First to fight : the polish war 1939 - roger moorhouse

Produkt First to fight : the polish war 1939 - roger moorhouse sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu First to fight : the polish war 1939 - roger moorhouse upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

First to Fight : The Polish War 1939 - Roger Moorhouse


Drawing for the first time on Polish, German and Soviet sources, First to Fight is the definitive history of the German invasion of Poland, which opened the war in September 1939. Roger Moorhouse provides a dramatic narrative of military events, brought to life by a select cast of generals and politicians, soldiers and civilians from all sides. In the process, First to Fight explodes many of the myths that still surround the campaign and challenge our understanding of how Britain and France entered the war. Did Britain and France assist their Polish ally to the best of their abilities when the German armies crossed the border on 1 September 1939? While they went to war with Germany, why did they not declare war on the Soviet Union when its troops invaded Poland from the east later in the month? And if the violation of Poland had been the reason to go to war in 1939, how could the Western Allies justify handing the country over on a plate to Stalin in 1945? Published to tie in with the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, First to Fight explodes many of the myths around what is a shameful chapter in both British and French history, and forensically examines a pivotal moment in the war's history. (

Podobné produkty ako First to Fight : The Polish War 1939 - Roger Moorhouse

Aliance mezi ďábly: Hitlerův pakt se Stalinem 1939-1941 - Roger Moorhouse


Dva nejhorší diktátoři v dějinách spolu bezmála dva roky aktivně spolupracovali. Oznámení dohody mezi nacisty a Sověty ohromilo celý svět, v jejím rámci došlo k invazi do Polska a její zhroucení vedlo k rozhodujícímu střetu druhé světové války. Roger Moorhouse ve své knize tuto kapitolu válečných dějin probírá do hloubky, zkoumá, co vedlo k uzavření paktu i jeho ukončení a vyhlášení války někdejšímu partnerovi. Využívá přitom dobových pramenů i svědectví přímých účastníků. Roger Moorhouse (*1968) je britský historik, specialista na slovanské země a východní Evropu. Už za studií spolupracoval s proslulým Normanem Daviesem, je spoluautorem jeho rozsáhlých dějin Vratislavi, které vyšly i v ČR pod názvem Mikrokosmos: Portrét jednoho středoevropského města. Přispěl do řady kolektivních publikací, Smlouvě s ďáblem předcházely další knihy věnované dějinám druhé světové války - Killing Hitler (2006) a Berlin at War (2010)Vydání knihy podpořilo hlavní město Praha. (

Podobné produkty ako Aliance mezi ďábly: Hitlerův pakt se Stalinem 1939-1941 - Roger Moorhouse , The witcher: griffin fight - puzzle (5908305231233)

The Forgers - Roger Moorhouse


Between 1940 and 1943, a small group of Polish diplomats and Jewish activists in Switzerland engaged in a wholly remarkable - and until now, almost completely unknown - humanitarian operation. Under the leadership of the Polish Ambassador, Aleksander Lados, they undertook a systematic programme of forging identity documents for Latin American countries, which were then smuggled into German-occupied Europe to save the lives of thousands of Jews facing extermination in the Holocaust. The Lados operation was one of the largest rescue missions of the entire war, and The Forgers tells this extraordinary story for the first time.We follow the desperate bids of Jews to obtain these life-saving documents, and their painful uncertainty over whether they will be granted protection from the Nazis' murderous fury. And we witness the quiet heroism of those who decided to act in an attempt to save thousands of lives. (

Podobné produkty ako The Forgers - Roger Moorhouse , Roger waters: the wall - dvd (u00304)

The Devil´s Alliance - Roger Moorhouse

The Devil´s Alliance - Roger Moorhouse

For nearly two years the two most infamous dictators in history actively collaborated with one another. This book tells the story of the pact between Hitler and Stalin, from the motivation for its inception to its dramatic and abrupt end in 1941 as Germany declared war against its former partner. (

Podobné produkty ako The Devil´s Alliance - Roger Moorhouse , Blakey art & the jazz messengers: first flight to tokyo: the lost 1961 recordings - cd (3595285)

Aliance mezi ďábly Hitlerova dohoda se Stalinem 1939-1941 - Moorhouse Roger

Aliance mezi ďábly Hitlerova dohoda se Stalinem 1939-1941 - Moorhouse Roger

Dva nejhorší diktátoři v dějinách spolu bezmála dva roky aktivně spolupracovali. Oznámení dohody mezi nacisty a Sověty ohromilo celý svět, v jejím rámci došlo k invazi do Polska a její zhroucení vedlo k rozhodujícímu střetu druhé světové války. Roger Moorhouse ve své knize tuto kapitolu válečných dějin probírá do hloubky, zkoumá, co vedlo k uzavření paktu i jeho ukončení a vyhlášení války někdejšímu partnerovi. Využívá přitom dobových pramenů i svědectví přímých účastníků. (

Podobné produkty ako Aliance mezi ďábly Hitlerova dohoda se Stalinem 1939-1941 - Moorhouse Roger , Roger waters: the wall - blu-ray (u00305)

The Glass Cliff: Why Women in Power Are Undermined - and How to Fight Back - Sophie Williams


Have you ever wondered why there are so few success stories of women in business leadership? Or maybe you've wondered what life is really like on the other side of The Glass Ceiling? The world of work is supposedly changing, embracing diversity; yet are the opportunities we're giving to women really equal to those of men? Drawing on almost 20 years of research from around the world, The Glass Cliff phenomenon - whereby women are often only hired in leadership roles when a business is already underperforming, meaning their chances of success are limited before they ever even start in the role - is well established, but little known. Until now. This is the story of The Glass Cliff: a story of a structural inequality disguising itself as the personal failures of women. When Sophie Williams gave her viral TED talk on the subject, she was subsequently flooded with accounts of confident, accomplished women who had taken what seemed like a dream leadership role only to quickly find themselves in a waking nightmare.Without the language to describe their experiences they had been left blaming themselves. But learning about The Glass Cliff enabled them to reframe and reexamine what they'd gone through. Once we understand The Glass Cliff; once we can stand together and face it head-first; we can start to unravel so many other false narratives about women's leadership experiences that just don't make sense without it. By understanding the phenomenon, and by telling one another about it, we can affect the conversation, empower one another to overcome societal bias and, ultimately, change the world of work for women forever. (

Podobné produkty ako The Glass Cliff: Why Women in Power Are Undermined - and How to Fight Back - Sophie Williams , War: deliver the word - lp (0349784493)

Třetí říše ve 100 objektech - Roger Moorhouse

Třetí říše ve 100 objektech - Roger Moorhouse

Vydejte se s námi do jednoho z nejtemnějších období bouřlivého 20. století – do doby vlády nacistického režimu v Německu. Sto pečlivě vybraných předmětů a staveb pokrývá všechny aspekty dějin nacistického Německa, od často probíraných témat, jako je holokaust a druhá světová válka, po daleko méně známé oblasti, k nimž patří sociální politika, technický pokrok či využití propagandy. (

Podobné produkty ako Třetí říše ve 100 objektech - Roger Moorhouse , Daltrey roger: the who's tommy orchestral - cd (7763526)

Třetí říše ve 100 objektech - Moorhouse Roger

Třetí říše ve 100 objektech - Moorhouse Roger

Vydejte se s námi do jednoho z nejtemnějších období bouřlivého 20. století – do doby vlády nacistického režimu v Německu. Průvodcem nám bude odborník na slovo vzatý, britský historik Roger Moorhouse, který se na toto zdánlivě dávno vyčerpané téma dokázal podívat zcela novým způsobem: prostřednictvím příběhů typických i neobvyklých artefaktů. Sto pečlivě vybraných předmětů a staveb pokrývá všechny aspekty dějin nacistického Německa, od často probíraných témat, jako je holokaust a druhá světová válka, po daleko méně známé oblasti, k nimž patří sociální politika, technický pokrok či využití propagandy. Příběhy všech artefaktů Moorhouse čtivě a současně fundovaně zařazuje do širších souvislostí. Výsledkem je mimořádně plastický obraz tehdejších událostí, k čemuž přispívá i vysoce kvalitní obrazový doprovod, který dává knize téměř ráz výstavního katalogu. Předmluvou knihu opatřil profesor Richard Overy, přední odborník na dějiny nacistického Německa a druhé světové války. (

Podobné produkty ako Třetí říše ve 100 objektech - Moorhouse Roger , Shock and awe: glam rock and its legacy, from the seventies to the twenty-first century (0062279807)

Poetry of the First World War - Clapham Marcus

Poetry of the First World War - Clapham Marcus

The First World War was one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history and produced horrors undreamed of by the young men who cheerfully volunteered for a war that was supposed to be over by Christmas. Whether in the patriotic enthusiasm of Rupert Brooke, the disillusionment of Charles Hamilton Sorley, or the bitter denunciations of Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, the war produced an astonishing outpouring of powerful poetry. The major poets are all represented in this beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library anthology, Poetry of the First World War, alongside many others whose voices are less well known, and their verse is accompanied by contemporary motifs.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.This anthology is edited by author and editor Marcus Clapham. (

Podobné produkty ako Poetry of the First World War - Clapham Marcus , The first person singular: stories (0593318072)

The Western Front: A History of the First World War (0241347181)

The Western Front: A History of the First World War (0241347181)

Kniha - autor Nick Lloyd, 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná 'A tour de force of scholarship, analysis and narration . . . Lloyd is well on the way to writing a definitive history of the First World War' Lawrence James, The Times 'This well-researched, well-written and cogently argued new analysis . . . will undoubtedly now take its rightful place as the standard account of this vital theatre of the conflict' Andrew Roberts, author of Churchill: Walking with Destiny _________________ In the annals of military history, the Western Front stands as an enduring symbol of the folly and futility of war. However, as bestselling military historian Nick Lloyd reveals in this highly-praised history - the first of an epic trilogy -- the story is not one of pointlessness and stupidity, but rather a heroic triumph against the odds. With a cast of hundreds and a huge canvas of places and events, Lloyd tells the whole tale, revealing what happened in France... (

Podobné produkty ako The Western Front: A History of the First World War (0241347181) , Sabaton: war to end all wars - lp (4065629632632)

Science, Occupation, War: 1939-1945 - Antonín Kostlán, Michal V. Šimůnek


Kolektivní monografie v anglickém jazyce "Science, Occupation, War: 1939-1945" obsahuje příspěvky věnované problematice nacistické vědecké politiky a jejím dopadům ve vybraných okupovaných zemích střední a západní Evropy. Záměrně byly vybrány především země menší a střední velikosti, umožňující vzájemné srovnání. Tematizovány jsou strategie a přístupy jednotlivých okupačních správ i význam jednotlivých institucí (univerzity), oborů či specifické postavení vědců-emigrantů, zapojení vědy do průmyslu a zneužití vědy při pokusech na lidech ve vyhlazovacím táboře Auswitz (Osvětim). Publikace obsahuje rejstříky a je doplněna obrazovými přílohami. (

Podobné produkty ako Science, Occupation, War: 1939-1945 - Antonín Kostlán, Michal V. Šimůnek , Sabaton: war to end all wars - lp (4065629630713)

Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in the Avant-Garde and Modernism. The Impact of the First World War - Vojtěch Lahoda, Lidia Głuchowska


Kniha představuje výsledky široce koncipovaného vědeckého výzkumu, který byl v souvislosti s výročím začátku 1. světové války realizován nejen ve střední Evropě, ale i v Gruzii, Skandinávii nebo pobaltských zemích. Ukazuje proměny nacionalistické rétoriky v politických a estetických diskurzech v souvislostech se změnou mapy Evropy v roce 1918 a vznikem nových států. Z různých pohledů kniha sleduje, jakými způsoby byl poválečný moderní vizuální jazyk šířen mimo tradiční centra a jakou roli přitom sehrála mezinárodní avantgardní síť, cirkulace moderních časopisů a další aspekty. Zásadním vědeckým přínosem je narušení tradiční představy, vytvořené v západním diskursu dějin umění a založené na černobílém rozdělení na národní, oficiální ideologii mladých států a mezinárodní utopické programy světa "bez hranic". Autoři knihy na různých příkladech přesvědčivě ukazují, že umělci, poháněni vlasteneckým étosem, často následovali obě myšlenky paralelně nebo v různých fázích jejich života. Návraty k národně koncipovaným programům v zemích, které vyvstaly na troskách Rakousko-Uherské monarchie, jsou inovativně interpretovány jako efektivní strategie preferující nejednoznačné umělecké projevy, usilující uplatnit se v každodenním životě a odpovídající specifickým sociálně-ekonomickým potřebám dotyčných států. Představením "neznámého" umění a uměleckých manifestů ze sousedních zemí publikace otevírá nové obzory a vybízí další badatele k rekonstruování vlastní i globální kulturní historie v horizontální perspektivě, bez nacionalistických přístupů. (

Podobné produkty ako Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in the Avant-Garde and Modernism. The Impact of the First World War - Vojtěch Lahoda, Lidia Głuchowska , Dermacol 5 days stay nail polish no.06 first kiss 11 ml (85959262)

A collection Of First World War Poetry

A collection Of First World War Poetry

Audiokniha MP3 Kolektiv autorů, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha A collection Of First World War Poetry namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C2 pro posluchače experty. This collection reflects the wide variety of poems written, in the English language, about The War that Will End War (H.G. Wells, 1914). The collection contains poetry written during, or immediately after, the First World War. The poets were influenced by their war experiences in many different ways: some served in the trenches, others drove ambulances, flew planes, fought at sea or wrote propaganda for war offices. Many of the poets were killed or wounded in action and most were extremely young. (

Podobné produkty ako A collection Of First World War Poetry , War: war - lp (0349784490)

A collection Of First World War Poetry - audiokniha

A collection Of First World War Poetry - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Audiokniha A collection Of First World War Poetry namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C2 pro posluchače experty. This collection reflects the wide variety of poems written, in the English language, about The War that Will End War (H.G. Wells, 1914). The collection contains poetry written during, or immediately after, the First World War. The poets were influenced by their war experiences in many different ways: some served in the trenches, others drove ambulances, flew planes, fought at sea or wrote propaganda for war offices. Many of the poets were killed or wounded in action and most were extremely young. (

Podobné produkty ako A collection Of First World War Poetry - audiokniha , War: give me five! the war albums (1971-1975) (rsd) (coloured) (5x lp) - lp (0349784499)

The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells


With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Andrew Frayn, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University.In these two compelling novels H.G. Wells imagines terrifying futures in which civilisation itself is threatened.The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars. Six million people begin to flee London in panic as tentacled invaders emerge and overpower the city. With their heat-ray, killing machines, black gas, and a taste for fresh human blood, is there anything that can be done to stop the Martians?In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines. His curiosity sweeps him away by accident into a German plan to conquer America, beginning with the destruction of New York. The ease of movement in aerial warfare means that nothing and nobody is safe as Total War erupts, civilisation crumbles, and Bert's hopes of getting back to London to marry his love seem impossibly distant. (

Podobné produkty ako The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells , Zapp & roger: all the greatest hits (coloured) (2x lp) - lp (0349784427)

Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé First things first - Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca Merrill

Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé First things first - Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca Merrill

Chcete žiť tak, aby ste stíhali svoje povinnosti a zároveň si užívali všetko, čo máte radi? Zamysleli ste sa niekedy, či to, čo práve robíte a kam smerujete, je skutočne pre vás to najdôležitejšie? Tradičné teórie o manažovaní času, ktoré učia ľudí spraviť čo najviac vecí za čo najkratší čas, sú už prekonané. V tejto knihe sa dozviete, ako skutočne efektívni ľudia využívajú svoj čas, prečo všetky vaše predchádzajúce pokusy o efektívne manažovanie času zlyhali, ako súvisí manažovanie času s manažovaním financií, ako zrealizovať svoje predsavzatia a dlhodobo sa nimi riadiť, ako delegovať povinnosti a zároveň nestratiť nad vecami kontrolu, ako získať celkovú kontrolu nad svojím životom, a nie len nad tým, ako trávite svoj čas, a mnoho ďalších inšpirácií k tomu, aby ste viedli plnohodnotný život. Kniha Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé nadväzuje na predošlý Coveyho klasický bestseller 7 návykov skutočne efektívnych ľudí a pomôže vám lepšie zhodnotiť, čo je vo vašom živote skutočne to najdôležitejšie, čomu sa oplatí venovať čas, záujem či snahu. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé First things first - Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca Merrill , Waters, roger: is this the life we really want? -digi- (0889854364823)

The Witcher: Griffin Fight - Puzzle (5908305231233)

The Witcher: Griffin Fight - Puzzle (5908305231233)

Puzzle - patří mezi náročnější, 1000 dílků v balení, téma filmy a seriály Skládání puzzlí se dá zařadit mezi nejoblíbenější dětské hry. A jejich skládání si neužívají pouze děti. Také dospělí si užijí čas strávený u malých dílků, díky kterým si můžou sestavit oblíbený motiv. Tyto puzzle Good Loot je možné použít pro kohokoliv. Než je pořídíte, je dobré si promyslet, kdo si je bude skládat. Tyto puzzle disponují dohromady 1000 dílků. Jsou vyrobeny z materiálu, kterým je papír. Základní parametry puzzlí The Witcher: Griffin Fight - Puzzle Puzzle se skvěle hodí pro rozvíjení jemné motoriky, představivosti a koncentrace. Při jejich skládání odpočíváte Puzzle The Witcher: Griffin Fight - Puzzle můžete koupit pro kluky i holky Téma: filmy a seriály V balení je celkem 1000 dílků Materiál, ze kterého jsou vyrobeny je papír (

Podobné produkty ako The Witcher: Griffin Fight - Puzzle (5908305231233) , Xcom 2: war of the chosen - xbox digital (g3q-00373)

Savatage - Fight For The Rock (LP)

Savatage - Fight For The Rock (LP)

Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock Typ: Nové vydání;Remastered;Album;LP deska Vydavatelství: Ear Music Žánr: Rock Varianta: Fight For The Rock (LP) Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999 Rok vydání: 2021.0 Složení setu: 1 ks Datum vydání: 2021-12-17 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Savatage Země interpreta: USA (

Podobné produkty ako Savatage - Fight For The Rock (LP) , Sponeta g1715 fight (05-g1715)

The Armchair General World War One: Can You Win The Great War? - John Buckley


'The Armchair General team has done it again. An absorbing read for Christmas.'Peter Caddick-Adams'Brilliant and immersive.'Harry SidebottomThe second book in the Armchair General series, where YOU choose the fate of the First World War________________________________HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTORS. WILL IT BE YOU?TAKE THE HOTSEATAssume the role of real historic decision-makers: general, leaders, soldiers and intelligence officers of the Allied Forces during World War I.EXAMINE THE INTELLIGENCEExplore eight key moments from the First World War, using real contemporaneous intelligence: including the July Crisis, the Battle of the Somme, and the Russian Revolution.CONSIDER THE SCENARIO & MAKE YOUR DECISIONFrom battlefields to the Royal Courts, each tactical and strategic decision you make leads to a different outcome.Will you follow the path of the past - or shape a new history...?________________________________PRAISE FOR THE ARMCHAIR GENERAL SERIES'An original and exciting approach...The Armchair General adds enormously to our understanding of the conflicts' JAMES HOLLAND'A reminder that history is a never ending now, a relentless and endless present that comes without the luxury of hindsight' AL MURRAY'Wonderfully original...putting readers at the heart of the decision-making process and allowing them, literally, to change the course of history. This is counterfactual history at its very best' SAUL DAVID (

Podobné produkty ako The Armchair General World War One: Can You Win The Great War? - John Buckley , Cardigans: first band on the moon 2019 - lp (5722169)

The War of the Worlds (1847496466)

The War of the Worlds (1847496466)

Kniha - autor H. G. Wells, 192 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor H. G. Wells, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens traverse the country in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a heat ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of the Earth must come to terms with the prospect of the end of human civilization and the beginning of Martian rule. Inspiring films, radio dramas, comic-book adaptations, television series and sequels, The War of the Worlds is a prototypical work of science fiction which has influenced every alien story that has come since, and is unsurpassed in its ability to thrill, well over a century since it was first published. (

Podobné produkty ako The War of the Worlds (1847496466) , Hácha 1939 ()

Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé First things first - Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; Merrill, Rebecca - Merrill Rebecca

Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé First things first - Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; Merrill, Rebecca - Merrill Rebecca

Chcete žiť tak, aby ste stíhali svoje povinnosti a zároveň si užívali všetko, čo máte radi? Zamysleli ste sa niekedy, či to, čo práve robíte a kam smerujete, je skutočne pre vás to najdôležitejšie? Tradičné teórie o manažovaní času, ktoré učia ľudí spraviť čo najviac vecí za čo najkratší čas, sú už prekonané. V tejto knihe sa dozviete, ako skutočne efektívni ľudia využívajú svoj čas, prečo všetky vaše predchádzajúce pokusy o efektívne manažovanie času zlyhali, ako súvisí manažovanie času s manažovaním financií, ako zrealizovať svoje predsavzatia a dlhodobo sa nimi riadiť, ako delegovať povinnosti a zároveň nestratiť nad vecami kontrolu, ako získať celkovú kontrolu nad svojím životom, a nie len nad tým, ako trávite svoj čas, a mnoho ďalších inšpirácií k tomu, aby ste viedli plnohodnotný život. Kniha Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé nadväzuje na predošlý Coveyho klasický bestseller 7 návykov skutočne efektívnych ľudí a pomôže vám lepšie zhodnotiť, čo je vo vašom živote skutočne to najdôležitejšie, čomu sa oplatí venovať čas, záujem či snahu. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdôležitejšie veci ako prvé First things first - Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; Merrill, Rebecca - Merrill Rebecca , Sabaton: war to end all wars (earbook) (2x cd) - cd (4065629630744)

Bismarck´s War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe - Chrastil Rachel


Less than a month after it marched into France in summer 1870, the Prussian army had devastated its opponents, captured Napoleon III and wrecked all assumptions about Europe's pecking order. Other countries looked on in helpless amazement. Pushing aside further French resistance, a new German Empire was proclaimed (as a deliberate humiliation) in the Palace of Versailles, leaving the French to face civil war in Paris, reparations and the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.Bismarck's War tells the story of one of the most shocking reversals of fortune in modern European history. The culmination of a globally violent decade, the Franco-Prussian War was deliberately engineered by Bismarck, both to destroy French power and to unite Germany. It could not have worked better, but it also had lurking inside it the poisonous seeds of all the disasters that would ravage the twentieth century.Drawing on a remarkable variety of sources, Chrastil's book explores the military, technological, political and social events of the war, its human cost and the way that the sheer ferocity of war, however successful, has profound consequences for both victors and victims. (

Podobné produkty ako Bismarck´s War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe - Chrastil Rachel , Sabaton: war to end all wars (digipack) (history edition) - cd (4065629630706)

Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm - Siobhan McDermott


An extraordinary destiny unfolds . . . Twelve-year-old Zhi Ging has always been an outcast.Until she receives an invitation to Hok Woh, an underwater school that offers her the chance to become immortal, and to finally belong. There, she battles in hair-raising boat races, meets ageshifting tutors and competes in thrilling trials. But there are rumours of a growing dark force . . . and students who fail the trials are disappearing.Can Zhi Ging uncover the truth before it's too late?The first in the unmissable magical fantasy series of 2024, set to take the world by storm. Perfect for fans of Nevermoor and Dragon Mountain. (

Podobné produkty ako Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm - Siobhan McDermott , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

The First to Die at the End (9781398519992)

The First to Die at the End (9781398519992)

Kniha - autor Adam Silvera, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End (9781398519992) , Royal coda: to only a few at first - lp (4050538743937)

The Dogs Of War


An astonishing discovery is made in the remote African republic of Zangaro, one which could change the course of a nation's history forever. But such a discovery cannot be kept secret for long and Sir James Manson will stop at nothing to protect this find. A ruthless and bloody-minded tycoon, Manson immediately hires an army of mercenaries and with this deadly crew behind him he sets out to topple the government and replace its dictator with a puppet president. But news of the discovery has reached Russia - and suddenly Manson finds he no longer makes the rules in this power game. A game in which win or lose means life or death. (

Podobné produkty ako The Dogs Of War , Dvory chaosu zelazny roger

The Tomorrow War (4471)

The Tomorrow War (4471)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a simulátor, Vesmírný simulátor z 27. století inspirovaný trilogií novel známého ruského autora Alexandera Zoricha. The Tomorrow War nás s absolventy vojenské vesmírné akademie zavádí do intergalaktické války dvou mocných říší United Earth Empire a Konkordie.VypnutoThe Tomorrow WarVesmírný simulátor z 27. století inspirovaný trilogií novel známého ruského autora Alexandera Zoricha. The Tomorrow War nás s absolventy vojenské vesmírné akademie zavádí do intergalaktické války dvou mocných říší United Earth Empire a... (

Podobné produkty ako The Tomorrow War (4471) , První testament: the first testament (978-80-88412-14-4)

The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera


In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera , Tecnifibre t-fight team 24 (3490150193191)

The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera


In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. 'If They Both Die at the End broke your heart and put it back together again, be prepared for this novel to do the same. A tender, sad, hopeful and youthful story that deserves as much love as its predecessor.' Culturefly'[A] heart-pounding story [full] of emotion and suspense.' Kirkus'An extraordinary book with a riveting plot.' BooklistMeet Orion and Valentino.It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident.Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't.Told with acclaimed author Adam Silvera's signature bittersweet touch, this story celebrates the lasting impact that people have on each other and proves that life is always worth living to the fullest. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera , Tecnifibre t-fight team 26 (3490150193214)

The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies

The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies

"For a full hour, he poured lemonade. The world is a thirsty place, he thought as he nearly emptied his fourth pitcher of the day." And I am the Lemonade King. Fourth-grader Evan Treski is people-smart. He s good at talking with people, even grownups. His younger sister, Jessie, on the other hand, is math-smart, but not especially good with people. So when the siblings lemonade stand war begins, there really is no telling who will win or even if their fight will ever end. Brimming with savvy marketing tips for making money at any business, definitions of business terms, charts, diagrams, and even math problems, this fresh, funny, emotionally charged novel subtly explores how arguments can escalate beyond anyone s intent. Awards: 2009 Rhode Island Children's Book Award, 2007 New York Public Library 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing, North Carolina Children s Book Award 2011, 2011 Nutmeg Award (Connecticut) (

Podobné produkty ako The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies , Tecnifibre t-fight team 25 (3490150193207)

The Everything War - Dana Mattioli


'Riveting and explosive. This is the business story of our time.'Christopher Leonard, New York Times Bestselling Author of Kochland and The Lords of Easy Money---From veteran Amazon reporter for The Wall Street Journal, The Everything War is the first untold, devastating expose of Amazon's endless strategic greed, its pursuit of total domination, by any means necessary, and the growing efforts to stop it.For over twenty years, Amazon was the quintessential American success story, whilst its "customer obsession" approach made it indelibly attractive to consumers across the globe. But the company was not benevolent; it operated in ways that ensured it stayed on top, coming to dominate over a dozen industries beyond retail, growing voraciously by abusing data, exploiting partners, copying competitors, and avoiding taxes-leveraging its power to extract whatever it could, at any cost and without much scrutiny.Until now.With unparalleled access, and having interviewed hundreds of people - from Amazon executives to competitors to small businesses who rely on its marketplace to survive - Dana Mattioli exposes how Amazon was driven by a competitive edge to dominate every industry it entered, bulldozed all who stood in its way, reshaped the retail landscape, transformed how Wall Street evaluates companies, and altered the very nature of the global economy.In 2023, the Federal Trade Commission filed a monopoly lawsuit against Amazon in what may become one of the largest antitrust cases in the 21st century. As Amazon's supremacy is finally challenged, The Everything War is the definitive, inside story of how it grew into one of the most powerful and feared companies in the world - and why this is the most consequential business story of our times. (

Podobné produkty ako The Everything War - Dana Mattioli , Tiny changes: a celebration of frightened rabbit's 'the midnight organ fight' (2x lp) - lp (9029552561)

The Art of War (1509827951)

The Art of War (1509827951)

Kniha - autor Tzu Sun, 152 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A fresh, contemporary translation of Sun Tzu's title for the 21st century, now in hardback. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War (1509827951)

The Art of War (1847497462)

The Art of War (1847497462)

Kniha - autor Sun Tzu, 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics of its time. It has been the most famous and influential of China's Seven Military Classics, and "for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by name." It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.The book was first translated into the French language in 1772 by French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905. The first annotated English language... (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War (1847497462)

The Second World War (1780225644)

The Second World War (1780225644)

Kniha - autor Antony Beevor, 994 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Antony Beevor, 994 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A magisterial, single-volume history of the greatest conflict the world has ever known, by our foremost military historian. Beevor assembles the whole picture in a narrative that extends from the North Atlantic to the South Pacific and from snowbound steppe to the North African desert. A new paperback edition. (

Podobné produkty ako The Second World War (1780225644)

The Art of War (0141023813)

The Art of War (0141023813)

Kniha - autor Sun Tzu, 100 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Offering ancient wisdom on how to use skill, cunning, tactics and discipline to outwit your opponent, this bestselling 2000-year-old military manual is still worshipped by soldiers on the battlefield and managers in the boardroom as the ultimate guide to winning. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War (0141023813)

The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells


Shooting stars tear across the night sky, then a gigantic artificial cylinder descends from Mars to land near London. Inquisitive locals gather round, only to be struck down by a murderous Heat-Ray. Giant destructive machines disgorge from the cylinder, destroying everything in their path on a merciless march towards the capital. Can humanity survive this Martian onslaught? A gripping adventure written in semi-documentary style, The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells is the seminal man versus machine adventure which has inspired countless science fiction stories and novels. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The War of the Worlds contains an introduction by author James P. Blaylock.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells


When a cylinder from Mars lands not far from London, crowds of people arrive. Curiosity turns to terror as Martians appear. Their technology is far more advanced than humans and their heat-ray weapon kills instantly. One man, looking for his wife, understands that this invasion could mean the end of human civilisation and the beginning of Martian rule. Dossiers:H. G. Wells; The Planet Mars; Orson Welles radio dramatisation of The War of the Worlds; Cinema: The War of the Worlds (

Podobné produkty ako The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells


When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens traverse the country in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a heat ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of the Earth must come to terms with the prospect of the end of human civilization and the beginning of Martian rule. Inspiring films, radio dramas, comic-book adaptations, television series and sequels, The War of the Worlds is a prototypical work of science fiction which has influenced every alien story that has come since, and is unsurpassed in its ability to thrill, well over a century since it was first published. (

Podobné produkty ako The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera


In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera

The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera


In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera

The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera


In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera

The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera


In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. 'If They Both Die at the End broke your heart and put it back together again, be prepared for this novel to do the same. A tender, sad, hopeful and youthful story that deserves as much love as its predecessor.' Culturefly'[A] heart-pounding story [full] of emotion and suspense.' Kirkus'An extraordinary book with a riveting plot.' BooklistMeet Orion and Valentino.It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident.Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't.Told with acclaimed author Adam Silvera's signature bittersweet touch, this story celebrates the lasting impact that people have on each other and proves that life is always worth living to the fullest. (

Podobné produkty ako The First to Die at the End (Defekt) - Adam Silvera

Ego is the Enemy: The Fight to Master Our Greatest Opponent (1781257027)

Ego is the Enemy: The Fight to Master Our Greatest Opponent (1781257027)

Kniha - 226 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Inspiring and practical, this is a powerful meditation on the nature and dangers of ego, from the bestselling author of "Trust Me, I'm Lying" and "The Obstacle Is The Way". (

Podobné produkty ako Ego is the Enemy: The Fight to Master Our Greatest Opponent (1781257027)

The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha


eBook: For those interested in a more philosphical aspect of war, \'The Meaning of the War\' by Henri Bergson is a short non-fiction work that explores \'Life & Matter in Conflict\', as the subtitle of the book tells us. A renowned French philosopher, Bergson delves into the history and politics of war, specifically examining Germany during World War I. This book criticizes the ideology that might is right. A policy that has been fatal for regions that neighbour Germany.To further get insight into the philosophical aspect of war, Sigmund Freud\'s essay ´Reflections on War and Death´ provides a great perspective on the modern mental state of people during WWI. (

Podobné produkty ako The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

The Day War Came - Nicola Davies

The Day War Came - Nicola Davies

A moving, poetic narrative and child-friendly illustrations follow the heartbreaking, ultimately hopeful journey of a little girl who is forced to become a refugee. The day war came there were flowers on the windowsill and my father sang my baby brother back to sleep. Imagine if, on an ordinary day, after a morning of studying tadpoles and drawing birds at school, war came to your town and turned it to rubble. Imagine if you lost everything and everyone, and you had to make a dangerous journey all alone. Imagine that there was no welcome at the end, and no room for you to even take a seat at school. And then a child, just like you, gave you something ordinary but so very, very precious. In lyrical, deeply affecting language, Nicola Davies's text combines with Rebecca Cobb's expressive illustrations to evoke the experience of a child who sees war take away all that she knows. (

Podobné produkty ako The Day War Came - Nicola Davies

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.`Opportunities multiply as they are seized.'Written in the 6th century BC, Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that is still revered today as the ultimate commentary on war and military strategy. Focussing on the principle that one can outsmart your foe mentally by thinking very carefully about strategy before resorting to physical battle, this philosophy continues to be applied to the corporate and business world.Sun Tzu's timeless appraisal of the different aspects of warfare are laid out in 13 chapters, including sections on `Laying Plans', `Waging War' and `Terrain'. Words that are as resonant today in every aspect of our lives as they were when he wrote them. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Still a source of inspiration for soldiers on the battlefield and managers in the boardroom 2000 years after it was written, Sun-Tzu's The Art of War is the most influential book of strategy in the world, translated from the Chinese by John Minford in Penguin Classics.'Ultimate excellence lies not in winning every battle, but in defeating the enemy without ever fighting'For more than two thousand years, Sun-Tzu's The Art of War has provided leaders with profound insights into the use of skill, tactics, psychology and discipline to outwit opponents. Said to have inspired Napoleon, and used by Mao Zedong and General Douglas MacArthur, as well as many famous business gurus, politicians and sports stars, its ancient words of wisdom provide a touchstone for today's managers and executives fighting their boardroom battles. This best-selling book offers ancient wisdom on how to use skill, cunning, tactics and discipline to outwit your opponent.Little is known for definite about Sun Tzu (544-496 B.C.) and his life during the Warring States period after the decline of the Zhou dynasty, but his classic The Art of War has been one of the central works of Chinese literature for 2500 years.If you enjoyed The Art of War, you might like Machiavelli's The Prince, also available in Penguin Classics.'Absorb this book, and you can throw out all those contemporary books about management leadership'Newsweek'Reflecting on Sun-Tzu's work is to the business manager what weight lifting is to the champion athlete - an exercise that makes one stronger'John Kohut, Beijing Bureau Chief, South China Post (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Art of War - Sun Tzu


This is a fresh, contemporary translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War for the 21st century. As well as its historical importance, it is one of the most influential political and business books of our era. This edition rediscovers the essential clarity of the ancient masterpiece, cited by generals from a dozen Chinese dynasties, international business leaders, and modern military field manuals. It also contains a full commentary on Sun Tzu, the man and his ideas, contemporary of Confucius and Buddha; and a critical guide to further reading. This is the perfect introduction to one of the world's best-known classics.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Art of War is translated and edited by author and scriptwriter Jonathan Clements.Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Endless War - Danielle L. Jensen


THREE LIFE-CHANGING CHOICES, TWO STAR-CROSSED LOVERS, AND ONE UNCLAIMED DESTINY . . .Newly crowned as king of Maridrina, Keris watches powerless as his forbidden relationship with Zarrah is exposed. He knows there is only one way to save her when she is imprisoned by the Empress: to ally with the kingdom he nearly destroyed. Zarrah, held captive on the dreaded Devil's Island, faces two choices: prove her loyalty to the Empress who condemned her or die a traitor.But dare Zarrah seek a third path: a rebellion to overthrow tyranny entwined with a destiny she must fight to claim. Facing impossible odds, Keris and Zarrah must somehow find their way back to each other, before it's too late . .. -- Praise for Danielle L Jensen's previous work:- Heart-pounding romance and intense action wrapped in a spellbinding world. I was hooked from the first page! - Elise Kova, USA Today bestselling author of A Deal with the Elf King Richly-woven, evocative, and absolutely impossible to put down - I was hooked from the first lines! Dark Shores has everything I look for in a fantasy novel: fresh, unique settings, a cast of complex and diverse characters, and an unflinching boldness with the nuanced world-building.I loved every word - Sarah J. Maas The book grabs readers from the beginning with its stellar world-building and multidimensional characters - Kirkus Reviews Stunning world-building, a vivid cast of secondary characters, and a steamy slow-burn romance between two exceedingly competent and compelling heroes. Dark Shores is not one to miss - Booklist (

Podobné produkty ako The Endless War - Danielle L. Jensen

The Art of War - Sun Tzu


Previous translations of The Art of War have presented Sun Tzu's classic from the point of view of military strategy, Chinese history, or Taoist philosophy. This translation--accompanied by the translators' in-depth essays and illuminating line-by-line commentary--offers a fresh perspective on this ancient Chinese text. Here, Sun Tzu's strategic principles of warfare (based as they were on the fundamental insights of the Chinese spiritual and philosophical tradition) are seen as universally relevant--the foundation for personal transformation and the creation of an enlightened society. In this translation of The Art of War , Sun Tzu's teachings are revealed in an entirely new light. - War is any situation that demands hard choices about creation and destruction, life or death. - The state is the system in which we live--our household, our culture or society, or our own mind. - Defense ensures the integrity of our boundaries and allows life to flourish within them. - Force is the energy of concentrated action. - Victory lies in bringing others around to embracing a larger view--one that includes their own--without ever going to battle. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Language of War - Oleksandr Mykhed


A thirty-three-year-old writer lives in a quiet European suburb with his wife and his dog. His parents have bought an apartment nearby. On weekends they go out for brunch, cook and see friends. Life is good; it is normal. Then the invaders come. The Language of War is about what happens when your world changes overnight.When you wake up to the sound of helicopters and the smell of gunpowder. When your home is hit by shells or broken into by gunmen, and you spend another night in a basement-turned-bomb shelter. When, even though you’ve never held a weapon before, you realise the only choice is to fight back. It is about things one can never forget, or forgive. Bringing together Oleksandr Mykhed’s vivid day-by-day chronicles of the invasion of Ukraine with a chorus of other voices – his family, friends in exile, those who have fought and have witnessed unimaginable atrocities – this book is both a record, and a reckoning. Haunting and timeless, it asks how it is possible to find the words to describe a new reality; how you can still make sense of the world when the only language you can speak is the language of war. (

Podobné produkty ako The Language of War - Oleksandr Mykhed
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