Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Cakesupplies Košíčky s potiskem dárků 50 ks
Košíčky s potiskem dárků Košíčky s potiskem dárků jsou vhodné na jakoukoliv příležitost, když chcete své hosty potěšit pralinkami, vdolky, koláčky a dalšími sladkostmi. Pro dosažení optimálního výsledku použijte formu na muffiny. obsah: 50 ks rozměr: Průměr 5 cm
Podívejte se také kosicky plech
Pečicí košíčky Dinos 50 ks - House of Marie
Košíčky na muffiny s motivem dinosaurů Pomocí těchto košíčků na pečení si můžete upéct parádní dinosauří cupcaky! Modré košíčky na pečení House of Marie mají skvělý dino potisk. Ideální pro dětské narozeniny. Obsah: košíčky na pečení s dinosauřími motivy, které jsou ideální pro dětské narozeniny: Obsah: 50 košíčků na pečení. Velikost košíčků na pečení: průměr cca 5 cm. Pro optimální výsledek použijte košíčky na pečení v kombinaci s formou na muffiny.
Podívejte se také Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - kšiltovka (8718526146806)
Pečící košíčky růžové 50 ks - House of Marie
Košíčky na muffiny s puntíky Košíčky na pečení House of Marie s krásným designem dodají vašim cupcakům výjimečný vzhled. Tyto pečicí košíčky jsou vyrobeny z mimořádně silného kvalitního papíru. Tento vysoce kvalitní papír poskytuje velmi dobrý výsledek pečení a během pečení si zachovává tvar a barvu. Díky nemastnému papíru se košíčky a náplň z nich snadno vyjímají. Obsahuje 50 košíčků na pečení. Pro dosažení nejlepšího výsledku použijte košíčky na pečení v kombinaci s formou na muffiny.
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Pečící košíčky Sweet Sixteen - 50 ks - House of Marie
Cukrářské pečící košíčky na muffiny a cupcakes. Pečící košíčky Sweet Sixteen - 50 ks Cukrářské pečící košíčky na muffiny a cupcakes. Košíky na pečení v House of Marie designu - dodávají vašim sladkostem výjimečný vzhled Sweet Sixteen nikdy nebyly tak krásné! Tyto košíky na pečení značky House of Marie s krásným designem dotvoří váš sladký pokrm neodolatelně. Nejenže dodávají vašim pečivům šarm a eleganci, ale jsou také vyrobeny z mimořádně silného kvalitního papíru, který poskytuje skvělý výsledek pečení. Svěřte své pečení těmto vysoce kvalitním papírovým košíčkům, které si během pečení zachovávají svůj tvar a barvu. Díky nemastnému papíru je snadné vyjmout košíčky i jejich obsah bez narušení vzhledu. Specifikace výrobku: Vyrobeno z mimořádně silného kvalitního papíru Poskytuje velmi dobrý výsledek pečení Zachovává tvar a barvu během pečení Nemastný papír umožňuje snadné vyjmutí košíčků a jejich obsahu Obsahuje 50 košíčků na pečení Rozměr: 50 x 35 mm Časté dotazy Jakou formu na muffiny doporučujete k použití s těmito košíčky? Pro dosažení nejlepšího výsledku a zachování tvaru košíčků doporučujeme použít tyto košíčky v kombinaci s formou na muffiny. Tím zajistíte rovnoměrné pečení a perfektní tvar vašeho sladkého pokrmu. Na co se košíčky hodí? Cukrářské košíčky jsou malé papírové nádobky používané cukráři a kuchaři k servírování sladkých dezertů, zákusků a malých porcí jídla. Mají různé tvary a velikosti a jsou vyrobené z papíru, keramiky, proutí či kovu. Košíčky se hodí na: Podávání malých porcí dezertů - dortíků, řezů, cupcake, makronek apod. Do košíčků se dezert nandá a pak se nosí hostům. Servírování ovoce - košíčky se dají naplnit sezónním ovocem pro jednotlivé hosty. Podávání sýrů - malé kousky sýrů vypadají v košíčcích pěkně. Servírování tzv. amuse-bouche - malých jednohubek či chuťovek k aperitivu. Prodej na stáncích - cukroví, ovoce i jednohubky v k
Objev podobné jako Pečící košíčky Sweet Sixteen - 50 ks - House of Marie
Cukrářské pečící košíčky Jednorožec - Unicorn Love - 50 ks - House of Marie
Košíčky na pečení. Kdo by nemiloval jednorožce? S těmito Unicorns Love pečnými košíčky na pečení od House of Marie můžete ozdobit každou oslavu milovníků magického zvířete! Skvělé pro cupcakes a muffiny. Obsah: 50 košíčků na pečení. Velikost šálků na pečení: 50x33 mm Pro dosažení optimálního výsledku použijte košíčky na pečení v kombinaci s formou na muffiny.
Objev podobné jako Cukrářské pečící košíčky Jednorožec - Unicorn Love - 50 ks - House of Marie
Papírové košíčky na muffiny a cupcakes hvězdy - 50 ks - House of Marie
Košíčky na muffiny a cupcakes 50 ks Bílé košíčky na pečení House of Marie - s vzorem zlaté hvězdy Tyto bílé košíčky na pečení House of Marie jsou dokonalým doplňkem pro každou domácnost. S jejich krásným vzorem zlaté hvězdy přinášejí do vaší kuchyně nejen praktičnost, ale i styl a eleganci. Skvěle se hodí pro pečení během prázdnin, kdy můžete své sladké dobroty oživit vzorem hvězd. Vyrobeno z extra těžkého kvalitního papíru Naše košíčky na pečení jsou vyrobeny z extrémně těžkého kvalitního papíru, který zajišťuje vynikající výsledky pečení. Během procesu pečení si papír zachovává svůj tvar i barvu, takže vaše dorty budou vypadat skvěle. Odolný papír také usnadňuje vyjímání dortů z košíčků a plnění do pečicích forem. Obsahuje 50 košíčků na pečení V balení najdete celkem 50 košíčků na pečení, což vám poskytne dostatek zásoby na vaše další kulinářské dobrodružství. Nechte svou kreativitu volně plynout a vytvořte nádherné cukroví, dorty nebo muffiny pro svou rodinu a přátele. Velikost pečicích košíčků: cca. 5,1 cm v průměru Tyto hrnky na pečení mají průměr cca. 5,1 cm, což je ideální velikost pro většinu standardních muffinů a dortů. Díky tomu se hrnky snadno používají a přizpůsobí se různým typům pečení. Časté otázky: Jaký je materiál těchto hrnků na pečení? Hrnky na pečení House of Marie jsou vyrobeny z extra těžkého kvalitního papíru. Lze hrnky použít i pro slaná jídla? Ano, tyto košíčky na pečení lze použít nejen pro sladké, ale i pro slané pečení. Budou skvělým doplňkem pro vaše muffiny, ale také třeba pro mini quiche nebo slané korpusy. Jak je snadné vyjímat dorty z těchto košíčků? Díky odolnému papíru je vyjímání dortů z těchto košíčků velmi jednoduché. Stačí jemně stisknout hrnek a dort se snadno uvolní bez poškození. Jakou formu doporučujete pro použití s těmito košíčky na pečení? Pro optimální výsledek doporučujeme používat zapékací misky v kombinaci s muffinovou formou. Tím zaručíte pevný tv
Objev podobné jako Papírové košíčky na muffiny a cupcakes hvězdy - 50 ks - House of Marie
Krabička na makronky černo růžová velká - 1 ks - House of Marie
Elegantní krabička na makronky. Černo-růžové provedení. Dvoubarevná krabička na makronky je v černo-růžovém provedení. Uložíte do ní 6-9 makronek, je dodávána ve dvou částech. Rozměry 237 x 47 x 47 mm.
Objev podobné jako Krabička na makronky černo růžová velká - 1 ks - House of Marie
Malá papírová krabička na makronky, černo růžová - 1 ks - House of Marie
Elegantní krabička na makronky. Dvoubarevná krabička (růžová a černá) vhodný pro obě barvy, 4-6 macronky. Je dodán ve 2 kusech. Rozměry: 159 x 47 x 47 mm
Objev podobné jako Malá papírová krabička na makronky, černo růžová - 1 ks - House of Marie
Cukrářské pečné košíčky s víčkem - 45 ks -
Papírové košíčky na cupcake a muffiny s foliovým průhledným víčkem. Sada obsahuje minimálně 45 ks košíčků a víček. Představujeme vám sadu papírových košíčků na cupcake a muffiny s foliovým průhledným víčkem, které jsou ideální pro každého milovníka pečení. Každá sada obsahuje minimálně 45 ks košíčků a víček, takže máte dostatek materiálu pro všechny Vaše kulinářské projekty. Tyto košíčky jsou vyrobeny z kombinace hliníkové fólie, pečného papíru a plastové folie, což jim dodává pevnost a odolnost. Mají průměr dna 5 cm a horní průměr 6,8 cm, přičemž výška každého košíčku je 3,9 cm. Design v hnědé kávové barvě s zlatým odstínem dodává eleganci a styl. Tyto fóliové košíčky mají kulatý tvar a jsou žáruvzdorné, vydrží teplotu až 250 °C. Mini bábovkovou formu vložte přímo do trouby a mikrovlnné trouby, fritézy a parního hrnce a používejte ji. Pohodlné a praktické použití. Upozornění: Nepokládejte košíčky přímo na oheň! Tyto cukrářské pečné košíčky se snadno používají, upečené cupcake můžete rovnou dzobut krémem nebo polevou a přiklopte víčkem. Hotové košíky je možno ukládat do lednice, aby dortíky zůstaly čerstvé. Nepotřebujete další nádobu na košíčky. Upozornění: Průhledné víko není tepelně odolné. Před nasazením víčka nechte cupcake vychladnout. S těmito košíčky můžete pečít nejen muffiny a cupcake, ale také koláčky, panna cottu, brownies, ovocné koláče či minibábovky. Jejich objem cca 30 ml je ideální pro malé dezerty, které budou skvěle vypadat na jakékoli párty, rodinné oslavě, svatbě, pikniku nebo dokonce při vánočním pečení. Tyto košíčky na pečení tedy přinášejí kombinaci stylu, praktičnosti a všestrannosti, která je nezbytná pro každého, kdo rád peče a chce své výtvory prezentovat v nejlepším světle. Materiál: Hliníková fólie, pečný papír, plastová folie Průměr dna pohárku: 5 cm Horní průměr 6,8 cm Výška: 3,9 cm Objem:
Objev podobné jako Cukrářské pečné košíčky s víčkem - 45 ks -
Batoh Eastpak SNOOPY HOUSE červená barva, velký, s potiskem, EK0A5B967O21
Batoh z kolekce Eastpak. Model vyroben z textilního materiálu.
Objev podobné jako Batoh Eastpak SNOOPY HOUSE červená barva, velký, s potiskem, EK0A5B967O21
Tréninkové tričko Under Armour Protect This House černá barva, s potiskem, 1379022
Tréninkové tričko z kolekce Under Armour. Model vyroben z rychleschnoucího materiálu.
Objev podobné jako Tréninkové tričko Under Armour Protect This House černá barva, s potiskem, 1379022
Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry Potter house of Hufflepuff 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler, 1 ks, Dětské hřebeny a kartáče na vlasy pro ženy, Kartáč na vlasy je nepostradatelným pomocníkem při každodenní úpravě účesu i složitějším stylingu. Vlastnosti: minimalizuje poškození vlasů zabraňuje lámání a třepení vlasů eliminuje zacuchání a zamotání vlasů v uzlíky snadná úprava i mokrých vlasů eliminuje krepatění vlasů Materiál: syntetické štětiny plastová rukojeť Jak používat: Kartáčujte vlasy pomalu a jemně, abyste předešli mechanickému poničení vlasů.
Objev podobné jako Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry Potter house of Hufflepuff 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry potter house of Gryffindor 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler, 1 ks, Dětské hřebeny a kartáče na vlasy pro ženy, Kartáč na vlasy je nepostradatelným pomocníkem při každodenní úpravě účesu i složitějším stylingu. Vlastnosti: minimalizuje poškození vlasů zabraňuje lámání a třepení vlasů eliminuje zacuchání a zamotání vlasů v uzlíky snadná úprava i mokrých vlasů eliminuje krepatění vlasů Materiál: syntetické štětiny plastová rukojeť Jak používat: Kartáčujte vlasy pomalu a jemně, abyste předešli mechanickému poničení vlasů.
Objev podobné jako Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry potter house of Gryffindor 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry Potter house of Ravenclaw 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler, 1 ks, Dětské hřebeny a kartáče na vlasy pro ženy, Kartáč na vlasy je nepostradatelným pomocníkem při každodenní úpravě účesu i složitějším stylingu. Vlastnosti: minimalizuje poškození vlasů zabraňuje lámání a třepení vlasů eliminuje zacuchání a zamotání vlasů v uzlíky snadná úprava i mokrých vlasů eliminuje krepatění vlasů Materiál: syntetické štětiny plastová rukojeť Jak používat: Kartáčujte vlasy pomalu a jemně, abyste předešli mechanickému poničení vlasů.
Objev podobné jako Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry Potter house of Ravenclaw 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry Potter house of Slytherin 1 ks
Wet Brush Original Detangler, 1 ks, Dětské hřebeny a kartáče na vlasy pro ženy, Kartáč na vlasy je nepostradatelným pomocníkem při každodenní úpravě účesu i složitějším stylingu. Vlastnosti: minimalizuje poškození vlasů zabraňuje lámání a třepení vlasů eliminuje zacuchání a zamotání vlasů v uzlíky snadná úprava i mokrých vlasů eliminuje krepatění vlasů Materiál: syntetické štětiny plastová rukojeť Jak používat: Kartáčujte vlasy pomalu a jemně, abyste předešli mechanickému poničení vlasů.
Objev podobné jako Wet Brush Original Detangler kartáč pro všechny typy vlasů Harry Potter house of Slytherin 1 ks
Heroes of Olympus 4. The House of Hades (0141339209)
Kniha - autor Rick Riordan, 598 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The penultimate book in the high-octane Percy Jackson series, now available in paperback and coinciding with publication of the 5th and final in the series. The stakes have never been higher. It Percy and Annabeth fail in their quest, there'll be hell on earth. Literally.
Objev podobné jako Heroes of Olympus 4. The House of Hades (0141339209)
The Fall of the House of Tatterly - Shanna Miles
A captivating story about a young boy with a unique gift, perfect for fans of The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste or Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes. Twelve-year-old Theo Tatterly’s ability to see ghosts is a useful skill in a house full of dead relatives, but it makes him a loner at school and everywhere else, where ghosts eternally pester him for help. For Theo, life is easier on the periphery. When his first failed exorcism portends an end to the Tatterly line, Theo must bring together his entire family—living and dead—to save the home they’ve lived in for generations . . . and maybe the world. Author Shanna Miles’s story of magical modern-day Charleston crackles with unforgettable characters and pays homage to the city’s rich culture, folklore, and history. Anyone looking for ghost books for kids 9-12 or middle grade books with a supernatural twist will appreciate the immersive storytelling and integration of South Carolina's unique history in this enchanting tale.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Tatterly - Shanna Miles
The House of Hades - Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
The stakes have never been higher. If Percy Jackson and Annabeth fail in their quest, there'll be hell on Earth. Literally. Wandering the deadly realm of Tartarus, every step leads them further into danger. And, if by some miracle they do make it to the Doors of Death, there's a legion of bloodthirsty monsters waiting for them.
Objev podobné jako The House of Hades - Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Candlemass - House Of Doom (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Metal Typ: Limitovaná edice;EP deska;12" vinylová deska Země interpreta: Švédsko Subžánr: Doom Metal;Epic Doom Metal Vydavatelství: Napalm Records Datum vydání: 2018-05-25 Interpret / Téma: Candlemass Rok vydání: 2018.0 Varianta: House Of Doom (LP)
Objev podobné jako Candlemass - House Of Doom (LP)
House of Hunger - Hendersonová Alexis
WANTED: A bloodmaid of exceptional taste. Must have a keen proclivity for life's finer pleasures. Girls of weak will need not apply.A young woman is drawn into the upper echelons of a society where blood is power, in this dark and enthralling Gothic novel from the author of The Year of the Witching.Marion Shaw has been raised in the slums, where want and deprivation are all she knows. Despite longing to leave the city and its miseries, she has no real hope of escape until the day she spots a strange advertisement in the newspaper, seeking a 'bloodmaid'.Though she knows little about the far north - where wealthy nobles live in luxury and drink the blood of those in their service - Marion applies to the position. In a matter of days, she finds herself at the notorious House of Hunger. There, Marion is swept into a world of dark debauchery - and there, at the centre of it all is her.Her name is Countess Lisavet. Loved and feared in equal measure, she presides over this hedonistic court. And she takes a special interest in Marion. Lisavet is magnetic, charismatic, seductive - and Marion is eager to please her new mistress. But when her fellow bloodmaids begin to go missing in the night, Marion is thrust into a vicious game of cat and mouse. She'll need to learn the rules of her new home - and fast - or its halls will soon become her grave.
Objev podobné jako House of Hunger - Hendersonová Alexis
House of Secrets - Darcy Coates
USA Today bestseller and rising queen of atmospheric horror Darcy Coates returns with the second gothic mystery in the Ghosts and Shadows Series.She'll never survive these secrets...For readers who love gothic horror novels and gothic romancePerfect for fans of V.C Andrews and M.C. WebbSophie and Joseph Argenton have survived the impossible this house of ghosts... for now. But their escape from Northwood is short-lived. The sinister shadow that haunted their ancestral home survived, and has attached itself to Joseph's young cousin. Desperate, they travel to meet her father at Kensington, a long-abandoned mansion overlooking a dead town. The house offers a small hope: its original owner had dedicated her life to researching the monster that now possesses Elise. There's a chance that here they will find a way to kill the creature without harming the girl.But Kensington has its own dangers, and once it has Sophie and Joseph within its grasp, it may never let them leave.Trapped inside the ancient building's collapsing walls, Sophie and Joseph are forced to confront the horrors that hide within. Shrouded figures stalk them from the shadows. Whispers echo through the night. Unmarked graves dot the property. And the dead are not as restful as they seem...
Objev podobné jako House of Secrets - Darcy Coates
House of Hollow - Krystal Sutherlandová
The Hollow sisters - Vivi, Grey and Iris - are as seductively glamorous as they are mysterious. They have black eyes and hair as white as milk. The Hollow sisters don't have friends - they don't need them. They move through the corridors like sharks, the other little fish parting around them, whispering behind their backs.And everyone knows who the Hollow sisters are. Because one day the three Hollow sisters simply disappeared. And when they came back, one month later, with no memory of where they had been, it was as if nothing had changed. Almost nothing, Apart from, for example, the little scar that had appeared in the hollow of their throats ... and a whispering sense that something is not quite right about them, despite (or maybe because of) the terrible passion to be with them that they can exert on anybody at will...A thrilling, twisting, novel that is as seductive and glamorous as the Hollow sisters themselves....
Objev podobné jako House of Hollow - Krystal Sutherlandová
House of Chains - Steven Erikson
In Northern Genabackis, just before the events recounted in Gardens of the Moon, a raiding party of tribal warriors descends from the mountains into the southern flat lands. Their intention is to wreak havoc among the despised lowlanders but for one amongst their number, it is the beginning of an extraordinary destiny. His name is Karsa Orlong.Some years later, it is the aftermath of the Chain of Dogs. Coltaine, revered commander of the Malazan 7th Army, is dead. And now Tavore, sister of Ganoes Paran and Adjunct to the Empress, recently arrived at the last remaining Malazan stronghold of the Seven Cities, must take charge. Untested and new to command, she must hone a small army of twelve thousand soldiers, mostly raw recruits, into a viable fighting force and lead them against the masses of Sha'ik's Whirlwind. Her only hope of success rests with the few remaining survivors from Coltaine's legendary march.In distant Raraku, in the heart of the Holy Desert, the seer Sha'ik waits with her increasingly restless rebel army. And waiting is never easy, especially when a disparate collection of warlords - tribal chiefs, High Mages, a renegade Malazan Fist and his sorceror - is locked in a vicious power struggle that threatens to tear the rebellion apart from within. And Sha'ik herself suffers, haunted by the private knowledge of the one she knows is her nemesis . . .So begins this epic novel of war, intrigue, betrayal and magic - the awesome fourth chapter in one of the landmark works of epic fantasy, Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen.
Objev podobné jako House of Chains - Steven Erikson
House of Dragon hrnek keramický
Keramický hrnek v objemu 410 ml v boxu. Hrnek je vhodný do myčky nádobí a mikrovlnné trouby.
Objev podobné jako House of Dragon hrnek keramický
House of Marionne - Elle J.
Quell Marionne has lived her entire life on the run, all in order to hide the deadlymagic that flows through her veins. She was born cursed with Toushana - a perilous dark magic. And the sentence for having it? Death . . . When her secret is discovered by a merciless assassin, Quell fears time is running out.There is only one place that can save her: The House of Marionne. Run by her estranged grandmother, the school trains their students to enter The Order, a society of magical elites. Quell knows this may be the key to burying her forbidden magic forever.But if her Toushana is discovered, she will be killed. Soon Quell realises that hiding who you are is even harder, especially when she meets the handsome, brooding Jordon. And it isn't long before she's forced to choose between her true nature and everyone she's grown to love.Brimming with ballgowns and betrayal, magic and mystery, decadence and darkness, House of Marionne is perfect for readers who crave morally grey characters, irresistible romance and dark academia.
Objev podobné jako House of Marionne - Elle J.
House of Correction - Nicci French
**HIGHLY COMMENDED FOR THE 2021 CWA GOLD DAGGER AWARD** She’s a murderer. Everyone knows she killed Stuart Rees – why else would his dead body be found in her shed? So now Tabitha is in prison, awaiting trial. Coming back to the remote coastal village where she grew up was a mistake. She didn’t fit in then, and she doesn’t fit in now. That day is such a blur, she can’t remember clearly what happened. There is something she is missing, something important… She only knows one thing. She is not capable of murder. And the only one she can trust to help her out of this situation is herself. So she must fight. Against the odds. For her life. Beautifully written about prejudice, loneliness and fighting spirit, this new book by Nicci French is shocking, twisty and utterly compelling. Praise for House of Correction: ‘A novel that blissfully plays with two genres: on the one hand an against-the-odds legal thriller à la John Grisham… and on the other a Miss Marple whodunnit set in a Devon village, where the amateur sleuth is herself the prime suspect and has to conduct her investigation from jail’ Sunday Times ‘Nicci French husband-and-wife writing team responsible for some of the UK’s best psychological thrillers have created a gem of a protagonist in Tabitha, who sets out to investigate what happened to herself, from prison… House of Correction allows the readers to puzzle out what happened alongside Tabitha, while cheering her effort’ Observer ‘First-class’ Independent ‘The husband-and-wife team of Nicci Gerrard and Sean French… have taken the ingredients of the classic village mystery and transformed them into something up to date and gripping’ Literary Review ‘Gritty and moving – the husband-and-wife team have scored another hit’ Best ‘A twisty and shocking read’ Bella ‘Engrossing… In this clever courtroom drama, Tabitha is on trial for the murder of a neighbour. The evidence against her is strong and due to the medication she takes, she has virtually no memory of what happened, but she’s sure she’s innocent and has to build a case to clear her name’ Good Housekeeping ‘I wanted everything to stop so I could read this book, there was something that grabbed me from the opening… This is a clever, well-crafted novel with twists and turns right until the end… Definitely a favourite read of mine for 2020’ Woman’s Way (Ireland)‘Describing it as a suspenseful prison thriller, or riveting courtroom drama doesn’t do this meticulously written detective novel justice… As well as its finely drawn characters and clever storyline, this is a novel that provokes you into pondering the workings of the wider justice system, police methods and prison life’ Bookanista ‘Great writing, razor-sharp plotting, and powerful characterisation. I was 100 pages in before I even drew breath, and I defy anyone to see the ending coming’ Cara Hunter ‘Part ingenious locked-room mystery. Part you’ve-got-thewrong-person nightmare drama. Part intricate memory game. Yet all seamlessly woven together. French’s best book yet’ A J Finn ‘Clever, compelling, original and twisty. This unputdownable David-and-Goliath story has the flawed, funny, totally unforgettable Tabitha at its heart and I read until the early hours, desperate to know her fate’ Erin Kelly
Objev podobné jako House of Correction - Nicci French
House of Odysseus - Claire North
''CLAIRE NORTH BRINGS A POWERFUL, FRESH AND UNFLINCHING VOICE TO ANCIENT MYTH'' Jennifer Saint, author of Sunday Times bestseller AriadneFrom the author of the critically acclaimed Ithaca - A Sunday Times Historical Fiction Book of the Year - comes an exquisite and gripping new tale that breathes life into ancient myth. This is the story of Penelope of Ithaca, famed wife of Odysseus, as it has never been told before.On the isle of Ithaca, Queen Penelope maintains a delicate balance of power. Many years ago, her husband, Odysseus, sailed to war with Troy and never came home. In his absence, Penelope uses all her cunning to keep the peace - but this is shattered by the arrival of Orestes, king of Mycenae, and his sister Elektra.Orestes''s hands are stained with his mother''s blood. Not so long ago, the son of Agamemnon took Queen Clytemnestra''s life on Ithaca''s sands. Now, racked with guilt, he is slowly losing his mind.Penelope knows destruction will follow in his wake as surely as the Furies circle him. His uncle, Menelaus, the battle-hungry king of Sparta, longs for Orestes''s throne - and if he can seize it, no one will be safe from his violent whims.Trapped between two mad kings, Penelope fights to keep war from Ithaca''s shores. Her only allies are Elektra and Helen of Troy, Menelaus''s enigmatic wife. And watching over them all is the goddess Aphrodite, who has plans of her own.Each woman has a secret. And their secrets will shape the world.Praise for the Songs of Penelope series:''Darkly fascinating, raw and breathtaking'' Jennifer Saint, author of Sunday Times bestseller Ariadne''Richly poetic . . . This is an impassioned plea for the lost, disenfranchised queens of ancient Greece, a love letter to the silenced women of history'' Booklist''Penelope is proving to be an outstanding epic hero in her own right. A sensational retelling'' Elodie Harper, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Wolf Den''Everything I''ve wanted in a retelling: a vibrant cast, full of suspense, told with a phenomenal narrative voice - this is an absolute masterpiece'' Sarah Bonner, author of Her Perfect Twin''Conjures up a world in which women, abandoned by their men, must weave their own destinies'' The Times''Claire North has set a new standard for Ancient Greek retellings. Absolutely sublime'' Hannah Lynn, author of Athena''s ChildThe Songs of Penelope series:Ithaca House of OdysseusThe Last Song of Penelope
Objev podobné jako House of Odysseus - Claire North
House Of Gold - Natasha Solomonsová
'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.' The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. They are the confidants and bankers of governments and emperors. Little happens without their say-so and even less without their knowledge. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. While power lies in wealth, strength lies in family. Greta's union with cousin Albert will strengthen the bond between the Austrian and the English branches of the dynasty. It is sensible and strategic. Greta is neither. Defiant and unhappy, she is desperate to find a place that belongs to her, free from duty and responsibility. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course. For the first time in two hundred years, the family will find themselves on opposing sides. The House of Goldbaum, along with Europe herself, is about to break apart.
Objev podobné jako House Of Gold - Natasha Solomonsová
Dětská mikina United Colors of Benetton s potiskem
Dětská mikina z kolekce United Colors of Benetton. Model vyroben z z elastické tkaniny. Model z extrémně příjemného materiálu s vysokým podílem bavlny.
Objev podobné jako Dětská mikina United Colors of Benetton s potiskem
Kojenecká čepice United Colors of Benetton s potiskem
Kojenecká kšiltovka typu baseball z kolekce United Colors of Benetton. Model vyroben z tkaniny s potiskem.
Objev podobné jako Kojenecká čepice United Colors of Benetton s potiskem
The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon - Gina McIntyre
Discover the filmmaking secrets behind HBO and Sky's HOUSE OF THE DRAGON!Witness the genesis of a Targaryen dynasty with this deluxe book that explores the creation of HBO's hit series House of the Dragon.Based on visionary author George R. R. Martin's book Fire & Blood, House of the Dragon charts the earth-shattering events that led to the fall of Westeros's most powerful family, House Targaryen. Brought to the screen by showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, the ambitious prequel series required a striking new vision that would transport viewers back in time, two centuries before the events of Game of Thrones. With unparalleled access to the show's cast and crew, including Condal, Sapochnik, and Martin, this book tells the incredible story of their creative journey, from the initial scriptwriting process to the epic international shoot. Illustrated with a remarkable wealth of concept art, on-set photography, and other key visuals, this is the ultimate companion to House of the Dragon and a must-have for fans.EXCLUSIVE ACCESS: Go behind the scenes of House of the Dragon and discover exclusive insights and secrets from the show's ambitious shoot.REVEALING INTERVIEWS: Go behind the scenes of House of the Dragon through in-depth interviews with showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, creator George R. R. Martin, and the incredible cast including Matt Smith, Paddy Considine, Emma D'Arcy, Olivia Cooke, Milly Alcock, and Emily Carey.STUNNING IMAGERY: Explore a treasure trove of never-before-seen images, including concept designs for the show's dragons, locations, and costumes, plus candid on-set photos.OFFICIALLY LICENSED: The only officially licensed making-of book for HBO's House of the Dragon.COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION:The perfect companion to The Art of Game of Thrones and Game of Thrones: The Costumes.
Objev podobné jako The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon - Gina McIntyre
Čtvercový polštář s potiskem Aztec - 50*50 cm 3168
Čtvercový polštář s potiskem Aztec - 50*50 cm Barva: Odstíny modré / BéžováMateriál: Bavlna / Polyester s výplní z dutého vlákna
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House of the Dragons - tričko (GMERCHc2042nad)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, materiál bavlna Zásadní přednosti trička Cotton Division Tričko Cotton Division nabízí komfort a pohodlí jak pro běžné nošení, tak pro sportovní aktivity Jeho výrobním materiálem je bavlna Bavlněné tričko je pohodlné a dobře odvádí vlhkost Krátké rukávy vhodné do teplejších dnů Klasika v podobě kulatého výstřihu
Objev podobné jako House of the Dragons - tričko (GMERCHc2042nad)
House of the Dragon - kšiltovka (8718526146356)
Kšiltovka - s motivem Game of Thrones, materiál: bavlna, Snapback, pro dospělé Máte rádi Game of Thrones, potom vám jistě udělá radost kšiltovka s tímto motivem. Pomocí snapbacku si nastavíte správnou velikost. S tím vám pomůže plastový pásek vzadu. Významné vlastnosti kšiltovky House of the Dragon - kšiltovka Tato kšiltovka se chlubí potiskem Game of Thrones Materiálem k výrobě kšiltovky Difuzed je bavlna Typově se zařazuje ke snapbacku
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House of Sky and Breath (1526625474)
Kniha - autor Sarah J. Maas, 768 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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Dekorativní svícen Raeder House of Peace
Dekorativní svícen z kolekce Raeder.
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Soundtrack: House Of Gucci - CD (5395781)
Hudební CD - Hudba k filmu House Of Gucci z roku 2021. Klan Gucci je inspirován šokujícím skutečným příběhem impéria italského módního domu. Tři desetiletí rodinné historie, v níž nechybí láska, zrada, dekadence, pomsta ani vražda, skládají dohromady mozaiku toho, co všechno s sebou nese slavná značka Gucci. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Faith - George Michael / La Ragazza Col Maglione - Pino Donaggio / On the Radio - Donna Summer / Anna (Ana) - Miguel Bosé / Love To Love You Baby - Donna Summer / Sono bugiarda (I'm A Believer) - Caterina Caselli / Verdi: Libiamo ne'lieti calici (Brindisi) from La Traviata - Luciano Pavarotti, Dame Joan Sutherland, The London Opera Chorus, The National Philharmonic Orchestra/Richard Bonynge / Una Notte Speciale - Alice / Ritonerai - Bruno Lauzi / Here Comes the Rain Again - Eurythmics, Annie Lennox David Stewart / I Feel Love - Donna Summer / Blue Monday - New Order / Paid in Full (The Coldcut Remix) - Eric B....
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The House of Fortune - Jessie Burtonová
Thea Brandt is about to turn eighteen, and at the theatre in Amsterdam's golden city centre she has met the love of her life. At home, the Brandt family faces ruin, and Thea's aunt Nella is convinced the only solution is to find Thea a wealthy husband among the city's elite. As Thea and Nella clash over the demands of duty and the heart, past secrets begin to overwhelm their present.Will each woman be able to rescue her destiny from the whims of fortune?Returning the reader to the resplendent world of the million-copy bestseller The Miniaturist, The House of Fortune is a story of love, fate, and two women determined to make their own way.
Objev podobné jako The House of Fortune - Jessie Burtonová
The House of Cross - James Patterson
NOW THE INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES 'CROSS' ON PRIME VIDEOThe thirty-second instalment in James Patterson's globally bestselling Alex Cross series. _____________________________________________It’s time to put the guns down, Detective Cross. Even if you knew the way out of this place, we would catch you. A serial killer is taking out America’s finest legal minds, and Alex Cross is called to investigate their brutal murders. But during a dangerous mission to track down the killer, his wife, Bree, and best friend, John Sampson, go missing. To save the people he loves most, Cross has only three goals:Number one: Find Bree and John. Number two: Escape. Number three: Survive. If he fails, there will be no one left in the House of Cross. ___________________________________________Readers can't get enough of The House of Cross... ***** 'Another non-stop action thriller'***** 'A wonderful engrossing thriller'***** 'Excellent read as always'***** 'Keeps you on the edge of your seat'***** 'Long live Alex Cross'***** 'Can be read as a first standalone book but I promise if this is the first book you read in the series you'll be reading them all!'___________________________________________PRAISE FOR THE ALEX CROSS SERIES'Patterson never, and I mean never, disappoints' USA Today'Behind all the noise and the numbers, we shouldn't forget that no one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it' Lee Child'Alex Cross is a legend' Harlan Coben'Alex Cross ... only gets better and better' Lisa Scottoline'I wrote, "Along Came a Spider is the best thriller I've come across in many a year. It deserves to be this season's no. 1 bestseller and should instantly make James Patterson a household name." A household name, indeed' Nelson DeMille'[Alex Cross] has become one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time, a character for the ages' Douglas Preston and Lincoln ChildAlex Cross Must Die was a Sunday TImes bestseller November 2023
Objev podobné jako The House of Cross - James Patterson
The House of Mirrors - Erin Kelly
''A bold, beautiful, sexy, full-throttle thriller: immaculately constructed and rich with detail, it is a gorgeous, creepy Gothic story for our times'' NICCI FRENCH''The queen of psychological gothic reigns'' GILLIAN McALLISTER''Literary crime novel is justified here'' SUNDAY TIMES''Mysteries galore ... properly chilling'' OBSERVEROne of them has killed before.One of them will kill again.In the sweltering summer of 1997, straight-laced, straight-A student Karen met Biba - a bohemian and impossibly glamorous aspiring actress. A few months later, two people were dead and another had been sent to prison.Having stood by Rex as he served his sentence, Karen is now married to him with a daughter, Alice, who runs a vintage clothing company in London. They''re a normal family, as long as they don''t talk about the past, never mention the name Biba, and ignore Alice''s flashes of dark, dangerous fury. Karen has kept what really happened that summer of ''97 hidden deep inside her. Alice is keeping secrets of her own. But when anonymous notes begin to arrive at Alice''s shop, it seems the past is about to catch up with them all ...''Breathtaking, original and beautifully written, I absolutely loved it'' C.L. TAYLOR''Dripping in atmosphere'' HEAT''A rich, gothic thriller that jumps from different perspectives and times, this is something of a work of art'' BEST''A fantastic read'' WOMAN & HOME''Full of duplicity, doppelgängers and dead girls'' dresses, The House of Mirrors delivers a white-knuckle ride as a murky past creeps up on the present. I don''t think I took a breath until I found myself screaming my way through the crescendo'' ALICE SLATER''I love an Erin Kelly book! The worlds she creates are so rich and alive'' JANE FALLON''When it comes to deeply involving, twisty thrillers, Erin Kelly is in a league of her own. The House of mirrors is a magnificent mystery that begs to be read in a single sitting but deserves to be pored over slowly, every word savoured. Possibly the finest thriller you''ll read all year'' CHARLOTTE PHILBY''Erin Kelly is quite simply one of the best crime writers around. The House of Mirrors is a totally absorbing story of family secrets, omissions and outright lies, with unforgettable characters and settings. It is impeccably plotted down to the very last line. I loved it'' JANE CASEY''An electrifying thriller'' WOMAN''S OWN
Objev podobné jako The House of Mirrors - Erin Kelly
The House of Hope - Joanne Clague
In the dead of night, a young woman is found on the doorstep of the House of Help for Friendless Girls…Winter 1887. Matron Hetty Barlow suspects Hope is lying when she claims to be suffering from amnesia. The girl is taken in, but it isn’t long before her pregnancy is discovered, which could put the future of the house – a new experiment in dealing with destitute women – in jeopardy. Hetty’s future depends on keeping her position as matron.They named her Hope, but Emma Hyde knows she can’t keep up her deception forever. She’s hundreds of miles away from home, but her well-to-do parents will be searching for her.Amelia yearns to break away from her overbearing sister, Hetty. She meets a man who offers an escape, but her ticket to freedom means revealing Emma’s secrets. Will she betray a friend for a chance at a new life?Gripping, emotional and inspiring, this Victorian saga is perfect for fans of Kitty Neale, Emma Hornby and Dilly Court.Praise for The House of Hope ''A moving and passionate story of three women; two who are keeping their secrets close to their hearts and one who is willing to give her heart away in exchange for love. They all arrive at this house that promises safety and free from harm, but are they brave enough, honest enough, to tell their compelling stories and reveal the truth or forever live a lie?'' Val Wood''I thoroughly enjoyed The House of Hope, it is well written and gives a vivid insight into the life of working class girls. Joanne brings her characters to life and I was hooked from the first page.'' Lyn Andrews''A beautiful intertwined story of three very different women, all hiding dark secrets from the past, and the healing and hope they find in one of Britain’s first women’s refuge. The House of Hope is an emotional and uplifting tribute to the power of female friendship'' Judy Summers‘I love historical books and this is one of the best ones I have read lately. I highly recommend it’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Very moving. Well written, great characters, and the author has really managed to capture the era’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘The characters will capture your heart. I so look forward to the next in this new series’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A heartwarming story about unfortunate girls who find themselves destitute, homeless and in need of a safe haven. Wonderful’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I definitely look forward to reading more in this series! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Objev podobné jako The House of Hope - Joanne Clague
House of Open Wounds - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Behind the front lines of a crusade to scour the world of magic, the crew of a field hospital confront the horrors of war. A companion novel to Adrian Tchaikovsky’s award-winning fantasy novel City of Last ChancesCity-by-city, kingdom-by-kingdom, the Palleseen have sworn to bring Perfection and Correctness to an imperfect world. As their legions scour the world of superstition with the bright flame of reason, so they deliver a mountain of ragged, holed and scorched flesh to the field hospital tents just behind the front line.Which is where Yasnic, one-time priest, healer and rebel, finds himself. Reprieved from the gallows and sent to war clutching a box of orphan Gods, he has been sequestered to a particularity unorthodox medical unit. Led by ‘the Butcher’, an ogre of a man who’s a dab hand with a bone-saw and an alchemical tincture, the unit’s motley crew of conscripts, healers and orderlies are no strangers to the horrors of war.Theirs is an unspeakable trade: elbow-deep in gore they have a first-hand view of the suffering caused by flesh-rending monsters, arcane magical weaponry and embittered enemy soldiers. Entrusted – for now – with saving lives deemed otherwise un-saveable, the field hospital’s crew face a precarious existence. Their work with unapproved magic, necromancy, demonology and Yasnic’s thoroughly illicit Gods could lead to the unit being disbanded, arrested or worse.Beset by enemies within and without, the last thing anyone needs is a miracle…
Objev podobné jako House of Open Wounds - Adrian Tchaikovsky
House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová
'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.' The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. They are the confidants and bankers of governments and emperors. Little happens without their say-so and even less without their knowledge. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. While power lies in wealth, strength lies in family. Greta's union with cousin Albert will strengthen the bond between the Austrian and the English branches of the dynasty. It is sensible and strategic. Greta is neither. Defiant and unhappy, she is desperate to find a place that belongs to her, free from duty and responsibility. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course. For the first time in two hundred years, the family will find themselves on opposing sides. The House of Goldbaum, along with Europe herself, is about to break apart.
Objev podobné jako House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová
House Of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
A young couple - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Will Navidson and his partner Karen Green - move into a small home on Ash Tree Lane. But something is terribly wrong - their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Neither Will nor Karen are prepared to face the consequences of this impossibility.What happens next is loosely recorded on videotapes and interviews, leading to a compilation of the definitive work on the events on Ash Tree Lane, unveiling a thrilling and terrifying history. Loose sheets, stained napkins and crammed notebooks prove to be far more than the ramblings of a crazy old man . . .
Objev podobné jako House Of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
The House of Beckham - Tom Bower
The No.1 Sunday Times BestsellerThe explosive new book from Britain’s leading investigative biographer, Tom BowerAs one of the most famous and influential couples in the world, David and Victoria Beckham have attained iconic status. The ultimate power couple have together built a multi-billion-dollar global brand. For decades, adoring fans have been captivated by the glamorous world they have created, while their unrivalled fusion of showbiz, fashion, football and celebrity has been cultivated alongside the image of a strong marriage.When the much-trailed Netflix documentary Beckham aired in 2023, viewers were offered an even more intimate insight into their private lives. Produced by the Beckhams themselves, the series raised many questions, not only about their success and personal relationship, but also about the ruthlessly successful management of their image in the media. Are their lives really as perfect as the Beckhams would like the world to believe?Through extensive research, expert sourcing and interviews with insiders, Britain’s most celebrated investigative biographer, Tom Bower, has unearthed a succession of revelations that give surprising insight into the reality of ‘Brand Beckham’. Exploring the couple’s relationship, and the truth about their football and fashion careers, their finances and their new life in Miami, The House of Beckham unravels the extraordinary reality of the business-savvy cultural icons to tell an engrossing, often astonishing story of money, sex and power.
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The House of Fortune - Jessie Burtonová
The House of Fortune is the sequel to Jessie Burton’s million-copy bestseller The Miniaturist. Set in the golden city of Amsterdam in 1705, it is a story of fate and ambition, secrets and dreams, and one young woman’s determination to rule her own destiny.Thea Brandt is turning eighteen, and is ready to welcome adulthood with open arms. At the theatre, Walter, the love of her life, awaits her, but at home in the house on the Herengracht, winter has set in – her father Otto and Aunt Nella argue endlessly, and the Brandt family are selling their furniture in order to eat. On Thea’s birthday, also the day that her mother Marin died, the secrets from the past begin to overwhelm the present.Nella is desperate to save the family and maintain appearances, to find Thea a husband who will guarantee her future, and when they receive an invitation to Amsterdam’s most exclusive ball, she is overjoyed – perhaps this will set their fortunes straight. And indeed, the ball does set things spinning: new figures enter their life, promising new futures. But their fates are still unclear, and when Nella feels a strange prickling sensation on the back of her neck, she wonders if the miniaturist has returned for her . . .
Objev podobné jako The House of Fortune - Jessie Burtonová
House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an odd assortment of marginalized youth -- musicians, tattoo artists, programmers, strippers, environmentalists, and adrenaline junkies -- the book eventually made its way into the hands of older generations, who not only found themselves in those strangely arranged pages but also discovered a way back into the lives of their estranged children. Now, for the first time, this astonishing novel is made available in book form, complete with the original colored words, vertical footnotes, and newly added second and third appendices. The story remains unchanged, focusing on a young family that moves into a small home on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Of course, neither Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Will Navidson nor his companion Karen Green was prepared to face the consequences of that impossibility, until the day their two little children wandered off and their voices eerily began to return another story -- of creature darkness, of an ever-growing abyss behind a closet door, and of that unholy growl which soon enough would tear through their walls and consume all their dreams.
Objev podobné jako House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
The House of Mirth - Edith Whartonová
Lily Bart is twenty-nine, beautiful and charming. She has expensive tastes, loves to gamble and socializes with the wealthy upper-class families of New York. But her meagre finances are dwindling and her place in society is slipping away from her. Her only hope of security is to find a suitable husband. However, Lily has an independence of spirit that stands in the way of her committing to the suitors available to her. As her options diminish, her friends become her enemies and her situation grows increasing perilous.In The House of Mirth, Edith Wharton gives us a witty and piercingly insightful dark satire about the privileged society of early twentieth-century New York.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The House of Mirth features an introduction by novelist Danuta Reah.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The House of Mirth - Edith Whartonová
This House of Grief - Helen Garner
ONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S 100 BEST BOOKS OF THE 21ST CENTURY'This House of Grief, in its restraint and control, bears comparison with In Cold Blood' KATE ATKINSON 'It grabbed me by the throat in the same way that the podcast series Serial did' GILLIAN ANDERSON'Utterly gripping' MARK HADDONFather's Day, 2005. Just after nightfall, a discarded husband drove his three young sons back to their mother, his ex-wife. On that dark country road, barely five minutes from the children's home, the old white car swerved off the highway and plunged into a dam.The father freed himself and swam to the bank, but the car sank to the bottom, and all the children drowned. The court case that followed became Helen Garner's obsession, one that would take over her life until its final verdict. The resulting book is a true-crime classic and literary masterpiece, which examines just what we are capable of and how fiercely we hide it from ourselves.A W&N Essential with an introduction by Rachel Cooke
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Dětské bavlněné tričko United Colors of Benetton s potiskem
Dětský lehké triko z kolekce United Colors of Benetton. Model vyroben z z na dotek příjemné pleteniny. Model vyrobený z mimořádně příjemného bavlněného materiálu.
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Dětský batoh United Colors of Benetton malý, s potiskem
Dětský batoh z kolekce United Colors of Benetton. Model vyroben z textilního materiálu.
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Podívejte se také
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_384587)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387686)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_384329)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_381456)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387675)
- s romantickým potiskem , (eurofirany_91772)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_385814)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387674)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387667)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387678)
- s půvabným potiskem (eurofirany_73199)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387663)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387664)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387655)
- Sametový s potiskem (eurofirany_387666)
- The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00787)
- The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - Xbox One (3701529502859)
- The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - Nintendo Switch (3760156489629)
- Byrds: Best of Live At The Boarding House 1978 - LP (CL77109)
- safe house
- s módním potiskem zdobený (eurofirany_93126)
- sametový s květinovým potiskem (eurofirany_381436)