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Crave (1529355559)

Kniha - 592 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff, Crave is an addictive, action-packed and unputdownable young adult paranormal fantasy - with a bite.

Objev podobné jako Crave (1529355559)

cena 259.0 Kč


Kryt !!! Předmětem prodeje je pouze plastový kryt bez vyobrazeného výrobku !!! Britská firma Decksaver se specializuje na výrobu plastových obalů pro elektronický hardware a nástroje všeho druhu. Ve studiu, doma nebo na cestě na vaše vybavení totiž neustále číhá nebezpečí v podobě prachu, rozlitých nápojů, zvědavých domácích mazlíčků nebo dětí. Všechny tyto faktory mohou v několika málo okamžicích přivést váš drahocený nástroj ke zkáze. Plastové obaly Decksaver zakryjí všechny důležité části vašeho vybavení, jsou tvarovány přesně pro konkrétní modely a ponechávají otvory pro konektory, takže vše může zůstat zapojeno. Obaly jsou vyrobeny z kvalitního, průhledného plastu. Nákupem získáte pouze plastový kryt, fotka s výrobkem, pro který je kryt určen je pouze ilustrační.

Objev podobné jako Decksaver BEHRINGER CRAVE & EDGE COVER (FITS: CRAVE & EDGE)

cena 989.0 Kč

Behringer CRAVE

Analogový syntezátor Behringer CRAVE je unikátní analogový syntezátor se Semi-modulární konektivitou a velmi intuitivním ovládacím panelem. Syntezátor je vhodný do nahrávacího studia nebo na live performance, kde posune vaše beaty a tracky na další level. Crave je postaven na autentickém duálním 3340 analogovém oscilátoru pro co nejoptimálnější využití. Obsahuje nespočet filtrů a efektů, proto se stane bezednou studnou pro vaše hudební sny a nápady. Dělejte vlny, nekonečné opakovačky, cokoli… Jako správný analogový syntezátor obsahuje nespočet filtrů a efektů, které jsou přehledně rozmístěny na rozsáhlém ovládacím panelu. Naleznete zde Prophet 5 VCO filtr s pěti křivkami, VCF, vysoce flexibilní 24 dB ladder filter a VCA, analogový LFO s triangular a rectangular waveformami, ADSR Envelope filtr nebo arpeggiator. Crave navíc obsahuje sekvencér se 32 kroky a 64 paměťovými sloty. Konektor, další konektor a potom… Druhou částí Crave je flexibilní konektorový panel pro nespočet možných kombinací a variant zapojení. Všechny konektory jsou přehledně popsány a k dispozici budete mít 18 In x 14 Out konektorů. Na předním panelu dále naleznete MIDI konektory a sluchátkový výstup pro detailní monitoring. Zadní panel potom obsahuje USB port pro připojení do PC. Součástí balení je napájecí adaptér a 6 patch kabelů. Doporučujeme dokoupit protiprachový kryt: {1}

Objev podobné jako Behringer CRAVE

cena 3990.0 Kč

Behringer Crave Syntetizátor

Analogový semi-modular syntezátor s 3340 VCO, klasickým ladder filtrem, 32-krokovým sekvencerem a 16-hlasovým poly chain společnosti Behringer. Analogový syntezátor je vybaven legendárním designem Prophet 5 VCO pro tvorbu originálního zvuku. Analogová cesta signálu je založena na autentickém designu VCO, VCF a VCA. Zařízení nabízí oscilátor s pulse a sawtooth wave výstupem pro vynikající charakter zvuku. Klasický Moog 24 dB ladder filter s rezonancí dodává legendární zvukový výkon. Přepínatelný režim pro low/high pass filter zajišťuje vylepšenou tvorbu zvuku. Syntetizátor je vybaven moderním, 32-krokovým sekvencerem s jednoduchým používáním a 64 zabudovanými paměťovými sloty. Pokročilý arpeggiator vytváří vynikající efekty. K dispozici je plně analogové triangle/square wave LFO a 16-hlasový Poly Chain pro kombinování více syntezátorů - až 16 hlasová polyfonie. Semi-modular design nabízí zabudované režimy. Panel obsahuje 18 vstupů a 14 výstupů pro flexibilní tvorbu zvuku prostřednictvím patch kabelů. Zabudovaný Noise generator rozšiřuje zvukové možnosti. Nástroj obsahuje 47 prvků pro ovládání funkcí v reálném čase. Vstup pro externí zdroje zvuku přináší možnost kombinace s dalšími zařízeními. Syntezátor nabízí implementaci MIDI s výběrem MIDI kanálu a Voice Priority. Balení obsahuje: Manuál;Adaptér Vstupy: CV (patchpoints);Jack 3,5 mm TRS Oscilátory: Analog VCO Paměťové médium: Vnitřní Filtr: High Pass;Low Pass Šířka (cm): 32.0 Nabízená konfigurace: Standardní nabídka Země původu: Čína Výstupy: CV (patchpoints);Jack 3,5 mm Sound Engine: Analogový USB MIDI: Ano Podpora MIDI: Ano Modulace: Ano Arpeggiator: Ano Polyfonie: 1 LFO: 1 USB: Ano Aftertouch: Ne Bluetooth: Ne Sekvencer: Ano Pitch bend: Ne Napájení: Adaptér Barva: Černá Sluchátkový výstup: Ano Adaptér součástí: Ano Vstupy pedalu: Ne Envelope: ADSR Typ: Desktop syntezátor;Semi-modular Hloubka (cm): 16.4 Hmotnost netto (kg): 1.5 Výška (cm): 4.7 Typy efektů: Ne

Objev podobné jako Behringer Crave Syntetizátor

cena 4417.0 Kč

Crave - Tracy Wolffová

The epic story begins in Crave, the first in New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff's lush, action-packed and romantic young adult paranormal fantasy series. 'Fandom's new favourite vampire romance obsession' Hypable'This generation's Twilight' Lynn Rush 'I'm having the BEST book hangover. Filled with danger, humour, and heart, Crave proves that vampires are definitely back!' J.Kenner'Beautifully descriptive with amazing pacing and wonderfully sinister settings' Christine Feehan................... My whole world changed when I stepped inside the academy. Nothing is right about this place or the other students in it.Here I am, a mere mortal among gods . . .or monsters. I still can't decide which of these warring factions I belong to, if I belong at all. I only know the one thing that unites them is their hatred of me.Then there's Jaxon Vega. A vampire with deadly secrets who hasn't felt anything for a hundred years. But there's something about him that calls to me, something broken in him that somehow fits with what's broken in me.Which could spell death for us all. Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And now someone wants to wake a sleeping monster, and I'm wondering if I was brought here intentionally - as the bait................... Don't miss a single book in the series that spawned a phenomenon! The Crave series is best enjoyed in order:CraveCrushCovetCourtCharmCherish'Suffice it to say: I have a new book boyfriend!' Pintip Dunn'Intricately crafted, deeply romantic' Victoria Scott'Funny, smart, and compelling' Emily McKay

Objev podobné jako Crave - Tracy Wolffová

cena 299.0 Kč

POC Crave Uranium Black VSI (7325541002874)

Cyklistické brýle na horská kola,, clarity®, fialová a šedá skla, černá barva obrouček, UV400 POC Crave jsou cyklistické brýle špičkové kvality. Mají lehký a ohebný rám, jemuž všechny vlastnosti propůjčuje materiál grilamid. Tento rám je navíc obohacen o hydrofilní gumu pro perfektní přilnutí k obličeji. Brýle byly vytvořeny tak, aby pasovaly k přilbám Tectal a Tectal Race, přičemž si vás získají designem v černé barvě. Velkou výhodou je i bezpečnostní mechanismus, který zajistí odpadnutí stranic z rámečku při hrozícím nebezpečí, což ochrání jak brýle, tak vás. Čočka s velkým zorným polem Carl Zeiss Vision je vyrobena z materiálu PC a v kombinaci s rámem poskytuje dostatečnou ventilaci a odvod páry. Čočka je odolná vůči nečistotám a disponuje vrstvou proti zamlžování. Klíčové vlastnosti brýlí POC Crave Uranium BlackCyklistické brýle POC Crave jsou lehké, pohodlné a odolnéJejich rámeček je z elastického grilamiduDisponují čočkou Carl...

Objev podobné jako POC Crave Uranium Black VSI (7325541002874)

cena 3900.0 Kč

Bavlněný kardigan AERON CRAVE bílá barva, lehký, AW24SSPU239503

Kardigan z kolekce AERON vyroben z ažurového úpletu. Model obsahuje vlákna z vysoce kvalitní mercerované bavlny - materiál podrobený speciální chemické úpravě, která má za následek zjemnění vláken, zvýšení jejich pružnosti a lesku.

Objev podobné jako Bavlněný kardigan AERON CRAVE bílá barva, lehký, AW24SSPU239503

cena 4299.0 Kč

POC Crave Uranium Black Translucent/Grey BSM (7325540964593)

Cyklistické brýle na horská kola,, hnědá a šedá skla, černá barva obrouček, UV400 Jste často na cyklovýletech a máte v plánu koupi brýlí, které vám dobře padnou, přičemž vám zároveň poskytnou ochranu před nepříjemným sluncem, větrem či mouchami? Potom byste si měli vyzkoušet cyklistické brýle POC. Tento model je vybaven skly, která nabízí ochranu UV400. Pokud se budeme bavit o ztmavení, to se dostane k hodnotě S3. Cyklistické brýle POC Crave Uranium Black Translucent/Grey BSM jsou osazeny obroučkami, jejichž barva je černá. Tyto cyklistické brýle mají hnědá a šedá skla. Zásadní přednosti cyklistických brýli POC Crave Uranium Black Translucent/Grey BSM Ochraňujte váš zrak před nepříjemným silným slunečním zářením, větrem či létajícími muškami Využijí je cyklisti, ale i ostatní sportovci Ochrana skel proti ultrafialovému záření dosahuje hodnoty UV400 Obroučky jsou opatřeny barvou, která je černá Cyklistické brýle POC jsou vybaveny zatmavením S3 Barevné provedení...

Objev podobné jako POC Crave Uranium Black Translucent/Grey BSM (7325540964593)

cena 3989.0 Kč

POC Crave Clarity Tortoise Brown/Brown Silver Mirror Cyklistické brýle

Díky lehkému, flexibilnímu a odolnému grilamidovému rámu je Crave ideálním řešením téměř na každý sport. Sluneční brýle Crave, navrženy tak, aby se perfektně hodily k přilbám MTB Tectal a Tectal Race, disponují lehkým, pružným a odolným grilamidovým rámem a hydrofilními gumovými nosníky, které zůstanou přilnavé, i když jsou mokré. Západkové panty vyskočí při nárazu, čímž se minimalizuje riziko zničení rámu při pádu. Konstrukce s otevřeným rámem zlepšuje ventilaci a omezuje zamlžování, zatímco úprava čoček Ripel chrání čočku před vodou, mlhou a nečistotami. Snadno vyměnitelné čočky zaručí správnou optickou ochranu do všech podmínek. Technické vlastnosti: Navrženy tak, aby se bezproblémově integrovali s helmami POC Tectal a Tectal Race Lehký a odolný grilamidový otevřený rám Zacvakávací panty Vyměnitelné čočky Výška čočky: 54 mm Technologie: PC Lens;Zrcadlo Barva skla (podle výrobce): Brown Silver Mirror Varianta brýlí (Google Merchant): Tortoise Brown/Brown Silver Mirror Barva rámu (podle výrobce): Tortoise Brown Kategorie filtru: S3 Varianta: Tortoise Brown/Brown Silver Mirror Země původu: Itálie Typ produktu: Brýle Navrženo v: Švédsko Materiál: Plast Barva skla: Stříbrná;Hnědá Pohlaví: Unisex Polarizační: Ne Barva: Hnědá Barva rámu: Hnědá Velikost: UNI Typ rámu: Polorámový Tvar obličeje: Srdce;Hranatý;Okrouhlý Typ aktivity: Multisport;Cyklistika Tvar rámu: Obdélníkový Věková skupina: Dospělý

Objev podobné jako POC Crave Clarity Tortoise Brown/Brown Silver Mirror Cyklistické brýle

cena 2883.25 Kč

essie expressie rychleschnoucí lak na nehty odstín 235 crave the chaos 10 ml

essie expressie, 10 ml, Nehty pro ženy, Lak na nehty essie expressie vám během pár chvil zajistí krásné a upravené nehty. Vlastnosti: pohodlně se nanáší zářivá a sytá barva Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Lak nanášejte pomocí štětečku na odlakované odmaštěné nehty. Pro lepší výsledný efekt aplikujte 2 vrstvy.

Objev podobné jako essie expressie rychleschnoucí lak na nehty odstín 235 crave the chaos 10 ml

cena 137.0 Kč

Our Kind of Cruelty - Hall Araminta

Mike and Verity have a special game. The Crave. They play it to prove what they already know: that Verity loves Mike. That she needs Mike. Even though she's marrying another man. Now Mike knows that the stakes of their private game are rising. This time, someone has to die...

Objev podobné jako Our Kind of Cruelty - Hall Araminta

cena 178.0 Kč

Sweet Nightmare - Tracy Wolffová

For Clementine, life at a deadly academy for rogue paranormals is upended when a hurricane takes aim for the school, unleashing nightmares and secrets in the gripping new spin-off to Tracy Wolff's instant No. 1 New York Times bestselling Crave series. The Calder Academy series is best enjoyed in order. Book 1 Sweet Nightmare Book 2 Sweet Chaos Book 3 Sweet Vengeance

Objev podobné jako Sweet Nightmare - Tracy Wolffová

cena 447.0 Kč

Covet - Tracy Wolffová

Grace's story continues in Covet, the third in New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff's lush, action-packed and romantic young adult paranormal fantasy series. 'Fandom's new favourite vampire romance obsession' Hypable'This generation's Twilight' Lynn Rush'I'm having the BEST book hangover. Filled with danger, humour, and heart, Crave proves that vampires are definitely back!' J.Kenner'Beautifully descriptive with amazing pacing and wonderfully sinister settings' Christine Feehan................... I may have reached my breaking point. As if trying to graduate from a school for supernaturals isn't stressful enough, my relationship status has gone from complicated to a straight-up dumpster fire.Oh, and the Bloodletter has decided to drop a bomb of epic proportions on us all . . .Then again, when has anything at Katmere Academy not been intense?And the hits just keep coming. Jaxon's turned colder than an Alaskan winter. The Circle is splintered over my upcoming coronation.As if things couldn't get worse, now there's an arrest warrant for Hudson's and my supposed crimes - which apparently means a lifetime prison sentence with a deadly unbreakable curse. Choices will have to be made . .. and I fear not everyone will survive. ...................Don't miss a single book in the series that spawned a phenomenon! The Crave series is best enjoyed in order:CraveCrushCovetCourtCharmCherish'Suffice it to say: I have a new book boyfriend!' Pintip Dunn'Intricately crafted, deeply romantic' Victoria Scott'Funny, smart, and compelling' Emily McKay

Objev podobné jako Covet - Tracy Wolffová

cena 312.0 Kč

Court - Tracy Wolffová

The epic story continues in Court, the fourth in New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff's lush, action-packed and romantic young adult paranormal fantasy series. 'Fandom's new favourite vampire romance obsession' Hypable'This generation's Twilight' Lynn Rush 'I'm having the BEST book hangover. Filled with danger, humour, and heart, Crave proves that vampires are definitely back!' J.Kenner'Beautifully descriptive with amazing pacing and wonderfully sinister settings' Christine Feehan................... No one survived the last battle unscathed. Flint is angry at the world, Jaxon is turning into something I don't recognize, and Hudson has put up a wall I'm not sure I'll ever break through.Now war is coming, and we're not ready. We're going to need an army to have any hope of winning. But first, there are questions about my ancestors that need answers.Answers that might just reveal who the real monster is among us. And that's saying something in a world filled with bloodthirsty vampires, immortal gargoyles, and an ancient battle between two gods. There's no guarantee that anyone will be left standing when the dust settles, but if we want to save this world, I have no choice.I'll have to embrace every part of me...even the parts I fear the most. ................... Don't miss a single book in the series that spawned a phenomenon! The Crave series is best enjoyed in order:CraveCrushCovetCourtCharmCherish'Suffice it to say: I have a new book boyfriend!' Pintip Dunn'Intricately crafted, deeply romantic' Victoria Scott'Funny, smart, and compelling' Emily McKay

Objev podobné jako Court - Tracy Wolffová

cena 349.0 Kč

Years & Years: Night Call - LP (3838029)

LP vinyl - Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop LP Consequences / Starstruck / Night Call / Intimacy / Crave / Sweet Talker by Years & Years & Galantis / Sooner Or Later / 20 Minutes / See You Again / Make It Out Alive / Strange and Unusual

Objev podobné jako Years & Years: Night Call - LP (3838029)

cena 839.0 Kč

Years & Years: Night Call (Deluxe) - CD (3888754)

Hudební CD - Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Deluxe verze je rozšířena o dvě skladby. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop CD Consequences / Starstruck / Night Call / Intimacy / Crave / Sweet Talker by Years & Years & Galantis / Sooner Or Later / 20 Minutes / See You Again / Make It Out Alive / Strange and Unusual Bonus A Second to Midnight by Kylie Minogue & Years & Years / Starstruck (Remix) by Years & Years & Kylie Minogue

Objev podobné jako Years & Years: Night Call (Deluxe) - CD (3888754)

cena 429.0 Kč

Years & Years: Night Call - CD (3838024)

Hudební CD - Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop CD Consequences / Starstruck / Night Call / Intimacy / Crave / Sweet Talker by Years & Years & Galantis / Sooner Or Later / 20 Minutes / See You Again / Make It Out Alive / Strange and Unusual

Objev podobné jako Years & Years: Night Call - CD (3838024)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Case of the Poached Painting - Christee Curran-Bauer

The Museum of Food Art is in a state of panic! A priceless painting was pilfered in the middle of the night. Fortunately, the Pigeon Private Detectives—PPD for short—are on the scene. These three detectives crave cracking a good case almost as much as they like snacks. But can they catch a thief who appears to be a master of disguise? Once again, author-illustrator Christee Curran-Bauer pokes fun at detective procedurals with kid-friendly humor, as she did in book one of the series, The Case of the Missing Tarts

Objev podobné jako The Case of the Poached Painting - Christee Curran-Bauer

cena 236.0 Kč

Nothing,Nowhere: Trauma Factory - LP (7567864594)

LP vinyl - Trauma Factory je čtvrtá řadová deska amerického zpěváka, rappera a skladatele, vystupujícího a tvořícího pod jménem Nothing, Nowhere. Joseph Edward Mulherin, který vystupuje pod uměleckým jménem Nothing, Nowhere, je americký zpěvák, rapper a skladatel. Trauma Factory je čtvrtá řadová deska amerického zpěváka, rappera a skladatele, vystupujícího a tvořícího pod jménem Nothing, Nowhere. Joseph Edward Mulherin, který vystupuje pod uměleckým jménem Nothing, Nowhere, je americký zpěvák, rapper a skladatel. V tvorbě klade důraz na emoce. Rok vydání : 2021 (4.album) Seznam stop LP1 trauma factory / lights (4444) / buck / love or chemistry / exile / upside down / pain place (feat. MISOGI) / fake friend / death / pretend / blood (feat. KennyHoopla & JUDGE) / nightmare / crave / real / barely bleeding

Objev podobné jako Nothing,Nowhere: Trauma Factory - LP (7567864594)

cena 669.0 Kč

Detox Smoothies : Lose Weight with Smoothies and Juices - Eliq Maranik

Detoxing your body while boosting your natural energy has never been more delicious! This book by smoothie expert Eliq Maranik is packed with many healthy recipes and easy step-by-step instructions on how to detox and lose weight with green smoothies. The detoxing power of those natural goodies lies within the leaching out of fattening toxins from your body, while boosting your metabolism, taking in valuable nutrients, and burning fat more effectively. By the way, you can buy all ingredients at your local grocery store and even your family can benefit from a healthier nutrition. Whether you are a detox-pro or just crave a healthier lifestyle, this book will be a delight for you.

Objev podobné jako Detox Smoothies : Lose Weight with Smoothies and Juices - Eliq Maranik

cena 382.0 Kč

Nothing,Nowhere: Trauma Factory - CD (7567864593)

Hudební CD - Trauma Factory je čtvrtá řadová deska amerického zpěváka, rappera a skladatele, vystupujícího a tvořícího pod jménem Nothing, Nowhere. Joseph Edward Mulherin, který vystupuje pod uměleckým jménem Nothing, Nowhere, je americký zpěvák, rapper a skladatel. Trauma Factory je čtvrtá řadová deska amerického zpěváka, rappera a skladatele, vystupujícího a tvořícího pod jménem Nothing, Nowhere. Joseph Edward Mulherin, který vystupuje pod uměleckým jménem Nothing, Nowhere, je americký zpěvák, rapper a skladatel. V tvorbě klade důraz na emoce. Rok vydání : 2021 (4.album) Seznam stop CD1 trauma factory / lights (4444) / buck / love or chemistry / exile / upside down / pain place (feat. MISOGI) / fake friend / death / pretend / blood (feat. KennyHoopla & JUDGE) / nightmare / crave / real / barely bleeding

Objev podobné jako Nothing,Nowhere: Trauma Factory - CD (7567864593)

cena 389.0 Kč

Sleepless in Sangria - Pop Press

Shake up your next film night with Sleepless in Sangria. A charming cocktail book bringing the magic of romantic comedies to your glass with 60 delicious recipes inspired by your favourite movies.From ’10 Things I Hate About Woo Woo’ to ‘When Harry Met Daquiri’, each recipe captures the essence of the most iconic romcom moments, adding a nostalgic twist to your next night in. Whether you’re a fan of beloved classics like ‘There’s Something about (Bloody) Mary’ or crave a slightly more modern sip on ‘Crazy Shandy Love’, this book has a drink for every romcom obsessive.With gorgeous illustrations, easy-to-follow instructions and a romcom checklist included at the back, this loveable gift book has the cocktail meet cute you’ve been waiting for.

Objev podobné jako Sleepless in Sangria - Pop Press

cena 384.0 Kč

Archmage - R. A. Salvatore

The pall that had descended over the North is gone, and a new day has dawned on a victorious Mithral Hall, but no matter how bright things seem on the surface, Drizzt and his companions know that what lurks just under their feet remains steeped in evil and charged with unimaginable power. The dark elves of Menzoberranzan, including the powerful Archmage Gromph, aren't done with Drizzt yet. And consumed by their own power struggles, feeling backed into a corner, the drow may just be desperate enough to call on demonic forces from the deepest reaches of the Abyss, and unleash a disaster even the Underdark could never have prepared for. Archmage has everything Drizzt's fans crave: action, adventure, characters that resonate with equal measures of warrior spirit and deep compassion, and no shortage of wicked dark elves!

Objev podobné jako Archmage - R. A. Salvatore

cena 239.0 Kč

Crush - Tracy Wolffová

Trust no one. Danger, romance and excitement await in the unputdownable and addictive New York Times bestselling sequel to Crave. When she arrived at Katmere Academy, mortal Grace's world turned upside down. Now back at the school, she is haunted by fragments of days she doesn't remember living, as she struggles to understand who, or what, she really is. Finally reunited with Jaxon, Grace begins to feel safe again - until Jaxon's brother, Hudson, reappears with a vengeance. He insists there are secrets Grace doesn't know, threatening to drive a wedge between her and Jaxon forever. But there are far worse enemies at their doorstep - and the only thing Hudson and Jaxon can agree on is that leaving Katmere would mean Grace's certain death. Unless they can defeat an unspeakable evil, everyone's lives are at risk. But winning will require a sacrifice. And it could be more than they can give.

Objev podobné jako Crush - Tracy Wolffová

cena 269.0 Kč

Ignite Me (0062085581)

Kniha - autor Tahereh Mafi, 408 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The heart-stopping third installment in the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, which Ransom Riggs, author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Hollow City, called "a thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love." With Omega Point destroyed, Juliette doesn't know if the rebels, her friends, or even Adam are alive. But that won't keep her from trying to take down The Reestablishment once and for all. Now she must rely on Warner, the handsome commander of Sector 45. The one person she never thought she could trust. The same person who saved her life. He promises to help Juliette master her powers and save their dying world . . . but that's not all he wants with her. The Shatter Me series is perfect for fans who crave action-packed young adult novels with tantalizing romance like Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins,...

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cena 249.0 Kč

Find Me - Tahereh Mafi

Calling all fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series! This gorgeous paperback bind-up includes Shadow Me and Reveal Me, the third and fourth novellas in the series, both in print for the first time ever. In Shadow Me, Juliette is still reeling from Warner's betrayal, and Kenji is trying to balance his friendship with her with his responsibilities as a leader of the resistance against the Reestablishment. Things get even more interesting when an unexpected person from Omega Point's past surfaces. Reveal Me brings readers back to the Shatter Me world one last time before the final novel installment in the series hits shelves in 2020. The Shatter Me series is perfect for fans who crave action-packed young adult novels with tantalizing romance like Divergent and The Hunger Games. This captivating story was praised as "a thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love" by Ransom Riggs, bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. And don't miss Defy Me, the gripping fifth book in the Shatter Me series!

Objev podobné jako Find Me - Tahereh Mafi

cena 241.0 Kč

Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball - Jan Opatřil

Madeleine the Little Pike is a rascal. She gets her teeth into anything that moves and is responsibly getting ready for the lonely life of a water predator. One day, her mum got caught by a fisherman. Madeleine is left alone and starts to crave friends. But how can she find friends when she has such sharp teeth and everyone is afraid of her. Madeleine sets off for a journey across the lake and realises that she will first have to change herself to find friends. But is it at all possible for a predacious pike to befriend her prey? What is she to eat then? And what is the role of the rainbow ball in the story? The story of Madeleine the Little Pike will gladden your heart. And thanks to wonderful illustrations, you will feel as if you yourself were under the water. If you like nature, fish and happy endings, this book is the right one for you.

Objev podobné jako Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball - Jan Opatřil

cena 223.0 Kč

Crush (1529355583)

Kniha - 704 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Trust no one. Danger, romance and excitement await in the unputdownable and addictive sequel to Crave, by New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff. When she arrived at Katmere Academy, mortal Grace's world turned upside down. Now back at the school, she is haunted by fragments of days she doesn't remember living, as she struggles to understand who, or what, she really is. Finally reunited with Jaxon, Grace begins to feel safe again - until Jaxon's brother, Hudson, reappears with a vengeance. He insists there are secrets Grace doesn't know, threatening to drive a wedge between her and Jaxon forever. But there are far worse enemies at their doorstep - and the only thing Hudson and Jaxon can agree on is that leaving Katmere would mean Grace's certain death. Unless they can defeat an unspeakable evil, everyone's lives are at risk. But winning will require a sacrifice. And it could be more than they...

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cena 252.0 Kč

House of Marionne - Elle J.

Quell Marionne has lived her entire life on the run, all in order to hide the deadlymagic that flows through her veins. She was born cursed with Toushana - a perilous dark magic. And the sentence for having it? Death . . . When her secret is discovered by a merciless assassin, Quell fears time is running out.There is only one place that can save her: The House of Marionne. Run by her estranged grandmother, the school trains their students to enter The Order, a society of magical elites. Quell knows this may be the key to burying her forbidden magic forever.But if her Toushana is discovered, she will be killed. Soon Quell realises that hiding who you are is even harder, especially when she meets the handsome, brooding Jordon. And it isn't long before she's forced to choose between her true nature and everyone she's grown to love.Brimming with ballgowns and betrayal, magic and mystery, decadence and darkness, House of Marionne is perfect for readers who crave morally grey characters, irresistible romance and dark academia.

Objev podobné jako House of Marionne - Elle J.

cena 294.0 Kč

RecipeTin Eats: Tonight - Nagi Maehashi

Foolproof recipes for over 150 easy dinners.Global bestselling home cook, Nagi Maehashi, is back to solve the perennial problem of what’s for dinner tonight … and every night.RecipeTin Eats: TONIGHT includes more than 150 brand-new, foolproof, flavour-packed recipes, 800 variations on those recipes and 3000 possible combinations that match formulas (including Nagi’s world-famous Charlie sauce) with different ingredients.You’ll find crave-worthy crowd-pleasers – try slow-baked Italian meatballs in a rich tomato sauce with bubbling melted cheese or fall-apart Asian chicken cooked in a sticky-sweet soy glaze.20-minute dinners; pantry staple dinners; high-impact guest-impressing; and turn-to Sunday suppers – the Vietnamese pulled pork is a festival of flavour – while the sweet chapter delivers on the promise of maximum decadence.Every recipe has a stunning photo and link to a how-to video .RecipeTin Eats: TONIGHT is a standout cookbook for every home kitchen, for every level of cooking ability, for every budget, for every set of taste buds - and for every single night of the week.

Objev podobné jako RecipeTin Eats: Tonight - Nagi Maehashi

cena 768.0 Kč

Retreat: Inspired Homes and Ways of Living - Lucy Glade-Wrightová

From the forest to the beach and mountain ranges in between, Retreat: Inspired Homes and Ways of Living showcases 24 unique homes far from the city limits. No longer reserved for travellers and retirees, the great escape is a dream realized by many busy professionals who crave more space and a slower pace while maintaining their careers. Aside from the uniqueness of the homes, including a Balinese villa, a ski ranch in the Sonoran Desert and a converted bus called Gloria, Retreat also delves into how the owners’ lifestyles have changed.What compels someone to pursue a complete lifestyle change is at the heart of this book and design expert Lucy Glade-Wright, who swapped her city life for a cabin in an idyllic coastal town, is the perfect guide. Featuring Q&As with the homeowners, Lucy’s inspirational styling ideas that can be replicated at home and stunning photography, Retreat proves greener pastures take various forms and that creating a happier balance might be closer than you think.

Objev podobné jako Retreat: Inspired Homes and Ways of Living - Lucy Glade-Wrightová

cena 1020.0 Kč

Off to the Races - Elsie Silver

A small-town enemies to lovers romance and the debut novel from the bestselling author of Flawless and Wild Love. Keeping things professional with my employees has never been an issue… until Billie waltzes onto my property. She’s talented, feisty and so damn tempting.We clash from the moment we meet, and I can't stop thinking about all the ways I could take her down a peg. I can't stop thinking about her, period. And in a small town, on an even smaller farm, it’s hard to keep my distance.Billie is the whole package: whip-smart with a body I fantasise about, and quite possibly the only woman who can save this business – and me. She drives me crazy, but the more time we spend together, the more I crave her: her lips, her trust, her heart… I want it all. But at what cost? Because suddenly I don’t just want to win races, I want to win the girl.Features an exclusive prequel novella, limited to this paperback edition!

Objev podobné jako Off to the Races - Elsie Silver

cena 268.0 Kč

Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball (978-80-906701-9-8)

Kniha - autor Jan Opatřil, 48 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Madeleine the Little Pike is a rascal. She gets her teeth into anything that moves and is responsibly getting ready for the lonely life of a water predator. One day, her mum got caught by a fisherman. Madeleine is left alone and starts to crave friends. But how can she find friends when she has such sharp teeth and everyone is afraid of her. Madeleine sets off for a journey across the lake and realises that she will first have to change herself to find friends. But is it at all possible for a predacious pike to befriend her prey? What is she to eat then? And what is the role of the rainbow ball in the story? The story of Madeleine the Little Pike will gladden your heart. And thanks to wonderful illustrations, you will feel as if you yourself were under the water. If you like nature, fish and happy endings, this book is the right one for you.

Objev podobné jako Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball (978-80-906701-9-8)

cena 283.0 Kč

Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball ()

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Jan Opatřil, čte Nikki Fortova Madeleine the Little Pike and her journey to find friendsObtížnost četby A2. Pro děti ve věku 6-9 let, mírně pokročilí. Knihu čte rodilý mluvčí. Hlas je doplněn krásnými hudebními melodiemi. Pohádkový příběh se šťastným koncem.Madeleine the Little Pike is a rascal. She gets her teeth into anything that moves and is responsibly getting ready for the lonely life of a water predator. One day, her mum got caught by a fisherman. Madeleine is left alone and starts to crave friends. But how can she find friends when she has such sharp teeth and everyone is afraid of her. Madeleine sets off for a journey across the lake and realises that she will first have to change herself to find friends.But is it at all possible for a predacious pike to befriend her prey? What is she to eat then? And what is the role of the rainbow ball in the story? The story of Madeleine the Little Pike will gladden your heart. If you like...

Objev podobné jako Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball ()

cena 119.0 Kč

Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball - Jan Opatřil - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Obtížnost četby A2. Pro děti ve věku 6-9 let, mírně pokročilí. Knihu čte rodilý mluvčí. Hlas je doplněn přenádhernými hudebními melodiemi. Pohádkový příběh se šťastným koncem. Madeleine the Little Pike is a rascal. She gets her teeth into anything that moves and is responsibly getting ready for the lonely life of a water predator. One day, her mum got caught by a fisherman. Madeleine is left alone and starts to crave friends. But how can she find friends when she has such sharp teeth and everyone is afraid of her. Madeleine sets off for a journey across the lake and realises that she will first have to change herself to find friends. But is it at all possible for a predacious pike to befriend her prey? What is she to eat then? And what is the role of the rainbow ball in the story? The story of Madeleine the Little Pike will gladden your heart. If you like nature, fish and happy endings, this book is the right one for you.

Objev podobné jako Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball - Jan Opatřil - audiokniha

cena 119.0 Kč

Guy's Girl - Emma Noyes

PRE-ORDER THIS UNFORGETTABLE NEW LOVE STORY THAT WILL MAKE YOU CRY, BREAK YOUR HEART, AND PIECE IT BACK TOGETHER ----The boy who couldn't love and the girl who wouldn't. Ginny Murphy is a total guy's girl. She's always found friendships with boys easier to form and keep drama-free - as long as they don't fall for her, and she doesn't fall for them.She and her best guy friends have stuck to that. But then she meets Adrian Silvas, the only one who's ever made her crave more, and Ginny begins to question her own rules. Piece by piece, Ginny and Adrian begin to fall into something intoxicating, something dangerous.Ginny threatens to destroy the belief Adrian's held ever since witnessing his own mother's heartbreak: that love isn't worth the risk. For Ginny, the stakes could be even higher. Letting Adrian get close could mean exposing a secret she's long protected: her disordered eating.Ginny isn't looking to be saved by someone. But maybe she and Adrian can help each other - if they don't destroy each other first. Heartfelt and evocative, Guy's Girl is a powerful story about true love, self-love, and growing up.

Objev podobné jako Guy's Girl - Emma Noyes

cena 268.0 Kč

Defy the Night - Brigid Kemmererová

'A kinetic tale of the tension between duty, love and trust' - Cassandra Clare'Defy the Night is everything I crave in a fantasy romance' - Stephanie Garber'Addicting from page one!' - Jennifer L. ArmentroutA spark of rebellion is all it takes to DEFY THE NIGHT.In a kingdom where sickness stalks the streets and only the richest can afford a cure, King Harristan and his brother Prince Corrick are forced to rule with an iron fist.Tessa Cade is a masked outlaw marked for death, but she likes it that way. Together with the mysterious, handsome Weston, she robs from the rich to help the poor, distributing food and medicine to those who need it most.As it becomes clear that the only way to save her people is to assassinate the King, Tessa must face a deadly mission that will take her to the dark heart of the kingdom ... and force her to work with the very people she intended to destroy.From New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer comes a brand-new blockbuster fantasy series about a corrupt kingdom, a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice.

Objev podobné jako Defy the Night - Brigid Kemmererová

cena 250.0 Kč

Behringer Edge Syntetizátor

Analogový polomodulární perkusní syntezátor se 2 oscilátory, Multi-Mode Filter, Dual 8-Step Sequencer a 16-Voice Poly Chain. Pokud jste hledali dokonalého společníka k vašemu Behringer CRAVE, pak zcela nový EDGE poskytuje všechny nástroje, které potřebujete k dokončení nastavení syntezátoru a stát se mistrem beatů, včetně: duálních VCO s obrovským rozsahem zvuků, a duální 8-krokový sekvencer s ovládáním výšky tónu a rychlosti a mnoha dalšími funkcemi pro výkonný a flexibilní bicí a basový stroj, který otřese domem a každého rozhýbe do rytmu! Svěžím a moderním přístupem ke klasickým obvodům vám EDGE dává sílu vytvářet super pevné perkusivní zvuky až po tmavé a náladové basové linky. Sound Engine: Analogový Balení obsahuje: Adaptér Vstupy: USB;MIDI IN;Jack 3,5 mm TS Napájení: Adaptér Výstupy: MIDI OUT;Sluchátkový jack 3,5 mm TRS;Jack 3,5 mm TS Typ: Semi-modular;Desktop syntezátor Filtr: High Pass;Cutoff;Low Pass Envelope: Decay Oscilátory: 2 Vstupy pedalu: Ne USB: Ano Displej: Ne Bluetooth: Ne Provoz na baterie: Ne Sluchátkový výstup: Ano Arpeggiator: Ne Aftertouch: Ne Polyfonie: 1 Modulace: Ano Pitch bend: Ano Sekvencer: Ano Barva: Fialová Adaptér součástí: Ano Podpora MIDI: Ano LFO: Ne

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cena 6009.0 Kč

Local Woman Missing - Mary Kubica

‘DARK AND TWISTY’ Riley Sager‘LOVED EVERY MINUTE’ Joshilyn JacksonYou’ll never find her. Don’t even try.When a local mother and her six-year-old daughter, Delilah, suddenly vanish, their close-knit suburban community is rocked by fear and suspicion. How could such a terrible thing have happened in their small town?Then, eleven years later, Delilah shockingly reappears. Everyone wants to know what really happened to her. But there are secrets hidden deep in the past – and when the truth about those missing years begins to surface, no one is prepared for what they’re about to find out.Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell, Claire Douglas and Freida McFadden‘Strap in tight as this is one hell of a ride’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A taut, twisty thriller that kept me turning the pages’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Highly recommended’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Had me hooked’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐____Praise for Mary Kubica‘Kubica’s salacious, thoroughly mysterious characters bear the qualities we all crave in a thriller’ Karin Slaughter‘A page-turning whodunit’ Ruth Ware‘Brilliantly propulsive and engrossing, with twists you won’t see coming’ JP Delaney

Objev podobné jako Local Woman Missing - Mary Kubica

cena 295.0 Kč

Charm - Tracy Wolffová

The epic story continues in Charm, the fifth in New York Times bestselling author Tracy Wolff's lush, action-packed and romantic young adult paranormal fantasy series. 'Fandom's new favourite vampire romance obsession' Hypable'This generation's Twilight' Lynn Rush 'I'm having the BEST book hangover. Filled with danger, humour, and heart, Crave proves that vampires are definitely back!' J.Kenner'Beautifully descriptive with amazing pacing and wonderfully sinister settings' Christine Feehan................... He's under my skin . .. After Katmere, I shouldn't be surprised by anything. Including the existence of a world beyond my world called the Shadow Realm.Yet here I am, stuck in a strange, dangerous place with the worst of the supernaturals, the monster that other monsters fear: Hudson Vega. He might be Jaxon's brother and ridiculously hot, but he's a complete bona fide pain in my ass. The question is whether we'll find a way out before I kill him .. or run out of time. She's stealing my heart .. . It's a truth universally known - at least according to Grace - that everything is my fault.But I have a nasty suspicion that Grace isn't as human as she thinks, and she's the one keeping us trapped. Now we'll have to work together not only to survive, but to save all those we've come to call family who live here. Because there's something connecting us.Something stronger than fear . . .

Objev podobné jako Charm - Tracy Wolffová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Pairing - Casey McQuistonová

In #1 New York Times-bestselling author Casey McQuiston's latest romantic comedy, two bisexual exes accidentally book the same European food and wine tour and challenge each other to a hookup competition to prove they're over each other - except they're definitely not.Theo and Kit have been childhood best friends, crushes, lovers and, after a brutal breakup four years ago, estranged exes.It’s not until Theo and Kit are trapped on board a tour bus that they discover that they’ve each had the same idea: to take their dream European food and wine tour – alone. And now they’re stuck with each other for three weeks of the most romantic sights and sensuous flavours of France, Spain, and Italy. But it’ll be fine. They’re absolutely over each other.So, when Theo suggests a friendly wager to see who can sleep with their hot Italian tour guide first, Kit is game. In fact, why stop there? Why not a full-on European hookup competition?But sometimes a taste of everything only makes you crave what you can’t have.'The summer's best romance novel.' Rolling Stone'Spicy, sexy and absolutely delicious.' People'Move over "hot girl summer" – "hot bisexual summer" is ready for its moment and Casey McQuiston’s new novel The Pairing is here to usher it in.' USA Today

Objev podobné jako The Pairing - Casey McQuistonová

cena 561.0 Kč

The Pairing - Casey McQuistonová

Theo and Kit have been a lot of things: childhood best friends, crushes, lovers and now estranged exes. After a brutal breakup on a flight to their dream European food and wine tour, they exited each other's lives. Time apart has done them good. Theo is a bartender and aspiring sommelier with a long roster of lovers. Kit graduated as the reigning sex god of his pastry school and now bakes at one of the finest restaurants in Paris. All that remains is the unused voucher for the European tour that never happened. Four years later, it seems like a great idea to finally take the trip. Solo. Separately. It's not until Theo and Kit board the tour bus that they discover they've both had the exact same idea, and now they're trapped with each other for three weeks of the most romantic sights and sensuous flavours of France, Spain, and Italy. But, it'll be fine as long as they agree they're absolutely over each other. So, when Theo suggests a friendly wager to see who can sleep with their hot Italian tour guide first, Kit is game. In fact, why stop there? Why not a full-on European hookup competition? But sometimes a taste of everything only makes you crave what you can't have.

Objev podobné jako The Pairing - Casey McQuistonová

cena 561.0 Kč

How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight) - Jenkinson Andrew

Most diets fail because they rely on willpower alone. In this book surgeon and expert on metabolism Dr Andrew Jenkinson shows you how to unlock the secret to lasting weight loss through a better understanding of your brain, body and environment, allowing you to eat well and lose weight, forever. Using a combination of cutting-edge metabolic science, together with strategies like aversion, habit creation and mental reprogramming, expert in the science of appetite Dr Andrew Jenkinson will show you how your body and brain work when it comes to what you eat, and how to arm yourself against the malicious presence of food marketing, junk food and the harmful effects of the Western diet. You will learn:· Why exercise is of secondary importance to energy balance· How we can learn to 'crave surf', being more mindful of hunger cravings when they arise· How junk foods affect our brains, influencing our behaviour and creating bad habits· How to maintain a good metabolic rate when losing weight· The science behind popular weight loss techniques and why they work, including hot water and lemon; raw foods; time restricted eating; keto diets and high intensity training Filled with science-backed tips and techniques, this book will help you implement lasting changes, eat well and feel good.

Objev podobné jako How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight) - Jenkinson Andrew

cena 561.0 Kč

Hard Stuff, Easy Life - Jay Alderton

IN A WORLD WHERE COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE OFTEN RULE, DISCOVER THE 7 MINDSET PRINCIPLES THAT ARE THE SECRET TO A FULFILLING LIFE ----EVERY TRANSFORMATION STARTS FROM THE NECK UPAre you tired of never getting what you want?Is convenience preventing you from achieving your goals?Do you crave an easier, more meaningful life?An ex-military and a transformation coach, Jay Alderton reveals the game-changing truth: the secret to an easy life is conquering the hard stuff, and the hard stuff is all in your head. Because every great transformation starts from the neck up, all you need to do is learn how to crack the mindset code to make the hard stuff very easy.By breaking down the seven key mindset principles for success, strength and happiness, Hard Stuff, Easy Life will equip you with the tools to overcome any obstacle . . . 1. Happiness Is an Inside Job2. Make Peace with Your Past3. Stay True to Yourself4. Get Over What Other People Think5. Focus on the Big Picture6. Embrace Obstacles7. Stay PresentOne of the most valuable and frequently overlooked lessons of all is that about staying present in the moment. This is how you not only build a life you want, but live it to the fullest, too.Whether you''re aiming to conquer personal goals, get rich and successful, or thrive in your personal life, this book is your compass and guide towards what can be your easy life of fulfilment, abundance, and jaw-dropping achievements. It’s your new revolutionary guide that will transform your life, starting from the neck up.CRACK THE MINDSET CODE AND START LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE

Objev podobné jako Hard Stuff, Easy Life - Jay Alderton

cena 591.0 Kč

Ask Not - Maureen Callahanová

The No1 Sunday Times BestsellerA Mail on Sunday ‘Best Holiday Read 2024’‘A searing exposé’ Glamour‘A timely reminder of the dangers posed by men who crave power’ – ObserverFrom New York Times bestseller Maureen Callahan, a fierce, character-driven exposé of the real Kennedy Curse—the family''s generations-long legacy of misogyny, murder, and mayhem—and the women who have paid the price for our obsession with Camelot.For decades, the Kennedy name has been synonymous with wealth, power, and—above all else—integrity. But this carefully constructed veneer hides a dark truth: the Kennedy men''s legacy of physical and psychological abuse of women, part of a tradition of toxic masculinity that spans generations and has ruined untold lives. Through scandal after scandal, the family and their defenders have managed to keep this shameful story out of the spotlight. Now, in Ask Not, bestselling journalist Maureen Callahan reveals the Kennedys'' hidden history of abuse and exploitation, laying bare their rampant misogyny and restoring women to the center of the dynasty''s story: from Jacqueline Onassis and Marilyn Monroe to Carolyn Bessette, Mary Richardson, Rosemary Kennedy, and many others whose names aren''t nearly as well known – but rightfully should be.Drawing on years of fierce reportage and written in electric prose, Ask Not is a long-overdue reckoning with this fabled American family, showing how the Kennedy myth and their raw political power has enabled the clan''s many predators while also silencing generations of traumatized women and girls. At long last, Callahan also redirects the spotlight to the women in the Kennedys'' orbit, paying homage to those who freed themselves—and giving voice to the countless others who could not do the same.

Objev podobné jako Ask Not - Maureen Callahanová

cena 738.0 Kč

She's Not Sorry - Mary Kubica

‘Wow what a thriller, Mary Kubica had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish … The plot is well paced and full of twists and turns, I will definitely be reading more from this author’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘She''s Not Sorry is an unpredictable, twisted tale with untrustworthy characters, leaving you wondering what will happen next … a gripping read that I couldn''t put down’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘An excellent twisty read that had me hooked from the start. Every time I thought I could relax knowing where the story was headed the author had something up her sleeve to prove me wrong. Highly recommended’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐* * * *Meghan Michaels is trying to find balance between being a single mum to a teenage daughter and working as a full-time nurse. While on duty at the hospital one day, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma, having plunged from a bridge onto train tracks below.But when a witness comes forward with shocking details about the fall, it calls everything they know into question. Was Caitlin pushed and if so, by whom and why?Meghan has always tried to stay emotionally detached from her patients, but this time, she mistakenly lets herself get too close, until she’s deeply entangled in Caitlin’s and her family’s lives. Only when it’s too late, does she realise that she and her daughter could be the next victims.* * * *Praise for Mary Kubica''A tense, compelling thriller with completely gasp-worthy twists.’ Nita Prose, author of The Maid‘Kubica’s salacious, thoroughly mysterious characters bear the qualities we all crave in a thriller’ Karin Slaughter‘A page-turning whodunit’ Ruth Ware‘Brilliantly propulsive and engrossing, with twists you won’t see coming’ JP DelaneySelected for the LibraryReads Hall of Fame

Objev podobné jako She's Not Sorry - Mary Kubica

cena 295.0 Kč

Kosher Style: Over 100 Jewish Recipes for the Modern Cook - Amy Rosen, Ryan Szulc, Alanna Cavanagh

In the Jewish culture, as in many others, bubbes, saftas and nanas are the matriarchs of the kitchen and thus the rulers of the roost. They are culinary giants in quilted polyester muumuus and silk slippers who know how to make the Semitic linchpins cherished from childhood - the kugel, the gefilte fish, the matzah ball soup and the crispy-skinned roasted chicken. They all have their specialties but, of course, they won't be around to feed us forever, and that will be a loss indeed. But it will be an even bigger loss if the recipes we grew up on pass away with them, along with those special connections to our past. That's what prompted Amy Rosen, journalist and cookbook author, to spirit the classic recipes from her grandmothers and other role models into the 21st century. All of the dishes in Kosher Style are inspired by the tables and tales and chutzpah of the North American Jewish experience. They also happen to be kosher. In this book are all the recipes you need for successful shellfish- and pork-free home entertaining, be it for a Jewish holiday or a workaday dinner. From crave-worthy snacks to family-size salads, soulful mains to show-stopping desserts, all of the recipes are doable in the home kitchen and are clearly marked as either a meat dish, dairy dish, or pareve (neutral). Think: Lacy Latkes & Applesauce, Sour Cream & Onion Potato Knishes, General Tso's Chicken, and Toblerone-Chunk Hamantaschen your family will plotz over. In addition to the classics, Amy has included some of her favourite modern recipes, like a Quinoa-Tofu Bowl with Greens - Green Goddess Dressing, Honey-Harissa Roasted Carrots and a Crisp Cucumber & Radish Salad. Kosher Style is for anyone who likes to cook and loves to eat, and it's especially for those yearning to create new shared memories around a table brimming with history, loved ones and maple-soy brisket.

Objev podobné jako Kosher Style: Over 100 Jewish Recipes for the Modern Cook - Amy Rosen, Ryan Szulc, Alanna Cavanagh

cena 715.0 Kč

One Enchanted Evening - Katie Fforde

A crumbling Dorset hotel. An irresistible chef. A life adventure awaits. . . The new novel by the Sunday Times bestselling author and queen of feel-good romance.''A joy of a read'' Bella''Another delightful read. Fforde never disapoints'' Weekly''This is the perfect Mother''s Day read'' Take a Break''A joy of a read from Katie Fforde'' That''s Life''This enjoyable read will appeal to die-hard romantics'' Heat Magazine____________Ever since she can remember, Meg has wanted to be a professional cook.But it''s 1966, and in restaurant kitchens all over England it is still a man''s world.Then she gets a call from her mother who is running a small hotel in Dorset.There''s an important banqueting event coming up. She needs help and she needs it now!When Meg arrives, the hotel seems stuck in the past. But she loves a challenge, and sets to work.Then Justin, the son of the hotel owner, appears, determined to take over the running of the kitchen.Infuriated, Meg is determined to keep cooking - and soon sparks between them begin to fly.Will their differences be a recipe for disaster? After all, the course of true love never did run smooth...____________Readers love One Enchanted Evening ...***** ''One Enchanted Evening is a literary hug that filled me with a comforting warmth and made me crave for more.''***** ''I loved this book so much that I devoured it in a day and a half. The characters were very well rounded and you instantly become invested in the storyline, the characters, and the beautiful old hotel.''*****''A lovely relaxing read, perfect for a winters day, or for that matter as a holiday read!''***** ''One Enchanted evening is everything you need in a novel when the weather outside demands you snuggle under a blanket with a good book.''***** ''This is a nice, escapist tale.''Katie Fforde, Sunday Times bestselling author, February 2024

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The Wilds - Sarah Pearse

The Sanatorium took you to the Alps and chilled you to the bone. Now, The Wilds will take you deep into the woods . . . and out there, it''s easy to get lost.''The most addictive book I''ve read in a long time . . . This book really gets you thinking'' ***** Reader Review''Will keep you on the edge of your seat, with its blend of psychological depth and thrilling suspense'' ***** Reader Review''Amazing. Made me love reading again'' ***** Reader ReviewAfter the dark events that scarred her childhood, Kier Templer escaped her hometown and twin to live her life on the road. They''ve never lost contact until, on a trip to a Portuguese national park, Kier vanishes without a trace.Detective Elin Warner arrives in the same park ready to immerse herself in its vast wilderness - only to hear about Kier''s disappearance, and discover a disturbing map she left behind. The few strangers at the isolated camp close ranks against her questions, and the park''s wild beauty starts to turn sinister.Elin must untangle the clues to find out what really happened to Kier. But when you follow a trail, you have to be careful to watch your back...''An atmospheric chiller with shocking twists'' SHARI LAPENA''Grips from page one with its serpentine plot and mood of real menace'' LOUISE CANDLISH''Everything we crave in thriller writing. This is a one-sitting read'' JEFFERY DEAVER''A complex story with skilful twists, leading us to a breathless conclusion'' LUCY CLARKE''Intelligent, twisty, stylish and incredibly suspenseful'' WILL DEAN''An addictive, atmospheric mystery in a spectacular setting'' T.M. LOGAN''A stunning, sweeping suspense which leaves you reeling'' JANE CORRY''Will leave your jaw on the floor'' MATTHEW BLAKE''I was gripped and moved. A cracker of a thriller'' EVE CHASE''Whiplash-inducing twists. Utterly gripping'' JOHN MARRS''An engrossing, surprising wilderness thriller'' MARK EDWARDS*THE SANATORIUM was a No.1 Sunday Times paperback bestseller 08.01.22.

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An Unapologetic Cookbook - Weissman Joshua

A Weissman once said… “…can we please stop with the barrage of 2.3 second meals that only need 1 ingredient? I get it…we’re busy. But let’s refocus on the fact that beautifully crafted burgers don’t grow on trees.” Ironically this sounds a lot like he’s trying to convince you to cook, but he’s really not. Is this selling the cookbook? The point is that the food in this book is an invitation that speaks for itself. Great cooking does, and should, take time. Now is the time to double down and get your head in the cooking game. Or you know, don’t. Maybe get someone else to cook this stuff for you…that works too. How can you know if something is your favorite if 50 to 80 percent of the stuff you’ve been eating was made by someone else? Butter, condiments, cheese, pickles, patties, and buns. For a superior and potentially even life-changing experience, you can (and should, to be honest) make these from scratch. Create the building blocks necessary to make the greatest meal of your life. While you’re at it, give it the Joshua Weissman—or your own—twist. As Joshua would say, “If you don’t like blue cheese, then don’t use blue cheese.” From simple staples to gourmet to deep-fried, you are the master of your own kitchen, and you’ll make it all, on your terms. With no regrets, excuses, or apologies, Joshua Weissman will instruct you how with his irreverent humor, a little bit of light razzing, and over 100 perfectly delectable recipes. If you love to host and entertain; if you like a good project; if you crave control of your food; if fast food or the frozen aisle or the super-fast-super-easy cookbook keeps letting your tastebuds down; then Joshua Weissman: An Unapologetic Cookbook is your ideal kitchen companion.

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cena 536.0 Kč

The Pairing - Casey McQuistonová

In #1 New York Times bestselling author Casey McQuiston's latest romantic comedy, two bisexual exes accidentally book the same European food and wine tour and challenge each other to a hookup competition to prove they're over each other-except they're definitely not.Theo and Kit have been a lot of things: childhood best friends, crushes, in love, and now estranged exes. After a brutal breakup on the transatlantic flight to their dream European food and wine tour, they exited each other's lives once and for all.Time apart has done them good. Theo has found confidence as a hustling bartender by night and aspiring sommelier by day, with a long roster of casual lovers. Kit, who never returned to America, graduated as the reigning sex god of his pastry school class and now bakes at one of the finest restaurants in Paris. Sure, nothing really compares to what they had, and life stretches out long and lonely ahead of them, but-yeah. It's in the past.All that remains is the unused voucher for the European tour that never happened, good for 48 months after its original date and about to expire. Four years later, it seems like a great idea to finally take the trip. Solo. Separately.It' s not until they board the tour bus that they discover they've both accidentally had the exact same idea, and now they ' re trapped with each other for eighteen days of stunning views, luscious flavors, and the most romantic cities of France, Spain, and Italy. It's fine. There's nothing left between them. So much nothing that, when Theo suggests a friendly wager to see who can sleep with their hot Italian tour guide first, Kit is totally game. And why stop there? Why not a full-on European hookup competition?But sometimes a taste of everything only makes you crave what you can't have.

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