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The Avant-Postman - David Vichnar - e-kniha

eBook: The Avant-Postman explores a broad range of innovative postwar writing in France, Britain, and the United States. Taking James Joyce’s \"revolution of the word\" in Ulysses and Finnegans Wake as a joint starting point, David Vichnar draws genealogical lines through the work of more than fifty writers up to the present, including Alain Robbe-Grillet, B. S. Johnson, William Burroughs, Christine Brooke-Rose, Georges Perec, Kathy Acker, Iain Sinclair, Hélène Cixous, Alan Moore, David Foster Wallace, and many others. Centering the exploration around five writing strategies employed by Joyce—narrative parallax, stylistic metempsychosis, concrete writing, forgery, and neologising the logos—the book reveals the striking continuities and developments from Joyce’s day to our own.

Podívejte se také David Copperfield

cena 400.0 Kč

Secrets of Prague - David Černý

Do you know why the bridge gate between the Lesser Town bridge towers does not face out on Charles Bridge but is at a slant? Do you know what is written in a message to future generations and which was hidden in the wooden statue of the apostle of Doubting Thomas on the Prague astronomical clock?Do you know that the churches of the Prague New Town are a chronicle of the life of Charles IV and make up the magic cross of the New Jerusalem?Do you know that a tree grows in Prague under which the celebrated composer Ludwig van Beethoven courted the young Countess Josephine?Do you know that during difficult times corpses were stored on the streets of Prague?Come explore with us the mysteries of magical Prague!

Podívejte se také David Michal: Michal David Funky - CD (7128131)

cena 536.0 Kč

Secrets of Prague - David Černý - e-kniha

eBook: Do you know why the bridge gate between the Lesser Town bridge towers does not face out on Charles Bridge but is at a slant? Do you know what is written in a message to future generations and which was hidden in the wooden statue of the apostle of Doubting Thomas on the Prague astronomical clock? Do you know that the churches of the Prague New Town are a chronicle of the life of Charles IV and make up the magic cross of the New Jerusalem? Do you know that a tree grows in Prague under which the celebrated composer Ludwig van Beethoven courted the young Countess Josephine? Do you know that during difficult times corpses were stored on the streets of Prague? Come explore with us the mysteries of magical Prague!

Podívejte se také Kollar David: David Kollar & Friends - LP (CHMPS203-2)

cena 509.0 Kč

Giacomo Joyce - James Joyce

První vydání překladu spisovatelky a básnířky Věry Linhartové, který vznikl na přelomu let 1970/71."K setkání s textem Giacomo Joyce pro mne došlo v pravou chvíli: na rozhraní dvou jazyků, na rozhraní dvou světů. [...] Jakkoli se to může zdát paradoxní, pro mne je zcela jisté, že práce na překladu Giacomo Joyce, který je pro mne na dlouhou dobu mou poslední prací v českém jazyce, mi současně umožňuje přechod k prvnímu francouzskému pokusu, kterým je text nazvaný Twor (GLM, 1974). Francouzština je mi od té chvíle, až na nepatrné výjimky a až do zcela posledních let, jediným a výlučným pracovním jazykem,"píše V. Linhartová v doslovu ke knize.Text Jamese Joyce (1882-1941) vyšel poprvé v roce 1968 ve frankfurtském nakladatelství Suhrkamp. Podle autorova rukopisu jej připravil k vydání Richard Ellmann. Ellmannovo vydání je posmrtnou publikací autorem samým nezveřejněného díla. Rukopis přepsaný do podoby školního sešitu nemá název ani nenese jméno autora. Nadpis Giacomo Joyce na přebalu je připsán cizí rukou. Podle Ellmanna vznikl úplný záznam, nejspíš s použitím starších poznámek, asi v létě 1914 v Terstu, kde Joyce pobýval v letech 1904-1915 a živil se hodinami angličtiny v jazykové škole i v zámožných terstských rodinách. Jak autorka překladu a doslovu dále uvádí, báseň "Giacomo Joyce je příběhem učitelova vztahu k mladé židovské žačce, příběh ne nepodobný Kierkegaardovu Deníku svůdce".

Objev podobné jako Giacomo Joyce - James Joyce

cena 175.0 Kč

Theatre Theory Reader: Prague School Writings - David Drozd - e-kniha

eBook: Výbor Theatre Theory Reader: Prague Schools Writings představuje dosud nejucelenější a nejkomplexnější výbor studií divadelní teorie vycházejí z českého strukturalismu. Zahrnuje jak známé, tak některé poněkud opomíjené texty Jana Mukařovského, Jiřího Veltruského, Petra Bogatyreva, Jindřicha Honzla, Karla Brušáka a Miroslava Kouřila, doplněné krátkými eseji režisérů Jiřího Frejky a E. F. Buriana a nezbytným kontextovým doslovem.

Objev podobné jako Theatre Theory Reader: Prague School Writings - David Drozd - e-kniha

cena 340.0 Kč

U jezera - David James Poissant

Starlingovi se rozutekli do různých koutů Spojených států. Rodiče Richard a Lisa se usadili v Ithace a oba učí na Cornellově univerzitě. Syn Michael, obchodník, a jeho žena Diane bydlí v Dallasu. Mladší Thad, začínající básník, žije v New Yorku společně se svým přítelem, úspěšným malířem Jakem. Celá rodina se tak pravidelně schází o každém volnu v domku u jezera v Severní Karolíně. Jenže s touhle tradicí je konec, Richard a Lisa se rozhodli dům prodat a strávit penzi na Floridě. Všechny tak čeká poslední víkend u jezera. Ovšem poklidné setkání se brzy promění v noční můru. Tragická událost, jíž se Starlingovi stanou svědky, vyplaví na povrch tajemství, která před sebou jednotliví členové dlouho skrývali. Román U jezera řadí Davida Jamese Poissanta mezi nejlepší jižanské autory současnosti. Je až s podivem, že dílo tak sebevědomé, důvtipné a hluboce procítěné napsal někdo tak mladý, přitom upomene spíše na klasiku z 60. či 70. let.

Objev podobné jako U jezera - David James Poissant

cena 330.0 Kč

Island - Turistický průvodce - David Leffman, James Proctor

Island – pohádkově krásná země, jejíž turistický ruch prudce rosteIsland sice není sice vyhledávaným cílem milovníků spalujícího slunce a horkých pláží, ale nabízí jedinečné atrakce, velmi vzácné na celém světě. Navíc jsou tyto ohromné přírodní útvary jen minimálně dotčené člověkem, což z nich dělá monumenty, před nimiž se tají dech. Když si pak ještě uvědomíte, že v tomto ledovém království stojíte jen kousek od polárního kruhu, celé to pohádkové kouzlo se ještě znásobíNa Islandu žije necelých 323 000 obyvatel, z toho dvě třetiny přímo v hlavním městě Reykjavíku. To znamená, že budete-li chtít procestovat a prozkoumat celou zemi, můžete jet hodiny a hodiny a nenarazíte na jediného člověka. Pokud pojedete po Okružní silnici, dobré značení vás zavede k největším islandským atrakcím – k obrovským hučícím vodopádům, ohromným ledovcům anebo k sopkám, které nikdy nespí. Můžete ale také třeba využít služeb některé z turistických kanceláří a zaplatit si výlet na moře s pozorováním velryb a papuchalků anebo přímo do nitra ledovce.Dobrodružství a adrenalin turistů samotářů jistě umocní i fakt, že desítky kilometrů na své trase nemusí narazit ani na jediný obchod, jediný přístřešek k přenocování, a při zhoršeném počasí bývají dokonce uzavřeny některé cesty.Průvodce nabízí seznamy turistických kanceláří, které vám pomohou najít výlety přímo na míru. Samozřejmostí jsou výčty ubytovacích a stravovacích zařízení, možnosti zábavy a nabídka největších zajímavostí. Samotného průvodce doplňují praktické informace, stručná historie země, popis islandských ság anebo stručný slovníček. A nechybí ani spousta barevných fotografií a praktických podrobných map.

Objev podobné jako Island - Turistický průvodce - David Leffman, James Proctor

cena 490.0 Kč

U jezera - David James Poissant - e-kniha

eBook: Rodina Starlingových se pravidelně sjíždí z různých koutů Spojených států do prázdninového domku u jezera v Severní Karolíně. Dvakrát do roka se tu setkávají rodiče Richard a Lisa, akademikové z Cornellovy univerzity, se syny Michaelem a Thadem a jejich partnery Diane a Jakem. Tato tradice bude ovšem brzy minulostí – rodiče se dům nečekaně rozhodli prodat a strávit penzi na Floridě. Všechny tak čeká poslední víkend u jezera. Poklidné setkání však naruší tragická událost, jíž se Starlingovi stanou svědky, a na povrch vyplaví tajemství, která před sebou jednotliví členové rodiny dlouho skrývali. Román U jezera řadí Davida Jamese Poissanta mezi nejlepší jižanské autory současnosti. Toto sebevědomé, důvtipné a hluboce procítěné dílo upomene na klasiku ze 60. či 70. let. David James Poissant napsal soubor povídek s názvem The Heaven of Animals, který byl zatím přeložen do pěti světových jazyků. Za své dílo obdržel také několik literárních cen, např. GLCA New Writer Award, a na celou řádku jich byl nominován. Jeho prózy otiskly časopisy jako The New York Times nebo The Chicago Tribune. David James Poissant vyučuje tvůrčí psaní na University of Central Florida a žije se ženou a dcerami v Orlandu. U jezera je jeho románový debut.

Objev podobné jako U jezera - David James Poissant - e-kniha

cena 219.0 Kč

Ulysses - James Joyce

Controversial, scandalous, erudite and funny, Ulysses is undisputedly a landmark of twentieth-century modernism. It charts one day – 16th June 1904 – in the lives of three inhabitants of Dublin: the advertising salesman Leopold Bloom, the artist Stephen Dedalus and Bloom’s wife Molly. Their peregrinations, thoughts and encounters form the basis of the narrative, which becomes a celebration of all human experience through the lives of specific individuals in a specific place at a specific time. Ulysses is both an experimental novel and a book intimately concerned with the events of modern life. A lively repository of literary allusion and colloquial realism, this dazzlingly innovative, ambitious novel is here presented in its 1939 Odyssey Press version, which is regarded as the most accurate text published in Joyce’s lifetime. This edition also includes over 9,000 notes by Joyce scholars Sam Slote, Marc A. Mamigonian and John Turner. James Joyce Born in Dublin, James Joyce (1882–1941) spent most of his life abroad, living in Trieste, Paris and Zurich. His writings, however, mainly centre on Dublin – most famously Ulysses, Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. He pioneered and perfected avant-garde prose techniques that saw him rise to the rank of one of Europe’s foremost Modernists.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses - James Joyce

cena 196.0 Kč

Dubliners - James Joyce

First published in 1914, Dubliners depicts middle-class Catholic life in Dublin at the start of the twentieth century. Themes within the stories include the disappointments of childhood, the frustrations of adolescence, and the importance of sexual awakening. James Joyce was twenty-five years old when he wrote this collection of short stories, among which 'The Dead' is probably the most famous. Considered at the time as a literary experiment, Dubliners contains moments of joy, fear, grief, love and loss, which combine to form one of the most complete depictions of a city ever written, and the stories remain as refreshingly original and surprising in this century as they did in the last.This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Dubliners features an afterword by dramatist Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako Dubliners - James Joyce

cena 329.0 Kč

Ulysses - James Joyce

Tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom's wife, Molly, commits adultery. Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W B Yeats, T S Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses - James Joyce

cena 89.0 Kč

Great Lives in Graphics: David Attenborough

Great Lives in Graphics: David Attenborough gives young readers a visual snapshot of his life and television career, while educating them on topics from documentary filmmaking to climate change and biodiversity.

Objev podobné jako Great Lives in Graphics: David Attenborough

cena 295.0 Kč

Odysseus - James Joyce - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Před 100 lety publikoval irský spisovatel James Joyce svůj nejznámější román Odysseus, zásadní dílo moderní světové literatury. Ve všedním příběhu jednoho dne jako by ožívaly všechny příběhy světa, včetně antického mýtu o Odysseovi. Možná vás nadchne, možná bude provokovat svou "nečitelností", ale jistě vás ohromí. Román Odysseus (1922) se stal nejslavnějším dílem irského romanopisce a básníka Jamese Joyce. Mnohovrstevnatá dublinská parafráze antického mýtu. V osmnácti kapitolách tematicky vázaných k epizodám Homérovy Odyssey je s analytickou důkladností zaznamenávána všední jednodenní pouť pokřtěného irského žida Leopolda Blooma městem Dublin. V časovém úseku od 8 hod. 16. června do 8 hod. 17. června 1904 bezvýznamný žurnalista a inzertní akvizitér Bloom obstarává své pochůzky, které přes vnější banálnost opakují mytickou Odysseovu pouť z Tróje do rodné Ithaky. Homérská paralela se neuplatňuje jen v dějové architektuře Odyssea, ale také v rozvržení postav. Štěpán Dedalus odpovídá Odysseovu synovi Telemachovi. Leopold Bloom funguje jako Odysseus a Molly Bloomová jako Pénelopé. Oba se v noci na okamžik setkají, Bloom se Štěpána ujímá ve veřejném domě, nabízí mu nocleh. Štěpán odmítne, odchází a Bloom opět uléhá vedle své spící ženy Molly-Penelopy, jejíž strhující a živelný vnitřní monolog v podobě jediné nekonečné věty román uzavírá. Dublinské ulice v románu figurují jako moderní obdoba Daidalova labyrintu. Pro obvinění z pornografie byl Odysseus (první vydání románu vyšlo v Paříži v nakl. Shakespeare and Co. roku 1922, první výtisky dostal Joyce do ruky v den svých 40. narozenin) zakázán ve všech anglicky mluvících zemích, přesto se stal literární událostí. Michal Plzák

Objev podobné jako Odysseus - James Joyce - audiokniha

cena 389.0 Kč

Finnegans Wake - James Joyce

As he was finishing Finnegans Wake, Joyce proclaimed, I have discovered I can do anything with language I want. Indeed, with his last book, which took him seventeen years to write, Joyce takes literary modernism to new territories by harvesting from as many as eighty different languages to create a wordscape that is both precise and impressionistic, a work that is intellectual, avant-garde, but also sad, funny, earthy and brimming with humanity.This edition includes an introduction by Dr Sam Slote of Trinity College Dublin.This book is part of Alma Classics James Joyce Collection to include A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Chamber Music and Other Poems, Dubliner and Ulysses.Alma Classics is committed to making available a wide range of literature from around the globe. Most of the titles are enriched by an extensive critical apparatus, notes and extra reading material, as well as a selection of photographs. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition and edited using a fresh, accessible editorial approach. With an emphasis on production, editorial and typographical values, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading classics.

Objev podobné jako Finnegans Wake - James Joyce

cena 268.0 Kč

Finnegans Wake - James Joyce

Finnegans Wake is Joyce's last great work, and is formulated as one dense, tongue-twisting soundscape. It also remains the most hilarious, 'obscene', book of innuendos ever to be imagined.

Objev podobné jako Finnegans Wake - James Joyce

cena 89.0 Kč

Dubliners - James Joyce - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Audiokniha Dubliners namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B2 pro pokročilé posluchače. An ambitious mother, a boy in love, a lonely older man, a cynical intellectual and a girl who dreams of a life in another country are just a few of Joyce’s Dubliners. In these realistic tales, Joyce reveals the hopes, fears and disappointments of his characters. He also shows us turnof- the-century Dublin in fascinating detail. This selection of eight stories from Dubliners includes Eveline, Araby and a two-part adaptation of Joyce’s novella, The Dead.

Objev podobné jako Dubliners - James Joyce - audiokniha

cena 149.0 Kč

The Boy in the Dress - David Walliams

The sparkling debut children's novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country, with sparkling new cover look to tie in with later books. Dennis was different. Why was he different, you ask? Well, a small clue might be in the title of this book... Charming, surprising and hilarious - The Boy in the Dress is everything you would expect from the co-creator of Little Britain. David Walliams's beautiful first novel will touch the hearts (and funny bones) of children and adults alike.

Objev podobné jako The Boy in the Dress - David Walliams

cena 232.0 Kč

Fall of Man in Wilmslow - David Lagercrantz

A powerful tale of honour, prejudice and the twentieth century's most maltreated heroJune 8, 1954. Alan Turing, the visionary mathematician, is found dead at his home in sleepy Wilmslow, dispatched by a poisoned apple.Taking the case, Detective Constable Leonard Corell quickly learns Turing is a convicted homosexual. Confident it's a suicide, he is nonetheless confounded by official secrecy over Turing's war record. What is more, Turing's sexuality appears to be causing alarm among the intelligence services - could he have been blackmailed by Soviet spies?Stumbling across evidence of Turing's genius, and sensing an escape from a narrow life, Corell soon becomes captivated by Turing's brilliant and revolutionary work, and begins to dig deeper.But in the paranoid, febrile atmosphere of the Cold War, loose cannons cannot be tolerated. As his innocent curiosity fast takes him far out of his depth, Corell realises he has much to learn about the dangers of forbidden knowledge.David Lagercrantz was born in 1962, and is an acclaimed author and journalist. As well as numerous biographies (including the internationally bestselling I Am Zlatan Ibrahimovic, for which he was the ghostwriter) he has written four novels, of which this is the first to be translated into English. In December 2013 it was announced that he would write a continuation of Stieg Larsson's Millennium series.

Objev podobné jako Fall of Man in Wilmslow - David Lagercrantz

cena 59.0 Kč

Catcher in the Rye - David Jerome Salinger

The "brilliant, funny, meaningful novel" (The New Yorker) that established J. D. Salinger as a leading voice in American literature--and that has instilled in millions of readers around the world a lifelong love of books. "If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth." The hero-narrator of The Catcher in the Rye is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caufield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days.

Objev podobné jako Catcher in the Rye - David Jerome Salinger

cena 196.0 Kč

Kočka a čert - James Joyce

Jediná kniha Jamese Joyce určená dětem. Autor napsal pohádku ve 30. letech jako dopis svému vnukovi. Kočka a čert vypráví o městečku na břehu Loiry rozděleném řekou na dvě části, které však nemá žádný most a občané městečka si ho ani neumějí postavit. Purkmistr města se proto upíše ďáblu, ten však chce jako protislužbu duši prvního člověka, který po mostě přejde. Purkmistr však ví, koho obětuje... Akvarely do knihy vytvořil talentovaný student Akademie výtvarných umění Tadeáš Kotrba.

Objev podobné jako Kočka a čert - James Joyce

cena 177.0 Kč

Dubliners (Collector's Edition) - James Joyce

Living overseas but writing, always, about his native city, Joyce made Dublin unforgettable. The stories in Dubliners show us truants, seducers, gossips, rally-drivers, generous hostesses, corrupt politicians, failing priests, amateur theologians, struggling musicians, moony adolescents, victims of domestic brutishness, sentimental aunts and poets, patriots earnest or cynical, and people striving to get by. In every sense an international figure, Joyce was faithful to his own country by seeing it unflinchingly and challenging every precedent and piety in Irish literature.

Objev podobné jako Dubliners (Collector's Edition) - James Joyce

cena 266.0 Kč

Ulysses - James Joyce - e-kniha

eBook: On 16 June 1904 Leopold Bloom wanders the streets of Dublin aimlessly as his wife Molly stays at home sleeping with other men.Having been made an involuntary cuckold, Leopold Bloom lets the soles of his shoes wear out on the pavements between the taverns in which his humiliation is acute, and hides in one memory after another as they haunt him in Dublin\'s wet fog.Leopold Bloom is the Odyssey of the 20th century, but unlike Homer\'s ancient warrior hero, Bloom is a modern anti-hero that you can\'t help feeling for.Ulysses has been turned into a film called The Ulysses Project which was filmed entirely during the Covid-19 lockdown. Stars include Aidan Gillen, John Turturro and Patrick Bergin.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses - James Joyce - e-kniha

cena 528.0 Kč

David Bowie - In Bertolt Brecht’s Baal (Single) (LP)

Typ: Single;LP deska;Album Žánr: Rock;Glam;Pop Subžánr: Rock;Elektronický;Experimental;Glam Rock;Pop Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Datum vydání: 2018-06-29 Rok vydání: 2018.0 Interpret / Téma: David Bowie Varianta: In Bertolt Brecht’S Baal (Single Vinyl) Vydavatelství: Parlophone

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cena 582.4 Kč

Twilight in Italy - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: In these essays, written not long after his elopement with Frieda von Richtofen in 1912, D.H. Lawrence recorded much of what he saw and felt as he traveled with her from Bavaria to Gargano. TWILIGHT IN ITALY is not autobiographical, nor can it be labeled as travel sketches. Most of the pieces are vivid, sensitive, masterful, often rhapsodic impressions of the Italian countryside and the Italian temper. With his genius for combining psychological perception, sociological insight, and personal enthusiasm, Lawrence transforms ordinary rights of passages into intense beauty.

Objev podobné jako Twilight in Italy - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

I Loved You in Another Life - David Arnold

New York Times bestseller David Arnold returns with a poignant love story about two teens whose souls come together time and again through the ages—for fans of Nina LaCour and Matt Haig.Evan Taft has plans. Take a gap year in Alaska, make sure his little brother and single mother are taken care of, and continue therapy to process his father's departure. But after his mom’s unexpected diagnosis, as Evan’s plans begin to fade, he hears something: a song no one else can hear, the voice of a mysterious singer . . .Shosh Bell has dreams. A high school theater legend, she’s headed to performing arts college in LA, a star on the rise. But when a drunk driver takes her sister’s life, that star fades to black. All that remains is a void—and a soft voice singing in her ear . . .Over it all, transcending time and space, a celestial bird brings strangers together: from an escaped murderer in 19th century Paris, to a Norwegian kosmonaut in low-earth orbit, something is happening that began long ago, and will long outlast Evan and Shosh. With lyrical prose and original songs (written and recorded by the author), I LOVED YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE explores the history of love, and how some souls are meant for each other—yesterday, today, forever.

Objev podobné jako I Loved You in Another Life - David Arnold

cena 250.0 Kč

The Catcher in the Rye - David Jerome Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye is J . D. Salinger's world-famous novel of disaffected youth. Holden Caulfield is a seventeen- year-old dropout who has just been kicked out of his fourth school. Navigating his way through the challenges of growing up, Holden dissects the 'phony' aspects of society, and the 'phonies' themselves: the headmaster whose affability depends on the wealth of the parents, his roommate who scores with girls using sickly-sweet affection. Written with the clarity of a boy leaving childhood behind, The Catcher in the Rye explores the world with disarming frankness and a warm, affecting charisma which has made this novel a universally loved classic of twentieth-century literature. J. D. Salinger was born in 1919 and died in January 2010. He grew up in New York City, and wrote short stories from an early age, but his breakthrough came in 1948 with the publication in The New Yorker of 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish'. The Catcher in the Rye was his first and only novel, published in 1951. It remains one of the most translated, taught and reprinted texts, and has sold some 65 million copies. His other works include the novellas Franny and Zooey, For Esme with Love and Squalor, and Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, published with Seymour - An Introduction.

Objev podobné jako The Catcher in the Rye - David Jerome Salinger

cena 295.0 Kč

The Catcher in the Rye - David Jerome Salinger

In honour of the centennial of the birth of J.D. Salinger in 1919, Penguin reissues all four of his books in beautiful commemorative hardback editions - with artwork and text based on the very first Salinger editions published in the 1950s and 1960s. 'If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.'The first of J.D. Salinger's four books to be published, The Catcher in the Rye is one of the most widely read and beloved of all contemporary American novels. 'The handbook of the adolescent heart' The New Yorker

Objev podobné jako The Catcher in the Rye - David Jerome Salinger

cena 443.0 Kč

The Lady in the Silver Cloud - David Handler

In this gripping mystery by US bestseller David Handler, sleuthing suthor Stewart Hoag investigates the murder of his wealthy neighbour, and discovers her dark past.1990s New York. Muriel Cantrell lives in a luxury apartment building on Central Park West, where she''s known for her pride and joy: a 1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud. Her neighbours include beautiful movie star Merilee Nash – and author Stewart ''Hoagy'' Hoag. Hoag, whose career crashed when he got into drugs and alcohol, is on the up and he and basset hound Lulu are glad to be sharing Merilee''s life (and apartment) again.Hoagy, Merilee and the building''s other residents are shocked when delicate, sweet, elderly Muriel is murdered after a Halloween party. Who in the world would want to harm an old lady whose major vices were buying Chanel suits and watching daytime soap operas?NYPD Lieutenant Romaine Very investigates and again seeks assistance from his friend Hoagy, who is perfectly placed to help. Their sleuthing soon leads to the unexpected source of Muriel''s wealth, the history of her years at the Copacabana nightclub, and how her Mob-linked chauffeur came to be called ''Bullets''... not to mention a desperate meth-head nephew, and wealthy neighbours with secrets of their own.A gripping, darkly comic new mystery, The Lady in the Silver Cloud was a Traditional & Historical Crime Club Pick on release.Reviews for David Handler''One of my all-time favourite series.'' Harlan Coben''Adultery, blackmail, trick-or-treaters, unseemly ties to organized crime, and New York in the 1990s. What''s not to like?'' Kirkus''David Handler is a hoot, and his books are just the thing for what ails you.'' Parnell Hall

Objev podobné jako The Lady in the Silver Cloud - David Handler

cena 295.0 Kč

I Loved You In Another Life - David Arnold

Some souls are meant for each other - yesterday, today, forever ... A sweeping romantic novel from New York Times bestselling author David Arnold about the power of soulmates and love. Evan Taft has plans. Take a gap year in Alaska, make sure his brother and single mother are taken care of, and continue therapy to process his father's departure. But after his mum's unexpected cancer diagnosis, and as Evan's plans begin to fade, he hears something - a song no one else can hear, the voice of a mysterious singer ... Shosh Bell has dreams. A high-school theatre legend, she's headed to performing arts college in LA, a star on the rise. But when a drunk driver takes her sister's life, that star fades to black. All that remains is a void - and a soft voice singing in her ear ... Over it all, transcending time and space, a celestial bird brings strangers together: from an escaped murderer in 19th-century Paris, to a Norwegian cosmonaut in low-earth orbit, something is happening that began long ago, and will long outlast Evan and Shosh. With lyrical prose and breathtaking storytelling, I LOVED YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE explores the history of love, and how some souls are meant for each other - yesterday, today, forever. Perfect for fans of Nina LaCour and Matt Haig.

Objev podobné jako I Loved You In Another Life - David Arnold

cena 259.0 Kč

Women in Love - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: One of the greatest of twentieth-century novelists and poets, D. H. Lawrence wrote and lived with a passionate intensity that shocked his contemporaries. Lawrence composed Women in Love while at the height of his powers, and indeed, in its blend of lyricism, psychological revelation, and an eroticism that is never very far from violence, it can still startle and even discomfit readers. In this story of two very unconventional sisters, Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen, and the men they love, Lawrence argues urgently for a new conjunction between man and woman as \"two pure beings, each constituting the freedom of the other.\" The ardent struggle of human souls coming into being, and into relationship with one another, is at the heart of Women in Love, and this wrenching, sometimes painful, thoroughly exhilarating process is brilliantly illuminated in Lawrence\'s masterpiece.

Objev podobné jako Women in Love - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

ennáct bébásní / pomes penyeach - James Joyce

Sbírka básní, dvojjazyčné vydán s výtvarným doprovodem a v grafické úpravě Jiřího Kývaly.

Objev podobné jako ennáct bébásní / pomes penyeach - James Joyce

cena 311.0 Kč

Ulysses (Collector´s Edition) - James Joyce

James Joyce’s astonishing masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on 16 June 1904, during which Bloom’s voluptuous wife, Molly, commits adultery.Initially deemed obscene in England and the USA, this richly-allusive novel, revolutionary in its Modernistic experimentalism, was hailed as a work of genius by W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway.Scandalously frank, wittily erudite, mercurially eloquent, resourcefully comic and generously humane, Ulysses offers the reader a life-changing experience.

Objev podobné jako Ulysses (Collector´s Edition) - James Joyce

cena 266.0 Kč

A selection from Dubliners - James Joyce

These stories from James Joyce’s Dubliners take you inside the tragedies and comedies of Irish life in the early twentieth century. Meet unforgettable characters, including a boy who died for love, determined mothers and romantic dreamers. Many of them are forced to see the truth about their lives. One of Ireland’s greatest writers gives you his view of his native city.

Objev podobné jako A selection from Dubliners - James Joyce

cena 219.0 Kč

The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha

eBook: The Dead written by legendary author James Joyce is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Dead is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for others who simply enjoy reading timeless piees of classic literature, this gem by James Joyce is highly recommended. Published by Classic House Books and beautifully produced, The Dead would make an ideal gift and it should be a part of everyone\'s personal library.

Objev podobné jako The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

I Loved You in Another Life (Defekt) - David Arnold

New York Times bestseller David Arnold returns with a poignant love story about two teens whose souls come together time and again through the ages—for fans of Nina LaCour and Matt Haig.Evan Taft has plans. Take a gap year in Alaska, make sure his little brother and single mother are taken care of, and continue therapy to process his father's departure. But after his mom’s unexpected diagnosis, as Evan’s plans begin to fade, he hears something: a song no one else can hear, the voice of a mysterious singer . . .Shosh Bell has dreams. A high school theater legend, she’s headed to performing arts college in LA, a star on the rise. But when a drunk driver takes her sister’s life, that star fades to black. All that remains is a void—and a soft voice singing in her ear . . .Over it all, transcending time and space, a celestial bird brings strangers together: from an escaped murderer in 19th century Paris, to a Norwegian kosmonaut in low-earth orbit, something is happening that began long ago, and will long outlast Evan and Shosh. With lyrical prose and original songs (written and recorded by the author), I LOVED YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE explores the history of love, and how some souls are meant for each other—yesterday, today, forever.

Objev podobné jako I Loved You in Another Life (Defekt) - David Arnold

cena 109.0 Kč

Portrét umělce v jinošských letech - James Joyce

Částečně autobiografické dílo popisuje v postavě Štěpána Dedala dospívání a intelektuální, náboženské, politické a umělecké zrání studenta dublinského jezuitského gymnázia. Dedalus se po dlouhém vývoji vzbouří proti katolicismu a irské konvenčnosti, v závěru odjíždí do Paříže, aby se stal umělcem.

Objev podobné jako Portrét umělce v jinošských letech - James Joyce

cena 298.0 Kč

David Byrne: Arboretum - David Byrne

An intimate, enigmatic glimpse into the mind of the legendary musician and internationally bestselling author of How Music Works. With a new introduction by the author For over thirty years, besides making music, David Byrne has focused his unique genius upon forms as diverse as the archaeology of music as we know it, architectural photography and the uses of PowerPoint. Now he presents his most personal work to date, a collection of drawings exploring the form of the tree diagram.Arboretum is an eclectic blend of science, automatic writing, self-analysis and satire. A journey through irrational logic - the application of scientific rigour and form to irrational premises, proceeding from careful nonsense to unexpected sense.The tree diagram is a form that might reveal more about yourself than you dreamed possible.

Objev podobné jako David Byrne: Arboretum - David Byrne

cena 581.0 Kč

Zrcadlová četba - Dubliners B1-B2 (Dubliňané) - James Joyce

James Joyce (1882-1941) se narodil v Dublinu. A přestože žil v Paříži, nezapomenutelným učinil své rodné město. V pouhých dvaceti pěti letech ve svém prvním významném díle popsal široké spektrum lidských osudů i povah. Všechny krátké povídky z této sbírky nabízejí živý obraz každodenního života v irském hlavním městě na počátku dvacátého století.

Objev podobné jako Zrcadlová četba - Dubliners B1-B2 (Dubliňané) - James Joyce

cena 218.0 Kč

Bowie David: In Bertolt Brecht's Baal (Single Vinyl) - LP (9029566745)

LP vinyl - Deska obsahuje pět skladeb, které byly napsané v roce 1918 pro německého dramatika Bertolta Brechta. Tato limitovaná edice 10" vinylu je replikou originálu z roku 1982. Hudební chameleon patří k nejinovativnějším a nejinspirativnějším umělcům hudební historie. Deska obsahuje pět skladeb, které byly napsané v roce 1918 pro německého dramatika Bertolta Brechta. Tato limitovaná edice 10" vinylu je replikou originálu z roku 1982. Hudební chameleon patří k nejinovativnějším a nejinspirativnějším umělcům hudební historie. Ovlivnil mnoho následovníků včetně řady českých muzikantů. Když v roce 2002 BBC vyhlásila anketu o největšího Brita, umístil se Bowie na 29. místě. Prestižní časopis Rolling Stone ho zařadil na 39. příčku mezi největšími umělci všech dob. Rok vydání : 1982 Rok reedice : 2018 Seznam stop LP 1 Baal's Hymn (Der Choral Vom Großen Baal) [2017 Remastered Version] / Remembering Marie A. (Erinnerung An Die Marie A.) [2017 Remastered...

Objev podobné jako Bowie David: In Bertolt Brecht's Baal (Single Vinyl) - LP (9029566745)

cena 669.0 Kč

Studies in Classic American Literature - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: Lawrence asserted that 'the proper function of a critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it'. In these highly individual, penetrating essays he has exposed 'the American whole soul' within some of that continent's major works of literature. In seeking to establish the status of writings by such authors as Poe, Melville, Fenimore Cooper and Whitman, Lawrence himself has created a classic work. Studies in Classic American Literature is valuable not only for the light it sheds on eighteenth- and nineteenth-cetntury American consciousness, telling 'the truth of the day', but also as a prime example of Lawrence's learning, passion and integrity of judgement.

Objev podobné jako Studies in Classic American Literature - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

In Memory Of: Designing Contemporary Memorials - David Adjaye, Spencer Bailey

Exploring the art, architecture, and design of memorials around the world from the late twentieth century to today Memorials hold a special position in the cultural memory of communities, cultures and nations, and In Memory Of demonstrates this as never before. This extraordinary and moving collection of more than 60 exceptional structures commemorates some of the most destructive events of the 20th and 21st centuries, including war, genocide, massacre, terrorism, famine, and slavery. At the same time, In Memory Of shows that the power to overcome, to survive, even to forgive, is just as impactful and important. Thoughtful essays on the subjects of hope, strength, grief, loss, and fear help to contextualize the projects and address the emotional aspects of memorialization. Spencer Bailey is an American writer, editor, and journalist. He has written at length about architecture, art, culture, design, and technology, among other subjects. Bailey is also the co-founder of the media company The Slowdown and co-host of the Time Sensitive podcast.

Objev podobné jako In Memory Of: Designing Contemporary Memorials - David Adjaye, Spencer Bailey

cena 1565.0 Kč

Awakening In The Dream : Contact with the Divine - David Wilcock

New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock's latest captivating work of nonfiction, exploring new hidden truths about extraterrestrials, dreams, sacred science, channeling your Higher Self, and AscensionWhat happens when a UFO researcher suddenly comes into telepathic contact with the very beings he has been so avidly studying, after years of increasingly provocative dreams? What happens when these telepathic readings begin predicting the future with astonishing precision--and speaking about an incredible upcoming event in which all life in our solar system will undergo a spontaneous transfiguration?David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, shocking insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, positive and negative extraterrestrials, lost civilizations, and the universe we share. In Awakening in the Dream, David once again combines his extensive research, the Law of One series, new insider revelations, and his own connection with the divine to bring humanity closer to full disclosure than ever before--as well as to help us activate our full potential on the eve of Ascension.A New York Times bestselling author, TV personality, filmmaker, lecturer, and consciousness expert, David is the perfect person to guide us through the hidden realities of our world. With its myriad information, anecdotes, big picture comparative analysis with over six hundred references, and trustworthy messages channeled directly from the highest-level angelic sources, including a remarkable set of future prophecies built into the Great Pyramid itself, Awakening in the Dream promises to be his most astounding book yet.

Objev podobné jako Awakening In The Dream : Contact with the Divine - David Wilcock

cena 447.0 Kč

A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks - David Gibbins

AN ECONOMIST BEST BOOK OF 2024''Masterful and entrancing - this is big history at its best.'' Professor Alice Roberts, author of Ancestors''A real-life Indiana Jones takes readers on a dive through these underwater museums, revealing the sunken secrets of the past'' The Times''Fascinating... wonderful material, well researched and placed in its wider context'' SpectatorFrom a Bronze Age ship built during the age of Queen Nefertiti and filled with ancient treasures, a Viking warship made for King Cnut himself, Henry VIII''s spectacular Mary Rose and the golden age of the Tudor court, to the exploration of the Arctic, the tragic story of HMS Terror and tales of bravery and endurance aboard HMS Gairsoppa in World War Two, these are the stories of some of the greatest underwater discoveries of all time. A rich and exciting narrative, this is not just the story of those ships and the people who sailed on them, the cargo and treasure they carried and their tragic fate. This is also the story of the spread of people, religion and ideas around the world, a story of colonialism and migration which continues today.Drawing on decades of experience excavating shipwrecks around the world, renowned maritime archaeologist David Gibbins reveals the riches beneath the waves and shows us how the treasures found there can be a porthole to the past to tell a new story about the world and its underwater secrets.

Objev podobné jako A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks - David Gibbins

cena 738.0 Kč

Počiatok všetkého - David Graeber, David Wengrow

Úplne nový a revolučný pohľad na evolúciu ľudstva, ktorý našim predkom vracia dlho popieranú ľudskosť. Na základe najnovších výskumov antropológ David Graeber a archeológ David Wengrow radikálne prehodnotili dejiny človeka od samých počiatkov v časoch lovcov a zberačov, cez vznik poľnohospodárstva, prvých miest a štátov. Dokazujú, že naši predkovia boli inteligentní ľudia, ktorí sa nehnali len za potravou ani sa bezhlavo navzájom nezabíjali.Ako teda trávili čas? Akí boli, čo robili, ako fungovali dávnoveké spoločnosti, dodnes považované za primitívne a jednoduché, hoci najnovšie poznatky ukazujú, že to tak nebolo? Počiatok všetkého je dôkladná štúdia dvoch naslovovzatých odborníkov a nadšencov, ktorí našli odpovede na všetky tieto otázky.

Objev podobné jako Počiatok všetkého - David Graeber, David Wengrow

cena 1318.0 Kč

David Hockney. My Window - David Hockney

When David Hockney discovered the iPhone as an artistic medium, it opened up entirely new possibilities for his art. He made his first digital drawings in spring 2009, describing the morning landscape in broad lines and dazzling colors directly on a display that offered subtle hues as unmixed expressions of pure light. Then in 2010, Hockney started working with an iPad, and the larger screen expanded his artistic repertoire and enabled an even more complex interplay of color, light, and line.Each image in this book captures a fleeting moment seen through a window in Hockney's Yorkshire home: from vibrant sunrise and lilac morning sky to peaceful night-time impressions or the sudden arrival of spring. Fascinating details reveal drops on window panes, distant lights in the night, reflections on vases or an abundance of varied window-sill vegetation. In 120 drawings made between 2009 and 2012, selected and arranged by the artist himself, we experience the passage of time through the eyes of David Hockney.This artist's book, which first appeared in an exclusive signed edition, now returns as an unlimited run, whose still generous XL format presents Hockney's impressions in brilliant resolution. So now is the perfect occasion to heed the advice of the Times critic regarding this book: "If you would like to be given a bouquet by David Hockney, here is your chance."

Objev podobné jako David Hockney. My Window - David Hockney

cena 2990.0 Kč

David Beckham: My Side - David Beckham

He may live in Madrid but he continues to make front-page headlines. This is David Beckham's own story of his career to date, for Manchester United, Real Madrid and England, and of his childhood, family and private life. Featuring David's first full account of a turbulent year in Spain, on and off the field, and England's fortunes in Euro 2004.

Objev podobné jako David Beckham: My Side - David Beckham

cena 312.0 Kč

The Unpublished David Ogilvy - David Ogilvy

First collected by his devoted family and colleagues as a 75th birthday present, The Unpublished David Ogilvy collects a career''s worth of public and private communications - memos, letters, speeches, notes and interviews - from the ''Father of Advertising'' and founder of Ogilvy & Mather. Still fizzing with energy and freshness more than 25 years after it was first published, its success outside the private circle of friends and colleagues it was created for was, in the words of one of its editors: ''because so often he spoke out on important matters long before the crowd caught up to him; because all of what he says, he says so well; because so little of what he says in the book had ever before appeared in print''. It includes The Theory and Practice of Selling the AGA Cooker, described by Fortune magazine as ''the finest sales instruction manual ever written'', and an interview in which he makes disclosures that even long-standing associates had never heard before.This is a business book unlike any other: a straightforward and incisive look at subjects such as salesmanship, management and creativity, presented in his trademark crisp prose. Whether carefully prepared for a lecture or as a private joke to a friend, his writing always underlines the importance of the rule, ''it pays an agency to be imaginative and unorthodox''.

Objev podobné jako The Unpublished David Ogilvy - David Ogilvy

cena 384.0 Kč

David Bowie - David Live (3 LP)

Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Nové vydání;Remastered;Album;LP deska Subžánr: Elektronický;Rock;Pop;Experimental;Glam Rock Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 3 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock;Glam;Pop Interpret / Téma: David Bowie Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2017.0 Vydavatelství: Parlophone Datum vydání: 1974-10-29 Varianta: David Live (3 LP) Rok nahrávky: 1974.0 Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako David Bowie - David Live (3 LP)

cena 1106.0 Kč

Michal David - Michal David Funky (CD)

CD album Michal David - Michal David Funky (2022). 22 nejznámějších písniček Michala Davida v nové funky verzi. Největší hity Michala Davida ve funky provedení. 20 největších a nejposlouchanějších hitů, které Michal David upravil do stylu funky. Na CD se nachází i dva bonusy s letním hitem ,,Kde si včera bol,, nahráno v tandemu s RomStar Vyškov a Načo pojdem domov s MilkoBrothers. 1. Právě začínáme 03:17 2. my máme prima rodiče 02:45 3. Po cestách růžových 03:21 4. Největší z nálezů a ztrát 03:48 5. Žádná bouřka věčně netrvá 03:40 6. Discopříběh 04:28 7. To zas byl den 03:07 8. Colu, pijeme colu 03:27 9. Vidím tě všude 03:27 10. Trhnout se 03:26 11. Céčka, sbírá céčka 03:16 12. Decibely lásky 04:05 13. Pláč 03:51 14. Když jsou doma galeje 03:19 15. Bláznivá noc (Sbor diváci Brno) 03:53 16. Děti ráje 03:56 17. Nonstop 03:22 18. Pár přátel 4.06 19. Správnej čas 03:35 20. Celebration 03:38 21. Bonus – Kde si včera bol 03:17 22. Bonus – Načo pojdem domov 03:02

Objev podobné jako Michal David - Michal David Funky (CD)

cena 165.0 Kč

Úsvit všeho - David Graeber, David Wengrow

Ze školních lavic často získáváme pocit, že naši vzdálení předci byli sice svobodní a sobě rovni, ale vedli nebezpečný a primitivní život, plný bojů a násilí. Bylo nám řečeno, že skutečné civilizace mohlo být dosaženo pouze obětováním těchto původních svobod či zkrocením našich nižších instinktů. David Graeber a David Wengrow však ve své knize převrací zakořeněný pohled na lidskou historii; včetně počátků zemědělství, majetku, měst, demokracie, otroctví a civilizace samotné. Své poznatky čerpají z průkopnických archeologických a antropologických výzkumů a ukazují, jak se i dávná historie může měnit, pokud se na ni podíváme jiným pohledem.

Objev podobné jako Úsvit všeho - David Graeber, David Wengrow

cena 589.0 Kč

David Michal: Michal David Funky - CD (7128131)

Hudební CD - Největší hity Michala Davida ve funky provedení Největší hity Michala Davida ve funky provedení. 20 největších a nejposlouchanějších hitů, které Michal David upravil do stylu funky. Na CD se nachází i dva bonusy s letním hitem ,,Kde si včera bol,, nahráno v tandemu s RomStar Vyškov a Načo pojdem domov s MilkoBrothers Rok vydání 2022 Seznam stop CD Právě začínáme / my máme prima rodiče / Po cestách růžových / Největší z nálezů a ztrát / Žádná bouřka věčně netrvá / Discopříběh / To zas byl den / Colu, pijeme colu / Vidím tě všude / Trhnout se / Céčka, sbírá céčka / Decibely lásky / Pláč / Když jsou doma galeje / Bláznivá noc (Sbor diváci Brno) / Děti ráje / Nonstop / Pár přátel 4.06 / Správnej čas / Celebration Bonus - Kde si včera bol Bonus - Načo pojdem domov

Objev podobné jako David Michal: Michal David Funky - CD (7128131)

cena 179.0 Kč

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