas, materiál svršku: nylon Sandály KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN Dětské sandály KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN jsou skvělou volbou pro veškeré letní venkovní aktivity. Rychleschnoucí podšívka a ochrana prstů KEEN.PROTECT zajistí dětem maximální komfort. KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN - stvořeny pro zábavuVšestranné dětské letní sandály KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN jsou určeny k běžnému nošení i volnočasovým aktivitám. Svršek tvoří pevná a odolná nylonová tkanina. Poutko nad patou usnadní dětem nazouvání. Rychleschnoucí podšívka sandálů KEEN KNOTCH CREEKDětské sandály KEEN KNOTCH CREEK jsou vybaveny rychleschnoucí podšívkou pro patřičný komfort i v případě namočení sandálů. Jejich střih v kombinaci s pružným Lace-lock bungee šněrováním a přezkou na suchý zip dovoluje rychlé a snadné obutí i vyzutí. Nezklamou ani...

Objev podobné jako KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN růžová (SPTkeen2115nad)

cena 1349.0 Kč

KEEN NEWPORT H2 CHILDREN růžová (SPTkeen2276nad)

Sandály dětské, vhodné pro lehký terén a volný čas, materiál svršku: syntetika, hmotnost boty 221 g Keen Newport H2 ChildrenDětské sandály Keen Newport H2 Children jsou skvělou volbou pro veškeré venkovní aktivity dětí. Sandály jsou vytvořené tak, aby dětem poskytly maximální pohodlí a podporu jejich chodidel.Keen Newport H2 jsou ideální i pro náročný terénSvršek sandálů Keen Newport H2 je vyrobený z rychleschnoucího polyesteru a je snadno omyvatelný. Uzavřená pata a odolná gumová podrážka usnadňují chůzi a pohyb i v náročnějším terénu.Sandály Keen Newport ochrání dětské prstyPři všech aktivitách budou prsty dětí dokonale ochráněné, neboť jsou Keen Newport H2 vybavené patentovaným systémem ochrany prstů KEEN.PROTECT.Dětem nabízí vynikající oporuMezipodešev je vyrobená z vysoce kvalitního a odolného EVA materiálu, zatímco podšívka z hydrofobní síťoviny. Design vnitřní vložky je přitom anatomicky navržen tak, aby dětským nohám poskytoval perfektní podporu a...

Objev podobné jako KEEN NEWPORT H2 CHILDREN růžová (SPTkeen2276nad)

cena 1699.0 Kč

The World's Worst Children 3 (0008304599)

Kniha - anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá From the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams comes another collection of more hilariously horrible children! Illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by artist genius, Tony Ross, these stories will appal and delight young readers. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your bookshelf, 10 more horrendously hilarious stories about the absolute worst children ever! From ten-year old Hank and his endless pranks on his poor, long-suffering family, to Tandy and her titanic tantrums – this brand new collection is the perfect companion to World's Worst Children books 1 and 2 and an ideal gift for the worst children in your life!

Objev podobné jako The World's Worst Children 3 (0008304599)

cena 412.0 Kč


Sandály dětské, vhodné pro volný čas, materiál svršku: nylon Sandály KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN Dětské sandály KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN jsou skvělou volbou pro veškeré letní venkovní aktivity. Rychleschnoucí podšívka a ochrana prstů KEEN.PROTECT zajistí dětem maximální komfort. KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN - stvořeny pro zábavuVšestranné dětské letní sandály KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN jsou určeny k běžnému nošení i volnočasovým aktivitám. Svršek tvoří pevná a odolná nylonová tkanina. Poutko nad patou usnadní dětem nazouvání. Rychleschnoucí podšívka sandálů KEEN KNOTCH CREEKDětské sandály KEEN KNOTCH CREEK jsou vybaveny rychleschnoucí podšívkou pro patřičný komfort i v případě namočení sandálů. Jejich střih v kombinaci s pružným Lace-lock bungee šněrováním a přezkou na suchý zip dovoluje rychlé a snadné obutí i vyzutí. Nezklamou ani...

Objev podobné jako KEEN KNOTCH CREEK CHILDREN modrá (SPTkeen2109nad)

cena 1499.0 Kč


Boty pro volný čas dětské, nízké, zapínání na rychlošněrování, hmotnost jedné boty 350 g, materiál: syntetika Keen Chandler CNX Children Dětské boty Keen Chandler CNX jsou vhodné pro veškeré volnočasové aktivity. Poskytují perfektní komfort při chůzi v přírodě, po městě i hraní v parku. Boty vynikají také svojí velmi nízkou hmotností. Keen Chandler CNX pro maximálně přirozený pohyb chodidlaKeen Chandler CNX Children jsou vyrobené pomocí technologie KEEN.CNX. Jejich nízký profil tak umožňuje chodidlu maximálně přirozený pohyb. Svršek ze syntetického materiálu a lehké síťoviny zajistí skvělou prodyšnost, ke které napomáhá také síťovaná podšívka. Chraňte dětské nohy s Keen ChandlerPři všech outdoorových aktivitách budou prsty dětí dokonale ochráněné, neboť boty Keen Chandler disponují patentovaným systémem ochrany prstů KEEN. PROTECT. Děti si je...

Objev podobné jako KEEN CHANDLER CNX CHILDREN modrá (SPTkeen1694nad)

cena 1699.0 Kč


Trekové boty - dětské, vhodné pro volný čas, Ne membrána, materiál svršku syntetika, hmotnost boty 204 g, černá a šedá barva Keen Targhee Sport ChildrenDětské outdoorové boty Keen Targhee Sport Children jsou skvělou volbou pro outdoorové aktivity dětí v lehkém až středně náročném terénu. Nabízí perfektní komfort při chůzi v přírodě, po horách, ale rovněž po městě.Keen Targhee Sport zůstanou svěžíSvrchní část bot Keen Targhee Sport je vyrobená z kvalitního syntetického a textilního materiálu. Boty jsou ošetřené antibakteriální technologií Eco Anti-Odor, která je udržuje svěží.Boty Keen Targhee chrání dětské prstyPři všech aktivitách budou prsty dětí dokonale ochráněné, neboť jsou Keen Targhee Sport vybavené patentovaným systémem ochrany prstů KEEN.PROTECT.Perfektně přilnavé v každém terénuO maximální pohodlí se postará vyjímatelná vložka EVA, prodyšná podšívka a polstrovaný jazyk i límec. Gumová podešev poté zajistí perfektní stabilitu a přilnavost v každém terénu.

Objev podobné jako KEEN TARGHEE SPORT CHILDREN šedá (SPTkeen1843nad)

cena 1519.0 Kč

Viridian Children´s Synerbio 50g (5060003594253)

Doplněk stravy Směs probiotik, prebiotik a vitamínu C - Zaměřené na děti Children’s Synerbio je přípravek vhodný pro děti od 4 do 14 let. Obsahuje střevní bakterie (probiotika) s přídavkem prebiotik. Jde o směs čtyř kmenů střevních bakterií, laktobacilů a bifidobakterií, které byly vybrány prostřednictvím jedinečného postupu určeného k identifikaci nejvíce klinicky zkoumaných probiotických kmenů. Unikátní Prebiotikum FS2-60 nabízí celé spektrum prebiotik, oligosacharidů a inulinu rostlinného původu. VIRIDIAN Children’s Synerbio také zahrnuje vitamin C, který hraje zásadní roli v mnoha oblastech lidského zdraví. Přípravek neobsahuje žádné GMO složky, žádné ozařované a živočišné složky, je bez umělých sladidel, barviv a konzervantů, nenajdete v něm stearan hořečnatý, oxid titaničitý ani šelak a palmový tuk.Produkt je vhodný pro všechny jedince zaměřené na?:Podporu střevní mikroflóry a trávicího traktu (děti)Dávkování:Děti od 4 do 8 let 2 g denně, od 8 do...

Objev podobné jako Viridian Children´s Synerbio 50g (5060003594253)

cena 549.0 Kč

Optibac Babies & Children sáčky 30x1,5 g

Optibac Babies & Children sáčky jsou probiotika pro děti a miminka ve formě, kterou můžete přimíchat do nápoje či pokrmu. Mají neutrální chuť a vůni, takže vaše dítě nic nepozná.

Objev podobné jako Optibac Babies & Children sáčky 30x1,5 g

cena 525.0 Kč

Children of Fallen Gods - Carissa Broadbent

No war can be fought with clean hands. Not even the ones waged for the right reasons. Not even the ones you win.Tisaanah bargained away her own freedom to save those she left behind in slavery. Now, bound by her blood pact, she must fight the Orders' war -- and Max is determined to protect her at all costs.But when a betrayal tears apart Ara, Max and Tisaanah are pushed into an even bloodier conflict. Tisaanah must gamble with Reshaye's power to claim an impossible victory. And Max, forced into leadership, must confront everything he hoped to forget: his past, and his own mysterious magic.All the while, darker forces loom -- far darker, even, than the Orders' secrets.As Tisaanah and Max are ensnared in a web of ancient magic and twisted secrets, one question remains: what are they willing to sacrifice for victory? For power? For love?

Objev podobné jako Children of Fallen Gods - Carissa Broadbent

cena 894.0 Kč

The Children of Athena - Charles Freeman

A compelling and fascinating portrait of the continuing intellectual tradition of Greek writers and thinkers in the Age of Rome.In 146 BC, Greece yielded to the military might of the Roman Republic; sixty years later, when Athens and other Greek city-states rebelled against Rome, the general Lucius Cornelius Sulla destroyed the city of Socrates and Plato, laying waste to the famous Academy where Aristotle had studied. However, the traditions of Greek cultural life would continue to flourish during the centuries of Roman rule that followed, in the lives and work of a distinguished array of philosophers, doctors, scientists, geographers, travellers and theologians.Charles Freeman''s accounts of such luminaries as the physician Galen, the geographer Ptolemy and the philosopher Plotinus are interwoven with contextual ''interludes'' that showcase a sequence of unjustly neglected and richly influential lives. Like the author''s The Awakening, The Children of Athena is a cultural history on an epic scale: the story of a rich and vibrant tradition of Greek intellectual inquiry across a period of more than five hundred years, from the second century BC to the start of the fifth century AD.

Objev podobné jako The Children of Athena - Charles Freeman

cena 325.0 Kč

Children of the Volcano - Ros Belford

An uplifting, humorous memoir of a mother building a new life on a beautiful Sicilian island. Reeling from a broken relationship, Ros Belford decides the best chance she has of healing, while giving her daughters a childhood to remember, is to move to Italy and live by the sea. After a false start in a town where machismo is ingrained, they find the small, lush, delightful island of Salina. Izzy and Juno grow up playing on the beach, learning to swim over volcanic bubbles, hearing tales of Aeolian witches and watching Stromboli erupt on the horizon. It is not entirely paradise, however. The school is atrocious, there are power cuts and an earthquake, and property speculators threaten the island''s fragile beauty. But an eclectic community of islanders take them to their hearts, friendships are forged and Salina becomes home. Full of humanity, vitality, honesty and optimism, Children of the Volcano is for anyone unwilling to give up dreams of adventure and excitement simply because of parenthood, lack of money and not getting things right the first time.

Objev podobné jako Children of the Volcano - Ros Belford

cena 591.0 Kč

DRCL midnight children 2 - Shinichi Sakamoto

Dracula meets manga in this surreally beautiful and chilling retelling of Bram Stoker’s quintessential horror classic.In this beautiful, evocative, and often surreal retelling of Dracula, a fearsome enemy comes from the east, bringing with it horrors the likes of which have never been seen in the British Empire. Standing opposed are Wilhelmina “Mina” Murray and her stalwart companions, united in a cabal that eclipses gender, nationality, and station until the day that they can achieve victory.The lines between reality and fiction blur as Count Dracula’s influence grows within the halls of Whitby School. The arrival of the eccentric Professor Abraham Van Helsing offers Mina and the others a chance to learn about the foul condition that afflicts their beloved companion. But will the professor’s knowledge be enough to preserve them in the face of this unspeakable evil, or will their fragile bonds be torn apart by the arrival of the son of the dragon?

Objev podobné jako DRCL midnight children 2 - Shinichi Sakamoto

cena 590.0 Kč

The Children of Jocasta - Natalie Haynesová

A powerful retelling of Oedipus and Antigone from the perspectives of the women the myths overlooked, from Natalie Haynes, the Women's Prize-shortlisted author of A Thousand Ships and the Sunday Times bestseller Stone Blind.My siblings and I have grown up in a cursed house, children of cursed parents . . .Jocasta is just fifteen when she is told that she must marry the King of Thebes, an old man she has never met. Her life has never been her own, and nor will it be, unless she outlives her strange, absent husband.Ismene is the same age when she is attacked in the palace she calls home. Since the day of her parents' tragic deaths a decade earlier, she has always longed to feel safe with the family she still has. But with a single act of violence, all that is about to change.With the turn of these two events, a tragedy is set in motion. But not as you know it.'Haynes balances a fresh take on the material . . . giving new voice to the often-overlooked but fascinating Jocasta and Ismene.' - Madeline Miller, author of Circe.

Objev podobné jako The Children of Jocasta - Natalie Haynesová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Children´s Bach - Helen Garner

'A jewel of a novel about a perfect family falling apart'DAVID NICHOLLS'The Children's Bach is Garner's masterpiece'PUBLIC BOOKS'A perfect novel. I was so stunned that I wanted to run around the block'RUMAAN ALAMAthena and Dexter Fox are happy. They love each other.They are friends. They live with their young sons in a sparsely furnished house near the Merri Creek: its walls cracking, its floors sloping and its doors hanging loosely in their frames. There is a piano in their kitchen.But then, one day - years after their lives have taken different directions - Dexter runs into Elizabeth, an old friend from his university days. She brings into his world her loose-living musician boyfriend, Philip, and her seventeen-year-old sister, Vicki. And all at once, the bonds that hold the Fox family together begin to fray.Helen Garner's perfectly formed novels embody Melbourne's tumultuous 1970s and 1980s. Drawn on a small canvas and with a subtle musical backdrop, The Children's Bach is a beloved work that weighs the burdens of commitment against the costs of liberation. A W&N Essential

Objev podobné jako The Children´s Bach - Helen Garner

cena 295.0 Kč

Five Children and It - E Nesbit

''Don''t you know a sand-fairy when you see one?''I dare say you have often thought about what you would do if you were granted three wishes. The five children - Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother - had often talked about it but when they are faced with the grumpy sand-fairy they find it difficult to make up their minds. And that is just the beginning of their dilemmas.As they discover, there is nothing quite like a wish for getting you into terrible trouble.EXTRA ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Learn about what it was like to be a child in 1902 and try some fun activities! This special edition includes fantastic extra educational resources.

Objev podobné jako Five Children and It - E Nesbit

cena 207.0 Kč

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