Lady hamiltonová - alexandre dumas

Produkt Lady hamiltonová - alexandre dumas sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Lady hamiltonová - alexandre dumas upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Lady Hamiltonová - Alexandre Dumas


Slavný příběh Emmy Lyonové, pasačky ovcí, která se stala lady Hamiltonovou, manželkou anglického velvyslance v Neapoli, a posléze milenkou anglického admirála Nelsona. (

Podobné produkty ako Lady Hamiltonová - Alexandre Dumas , Tharaud alexandre: barbara (2x cd) - cd (9029575915)

The Lady of the Camellias - Alexandre Dumas Jr. - e-kniha


eBook: When Armand Duvall meets Marguerite Cautier for the first time, he falls head over heels in love. It doesn't matter that Marguerite is a courtesan – and a way too expensive woman for an ordinary man like Armand. But Armand is not ready to give up. He is determined to win Marguerite's heart – at any cost.'The Lady of the Camellias' is a novel by Alexandre Dumas Jr. It has been filmed into a movie several times. The best known version is from 1936 and it stars Greta Garbo. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lady of the Camellias - Alexandre Dumas Jr. - e-kniha , Devieilhe sabine, tharaud alexandre: chanson d'amour - cd (9029522427)

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas


Francie, rok 1625.Zemi vládne Ludvík XIII., ale jejím skutečným panovníkem je proradný kardinál Richelieu. Mladý Gaskoněc d'Artagnan se rozhodne opustit rodný kraj a vyrazí do Paříže za štěstím. Otec ho poslal za svým přítelem a kapitánem královských mušketýrů, panem de Tréville, a na cestu ho vybavil doporučujícím dopisem, stařičkým koněm a velmi ostrým kordem. Jenže už na cestě se mladý šlechtic dostane do potíží – tvrdohlavost a nabroušený jazyk způsobí, že ho v jednom hostinci nechá zbít jakýsi vznešený pán a poté mu sebere jeho průvodní listiny.Tak začíná slavný příběh o cti i zradě, lásce i nenávisti a o nesmrtelném přátelství odvážných mušketýrů, který se nesmazatelně zapsal do světové literární historie.Velkolepý román se dočkal i mnoha filmových zpracování, ale žádné z nich nedosáhlo všech barev a dokonalosti knižní předlohy. (

Podobné produkty ako Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas , Alexandre j the collector iris violet parfemovana voda pro zeny 100 ml

Královna Margot - Alexandre Dumas


Královna Margot je katolička, za manžela jí však byl pro politicky výhodný sňatek vybrán protestant Jindřich Navarrský. Zvláště Kateřina Medicejská, Margotina matka, Jindřicha hluboce nenávidí. Přetvářkou, falší a krutostí všemožné intriky ale zdaleka nekončí. (

Podobné produkty ako Královna Margot - Alexandre Dumas , Butterfly lady

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas

Jedná se o zkrácenou verzi původního románu. Osudovou souhrou nepříjemných náhod je mladý lodní důstojník Edmond Dantes bez soudu uvězněn v krutém žaláři tvrze If. Po čtrnácti letech zoufalství a beznaděje, mu zabliká světélko naděje. Po smrti jediného přítele abbého Farii se převlečený do jeho rubáše nechá hodit do moře. Útěk se podaří a Dantes naplánuje pomstu všem, kteří mu ublížili. Hrabě Monte Christo je spolu se Třemi mušketýry jednou z nejvýznamnějších a nejznámějších Dumasových knih, ve které autor mistrovsky vylíčil barvitou historii Francie první poloviny devatenáctého století a zároveň kriticky poukázal na nešvary tehdejší společnosti, které jsou od těch dnešních téměř k nerozeznání. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas , Lady fuckingham ()

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas

Pro své okolí je Edmond Dantes úspěšný muž, miluje svou drahou Mercedes a stará se o svého otce. Ovšem najdou se nepřátelé, kteří zinscenují velkou pomstu, Edmond je udán a odsouzen. V pevnosti If, odkud není úniku, si odpykává svůj trest. Seznamuje se s moudrým abbém, který ho učí a jenž odhalí, kdo stojí za Edmundovým utrpením. Edmond se dostává ven a jeho pomsta začíná. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas , Milenec lady chatterleyové ()

Královna Margot - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Královna Margot - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Svatba Markéty z Valois, zvané Margot a Jindřicha Navarrského měla smířit protestanty s katolíky, ale události, které po ní následovaly, se pod jménem Bartolomějská noc staly synonymem krveprolití. Francouzský královský dvůr 16. století tvoří pozadí a osudy energické regentky Markéty děj rozhlasové fresky podle slavného historického románu Alexandra Dumase Královna Margot. Děj se odehrává na francouzském královském dvoře v 16. století na pozadí vrcholícího konfliktu mezi katolíky a protestanty, který vyústil v masakr známý jako Bartolomějská noc. Ústřední dvojicí je novomanželský pár Markéta z Valois, zvaná Margot a Jindřich Navarský. V typicky dumasovském příběhu plném úkladů, nástrah a tajemství vystupuje řada historických postav jako Kateřina Medicejská nebo francouzský král Karel IX. Seriál s využitím moderních rozhlasových prostředků natočil podle scénáře Michala Lázňovského a v dramaturgii Hynka Pekárka režisér Dimitrij Dudík. Hudbu složil Petr Mandel. V ústřední dvojici novomanželů uslyšíte Andreu Elsnerovou a Michala Zelenku. (

Podobné produkty ako Královna Margot - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Nejlepší pohádky josefa lady

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,František Němec (d´Artagnan), Petr Haničinec (Athos), Martin Růžek (Porthos), Zdeněk Řehoř (Aramis), Irena Kačírková (Mylady de Winter), Rudolf Pellar (vypravěč) a mnozí další v klasické rozhlasové dramatizaci z roku 1969. (

Podobné produkty ako Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Extol lady 80059 (80059)

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho! Toto heslo hrdinů klasického historického románu Alexandra Dumase zlidovělo. Svůj podíl na tom má jistě i skutečnost, že dobrodružství tří královských mušketýrů a jejich mladého přítele d'Artagnana se dočkala několika filmových podob. My Vám nabízíme velkolepou zvukovou dramatizaci, v níž uslyšíte celou plejádu vynikajicích herců: Viktora Preisse, Miroslava Moravce, Jiřího Sováka, Růženu Merunkovou, Blanku Bohdanovou, Václava Postráneckého, Rudolfa Hrušínského a další (

Podobné produkty ako Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Lady bird - dvd (d008207)

The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas


It is 1625 and France is under threat. D'Artagnan, a young nobleman, sets off to Paris to seek his fortune as a member of the King's Guard and befriends three musketeers - the mysterious Athos, ambitious and romantic Aramis, and bumbling Porthos. Together the friends must use all their guile and ingenuity to outwit the dastardly schemes of Cardinal Richelieu and the glamorous spy, Milady.As fresh and entertaining today as when it was first written, Alexandre Dumas's The Three Musketeers is a gripping adventure story of daring sword fights, romances, espionage and murder.This sensitively abridged Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Three Musketeers features an afterword by playwright, screenwriter and actor, Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas , Extol lady 422004 (422004)

La tulipe noire - Alexandre Dumas


Holland, 17th century. Young Cornelius has one passion, tulips, and one dream, to make a black tulip bloom. But he is unjustly imprisoned. Will he have to give up his dream or can he still hope to fulfil it, thanks to the beautiful daughter of the jailer? Dossiers:Alexandre Dumas (père)Les fleurs et nousLes personnages des romans de Dumas (

Podobné produkty ako La tulipe noire - Alexandre Dumas , Inook ax lady curacao (3760009641181)

Georges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Born mixed-race, but with pale skin, Georges was rejected by everyone in the 19th-century French colony of Mauritius. But, in this era of slavery and abuse, he was destined to be noticed.In Alexandre Dumas\' action-packed novel, Georges, the son of a wealthy, mixed-race planter, leads a black militia group and saves the lives of many planters during the British invasion of Mauritius.However, he gets no thanks. Then, when he fights with the son of another planter, his father sends him to France to be schooled. Here, Georges becomes eloquent, educated, and a hit with the ladies.He returns to Mauritius and his popularity quickly increases in society. But, when he discovers that his brother is the captain of a slave ship, he is furious.The fuse is lit for a slave revolt, imprisonment, and a death sentence. Is it the end for Georges? Perfect for readers of Victor Hugo\'s \'The Hunchback of Notre Dame\' and \'My Bondage and my Freedom\' by Frederick Douglass. (

Podobné produkty ako Georges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Lady gaga: chromatica - lp (0878904)

Murat - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Facing the firing squad, Joachim Murat told them to aim for his heart. Courageous until the end, his life is one of the great rise and fall stories. And Alexandre Dumas is the perfect author to tell it. Murat was a trusted general under Napoleon Bonaparte. His marriage to Napoleon\'s sister, Caroline, only served to deepen the bond between the two men. But he would eventually betray the emperor by switching allegiances during the Napoleonic Wars. This fateful decision would prove to be Murat\'s undoing. Dumas paints a fascinating portrait of Murat; a brave commander with a taste for extravagance. It makes his fall from grace all the more tragic. (

Podobné produkty ako Murat - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Salomon arctic lady - černá (sptowhul337nad)

Vaninka - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: In 19th century Russia, a pair of lovers risk their lives by defying the tzar. Based loosely on true events, \"Vaninka\" takes place during the reign of Paul I. The lady of the title is a general\'s daughter, who is due to be married, in a match approved of by the tzar. But Vaninka has fallen for another man—an officer under her father\'s command. The pair\'s illicit romance sets in motion a dark tale of death and dangerous secrets. One of Alexandre Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\", \"Vaninka\" is in the tradition of great tragic love stories, from \"Romeo and Juliet\" to \"Wuthering Heights\". (

Podobné produkty ako Vaninka - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Lady tools 39 dílů (117247)

Nisida - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: The Prince of Brancoleone has a reputation for breaking hearts. And now he\'s set his sights on a new conquest. She\'s Nisida, the beautiful daughter of a Naples fisherman. The prince disguises himself as a commoner and seduces her. But Nisida\'s little brother Gabriel intervenes, setting off a bloody tale of revenge, suicide and family secrets.Part of Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" series, \"Nisida\" is an enthralling look at honour and justice in 19th century Italy. Based on real events, it was co-written with Italian author Pier Angelo Fiorentino. Before \"The Three Musketeers\", Alexandre Dumas explored some of history\'s darkest chapters in \"Celebrated Crimes\". These true crime stories cover famous murders, conspiracies and executions, from Mary Queen of Scots to the Borgias. (

Podobné produkty ako Nisida - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Tissot lady heart t050. (t050.

Derues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: How far would you go to secure a fortune? In late 18th Century Paris, one man turned to murder. In this volume of his \"Celebrated Crimes\" series, Alexandre Dumas takes on the subject Antoine François Derues. Convicted of double poisoning, Derues was executed in 1777. His victims were the wealthy Madame de la Motte, whose country estate he wanted for himself, and her teenage son. In this gripping psychological portrait, Dumas ventures into the murderer\'s mind, recreating scenes that stretch back to Derues\' childhood. A must read for true crime fans, this work places Derues next to the other great names in the criminal pantheon – Jack the Ripper, H. H. Holmes, or Ted Bundy.Before \"The Three Musketeers\", Alexandre Dumas explored some of history\'s darkest chapters in \"Celebrated Crimes\". These true crime stories cover famous murders, conspiracies and executions, from Mary Queen of Scots to the Borgias. (

Podobné produkty ako Derues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Airfresh bamboo - latina lady (52907)

The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas


This edition of The Three Musketeers contains a retold novel, an introduction, notes on the author, notes on the period when the book is set, the book's themes, a simple glossary, and a free CD (running time 2 hours). The book on the CD is read slowly and clearly to aid comprehension. This novel set in the 17th century is an exciting adventure story about a young man called d'Artagnan who leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. The three musketeers (of the title of the book) are his friends Athos, Porthos and Aramis whose motto is 'one for all, all for one'. Dumas was writing about the old regime in France so puts his musketeers through adventures that take the friends through many absurd quests, and injustices to expose things that had happened before the French Revolution. The musketeers provide exciting entertainment. Dumas wrote two more novels about the three musketeers. The book has inspired films, musicals and plays, and was written as a serial first, published in a magazine. (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas , Leki griffin s lady (sptlek0364nad)

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook:,Historický román z dob novověké Francie. Mladý d'Artagnan přijíždí v roce 1625 do Paříže, kde se chce stát královským mušketýrem. Poté, co se spolu s Athosem, Porthosem a Aramisem ubrání gardě kardinála Richelieua, získá přátele na celý život. Spolu s nimi se snaží rozplést intriky kardinála a milady de Winter, kteří chtějí zničit královnu Annu Rakouskou. (

Podobné produkty ako Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Braun lady shaver 5560 (81653272)

The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,All for one and one for all! The three musketeers - Porthos, Aramis and Athos - are the most daring swordsmen in France, and special bodyguards to the king. When d'Artagnan comes to Paris to join their ranks, they become the greatest friends of his life. when a villainous plot is hatchet against the royal family by the sly Cardinal, the four dashing blades must save them at any cost... (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Lady marmelade behoun 50x160 cm

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Hrabě Monte Cristo je po Třech mušketýrech druhý nejznámější historicko-dobrodružný román francouzského spisovatele Alexandra Dumase staršího. Přinášíme Vám tento světoznámý příběh lásky, zrady a pomsty ve vynikající nahrávce v režii Jiřího Horčičky z roku 1983. Účinkují Pavel Soukup, Ladislav Pešek, Růžena Merunková, Vladimír Brabec, Rudolf Hrušínský, Miroslav Moravec a další (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Leki sveia gtx lady (sptlek0470nad)

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Světoznámý příběh lásky, zrady a pomsty ve vynikajícím rozhlasovém zpracování z roku 1967. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Lady a tramp - dvd (d00559)

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Velkolepou vlastní dramatizaci klasického románu A. Dumase natáčel šéfrežisér Čs. rozhlasu Jiří Horčička řadu měsíců a dokončil ji v r. 1983. Hrají v ní tři desítky herců dvou generací a jejich výkony odpovídají profesionalitě režiséra, který dnes patří mezi legendy (zemřel 27. 3. 2007). Nechybí bohatá scénická hudba (Vl. Truc a A. Palouček) i spousta zvukových efektů. Více než dvousetminutová zvuková realizace stále vyhledávané romantické literární předlohy patří k perlám zvukového archivu Supraphonu a dostává se do rukou posluchače konečně v nezkrácené podobě! (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Tempish ezza lady 90 (sptte528nad)

Hrabě Monte Cristo - komplet - Alexandre Dumas


Výpravné vydání legendárního šestidílného románu Alexandra Dumase. S ilustracemi Adolfa Borna a v revidovaném překladu vychází generacemi milovaná klasika v překrásném třísvazkovém vydání a v dárkové krabici. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Cristo - komplet - Alexandre Dumas , Spidi warrior lady (m160-99)

Hrabě Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Generacemi milovaná klasika v audioknižním zpracování kompletního šestidílného románu Alexandra Dumase. Osudovou souhrou nepříjemných náhod je mladý lodní důstojník Edmond Dantes bez soudu uvězněn v krutém žaláři tvrze If. Po čtrnácti letech zoufalství a beznaděje, mu zabliká světélko naděje. Po smrti jediného přítele abbého Farii se převlečený do jeho rubáše nechá hodit do moře. Útěk se podaří a Dantes naplánuje pomstu všem, kteří mu ublížili. Hrabě Monte Christo je spolu se Třemi mušketýry jednou z nejvýznamnějších a nejznámějších Dumasových knih, ve které autor mistrovsky vylíčil barvitou historii Francie první poloviny devatenáctého století a zároveň kriticky poukázal na nešvary tehdejší společnosti, které jsou od těch dnešních téměř k nerozeznání. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha , Leki griffin s lady (sptvodo172nad)

Captain Paul - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Chained up in the hold of a French warship, Lusignan\'s only hope of escape rests with his captor - Captain Paul. A man with a mysterious past, Captain Paul is transporting Lusignan to exile in the West Indies. Little does he know that his mission is a sham. His prisoner is an innocent man, framed because he fell in love with a Count\'s daughter. Once the truth is revealed, Paul and Lusignan return to France, determined to seek justice.Inspired by the real life of American Revolutionary War hero John Paul Jones, \"Captain Paul\" is a rollicking melodrama, packed with action and romance. A fine precursor to Dumas\' later classics, it\'s especially recommended for fans of naval adventures, like C.S. Forester\'s \"Hornblower\" series. (

Podobné produkty ako Captain Paul - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , My fair lady - dvd (p00914)

Captain Pamphile - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: The Captain Pamphile of the title is one of Dumas\' most intriguing creations. An anti-hero, the Captain is a rogue and a swindler who decides to exploit the demand for exotic animals that was prevalent in the early 19th century. However, Pamphile\'s methods are unconventional, to say the least. If you like your adventures on the high seas served up with betrayal, intrigue, mutiny, and a liberal dose of sardonic humour, then this is the book for you. A satirical tale with a twist, \'Captain Pamphile\' is the perfect read for fans of seafaring adventures. (

Podobné produkty ako Captain Pamphile - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Dune - lady jessica - figurka (761568007466)

La Constantin - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: In a morally corrupt society, where does the guilt for a crime really end? In \"La Constantin\", Alexandre Dumas introduces us to two women who met untimely ends—Angelique-Louise de Guerchi and Josephine-Charlotte Boullenois. While they were killed by a pair of poisoners, Dumas points the reader towards other forces that led to their deaths. Namely, the husbands and fathers who controlled their lives.A history of violence, \"La Constantin\" also doubles as a critique of the sexist morals and codes of 17th Century France. The book will definitely appeal to lovers of true crime fiction and diehard fans of Dumas. (

Podobné produkty ako La Constantin - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Tempish wire 3.0 lady (sptte709nad)

The Borgias - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: How much power can one family wield before they\'re corrupted?In this first volume of his \"Celebrated Crimes\" series, Alexandre Dumas tackles the notorious Borgais. Originally from Spain, this noble family\'s political influence was felt across Europe through much of the 15th and 16th centuries. But their name also became synonymous with scandals and murder. \"The Borgais\" is a fictionalised account of the family\'s machinations. These include Rodrigo Borgia and his reign as Pope Alexander IV, when rumours abounded of orgies at the Vatican. A must read for history buffs, and any fans of \"The Borgias\" television series starring Jeremy Irons. (

Podobné produkty ako The Borgias - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Guess lady frontier w1156l2 (091661488092)

The Cenci - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Beatrice Cenci laid her neck on the chopping block. She\'d helped to beat a powerful nobleman to death, but for many in Rome, her execution was a tragic perversion of justice. Beatrice\'s father, Francisco, was a horrible abuser. His wife and three children all suffered at his hands. Pushed to the brink, the four Cencis grouped together to put an end to Francisco\'s evil. The ensuing trial enthralled the city\'s population, and gave rise to a legend about Beatrice that persists to this day.This entry in Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" nimbly explores issues of morality and justice, whilst also delivering a juicy true crime story. (

Podobné produkty ako The Cenci - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Lady gaga: chromatica - cd (0885406)

Mary Stuart - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Two queens, joined by blood and rivals for the throne. Only one would survive their decades-long power play. \"Mary Stuart\" is a fictionalised essay about Mary Queen of Scots. Mary\'s reign in Scotland was marked by scandal. Her first husband was murdered, and she was heavily implicated in the crime. Forced to flea to England, Mary counted on the support of her cousin Elizabeth I. But Elizabeth feared that Mary had her sights set on the English crown. So she imprisoned her, and began building a case for her execution. Dumas portrays his protagonist as an enigmatic figure, driven by lust and a thirst for power. This story is a great companion to the many movies about Mary, such as \"Mary Queen of Scots\" starring Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan. (

Podobné produkty ako Mary Stuart - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Paco rabanne lady million edp

Martin Guerre - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Martin Guerre\'s disappearance has changed him. In fact, he\'s no longer Martin Guerre at all. In this true crime tale, Alexandre Dumas explores an outlandish case of impersonation. The year is 1556, and French peasant Martin Guerre has been missing for six years. But then he suddenly returns, and is welcomed back by his wife and son. But others in the village sense something amiss. They suspect the man is a total imposter.It\'s a story that\'s truly stranger than fiction, and Dumas navigates its many twists and turns with aplomb. An essential for mystery fans. (

Podobné produkty ako Martin Guerre - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Urbain Grandier - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Accused of sorcery, a man of God is put on trial for his life. But the dark forces leading his persecution are far from supernatural. In \"Urbain Grandier\", Alexandre Dumas recounts one of France\'s most infamous witchcraft trials. The story begins in the early 1600s, in the parish of Loudon. A convent of nuns claim demonic possession, and the finger of blame is pointed at local priest Father Grandier. What follows is a horror story of exorcisms, torture, and execution. Dumas offers a gripping account of the trial, but also shows us the powerful figures who orchestrated the plot. They include Cardinal Richelieu, who Dumas later made the lead villain of his classic novel \"The Three Musketeers\". (

Podobné produkty ako Urbain Grandier - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Ali Pacha - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Bloodthirsty tyrant or brilliant statesman? Alexandre Dumas explores the complicated legacy of Ali Pacha in this fictionalised biography. A leader under the Ottoman Empire, Pasha ruled over a large portion of Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. There\'s no doubt he was politically astute—he maintained his power by signing alliances with both Napoleon and the British. But Pasha\'s not part of Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" series for nothing. His brutality was legendary, and his reign was marked by numerous atrocities. Dumas reckons with these complexities in the enthralling \"Ali Pacha\". It\'s a must read for Dumas fans and history buffs alike. (

Podobné produkty ako Ali Pacha - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

The Three Musketeers (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas


"All for one, one for all!"--Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers The Three Musketeers, by French writer Alexandre Dumas, was first released in serial form in 1844, a year before Dumas' publication of The Count of Monte Cristo. The story was an instant success, largely due to Dumas' transformation of the historical fiction genre. In The Three Musketeers, contrary to popular practice at the time, history acted as a backdrop for the story rather than the primary element, making it a fun and accessible read. The story follows young d'Artagnan and his friends Athos, Porthos, and Aramis as they defend honor amidst the power struggles of 17th century France. Still popular with readers today, this classic is now available in a chic and affordable edition as part of the Word Cloud Classics series from Canterbury Classics. (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Musketeers (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas

The Three Musketeers (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas

The Three Musketeers (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas

With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren. University of Kent at Canterbury. One of the most celebrated and popular historical romances ever written, The Three Musketeers tells the story of the early adventures of the young Gascon gentleman, D'Artagnan and his three friends from the regiment of the King's Musketeers - Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Under the watchful eye of their patron M. de Treville, the four defend the honour of the regiment against the guards of Cardinal Richelieu, and the honour of the queen against the machinations of the Cardinal himself as the power struggles of seventeenth century France are vividly played out in the background. But their most dangerous encounter is with the Cardinal's spy, Milady, one of literature's most memorable female villains, and Alexandre Dumas employs all his fast-paced narrative skills to bring this enthralling novel to a breathtakingly gripping and dramatic conclusion. Our edition uses the William Barrow translation first published by Bruce and Wylde (London,1846). (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Musketeers (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas

Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Generacemi milovaná klasika v audioknižním zpracování kompletního šestidílného románu Alexandra Dumase. Osudovou souhrou nepříjemných náhod je mladý lodní důstojník Edmond Dantes bez soudu uvězněn v krutém žaláři tvrze If. Po čtrnácti letech zoufalství a beznaděje, mu zabliká světélko naděje. Po smrti jediného přítele abbého Farii se převlečený do jeho rubáše nechá hodit do moře. Útěk se podaří a Dantes naplánuje pomstu všem, kteří mu ublížili. Hrabě Monte Christo je spolu se Třemi mušketýry jednou z nejvýznamnějších a nejznámějších Dumasových knih, ve které autor mistrovsky vylíčil barvitou historii Francie první poloviny devatenáctého století a zároveň kriticky poukázal na nešvary tehdejší společnosti, které jsou od těch dnešních téměř k nerozeznání. (

Podobné produkty ako Hrabě Monte Christo - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

Robin Hood - Pavel Žilák, Alexandre Dumas

Robin Hood - Pavel Žilák, Alexandre Dumas

Kniha o slavném zbojníku Robinu Hoodovi vypravuje o jeho příhodách od dětství přes nucený útěk do Sherwoodského lesa, o jeho seznámení s Malým Jendou, popisuje střety se šerifem z Nottinghamu, vypráví též o tom, jak vyhrál střeleckou soutěž, dopomohl ke štěstí zchudlému rytíři, seznámil se s krásnou Marianou. Také o tom, jak se zbojníci dostali do služeb krále Richarda Lví Srdce a končí smrtí Robina Hooda v nastražené pasti. (

Podobné produkty ako Robin Hood - Pavel Žilák, Alexandre Dumas

The Black Tulip - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: 'To have discovered the black tulip, to have seen it for a moment...then to lose it, to lose it forever!'Cornelius von Baerle, a respectable tulip-grower, lives only to cultivate the elusive black tulip and win a magnificent prize for its creation. But after his powerful godfather is assassinated, the unwitting Cornelius becomes caught up in deadly political intrigue and is falsely accused of high treason by a bitter rival. Condemned to life imprisonment, his only comfort is Rosa, the jailer's beautiful daughter, and together they concoct a plan to grow the black tulip in secret. Dumas' last major historical novel is a tale of romantic love, jealousy and obsession, interweaving historical events surrounding the brutal murders of two Dutch statesman in 1672 with the phenomenon of tulipomania that gripped seventeenth-century Holland. (

Podobné produkty ako The Black Tulip - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Tři Mušketýři, I. Díl - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho. Jednoduše pro potěchu nás všech! D’Artagnan není žádný vesnický jeliman, nýbrž hrdý syn Gaskoňska, což hodlá stvrdit službou v Paříži. Už na cestě do centra dění ho však kordem popichuje jakýsi nádiva s titulem, kterému to ještě vytmaví. A než stihne být přijat do gardy královských mušketýrů pana de Tréville, zvládne urazit i své budoucí spolubojovníky a vyvolat bitku – samosebou cvičně, aby se ze tří stali čtyři. Jeho noví bratři ve zbrani Athos, Porthos a Aramis naštěstí krotí mladíkův zápal ve prospěch celku. S neméně chladnou rozvahou však intrikují též kardinál Richelieu, jeho spojka milady de Winter a poskok Rochefort, kteří by v elegantně zahnívající Francii L. P. 1625 rádi tahali za nitky autokracie po svém. Pouze královna Anna, zaláskovaná do úhlavního nepřítele říše číhajícího za La Manche, si zahrává s přívěsky i s trpělivostí odtažitého chotě Ludvíka XIII. Ples v Louvru je na spadnutí, a ona vzácné klenoty věnovala miláčku Buckinghamovi na znamení horoucích citů! Což pro její mušketýry znamená jediné: spěšně je vyzvednout a dopravit zpět bez ohledu na úklady, jež na hrdiny číhají v šálivě idylické krajině raného novověku. První polovina nejslavnější romantické epopeje oslavuje oslavuje kuráž, dvornost i obětavost. Za to vše se sluší bít. Nuže, taste, pánové! V klasice, která nestárne ani po sto osmdesáti letech! „Spadnete do toho až po uši. Trysková jízda. A pochopitelně koňmo!“ – Le Parisien. „Báječné historky o neohrožených hrdinech, velezáludných krasavicích i protivenstvích vylíčených se žádoucí mírou prášilovského chvastounství. A to vše z první ruky od mistra, jemuž v oboru není rovno.“ – The Guardian. „Stovky historických romancí jednají s barokními šavlemi a kordy úplně stejně bezhlavě, nicméně Dumas se odlišil tím, že k potyčkám přilévá i potoky bezstarostnosti. A právě sklon k ležérní potutelnosti blížící se až frašce autorovi zajistil místo na čtenářských nebesích.“ – The New York Times. „Historický román i romantický příběh se všemi atributy, jaké jen tento žánr může mít.“ – Literární kavárna. (

Podobné produkty ako Tři Mušketýři, I. Díl - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha

The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: eep dive into Alexandre Dumas\' swashbuckling historical adventure tale of honour and chivalry, set during the backdrop of the French monarchy\'s slow demise, ´The Three Musketeers´.Kickstarting the epic trilogy, ´The Three Musketeers´ follows D\'Artagnan\'s desperate attempt to leave home and join the elite Musketeers of the Guard in Paris. When he befriends three other formidable musketeers his age, the group soon take it upon themselves to save the state and control the courts!But when rogue do-gooders step on the toes of France\'s Ancien Régime, there\'s bound to be trouble. And violence. Will it be off with the heads? Or will the musketeers show France what a true republic looks like?Weaving a whirlwind adventure tale of courage and might, Dumas\' \'The Three Musketeers´ is a must-read masterpiece for fans of Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom, and Logan Lerman in the eponymous blockbuster hit film adaptation. (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Chicot the Jester - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Every King needs a wily advisor. For Henry III of France, it\'s Chicot the Jester. Quick witted and a pro at manipulation, Chicot must use all his skills to keep the King (and himself) at the top. The second of Dumas\' \"Valois Romances\", this novel continues the saga of the powerful Valois dynasty. Intertwined with Chicot\'s story is that of Bussy d\'Amboise, a gentleman who has fallen for a married woman. With these parallel plotlines, Dumas offer up plenty of cliffhangers, political skullduggery, and secret assignations. \"Chicot the Jester\" is a great read for fans of courtly intrigue, such as Netlix\'s \"The Crown\" or Hilary Mantel\'s \"Wolf Hall\" trilogy. (

Podobné produkty ako Chicot the Jester - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Karl-Ludwig Sand - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Fanatic. Murderer. Martyr. Karl-Ludwig Sand was all of these things and more. Alexandre Dumas delves into his fascinating story as part of the \"Celebrated Crimes\" series. Sand was a devout believer in German unification. At the time, Germany existed only as a loose confederation. In the name of this cause, he broke into the house of the conservative writer August von Kotzebue and stabbed him to death. Tried and executed in 1820, Sand became a nationalist icon. Dumas\' depicts a man driven to extremes by radical ideas. It\'s a story that remains frighteningly relevant to this day. (

Podobné produkty ako Karl-Ludwig Sand - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

The Prussian Terror - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Set during the war between Austria and Prussia in 1866, \'The Prussian Terror´ is a gritty, historical adventure novel. While the story graphically describes the horrors and effects of the conflict, it primarily focuses on the friendship between two soldiers. As their fortunes unfold, we find out more about their romantic entanglements and watch as the war threatens to destroy their kinship. Packed with historical and military detail, this is essential reading for those with an interest in the period as well as fans of Dumas who want to read beyond his better-known works. (

Podobné produkty ako The Prussian Terror - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Marguerite de Valois - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Dive into the drama of the royal court, and meet one of France\'s most devious villains. \"Marguerite de Valois\" is the fast-paced first entry in Alexandre Dumas\' \"Valois Romances\" series. At its center is Marguerite, daughter of the deceased Henry II, and potential peacemaker between the country\'s catholics and protestants. But little does she know that her mother, Catherine de Medici, is secretly stoking religious violence for her own evil ends. The story boasts all the ingredients of the best court murders, intrigues, conspiracies, escapades, and duels. And a lot of poison. Especially recommended for fans of Hillary Mantel\'s \"Wolf Hall\" series. (

Podobné produkty ako Marguerite de Valois - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Balsamo, the Magician - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Twenty years before the French Revolution. The Monarchy has already started to lose some of its supporters, even though young Marie Antoinette has just married the King Louis XVI. Count Alessandro di Cagliostro is a noble man interested in hypnosis and occultism. He is also interested in the French royals – but what are his true motives?'Balsamo the Magician' is a historical novel by Alexandre Dumas. It is the first of 'The Marie Antoinette Romances'. The series also includes the novels 'The Queen's Necklace', 'Storming the Bastille', 'The Countess of Charny' and 'The Knight of the Red House'. (

Podobné produkty ako Balsamo, the Magician - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

A Masked Ball - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: The author is in the middle of working when he suddenly gets a visitor – a friend, whose face is completely pale. The author is no longer irritated by the interruption; he wants to know what has happened. The friend calms down and starts to tell a story of himself ending up in a vicious party where everyone hid their faces behind a mask...'A Masked Ball' is a masterful short story written by Alexandre Dumas. (

Podobné produkty ako A Masked Ball - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas


The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is the ultimate novel of retribution. Based on a true story, it recounts the story of Edouard Dantes, his betrayal and imprisonment in the sinister Chateau d'If. Years later, Paris is intrigued by the mysterious Count of Monte Cristo, who bursts onto the Paris social scene with his millions. He encounters the three principal betrayers of Dantes who have prospered in the post-Napoleonic boom and, one by one, their lives fall apart. The book was a huge, popular success when it was first serialized in 1844, and remains the greatest tale of revenge. This beautiful, abridged Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Count of Monte Cristo features an afterword by Marcus Clapham. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Author Information Alexandre Dumas was born in 1802. After a childhood of extreme poverty, he took work as a clerk, and met the renowned actor Talma, and began to write short pieces for the theatre. After twenty years of success as a playwright, Dumas turned his hand to novel-writing, and penned such classics as The Count of Monte Cristo (1844), La Reine Margot (1845) and The Black Tulip (1850). After enduring a short period of bankruptcy, Dumas began to travel extensively, still keeping up a prodigious output of journalism, short fiction and novels. He fathered an illegitimate child, also called Alexandre, who would grow up to write La Dame aux Camélias. He died in Dieppe in 1870. (

Podobné produkty ako The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas

The Corsican Brothers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Two brothers, blessed with a telepathic connection, living under the shadow of a family vendetta. Can their strange power protect them? In \"The Corsican Brothers\", Alexander Dumas ventures into the supernatural. The brothers of the title, Lucien and Louis, are born as conjoined twins, but then separated. Despite this, they can still sense what the other is feeling, no matter the distance between them. This mysterious bond is tested when a centuries-old feud erupts into violence. A sprightly novella, \"The Corsican Brothers\" has been adapted multiple times for the screen. Matinee idol Douglas Fairbanks Jr. played the dual roles of the brothers in a 1941 movie version. And the book also partly inspired the Gene Wilder comedy \"Start the Revolution Without Me\". (

Podobné produkty ako The Corsican Brothers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

Count Of Monte Cristo (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas


With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren, University of Kent at Canterbury. The story of Edmund Dantes, self-styled Count of Monte Cristo, is told with consummate skill. The victim of a miscarriage of justice, Dantes is fired by a desire for retribution and empowered by a stroke of providence. In his campaign of vengeance, he becomes an anonymous agent of fate. The sensational narrative of intrigue, betrayal, escape, and triumphant revenge moves at a cracking pace. Dumas' novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil embodied in an epic saga of rich diversity that is complicated by the hero's ultimate discomfort with the hubristic implication of his own actions. Our edition is based on the most popular and enduring translation first published by Chapman and Hall in 1846. The name of the translator was never revealed. (

Podobné produkty ako Count Of Monte Cristo (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas

The Man in the Iron Mask - Alexandre Dumas


For years a young man known only as Philippe has languished in the Bastille, ignorant of the crime for which he has been condemned, until a visitor reveals the circumstances of his imprisonment. It is a story of concealed identity, dishonour and treachery that could destroy the French monarchy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Man in the Iron Mask - Alexandre Dumas
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