Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio
Hadrian Marlowe, a man revered as a hero and despised as a murderer, chronicles his tale in the galaxy-spanning debut of the Sun Eater series, merging the best of space opera and epic fantasy. It was not his war. On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe started down a path that could only end in fire.The galaxy remembers him as a hero: the man who burned every last alien Cielcin from the sky. They remember him as a monster: the devil who destroyed a sun, casually annihilating four billion human lives--even the Emperor himself--against Imperial orders. But Hadrian was not a hero.He was not a monster. He was not even a soldier. Fleeing his father and a future as a torturer, Hadrian finds himself stranded on a strange, backwater world.Forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of a foreign planetary court, he will find himself fighting a war he did not start, for an Empire he does not love, against an enemy he will never understand.
Podívejte se také Soundtrack: Willis Christopher - The Personal History Of David - CD (9029686087)
Císařství ticha - Christopher Ruocchio
První díl epické sci-fi série Pojídač slunce ..Byla to válka, kterou nezačal, ve jménu Císařství, které nenávidí, a proti nepříteli, kterému nerozumí. Jedni na něj vzpomínají jako na hrdinu: muže, který spálil nebe a vyhubil krvelačné Cielcin. Jiní ho mají za zrůdu: pojídače slunce, který bez mrknutí oka zhasil miliardy životů a odvrhl všemocné Sollanské císařství. Hadrian se ale nenarodil jako hrdina, ani jako zrůda, dokonce ani jako voják. Vlastní matka se k jeho porodu dostavila pozdě a jeho život začal v kádi, kde byl vypěstován na objednávku svého otce. Místo nalinkované dráhy inkvizitora fanatické Kaple si volí cestu vyděděnce, která ho provede skrz krvavou řež kolosea, intriky hraběcího dvora až k prvnímu setkání s hrůznými Cielcin, tajemství jejichž původu hrozí otřást samými základy lidského pojetí vesmíru. Hadrian Marlowe se ujímá role mýty opředeného vypravěče v prvním svazku cyklu Pojídač slunce, v němž se snoubí to nejlepší ze space opery a epické fantasy, prodchnutými stoickou filozofií a meditacemi nad povahou lidství.
Podívejte se také Bishop of Hexen: Death Masquerade - CD (8001120002860)
Císařství ticha - Christopher Ruocchio - e-kniha
eBook: První díl epické sci-fi série Pojídač slunce Byla to válka, kterou nezačal, ve jménu Císařství, které nenávidí, a proti nepříteli, kterému nerozumí. Jedni na něj vzpomínají jako na hrdinu: muže, který spálil nebe a vyhubil krvelačné Cielcin. Jiní ho mají za zrůdu: Pojídače slunce, který bez mrknutí oka zhasil miliardy životů a odvrhl všemocné Sollanské císařství. Hadrian se ale nenarodil jako hrdina, ani jako zrůda, dokonce ani jako voják. Vlastní matka se k jeho porodu dostavila pozdě a jeho život začal v kádi, kde byl vypěstován na objednávku svého otce. Místo nalinkované dráhy inkvizitora fanatické Kaple si volí cestu vyděděnce, která ho provede skrz krvavou řež kolosea, intriky hraběcího dvora až k prvnímu setkání s hrůznými Cielcin, tajemství jejichž původu hrozí otřást samými základy lidského pojetí vesmíru. Hadrian Marlowe se ujímá role mýty opředeného vypravěče v prvním svazku cyklu Pojídač slunce, v němž se snoubí to nejlepší ze space opery a epické fantasy prodchnutými stoickou filozofií a meditacemi nad povahou lidství. ––– Císařství ticha je epická science fiction v té nejryzejší podobě. Ruocchio zde vytvořil něco fascinujícího a já se nemůžu dočkat, co napíše příště.— James S. A. Corey, autor bestsellerové série Expanze Fanoušci space opery si užijí bohaté detaily Ruocchiova debutu z daleké budoucnosti, který připravuje půdu pro komplexní cyklus. Čtenáři, kteří mají rádi pečlivě budovaný příběh se silným zaměřením na postavy, v tomto úvodním díle série naleznou vše, co hledají.— Publishers Weekly Císařství ticha Christophera Ruocchia je výpravnou space operou v tradici Kultury Iaina M. Bankse a Duny Franka Herberta, aniž by byla jejich klonem. Přivítejme nový hlas v oblasti science fiction.— Eric Flint, spisovatel Přestože se děj rozprostírá napříč ohromným množstvím planet, často se zaměřuje spíše na osobní rovinu než na rozsáhlý prostor, což příběhu dodává úžasný emocionální náboj. Tuto ohromující knihu si nesmějí nechat ujít fanoušci Pierce Browna a Patricka Rothfusse.— Library journal
Podívejte se také Grandson: Death Of An Optimist - LP (7567864792)
Podívejte se také
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- Eagles Of Death Metal: EDOM Presents: A Boots Electric Christmas - CD (3882150)
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- Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus: The Diaries of Agent Silent Death - Xbox Digital (7D4-00266)
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- placka death row records
- Death Stranding - PS4 (PS719951506)
- Seznamte se, Christopher Black (978-80-254-9985-6)
- Metallica: Death Magnetic - CD (1784020)
- Napalm Death: Utilitarian - CD (0194397498424)
- Grave Digger: Living Death - CD (0840588118632)
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- Death Stranding: Directors Cut - PS5 (PS719721697)
- The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7)
Avengers She-Hulk proti světu - Jason Aaron, Christopher Ruocchio, Steve McNiven
Zimní Hulk bude brzy vypuštěna do světa!*****Planeta je roztříštěnější a nestálejší než kdy dřív. She-Hulk je prohlášena za celosvětovou hrozbu a nejmocnější hrdinové Ruska, Zimní hlídka, dostanou za úkol předvést ji před spravedlnost! Jen Waltersovou tak čeká osud příliš krutý i pro Hulky. Rudý pokoj, tajná výheň, ve které byli ukováni největší vrazi a monstrózní zabijáci, promění Jen v něco strašlivého. A kromě toho: oslavná taškařice s největší akcí a překvapením na Zemi! Dozvíte se skutečné poslání pravěkých Avengers a uvidíte, koho nově rekrutují. Vydáte se s Ghost Riderem na jeho mnohovesmírnou honbu za pomstou, která zažehne úplně novou éru dějin Avengers!**********Obsahuje sešity Avengers (2018) č. 46-50 autorů Jasona Aarona, Christophera Ruocchia, Javiera Garróna, Aarona Kudera, Carlose Pacheca, Eda McGuinnesse, Steva McNivena, Rafaela Fonterize a Davida Curiela.
Objev podobné jako Avengers She-Hulk proti světu - Jason Aaron, Christopher Ruocchio, Steve McNiven
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PC) DIGITAL (414930)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Origin, žánr: akční a RPG, Intenzivní zbraňové souboje zkombinujte s kouzly, které završíte silným konečným útokem. Dynamický soubojový systém je zárukou zábavné hratelnosti. Obsáhlý svět s bohatou historií Silný příběh pochází z pera hned několika úspěšných tvůrců, mezi nimiž najdete i hlavního designéra legendy TES IV: Oblivion. Užít si tak budete moci svět s vlastní dlouhou historií. Nemilosrdný a cynický pašerák JoelKingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning je RPG s...
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A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (9780007507672)
Kniha – autor George R.R. Martin, 368 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor George R.R. Martin, 368 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros… A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin’s ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. Before Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne there was Dunk and Egg. A young, naive but courageous hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall towers above his rivals – in stature if not experience. Tagging along with him is his diminutive squire, a boy called Egg – whose true identity must be hidden from all he and Dunk encounter: for in reality he is Aegon Targaryen, and one day he will be king. Improbable heroes though they be, great destinies lie ahead for Dunk and Egg; as do powerful foes, royal intrigue, and outrageous exploits. A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS brings together for the first time...
Objev podobné jako A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (9780007507672)
World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth - The Eastern Kingdoms
For over 25 years, World of Warcraft has offered a land rich in mystery and wonder. Now players can get an in-depth look at the artifacts, gear, weaponry, and trinkets they have collected...and some they might not have just yet. With exquisite art and a brand new story, this book covers the continent of the Eastern Kingdom, from Stormwind to Stranglethorn, plaguelands to palaces, and all the lands in between.
Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth - The Eastern Kingdoms
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - George R.R. Martin
A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros... A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.
Objev podobné jako A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - George R.R. Martin
Touch of Death ()
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Robert Ervin Howard, čte Sam Kellett, Roy McCrerey a Alex Went The eighth step into the Darkness takes place on the American side of the AtlanticIt features two short stories by a single author – Texas native Robert Ervin Howard. Sadly enough, Howard died at age 30, but he still managed to create several immortal heroes – and was one of the founders of the now popular genre of heroic fantasy (along with J. R. R. Tolkien). R. E. Howard created Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, and Solomon Kane. Together with H. P. Lovecraft and others, R. E. Howard was one of the most prominent purveyors of the Cthulhu Mythos (the best-known contemporary author of this fictional mythology is Stephen King). The Horror from the Mound, and The Fearsome Touch of Death, are excellent even by today’s standards – and the stories are further highlighted by incredible vocal performances, stunning music, and superb graphics on the cover.
Objev podobné jako Touch of Death ()
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Defekt) - George R.R. Martin
A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros... A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE.
Objev podobné jako A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (Defekt) - George R.R. Martin
The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe - Rady Martyn
Central Europe is not just a space on a map but also a region of shared experience - of mutual borrowings, impositions and misapprehensions. From the Roman Empire onwards, it has been the target of invasion from the east. In the Middle Ages, Central Europeans cast their eastern foes as 'the dogmen'. They would later become the Turks, Swedes, Russians and Soviets, all of whom pulled the region apart and remade it according to their own vision.Competition among Europe's Middle Kingdoms yielded repeated cultural effervescences. This was the first home of the High Renaissance outside Italy, the cradle of the Reformation, the starting point of the Enlightenment, Romanticism, the symphony and modern nationalism. It was a permanent battleground too for religious and political ideas.Most recent histories of Central Europe confine themselves to the lands in between Germany and Russia, homing in on Poland, Hungary, and what is now the Czech Republic. This new history embraces the whole of Central Europe, including the German lands as well as Ukraine and Switzerland. The story of Europe's Middle Kingdoms is a reminder of Central Europe's precariousness, of its creativity and turbulence, and of the common cultural trends that make these lands so distinctive.
Objev podobné jako The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe - Rady Martyn
Masters of Death - Olivie Blake
From the internationally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, Masters of Death by Olivie Blake is a gripping, page-turning fantasy with vampires, ghosts and death itself. This book is about an estate agent. Only she's a vampire, the house on sale is haunted, and its ghost was murdered. When Viola Marek hires Fox D'Mora to deal with her ghost-infested mansion, she expects a competent medium. But unbeknownst to Viola, Fox is a fraud - despite being the godson of Death. As the mystery unfolds, Viola and Fox are drawn into a quest that neither wants nor expects. And they'll need the help of a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel and a love-stricken reaper. And it transpires that the difference between a mysterious lost love and a dead body isn't nearly as distinct as you'd hope. This edition features beautiful interior illustrations from Little Chmura.
Objev podobné jako Masters of Death - Olivie Blake
Masters of Death - Olivie Blake
From the internationally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, Masters of Death is a queer, page-turning fantasy bursting with Olivie Blake’s signature sharp wit, stunning prose and unforgettable characters. ‘Olivie Blake is a mind-blowing talent’ – Chloe Gong, author of These Violent DelightsThis book is about an estate agent. Only she’s a vampire, the house on sale is haunted, and its ghost was murdered.When Viola Marek hires Fox D’Mora to deal with a ghost-infested mansion, she expects a competent medium. But unbeknownst to Viola, Fox is not a medium at all. He’s a fraud – and the godson of Death.As the mystery of the mansion unfolds, Viola and Fox are drawn into an unlikely quest that neither wants nor expects. They’ll need the help of a demonic personal trainer, a steadfast reaper, and an angel with her own secrets. It transpires that an inconvenient dead body and a lost love are intrinsically linked.Can this coalition of unwilling allies solve this conundrum and un-haunt a house – by winning a devious immortal game?This edition features beautiful interior illustrations from Little Chmura. ‘If you enjoyed Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens, you will adore this book’ – Starburst Magazine
Objev podobné jako Masters of Death - Olivie Blake
Death By Stereo - Day Of The Death (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2015.0 Interpret / Téma: Death By Stereo Subžánr: Punk Rock;Hardcore Punk Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Punk Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Indecision Rok nahrávky: 2001.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Day Of The Death (Vinyl LP)
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Motorhead: Kiss Of Death - CD (4050538826128)
Hudební CD Album „Kiss Of Death” je osmnáctým studiovým albem Motörhead, které původně vyšlo 29. srpna 2006 a nyní vychází v reedici na CD a stříbrném vinylu. Na album se jako hosté představili Mike Inez ze skupny Alice In Chains a C.C. Deville ze skupiny Poison. Album „Kiss Of Death” je osmnáctým studiovým albem Motörhead, které původně vyšlo 29. srpna 2006 a nyní vychází v reedici na CD a stříbrném vinylu. Na album se jako hosté představili Mike Inez ze skupny Alice In Chains a C.C. Deville ze skupiny Poison. Motorhead jsou legendární kapela britské hard & heavy scény založená a vedená Ianem „Lemmym” Kilmisterem v roce 1975 a jsou považováni za jednu z prvních kapel tzv. „Nové vlny brtského heavy metalu”. Za dobu svého působení vydali 23 studiových, 10 koncertních, 12 kompilačních a 5 EP desek. Po smrti Lemmyho v roce 2015 skupina oficiálně oznámila ukončení své existence. Seznam stop CD Sucker / One Night Stand / Devil I Know / Trigger / Under the Gun /...
Objev podobné jako Motorhead: Kiss Of Death - CD (4050538826128)
Motorhead: Kiss Of Death - LP (4050538826111)
LP vinyl - Album „Kiss Of Death” je osmnáctým studiovým albem Motörhead, které původně vyšlo 29. srpna 2006 a nyní vychází v reedici na CD a stříbrném vinylu. Na albu se jako hosté představili Mike Inez ze skupny Alice In Chains a C.C. Deville ze skupiny Poison. Album „Kiss Of Death” je osmnáctým studiovým albem Motörhead, které původně vyšlo 29. srpna 2006 a nyní vychází v reedici na CD a stříbrném vinylu. Na albu se jako hosté představili Mike Inez ze skupny Alice In Chains a C.C. Deville ze skupiny Poison. Motorhead jsou legendární kapela britské hard & heavy scény založená a vedená Ianem „Lemmym” Kilmisterem v roce 1975 a jsou považováni za jednu z prvních kapel tzv. „Nové vlny brtského heavy metalu”. Za dobu svého působení vydali 23 studiových, 10 koncertních, 12 kompilačních a 5 EP desek. Po smrti Lemmyho v roce 2015 skupina oficiálně oznámila ukončení své existence. Seznam stop LP (silver vinyl) A1 Sucker / A2 One Night Stand / A3 Devil I Know / A4...
Objev podobné jako Motorhead: Kiss Of Death - LP (4050538826111)
The Denial of Death - Ernest Becker
''It made me rethink the roots of our deepest fears and insecurities, and why we often disappoint ourselves in how we manifest them'' Bill Clinton, GuardianWinner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1974 and the culmination of a life''s work, The Denial of Death is Ernest Becker''s brilliant and impassioned answer to the ''why'' of human existence. In bold contrast to the predominant Freudian school of thought, Becker tackles the problem of the vital lie - man''s refusal to acknowledge his own mortality. The book argues that human civilisation is a defence against the knowledge that we are mortal beings. Becker states that humans live in both the physical world and a symbolic world of meaning, which is where our ''immortality project'' resides. We create in order to become immortal - to become part of something we believe will last forever. In this way we hope to give our lives meaning.In The Denial of Death, Becker sheds new light on the nature of humanity and issues a call to life and its living that still resonates decades after it was written.
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Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death (LP)
Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989 Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Progressive Rock;Hard Rock;Rock Vydavatelství: Parlophone Datum vydání: 2017-06-23 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok nahrávky: 2003.0 Rok vydání: 2017.0 Varianta: Dance Of Death Interpret / Téma: Iron Maiden Žánr: Hard Rock;Heavy Metal;Rock Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království
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Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - S
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - S
Touch of Death - Robert E. Howard - audiokniha
Audiokniha: The eighth step into the Darkness takes place on the American side of the Atlantic. It features two short stories by a single author – Texas native Robert Ervin Howard. Sadly enough, Howard died at age 30, but he still managed to create several immortal heroes – and was one of the founders of the now popular genre of heroic fantasy (along with J. R. R. Tolkien). R. E. Howard created Conan the Barbarian, Red Sonja, and Solomon Kane. Together with H. P. Lovecraft and others, R. E. Howard was one of the most prominent purveyors of the Cthulhu Mythos (the best-known contemporary author of this fictional mythology is Stephen King). The Horror from the Mound, and The Fearsome Touch of Death, are excellent even by today’s standards – and the stories are further highlighted by incredible vocal performances, stunning music, and superb graphics on the cover.
Objev podobné jako Touch of Death - Robert E. Howard - audiokniha
The War Came To Us : Life and Death in Ukraine - Updated Illustrated Edition - Christopher Miller
A WATERSTONES AND IRISH TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARA breathtaking exploration of Ukraine's past, present, and future, and a heartbreaking account of the war against Russia, written by a leading journalist who has lived and worked in Ukraine for over a decade.'Vivid. Shocking. [Miller] brings a seasoned, personal perspective to his account of both the 16-month conflict and its wider roots.'Daily Telegraph'A beautiful blend of memoir, reportage and history...superb.'Irish Times'...powerful and insightful...Miller provides a human dimension to a bloody conflict.' Kirkus ReviewsWhen Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine just before dawn on 24 February 2022, it marked his latest and most overt attempt to brutally conquer the country, and reshaped the world order. Christopher Miller, the Ukraine correspondent for the Financial Times and a foremost journalist covering the country, was there on the ground when the first Russian missiles struck and troops stormed over the border. But the seeds of Russia's war against Ukraine and the West were sown more than a decade earlier.This is the definitive, inside story of its long fight for freedom. Told through Miller's personal experiences, vivid front-line dispatches and illuminating interviews with unforgettable characters, The War Came To Us takes readers on a riveting journey through the key locales and pivotal events of Ukraine's modern history. From the coal-dusted, sunflower-covered steppe of the Donbas in the far east to the heart of the Euromaidan revolution camp in Kyiv; from the Black Sea shores of Crimea, where Russian troops stealthily annexed Ukraine's peninsula, to the bloody battlefields where Cossacks roamed before the Kremlin's warlords ruled with iron fists; and through the horror and destruction wrought by Russian forces in Bucha, Bakhmut, Mariupol, and beyond.With candor, wit and sensitivity, Miller captures Ukraine in all its glory: vast, defiant, resilient, and full of wonder. A breathtaking narrative that is at times both poignant and inspiring, The War Came To Us is the story of an American who fell in love with a foreign place and its people - and witnessed them do extraordinary things to escape the long shadow of their former imperial ruler and preserve their independence.
Objev podobné jako The War Came To Us : Life and Death in Ukraine - Updated Illustrated Edition - Christopher Miller
Valley of the Templars - Paul Christopher
Retired Army Ranger John Holliday and his friend Eddie travel to Cuba in search of Eddie's mysteriously vanished brother-and find themselves desperately trying to stop a shocking plot of a secret Templar cabal that has been growing for five hundred years.
Objev podobné jako Valley of the Templars - Paul Christopher
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - XL
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - L
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - L
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - XS
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - XS
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - M
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - M
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - XXL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - XXL
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - 4XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - 4XL
Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - 5XL
Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported
Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Angel Of Death Tee black - 5XL
Bleach 15: Beginning of death tomorrow - Tite Kubo
Urjú Išida zatím všem v Soul Society dokazuje, že lučištník z rodu Quincy neprodá svou kůži lacino. Jenže netuší, že už si na něj brousí drápy Majuri Kurocuči, kapitán dvanácté jednotky a vedoucí výzkumné laboratoře, v jejíchž útrobách se dějí věci, které každému Quincymu nahánějí pořádnou husí kůži.
Objev podobné jako Bleach 15: Beginning of death tomorrow - Tite Kubo
Tree of Death: Yomotsuhegui Vol. 1 - Masasumi Kakizaki
Nawa Kanetsugu used to be a police officer, until his wife and child were murdered and he sought revenge by any means necessary. In a new quest for vengeance after he’s released from prison, he discovers that a mortal wound won’t kill him. A confrontation with a mysterious girl shows Nawa that he’s eaten the fruit of Yomotsuhegui, the tree in the realm of the dead, and now he’s an immortal with monstrous powers.The girl is a god of death who wants his help to fight other dangerous immortals, since there may still be a seed of justice in his heart. Will Nawa find his humanity again in saving others from supernatural evil, or will these ghastly powers turn him into a monster?
Objev podobné jako Tree of Death: Yomotsuhegui Vol. 1 - Masasumi Kakizaki
Death of an Expert Witness
When a young girl is found murdered in a field, the scientific examination of the exhibits is just a routine job for the staff of Hoggatt's forensic science laboratory. But nothing could have prepared them for the brutal death of one of their own. When the senior biologist is found dead in his laboratory Commander Dalgliesh is called to the bleak fens of East Anglia, where the murderer is lying in wait to strike again . . .
Objev podobné jako Death of an Expert Witness
Walking the Bones of Britain - Christopher Somerville
‘Somerville’s infectious enthusiasm and wry humour infuse his journey from the Isle of Lewis to southern England, revealing our rich geological history with vibrant local and natural history’ Observer‘A meticulous exploration of the ground beneath our feet. Glorious’ Katharine Norbury‘A remarkable achievement’ Tom Chesshyre‘His writing is utterly enticing’ Country Walking...............................................................................................................................................The influence Britain’s geology has had on our daily lives is profound. While we may be unaware of it, every aspect of our history has been affected by events that happened ten thousand, a million, or a thousand million years ago.In Walking the Bones of Britain, Christopher Somerville takes a journey of a thousand miles, beginning in the far north, at the three-billion-year-old rocks of the Isle of Lewis, formed when the world was still molten, and travelling south-eastwards to the furthest corner of Essex, where new land is being formed. Crossing bogs, scaling peaks and skirting quarry pits, he unearths the stories bound up in the layers of rock beneath our feet, and examines how they have influenced everything from how we farm to how we build our houses, from the Industrial Revolution to the current climate crisis.Told with characteristic humour and insight, this gripping exploration of the British landscape and its remarkable history cannot fail to change the way you see the world beyond your door.‘Somerville is a walker’s writer’ Nicholas Crane
Objev podobné jako Walking the Bones of Britain - Christopher Somerville
The Tragedy of Dr Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
Doctor Faustus, a brilliant scholar, enters into an agreement with the Devil. He agrees to sell his soul in return for twenty-four years of knowledge, power and riches. But he realises the full implications of his rash action. Dossiers:Christopher Marlowe and Elizabethan Espionageand others
Objev podobné jako The Tragedy of Dr Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
Iron Maiden: Dance Of Death (2x LP) - LP (9029585196)
LP vinyl - V roce 2014 skupina vydala znovu na vinylu prvních osm alb. Desky z osmdesátých let nyní ve třech etapách doplňuje reedicemi nahrávek z let 1990 až 2015. Podobně jako v první fázi jsou jednotlivá alba k dispozici na 180g černých 2LP. Jednotlivé záznamy jsou zremasterovány. V polovině května 2017 vycházejí desky No Prayer For The Dying, Fear Of The Dark, The X Factor a Virtual XI. Koncem června je budou následovat Brave New World, Rock In Rio (Live), Dance Of Death a A Matter Of Life And Death a konečně v druhé polovině července to budou Death On The Road (Live), Flight 666 (Live), The Final Frontier a En Vivo! (Live). Skupina Iron Maiden patří k nejpopulárnějším reprezentantům britské rockové hudby. V nedávné anketě pořádané u příležitosti královnina diamantového výročí bylo jejich album The Number Of The Beast zvoleno nejlepší britskou deskou posledních šedesáti let. Také v našich končinách se sláva kapely "hvězd dotýká". Opakovaně vyprodávají...
Objev podobné jako Iron Maiden: Dance Of Death (2x LP) - LP (9029585196)
Death of a Bookseller - Alice Slater
A BOOKSHOP. A TRUE CRIME CASE. A DEADLY FRIENDSHIP.THE UNMISSABLE DEBUT THRILLER.Roach - bookseller, loner and true crime obsessive - is not interested in making friends. She has all the company she needs in her serial killer books, murder podcasts and her pet snail, Bleep.That is, until Laura joins the bookshop.Smelling of roses, with her cute literary tote bags and beautiful poetry, she's everyone's new favourite bookseller. But beneath the shiny veneer, Roach senses a darkness within Laura, the same darkness Roach possesses.As Roach's curiosity blooms into morbid obsession, it becomes clear that she is prepared to infiltrate Laura's life at any cost.
Objev podobné jako Death of a Bookseller - Alice Slater
Death of a Traitor - M.C. Beaton
A missing person report is not usually something that Hamish Macbeth sees as cause for undue distress.Should a child or a vulnerable person vanish, it''s an urgent matter that needs to be treated seriously, but in Macbeth''s experience, most other people who go missing tend to turn up again before long. So when Kate Hibbert disappears after having last been seen struggling along the road with a heavy suitcase, he is convinced she has gone travelling and reluctantly goes through the motions of investigating.Interviewing those who were closest to her, Macbeth is perplexed by their apparent lack of concern but sees no reason to suspect foul play. When Hibbert does eventually resurface, however, a storm of lies, intrigue and scandal threatens Macbeth''s tranquil village of Lochdubh.Torn between loyalty to his local community and his responsibilities as a police officer, he begins threading his way through a maze of deceit, quickly finding himself on the trail of a ruthless, treacherous murderer. If he catches the killer, peace can return to the village. If he fails, he will lose everything - his job, his home and the life he so loves in Lochdubh.Praise of Death of a Green-Eyed Monster:''This Hamish Macbeth novel maintains Beaton''s distinctive voice and includes the usual village eccentrics, loads of Scottish lore, and the light humor that Beaton fans have loved through the years. . . A definite purchase for all mystery collections'' Starred Review, Library Journal''Unmissable!'' Peterborough TelegraphPraise for the Hamish Macbeth series:''First rate ... deft social comedy and wonderfully realized atmosphere.'' Booklist''It''s always a treat to return to Lochdubh.'' New York Times"A tale of international intrigue mixed with local Scottish flavor, "Death of a Spy" is a fast-paced read, and will thrill all Hamish fans. Once again, Rod Green, writing as M.C. Beaton, creates a masterful and fun spy tale, which incorporates all of Beaton''s beloved Scottish characters...The Hamish MacBeth mysteries are like peanuts. When you read one, you cannot stop. After finishing "Death of a Spy," readers will itch for the next Hamish MacBeth installment." New York Journal of Books''Readers will enjoy the quirks and unique qualities of the cast ... Beaton catches the beauty of the area''s natural geography and succinctly describes its distinct flavour.'' Library Journal''Befuddled, earnest and utterly endearing, Hamish makes his triumphs sweetly satisfying.'' Publishers Weekly
Objev podobné jako Death of a Traitor - M.C. Beaton
Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be … when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am.Willy Loman is an ageing travelling salesman haunted, driven and yet held back by empty dreams of prosperity and success. Justly celebrated as one of the most famous dramatisations of the failure of the American Dream, the play''s moral and political purpose is perfectly counterbalanced by a powerful and moving human drama of a man trying to make his way in the world and of the human flaws that lead to the shattering of his family and of their figurehead.Death of a Salesman is Miller''s tragic masterpiece and considered one of the greatest plays of the twentieth century. Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1949, the play remains a classic work of literature and drama that is studied and performed around the world.This new edition includes an introduction by Claire Conceison that explores the play''s production history as well as the dramatic, thematic, and academic debates that surround it; a must-have resource for any student exploring Death of a Salesman.
Objev podobné jako Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
Death of a Naturalist - Seamus Heaney
Reissues Seamus Heaney's collection, which on its appearance in 1966 won the Cholmondeley Award, the E C Gregory Award, the Somerset Maugham Award, and the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize.
Objev podobné jako Death of a Naturalist - Seamus Heaney
Death of a Bookseller - Alice Slaterová
A BOOKSHOP. A TRUE CRIME CASE. A DEADLY FRIENDSHIP.THE UNMISSABLE DEBUT THRILLER.Roach - bookseller, loner and true crime obsessive - is not interested in making friends. She has all the company she needs in her serial killer books, murder podcasts and her pet snail, Bleep.That is, until Laura joins the bookshop.Smelling of roses, with her cute literary tote bags and beautiful poetry, she's everyone's new favourite bookseller. But beneath the shiny veneer, Roach senses a darkness within Laura, the same darkness Roach possesses.As Roach's curiosity blooms into morbid obsession, it becomes clear that she is prepared to infiltrate Laura's life at any cost.
Objev podobné jako Death of a Bookseller - Alice Slaterová
Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
Willy Loman is on his last legs. Failing at his job, dismayed at his the failure of his sons, Biff and Happy, to live up to his expectations, and tortured by his jealousy at the success and happiness of his neighbour Charley and his son Bernard, Willy spirals into a well of regret, reminiscence, and a scathing indictment of the ultimate failure...
Objev podobné jako Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
Death of a Bookseller - Alice Slater
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER!WOULD YOU KILL FOR A GOOD STORY?'A confident, sassy, pitch-black debut' CAROLINE KEPNES'Your new obsession' ERIN KELLY'Savage, witty and all-consuming' ABIGAIL DEAN'A dark masterpiece. It will work its way under your skin like a splinter' CATRIONA WARD*****Roach - bookseller, loner and true crime fanatic- is not interested in making friends. She has all the company she needs in her serial killer books, murder podcasts and her pet snail, Bleep.That is, until Laura joins the bookshop.With her cute literary tote bags and sunny smile, she's everyone's favourite bookseller. But beneath the shiny veneer, Roach senses a darkness within Laura, the same darkness Roach possesses.And as curiosity blooms into morbid obsession, Roach becomes determined to be a part of Laura's story - whether Laura wants her in it or not.*****'A spectacularly creepy debut ... a tense and disturbing read' GUARDIAN'Tense, addictive and sticky underfoot' JULIA ARMFIELD'A sharp and creepy debut thriller' DAILY MAIL'Utterly unforgettable' CATHERINE RYAN HOWARD'Delightfully dark' COSMOPOLITAN, Best New Books'Engrossing, atmospheric and deliciously dark' WILL DEAN'Uncomfortable, claustrophobic, and you won't take your eyes off the pages' BELFAST TELEGRAPH'Impossible to put down' ELIZA CLARK'A sinister and tense debut that will chill you to the core' PLATINUM MAGAZINE'Relentlessly creepy and deeply compulsive' HEATHER DARWENT
Objev podobné jako Death of a Bookseller - Alice Slater
Sons of Anarchy - Bratva - Zákon gangu - Christopher Golden
oA je motorkářský gang působící ve fiktivním americkém městě Charming u mexických hranic. Gang vedený Clayem (Pearlmen) a jeho nevlastním synem, hlavním hrdinou, Jaxem. Živí se převážně obchodem se zbraněmi. Známý seriál mapuje působení gangu, obchody se zbraněmi, Jaxovy pochyby o směřování gangu, osobní spory mezi členy, do kterých zasahuje v neposlední řadě rodina. Největší hrozbou pro SoA je však agentka ATF a místní zástupce šerifa
Objev podobné jako Sons of Anarchy - Bratva - Zákon gangu - Christopher Golden
Map of Czech Grammar - Stanislav Soják, Christopher Guilds
Tato publikace je určena cizincům, kteří hovoří anglicky a chtějí se naučit český jazyk. Shoda podmětu s přísudkem, vyjmenovaná slova, slovní druhy, větné členy, pravopis a veškeré základní údaje z české gramatiky jsou zde zpracovány v přehledných tabulkách, které umožňují rychlou orientaci v publikaci.
Objev podobné jako Map of Czech Grammar - Stanislav Soják, Christopher Guilds
The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day - Christopher Edge
How do you know you really exist?It’s Maisie’s birthday and she can’t wait to open her presents. She’s hoping for the things she needs to build her own nuclear reactor. But she wakes to an empty house and outside the front door is nothing but a terrifying, all-consuming blackness.Trapped in an ever-shifting reality, Maisie knows that she will have to use the laws of the universe and the love of her family to survive. And even that might not be enough…A mind-bending mystery for anyone who’s ever asked questions. From the author of The Many Worlds of Albie Bright and The Jamie Drake Equation.Cover illustration by Matt Saunders.
Objev podobné jako The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day - Christopher Edge
Bishop of Hexen: Death Masquerade - CD (8001120002860)
Hudební CD - Album izraelské black metalové kapely Bishop of Hexen. Album izraelské black metalové kapely Bishop of Hexen. Seznam stop Catacumbia Essentia / A Witch King Reborn / Of Shuttering Harps & Shadow Hounds / Death Masks / All Sins Lead To Glory / The Jester's Demise / A Thousand Shades Of Slaughter / Sine Nomine
Objev podobné jako Bishop of Hexen: Death Masquerade - CD (8001120002860)
Grandson: Death Of An Optimist - LP (7567864792)
LP vinyl - Vinylová verze debutového alba kanadského hudebníka, které vyšlo v prosinci 2020. Jordan Edward Benjamin, známý pod uměleckým jménem grandson, je kanadsko-americký zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník. Jeho debutové EP A Modern Tragedy Vol. Vinylová verze debutového alba kanadského hudebníka, které vyšlo v prosinci 2020. Jordan Edward Benjamin, známý pod uměleckým jménem grandson, je kanadsko-americký zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník. Jeho debutové EP A Modern Tragedy Vol. 1, vyšlo v roce 2018 a obsahuje pět skladeb, z nichž nejznámější je Blood // Water. Druhé EP A Modern Tragedy Vol. 2 následovalo o rok později, posledním EP z této trilogie je A Modern Tragedy Vol. 3 vydané také v roce 2019. Grandson ve své hudbě kombinuje silné emoce s rocke, rapem a elektronikou. Seznam stop LP1 Death Of An Optimist // Intro / In Over My Head / Identity / Left Behind / Dirty / The Ballad of G and X // Interlude / We Did It!!! / WWIII / Riptide / Pain Shopping / Drop Dead /...
Objev podobné jako Grandson: Death Of An Optimist - LP (7567864792)
69 Eyes: Death Of Darkness - CD (4251981703428)
Hudební CD Svým třináctým albem „Death Of Darkness” otevírá kapela novou kapitolu své kariéry. Album mimo jiné obsahuje i osvěžující rockovou titulní vypalovačku a velkolepý duet „This Murder Takes Two” s Kat Von D. The 69 Eyes jsou rocková kapela z finského hlavního města. Svým třináctým albem „Death Of Darkness” otevírá kapela novou kapitolu své kariéry. Album mimo jiné obsahuje i osvěžující rockovou titulní vypalovačku a velkolepý duet „This Murder Takes Two” s Kat Von D. The 69 Eyes jsou rocková kapela z finského hlavního města. Vznikli v roce 1989 a ve své hudbě kombinovali glam metal a hard rock. Postupem času do své hudby přidávali i vlivy gothic rocku. Seznam stop CD Death of Darkness / Drive / Gotta Rock / This Murder Takes Two (feat. Kat Von D) / California / Call Me Snake / Dying In The Night / Something Real / Sundown / Outlaws
Objev podobné jako 69 Eyes: Death Of Darkness - CD (4251981703428)
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy
A carefree Russian official has what seems to be a trivial accident...One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
Objev podobné jako The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy (0571345107)
Kniha - 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy (0571345107)
Death of a Lesser God - Vaseem Khan
*** SHORTLISTED FOR HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE YEAR at the FINGERPRINT AWARDS ***In the fourth rip-roaring thriller in the award-winning Malabar House series, Persis and Archie travel to the old colonial capital of Calcutta, where they collide head-on with the prejudices and bloody politics of an era engulfed in flame. ''Beautifully written and a fascinating insight into the turbulence of post independence India'' PETER MAY ''A sumptuous, brutal, heart-stopping thriller. Vaseem Khan writes with charm and wit, and an eye for detail that transports the reader entirely. I couldn''t love this series more'' CHRIS WHITAKER Can a white man receive justice in post-colonial India? Bombay, 1950 James Whitby, sentenced to death for the murder of prominent lawyer and former Quit India activist Fareed Mazumdar, is less than two weeks from a date with the gallows. In a last-ditch attempt to save his son, Whitby''s father, arch-colonialist, Charles Whitby, forces a new investigation into the killing. The investigation leads Inspector Persis Wadia of the Bombay Police to the old colonial capital of Calcutta, where, with the help of Scotland Yard criminalist Archie Blackfinch, she uncovers a possible link to a second case, the brutal murder of an African-American G.I. during the Calcutta Killings of 1946. How are the cases connected? If Whitby didn''t murder Mazumdar, then who did? And why? ''Post-partition India is subtle, intriguing and dynamic; the hero, Persis, is brave, intelligent and charming; the plot is complex and rewarding. I loved Death of a Lesser God'' GREG MOSSE ''Blends a grippingly modern plot with gritty and unvarnished history. A vibrant thriller about belonging - and who gets to decide who belongs. A superb book and his best yet'' WILLIAM SHAW Breathless and brilliant, Death of a Lesser God propels Persis Wadia into dangerous and deadly new territory. Highly recommended!'' D.V. BISHOP ''Crime fiction is a brilliant way of tackling social issues and, in Death of a Lesser God, Vaseem Khan delivers a masterclass in how it''s done. Full of tension and political conflict, Khan brilliantly weaves in history and a deft portrait of post-Raj life in Bombay and Calcutta. The result is an immensely rich book'' ALIS HAWKINS ''Tense, gripping and impressively plotted; Death of a Lesser God is historical fiction at its finest'' WILLIAM RYAN
Objev podobné jako Death of a Lesser God - Vaseem Khan
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