Learn with the learnbots 101 - english verbs

Produkt Learn with the learnbots 101 - english verbs sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Learn with the learnbots 101 - english verbs upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - English verbs

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - English verbs

The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The English LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - English verbs , Echo & the bunnymen: songs to learn & sing - lp (9029515672)

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Italian verbs

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Italian verbs

The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The Italian LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Italian verbs , English plus 4 workbook with multirom (9780194749039)

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - French verbs

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - French verbs

The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The French LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - French verbs , English conversation be a sport with english: anglická konverzace (80-7235-290-3)

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Russian verbs

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Russian verbs

The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The Russian LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Russian verbs , English grammar in use 5th edition: with key (9781108457651)

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - German verbs

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - German verbs

The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The German LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - German verbs , Friends - the one with the quotes - zápisník (5051265732415)

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Spanish verbs

Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Spanish verbs

The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The Spanish LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Spanish verbs , The girl with the lower back tattoo (0008172382)

Creativo - Fun card English Modal Verbs

Creativo - Fun card English Modal Verbs

Must Mustnt Have to Dont have to Should Shouldnt Can Cant Could Couldnt May May not Might Might not Would like to Wouldnt like to. With this set your students will learn all these verbs and develop the skill of constructing sentences using them. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 questions, 100 pictures and the answers on the reverse side of the cards. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Creativo - Fun card English Modal Verbs , The stone (978-80-7639-101-7)

English Irregular Verbs - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

English Irregular Verbs - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

eBook:,Kniha English Irregular Verbs je určena středně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. V 10 lekcích nabízí studentům řadu cvičení a závěrem rozsáhlý souhrnný test s klíčem, pomocí nichž si mohou osvojit tvary minulého času a příčestí minulého u 131 nepravidelných sloves. Studenti si zároveň osvěží znalost anglických časů, vedlejších vět a dalších slovesných forem v angličtině. Cílem cvičebnice je naučit studenty používat anglická nepravidelná slovesa v ústním i písemném projevu naprosto plynule a bez zaváhání. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Irregular Verbs - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha , English file fourth edition intermediate plus workbook with answer key (9780194039208)

111 Useful English Phrasal Verbs - Konkol Štefan

111 Useful English Phrasal Verbs - Konkol Štefan

Užitočná príručka poskytuje prehľad 111 najpoužívanejších a najpotrebnejších frázových slovies, ktorých porozumenie a správne používanie je nevyhnutné pre každého, kto sa chce pohybovať v anglicky hovoriacom prostredí. Väčšina z uvedených zvratov má viac ako jeden význam, pričom sme sa snažili vybrať tie najužitočnejšie. Knižka je spracovaná prehľadnou formou s dôrazom na rýchle vyhľadávanie. Frázové slovesá - teda ustálené slovné spojenia slovesa a predložky (prípadne príslovky), ktorá pôvodnému, "osamotenému" slovesu dodáva celkom rozdielny význam, sú v knihe zoradené podľa abecedy. Ku každému frázovému slovesu je uvedený slovenský preklad jeho významu a dostatok viet - príkladov na použitie v anglických vetách. Vety sú samozrejme preložené aj do slovenčiny, čím čitateľ dostáva jasný a praktický návod, ako sa daný zvrat používa. Krátka poznámka ešte informáciu dopĺňa o významové odtienky alebo vymenúva konkrétne situácie, v ktorých sa najčastejšie využíva. Nechýba ani slovenský register. Príručka je určená širokému okruhu záujemcov o anglický jazyk. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako 111 Useful English Phrasal Verbs - Konkol Štefan , English file fourth edition upper intermediate workbook with answer key 9780194039888

Creativo - Fun card English My Next 50 Verbs

Creativo - Fun card English My Next 50 Verbs

The set consists of 50 common verbs. It can be used with students at different levels. Students at elementary level only have to say a verb aloud. Students at a slightly higher level have to complete the sentence from the card using the past form of the verb. Intermediate students must ask a question with the verb from the card to the next player who must answer it. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Creativo - Fun card English My Next 50 Verbs , English grammar in use 5th edition: with answers and ebook (9781108586627)

Creativo - Fun card English My First 50 Verbs

Creativo - Fun card English My First 50 Verbs

The set consists of 50 most common verbs. It can be used with students at different levels. Students at elementary level only have to say a verb aloud. Students at a slightly higher level have to complete the sentence from the card using the past form of the verb. Intermediate students must ask a question with the verb from the card to the next player who must answer it. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Creativo - Fun card English My First 50 Verbs , Turbo knitting with the addiexpress (9920000)

Creativo - Fun card English Phrasal Verbs in Conversation

Creativo - Fun card English Phrasal Verbs in Conversation

Phrasal Verbs can be quite difficult to remember. The set consists of 50 picture cards, 50 definitions with example sentences and 50 conversation questions. If players want to get rid of their cards they have to ask the question from the card to the next player, so the game is based on asking and answering the questions. With these cards your students will not only learn loads of new phrasal verbs, but they will also learn how to use them!!! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Creativo - Fun card English Phrasal Verbs in Conversation , Harry: conversations with the prince (1786069733)

English for Everyone Junior Beginner´s Course : Look, Listen and Learn

English for Everyone Junior Beginner´s Course : Look, Listen and Learn

Learn English with this fun course for complete beginners. Simple exercises and lively audio will have you speaking and reading more than 500 words in no time! The perfect introduction to English vocabulary and grammar, English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course provides children aged 6-9 with the support they need as they take the first steps towards learning English as a foreign language. Equally effective for home study or the classroom, this carefully levelled English-language course assumes no previous knowledge of English. It takes children through the basics of the language, helping them use and understand elementary English clearly and confidently. The book is carefully aligned to the pre-A1 level of the internationally recognized CEFR framework, and covers all the material necessary to prepare for the Cambridge (Pre-A1 Starters) and Trinity GESE (Grade 1) exams. Vocabulary is taught through attractive illustrations, and reinforced with audio resources. Each language/grammar point is explained in a dedicated panel, accompanied by clear examples of how it's used, and reinforced by exercises. At the back, there is a handwriting guide, grammar overview, and a glossary of language terms used throughout the book. Building on the worldwide success of the English for Everyone series, the Junior Beginner's Course contains everything a child needs to acquire a firm grasp of English in a fun and interactive way. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English for Everyone Junior Beginner´s Course : Look, Listen and Learn , Cambridge english first result student´s book with online practice test (9780194511926)

English Conversation be a sport with English - Jarmila Mothejzíková

English Conversation be a sport with English - Jarmila Mothejzíková

Tato anglická konverzace je určena uživatelům, jejichž znalost angličtiny je na střední či pokročilejší úrovni.Je ojedinělá svým obsahem i postupem v učení, neboť klade důraz na jazykové funkce, jež jsou základními složkami komunikace. Je významnou pomůckou pro všechny si chtějí poutavým a přitom efektivním způsobem osvojit angličtinu pro každodenní komunikaci v běžných hovorových a společenských situacích (vyjadřování vztahů, postojů, souhlasu, přání, dodržování společenských pravidel atd.)Nabízí širokou paletu autentických textů, konverzačních témat, produktivních cvičení a her, jejichž cílem je podpořit rychlé učení, trvalé zapamatování a aktivní užívání jazyka. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Conversation be a sport with English - Jarmila Mothejzíková , Marimex learn junior (30x31x3,8 cm) růžová (11630333)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na trombon Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , Playmais fun to learn číslice 550ks (4041077002487)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na altsaxofon Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , English file fourth edition elementary multipack a: with student resource centre pack (9780194031493)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na trubku Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , The most beautiful: my life with prince (1409171205)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na příčnou flétnu Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , Lovato deni: dancing with the devil - cd (3578549)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na klarinet Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , English file fourth edition pre-intermediate multipack b: with student resource centre pack (9780194037327)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na lesní roh Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , English file fourth edition pre-intermediate multipack a: with student resource centre pack (9780194037303)

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters

Škola hry na tenorsaxofon Look, Listen & Learn – Meet the Masters je publikace doplňující řadu tří výukových sešitů Look, Listen & Learn, které seznamují pomocí písniček, hudebních hádanek a her začínající muzikanty se základy hry na hudební nástroje a prohlubují jejich chápání hudby. Konkrétně publikace Meet the Masters nabízí známé melodie v aranžích pro sólové hudební nástroje s klavírním doprovodem seřazené podle úrovně pokročilosti (od nejlehčí po nejtěžší). Dobře tak poslouží jako doplněk ke všem třem sešitům řady. Žáci se na stránkách seznámí s hudební historií a slavnými skladateli klasické hudby (Od Tielmana po Antonína Dvořáka). Součástí publikace je též přístup k online audio souborům, které obsahují nahrávky klavírních doprovodů k jednotlivým skladbám. Seznam skladeb: • Ode to Joy (Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prince of Denmark’s March (Composer: Jeremiah Clarke - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Moorish Dance (Composer: Tielman Susato - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • A lieta vita (Composer: Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Trout (Composer: Franz Schubert - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Largo (Composer: Antonín Dvorák - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz from Sleeping Beauty (Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • March for the Turkish Ceremony (Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Prelude (Composer: Marc-Antoine Charpentier - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • The Surprise Symphony (Composer: Joseph Haydn - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Spring (Composer: Antonio Vivaldi - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Waltz Op. 39 (Composer: Johannes Brahms - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Alla Hornpipe (Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Symphony No. 40 (Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Arranger: Markus Schenk) • Minuet (Composer: Luigi Boccherini - Arranger: Markus Schenk) (kytary.cz)

Podobné produkty ako MS Look, Listen & Learn - Meet the Masters , Funkoverse pop! the golden girls 101 - 2-pack (en) (889698453172)

Cambridge English Empower Advanced Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio

Cambridge English Empower Advanced Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio

Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Advanced Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Empower Advanced Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio , English tea shop

Echo & The Bunnymen: Songs To Learn & Sing - LP (9029515672)

Echo & The Bunnymen: Songs To Learn & Sing - LP (9029515672)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice kompilačního alba z roku 1985. Vinylová reedice kompilačního alba z roku 1985. Echo & the Bunnymen je britská post-punková hudební skupina založená v roce 1978 v Liverpoolu. Původní složení bylo Ian McCulloch, kytarista Will Sergeant a baskytarista Les Pattinson. Krátce poté se ke skupině přidal bubeník Pete de Freitas a v této sestavě nahráli své první album nazvané Crocodiles. McCulloch ze skupiny odešel v roce 1988 a jeho místa se ujal Noel Burke. Bubeník Freitas zemřel v roce 1989 a jako náhrada za něj přišel Damon Reece. Určitou dobu ve skupině působil ještě klávesista Jake Brockman. Skupina se rozpadla v roce 1993, ale v roce 1996 ji McCulloch, Sergeant a Pattinson obnovili. Poslední jmenovaný krátce nato odešel a od té doby skupina působí coby duo. Rok vydání : 1985 (kompilace) Seznam stop LP Rescue / The Puppet / Do It Clean / A Promise / Back of Love / The Cutter / Never Stop / The Killing Moon / Silver / Seven Seas /... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Echo & The Bunnymen: Songs To Learn & Sing - LP (9029515672) , Playmais fun to learn barvy a tvary 550ks (4041077002029)

English Conversation be a sport with English: Anglická konverzace (80-7235-290-3)

English Conversation be a sport with English: Anglická konverzace (80-7235-290-3)

Kniha - autor J. Mothejzíková, 240 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tato anglická konverzace je určena uživatelům, jejichž znalost angličtiny je na střední či pokročilejší úrovni. Je ojedinělá svým obsahem i postupem v učení, neboť klade důraz na jazykové funkce, jež jsou základními složkami komunikace. Je významnou pomůckou pro všechny, kteří si chtějí poutavým a přitom efektivním způsobem osvojit angličtinu pro každodenní komunikaci v běžných hovorových a společenských situacích (vyjadřování vztahů, postojů, souhlasu, přání, dodržování společenských pravidel atd.)Nabízí širokou paletu autentických textů, konverzačních témat, produktivních cvičení a her, jejichž cílem je podpořit rychlé učení, trvalé zapamatování a aktivní užívání jazyka. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Conversation be a sport with English: Anglická konverzace (80-7235-290-3) , English vocabulary in use: pre-intermediate and intermediate with answers (978-1-316-63171-3)

English Plus 4 Workbook with MultiRom (9780194749039)

English Plus 4 Workbook with MultiRom (9780194749039)

Kniha - A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Plus 4 Workbook with MultiRom (9780194749039) , Speak english 4: about medicine through the ages (978-80-7346-280-2)

Cambridge English Empower Starter Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Rachel Godfrey

Cambridge English Empower Starter Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Rachel Godfrey

Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Starter Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Empower Starter Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Rachel Godfrey , Funko pop! the walking dead - alpha with mask (889698435352)

Cambridge English Empower Intermediate Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Peter Anderson

Cambridge English Empower Intermediate Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Peter Anderson

The Intermediate Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Empower Intermediate Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Peter Anderson , Hello! we speak english +250 slov: objavuj a napíš svoje prvé anglické slová (978-80-8444-101-8)

Cambridge English Empower Elementary Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Peter Anderson

Cambridge English Empower Elementary Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Peter Anderson

Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Elementary Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Empower Elementary Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Peter Anderson , Bodom after midnight: paint the sky with blood - cd (npr1027dp)

Collins English Readers 1 - Amazing Performers with CD

Collins English Readers 1 - Amazing Performers with CD

Glenn Miller, the leader of the most famous big band in the USA Pérez Prado, the Cuban musician who was known as the King of Mambo Ella Fitzgerald, the most popular female jazz singer in the USA Luciano Pavarotti, one of the worlds best opera singers John Lennon, member of the famous band The Beatles (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collins English Readers 1 - Amazing Performers with CD , Dancing with the gods: reflections on life and art (1786891158)

Cambridge English Empower Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Wayne Rimmer

Cambridge English Empower Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Wayne Rimmer

Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Upper Intermediate Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Empower Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Wayne Rimmer , Tv mania: bored with prozac and the internet? - cd (4050538773088)

Let´s Play in English: Verb Bingo

Let´s Play in English: Verb Bingo

A bingo game for elementary and intermediate levels to learn basic verbs. STRUCTUREOne player draws and reads out the cards with pictures or verbs in the written form and the other players cover the corresponding box on their playing board. Various types of matching are possible. The teacher’s guide suggests numerous other simple and original versions. Verb BingoBox contents (21,5x14,5):66 cards, 36 playing boards, Teacher’s guide (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Let´s Play in English: Verb Bingo

Watching the English - Kate Fox

Watching the English - Kate Fox

The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Watching the English - Kate Fox

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Obsah naučné tabule tvoří nepravidelné tvary 100 frekventovaných významových sloves v tvarech infinitiv, minulý čas, minulé příčestí. Pomocí této didaktické pomůcky si žáci snadněji osvojí nepravidelná slovesa, ale i pravopisné změny, ke kterým dochází. Trvalé vyvěšení naučné tabule vede k snadnějšímu zapamatování a osvojení daného gramatického učiva. Na opakované procvičování a přezkušování nepravidelných sloves slouží zadní strana tabule. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Irregular Verbs

English Plus 3 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition)

English Plus 3 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition)

A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Plus 3 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition)

English Grammar in Use 5th edition: with key (9781108457651)

English Grammar in Use 5th edition: with key (9781108457651)

Kniha - 390 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book with answers has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Grammar in Use 5th edition: with key (9781108457651)

The Man with the Golden Typewriter - Fergus Fleming

The Man with the Golden Typewriter - Fergus Fleming

On 16 August 1952, Ian Fleming wrote to his wife, Ann, 'My love, This is only a tiny letter to try out my new typewriter and to see if it will write golden words since it is made of gold'. He had bought the gold-plated typewriter as a present to himself for finishing his first novel, Casino Royale. It marked in glamorous style the arrival of James Bond, agent 007, and the start of a career that saw Fleming become one of the world's most celebrated thriller writers. And he did write golden words. Before his death in 1964 he produced fourteen bestselling Bond books, two works of non-fiction and the famous children's story Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. Fleming's output was matched by an equally energetic flow of letters. He wrote constantly, to his wife, publisher, editors, fans, friends and critics, charting 007's progress with correspondence that ranged from badgering Jonathan Cape about his quota of free copies -- a coin was tossed; Fleming lost - to apologising for having mistaken a certain brand of perfume and for equipping Bond with the wrong kind of gun. His letters also reflect his friendships with contemporaries such as Raymond Chandler, Noel Coward and Somerset Maugham. Before the world-famous films came the world-famous novels. This books tells the story of the man who wrote them and how he created spy fiction's most compelling hero. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Man with the Golden Typewriter - Fergus Fleming

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382)

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382)

Kniha - autor Amy Schumer, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Paperback edition of the memoir from the award-winning American comedian, producer and actor. 'This is the most I've ever laughed out loud at a book' J.K. Rowling (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382)

Friends - The One With The Quotes - zápisník (5051265732415)

Friends - The One With The Quotes - zápisník (5051265732415)

Zápisník - formát A5, 80 listů, linkovaný papír, tvrdá vazba, materiál desek papír, kroužkový hřbet, určen k psaní, s gumovou páskou Zápisník Friends - The One With The Quotes potěší všechny malé i velké příznivce populárního seriálu Přátelé. Zasazený je do kroužkové vazby a disponuje formátem A5. Obsahuje linkované listy, díky čemuž je tak ideální na nejrůznější poznámky a zápisky. Uzavírání je řešeno pomocí gumičky. Zápisník Friends - The One With The Quotes je vhodný i pro používání jakožto deníku. Klíčové vlastnosti zápisníku Friends - The One With The QuotesPraktický zápisník o formátu A5 inspirovaný seriálem PřáteléVhodný na poznámky i jako deníkZasazený do kroužkové vazby Zápisník Friends - The One With The Quotes obsahuje linkované listyUzavírání je řešeno pomocí gumičkyBarevné provedení: vícebarevné Rozměry:21 × 14,8 cm (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Friends - The One With The Quotes - zápisník (5051265732415)

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (0241299624)

The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (0241299624)

Kniha - autor Graeme Wood, 318 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Trade paperback. A book on the history, psychology, character and aims of the terrorist group 'Islamic State', based on the author's unprecendented access to its supporters, recruiters, and high-ranking members. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (0241299624)

Karta Irregular verbs

Karta Irregular verbs

Karta formátu A4 vytištěná na tvrdém laminovaném kartonu. Karta je užitečnou pomůckou při výuce anglického jazyka. Na jedné straně je v přehledné tabulce vyobrazen seznam nepravidelných sloves. Na druhé straně jsou pak příklady vět, jak se nepravidelná slovesa používají. Karta slouží k rozšíření slovní zásoby a k osvojení základního použití slovíček. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Karta Irregular verbs

Cambridge English Skills Real Reading 4 with Answers - Liz Driscoll

Cambridge English Skills Real Reading 4 with Answers - Liz Driscoll

A four-level skills series for adults and young adults. Learners can develop the skills they need to read English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social situations with English-speaking friends. This edition comes with answers. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Skills Real Reading 4 with Answers - Liz Driscoll

Cambridge English Skills Real Reading 3 with Answers - Liz Driscoll

Cambridge English Skills Real Reading 3 with Answers - Liz Driscoll

A four-level skills series for adults and young adults. Learners can develop the skills they need to read English confidently wherever they are - at home, at work, travelling, studying or just in social situations with English-speaking friends. This edition comes with answers. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English Skills Real Reading 3 with Answers - Liz Driscoll

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Coursebook with E-Portfolio - Alex Tilbury

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Coursebook with E-Portfolio - Alex Tilbury

English Unlimited is a six-level (A1 to C1) goals-based course for adults. Centred on purposeful, real-life objectives, it prepares learners to use English independently for global communication. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Coursebook with E-Portfolio - Alex Tilbury

Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2)

Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2)

Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effectively with colleagues and customers. The ten standalone units cover topics common to all kinds of engineering (including civil, electrical and mechanical) such as procedures and precautions; monitoring and control; and engineering design. Authentic activities, from describing technical problems and suggesting solutions to working with drawings, make the course relevant and motivating. The course requires no specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher and comprehensive teacher's notes are available online. It is also ideal for self-study. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2)

Collins English Readers 3 - Amazing Performers with CD - Jane Rollason

Collins English Readers 3 - Amazing Performers with CD - Jane Rollason

A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each characters life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collins English Readers 3 - Amazing Performers with CD - Jane Rollason

Collins English Readers 1 - Amazing Inventors with CD - Silvia Tiberio

Collins English Readers 1 - Amazing Inventors with CD - Silvia Tiberio

About the Amazing People series A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each characters life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collins English Readers 1 - Amazing Inventors with CD - Silvia Tiberio

Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Composers with CD - Anna Trewin

Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Composers with CD - Anna Trewin

A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each characters life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Composers with CD - Anna Trewin

Collins English Readers 4 - Amazing Writers with CD - Katerina Mestheneou

Collins English Readers 4 - Amazing Writers with CD - Katerina Mestheneou

A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each characters life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collins English Readers 4 - Amazing Writers with CD - Katerina Mestheneou

Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Mathematicians with CD - Anna Trewin

Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Mathematicians with CD - Anna Trewin

A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each characters life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Mathematicians with CD - Anna Trewin

Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Aviators with CD - Silvia Tiberio

Collins English Readers 2 - Amazing Aviators with CD - Silvia Tiberio

About the Amazing People series A unique opportunity for learners of English to read about the exceptional lives and incredible abilities of some of the most insightful people the world has seen. Each book contains six short stories, told by the characters themselves, as if in their own words. The stories explain the most significant parts of each characters life, giving an insight into how they came to be such an important historic figure. After each story, a timeline presents the most major events in their life in a clear and succinct fashion. The timeline is ideal for checking comprehension or as a basis for project work or further research. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

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