Polynesian island myths - j. k. jackson

Produkt Polynesian island myths - j. k. jackson sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Polynesian island myths - j. k. jackson upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Polynesian Island Myths - J. K. Jackson


The Polynesian triangle covers Easter Island, Hawaii, New Zealand and the many isles in between. The legends of the region are based on the creation of land, fish, sea, valleys and the volcanic outcrops scattered across the long stretches of the Pacific. The beautiful myths of the ancient Polynesians are brought together in this new collection: from Hawaii the Rainbow Maiden of Manoa undulates through the valleys and rainbow mists; the creator Maui releases his fish hooks into the sea to raise the islands to the surface; and tales of Pele the Fire Goddess, who hurls fountains of molten rock into the air creating vast flows of lava.From the Maori of New Zealand come the strange fruit of darkness, the tales of Tiki and the Great Mother from whom the gods descend, then humankind. And from Polynesia, more legends of Maui creating the ancestors, and Hina the moon goddess. Such myth-making joy creates a rare unity in diversity as the ancient Polynesians strove to explain the beauty and darkness of their lush ocean worlds, now offered in this new selection of myths and legends.FLAME TREE 451: From myth to mystery, the supernatural to horror, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Polynesian Island Myths - J. K. Jackson , Treasure island

Indian Myths - J. K. Jackson


India, one of the great, ancient civilizations spawned a fascinating canon of myths and legends. With multiple gods, and a riot of colour and character this fantastic new book, Indian Myths, explores the themes and landscapes that created the tales, and reveals the boundless energy that has brought us the Ramayana,The Mahabharata, and retells the stories of Krishna, Buddha and Shiva, and some of the many different versions of creation. FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and myth, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies.Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Indian Myths - J. K. Jackson , Percy jackson - zloděj blesku

Aztec Myths - J. K. Jackson


Though the Olmecs (1250-200 bc) were the first civilization in Mexico, the Aztecs (1325-1521) -Mesoamerica's last imperial civilization and the most significant of the militaristic post-Classic period - are probably who first come to mind when we think of great empires of that region. Like other Mesoamerican cultures, Aztec gods and myths reflected a natural philosophy where ideas concerning life and death were linked symbolically to the earth, sky and sea in a grand cosmic scheme. Their religion was dominated by the tribal war god Huitzilopochtli, the rain/fertility god Tlaloc and the supreme deity Tezcatlipoca, the Lord of the Smoking Mirror.This fascinating collection explores the history, culture, gods, calendar, myths and tales of this people, from migration legends to the origin myth of the Five Suns. FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and myth, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Aztec Myths - J. K. Jackson , On michael jackson (1783784202)

Egyptian Myths - J. K. Jackson


The Myths of Ancient Egypt are tied intimately to the presence and natural rhythms of the Nile. With their inventive mythology, the Egyptians explained the effects of famine, harvest, floods and death by creating a pantheon of gods that still holds our fascination today. This new book of classic tales brings the stories of the ancients to life, from the birth of creation by Ra, the sun god, to the murder of Osiris, and the revenge of Horus.We gain glimpses of the underworld and the afterlife, as the rulers of Egypt claimed lineage from the Gods both worshipped and fashioned by the people of Egypt, at a time when humankind had begun to shape the world around it. FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and myth, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Egyptian Myths - J. K. Jackson , Bad island (0241348757)

Celtic Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - J. K. Jackson


The mythic invasions of Ireland, the mystical kingdoms, warriors, giants, creatures of the underworld and magic, these are the fantastic ingredients of Celtic legend. Because they told their own stories in the ancient way, by word of mouth, we understand the traditions of these proud people through the records of their mortal enemies, the Romans, but still they thrive, so bright and strong today.The latest title in Flame Tree's beautiful, comprehensive series of Gothic Fantasy titles, concentrates on the ancient, epic origins of modern fantasy. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Celtic Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - J. K. Jackson , Západočeská dramata j. k. tyla (978-80-906511-3-5)

Czech Folktales - J. K. Jackson


The Czech people trace their roots through medieval Bohemia and further back to the ancient Western Slavs before the start of the Viking Age. Their lively stories are parables and moral fables, rich with satire and the weave of determination in the face of grim reality. With a new introduction this new collection brings you classic tales including 'The Three Roses', 'The Witch and the Horseshoes', 'The Haunted Mill' and 'The Soldier and the Devil'.Such stories cling to the fantasy that all will come well in the end and that justice will be well served by truth, common threads in the proud folklore of the Slavic peoples throughout the world. FLAME TREE 451: From myth to mystery, the supernatural to horror, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of myths, folklore and the fantastic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Czech Folktales - J. K. Jackson , České pohádky k. j. erbena (978-80-000-3651-9)

Korean Folktales - J. K. Jackson


Organized into four sections - Love, Marriage & Family, Powerful Spirits & Mystical Realms, The Magical & the Supernatural, Tales of Animals & Mythical Creatures - this delightful collection gathers together the misadventures of the poor and the rich alike, the heart-warming and the cautious warning tales of everyday life, with folk stories such as Hyung Bo and Nahl Bo, or, The Swallow-King's Rewards, The Magic Invasion of Seoul, The King of the Flowers, The Unmannerly Tiger, Tokgabi and His Pranks and Prince Sandalwood, the Father of Korea. FLAME TREE 451: From myth to mystery, the supernatural to horror, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic and the mythic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Korean Folktales - J. K. Jackson , Jackson michael: michael - cd (0196587566326)

Not Alone - Sarah K. Jackson


It has been five years since a toxic microplastics storm killed millions and made Katie’s world unrecognizable, but she is determined to create a safe place for her beloved little boy, Harry. His world is their one-bedroom flat, where Katie keeps him indoors at all costs. Even the air outside could be deadly. And then, one day, a man stands at their door, and Katie realizes that her home isn’t the place of safety she thought it was. And so she and Harry begin an impossible journey, in search of the man Katie was meant to marry. It will take them across a devastated country and through terrible danger, but hope drives them on . . . Sarah K. Jackson's astonishing debut is a story of love and hope against all the odds. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Not Alone - Sarah K. Jackson , Jackson wanda: encore - cd (3006532)

Slavic Myths - Ema Lakinska, J.K. Jackson


With a new introduction, this collection of Slavic tales is based on the oral storytelling traditions of the peoples of Eastern Europe, from the Polish and the Slovaks to the Macedonians, Czechs and Serbians, with roots in pagan folklore and influenced by the Viking traders who settled in Kiev in the early middle ages. Stories abound with mountains, magic palaces and temples and such incredible tales as 'The King of the Toads', 'Vassilissa the Cunning', and 'The Tsar of the Sea' and 'The Feather of Bright Finist the Falcon'. FLAME TREE 451: From mystery to crime, supernatural to horror and myth, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies.Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Slavic Myths - Ema Lakinska, J.K. Jackson , Jackson milt: milt jackson and the thelonious monk quintet blue note - lp (4508227)

The Egyptian Myths. A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends - Garry J. Shaw


A guide to Egyptian mythology that explores how the ancient Nile-dwellers explained the world around them. It delves into the origins of life, the creation and evolution of the world, and the reigns of the gods on earth, before introducing us to the manif (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Egyptian Myths. A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends - Garry J. Shaw , Yoggys tropical island (745125295411)

Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture - Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Hanuš, Fasora L., Hanuš J.


Mýty a tradice středoevropské univerzitní kultury. Publikace si klade za cíl kulturní analýzu univerzitního prostředí, přičemž jejím hlavním analytickým nástrojem je pojem „mýtus“. Autoři chápou mýtus jako kulturní jev spojující současnost akademické sféry s minulostí a jako archetyp ve smyslu psychologie Carla Gustava Junga. Mýtus je podle autorů pevně vázán na symboly, rituály, hierarchické znaky a tradice nejrůznějšího druhu. Kniha představuje americkému a západoevropskému čtenáři univerzitní kulturu vlastní tzv. humboldtovskému okruhu akademické tradice, přičemž v centru pozornosti stojí prostředí českého vysokého školství ve srovnání se situací v Německu, Polsku, Rakousku a dalších zemích. Významným aspektem je proto charakteristika středoevropských univerzit, které prošly ve 20. století diskontinuitním vývojem. Specifikem knihy je preference náhledu akademické kultury převážně z pozice ne-metropolitních vysokých škol vzniklých v 19. a 20. století. Autoři pojali svou knihu historicky, ale nebrání se významným aktualizacím. Zajímá je zejména rozpor mezi humboldtovským ideálem a „akademickým kapitalismem“, hledání univerzitní jednoty v rámci diverzifikačních tlaků, tendence k oslabování univerzitních svobod a různé podoby univerzitní samosprávy. Autoři se pokouší svou publikací vyvolat debatu nejen v historických kruzích, ale také u zájemců napříč univerzitní komunitou. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture - Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Hanuš, Fasora L., Hanuš J. , Percy jackson: zloděj blesku - dvd (d007197)

Myths & Legends


Creation myths, quests, the eternal battle between good and evil, these are some of the classic tales that feed the ravenous beast of modern culture. For many the classical traditions of the Greeks and the Romans occupy the imagination but the ancient world was a lively and fertile source of stories, reaching much further back than the pantheon of Zeus and his fellow gods. For the early civilisations, from the ancient Chinese to African tribal societies, stories were told to explain the origins of fierce weather, of unexplained disasters, of floods and earthquakes.Many traditions developed independently but still echoed similar themes in the natural human desire to understand the world around us. This new book brings to life the myths and legends of eight intriguing traditions: Native American, Chinese, Celtic, Scottish, Greek, Viking, Indian and African. With a cast of characters as broad and wide as the ancient river Styx the book is packed with the great themes of life: love, revenge, eternal conflict, the obsession with power and the everlasting the battle between the wily and the strong.This powerful new book is a dazzling collection of the most gripping tales, vividly retold. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Myths & Legends , Puzzle michael jackson 1000 dílků (8697950842273)

Greek Myths (Defekt)


A fantastic compendium, this wonderful collection of Greek myths taken from "Usborne Young Reading" titles is a thrilling and informative read. Featuring the best-known of all the Greek heroes and monsters, with six stories starring Perseus and Medusa, Pegasus, Heracles, Odysseus, the Wooden Horse and the Minotaur. A section after the stories gives more details on the various gods and other Greek myths. "Usborne's Young Reading" series was developed in conjunction with an expert from Roehampton University and is designed to encourage independent reading. Each individual story has clear, engaging text and is accompanied by original illustrations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Greek Myths (Defekt) , Wang, jackson: magic man - cd (9362486897)

Illiustrated Norse Myths - Alex Frith

Illiustrated Norse Myths - Alex Frith

A brand-new collection of Viking myths that tell the story of the Norse gods from creation to the story of how the world will end, including Odin's quest for wisdom, the battles of Thor the thunder god, and the tale of Sigurd the Dragonslayer and the curs. Beautifully bound with head and tail bands and a ribbon marker. Dynamic artwork by Matteo Pincelli brings to life the exciting, strange and sometimes dangerous world of the Norse gods. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Illiustrated Norse Myths - Alex Frith , Svacinovy box happy jackson brain food

Chinese Myths and Folk Tales


Chinese culture is rich with marvelous folklore, and this exquisitely designed collection draws on that magnificent historical repository.It features more than 200 fables and tales chosen from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio and other classic compendiums. Here are legends of ancient demons, strange ghosts, magic swords, evil sorcerers, diabolical transformations, flying ogres, fairy foxes, powerful gods, and more.They include: The Painted Wall, The Flower Nymphs, The Boatmen of Lao-lung, The King of the Nine Mountains, The Disowned Princess, and dozens more. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Chinese Myths and Folk Tales , Giro jackson mips mat black (sptgio0156nad)

Parfémovaná voda Amouage - Myths Woman , 100ml

Parfémovaná voda Amouage - Myths Woman , 100ml

Hlava: chryzantéma,labdanum,narcis,fialkové lístkySrdce: karafiát,pačuli,ambraZáklad: kůže,větvičník slívový,pižmo (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Parfémovaná voda Amouage - Myths Woman , 100ml , Jak island změnil svět (9788025740255)

Marvel Myths and Legends - James Hill


Explore the fabled myths and epic legends of the vast and vibrant Marvel Universe.Visit the dawn of time to witness the birth of the Celestials and their warring creations, the Eternals and Deviants. Discover the pantheons of Thor, the Asgardians, and their Olympian rivals. Wonder at the arcane origins of Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. Behold the new and ancient gods of Wakanda and the Black Panthers. Celebrate the rise of Atlantis and its royal protector Namor, the Sub-Mariner.These are the spectacular sagas and mythic tales that define and underpin the Marvel Universe.© 2020 MARVEL (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Marvel Myths and Legends - James Hill , Soapsox - zvířátko na mytí - velryba jackson (853133005011)

Quests & Journeys Myths & Tales: Epic Tales


Quests and journeys are fundamental to many mythologies, often reflecting the human desire for knowledge and understanding. In Sumerian legend we find Gilgamesh seeking immortality; from the Norse, Odin sacrifices himself to discover the secrets of the runes of wisdom; from Greek mythology comes Jason and the Argonauts and Odysseus. And there there are recurring themes, with heroes yearning their loved ones in the underworld, so from Japan comes the tale of Izanagi searching for Izanami in Yomi, the land of shadows and the dead; and Polynesian God Mui journeying to find his mother and father in the Otherworld.And of course, from Arthurian legend, the search for the Holy Grail brings profound self-discovery to the knights Bors, Perceval and Galahad. This new collection is a wonder of tales from every corner of the world. The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction.Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Quests & Journeys Myths & Tales: Epic Tales , Ashley j grayson

AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml (0701666318125)

AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml (0701666318125)

Parfémovaná voda - dámská, květinová vůně, objem 100 ml Láká vás pořídit si parfémovanou vodu, jejíž vůně vám perfektně sedne? AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml nabízí vůni přizpůsobenou pro ženy. Nejvýraznější složkou této parfémované vody je květinová příměs, ke které patří tóny jasmínu, růží nebo fialky. Základ parfémované vody doplňuje vedlejší vůně orientálních tónů, pro níž je typické kořeněné aroma s vůní vanilky či pižma. Tato parfémovaná voda byla vytvořena pro letní dny. Klíčové přednosti parfémované vody AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml Parfémovaná voda perfektní pro ženy Hlavním aroma je květinová vůně Vedlejší vůně AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml: orientální Objem balení je 100 ml (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml (0701666318125) , Island (978-80-256-1953-7)

AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml (0701666318927)

AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml (0701666318927)

Parfémovaná voda - pánská, orientální vůně, objem 100 ml Láká vás pořídit si parfémovanou vodu, se kterou zaujmete při každé příležitosti? AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml nabízí jedinečnou vůni vytvořenou pro muže. Pro tuto parfémovanou vodu je jako hlavní složka typická orientální příměs, která dodává hřejivým tónum intenzitu a jedinečnost. Parfémovaná voda je také doplněna vedlejší vůní orientálních tónů, takže je s ní spojeno kořeněné aroma v kombinaci s vůní vanilky a pižma. Tato parfémovaná voda vynikne jak během slavnostnější příležitosti, tak i v zimním období. Hlavní vlastnosti pánské parfémované vody AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml Parfémovaná voda věnována mužům Hlavním aroma je orientální vůně Vedlejší vůně AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml: orientální Objem balení je 100 ml (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako AMOUAGE Myths EdP 100 ml (0701666318927) , Woodwick island coconut 609 g (5038581054681)

Pánská parfémová voda Myths Pour Homme, 100ml

Pánská parfémová voda Myths Pour Homme, 100ml

Hlava: chryzantéma,kořen kosatceSrdce: elemi,rum,růže,vetiverZáklad: kůže,labdanum,popel (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Pánská parfémová voda Myths Pour Homme, 100ml , 7tin - orange island - vůně pomeranč (4585)

Pánská parfémová voda Myths Pour Homme, 50ml

Pánská parfémová voda Myths Pour Homme, 50ml

Hlava: chryzantéma,kořen kosatceSrdce: růže,rum,vetiver,elemiZáklad: popel,kůže,labdanum (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Pánská parfémová voda Myths Pour Homme, 50ml , Woodwick island coconut 85 g (5038581056500)

Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold - Stephen Fry

Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold - Stephen Fry

The Greek myths are the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA of the West. In Stephen Fry's hands the stories of the titans and gods become a brilliantly entertaining account of ribaldry and revelry, warfare and worship, debauchery, love affairs and life lessons, slayings and suicides, triumphs and tragedies. You'll fall in love with Zeus, marvel at the birth of Athena, wince at Cronus and Gaia's revenge on Ouranos, weep with King Midas and hunt with the beautiful and ferocious Artemis Thoroughly spellbinding, informative and moving, Stephen Fry's Mythos perfectly captures these stories for the modern age - in all their rich and deeply human relevance. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold - Stephen Fry , Island (978-80-878-1992-0)

Greek Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Richard Buxton


A potent pantheon of gods, heroes engaged in epic battles, fearsome mythical creatures and supernatural transformations - such fantastical elements infuse Greek myths with a wonder and excitement that's hard to beat. These tales of love, courage, conflict and intrigue, shared for thousands of years, still exercise a powerful influence on our modern lives. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Greek Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Richard Buxton , Island (999-00-001-7560-4)

Chinese Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Latini Davide


Great floods and river Gods, snake spirits, and Immortals, China's unique set of mythological tales are derived from its vast expanse, diverse culture and the endless wars between tribes and dynasties. The result is a rich landscape of humanity, gods and spirits introduced here in this comprehensive book of folk tales and legendary exploits.The latest title in Flame Tree's beautiful, comprehensive series of Gothic Fantasy titles, concentrates on the ancient, epic origins of modern fantasy. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Chinese Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Latini Davide , Woodwick island getaway 275 g (5038581054537)

Japanese Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Cummings Alan


From the creation myth of Izanagi and Izanami designed to explain the origins of the island of Japan, to the hundreds of kami (gods or spirits) and monsters populating the tales, Japanese legends tell the story of the land, the nation, the people and the divine heritage of the emperors of Japan. Often bloody and fantastic, the tales are a powerful, rewarding read, gathered together in the gorgeous, deluxe hardcover binding of the Flame Tree Epic Tales series.The latest title in Flame Tree's beautiful, comprehensive series of Gothic Fantasy titles, concentrates on the ancient, epic origins of modern fantasy. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Japanese Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Cummings Alan , Navy island xo 0,7l 40% (8719326033501)

The Citadel of Forgotten Myths - Michael Moorcock


Elric and his companion Moonglum return in this prequel set within the early days of Elric's wanderings. Elric rides again to investigate the history of Melniboné and its dragons, known as the Phroon, in this exciting new addition to the Elric Saga from World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner Michael Moorcock. The estranged emperor of the Melnibonéan empire, Elric is struggling with his nature and the constant thirst of his soul-sucking sword, Stormbringer.He wants his dying empire to thrive, but is he up to the task? Recruiting his best friend Moonglum, he hunt across his lands for the great Citadel of Forgotten Myths, seeking the answers to the nature of the phroon of The Young Kingdoms. Taking place between the first and second book in the Elric Saga, The Citadel of Forgotten Myths is perfect for longtime fans and those new to this epic fantasy series. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Citadel of Forgotten Myths - Michael Moorcock , Myths and traditions of central european university culture (978-80-210-9412-3)

Greek Myths: Heroes and Heroines - Jean Menziesová


Find out what happened when King Midas was granted his wish, how Icarus flew too close to the sun, and relive the adventures of Jason and the Argonauts in these stories of love, betrayal, infatuation and punishment. Greek Myths: Heroes and Heroines is part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover.Greek myths have been part of Western culture since they were first set down by the ancients and, as there is no one definitive account, the stories have been ripe for reinterpretation through the centuries. Classicist and writer Jean Menzies has brought together fifteen retellings of famous myths from the likes of Andrew and Jean Lang, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Emilie Kip Baker, each chosen for its clarity and vivacity. The result? An enlightening and lively volume of stories and a treat for all fans of Greek mythology.Discover even more mythology with Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses edited by Jean Menzies. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Greek Myths: Heroes and Heroines - Jean Menziesová , Rojaplast set zahradního nábytku jackson vč. polstrů (1106)

Aztec Myths & Tales: Epic Tales - Anthony Aveni


This fascinating collection explores the history, culture, gods, calendar, myths and tales of the Aztec people, the Incas, the Mayans and other Mesoamerican and Central American peoples, from migration legends to the origin myth of the Five Suns. Though the Olmecs (1250-200 BCE) were the first civilization in Mexico, the Aztecs (1325-1521) were Mesoamerica's last dominant indigenous civilization and often the one that is thought about, without understanding the region's rich diversity. Like the other Mesoamerican cultures, Aztec gods and myths reflected a natural philosophy where ideas concerning life and death were linked symbolically to the earth, sky and sea in a grand cosmic scheme.Their religion was dominated by the tribal war god Huitzilopochtli, the rain/fertility god Tlaloc and the supreme deity Tezcatlipoca, the Lord of the Smoking Mirror. This collection brings together the stories and the history into a fine and collectable new volume in the Flame Tree Epic Tales series. The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction.Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories, the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Aztec Myths & Tales: Epic Tales - Anthony Aveni , Jackson alan: where have you gone - cd (3571607)

The Slavic Myths - Noah Charney, Svetlana Slapšak


A Pulitzer-nominated author and one of the great public intellectuals of Slavic culture bring to life the unfamiliar myths and legends of the Slavic world. Slavic cultures are far-ranging, comprising of East Slavs (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), West Slavs (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland) and South Slavs (the countries of former Yugoslavia plus Bulgaria), yet they are connected by tales of adventure and magic with deep roots in a common lore. In this first collection of Slavic myths for an international readership, Noah Charney and Svetlana Slapšak expertly weave together a retelling of the ancient stories with nuanced analysis that illuminates their place at the heart of Slavic tradition. Though less familiar to us than the legends of ancient Egypt, Greece and Scandinavia, in the world of Slavic mythology we find much that we can recognize: petulant deities, demons and faeries; witches, the sinister vestica, whose magic may harm or heal; a supreme god who can summon storms and hurl thunderbolts. Gods gather under the World Tree, reminiscent of Norse mythology's Yggdrasill; or, after the coming of Christianity, congregate among the clouds. The vampire - usually the only Serbo-Croatian word in any foreign-language dictionary - and the werewolf emerge from the shallow graves of Slavic belief. In their careful analysis and sensitive reconstructions of the origin stories, Charney and Slapsak unearth the Slavic beliefs before their distortion first by Christian chroniclers and then by 19th-century scholars seeking origin stories for their new-born nation states. They reveal links not only to the neighbouring pantheons of Greece, Rome, Egypt and Scandinavia but also the belief systems of indigenous peoples of Australia, the Americas, Africa and Asia. In so doing, they draw out the universalities that cut across cultures in the stories we tell ourselves. Review 'Combines analysis with celebration, context with storytelling, academic debate with new versions of some of the great folktales which emerged long, long ago from the crucible of the Carpathian Mountains ... a welcome entree into the intricate world of Slavic mythology, with plenty of esoteric facts to get your teeth into, stories to be read aloud at the witching hour, and memorable back-and-white woodcut illustrations' - Sir Christopher Frayling 'Delightfully dark and whimsical, this collection of eight folk tales from Slavic mythology unearths the bones of the original stories, boldly forcing us to question what we know about a mostly oral tradition that has been silenced for far too long' - Olesya Salnikova Gilmore, author of THE WITCH AND THE TSAR 'A compelling and illuminating introduction to Slavic mythology, through a rich medley of stories, discussion and striking illustrations' - Sophie Anderson, author of The House with Chicken Legs About the Author Noah Charney is an American art historian and internationally bestselling author of fiction (The Art Thief) and non-fiction (The Art of Forgery, The Collector of Lives and The Museum of Lost Art). Svetlana Slapsak is a leading specialist in Balkan studies and award-winning essayist who has published more than eighty books. She won the American PEN Freedom of Expression Award in 1993 and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. Both Charney and Slapsak live in Slovenia. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Slavic Myths - Noah Charney, Svetlana Slapšak , Milt jackson, charles ray: soul brothers - lp (0349784424)

The Macmillan Collection of Myths and Legends


A beautiful hardback treasury, containing over forty myths and legends from around the world. The perfect gift for mythology lovers of all ages. This glorious collection contains incredible stories from Greek and Norse mythology, such as Theseus and the Minotaur and Ragnarök, and famous British legends including The Sword in the Stone, alongside lesser known stories.Bringing together amazing stories from across the world, there are tales of spirits from Spain, fish Gods from China, an Australian Aboriginal frog that drank up all of the water in the world, and many more. Fully illustrated throughout, with beautiful colour and line-work images from iconic Golden Age illustrators, including Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane and Warwick Goble. A sumptuous 352 page gift hardback, complete with a foiled cut-through cover, foiled edges and a ribbon marker, The Macmillan Collection of Myths and Legends is a book to share and treasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Macmillan Collection of Myths and Legends

Amouage Myths parfémovaná voda pro ženy 100 ml

Amouage Myths parfémovaná voda pro ženy 100 ml

Amouage Myths, 100 ml, Parfémované vody pro ženy, Každá žena si zaslouží pugét nádherných květin. Parfémovaná voda Amouage Myths je jako kytice uvázaná z těch nejkrásnějších květinových tónů, které dohromady tvoří spojení plné smyslnosti a ženskosti s kapkou romantiky. květinová vůně pro nespoutané ženy, které se nebojí jít proti proudu vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení luxusní vůně pro náročné (notino.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Amouage Myths parfémovaná voda pro ženy 100 ml

Gods & Monsters Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Gloyn Liz


Myths and legendary tales from around the world are packed with gigantic rivalries; gods, monsters and giants compete for supremacy over the land, the creatures within and the universe beyond. Zeus clashes with the all-powerful Typhon, Odin is destined to face the great wolf Fenrir during Ragnarok. And yet monsters such as the Minotaur, and giants of all kinds, dragons even, are monsters only to those too fearful to understand them, while others such as the Sirens, or the weird sisters, are malevolent without remorse.Such mythical gods and their foes, make great adventures for the modern reader tracing the roots of The Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and The Witcher, where good and evil are morphed into real avatars and creatures of vivid imagination. In these pages you'll find the gods of the heavens and mountains, and the spirits and demons of the deep sea, the dark woods and the burning sands. From the gods of Babylon and Ancient Egypt to the Norse Aesir, from the pantheon of mighty Greek deities to the gods of the earth and the sky in Pacific legends, most of the great traditions are featured here, with monsters galore: Anansi the trickster spider, the chaos serpent Apep, the Wendigo (or Windegoo spirits), the Greek Sphinx, the drought demon dragon Vritra and the Chimera to name a few.The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Gods & Monsters Myths & Tales : Epic Tales - Gloyn Liz

Beasts & Creatures Myths & Tales: Epic Tales - Tok Thompson


With their weird combination of animal limbs, or distorted visions of human perception, beasts and creatures can be found in all myths and legends of the world, often used to demonstrate moral or fabulistic stories, and explain extreme natural phenomena. An ideal companion to Gods & Monsters Myths & Tales, this new collection includes more of the most famous and recognizable beasts, with some insight too into the rare and the little known: the Simurgh - the gigantic mythical bird of Persian mythology and literature - mingles with the monstrous Great Head of Iroquois folklore; the Kraken of originally Scandinvavian legend can be found alongside North America's Bigfoot, or Sasquatch if you prefer. Of course, from the Greek and Celtic mythologies come the Phoenix, Scylla and Charybdis, the Unicorn, Satyrs and Fauns, Centaurs and Minotaurs, the Basilisk and the Griffin.And let's not forget the goblins of the Norse, the ogreish monsters of Japanese mythology, the Oni, and the nymphs, fairies and sprites that appear in many different mythological traditions. This truly is a wonderful collection of tales. The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction.Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Beasts & Creatures Myths & Tales: Epic Tales - Tok Thompson

Titans & Giants Myths & Tales: Epic Tales - Debbie Felton


Giants feature in most myths and legends of humankind. The Titans themselves, from Greek mythology were both giants and at war with their own children, the gods of Olympus. Atlas, Cronos and Prometheus have survived in the popular imagination but the tales of these elder gods are a fascinating read.Other cultures though have their own tales of giants, from the Chinese Pangu, who separated Heaven from Earth and whose body became the mountains and valley of the world, to the Jötnar giants of the Vikings, constantly at war with Odin and his Asgardians, and in Ireland the Fomorians were a powerful race of invaders at war with their predecessors, the Thuatha dé Danaan. From Japan there are the Oni, from the Kuba people of Africa there are tales of creator Mbombo, and even Grendell of Beowulf fame is regarded by some as a giant. A wonderful new collection for the modern reader.The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Titans & Giants Myths & Tales: Epic Tales - Debbie Felton

Pandora's Jar: Women in the Greek Myths (1509873147)

Pandora's Jar: Women in the Greek Myths (1509873147)

Kniha - autor Natalie Haynes, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Greek myths are among the world's most important cultural building blocks and they have been retold many times, but rarely do they focus on the remarkable women at the heart of these ancient stories. Stories of gods and monsters are the mainstay of epic poetry and Greek tragedy, from Homer to Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, from the Trojan War to Jason and the Argonauts. And still, today, a wealth of novels, plays and films draw their inspiration from stories first told almost three thousand years ago. But modern tellers of Greek myth have usually been men, and have routinely shown little interest in telling women’s stories. And when they do, those women are often painted as monstrous, vengeful or just plain evil. But Pandora – the first woman, who according to legend unloosed chaos upon the world – was not a villain, and even Medea and Phaedra have more nuanced stories than... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Pandora's Jar: Women in the Greek Myths (1509873147)

Amouage Myths Woman 100 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Amouage Myths Woman 100 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Amouage Myths Woman Parfémovaná voda pro ženy 100 ml (parfemy-elnino.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Amouage Myths Woman 100 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

East Asian Folktales, Myths and Legends - Eva Wong Nava


A beautiful new edition of retellings of classic folktales, myths and legends from China, Korea, Japan and beyond. Follow the journey of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac, explore the history of major festivals and meet legendary figures - such as the famous Hua Mulan - in this beautiful collection of folktales richly retold for young readers by Eva Wong Nava. Includes 18 East Asian folktales, myths and legends in a perfect, child-friendly package.Part of the Scholastic Classics collection: introducing generations of book lovers to timeless stories, repackaged especially for younger readers. Features traditional favourites, including the widely popular story of Mulan and the fairy tale of Chang'e, Hou Yi and the rabbit in the moon, featured in the animated film On the Moon. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako East Asian Folktales, Myths and Legends - Eva Wong Nava

Heroes & Heroines Myths & Tales: Epic Tales (Defekt) - Maria Tatar


Our worldwide storytelling heritage is vast and varied and yet contains common threads, themes and motifs running throughout the many legends, whether they hail from the dusty plains of Africa or the cherry-blossom-blanketed hills of Japan. This astonishing anthology, in Flame Tree's covetable series of myths and tales, gathers together the most iconic and entertaining tales of adventure and daring from around the world. From Perseus the Gorgon-Slayer of Greek myhology, and the exploits of Frithiof the Bold of Norse saga fame, to the tragic tale of Irish heroine Deirdre, these exciting stories vibrate with the heart and soul of age-old narrative.An extended introduction is followed by four main sections, with mythic stories from Mexico, Egypt, India and more: Tales of Warriors, Travel & Adventure; Heroes & Heroines in Literature & Poetry; Legends of the Gods, Demigods & Culture Heroes; Leading Ladies & Affairs of the Heart. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Heroes & Heroines Myths & Tales: Epic Tales (Defekt) - Maria Tatar

Greek Myths. Tales of Troy and Odysseus - Gustav Schwab


This collection of tales of the Trojan War and Odysseus, from Gustav Schwab’s seminal anthology of Greek myths, stages the illustrious exploits of a host of heroes and gods. Through the masterful drawings of Clifford Harper and artworks from the leading figures of the Golden Age of Illustration, the world of Greek mythology is reimagined into life. Greek legends as illustrated classics for young and old The Greek myths are timeless classics, whose scenes and figures have captivated us since ancient times. The gods and heroes of these legends hold up a mirror to the human condition, embodying universal characteristics and emotions, like love, hatred, fortune, jealousy, revenge, hubris, greed, or bravery. These traits are the basis for immortal dramas and rich narratives, as profound as they are entertaining, which form the bedrock of our culture and literature today and remain relevant and fascinating for all readers, young and old alike.This edition contains 21 of the most famed episodes from the Trojan War, the subsequent wanderings of Odysseus, and his long-awaited return to Ithaca. The texts are carefully compiled from the seminal work Sagen des klassischen Altertums (Gods and Heroes: Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece) by Gustav Schwab (1792–1850), and strikingly illustrated by 15 artists, among them outstanding representatives of the Golden Age of Book Illustration and the Arts and Crafts Movement, including Walter Crane (1845–1915), William Russell Flint (1880–1969), Newell Convers Wyeth (1882–1945), and Virginia Frances Sterrett (1900–1931).These illustrations are complemented by scene-setting vignettes for each story and a genealogical tree of Greek gods and goddesses by Clifford Harper. Placing the tales in a historical context, the book contains an introduction by Dr. Michael Siebler and is rounded off with an extensive glossary of the most important protagonists in the Greek myths. The heroism, tragedy, and theater of Greek mythology glimmer through each tale in this lavishly illustrated edition, awakening the gods and heroes to new life. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Greek Myths. Tales of Troy and Odysseus - Gustav Schwab

Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (1405940360)

Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (1405940360)

Kniha - autor Stephen Fry, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes. Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes. In this companion to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells these dramatic, funny, tragic and timeless tales. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Witness wily Oedipus solve the riddle of the Sphinx and discover how Bellerophon captures the winged horse Pegasus to help him slay the monster Chimera. Filled with white-knuckle chases and battles, impossible puzzles and riddles, acts of base cowardice and real bravery, not to mention murders and selfless sacrifices, Heroes is the story of what we... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (1405940360)

The 12 Steps. Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery - Kikan Massara


Drawing on art, literature, and scientific research, scholar and therapist Kikan Massara delves into the Twelve Steps – the widely used and respected program of recovery. Developed in the early 20th century to address alcoholism, the Twelve Step program was later found to be an effective tool in aiding recovery for all types of addictions and compulsive behaviors. Now for the very first time, Twelve Step recovery is linked to a visual narrative.This inspiring edition features over 150 timeless and compelling works of art — from antiquity to the present day — to metaphorically describe a soulful path toward healing and transformation using these principles of recovery that continue to help millions. Featuring in-depth studies by leading experts in several converging fields, the book examines the history behind the Twelve Steps, from the program's origins in Depression-era America to building a foundation for recovery that incorporates concepts identified by psychologist C. G.Jung. The volume also offers relevant insight into the meaning of addiction in today's society. With striking imagery, literary quotations, and psychological references, the Twelve Step program is reintroduced to a wider audience as timely, accessible, and constructive.At a time of radical change and opportunity, this visual edition honors the transformative power of these universal principles and thoughtfully explores ways of aligning with them. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The 12 Steps. Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery - Kikan Massara

Underwater World: Aquatic Myths, Mysteries and the Unexplained (Defekt) - Tamara Macfarlane


Dive into the depths and discover the mysteries of the world of water. Water - it can be hard as rock, silky soft, and often barely there. We can't live without it, but can't breathe within it.This shape-shifting element washes in on our shores, pours on our towns, and winds through our fields. We are mostly made out of water, but how much do we really know about it? Water features in creation myths from across the globe. Watery gods and goddesses glide across all continents, stories of Selkies and Siren-like creatures sing up from every sea.Water has the power to give life and to take it away. Dive between the pages of this book, into the ocean depths to discover sunken lands. Sail in and out of legends laden with weird and wonderful monsters.Spin the globe to track migrating whales and sort the fantasy creatures from the real ones. From myths and legends, folklore and fables, to amazing discoveries, and undiscovered depths - explore the amazing world of water in this beautifully illustrated book for young readers. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Underwater World: Aquatic Myths, Mysteries and the Unexplained (Defekt) - Tamara Macfarlane

A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths (Defekt) - Stephen P. Kershaw


The book leads the reader through these vibrant stories, from the origins of the gods through to the homecomings of the Trojan heroes. All the familiar narratives are here, along with some less familiar characters and motifs. In addition to the tales, the book explains key issues arising from the narratives, and discusses the myths and their wider relevance.This long-overdue book crystallises three key areas of interest: the nature of the tales; the stories themselves; and how they have and might be interpreted. For the first time, it brings together aspects of Greek mythology only usually available in disparate forms - namely children's books and academic works. There will be much here that is interesting, surprising, and strange as well as familiar. Experts and non-experts, adults, students and schoolchildren alike will gain entertainment and insight from this fascinating and important volume. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Brief Guide to the Greek Myths (Defekt) - Stephen P. Kershaw

The Norse Myths that Shape the Way We Think - Carolyne Larrington


A fresh look at the stories at the heart of Norse mythology, exploring their cultural impact right up to the present day. The heroes and villains of Norse mythology have endured for centuries, infiltrating art, opera, film, television and books, shape-shifting – like the trickster Loki – to suit the cultures that encountered them. Through careful analysis of the literature and archaeology of the Norse world, Carolyne Larrington takes us deep into the realm described in the Icelandic sagas, from the gloomy halls of Hel to the dazzling heights of Asgard. She expertly examines the myths’ many modern-day reimaginings, revealing the guises that have been worn by the figures of Norse myth, including Marvel’s muscled, golden-haired Thor and George R.R Martin’s White Walkers, who march inexorably southwards, bringing their eternal winter with them. This sophisticated yet accessible guide explores how these powerful stories have inspired our cultural landscape, from fuelling the creative genius of Wagner to the construction of the Nazi’s nationalist ideology. Larrington’s elegantly written retellings capture the essence of the original myths while also delving into the history of their meanings. The myths continue to speak to such modern concerns as masculinity and environmental disaster – after the inevitable, apocalyptic ragna rök, renewal comes from the roots of Yggdrasill, the World Tree. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Norse Myths that Shape the Way We Think - Carolyne Larrington

Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys - Nathaniel Hawthorne


Tales of Greek mythology have entertained countless generations of young readers with their accounts of brave heroes and heroines and the marvels and monsters that they encounter. This edition of Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys features six classic tales written especially for children by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It includes the legends of Pandora and the Box of Troubles, King Midas and the Golden Touch, Perseus and the Medusa, Philemon and Baucis, Bellerophon and Pegasus, and the labors of Hercules, all illustrated magnificently in color by Walter Crane. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys - Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes - Carolyne Larrington


An exhilarating introduction to the vivid, violent, boisterous world of the Norse myths, and their cultural legacy, in an attractive and handy format Who were the Norse gods – the mighty ?syr, led by Ó?inn, and the mysterious Vanir? In 'The Norse Myths' we meet this passionate and squabbling pantheon, and learn of the mythological cosmos they inhabit. Passages translated from the Old Norse bring this legendary world to life, from the myths of creation to ragnarök, the prophesied end of the world at the hands of Loki’s army of monsters and giants, and everything that comes in between: the problematic relationship between the gods and the giants, in which enmity and trickery are punctuated by marriages and seductions; the (mis) adventures of human heroes and heroines, with their family feuds, revenges, marriages and murders; and the interaction between the gods and mortals, as Ó?inn, the Allfather, betrays his human protégés in order to recruit (dead) heroes for his army. Carolyne Larrington describes the myths’ origins in pre-Christian Scandinavia and Iceland, and their survival in artefacts and written sources, from Old Norse sagas and poems to the less approving accounts of medieval Christian writers. She traces their influences into the work of Wagner, William Morris and J.R.R. Tolkien, and even the recent Game of Thrones in the resurrection of the Fimbulvetr, or ‘Mighty Winter’. Dr. Carolyne Larrington is a supernumerary fellow and tutor in medieval English literature at St. John’s College, Oxford. Her previous books include The Poetic Edda, Magical Tales: Myth, Legend and Enchantment in Children’s Books, and Winter is Coming: The Medieval World of Game of Thrones. She also presented BBC Radio 4’s The Lore of the Land. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes - Carolyne Larrington

The Japanese Myths : A Guide to Gods, Heroes and Spirits - Joshua Frydman


The perfect introduction to the world of Japanese myth and legend.This is a smart and succinct guide to the rich tradition of Japanese mythology, from the earliest recorded legends of Izanagi and Izanami, their divine offspring and the creation of Japan, to medieval tales of vengeful ghosts, through to the modern-day reincarnation of ancient deities as the heroes of mecha anime. While many around the world love Japan's cultural exports, few are familiar with Japan's unique mythology - enriched by Shinto, Buddhism and regional folklore.Mythology remains a living, evolving part of Japanese society, and the ways in which the people of Japan understand their myths are very different today even from a century ago, let alone over a millennium into the past. Offering much more than any competing overview of Japanese mythology, The Japanese Myths not only retells the ancient stories but also considers their place within the patterns of Japanese religions, culture and history, helping readers to understand the deep links between past and present in Japan, and the ways these myths live and grow.Joshua Frydman takes the very earliest written myths in the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki as his starting point, and from there traces Japan's mythology through to post-war State Shinto, the rise of the manga industry in the 1960s, J-horror and modern-day myths. Reinventions and retellings of myth are present across all genres of contemporary Japanese culture, from its auteur cinema to renowned video games such as Okami. This book is for anyone interested in Japan, as knowing its myths allows readers to understand and appreciate its culture in a new light. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Japanese Myths : A Guide to Gods, Heroes and Spirits - Joshua Frydman

Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor and Loki (Defekt) - Kevin Crossley-Holland


An extraordinary and enthralling illustrated anthology of Norse Myths from a Carnegie-Medal winning author.The gods of the Vikings come to life as never before in this extraordinary illustrated anthology by Carnegie Medal-winning author Kevin Crossley-Holland and artist Jeffrey Alan Love. These dramatic, enthralling and atmospheric tales are based on the Scandinavian myth cycle - one of the greatest and most culturally significant stories in the world - and tell of Odin with his one eye, Thor with his mighty hammer and Loki, the red-haired, shape-shifting trickster. In this stunning collection of myths, the strange world of ancient magic, giants, dwarfs and monsters is unforgettably imagined. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor and Loki (Defekt) - Kevin Crossley-Holland



O tomto ostrově se píše na předních stranách, lidé ho chtějí alespoň jednou v životě navštívit, láká milovníky přírody a okouzluje čím dál více návštěvníků - je to severská země, která má kouzla na rozdávání a jejíž krása vám vyrazí dech. S tímto průvodcem z proslulé edice Lonely Planet se dostanete přímo k srdci země! Úžasné zážitky – inspirativní fotografie, informace o aktivitách a přehled nejzajímavějších míst Naplánujte si cestu – užitečné tipy a nejlepší doporučené trasy vám dávají možnost sestavit si cestu podle svých představ Mimo známé trasy – naši autoři pro vás odhalují skrytá místa, čímž vám pomáhají zažít něco jedinečného Zvláštní kapitoly Plánování jízdy po Ring Road Průvodce divočinou Polární záře Horké prameny Říkáme to tak, jak to je Našim informacím můžete věřit, protože autoři Lonely Planet osobně navštěvují místa, o nichž píšou. Nepřijímáme žádné protislužby za pozitivní hodnocení, a můžete se proto spolehnout na to, že jsme absolutně objektivní. (patro.cz)

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