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Lego Ideas Velké piano

• Představujeme vůbec první plně funkční LEGO® piano! Vychutnejte si stavění do detailu propracovaného modelu koncertního piana a pak se pusťte do hraní s pomocí aplikace LEGO Powered Up.• Velké piano (21323) z řady LEGO® Ideas má odnímatelnou klaviaturu s 25 klávesami, autentické

Podívejte se také LEGO® Ideas 21331 Sonic the Hedgehog™ – Green Hill Zone (5702017153124)

cena 7999.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21331 Sonic the Hedgehog™ – Green Hill Zone (5702017153124)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2023, balení obsahuje 1125 dílků LEGO® Ideas 21331 Sonic the Hedgehog™ – Green Hill Zone Skvělé herní retro Vychutnej si stavebnici s prvky nostalgie a vrať se do doby, kdy jsi hrával tuto herní klasiku. LEGO Sonic V úrovni Green Hill Zone nechybí palmy, smyčka v podobě mostu nebo pružina pro skoky....

Podívejte se také LEGO® Ideas 21330 Sám doma (5702017006178)

cena 1649.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21328

Sestavte si model Jerryho bytu ze show Jerryho Seinfelda. Součástí modelu je například kuchyň / obývací pokoj, kde se Jerry schází s přáteli, nebo chodba, odkud do bytu vždy vtrhne soused Kramer. Součástí balení jsou i doplňky – modrá socha, muffin, obraz strýčka Lea, videokazeta

Podívejte se také LEGO® Ideas 21325 Středověká kovárna (5702016911985)

cena 1699.0 Kč

Fotoaparát Polaroid OneStep SX-70 - LEGO Ideas

Zaostřete na designovou klasiku a postavte si sběratelskou stavebnici LEGO® pro dospělé. Fotoaparát Polaroid OneStep SX-70 (21345) představuje skvělý dárek pro fotografy a nadšence do fotoaparátů. Dopřejte si kvalitní odpočinek při stavení řady autentických designových detailů, jako je hledáček, barevné spektrum nebo kolečko pro kompenzaci expozice, a přidejte samolepky s originálními obrázky. Poskládejte z kostek balíček filmu Polaroid Time-Zero Land Film se 3 ilustrovanými „fotografiemi“, včetně obrázku vynálezce Polaroidu Edwina H. Landa. Vyberte si fotografii, vsuňte ji do fotoaparátu a zmáčkněte červené tlačítko spouště, které fotku vysune jako ve skutečnosti. Návod, který vás provede každým krokem tohoto odpočinkového kreativního zážitku, najdete v krabici nebo aplikaci LEGO Builder. Kolekce špičkových modelů LEGO pro dospělé byla sestavena s maximální péčí. Ať už vás baví cokoli, určitě máme projekt právě pro vás. Sběratelská stavebnice LEGO® jako nostalgický dárek pro fotografy – Postavte si vlastní model slavného fotoaparátu Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera (21345) z řady LEGO pro dospělé Dárek pro milovníky fotoaparátů – Model se chlubí řadou designových detailů, jako je hledáček, barevné spektrum, kolečko pro kompenzaci expozice, samolepka „Polaroid Land Camera“, OneStep“ a „1000“ Sestavitelný balíček filmu Time-Zero Supercolor SX-70 Land Film – V krabici nechybí 3 ilustrované „fotografie“ vynálezce Polaroidu Edwina H. Landa, domu LEGO® House a sestry návrháře z řad fanoušků, který tento model inspiroval Funguje jako skutečný vintage model fotoaparátu Polaroid – Vsuňte jednu z „fotografií“ do fotoaparátu a zmáčkněte červené tlačítko spouště, které fotku vysune Tip na dárek pro fanoušky fotografování – Udělejte radost sami sobě nebo stavebnici LEGO® pro dospělé darujte někomu ze svých blízkých. Hodí se jako dárek k narozeninám i jako překvapení Podrobný návod – Součástí je brožurka s rozhovory s designérem z řad fanoušků a s designéry LEGO®. Nechybí ani pokyny, které vás provedou jednotlivými kroky kreativního stavitelského zážitku Jasná volba pro fanoušky stavebnic LEGO® – Tato sběratelská stavebnice pro dospělé je součástí rozmanité řady modelů LEGO Ideas, které vytvořili a vybrali sami fanoušci. S výrobou pak pomohla společnost LEGO Group Na výstavku s hrdostí – Model fotoaparátu Polaroid se skládá z 516 dílků a měří přes 9 cm na výšku, 9 cm na šířku a 15 cm do hloubky

Objev podobné jako Fotoaparát Polaroid OneStep SX-70 - LEGO Ideas

cena 1659.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite

LEGO® Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite z kategorie LEGO® Ideas, od značky LEGO® Ideas, máme skladem. Do 3 dnů u Vás.

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite

cena 1499.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21327 Psací stroj

Odpojte se od digitálního světa a připomeňte si prostší časy při stavění LEGO® Ideas modelu retro psacího stroje (21327). Model čerpá inspiraci z klasického stroje, který používal také zakladatel LEGO Group, Ole Kirk Kristiansen, a pohybuje se a zní přesně jako jeho skutečný

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21327 Psací stroj

cena 4999.0 Kč

LEGO Star Wars Ideas Book: More than 200 Games, Activities, and Building Ideas (0241314259)

Kniha - autor Hannah Dolan; Elizabeth Dowsett; Simon Hugo, 200 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá LEGO Star Wars Ideas Book/More than 200 Games, Activities, and Building Ideas

Objev podobné jako LEGO Star Wars Ideas Book: More than 200 Games, Activities, and Building Ideas (0241314259)

cena 499.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21326 Medvídek Pú (5702016915648)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2021, balení obsahuje 1265 dílků LEGO® 21326 Medvídek Pú Výzva pro všechny šikovné Přenes se do Stokorcového lesa a zavzpomínej na dětství s medvídkem Pú. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Postav dům medvídka Pú Užij si nádherné detaily LEGO domečku a pobav se i s Púovými kamarády. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k...

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21326 Medvídek Pú (5702016915648)

cena 1959.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite (5702017417462)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2023, balení obsahuje 749 dílků LEGO® Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Singl Dynamite Oslav ohromný úspěch singlu Dynamite od skupiny BTS. Sestav parádní scény. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Roztanči minifigurky Minifigurky BTS postav na různá místa či na odnímatelné pódium. Otáčením kola je roztančís....

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21339 BTS Dynamite (5702017417462)

cena 1989.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21323 Velké piano (5702016756401)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2020, balení obsahuje 3662 dílků LEGO Ideas 21323 Velké piano LEGO pro hudební nadšence Vychutnej si funkční LEGO piano. Postav jej a pak si na něm zahrej oblíbenou skladbu. Důmyslný LEGO model LEGO piano se může chlubit propracovaným designem a množstvím dokonalých detailů....

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21323 Velké piano (5702016756401)

cena 7289.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21330 Sám doma (5702017006178)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2022, balení obsahuje 3955 dílků LEGO® Ideas 21330 Sám doma Skvělé scénky Vychutnej si všechny kultovní scény ze slavného vánočního filmu Sám doma. Velký LEGO dům Dům McCallisterových má vyklápěcí střechu a zdi, takže využiješ spoustu prostoru....

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21330 Sám doma (5702017006178)

cena 6899.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21335 Motorizovaný maják (5702017189925)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2022, balení obsahuje 2065 dílků LEGO® Ideas 21335 Motorizovaný maják Maják se světlem Buď strážcem LEGO majáku a rozsviť speciálně vyrobené světlo, abys ukázal cestu lodím. Pro LEGO nadšence Odpočiň si v chatce s plápolajícím krbem nebo prozkoumej pirátskou jeskyni....

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21335 Motorizovaný maják (5702017189925)

cena 5999.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21325 Středověká kovárna (5702016911985)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2021, balení obsahuje 2164 dílků LEGO® Ideas 21325 Středověká kovárna LEGO kovárna Navštiv autentickou středověkou kovárnu, kuchyni i ložnici. Pro skvělou hru 3 patra s odnímatelnou střechou jsou nabitá skvělými doplňky. Originální...

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21325 Středověká kovárna (5702016911985)

cena 3799.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21327 Psací stroj (5702016995831)

LEGO stavebnice - pro dospělé, vhodné od 18 let, řada LEGO® Ideas, rok uvedení 2021, balení obsahuje 2079 dílků LEGO® Ideas 21327 Psací stroj Výzva pro všechny šikovné Retro LEGO psací stroj potěší všechny nadšené stavitele i spisovatele. Postav si LEGO psací stroj Vychutnej si funkční mechanismy a autentické detaily z 50. let 20. století....

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21327 Psací stroj (5702016995831)

cena 4589.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21318 Dům na stromě

Postav si, vystav a hraj si s propracovaným modelem LEGO® Ideas 21318 Dům na stromě, který obsahuje 3036 dílků. Stavění a hraní s tímto krásným modelem si zamiluje celá rodina. Stavebnice nabízí podstavec s krajinou a 3 LEGO chatky na stromě – hlavní ložnici, koupelnu a dětský

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21318 Dům na stromě

cena 5199.0 Kč

LEGO® Ideas 21345 Fotoaparát Polaroid OneStep SX-70

• Sběratelská stavebnice LEGO® jako nostalgický dárek pro fotografy – Postavte si vlastní model slavného fotoaparátu Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera (21345) z řady LEGO pro dospělé• Dárek pro milovníky fotoaparátů – Model se chlubí řadou designovýchdetailů, jako je hledáček,

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Ideas 21345 Fotoaparát Polaroid OneStep SX-70

cena 1999.0 Kč

The Economics Book: Big Ideas (9781409376415)

Kniha – 352 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem lesklá - 352 stran, anglicky, pevná s přebalem lesklá All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to economics Bring economics to life with The Economics Book, an essential guide to more that 100 of the big ideas in economic theory and practice covering everything from ancient theories right up to cutting-edge modern developments. From Aristotle to John Maynard Keynes and beyond, all the greatest economists and their theories are featured and the innovative graphics, step-by-step summaries and mind maps help clarify hard-to-grasp concepts. The Economics Book is perfect for economic students and anyone who has an interest in how economies work. Bring economics to life with The Economics Book, an essential guide to more that 100 of the big ideas in economic theory and practice covering everything from ancient theories right up to cutting-edge modern developments.

Objev podobné jako The Economics Book: Big Ideas (9781409376415)

cena 468.0 Kč

The History of Ideas - David Runciman

''A splendid book: economical, invigorating and surprising'' The Times''He has that gift, both as a podcaster and as a writer, to illuminate abstruse and abstract ideas with human charm'' ObserverIn this bold new follow-up to Confronting Leviathan, David Runciman unmasks modern politics and reveals the great men and women of ideas behind it.What can Samuel Butler''s ideas teach us about the oddity of how we choose to organise our societies? How did Frederick Douglass not only expose the horrors of slavery, but champion a new approach to abolishing it? Why should we tolerate snobbery, betrayal and hypocrisy, as Judith Shklar suggested? And what does Friedrich Nietzsche predict for our future?From Rousseau to Rawls, fascism to feminism and pleasure to anarchy, this is a mind-bending tour through the history of ideas which will forever change your view of politics today.

Objev podobné jako The History of Ideas - David Runciman

cena 650.0 Kč

The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 1 - Sean Carroll

A groundbreaking new series from bestselling author Sean Carroll

Objev podobné jako The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 1 - Sean Carroll

cena 325.0 Kč

The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 2 - Sean Carroll

'Luminous and straightforward.’ Carlo Rovelli

Objev podobné jako The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 2 - Sean Carroll

cena 502.0 Kč

The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained

Learn about planets, stars and black holes in The Astronomy Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Astronomy in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Astronomy Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Astronomy, with:- More than 100 big astronomical ideas, theories and discoveries- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Astronomy Book is the perfect introduction to the story of our ideas about space, time, and the physics of the cosmos, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover more than 100 of the most important theories and discoveries in the history of astronomy and the great minds behind them. If you've ever wondered about the key ideas that underpin the wonders of the universe and the great minds who uncovered them, this is the perfect book for you.Your Astronomy Questions, Simply ExplainedHow do we measure the universe? Where is the event horizon? What is dark matter? If you thought it was difficult to learn the science of celestial objects and phenomena, The Astronomy Book presents key information in an easy to follow layout. Learn ancient speculations about the nature of the universe, through the Copernican Revolution, to the mind-boggling theories of recent science such as those of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, with superb mind maps and step-by-step summaries. And delve into the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject, with biographies of key astronomers such as Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Hubble, and Hawking.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Astronomy Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.

Objev podobné jako The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained

cena 536.0 Kč

New Ideas for the Home - Simone Schleifer

This book contains practical ideas that make the most of every room in your apartment or house.

Objev podobné jako New Ideas for the Home - Simone Schleifer

cena 268.0 Kč

The Architecture Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained

Learn about key concepts behind the world's most incredible buildings in The Architecture Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Architecture in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Architecture Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Architecture, with:- A global scope, covering architecture from all over the world- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Architecture Book is a captivating introduction to buildings and the ideas, and principles that make them key to the history and evolution of our built environment - aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover the most important ideas, technologies, and movements in the history of architecture and structural engineering, through exciting text and bold graphics.Your Architecture Questions, Simply ExplainedLearn about the evolution of construction, from ancient and classical architecture through Medieval, Gothic, and Renaissance buildings, Baroque and Rococo, to 19th-century emerging modernism and postmodernism and glittering skyscrapers. If you thought it was difficult to learn about buildings and the ideas behind them, The Architecture Book presents key information in a clear layout. Explore architectural movements, styles and celebrated buildings from all over the world, and stunning religious structures from mosques to churches, stupas to pagodas and temples.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Architecture Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.

Objev podobné jako The Architecture Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained

cena 599.0 Kč

The Shakespeare Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt)

This is the perfect study guide to the complete works of Shakespeare, covering everything from the romantic comedy of Romeo and Juliet to the tragedy Macbeth, alongside his Elizabethan history plays, sonnets, and other poems With detailed plot summaries and an in-depth analysis of the major characters and themes, this is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets and poetry, from the comedies of Twelfth Night and As You Like It to the tragedies of Julius Caesar and Hamlet, plus lost plays and lesser known works of poetry. Packed with witty illustrations and memorable quotes, The Shakespeare Book brings the Bard's best-loved characters and storylines to life, and explores all of his key themes and much-quoted phrases. Easy-to-understand graphics and illustrated timelines also offer an at-a-glance summary of each play. Whether you're a Shakespeare scholar, a student of the great Bard, or simply someone who wants to learn more, The Shakespeare Book offers a fuller appreciation of his phenomenal talent and the lasting legacy of his plays and poetry.

Objev podobné jako The Shakespeare Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt)

cena 339.0 Kč

The Chemistry Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley

Discover and understand the key ideas that underpin the core science of chemistry and learn about the great minds who uncovered them Written in plain English, The Chemistry Book is packed with short, pithy explanations of some of the most historic moments in science, from the birth of atomic theory to the discovery of polyethylene and the development of new vaccine technologies to combat COVID-19. Simple graphics, such as flowcharts and mind maps, support the text and make the explanation of key concepts easy to follow.Arranged in chronological order, the book covers key themes in the physical and natural sciences, such as geochemistry and the elements. Within each chapter, a series of articles traces the history of scientific thought and introduces the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject such as John Dalton, Marie Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev, Kathleen Lonsdale, and Stephanie Kwolek. Along the way, the book addresses some of the most fundamental questions in science, such as what is the universe made of, how is matter created, and what are the chemical bonds that make life possible?Whether you are new to chemistry, a student of the sciences, or just want to keep up with and understand the latest news and scientific debates, The Chemistry Book is for you.

Objev podobné jako The Chemistry Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley

cena 599.0 Kč

Essential Ideas 3: Serenity - The School of Life Press

From the new pocket book series, featuring key ideas from The School of Life exploring serenity.

Objev podobné jako Essential Ideas 3: Serenity - The School of Life Press

cena 207.0 Kč

The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley

How do our minds influence the way we behave? How do our bodies and minds work together? Do we have free will?Exploring and explaining the big ideas and groundbreaking theories in psychology clearly and simply, The Psychology Book answers these questions and more and is the perfect introduction to the subject. Untangling knotty theories and shedding light on abstract concepts, entries unpack each complex idea with easy-to-follow explanations and eye-catching images. In this book, you can find: The history of psychology, from its roots in philosophy to modern studies of autism and psychiatry across all of the key fields of study, from psychotherapy to cognitive psychology and behaviourism.Groundbreaking ideas of great thinkers, from Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung to Noam Chomsky and Daniel KahnemanInformation about the key personalities of the 19th and 20th centuries whose work has significantly contributed to our understanding of human behaviour. With millions of copies sold worldwide, The Psychology Book is part of DK's award-winning Big Ideas series. The series uses images, tables, fact files, and engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.Other titles include The Biology Book, The Medicine Book and The Science Book.

Objev podobné jako The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley

cena 536.0 Kč

Rebel Ideas : The Power of Thinking Differently - Matthew Syed

''I like listening to people who know things that I don''t,'' Gareth Southgate told me. ''That''s how you learn.'' Former Olympian and best-selling author Matthew Syed is one of the advisors Gareth Southgate engaged from outside football in order to find new ways of working as a team. In Rebel Ideas, discover how Southgate ''the man with the plan'' replaced 50 years of hurt with two major tournament semi-finals in three years.'' Matthew Syed''s phenomenal book will change the way you think about success - for ever. ''Syed is a superb storyteller. I couldn''t put the book down, and I learned so much. A stunning achievement'' Tim Harford, author of The Undercover EconomistRebel Ideas examines the power of ''cognitive diversity'' - the ability to think differently about the world around us.It explains how to harness our unique perspectives, pool our collective intelligence and tackle the greatest challenges of our age - from climate change to terrorism. It draws on a dazzling range of case studies, including the catastrophic failings of the CIA before 9/11, a fatal communication breakdown on top of Mount Everest and a moving tale of deradicalisation in America''s Deep South.Rebel Ideas will strengthen any team or organisation, but has dozens of individual applications, too: from the art of reinvention to the remarkable benefits of personalised nutrition. It shows us how to become more creative, how to collaborate in a world becoming more interconnected, and how to break free of echo chambers that surround us all.''A gripping read, full of intelligence and perspective'' James Dyson''Will change the way you think about success and even about life'' Judy Murray''A master of the genre'' The Times

Objev podobné jako Rebel Ideas : The Power of Thinking Differently - Matthew Syed

cena 312.0 Kč

The Feminism Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained - Lucy Mangan

Exploring more than 100 of the most important ideas, organizations, and events to have defined the feminist movement, this is an essential introduction to feminism. The latest entry in DK's bestselling Big Ideas series, The Feminism Book is a complete study of feminism. Trace the subject from its origins, through the suffrage campaigns of the late 19th century, to recent developments such as the Everyday Sexism Project and the #MeToo movement. Examine the ideas that underpin feminist thought through crucial figures, from Simone de Beauvoir to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and discover the wider social, cultural, and historical context of their impact. Find out who campaigned for birth control, when the term "intersectionality" was coined, and what "postfeminism" really means in this comprehensive book. Using the Big Ideas series' trademark combination of authoritative, accessible text and bold graphics, the most significant concepts and theories have never been easier to understand. Packed with inspirational quotations, eye-catching infographics, and clear flowcharts, The Feminism Book is a must-have for anyone with an interest in the subject.

Objev podobné jako The Feminism Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained - Lucy Mangan

cena 536.0 Kč

Konig & Meyer 21336 Teleskopická stojanová tyč

Ocelová dvoudílná propojovací tyč pro ozvučovací systémy. S pružinovým a bezpečnostním šroubem. Konec tyče má průměr: 35 mm. Výška: od 945 do 1475 mm. Hmotnost: 2,27 kg. Barevné provedení: Černé. Součástí balení je montážní pomůcka. Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako Konig & Meyer 21336 Teleskopická stojanová tyč

cena 1178.0 Kč

The Miners Office Blend (7581)

Káva zrnková, 100 % arabica, původ Směs různého původu, místo pražení Česká Republika, Káva The Miners svou lahodnou chutí a působivou vůní přispěje k zpříjemnění dne. Jedná se o 100% Arabiku s výraznou vůní a bohatou chutí. Pochází hned z několika zemí. Zemí, kde probíhalo pražení, je Česká Republika. Stěžejní vlastnosti kávy The Miners Office Blend Zrnková káva pro pro mletí před přípravou Čistá Arabika s nižším obsahem kofeinu a bohatou chutí Pochází z několika zemí Místo pražení: Česká Republika

Objev podobné jako The Miners Office Blend (7581)

cena 291.0 Kč

The Movie Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley

The ultimate guide to the greatest movies ever to grace the silver screen! Introducing a brand new edition to The Movie Book, an all-encompassing guide that reflects on the history of cinema, from Hollywood's golden age of black-and-white films to international art-house and modern-day masterpieces. This fantastic book on films is your detailed guide to 100 seismic films, proving something for everyone to explore and love. So get your popcorn ready and sit back as we take you on a cinematic journey through time, promising: -Profiles more than 100 of the greatest films ever made and the ideas, themes, and plots behind them -Features iconic quotes from the films, alongside those of critics -Famous film stills and posters bring the films to life. -Thought-provoking graphics explore the central ideas and narratives behind some of the featured films. -Organized chronologically to guide readers through the history of film easily Liberally sprinkled with gorgeous stills, pithy quotes and trivia detail, The Movie Book brings you new insights into your favourites and introduces you to little-known masterpieces from around the world. From vital visionaries of the early 20th century, to the rebel era of the 60s and 70s, The Movie Book will take you on a beautifully vibrant journey into an array of cinematic masterpieces, organized chronologically, so whether you are a film fanatic or a movie newbie, this comprehensive guide is jam-packed with film favourites, to love and explore. Discover the most quintessential quotes from some of the most celebrated and important films of all time, complemented with key quotes from directors, critics and reviewers, providing you with an in-depth understanding of each fabulous film included throughout this film book. There's no doubt that one film can influence another and this indispensable and crystal clear guide explains what inspired Quentin Tarantino to use a glowing briefcase in Pulp Fiction or how Jaws triggered decades of summer action blockbusters. This new edition includes up-to-date and in-depth explorations of recent major contributions to cinema around the world, such as the multi-award winning Parasite, as well as updates to the directory. A must-have volume for anyone with a passion for cinema. Whether you're a film and media student or simply just wish to expand your knowledge about the greatest films ever made, this comprehensive movie guide is sure to delight. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? If you love The Movie Book, then why not complete DK's bestselling Big Ideas series! With over 25 titles in the series, this curated collection promises something for everyone to love. Discover space like you've never seen before with The Astronomy Book; take a journey into the past with The History Book, or challenge yourself to think deeper with The Philosophy Book.

Objev podobné jako The Movie Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley

cena 339.0 Kč

Myles Kennedy - The Ideas Of March (Black Vinyl) (2 LP)

Žánr: Rock;Blues Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Rock;Blues Rok vydání: 2021.0 Interpret / Téma: Myles Kennedy Datum vydání: 2021-05-14 Vydavatelství: Napalm Records Varianta: The Ideas Of March (Black Vinyl) (2 LP) Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Myles Kennedy - The Ideas Of March (Black Vinyl) (2 LP)

cena 851.9 Kč

Myles Kennedy - The Ideas Of March (Grey Vinyl) (2 LP)

Barva: Šedá Varianta: The Ideas Of March (Grey Vinyl) (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2021.0 Datum vydání: 2021-05-14 Vydavatelství: Napalm Records Subžánr: Blues;Rock Interpret / Téma: Myles Kennedy Žánr: Blues;Rock Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989 Typ: Barevná;LP deska Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Barva podle výrobce: Grey Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako Myles Kennedy - The Ideas Of March (Grey Vinyl) (2 LP)

cena 1044.0 Kč

42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams - Douglas Adams

'Douglas's slanted way of looking at reality makes the fuzzy sharp and the improbable probable. In a cock-eyed universe the level gaze is not much use' STEPHEN FRY'Douglas was something that we don't have a word for yet - a futurologist or an explainer' NEIL GAIMAN"In lieu of a conventional autobiography, this collection of letters, jottings and ephemera - interspersed with heartfelt tributes from admirers including Stephen Fry and Neil Gaiman - will have to serve as the definitive insight into this brilliant man's life and work." Alexander Larman'All your readers have Douglas Adams Circuits in their heads, now: a glowing synaptic lens that has made the whole of space seem like a place as familiar and human as Earth. That makes us approach new tech, and the future, without fear' CAITLIN MORANWhen Douglas Adams died in 2001, he left behind 60 boxes full of notebooks, letters, scripts, jokes, speeches and even poems. In 42, compiled by Douglas's long-time collaborator Kevin Jon Davies, hundreds of these personal artefacts appear in print for the very first time.Douglas was as much a thinker as he was a writer, and his artefacts reveal how his deep fascination with technology led to ideas which were far ahead of their time: a convention speech envisioning the modern smartphone, with all the information in the world living at our fingertips; sheets of notes predicting the advent of electronic books; journal entries from his forays into home computing - it is a matter of legend that Douglas bought the very first Mac in the UK; musings on how the internet would disrupt the CD-Rom industry, among others.42 also features archival material charting Douglas's school days through Cambridge, Footlights, collaborations with Graham Chapman, and early scribbles from the development of Doctor Who, Hitchhiker's and Dirk Gently. Alongside details of his most celebrated works are projects that never came to fruition, including the pilot for radio programme They'll Never Play That on the Radio and a space-inspired theme park ride.Douglas's personal papers prove that the greatest ideas come from the fleeting thoughts that collide in our own imagination, and offer a captivating insight into the mind of one of the twentieth century's greatest thinkers and most enduring storytellers.

Objev podobné jako 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams - Douglas Adams

cena 894.0 Kč

The Classical Music Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained - Katie Derham

From Mozart to Mendelssohn, this comprehensive guide to classical music history and classical music biography is the perfect latest addition to the bestselling Big Ideas series. Easy to understand and clear to follow, this history of classical music explores and explains music theory and the impact of seminal pieces, while also providing fascinating stories about the lives of crucial composers and performers. Including an insightful foreword by Katie Derham, The Classical Music Book analyses over 90 works by famous composers. From Thomas Tallis in the early period to baroque masters like Bach and Handel, to the classical genius of Beethoven and Wagner and beyond to the modern day, The Classical Music Book explores the key ideas underpinning the world's greatest classical compositions and musical traditions, and defines their importance to the musical canon, placing them into their wider social, cultural, and historical context. The unique approach to the subject makes this book the perfect classical music guide for everyone. Regardless of whether you are relatively new to the subject and want to learn or if you are a classical music aficionado, there is plenty to discover in The Classical Music Book.

Objev podobné jako The Classical Music Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained - Katie Derham

cena 599.0 Kč

Ručně malovaný POP Art The Office 3 dílný 120x80cm

Ručně malovaný obraz ve stylu POP ART. Je zárukou jedinečnosti a originality, kterou nikde jinde nenajdete. Je tím pravým co přinese do Vašich domácností a pracovišť ducha moderního umění. Již dnes můžete mít něco co nikdo jiný nemá.

Objev podobné jako Ručně malovaný POP Art The Office 3 dílný 120x80cm

cena 2049.0 Kč

The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day (0241982286)

Kniha - autor Mikael Krogerus; Roman Tschäppeler, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The authors of the international bestseller The Decision Book teach us how to communicate better at work and in everyday life. The internationally bestselling duo Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler have tested the 44 most important communication theories - from Aristotle's thoughts on presenting through Proust on asking questions to the Harvard Negotiation Project - for their practicality in daily business life. In The Communication Book they distil them into a single volume that in their winning way turns seemingly difficult ideas into clear and entertaining diagrams. From running better meetings and improving the conversations in your head to brushing up on your listening skills and small talk, the pair masterfully fuses theoretical knowledge and business advice with humour and practicality. With sections on work, the self, relationships and language, they show...

Objev podobné jako The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day (0241982286)

cena 279.0 Kč

The World War I Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley

Discover the key battles, tactics, technologies and turning points of the First World War - the epic conflict that was supposed to be "the war to end all wars". Combining authoritative, exciting text and bold images The World War I Book explores the historical background to the war, its causes, all of the key events across the major theatres of conflict, and its aftermath. Using the original, graphic-led approach of the series, entries profile more than 90 of the key events during and surrounding the conflict - from the growing tensions between Europe's major powers to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the German invasion of Belgium, the endless slaughter in the trenches, the American entry into the war, the Russian Revolution, the Armistice, and the creation of the League of Nations.In this book, you can explore the following: -Key milestones of the First World War – exploring the technologies, tactics, and turning points. -Main theatres of the conflict and the experience of war – from civilian life to the horrors of gas attacks. -Bold imagery and clear text with insightful and inspiring quotes from military leaders and historiansOffering a uniquely compelling, accessible, and immediate history of the war, The World War I Book shows how certain key battles, individual leaders, political and economic forces, and technological advances influenced the course of the conflict and the following decades.This book is part of the Big Ideas Simply Explained series, with other titles including The Art Book, The Architecture Book and The Astronomy Book.

Objev podobné jako The World War I Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley

cena 536.0 Kč

SFINX Hrnec Gastro 20l, průměr 36cm (21336-00400009)

Gastro hrnec - objem 20 l, průměr 36 cm, vnější povrch smaltovaný, vnitřní povrch smaltovaný, pro použití s plynovou, elektrickou, indukční, sklokeramickou varnou deskou Ocelový oboustranně smaltovaný hrnec SFINX GASTRO je ideálním řešením pro kuchyně stravovacích zařízení, ale i pro domácnosti nebo hospodářství. Objem hrnce činí 20 litrů a jeho průměr je 36 cm. Šířka stěn je poté 0,8–1,2 mm a samozřejmostí je oboustranné černé smaltování s bílou pihou. Používat jej můžete na jakémkoliv vařiči – plynovém, elektrickém, sklokeramickém i indukčním. Hrnec SFINX GASTRO je dodáván bez poklice. Klíčové vlastnosti smaltovaného hrnce SFINX GASTRO 20lObjem 20 litrůPrůměr 36 cmVýška 24,1 cmSíla plechu 0,8 mmOboustranné černé smaltováníLze použít na všech typech vařičůVhodné i do trouby

Objev podobné jako SFINX Hrnec Gastro 20l, průměr 36cm (21336-00400009)

cena 969.0 Kč

Funko POP! TV The Office- Oscar w/Ankle Attachments (889698573979)

Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! TV The Office- Oscar w/Ankle Attachments, o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Zásadní vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! TV The Office- Oscar w/Ankle Attachments Figurka Funko zaujme každého sběratele Použitým materiálem je vinyl Funko POP! TV The Office- Oscar w/Ankle Attachments je dekorativní soška V balení najdete jednu figurku Figurka Funko...

Objev podobné jako Funko POP! TV The Office- Oscar w/Ankle Attachments (889698573979)

cena 387.0 Kč

The Great Post Office Scandal - Nick Wallis

The Great Post Office Scandal is the extraordinary story behind the recent ITV drama series Mr Bates vs The Post Office. It tells of how thousands of subpostmasters were accused of theft and false accounting on the back of evidence from Horizon, the flawed computer system designed by Fujitsu, and how a group of them, led by Alan Bates, took their fight to the High Court. Their eventual victory in court vindicated their claims about the defects of the software and exposed the heavy handed attempts by the Post Office to suppress them. The book also recounts how successive senior managers, business leaders, lawyers, civil servants and Government ministers, at best failed to expose the injustice or, even worse, sought to cover it up, resulting in one of the largest miscarriages of justice in UK history. The author, Nick Wallis, is a journalist and broadcaster who has been reporting on the scandal for over ten years and who acted as script consultant on Mr Bates vs The Post Office, the ITV drama that brought the affair into the national consciousness.As the public inquiry reaches its climax, and senior figures such as Paula Vennells come to be questioned, The Great Post Office Scandal reveals the full scale of what happened and how so many of our trusted institutions allowed the saga to go on for nearly a quarter of a century, shattering the lives of thousands of innocent people.

Objev podobné jako The Great Post Office Scandal - Nick Wallis

cena 414.0 Kč

Short Cuts: Maths: Navigate Your Way Through the Big Ideas - Katie Steckles

Your expert guide to mastering the numbers behind the mysteries of modern mathematics. What with the mysteries of infinity and imaginary numbers, the power of mathematical modelling, and the logic and structures hiding behind real-life situations and digital worlds, the modern landscape of mathematics is an extraordinary place to explore. But how are you expected to navigate this enigmatic and abstract world?Short Cuts: Maths provides the map you need to start exploring seriously big ideas.Puzzling questions prompt 'short cut' answers written by experts in their field, with each one the setting-off point for instructions to help you plot your path through the mathematical maze.

Objev podobné jako Short Cuts: Maths: Navigate Your Way Through the Big Ideas - Katie Steckles

cena 402.0 Kč

Funko POP! TV The Office- Erin w/Happy Box & Champagne (889698573948)

Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! TV The Office- Erin w/Happy Box & Champagne, o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Klíčové vlastnosti figurky Funko POP! TV The Office- Erin w/Happy Box & Champagne Figurka Funko potěší každého sběratele Materiálem využitým při výrobě je vinyl Funko POP! TV The Office- Erin w/Happy Box & Champagne představuje dekorativní sošku V balení obdržíte...

Objev podobné jako Funko POP! TV The Office- Erin w/Happy Box & Champagne (889698573948)

cena 387.0 Kč

Jamie Oliver 7 Ways: Easy Ideas for Every Day of the Week (0241431158)

Kniha - autor Jamie Oliver, 408 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Jamie Oliver 7 Ways: Easy Ideas for Every Day of the Week (0241431158)

cena 674.0 Kč

PER | Level 1: Sadie´s Big Day at the Office - Tonya Trappe

The team arrives for another day at the office. The workers are happy, but their bosses have a surprise for them. Is it going to be a nice surprise—or not?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 1: Sadie´s Big Day at the Office - Tonya Trappe

cena 200.0 Kč

School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - An essay - Zdeněk Ježek

Čemu věřit ve světě, který svým obyvatelům nabízí záplavu informací, názorů a postojů? Disponuje školní vzdělávání nástroji, které umožní se v této záplavě vyznat? Pomůže používání zdravého rozumu v boji proti dezinformacím? A nejsou metafory záplavy a boje použité v předchozích větách jazykovým prostředkem, který posouvá smysl celého sdělení od racionality směrem k emocionalitě? Společnost 21. století se musí vyrovnat s mnoha nástrahami. Jednou z nich je přesycení informacemi, ve kterých se laik téměř nemá šanci vyznat – zároveň je však každý postaven nejen před možnost, ale spíše povinnost vybrat si názorové stanovisko. Ve veřejné diskusi proto často dochází ke zjednodušování, komplexní témata jsou redukována na jednoduché teze a důkladnou analýzu nahrazuje dovětek tl;dr. Too long; didn’t read – příliš dlouhé; nečetl*a jsem. Esej se zabývá otázkou vztahu vzdělávání a hodnot, přičemž na příkladech práce s literárními texty zkoumá, jak rozvíjet porozumění, analytické dovednosti a ochotu vyhýbat se jednoduchým vysvětlením složitých témat.

Objev podobné jako School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - An essay - Zdeněk Ježek

cena 179.0 Kč

The Communication Book: 50 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day - Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler

The authors of the international bestseller The Decision Book teach us how to communicate better at work and in everyday lifeThe internationally bestselling duo Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler have tested the 44 most important communication theories - from Aristotle's thoughts on presenting through Proust on asking questions to the Harvard Negotiation Project - for their practicality in daily business life. In The Communication Book they distil them into a single volume that in their winning way turns seemingly difficult ideas into clear and entertaining diagrams.From running better meetings and improving the conversations in your head to brushing up on your listening skills and small talk, the pair masterfully fuses theoretical knowledge and business advice with humour and practicality. With sections on work, the self, relationships and language, they show that we can improve not only what we communicate, but how we do so.Whether you're a CEO or starting out - or want to improve your relationships at home - this smartly-illustrated and compact guide will improve your communication skills and help you form more meaningful connections at work, while smiling too.

Objev podobné jako The Communication Book: 50 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day - Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler

cena 268.0 Kč

School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - Zdeněk Ježek - e-kniha

eBook: Čemu věřit ve světě, který svým obyvatelům nabízí záplavu informací, názorů a postojů? Disponuje školní vzdělávání nástroji, které umožní se v této záplavě vyznat? Pomůže používání zdravého rozumu v boji proti dezinformacím? A nejsou metafory záplavy a boje použité v předchozích větách jazykovým prostředkem, který posouvá smysl celého sdělení od racionality směrem k emocionalitě? Společnost 21. století se musí vyrovnat s mnoha nástrahami. Jednou z nich je přesycení informacemi, ve kterých se laik téměř nemá šanci vyznat – zároveň je však každý postaven nejen před možnost, ale spíše povinnost vybrat si názorové stanovisko. Ve veřejné diskusi proto často dochází ke zjednodušování, komplexní témata jsou redukována na jednoduché teze a důkladnou analýzu nahrazuje dovětek tl;dr. Too long; didn’t read – příliš dlouhé; nečetl*a jsem.Esej se zabývá otázkou vztahu vzdělávání a hodnot, přičemž na příkladech práce s literárními texty zkoumá, jak rozvíjet porozumění, analytické dovednosti a ochotu vyhýbat se jednoduchým vysvětlením složitých témat.

Objev podobné jako School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - Zdeněk Ježek - e-kniha

cena 170.0 Kč

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for (0141986301)

Kniha - autor Jonathan Haidt; Grag Lukianoff, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Have good intentions, over-parenting and the decline in unsupervised play led to the emergence of modern identity politics and hypersensitivity? In this book, free speech campaigner Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt investigate a new cultural phenomenon of "safetyism", beginning on American college campuses in 2014 and spreading throughout academic institutions in the English-speaking world. Looking at the consequences of paranoid parenting, the increase in anxiety and depression amongst students and the rise of new ideas about justice, Lukianoff and Haidt argue that well-intended but misguided attempts to protect young people are damaging their development and mental health, the functioning of educational systems and even democracy itself.

Objev podobné jako The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for (0141986301)

cena 309.0 Kč

The Office of Good Intentions. Human(s) Work - Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen, Iwan Baan

Immerse yourself with architects Florian Idenburg and LeeAnn Suen as they journey through a wide-ranging collection of the objects, systems, and buildings that have occupied the American office space since the advent of the internet. Through stories and speculations, Idenburg and Suen expose the relationships between space, work, and people, and explore the intentions that have driven the development of office design for working humans. In twelve essays, this book examines the spatial typologies and global phenomena that have defined the office in the last half century. Topics include the return of the work club, the rise of the corporate festival, the way of the charismatic guru, the shattering of the time clock, and the design of playgrounds for work. We cycle through Frank O. Gehry's radical, playful spaces for digital nomads in the advertising world, stagger under the weight of stacks of punch cards, feel the fit of our bodies in the Aeron Chair, answer the phone in Hugh Hefner's bed, and scroll through Lil Miquela's feed. Photographic essays by Iwan Baan provide a visual post-occupancy report on a range of canonical office projects, such as Marcel Breuer's IBM campus in Florida and the Ford Foundation's urban garden in Manhattan. Four intervening catalogs offer collections of experimental workplace products, augural advertisements for office building components, digital office components, and renderings of speculative workplaces; each catalog bridges the reality of the office and how we imagine its alternatives.This book is a theoretical backdrop for architects as much as it is for businesspeople and employees. With curiosity and skepticism, it looks at the spaces and solutions that have been designed for human work, tracing the transformation from work to occupation, from punch cards to "playbor," from today's lived experience to tomorrow's unpredictable, imagined futures.

Objev podobné jako The Office of Good Intentions. Human(s) Work - Florian Idenburg, LeeAnn Suen, Iwan Baan

cena 1423.0 Kč

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