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Letters from a Stoic - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.No man can live a happy life, or even a supportable life, without the study of wisdomLucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC-AD 65) is one of the most famous Roman philosophers. Instrumental in guiding the Roman Empire under emperor Nero, Seneca influenced him from a young age with his Stoic principles. Later in life, he wrote Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium, or Letters from a Stoic, detailing these principles in full.Seneca’s letters read like a diary, or a handbook of philosophical meditations. Often beginning with observations on daily life, the letters focus on many traditional themes of Stoic philosophy, such as the contempt of death, the value of friendship and virtue as the supreme good.Using Gummere’s translation from the early twentieth century, this selection of Seneca’s letters shows his belief in the austere, ethical ideals of Stoicism – teachings we can still learn from today.
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Letters from a Stoic - Seneca
''It is philosophy that has the duty of protecting us ... without it no one can lead a life free of fear or worry''For several years of his turbulent life, in which he was dogged by ill health, exile and danger, Seneca was the guiding hand of the Roman Empire. This selection of Seneca''s letters shows him upholding the ideals of Stoicism - the wisdom of the self-possessed person immune to life''s setbacks - while valuing friendship and courage, and criticizing the harsh treatment of slaves and the cruelties in the gladiatorial arena. The humanity and wit revealed in Seneca''s interpretation of Stoicism is a moving and inspiring declaration of the dignity of the individual mind.Selected and translated with an Introduction by Robin Campbell
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Letters from a Stoic (0141395850)
Kniha - autor Seneca, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Seneca, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
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O duševním klidu - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Seneca vždy patřil a stále patří k nejznámějším a nejoblíbenějším římským autorům. Jeho filozofické spisy, úvahy a konsolace čili útěchy byly hojně čteny pro naléhavý etický obsah a srozumitelnost. Hledá cesty k mravní odpovědnosti cti, vnitřní svobodě a duševní vyrovnanosti, uvažuje o smrti a o přátelství a jeho prospěšnosti a potřebnosti, chválí odpoutání od materiálních potřeb, prosazuje myšlenku o rovnosti všech lidí apod. Je to filozofie praktického života a lze z ní vyčíst mnoho autorových vlastních zkušeností ze vzrušené doby, kterou prožíval.
Objev podobné jako O duševním klidu - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Dopisy psané stoikem - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Jaký je smysl života, v čem spočívá pravé štěstí, jak dosáhnout trvalé radosti, neohrožené mysli a moudrosti, jak žít, ale také jak zemřít, to jsou základní témata a otázky nejznámějšího a nejčtenějšího Senekova díla, které vzniklo před téměř dvěma tisíci lety a které se nyní poprvé v úplnosti dostává k českému čtenáři. Jeden z nejcitovanějších autorů všech dob v něm prostřednictvím dopisů adresovaných svému příteli Luciliovi Iuniorovi odpovídá na základní otázky lidské existence a nabízí klíč k tomu, jak se stát opravdovým mudrcem a připodobnit se bohu. Vyhýbej se davu, usiluj o trvalý duševní klid, neochvějnou vyrovnanost a vnitřní autonomii, vypěstuj si nezávislost na vrtkavé a nevyzpytatelné Štěstěně, která někdy štědře obdarovává, a jindy zas bere, pohrdej bohatstvím, slávou, ale i smrtí, nepodléhej vášním a vnějším impulzům, odpoutej se od všeho pomíjivého a především se uč žít v souladu s přirozeností a neustávej v sebezdokonalování a vědomém utváření vlastního já - to jsou hlavní naučení a doporučení, která Lucius Annaeus Seneca rozpracoval a zformuloval již v letech 63 a 64 našeho letopočtu a která díky výraznému individiualismu, jakož i modernímu jazyku a živé dikci, dodnes nepřestávají inspirovat čtenáře. První kompletní vydání Senekových dopisů Luciliovi vychází v překladu Bohumila Ryby a Václava Bahníka. Vydání je doplněno úvahou Petra Dvořáka o stoickém pojetí osobní transformace a ideálu emočního života.
Objev podobné jako Dopisy psané stoikem - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
O pokoji mysle - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
V polovici 1. storočia nášho letopočtu napísal stoický filozof Lucius Annaeus Seneca spis O pokoji mysle. V tejto jedinečnej svojpomocnej príručke sa štylizuje do pozície lekára poskytujúceho praktické liečebné rady, ako sa vyrovnať s duševným nepokojom. Obsahuje konkrétne odporúčania, ako môže človek zvládnuť negatívny stav mysle, ako osud ovplyvňuje náš psychický život a prečo je pri liečbe dôležitá racionálna zložka ľudskej duše. Táto publikácia z limitovanej edície kroník dozaista poteší každého milovníka antickej literatúry a vtiahne ho do myšlienkového sveta rímskej spoločnosti a filozofie.
Objev podobné jako O pokoji mysle - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Teachings of a Stoic - Epiktétos
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. The discourses of the great Stoic philosopher Epictetus are regarded as some of the most influential teachings of the ancient world. Born into slavery and sent into exile before setting up a school of philosophy, Epictetus delivered a series of lectures where he argued that true happiness comes only when we learn to distinguish what is within our power and what is beyond our personal control. Using George Long's 1890 translation, this edition includes a selection of Epictetus' key principles, as well as a manual of his core philosophy, the Encheiridion. With clarity, conviction and timeless wisdom that is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago, these teachings navigate the complexities of the human condition and offer rational guidance for the turmoil of modern life. About the Author Born into slavery in AD 55, Epictetus was one of the greatest Stoic philosophers of Roman antiquity. His Discourses - a series of lectures taught at his school of philosophy in Nicopolis - were transcribed by his student Arrian, and offer practical guidance on how to follow stoicism in daily life.
Objev podobné jako Teachings of a Stoic - Epiktétos
How To Be a Stoic - Epiktétos
'Don't hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen' How can we cope when life's events seem beyond our control? These words of consolation and inspiration from the three great Stoic philosophers - Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius - offer ancient wisdom on how to face life's adversities and live well in the world. GREAT IDEAS. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Objev podobné jako How To Be a Stoic - Epiktétos
How To Be A Stoic - Massimo Pigliucci
A philosophy still relevant in the modern world, Pigliucci, one of the top philosophers on Twitter and a regular contributor to the New York Times, Newsweek, Washington and Huffington Posts, shows how you can apply stoicism to your everyday life and make it more meaningful. With practical tips and exercises, meditations and mindfulness, this is perfect for fans of Jules Evans'' Philosophy of Life - or anyone wanting to imbue their life with new meaning.''Pigliucci makes a good case for Stoicism and living stoically'' -- Daily Telegraph''A good case for the enduring relevance of 2,000-year-old precepts'' -- TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT''Enjoyed reading this - enough information to be enlightening and clear and simple enough for a novice in the field to access easily'' -- ***** Reader review''Enlightening'' -- ***** Reader review''Loved this book so much'' -- ***** Reader review''Easy to understand with just the right twist of Philosophy'' -- ***** Reader review''Very thought provoking'' -- ***** Reader review''A great book full of great wisdom'' -- ***** Reader review''I am loving this book. Have been reading it non-stop since I got it'' -- ***** Reader review**********************************************************************************************''In this thought-provoking book, Massimo Pigliucci shares his journey of discovering the power of Stoic practices in a philosophical dialogue with one of Stoicism''s greatest teachers.'' RYAN HOLIDAY, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY AND THE DAILY STOICWho am I?What am I doing?How ought I to live my life?Stoicism teaches us to acknowledge our emotions, reflect on what causes them and redirect them for our own good. Whenever we worry about how to be happy, we are worrying about how to lead a good life. No goal seems more elusive.Massimo Pigliucci explores this remarkable philosophy and how its wisdom can be applied to our everyday lives in the quest for meaning. He shows how stoicism teaches us the importance of a person''s character, integrity and compassion.Whoever we are, we can take something away from stoicism and, in How to be a Stoic, with its practical tips and exercises, meditations and mindfulness, he also explains how relevant it is to every part of our modern lives.
Objev podobné jako How To Be A Stoic - Massimo Pigliucci
Letters from a Cat - Helen Hunt Jackson - e-kniha
eBook: ‘Letters from a Cat’ by Helen Hunt Jackson is an adorable, sweet and funny children’s book of fictional letters written by a cat to her owner. A young girl, named Helen goes away on a long trip with her father, and while she’s away, she receives this collection of letters written to her by her beloved pet, a cat. Helen Hunt Jackson was an American poet and writer. She also became an activist on behalf of Native Americans, pushing to improve the treatment of Native Americans by the government of the United States of America. Jackson wrote about the impact of government actions on Native Americans in her history book, ‘A Century of Dishonour’. While her novel, ‘Romona’ was a fictionalised account of the federal government\'s mistreatment of Native American people in Southern California following the Mexican-American War, and the work successfully attracted attention to Jackson’s cause.
Objev podobné jako Letters from a Cat - Helen Hunt Jackson - e-kniha
Letters From Everest - George Mallory
A unique collection of unpublished letters from the climbing legend George Mallory to his family, revealing his innermost thoughts about people, places and mountains.On the 8th of June, 1924, George Mallory and Sandy Irvine were seen through a telescope on the upper slopes of Mount Everest. They were never seen alive again. In 1999, Mallory’s body was found below the ridge where he was last seen. In the 100 years since his disappearance, many words have been written about Mallory, but very little has ever been published of his own thoughts.Letters from Everest is an eye opening set of personal letters from Mallory to his family, collected and published for the first time by his great-nephew. In the letters, Mallory is completely open about his life, his climbing and especially the three Everest Expeditions he was a part of – 1921, 1922 and the last in 1924. His writing is full of extraordinary insights – most of which have never been published in any form. They are a unique collection – an actual reflection, possibly the one and only, of the thoughts of a climbing legend who walked into history a century ago.
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Letters from the Lighthouse - Carroll Emma
We weren''t supposed to be going to the pictures that night. We weren''t even meant to be outside, not in a blackout, and definitely not when German bombs had been falling on London all month like pennies from a jar.February, 1941. After months of bombing raids in London, twelve-year-old Olive Bradshaw and her little brother Cliff are evacuated to the Devon coast. The only person with two spare beds is Mr Ephraim, the local lighthouse keeper. But he’s not used to company and he certainly doesn’t want any evacuees. Desperate to be helpful, Olive becomes his post-girl, carrying secret messages (as she likes to think of the letters) to the villagers. But Olive has a secret of her own. Her older sister Sukie went missing in an air raid, and she’s desperate to discover what happened to her. And then she finds a strange coded note which seems to link Sukie to Devon, and to something dark and impossibly dangerous.
Objev podobné jako Letters from the Lighthouse - Carroll Emma
Letters from the Ginza Shihodo Stationery Shop - Ueda Kenji
From the publishers of the international bestseller Days at the Morisaki Bookshop comes a new book about the beauty of humble objects, the power of writing, and reconnecting with those you have lost. Write a letter, heal your heart . . . Hidden away in a corner of the Ginza neighbourhood is a venerable stationery shop. To venture inside is to find everything your stationery-loving heart desires, from the most delicate paper to fountain pens that fit exactly to the shape of your hand to gorgeously coloured inks.The shop owner intuits your every need, inviting you to take a seat at a small wooden table on the top floor, where you'll find the words flowing, helping you unlock repressed memories, secret longings and your own mysteries. To this shop comes a young company employee, uncertain in his career and needing a connection back to his past; the hostess of an elegant club; the vice-captain of a high-school archery team, an ageing businessman and a formerly homeless sushi chef. With impeccable manners and a warm demeanour, the shop owner helps each of them with more than just their stationery needs.
Objev podobné jako Letters from the Ginza Shihodo Stationery Shop - Ueda Kenji
Letters From Father Christmas - J. R. R. Tolkien, Baillie Tolkien
This edition of Tolkien's famous illustrated letters from Father Christmas to his children is presented in a new hardback edition. The perfect Christmas gift for Tolkien lovers of all ages. This classic festive book of Tolkien's amazing Father Christmas letters written to his children between the 1920s and the 1940s has been reworked into a new hardback edition to match other beloved Tolkien titles.It contains high-quality digital reproductions of his beautiful letters and pictures. 'My dear children, I am more shaky than usual this year. The North Polar Bear's fault.It was the biggest bang in the world, and the most monstrous firework there has ever been. It turned the North Pole black!' Every December an envelope bearing a stamp from the North Pole would arrive for J.R.R. Tolkien's children.Inside would be a letter in strange spidery handwriting and a beautiful coloured drawing or some sketches. The letters were from Father Christmas. They told wonderful tales of life at the North Pole:* How all the reindeer got loose and scattered presents all over the place* How the accident-prone Polar Bear climbed the North Pole and fell through the roof of Father Christmas's house into the dining-room* How he broke the Moon into four pieces and made the Man in it fall into the back garden* How there were wars with the troublesome horde of goblins who lived in the caves beneath the house! Sometimes the Polar Bear would scrawl a note, and sometimes Ilbereth the Elf would write in his elegant flowing script, adding yet more life and humour to the stories.From the first note to Tolkien's eldest son in 1920 to the final poignant letter to his daughter in 1943, this book collects all the remarkable letters and pictures in one enchanting edition. No reader, young or old, can fail to be charmed by the inventiveness of Tolkien's Letters from Father Christmas.
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Meditations - Antoninus Marcus Aurelius
Originally written only for his personal consumption, Marcus Aurelius''s Meditations has become a key text in the understanding of Roman Stoic philosophy. This Penguin Classics edition is translated with notes by Martin Hammond and an introduction by Diskin Clay.Written in Greek by an intellectual Roman emperor without any intention of publication, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius offer a wide range of fascinating spiritual reflections and exercises developed as the leader struggled to understand himself and make sense of the universe. Spanning from doubt and despair to conviction and exaltation, they cover such diverse topics as the question of virtue, human rationality, the nature of the gods and Aurelius''s own emotions. But while the Meditations were composed to provide personal consolation, in developing his beliefs Marcus also created one of the greatest of all works of philosophy: a series of wise and practical aphorisms that have been consulted and admired by statesmen, thinkers and ordinary readers for almost two thousand years.Martin Hammond''s new translation fully expresses the intimacy and eloquence of the original work, with detailed notes elucidating the text. This edition also includes an introduction by Diskin Clay, exploring the nature and development of the Meditations, a chronology, further reading and full indexes.Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus (121-80) was adopted by the emperor Antoninus Pius and succeeded him in 161, (as joint emperor with adoptive brother Lucius Verus). He ruled alone from 169, and spent much of his reign in putting down various rebellions, and was a persecutor of Christians. His fame rest, above all, on his Meditations, a series of reflections, strongly influenced by Epictetus, which represent a Stoic outlook on life. He was succeeded by his natural son, thus ending the period of the adoptive emperors.If you enjoyed Meditations, you might like Seneca''s Letters from a Stoic, also available in Penguin Classics.
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Life and Love in Nazi Prague : Letters from an Occupied City - Marie Bader
Prague, 1940-1942. The Nazi-occupied city is locked in a reign of terror under Reinhard Heydrich. The Jewish community experience increasing levels of persecution, as rumours start to swirl of deportation and an unknown, but widely feared, fate. Amidst the chaos and devastation, Marie Bader, a widow age 56, has found love again with a widower, her cousin Ernst Löwy. Ernst has fled to Greece and the two correspond in a series of deeply heartfelt letters which provide a unique perspective on this period of heightening tension and anguish for the Jewish community. The letters paint a vivid, moving and often dramatic picture of Jewish life in occupied Prague, the way Nazi persecution affected Marie, her increasingly strained family relationships, as well as the effect on the wider Jewish community whilst Heydrich, one of the key architects and executioners of the Holocaust and Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia, established the Theresienstadt ghetto and began to organize the deportation of Jews. Through this deeply personal and moving account, the realities of Jewish life in Heydrich's Prague are dramatically revealed.
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Letters to Vera (Defekt) - Vladimír Nabokov
No marriage of a major twentieth-century writer lasted longer than Vladimir Nabokov's. Vera Slonim shared his delight at the enchantment of life's trifles and literature's treasures, and he rated her as having the best and quickest sense of humour of any woman he had met. From their meeting in 1921, Vladimir's letters to his beloved Vera form a narrative arc that tells a forty-six year-long love story, and they are memorable in their entirety. Almost always playful, romantic, and pithy, the letters tell us much about the man and the writer; we see that Vladimir observed everything, from animals, faces, speech, and landscapes with genuine fascination.
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Letters to the Lost (Defekt) - Brigid Kemmererová
Juliet Young always writes letters to her mother, a world-traveling photojournalist. Even after her mother's death, she leaves letters at her grave. It's the only way Juliet can cope.Declan Murphy isn't the sort of guy you want to cross. In the midst of his court-ordered community service at the local cemetery, he's trying to escape the demons of his past.When Declan reads a haunting letter left beside a grave, he can't resist writing back. Soon, he's opening up to a perfect stranger, and their connection is immediate. But neither Declan nor Juliet knows that they're not actually strangers. When life at school interferes with their secret life of letters, sparks will fly as Juliet and Declan discover truths that might tear them apart.Read along with Zoella! Chosen by Chris Russell as part of the new Zoella Book Club for WHSmith
Objev podobné jako Letters to the Lost (Defekt) - Brigid Kemmererová
The Tower : Tales from a Lost Country (Defekt) - Uwe Tellkamp
In derelict Dresden a cultivated, middle-class family does all it can to cope amid the Communist downfall. This striking tapestry of the East German experience is told through the tangled lives of a soldier, surgeon, nurse and publisher. With evocative detail, Uwe Tellkamp masterfully reveals the myriad perspectives of the time as people battled for individuality, retreated to nostalgia, chose to conform, or toed the perilous line between East and West. Poetic, heartfelt and dramatic, The Tower vividly resurrects the sights, scents and sensations of life in the GDR as it hurtled towards 9 November 1989. Uwe Tellkamp was born in 1968 in Dresden. After completing his military service, he lost his place to study medicine on the grounds of 'political sabotage'. He was arrested in 1989, but went on to study medicine in Liepzig, Dresden and New York, later becoming a surgeon. He has won numerous regional prizes for poetry, as well as the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for The Sleep in the Clocks. In 2008, he won the German Book Prize for The Tower.
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From the Embers (Defekt) - Aly Martinezová
In the aftermath of tragedy, it's strange what you remember.The deafening boom as the house exploded.The paralyzing fear as I searched for my wife.The smoke blinding me as I carried her out.But the woman in my arms was not my wife.Bree and Eason survive the fire that takes their partners - but neither of them are truly living after that fateful night. As a single dad with nowhere to turn, Eason moves in with Bree despite the old tensions and the new grief they share.Eason may have carried Bree out of the fire, but she just might be the one to save him. Yet as they both start to heal, and romance flickers to life, secrets from the past threaten to ignite.Their love was born from the embers, and together they could go up in flames.
Objev podobné jako From the Embers (Defekt) - Aly Martinezová
Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) (Defekt) - Rebecca Ross
TORN APART BY WAR. REUNITED BY LOVE?The epic conclusion to the intensely romantic and beautifully written story that started in Divine Rivals.Two weeks have passed since Iris returned home bruised and heartbroken from the front, but the war is far from over.Roman is missing, lost behind enemy lines, with no memory of his past, or Iris. Hoping his memories return, he begins to write again - but this time for the enemy.When a strange letter arrives through his wardrobe door, he strikes up a correspondence with a penpal who seems at once mysterious... and strangely familiar.As their connection deepens, the two of them will risk their very hearts and futures to change the tides of the war.
Objev podobné jako Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment 2) (Defekt) - Rebecca Ross
Ghosts from Our Past (Defekt) - Gilbert Erin
Offers information such as: the frightening childhood experiences that inspired the authors' lifelong passion for the paranormal; the history and science behind ghosts and other supernatural entities, with an illustrated guide to each class of spook; and, helpful sidebars like Is It a Ghost? A Handy Quiz, Ectoplasm Clean-up Tips, and more.
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The Boys from Biloxi (Defekt) - John Grisham
For most of the last hundred years, Biloxi was known for its beaches, resorts, and seafood industry. But it had a darker side. It was also notorious for corruption and vice, everything from gambling, prostitution, bootleg liquor, and drugs to contract killings. The vice was controlled by small cabal of mobsters, many of them rumored to be members of the Dixie Mafia. Keith Rudy and Hugh Malco grew up in Biloxi in the sixties and were childhood friends, as well as Little League all-stars. But as teenagers, their lives took them in different directions. Keith’s father became a legendary prosecutor, determined to “clean up the Coast.” Hugh’s father became the “Boss” of Biloxi’s criminal underground. Keith went to law school and followed in his father’s footsteps. Hugh preferred the nightlife and worked in his father’s clubs. The two families were headed for a showdown, one that would happen in a courtroom.
Objev podobné jako The Boys from Biloxi (Defekt) - John Grisham
Dear Cathy ... Love, Mary : The Year We Grew Up - Tender, Funny and Revealing Letters from 1980s Ireland - Conlon Catherine, Phelan Mary
'Poignant, funny and highly readable. Would make a wonderful present.' Sue Leonard, Examiner 'A real snapshot in time ...a celebration of female friendship ...fantastic - such a good read' Irish Times Women's Podcast 'Engaging ...tender and true and spiced with wit and no little wisdom' RTE Guide 'Heart-warming ...nostalgic ...the letters brim over with the kind of humour and honest reflection that only best friends exchange' Irish Independent 'I highly recommend this unusual and fantastic book. It's a great trip down memory lane.' Librarian Lavender 'Isn't it great, Cathy, being where we are (age-wise I mean)? I really enjoy being 18 cos you have a degree of independence and yet you can act the gom if you want cos we're not "all growed up" yet.' 'I don't know if I agree about it being great being 18. I'm kinda apprehensive, waiting for "it all" to come. I think 22-23'd be better. Then you'd be sophisticated and knowledgeable ...' It's the era of Dynasty, Murphy's Micro Quiz-M and MT-USA on the telly, Kajagoogoo, Culture Club and Chris de Burgh in the charts. And also a time of mass emigration and creeping social change. In 1983 in Carrick-on-Suir two 18-year-olds take tentative steps into the future: Cathy to become an au pair, Mary to study accountancy. For a year they exchange long gossipy letters. The letters are touching, funny, tender and gutsy. They show the girls' growing pains as they make sense of their new lives, dream about finding love, and start to realise that the world is a more complex and challenging place than they had ever imagined. Most of all, Cathy and Mary's letters are filled with the eternal optimism and sense of wonderment of youth.
Objev podobné jako Dear Cathy ... Love, Mary : The Year We Grew Up - Tender, Funny and Revealing Letters from 1980s Ireland - Conlon Catherine, Phelan Mary
O pokoji mysle: De tranquillitate animi (978-80-8226-068-0)
Kniha - autor Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 144 stran, slovensky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá V polovici 1. storočia nášho letopočtu napísal stoický filozof Lucius Annaeus Seneca spis O pokoji mysle. V tejto jedinečnej svojpomocnej príručke sa štylizuje do pozície lekára poskytujúceho praktické liečebné rady, ako sa vyrovnať s duševným nepokojom. Obsahuje konkrétne odporúčania, ako môže človek zvládnuť negatívny stav mysle, ako osud ovplyvňuje náš psychický život a prečo je pri liečbe dôležitá racionálna zložka ľudskej duše. Táto publikácia z limitovanej edície kroník dozaista poteší každého milovníka antickej literatúry a vtiahne ho do myšlienkového sveta rímskej spoločnosti a filozofie.
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Tragédie (978-80-7443-280-4)
Kniha - autor Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 264 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Druhý ze tří svazků tragédií nesmrtelného Římana. Svazek obsahuje tři tragédie: Foiničanky aneb thebais, Faidra a Šílený Herkules.
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Horsefeathers Seneca Čepice Zelená
Seneca Čepice - Horsefeathers - Zelená.
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Seneca Čepice - Horsefeathers - Černá.
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The Stoic Mindset - Mark Tuitert
Elite sportsman Mark Tuitert used the principles of Stoic philosophy to become an Olympic gold medallist, champion athlete and successful entrepreneur, overcoming a series of challenges in his professional and private life.Now, in this internationally bestselling book, he lays out the ten practical lessons through which anyone, in any situation, can develop a Stoic mindset. Applying the teachings of the Stoic masters, including Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus to the twenty-first century, Tuitert empowers you to discover how Stoicism can change your life and help you reach your full potential. He distils thousands of years of Stoic philosophy into ten short principles, with takeaways at the end of each chapter to help readers turn theory into practice – from making major life decisions to sharing goals, from fostering teamwork to handling emotions.With this book as your guide, you will become trained in the art of finding fulfilment in a chaotic and unpredictable world, developing a mindset for a more robust, balanced and happier way of being.
Objev podobné jako The Stoic Mindset - Mark Tuitert
The Everyday Stoic - William Mulligan
Follow the founder of the Everyday Stoic and discover the practical wisdom of Stoicism and find contentment and happiness in your everyday life. Follow in the footsteps of the classical tradition of Stoicism and join a growing community of individuals seeking guidance on how to navigate the obstacles of contemporary life. From Marcus Aurelius to Seneca, the Stoics have a long and rich history.Today, William Mulligan, founder of The Everyday Stoic, transforms these principles into a practical guide for overcoming the challenges of modern life and cultivating an unshakeable sense of inner calm, so that you too can live like a stoic. Unpack the ancient wisdoms and teachings of Stoicism, such as: Confronting life's unpredictability, Nature ties us together, Thoughts create reality, Little is truly needed, All is equal, Written in a clear and accessible style, this book will reveal the universal truths of Stoicism empowering you to achieve strength and tranquillity no matter what modern life throws your way.
Objev podobné jako The Everyday Stoic - William Mulligan
Horsefeathers SENECA Pánská kukla, mix, velikost
Pánská kukla Horsefeathers SENECA ve stylu kapuce je vhodná pod lyžařskou helmu. Díky zateplenému a rychleschnoucímu materiálu je velice příjemná. Obvod průzoru a je stahovací, takže si ho můžeš nastavit podle libosti.
Objev podobné jako Horsefeathers SENECA Pánská kukla, mix, velikost
The Story of Scandinavia: From the Vikings to Social Democracy (Defekt) - Stein Ringen
In The Story of Scandinavia, political scholar Stein Ringen chronicles more than 1,200 years of drama, economic rise and fall, crises, kings and queens, war, peace, language and culture.Scandinavian history has been one of dramatic discontinuities of collapse and restarts, from the Viking Age to the Age of Perpetual War to the modern age today. For a thousand years, the Scandinavian countries were kingdoms of repression where monarchs played at the game of being European powers, at the expense of their own populations.The brand we now know as "Scandinavia" is a recent invention.During most of its history, Denmark and Sweden, and to some degree Norway, were bloody enemies. These sentiments of enmity have not been fully settled. Under the surface of collaboration remain undercurrents of hatred, envy, contempt and pity.What does it mean today to be Scandinavian? For the author, whose identity is Scandinavian but his life European, this masterly history is a personal exploration as well as a narrative of compelling scope.
Objev podobné jako The Story of Scandinavia: From the Vikings to Social Democracy (Defekt) - Stein Ringen
Good Things From Farms: Phase 4 Set 1 (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised) - Catherine Baker
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics. From arable farms to solar farms, find out what they provide for us in this photographic non-fiction book by Catherine Baker.Pages 14 and 15 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Objev podobné jako Good Things From Farms: Phase 4 Set 1 (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised) - Catherine Baker
The Stoic Path to Wealth - Darius Foroux
The Stoics understood that if you can control your reactions and manage your emotions, you can achieve success. The same principles apply to our financial lives today. The only way to beat inflation and grow your wealth is by investing. The greatest investors approach the markets with discipline, emotional distance, and self-mastery—lessons that the Stoics have been teaching us for thousands of years. Combining ancient wisdom with practical investment strategies drawn from analysis of the greatest investors of all time, The Stoic Path to Wealth will teach you how to: cultivate an investing edge by managing your emotions and developing your unique skills and talents. develop the discipline to ignore short-term market fluctuations and avoid living in the future. foster a mindset that allows you to enjoy what you have and avoid greed. create a sustainable approach to trading. As financial markets become increasingly unpredictable and chaotic, The Stoic Path to Wealth offers the key to weathering any economic storm while building wealth that will last a lifetime and beyond.
Objev podobné jako The Stoic Path to Wealth - Darius Foroux
Horsefeathers SENECA Pánská kukla, tmavě šedá, velikost
Pánská kukla Horsefeathers SENECA ve stylu kapuce je vhodná pod lyžařskou helmu. Díky zateplenému a rychleschnoucímu materiálu je velice příjemná. Obvod průzoru a je stahovací, takže si ho můžeš nastavit podle libosti.
Objev podobné jako Horsefeathers SENECA Pánská kukla, tmavě šedá, velikost
Icon Light Miles Morales
Sběratelská LED lampička výšky 10 cm. K provozu jsou nutné 2x AA baterie, které nejsou součástí balení.
Objev podobné jako Icon Light Miles Morales
Figurka Spiderman Miles Morales
Bambule vám přináší filmového hrdinu – Figurka Spiderman Miles Morales. Sbírejte figurky a vytvořte si svoji vlastní kolekci filmových hrdinů. Podívejte se i na další figurky od Comansi.
Objev podobné jako Figurka Spiderman Miles Morales
Dopisy psané stoikem (978-80-87950-51-7)
Kniha - autor Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 564 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Jaký je smysl života, v čem spočívá pravé štěstí, jak dosáhnout trvalé radosti, neohrožené mysli a moudrosti, jak žít, ale také jak zemřít, to jsou základní témata a otázky nejznámějšího a nejčtenějšího Senekova díla, které vzniklo před téměř dvěma tisíci lety a které se nyní poprvé v úplnosti dostává k českému čtenáři. Jeden z nejcitovanějších autorů všech dob v něm prostřednictvím dopisů adresovaných svému příteli Luciliovi Iuniorovi odpovídá na základní otázky lidské existence a nabízí klíč k tomu, jak se stát opravdovým mudrcem a připodobnit se bohu. Vyhýbej se davu, usiluj o trvalý duševní klid, neochvějnou vyrovnanost a vnitřní autonomii, vypěstuj si nezávislost na vrtkavé a nevyzpytatelné Štěstěně, která někdy štědře obdarovává, a jindy zas bere, pohrdej bohatstvím, slávou, ale i smrtí, nepodléhej vášním a vnějším impulzům, odpoutej se od všeho pomíjivého a především se uč...
Objev podobné jako Dopisy psané stoikem (978-80-87950-51-7)
Dámská pruhovaná halenka MORALES zelená
Dámská pruhovaná halenka MORALES zelená
Objev podobné jako Dámská pruhovaná halenka MORALES zelená
Dámská pruhovaná halenka MORALES modrá
Dámská pruhovaná halenka MORALES modrá
Objev podobné jako Dámská pruhovaná halenka MORALES modrá
Klíčenka gumová, SpiderMan Miles Morales
Gumová klíčenka s kovovým očkem na zavěšení. Baleno na kartě ve folii.
Objev podobné jako Klíčenka gumová, SpiderMan Miles Morales
Klíčenka gumová SpiderMan Miles Morales
Gumová klíčenka s kovovým očkem na zavěšení. Baleno na kartě ve folii.
Objev podobné jako Klíčenka gumová SpiderMan Miles Morales
Spřízněná znamení zvěrokruhu - Alise Morales
Tento báječný zevrubný astrologický průvodce je určený všem, kteří jsou posedlí horoskopy.Seznamy v této knize se netočí pouze kolem vašeho osobního znamení, ale navíc ho porovnávají s ostatními v celé řadě témat, od úsměvných až po smrtelně vážná. Každý seznam poskytuje upřímný a stručný pohled na to, jak spolu jednotlivá znamení souvisejí, abyste si mohli udělat představu o charakteristických vlastnostech jednotlivých znamení.Tato knížka vám umožňuje studovat své povahové rysy a lépe pochopit své přátele. Co motivuje vašeho šéfa? Jak si zajistíte skvělé rande s váhou? Co byste nikdy neměli říci štírovi? To vše a ještě víc se dozvíte v této překrásně ilustrované knize, která je jako stvořená ke sdílení.
Objev podobné jako Spřízněná znamení zvěrokruhu - Alise Morales
Mirror, Mirror : A Twisty Coming-of-Age Novel about Friendship and Betrayal from Cara Delevingne (Defekt) - Cara Delevingne
FRIEND. LOVER. VICTIM. TRAITOR. WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR, WHAT DO YOU SEE? Sixteen-year-old friends Red, Leo, Rose, and Naomi are misfits; still figuring out who they are and who they want to be. Life isn't perfect, but music unites them, and they're excited about what the future holds for their band, Mirror, Mirror. That is until Naomi vanishes before being pulled unconscious out of the river. She's left fighting for her life in a coma. The police claim it was a failed suicide attempt, but her friends aren't convinced. Will Naomi ever wake? What -- or perhaps who - led her to that hospital bed? How did her friends fail to spot the warning signs? While Rose turns to wild partying and Leo is shrouded by black moods, Red sets out to uncover the truth. It's a journey that will cause Red's world to crack, exposing the group's darkest secrets. Nothing will ever be the same again, because once a mirror is shattered, it can't be fixed.
Objev podobné jako Mirror, Mirror : A Twisty Coming-of-Age Novel about Friendship and Betrayal from Cara Delevingne (Defekt) - Cara Delevingne
Meditations - Antoninus Marcus Aurelius
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.Our life is what our thoughts make itThe extraordinary writings of Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180), the only Roman emperor to have also been a stoic philosopher, have for centuries been praised for their wisdom, insight and guidance by leaders and great thinkers alike. Never intended for publication, Meditations are the personal notes born from a man who studied his unique position of power as emperor while trying to uphold inner balance in the chaotic world around him.Boldly challenging many of our biggest questions, Aurelius wrestles with the divided self, considering the complexities of human nature, rationality and moral virtue, affirming its place as one of the most timeless, significant works of philosophy to date.
Objev podobné jako Meditations - Antoninus Marcus Aurelius
ZOOT.Fan Marvel Swing Morales Triko Bílá
Marvel Swing Morales Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Bílá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Swing Morales Triko Bílá
ZOOT.Fan Marvel Swing Morales Triko Bílá
Marvel Swing Morales Triko - ZOOT.Fan - Bílá.
Objev podobné jako ZOOT.Fan Marvel Swing Morales Triko Bílá
Cable Guys - Spiderman - Miles Morales (5060525893155)
Figurka - držák na ovladač, postavička, sběratelská, výška 20 cm, materiál PVC, nepohyblivá Zásadní přednosti figurky Cable Guys - Spiderman - Miles Morales Figurka Exquisite Gaming přinese radost sběratelům Figurka ze série Marvel a Spider-Man se bude vyjímat ve sbírce díky svému kvalitnímu zpracování Materiálem využitým při výrobě je PVC V balení naleznete jednu figurku Figurka Exquisite Gaming měří 20 cm
Objev podobné jako Cable Guys - Spiderman - Miles Morales (5060525893155)
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