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Happy House 2 Učebnice Angličtiny (New Edition) - Stella Maidment
Nové vydání oblíbené učebnice pro základní školyUčebnice Happy House 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku v první a druhé třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz - první díl neobsahuje čtení ani psaní Učebnice zaměřená na mezipředmětové vztahy Efektivní metodika založená na příběhu Vystřihovánky a omalovánky jsou v pracovním sešitě (v prvním vydání jsou v učebnici) Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009-22)
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Happy House 2 Pracovní Sešit (New Edition) - Stella Maidment
Nové vydání oblíbené učebnice pro základní školyUčebnice Happy House 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku v první a druhé třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz - první díl neobsahuje čtení ani psaní Učebnice zaměřená na mezipředmětové vztahy Efektivní metodika založená na příběhu Vystřihovánky a omalovánky jsou v pracovním sešitě (v prvním vydání jsou v učebnici) Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009-22)
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Happy House 1 Pracovní Sešit (New Edition) - Stella Maidment
Nové vydání oblíbené učebnice pro základní školyUčebnice Happy House 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku v první a druhé třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz - první díl neobsahuje čtení ani psaní Učebnice zaměřená na mezipředmětové vztahy Efektivní metodika založená na příběhu Vystřihovánky a omalovánky jsou v pracovním sešitě (v prvním vydání jsou v učebnici) Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009-22)
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Happy House 1 Activity Book (New Edition)
A two-year course, starting with listening and speaking and introducing the written word in the second year.Key features An effective, story-based methodology. Songs, puzzles, colouring and drawing activities to involve students actively in learning. A cross-curricular focus to develop learning skills across the curriculum. Stickers to reinforce vocabulary in an enjoyable way. Attractive new culture and festival pages. Take-home English activities to encourage parental involvement. Masks, puppets and storycards to extend story-telling activities. iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. Teacher's Resource Books with materials to support mixed-ability classes.
Objev podobné jako Happy House 1 Activity Book (New Edition)
Happy House 1 Pracovní Sešit S MultiRom (New Edition) - Stella Maidment
Nové vydání oblíbené učebnice pro základní školyUčebnice Happy House 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku v první a druhé třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz - první díl neobsahuje čtení ani psaní Učebnice zaměřená na mezipředmětové vztahy Efektivní metodika založená na příběhu Vystřihovánky a omalovánky jsou v pracovním sešitě (v prvním vydání jsou v učebnici) Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009-22)
Objev podobné jako Happy House 1 Pracovní Sešit S MultiRom (New Edition) - Stella Maidment
Happy Street 2 Activity Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing. Key features Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word. Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards.
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 2 Activity Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy House 2 Class Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing.Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word.Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards.Each unit follows a very clear pattern which gives children confidence and helps them to learn.The course involves children in a process of language learning which is fun and highly motivating. It includes catchy songs, cognitive puzzles, and colouring and drawing activities. Stickers are used in Level 1 to reinforce vocabulary in an enjoyable way.NEW – Level 2 provides revision and reinforcement from Level 1, combined with new material to both consolidate and further children's learning as they work with the written word for the first time.The new Happy House 1 Activity Book offers optional extra activities and cut-outs to complement the Happy House Classbook.
Objev podobné jako Happy House 2 Class Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy Street 1 Activity Book - Stella Maidment
Popis edice: A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing. Key features Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to Eng
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 1 Activity Book - Stella Maidment
Happy Street 2 Učebnice (New Edition) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Učebnice Happy Street 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku ve třetí a čtvrté třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz, který navazuje na Happy House 1 a 2 Vhodný také do třetí třídy pro úplné záčátečníky po audiorálním kurzu Důkladně procvičuje všechny dovednosti včetně psaní Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009)
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 2 Učebnice (New Edition) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy Street 1 Activity Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing. Key features Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word. Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards.
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 1 Activity Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy Street 2 Pracovní Sešit (New Edition) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Učebnice Happy Street 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku ve třetí a čtvrté třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz, který navazuje na Happy House 1 a 2 Vhodný také do třetí třídy pro úplné záčátečníky po audiorálním kurzu Důkladně procvičuje všechny dovednosti včetně psaní Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009)
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 2 Pracovní Sešit (New Edition) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy Earth 2 Activity Book (New Edition) - Bill Bowler, Sue Parminter
A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses.Key features A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar. Plays for reading aloud and acting. A rich variety of reading tasks. iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. Photocopiable Teacher's Resource Books including materials for mixed ability classes. Material to prepare students for the Cambridge Young Learners examinations.
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth 2 Activity Book (New Edition) - Bill Bowler, Sue Parminter
Happy House 2 Učebnice Angličtiny (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Třetí vydání úspěšné řady učebnic angličtiny Happy House je určeno pro děti mladšího školního věku, které se začínají učit anglicky. Učebnice je založena na příběhu a seznamuje děti s angličtinou prostřednictvím dobrodružství, která prožívá veselá rodina: maminka, tatínek, dvojčata Polly a Jack, malá Daisy, kocourek Otto a dvě nezbedné myšky žijící pod podlahou - Spike a Ruby.Pro žáka: Učebnice s novými stránkami zaměřenými na kulturu a svátky, s motivujícími činnostmi v rámci angličtiny na doma a s důrazem na mezipředmětové vztahy Pracovní sešit s motivačními samolepkami, pomocí kterých si dítě zaznamenává nové učivo; vystřihovánky a audio CD s nahrávkami písniček a příběhů z Happy House Pro učitele: Teacher's Book - metodická příručka v češtině iTools disk pro prezentaci učiva ve třídě; s funkcemi na tvorbu vlastních pracovních listů a mnoha dalšími digitálními výukovými programy DVD s videoklipy s britskými reáliemi a animovanými přiběhy Spika a Ruby Class Audio CDs - Třídní audio CD s nahrávkami písniček ve verzi karaoke Teacher's Resource Pack - balíček pro učitele s maňásky, kartami s příběhy, maskami, plakátem, kartami s obrázky, s kopírovatelnými výukovými materiály pro učitele v Teacher's Resource Book a hodnocením v Evaluation Book. Teacher's Resource Pack je použitelný pro New Edition i pro Third Edition. Teacher's Resource Top-up Pack - rozšiřující balíček pro učitele s obrázky písniček, plakáty pro každou lekci a plakát s geometrickými tvary
Objev podobné jako Happy House 2 Učebnice Angličtiny (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy Street 1 Pracovní Sešit (New Edition) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Učebnice Happy Street 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku ve třetí a čtvrté třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz, který navazuje na Happy House 1 a 2 Vhodný také do třetí třídy pro úplné záčátečníky po audiorálním kurzu Důkladně procvičuje všechny dovednosti včetně psaní Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009)
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 1 Pracovní Sešit (New Edition) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy Earth 1 Activity Book (New Edition) (Defekt) - Bill Bowler
A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses.Key features A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar. Plays for reading aloud and acting. A rich variety of reading tasks. iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. Photocopiable Teacher's Resource Books including materials for mixed ability classes. Material to prepare students for the Cambridge Young Learners examinations.
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth 1 Activity Book (New Edition) (Defekt) - Bill Bowler
Happy Street 2 Class Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing. Key features Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word. Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards.
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 2 Class Book - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy Earth New Edition 1 Activity Book (9780194732857)
Kniha - 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth New Edition 1 Activity Book (9780194732857)
Happy House 1 Učebnice Angličtiny (3rd) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Třetí vydání úspěšné řady učebnic angličtiny Happy House je určeno pro děti mladšího školního věku, které se začínají učit anglicky. Učebnice je založena na příběhu a seznamuje děti s angličtinou prostřednictvím dobrodružství, která prožívá veselá rodina: maminka, tatínek, dvojčata Polly a Jack, malá Daisy, kocourek Otto a dvě nezbedné myšky žijící pod podlahou - Spike a Ruby.Pro žáka: Učebnice s novými stránkami zaměřenými na kulturu a svátky, s motivujícími činnostmi v rámci angličtiny na doma a s důrazem na mezipředmětové vztahy Pracovní sešit s motivačními samolepkami, pomocí kterých si dítě zaznamenává nové učivo; vystřihovánky a audio CD s nahrávkami písniček a příběhů z Happy House Pro učitele: Teacher's Book - metodická příručka v češtině iTools disk pro prezentaci učiva ve třídě; s funkcemi na tvorbu vlastních pracovních listů a mnoha dalšími digitálními výukovými programy DVD s videoklipy s britskými reáliemi a animovanými přiběhy Spika a Ruby Class Audio CDs - Třídní audio CD s nahrávkami písniček ve verzi karaoke Teacher's Resource Pack - balíček pro učitele s maňásky, kartami s příběhy, maskami, plakátem, kartami s obrázky, s kopírovatelnými výukovými materiály pro učitele v Teacher's Resource Book a hodnocením v Evaluation Book. Teacher's Resource Pack je použitelný pro New Edition i pro Third Edition. Teacher's Resource Top-up Pack - rozšiřující balíček pro učitele s obrázky písniček, plakáty pro každou lekci a plakát s geometrickými tvary
Objev podobné jako Happy House 1 Učebnice Angličtiny (3rd) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy House 2 New Edition Pracovní sešit (9780194730273)
Kniha - 78 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá One of the world’s most successful primary courses, the Happy Series is a six-level course that’s perfectly in step with your students’ development. Nové vydání oblíbené učebnice pro základní školy. Učebnice Happy House 1 a 2 jsou vhodné pro výuku v první a druhé třídě Česká edice učebnice, pracovního sešitu i metodické příručky je v prodeji k oběma úrovním učebnice New Happy House i Happy Street. Dvoudílný kurz - první díl neobsahuje čtení ani psaní Učebnice zaměřená na mezipředmětové vztahy Efektivní metodika založená na příběhu Vystřihovánky a omalovánky jsou v pracovním sešitě (v prvním vydání jsou v učebnici) Učebnice akreditovaná MŠMT (č.j. 13124/2009-22)
Objev podobné jako Happy House 2 New Edition Pracovní sešit (9780194730273)
Happy House 1 Pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD (3rd) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Třetí vydání úspěšné řady učebnic angličtiny Happy House je určeno pro děti mladšího školního věku, které se začínají učit anglicky. Učebnice je založena na příběhu a seznamuje děti s angličtinou prostřednictvím dobrodružství, která prožívá veselá rodina: maminka, tatínek, dvojčata Polly a Jack, malá Daisy, kocourek Otto a dvě nezbedné myšky žijící pod podlahou - Spike a Ruby.Pro žáka: Učebnice s novými stránkami zaměřenými na kulturu a svátky, s motivujícími činnostmi v rámci angličtiny na doma a s důrazem na mezipředmětové vztahy Pracovní sešit s motivačními samolepkami, pomocí kterých si dítě zaznamenává nové učivo; vystřihovánky a audio CD s nahrávkami písniček a příběhů z Happy House Pro učitele: Teacher's Book - metodická příručka v češtině iTools disk pro prezentaci učiva ve třídě; s funkcemi na tvorbu vlastních pracovních listů a mnoha dalšími digitálními výukovými programy DVD s videoklipy s britskými reáliemi a animovanými přiběhy Spika a Ruby Class Audio CDs - Třídní audio CD s nahrávkami písniček ve verzi karaoke Teacher's Resource Pack - balíček pro učitele s maňásky, kartami s příběhy, maskami, plakátem, kartami s obrázky, s kopírovatelnými výukovými materiály pro učitele v Teacher's Resource Book a hodnocením v Evaluation Book. Teacher's Resource Pack je použitelný pro New Edition i pro Third Edition. Teacher's Resource Top-up Pack - rozšiřující balíček pro učitele s obrázky písniček, plakáty pro každou lekci a plakát s geometrickými tvary
Objev podobné jako Happy House 1 Pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD (3rd) - Stella Maidment, Lorena Roberts
Happy House 2 New Edition: Učebnice angličtiny (978-0-947510-5-6)
Kniha – 72 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá English level: Beginner A two-year course, starting with listening and speaking and introducing the written word in the second year. Key features An effective, story-based methodology. Songs, puzzles, colouring and drawing activities to involve students actively in learning. A cross-curricular focus to develop learning skills across the curriculum. Stickers to reinforce vocabulary in an enjoyable way. Attractive new culture and festival pages. Take-home English activities to encourage parental involvement. Masks, puppets and storycards to extend story-telling activities. iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. Teacher's Resource Books with materials to support mixed-ability classes.
Objev podobné jako Happy House 2 New Edition: Učebnice angličtiny (978-0-947510-5-6)
Happy Street 2 Pracovní sešit (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy Street je úspěšná řada učebnic pro děti, které už jsou schopny začít číst a psát v angličtině. V učebnicích Happy Street děti pronikají do světa postav známých z Happy House v širším kontextu a poznávají také souseda Grega a jeho pejska Flossy Pro žáka v této sérii vyšlo: učebnice se stranami zaměřenými na činnosti vedoucí od čtení k psaní, novými stránkami zaměřenými na kulturu a svátky, s motivujícími činnostmi v rámci angličtiny na doma s důrazem na mezipředmětové vztahy pracovní sešit s činnostmi na procvičování čtení a psaní, na rozvoj mezipředmětových vztahů a na sebehodnocení; strany s příběhy na pokračování "Colin in Computerland", audio CD se všemi písničkami a příběhy z Happy Street, osm stran cvičení zaměřených na přípravu žáků na srovnávací testy v 5. třídě a anglicko-český slovníček podle lekcí webová stránka www.oup.com/elt/happystreet
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 2 Pracovní sešit (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy Street 1 Učebnice (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy Street je úspěšná řada učebnic pro děti, které už jsou schopny začít číst a psát v angličtině. V učebnicích Happy Street děti pronikají do světa postav známých z Happy House v širším kontextu a poznávají také souseda Grega a jeho pejska Flossy Pro žáka v této sérii vyšlo: učebnice se stranami zaměřenými na činnosti vedoucí od čtení k psaní, novými stránkami zaměřenými na kulturu a svátky, s motivujícími činnostmi v rámci angličtiny na doma s důrazem na mezipředmětové vztahy pracovní sešit s činnostmi na procvičování čtení a psaní, na rozvoj mezipředmětových vztahů a na sebehodnocení; strany s příběhy na pokračování "Colin in Computerland", audio CD se všemi písničkami a příběhy z Happy Street, osm stran cvičení zaměřených na přípravu žáků na srovnávací testy v 5. třídě a anglicko-český slovníček podle lekcí webová stránka www.oup.com/elt/happystreet
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 1 Učebnice (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy House 2 CB: Class book (01-943181-9-2)
Kniha - autor Stella Maidment; Stella Roberts, 48 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Happy House 2 CB: Class book (01-943181-9-2)
Happy Street 1 Pracovní sešit (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy Street je úspěšná řada učebnic pro děti, které už jsou schopny začít číst a psát v angličtině. V učebnicích Happy Street děti pronikají do světa postav známých z Happy House v širším kontextu a poznávají také souseda Grega a jeho pejska Flossy Pro žáka v této sérii vyšlo: učebnice se stranami zaměřenými na činnosti vedoucí od čtení k psaní, novými stránkami zaměřenými na kulturu a svátky, s motivujícími činnostmi v rámci angličtiny na doma s důrazem na mezipředmětové vztahy pracovní sešit s činnostmi na procvičování čtení a psaní, na rozvoj mezipředmětových vztahů a na sebehodnocení; strany s příběhy na pokračování "Colin in Computerland", audio CD se všemi písničkami a příběhy z Happy Street, osm stran cvičení zaměřených na přípravu žáků na srovnávací testy v 5. třídě a anglicko-český slovníček podle lekcí webová stránka www.oup.com/elt/happystreet
Objev podobné jako Happy Street 1 Pracovní sešit (3rd) - Stella Maidment
Happy Earth New Edition 2 Class Book - Bill Bowler, Sue Parminter
A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses.Key features A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar. Plays for reading aloud and acting. A rich variety of reading tasks. iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. Photocopiable Teacher's Resource Books including materials for mixed ability classes. Material to prepare students for the Cambridge Young Learners examinations.
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth New Edition 2 Class Book - Bill Bowler, Sue Parminter
Happy Earth New Edition 1 Class Book (9780194732840)
Kniha - 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá English level: Elementary A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses. Key features •A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. •Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar. •Plays for reading aloud and acting. •A rich variety of reading tasks. •iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. •Photocopiable Teacher's Resource Books including materials for mixed ability classes. •Material to prepare students for the Cambridge Young Learners examinations.
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth New Edition 1 Class Book (9780194732840)
Kid´s Box 2 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 2 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
Kid´s Box New Generation 2 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Activity Book: The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 2 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
Happy Earth 1 Activity Book - Bill Bowler, Sue Parminter
A topic-based course that allows learners to extend their language skills while learning about the world around them.
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth 1 Activity Book - Bill Bowler, Sue Parminter
Lilliputiens Cuddle Activity Book Stella kontrastní edukativní knížka 12 m+ 1 ks
Lilliputiens Cuddle Activity Book Stella, 1 ks, Drobné hračky pro děti, Hračky představují ideální způsob, jak zaujmout ty nejmenší. Hračka Lilliputiens Cuddle Activity Book Stella vaše dítko navíc nejen zabaví, ale také pomůže v rozvoji jeho smyslového vnímání a dalších dovedností. Vlastnosti: různé textury materiálů stimulují hmat dítěte senzorické barvy stimulují rozvoj smyslů dítěte rozvíjí schopnost miminka soustředit pozornost stimuluje rozvoj zraku a hmatu hračku je možné skládat a rozkládat lehká a praktická, ideální na cesty
Objev podobné jako Lilliputiens Cuddle Activity Book Stella kontrastní edukativní knížka 12 m+ 1 ks
Tracks 2 Activity Book - Gabriella Lazzeri
Using a combination of fantasy and factual content, Tracks addresses the stage pupils go through as they learn a new language.These original tales are full of adventures that will keep young learners motivated through each and every class.Lessons include cross-curricular content, personalisation activities and project work, giving pupils the chance to share their own experiences in the classroom as well as countless oppurtunities for recycling and assessment.
Objev podobné jako Tracks 2 Activity Book - Gabriella Lazzeri
Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham Painting Book: Coloring and Activity Book with Paint Box - Random House
A deluxe painting activity book inspired by Dr. Seuss’s classic Green Eggs and Ham—includes a paintbrush and 16 different watercolors.Join Sam-I-Am for painting fun in this this deluxe paint box book featuring big bold images based on the beloved children’s classic. It comes with sixteen color wells and a brush—and is sure to thill children 3 to 7!
Objev podobné jako Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham Painting Book: Coloring and Activity Book with Paint Box - Random House
Busy Ant Maths 2nd Edition - Activity Book 1B - Power Jo
Written by an expert author team with over 50 years’ combined classroom experience, Busy Ant Maths is a flexible, whole-school mathematics programme that ensures conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency from the start. Collins Busy Ant Maths Activity Book 1B is packed with exciting activities to help build and develop the skills needed to be successful in Maths. Each page features lots of hands-on, highly visual activities and representations with a low level of text to give pupils confidence in learning maths.Activity Book 1B contains: fun activities to consolidate the objectives covered in the daily maths lesson objectives at the top of each page so the child is in control of their own learning space to record answers, providing structure to each exercise• simple text. engaging, colourful graphics. Used in conjunction with the Teacher's Guide, Textbook, Progress Guide and Homework Guide, the Busy Ant Maths Activity Book 1B is the best way to ensure that pupils achieve all the learning objectives of the Primary Maths National Curriculum.
Objev podobné jako Busy Ant Maths 2nd Edition - Activity Book 1B - Power Jo
First Friends 2 Activity Book - Susan Iannuzzi
A two-level beginners' course for young children that integrates the teaching of phonics, reading, writing, and numeracy. Key featuresFun, visually appealing characters introduce language in contexts which will motivate students and promote learning.Up to two phonics pages per unit introduce children to the sounds of English through memorable, catchy songs.Predictable unit structure, single-page lessons, and clear component links make First Friends extremely easy to teach.In-built revision and recycling, plus regular Progress Checks in the Teacher's Book, help students internalize language and give teachers everything they need to assess students' individual progress.Rich package of resources at each level, including Activity Book, Numbers Book, Teacher's Resource Pack (with story posters, alphabet poster, and flashcards).
Objev podobné jako First Friends 2 Activity Book - Susan Iannuzzi
Poptropica English 2 Activity Book - Sagrario Salaberri
Welcome to Poptropica English, a six-level primary English series that engages young learners like never before. The unique combination of beautiful in-class materials and fun-filled online activities, songs and games, creates a world of excitement and adventure that kids won't want to leave. Poptropica English offers a unique, first-of-its-kind component, Poptropica English World. Poptropica English World is a safe, engaging and highly-motivating game where students meet the characters from the Student Book plus a host of other exciting characters and follow them on an adventure. Students will engage in safe, closed-chat dialogs with the characters they meet and will practice target language from the units. They will also follow instructions to help them solve puzzles and learn supplementary language along the way. For students Island Adventure Game gives students an interactive online experience where they learn through play and absorb English without even realizing it highly visual performance overview encourages them to evaluate and direct their learning. For teachers manage classes and view performance with a click of a button. presentation tool for Interactive Whiteboard with all core content organized into lessons assignable homework activities For parents an at-a-glance overview of the child's progress by logging into your child's account The Activity Book provides reinforcement and consolidation of the language presented in the Pupil's Book. It contains controlled and freer practice plus personalization and further listening and reading texts.
Objev podobné jako Poptropica English 2 Activity Book - Sagrario Salaberri
First Friends 2 Activity Book (2nd) - Susan Iannuzzi
Druhé vydání dvoudílného kurzu pro začátečníky - malé děti, který zahrnuje fonetiku,čtení, psaní a počítání. - pracovní sešit
Objev podobné jako First Friends 2 Activity Book (2nd) - Susan Iannuzzi
Join Us for English 2 Activity Book - Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross
Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. Join Us for English is a fully updated new edition of the highly successful Join In. This five-level course for young learners provides a motivating and enjoyable way to learn English. Join Us for English has been thoroughly restructured for optimum clarity and ease of use, and includes new artwork, topics, cartoon stories and songs. The revised course ties in with Common European Framework guidelines: It includes cross-curricular content and creates opportunities for self-assessment and portfolio building. It includes new culture pages, 'Project Time' and writing activities from level 2 onwards, plus a separate Language Portfolio for each level. The writing syllabus is specially designed to develop this skill in a fun and meaningful way. In the higher levels 'Look!' sections highlight key grammar structures which are then summarised in a 'Grammar Focus' at the end of the Pupil's Books. Key features Animated videos bring the songs and action stories to life. Like the separate Songs CDs they include both sung and karaoke versions of the songs. The clear and comprehensive Teacher's Books provide many additional activities including page-by-page ideas for mixed-ability classes. The course is based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences and contains a variety of activities to meet the needs of children with differing learning styles. Total Physical Response activities at the heart of the course support language comprehension and recall. Regular revision sections in the Pupil's Book and full-colour Activity Book allow pupils to consolidate their learning. Culture pages introduce pupils to various aspects of life in English-speaking countries, promoting cross-cultural awareness and respect.
Objev podobné jako Join Us for English 2 Activity Book - Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross
Kid´s Box 4 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 4 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
Kid´s Box 6 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 6 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
Kid´s Box 1 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 1 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
Kid´s Box 3 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
An update of the well-loved general English course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests offering an official test preparation. Kid's Box presents and practises new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning English. Alongside language and skills, Kid's Box also develops learners' cross curricular knowledge and human values with dedicated CLIL and Values lessons. With new vocabulary and activities modeled on the revised Starters, Movers and Flyers, Kid's Box fully familiarises children with the revised tests format. With Kid's Box taking tests is a motivating experience. Visit also worldoffun.cambridge.org for all the resources you need to prepare young learners for the revised 2018 Starters, Movers and Flyers. Add a new dimension to your lessons with our award-winning Interactive DVD with animated stories and songs, fully interactive Presentation Plus, and extra language and skills practice in the Cambridge LMS. Whether you are new to Kid's Box or simply looking for new ideas our free online teacher training course on how to teach with Kid's Box will help you get the most out of the material.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box 3 Activity Book with Online Resources,Updated 2nd Edition - Caroline Nixon
New English Adventure 1 Activity Book w/ Song CD Pack - Anne Worrall
Make your lessons fun and varied with minimal preparation using a wide range of components and practical ideas. The Teacher's Book with reduced Pupil's Book pages gives you the detailed information you need to use all components.
Objev podobné jako New English Adventure 1 Activity Book w/ Song CD Pack - Anne Worrall
Minions 2: The Rise of Gru Sticker Activity Book
Banana! The Minions are back with puzzles, quizzes and games!Packed with puzzles, colouring and games plus two spreads of amazing stickers for hours of dastardly fun! Crack codes and complete activities with your favourite mischievous Minions, featuring new characters and settings from the new movie.
Objev podobné jako Minions 2: The Rise of Gru Sticker Activity Book
Dolphin Readers 2 Super Sam Activity Book - Craig Wright
Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners. Full-colour illustrations and cross-curricular content stimulate students' interest and maintain their attention, while carefully graded English introduces them to new language points in an entertaining context.
Objev podobné jako Dolphin Readers 2 Super Sam Activity Book - Craig Wright
New English Adventure Starter A Activity Book w/ Song CD Pack - Anne Worrall
Make your lessons fun and varied with minimal preparation using a wide range of components and practical ideas. The Teacher's Book with reduced Pupil's Book pages gives you the detailed information you need to use all components.
Objev podobné jako New English Adventure Starter A Activity Book w/ Song CD Pack - Anne Worrall
Little Big Friends Soft Activity Book 2 v 1 - Forest
Podrobnosti o produktu: Věk: od 0 měsíců Měkká knížka Activity 2 v 1 rozvíjí koordinaci ruka-oko a podporuje jemnou motoriku. Tato multisenzorická knížka je plná zábavných a poutavých překvapení Vysoce kontrastní barvy a materiály podporují zrakový a smyslový vývoj dítěte v raném věku Snadno se připevňuje k postýlce Kroužek na kousání pomáhá uklidnit dítě Zrcátko baví a podporuje sebepoznání Rozměry a hmotnost: Rozměry (délka x výška x šířka): 120 x 24 x 0,4 cm Hmotnost: 0,2 kg Materiál a péče: Materiál: 100% polyesterové vlákno
Objev podobné jako Little Big Friends Soft Activity Book 2 v 1 - Forest
Kid´s Box New Generation 1 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Activity Book: The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 1 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
Kid´s Box New Generation 3 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
The classic course for a new generation A generation has learnt English with Kid's Box. Maskman, Marie, Trevor, Monty, the Star family and their friends are back as your loyal classroom assistants, to help give the new generation a happy learning experience, full of affection and humour. The course teachers and learners know and love is instantly recognisable. It's just bigger, brighter and, to put it simply, even better! Kid's Box New Generation is a 7-level general English course that takes learners through to A2 by the end of level 6. It's also officially validated exam preparation material, with a syllabus that follows the Cambridge English Qualifications for Young Learners. Sounds and spelling Led by course characters, sounds and spelling pages and new videos help embed phonics into English lessons. Monty the mouse and Lock the detective focus on the sounds and letter formations that pupils need to practise at each stage of their learning. Learning about the world With all new content and documentary videos, CLIL sections bring other subjects into the English classroom, meaning the language is taught in a variety of contexts. Throughout the course, you'll see that activities are mapped to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, so while learning about the world, your pupils are working on the skills they need to thrive in it. Values and responsibility Children are developing their personalities every day and a big part of this is their sense of responsibility to themselves, others and the world around them. With the course characters to help you (Trevor is a very well-meaning troll), help your pupils learn how to have positive values in all kinds of situations, from looking after the environment to eating good food, to playing fair. Preparing for exams Exam preparation is gently woven into the course, to familiarise pupils with exam scenarios in a natural way. New exam folders at the end of the Pupil's Books provide the option of a stronger focus on exam preparation. Levels 1 & 2 prepare for Pre-A1 Starters; Levels 3 & 4 prepare for A1 Movers; Levels 5 & 6 prepare for A2 Flyers. Fun and laughter Ultimately, teaching and learning should be enjoyable. Stories of toys that come to life, hapless detectives and an archaeologist's exploration of the ancient world bring fun, laughter and discovery to the experience. There's just something about Trevor's tendency to eat pencils that makes you smile... Activity Book: The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification for young learners. A unique access code inside the front cover unlocks extra language practice, games and the course audio in an online learning platform.
Objev podobné jako Kid´s Box New Generation 3 Activity Book with Digital Pack - Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson
Dolphin Readers 2 Visit to the City Activity Book - Rose Marcia
Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners. Full-colour illustrations and cross-curricular content stimulate students' interest and maintain their attention, while carefully graded English introduces them to new language points in an entertaining context. Integrated activities for every page of story text encourage students to practise newly acquired language skills.
Objev podobné jako Dolphin Readers 2 Visit to the City Activity Book - Rose Marcia
Scottish Heinemann Maths 2: Number to 100 Activity Book 8 Pack
SHM Activity Books: Provide written records of pupils’ work to aid AiFL. Reinforce fluency of number facts and mental calculation strategies through structured development of each topic. Provide topic assessments.
Objev podobné jako Scottish Heinemann Maths 2: Number to 100 Activity Book 8 Pack
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