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Honeywell 1990i 1990IXR-3USB-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB)

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m).

Podívejte se také Honeywell Xenon 1952 HD - USB kit, černý (1952GHD-2USB-5-R)

cena 14296.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990ISR-3USB-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB)

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m).

Podívejte se také USKEYVISION Vlog Kit Flex-K3 (Flex-K3)

cena 12431.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990iXLR-3USB-R, 2D, XLR, multi-IF, USB

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (extre long range), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, incl.: USB, type A

Podívejte se také Honeywell Voyager XP 1472g, všesměrový, 2D, černý, USB, BT (1472G2D-2USB-5-R)

cena 18652.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990IXR-3SER-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (RS232)

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, incl.: cable (RS232).

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 1990i 1990IXR-3SER-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (RS232)

cena 15000.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1991iXR 1991IXR-3USB-5-R, BT, 2D, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (USB), red

Bluetooth scanner, industry, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, Digimarc, USB (type A), range: 100 m, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP67, incl.: cable (USB), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: red.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1991iXR 1991IXR-3USB-5-R, BT, 2D, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (USB), red

cena 25292.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1991iSR 1991iSR-3USB-5-R, BT, 2D, SR, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (USB), red

Bluetooth scanner, industry, 2D, imager (standard range), vibration, Digimarc, USB (type A), range: 100 m, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP67, incl.: cable (USB), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: red.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1991iSR 1991iSR-3USB-5-R, BT, 2D, SR, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (USB), red

cena 21993.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990IXR-3-R, 2D, multi-IF

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, order separately.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 1990i 1990IXR-3-R, 2D, multi-IF

cena 14566.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1920i 1920IDPM-3USB, 2D, DPM, multi-IF, kit (USB), červená

handheld scanner, industry, 2D, DPM, vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), protection class: IP65, incl.: cable (USB, rovný, 3 m), colour: červená.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1920i 1920IDPM-3USB, 2D, DPM, multi-IF, kit (USB), červená

cena 28637.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990iXLR-3SER-R, 2D, XLR, multi-IF, kit (RS232)

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (extre long range), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, incl.: cable (RS232)

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 1990i 1990iXLR-3SER-R, 2D, XLR, multi-IF, kit (RS232)

cena 17406.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1991iXR 1991iXR-3SER-5-R, BT, 2D, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (RS232), red

Bluetooth scanner, industry, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, Digimarc, USB (type A), range: 100 m, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP67, incl.: cable (RS232), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: red.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1991iXR 1991iXR-3SER-5-R, BT, 2D, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (RS232), red

cena 26539.0 Kč

Honeywell 1991iXLR 1991iXLR-3USB-5-R, BT, 2D, LR, multi-IF, USB

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (long range, FlexRange), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), protection class: IP65, IP67, incl.: USB, type A, charging/transmitter cradle, battery, 2450 mAh

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 1991iXLR 1991iXLR-3USB-5-R, BT, 2D, LR, multi-IF, USB

cena 27190.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1991iXR 1991IXR-3-R, BT, 2D, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, red

Bluetooth scanner, industry, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, Digimarc, USB (type A), range: 100 m, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP67, order separately: interface cable, charging/transmitter cradle, colour: red.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1991iXR 1991IXR-3-R, BT, 2D, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, red

cena 20689.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1991iSR 1991iSR-3-R, BT, 2D, SR, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, red

Bluetooth scanner, industry, 2D, imager (standard range), vibration, Digimarc, USB (type A), range: 100 m, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP67, colour: red.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1991iSR 1991iSR-3-R, BT, 2D, SR, USB, multi-IF, Digimarc, red

cena 17991.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon 1950g HD - USB kit, černý (1950GHD-2USB-R)

Čtečka čárových kódů - ruční, drátové připojení, pro 1D, 2D a QR kódy, USB a RS-232 připojení Čtečka čárových kódů Honeywell Xenon 1950g HD Snímač kódů Honeywell Xenon 1950g HD nabízí pokročilé skenování 1D, 2D a QR kódů. Díky tomu pomáhá snižovat riziko chyb a přecházet tak zbytečným nákladům. Jednoduše řečeno stačí namířit paprskem na čárový kód, stisknout spoušť a uvedené údaje se načtou do vaší skladové nebo prodejní aplikace. K snímání kódů využívá Honeywell Xenon 1950g HD využívá area imager (1280 × 800). Honeywell Xenon se snadno používáSnímač čárových kódů Honeywell Xenon 1950g HD skenuje prakticky všechny lineární čárové kódy. Dobře si poradí i s těmi částečně poškozenými. Čtečka si poradí se snímáním 1D, PDF, 2D, poštovními kódy , Digimarc, DOT Code a OCR kódy. Kompletní baleníHoneywell Xenon 1950g HD k vám dorazí včetně potřebného příslušenství včetně potřebné kabeláže. U...

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon 1950g HD - USB kit, černý (1950GHD-2USB-R)

cena 3990.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon 1950 SR - USB kit, černý (1950GSR-2USB-R)

Čtečka čárových kódů - ruční čtečka čárových kódů, skenování pomocí area imager (rozlišení 1280 × 800), poradí si s 1D, PDF, 2D, Postal Digimarc, DOT Code, OCR, zvládne načíst i částečně poškozené kódy, odolné provedení (IP52), odolá až 50 pádům z výšky 1,8 m, úhel pro skenování horizontální: 48°, vertikální: 30°, provozní teplota 0-50 °C, rozhraní: USB, Keyboard Wedge, RS-232, RS485, podpora pro TGCS (IBM) 46XX, hmotnost 147,42 g, černý Čtečka čárových kódů Honeywell Xenon 1950 SR Skener čárových kódů Honeywell Xenon 1950 SR vyniká vysokým skenovacím výkonem, takže precizně přečte i nekvalitní čárové kódy. Čtečka si poradí s 1D i 2D čárovými kódy a pro její výrobu byly použity vysoce kvalitní materiály, které jsou zárukou dlouhé životnosti. K snímání kódů využívá Honeywell Xenon 1950 SR využívá area imager. Dlouhý dosahPři práci se čtečkou čárových kódů Honeywell Xenon 1950 SR oceníte dlouhý skenovací dosah,

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon 1950 SR - USB kit, černý (1950GSR-2USB-R)

cena 3699.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990IXLR-3-R, 2D, XLR, multi-IF

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (extre long range), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, order separately: interface cable.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 1990i 1990IXLR-3-R, 2D, XLR, multi-IF

cena 17824.0 Kč

Honeywell 1990i 1990iSR-3-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP65, IP67, order separately: interface cable.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 1990i 1990iSR-3-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF

cena 12666.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-2USB-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB), colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-2USB-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 1530.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-1USB-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB), colour: white.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-1USB-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

cena 1530.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager 1350g - KIT, 2D, USB, stojan, černá (1350G2D-2USB-1-R)

Čtečka čárových kódů - ruční, se stojánkem, drátové připojení, pro 1D a 2D kódy, USB připojení Čtečky čárových kódů jednoznačně zjednoduší odesílání i příjem nejrůznějších produktů, a to ocení velké firmy i drobní podnikatelé. Ruční čtečka čárových kódů Honeywell umožňuje produkt během pár chvil naskenovat a poté již budete mít přístup ke všem důležitým informacím. S tímto šikovným pomocníkem bude práce rychlejší a s méně chybami. Čtečka čárových kódů Honeywell dokáže snímat 1D a 2D kódy. Připojíte ji prostřednictvím USB. Klíčové přednosti čtečky čárových kódů Honeywell Voyager 1350g - KIT, 2D, USB, stojan, černá Ruční čtečka čárových kódů Honeywell urychlí a především zjednoduší vaši práci Ideální řešení pro všechny aplikace, kde je třeba načítat čárové kódy Připojení pomocí USB Přečte 1D a 2D kódy Praktický stojan umožňuje snímání bez doteku Drátová čtečka čárových kódů Honeywell je vhodná pro načítání velkého množství kódů

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager 1350g - KIT, 2D, USB, stojan, černá (1350G2D-2USB-1-R)

cena 3299.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-1USB-1-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB), stand, colour: white.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-1USB-1-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

cena 1770.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-2USB-1-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB), stand, colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager 1350g 2D 1350G2D-2USB-1-R, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 1719.0 Kč

Honeywell HF520, 2D, USB, kit (USB), black

built-in scanner, 2D, imager (illumination: white), USB, incl.: cable (USB, 0.5 m), order separately: power supply unit, protection class: IP40, colour: black

Objev podobné jako Honeywell HF520, 2D, USB, kit (USB), black

cena 3887.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952h 1952HHD-5USB-5-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), white

Bluetooth scanner, healthcare, 2D, imager (high density), desinfectable housing, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle (presentation), battery, 2400 mAh, colour: white.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952h 1952HHD-5USB-5-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), white

cena 24380.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GSR-2USB-9-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle, battery, 2400 mAh, colour: black The Honeywell area imager Xenon 1952g captures faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes just as reliably and quickly as postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). This saves users and customers time, making it ideal for retail, logistics and transportation. Thanks to its wireless Bluetooth connection, the performance of the area imager improves enormously and allows for barcode capture without the restriction of a cable connection, for maximum flexibility and more freedom of movement. The area imager Xenon 1952g is an individually applicable companion, thanks to its wide range of accessories. With the wall mount the area imager is easily attached to the wall. Via a fixed bracket it always stays in the desired position and captures barcodes automatically in presentation mode. Plus, the powerful imager is entirely backwards compatible. As a result, it may be used with the existing accessories of its predecessors. This saves costs and ensures a high ROI..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GSR-2USB-9-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black

cena 21876.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GHD-2USB-5-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (high density), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle (presentation), battery, 2400 mAh, colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GHD-2USB-5-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), black

cena 20995.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GHD-2USB-R, 2D, HD, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (high density), multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m), colour: black The Honeywell area imager Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g for retail, logistics, transportation and healthcare is a great reader, and is not picky - it reliably captures faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes, postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). This simplifies tasks, improves performance and, above all, gives staff and customers more time. Honeywell knows which particular features an area imager needs in order to be successful. That’s why the corded Honeywell Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g fits wonderfully in your hand and is designed to be very robust. The Xenon Performance withstands up to 50 falls from 1.8 m, also reliably scans barcodes in 95% humidity and features IP41 certification. The Xenon Performance (XP) is quickly integrated, since it supports all common interfaces: USB, keyboard wedge, RS232, as well as RS485 with support for TCGS (IBM) 64XX. The Xenon Performance (XP) is also available as a healthcare variant with disinfectant-resistant housing. Frequent cleanings with aggressive chemicals don’t bother it in the least..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GHD-2USB-R, 2D, HD, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 6445.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GSR-2USB-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m), colour: black The Honeywell area imager Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g for retail, logistics, transportation and healthcare is a great reader, and is not picky - it reliably captures faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes, postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). This simplifies tasks, improves performance and, above all, gives staff and customers more time. Honeywell knows which particular features an area imager needs in order to be successful. That’s why the corded Honeywell Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g fits wonderfully in your hand and is designed to be very robust. The Xenon Performance withstands up to 50 falls from 1.8 m, also reliably scans barcodes in 95% humidity and features IP41 certification. The Xenon Performance (XP) is quickly integrated, since it supports all common interfaces: USB, keyboard wedge, RS232, as well as RS485 with support for TCGS (IBM) 64XX. The Xenon Performance (XP) is also available as a healthcare variant with disinfectant-resistant housing. Frequent cleanings with aggressive chemicals don’t bother it in the least..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GSR-2USB-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 6588.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-2USB-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 1.5 m, black), colour: black Honeywell has developed the Voyager Extreme Performance (XP) 1470g specifically for the retail environment. It captures all common 1D and 2D barcodes, as well as DotCodes and digital vouchers from your smartphone or tablet. Even damaged or hard-to-read barcodes are captured reliably and quickly – saving a great deal of time. Thanks to the extended scanning distance, scanning is made even easier by securely capturing inaccessible barcodes. The motion tolerance of the scanner is 70 cm/s and the scan angle is 39.2° horizontally and 27.4° vertically. The 2D scanner withstands multiple falls from up to 1.8 meters and is protected against penetration of foreign bodies up to 1 mm. For consistent excellent performance, the scanner has the following interfaces: USB, a keyboard wedge (KBW), RS-232 and RS-485 with support for IBM 46XX. Another advantage: it is fully backwards compatible with the already existing Voyager accessories. This significantly reduces the total cost of ownership, since there are no additional costs for optional accessories..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-2USB-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 2252.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-1USB-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 1.5 m, black), colour: white.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-1USB-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

cena 2252.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GSR-1USB-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m), colour: white The Honeywell area imager Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g for retail, logistics, transportation and healthcare is a great reader, and is not picky - it reliably captures faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes, postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). This simplifies tasks, improves performance and, above all, gives staff and customers more time. Honeywell knows which particular features an area imager needs in order to be successful. That’s why the corded Honeywell Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g fits wonderfully in your hand and is designed to be very robust. The Xenon Performance withstands up to 50 falls from 1.8 m, also reliably scans barcodes in 95% humidity and features IP41 certification. The Xenon Performance (XP) is quickly integrated, since it supports all common interfaces: USB, keyboard wedge, RS232, as well as RS485 with support for TCGS (IBM) 64XX. The Xenon Performance (XP) is also available as a healthcare variant with disinfectant-resistant housing. Frequent cleanings with aggressive chemicals don’t bother it in the least..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GSR-1USB-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

cena 8272.0 Kč

Honeywell Granit 1920i 1920IDPM-3SER, 2D, DPM, multi-IF, kit (RS232, coiled), red

handheld scanner, industry, 2D, DPM, vibration, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), protection class: IP65, incl.: cable (RS232, coiled, 3 m), order separately: power supply unit, colour: red

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Granit 1920i 1920IDPM-3SER, 2D, DPM, multi-IF, kit (RS232, coiled), red

cena 34003.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-6USB-1-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, desinfectable housing, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB), stand, colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-6USB-1-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 2599.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g-bf 1952GSR-2USB-9BF-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: black With the area imager Xenon 1952g-bf from Honeywell, automated identification requirements for retail, logistics and transportation are ideally covered. The scanner is particularly well suited for areas such as the checkout, because it captures barcodes for a short time without a battery, via a Bluetooth connection. Thus, it impresses immediately: with a greater freedom of movement and a high level of operational readiness due to the rapid charging, the area imager improves performance and, above all, gives users and customers one thing: more time. The Xenon 1952g-bf sits comfortably in your hand and detects faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes just as reliably and quickly as postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). The area imager has been specifically designed to be robust, for challenging tasks. In addition, to make it a highly customizable companion, there is a wide range of accessories for the Xenon 1952g-bf to choose from. Among other things, it includes various brackets: a wall bracket, fixed bracket and flexible bracket. All accessories are backwards compatible..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g-bf 1952GSR-2USB-9BF-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black

cena 24064.0 Kč

Honeywell Genesis XP 7680g 7680GSR-2USB-1-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (USB)

presentation scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), Digimarc, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB, RS485), protection class: IP52, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m), stand.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Genesis XP 7680g 7680GSR-2USB-1-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, Digimarc, kit (USB)

cena 7027.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-1USB-1-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS-232, KBW, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 1.5 m, black), stand, colour: white.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-1USB-1-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), white

cena 2436.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1472g 1472G2D-2USB-5-R, BT, 2D, BT, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager, Bluetooth, IP40, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: black The Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance (XP) 1472g is a reliable 2D scanner for retail. It is designed to read difficult-to-capture 1D and 2D barcodes, as well as DotCodes and digital vouchers from a smartphone or tablet – even if the barcodes are damaged or difficult to read. Together with the increased flexibility, due to its wireless design, it simplifies work and helps save time. The multi-interfaces of the Voyager XP 1472g always ensure good performance and include USB, keyboard wedge (KBW), RS232 and RS485 with support for IBM 46XX. It is also robust: it withstands multiple falls from heights of up to 1.8 meters and is protected against the penetration of foreign bodies up to 1 mm and diagonally falling dripping water according to IP42 certification. Plus, the Voyager XP 1472g is fully backwards compatible with existing accessories. There are no additional costs for optional accessories and the total cost of ownership is lower. WIRELESSRadio/Range: 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz(ISM Band)Adaptive Frequency HoppingBluetooth v4.230 m (98 ft) line of sight with Honeywellcharger/communication basePower Options:Battery: 2400 mAh Li-ion minimumNumber of Scans: Up to 50,000scans per chargeExpected Duration of Operation:14 hoursExpected Charge Time: 4.5 hoursUser Indicators: Good Decode LEDs, RearView LEDs, Beeper (adjustable tone andvolume), Vibration (adjustable), ChargeStatus Indicator MECHANICAL/ELECTRICALDimensions (L x W x H): 62 mm x 173 mm x82 mm (2.5 in x 6.8 in x 3.2 in)Charger/Communication Base: (CCB01-010BT-V1N) 132 mm x 102 mm x 81 mm(5.2 in x 4.0 in x 3.2 in)Scanner Weight: 210 g (7.4 oz)Charger/Communication Base: 179 g(6.3 oz)Operating Power (Charging): Charger/Communication Base: 179 g (6.3 oz)Standby Power: Charger/CommunicationBase: 0.5 W (0.1A @ 5V)Host System Interfaces: USB, KeyboardWedge, RS-232, RS485 support for IBM46xx (RS485) ENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature:Scanner:Charging: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)Non-Charging: 0°C to 50°C(23°F to 122°F)Charger/Communication Base:Charging: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)Non-Charging: 0°C to 50°C(32°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature:Scanner:For storage up to 90 days: -20°C to35°C (-4°F to 95°F)For storage up to 1 year: -20°C to 20°C(-4°F to 68°F)Charger/Communication Base: -40°C to70°C (-40°F to 158°F)Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (Scannersand Cradles): ±8 kV indirect coupling plane,±15 kV direct airHumidity: 0% to 95% relative humidity,non-condensingTumble Spec: 1,000 0.5 m (1.6 ft)tumbles (impacts)Drop: Engineered to withstand 30 1.8 m(6 ft) drops to concreteEnvironmental Sealing: IP42Light Levels: 0 to 100,000 lux(9,290 foot-candles) SCAN PERFORMANCEScan Pattern: Area Image(1040 x 720 pixel array)Motion Tolerance: 70 cm/s (27.6 in/s) for13 mil UPC at optimal focusScan Angle:Horizontal: 39.2° nominalVertical: 27.4° nominalRoll, Pitch, Skew: ±180°, ±65°, ±70°Barcode Types: Reads standard 1D, PDF,2D, and DotCode symbologiesNote: Decode capabilities dependent onconfiguration..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1472g 1472G2D-2USB-5-R, BT, 2D, BT, kit (USB), black

cena 4873.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1472g 1472G1D-2USB-5-R, BT, 1D, BT, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 1D, Bluetooth, IP42, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: black The Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance (XP) 1472g is a reliable 1D scanner for retail. It is designed to read difficult-to-capture 1D and 2D barcodes, as well as DotCodes and digital vouchers from a smartphone or tablet – even if the barcodes are damaged or difficult to read. Together with the increased flexibility, due to its wireless design, it simplifies work and helps save time. The multi-interfaces of the Voyager XP 1472g always ensure good performance and include USB, keyboard wedge (KBW), RS232 and RS485 with support for IBM 46XX. It is also robust: it withstands multiple falls from heights of up to 1.8 meters and is protected against the penetration of foreign bodies up to 1 mm and diagonally falling dripping water according to IP42 certification. Plus, the Voyager XP 1472g is fully backwards compatible with existing accessories. There are no additional costs for optional accessories and the total cost of ownership is lower. WIRELESSRadio/Range: 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz(ISM Band)Adaptive Frequency HoppingBluetooth v4.230 m (98 ft) line of sight with Honeywellcharger/communication basePower Options:Battery: 2400 mAh Li-ion minimumNumber of Scans: Up to 50,000scans per chargeExpected Duration of Operation:14 hoursExpected Charge Time: 4.5 hoursUser Indicators: Good Decode LEDs, RearView LEDs, Beeper (adjustable tone andvolume), Vibration (adjustable), ChargeStatus Indicator MECHANICAL/ELECTRICALDimensions (L x W x H): 62 mm x 173 mm x82 mm (2.5 in x 6.8 in x 3.2 in)Charger/Communication Base: (CCB01-010BT-V1N) 132 mm x 102 mm x 81 mm(5.2 in x 4.0 in x 3.2 in)Scanner Weight: 210 g (7.4 oz)Charger/Communication Base: 179 g(6.3 oz)Operating Power (Charging): Charger/Communication Base: 179 g (6.3 oz)Standby Power: Charger/CommunicationBase: 0.5 W (0.1A @ 5V)Host System Interfaces: USB, KeyboardWedge, RS-232, RS485 support for IBM46xx (RS485) ENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature:Scanner:Charging: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)Non-Charging: 0°C to 50°C(23°F to 122°F)Charger/Communication Base:Charging: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)Non-Charging: 0°C to 50°C(32°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature:Scanner:For storage up to 90 days: -20°C to35°C (-4°F to 95°F)For storage up to 1 year: -20°C to 20°C(-4°F to 68°F)Charger/Communication Base: -40°C to70°C (-40°F to 158°F)Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (Scannersand Cradles): ±8 kV indirect coupling plane,±15 kV direct airHumidity: 0% to 95% relative humidity,non-condensingTumble Spec: 1,000 0.5 m (1.6 ft)tumbles (impacts)Drop: Engineered to withstand 30 1.8 m(6 ft) drops to concreteEnvironmental Sealing: IP42Light Levels: 0 to 100,000 lux(9,290 foot-candles) SCAN PERFORMANCEScan Pattern: Area Image(1040 x 720 pixel array)Motion Tolerance: 70 cm/s (27.6 in/s) for13 mil UPC at optimal focusScan Angle:Horizontal: 39.2° nominalVertical: 27.4° nominalRoll, Pitch, Skew: ±180°, ±65°, ±70°Barcode Types: Reads standard 1D, PDF,2D, and DotCode symbologiesNote: Decode capabilities dependent onconfiguration..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1472g 1472G1D-2USB-5-R, BT, 1D, BT, kit (USB), black

cena 4699.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GSR-2USB-5-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black - prezentační

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle (presentation), battery, 2400 mAh, colour: black The Honeywell area imager Xenon 1952g captures faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes just as reliably and quickly as postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). This saves users and customers time, making it ideal for retail, logistics and transportation. Thanks to its wireless Bluetooth connection, the performance of the area imager improves enormously and allows for barcode capture without the restriction of a cable connection, for maximum flexibility and more freedom of movement. The area imager Xenon 1952g is an individually applicable companion, thanks to its wide range of accessories. With the wall mount the area imager is easily attached to the wall. Via a fixed bracket it always stays in the desired position and captures barcodes automatically in presentation mode. Plus, the powerful imager is entirely backwards compatible. As a result, it may be used with the existing accessories of its predecessors. This saves costs and ensures a high ROI..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GSR-2USB-5-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black - prezentační

cena 20341.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g-bf 1952GHD-2USB-5BF-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (high density), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle (presentation), colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g-bf 1952GHD-2USB-5BF-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), black

cena 20995.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1472g 1472G2D-6USB-5-R, BT, 2D, BT, kit (USB), black

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager, desinfectable housing, Bluetooth, IP42, incl.: cable (USB), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1472g 1472G2D-6USB-5-R, BT, 2D, BT, kit (USB), black

cena 6302.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952h-bf 1952HHD-5USB-9BF-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), white

Bluetooth scanner, healthcare, 2D, imager (high density), desinfectable housing, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle, colour: white.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952h-bf 1952HHD-5USB-9BF-R, BT, 2D, HD, kit (USB), white

cena 24915.0 Kč

Honeywell 3780 MK3780-61A38, 1D, USB, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, retail, 1D, omnidirectional, CodeGate function, switchable scan pattern, 1333 scans/sec., USB, incl.: cable (USB), stand, colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell 3780 MK3780-61A38, 1D, USB, kit (USB), black

cena 10008.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g-bf 1952GSR-2USB-5BF-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black - prezentační

Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m, black), charging/transmitter cradle (presentation), colour: black With the area imager Xenon 1952g-bf from Honeywell, automated identification requirements for retail, logistics and transportation are ideally covered. The scanner is particularly well suited for areas such as the checkout, because it captures barcodes for a short time without a battery, via a Bluetooth connection. Thus, it impresses immediately: with a greater freedom of movement and a high level of operational readiness due to the rapid charging, the area imager improves performance and, above all, gives users and customers one thing: more time. The Xenon 1952g-bf sits comfortably in your hand and detects faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes just as reliably and quickly as postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). The area imager has been specifically designed to be robust, for challenging tasks. In addition, to make it a highly customizable companion, there is a wide range of accessories for the Xenon 1952g-bf to choose from. Among other things, it includes various brackets: a wall bracket, fixed bracket and flexible bracket. All accessories are backwards compatible..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g-bf 1952GSR-2USB-5BF-R, BT, 2D, SR, kit (USB), black - prezentační

cena 20341.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GSR-6USB-5-R, 2D, SR, BT, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), desinfectable housing, Bluetooth, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), incl.: cable (USB), charging/transmitter cradle (presentation), colour: black.

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1952g 1952GSR-6USB-5-R, 2D, SR, BT, multi-IF, kit (USB), black

cena 25029.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-2USB-1-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), black + stojánek

handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP40, incl.: cable (USB, straight, 1.5 m), stand, colour: black Honeywell has developed the Voyager Extreme Performance (XP) 1470g specifically for the retail environment. It captures all common 1D and 2D barcodes, as well as DotCodes and digital vouchers from your smartphone or tablet. Even damaged or hard-to-read barcodes are captured reliably and quickly – saving a great deal of time. Thanks to the extended scanning distance, scanning is made even easier by securely capturing inaccessible barcodes. The motion tolerance of the scanner is 70 cm/s and the scan angle is 39.2° horizontally and 27.4° vertically. The 2D scanner withstands multiple falls from up to 1.8 meters and is protected against penetration of foreign bodies up to 1 mm. For consistent excellent performance, the scanner has the following interfaces: USB, a keyboard wedge (KBW), RS-232 and RS-485 with support for IBM 46XX. Another advantage: it is fully backwards compatible with the already existing Voyager accessories. This significantly reduces the total cost of ownership, since there are no additional costs for optional accessories..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager Extreme Performance 1470g 1470G2D-2USB-1-R, 2D, multi-IF, kit (USB), black + stojánek

cena 2436.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GSR-2USB-2-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB), black + stojánek

handheld scanner, 2D, imager (standard range), multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), incl.: cable (USB, straight, 3 m), colour: black The Honeywell area imager Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g for retail, logistics, transportation and healthcare is a great reader, and is not picky - it reliably captures faded and damaged 1D/2D barcodes, postal Digimarc, OCR and DOT codes (depending on the configuration). This simplifies tasks, improves performance and, above all, gives staff and customers more time. Honeywell knows which particular features an area imager needs in order to be successful. That’s why the corded Honeywell Xenon Performance (XP) 1950g fits wonderfully in your hand and is designed to be very robust. The Xenon Performance withstands up to 50 falls from 1.8 m, also reliably scans barcodes in 95% humidity and features IP41 certification. The Xenon Performance (XP) is quickly integrated, since it supports all common interfaces: USB, keyboard wedge, RS232, as well as RS485 with support for TCGS (IBM) 64XX. The Xenon Performance (XP) is also available as a healthcare variant with disinfectant-resistant housing. Frequent cleanings with aggressive chemicals don’t bother it in the least..

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Performance 1950g 1950GSR-2USB-2-R, 2D, SR, multi-IF, kit (USB), black + stojánek

cena 9618.0 Kč

Honeywell Solaris XP 7990G 7990G-2USBC-1, USB Kit, 2D, USB, RS232, vertical, kit (USB)

presentation scanner, 2D, OCR, vertical version, USB, RS232, RS485, IP53, incl.: cable (USB), power supply unit (EU)

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Solaris XP 7990G 7990G-2USBC-1, USB Kit, 2D, USB, RS232, vertical, kit (USB)

cena 12314.0 Kč

Honeywell Solaris XP 7990G 7990G-2USBX-1, USB Kit, 2D, USB, RS232, vertical, kit (USB)

presentation scanner, 2D, OCR, vertical version, USB, RS232, RS485, IP53, incl.: cable (USB), order separately: power supply unit

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Solaris XP 7990G 7990G-2USBX-1, USB Kit, 2D, USB, RS232, vertical, kit (USB)

cena 11480.0 Kč

Honeywell Voyager XP 1470g - 2D, bílý, USB kit, 1,5m kabel, stojan

Voyager Extreme Performance (XP) 1470g je univerzální ruční 2D skener, který obsahuje 1megapixelový imager a procesor s rozlišením 800mhz pro dosažení vynikajícího výkonu při skenování. Voyager XP 1470g je cenově dostupné zařízení s možností skenování „nejlepší ve své třídě“ při čtení zakoupených položek, mobilních obrazovek a dokonce i na poškozených a obtížně čitelných čárových kódech. Honeywell nabízí všestranně vylepšený Voyager XP 1470g za stejnou ceny jako aktuální 1450g, je mnohem rychlejší než Voyager 1450g s přesnějším zaměřovačem, má delší „hloubkou pole“, rozšířeným dosahem Bluetooth a zlepšenou tolerancí pohybu. Voyager XP 1470g je postaven na odolné platformě světově proslulých ručních skenerů Voyager řady 39 a je plně zpětně kompatibilní s existujícím příslušenstvím Voyager 1450g. Voyager XP je k dispozici v černé barvě a v bílé barvě. Vlastnosti *Vysoce přesné a rychlé skenování i poškozených a nekvalitních čárových kódů, s prodlouženou vzdáleností skenování pro dosažení dolní části vozíku bez ohybu a plýtvání časem v místě prodeje. *Vylepšený výkon umožňující každodenní ukládání skenovaných kódů, včetně digitálních kupónů, kódů načtených ze smartphonů zákazníků, kódy zboží v registru. *Software Honeywell Operational Intelligence poskytuje přehledy na vyžádání, což umožňuje vyšší produktivitu zaměstnanců. *Nástroj Honeywell Scanner Management Utility (SMU) vytváří komplexní řešení, které automatizuje nasazení a aktualizaci skeneru. Specifikace MECHANICKÁ / ELEKTRONICKÁ Rozměry (DxŠxH ): 62 mm x 169 mm x 82 mm (2,4 palce x 6,6 x 3,2 palce ) Hmotnost: 130 g Vstupní napětí: 4,0V DC až 5,5V DC Provozní výkon: 2 W (400 mA @ 5V DC) Napájení v pohotovostním režimu: 0,45 W (90 mA @ 5V DC) Rozhraní hostitelského systému: USB, Klávesové klín, RS-232, podpora RS485 pro IBM 46xx (RS485) ŽIVOTNÍ PROSTŘEDÍ Provozní teplota: 0 ° C až 50 ° C (32 ° F až 122 ° F) Skladovací teplota: -40 ° C až 60 ° C (-40 ° F až 140 ° F) Elektrostatický výboj (ESD) (skenery a kolébky): ± 8 kV nepřímá spojovací rovina, ± 15 kV přímý vzduch Vlhkost: Až 95% relativní vlhkosti, nekondenzující Pád: Navržen tak, aby vydržel pád na beton z výšky 1,8 m (6 ft) Ekologické těsnění: IP40 Úrovně světla: 0 až 100 000 luxů (9 290 nožních svíček) VÝKON SKENERU Snímek oblasti skenování: (pole 1040 x 720 pixelů) Tolerance pohybu: 70 cm / s (27,6 in / s) pro 13 mil UPC při optimálním zaostření Úhel snímání : Horizontální: nominální 39,2 °; Vertikální: 27,4 ° nominální Válec, rozteč, zkreslení: ± 180 °, ± 65 °, ± 70 ° Typy čárových kódů: Čte standardní symboliku 1D, PDF, 2D a DotCode Záruka: 5letá záruka výrobce

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Voyager XP 1470g - 2D, bílý, USB kit, 1,5m kabel, stojan

cena 1970.0 Kč

Honeywell Xenon Ultra 1960h, 2D, kit (USB), white

handheld scanner, healthcare, 2D, imager, OCR, antibacterial housing, vibration, incl.: cable (USB, 3 m), IP52, colour: white

Objev podobné jako Honeywell Xenon Ultra 1960h, 2D, kit (USB), white

cena 9880.0 Kč

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