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Perceval ou le conte du Graal (9788853617453)
Kniha - autor Chrétien de Troyes, 64 stran, francouzsky "Román zobrazuje mladého muža Percevala, ktorý sa nedávno stal obávaným rytierom a vzal si ho hlavy nájsť grál. Mladý Walesan Perceval žije so svojou matkou v lese. Nevie nič o svete rytierov a ochrane matky, ktorá už v boji stratila muža a dvoch synov. Jedného dňa však stretne skupinku rytierov. Walesan sa chce stať statočným rytierom, akými sú oni. Jeho snom je dostať sa na dvor kráľa Artuša a slúžiť mu. Aby sa mu to podarilo, musí čeliť bojovníkom a uniknúť nástrahám, ktoré ho na ceste čakajú." CEFR level: A2
Podívejte se také Perceval ou le conte du Graal (9788853617453)
Zjednodušená francouzská četba - úroveň 3 - Perceval opouští svou matku a žije poklidným životem v lese. Avšak jednoho dne se setká se skupinou rytířů, kteří přicestovali z Camelotu, hradu krále Artuše. Perceval se rozhodne stát se jedním z rytířů kulatého stolu. Bez jakýchkoli zkušeností musí čelit mnoha výzvám...
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ELI - F - Poussins 2 - Perrette et le pot au lait - readers + CD - Jean de La Fontaine
Un classique qui enchantera les jeunes lecteurs... filles ou garçons ! Thčmes Fantaisie Projets Jeux et activités linguistiques CD audio Vocabulaire illustré Perrette la laitičre décide daller au marché pour vendre son pot de lait. En chemin, elle fait beaucoup de projets. Mais une fois arrivée au marché, elle fait tomber son pot de lait et doit renoncer ŕ tous ses ręves... et Perrette comprend quil il ne faut pas sauter de joie avant de réaliser ses projets. Contenus Contenu lexical Les fruits et légumes Les animaux de la ferme Contenu grammatical Le présent Les adjectifs possessifs Les articles contractés
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ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Le passage secret - readers + CD - Paloma Bellini
Que se passetil quand un passionné de jeux vidéo débarque dans un petit village de montagne ? Thčmes Aventure Nature Jeux et activités linguistiques CD audio Dictionnaire illustré Simon doit passer les vacances de neige avec ses parents et il est trčs en colčre il préfčre rester chez lui avec ses jeux vidéo ! Mais le petit village de montagne lui réserve une belle surprise ! Contenus Lexique La nature Les conditions atmosphériques Les sentiments Grammaire Les semiauxiliaires devoir, pouvoir, vouloir La forme négative Les subordonnées de temps
Objev podobné jako ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Le passage secret - readers + CD - Paloma Bellini
Lectures ELI Juniors 2/A2: Le souvenir d´Egypte + Downloadable multimedia - Flagan Mary
Sophie ha 14 anni e una grande passione per le investigazioni. Con il suo spirito di iniziativa riuscira a recuperare un prezioso amuleto egizio e a salvare il suo professore.TematicheAmiciziaScuolaAvventuraDossier culturaliGlossarioAttivita linguisticheAttivita per la certifi cazione DELFTest d’uscitaIl libroDurante una lezione di storia, ognuno porta in classe qualcosa che ricordi l’Egitto. Sophie porta un bruttissimo scarabeo nero, un semplice souvenir. Improvvisamente tutto cambia nella vita di Sophie: lo studio di suo padre viene messo sottosopra, appare una misteriosa limousine nera e il suo professore di storia scompare. Sara proprio Sophie che, con vivacita e tenacia, risolvera il mistero.SillaboVocabolarioLes rencontres. L’amitié. La famille. L’école. Les lieux. Les magasins. Les objets. L’histoire. La géographie. L’aventure.GrammaticaLe présent de l’indicatif. Le futur simple. Le futur proche. Le passé composé. L’imparfait. Le passé simple. L’impératif. Le conditionnel présent. Les questions et les mots interrogatifs.
Objev podobné jako Lectures ELI Juniors 2/A2: Le souvenir d´Egypte + Downloadable multimedia - Flagan Mary
ELI - F - Plaisir de Lire - Hansel et Gretel + CD
A lintérieur, une belle histoire et des jeux amusants. Vocabulaires illustrés la for234t le jour la for234t la nuit les sucreries les travaux domestiques
Objev podobné jako ELI - F - Plaisir de Lire - Hansel et Gretel + CD
ELI - A - Teen 2 - Treasure Island - readers + CD - Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island is an adventure novel, narrating a tale of pirates and buried gold. Treasure Island is an adventure tale known for its atmosphere, characters and action. In this Reader you will find Focus on difficult words Comprehension activities Test yourself CLIL activity Tags Adventure Courage After Jim Hawkins finds a map in an old sea chest, he starts an exciting adventure which will take him to a far off island in search of treasure. He sets sail with his friends, but they do not realise that many of the crew are pirates and their leader is the cook, Long John Silver. The pirates are determined to find the treasure first at all costs! Enjoy reading about the adventures of Jim and his friends at sea and discover who finds the buried treasure. Syllabus Topics, Adventure, Betrayal, Loyalty, Courage, Friendship, Grammar and Structures. Verb tenses present, past, future, Modals, Question forms, Synonyms antonyms, Adjectives, comparative and superlative forms, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Pronouns, Quantifiers, Verb patterns, Functions, Discuss plans, Ask for and give information, Give instructions, Make suggestions, Agree disagree
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Treasure Island - readers + CD - Robert Louis Stevenson
ELI - F - Plaisir de Lire - Les trois petits cochons + CD
A lintérieur, une belle histoire et des jeux amusants. Vocabulaires illustrés la famille la maison les verbes
Objev podobné jako ELI - F - Plaisir de Lire - Les trois petits cochons + CD
ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Secret Garden - readers + CD - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
One day, in India, nineyear old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world. In this reader you will find information about Frances Hodgson Burnett a section providing background and contextual information a glossary of difficult words comprehension activities an exit text Tags Friendship Emotions Syllabus Topics Family, friends and ourselves Occupations and the world of work School and education including school subjects Daily routine Notions and concepts Ability, Actions and activities Feelings, Obligation Offers, Likes and dislikes Predictions, Suggestions Talking about future plans Other Adverbs, Adjectives Prepositions, Phrases with when Comparatives and superlatives Gerunds, Imperatives Present simple, Future forms
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Secret Garden - readers + CD - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
ELI - A - Teen 2 - Dear Diary... - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Elizabeth Ferretti
The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself. Virginia Woolf In this book, you will find the diaries of many different people. Here are writers, artists, musicians, and people with important stories to tell. Some are famous Anne Frank, George Orwell and Kurt Cobain others you will meet for the first time. Syllabus Grammar and structures Present simple, Present continuous (present actions), Present perfect simple, Past Simple, Future with will. Verb forms and patterns Affirmative, interrogative, negative, Infinitives (with and without to) after verbs and adjectives, Regular and common irregular verbs, Passive forms, Gerunds (verb ing) after verbs and prepositions, Gerunds as subjects and objects.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Dear Diary... - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Elizabeth Ferretti
ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Tempest - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - William Shakespeare
Prospero lives on a strange island with his daughter Miranda. One night, with his magic powers, he makes a storm to bring his brother and the King of Naples to the island. They must pay for what they did in the past. Ferdinand also arrives on the island and finds a surprise. Read the play and see how the island and Prosperos magic change the lives of these people.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Tempest - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - William Shakespeare
ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
These are animals from a farm. A pig goes oink and a sheep goes baa. Theres a chicken and a duck and a horse of course. And a sad little goat with a curly coat. Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An exciting adventure with a friendly extraterrestrial and his robot. When a big black spaceship arrives everyone is afraid. Who is in it? What do they want? Two children, Sue and Ben, dive into the sea and meet PB3 and his robot, Robin. Together they come face to face with the bad OOs from Planet X011 and together they discover a terrible plan. Can they stop Syllabus Topics Clothes, animals, colours, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Adverbs There is There are Question words what? why? Conjunctions and but Prepositions of place
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Teen 2 - A Faraway World - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Maria Luisa Banfi
Oh! says Alex, a little surprised. Dont you feel African at all? No, not at all! Marquat replies firmly. Just because Im black doesnt mean Im not British. I am British, just like you! Tags Friendship Social Issues In this Reader you will find Focus on... KETstyle activities Glossary of difficult words Test yourself Comprehension activities Marquat, born in Cardiff, but with Nigerian parents is a typical teenager. Hes an intelligent, inquisitive boy but also sometimes insecure and shy. He hopes to do well in life and works hard to achieve his dreams. One day, unfortunately, he comes across racial prejudices because of the colour of his skin. However, just as he begins to think hes alone, he discovers the value of friendship which will help him overcome any problem. Syllabus Topics Family, friends and ourselves Occupations and the world of work School and education including school subjects, Daily routine Notions and concepts Ability, Actions and activities including routines and manner, Feelings, Obligation, Offers, Likes and dislikes, Predictions, Suggestions, Talking about future plans Grammar and structures Adverbs, Adjectives, Prepositions, Phrases with when, Comparatives and superlatives, Gerunds, Imperatives, Present simple, Future forms
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 2 - A Faraway World - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Maria Luisa Banfi
ELI - A - Teen 2 - Adventure at Haydon Point - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Feretti Elisabeth
One summer, city boy Sam stays with his uncle in the country. Its all so different from London! Theres a river and boats, and a new friend, but theres a strange light at night and two men in black. Why are they watching Sams uncle? And who are the Americans? In this reader you will find background information about this story, information on staying safe at sea, glossary of difficult words, comprehension and grammar activities, final test.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 2 - Adventure at Haydon Point - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Feretti Elisabeth
ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them?
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and Coco the Clown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love! PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clowns motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin! Tags Circus Family Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Family, time and meals, the body and face, clothes, colours Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Verb infinitive Infinitive of purpose There is There are Prepositions of place and movement Possessive adjectives Descriptive adjectives Question words Who? What? Why? Where?
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and Coco the Clown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 3 - Jane Eyre - readers + CD - Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre was an immediate bestseller, and most critics liked it. One reviewer wrote It is one of the most powerful domestic romances which have been published for many years. In this Reader you will find A short biography of Charlotte Brontë Glossary Comprehension activities PETstyle activities Exit test Tags Love Society Jane Eyre is an orphan, and all alone in the world. But she is no ordinary young woman despite her lonely and unhappy childhood, she is determined to succeed at a time when women had little freedom. When she meets the enigmatic Mr Rochester, however, her independent spirit is put to the test. Will Jane ever find the happiness she desires so much? Syllabus Verb tenses Present Continuous future plans and activities, present actions Past Perfect Simple in reported speech and narrative Modal verbs cant logical necessity could ability (was able tomanaged to), possibility, polite requests maycancould permission might (present and future reference) possibility, permission must logical necessity and obligation would hypothesis, polite requests should (present and future reference) moral obligation, advice used towould past habits and states Verb forms and patterns Past forms with going to and will Verb object full infinitive (e.g. I want you to help.) Simple reported speech statements, questions and commands with say, ask, tell Phrasal verbsverbs with prepositions had better for advice or desirability
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Jane Eyre - readers + CD - Charlotte Brontë
ELI - A - Teen 3 - David Copperfield - readers + CD - Charles Dickens
The story traces the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. In this Reader you will find information about Charles Dickens Tags Family Friendship Love Adventure David Copperfield looks back on the first twentyfive years of his life. He is only eight years old when his mother, a young pretty widow, remarries. Unfortunately Mr Murdstone is not a good husband or father. David is sent away to school and only returns home when tragedy strikes. Unloved and unwanted, he is sent to work in a factory. But David is a resourceful boy and determines to find a better life for himself. Syllabus Tenses Present simple states, habits, Past simple finished time, Past continuous actions in progress at a specific time, in past, interrupted actions, Present perfect simple indefinite past, unfinished past, Past perfect narrative, Futures willshall, present continuous Verb forms Imperatives, Passives present, past simple, Gerunds after verbs, prepositions Conditionals 1st conditional possible presentfuture, 2nd conditional hypothetical presentfuture Reported speech statements, questions, commands Modals Can, could ability, permission, May, might possibility, permission, Must, have to obligation, Defining, nondefining clauses, Purpose clauses Linkers So adjective, such (a) adjective noun
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 3 - David Copperfield - readers + CD - Charles Dickens
ELI - A - Young 2 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Lyman Frank Baum
Can you imagine being whooshed away by the wind to a magic land of witches and strange characters? Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderful friends in a magic land and how she tried to get back home to Kansas. Did she manage? Youll have to read the story to fi nd out! Tags Friendship Fantasy Courage and persistence In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Colours, clothes, parts of the body, directions Grammar and structures Present simple, Verb infi nitive, Must and have to for obligation, Determiners some any, Adjectives of description and feeling, Prepositions of place
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Lyman Frank Baum
ELI - A - Young 1 - Sophie´s Dream - readers + CD - Dominique Guillemant
Its late. Sophie is asleep in her bed and she is having a lovely dream. She is dreaming about a day at the circus. In her dream she meets Giggles the clown and Juliet the ballet dancer. Tags Fairy Tale and Fantasy Animal Story In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Sophie is asleep in her bed and she is having a lovely dream. She is dreaming about a day at the circus. What would happen if during the night elephants and lions, musicians and entertainers, clowns and ballet dancers came in your little room? The never ending and fascinating show of the circus seen from the eyes of a curious child in a very poetic tale accompanied by artistic illustrations. Syllabus Topics The world of the circus Occupations Animals Grammar and structures Singular and plural forms with s Common irregular plural forms Possessive form (s) Simple adjectives Positive, question, positive imperative forms Present Simple Present Continuous with present meaning (except negative questions)
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Sophie´s Dream - readers + CD - Dominique Guillemant
Lectures ELI Juniors 2/A2: La terre est ronde + Downloadable multimedia - B. Brunetti
Une belle histoire qui démontre qu’en étant soi-meme, on a tout a gagner...Themes :- Amitié- École- Themes SociauxDans cet ouvrage:- des dossiers culturels ;- un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles ;- des activités ludiques tres variées ;- des activités type DELF.Marquat est un garçon d’origine africaine qui se sent pleinement français. C’est un éleve intelligent et sensible, mais tout le monde ne le voit pas comme il mérite d’etre considéré... Lorsqu’il se heurte contre un fâcheux épisode de racisme, il découvre d’avoir de vrais amis.ContenusVocabulaireLes nationalités. Les rencontres.Le sentiments. L’amitié. La famille.Les actions quotidiennes. Le travail.L’école et l’enseignement. Les loisirs.Les lieux. L’histoire. La géographie.Les expressions familieres.GrammaireLe présent de l’indicatif. Le présent progressif. Le futur proche. Le passé composé. L’impératif. Le subjonctif. L’hypothese. Les questions et les mots interrogatifs.
Objev podobné jako Lectures ELI Juniors 2/A2: La terre est ronde + Downloadable multimedia - B. Brunetti
ELI - A - Teen 3 - Val’s Diary - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Flagan Mary
Wow! A date! This is my first date. Maybe next year my diary will be full of photos and secret letters like all my friends. Please come, Luke. Oh, Im so excited. I cant wait to phone Sally and tell her everything. Wednesday is so far away! Tags Family Love Friendship Holidays In this Reader you will find Focus on PETstyle activities Glossary of difficult words Test yourself Comprehension activities An audio recording of the story Schools over at last! Summer holidays are here but who wants to spend them in the countryside? Not Val, of course! She hates the country, but eventually shell change her mind. Guess why! Read her diary and find out. She tells her diary all about herself, her moods, her emotions and her dreams. This country holiday is really boring and she cant stand it, but dont despair something very exciting will happen soon, thanks to Luke and the others! Syllabus Topics Family, Friendship, love, Holidays Notions and concepts Feelings, Likes and dislikes, Talking about future plans, Predictions, Ability, Actions and activities, Offers, Suggestions Grammar and structures Verbs regular and irregular forms, Modal verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Prepositions, Linkers, Comparatives and Superlatives, Nouns and pronouns, Determiners
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Teen 3 - Val’s Diary - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Flagan Mary
ELI - F - Plaisir de Lire - La petite siréne
A lintérieur, une belle histoire et des jeux amusants. Vocabulaires illustrés la famille le temps quil fait au fond de la mer le jardin
Objev podobné jako ELI - F - Plaisir de Lire - La petite siréne
ELI - A - Young 3 - Peter Pan - readers + CD(do vyprodání zásob) - James Matthew Barrie
Once upon a time, a long time ago, in London there was a happy family in a happy house. Happy parents, happy children, and a happy dog. Tags Friendship Adventure In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Never leave your windows open at night. Anything can get in. The story of a boy who never grew up, with his friends Wendy and the jealous fairy Tinker Bell. Why are there no Lost Girls in Neverland? What did the crocodile want to eat? Find out in this new edition of the classic story, Peter Pan. Syllabus Topics Family, gender and gender role Notions and concepts Feelings, likes and dislikes, ability, actions and activities, narration Grammar and structures Verbs Common regular and irregular verbs in the simple past, all forms Common regular and irregular verbs in the present, all forms There is are was were, all forms simple determiners Modal verbs can and could for ability Adverbs of manner and frequency Adjectives Prepositions Connectives and, but, so Comparatives and superlatives Nouns Pronouns subject, object and possessive Determiners a, an, the, some, any, lots of
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Peter Pan - readers + CD(do vyprodání zásob) - James Matthew Barrie
ELI - A - Young 4 - The Jungle Book - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book + CD audioAbout the series:The series Young ELI Readers is divided into four levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experience.Stages:Stage 1 (100 headwords) Below A1Stage 2 (200 headwords) A1 StartersStage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 MoversStage 4 (400 headwords) A2 FlyersAbout The Jungle Book + CD audio:Stage 4: A2 FlyersThis is the real story of the Jungle Book. It is not a funny film for children. People and animals die. And one child kills the great tiger and changes the laws of the jungle.The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end. An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times. Fun cut out bookmarks personalize the book. Reading, speaking, writing and listening skills are fully practised and developed through exercises specifically designed for each skill. The text, either whole or partial, is narrated by native speakers on an Audio CD. The illustrations have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators, with the conviction that visual ‘comments’ in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text. The Young ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories and illustrations. It's elegant book made up of fine details which surprise the reader: from the type of paper to the font chosen. This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.Syllabus:Verb tenses and patterns - Positive, negative, question, imperative and short answer forms including contractions: Present Simple passive, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, be going toModal Verbs - will, might, may, shall, could, shouldIn this Reader you will find:- Games and language activities- An audio recording of the story- A picture dictionary
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - The Jungle Book - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Rudyard Kipling
Teen ELI Readers 3/B1: Robin Hood with Audio CD
The daring and handsome nobleman Robin Hood is forced to live as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest, after the evil Sheriff of Nottingham kills his family and takes his land and money. With the help of his Merry Men, Robin becomes a hero, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Will the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham manage to capture Robin and his friends? Will Robin regain his land and be able to offer Marian, his love, a real home? Read about this legendary hero of the English Middle Ages and discover all the exciting and romantic adventures he has with his band of Merry Men! Tags Adventure Friendship In this reader you will find: - Focus on… - Comprehension activities - Glossary of difficult words - Test yourself - CLIL activity Sylabus Grammar and Structures Verb Tenses: present /past simple, present /past continuous, present / past perfect (continuous) Question forms Future tenses Conditionals Clauses with if, when, unless, as soon as , until, as long as Modal verbs – present, past, future, conditional Verb patterns Synonyms Adjectives, comparatives and superlatives Too / enough Direct / indirect speech Active / passive Functions Express opinions Make suppositions Make requests Make suggestions Agree /disagree Invite Give information Give directions Apologise Promise
Objev podobné jako Teen ELI Readers 3/B1: Robin Hood with Audio CD
ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Put your elbows up stamp your feet on the ground make circles with your shoulders and turn around do the Armour Jive and count to five 1 2 3 4 5 HEY! Tags Adventure Crime In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary In this amusing story Harry, the reluctant hero, braves robbers and ghosts and armour to triumph in the end (by accident!). Two detectives, Harry and Emma are sent to the castle to lie in wait for some robbers. The enthusiastic Emma persuades Harry to put on some armour as a disguise. The night is long and events take an un expected turn. Harrys mood turns from reluctant to bored to horrified! How will the night end? Syllabus Topics Materials, directions, places in a town, parts of the body, clothes. Grammar and structures Past simple Past continuous Be going to Will Giving directions If (zero conditional) Be made of See you
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Ann is ALWAYS losing her things and her teacher is angry. But help is on the way! Granny Fixit and her piece of yellow string solve all her problems or do they? Tags Adventure Magic Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas School, family and friends, the home, toys Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Have for possession There is There are Can for ability Question words Where? What? Conjunctions and but Determiners this that a an a lot of
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out tops (to everyones surprise!). Harry and his three friends are selected to take part in the Police Sport Competition. They arrive at the luxury hotel by the sea where the competition is to take place. Everything seems normal ... but something strange is going on at the hotel. Tags Adventure Crime Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Sports and leisure, time, clothes and materials, work, the world around us Grammar and structures Past simple Past progressive Present perfect Will ... Going to ... Tag questions Should Must Verbs infinitive ing form When clauses Adverbs
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and an Electrical Problem - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
When you have a problem and you dont know what to do. Just stop a moment and look around you. You might think your problem is as big as a house. But in fact it might be as small as a ... MOUSE! Tags Adventure Crime In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary In this detective story our reluctant hero Harry has to try to solve some breakins at the police station. Who is breaking into the police station? And why? Harry and his detective friends go on an adventure to discover the dark secret of a famous magician, but they get too close! Will Harry be able to rescue his friends? Will he be able to solve the puzzle? Syllabus Topics Transport, food, feelings, physical description Grammar and structures Past simple Past continuous Present perfect Going to Will Might Should Giving directions If will (1st conditional) So after (conjunctions)
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and an Electrical Problem - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
In the deep green forest what can you see? Ants and snakes and spiders and monkeys up a tree! In the deep green forest what can you do? Take photos. Climb up and swing from trees too! Tags Adventure Social Issues Spy In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary A nail biting adventure in the Rwandan rainforest with Uncle Jack, Jim, Daisy and May (and of course Grumpy the dog!). Can they save the life of King Kambogo? You will learn something about the Nyungwe Forest in this exciting adventure where Uncle Jack and the others fly off to Africa to look for a cure for King Kambogo. They dont realise but there are some bad men who dont want them to find the cure! Syllabus Topics Animals, nature, feelings Grammar and structures Past simple regular and irregular forms Verb infinitive Verb ing Adverbs Can cant Must mustnt Question words what? why? Prepositions of plac
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Young ELI Readers 4/B2: Moby Dick with Audio CD - Herman Melville
"Jedna z celosvetovo najčítanejších kníh. Moby Dick je sága o kapitánovi Ahabovi a jeho neustálom prenasledovaní Moby Dicka, veľkej bielej veľryby, ktorá ho počas ich posledného stretnutia zmrzačila. Mladý námorník Ismael rozpráva tento klasický americký príbeh o obrovskej bielej veľrybe a jej posadnutom lovcovi, kapitánovi Ahabovi. Začnite cestu za morom v známom veľrybárskom meste New Bedford v štáte Massechusetts a plavte sa do neznámej krajiny na veľrybárskej lodi Pequod. Stretnite sa s Queequegom, podivným kanibalom, ktorý učí Ismaela, o čom je skutočný priateľ, s prvým dôstojníkom Starbuckom, ktorý nám ukazuje význam vernosti a ťažkej práce a s ostatnými zaujímavými členmi posádky lode. " CEFR Level: B2
Objev podobné jako Young ELI Readers 4/B2: Moby Dick with Audio CD - Herman Melville
ELI - Š - Jóvenes y Adultos 2 - Libro de buen amor + CD - Juan Ruiz
El Lazarillo de Tormes es una novela anónima del siglo XVI que narra la vida de Lázaro de Tormes desde su infancia hasta la edad adulta. Es una novela de autoformación pero también es una descripción irónica, cómica y dura a la vez de la sociedad de la Espańa del siglo XVI. Con este libro se crea un género literario en Espańa la novela picaresca. Temas Aventura Sociedad En esta publicación vas a encontrar Reportajes Glosario con las palabras difíciles Actividades de comprensión Actividades DELE Test final Silabo
Objev podobné jako ELI - Š - Jóvenes y Adultos 2 - Libro de buen amor + CD - Juan Ruiz
ELI - A - Young 2 - Maxi´s adventure - readers (do vyprodání zásob)
Rumbledumbles greatest loves are Anna and the other children, his garden and his little dog Maxi. When Maxi gets lost Rumbledumble and the children search everywhere for him. But Maxi is far away in another, very different, world. Will Maxi get back? Will Rumbledumble find him? This is a story about the loyalty between a man and his dog, about determination and about how help is not all one way sometimes children can help adults too! Its also about being kind to a stranger Even when that stranger is a little dog!
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - Maxi´s adventure - readers (do vyprodání zásob)
Křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE", L'Atelier du Vin
Hlavní výhody: křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE" je ikonou L'Atelier du Vin od roku 1970 dvě velké páky vytahují korek jemně, pevně a bez jeho poškození měkký plast na vnitřní straně základny zabraňuje odštípnutí skla na hrdle lahve robustní tělo ze surového zamaku, potaženého transparentním ochranným lakem šroub je potažený teflonem součástí rukojeti je otvírák na lahve Dodatečné informace: materiál: zamak
Objev podobné jako Křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE", L'Atelier du Vin
Křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE", L'Atelier du Vin
Hlavní výhody: křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE" je ikonou L'Atelier du Vin od roku 1970 dvě velké páky vytahují korek jemně, pevně a bez jeho poškození měkký plast na vnitřní straně základny zabraňuje odštípnutí skla na hrdle lahve robustní tělo ze surového zamaku, potaženého transparentním ochranným lakem šroub je potažený teflonem součástí rukojeti je otvírák na lahve Dodatečné informace: materiál: zamak
Objev podobné jako Křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE", L'Atelier du Vin
Křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE", L'Atelier du Vin
Hlavní výhody: křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE" je ikonou L'Atelier du Vin od roku 1970 dvě velké páky vytahují korek jemně, pevně a bez jeho poškození měkký plast na vnitřní straně základny zabraňuje odštípnutí skla na hrdle lahve robustní tělo ze surového zamaku, potaženého transparentním ochranným lakem šroub je potažený teflonem součástí rukojeti je otvírák na lahve Dodatečné informace: materiál: zamak
Objev podobné jako Křídlová vývrtka LE "DE GAULLE", L'Atelier du Vin
ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Dracula - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Bram Stoker
When Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in the lonely castle? Where does Count Dracula go during the day? Why are there no mirrors? Bram Stokers classic story takes us, and Count Dracula, from the Transylvanian castle to a small port on the east coast of England. Then we move to London, in a desperate fight to save people from the new, the terrible, Undead. The reader covers the following grammar areas Nouns Pronouns Connectives Adjectives Prepositions Verbs Present Perfect Past Continuous Present Simple Passive will for future reference, promises and predictions need for necessity and obligation could for ability, requests and suggestions have to for obligation common phrasal verbs.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Dracula - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Bram Stoker
Young ELI Readers 2/A1: The Legend Of Robin Hood + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader
The Legend of Robin Hood + downloadable mp3About the series:The series Young ELI Readers is divided into four levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experience.Stages:Stage 1 (100 headwords) Below A1 StartersStage 2 (200 headwords) A1 Starters/MoversStage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 MoversStage 4 (400 headwords) A2 FlyersAbout The Legend of Robin Hood + mp3:Stage 2: A1This adventure story tells the beginnings of the legend of Robin Hood, a legend that has fascinated generations of children. It starts when Robin Hood comes home to England after fighting for King Richard the Lionheart. He finds that his house has been taken over by the bad Prince John and his servant the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin goes into Sherwood Forest where, along with Maid Marion, he forms a band to fight back against the bad Prince and the Sheriff and to defend the poor.The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end. An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times. Reading, speaking, writing and listening skills are fully practised and developed through exercises specifically designed for each skill. The text, either whole or partial, is narrated by native speakers. The illustrations have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators, with the conviction that visual ‘comments’ in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text. The Young ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories and illustrations. It's elegant book made up of fine details which surprise the reader: from the type of paper to the font chosen. This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.Syllabus:Vocabulary areas:phsycial descriptions, food and meals, everyday activities, action verbsGrammar and structuresPresent simple, Present continuous, Adverbs, Comparative and superlative adjectives, Verb + Infinitive, Can / Can’t for ability, Prepositions of place, Relative clausesIn this Reader you will find:- Games and language activities- Downoadable audio mp3 and free app ELI Link for instant access to the audio material- A picture dictionary
Objev podobné jako Young ELI Readers 2/A1: The Legend Of Robin Hood + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader
Svobodová Eva: Du Meydele, Du Sheyns - CD (310425-2)
Hudební CD - Židovské folkové písně v podání Evy Svobodové. Židovské folkové písně v podání Evy Svobodové. Obsah: My Mother's Voice I. Yom Shabaton Schlof Mayn Zun Ya Ribbon Rebbe Elimelech Sason Vikar My Mother's Voice 2 My Mother's Voice 3/Un Az Der Rebbe Zingt Kegn Gold Fun Zun Sisu v 'Simchu My Mother's Voice 4 Bei Dem Rabbi/My Mother's Voice 5 Ki Tavou My Mother's Voice 6 Ay - Lye, Lyu - Lye, Lyu - Lye
Objev podobné jako Svobodová Eva: Du Meydele, Du Sheyns - CD (310425-2)
GIVENCHY Ange Ou Demon Le Secret EdP
Parfémovaná voda - dámská, květinová vůně Chtěli byste si opatřit parfémovanou vodu, díky které obdržíte jeden kompliment za druhým? GIVENCHY Ange Ou Demon Le Secret EdP nabízí vůni ideální pro ženy. V této parfémované vodě je hlavní složkou květinová příměs, pro kterou jsou samozřejmé tóny jasmínu, růží nebo fialky. Pro parfémovanou vodu je klíčovou složkou také vedlejší vůně ovoce, takže vyniká i sladkým arometem z meruněk, jablka, černého rybízu apod. Tato parfémovaná voda se obzvlášť bude vyjímat v letním období. GIVENCHY Ange Ou Demon Le Secret EdP je originálně z Francie. Zajímavé parametry parfémované vody GIVENCHY Ange Ou Demon Le Secret EdP Parfémovaná voda určená pro ženy Hlavním aroma je květinová vůně Vedlejší vůně GIVENCHY Ange Ou Demon Le Secret EdP: ovocná Parfémovaná voda vznikla ve Francii
Objev podobné jako GIVENCHY Ange Ou Demon Le Secret EdP
Lecturas ELI Adolescentes 2/A2: Cantar de Mio Cid
La obra emblemática de la tradición del cantar de gesta y además el manuscrito más completo que se ha conservado de esta época medieval. En esta publicación vas a encontrar: Reportajes; Glosario con las palabras difíciles; Actividades de comprensión; Actividades DELE; Test final Temas: Aventura, Amor, Historia El Cantar de Mio Cid es el primer gran texto de la literatura espanola. Es un cantar de gesta que narra las aventuras de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, el Cid Campeador. El Cid es el héroe más importante de la historia medieval espanola. Gran luchador, valiente, leal, generoso; personifica al vasallo ideal, siempre respetuoso con el rey, su senor, aunque este no siempre fue justo con él.
Objev podobné jako Lecturas ELI Adolescentes 2/A2: Cantar de Mio Cid
ELI - A - Young 4 - Robin Hood - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Anon
Follow Robin Hoods adventures in Sherwood Forest in this easytofollow drama version based on the popular legend of Robin Hood. Robin Hood and his Merry Men hatch a plan to rob the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and give back the money to the poor. Will good win over evil. Can Robin and his Merry Men save the day?
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Robin Hood - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Anon
ELI - A - Young 3 - Five Children and It - readers - Edith Nesbitová
Imagine you found a fairy at the bottom of your garden. And imagine the fairy tells you that your wishes will come true! This is what happens to the five children in this story. However, things dont happen exactly as expected and the fairy turns out to be quite a grump fairy! Readers though the generations have loved this humorous story by Edith Nesbit. Along with an appreciation for the funny side of life it teaches children that if not thinking things through properly can get you into trouble thinking carefully can usually get you out of it.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Five Children and It - readers - Edith Nesbitová
Young Adult ELI Readers 4/B2: Dubliners + Downloadable Multimedia - James Joyce
Dubliners + CD audioAbout the series: The series Young Adult ELI Readers is divided into 6 levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experience.Stages:Stage 1 Elementary (600 headwords) A1Stage 2 Pre-Intermediate (800 headwords) A2 KETStage 3 Intermediate (1000 headwords) B1 PETStage 4 Upper intermediate (1800 headwords) B2 FCEStage 5 Advanced (2500 headwords) C1 CAEStage 6 Profi ciency Unabridged Texts C2 CPEAbout Dubliners + CD audio:Stage 4: B2 FCEPlot:An ambitious mother, a boy in love, a lonely older man, a cynical intellectual and a girl who dreams of life in another country are just a few of Joyce's Dubliners. In these realistic tales, Joyce reveals the hopes, fears and dissapointments of his characters. He also shows us turn-of-the-century Dublin in fascinating details. This selection of eight stories from "Dubliners" includes "Eveline", "Araby" and a two-part adaptation of Joyce's novella, "The dead".The book contains: -The Before You Read Activities section contains pre-reading activities.-The text is divided into chapters and is equipped with a glossary at the bottom of each page.-The After-Reading Activities section, at the end of each chapter, eases memorization and comprehension and rounds off with one or more Pre-Reading activities to pre-teach the vocabulary and structures in the subsequent chapter.-Useful dossiers focussing on culture and the author are supplied in the classics series.-The Test yourself section offers activities which take into account the whole story.-Syllabus.Syllabus:Verbs: tenses with This is the first...,Present Perfect Continuous,Past Perfect Continuous,perfect infinitives, Future perfect,a wide variety of phrasal verbs,complex passive forms,wish/if onlyTypes of Clause: type-three conditionals,mixed-conditionals, relative: embedded, definingModal verbs: might, may
Objev podobné jako Young Adult ELI Readers 4/B2: Dubliners + Downloadable Multimedia - James Joyce
The Little Prince: Penguin Readers Level 2 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.A man crashes in the desert and meets the little prince. Through his pictures and stories, the man learns about the important things in life - like love and friends.
Objev podobné jako The Little Prince: Penguin Readers Level 2 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
ELI - A - Young 3 - Tess of the D´urbervilles - readers - Thomas Hardy
STAGE 3 - 1000 headwords | B1 | Preliminary | Classic"A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented” The story, set in a poor rural area of England in the 19th century, centres around Tess Durbeyfield, a sweet, innocent, country girl who is a victim of fate and her own beauty.When her lazy father finds out that his ancestors were the noble d’Urberville family, he dreams of winning back this glory for his own family. Tess, 16 years old at the start of the story and the eldest of seven children, is pushed by her parents to go and work for Alec d’Urberville who will change Tess’s life in a dramatic way. In the middle of the chaos caused by Alec d’Urberville, Tess meets Angel Clare. Will he love her forever as he promises, without judging her for her past? Or will Alec d’Urberville become her master?Read and find out.SyllabusGrammar and structures Present simple andcontinuous, past simple and continuous,present and past perfect simple. Futurewith go-ing to and will. Passive forms.Modal verbs. Verb + infinitive, verb + ing.Phrasal verbs. First and second condi-tional.Comparatives and superlatives.In this Reader you will find:Information about Thomas Hardy and his times |Focus on section about Stonehenge | Glossary ofdifficult words | Comprehension and extensionactivities including B1 Preliminary style activitiesTagsClassic literature | Relationships | Fate | Judgement
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Tess of the D´urbervilles - readers - Thomas Hardy
ELI - A - Young 4 - Oliver Twist - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Charles Dickens
Dickens asked his readers to have a heart that never gets hard. As readers follow the life of Oliver Twist, a poor orphaned boy struggling against the dangers of life in 19thcentury London, they can empathise with his childhood in a workhouse and his life with a gang of pickpockets. They can also share his relief that there were some good people, ready and willing to rescue a child in need.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Oliver Twist - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Charles Dickens
Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 2/A2: Le tigri di Mompracen + Downloadable Multimedia - Emilio Salgari
Le Tigri di MompracemEmilio SalgariLivello elementare - Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento - Livelli A2Il pirata Sandokan viene ferito durante una battaglia contro gli Inglesi. Aiutato da Lord Guillonk, che lo cura in casa sua, conosce qui la sua bellissima nipote Marianna. Tra i due nasce un amore che sembra impossibile. Ma niente e impossibile per Sandokan!Letture Graduate ELI e la nuovissima collana in lingua italiana pensata per studenti che vogliono imparare la lingua attraverso la lettura dei grandi classici o divertirsi con storie originali e contemporanee. Il piacere di leggere si unisce a un efficace metodo didattico che prevede anche esercizi di preparazione alle certificazioni.Le Letture Graduate ELI sono divise in base all’eta dei lettori e al loro livello linguistico secondo le indicazioni del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le lingue.Bambini (QCER: A1 – A2)Giovani (QCER: A1 – B1)Giovani adulti (QCER: A1 – C2)StrutturaTesto riccamente illustrato e corredato di glossari a pie di pagina.Grafica elegante, curata e ricca di particolari, funzionale alla comprensione del testo.Tavola illustrata di presentazione dei personaggi.Prima della lettura, attivita di pre-lettura che anticipano lessico e strutture del capitolo successivo.Dopo la lettura esercizi di comprensione del testo, di memorizzazione del lessico per mettere alla prova le conoscenze apprese.Dossier di civilta e curiosita. Specchio sinottico sull’autore (titoli classici).Comprensione finale, attivita di ricapitolazione sull’intero volume.Sillabo dei contenuti morfosintattici.CD AudioNarrazione del testo fatta da speaker madrelingua.Versione MP3 scaricabile da www.elireaders.com.Risorse per l’insegnante.Chiave degli esercizi scaricabile online.
Objev podobné jako Letture Graduate ELI Giovani 2/A2: Le tigri di Mompracen + Downloadable Multimedia - Emilio Salgari
Givenchy Ange Ou Démon Le Secret (2014) - EDP 100 ml
Givenchy uvádí na trh Ange Ou Démon Le Secret 2014, původně představenou už v roce 2009 jako svěží, květinovou vůni. Složení zůstává věrné kompozici bílých květin a jasmínového čaje. Úvodní tóny představují čajové lístky, citron a brusinky. Jasmín v srdci je smíchaný s akordy bílé pivoňky a leknínu. Základní tóny zahrnují pačuli, pižmo a světlé dřevité tóny.
Objev podobné jako Givenchy Ange Ou Démon Le Secret (2014) - EDP 100 ml
Givenchy Ange Ou Démon Le Secret (2014) - EDP 30 ml
Givenchy uvádí na trh Ange Ou Démon Le Secret 2014, původně představenou už v roce 2009 jako svěží, květinovou vůni. Složení zůstává věrné kompozici bílých květin a jasmínového čaje. Úvodní tóny představují čajové lístky, citron a brusinky. Jasmín v srdci je smíchaný s akordy bílé pivoňky a leknínu. Základní tóny zahrnují pačuli, pižmo a světlé dřevité tóny.
Objev podobné jako Givenchy Ange Ou Démon Le Secret (2014) - EDP 30 ml
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