Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box oranžová barva, NP0A4GDDP1I1

Lehké triko z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z na dotek příjemné pleteniny. Model vyrobený z mimořádně příjemného bavlněného materiálu.

Podívejte se také List pilový na cihly ST900HM k SS 210/SS 280 P/SS L20, STAYER (37712633)

cena 619.0 Kč

Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box žlutá barva, NP0A4GDDY1J1

Lehké triko z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z na dotek příjemné pleteniny. Model vyrobený z mimořádně příjemného bavlněného materiálu.

Podívejte se také List pilový na hliník L20 k SS 280 P/SS - 5 ks, STAYER (37712454)

cena 619.0 Kč

Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box béžová barva, NP0A4GDDN1A1

Tričko z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z tenké, elastické tkaniny.

Podívejte se také SOGO SS-14545 (SS-14545)

cena 619.0 Kč

Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box šedá barva, NP0A4GDD1601

Tričko z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z elastické tkaniny. Model vyrobený z mimořádně příjemného bavlněného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box šedá barva, NP0A4GDD1601

cena 579.0 Kč

Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box oranžová barva, NP0A4HX3P1I1

Tričko z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z pleteniny s potiskem. Model ze vzdušného, bavlněného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Bavlněné tričko Napapijri S-Box oranžová barva, NP0A4HX3P1I1

cena 649.0 Kč

Led výrobce s box Lékué 1,8 l bílá

Hlavní výhody: zásobník na kostky ledu a úložná nádoba 2v1 vyrobit kostky ledu a uložit je do nádoby (kapacita až 132 kostek ledu (4 tácy)) elegantní, jednoduchý design, ideální pro prezentaci na stole víko z odolného silikonu se snadnou manipulací, s originálně tvarovanými kousky ledu kostky ledu můžete vyjmout jednotlivě nebo všechny najednou zásobník se snadno naplní vodou Dodatečné informace: rozměr tácu: 22,5 cm x 12,5 cm x 2,5 cm rozměr nádoby: 22,5 cm x 12,5 cm x 9 cm vhodné do: myčky a mrazáku materiály: silikon a ABS plast

Objev podobné jako Led výrobce s box Lékué 1,8 l bílá

cena 508.0 Kč

Led výrobce s box Lékué 1,8 l bílá

Hlavní výhody: zásobník na kostky ledu a úložná nádoba 2v1 vyrobit kostky ledu a uložit je do nádoby (kapacita až 132 kostek ledu (4 tácy)) elegantní, jednoduchý design, ideální pro prezentaci na stole víko z odolného silikonu se snadnou manipulací, s originálně tvarovanými kousky ledu kostky ledu můžete vyjmout jednotlivě nebo všechny najednou zásobník se snadno naplní vodou Dodatečné informace: rozměr tácu: 22,5 cm x 12,5 cm x 2,5 cm rozměr nádoby: 22,5 cm x 12,5 cm x 9 cm vhodné do: myčky a mrazáku materiály: silikon a ABS plast

Objev podobné jako Led výrobce s box Lékué 1,8 l bílá

cena 508.0 Kč

Led výrobce s box Lékué 1,8 l bílá

Hlavní výhody: zásobník na kostky ledu a úložná nádoba 2v1 vyrobit kostky ledu a uložit je do nádoby (kapacita až 132 kostek ledu (4 tácy)) elegantní, jednoduchý design, ideální pro prezentaci na stole víko z odolného silikonu se snadnou manipulací, s originálně tvarovanými kousky ledu kostky ledu můžete vyjmout jednotlivě nebo všechny najednou zásobník se snadno naplní vodou Dodatečné informace: rozměr tácu: 22,5 cm x 12,5 cm x 2,5 cm rozměr nádoby: 22,5 cm x 12,5 cm x 9 cm vhodné do: myčky a mrazáku materiály: silikon a ABS plast

Objev podobné jako Led výrobce s box Lékué 1,8 l bílá

cena 508.0 Kč

Tea Lover´s Box Set - Moore Jessie Oleson

Tea lovers, rejoice! Tea Lover's Box Set celebrates all things tea and is the perfect companion for casual or passionate tea drinkers alike. With three mini books dedicated to the history of tea, along with more than 200 flavour profiles, there's something here for every tea taste. Pour yourself a cup in your favourite mug (we all have one!), settle in, and get ready to learn all about your favourite beverage.- 3 Mini Hardcover Books: Includes 3 informative, 2-1/2 x 3 inch mini books: Tea History, Origins, Customs & Etiquette; Black, Oolong, Green, Yellow, White Tea & More; and Herbal Tea, Tisanes, Plant-Based Teas & Tea Drinks - Unique Gift for Tea Lovers: This adorable miniature box set makes a great collector's item for tea enthusiasts- Accessible Content: The easy-to-read guides are perfect for tea newbies and aficionados alike- Charming Illustrations: Package features modern illustrations in crisp, bright, and bold colours- Portable: Small size is perfect for taking on the go

Objev podobné jako Tea Lover´s Box Set - Moore Jessie Oleson

cena 357.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 2 CDs (3) - Caroline Nixon

Kurz pro 1.stupeň základních škol vhodný jak pro klasickou výuku, tak pro přípravu na dětské zkoušky YLE (Starters, Movers, Flyers). - poslechové CD k učebnici Popis:Kid's Box je šestidílný kurz pro děti ve věku 6 - 12 let, který umožňuje žákům učit se angličtinu bez obav.komunikativně zaměřený kurz, který nenásilnou formou připravuje žáky na dětské jazykové zkoušky Cambridge English: YLE.podrobný popis zkoušek Cambridge English: YLEspeciální pracovní listy pro zkoušky YLEpracovní listy s prvky CLIL na webukurz má doložku MŠMT ČRneustálým opakováním si děti upevňují znalost nové látky pro učitele k dispozici velké množství podpůrných materiálů: - interaktivní DVD obsahuje aktivity, které berou ohled na různé učební styly žáků, jakož i na třídy s různými znalostmi jazyka - kopírovatelné materiály v celé sérii ( Teacher´s Book, Teacher´s Resource Pack) poskytují hojnost materiálů a cvičení k opakování probrané látkyvšechny díly učebnice mají k dispozici elektronickou verzi učebnice ( Classware) vhodnou pro použití s dataprojektorem a bílou interaktivní tabulí, classware v sobě integruje studentskou knihu a audio poslechynovinkou jsou Online Activity Books - pracovní sešity na internetu k dílům 5 a 6, které obsahují 220 interaktivních cvičení, která se automaticky opravují sama, učitel může s takovými cvičeními pracovat podle vlastního rozvážení či plánupodrobnější informace a materiály zdarma ke stažení ( slovníčky v češtině, portfolia, stolní hry) najdete na www.cambridge.org/elt/kidsboxKid's Box is a brand new, six-level course for young learners. This six-level course is bursting with bright ideas to inspire both teachers and students, and gives children a confident start to learning English. It also fully covers the syllabus for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests. New language is presented through amusing stories that your pupils will adore, and practised with fantastic songs and activities, making the learning process a joy. Key language is continuously revised and recycled, helping to build children's confidence, and a focus on communicative activities ensures that children use the language they have learned in a fun, 'no-pressure' context. The loveable members of the Star family will delight young learners, while an extensive range of supplementary materials provides the teacher with all the extra activities they need. Teachers can... • cater for different abilities and learning styles, by taking advantage of the huge assortment of extension and reinforcement activities in the accompanying Teacher's Resource Packs • assess their pupils' progress, and familiarize them with the format of the YLE exam with YLE-type tests in levels 2, 4 and 6 • bring language to life in the classroom, reinforcing target language in a fun and memorable way with the interactive DVD Children can... • build on their knowledge of the world outside the classroom with 'Our World' cross-curricular culture sections • practise their pronunciation in a non-threatening context, with the UNIQUE 'Say it with Monty' pronunciation sections • grow with the Star children, as their knowledge of English progresses This Activity Book covers all of the target language from Pupil’s Book 1, providing further practice in a fun context.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 2 CDs (3) - Caroline Nixon

cena 708.0 Kč

Voxx S BOX W 3P Dámské ponožky, mix, velikost

Dámské ponožky Voxx S BOX W 3P v dárkovém balení s třemi páry a tematickými obrázky.

Objev podobné jako Voxx S BOX W 3P Dámské ponožky, mix, velikost

cena 49.0 Kč

The north face m s/s box nse tee xs

The north face m s/s box nse tee xs

Objev podobné jako The north face m s/s box nse tee xs

cena 899.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 1 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 1 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 474.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 4 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 4 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 474.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 2 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 2 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 474.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 3 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 3 Pupil´s Book,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 474.0 Kč

Dětská mikina Napapijri Bluza Napapijri K B-Box C NA4FUJ 041 černá barva, vzorovaná

Dětská mikina z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z pleteniny s potiskem. Model s měkkým povrchem uvnitř.

Objev podobné jako Dětská mikina Napapijri Bluza Napapijri K B-Box C NA4FUJ 041 černá barva, vzorovaná

cena 889.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 4 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 4 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 284.0 Kč

Kid´s Box Starter Class Book with CD-ROM,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box Starter Class Book with CD-ROM,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 474.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 6 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 6 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 284.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 2 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 2 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 284.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 1 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 1 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 304.0 Kč

Kid´s Box 3 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 3 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon

cena 284.0 Kč

Dětská mikina Napapijri B-Box vzorovaná

Dětská mikina z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z pleteniny s potiskem. Model s měkkým povrchem uvnitř.

Objev podobné jako Dětská mikina Napapijri B-Box vzorovaná

cena 889.0 Kč

Kid´s Box New Generation 2 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Activity Book: The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 2 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

cena 256.0 Kč

Kid´s Box New Generation 1 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Activity Book: The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 1 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

cena 256.0 Kč

Kid´s Box New Generation 3 Pupil´s Book with eBook - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Pupil's Book: The Pupil's Book presents and practises new language through amusing stories, fantastic songs and activities providing an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. The unique access code inside the front cover unlocks the Pupil's Book eBook with audio and video on Cambridge One, making the learning process a joy. The unique access code inside the front cover.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 3 Pupil´s Book with eBook - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

cena 413.0 Kč

Kid´s Box New Generation 3 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Activity Book: The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 3 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

cena 256.0 Kč

Kid´s Box New Generation 2 Pupil´s Book with eBook - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Pupil's Book: The Pupil's Book presents and practises new language through amusing stories, fantastic songs and activities providing an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. The unique access code inside the front cover unlocks the Pupil's Book eBook with audio and video on Cambridge One, making the learning process a joy. The unique access code inside the front cover.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 2 Pupil´s Book with eBook - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

cena 413.0 Kč

Plavkové šortky Napapijri V-Box 1 NP0A4HRYB2L1

Plavkové šortky z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z potištěné látky. Lehký, velmi odolný materiál.

Objev podobné jako Plavkové šortky Napapijri V-Box 1 NP0A4HRYB2L1

cena 1009.0 Kč

Cel-Tec BE1 Pir Tuya (2111-060)

IP kamera vnitřní a venkovní, detekce pohybu a PIR senzor, s rozlišením 1920 × 1080 px, zorný úhel 135 °, noční vidění s max. dosvitem 10 m, slot pro MicroSD kartu max. 128 GB, kompatibilní s Tuya, připojení přes WiFi 2,4 GHz, aplikace pro Android a iOS v češtině a v angličtině Cel-Tec BE1 Pir Tuya je výbornou volbou jak ohlídat svou domácnost. Tato jak vnitřní, tak venkovní síťová kamera obstará prvotřídní záběry s maximálním rozlišením 1920 × 1080 px. Objektiv snímá v úhlu 135°. Zařízení umí snímky ukládat také na paměťové karty typu MicroSD. Cel-Tec BE1 Pir Tuya zvládne pořizovat i noční záběry, a proto je schopná nepřetržité ochrany. Max. vzdálenost nočního vidění činí 10m. Významné přednosti síťové kamery Cel-Tec BE1 Pir Tuya Schopnost ukládání záběrů na cloudové úložiště a paměťovou kartu Konektivita: MicroSD/SDHC slot, WiFi a Podpora mobilního připojení 135° úhel natáčení Kamera dokáže rozlišit podezřelý pohyb Kamera je vybavena nočním viděním maximálně...

Objev podobné jako Cel-Tec BE1 Pir Tuya (2111-060)

cena 2662.0 Kč

Vans Mini Box SS S

Vans Mini Box SS S

Objev podobné jako Vans Mini Box SS S

cena 849.0 Kč

Vans Mini Box SS S

Vans Mini Box SS S

Objev podobné jako Vans Mini Box SS S

cena 679.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, khaki, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

Pánské tričko Napapijri SALIS SS SUM v klasickém pohodlném střihu unosíte na každý den či na volnočasové aktivity. Bavlněný materiál je příjemný na dotek, takže se v něm budete cítit skvěle. Hrudník zdobí decentní nášivka s logem značky.

Objev podobné jako Napapijri SALIS SS SUM Pánské tričko, oranžová, velikost

cena 479.0 Kč

Kid´s Box New Generation 1 Pupil´s Book with eBook British English - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Pupil's Book: The Pupil's Book presents and practises a new language through amusing stories, fantastic songs and activities providing an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. The unique access code inside the front cover unlocks the Pupil's Book eBook with audio and video on Cambridge One, making the learning process a joy. The unique access code inside the front cover.

Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 1 Pupil´s Book with eBook British English - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson

cena 413.0 Kč

Dětské tepláky Napapijri B-Box šedá barva, melanžové

Dětské Teplákové kalhoty z kolekce Napapijri. Model vyroben z pleteniny. Tenký, hustě pletený materiál.

Objev podobné jako Dětské tepláky Napapijri B-Box šedá barva, melanžové

cena 919.0 Kč

Ball Engineer III Starlight (40mm) NM2182C-S12-BE1

Hodinky Ball Engineer III Starlight (40mm) NM2182C-S12-BE1 přináší výborné vlastnosti, jako vysoká odolnost a skvělé zpracování. Pro svůj univerzální vzhled jsou skvělým pomocníkem nejen v těžších podmínkách, ale také při každodenním nošení. Pouzdro hodinek Ball NM2182C-S12-BE1 včetně náramku je vyrobeno z ušlechtilé oceli. Uvnitř tohoto pouzdra pracuje švýcarský mechanický automatický strojek Ball RR1102 (základem je ETA 2824, nebo Sellita SW200), který pracuje na frekvenci 28800 polokmitů za hodinu. Na…

Objev podobné jako Ball Engineer III Starlight (40mm) NM2182C-S12-BE1

cena 45300.0 Kč

Vans Mini Box SS XXL

Vans Mini Box SS XXL

Objev podobné jako Vans Mini Box SS XXL

cena 849.0 Kč

Vans Mini Box SS L

Vans Mini Box SS L

Objev podobné jako Vans Mini Box SS L

cena 849.0 Kč

Vans Mini Box SS XL

Vans Mini Box SS XL

Objev podobné jako Vans Mini Box SS XL

cena 849.0 Kč

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