Red queen (defekt) - victoria aveyardová

Produkt Red queen (defekt) - victoria aveyardová sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Red queen (defekt) - victoria aveyardová upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Red Queen (Defekt) - Victoria Aveyardová


This is a world divided by blood - red or silver. The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power. Fearful of Mare's potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime. But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance - Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart ...A thrilling new fantasy trilogy for fans of Divergent and The Hunger Games. (

Podobné produkty ako Red Queen (Defekt) - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: queen - lp (4720264)

Glass Sword: Red Queen Series: Book 2 (Defekt) - Victoria Aveyardová


For fans of THE HUNGER GAMES and DIVERGENT - the thrilling new fantasy novel from Victoria Aveyard, bestselling author of RED QUEEN.From the NEW YORK TIMES number one bestselling author of RED QUEEN.If there's one thing Mare Barrow knows, it's that she's different.Mare's blood is red - the colour of common folk - but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court wants to control.Pursued by the vengeful Silver king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join the rebellion.But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat. Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever? (

Podobné produkty ako Glass Sword: Red Queen Series: Book 2 (Defekt) - Victoria Aveyardová , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)

Red Queen Collector´s Edition - Victoria Aveyardová


A beautifully designed collector's edition of the #1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, featuring exclusive content, fan art, a redesigned cover, and more!This deluxe package features: color fan artredesigned coverprinted casea never-seen-before look behind the scenes of the Scarlet Guardand more!The perfect gift for fans of the series, for anyone looking to add this beautiful edition to their collection, and for new readers eager to discover the lush, vivid fantasy series where loyalty and desire can tear you apart and the only certainty is betrayal.Plus don't miss Realm Breaker! Irresistibly action-packed and full of lethal surprises, this stunning fantasy series from Victoria Aveyard, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Red Queen series, beg (

Podobné produkty ako Red Queen Collector´s Edition - Victoria Aveyardová , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)

War Storm: Red Queen Book 4 - Victoria Aveyardová


The #1 bestselling Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard comes to a stunning conclusion in this fourth and final book. VICTORY COMES AT A PRICE.Mare Barrow learned this all too well when Cal's betrayal nearly destroyed her. Now determined to protect her heart-and secure freedom for Reds and newbloods like her-Mare resolves to overthrow the kingdom of Norta once and for all . . . starting with the crown on Maven's head. But no battle is won alone, and before the Reds may rise as one, Mare must side with the boy who broke her heart in order to defeat the boy who almost broke her. Cal's powerful Silver allies, alongside Mare and the Scarlet Guard, prove a formidable force. But Maven is driven by an obsession so deep, he will stop at nothing to have Mare as his own again, even if it means demolish everything - and everyone - in his path. War is coming, and all Mare has fought for hangs in the balance. Will victory be enough to topple the Silver kingdoms? Or will the little lightning girl be forever silenced? In the epic conclusion to Victoria Aveyard's stunning series, Mare must embrace her fate and summon all her power . . . For all will be tested, but not all will survive. (

Podobné produkty ako War Storm: Red Queen Book 4 - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: queen ii - lp (4728824)

Glass Sword: Red Queen Series: Book 2 - Victoria Aveyardová


For fans of THE HUNGER GAMES and DIVERGENT - the thrilling new fantasy novel from Victoria Aveyard, bestselling author of RED QUEEN.From the NEW YORK TIMES number one bestselling author of RED QUEEN.If there's one thing Mare Barrow knows, it's that she's different.Mare's blood is red - the colour of common folk - but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court wants to control.Pursued by the vengeful Silver king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join the rebellion.But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat. Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever? (

Podobné produkty ako Glass Sword: Red Queen Series: Book 2 - Victoria Aveyardová , Kolagen queen

King´s Cage : Red Queen Book 3 - Victoria Aveyardová


Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal. Now a king, Maven continues weaving his web in an attempt to maintain control over his country - and his prisoner. As Mare remains trapped in the palace, the remnants of the Red Rebellion continue organizing and expanding. As they prepare for war, no longer able to linger in the shadows, Cal - the exiled prince with his own claim on Mare's heart - will stop at nothing to bring her back. Blood will turn on blood and allegiances will be tested on every side. If the Lightning Girl's spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion? (

Podobné produkty ako King´s Cage : Red Queen Book 3 - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: queen - deluxe edition (2x cd) - cd (2763879)

Blade Breaker: The second fantasy adventure in the Sunday Times bestselling Realm Breaker series from the author of Red Queen - Victoria Aveyardová


A divided realm must rally, an unstoppable enemy must be defeated, and the fate of the world rests on a blade's edge. Andry, a former squire, fights for hope amid blood and chaos. Dom, a grieving immortal, strives to fulfill a broken oath.Sorasa, an outcast assassin, faces her past when it returns with sharpened teeth. Valtik, an old sorceress, summons a mighty power. And Corayne, a pirate's daughter with an ancient magic in her blood, steps closer to becoming the hero she's destined to be.Together they must assemble an army to face Queen Erida and Taristan's wicked forces. But something deadly waits in the shadows, something that might consume the world before there's any hope for victory. The follow-up to the instant #1 New York Times bestselling Realm Breaker features breathless action, deadly twists, and gripping magic. (

Podobné produkty ako Blade Breaker: The second fantasy adventure in the Sunday Times bestselling Realm Breaker series from the author of Red Queen - Victoria Aveyardová , Victor queen (4005543010079)

Vojna rodov - Victoria Aveyardová

Vojna rodov - Victoria Aveyardová

V záverečnej časti bestsellerovej série Červená kráľovná začína Mare Barrow chápať, že ak chce zvíťaziť, bude musieť niečo obetovať.Niečo veľmi cenné. Tentoraz je však odhodlaná ochrániť svoje srdce a zaistiť slobodu pre Červených. Aby to dosiahla, bude musieť raz a navždy zvrhnúť kráľovstvo Norty, a to počnúc korunou na Mavenovej hlave.Žiadnu bitku však nevyhráva jednotlivec a skôr než Červení zjednotene povstanú, musí sa Mare pridať na stranu človeka, ktorý jej zlomil srdce. Len tak môže poraziť toho, kto ju takmer zničil. Calovi Strieborní spojenci spolu s Mare a so Šarlátovou gardou sformujú priam ničivú silu.Maven je však taký zaslepený svojou nehynúcou posadnutosťou, že sa nezastaví pred ničím. Je pevne odhodlaný dostať Mare, aj keď by to malo znamenať, že zničí všetko a všetkých, ktorí mu stoja v ceste.Vojna sa blíži, a to, za čo Mare bojovala, je zrazu v ohrození. Bude víťazstvo vo vojne stačiť na zničenie Strieborného kráľovstva? Alebo Bleskové dievčatko navždy umlčia jeho nepriatelia? (

Podobné produkty ako Vojna rodov - Victoria Aveyardová , Windson queen (8595238808785)

Králova klec - Victoria Aveyardová

Králova klec - Victoria Aveyardová

Mare zůstává v zajetí, zbavená svého blesku a mučená vlastními chybami. Přežívá jen díky milosti nového krále. Kluka, jehož milovala, ale vyklubal se z něj lhář a zrádce. Zatímco je v paláci, tak se její skupina povstalců připravuje na válku, protože už nechce žít ve stínu. A pak je tu Cal, vyhnaný princ, který se nezastaví před ničím, aby Mare vysvobodil… Krev proti krvi a schopnost proti schopnosti – hrozí, že nezůstane nikdo, kdo vznikající požár uhasí! (

Podobné produkty ako Králova klec - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen – neznámá historie

Ničiteľ ríše - Victoria Aveyardová


Zvláštna temnota začína rásť v Allwarde Corayne an-Amarat, ukrytá vo svojom malom mestečku na okraji mora, to sama cíti. Za chvíľu ale zistí pravdu: Je poslednou z pradávnej línie a je jedinou, ktorá môže zachrániť svet pred jeho zničením. No nebude v tom sama. Keď sa na mesto spustí temnota, spojí sa s jedinečnou skupinou, ktorú tvoria:·Šľachtic, ktorý si musí vybrať medzi domovom a cťou·Nesmrteľník, ktorý chce pomstiť porušenie sľubu·Vrah, vyhnanec, ktorý baží po krvi·Pradávna čarodejnica, ktorej hádanky ukrývajú zlovestný podtón·Kováč s tajomnou minulosťou·Nájomný vrah, ktorý si potrebuje vyrovnať účty Všetci sa spoja proti krutému nepriateľovi, ktorý je neporaziteľný a je odhodlaný zničiť všetky kráľovstvá. (

Podobné produkty ako Ničiteľ ríše - Victoria Aveyardová , Hamaka queen hnědá (ih_qen)

Fate Breaker - Victoria Aveyardová


The final instalment in the bestselling Realm Breaker trilogy, from the author of the multimillion copy bestselling Red Queen. A strange darkness is growing in the Ward. A man who would burn kingdoms to the ground is raising an army unlike any seen before, bent on uprooting the foundations of the world.And only Corayne - a pirate's daughter and the last of an ancient lineage - can stop him. Alongside an unlikely group of reluctant allies, Corayne finds herself on a desperate journey to complete an impossible task, with untold magic singing in her blood and the fate of the world on her shoulders. (

Podobné produkty ako Fate Breaker - Victoria Aveyardová , Ahome náramek queen (23113)

Zapovězený trůn - Victoria Aveyardová

Zapovězený trůn - Victoria Aveyardová

Vraťte se do smrtelně nebezpečného a okouzlujícího světa Rudé královny! Zapovězený trůn obsahuje dosud nepublikované povídky, deníkové zápisky, bonusové scény mapy, vlajky a další exkluzivní obrazový materiál. (

Podobné produkty ako Zapovězený trůn - Victoria Aveyardová , Židle queen transparentní (iai-10708)

Červená kráľovná - Victoria Aveyardová


Červená kráľovná je napínavý román od Victorie Aveyard, ktorý sa stal svetovým bestsellerom už v 25 krajinách po celom svete. Spoločnosť je rozdelená na dve časti – Strieborných špičkových bojovníkov s božskými schopnosťami a Červených jednoduchých občanov, ktorí žijú pod krutou vládou Strieborných. Mare Barrow je sedemnásťročné dievča, ktoré patrí medzi Červených, a ani vo sne by jej nenapadlo, že by to mohlo byť inak. No opak je pravdou. Onedlho zistí, že aj napriek tomu, že je Červená, aj ona má svoje schopnosti – dokonca také silné a jedinečné, že ohrozujú celú vládu Strieborných. Lenže zahrávať sa so silou je veľmi nebezpečné. Vo svete rozdelenom krvou sa odohráva boj, ktorý vyhrá len ten najstatočnejší. A tak sa proti sebe postavia Červení a Strieborní, princ proti princovi a Mare proti vlastnému srdcu, pričom zrada číha na každom kroku. A potom stačí už len jediný chybný krok, ktorý zničí svet, aký dosiaľ poznali. Zachránia mladú Mare jej nezvyčajné schopnosti alebo sa jej stanú osudnými? Príbeh plný intríg, triedneho boja a klamstiev prinúti čitateľa, aby sa ponoril do napínavého deja s túžbou zistiť, aký bude osud Mare – dievčaťa, ktoré si od začiatku obľúbi. (

Podobné produkty ako Červená kráľovná - Victoria Aveyardová , Židle queen černá (iai-17911)

Realm Breaker - Victoria Aveyardová


FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF RED QUEEN COMES A BRAND NEW SERIESSAVE THE WORLD OR END IT...A strange darkness is growing in the Ward. Even Corayne an-Amarat can feel it, tucked away in her small town at the edge of the sea.Fate knocks on her door, in the form of a mythical immortal and a lethal assassin, who tell Corayne that she is the last of an ancient lineage - with the power to save the world from destruction.Because a man who would burn kingdoms to the ground is raising an army unlike any seen before, bent on uprooting the foundations of the world. With poison in his heart and a stolen sword in his hand, he'll break the realm itself to claim it. And only Corayne can stop him.Alongside an unlikely group of reluctant allies, Corayne finds herself on a desperate journey to complete an impossible task, with untold magic singing in her blood and the fate of the world on her shoulders. (

Podobné produkty ako Realm Breaker - Victoria Aveyardová , Nafukovaci postel intex raised queen

Sklenený meč - Victoria Aveyardová


V elektrizujúcom pokračovaní románu Červená kráľovná sa stupňuje boj medzi neustále sa zväčšujúcou armádou Červených so špeciálnymi schopnosťami a zvyškom sveta, ktorý je ešte stále rozdelený podľa krvi. Krv hlavnej hrdinky Mare Barrow je síce červená, no jej schopnosť ovládať blesky z nej robí nebezpečnú zbraň, ktorú chce mať kráľovský dvor pod kontrolou. Mare sa síce spolu s Calom podarí utiecť a zobrať so sebou aj tajný zoznam s menami tých, ktorí sú "novou krvou", avšak pomstychtivý Maven, ktorý je teraz už kráľom, je rozhodnutý nájsť ich a zničiť. A tak sa Mare vydáva na najnebezpečnejšiu misiu svojho života - je rozhodnutá vypátrať ďalších Červených so špeciálnymi schopnosťami, aby s ich pomocou porazila Mavena a ukončila vládu Strieborných. Musí však čeliť aj ďalšiemu nebezpečenstvu, ktoré vyviera z jej vlastného vnútra. Zlomí ju váha životov, ktoré boli položené v mene revolúcie, a stane sa z nej rovnaký netvor, akého sa snaží poraziť? Alebo ju faloš a zrada už navždy zocelia? Mare Barrow nemá na výber... Musí čeliť temnote, ktorá sa jej začína rozpínať v duši. (

Podobné produkty ako Sklenený meč - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: the works - lp (4720278)

Lámač čepelí - Victoria Aveyardová


V pokračovaní bestselleru Ničiteľ ríše s názvom Lámač čepelí od Victorie Aveyard musí rozpoltený svet spojiť svoje sily, aby porazil nezastaviteľného nepriateľa, pretože osud sveta spočíva na ostrí čepele. Corayne, pirátkina dcéra so starodávnou mágiou v krvi, je o krok bližšie k tomu, aby sa stala hrdinkou, ktorou je predurčená byť. Musí sa však naučiť ovládať mocný meč svojho otca a zostaviť vlastnú armádu, ak chce zachrániť ríšu. Jej armádu tvoria:Andry, bývalý panoš, ktorý pokračuje v boji o nádej uprostred krvi a chaosu.Smútiaci nesmrteľný Dom, ktorý sa snaží splniť porušenú prísahu.Sorasa, vyhnaná nájomná vrahyňa, čeliaca svojej minulosti, ktorá ju neustále prenasleduje.Valtik, stará čarodejnica, ktorá privoláva mocnú silu. Spoločne musia čeliť zlým silám kráľovnej Eridy a jej manžela Taristana. No v tieni na nich číha niečo nebezpečné, niečo, čo môže pohltiť svet, skôr ako vôbec bude existovať nádej na víťazstvo. Lámač čepelí ponúka napätie vyrážajúce dych, smrtiace zvraty a napínavú mágiu, vďaka čomu je ideálny pre fanúšikov fantasy žánru. (

Podobné produkty ako Lámač čepelí - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: hot space - cd (2771757)

Kráľova klietka - Victoria Aveyardová


SVET MARE BARR OW JE V PLAMEŇOCH V treťom diele zo série Červená kráľovná je Mare vydaná na milosť kráľovi Mavenovi, ktorý ju väzní vo svojej dômyselnej klietke.Z Bleskového dievčaťa je bez jej schopnosti už len tieň niekdajšej bojovníčky. Cal, princ vo vyhnanstve, je však odhodlaný vybojovať si späť nielen svoje právo na trón, ale znova chce získať aj srdce Mare. Predtým ju však musí zachrániť. A tak sa pod jeho velením Nová krv a Červení pripravujú na rozhodujúcu bitku proti Mavenovi, ktorý zatiaľ spriada vlastnú sieť utkanú z temnoty, klamstiev a zo zrady.V rozhodujúcom súboji sa postaví brat proti bratovi, krv proti krvi a hrozí, že svet Mare nadobro zhorí. Nikto však netuší, že v hre je aj niekto tretí – niekto, kto je odhodlaný hájiť vlastné záujmy a má v pláne poriadne zamiešať karty. Podarí sa napriek tomu Calovi vyslobodiť Mare a získať si jej srdce? A na ktorú stranu sa nakoniec postaví Bleskové dievča?Príbeh plný zrady, stratenej dôvery, ale aj lásky čitateľa už tretí raz vtiahne do napínavého deja plného neočakávaných zvratov a strhujúcich prekvapení.NETVORI SÚ NAJNEBEZPEČNEJŠÍ, KEĎ SA BOJA. (

Podobné produkty ako Kráľova klietka - Victoria Aveyardová , Revolution relove queen detailed (5057566518543)

Blade Breaker - Victoria Aveyardová


A divided world must rally, an unstoppable enemy must be defeated, and the fate of the world rests on a blade's edge.Andry, a former squire, fights for hope amid blood and chaos.Dom, a grieving immortal, strives to fulfill a broken oath.Sorasa, an outcast assassin, faces her past when it returns with sharpened teeth.Valtik, an old sorceress, summons a mighty power.And Corayne, a pirate's daughter with an ancient magic in her blood, steps closer to becoming the hero she's destined to be.Together they must assemble an army to face Queen Erida and Taristan's wicked forces. But something deadly waits in the shadows, something that might consume the world before there's any hope for victory.The follow-up to the instant #1 New York Times bestselling Realm Breaker features breathless action, deadly twists, and gripping magic, making it perfect for fans of Garth Nix and J. R. R. Tolkien. (

Podobné produkty ako Blade Breaker - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: the game - cd (2771751)

Uchvatitelé říší - Victoria Aveyardová


Allwardem se šíří podivná temnota. Cítí to dokonce i Corayne an-Amaratová, která žije až v zapadlém městečku na pobřeží. A brzy objeví pravdu: je posledním žijícím potomkem prastarého rodu a jedinou nadějí na záchranu světa. Ale nebude na to sama. I když tma houstne, hodlá se ke Corayne připojit banda nepravděpodobných hrdinů. Společně se postaví krutému nepříteli – a utkají se s armádou, kterou si nikdo neuměl představit ani v těch nejhorších snech. (

Podobné produkty ako Uchvatitelé říší - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: complete studio album (4720288)

Rudá královna - Victoria Aveyardová


Vydejte se na dobrodružnou cestu do země, kde na barvě krve záleží. Čeká na vás strhující příběh Mare Barrowové, sedmnáctileté dívky patřící mezi Rudé, prosté občany žijící pod krutovládou Stříbrných, válečníků s božskými schopnostmi a stříbrnou krví. Napínavý světový bestseller o tom, že se sílou je nebezpečné si zahrávat. (

Podobné produkty ako Rudá královna - Victoria Aveyardová , Queen: the miracle - cd (2779984)

Křišťálový meč - Victoria Aveyardová


Každý může zradit... Nenechte si ujít pokračování Rudé královny! Krev Mare Barrowové je rudá jako většiny obyčejných lidí. Má ale nadpřirozené schopnosti jako Stříbrná, dovede ovládat blesky, což je zbraň, kterou chce královský dvůr získat pod svou kontrolu. Sice ji obvinili, že to vše jen předstírá a je prachsprostá podvodnice, ale jí se podaří uprchnout od Mavena, prince a přítele, který ji zradil. A Mare zjistí něco vskutku překvapivého – není jediná Rudá, kdo má podobné schopnosti. Pronásledovaná Mavenem, z nějž se nyní stal pomstychtivý král, vyráží pátrat po rudostříbrných bojovnících, aby je vyzvala k souboji s jejich utlačovateli. Ale nehrozí snad Mare nebezpečí, že se z ní stane přesně taková zrůda, které se pokouší porazit? Nezlomí ji váha životů, jež je nutné položit ve jménu revoluce? (

Podobné produkty ako Křišťálový meč - Victoria Aveyardová , Victoria - dvd (n01871)

Zapovězený trůn - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha

Zapovězený trůn - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha

eBook:,Sbírka povídek ze světa Rudé královny Vraťte se do smrtelně nebezpečného a okouzlujícího světa Rudé královny! Zapovězený trůn obsahuje dosud nepublikované povídky, deníkové zápisky, bonusové scény mapy, vlajky a další exkluzivní obrazový materiál. (

Podobné produkty ako Zapovězený trůn - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha , Victoria úplet (vpmatr1595nad)

Válečná smršť - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha

Válečná smršť - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha

eBook:,Za každé vítězství se platí. Mare Barrowová to ví až moc dobře. Když ji zradil Cal, málem ji to zničilo. Nyní je odhodlaná bránit své srdce a zajistit svobodu Rudým i novokrevným. Musí zničit království Norty jednou pro vždy… Jenže to nemůže dokázat sama. Nastane čas, aby spojené síly Calových Stříbrných přívrženců a Šarlatové hlídky ukázaly, co umí. Mavenova posedlost Mare je však tak silná, že ho nic ani nikdo nezastaví. Nadchází válka a jisté je jen to, že ne všichni přežijí. (

Podobné produkty ako Válečná smršť - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha , Victoria silverguard (vpmatr1588nad)

Uchvatitelé říší - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha


eBook: Zachraň svět, nebo ho znič. Epická fantasy od autorky bestselleru Rudá královna. Allwardem se šíří podivná temnota. Cítí to dokonce i Corayne an-Amaratová, která žije až v zapadlém městečku na pobřeží. A brzy objeví pravdu: je posledním žijícím potomkem prastarého rodu a jedinou nadějí na záchranu světa. Ale nebude na to sama. I když tma houstne, hodlá se ke Corayne připojit banda nepravděpodobných hrdinů. Společně se postaví krutému nepříteli – a utkají se s armádou, kterou si nikdo neuměl představit ani v těch nejhorších snech. (

Podobné produkty ako Uchvatitelé říší - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha , Victoria lyocell (vpmatr1574nad)

Rudá královna - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha


eBook: Napínavý světový bestseller, který si mohli přečíst čtenáři již v 25 zemích po celém světě.Chudobou sužovaní Rudí jsou prostí občané žijící pod krutovládou Stříbrných, špičkových válečníků s božskými schopnostmi. Sedmnáctiletá Mare Barrowová patří mezi Rudé a bere to jako fakt, na kterém se nikdy nic nemůže změnit. Podaří se jí získat práci ve Stříbrném paláci, uprostřed těch, které z duše nenávidí. A rychle odhalí, že navzdory barvě své krve dostala do vínku také jednu vražednou schopnost. Takovou, která může ohrozit a svrhnout vládu Stříbrných. Ale se sílou je nebezpečné si zahrávat. Kdo může v tomto světě rozděleném krví vyhrát? (

Podobné produkty ako Rudá královna - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha , Victoria bílý (idvap)

Křišťálový meč - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha


eBook: Každý může zradit... Nenechte si ujít pokračování Rudé královny!Krev Mare Barrowové je rudá jako většiny obyčejných lidí. Má ale nadpřirozené schopnosti jako Stříbrná, dovede ovládat blesky, což je zbraň, kterou chce královský dvůr získat pod svou kontrolu. Sice ji obvinili, že to vše jen předstírá a je prachsprostá podvodnice, ale jí se podaří uprchnout od Mavena, prince a přítele, který ji zradil. A Mare zjistí něco vskutku překvapivého – není jediná Rudá, kdo má podobné schopnosti.Pronásledovaná Mavenem, z nějž se nyní stal pomstychtivý král, vyráží pátrat po rudostříbrných bojovnících, aby je vyzvala k souboji s jejich utlačovateli. Ale nehrozí snad Mare nebezpečí, že se z ní stane přesně taková zrůda, které se pokouší porazit? Nezlomí ji váha životů, jež je nutné položit ve jménu revoluce? (

Podobné produkty ako Křišťálový meč - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha , Victoria 50mm (308018)

Králova klec - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha


eBook: Kdo se postaví do čela povstalců, když Mare přišla o své blesky? Mare zůstává v zajetí, zbavená svého blesku a mučená vlastními chybami. Přežívá jen díky milosti nového krále. Kluka, jehož milovala, ale vyklubal se z něj lhář a zrádce. Zatímco je v paláci, tak se její skupina povstalců připravuje na válku, protože už nechce žít ve stínu. A pak je tu Cal, vyhnaný princ, který se nezastaví před ničím, aby Mare vysvobodil… Krev proti krvi a schopnost proti schopnosti – hrozí, že nezůstane nikdo, kdo vznikající požár uhasí! (

Podobné produkty ako Králova klec - Victoria Aveyardová - e-kniha , Victoria 28mm (100428)

Válečná smršť - Aveyardová Victoria

Válečná smršť - Aveyardová Victoria

Za každé vítězství se platí. Mare Barrowová to ví až moc dobře. Když ji zradil Cal, málem ji to zničilo. Nyní je odhodlaná bránit své srdce a zajistit svobodu Rudým i novokrevným. Musí zničit království Norty jednou pro vždy… Jenže to nemůže dokázat sama. Nastane čas, aby spojené síly Calových Stříbrných přívrženců a Šarlatové hlídky ukázaly, co umí. Mavenova posedlost Mare je však tak silná, že ho nic ani nikdo nezastaví. Nadchází válka a jisté je jen to, že ne všichni přežijí. (

Podobné produkty ako Válečná smršť - Aveyardová Victoria , Victoria secret teplakovka

Rudá královna - Aveyardová Victoria

Rudá královna - Aveyardová Victoria

Vydejte se na dobrodružnou cestu do země, kde na barvě krve záleží. Čeká na vás strhující příběh Mare Barrowové, sedmnáctileté dívky patřící mezi Rudé, prosté občany žijící pod krutovládou Stříbrných, válečníků s božskými schopnostmi a stříbrnou krví. Napínavý světový bestseller o tom, že se sílou je nebezpečné si zahrávat. (

Podobné produkty ako Rudá královna - Aveyardová Victoria , Victoria secret teplaky

Vicious (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová


Victor and Eli started out as college roommates-brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in one another. A shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death-experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extraordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong. They become EOs, ExtraOrdinaries, leaving a body in their wake and turning on each other.Ten years later Victor has escaped from prison and is determined to get his revenge on the man who put him there, aided by a young girl with the ability to raise the dead. Eli has spent the years hunting down and killing every EO he can find, convinced that they are a crime against God, all except his sidekick, a woman whose power is persuasion and whom he cannot defy. Armed with terrible power on both sides, driven by the memory of betrayal and loss, the arch-nemeses have set a course for revenge-but who will be left alive at the end? (

Podobné produkty ako Vicious (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová , Revolution relove queen angled powder (5057566518482)

This Savage Song (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová


A beautiful collector's hardback edition of the NYT-bestselling, Amazon Book of the Year, start to the Monsters of verity series. Dangerous and compelling, dark and brooding, this is classic urban fantasy, full of vampiric monsters, forbidden romances and life-changing consequences.A gorgeous collector's hardback edition of the first book in the Monsters of Verity duology, featuring gorgeous new jacket artwork, perfect for any Schwab fan's bookcases.Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city, a grisly metropolis where the violence has begun to create real and deadly monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the inhabitants pay for his protection. August just wants to be human, as good-hearted as his own father-but his curse is to be what the humans fear. The thin truce that keeps the Harker and Flynn families at peace is crumbling, and an assassination attempt forces Kate and August into a tenuous alliance. But how long will they survive in a city where no one is safe and monsters are real... (

Podobné produkty ako This Savage Song (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

Daughter of the Siren Queen (Defekt) - Tricia Levensellerová


My father's ships will be at the siren's mercy. We will be the ones to reach the island first and claim its treasure for ourselves.Alosa's mission is finally complete. Not only has she recovered all three pieces of the map to a legendary hidden treasure, but the pirates who originally took her captive are now prisoners on her ship. Still unfairly attractive and unexpectedly loyal, Riden is a constant distraction, but now he's under her orders. And she takes great comfort in knowing that the villainous Vordan will be facing her father's justice.When Vordan exposes a secret her father has kept for years, Alosa and her crew find themselves in a deadly race with the feared Pirate King. Alosa knows they will recover the treasure first - after all, she's the daughter of the Siren Queen. (

Podobné produkty ako Daughter of the Siren Queen (Defekt) - Tricia Levensellerová

Daughter of the Siren Queen (Defekt) - Tricia Levensellerová


Alosa's mission is finally complete. Not only has she recovered all three pieces of the map to a legendary hidden treasure, but the pirates who originally took her captive are now prisoners on her ship. First mate Riden, still unfairly attractive and unexpectedly loyal, is a constant distraction, but now he's under her orders. And she takes great comfort in knowing that the villainous Vordan will soon be facing her father's justice.When Vordan exposes a secret her father has kept for years, Alosa and her crew find themselves in a deadly race with the feared Pirate King. Despite the danger, Alosa knows they will recover the treasure first...After all, she is the daughter of the Siren Queen. (

Podobné produkty ako Daughter of the Siren Queen (Defekt) - Tricia Levensellerová

The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová


Launching a new trilogy in the Shades of Magic universe, an enchanting and thrilling epic fantasy from the international sensation, V. E. Schwab, perfect for fans of Samantha Shannon, Kerri Maniscalco, Leigh Bardugo and R. F. Kuang.Seven years have passed since the doors between the worlds were sealed. Seven years since Kell, Lila and Holland stood against Osaron, a desperate battle that saved the worlds of Red, Grey and White London. Seven years since Kell's magic was shattered, and Holland lost his life.Now Rhy Maresh rules Red London with his new family - his queen, Nadiya, their daughter Ren, and his consort, Alucard. But his city boils with conspiracy and rebellion, fuelled by rumours he is causing magic to fade from the word.Now Kosika, a child Antari, sits on the throne of White London. The new queen leads her people in new rituals of sacrifice and blood in devotion to the altar of Holland Vosijk, summoning vast power she may not be able to control.Now Lila and Kell, living free on the waves, are charged by the captain of the Floating Market to retrieve an immensely powerful artefact, stolen by secretive forces.Now Tes, a young woman with a knack for fixing broken things, is thrust into the affairs of Antari and kings, traitors and thieves. And only her unique powers can weave the threads of power together.A triumphant return to the worlds of The Shades of Magic, The Fragile Threads of Power continues the stories of fan-favourite characters Kell, Lila, Rhy and Alucard, and introduces a new generation of magic, shadows and embers in the dark. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

The Mad Women´s Ball (Defekt) - Victoria Mas


The Salpetriere asylum, 1885. All of Paris is in thrall to Doctor Charcot and his displays of hypnotism on women who have been deemed mad or hysterical, outcasts from society. But the truth is much more complicated - for these women are often simply inconvenient, unwanted wives or strong-willed daughters. Once a year a grand ball is held at the hospital. For the Parisian elite, the Mad Women's Ball is the highlight of the social season; for the women themselves, it is a rare moment of hope.Genevieve is a senior nurse. After the childhood death of her sister, she has shunned religion and placed her faith in Doctor Charcot and his new science. But everything begins to change when she meets Eugenie, the 19-year-old daughter of a bourgeois family. Because Eugenie has a secret, and she needs Genevieve's help. Their fates will collide on the night of the Mad Women's Ball...Now an Amazon Prime film starring Melanie Laurent. (

Podobné produkty ako The Mad Women´s Ball (Defekt) - Victoria Mas

The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová


Launching a new trilogy in the Shades of Magic universe, an enchanting and thrilling epic fantasy from the international sensation, V. E. Schwab, perfect for fans of Samantha Shannon, Kerri Maniscalco, Leigh Bardugo and R. F. Kuang.Seven years have passed since the doors between the worlds were sealed. Seven years since Kell, Lila and Holland stood against Osaron, a desperate battle that saved the worlds of Red, Grey and White London. Seven years since Kell's magic was shattered, and Holland lost his life.Now Rhy Maresh rules Red London with his new family - his queen, Nadiya, their daughter Ren, and his consort, Alucard. But his city boils with conspiracy and rebellion, fuelled by rumours he is causing magic to fade from the word.Now Kosika, a child Antari, sits on the throne of White London. The new queen leads her people in new rituals of sacrifice and blood in devotion to the altar of Holland Vosijk, summoning vast power she may not be able to control.Now Lila and Kell, living free on the waves, are charged by the captain of the Floating Market to retrieve an immensely powerful artefact, stolen by secretive forces.Now Tes, a young woman with a knack for fixing broken things, is thrust into the affairs of Antari and kings, traitors and thieves. And only her unique powers can weave the threads of power together.A triumphant return to the worlds of The Shades of Magic, The Fragile Threads of Power continues the stories of fan-favourite characters Kell, Lila, Rhy and Alucard, and introduces a new generation of magic, shadows and embers in the dark. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fragile Threads of Power (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová


A beautiful illustrated edition of this genre-defying tour de force, featuring new artwork selected by V.E. Schwab, illustrated plate section, printed endpapers and exclusive jacket.When Addie La Rue makes a pact with the devil, she trades her soul for immortality. But there's always a price - the devil takes away her place in the world, cursing her to be forgotten by everyone.Addie flees her tiny home town in 18th-Century France, beginning a journey that takes her across the world, learning to live a life where no one remembers her and everything she owns is lost and broken. Existing only as a muse for artists throughout history, she learns to fall in love anew every single day.Her only companion on this journey is her dark devil with hypnotic green eyes, who visits her each year on the anniversary of their deal. Alone in the world, Addie has no choice but to confront him, to understand him, maybe to beat him.Until one day, in a second hand bookshop in Manhattan, Addie meets someone who remembers her. Suddenly thrust back into a real, normal life, Addie realises she can't escape her fate forever. (

Podobné produkty ako The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget.France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name. (

Podobné produkty ako The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget.France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name. (

Podobné produkty ako The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová

Fate Breaker: The epic conclusion to the Sunday Times bestselling Realm Breaker series from the author of global sensation Red Queen - Victoria Aveyar


The final instalment in the bestselling Realm Breaker trilogy, from the author of the multimillion copy bestselling Red Queen.A strange darkness is growing in the Ward. A man who would burn kingdoms to the ground is raising an army unlike any seen before, bent on uprooting the foundations of the world. And only Corayne - a pirate's daughter and the last of an ancient lineage - can stop him.Alongside an unlikely group of reluctant allies, Corayne finds herself on a desperate journey to complete an impossible task, with untold magic singing in her blood and the fate of the world on her shoulders. (

Podobné produkty ako Fate Breaker: The epic conclusion to the Sunday Times bestselling Realm Breaker series from the author of global sensation Red Queen - Victoria Aveyar

Shang-Chi and the Quest for Immortality (Defekt) - Victoria Ying


Marvel break-out Shang-Chi sets off to unlock the keys to immortality and save his father in this all-new, original graphic novel adventure! Twelve-year-old Shang-Chi and and his younger sister, Shi-Hua, are the only children in the grand palace of the Five Weapons Society. Their father, Zheng-Zu, is a harsh master, and all Shang-Chi wants is to prove himself in his father's eyes. So when he overhears that his father's powers may be waning and discovers an ancient scroll that might be the key to helping him get those powers back, Shang-Chi knows exactly what to do.For the first time in his life, he sneaks out of the palace and into the outside world, hoping to return with one of the legendary Peaches of Immortality to gift his father. But the world beyond the palace is very different from everything Shang-Chi has been taught, especially a boy called Lu, who knows more about Zheng-Zu than he should. With his home and father's health on the line, Shang-Chi cannot fail in his quest - but does his father deserve to be saved? A bright graphic novel following Marvel's Shang-Chi An action packed and fun story Perfect for fans of Marvel (

Podobné produkty ako Shang-Chi and the Quest for Immortality (Defekt) - Victoria Ying

šperk na tělo – Queen Victoria bílá uni

šperk na tělo – Queen Victoria bílá uni

Velikost šperku je 8,5 cm x 5 cm. Aplikace šperku je jednoduchá, nevyžaduje žádné speciální lepidlo. Šperky jsou již umístěny na přenosové folii, ze které je pouze sejmete a rovnou lepíte na kůži. Tato velmi působivá tetáž je právě z tohoto důvodu pouze na jedno použití. Na těle vydrží až 4 dny. Ze zkušenosti víme, že vydrží i 8 dní. (

Podobné produkty ako šperk na tělo – Queen Victoria bílá uni

šperk na tělo – Queen Victoria černá uni

šperk na tělo – Queen Victoria černá uni

Velikost šperku je 8,5 cm x 5 cm. Aplikace šperku je jednoduchá, nevyžaduje žádné speciální lepidlo. Šperky jsou již umístěny na přenosové folii, ze které je pouze sejmete a rovnou lepíte na kůži. Tato velmi působivá tetáž je právě z tohoto důvodu pouze na jedno použití. Na těle vydrží až 4 dny. Ze zkušenosti víme, že vydrží i 8 dní. (

Podobné produkty ako šperk na tělo – Queen Victoria černá uni

Queen of Shadows (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová


No masters. No limits. No regrets. Aelin Galathynius takes her place as queen in the fourth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Celaena Sardothien has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But before she can reclaim her throne, she must fight. She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die for her. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queen's triumphant return. Everyone Aelin loves has been taken from her. Everything she holds dear is in danger. But she has the heart of a queen - and that heart beats for vengeance. In this fourth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series, no one will escape the queen's wrath. (

Podobné produkty ako Queen of Shadows (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová

The Elf Queen of Shannara (Defekt) - Terry Brooks


Wren Ohmsford, Scion of Shannara, came from the Westlands, where she lived the life of a Rover. Now she, like Par and Walker Boh, has been called upon to help the shade of Allanon fight the totalitarian power of the Federation. She must find the Elves, who disappeared from their strongholds more than one hundred years ago...No one knew where the Elves were - no one except the Addershag, blind, wise woman of the West. On her advice, Wren and her Rover companion, Garth, journeyed to the coast of the Blue Divide, where they built a fire and let it burn for three days. With the unexpected help that their blaze attracted, they reached the isle of Morrowindl and found the Last Elves - but they also discovered dangers such as they could not have imagined. And Wren discovered the truth about her past. (

Podobné produkty ako The Elf Queen of Shannara (Defekt) - Terry Brooks

Red Queen - Juan Gómez-Jurado


A Sunday Times Best Thriller Book of the Year. More than two million copies sold in Spain alone. Red Queen is the first in Juan Gómez-Jurado's internationally bestselling serial killer thriller series, translated by Nick Caistor.You've never met anyone like her . . .Antonia Scott is special. Very special. She is not a policewoman or a lawyer. She has never wielded a weapon or carried a badge, and yet, she has solved dozens of crimes.But it's been a while since Antonia left her attic in Madrid. The things she has lost are much more important to her than the things awaiting her outside.She also doesn't receive visitors. That's why she really, really doesn't like it when she hears unknown footsteps coming up the stairs.Whoever it is, Antonia is sure that they are coming to look for her.And she likes that even less . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Red Queen - Juan Gómez-Jurado

Red Queen - Juan Gómez-Jurado


You've never met anyone like her . . .Antonia Scott is special. Very special. She is not a policewoman or a lawyer. She has never wielded a weapon or carried a badge, and yet, she has solved dozens of crimes.But it's been awhile since Antonia left her attic in Madrid. The things she has lost are much more important to her than the things awaiting her outside.She also doesn't receive visitors. That's why she really, really doesn't like it when she hears unknown footsteps coming up the stairs.Whoever it is, Antonia is sure that they are coming to look for her.And she likes that even less.Juan Gomez-Jurado's internationally bestselling thriller series has sold more than two million copies to date in Spain alone. Translated by Nick Caistor. (

Podobné produkty ako Red Queen - Juan Gómez-Jurado

Queen of Myth and Monsters (Defekt) - Scarlett St. Clair


The next book in the epic fantasy series by USA Today bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair.Isolde, newly coronated queen, has finally found a king worthy of her in the vampire Adrian. But their love for each other has cost Isolde her father and her homeland. With two opposing goddesses playing mortals and vampires like chess pieces against one another, Isolde is uncertain who her allies are in the vampire stronghold of Revekka.Now, as politics in the Red Palace grow more underhanded and a deadly blood mist threatens all of Cordova, Isolde must trust in the bond she's formed with Adrian, even as she learns troubling information about his complicated past. (

Podobné produkty ako Queen of Myth and Monsters (Defekt) - Scarlett St. Clair

Isabella : She-Wolf of France, Queen of England (Defekt) - Alison Weirová


Described by Christopher Marlowe as the 'She-Wolf of France', Isabella was one of the most notorious femme fatales in history. According to popular legend, her angry ghost can be glimpsed among church ruins, clutching the beating heart of her murdered husband. But how did Isabella aquire this reputation? Born in 1292 she married Edward II of England but was constantly humiliated by his relationships with male favourites and she lived adulterously with Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March. Had it not been for her unfaithfulness, history might have immortalised her as a liberator- the saviour who unshackled England from a weak and vicious monarch. Dramatic and startling this first full-length biography of Isabella will change the way we think of her and her world less (

Podobné produkty ako Isabella : She-Wolf of France, Queen of England (Defekt) - Alison Weirová

Red Seas Under Red Skies (Defekt) - Scott Lynch


Escaping from the attentions of the Bondsmagi Locke Lamora, the estwhile Thorn of Camorr and Jean Tannen have fled their home city. Taking ship they arrive in the city state of Tal Varrar where they are soon planning their most spectacular heist yet; they will take the luxurious gaming house, The Sinspire, for all of its countless riches.No-one has ever taken even a single coin from the Sinspire that wasn't won on the tables or in the other games of chance on offer there.But, as ever, the path of true crime rarely runs smooth and Locke and Jean soon find themselves co-opted into an attempt to bring the pirate fleet of the notorious Zamira Drakasha to justice. Fine work for thieves who don't know one end of galley from another.And all the while the Bondsmagi are plotting their very necessary revenge against the one man who believes e has humiliated them and lived; Locke Lamora. (

Podobné produkty ako Red Seas Under Red Skies (Defekt) - Scott Lynch
Queen: Queen - LP (4720264), Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA), Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A), Queen: Queen II - LP (4728824), kolagen queen, Queen: Queen - Deluxe Edition (2x CD) - CD (2763879), Victor Queen (4005543010079), Windson QUEEN (8595238808785), Queen – Neznámá historie, HAMAKA Queen hnědá (IH_QEN), Ahome Náramek Queen (23113), Židle Queen transparentní (IAI-10708), Židle Queen černá (IAI-17911), nafukovaci postel intex raised queen, Queen: The Works - LP (4720278), Queen: Hot Space - CD (2771757), REVOLUTION RELOVE Queen Detailed (5057566518543), Queen: The Game - CD (2771751), Queen: COMPLETE STUDIO ALBUM (4720288), Queen: The Miracle - CD (2779984), Victoria - DVD (N01871), Victoria Úplet (VPmatr1595nad), Victoria SilverGuard (VPmatr1588nad), Victoria Lyocell (VPmatr1574nad), VICTORIA bílý (IDVAP), VICTORIA 50mm (308018), VICTORIA 28mm (100428), victoria secret teplakovka, victoria secret teplaky, REVOLUTION RELOVE Queen Angled Powder (5057566518482)