Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Legal English: 3rd revised edition (978-80-7502-456-5)

Kniha - autor Kamila Tozzi; Eva Přidalová, 256 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Učebnice právnické angličtiny je určena zejména studentům práva, aplikované lingvistiky, tlumočníkům a překladatelům. Jejím cílem je poskytnout studentům základy právnické angličtiny potřebné pro jejich budoucí profesní rozvoj, zároveň se snaží rozvíjet znalosti obecného jazyka. Jednotlivé lekce obsahují texty s právní tématikou, klíčová slovíčka, případy z právní praxe, otázky k zamyšlení a několik druhů cvičení. Některé úkoly studenty motivují ke srovnání českého právního systému s anglo-americkým systémem common law. Učebnice byla pro třetí vydání upravena. Uživatelskou přitažlivost umocňují obrázky a veselé ilustrace.

Podívejte se také Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Intermediate Workbook Czech Edition (9780194504539)

cena 309.0 Kč

English for Administrative Law - Martin Škurek, Eva Přidalová, Kamila Tozzi

Učebnice je zaměřena na problematiku veřejné správy z pohledu uživatele anglického jazyka. Poskytuje studentům základy odborné angličtiny ve správním právu. Odborné texty mají za cíl aktivovat osvojený právní jazyk a posilovat schopnost komunikovat o základních aspektech správního práva v cizím jazyce. Autoři sestavili obsáhlý studijní materiál, který je přínosným zdrojem terminologie používané ve veřejné správě. Jednotlivé lekce obsahují texty s právní tématikou, klíčová slovíčka, otázky k zamyšlení a několik druhů lingvistických cvičení. Součástí učebnice je také klíč k jednotlivým cvičením. Učebnice je určena především studentům bakalářského studijního programu Právo ve veřejné správě na Právnické fakultě Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Publikaci však využijí také studenti různých typů škol a vzdělávacích institucí a rovněž ti, kteří se studiu odborné angličtiny věnují individuálně s cílem získat potřebnou jazykovou kompetenci v oboru veřejné správy.------------------The textbook focuses on the issue of public administration from the perspective of the English language user. Its purpose is to provide students with the basics of professional English in administrative law. The texts aim to activate the acquired legal language and to strengthen the ability to communicate on basic aspects of administrative law in a foreign language.The authors managed to compile a comprehensive study material, which is a beneficial source of terminology used in public administration. Each lesson contains legal texts, key words, questions to think about, and several types of linguistic exercises. Part of the textbook is also the key to individual exercises.The textbook is primarily intended for students of the bachelor study program Law in Public Administration at the Faculty of Law of the Palacký University in Olomouc. However, students of various types of schools and educational institutions can also benefit from this publication, as well as those who study professional English individually in order to acquire the necessary language competences in public administration.

Podívejte se také Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Elementary Workbook Czech Edition (9780194561877)

cena 275.0 Kč

Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure

„Do rukou českých čtenářů se právě dostává nová, anglicky psaná publikace od dvojice slovenských autorů Miroslava Bázlika a Ady Böhmerové s názvem ´Právní angličtina a její lexikální a gramatická struktura pro české právníky a překladatele´. Tato kniha je vítaným přírůstkem na poli učebnic a manuálů zabývajících se moderním jazykem práva, které jsou určeny pro české publikum. Autory jsou zkušení jazykovědci působící na katedře anglistiky a amerikanistiky Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě, jimž se v předkládané publikaci podařilo zúročit několik desetiletí zkušeností výzkumu a výuky jak v oblasti právního překladu a gramatiky (v případě docenta Bázlika) tak i lexikální roviny anglického jazyka (v případě docentky Böhmerové). Díky jejich spolupráci tak čtenář dostává do rukou komplexní přehled o právní angličtině.“ Doc. PhDr. Jan Chovanec, PhD. „The book is designed to assist in making users – and in particular the Czech users – familiar with some specific features that are encountered in English legal texts [...] in order to unveil their meaning and find a proper translation, taking advantage of every opportunity to show how linguistic science helps us to understand and deal with language [...]. Our motivation for writing this book mainly comes from our translation practice as officially certified translators [...]. This publication provides general reference material for those who compose English legal texts, as well as for translators from and into English.“ authors

Podívejte se také Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Intermediate Student's Book (9780194504515)

cena 445.0 Kč

English File Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig

Nové vydání English File, ještě lépe fungující a plně aktualizované.učebnice je nově rozdělena na 12 lekcíaktualizované texty a poslechové úlohypřehledný nový designkomponenty v tištěné i digitální podoběnové doplňkové materiály ke stažení zdarma pro studenty (Study Link) i učitele (Teacher Link)https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/intermediate3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 678.0 Kč

English File Pre-intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking.The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers.The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/preint3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

Objev podobné jako English File Pre-intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 678.0 Kč

English File Upper Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking.The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers.The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/upperint3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

Objev podobné jako English File Upper Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 678.0 Kč

Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography (revised edition)

Follow Peter Lindbergh across four decades of pioneering fashion photography. Through countless collaborations with the most venerated names in fashion, the German photographer created new narratives with his humanist approach, which resulted in iconic shots at once introspective and appealing. This book features more than 300 images, many previously unpublished, as well as an updated introduction in which Lindbergh establishes his sentiment on “so-called fashion photography”. The Lindbergh Lens The photographer who altered the landscape of fashion photography It was on a Malibu beach in 1988 that Peter Lindbergh shot the White Shirts series, images now known the world over. Simple yet seminal, the photographs introduced us to Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Rachel Williams, Karen Alexander, Tatjana Patitz, and Estelle Lefébure. This marked the beginning of an era that redefined beauty, and Lindbergh would go on to alter the landscape of fashion photography for the decades that followed. This book gathers more than 300 images from forty years of Lindbergh’s career. It traces the German photographer’s cinematic inflections and humanist approach, which produced images at once seductive and introspective. In 1980 Rei Kawakubo asked Lindbergh to shoot a Commes des Garçons campaign, one of his earlier forays into commercial photography. Kawakubo gave him carte blanche. The following years brought forth collaborations with the most venerated names in fashion and resulted in a relationship of mutual reverence; Lindbergh’s respect for some of the greatest designers of our time is palpable in his portraits. Among those photographed are Azzedine Alaïa, Giorgio Armani, Alber Elbaz, John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld, Thierry Mugler, Yves Saint Laurent, Jil Sander, and Yohji Yamamoto. Widely considered a pioneer in his field, Lindbergh shirked the industry standards of beauty and instead celebrated the essence and individuality of his subjects. He was pivotal to the rise of models such as Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Mariacarla Boscono, Lara Stone, Claudia Schiffer, Amber Valletta, Nadja Auermann, and Kristen McMenamy. Lindbergh’s reach also extended across Hollywood and beyond: Cate Blanchett, Charlotte Rampling, Richard Gere, Isabelle Huppert, Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Catherine Deneuve, and Jeanne Moreau all appear in his works. From the picture chosen by Anna Wintour as the cover of her first Vogue issue to the legendary shot of Tina Turner on the Eiffel Tower, it is never the clothes, celebrity, or glamour that takes center stage in a Lindbergh photograph. Each picture conveys the humanity of its subject with a serene melancholy that is uniquely and unmistakably Lindbergh. From the outset of his career, Lindbergh was well-known in the contemporary art world, where his photographs were exhibited in galleries long before they appeared in magazines. This edition features an updated introduction adapted from an interview in 2016, allowing a glimpse behind Lindbergh’s lens, where the photographer recounts his early collaborations, the tenuous relationship between commercial and fine art, and the power of storytelling. The photographer and author Peter Lindbergh (1944–2019) was a master of his craft who made his mark in the halls of photography history, with such credits as shooting the first American Vogue cover under Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour, bringing together for the first time a group of young women who would become the ’90s supermodels, and numerous exhibitions at renowned institutions including Victoria & Albert Museum in London and Centre Pompidou in Paris, as well as in solo exhibitions at Hamburger Bahnhof, the Berlin Museum for Contemporary Art, Bunkamura Museum of Art in Tokyo, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, and Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf.

Objev podobné jako Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography (revised edition)

cena 2318.0 Kč

MS Sound Of Music Vocal Selections (Revised Edition)

Soundtrack THE SOUND OF MUSIC Tato kniha nabízí skladby s klavírním partem doplněným akordovými značkami pro kytaru a zpěvovou linkou. Jde o populární písničky z filmu Za zvuků hudby.

Objev podobné jako MS Sound Of Music Vocal Selections (Revised Edition)

cena 484.0 Kč

MS Great Piano Solos - The Purple Book (Revised Edition)

Zpěvník GREAT PIANO SOLOS – THE PURPLE BOOK Tato kniha obsahuje notový záznam děl určených pro klavír. Zařazena jsou nejznámnější díla klasické, popové jazzové, bluesové nebo filmové hudby. Seznam skladeb: (Everything I Do) I Do It For You [Adams, Bryan] [Lange, Robert John] [Kamen, Michael] A Retreat (The English Patient) [Yared, Gabriel] Adagio (Concerto For Clarinet And Orchestra In A) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] All The Things You Are [Kern, Jerome] Angels [Williams, Robbie] [Chambers, Guy] As Time Goes By (Casablanca) [Hupfield, Herman] Ave Maria [Gounod, Charles] Besame Mucho [Velazquez, Consuelo] Cabaret (Cabaret) [Kander, John] [Ebb, Fred] Candle In The Wind [John, Elton] [Taupin, Bernie] Chelsea Bridge [Strayhorn, Billy] Come What May (Moulin Rouge) [Baerwald, David] Cry Me A River [Hamilton, Arthur] Falling In Love Again [Hollander, Friederich] Feeling Good [Bricusse, Leslie] [Newley, Anthony] Flying Without Wings [Mac, Steve] [Hector, Wayne] Goldfinger (Goldfinger) [Barry, John] Gymnopedie No.1 [Satie, Erik] I Have A Dream [Abba] I Whistle A Happy Tune (The King And I) [Rogers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar] Imagine [Lennon, John] In A Sentimental Mood [Ellington, Duke] [Mill, Irving] [Kurtz, Manny] It 'Aint Necessarily So (Porgy And Bess) [Gershwin, George] [Gershwin, Ira] [Heyward, Dubose] [Heyward, Dorothy] It's A Life (The Truman Show) [Dallwitz, Burkhard] Jean De Florette [Petit, Jean-claude] John Dunbar Theme (Dances With Wolves) [Barry, John] Liebestraum [Liszt, Franz] Luck Be A Lady (Guys And Dolls) [Loesser, Frank] Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence [Sakamoto, Ryuichi] Moonlight Sonata [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] Need Your Love So Bad [John, Mertis] No Matter What (Whistle Down The Wind) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew] Pennies From Heaven [Johnston, Arthur] Pick A Pocket Or Two (Oliver!) [Bart, Lionel] Polovtsian Dances (Prince Igor) [Borodin, Alexander] Prelude In D Flat Major No.15 Op.11 [Scriabin, Alexander] Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars [Jobim, Antonio Carlos] Rupert Bear (The English Patient) [Yared, Gabriel] Someone To Watch Over Me [Gershwin, George] [Gershwin, Ira] That's Amore [Brooks, Jack] [Warren, Harry] The Air That I Breathe [Hazelwood, Mike] [Hammond, Albert] The English Patient (The English Patient) [Yared, Gabriel] The Godfather Waltz (The Godfather) [Rota, Nino] This Year's Love [Gray, David] Till There Was You (Music Man) [Wilson, Meredith] Trumpet Voluntary [Purcell, Henry] What A Wonderful World [Weiss, George] [Thiele, Bob] What'd I Say [Charles, Ray] Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (The Phantom Of The Opera) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew] Yesterday [Beatles, The]

Objev podobné jako MS Great Piano Solos - The Purple Book (Revised Edition)

cena 570.0 Kč

Getting The Love You Want Revised Edition - Harville Hendrix

The 2-million-copy bestselling GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT, now beautifully repackaged with a new introduction.

Objev podobné jako Getting The Love You Want Revised Edition - Harville Hendrix

cena 295.0 Kč

MS John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course: Part 1 - Revised Edition

Škola hry na klavír EASIEST PIANO COURSE: PART 1 Tato kniha je ideální pro výuku hry na klavír, a to zejména pro děti. Nabízí moderní a zábavný styl, tento díl se zaměřuje na úplně začátečníky a úvod do teorie, čtení a psaní not a základy hraní.

Objev podobné jako MS John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course: Part 1 - Revised Edition

cena 270.0 Kč

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers -Revised Edition - Robert, M. Sapolsky, Robert Sapolsky

Renowned primatologist Robert Sapolsky offers a completely revised and updated edition of his most popular work, with over 225,000 copies in print Now in a third edition, Robert M. Sapolsky''s acclaimed and successful Why Zebras Don''t Get Ulcers features new chapters on how stress affects sleep and addiction, as well as new insights into anxiety and personality disorder and the impact of spirituality on managing stress.As Sapolsky explains, most of us do not lie awake at night worrying about whether we have leprosy or malaria. Instead, the diseases we fear-and the ones that plague us now-are illnesses brought on by the slow accumulation of damage, such as heart disease and cancer. When we worry or experience stress, our body turns on the same physiological responses that an animal''s does, but we do not resolve conflict in the same way-through fighting or fleeing. Over time, this activation of a stress response makes us literally sick. Combining cutting-edge research with a healthy dose of good humor and practical advice, Why Zebras Don''t Get Ulcers explains how prolonged stress causes or intensifies a range of physical and mental afflictions, including depression, ulcers, colitis, heart disease, and more. It also provides essential guidance to controlling our stress responses. This new edition promises to be the most comprehensive and engaging one yet.

Objev podobné jako Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers -Revised Edition - Robert, M. Sapolsky, Robert Sapolsky

cena 591.0 Kč

Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-759-8584-2)

Elektronická kniha - autor Miroslav Bázlik, 224 stran, anglicky „Do rukou českých čtenářů se právě dostává nová, anglicky psaná publikace od dvojice slovenských autorů Miroslava Bázlika a Ady Böhmerové s názvem ´Právní angličtina a její lexikální a gramatická struktura pro české právníky a překladatele´. Tato kniha je vítaným přírůstkem na poli učebnic a manuálů zabývajících se moderním jazykem práva, které jsou určeny pro české publikum. Autory jsou zkušení jazykovědci působící na katedře anglistiky a amerikanistiky Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě, jimž se v předkládané publikaci podařilo zúročit několik desetiletí zkušeností výzkumu a výuky jak v oblasti právního překladu a gramatiky (v případě docenta Bázlika) tak i lexikální roviny anglického jazyka (v případě docentky Böhmerové). Díky jejich spolupráci tak čtenář dostává do rukou komplexní přehled o právní angličtině.“ Doc. PhDr. Jan Chovanec, PhD. „The book is designed...

Objev podobné jako Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-759-8584-2)

cena 445.0 Kč

Watching the English: The International Bestseller Revised and Updated (1444785206)

Kniha - autor Kate Fox, 584 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A revised and updated edition of the internationally bestselling book which looks at the quirks, habits and foibles of the English people. Ten years on from its first publication, it has more than 100 new entries and several totally new chapters, looking at what's changed and what has stayed the same.

Objev podobné jako Watching the English: The International Bestseller Revised and Updated (1444785206)

cena 312.0 Kč

AQA Media Studies for A Level: Student Book - Revised Edition - Elspeth Stevenson, Stephanie Hendry

Written by experienced authors and teachers with examining experience, this book will support you through the A-level course and offers high-quality support you can trust.- Provides comprehensive coverage of all the key theory for A-level- Knowledge, understanding and skills are developed throuhgout the book and presented in a highly accessible way- Includes practical approaches to developing skills- Includes updated exam-style questions across both years, to ensure you are fully prepared for assessment- A dedicated chapter on the Non-Examined Assessment element of the specification provides clear guidance on how you will be assessed- An exam preparation chapter offers advice on how to revise and help you refine your exam technique- A range of features including Activities, Tips, Quick Questions, Key Terms and Links help broaden your understanding and encourage independent learning.This Student Book is designed to be used alongside AQA Media Studies for A Level & AS: Close Study Products

Objev podobné jako AQA Media Studies for A Level: Student Book - Revised Edition - Elspeth Stevenson, Stephanie Hendry

cena 1240.0 Kč

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography Study and Revision Guide revised edition - Guinness Paul, Garrett Nagle

Send students into their exam with the confidence to achieve their maximum potential using step-by-step guidance that helps to practise skills learned and improve exam technique.- Avoid common misconceptions with frequent mistakes highlighted throughout - Build students'' skills constructing and writing answers with a range of practice and exam-style questions- Easily identify areas for improvement with the answers in the back of the book- Help students target their revision and focus on important concepts and skills with key objectives at the beginning of every chapter- Ensure that students maximise their time in the exam with examiner''s tips and suggestions on how to approach questions- Contextualise knowledge with authentic case studiesThis Study and Revision Guide has been updated for the latest syllabus for examination from 2020. This title has not been through the Cambridge Assessment International Education endorsement process.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography Study and Revision Guide revised edition - Guinness Paul, Garrett Nagle

cena 502.0 Kč

Gut : new revised and expanded edition - Giulia Endersová

A Sunday Times bestseller - now with revised and expanded content on the exciting new science about the gut-brain link. Our gut is as important as our brain or heart, yet we know very little about how it works and many of us are too embarrassed to ask questions. In Gut, Giulia Enders breaks this taboo, revealing the latest science on how much our digestive system has to offer. From our miraculous gut bacteria - which can play a part in obesity, allergies, depression and even Alzheimer's - to the best position to poo, this entertaining and informative health handbook shows that we can all benefit from getting to know the wondrous world of our inner workings.

Objev podobné jako Gut : new revised and expanded edition - Giulia Endersová

cena 384.0 Kč

WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) Study & Revision Guide – Revised Edition - Anita Tull

This practical Study and Revision Guide has been completely revised and updated to match the new Hospitality and Catering Level 1/2 (Technical Award) specification, for first teaching from September 2022. Written by renowned author Anita Tull, it provides the essential information needed for the exam and will help students develop and apply the skills needed for the Controlled Assessment. The ideal companion to the Student Book! This guide is designed to be used as a textbook for lower-ability students and a study aid and revision guide for higher-ability students.What''s new in the 2nd Edition?- Structure and content fully updated to match the new specification precisely.- Completely new assessment sections in line with the new specification.- A new section on How to prepare and make dishes with examples of how different techniques are combined in recipes, together with new activities to help students identify skills and techniques in a range of dishes, helping prepare them for assessment.- Content re-organised under new specification Unit and Topic headings and numbering making it easy for students to follow.- New Specification stems signposting to clearly show students which sections of information they need to ''know''; ''know and understand''; ''be aware of'' and ''be able to''.What have we retained from the previous edition?- Condensed version of the required theory presented in a clear and colourful study guide.- Interesting Activities throughout to allow students to consolidate and apply their learning.- Key terms to remind students of the essential terminology needed for assessment.- Accessible design with colourful diagrams, images, tables and charts to support understanding and knowledge recall, making it perfect for lower ability students.- In Unit 1, end of section ''Knowledge check'' and Practice exam questions enable students to test themselves and provide plenty of practice for the assessment.- Unit 2 helps support students in applying the knowledge learned from Unit 1 and prepare for the Controlled Assessment, providing guidance for presenting evidence together with example answers and assessor commentary.- When used in conjunction with our bestselling Student Book, students will have an unrivalled suite of resources to help them excel with their study of Hospitality and Catering.

Objev podobné jako WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) Study & Revision Guide – Revised Edition - Anita Tull

cena 502.0 Kč

Project 5 Workbook, 3rd (International English Version) - Tom Hutchinson

Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better! Overview Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material presenting real language in real contexts, will inspire a new generation of English learners from the ages of 9-10 years. Key features • New, clear vocabulary sections added to the grammar-based syllabus and integrated skills work. • Texts, topics and activities such as cartoons, traditional songs and stories and project work will all appeal to students. • 'English across the curriculum' pages provide students with the language they need to discuss school subjects in English. • Culture sections within each unit enable students to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultural backgrounds. • Brand-new Culture DVD offers a wealth of visual material showing aspects of life in Britain and other English-speaking countries. • New Workbook Pack supports learner independence: the CD-ROM includes interactive exercises and selected material from the Culture DVD, and the Workbook itself contains graded exercises, progress checks, and clear 'can-do' statements after every unit, reflecting the Common European Framework.

Objev podobné jako Project 5 Workbook, 3rd (International English Version) - Tom Hutchinson

cena 357.0 Kč

WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) – Student Book – Revised Edition - Alison Palmer, Anita Tull

This best-selling Student Book has been completely revised and updated to match the new Hospitality and Catering Level 1/2 (Technical Award) specification, for first teaching from September 2022. Written by renowned author Anita Tull and reviewed by experienced teacher and examiner Alison Palmer, this engaging student book will support students through their Level 1/2 course. What''s new in the 2nd Edition?- Structure and content fully updated to match the new specification precisely.- Completely new assessment sections in line with the new specification.- New content throughout, including extensive new material covering the additional skills and techniques now required for 2.3 Food preparation and cooking techniques.- Content re-organised under new specification Unit and Topic headings and numbering making it easy for students to follow.- New Specification stems signposting to clearly show students which sections of information they need to ''know''; ''know and understand''; ''be aware of'' and ''be able to''.- Recipes and Commodities sections available for FREE online.What have we retained?- Language and design tailored to the learning needs of Level 1 and Level 2 students.- Visually stimulating layout to help ensure students engage with the content in a meaningful way, making it highly accessible for lower ability students.- Practical activities together with learning features such as `Put it into Practice'' and `Scenarios'' to help students translate their knowledge and understanding to the world of work.- Short and extended answer style questions throughout to help prepare students for assessment. - Stretch and challenge activities encourage students to work towards achieving a higher grade, making them particularly useful for higher ability students.- FREE suggested answers to Activities, end of topic Practice questions/Stretch and challenge activities from the new edition, available online.When used in conjunction with our bestselling Study and Revision Guide students will have an unrivalled suite of resources to help them excel with their study of Hospitality and Catering.

Objev podobné jako WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) – Student Book – Revised Edition - Alison Palmer, Anita Tull

cena 768.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Elementary Workbook Czech Edition (9780194561877)

Kniha - 128 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Elementary Workbook Czech Edition (9780194561877)

cena 329.0 Kč

1000 Chairs (revised and updated edition) - Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell

More than any other piece of furniture, the chair has been subjected to the wildest dreams of the designer. The particular curve of a backrest, or the twist of a leg, the angle of a seat or the color of the entire artifact; each element reflects the stylistic consciousness of an era. From Gerrit Rietveld and Alvar Aalto to Verner Panton and Eva Zeisel, from Art Nouveau to International Style, from Pop Art to Postmodernism, the history of the chair is so complex that it requires a comprehensive encyclopedic work to do it full justice. They are all here: Thonet’s bentwood chairs and Hoffmann’s sitting-machines, Marcel Breuer’s Wassily chair and Ron Arad’s avant-garde armchairs. Early designers and pioneers of the modern chair are presented alongside the most recent innovations in seating. This dedicated compendium displays each chair as pure form, along with biographical and historical information about the pieces and their designers. An illuminating tome for design aficionados and an essential reference for collectors.

Objev podobné jako 1000 Chairs (revised and updated edition) - Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell

cena 599.0 Kč

English File Pre-intermediate Multipack B (3rd) - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.

Objev podobné jako English File Pre-intermediate Multipack B (3rd) - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

Python Crash Course: 3rd Edition (9781718502703)

Kniha - autor Eric Matthes, 544 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Python Crash Course is the world’s bestselling programming book, with over 1,500,000 copies sold to date! Python Crash Course is the world’s best-selling guide to the Python programming language. This fast-paced, thorough introduction will have you writing programs, solving problems, and developing functioning applications in no time. You’ll start by learning basic programming concepts, such as variables, lists, classes, and loops, and practice writing clean code with exercises for each topic. You’ll also learn how to make your programs interactive and test your code safely before adding it to a project. You’ll put your new knowledge into practice by creating a Space Invaders–inspired arcade game, building a set of data visualizations with Python’s handy libraries, and deploying a simple application online. As you work through the book, you’ll learn how to: Use powerful Python...

Objev podobné jako Python Crash Course: 3rd Edition (9781718502703)

cena 989.0 Kč

How Linux Works, 3rd Edition (1718500408)

Kniha - autor Brian Ward, 390 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Best-selling guide to the inner workings of the Linux operating system with over 50,000 copies sold since its original release in 2014. Linux for the Superuser Unlike some operating systems, Linux doesn’t try to hide the important bits from you—it gives you full control of your computer. But to truly master Linux, you need to understand its internals, like how the system boots, how networking works, and what the kernel actually does. In this third edition of the bestselling How Linux Works, author Brian Ward peels back the layers of this well-loved operating system to make Linux internals accessible. This edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded with added coverage of Logical Volume Manager (LVM), virtualization, and containers. You'll learn: How Linux boots, from boot loaders to init (systemd) How the kernel manages devices, device drivers, and processes How networking,...

Objev podobné jako How Linux Works, 3rd Edition (1718500408)

cena 1073.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Workbook Czech Edition (9780194510608)

Kniha – česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Pracovní sešit s kompletně aktualizovaným obsahemPublikace Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Workbook Czech Edition od Tim Falla a Paul A. Davies je třetím kompletně aktualizovaným vydáním pracovního sešitu k oblíbené učebnici angličtiny pro středoškoláky Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book: Czech Edition. Sešit pokrývá rozmanitá témata a obsahuje zajímavé úkoly, které studenty zaujmou a pomohou jim v upevňování nabytých znalostí.K pracovním sešitu Maturita Solutions jsou navíc k dispozici on-line zvukové soubory pro nácvik porozumění poslechu. Studenti mají možnost průběžné kontroly jejich práce, díky čemuž mohou posoudit svůj dosavadní pokrok a získat tak pocit jistoty v osvojených znalostech.Tim FallaZískal titul BA Honors v oboru moderní jazyky na Oxford University a postgraduální vzdělání pro výuku angličtiny pro mluvčí jiných jazyků na London University. Vyučoval v...

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Workbook Czech Edition (9780194510608)

cena 329.0 Kč

English File Elementary Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Clive Oxenden

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.Ke stažení:https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/elementary3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

Objev podobné jako English File Elementary Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Clive Oxenden

cena 541.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book: Czech Edition (9780194510578)

Kniha – autor Tim Falla; Paul A Davies, 144 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Nový 5dílný kurz, který vás všestranně připraví na novou maturitu z angličtinyOblíbená učebnice angličtiny pro studenty středních škol Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book: Czech Edition se dočkala svého již třetího vydání. Je rozdělena do pěti dílů, které se cíleně zaměřují jak na procvičování gramatiky a rozšiřování slovní zásoby, tak i na trénink mluvení. Autoři Tim Falla a Paul A. Davies při její tvorbě plně respektovali požadavky nové maturity.Třetí vydání knihy Maturita Solustions přináší z 80 % nový a pro studenty zajímavý obsah, který je jistě zaujme, porozumí na něm gramatice a naučí se nová, praktická slovíčka. Všechny úkoly, cvičení a další aktivity jsou zacíleny na dokonalou přípravu k maturitní zkoušce.Učebnice je nastavena tak, aby každého studenta motivovala k práci. Úkoly zaměřené na rozličné aktivity, které všestranně rozvíjí...

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Student's Book: Czech Edition (9780194510578)

cena 539.0 Kč

The Wine Bible (3rd Edition) - Karen MacNeil

Nothing improves the experience of wine like knowledge. The proof is in the numbers: Karen McNeil's The Wine Bible is America's bestselling wine book with over 800,000 copies in print. Now this essential book is even better, with a new third edition that's completely revised, completely updated, given a larger trim size and--yes!--now in full-color with over 400 new photographs. No other wine book compares to The Wine Bible in its gift for grounding the reader deeply, and happily, in the fundamentals while layering on passionate asides, tips, anecdotes, definitions, illustrations, maps, labels, and recommended bottles. It is like a complete, always fascinating wine course from a truly great teacher. Karen McNeil, "America's missionary of the vine" (TIME Magazine), is the only U.S. winner of every major wine award in the English language. And she herself has never stopped learning. For this new edition she tasted $168,000 worth of wines, a tremendous sacrifice to keep the reader current with: New chapters on Great Britain, Croatia, Israel; a new section called In the Beginning...Wine in the Ancient World; new fully revised Great Wines section (formerly the "Wines to Know") for each country and region; expanded chapters on France, Italy, Australia, South America, and the U.S.; an expanded grape glossary including 400-plus varieties; a revised wine terms glossary; and an expanded Mastering Wine Section incorporating latest science on taste and smell. Truly, a bible for curious wine-lovers of every level of expertise.

Objev podobné jako The Wine Bible (3rd Edition) - Karen MacNeil

cena 1090.0 Kč

MS Disney Songs for Accordion: 3rd Edition

Noty na akordeon Tato publikace obsahuje třináct písní z filmů W. Disneyho v aranžích pro akordeon. Seznam skladeb: • A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella) • A Whole New World (Aladdin) • Be Our Guest (Beauty And The Beast) • Beauty And The Beast (Beauty And The Beast) • Bella Notte (This Is The Night) (Lady And The Tramp) • Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo (The Magic Song) (Cinderella) • Can You Feel The Love Tonight (The Lion King) • Chim Chim Cher-ee (Mary Poppins) • It's A Small World (from Disneyland Resort(R) and Magic Kingdom(R) Park) • Let It Go (Frozen) • Under The Sea (The Little Mermaid) • You'll Be In My Heart (Pop Version) (Tarzan) • Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (Song Of The South)

Objev podobné jako MS Disney Songs for Accordion: 3rd Edition

cena 590.0 Kč

English File Elementary Multipack B (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.Soubory ke staženíhttps://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/elementary3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

Objev podobné jako English File Elementary Multipack B (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

English File Intermediate Multipack B (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.

Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Multipack B (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

English File Intermediate Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.

Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

English File Advanced Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

English File third edition is true to the English File formula: clearly presented language input in every File; interesting texts and topics that motivate students; activities and exercises that practise language in a context that is relevant to a busy adult's everyday life.With new, easy-to-manage structure, fresh, contemporary topics, more listening and a brand new video filmed on location (London, New York) English File third edition supports teaching and learning better than ever.To give teachers and students a 21st century learning experience English File third edition comes with brand new digital components: Classroom Presentation Tool for teachers: a digital resource that brings the classroom to life with interactive course materials - on interactive whiteboard, projectors or screen. All your digital teaching needs available online or offline, from your tablet or computer: complete Student's Book with audio, video answer keys and interactive activities; complete Workbook with audio and answer keys; plus pen and highlighters, focus, zoom and other built-in tools to make teaching even easier.Super-flexible package provides everything needed - for both inside and outside the classroomImproved texts and listening that motivate students to talkFour-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation - plus Grammar Bank exercises for practice and activation of grammar'Real-world' In-The-Street interviews, Practical English motivating drama and documentary videosOxford Online Skills Program offers students targeted and motivating practice to improve reading, writing, listening and speaking. Teachers can also use our online Learning Management System to easily manage and measure student progress.Progress tests for each File with clear signposting to additional related practice and reference

Objev podobné jako English File Advanced Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

English for Everyone English Grammar Guide: French language edition

We may all speak the same language, but getting to grips with grammar is the ultimate challenge. You could be puzzled by prepositions, confused by comparatives, or muddled over modals. Thankfully, this complete visual aid to everything in the English language sets you straight with a clear and concise format for easy understanding.The rules of English grammar are beautifully presented with eye-catching illustrations, step-by-step graphics, and straightforward explanations to help you learn. Suitable for English language learners at all levels, including experienced English speakers looking for a recap of key language points, English Grammar Guide covers basic, intermediate, and advanced grammar. There is no stone left unturned when it comes to the English language.All kinds of problems are solved, including tenses, verbs, adverbs, clauses, superlatives, and questions. You are encouraged to spot patterns and sequences in language to see the similarities and develop greater understanding. After swotting up, test yourself with a range of speaking, reading, and writing exercises to see how far you have come.This essential grammar guide is part of DK's English for Everyone series, an exciting and educational self-study course to build up confidence and fluency. Whether you want to improve your grammar for school, study, exams (including TOEFL and IELTS), work, or travel, this is the perfect reading companion.

Objev podobné jako English for Everyone English Grammar Guide: French language edition

cena 573.0 Kč

WFLP USA LP´S Best of 3rd edition

Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisherLonely Planet's Best of USA is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Explore the kaleidoscopic streets of New York City, feast on lip-smacking jambalaya in New Orleans, and find solitude and space in Yosemite National Park - all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of the USA and begin your journey now!Inside Lonely Planet's Best of USAColour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politics Covers New York City, New England, Washington DC, Chicago, Miami, Walt Disney World, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and moreThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Best of USA is filled with inspiring and colourful photos, and focuses on the USA's most popular attractions for those wanting to experience the best of the best.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travelers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more.'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)

Objev podobné jako WFLP USA LP´S Best of 3rd edition

cena 599.0 Kč

English File Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) - Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.

Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) - Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 408.0 Kč

English File Intermediate Plus Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. A blend of completely new lessons, updated texts and activities, together with the refreshing and fine-tuning of some favourite lessons from New English File - English File third edition provides the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity to get students talking. English File third edition offers more support for teachers and students. Teacher's Book provides over 100 photocopiables to save preparation time, plus extra tips and ideas. iTools brings your classroom to life with the Student's Book, Workbook AND Teacher's Book photocopiable activities, on-screen and interactive. iTutor enables students to revise, review and catch up if they've missed a lesson with all audio and video, plus Grammar, Vocab, Pronunciation, Reading and Listening. Students can learn and practise sounds, words and sentences in context - and take wherever they go - with the Pronunciation App. Sample materials available from the English File website. Key features:Super-flexible package provides everything needed - for both inside and outside the classroomImproved texts and listening that motivate students to talkFour-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation - plus Grammar Bank exercises for practice and activation of grammar'Real-world' In-The-Street interviews, Practical English motivating drama and documentary videosProgress tests for each File with clear signposting to additional related practice and reference

Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Plus Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

English File Upper Intermediate Multipack B (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. A blend of completely new lessons, updated texts and activities, together with the refreshing and fine-tuning of some favourite lessons from New English File - English File third edition provides the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity to get students talking. English File third edition offers more support for teachers and students. Teacher's Book provides over 100 photocopiables to save preparation time, plus extra tips and ideas. iTools brings your classroom to life with the Student's Book, Workbook AND Teacher's Book photocopiable activities, on-screen and interactive. iTutor enables students to revise, review and catch up if they've missed a lesson with all audio and video, plus Grammar, Vocab, Pronunciation, Reading and Listening. Students can learn and practise sounds, words and sentences in context - and take wherever they go - with the Pronunciation App. Sample materials available from the English File website. Key features:Super-flexible package provides everything needed - for both inside and outside the classroomImproved texts and listening that motivate students to talkFour-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation - plus Grammar Bank exercises for practice and activation of grammar'Real-world' In-The-Street interviews, Practical English motivating drama and documentary videosProgress tests for each File with clear signposting to additional related practice and reference

Objev podobné jako English File Upper Intermediate Multipack B (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

English File Upper Intermediate Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. A blend of completely new lessons, updated texts and activities, together with the refreshing and fine-tuning of some favourite lessons from New English File - English File third edition provides the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity to get students talking. English File third edition offers more support for teachers and students. Teacher's Book provides over 100 photocopiables to save preparation time, plus extra tips and ideas. iTools brings your classroom to life with the Student's Book, Workbook AND Teacher's Book photocopiable activities, on-screen and interactive. iTutor enables students to revise, review and catch up if they've missed a lesson with all audio and video, plus Grammar, Vocab, Pronunciation, Reading and Listening. Students can learn and practise sounds, words and sentences in context - and take wherever they go - with the Pronunciation App. Sample materials available from the English File website. Key features:Super-flexible package provides everything needed - for both inside and outside the classroomImproved texts and listening that motivate students to talkFour-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation - plus Grammar Bank exercises for practice and activation of grammar'Real-world' In-The-Street interviews, Practical English motivating drama and documentary videosProgress tests for each File with clear signposting to additional related practice and reference

Objev podobné jako English File Upper Intermediate Multipack A (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 541.0 Kč

Speakout A2 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Damian Williams

Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series, but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test and Pearson English International Certificate The Workbook provides additional practice of material covered in the eight units of the Students’ Book, including: Additional grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice activities Benchmark Test task types An answer key at the back of the book to allow learners to check their answers. Note: The Workbook provides print versions of the Online Practice activities. Audio is available online using the access code inside the Student’s Book of the same level.

Objev podobné jako Speakout A2 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Damian Williams

cena 569.0 Kč

Speakout B2 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Helen Chilton

Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series, but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test and Pearson English International Certificate The Workbook provides additional practice of material covered in the eight units of the Students’ Book, including: Additional grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice activities Benchmark Test task types An answer key at the back of the book to allow learners to check their answers. Note: The Workbook provides print versions of the Online Practice activities. Audio is available online using the access code inside the Student’s Book of the same level.

Objev podobné jako Speakout B2 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Helen Chilton

cena 569.0 Kč

Speakout B1 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series, but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test and Pearson English International Certificate The Workbook provides additional practice of material covered in the eight units of the Students’ Book, including: Additional grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice activities Benchmark Test task types An answer key at the back of the book to allow learners to check their answers. Note: The Workbook provides print versions of the Online Practice activities. Audio is available online using the access code inside the Student’s Book of the same level.

Objev podobné jako Speakout B1 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

cena 569.0 Kč

Speakout A2+ Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

Speakout 3rd Edition is the new edition of Pearson’s best-selling, eight-level general English course for adults. Developed in partnership with BBC Studios, Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. What’s new? Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test

Objev podobné jako Speakout A2+ Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

cena 569.0 Kč

Speakout B2+ Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Sheila Dignen

Speakout 3rd Edition is the new edition of Pearson’s best-selling, eight-level general English course for adults. Developed in partnership with BBC Studios, Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. What’s new? Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test

Objev podobné jako Speakout B2+ Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Sheila Dignen

cena 569.0 Kč

English File Beginner Student´s Book (3rd) without iTutor CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

Published 2019.English File Third Edition provides a comprehensive package of completely new lessons, and up to date texts. A proven balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills gives students the language they need and fresh lively lessons and engaging topics make classes enjoyable, and provide the motivation and opportunity to practice and improve.New file structure makes courses easier to prepare, teach and organizeA fine-fined syllabus provides confidence for teachers and studentsEngaging topics and texts bring the classroom to lifeVideo content films especially for English FileDigital learning and teaching toolsOnline and mobile audio and video content.

Objev podobné jako English File Beginner Student´s Book (3rd) without iTutor CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 678.0 Kč

English File Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

Published 2019.English File Third Edition provides a comprehensive package of completely new lessons, and up to date texts. A proven balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills gives students the language they need and fresh lively lessons and engaging topics make classes enjoyable, and provide the motivation and opportunity to practice and improve.New file structure makes courses easier to prepare, teach and organizeA fine-fined syllabus provides confidence for teachers and studentsEngaging topics and texts bring the classroom to lifeVideo content films especially for English FileDigital learning and teaching toolsOnline and mobile audio and video content.Ke stažení:https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/elementary3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs

Objev podobné jako English File Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 408.0 Kč

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