Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Istanbul : Memories and the City - Orhan Pamuk

A portrait of Istanbul that guides us across the Bosphorus, through Istanbul's historical monuments and lost paradises, its dilapidated Ottoman villas, back streets and waterways. It also introduces us to the city's writers, artists and murderers.

Podívejte se také The Bastard of Istanbul (0241972906)

cena 312.0 Kč

Istanbul - Orhan Pamuk

Istanbul je poutavým a současně nezvyklým pohledem na jednu ze světových metropolí očima autora, který je s ní neodlučně spjat. Kniha je nejen holdem Istanbulu a Bosporské úžině, ale i jakousi osobní kronikou Pamukova uměleckého zrání. Rodinná historie a autorovy vzpomínky se prolínají s esejemi o malířích, spisovatelích a cestovatelích - západních i tureckých - spojených s Istanbulem. Pamukův Istanbul však není radostnou ódou na tisícileté město, nýbrž zachycuje město spíše v jeho pochmurných tónech a s jeho bytostnou melancholií, zdůrazněnou i podmanivými fotografi emi Ary Gülera.

Podívejte se také Istanbul (9788025717240)

cena 446.0 Kč

The Red-Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk

"Many years have now gone by, and jealousy compels me to keep her name a secret, even from my readers. But I must provide a full and truthful account of what happened."It is mid-1980s Istanbul and Master Mahmut and his apprentice use ancient methods to dig wells - they are desperate to find water in a barren land. This is the tale of their struggle, but it is also a deeper investigation - through mesmerising stories and images - into Pamuk's prevailing themes: fathers and sons, the state and individual freedom, reading and seeing. It is also a richly literary work: The Red-Haired Woman borrows from the tradition of the French conte philosophique and asks probing questions of ethics and of the role of art in our lives. It is both a short, realist text investigating a murder which took place thirty years ago near Istanbul - and a fictional inquiry into the literary foundations of civilizations, comparing two fundamental myths of the West and the East respectively: Sophocles's Oedipus Rex (a story of patricide) and Ferdowsi's tale of Rostam and Sohrab (a story of filicide).The Red-Haired Woman is a masterful and mesmerising work which further confirms Orhan Pamuk as one of our greatest novelists.

Podívejte se také Istanbul Istanbul (978-80-257-2404-0)

cena 357.0 Kč

Rusovláska - Orhan Pamuk

Román je příběhem Cema, studnařského učedníka, jenž ve svém mistrovi nalézá otcovskou autoritu, kterou v životě postrádal. Do oidipovského vztahu těch dvou vstupuje tajemná rusovlasá žena, do níž se Cem bezhlavě zamiluje. Pamuk pracuje se vztahem otec-syn v několika dějových liniích, vedle klasického antického příběhu jde pro inspiraci do dávné perské legendy a děj staví do kulis Turecka od osmdesátých let minulého století do současnosti. V desátém románu tureckého nobelisty se objevují již dříve předkládané antagonismy Východ a Západ, minulost a budoucnost, tradice a moderna.

Objev podobné jako Rusovláska - Orhan Pamuk

cena 311.0 Kč

Tichý dům - Orhan Pamuk

Píše se červenec 1980 a v Turecku se pomalu schyluje k dalšímu vojenskému převratu. Do přímořského letoviska nedaleko Istanbulu přijíždí jako každý rok čtyři sourozenci, aby navštívili svou devadesátiletou babičku. Zatímco venku stále houstne napětí mezi nacionalisty a levicovými bojůvkami, babiččin "tichý dům" vydává potlačovaná rodinná tajemství a rozehrávají se tu osudové životní příběhy. Román, ověnčený domácími i zahraničními cenami, je jak brilantním rodinným dramatem, tak dramatem celé země, v níž děsivě utichá komunikace mezi politickými skupinami, společenskými vrstvami i generacemi.Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury a turistiky Turecké republiky.

Objev podobné jako Tichý dům - Orhan Pamuk

cena 311.0 Kč

Černá kniha - Orhan Pamuk

Mistrovský román jedinečným způsobem kombinuje příběhy a vyprávěcí postupy blízkovýchodních literatur s postmoderním stylem psaní. Hlavní hrdina, advokát Galip, pátrá po své záhadně zmizelé ženě Rüye a nevlastním bratru Celâlovi, známém novináři, jehož sloupky o Istanbulu a jeho historii tvoří důležitou část bohaté románové koláže. Galip se při svém pátrání vydává do spletitých ulic Istanbulu, dostává se do podsvětí, bloumá po chudinských předměstích a setkává se s mystiky, blázny i politickými aktivisty, pročítá Celâlovy novinové sloupky a populární detektivní romány a nakonec odhalí šokující pravdu o své ženě i o sobě samém…Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury a turistiky Turecké republiky.

Objev podobné jako Černá kniha - Orhan Pamuk

cena 356.0 Kč

Nový život - Orhan Pamuk

V románu Nový život student Osman propadne kouzlu záhadné knihy a zároveň i překrásné dívce Canan, v jejíchž rukou knihu poprvé spatřil. Když Canan zničehonic zmizí, vydává se ji Osman hledat a zároveň odhalovat záhady světa popsaného v knize. Opouští všechny dosavadní jistoty a podniká dalekou cestu, aby unikl moderní civilizaci a znovu objevil tradiční způsob života. V knize nacházíme téma střetu modernity a tradice, Východu a Západu, ale můžeme ji chápat i jako napínavou road-movie s kriminální zápletkou, jako mystickou cestu za poznáním Boha či smyslu života.

Objev podobné jako Nový život - Orhan Pamuk

cena 267.0 Kč

Bílá pevnost - Orhan Pamuk

Historicko-filozofický román Orhana Pamuka se odehrává v barvitém světě osmanského Istanbulu za vlády sultána Mehmeda IV. na konci 17. století a vypráví alegorický příběh o zvláštním vztahu benátského zajatce a jeho pána, istanbulského hodži, kteří jsou si k nerozeznání podobní. Vedle neotřelého zachycení života v mnohonárodnostní osmanské metropoli se román zamýšlí nad hranicemi poznání cizí kultury, vztahem mezi Evropou a Tureckem a stabilitou lidské identity. Pamukův román se stal v Turecku senzací a zahájil vlnu tzv. nového historického románu.

Objev podobné jako Bílá pevnost - Orhan Pamuk

cena 231.0 Kč

Jmenuji se Červená - Orhan Pamuk

Jednoho zimního večera roku 1591 je v Istanbulu zavražděn přední iluminátor rukopisů a nyní k nám promlouvá ze studny, kam vrah hodil jeho tělo. Jeho hlas se ale ztrácí v koncertu ostatních hlasů, mezi nimiž figurují mistři sultánovy malířské dílny, knihař Kara a jeho milenka Şeküre, dohazovačka Ester, Strýc Efendi i mince, červená barva, smrt, pes nebo třeba strom. Každý z nich předkládá svůj pohled na svět a snaží se nás přesvědčit o své pravdě a je jen na čtenáři, jaký obrázek si z tohoto napínavého příběhu poskládá. Román je vrcholným dílem tohoto tureckého nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu (2006).

Objev podobné jako Jmenuji se Červená - Orhan Pamuk

cena 356.0 Kč

Nights of Plague - Orhan Pamuk

1901. Night draws in. With the stealth of a spy vessel, the royal ship Azizye approaches the famous vistas of Mingheria. 'An emerald build of pink stone'. The 29th state of the ailing Ottoman Empire. The ship carries Princess Pakize, the daughter of a deposed sultan, her doctor husband, and the Royal Chemist, Bonkowski Pasha. Each of them holds a separate mission. Not all of them will survive the weeks ahead. Because Mingheria is on the cusp of catastrophe. There are rumours of plague - rumours some in power will try to suppress. But plague is not the only killer. Soon, the eyes of the world will turn to this ancient island, where the future of a fragile empire is at stake, in an epic and playful mystery of passion, fear, scandal and murder, from one of history's master storytellers.

Objev podobné jako Nights of Plague - Orhan Pamuk

cena 499.0 Kč

Cosi divného v mé hlavě - Orhan Pamuk

Cosi podivného v mé hlavě je rozsáhlá románová freska zachycující životní osudy pouličního prodavače Mevlüta, jehož rodina v 70. letech emigrovala ze střední Anatolie do Istanbulu. Na rozdíl od většiny svých předchozích děl Pamuk tentokrát opouští prostředí poevropštěné istanbulské smetánky a vydává se mezi migranty a nádeníky z okrajových částí města. Mevlüt se živí jako prodavač bozy, sladkého nápoje z lehce fermentované pšenice, a sní o tom, že jednoho dne zbohatne. Po tři roky neúnavně píše milostné dopisy dívce, kterou spatřil na jedné svatbě, ale nakonec si po sérii omylů odevzdaně vezme její sestru. Podobně smířen s osudem roky den co den obchází ulice Istanbulu a přemýšlí o oné "podivnosti", kterou cítí ve své hlavě a jež ho odlišuje od ostatních - a nakonec ho další zvrat osudu přivede k poznání, po čem to celý život vlastně tolik toužil… Melancholičnost příběhu je narušována plejádou hlasů dalších, mnohdy bytostně komických postav, z nichž každá poodhaluje část Mevlütovy osobnosti a dodává knize humorný podtón. Cosi podivného v mé hlavě je nezvyklým portrétem Istanbulu kresleným z úhlu, jenž je i pro autora novinkou: z pohledu těch, kdo tvoří samé dno pestré istanbulské společnosti; je to další monumentální encyklopedie města, v níž autor s pečlivostí zapáleného sběratele shromažďuje nepřeberné množství postav, historických událostí, jídel nabízených pouličními prodavači i podivuhodných příhod z chudých istanbulských uliček. "Velkolepý román." The Wall Street Journal "Jeden z Pamukových nejpříjemnějších románů a ideální kniha pro čtenáře, kteří ho chtějí poznat. . . Pamuk dělá pro Istanbul něco, co James Joyce udělal pro Dublin. . . Zachycuje nejen vzhled a dojem města, ale i jeho kulturu, tradice, jeho lidi a jejich hodnoty. . . Milostný dopis modernímu Turecku. " - Adam Kirsch, The Washington Post Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury a turistiky Turecké republiky.

Objev podobné jako Cosi divného v mé hlavě - Orhan Pamuk

cena 446.0 Kč

Man-Man and the Tree of Memories - Yaba Badoe

SHORTLISTED FOR THE WEEK JUNIOR'S BEST OLDER FICTION AWARD 2024SHORTLISTED FOR THE LITTLE REBELS CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARD 2024NOMINATED FOR THE YOTO CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR WRITING 2025Illustrated in vibrant full-colour, a story of dance, celebration, carnival and slavery, about a family understanding their past to change the future. Set in contemporary Notting Hill, Man-man and his friends are swept up in the exuberant preparations for carnival. But his mother is ill and even as he dances, he calls desperately to the Queen of Revels, as old as time to make her well again. Swept away with his best friend Kareem and sharp-tongued sister Panama, to a place in between, the Queen of Revels plunges Man-man into Africa's past and reveals his family's heritage. As they gather around the sacred Tree of Memories, he witnesses many slaves, captives whose pain and anguish and longing is held by the tree. Man-man understands how this is draining his mother and how he must help her back to the freedom stolen from his ancestors

Objev podobné jako Man-Man and the Tree of Memories - Yaba Badoe

cena 354.0 Kč

Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Across the Plains’ is a vibrant collection of travel and exploration pieces from Stevenson’s life. ‘Across the Plains’ itself recounts Stevenson’s journey from Glasgow to New York before his long train ride to California. It offers a fascinating insight in to how our world used to be, from the weeks of travel to the vastly different food, and unfortunately the vast prevalence of xenophobia. Other tales such as ‘Fontainebleau’ are love letters to the beauty of a small French town populated by artists where life is slow and procrastination is the order of the day. Or for the history buffs among you ‘The Old Pacific Capital’ gives a fascinating account of California’s old capital of Monterey. It is a collection perfect for those fascinated with the Victorian age, or those of you obsessed with ‘Carnival Row’, there’s just no elves unfortunately.

Objev podobné jako Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Cat and the City - Nick Bradley

In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways. But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways. But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.

Objev podobné jako The Cat and the City - Nick Bradley

cena 286.0 Kč

Sex and the city - Candace Bushnell

Bushnell's beat is that demi-monde of nightclubs, bars, restaurants and parties where the rich come into contact with the infamous, the famous with the wannabes and the publicity-hungry with the gossip-peddlers' EVENING STANDARD Wildly funny, unexpectedly poignant, wickedly observant, SEX AND THE CITY blazes a glorious, drunken cocktail trail through New York, as Candace Bushnell, columnist and social critic par excellence, trips on her Manolo Blahnik kitten heels from the Baby Doll Lounge to the Bowery Bar. An Armistead Maupin for the real world, she has the gift of assembling a huge and irresistible cast of freaks and wonders, while remaining faithful to her hard core of friends and fans: those glamorous, rebellious, crazy single women, too close to forty, who are trying hard not to turn from the Audrey Hepburn of BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S into the Glen Close of FATAL ATTRACTION, and are - still - looking for love.

Objev podobné jako Sex and the city - Candace Bushnell

cena 268.0 Kč

Pride and Prejudice and the City - Rachael Lippincott

From the New York Times bestselling coauthor of Five Feet Apart and She Gets the Girl comes a fresh and inventive sapphic romantic comedy that's What If It's Us meets Bridgerton.What if you found a once-in-a-lifetime love...just not in your lifetime?Seventeen-year-old Audrey Cameron has lost her spark. After an embarrassing run-in with her ex-boyfriend, she's told that she needs to get back out there and take risks. What she doesn't expect is to be transported to Regency England!Lucy Sinclair has her own problems - stifled by her father and trying to avoid an unwanted marriage proposal - when Audrey lands into her life, claiming to be from two hundred years in the future, it's a welcome distraction.While the girls try to understand what's happening and how to send Audrey home, their sparks make a comeback in a most unexpected way - instead of falling for their suitors and the happily-ever-afters everyone expects of them, they fall for each other.Can their love story survive impossible circumstances?A swoony time-travelling YA romance set in the regency era about finding your spark - a lesbian Jane Austen story.

Objev podobné jako Pride and Prejudice and the City - Rachael Lippincott

cena 250.0 Kč

Venice: The Lion, the City and the Water

The great Dutch author and traveller Cees Nooteboom (author of Roads to Santiago and The Following Story) sheds new light on the city, its history and its treasures VENICE: "A dream of palaces and churches, of power and money, dominion and decline, a paradise of beauty." By the author of Roads to Santiago and Roads to BerlinWith this treasury of his time spent in Venice over a period of fifty-five years, Nooteboom makes himself the indispensable companion for all lovers of "the sailing, amphibious city", and for every new visitor.Because he is a master storyteller with an inexhaustible curiosity, and always with a suitcase of books (to which new discoveries are added), he brings vividly and poetically to life not only the tumultuous history of the Republic but along the way its doges, its villains, its heroes, its magnificent painters, its architects, its scholars, its skies, its canals and piazzas and alleyways, and on his expeditions its "bronze voices of time".Those who know and love this city and its literature will recognise Nooteboom - in Laura Watkinson's fine translation - as the dazzling heir and companion to Montaigne, Thomas Mann, Rilke, Ruskin, Proust, Brodsky, and Donna Leon. His homage to Venice is a generous introduction, learned and enchanting, and worthy of its magnificent subject."His writing is lyrical and densely textured. He is a poet of time and memory" - COLIN THUBRONTranslated from the Dutch by Laura Watkinson

Objev podobné jako Venice: The Lion, the City and the Water

cena 357.0 Kč

Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis (147291323X)

Kniha - 298 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 298 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Cities are a big deal. More people now live in them than don't, and with a growing world population, the urban jungle is only going to get busier in the coming decades. But how often do we stop to think about what makes our cities work? Cities are built using some of the most creative and revolutionary science and engineering ideas - from steel structures that scrape the sky to glass cables that help us communicate at the speed of light - but most of us are too busy to notice. Science and the City is your guidebook to that hidden world, helping you to uncover some of the remarkable technologies that keep the world's great metropolises moving. Laurie Winkless takes us around cities in six continents to find out how they're dealing with the challenges of feeding, housing, powering and connecting more people than ever before. In this book, you'll meet urban...

Objev podobné jako Science and the City: The Mechanics Behind the Metropolis (147291323X)

cena 290.0 Kč

Halenka Undress Code Sex and the City dámská, černá barva, hladká

Halenka z kolekce Undress Code. Model vyroben z kombinace dvou různých materiálů. Model má asimetrický výstřih.

Objev podobné jako Halenka Undress Code Sex and the City dámská, černá barva, hladká

cena 1799.0 Kč

Delta and the Lost City - Fargher Anna

Follow Delta the wolfdog around Pompeii in 79 AD while the shadow of the great volcano Mount Vesuvius looms. This breathtaking historical adventure, drawing on the legend of the Hero dog of Pompeii, comes from the bestselling, award-winning author of The Umbrella Mouse, Anna Fargher. Illustrated throughout in black and white by David Dean.It’s the year 79 AD, and the earth around Pompeii is quaking . . .Young wolfdog Delta finds herself on the run and escaping her family’s villa after bearing witness to a horrible crime. With the help of her eagle friend, Bellona, Delta navigates the tricky terrain full of threatening creatures and thieves outside the ancient city''s walls.But the earth is warning of a much larger threat, and determined to warn her family, Delta must race against time and find them before it’s too late . . .Journey with Delta through an inspiring journey around the ancient city of Pomepii and the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.''Ambitious and wonderful'' – Michael Morpurgo, author of War Horse on The Umbrella Mouse.

Objev podobné jako Delta and the Lost City - Fargher Anna

cena 236.0 Kč

Sex and the Unreal City : The Demolition of the Western Mind - Esolen Anthony

Unreal City: a zany cartoon megalopolis where towers are built of cotton candy, facts scatter like pixie dust, and the truth is whatever you feel it to be.And it's no fantasy. It's where we live. We dwell in Unreal City. We believe in un-being.With saber-like wit, poet and professor Anthony Esolen leads readers on a tour through the ruins of their own Western world--through king-size bookstores, manicured college campuses, strobe-lit choir lofts, mechanized farms, divorce courts, drag-queen libraries, and beyond. This hilarious guide to a culture gone mad with sex and self-care minces no words and spares no egos. We the people of Unreal City are no better, and certainly no smarter, than our fathers.But fear not. Sex and the Unreal City insists there's no need to settle down in the ninth circle of unreality. Esolen lights a torch and heads up the well-trod path back to our cleaner, kinder, truer homeland: earth. Along the way, the author sings the songs of masters somehow long forgotten--Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, the evangelists--and asks us to chant along.Readers of essayists like George Weigel, George Rutler, Malcom Muggeridge, and Walker Percy will enjoy this rollicking, intelligent book.

Objev podobné jako Sex and the Unreal City : The Demolition of the Western Mind - Esolen Anthony

cena 393.0 Kč

Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder - Evelyn Waugh

Brideshead Revisited is Evelyn Waugh''s stunning novel of duty and desire set amongst the decadent, faded glory of the English aristocracy in the run-up to the Second World War.The most nostalgic and reflective of Evelyn Waugh''s novels, Brideshead Revisited looks back to the golden age before the Second World War. It tells the story of Charles Ryder''s infatuation with the Marchmains and the rapidly disappearing world of privilege they inhabit. Enchanted first by Sebastian Flyte at Oxford, then by his doomed Catholic family, in particular his remote sister, Julia, Charles comes finally to recognise his spiritual and social distance from them.Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) was born in Hampstead, second son of Arthur Waugh, publisher and literary critic, and brother of Alec Waugh, the popular novelist. In 1928 he published his first work, a life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and his first novel, Decline and Fall, which was soon followed by Vile Bodies (1930), A Handful of Dust (1934) and Scoop (1938). In 1939 he was commissioned in the Royal Marines and later transferred to the Royal Horse Guards, serving in the Middle East and in Yugoslavia. In 1942 he published Put Out More Flags and then in 1945 Brideshead Revisited. Men at Arms (1952) was the first volume of ''The Sword of Honour'' trilogy, and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize; the other volumes, Officers and Gentlemen and Unconditional Surrender, followed in 1955 and 1961.If you enjoyed Brideshead Revisited, you might like Waugh''s Vile Bodies, also available in Penguin Classics.''Lush and evocative ... Expresses at once the profundity of change and the indomitable endurance of the human spirit''The Times

Objev podobné jako Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder - Evelyn Waugh

cena 241.0 Kč

The City and Its Uncertain Walls - Haruki Murakami

STEP INTO THE CITYWhen a young man’s girlfriend mysteriously vanishes, he sets his heart on finding the imaginary city where her true self lives. His search will lead him to take a job in a remote library with mysteries of its own. When he finally makes it to the walled city, a shadowless place of horned beasts and willow trees, he finds his beloved working in a different library – a dream library. But she has no memory of their life together in the other world and, as the lines between reality and fantasy start to blur, he must decide what he’s willing to lose. A love story, a quest, an ode to books and to the libraries that house them, The City and Its Uncertain Walls is a parable for these strange times. PRAISE FOR HARUKI MURAKAMI'The world's most popular cult novelist' Guardian 'Wild and thrilling. . . Murakami is a master storyteller and he knows how to keep us hooked' Sunday Times'Totally gripping' Daily Express'It’s safe to say that there’s no one like Murakami' Literary Review'No other author mixes domestic, fantastic and esoteric elements into such weirdly bewitching shades' Financial Times

Objev podobné jako The City and Its Uncertain Walls - Haruki Murakami

cena 670.0 Kč

Prague: The City and Its River - Kateřina Bečková

Pro vzhled, charakter a život Prahy je od jejího vzniku zcela zásadním faktorem Vltava, řeka, jejíž tok připravil reliéf krajiny k osídlení pražského kotliny a poté k utváření města, které vyrostlo v metropoli. V průběhu své historie si město řeku pozvolna podmaňovalo. Pražané se naučili využívat její energie v mlýnech a později elektrárnách, řečiště překlenovat různými typy mostů, upravit břehy a ostrovy, vybudovat nábřeží. Do proměn tváře řeky nejradikálněji vstoupilo zřejmě 19. století. Vltavské břehy, dosud většinou využívané jako hospodářské periferie, se proměňovaly v žádané lokality s výstavnými budovami, společenskými centry a elegantními promenádami. Ve vstupní části ukazuje autorka historické sepětí Prahy a Vltavy řeky, kdy vystupovaly do popředí zejména praktické funkce řeky, dnes už většinou vnímané jako estetický prvek, dotvářející malebný obraz města. V druhé části se pak stává průvodkyní komentující současné fotografie zajímavých objektů a míst spojujících Vltavu s Prahou, ať to jsou historické mlýny, jezy, náplavky, ostrovy, vodárenské věže, mosty, nábřeží s jejich budovami i řeka jako místo společenského života města. Kromě fotografií exteriérů provázejí text dokumentační snímky, rejstřík lokací s mapou objektů, přehled ostrovů, mostů, nábřeží a také osobností.

Objev podobné jako Prague: The City and Its River - Kateřina Bečková

cena 403.0 Kč

Aru Shah and the City of Gold: A Pandava Novel Book 4 - Chokshi Roshani

Aru Shah and her sisters including one who also claims to be the Sleeper's daughter must find their mentors Hanuman and Urvashi in Lanka, the city of gold, before war breaks out between the devas and asuras.Aru has just made a wish on the tree of wishes, but she can't remember what it was. She's pretty sure she didn't wish for a new sister, one who looks strangely familiar and claims to be the Sleeper's daughter, like her.Aru also isn't sure she still wants to fight on behalf of the devas in the war against the Sleeper and his demon army. The gods have been too devious up to now. Case in point: Kubera, ruler of the city of gold, promises to give the Pandavas two powerful weapons, but only if they win his trials. If they lose, they won't stand a chance against the Sleeper's troops, which will soon march on Lanka to take over the Otherworld.Aru's biggest question, though, is why every adult she has loved and trusted so far has failed her. Will she come to peace with what they've done before she has to wage the battle of her life?

Objev podobné jako Aru Shah and the City of Gold: A Pandava Novel Book 4 - Chokshi Roshani

cena 357.0 Kč

The Art of Making Memories : How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Meik Wiking

The third book from the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute and internationally bestselling author of The Little Book of Hygge, Meik Wiking. Every year, we are given a fixed number of days. Some days pass us by without leaving a trace and some days we remember forever. Do you remember your first kiss? Or how the first rays of the spring sun feel? Or how about the best meal you ever had?These memorable experiences are characterized by intensity of perception, depth of feeling or sense of profound significance causing them to stand out in our mind and involve a heightened sense of wonder and awe. But what ingredients produce these happy memories? Why is it that a piece of music, a smell, a taste can take us back to something we had forgotten? And can we learn to create happy memories and be better at holding on to them? Combining research on happiness and mnemonics (learning techniques that aids memory retention or retrieval) Meik Wiking explores how peak experiences are made, stored and remembered. Using data and diaries, interviews, global surveys and studies and conducting real-life behavioural science and happiness experiments, the Happiness Research Institute will answer how we can we create perfect moments. Moments that will go down in history. Moments that will shape who we are.

Objev podobné jako The Art of Making Memories : How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Meik Wiking

cena 357.0 Kč

The Thames and Tide Club: The Secret City - Katya Balen

An exciting new adventure series for young readers from Carnegie Medal winner Katya Balen, author of October, October and The Light in EverythingClem and her friends Ash and Zara are members of the Thames and Tide Club! Every weekend they go mudlarking by the river, searching for treasures that have washed up on the shore. Clem has found old things, new things and a whole heap of rubbish. But one day, she finds something really special. Something magical that belongs in the river and must be returned to its rightful owner … or else.Before they know it, the Thames and Tide Club are on the weirdest, wildest, underwater-iest adventure they could possibly have imagined on a mission to save Underwater London!

Objev podobné jako The Thames and Tide Club: The Secret City - Katya Balen

cena 207.0 Kč

Peanut Jones and the Illustrated City: from the creator of Draw with Rob - Rob Biddulph

''A thrilling journey into a magical world packed with Rob’s brilliant humour.'' – David WalliamsSuperstar, author and illustrator Rob Biddulph dazzles in Peanut Jones and the Illustrated City, the first title in an adventure series for boys and girls of 8+. This exciting, funny, middle-grade debut is from the bestselling creative genius behind #DrawWithRob and is illustrated in black and white throughout.Some legends are born, some are drawn . . .Drawing feels like magic to Peanut Jones. But art can''t fix her problems. Her dad has gone missing, and she''s stuck in a boring new school. Until the day she finds a unique pencil turbo-charged with special powers. Suddenly she''s pulled into a world packed with more colour, creativity, excitement and danger than she could ever have imagined. And maybe, just maybe, she might find out what happened to her dad.''Peanut Jones is AWESOME. I loved this book from start to finish - the story is packed with twists and turns, and Rob’s illustrations are full of wit and warmth'' – Nadia Shireen''A vividly illustrated, immersive romp that will leave readers desperate for the next instalment'' – Guardian''A wildly imaginative, big-hearted celebration of creativity'' - Anna James, bestselling author of the Pages & Co series''Look at this utter beauty . . . This book is EPIC'' - Laura Ellen Anderson, bestselling author of Amelia Fang

Objev podobné jako Peanut Jones and the Illustrated City: from the creator of Draw with Rob - Rob Biddulph

cena 266.0 Kč

The Bastard of Istanbul (0241972906)

Kniha - autor Elif Shafak, 364 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the backlist of Elif Shafak, author of The Architect's Apprentice, The Bastard of Istanbul is a tale of an extraordinary family curse and was longlisted for the 2008 Orange Fiction Prize. One rainy afternoon in Istanbul, a woman walks into a doctor's surgery. 'I need to have an abortion', she announces. She is nineteen years old and unmarried. What happens that afternoon will change her life. Twenty years later, Asya Kazanci lives with her extended family in Istanbul. Due to a mysterious family curse, all the Kaznci men die in their early forties, so it is a house of women, among them Asya's beautiful, rebellious mother Zeliha, who runs a tattoo parlour; Banu, who has newly discovered herself as clairvoyant; and Feride, a hypochondriac obsessed with impending disaster. And when Asya's Armenian-American cousin Armanoush comes to stay, long hidden family secrets connected with...

Objev podobné jako The Bastard of Istanbul (0241972906)

cena 279.0 Kč

Memories of the Future - Hustvedt

A provocative, wildly funny, intellectually rigorous and engrossing novel, punctuated by Siri Hustvedt's own illustrations - a tour de force by one of America's most acclaimed and beloved writers. Fresh from Minnesota and hungry for all New York has to offer, twenty-three-year-old S.H. embarks on a year that proves both exhilarating and frightening - from bruising encounters with men to the increasingly ominous monologues of the woman next door. Forty years on, those pivotal months come back to vibrant life when S.H. discovers the notebook in which she recorded her adventures alongside drafts of a novel. Measuring what she remembers against what she wrote, she regards her younger self with curiosity and often amusement. Anger too, for how much has really changed in a world where the female presidential candidate is called an abomination?

Objev podobné jako Memories of the Future - Hustvedt

cena 241.0 Kč

Thanks for the Memories (0007275382)

Kniha - autor Cecelia Ahern, 490 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A compelling and perceptive tale of intimacy, memory and relationships from the bestselling authorHow can you know someone you've never met?Joyce Conway remembers things she shouldn't. She knows about tiny cobbled streets in Paris, which she has never visited. And every night she dreams about an unknown little girl with blonde hair.Justin Hitchcock is divorced, lonely and restless. He arrives in Dublin to give a lecture on art and meets an attractive doctor, who persuades him to donate blood. It's the first thing to come straight from his heart in a long time.When Joyce leaves hospital after a terrible accident, with her life and her marriage in pieces, she moves back in with her elderly father. All the while, a strong sense of deja vu is overwhelming her and she can't figure out why ...

Objev podobné jako Thanks for the Memories (0007275382)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Lost Memories - Lorna Cook

Readers will be captivated by this story of love, sacrifice, and destiny, where the past and present collide to rewrite the future.“The Lost Memories gathered me up and swept me away. A beautiful, uplifting tale of life’s many types of love, and how the truest are never forgotten.” Amanda Geard–––––––––––––––-Suffolk, 1944. American pilot Charlie’s second tour is about to draw to a close, but his heart is forever changed when he meets Kitty, a local girl with dreams of joining the Women’s Land Army. As love blooms, the pair are all too aware that every perilous mission Charlie flies may well be his last…Suffolk, 2011. When Kitty’s granddaughter and ambitious tearoom owner Amy meets American tourist and photographer Jack, she agrees to show him around in exchange for his photographic talents. The deal quickly grows into an unexpected bond – but when long-buried secrets emerge, neither of their worlds will ever be the same again…The Lost Memories is a heartwarming, multi-generational love story, perfect for fans of Kate Quinn, Lucinda Riley and Kate Morton.–––––––––––––––-READERS ARE LOVING THE LOST MEMORIES:‘No one does epic, sweeping romance as well as Lorna Cook!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I loved everything about this book…deserves a place on everyone’s summer reading list.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is a very special novel, delivered with a warm and loving hand.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Truly swept me away and pulled my heart in so many directions while invoking tears, sighs, smiles and laughter.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I was sorry when it ended. Couldn’t put it down. One of the best novels I have read.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This is such a beautiful story… It is wonderfully heartfelt and fantastically written.'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Another dual timeline gem from Cook.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘The storyline is superb…one of those books that leaves you with a warm cosy feeling.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Lost Memories - Lorna Cook

cena 295.0 Kč

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City (0141983310)

Kniha - autor Matthew Desmond, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, this is a true account of those living in poverty in the USA, from abandoned slums to shelters, eviction courts and ghettos. 'A monumental and vivid study of urban poverty...' Ed Caesar, "Sunday Times"

Objev podobné jako Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City (0141983310)

cena 305.0 Kč

The Bastard of Istanbul - Elif Shafaková

One rainy afternoon in Istanbul, a woman walks into a doctor's surgery. 'I need to have an abortion', she announces. She is nineteen years old and unmarried. What happens that afternoon will change her life. Twenty years later, Asya Kazanci lives with her extended family in Istanbul.

Objev podobné jako The Bastard of Istanbul - Elif Shafaková

cena 295.0 Kč

The Museum of Innocence: A Novel (0571237029)

Kniha - autor Orhan Pamuk, 752 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of Pamuk's tale of forbidden love, set in Istanbul between 1975 and today. A commercial and critical success in hardback, this is Faber's lead fiction paperback for autumn 2010, and will be supported by a major marketing and PR campaign. 'Pamuk's haunting novel of memory, desire and loss sets a ferociously high standard for the literary fiction of the new decade.' Jane Shilling, Sunday Telegraph

Objev podobné jako The Museum of Innocence: A Novel (0571237029)

cena 271.0 Kč

Exam Preparation: Initial and Periodic Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, City & Guilds

This book is an essential practice aid for the examinations required to complete the City & Guilds qualification, Initial and Period Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391), including the three available pathways.It sets out methods of studying; offers advice on exam preparation and provides details of the scope and structure of the exam. Learners will also find guidelines and advice about sitting the exam.The three pathways for this qualification are:Level 3 Award in Initial Verification of Electrical Installations (2391-50)Level 3 Award in Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations (2391-51)Level 3 Award in Initial and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations (2391-52)This book is an invaluable tool to help learners successfully complete the qualification, including:Guidelines and advice about sitting the examPractice examinations with ''model'' answersActs as a revision aid to help students prepare for the full examNotes and tips from experienced electrical engineers

Objev podobné jako Exam Preparation: Initial and Periodic Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, City & Guilds

cena 679.0 Kč

The Lantern of Lost Memories - Sanaka Hiiragi

One photograph, one treasured memory, one chance to go back . . .In a cosy photography studio in the mountains between this world and the next, someone is waking up as if from a dream. A kind man will hand them a hot cup of tea and gently explain that, having reached the end of their life, they have one final task. There is a stack of photos on their lap, one for every day of their life, and now they must choose the pictures that capture their most treasured memories, which will be placed in a beautiful lantern. Once completed, it will be set spinning, and their cherished moments will flash before their eyes, guiding them to another world.But, like our most thumbed-over photographs, our favourite memories become faded with age, so each visitor to the studio has the chance to choose one day to return to and photograph afresh. Each has a treasured story to tell, from the old woman rebuilding a community in Tokyo after a disaster, to the flawed Yakuza man who remembers a time when he was kind, and a strong child who is fighting to survive.Extraordinarily moving and wise, The Lantern of Lost Memories is a beautiful Japanese tale about the people that make us and the moments that change us.

Objev podobné jako The Lantern of Lost Memories - Sanaka Hiiragi

cena 443.0 Kč

The Lantern of Lost Memories - Sanaka Hiiragi

Imagine waking up in a cosy photo studio in the mountains, between this world and the next. A kind man hands you a hot drink and a stack of photographs, one from every day of your life. Then, you are asked to pick one photograph from each year to be placed in a beautiful Japanese lantern, to be set spinning so that your life will flash before your eyes before you move on... This is the task set for each guest who arrives in Hirasaka’s photo studio. Like our most thumbed-over photos, our favourite memories can be tarnished in time too, so Hirasaka guides the guests back in time to relive one special day over again, to take a fresh photo and finally find peace.

Objev podobné jako The Lantern of Lost Memories - Sanaka Hiiragi

cena 294.0 Kč

Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz

From the Velvet Revolution to the disturbing world of Franz Kafka, from the devestation of the Thirty Years War to the musical elegance of Mozart and Dvorak, Prague is steeped in a wealth of history and culture. PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is a first class history of this unique city, allowing us to unravel layer upon layer of startlingly symbolic sites and buidings to reveal the real Prague. "PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is an exceptional work - and exceptionally reliable ... I am sure that thiswill be an important and exciting guide for all who wish to learn more about the famous people and important events in the history of the Czech lands and their capital" Ivan Klima, The Times

Objev podobné jako Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz

cena 357.0 Kč

Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) - CD (7559791740)

Hudební CD - Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Vychází na CD a 2LP. Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Americká zpěvačka, písničkářka a skladatelka, majitelka třinácti cen Grammy často spoluúčinkovala na skladbách slavnějších kolegů. Spolupracovala s Neilem Youngem, Lindou Ronstandt, Roy Orbisonem, Dolly Parton, Bobem Dylenem nebo Markem Knopflerem. Rok vydání : 2021 (live) Seznam stop CD Roses in the Snow (Live) / Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (Live) / Beneath Still Waters (Live) / If I Could Only Win Your Love (Live) / Amarillo...

Objev podobné jako Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) - CD (7559791740)

cena 399.0 Kč

The Witcher Volume 5: Fading Memories - Bartosz Sztybor

As Geralt explores new career possibilities, he receives a request from the mayoress of Towitz--a small town where children are being kidnapped by Foglets. Upon accepting the work, Geralt's thrust into the mysterious past of a mourning mother and her now abducted son. Caught between the townsfolks' recollections of the kidnapping and a slew of disturbing visions, Geralt must face the approaching danger with his own intuition.Created in close collaboration with the studio behind the games! Collects issues #1-#4 of the Dark Horse Comics series The Witcher: Fading Memories.

Objev podobné jako The Witcher Volume 5: Fading Memories - Bartosz Sztybor

cena 447.0 Kč

Bleach 3: Memories in the rain - Tite Kubo

Třetí díl světově úspěšné šónen série.

Objev podobné jako Bleach 3: Memories in the rain - Tite Kubo

cena 205.0 Kč

Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) (2x LP) - LP (7559791743)

LP vinyl - Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Vychází na CD a 2LP. Americká zpěvačka, písničkářka a skladatelka, majitelka třinácti cen Grammy často spoluúčinkovala na skladbách slavnějších kolegů. Spolupracovala s Neilem Youngem, Lindou Ronstandt, Roy Orbisonem, Dolly Parton, Bobem Dylenem nebo Markem Knopflerem. Rok vydání : 2021 (live) Seznam stop LP1 Roses in the Snow (Live) / Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (Live) / Beneath Still Waters (Live) / If I Could Only Win Your Love (Live) / Amarillo...

Objev podobné jako Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) (2x LP) - LP (7559791743)

cena 579.0 Kč

Like-It: City in the city - CD (8594171281297)

Hudební CD - a dlouho očekávané desce najdete nejen současný titulní hit City in the city, ale také singly Mrazí, Adrenalin, Nádech a Křídla a dalších pět písní. Poslední dva jmenované songy navíc i ve speciálních verzích - v remixu a akusticky. Na dlouho očekávané desce najdete nejen současný titulní hit City in the city, ale také singly Mrazí, Adrenalin, Nádech a Křídla a dalších pět písní. Poslední dva jmenované songy navíc i ve speciálních verzích - v remixu a akusticky. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Nádech / Domovina / Mrazí / City in the city / Nech vítr vát / Adrenalin / Křídla / Hejbej boky! / Nouzová situace / Moje všechno / Křídla (acoustic) / Nádech (remix)

Objev podobné jako Like-It: City in the city - CD (8594171281297)

cena 269.0 Kč

Tasting Vietnam: Flavors and Memories from My Grandmother's Kitchen - Anne-Solenne Hatte

This beautifully designed guide to Vietnamese home cooking and comfort food goes beyond restaurant fare to explore the vibrant, fresh flavors of a cuisine whose popularity is rising rapidly. Anne-Solenne Hatte presents the mouthwatering recipes for traditional Vietnamese home cooking collected by Bà, her maternal grandmother. This book is an homage to Vietnamese cuisine, with its emphasis on fresh ingredients, bright flavor combinations, zesty sauces, and reputation for healthfulness with vegetables and salads at center stage. These family recipes withstood the test of time—and exile. Staying true to her culinary heritage, Bà learned to work around unavailable items and adapt to new ingredients. These expertly detailed yet accessible recipes are intertwined with the story of Bà’s event-filled life and memories of home. After exploring the cuisine’s base recipes and “mother” sauces, the book explores dishes organized by region. Included are classic variations of pho, quick pickled vegetables, robust salads, grilled and stir-fried meats, and fusion dishes like trendy banh mi sandwiches.

Objev podobné jako Tasting Vietnam: Flavors and Memories from My Grandmother's Kitchen - Anne-Solenne Hatte

cena 939.0 Kč

The City - whit flaps AJ

A fun book full of colourful illustrations, with tabs for easy page turning and flaps to lift. A perfect tool for young readers who want to discover all about the city. Za okénky v této knize se skrývají otázky a odpovědi pro zvídavé děti, které se nespokojí jen s tím, že věci prostě jsou, ale chtějí také vědět proč, kdo je vyrábí a jak, kde žijí zvířata apod.

Objev podobné jako The City - whit flaps AJ

cena 196.0 Kč

The Wizard of Oz: And Other Wonderful Books of Oz: The Emerald City of Oz and Glinda of Oz - Lyman Frank Baum

With paper and pen or needle and thread, storytelling has many traditions. Penguin's award-winning art director Paul Buckley presents Penguin Threads, a series of Penguin Classics Deluxe Editions inspired by the aesthetic of handmade crafts with specially commissioned cover art. Jillian Tamaki's embroidered artwork appears on The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Emma by Jane Austen, and Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. This latest set features three beloved classics for both adults and children with cover art by painter and illustrator Rachell Sumpter. Sketched in a traditional illustrative manner, the final covers are sculpt embossed and present full front and reverse hand-stitched designs. Through story, style and texture, the Penguin Threads is an exciting chapter in Penguin's long history of excellence in book design, for true lovers of the book, design, and handcrafted beauty.

Objev podobné jako The Wizard of Oz: And Other Wonderful Books of Oz: The Emerald City of Oz and Glinda of Oz - Lyman Frank Baum

cena 626.0 Kč

Istanbul Istanbul (978-80-257-2404-0)

Kniha - autor Burhan Sönmez, 200 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Hrdiny románu jsou čtyři vězni, namačkaní v úzké podzemní kobce ústřední istanbulské mučírny. V přestávkách mezi mučením si vyprávějí příběhy o Istanbulu, deset příběhů během deseti dní. Podobně jako hrdinové Dekameronu utíkají před epidemií moru, utíkají vězňové svými příběhy a sny před svým hrůzným osudem a vyplňují. Anekdotické příběhy často podle orientálních vzorů, vyúsťující v hádanky, se prolínají s neutěšenou skutečností podzemní mučírny. Zmučení vězňové se vžívají do reálných situací ve vnějším světě, což jim na okamžik umožňuje zapomenout na vlastní neblahý úděl.

Objev podobné jako Istanbul Istanbul (978-80-257-2404-0)

cena 209.0 Kč

Mr. Tee The City Tee black - S

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee The City Tee black - S

cena 571.6248 Kč

The City of Dusk - Tara Sim

DARKNESS FALLS. GODS RISE.The Four Realms - Life, Death, Light, and Darkness - all converge on the City of Dusk. For each realm there is a god, and for each god there is an heir.But the gods have withdrawn their favour from the once vibrant and thriving metropolis. And without it, all the realms are dying.Unwilling to stand by and watch the destruction, the four heirs - Angelica, an elementalist with her eyes set on the throne; Risha, a necromancer fighting to keep the peace; Nikolas, a soldier who struggles to see the light; and Taesia, a shadow-wielding rogue with a reckless heart - will become reluctant allies in the quest to save their city.But their rebellion will cost them dearly.Set in a world of bone palaces and shadow magic, of vengeful gods and defiant chosen ones, The City of Dusk is Tara Sim's crackling adult fantasy debut.

Objev podobné jako The City of Dusk - Tara Sim

cena 259.0 Kč

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