Eli - i - giovani adulti 2 - i fioretti di san francesco + cd

Produkt Eli - i - giovani adulti 2 - i fioretti di san francesco + cd sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Eli - i - giovani adulti 2 - i fioretti di san francesco + cd upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 2 - I Fioretti di san Francesco + CD

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 2 - I Fioretti di san Francesco + CD

I Fioretti di san Francesco sono dei piccoli fiori cioe dei piccoli, bellissimi racconti che parlano di miracoli, amicizia, fede, amore per il mondo e la natura e speranza. Raccontano la vita e i miracoli di san Francesco di Assisi, il santo povero e forte, che ha rinnovato la Chiesa e ha portato nel mondo un importantissimo messaggio di pace. In questa edizione trovi alcuni de Fioretti piu famosi, come la predica agli uccelli o il feroce lupo di Gubbio. All inizio di ogni Fioretto, una frase tratta dal testo originale ci riporta ad una realta antica, ma sempre attualissima. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Giovani adulti 2 - I Fioretti di san Francesco + CD , Manželé: ruská deska / manželé i - cd (bp0113-2)

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 3 - I promessi sposi + CD - Alessandro Manzoni

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 3 - I promessi sposi + CD - Alessandro Manzoni

Série Letture Graduate Eli Giovani je určena pro mládež a nabízí atraktivní příběhy ze života dospívajících, které zaujmou a motivují mladé studenty ke čtení ve španělštině. Série nabízí 11 zajímavých příběhů. Každý svazek obsahuje doplňkové hry a aktivity. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Giovani adulti 3 - I promessi sposi + CD - Alessandro Manzoni , Forbíny vzpomínek i a ii: 2 cd (099925642228)

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 3 - I Malavoglia - Giovanni Verga

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 3 - I Malavoglia - Giovanni Verga

I Malavoglia č un romanzo che nasce da una profonda riflessione di Verga sulluomo e sulla letteratura. biografia di Giovanni Verga dossier informativi sullopera e il suo contesto storico glossario delle parole piů difficili attivitŕ linguistiche di comprensione del testo test finale. Temi Famiglia Verismo Vita di mare Un romanzo corale che racconta la storia di una famiglia di pescatori e di tutti gli altri abitanti del piccolo paese di Aci Trezza, in Sicilia. Persone unite dalla stessa cultura e dallo stesso modo di pensare, ma divise per questioni di interesse. Tra false amicizie, veri amori e grandi rivalitŕ, il declino della famiglia Malavoglia sarŕ inarrestabile e drammatico. Ma dalla fine di ogni cosa nasce sempre un nuovo inizio. Il capolavoro del padre del Verismo italiano. Sillabo Pronomi relativi pronomi e aggettivi indefiniti Complementi indiretti Aggettivi alterati Alcune espressioni idiomatiche Locuzioni avverbiali Locuzioni temporali e spaziali Congiuntivo, condizionale Imperfetto, trapassato prossimo, Imperativo affermativo e negativo Futuro semplice ed anteriore Infinito per istruzioni Coordinate e subordinate temporali Interrogative diretteindirette Ipotetiche Discorso diretto ed indiretto avvio alluso della forma impersonale. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Giovani adulti 3 - I Malavoglia - Giovanni Verga , Psí vojáci: live i & ii (x cd) - cd (bp0134-2)

ELI - I - Giovani 2 - Le tigri di Mompracem + CD - Emilio Salgari

ELI - I - Giovani 2 - Le tigri di Mompracem + CD - Emilio Salgari

Série Letture Graduate Eli Giovani je určena pro mládež a nabízí atraktivní příběhy týkající se života dospívajících, které zaujmou a motivují mladé studenty ke čtení ve španělštině dobrodružný příběh piráta Sandokana, který bojuje proti Britům a zamiluje se do krásné Mariany... Kniha obsahuje doplňkové hry a aktivity. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Giovani 2 - Le tigri di Mompracem + CD - Emilio Salgari , Soundtrack: i malamondo - cd (0920652)

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani Adulti 2/A2: Il servitore di due padroni + Downloadable Multimedia - Carlo Goldoni

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani Adulti 2/A2: Il servitore di due padroni + Downloadable Multimedia - Carlo Goldoni

Amore, inganni, travestimenti e tante risate in una delle piu famose commedie del grande Carlo Goldoni. Uno dei classici italiani piu amati nel mondo. I giovani Florindo e Clarice si amano molto e vogliono sposarsi ma, a sorpresa, torna il vecchio fidanzato diClarice, Federigo. Tutti lo credevano morto ma lui, tornato, vuole di nuovo la ragazza. Clarice e Florindosono disperati! Come fare? Ci pensa Truffaldino, servo sciocco e sempre affamato a fare una gran confusione e…a risolvere il problema! Anche perché Federigo non e chi dice di essere, ma… lo scopriremo leggendo! Tanto amore e tanta confusione in questa divertente commedia piena di scherzi, innamorati, scambi di persona e matrimoni. SillaboAggettivi possessivi - Avverbi di modo– Comparativi - Dopo che + indicativoe dopo + infinito passato - Espressioniidiomatiche - Futuro semplice regolare eirregolare - Passato prossimo -Imperfetto - Mentre + verbo e durante+ sostantivo - Parole con doppiosignificato - Preposizioni Biografia di Carlo Goldoni | Dossier informativi sull’opera e il suo contesto storico | Glossario delle parole piu difficili | Attivita linguistiche | Test finale Temi: Amore | Societa (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Letture Graduate ELI Giovani Adulti 2/A2: Il servitore di due padroni + Downloadable Multimedia - Carlo Goldoni , Various: nejhezčí trampské písničky i.- iv. (4x cd) - cd (310916-2)

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani Adulti 2/A2: Novelle per un anno - Una scelta + Downloadable Multimedia - Luigi Pirandello

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani Adulti 2/A2: Novelle per un anno - Una scelta + Downloadable Multimedia - Luigi Pirandello

Pirandello's stories uncover the hypocrisies and peculiarities of society and ask fundamental questions about life and the world we live in. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Letture Graduate ELI Giovani Adulti 2/A2: Novelle per un anno - Una scelta + Downloadable Multimedia - Luigi Pirandello , Virgin prunes: ...if i die, i die (40th anniversary edition) (2x cd) - cd (4050538821611)

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 2/A2: Il souvenir egizio+CD - Mary Flagan

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 2/A2: Il souvenir egizio+CD - Mary Flagan

Il sogno di Giulia e diventare una famosa detective, come il famoso commissario Salvo Montalbano. Un giorno la sua vita cambia a causa di un semplice souvenir comprato in Egitto. Ma e un semplice souvenir o qualcosa di piu? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 2/A2: Il souvenir egizio+CD - Mary Flagan , Tedeschi trucks band: i am the moon: i. crescent - cd (7240920)

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 3/B1: Destinazione Karminia + Downloadable Multimedia - Maureen Simpson

Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 3/B1: Destinazione Karminia + Downloadable Multimedia - Maureen Simpson

Destinazione KarminiaMaureen Simpson - Adattamento e attivita: Giorgio Massei - Illustrazioni: Simone PontieriLivello intermedio - Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento - Livelli B1Tre amici con la passione dell’archeologia e una giovane archeologa stanno per scoprire la misteriosa citta di Karminia, nascosta sulle Alpi italiane. Una grande avventura comincia, tra natura, indizi misteriosi, paesaggi bellissimi ma... un pericolo si nasconde tra le montagne.Letture Graduate ELI e la nuovissima collana in lingua italiana pensata per studenti che vogliono imparare la lingua attraverso la lettura dei grandi classici o divertirsi con storie originali e contemporanee. Il piacere di leggere si unisce a un efficace metodo didattico che prevede anche esercizi di preparazione alle certificazioni.Le Letture Graduate ELI sono divise in base all’eta dei lettori e al loro livello linguistico secondo le indicazioni del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le lingue.Bambini (QCER: A1 – A2)Giovani (QCER: A1 – B1)Giovani adulti (QCER: A1 – C2)StrutturaTesto riccamente illustrato e corredato di glossari a pie di pagina.Grafica elegante, curata e ricca di particolari, funzionale alla comprensione del testo.Tavola illustrata di presentazione dei personaggi.Prima della lettura, attivita di pre-lettura che anticipano lessico e strutture del capitolo successivo.Dopo la lettura esercizi di comprensione del testo, di memorizzazione del lessico per mettere alla prova le conoscenze apprese.Dossier di civilta e curiosita. Specchio sinottico sull’autore (titoli classici).Comprensione finale, attivita di ricapitolazione sull’intero volume.Sillabo dei contenuti morfosintattici.CD AudioNarrazione del testo fatta da speaker madrelingua.Versione MP3 scaricabile da www.elireaders.com.Risorse per l’insegnante.Chiave degli esercizi scaricabile online. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 3/B1: Destinazione Karminia + Downloadable Multimedia - Maureen Simpson , Dark tranquillity: mind's i - cd (0194398944929)

Lectures ELI Seniors 2/A2: Candide+CD - Voltaire

Lectures ELI Seniors 2/A2: Candide+CD - Voltaire

Au cours de Candide a lecture, on passe du rire a l?indignation ou a la colere, on découvre le caractere inimitable des écrits de Voltaire, la profondeur et la justesse de sa pensée, son talent d?écrivain et de polémiste, et on apprend beaucoup de choses sur la société du XVIIIeme siecle a la veille de la Révolution française. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Lectures ELI Seniors 2/A2: Candide+CD - Voltaire , I musici: four seasons - cd (4852630)

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Cenerentola + CD

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Cenerentola + CD

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano le azioni le ore la casa (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Prime Letture - Cenerentola + CD , I am destruction: nascency - cd (ulr262cd)

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Biancaneve + CD

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Biancaneve + CD

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano la descrizione fisica e i colori il bosco, la casa la frutta (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Prime Letture - Biancaneve + CD , Pohádky hanse christiana andersena i. (3x cd) - cd

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Pollicina + CD

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Pollicina + CD

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano i fiori lo stagno le stanze della casa la natura (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Prime Letture - Pollicina + CD , Gabriels: angels & queens - part i - cd (5054197358951)

ELI - N - Junge 2 - Hannas Tagebuch + CD - Mary Flagan

ELI - N - Junge 2 - Hannas Tagebuch + CD - Mary Flagan

Liebe ist das beste Rezept gegen Langeweile. Themen Familie, Freundschaft und Liebe, Ferien, Leben auf dem Land und in der Stadt, Essen Originaltext mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Fit in Deutsch 2 Abschlusstest Endlich Ferien! Keine Schule mehr! Aber die Ferien auf dem Land verbringen? Kommt für Hanna nicht in Frage. Doch dann ändert sie ihre Meinung. Denn da ist Florian und alles wird anders... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Junge 2 - Hannas Tagebuch + CD - Mary Flagan , Band of heysek: i'm glad i met you - cd (2664518-2)

ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Effi Briest + CD - Theodor Fontane

ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Effi Briest + CD - Theodor Fontane

Ein Meisterwerk des Deutschen Realismus, von Theodor Fontane! Vereinfachter und gekürzter Text mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter in Fußnoten Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Start Deutsch 2 Abschlusstest Themen Liebe und Freundschaft Reisen und Abenteuer Effi Briest ist fast noch ein Kind, als sie mit Baron Geert von Innstetten verheiratet wird. Die Siebzehnjährige zieht mit ihm in eine Kleinstadt an der Ostsee. Doch Innstetten kümmert sich viel zu wenig um seine junge Ehefrau, die sich fern von Familie und Freundinnen langweilt. Als sie ihn und den lebenslustigen Major Crampas bei den morgendlichen Ausritten begleiten darf, ist Effi deshalb glücklich. Bis tief in den Herbst setzen Effi und Crampas ihre Ausflüge zu Pferd fort. Jahre später, das Paar lebt längst in Berlin, macht Innstetten eine üble Entdeckung, die große Folgen haben wird Syllabus Grammatik das Verb Präsens, Perfekt, Präteritum, Modalverben, Passiv, Imperativ, Verben mit festen Präpositionen, Reflexivverben die Nomengruppe Adjektive und Substantive im Nominativ, Dativ und Akkusativ, Steigerung des Adjektivs, ArtikelwörterPronomen Interrogativpronomen, Fragepronomen, Possessivartikel, Personalpronomen im Nominativ, Akkusativ und Dativ. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Effi Briest + CD - Theodor Fontane , Angličtina pro jazykové školy i. 2 cd (40-315-0304-0)

ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Die Kapuzinergruft + CD - Joseph Roth

ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Die Kapuzinergruft + CD - Joseph Roth

Der Roman, der eindrücklich wie kein zweiter vom Niedergang des Österreichischen Kaiserreiches und dem Herannahen des Nationalsozialismus erzählt. Text mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Start 2 Abschlusstest. Themen Gesellschaft Liebe Krieg In dem Roman Die Kapuzinergruft thematisiert der Schriftsteller Joseph Roth anhand der Lebensgeschichte des IchErzählers Franz Ferdinand Trotta mit fesselnder Ironie den Untergang des Habsburgerreiches. Der junge Leutnant aus besten Wiener Kreisen verliert durch den Krieg seine gesicherte Existenz. Syllabus Grammatik Nebensatz dassSatz, Relativsatz, Kausalsatz, Temporalsatz, Vergleichssatz Verb Hilfsverben, Modalverben, Partizip II, Perfekt, Präteritum der Hilfs und Modalverben, Indikativ zur Redewiedergabe, Konjunktiv II der Höflichkeit von haben. Adjektiv attributiv, Komparativ und Superlativ Pronomen Personalpronomen, Demonstrativpronomen, Possessivpronomen, Fragepronomen und Relativpronomen Präpositionen Wechselpräpositionen , Präpositionen zur Zeit und Ortsangabe. Konnektoren dass, wenn, damit, weil, wie, deshalb. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Die Kapuzinergruft + CD - Joseph Roth , Premiumcord bnc i-spojka (sbnc-i)

Sato-San To: Salep - CD (MAM478-2)

Sato-San To: Salep - CD (MAM478-2)

Hudební CD - Trio Sato-San To je složené ze zkušených hudebníků - Thom Herian (bicí, samples & loops), Oskar Török (trumpeta, klávesy) a Jaromír Honzák (kontrabas). Trio Sato-San To je složené ze zkušených hudebníků - Thom Herian (bicí, samples & loops), Oskar Török (trumpeta, klávesy) a Jaromír Honzák (kontrabas). Na svém debutovém albu nazvaném Salep potvrzují svou výjimečnou originalitu a experimentální přístup. Salep znamená lahodný nápoj, který se připravuje ze speciálních ingrediencí a ojedinělým způsobem. A přesně tak postupovali Sato-San To při tvorbě své desky, která je sestavena ze tři roky zrajícího materiálu. Na albu hostuje například kytarista Petr Zelenka, Jan Chmelarčík na zheng a francouzský MC alžírského původu Al Amdiez. Seznam stop Intro / Zheng Orient / Shinning / Karmapa Chenno / Salep / Uppsala / Alibaba / Mahatma / Project X / Ministr / Somellier / Outro (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Sato-San To: Salep - CD (MAM478-2) , Murs olly: you know i know (2x cd) - cd (0190758949321)

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Cappuccetto Rosso + CD

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Cappuccetto Rosso + CD

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano la abbigliamento, il cibo il bosco il corpo umano (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Prime Letture - Cappuccetto Rosso + CD , Various: love is all i bring (2x cd) - cd (4050538537031)

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 braucht Hilfe + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 braucht Hilfe + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Die OOs sind da und wollen PB3 holen! Können die Kinder PB3 und seinen Roboter Petra retten? PB3 und Petra machen gerade Hausaufgaben zum Thema Erde. Da kommen plötzlich die bösen OOs und nehmen das Raumschiff von PB3 mit! Kinder helfen PB3 und Petra, sich zu verstecken vor den OOs, aber bald auch vor den Journalisten! Wie können der Außerirdische und sein Roboter auf den Planeten P3 zurückkehren? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 braucht Hilfe + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Bambini di praga: skákal pes - cd (310218-2)

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Intrigue au cirque + CD - Domitille Hatuel

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Intrigue au cirque + CD - Domitille Hatuel

Les vacances dété commencent. Jeanne, Pauline et César sont en Camarque. Ils rencontrent un jeune garcon, Nicolas, qui travaille dans un cirque. Les amis sont curieux de voir ce spectacle, mais encore plus étonnés quand ils découvrent les animaux du cirque!Il ny a pas danimaux sauvages ici, mais un homme trés antipathique... Que se passetil? Les jeunes ménent lenquete. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - juniors 2 - Intrigue au cirque + CD - Domitille Hatuel , Cantine due palme primitivo di manduria "san gaetano" dop 0,75l (8020685008391)

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Dear Diary... - readers + CD - Elizabeth Ferrettiová

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Dear Diary... - readers + CD - Elizabeth Ferrettiová

The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself. Virginia Woolf In this book, you will find the diaries of many different people. Here are writers, artists, musicians, and people with important stories to tell. Some are famous Anne Frank, George Orwell and Kurt Cobain others you will meet for the first time. Syllabus Grammar and structures Present simple, Present continuous (present actions), Present perfect simple, Past Simple, Future with will. Verb forms and patterns Affirmative, interrogative, negative, Infinitives (with and without to) after verbs and adjectives, Regular and common irregular verbs, Passive forms, Gerunds (verb ing) after verbs and prepositions, Gerunds as subjects and objects. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Dear Diary... - readers + CD - Elizabeth Ferrettiová , Primal fear: i will be gone - cd (0727361580704)

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Egghead - readers + CD - Michael Lacey Freeman

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Egghead - readers + CD - Michael Lacey Freeman

Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, its not really a secret, because I want you to read it. This is my story, but its also everybodys story. Look at the picture on the front of this book. Thats me! Im going to school, and Im not very happy about it. The other children are not very kind to me. But Ive got a very special friend who always helps me. Do you want to know more? Well, open the book and read it. I hope you enjoy it. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Egghead - readers + CD - Michael Lacey Freeman , Croce jim: i got a name - cd (4050538630664)

ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Tempest - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Tempest - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

Prospero lives on a strange island with his daughter Miranda. One night, with his magic powers, he makes a storm to bring his brother and the King of Naples to the island. They must pay for what they did in the past. Ferdinand also arrives on the island and finds a surprise. Read the play and see how the island and Prosperos magic change the lives of these people. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Tempest - readers + CD - William Shakespeare , Monsta x: dreaming (deluxe version i) - cd (4050538706208)

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Hansel e Gretel + CD

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Hansel e Gretel + CD

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano il bosco di giorno, il bosco di notte i dolci i lavori di casa (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Prime Letture - Hansel e Gretel + CD , Jan werich forbiny vzpominek i a ii cd

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Poil de carotte - readers + CD - Jules Renard

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Poil de carotte - readers + CD - Jules Renard

Un roman autobiographique de Jules Renard, qui raconte lenfance et les déboires dun enfant mal aimé. Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles des exercices DELF des activités ludiques tr232s variées. Th232mes Sentiments, Famille Lhistoire se déroule dans un petit village français. Poil de Carotte est le cadet de la famille Lepic. Il doit son nom 224 la couleur de ses cheveux. Personne naime cet enfant et tout le monde lignore, sauf son parrain qui laccueille parfois. Découvrons ensemble ses aventures ! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - juniors 2 - Poil de carotte - readers + CD - Jules Renard , Carpenter sabrina: emails i can't send - cd (3866707)

ELI - A - Young 2 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - readers + CD

ELI - A - Young 2 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - readers + CD

Can you imagine being whooshed away by the wind to a magic land of witches and strange characters? Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderful friends in a magic land and how she tried to get back home to Kansas. Did she manage? Youll have to read the story to fi nd out! Tags Friendship Fantasy Courage and persistence In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Colours, clothes, parts of the body, directions Grammar and structures Present simple, Verb infi nitive, Must and have to for obligation, Determiners some any, Adjectives of description and feeling, Prepositions of place (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - readers + CD , Pohádky i.

ELI - A - Young 2 - The Selfish Giant - readers + CD - Oscar Wilde

ELI - A - Young 2 - The Selfish Giant - readers + CD - Oscar Wilde

Why doesn?t summer come to the Giant?s garden? Find out how the Selfish Giant changes and learns about friendship. A Giant lives in a castle with a beautiful garden. But the Giant is selfish and wants it all to himself. He doesn?t want the children to play in his garden. Winter comes and never leaves until? something happens and the Giant learns about love and sharing! Syllabus Vocabulary areas seasons, nature, adjectives, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple, Present continuous, There is / There are, Prepositions of place, Possessive ?s, Adverbs of frequency (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - The Selfish Giant - readers + CD - Oscar Wilde , Ewraker i ()

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und Das Gemüse + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und Das Gemüse + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Ein Außerirdischer, sein Roboter Petra und Alex erleben zusammen ein Abenteuer. Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds Bildwörterbuch Th232mes Freundschaft, Abenteuer, Human Interest PB3 und sein Roboter Petra besuchen den Jungen Alex. Während Alex Obst und Gemüse für sie kauft, warte die beiden in einer Kiste. Doch da kommen zwei Männer und nehmen die Kiste mit! Sie bringen sie zu Tim, dem bösen Jungen aus der Schule (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und Das Gemüse + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Mariňáci i

ELI - N - Junge 2 - So nah, so fern + CD - B. Brunetti

ELI - N - Junge 2 - So nah, so fern + CD - B. Brunetti

Freundschaft ist unabhängig von der Hautfarbe. Themen Freundschaft Schule Charaktereigenschaften Originaltext mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Fit in Deutsch 2 Abschlusstest Amadou fühlt sich genauso als Deutscher wie seine Klassenkameraden, auch wenn er eine dunkle Haut hat und seine Eltern aus Afrika kommen. Er fi ndet keine Freunde, vielleicht weil er schüchtern ist, vielleicht weil die anderen ihn als Fremden sehen. Aber für Alexander ist Amadou ein echter Freund und er akzeptiert ihn so wie er istoder nicht? Syllabus Themen Familie Charaktereigenschaften Freundschaft Tagesablauf Schule Freizeit Sprachhandlungen sich vorstellen über Gefühle sprechen über Schule sprechen über Berufswünsche und Zukunftspläne sprechen einladungen schreiben und beantworten über den Tagesablauf sprechen Aufforderungen und Fragen Grammatik Verben trennbare und untrennbare Verben, starke und schwache Verben, Konjugation Präsens, Perfekt und Präteritum, Imperativ Besondere Verben Modalverben Nomengruppe Deklination der Artikel, Adjektive und Substantive im Nominativ, Dativ und Akkusativ, Genitiv von Eigennamen Adjektive Steigerung Pronomen Personal und Possessivpronomen Präpositionen temporale und lokale Präpositionen Satz Satzklammer im Hauptsatz, Verbendstellung im Nebensatz, Kausalsatz, Objektsatz, Konzessivsatz, Fragesätze, Direkte Rede. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Junge 2 - So nah, so fern + CD - B. Brunetti , Kytice i

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Treasure Island - readers + CD - Robert Louis Stevenson

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Treasure Island - readers + CD - Robert Louis Stevenson

Treasure Island is an adventure novel, narrating a tale of pirates and buried gold. Treasure Island is an adventure tale known for its atmosphere, characters and action. In this Reader you will find Focus on difficult words Comprehension activities Test yourself CLIL activity Tags Adventure Courage After Jim Hawkins finds a map in an old sea chest, he starts an exciting adventure which will take him to a far off island in search of treasure. He sets sail with his friends, but they do not realise that many of the crew are pirates and their leader is the cook, Long John Silver. The pirates are determined to find the treasure first at all costs! Enjoy reading about the adventures of Jim and his friends at sea and discover who finds the buried treasure. Syllabus Topics, Adventure, Betrayal, Loyalty, Courage, Friendship, Grammar and Structures. Verb tenses present, past, future, Modals, Question forms, Synonyms antonyms, Adjectives, comparative and superlative forms, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Pronouns, Quantifiers, Verb patterns, Functions, Discuss plans, Ask for and give information, Give instructions, Make suggestions, Agree disagree (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Treasure Island - readers + CD - Robert Louis Stevenson , Decoking povlečení emerald francesco

ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Egyptian Souvenir - readers + CD - Mary Flagan

ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Egyptian Souvenir - readers + CD - Mary Flagan

Im going to solve this mystery! Im tired, but before I turn out the light, Im going to write down all the things Ill need for my investigation. Tags Crime Friendship In this Reader you will find Focus on Glossary of difficult words Comprehension activities Test yourself Sally wants to be a detective and her hobby is solving mysteries. But this time the mystery is really difficult! Read about Sallys adventures and enjoy! Syllabus Topics People Personal feelings School and Study Travel and holidays Functions and Notions Making predictions, talking about (im)probability and (im)possibility, Expressing opinions, agreement and disagreement, Expressing degrees of certainty and doubt, Understanding simple signs and notices Grammar and Structures Present tenses simple, continuous and perfect, Past tenses simple, continuous, Future tenses going to, will, Adjectives, Adverbs, Modals, Prepositions, Question formation, Verb patterns (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Egyptian Souvenir - readers + CD - Mary Flagan , Mpm fashion i w02m.11265.i (381580)

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Le souvenir d’Égypte - readers + CD - Mary Flagan

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Le souvenir d’Égypte - readers + CD - Mary Flagan

Un myst232re 224 résoudre... pour le plaisir de tous ! Th232mes Amitié École Aventure Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles des activités ludiques tr232s variées des activités type DELF. Sophie est une jeune fille de 14 ans qui aime les enqu234tes. Un jour, elle ne retrouve plus le souvenir que ses parents ont apporté dÉgypte. Elle commence 224 chercher des indices partout et, grâce 224 son imagination et 224 sa ténacité, elle fait des découvertesintéressantes.Réussiratelle 224 résoudre ce nouveau cas ? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - juniors 2 - Le souvenir d’Égypte - readers + CD - Mary Flagan

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Adventure at Haydon Point - readers + CD - Elizabeth Ferrettiová

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Adventure at Haydon Point - readers + CD - Elizabeth Ferrettiová

One summer, city boy Sam stays with his uncle in the country. Its all so different from London! Theres a river and boats, and a new friend, but theres a strange light at night and two men in black. Why are they watching Sams uncle? And who are the Americans? In this reader you will find background information about this story, information on staying safe at sea, glossary of difficult words, comprehension and grammar activities, final test. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Adventure at Haydon Point - readers + CD - Elizabeth Ferrettiová

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

These are animals from a farm. A pig goes oink and a sheep goes baa. Theres a chicken and a duck and a horse of course. And a sad little goat with a curly coat. Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An exciting adventure with a friendly extraterrestrial and his robot. When a big black spaceship arrives everyone is afraid. Who is in it? What do they want? Two children, Sue and Ben, dive into the sea and meet PB3 and his robot, Robin. Together they come face to face with the bad OOs from Planet X011 and together they discover a terrible plan. Can they stop Syllabus Topics Clothes, animals, colours, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Adverbs There is There are Question words what? why? Conjunctions and but Prepositions of place (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Romeo and Juliet - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Romeo and Juliet - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

Romeo Montague was in love with Juliet Capulet. He went over to her. I dont know who you are he said. But I know that I love you. Youre very handsome, she replied. I think I love you too. Romeo kissed Juliet and then they kissed again. They were in love. In this Reader you will find Information about William Shakespeares life Sections focusing on background and context Glossary of difficult words Comprehension activities KETstyle activities Exit test Tag Love and Hate The story of Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous love story of all time. It is set in mediaeval Verona and follows Romeo, son of the house of Montague as he falls in love with Juliet, daughter of the rival house of Capulet. The story moves quickly towards its conclusion as bitter hate and ancient rivalry lead to tragedy. William Shakespeares play is retold here as an exciting story, making it accessible to learners of English. Syllabus Nouns abstract nouns, compound, nouns, noun phrases Pronouns relative who, which, that Adjectives opinion, description, classification, participles as, adjectives, predicative and attributive Prepositions place, time, movement, phrases, like Verbs TENSE, ASPECT, FORM Present, Perfect Simple indefinite past, Past Continuous background, actionsnarrative, Future with going to, infinitives after verbs and adjectives, ing forms, after verbs and prepositions, Present and Past Simple Passive, shall for offers, should for suggestions, must for obligation, need for necessityobligations Types of Clause defining relative clause who, where, zero and typeone conditionals (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Romeo and Juliet - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

They dont have apples Potatoes or beans Or even a pea. They dont have pears. They dont have grapes. Poor Robin and PB3! Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An extraterrestrial adventure in which a bully gets more than he expects. When Fred helps a friendly extraterrestrial, PB3, and his robot, Robin, to buy Earth fruit and vegetables he doesnt know that some sticky substance from outer space will come to his rescue and punish a school bully. Syllabus Topics Fruit and vegetables, colours Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Can cant There is There are Question words what? why? Conjunctions and but Prepositions of place (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - juniors 2 - La terre est ronde - readers + CD - B. Brunetti

ELI - F - juniors 2 - La terre est ronde - readers + CD - B. Brunetti

Une belle histoire qui démontre quen étant soim234me, on a tout 224 gagner Th232mes Amitié École Th232mes Sociaux Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles des activités ludiques tr232s variées des activités type DELF. Marquat est un garçon dorigine africaine qui se sent pleinement français. Cest un él232ve intelligent et sensible, mais tout le monde ne le voit pas comme il mérite d234tre considéré... Lorsquil se heurte contre un fâcheux épisode de racisme, il découvre davoir de vrais amis. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - juniors 2 - La terre est ronde - readers + CD - B. Brunetti

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Little Lord Fauntleroy - readers + CD - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová

ELI - A - Teen 2 - Little Lord Fauntleroy - readers + CD - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová

In the mid1880s, young Cedric Errol lives with his mother in New York. They are quite poor after the death of Cedrics father, but live a simple happy life together. Then, one day, an English lawyer comes to visit them. He has a message from the Earl of Dorincourt, Cedrics rich English grandfather, that will change Cedrics life forever. Will he be happy? Will he win the heart of his old angry grandfather? Enjoy reading about this little boy and discover if he stays true to himself even with all the changes in his life. In this reader you will find Information about Frances Hodgson Burnett CLIL History July 4 American Independence A section focusing on films, cartoons and games about Little Lord Fauntleroy Glossary of difficult words Comprehension and extension activities including KEY (KET) Final test (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Little Lord Fauntleroy - readers + CD - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les légumes - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les légumes - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Le courage et lamitié sont toujours vainqueurs ! Thčmes Amitié Aventure Intéręts des humains Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ laventure dun extraterrestre et de Nath, son ami courageux. Quand Nath aide son ami extraterrestre, PB3, et son robot Martine ŕ acheter des fruits et légumes terrestres, il ne sait pas quune étrange pâte verte va laider ŕ punir un garçon de lécole qui nest pas trčs gentil. Contenus Contenu lexical Les fruits et légumes Les couleurs Le temps quil fait Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif Les prépositions de lieu La forme négative (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les légumes - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Adolescentes 2 - La Gitanilla + CD - Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

ELI - Š - Adolescentes 2 - La Gitanilla + CD - Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

La novela trata a cerca de la historia de amor de un joven caballero, Don Juan, y una hermosa gitana, Preciosa. En esta publicación vas a encontrar Reportajes Glosario con las palabras difíciles Actividades de comprensión Actividades DELE Test final Temas Sociedad Aventura Amor Preciosa, una joven gitana hermosa, muy juiciosa y con un encanto especial para el cante y el baile decide poner a prueba a su enamorado. El mancebo, que es rico, tiene que hacerse pobre y pasar dos ańos con los gitanos si quiere casarse con ella. żLo conseguirá? ˇTanto a Preciosa como a su enamorado les esperran muchas sorpresas! Sílabo Programa de estudios Contenidos gramaticales Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares)Pretérito Perfecto Simple, Pretérito Indefinido, Pretérito Imperfecto, Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos y demostrativos, El Futuro con la perífrasis ir a infinitivo, Los verbos serestar, Las preposiciones, Marcadores temporales (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Adolescentes 2 - La Gitanilla + CD - Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

Consonanza Di Praga - CD (VA0031-2)

 Consonanza Di Praga - CD (VA0031-2)

Hudební CD - Stará česká barokní hudba. Stará česká barokní hudba v podání Vladislava Kozderky (trubka), Zdeňky Pelikánové (1.housle), Jana Dudka (2.housle), Jiřího Richtera (viola), Václava Jírovce (violoncello), Marie Šestákové (cembalo), Zbyňka Hejduka (violoncello). Uslyšíte autory věhlasných jmen: H.I.Biber, F.I.Tůma, P.J.Vejvanovský, J.Zach, F.X.Richter Obsah: Sonata in C major for Trumpet, Strings and Harpsichord Parthia in D minor for Strings and Harpsichord Andante Presto Arietta. Andante Menuetto Presto Allegro Polonese Menuetto Finale. Allegro Concerto in D major for Trumpet, Strings and Harpsichord Allegro moderato Andante Allegro (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Consonanza Di Praga - CD (VA0031-2)

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y la chaqueta + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y la chaqueta + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Una nave espacial aparece en el cielo y todo el mundo tiene miedo. żQuiénes son? żQué quieren? Temas Amistad Aventura Ingenio Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado ˇVive una increíble aventura con un simpático extraterrestre y su robot! Una nave espacial aparece en el cielo y todo el mundo tiene miedo. żQuiénes son? żQué quieren? Sofía y Javi conocen en la playa a PB3 el extraterrestre y al robot Robina. Todos juntos descubren el terrible plan de los malvados OOs, del Planeta X011. żQué va a suceder? Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Verbos ser y estar Verbos haber y tener Ir a infi nitivo Verbo gustar Artículos determinados e indeterminados Vocabulario En la playa Animales Ropa Colores (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y la chaqueta + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Jóvenes y Adultos 2 - Libro de buen amor + CD - Juan Ruiz

ELI - Š - Jóvenes y Adultos 2 - Libro de buen amor + CD - Juan Ruiz

El Lazarillo de Tormes es una novela anónima del siglo XVI que narra la vida de Lázaro de Tormes desde su infancia hasta la edad adulta. Es una novela de autoformación pero también es una descripción irónica, cómica y dura a la vez de la sociedad de la Espańa del siglo XVI. Con este libro se crea un género literario en Espańa la novela picaresca. Temas Aventura Sociedad En esta publicación vas a encontrar Reportajes Glosario con las palabras difíciles Actividades de comprensión Actividades DELE Test final Silabo (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Jóvenes y Adultos 2 - Libro de buen amor + CD - Juan Ruiz

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y las verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y las verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Una aventura de extraterrestres en la que un chico malo se lleva una sorpresa. Temas Aventura Amistad Valentía Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado Una aventura de extraterrestres en la que un chico malo se lleva una sorpresa. El extraterrestre PB3 y la robot Robina quieren fruta y verdura para su planeta. Guille ayuda a sus nuevos amigos, y descubre que una sustancia verde del espacio le puede ayudar contra un chico malo del colegio. Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Verbos ser y estar hace impersonal hay impersonal Verbo tener Artículos determinados e indeterminados Vocabulario Fruta y verdura Colores (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y las verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et Coco le Clown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et Coco le Clown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Coralie dîne avec son oncle Coco le clown. Tout ŕ coup BOUM PATATRAC quelque chose atterrit sur le toit de la roulotte jaune de Coco ! Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Thčmes Le cirque Aventure PB3 et Martine atterrissent dans le cirque de Coco le jongleur avec leur soucoupe volante. Ils font la connaissance de toute la famille. Coco a un secret mais personne ne le comprend. Que vatil se passer pendant le spectacle ? Contenus Contenu lexical La famille Le temps et les repas Le visage Les vętements Les couleurs Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif La forme négative Il y a Il ny a pas Les prépositions de lieu Les adjectifs possessifs La forme interrogative (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et Coco le Clown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 a besoin d´aide - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 a besoin d´aide - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Zjednodušená francouzská četba pro děti na základní škole. Součástí knihy je poslechové CD, doplňkové aktivity a obrázkový slovník. příběh PB3 a robota Robina z planety P3, kteří se ocitnou na Zemi. Přátelé Coco a Coralie jim opět pomohou... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 a besoin d´aide - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Junge ELI Lektüren 2/A2: Das Altägyptische Souvenir mit Audio CD - Mary Flagan

Junge ELI Lektüren 2/A2: Das Altägyptische Souvenir mit Audio CD - Mary Flagan

Wie man sich doch in einem Menschen täuschen kann… Originaltext mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik; Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Fit in Deutsch 2; Abschlusstest Themen: Freundschaft, Schule, Familie, Tagesablauf, Leben in der Stadt Claudia träumt davon, Detektivin zu werden. Ihr Hobby ist es, Geheimnisse zu lüften. Aber diesmal hat sie wirklich eine harte Nuss zu knacken. Begleite sie auf ihrer aufregenden Entdeckungsreise. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Junge ELI Lektüren 2/A2: Das Altägyptische Souvenir mit Audio CD - Mary Flagan

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Riccioli d´Oro e i tre orsi + CD

ELI - I - Prime Letture - Riccioli d´Oro e i tre orsi + CD

Una bella storia da leggere e tanti facili giochi da svolgere. Utili vocabolari illustrati presentano gli animali del bosco sulla tavola nel salotto aggettivi (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - I - Prime Letture - Riccioli d´Oro e i tre orsi + CD

ELI - A - Young adult 2 - A Midsummer Night´s Dream - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

ELI - A - Young adult 2 - A Midsummer Night´s Dream - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

Theseus of Athens is looking forward to his wedding to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. But two other young couples are not so happy Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father doesnt agree. Helena loves Demetrius, but he wants to marry Hermia. The King and Queen of the Fairies dont love each other any more, so they start to play tricks on each other. They involve their fairies, the lovers and a group of Athenian workmen who want to be actors. Its a very unusual Midsummer Night, perhaps its a dream. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young adult 2 - A Midsummer Night´s Dream - readers + CD - William Shakespeare

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et la veste de Chloé - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et la veste de Chloé - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Le courage et lamitié sont toujours vainqueurs ! Thčmes Amitié Aventure Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ lhistoire magnifique dun extraterrestre et de son robot. Quand une navette spatiale arrive, tout le monde a peur. Qui na pas peur ? Que fontils ensemble ? Deux enfants, Chloé et Arnaud prennent un bain de mer et rencontrent PB3 et son robot Martine. Ensemble, ils ont affronté les méchants OOs qui viennent de la plančte X011 et ils découvrent leur terrible plan. Comment arręter les Oos ? Contenus Contenu lexical Les vętements La nature Les couleurs Les animaux de la ferme Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif Cest il est Le superlatif trčs (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et la veste de Chloé - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader
Manželé: Ruská deska / Manželé I - CD (BP0113-2), Forbíny vzpomínek I a II: 2 CD (099925642228), Psí vojáci: Live I & II (x CD) - CD (BP0134-2), Soundtrack: I Malamondo - CD (0920652), Various: Nejhezčí trampské písničky I.- IV. (4x CD) - CD (310916-2), Virgin Prunes: ...if I Die, I Die (40th Anniversary Edition) (2x CD) - CD (4050538821611), Tedeschi Trucks Band: I Am The Moon: I. Crescent - CD (7240920), Dark Tranquillity: Mind's I - CD (0194398944929), I Musici: Four Seasons - CD (4852630), I Am Destruction: Nascency - CD (ULR262CD), Pohádky Hanse Christiana Andersena I. (3x CD) - CD, Gabriels: Angels & Queens - Part I - CD (5054197358951), Band of Heysek: I'm Glad I Met You - CD (2664518-2), Angličtina pro jazykové školy I. 2 CD (40-315-0304-0), PremiumCord BNC I-spojka (sbnc-I), Murs Olly: You Know I Know (2x CD) - CD (0190758949321), Various: Love is All I Bring (2x CD) - CD (4050538537031), Bambini di Praga: Skákal pes - CD (310218-2), CANTINE DUE PALME Primitivo di Manduria "San Gaetano" DOP 0,75l (8020685008391), Primal Fear: I Will be Gone - CD (0727361580704), Croce Jim: I Got A Name - CD (4050538630664), Monsta X: Dreaming (Deluxe Version I) - CD (4050538706208), jan werich forbiny vzpominek i a ii cd, Carpenter Sabrina: Emails i can't send - CD (3866707), Pohádky I., Ewraker I (), Mariňáci I, Kytice I, DecoKing Povlečení Emerald Francesco, MPM Fashion I W02M.11265.I (381580)