Mythos: the iillustrated story - stephen fry

Produkt Mythos: the iillustrated story - stephen fry sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Mythos: the iillustrated story - stephen fry upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Mythos: The iIllustrated story - Stephen Fry


Step into Stephen Fry’s richly colourful world of magic, mayhem, monsters and maniacal gods in MYTHOS: THE ILLUSTRATED STORYNo one loves and quarrels, desires and deceives as boldly or brilliantly as Greek gods and goddesses.In Stephen Fry's vivid retelling, we gaze in wonder as wise Athena is born from the cracking open of the great head of Zeus and follow doomed Persephone into the dark and lonely realm of the Underworld. We shiver in fear when Pandora opens her jar of evil torments and watch with joy as the legendary love affair between Eros and Psyche unfolds.Mythos: The Illustrated Story captures these extraordinary myths for our modern age in striking colour - in all their dazzling and deeply human relevance. (

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Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold - Stephen Fry

Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold - Stephen Fry

The Greek myths are the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA of the West. In Stephen Fry's hands the stories of the titans and gods become a brilliantly entertaining account of ribaldry and revelry, warfare and worship, debauchery, love affairs and life lessons, slayings and suicides, triumphs and tragedies. You'll fall in love with Zeus, marvel at the birth of Athena, wince at Cronus and Gaia's revenge on Ouranos, weep with King Midas and hunt with the beautiful and ferocious Artemis Thoroughly spellbinding, informative and moving, Stephen Fry's Mythos perfectly captures these stories for the modern age - in all their rich and deeply human relevance. (

Podobné produkty ako Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold - Stephen Fry , Lara: the untold love story (0008156816)

Troy: Our Greatest Story Retold - Stephen Fry


'Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world . . .' Paris the Trojan has kidnapped Helen, Greek queen and most beautiful woman of the ancient world. A thousand ships give chase and lay siege to Troy. Yet the city stands resolutely against Greek might. Only invulnerable Achilles and wily Odysseus may lead them to victory - but the passions of mortals merely amuse the Gods and blood is easily spilled on distant shores . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Troy: Our Greatest Story Retold - Stephen Fry , The house by the lake: a story of germany (0099592045)

Troy: Our Greatest Story Retold (Defekt) - Stephen Fry


'Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world . . .' Paris the Trojan has kidnapped Helen, Greek queen and most beautiful woman of the ancient world. A thousand ships give chase and lay siege to Troy. Yet the city stands resolutely against Greek might. Only invulnerable Achilles and wily Odysseus may lead them to victory - but the passions of mortals merely amuse the Gods and blood is easily spilled on distant shores . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Troy: Our Greatest Story Retold (Defekt) - Stephen Fry , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)

Fry´s Ties - Stephen Fry


Every single one of Stephen Fry's ties - whether floral, fluorescent, football themed; striped or spotty, outrageous or simply debonair - tells an intimate tale about a moment in Stephen's life. Inspired by Stephen's hugely popular Instagram posts, this book will feature beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations and photographs to celebrate his expansive collection of man's greatest clothing companion: The Tie, in all its sophisticated glory. Distinctively funny and offering witty asides, facts and personal stories, this book will make the perfect gift for anyone who has ever worn a tie. (

Podobné produkty ako Fry´s Ties - Stephen Fry , Stephen king za výhodnou cenu

Hrdinové - Stephen Fry

Hrdinové - Stephen Fry

Bohové, příšery, mise…Jen málo smrtelníků se pustilo do odvážných a srdceryvných dobrodružství tak stylově a triumfálně jako řečtí hrdinové. Stephen Fry vypráví jejich dramatické, zábavné i tragické a především nadčasové příběhy stejně brilantně a s nezaměnitelným šarmem a vtipem jako v předchozí knize Mýty.Vstupte s Iásónem na palubu lodi Argo a vydejte se za Zlatým rounem, sledujte, jak moudře Oidipus vyřeší hádanku Sfingy, žasněte nad tím, jak si Héráklés poradí s těžkými úkoly, obdivujte neporazitelnou Atalantu, vychovanou medvědy, staňte se svědkem nesmrtelných příběhů, které se staly inspirací všech následujících věků. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrdinové - Stephen Fry , Various: west side story - the album - cd (4260494433517)

Mýty - Stephen Fry

Mýty - Stephen Fry

Nik nemiluje búrlivejšie, neháda sa vášnivejšie, netúži dychtivejšie, nesníva odvážnejšie a nepodvádza prefíkanejšie ako grécki bohovia a bohyne. V mnohých ohľadoch sú ešte ľudskejší než my - celé nebesia, zem s božským Olympom, moria aj podsvetie sú scénou pre ich hrdinské činy, ale aj dobrodružstvá, lásky, samopaš, výčiny, hádky, akty pomsty, žiarlivosti či závisti. Stephen Fry si už v detstve obľúbil staré grécke báje a povesti a rozhodol sa ich prerozprávať jazykom blízkym našej tragickej i komickej súčasnosti, a to postupne od zrodenia vesmíru až po stvorenie človeka. Spolu s ním sledujeme so zatajeným dychom Aténu vystupujúcu z Diovej rozťatej hlavy, s Persefonou schádzame do temných hlbín Hádu, ako na vlastnej koži cítime Prometeov ukrutný trest, ktorý mu Zeus vymeral za dar ohňa ľuďom, a chvejeme sa hrôzou, keď Pandora otvorí džbán plný utrpenia. Grécki bohovia stelesňujú to najlepšie i najhoršie v nás a prostredníctvom ľahkého, vtipného štýlu Stephena Frya nám rozprávajú svoje príbehy. Kniha Mýty je dôvtipné, humorné a mimoriadne vydarené dielo človeka, ktorý už vyše štyridsať rokov zabáva svojím hereckým aj literárnym umením celý svet. (

Podobné produkty ako Mýty - Stephen Fry , This land: the story of a movement (0241470943)

Trója - Stephen Fry


"Básníci musí ten příběh znovu a znovu opěvovat a předávat jej z generace na generaci, protože přijdeme-li o Tróju, přicházíme tím zároveň o kousek sebe sama." Stephen Fry Únos nejkrásnější ženy na světě, tisíc lodí vyslaných proti jedinému městu, deset let obléhání se ztrátami na obou stranách. Trója je příběh o lásce, ztrátě, pomstě, hrdinství a chytrosti, nenávisti, odvaze i zbabělosti, síle, touze, krutosti a aroganci, zoufalství i naději. Je příběhem všech možných neřestí a ctností, které si lze představit. Je příběhem lidských vášní, krvavě zapsaných do písku vzdáleného pobřeží. Lidé si ho vypravují tisíce let. Stephen Fry ho obohatil pohledem současníka a především osobitým humorem. Trója je pokračováním úspěšných titulů Mýty (Beta, 2018) a Hrdinové (Beta, 2020). (

Podobné produkty ako Trója - Stephen Fry , Stephen hawking: jeho život a dílo

Hrdinovia - Stephen Fry


Vtipné rozprávanie plné informácií vnáša do starých mytologických príbehov živý dych. S Jasonom sa nalodíte na loď Argonautov a vydáte sa na plavbu za zlatým rúnom, sledujete, ako múdro vyrieši Oidipus záhadu Sfingy, s akou ľahkosťou splní Herakles všetky ťažké úlohy, obdivujete neporaziteľnú Atlantu, ktorú vychovali medvede, tŕpnete s Perseom, ktorého ľstivý kráľ poslal po hlavu Medúzy Gorgony, lebo pri pohľade na jej tvár každý smrteľník skamenie, alebo fandíte Bellerofontovi, ktorého neprávom obvinila kráľova dcéra, lebo neopätoval jej lásku. Stanete sa účastníkom nesmrteľných dobrodružstiev, ktoré boli nevyčerpateľnou studňou inšpirácie pre mnohé pokolenia, a to všetko za sprievodu obľúbeného autora bestselleru Mýty, Stephena Frya, ktorému humor ani sarkazmus nie sú cudzie. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrdinovia - Stephen Fry , The cat in the net – a detective story (999-00-017-7166-9)

Trója - Stephen Fry


Trója. Najúžasnejšia ríša pod slnkom. Perla Egejského mora. Žiarivý Ilion, mesto, ktoré povstalo a padlo nie raz, ale dokonca dva razy... Príbeh trójskej vojny pozná azda každý z nás – keď syn trójskeho kráľa uniesol spartskú kráľovnú a vychýrenú krásavicu Helenu, Gréci zhromaždili tisíc lodí a vyplávali do strašnej vojny proti veľkolepému mestu, ktoré obliehali celých desať rokov. Pôvodcom vojny je sám Zeus – požiadal totiž trójskeho princa Parida, aby rozhodol, ktorá z troch olympských bohýň – Héry, Atény a Afrodity – je najkrajšia. Afrodita Parida podplatila, sľúbila mu lásku najočarujúcejšej ženy sveta Heleny. Paris neváhal a svoju odmenu smelo uniesol priamo zo sídla jej manžela, spartského kráľa Menelaa. Po tejto neslýchanej urážke nabrali udalosti rýchly spád. Rozpúta sa nekonečná surová vojna, počas ktorej obe strany utrpia ťažké straty. Grékom sa nedarí poraziť Trójanov, lebo ich najodvážnejšieho bojovníka Achilla spaľuje hnev na spojenca, ktorý si prisvojil jeho otrokyňu Briseidu, a preto sa odmieta zapojiť do boja... Pripravte sa na najstarší a najúžasnejší príbeh všetkých čias, v ktorom sa neovládateľné vášne striedajú s najvyššími ideálmi a hrdinstvo s úskokmi. Stephen Fry oživil klasický príbeh o Tróji vtipom, ľahkosťou a emóciami a vložil doň odvahu a nenávisť, lásku a stratu, pomstu a ľútosť, túžbu i zúfalstvo, ktoré sa navždy zapísali krvou do piesočnej pláže na ďalekom pobreží Malej Ázie. (

Podobné produkty ako Trója - Stephen Fry , Tefal ff107810 maxi fry (ff107810)

Tiepolo Blue: ´The best novel I have read for ages´ Stephen Fry - James Cahill


An exquisite debut novel. A mid-life coming-of-age story charting one man's sexual awakening and his spectacular fall from grace in 1990s London. For fans of Alan Hollinghurst and Edward St Aubyn. Exiled from his university position for an inexcusable blunder, art historian Don Lamb flees to London, a city alive with sex and creativity. There, over the course of a long, hot summer, as he is immersed in the anarchic art and gay scenes of the mid-90s, Don sees his carefully curated life irrevocably changed. But his epiphany is also a reckoning, as his unexamined past is revealed to him in a devastating new light. Intense and atmospheric, Tiepolo Blue traces Don's turbulent awakening, and his desperate flight from art into life. (

Podobné produkty ako Tiepolo Blue: ´The best novel I have read for ages´ Stephen Fry - James Cahill , Tefal ff215d30 fry uno (ff215d30)

Mýty - Stephen Fry - audiokniha

Mýty - Stephen Fry - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Již staří Řekové si rafinovaně užívali. A co teprve když se přimíchá britský humor! Protože smích je brána, kterou se dá do člověka propašovat mnoho dobrého, protáhl tudy Stephen Fry i kulturní základy evropské civilizace. Zatímco jeho krajan Robert Graves nebo náš Eduard Petiška přibližovali starořeckou mytologii sošným jazykem odpovídajícím bájné úctyhodnosti, špikuje prvotřídní britský komik antické látky současným humorem. Dává si zvlášť záležet na vášnivých vylomeninách a úchvatných úkladech, k tomu přimíchává šarmantní škodolibost a navrch i kapku rafinované rozvernosti, jež plodí samé zádrhele. Vždyť dávní bohové se nám tolik podobají – a teď dokonce začali myslet, mluvit a škodit po našem! Ostatně ať si Homér & spol. elegantně básní, jak mrav žádá, bohy si v zájmu sebemrskačství stvořili sami lidé, ačkoli velikáni z Olympu se nám znovu pokusí nakukat, že jsme jen hračky pro jejich potěchu… (

Podobné produkty ako Mýty - Stephen Fry - audiokniha , Chbosky stephen ten kdo stoji v koute

Trója - Stephen Fry - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Taková mela kvůli jedné ženské… A i kdyby byla ve skutečnosti prozaičtější než u Homéra, co nám brání si ji trošku přibájit? Sličný šikula Paris si coby arbitr marnivých olympských bohyň vyčíhl neméně hezkou Helenu, slovo dalo slovo a záhy byla ruka v rukávě, jakož i… ehm… pod suknicí. A pochopitelně též na sukovici, neboť pevninské i ostrovní Řecko kvůli jejímu únosu všeobecně mobilizovalo. O mečích, kudlách a krvežíznivosti nakrknuté Sparty nemluvě. Trójská válka o uloupenou krasavici – dosud řádně provdanou za borce Meneláa – trvala deset let a předvedla další hrdiny, vylomeniny i koniny na obou stranách fronty. A teď je nasnadě kontrolní otázka: co když všechno bylo daleko prozaičtější než v Homérových verších a šlo především o územní zisky rozmáhajících se Achájců? Tak či onak se na obhajobu antické invazní řežby zrodil božsky zauzlovaný příběh o nezkrotných vášních, neochvějném hrdinství a mazané lsti, krvavě zapsaný do písku maloasijského pobřeží. Předáváme si ho už tři tisíce let, avšak prvotřídní britský vtipálek ho svými poznámkami opět osobitě ozdobil tak, že by se bavil i objevitel Tróje: snílek Heinrich Schliemann. Po úspěšném převyprávění starověkých Mýtů a dobrodružství, která prožívali řečtí Hrdinové, završuje Stephen Fry svou osvětově-žertéřskou výpravu do minulosti nejslavnějším antickým příběhem. „Skotačivá krasojízda, která je důstojnou předskokankou nesmrtelné Odyssey, zastihuje Frye ve vrcholné vypravěčské formě. I na Olympu by si tu švandu božsky užili.“ – The Times. „Kyperský vladař Pygmalion se do kamene pouze zamiloval, avšak (…) autor koná spíš jako králova spasitelka Afrodita: vdechl sošným látkám starověku moderní obsah a probudil je tím k životu.“ – The Guardian. „Básníci musí ten příběh znovu a znovu opěvovat a předávat jej z generace na generaci, protože přijdeme-li o Tróju, přicházíme tím zároveň o kousek sebe sama.“ – z autorova prologu. „Hleďte!“ řekl Kalchás, „Apollón nám dává znamení. Ten had pozřel devět ptáků. To je znamení, že budeme devět let obléhat Tróju, ale až desátého roku zvítězíme.“ Agamemnón si Kalcháse velice vážil, ale podobně jako řada jiných mocných lidí si vždy našel způsob, jak nepříjemné proroctví buď ignorovat, anebo překroutit ve vlastní prospěch. „Jak víme, že to neznamená desátý týden nebo desátý měsíc?“ otázal se. Kalchás věděl, co je pro něj dobré. „Samozřejmě je možné najít i jiný výklad, můj králi.“ „Dobrá. Tak běž a příště nás už nestraš takovými chmurnými zvěstmi.“ – ukázka z textu. (

Podobné produkty ako Trója - Stephen Fry - audiokniha , Style council: long hot summers /the story of the style council (3x lp) - lp (0894119)

Hrdinové - Stephen Fry - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Již staří Řekové se zmítali ve víru vášní. A teď je u toho šmíruje britský vtipálek! Když se Prométheovou zásluhou věk bohů Řecku přejedl a prosadili se bájní hrdinové, začalo být u tamního moře dusno. Zhrzený Olymp dělal vlny a bojovníkům škodil proradným předurčením, uleželým incestem nebo aspoň vlčí mhou, což jsou přepychové podněty pro komika, který si předsevzal ukázat, že tehdejší výstřelky si v ničem nezadají s úlety 21. století. Plodí je přece tytéž vášně. V brilantně šoumenském podání Stephena Frye proto sledujte, jak díky filutovi Perseovi ztvrdnou Medúze rysy či jak prchlivý terminátor Héraklés zatočí s Hydrou coby položkou č. 2 na seznamu nucených prací. Plavte se s Iásónem za superženou Médeiou a buďte u toho, když kverulant Oidipús drtí Sfingu. Nemluvě o Théseovi, jenž vzal radši rozum do hrsti, když už v ní jeho tatík neudržel chtíč. Udatní rekové se sice občas prsí málem jako my ve statusech na sociálních sítích, ale bez jejich heroismu by nebylo umění Západu. Ostatně jsou to hvězdy, které vystoupaly až na oblohu! „Fry ovládl kouzlo, jež z klasických látek odnímá závoj mrtvolné odtažitosti. Díky němu nemusíme v postavách vidět Filoktéta či Klytaimnéstru. Klidně je bereme jako sousedy Arnolda a Susan.“ – The Guardian. „Nejcennější přínos spočívá v tom, co může těchto osm hrdinských příběhů sdělit dnešní době. (…) Mytologie přece není historie – nejsou to strohá fakta přednášená jakýmsi suchopárem, nýbrž temperamentní, pronikavá a rozkošná sebereflexe doby. A jako taková možná poslouží lidem právě jako učitelka, o níž psal Cicero, protože dějiny se jako na potvoru vždycky protivně rýmují.“ – The Independent. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrdinové - Stephen Fry - audiokniha , Tefal ey111b15 ultra fry digital (ey111b15)

Hrdinové - Stephen Fry - e-kniha

Hrdinové - Stephen Fry - e-kniha

eBook:,Jen málo smrtelníků se pustilo do odvážných a srdceryvných dobrodružství tak stylově a triumfálně jako řečtí hrdinové. Stephen Fry vypráví jejich dramatické, zábavné i tragické a především nadčasové příběhy stejně brilantně a s nezaměnitelným šarmem a vtipem jako v předchozí knize Mýty. Vstupte s Iásónem na palubu lodi Argó a vydejte se za Zlatým rounem, sledujte, jak moudře Oidipus vyřeší hádanku Sfingy, žasněte nad tím, jak si Héráklés poradí s těžkými úkoly, obdivujte neporazitelnou Atalantu, vychovanou medvědy, staňte se svědkem nesmrtelných příběhů, které se staly inspirací všech následujících věků. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrdinové - Stephen Fry - e-kniha , Tefal ey101815 easy fry compact (ey101815)

Trója - Stephen Fry - e-kniha


eBook: Únos nejkrásnější ženy na světě, tisíc lodí vyslaných proti jedinému městu, deset let obléhání se ztrátami na obou stranách. Trója je příběh o lásce, ztrátě, pomstě, hrdinství a chytrosti, nenávisti, odvaze i zbabělosti, síle, touze, krutosti a aroganci, zoufalství i naději. Je příběhem všech možných neřestí a ctností, které si lze představit. Je příběhem lidských vášní, krvavě zapsaných do písku vzdáleného pobřeží. Lidé si ho vypravují tisíce let. Stephen Fray ho obohatil pohledem současníka a především osobitým humorem. (

Podobné produkty ako Trója - Stephen Fry - e-kniha , Tefal ey201815 easy fry classique (ey201815)

Mýty - Stephen Fry - e-kniha


eBook: Nikdo neumí milovat a nenávidět, toužit a podvádět tak odvážně a rafinovaně jako řečtí bohové a bohyně. Jsou jako my, ale jejich činy a dobrodružství jsou vepsány do nebeské klenby nad našimi hlavami. Stephen Fry, který se do mýtů od zrození vesmíru po stvoření lidstva zamiloval už jako dítě, převyprávěl tyto příběhy pro dnešní tragikomickou dobu. Staňte se svědky toho, jak se Athéna zrodila z praskliny v Diově obří hlavě, následujte Persefonu do temného Hádova podsvětí, prožijte Prométheův děsivý a nekonečný trest za zradu Dia a děste se toho, co přijde, až Pandora otevře skříňku plnou utrpení. (

Podobné produkty ako Mýty - Stephen Fry - e-kniha , Wheeler kenny: windmill tilter (the story of don quixote) - lp (0748057)

Mýty (ilustrované vydání) - Stephen Fry


Nikdo neumí milovat a nenávidět, toužit a podvádět tak odvážně a rafinovaně jako řečtí bohové a bohyně. Jsou jako my, ale jejich činy a dobrodružství jsou vepsány do nebeské klenby nad našimi hlavami. Stephen Fry, který se do mýtů od zrození vesmíru po stvoření lidstva zamiloval už jako dítě, převyprávěl tyto příběhy pro dnešní tragikomickou dobu. Staňte se svědky toho, jak se Athéna zrodila z praskliny v Diově obří hlavě, následujte Persefonu do temného Hádova podsvětí, prožijte Prométheův děsivý a nekonečný trest za zradu Dia a děste se toho, co přijde, až Pandora otevře skříňku plnou utrpení. Nové ilustrované vydání. (

Podobné produkty ako Mýty (ilustrované vydání) - Stephen Fry , Stephen hawking a jeho grand design - dvd (771)

Mýty - Fry Stephen

Mýty - Fry Stephen

Nik nemiluje búrlivejšie, neháda sa vášnivejšie, netúži dychtivejšie, nesníva odvážnejšie a nepodvádza prefíkanejšie ako grécki bohovia a bohyne. V mnohých ohľadoch sú ešte ľudskejší než my - celé nebesia, zem s božským Olympom, moria aj podsvetie sú scénou pre ich hrdinské činy, ale aj dobrodružstvá, lásky, samopaš, výčiny, hádky, akty pomsty, žiarlivosti či závisti. Stephen Fry si už v detstve obľúbil staré grécke báje a povesti a rozhodol sa ich prerozprávať jazykom blízkym našej tragickej i komickej súčasnosti, a to postupne od zrodenia vesmíru až po stvorenie človeka. Spolu s ním sledujeme so zatajeným dychom Aténu vystupujúcu z Diovej rozťatej hlavy, s Persefonou schádzame do temných hlbín Hádu, ako na vlastnej koži cítime Prometeov ukrutný trest, ktorý mu Zeus vymeral za dar ohňa ľuďom, a chvejeme sa hrôzou, keď Pandora otvorí džbán plný utrpenia. Grécki bohovia stelesňujú to najlepšie i najhoršie v nás a prostredníctvom ľahkého, vtipného štýlu Stephena Frya nám rozprávajú svoje príbehy. Kniha Mýty je dôvtipné, humorné a mimoriadne vydarené dielo človeka, ktorý už vyše štyridsať rokov zabáva svojím hereckým aj literárnym umením celý svet. (

Podobné produkty ako Mýty - Fry Stephen , Tefal fw501815 easy fry oven & grill (fw501815)

Hrdinové - Fry Stephen

Hrdinové - Fry Stephen

Bohové, příšery, mise… Jen málo smrtelníků se pustilo do odvážných a srdceryvných dobrodružství tak stylově a triumfálně jako řečtí hrdinové. Stephen Fry vypráví jejich dramatické, zábavné i tragické a především nadčasové příběhy stejně brilantně a s nezaměnitelným šarmem a vtipem jako v předchozí knize Mýty. Vstupte s Iásónem na palubu lodi Argo a vydejte se za Zlatým rounem, sledujte, jak moudře Oidipus vyřeší hádanku Sfingy, žasněte nad tím, jak si Héráklés poradí s těžkými úkoly, obdivujte neporazitelnou Atalantu, vychovanou medvědy, staňte se svědkem nesmrtelných příběhů, které se staly inspirací všech následujících věků. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrdinové - Fry Stephen , Tefal ey801815 easy fry & grill xxl (ey801815 )

Hroch - Fry Stephen

Hroch - Fry Stephen

Ted Wallace je neschopný manžel a otec, alkoholik a nestydatý svůdník, neúspěšný básník a divadelní kritik... A tak není divu, že ochotně přijímá podivnou nabídku své kmotřenky, aby zjistil, neděje-li se v sídle jeho známých na Swaffordu něco podezřelého. Vždyť za takovou maličkost dostane čtvrt milionu liber! Ale jak člověk jeho druhu zapadne mezi šlechtice, místní honoraci a smetánku? (

Podobné produkty ako Hroch - Fry Stephen , Stephen king ve filmu (978-80-7585-705-7)

Heroes : Mortals and Monsters, Quests and Adventures - Stephen Fry

Heroes : Mortals and Monsters, Quests and Adventures - Stephen Fry

There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes. Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes. In this companion to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells these dramatic, funny, tragic and timeless tales. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Witness wily Oedipus solve the riddle of the Sphinx and discover how Bellerophon captures the winged horse Pegasus to help him slay the monster Chimera. Filled with white-knuckle chases and battles, impossible puzzles and riddles, acts of base cowardice and real bravery, not to mention murders and selfless sacrifices, Heroes is the story of what we mortals are truly capable of - at our worst and our very best. (

Podobné produkty ako Heroes : Mortals and Monsters, Quests and Adventures - Stephen Fry , Once upon a time in the east: a story of growing up (1784740683)

Lisey´s Story - Stephen King

Lisey´s Story - Stephen King

Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark. Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure. Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality. Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive. (

Podobné produkty ako Lisey´s Story - Stephen King , The story of czechs and slovaks in canada (978-80-85948-85-1)

Lisey´s Story (Defekt) - Stephen King


Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark. Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure. Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality. Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive. (

Podobné produkty ako Lisey´s Story (Defekt) - Stephen King , Home af-a910b air fry (hm-af-a910b)

Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North - Rachel Joyceová


The final novel in the Harold Fry trilogy, this is a heart-stopping story told from the view point of his wife Maureen as she takes her own journey and discovers how to reconnect with the world.Ten years ago, Harold Fry set off on his epic journey on foot to save a friend. But the story doesn't end there.Now his wife, Maureen, has her own pilgrimage to make.Maureen Fry has settled into the quiet life she now shares with her husband Harold after his iconic walk across England. Now, ten years later, an unexpected message from the North disturbs her equilibrium again, and this time it is Maureen's turn to make her own journey.But Maureen is not like Harold. She struggles to bond with strangers, and the landscape she crosses has changed radically. She has little sense of what she'll find at the end of the road. All she knows is that she must get there.Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North is a deeply felt, lyrical novel, full of warmth and kindness. Short, exquisite, powerful- it is about love, loss, and how we come to terms with the past in order to understand ourselves and our lives a little better. (

Podobné produkty ako Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North - Rachel Joyceová , Siguro af-p250b vita fry (sgr-af-p250b)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Jason Fry

Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Jason Fry

The official novelization of the highly anticipated movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi, coming to theaters nationwide December 15, 2017.Written with input from director Rian Johnson, this official adaptation of Star Wars: The Last Jedi expands on the film to include scenes from alternate versions of the script and other additional content. From the ashes of the Empire has arisen another threat to the galaxy's freedom: the ruthless First Order. Fortunately, new heroes have emerged to take up arms-and perhaps lay down their lives-for the cause. Rey, the orphan strong in the Force; Finn, the ex-stormtrooper who stands against his former masters; and Poe Dameron, the fearless X-wing pilot, have been drawn together to fight side-by-side with General Leia Organa and the Resistance. But the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke and his merciless enforcer Kylo Ren are adversaries with superior numbers and devastating firepower at their command. Against this enemy, the champions of light may finally be facing their extinction. Their only hope rests with a lost legend: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Where the action of Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended, Star Wars: The Last Jedi begins, as the battle between light and dark climbs to astonishing new heights. Featuring an 8-page color photo insert of thrilling images from the hit movie. (

Podobné produkty ako Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Jason Fry , Siguro af-g250b easy fry (sgr-af-g250b)

The Tommyknockers - Stephen King

The Tommyknockers - Stephen King

Rejacketted reissue of a chilling science fiction title from the number one bestselling author, supported by a marketing campaign for the backlist directing readers to the right book for them. (

Podobné produkty ako The Tommyknockers - Stephen King , Home df-b240su deep fry (hm-df-b240su)

The Gunslinger - Stephen King

The Gunslinger - Stephen King

This first novel in his epic fantasy masterpiece, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger. He is a haunting figure, a loner, on a spellbinding journey into good and evil, in a desolate world which frighteningly echoes our own.In his first step towards the powerful and mysterious Dark Tower, Roland encounters an alluring woman named Alice, begins a friendship with Jake, a kid from New York, and faces an agonising choice between damnation and salvation as he pursues the Man in Black.Both grippingly realistic and eerily dreamlike, THE GUNSLINGER leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next chapter.And the Tower is closer... (

Podobné produkty ako The Gunslinger - Stephen King , Mowgli´s story ()

The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyceová


Harold is an ordinary man who has passed through life, living on the side lines, until he goes to post a letter one day...and just keeps walking.This edition includes stills from the film; also exclusive material about adapting novel to book by Rachel Joyce; Rachel Joyce in conversation with the producers; and insights from the producer about the challenges of making the movie. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyceová , Stephen king jde do kina (978-80-7593-409-3)

The Last Dark - Stephen Donaldson

The Last Dark - Stephen Donaldson

The bestselling fantasy series from one of the biggest names in the genre comes to an unforgettable conclusion. This is the final volume of the epic Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - one of the keynote works of modern fantasy. Compelled step by step to actions whose consequences they could neither see nor prevent, Thomas Covenant and Linden Avery have fought for what they love in the magical reality known only as 'the Land'. Now they face their final crisis. Reunited after their separate struggles, they discover in each other their true power - and yet they cannot imagine how to stop the Worm of the World's End from unmaking Time. Nevertheless they must resist the ruin of all things, giving their last strength in the service of the world's continuance. (

Podobné produkty ako The Last Dark - Stephen Donaldson , Bo-camp dutch oven fry pan 24 cm (8712013224251)

The Colorado Kid - Stephen King

The Colorado Kid - Stephen King

On an island off the coast of Maine, a man is found dead. There's no identification on the body. Only the dogged work of a pair of local newspapermen and a graduate student in forensics turns up any clues, and it's more than a year before the man is identified. And that's just the beginning of the mystery. Because the more they learn about the man and the baffling circumstances of his death, the less they understand. Was it an impossible crime? Or something stranger still...? No one but Stephen King could tell this story about the darkness at the heart of the unknown and our compulsion to investigate the unexplained. With echoes of Dashiell Hammett's THE MALTESE FALCON and the work of Graham Greene, one of the world's great storytellers presents a moving and surprising tale whose subject is nothing less than the nature of mystery itself... (

Podobné produkty ako The Colorado Kid - Stephen King

Unlocking the Universe - Stephen Hawking


Have you ever wondered how our universe began?Or what it takes to put humans on the moon? Do you know what happens in the microscopic world of a life-saving vaccine? What would you do if you could travel through space and time?Embark on the adventure of a lifetime in this beautiful collection of up-to-the-minute essays, mind-blowing facts and out-of-this-world colour photographs, by the world's leading scientists including Professor Stephen Hawking himself. This edition features brand-new content from Dr Mary Dobson: Plagues, Pandemics and Planetary Health. This unmissable volume was curated by Stephen and Lucy Hawking, whose series of children's books George's Secret Key was a global hit.George's stories are punctuated with fascinating real-life facts and insights from leading scientists and now this incredible non-fiction has been collected into one bumper volume, with new content from key scientific figures and up-to-the-minute facts and figures for readers in 2021. READERS LOVE UNLOCKING THE UNIVERSE:"Despite its scientific content the essays are written in a very accessible style and the many topics investigated which range from the physical explanations of the universe to earth science to robotics and future predictions. Highly recommended for curious minds from around 10 years upwards" - Sue Warren, Blogger"My 9 y.o.loves this book. We've previously discussed a lot of the concepts, but this seems to answer questions I hadn't thought of, but my son wanted to know" (

Podobné produkty ako Unlocking the Universe - Stephen Hawking

Under the Dome - Stephen King

Under the Dome - Stephen King

The second season of the television adaptation of UNDER THE DOME will receive its UK premiere on Channel 5 on Monday, August 25th. In one of Stephen King's most riveting novels, in which every chapter ends on a cliffhanger. a Maine town and its inhabitants are isolated from the world by an invisible, impenetrable dome. (

Podobné produkty ako Under the Dome - Stephen King

The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands - Stephen King

The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands - Stephen King

THE WASTE LANDS is the third volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017. In the third novel in Stephen King's epic fantasy masterpiece, Roland, the Last Gunslinger, is moving ever closer to the Dark Tower. Roland has altered ka by saving the life of Jake Chambers in New York. Now they exist in different worlds, paradoxically sharing memories. Roland, Susannah and Eddie must try to draw Jake into Mid-World then follow the Path of the Beam through an urban waste land to the Dark Tower. Pursued by the Ageless Stranger, Roland and his friends cross a desert of damnation in this macabre new world as revelations begin to unfold about who - and what - is driving him forward. JOIN THE QUEST FOR THE DARK TOWER... THE DARK TOWER SERIES: THE DARK TOWER I: THE GUNSLINGER THE DARK TOWER II: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE THE DARK TOWER III: THE WASTE LANDS THE DARK TOWER IV: WIZARD AND GLASS THE DARK TOWER V: WOLVES OF THE CALLA THE DARK TOWER VI: SONG OF SUSANNAH THE DARK TOWER VII: THE DARK TOWER THE WIND THROUGH THE KEYHOLE: A DARK TOWER NOVEL (

Podobné produkty ako The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands - Stephen King

PER | Easystart: The Fireboy - Stephen Rabley


Original / British English Hapu lives in Ancient Egypt. Hapu's father is ill, but they haven't got any money for a doctor. Hapu makes a beautiful necklace for Queen Cleopatra and takes it to her. But a guard says, 'Go home'. How can Hapu meet the Queen and get a doctor for his father? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Fireboy - Stephen Rabley

The Talisman - Stephen King, Peter Straub


A chilling tale from two of the greatest storytellers of our time... Twelve-year-old Jack spends his days alone in a deserted coastal town, his father gone, his mother dying. Then he meets a stranger - and embarks on a terrifying journey. For Jack must find the Talisman, the only thing that can save his mother. His quest takes him into the menacing Territories, a parallel world where violence, surprise and the titanic struggle between good and evil reach across a mythic landscape. (

Podobné produkty ako The Talisman - Stephen King, Peter Straub

Under the Dome (Defekt) - Stephen King

Under the Dome (Defekt) - Stephen King

The second season of the television adaptation of UNDER THE DOME will receive its UK premiere on Channel 5 on Monday, August 25th. In one of Stephen King's most riveting novels, in which every chapter ends on a cliffhanger. a Maine town and its inhabitants are isolated from the world by an invisible, impenetrable dome. (

Podobné produkty ako Under the Dome (Defekt) - Stephen King

The Endless Knot - Stephen R. Lawhead

The Endless Knot - Stephen R. Lawhead

Celtic myth collides with modern life in a timeless story concluding Stephen Lawhead's bestselling Song of Albion trilogy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Endless Knot - Stephen R. Lawhead

Hello World : How to be Human in the Age of the Machine - Hannah Fry


You are accused of a crime. Who would you rather determined your fate - a human or an algorithm?An algorithm is more consistent and less prone to error of judgement. Yet a human can look you in the eye before passing sentence.Welcome to the age of the algorithm, the story of a not-too-distant future where machines rule supreme, making important decisions - in healthcare, transport, finance, security, what we watch, where we go even who we send to prison. So how much should we rely on them? What kind of future do we want?Hannah Fry takes us on a tour of the good, the bad and the downright ugly of the algorithms that surround us. In Hello World she lifts the lid on their inner workings, demonstrates their power, exposes their limitations, and examines whether they really are an improvement on the humans they are replacing. (

Podobné produkty ako Hello World : How to be Human in the Age of the Machine - Hannah Fry

The Perks of Being Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

The Perks of Being Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

Charlie is a freshman. And while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his year yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But he can't stay on the sidelines forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a deeply affecting coming-of-age story that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up. (

Podobné produkty ako The Perks of Being Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane


Following one soldier's journey from naive recruit to hardened survivor, The Red Badge of Courage is a vivid and powerfully psychological take on the American Civil War. Fighting for the Union army, Henry Fleming is thrown into a bloody war where the harsh realities and horrors of battle quickly become evident. Fearful, occasionally vain, but always viewing the war with honest eyes, Henry eventually comes to thrive as a soldier in combat, and it is with a a new conscience and outlook that he matures into manhood. (

Podobné produkty ako The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams - Stephen King


The master storyteller at his best delivers a generous, thrilling new collection of stories featuring revelatory autobiographical comments on when, why and how he came to write each story.A generous collection of thrilling stories - some brand new, some published in magazines, all entirely brilliant and assembled in one book for the first time - with a wonderful bonus: in addition to his introduction to the whole collection, King gives readers a fascinating introduction to each story with autobiographical comments on their origins and motivation...The No. 1 bestselling writer has dazzled readers with his genius as a writer of novellas and short story fiction since his first collection NIGHT SHIFT was published. He describes the nature of the form in his introduction to the book: 'There's something to be said for a shorter, more intense experience. It can be invigorating, sometimes even shocking, like...a beautiful curio for sale laid out on a cheap blanket at a street bazaar.'In THE BAZAAR OF BAD DREAMS there is a curio for every reader - a man who keeps reliving the same life, repeating the same mistakes over and over again, a columnist who kills people by writing their obituaries, a poignant tale about the end of the human race and a firework competition between neighbours which reaches an explosive climax. There are also intriguing connections between the stories; themes of morality, guilt, the afterlife and what we would do differently if we could see into the future or correct the mistakes of the past.Effervescent yet poignant, juxtaposing the everyday against the unexpected, these stories comprise one of King's finest gifts to his constant reader as well as to those fascinated by the autobiographical insights in his celebrated non-fiction title ON WRITING.'I made them especially for you', says King. 'Feel free to examine them, but please be careful. The best of them have teeth.'TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE BAZAAR OF BAD DREAMSIntroduction Mile 81 Premium Harmony Batman and Robin Have an Altercation The Dune Bad Little Kid A Death The Bone Church Morality Afterlife Ur Herman Wouk Is Still Alive Under the Weather Blockade Billy Mister Yummy Tommy The Little Green God of Agony That Bus Is Another World Obits Drunken Fireworks Summer Thunder (

Podobné produkty ako The Bazaar of Bad Dreams - Stephen King

The Universe In A Nutshell - Stephen Hawking

The Universe In A Nutshell - Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time was a publishing phenomenon. Translated into thirty languages, it has sold over nine million copies worldwide. It continues to captivate and inspire new readers every year. When it was first published in 1988 the ideas discussed in it were at the cutting edge of what was then known about the universe. In the intervening years there have been extraordinary advances in our understanding of the space and time. The technology for observing the micro- and macro-cosmic world has developed in leaps and bounds. During the same period cosmology and the theoretical sciences have entered a new golden age. Professor Stephen Hawking has been at the heart of this new scientific renaissance. Now, in The Universe in a Nutshell, Stephen Hawking brings us fully up-to-date with the advances in scientific thinking. We are now nearer than we have ever been to a full understanding of the universe. In a fascinating and accessible discussion that ranges from quantum mechanics, to time travel, black holes to uncertainty theory, to the search for science's Holy Grail - the unified field theory (or in layman's terms the 'theory of absolutely everything') Professor Hawking once more takes us to the cutting edge of modern thinking. Beautifully illustrated throughout, with original artwork commissioned for this project, The Universe in a Nutshell is guaranteed to be the biggest science book of 2001. (

Podobné produkty ako The Universe In A Nutshell - Stephen Hawking

PER | Easystart: The Troy Stone - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Troy Stone - Stephen Rabley

Original / British English Mark Jackson is on holiday in Turkey. He visits the old city of Troy and finds a yellow stone. 'I know this stone, ' he thinks. 'It comes from ... from ...' Suddenly Mark goes back in time. He can see a beautiful city, soldiers and a big wooden horse (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Troy Stone - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Pearl Girl - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: The Pearl Girl - Stephen Rabley

Kate Grant comes from Canada. She is visiting Europe with her mother and father. One evening she sees two men in a museum. They are taking a very famous picture, Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring. What can Kate do? (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: The Pearl Girl - Stephen Rabley

The Long Utopia (The Long Earh 4) - Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett

The Long Utopia (The Long Earh 4) - Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett

2045-2059. After the cataclysmic upheavals of Step Day and the Yellowstone eruption humanity is spreading further into the Long Earth, and society, on a battered Datum Earth and beyond, continues to evolve. Now an elderly and cantankerous AI, Lobsang lives in disguise with Agnes in an exotic, far-distant world. He’s convinced they’re leading a normal life in New Springfield – they even adopt a child – but it seems they have been guided there for a reason. As rumours of strange sightings and hauntings proliferate, it becomes clear that something is very awry with this particular world. Millions of steps away, Joshua is on a personal journey of discovery: learning about the father he never knew and a secret family history. But then he receives a summons from New Springfield. Lobsang now understands the enormity of what’s taking place beneath the surface of his earth – a threat to all the worlds of the Long Earth.To counter this threat will require the combined efforts of humankind, machine and the super-intelligent Next. And some must make the ultimate sacrifice . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Long Utopia (The Long Earh 4) - Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett

Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (1405940360)

Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (1405940360)

Kniha - autor Stephen Fry, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes. Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes. In this companion to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells these dramatic, funny, tragic and timeless tales. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Witness wily Oedipus solve the riddle of the Sphinx and discover how Bellerophon captures the winged horse Pegasus to help him slay the monster Chimera. Filled with white-knuckle chases and battles, impossible puzzles and riddles, acts of base cowardice and real bravery, not to mention murders and selfless sacrifices, Heroes is the story of what we... (

Podobné produkty ako Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retold (1405940360)

PER | Easystart: Billy and the Queen - Stephen Rabley

PER | Easystart: Billy and the Queen - Stephen Rabley

Original / British English Billy and his sister want new bicycles, but they don't have any money. Then their grandmother has an idea. There's a competition in Palace magazine. The first prize is GBP500. 'What do you think?' Billy asks his sister. 'We can buy two new bicycles for GBP500,' she says. (

Podobné produkty ako PER | Easystart: Billy and the Queen - Stephen Rabley

The Illustrated Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

The Illustrated Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

This is Stephen Hawking's updated, expanded and illustrated edition of his celebrated work which includes the most recent developments in the field, many of which were forecast by him. At the same time, he explains his complex theories through a fresh visual dimension. Over one hunded and fifty stunning colour illustrations have been specially commissioned for this purpose to help the reader understand what have become popular mythic images of our century, but which nonetheless remain difficult, abstract ideas to grasp. It includes a new introduction written specially for this edition. (

Podobné produkty ako The Illustrated Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King, Bernie Wrightson


Something inhuman has come to Tarker's Mills, as unseen as the full moon riding the night sky high above. The first scream came from the snowbound railwayman who felt the werewolf's fangs ripping at his throat. The next month there was a scream of ecstatic agony from the woman attacked in her cosy bedroom. Now scenes of unbelievable horror unfold each time the full moon shines on the isolated Maine town of Tarker's Mills. No one knows who will be attacked next. But one thing is sure. When the full moon rises, a paralysing fear sweeps through Tarker's Mills. For snarls that sound like human words can be heard whining through the wind. And all around are the footprints of a monster whose hunger cannot be sated . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King, Bernie Wrightson
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777), Lara: The Untold Love Story (0008156816), The House by the Lake: A Story of Germany (0099592045), The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit (1524711098), Stephen King za výhodnou cenu, Various: West Side Story - The Album - CD (4260494433517), This Land: The Story of a Movement (0241470943), Stephen Hawking: Jeho život a dílo, The cat in the net – A detective story (999-00-017-7166-9), Tefal FF107810 Maxi Fry (FF107810), Tefal FF215D30 Fry Uno (FF215D30), chbosky stephen ten kdo stoji v koute, Style Council: Long Hot Summers /The Story Of The Style Council (3x LP) - LP (0894119), Tefal EY111B15 Ultra Fry Digital (EY111B15), Tefal EY101815 Easy Fry Compact (EY101815), Tefal EY201815 Easy Fry Classique (EY201815), Wheeler Kenny: Windmill Tilter (The Story Of Don Quixote) - LP (0748057), Stephen Hawking a jeho Grand Design - DVD (771), Tefal FW501815 Easy Fry Oven & Grill (FW501815), Tefal EY801815 Easy Fry & Grill XXL (EY801815 ), Stephen King ve filmu (978-80-7585-705-7), Once Upon a Time in the East: A Story of Growing Up (1784740683), The Story of Czechs and Slovaks in Canada (978-80-85948-85-1), Home AF-A910B Air Fry (HM-AF-A910B), Siguro AF-P250B Vita Fry (SGR-AF-P250B), Siguro AF-G250B Easy Fry (SGR-AF-G250B), Home DF-B240SU Deep Fry (HM-DF-B240SU), Mowgli´s Story (), Stephen King jde do kina (978-80-7593-409-3), Bo-Camp Dutch Oven Fry pan 24 cm (8712013224251)