Find me (defekt) - andre aciman

Produkt Find me (defekt) - andre aciman sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Find me (defekt) - andre aciman upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Find Me (Defekt) - Andre Aciman

Find Me (Defekt) - Andre Aciman

Elio believes he has left behind his first love - but as an affair with an older man intensifies, his thoughts turn to the past and to Oliver. Oliver, a college professor, husband and father, is preparing to leave New York. The imminent trip stirs up longing and regret, awakening an old desire and propelling him towards a decision that could change everything. In Call Me By Your Name, we fell in love with Oliver and Elio. Find Me returns to these unforgettable characters, exploring how love can ripple out from the past and into the future. (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me (Defekt) - Andre Aciman , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)

Find Me - Andre Aciman

Find Me - Andre Aciman

Elio believes he has left behind his first love - but as an affair with an older man intensifies, his thoughts turn to the past and to Oliver. Oliver, a college professor, husband and father, is preparing to leave New York. The imminent trip stirs up longing and regret, awakening an old desire and propelling him towards a decision that could change everything. In Call Me By Your Name, we fell in love with Oliver and Elio. Find Me returns to these unforgettable characters, exploring how love can ripple out from the past and into the future. (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me - Andre Aciman , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)

Call Me by Your Name (Defekt) - Andre Aciman


This amazing novel about first love, published to a roar of acclaim, is now available in paperback: 'A superb novel about the sensuous light of the Mediterranean summer, the languorous days and nights filled with desire... wonderful.' Colm Toibin (

Podobné produkty ako Call Me by Your Name (Defekt) - Andre Aciman , Worx gps find my landroid wa0862 (wa0862)

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

This amazing novel about first love, published to a roar of acclaim, is now available in paperback: 'A superb novel about the sensuous light of the Mediterranean summer, the languorous days and nights filled with desire... wonderful.' Colm Toibin (

Podobné produkty ako Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman , Panzerglass oppo a96/find x5 lite (7080)

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman

Andre Aciman's Call Me by Your Name is the story of a sudden and powerful romance that blossoms between an adolescent boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliffside mansion on the Italian Riviera. Each is unprepared for the consequences of their attraction, when, during the restless summer weeks, unrelenting currents of obsession, fascination, and desire intensify their passion and test the charged ground between them. Recklessly, the two verge toward the one thing both fear they may never truly find again: total intimacy. It is an instant classic and one of the great love stories of our time. Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Ficition A New York Times Notable Book of the Year • A Publishers Weekly and The Washington Post Best Book of the Year • A New York Magazine "Future Canon" Selection • A Chicago Tribune and Seattle Times (Michael Upchurch's) Favorite Favorite Book of the Year Now a Major Motion Picture from Director Luca Guadagnino, Starring Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet, and Written by Three-Time Oscar™ Nominee James Ivory The Basis of the Oscar-Winning Best Adapted Screenplay A New York Times Bestseller A USA Today Bestseller A Los Angeles Times Bestseller A Vulture Book Club Pick An Instant Classic and One of the Great Love Stories of Our Time (

Podobné produkty ako Call Me by Your Name - Andre Aciman , Shatter me series 6-book box set: shatter me, unravel me, ignite me, restore me, defy me, imagine me (0063111357)

Najdi mě - Andre Aciman

Najdi mě - Andre Aciman

Autor světového bestselleru Dej mi své jméno znovu oživuje své postavy, aby si položil otázku: může opravdová láska uvadnout? V novém románu zachycuje Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Elio se brzy přestěhuje do Paříže, kde i on naváže milostný vztah, zatímco Oliver, nyní ženatý vysokoškolský profesor v Nové Anglii, začne znenadání uvažovat o návratu do Evropy. Nezapomenutelný román Andrého Acimana Dej mi své jméno svým líčením podstaty lásky dnešní čtenáře oslovil jako žádné dílo z nedávné doby. Jeho pokračování Najdi mě zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdi mě - Andre Aciman , Fun lovin criminals: come find yourself - lp (8718469536719)

Enigmatické variace - Andre Aciman

Enigmatické variace - Andre Aciman

Nový román Andrého Acimana, kterého New York Magazine označil za "nejpozoruhodnějšího nového autora beletrie 21. století", mapuje milostný život hrdiny, který v dospělosti prožívá lásku se stejnou intenzitou a náruživostí jako v dospívání. Sleduje jeho chlapecké vzplanutí k truhláři z italské rybářské vesnice, posedlost mladíkem, jehož pozná na tenisovém kurtu v Central Parku, i vášnivé občasné schůzky s vdanou ženou. Ve své čtvrté knize autor opět zkoumá všechny tajemné projevy a aspekty lásky, aby popsal, jak se trápíme, toužíme a váháme. A klade si otázku, proč někdy necháváme odejít právě ty, po kterých prahneme nejvíc. Za zmínku stojí, že k názvu autora inspirovala skladba Edwarda Elgara, tvořená čtrnácti krátkými hudebními portréty skladatelových přátel. (

Podobné produkty ako Enigmatické variace - Andre Aciman , Good me, bad me (0718182936)

Najdi mě - Andre Aciman


Autor světového bestselleru Dej mi své jméno znovu oživuje své postavy, aby si položil otázku: může opravdová láska uvadnout? V novém románu zachycuje Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Elio se brzy přestěhuje do Paříže, kde i on naváže milostný vztah, zatímco Oliver, nyní ženatý vysokoškolský profesor v Nové Anglii, začne znenadání uvažovat o návratu do Evropy. Nezapomenutelný román Andrého Acimana Dej mi své jméno svým líčením podstaty lásky dnešní čtenáře oslovil jako žádné dílo z nedávné doby. Jeho pokračování Najdi mě zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdi mě - Andre Aciman , Oclean find duo set sonic electric toothbrush red&blue (c01000352)

Enigma Variations - Andre Aciman


From a youthful infatuation with a cabinet maker in a small Italian fishing village, to a passionate yet sporadic affair with a woman in New York, to an obsession with a man he meets at a tennis court, Enigma Variations charts one man's path through the great loves of his life. Paul's intense desires, losses and longings draw him closer, not to a defined orientation, but to an understanding that 'heartache, like love, like low-grade fevers, like the longing to reach out and touch a hand across the table, is easy enough to live down'. André Aciman casts a shimmering light over each facet of desire, to probe how we ache, want and waver, and ultimately how we sometimes falter and let go of the very ones we want the most. We may not know what we want. We may remain enigmas to ourselves and to others. But sooner or later we discover who we've always known we were. (

Podobné produkty ako Enigma Variations - Andre Aciman , Kenwood kax 983 me (kenwood kax 983 me)

Eight White Nights - Andre Aciman


A powerfully original novel of modern love by the author of Call Me By Your Name. A man in his late twenties goes to a large Christmas party in Manhattan where a woman introduces herself with three words: 'I am Clara.' Over the following seven days, they meet every evening in the snowy city. Overwhelmed yet cautious, he treads softly and won't hazard a move.But as they move closer together, this amorous dance builds towards a New Year's Eve charged with magic, the promise of renewal and love. (

Podobné produkty ako Eight White Nights - Andre Aciman , Lanvin me edp

The Gentleman From Peru - Andre Aciman


From the global bestselling author of Call Me By Your Name - a dazzling, sunbaked Italian summer story. We spend more time than we know trying to go back. We call it fantasising, we call it dreaming. . . but we're all crawling back, each in his or her own way.A group of college friends find themselves marooned at a luxurious hotel on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. While their boat is being repaired, they can't help but observe the daily routine of a fellow hotel guest - a mysterious, white-bearded stranger who sits on the veranda each night and smokes one cigarette, sometimes two. When the group decides to invite the elegant traveller to lunch with them, they cannot begin to imagine the miraculous abilities, strange wisdom, and a life-changing story he is about to impart to one of the friends in particular. . . Deeply atmospheric and sensual, The Gentleman From Peru weaves achingly poignant insight into a story of regret, fate and epic love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Gentleman From Peru - Andre Aciman , Shatter me (1405291753)

Dej mi své jméno - Andre Aciman


Příběh nečekané a silné lásky mezi dospívajícím Eliem a o pár let starším Oliverem, odehrávající se ve vile na jednom útesu italské Riviéry. Ani jeden z nich není na následky vzájemné přitažlivosti připraven, oba proto nejdřív předstírají lhostejnost. Jenže v průběhu následujících neklidných letních dnů jejich vášeň nesená neúprosnými proudy posedlosti, strachu, fascinace a touhy vzrůstá a oba mladíci začínají opatrně prozkoumávat své pocity. V hloubi jejich duší se zrodí láska trvající šest týdnů a přinese jim zkušenost, která je poznamená na zbytek života. Ti dva totiž na Riviéře a během jednoho dusného večera v Římě objeví něco, co možná už nikdy znovu nenajdou: naprostou důvěrnost. André Aciman zachycuje ve své upřímné, nesentimentální a srdcervoucí elegii na lidskou vášeň psychologické manévry doprovázející přitažlivost tak bravurně jako málokdo. Román Dej mi své jméno se čtenářem nezachází v rukavičkách, nedělá si žádné iluze a je zcela nezapomenutelný. (

Podobné produkty ako Dej mi své jméno - Andre Aciman , Gogen me 2930

Najdi mě - Aciman André

Najdi mě - Aciman André

Autor světového bestselleru Dej mi své jméno znovu oživuje své postavy, aby si položil otázku: může opravdová láska uvadnout? V novém románu zachycuje Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Elio se brzy přestěhuje do Paříže, kde i on naváže milostný vztah, zatímco Oliver, nyní ženatý vysokoškolský profesor v Nové Anglii, začne znenadání uvažovat o návratu do Evropy. Nezapomenutelný román Andrého Acimana Dej mi své jméno svým líčením podstaty lásky dnešní čtenáře oslovil jako žádné dílo z nedávné doby. Jeho pokračování Najdi mě zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Najdi mě - Aciman André , Gogen me 1296

Variácie záhad - Aciman André

Variácie záhad - Aciman André

Je možné, že nevieme, čo chceme. Možno navždy zostaneme záhadou pre seba a pre iných. Skôr či neskôr však zistíme, kým sme celý čas skutočne boli. Variácie záhad sú súpisom veľkých lások jedného muža od mladíckeho vzplanutia k mladíkovi v talianskom rybárskom mestečku cez posadnutosť mužom, ktorého stretne na tenisovom kurte, až po nenaplnenú vášeň k jednej Newyorčanke. A hoci ho intenzívne túžby, straty a sklamania k ničomu jednoznačnému neprivedú, pochopí, že zlomené srdce je niečo, čo sa dá prežiť, tak ako láska či zvýšená teplota alebo túžba načiahnuť sa ponad stôl a chytiť niekoho za ruku. André Aciman je autorom bestsellera New York Times Daj mi tvoje meno, podľa ktorého nakrútili aj úspešný film, ako aj jeho pokračovania Nájdi si ma. (

Podobné produkty ako Variácie záhad - Aciman André , Schuen andre, heide daniel: krásná mlynářka (die schone mullerin), op. 25, d. 795 - cd (4839558)

Enigmatické variace - Aciman André

Enigmatické variace - Aciman André

Nový román Andrého Acimana, kterého New York Magazine označil za „nejpozoruhodnějšího nového autora beletrie 21. století“, mapuje milostný život hrdiny, který v dospělosti prožívá lásku se stejnou intenzitou a náruživostí jako v dospívání. Sleduje jeho chlapecké vzplanutí k truhláři z italské rybářské vesnice, posedlost mladíkem, jehož pozná na tenisovém kurtu v Central Parku, i vášnivé občasné schůzky s vdanou ženou. Ve své čtvrté knize autor opět zkoumá všechny tajemné projevy a aspekty lásky, aby popsal, jak se trápíme, toužíme a váháme. A klade si otázku, proč někdy necháváme odejít právě ty, po kterých prahneme nejvíc. Za zmínku stojí, že k názvu autora inspirovala skladba Edwarda Elgara, tvořená čtrnácti krátkými hudebními portréty skladatelových přátel. (

Podobné produkty ako Enigmatické variace - Aciman André , Dead to me (1405921048)

Dej mi své jméno / Najdi mě (box) - Andre Aciman


Román Dej mi své jméno se čtenářem nezachází v rukavičkách, nedělá si žádné iluze a je zcela nezapomenutelný. Příběh nečekané a silné lásky mezi dospívajícím Eliem a o pár let starším Oliverem, odehrávající se ve vile na jednom útesu italské Riviéry. Ani jeden z nich není na následky vzájemné přitažlivosti připraven, jenže v průběhu následujících neklidných letních dnů jejich vášeň vzrůstá a oba mladíci začínají opatrně prozkoumávat své pocity. André Aciman zachycuje ve své upřímné, nesentimentální a srdcervoucí elegii na lidskou vášeň psychologické manévry doprovázející přitažlivost tak bravurně jako málokdo. V románu Najdi mě zachycuje autor Eliova otce Samuela na cestě z Florencie do Říma, kam jede navštívit svého syna, nadaného koncertního klavíristu. Náhodné setkání s krásnou mladou ženou však Samiho plány obrátí vzhůru nohama a navždy změní jeho život. Oživuje postavy bestselleru Dej mi své jméno a zve čtenáře, aby si nepřestal klást otázky o tom, co láska je. (

Podobné produkty ako Dej mi své jméno / Najdi mě (box) - Andre Aciman , Magicshine me 2000 (114567421440860)

Find Me (1405297719)

Find Me (1405297719)

Kniha - 166 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me (1405297719) , Stay with me (1782119582)

Find Me - Tahereh Mafi


Calling all fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series! This gorgeous paperback bind-up includes Shadow Me and Reveal Me, the third and fourth novellas in the series, both in print for the first time ever. In Shadow Me, Juliette is still reeling from Warner's betrayal, and Kenji is trying to balance his friendship with her with his responsibilities as a leader of the resistance against the Reestablishment. Things get even more interesting when an unexpected person from Omega Point's past surfaces. Reveal Me brings readers back to the Shatter Me world one last time before the final novel installment in the series hits shelves in 2020. The Shatter Me series is perfect for fans who crave action-packed young adult novels with tantalizing romance like Divergent and The Hunger Games. This captivating story was praised as "a thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love" by Ransom Riggs, bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. And don't miss Defy Me, the gripping fifth book in the Shatter Me series! (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me - Tahereh Mafi , Goowei energy solární panel sn-me-sc200w 200w (sn-me-sc200w)

Find Me After - Connors A.


Where do you go when you're not quite gone? After suffering an epileptic seizure, Kyle finds himself in a world that looks like ours but where nothing feels the same. This is the Stillness: an eerie, liminal alternative reality populated by those who are caught between life and death. Here, he meets his real-world crush, Farah, who is also unconscious back home.But as they get to know each other in the Stillness, they must face the possibility of forgetting each other in the real world. The way back to life is fraught with danger, and time, for both of them, is running out... (

Podobné produkty ako Find Me After - Connors A. , Goowei energy solární panel sn-me-sc100w 100w (sn-me-sc100w)

Organizér do kabelky, Find Me

Organizér do kabelky, Find Me

Organizér do kabelky je krásným a praktickým dárkem nejen pro všechny milovnice koček. Originální je také zpracování Garden, či čistá elegance šedého provedení. (

Podobné produkty ako Organizér do kabelky, Find Me , Take me to rio: take me to rio - ultimate hits - cd (5053821786)

Lose You to Find Me - Erik J. Brown


Tommy Dees is in the weeds - restaurant speak for beyond overwhelmed. He's been working at Sunset Estates Retirement Community to get the experience he needs to attend one of the best culinary schools in the world. And he also needs a letter of recommendation from his sadistic manager. In exchange for the letter, Tommy has to meet three conditions - including train new-hire Gabriel.Gabe, with the dimples and kind heart, who Tommy crushed on during summer camp at age ten and then never saw again. Unfortunately, Gabe doesn't remember Tommy at all. The training proves distracting as old feelings resurface, and the universe seems to be conspiring against them.With the application deadline looming and Gabe on his mind, can Tommy keep it all together or is it a recipe for disaster? (

Podobné produkty ako Lose You to Find Me - Erik J. Brown , Kenwood kax 980 me (kax980me)

Hodinky FOREVER Kids Find Me 2 KW-210 Pink

Hodinky FOREVER Kids Find Me 2 KW-210 Pink

NakupteHodinky FOREVER Kids Find Me 2 KW-210 Pinkz kategorieAudio, video, SAT > SMART chytrá elektronika > SMART Chytré hodinkyza1189.00Kč (

Podobné produkty ako Hodinky FOREVER Kids Find Me 2 KW-210 Pink , Goba hodiny kiss me (1990998)

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ

Chytré hodinky nejsou zdravotnickým zařízením. Údaje získané při jejich používání jsou pouze orientačního charakteru a neměly by být používány pro lékařský výzkum, diagnostiku nebo léčbu. (

Podobné produkty ako Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ , Nazareth: move me - cd (4050538802726)

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ

Chytré hodinky nejsou zdravotnickým zařízením. Údaje získané při jejich používání jsou pouze orientačního charakteru a neměly by být používány pro lékařský výzkum, diagnostiku nebo léčbu. (

Podobné produkty ako Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ , Omotávka cycology see me (5400)

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ


Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ (

Podobné produkty ako Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS MODRÉ , See me podsedlová brašna (5753)

Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ


Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ (

Podobné produkty ako Forever Dětské Smartwatch FIND ME 2 KW-210 S GPS RŮŽOVÉ , Its me mario - hrnek (5050574248457)

Find My Favourite Things Dinosaurs (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley


A seek-and-find board book for young learners with entertaining characters to follow and fun prehistoric creatures to spot.Let your child's imagination run wild in this busy, search-and-find board book! Little ones can follow fun characters, spot and count different dinosaur species, and have an exciting i-spy adventure. A perfect interactive book to share with pre-reading toddlers or older children aged 3-5 who are just beginning to read, every scene has "Can you spot?" questions, prehistoric things to find, and prompts to encourage observation, exploration, and conversation. This interactive dinosaur board book offers:- Search-and-find activities that are hands-on, accessible, and fun - spotting lots of dinosaur favourites.- A mix of interactive scenes to search through, encouraging children and parents to play together.- A sturdy board book format that is ideal for little hands to hold.- I-Spy activities that encourage concentration, observation and cognitive skills.This adventure starts in a museum, where there are intriguing exhibits to spot, including a T. rex skeleton, dinosaur egg fossils, and a model of three-horned Triceratops. Children will then be whisked back in time to the Jurassic and Cretaceous worlds through a magic door, discovering favourite dinosaurs such as plated Stegosaurus and mighty Neovenator. Plus there hidden objects in the scenes including prehistoric insects, pterosaurs, hatching dinosaurs, and dinosaur poo!Find my Favourite Things Dinosaurs has so many exciting prehistoric things to talk about and characters to follow from page to page, children can use their imaginations to tell their own stories while learning important farm words along the way. Perhaps they will even continue the story after they have finished the book!Complete the seriesIf you enjoyed spotting all the prehistoric creatures in this search-and-find book, why not try other i-spy books in the series? Find my Favourite Things Farm will take you on a barnyard adventure to spot fluffy chicks and playful lambs, Find my Favourite Animals introduces many different habitats and wildlife, and Find my Favourite Things features a collection of busy scenes like the beach and the toyshop. (

Podobné produkty ako Find My Favourite Things Dinosaurs (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley , Vacs kärcher 2251 me (8596419012731)

Leave Me (Defekt) - Gayle Formanová


It's every woman's fantasy: to pack a bag and leave everything behind. Meet Maribeth Klein, a harried working mother who is so busy taking care of her husband and twins that she doesn't even realise that she has had a heart attack. But her recuperation seems to be an imposition on those who rely on her. So Maribeth does the unthinkable - she packs a bag and leaves. Maribeth has always wondered who she is and where she comes from: and now's the time to find out. Now, far from the demands of family and career, she is finally able to own up to the secrets she has been keeping from herself and those she loves.From the bestselling author of If I Stay and I Was Here comes a stunning new novel for Forman's adult readers, an unflinching portrait of a woman confronting the joys and sorrows of marriage, motherhood and friendship. * * *Readers love Leave Me* * * '[Leave Me] reminds you that we are all fragile human beings, imperfect and all a work in progress and above all, it reminds us that life is complex and frightening but not impossible' The Bookbag `Read it, as they say, and weep' Daily Mail 'When I reached the end of this book, I was in tears because of how honest and raw it was. This book will really make you think very deeply about your deepest desires' Twenty-Three Pages 'An appealing fairy tale for the exhausted and underappreciated' Kirkus 'Deftly explores the domestic struggles of 21st-century bourgeois life. This is an insightful ode to-and cautionary tale for-the overburdened working mother' Book Page 'With humor and pathos, Forman depicts Maribeth's complicated situation and her thoroughly satisfying arc, leaving readers feeling as though they've really accompanied Maribeth on her journey' Publishers Weekly. (

Podobné produkty ako Leave Me (Defekt) - Gayle Formanová , Clatronic me 3604 multifunkční struhadlo

Love Me or Leave Me (Defekt) - Claudia Carroll


rilliantly funny stuff' SUN 'Welcome to the Hope Street Hotel - where you check in married, and check out single.' Two years ago Chloe Townsend was dumped at the altar and had to leave behind everything that mattered to her. Even now she's finding it hard to move forward. That is until she lands an incredible job, running a brand new boutique hotel. Suddenly she's starting to put her life back together, and, apart from the fact that her hard-to-please new boss is breathing down her neck, things are looking good. But what goes on in the Hope Street Hotel is a far cry from anything she's ever dealt with before. This is a pioneering 'divorce hotel' designed to make every aspect of breaking up efficient and pain-free. In one single weekend, Chloe's team promises to take care of everything - legal, technical, emotional - and guests check out carefree and single. No one is better qualified than Chloe to understand what couples need when their relationship is at breaking point, but she soon finds herself having to tackle the heartbreak she's tried to bury.In particular three couples need her help - Jo and Dave, Lucy and Andrew, and Kirk and... (

Podobné produkty ako Love Me or Leave Me (Defekt) - Claudia Carroll

Stay With Me (Defekt) - Ayobami Adebayo


SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 BAILEYS WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2018 WELLCOME BOOK PRIZE LONGLISTED FOR THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE Yejide is hoping for a miracle, for a child. It is all her husband wants, all her mother-in-law wants, and she has tried everything. But when her relatives insist upon a new wife, it is too much for Yejide to bear. Unravelling against the social and political turbulence of 1980s Nigeria, Stay With Me is a story of the fragility of married love, the undoing of family, the power of grief, and the all-consuming bonds of motherhood. It is a tale about the desperate attempts we make to save ourselves, and those we love, from heartbreak. (

Podobné produkty ako Stay With Me (Defekt) - Ayobami Adebayo

The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears


The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (

Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears

You Can Trust Me (Defekt) - Blaxill Gina


When Alana's best friend is found drowned in a pool, the forensicreports discover date-rape drug GHB in her blood. GHB from adrink Alana knows was meant for her.Despite the swirling rumours, the suspected group of boys seemuntouchable. To investigate, Alana allows herself to be pulled intotheir glittering orbit.But among shifting alliances, changing alibis and buried secrets,can she pinpoint which of the boys is responsible before shebecomes their next target?Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and ChelseaPitcher. From the Carnegie nominated author, Gina Blaxill.A bold feminist read with a pacy thriller plot that YA fans willlove.Carnegie-nominated author Gina Blaxill looks head on at privilege,bias and sexual assault in a way that will resonate with YoungAdults today.Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and ChelseaPitcher. (

Podobné produkty ako You Can Trust Me (Defekt) - Blaxill Gina

The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears


The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (

Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears

The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears


The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (

Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears

The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears


The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (

Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears

The Best of Me (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks


The new epic love story by the bestselling author of The Lucky One and The NotebookThey were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks - with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip . . . Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter when they needed it most, they are faced with each other once again, and forced to confront the paths they chose. Can true love ever rewrite the past?This is the new epic love story from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Notebook, The Lucky One and The Last Song. Nicholas Sparks is one of the world's most beloved authors. (

Podobné produkty ako The Best of Me (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks

You Belong To Me (Defekt) - Sam Hayesová

You Belong To Me (Defekt) - Sam Hayesová

Fleeing the terrors of her former life, Isabel has left England, and at last is beginning to feel safe. Then a letter shatters her world, and she returns home determined not to let fear rule her life any more. But she's unable to shake off the feeling that someone who knows her better than she knows herself may be following her. (

Podobné produkty ako You Belong To Me (Defekt) - Sam Hayesová

Ziggy, Stardust and Me (Defekt) - James Brandon


The year is 1973. The Watergate hearings are in full swing. The Vietnam War is still raging. And homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness. In the midst of these trying times is sixteen-year-old Jonathan Collins, a bullied, anxious, asthmatic kid, who aside from an alcoholic father and his sympathetic neighbor and friend Starla, is completely alone. To cope, Jonathan escapes to the safe haven of his imagination, where his hero David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and dead relatives, including his mother, guide him through the rough terrain of his life. In his alternate reality, Jonathan can be anything: a superhero, an astronaut, Ziggy Stardust, himself, or completely "normal" and not a boy who likes other boys. When he completes his treatments, he will be normal—at least he hopes. But before that can happen, Web stumbles into his life. Web is everything Jonathan wishes he could be: fearless, fearsome and, most importantly, not ashamed of being gay.Jonathan doesn't want to like brooding Web, who has secrets all his own. Jonathan wants nothing more than to be "fixed" once and for all. But he's drawn to Web anyway. Web is the first person in the real world to see Jonathan completely and think he's perfect. Web is a kind of escape Jonathan has never known. For the first time in his life, he may finally feel free enough to love and accept himself as he is. (

Podobné produkty ako Ziggy, Stardust and Me (Defekt) - James Brandon

You Don´t Know Me (Defekt) - Imran Mahmood

You Don´t Know Me (Defekt) - Imran Mahmood

As chosen by The BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB and one of The TELEGRAPH'S CRIME BOOKS OF THE YEAR. 'An original take on a courtroom drama that puts the reader in the position of the jury. Superb character-driven fiction. Masterful' Guardian In London a young man stands accused of murder.All the evidence points to him; the police see an open and shut case.But at his trial, this man, who has tried tostay out of trouble all his life, tells an extraordinary story. It is about ayoung woman who tried to protect her brother and got into terrible trouble.It's about a young man who, in order to save her, entered a dark, violent worldhe'd avoided for so long.He now stands in the dock and wants totell you the truth. He needs you to believe him. Will you? (

Podobné produkty ako You Don´t Know Me (Defekt) - Imran Mahmood

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová


When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone . . . Inspired by the original Hogwart's textbook by Newt Scamander, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original screenplay marks the screenwriting debut of J.K. Rowling, author of the beloved and internationally bestselling Harry Potter books. A feat of imagination and featuring a cast of remarkable characters and magical creatures, this is epic adventure-packed storytelling at its very best. Whether an existing fan or new to the wizarding world, this is a perfect addition for any film lover or reader's bookshelf. (

Podobné produkty ako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová

History Is All You Left Me (Defekt) - Adam Silvera


From the author of the INTERNATIONAL NO. 1 BESTSELLER THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END comes an explosive examination of grief, mental illness, and the devastating consequences of refusing to let go of the past. Please note that covers may vary.You’re still alive in alternate universes, Theo, but I live in the real world where this morning you’re having an open casket funeral. I know you’re out there, listening. And you should know I’m really pissed because you swore you would never die and yet here we are. It hurts even more because this isn’t the first promise you’ve broken.Griffin has lost his first love in a drowning accident. Theo was his best friend, his ex-boyfriend and the one he believed he would end up with. Now, reeling from grief and worsening OCD, Griffin turns to an unexpected person for help. Theo's new boyfriend. But as their relationship becomes increasingly complicated, dangerous truths begin to surface. Griffin must make a choice: confront the past, or miss out on the future... PRAISE FOR HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME:'There isn't a teenager alive who won't find their heart described perfectly on these pages.' Patrick Ness, author of The Knife of Never Letting Go'This book will make you cry, think, and then cry some more.' Nicola Yoon, author of Everything, Everything'Sweetly devastating, passionately honest, breathtakingly human.' Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (

Podobné produkty ako History Is All You Left Me (Defekt) - Adam Silvera

You'll Be the Death of Me (Defekt) - Karen McManus


From the author of One of Us Is Lying comes a brand new addictive thriller. Ivy, Mateo and Cal used to be close - best friends back in middle school. Now all they have in common is a bad day. So for old time's sake they skip school together - one last time. But when the trio spot Brian 'Boney' Mahoney ditching class too, they follow him - right into a murder scene. They all have a connection to the victim. And they're ALL hiding something. When their day of freedom turns deadly, it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out . . . It's Ferris Bueller's Day Off with murder, perfect for fans of One Of Us Is Lying and A Good Girl's Guide To Murder. This explosive new thriller is impossible to put down. (

Podobné produkty ako You'll Be the Death of Me (Defekt) - Karen McManus

Polib mě (Defekt) - Stella Tack


Ivy by nikdy nečekala, že hned první den na Floridské univerzitě přejde přes cestu svému muži snů. Ryan MacCain není jen sexy, drzý a tajemně potetovaný – k tomu všemu ho na koleji ubytují ve vedlejším pokoji…Každý pohled jeho zelených očí, každý náhodný dotyk jí rozbuší srdce.Ale stejně jako Ivy není ani Ryan tím, za koho se vydává. Jako bohatá dědička je totiž Ivy na univerzitě inkognito. A Ryan je její tajný osobní strážce. (

Podobné produkty ako Polib mě (Defekt) - Stella Tack

Forget Me Not (Defekt) - Alyson Derricková


This tender solo debut by Alyson Derrick, co-author of New York Times bestseller She Gets the Girl, is perfect for fans of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Five Feet Apart.What would you do if you forgot the love of your life existed?Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love.But then Stevie has a terrible fall and the last two years of her life are erased overnight. Suddenly Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn't quite understand - she's estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends and dating a boy she can't remember crushing on. She's headed towards a future that isn't at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned.And Nora finds herself ... forgotten.Can the two find their way back together through a lost memory?A romantic ode to the strength of love and the power of choosing each other, against odds and obstacles, again and again. (

Podobné produkty ako Forget Me Not (Defekt) - Alyson Derricková

Dýchej za mě (Defekt) - Eva Střihavková


Podle skutečného příběhu české malířky, jejíž talent byl zastíněn válkou ***** „Následník trůnu je mrtev!“ křičí kameloti v ulicích. Začala první světová válka. Mnozí si myslí, že bude rychlá a krátká. Ani sestry Nekolovy si nepřipouštějí, že by se jejich životy mohly změnit. Milada si v salonu Arnoštky Roubíčkové přebírá šaty ušité na míru a Gusta maluje obraz na výstavu v Obecním domě, kde jako žena může vystavit jen jedno plátno. Její vyvolený Jareš má na téže výstavě obrazů několik, pro Gustu se však nevzdá jediného hřebíku. Přitom ví, že maluje lépe než on, lépe než všichni muži v ateliéru. Augusta Nekolová, jedna z nejnadanějších malířek své doby, má vše, co její mladší sestře Miladě chybí: energii, krásu, talent, odhodlání i úspěch. Pro Miladu je však přesto tím nejbližším člověkem, pro něhož by – když bude nejhůř – sama i dýchala. ***** V románu Dýchej za mě, inspirovaném neobyčejným sesterským poutem, ožívá intimní portrét dvou žen na pozadí Velké války. Evě Střihavkové se podařilo zachytit působivé svědectví nejen o nelehké době, ale i o nerovnoprávném postavení žen, odvaze a lidské sounáležitosti. Autorka zároveň po desítkách let naplňuje přání Milady, aby se na její sestru nezapomnělo. (

Podobné produkty ako Dýchej za mě (Defekt) - Eva Střihavková

Sing Me to Sleep (Defekt) - Gabi Burton


Words sting. Songs kill.The Cruel Prince meets To Kill a Kingdom in this seductive YA fantasy debut, in which a siren must choose between protecting her family and following her heart in a prejudiced kingdom where her existence is illegal.Saoirse Sorkova survives on secrets. As the last siren in her kingdom, she can sing any man to an early grave - but her very existence is illegal, and if her true identity were ever discovered, it would be her life on the line.By day, Saoirse disguises herself as a fae, pretending to be the perfect soldier-in-training.By night, she satisfies her darker urges working as an assassin for dangerous mercenaries. And all the while, she keeps the biggest secret of all: that she is not always in control of her Siren powers, or her desire to kill.Then a blackmailer threatens her sister, and Saoirse's investigation takes her to the royal palace, and her most dangerous job yet: personal bodyguard to the Crown Prince.Saoirse expects to despise Prince Hayes. But he is kind, thoughtful, and charming, and she finds herself increasingly drawn to him .. . until he tasks her with investigating a killer plaguing the kingdom.The problem: the killer is Saoirse.Trapped by her deadly double life, Saoirse can't leave the palace until she saves her sister . . .but who will save her from herself? (

Podobné produkty ako Sing Me to Sleep (Defekt) - Gabi Burton

Meet Me at the Lake (Defekt) - Carley Fortune


Fern Brookbanks has wasted far too much of her adult life thinking about Will Baxter. She spent just twenty-four hours in her early twenties with the aggravatingly attractive, idealistic artist - a chance encounter that spiralled into a daylong adventure in the city. The timing was wrong, but their connection was undeniable: they shared every secret, every dream, and made a pact to meet one year later. Fern showed up. Will didn't.At thirty-two, Fern's life doesn't look at all how she once imagined it would. Instead of living in the city, Fern's back home, running her mother's lakeside resort - something she vowed never to do. The place is in disarray, her ex-boyfriend's the manager, and Fern doesn't know where to begin.She needs a plan - a lifeline. To her surprise, it comes in the form of Will, who arrives nine years too late, with a suitcase in tow and an offer to help on his lips. Will may be the only person who understands what Fern's going through. But how could she possibly trust this expensive-suit wearing mirage who seems nothing like the young man she met all those years ago.But ten years ago, Will Baxter rescued Fern. Can she do the same for him? (

Podobné produkty ako Meet Me at the Lake (Defekt) - Carley Fortune

You Had Me at Hola (Defekt) - Daria Alexis


Leading Ladies do not end up on tabloid covers.After a messy public breakup, soap opera darling Jasmine Lin Rodriguez finds her face splashed across the tabloids. When she returns to her hometown of New York City to film the starring role in a bilingual romantic comedy for the number one streaming service in the country, Jasmine figures her new "Leading Lady Plan" should be easy enough to follow-until a casting shake-up pairs her with telenovela hunk Ashton Suarez.Leading Ladies don't need a man to be happy.After his last telenovela character was killed off, Ashton is worried his career is dead as well. Joining this new cast as a last-minute addition will give him the chance to show off his acting chops to American audiences and ping the radar of Hollywood casting agents. To make it work, he'll need to generate smoking-hot on-screen chemistry with Jasmine. Easier said than done, especially when a disastrous first impression smothers the embers of whatever sexual heat they might have had.Leading Ladies do not rebound with their new costars.With their careers on the line, Jasmine and Ashton agree to rehearse in private. But rehearsal leads to kissing, and kissing leads to a behind-the-scenes romance worthy of a soap opera. While their on-screen performance improves, the media spotlight on Jasmine soon threatens to destroy her new image and expose Ashton's most closely guarded secret. (

Podobné produkty ako You Had Me at Hola (Defekt) - Daria Alexis
Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA), Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A), Worx GPS Find My Landroid WA0862 (WA0862), PanzerGlass Oppo A96/Find X5 Lite (7080), Shatter Me Series 6-Book Box Set: Shatter Me, Unravel Me, Ignite Me, Restore Me, Defy Me, Imagine Me (0063111357), Fun Lovin Criminals: Come Find Yourself - LP (8718469536719), Good Me, Bad Me (0718182936), Oclean Find Duo Set Sonic Electric Toothbrush Red&Blue (C01000352), KENWOOD KAX 983 ME (KENWOOD KAX 983 ME), LANVIN Me EdP, Shatter Me (1405291753), gogen me 2930, gogen me 1296, Schuen Andre, Heide Daniel: Krásná mlynářka (Die Schone Mullerin), op. 25, D. 795 - CD (4839558), Dead to Me (1405921048), Magicshine ME 2000 (114567421440860), Stay With Me (1782119582), Goowei Energy Solární panel SN-ME-SC200W 200W (SN-ME-SC200W), Goowei Energy Solární panel SN-ME-SC100W 100W (SN-ME-SC100W), Take Me To Rio: Take Me To Rio - Ultimate Hits - CD (5053821786), KENWOOD KAX 980 ME (KAX980ME), Goba hodiny Kiss me (1990998), Vacs Kärcher 2554 ME (8596419014285), PVRIS: Use Me - LP (9362489258), Nazareth: Move Me - CD (4050538802726), Omotávka Cycology See Me (5400), See Me podsedlová brašna (5753), Its Me Mario - hrnek (5050574248457), Vacs Kärcher 2251 ME (8596419012731), Clatronic ME 3604 multifunkční struhadlo