Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
I Love Books Tote Bag
Nechoďte do knihkupectví nevybaveni! Zásobte se svým oblíbeným vínem, knihami, nebo oběma s touto novou stylovým taškou od Gibbs Smith. Vyrobeno v USA. Rozměry: 16 palců na šířku x 15 1/2 palců na výšku x 5 palců do kouta, přírodní bavlna, 22 palců ucho.
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I Love Books - Ilustrajo Mariajo
*Winner of the Klaus Flugge Prize for Illustration 2023*From the award-winning creator of Flooded and Lost comes a magical story about discovering a connection with books for the very first time.This brightly illustrated adventure story is perfect for kids who claim to hate reading, as the enchanting narrative opens their eyes to a fantasy world created by words on a page.In this spellbinding story, we meet a little girl excited for the end of term. No more school! However, she’s given the very unreasonable task of reading a whole book over the holidays. A whole book? But she HATES books. But her sister takes her to the library – she says she has just the thing.Slowly, the little girl is drawn into a world of adventure: a little fennec fox leads her to meet fairytale witches and creatures, as they find ingredients to cast a special spell at the end of her book. At first, the little girl is dismayed to learn that this spell seemingly hasn''t changed a thing . . . however, the little fox points out that she HAS transformed: discovering the power of her imagination has changed her forever.This charming, engaging picture book shows children how wonderful books can really be, to encourage a lifelong love of reading. Discover adventure on every page – and turn I Hate Books into I Love Books!
Podívejte se také Kluk jménem Vánoce ()
Knížka Bonnier Books Ltd What I Love About You, Studio Press
Kniha z kolekce Bonnier Books Ltd. Staňte se autorem svého vlastního milostného příběhu a vyjádřete na stránkách tohoto deníku své city ke svému milovanému.
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Podívejte se také
- Kluk spolkne vesmír ()
- Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn't (0062747851)
- Kluk v sukních (9788025708729)
- Kluk spolkne vesmír (9788025730331)
- LEGO Tehlička Kluk (11964513338)
- Kluk jménem Vánoce (9788025739785)
- MOSCHINO I Love Love EdT
- Kluk Seppl 26cm, maňásek (8590121220026)
- Holka nebo kluk? - DVD (768)
- L.O.L. Surprise! Kluk hrdina (0035051569374)
- Vymazaný kluk - Blu-ray (U00081)
- Nip First cup 330 ml kluk (4000821350496)
- LOVI Baby Shower 250 ml kluk (5901691833388)
- Náhradní kluk (978-80-7661-036-1)
- Kluk odnikud (978-80-257-2859-8)
- LOVI LOVELY Junior kluk 250 ml (5903407353548)
- ORION Zástěra dětská+chňapka+čepice KLUK (960355)
- MAM Dudlík Night 0m+ box kluk (9001616700521)
- LOVI novorozenecká startovací sada Botanic, kluk (5901691862876)
- Kluk odvedle (978-80-7661-406-2)
Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK) Pocket Diana Wisdom, Hardie Grant Books
Kniha z kolekce Hardie Grant Books (UK). V této knize princezna z Walesu sdílí své moudra o všem, od lásky po kulturu a společnost, laskavost, vedení a rodinu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK) Pocket Diana Wisdom, Hardie Grant Books
Knížka Icon Books
Kniha z kolekce Icon Books. Ilustrovaný průvodce klíčovými myšlenkami politického, filozofického a vědeckého myšlení.
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Knížka Icon Books
Kniha z kolekce Icon Books. Jedinečný portrét vesmíru queer myšlení.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Icon Books
LEGO® Books: Official Annual 2024 (with gamer LEGO® minifigure) - Buster Books, LEGO®
Join top gamer Aki Fox and LEGO® NINJAGO® legend Lloyd as they journey through an awesome collection of puzzles, comics and stories. Build your Aki LEGO minifigure so you can play along, too!LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, the Brick and Knob configurations and NINJAGO are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2023 The LEGO Group.
Objev podobné jako LEGO® Books: Official Annual 2024 (with gamer LEGO® minifigure) - Buster Books, LEGO®
Knížka Bonnier Books Ltd
Kniha z kolekce Bonnier Books Ltd. Krásný diář, díky kterému můžete jedinečným způsobem vyjádřit své city k nejdůležitější osobě - Matce.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Bonnier Books Ltd
Já, zombie - Books Kid
Není jednoduché být tím pravým zlosynem, když se musíte spoléhat na ty nejhloupější vojáky v celém Minecraftu! Naštěstí může Bern počítat s Brucem, který vždy pomůže dobrou radou. Cíl je totiž jasný: Přinutit zombie ke spolupráci a společně dobýt Nadzemní svět! Sledujte dobrodružství této skoro až roztomilé zombie, která vtipně líčí ve svém deníku.
Objev podobné jako Já, zombie - Books Kid
Já, plížil - Books Kid
Každý to ví. Plížilové v Minecraftu explodují. Pro Mervyna to ale znamená víc. Chce se vyrovnat svému otci, šampionovi v každoroční soutěži ve vybuchování. Aby to neměl tak jednoduché, musí se kromě nátlaku ze strany rodiny vypořádat i s výsměchem svého hlavního konkurenta. V zábavném a napínavém deníku sledujte Mervynův trénink a cestu za titulem mistra explozí, nejlepšího v celém Nadzemním světě.
Objev podobné jako Já, plížil - Books Kid
Já, slizoun - Books Kid
Není snadné najít svou cestu, když jste jen zelená kostka slizu. Ale Slibertius, všemi zvaný Bert, má svůj cíl naprosto jasný: Chce se stát stylistou. A tím nejlepším. Jenže obléct kostku, která nemá ruce ani nohy, není vůbec jednoduché... Na své cestě za vysněným povoláním se setká s nebezpečnými pavouky, pustí se do obchodování s čarodějnicí a bude čelit svým největším nepřátelům, hráčům Minecraftu.
Objev podobné jako Já, slizoun - Books Kid
ATCHOO! - HarperCollins Children’s Books
A wonderful new picture book about Bing catching a cold and not being able to go out and play based on the award-winning animated series Bing!Bing can’t wait to go over to Sula’s to play today but there’s just one problem – he can’t stop sneezing . . .ATCHOO! ATCHOO! ATCHOO!Flop says he can’t go or he’ll give his snotty germs to his best friend. But Bing really really wants to see Sula and play at Amma’s house! What will Bing do?A wonderful new picture book about not sharing germs, dealing with disappointment and the uplifting power of friendship.
Objev podobné jako ATCHOO! - HarperCollins Children’s Books
Abracadabra! - HarperCollins Children’s Books
A magical new picture book based on the award-winning TV series The Adventures of Paddington!With the help of his friend, Mr Gruber, and a new magic set, Paddington turns into Paddington the Magnificent! But can he remember how to do all the magic tricks in time for his big show?
Objev podobné jako Abracadabra! - HarperCollins Children’s Books
tidy BOOKS Knihovna, bílá
Podrobnosti o produktu: Jedinečná knihovna do dětského pokoje z Tidy Books je přizpůsobena potřebám dětí a zaujme svým mimořádně elegantním designem. Nabízí prostor až pro 85 knih všech tvarů a velikostí Jednoduché přední panely usnadňují dětem, aby si samy vybíraly a uspořádávaly knihy Velká úložná kapacita, ale malé rozměry Police se pod tíhou knih neprohýbají Zadní panel zabraňuje sklouznutí knih z police Bezpečné připevnění ke stěně, nelze převrátit Originální Design , vytvořený maminkou a zakladatelkou Tidy Books Geraldine, zatraktivňuje knihy a umožňuje dětem samostatné používání. Rozměry a materiál: Rozměry ve smontovaném stavu (délka x šířka x výška): 7 x 77 x 115 cm Materiál: lipové dřevo, lak na vodní bázi Součástí dodávky: Součástí dodávky je 1 x knihovna Tidy Book, bílá Upozornění: Knihy nejsou součástí dodávky!
Objev podobné jako tidy BOOKS Knihovna, bílá
Christmas Books - Charles Dickens
With illustrations by Edward Landseer, Daniel Maclise, Clarkson Stanfield, Frank Stone, Richard Doyle, John Leech and John Tenniel, and with a new Introduction by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English, University of Sussex. In these five long stories, written specifically for Christmas, Dickens combines his concern for social ills with the myths and memories of childhood and traditional seasonal lore. A Christmas Carol, the first of the selection, has become a touchstone of English festive fiction and an enduring favourite internationally. Repeatedly adapted, parodied, staged and filmed, this richly influential tale is powerfully vivid and moving. The other stories, The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life and The Haunted Man, blend whimsy, sentiment, comedy, satire, the didactic and the fantastic, developing resourcefully the theme of individual and social regeneration.
Objev podobné jako Christmas Books - Charles Dickens
Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Kniha z kolekce Hardie Grant Books (UK). Sew It Yourself je vše, co potřebujete, abyste znovu objevili šití a vytvořili něco jedinečného.
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Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Kniha z kolekce Hardie Grant Books (UK). Skutečná inspirace pro tvorbu krásných květinových expozic - kniha poskytuje informace o procesu pěstování, sušení a práci s květinami.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Knížka Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
Kniha z kolekce Michael O'Mara Books Ltd. Učitel mindfulness, kouč a psycholog Gill Thackray ve své knize spojuje potřebné nástroje, které budete potřebovat, abyste ve svém životě udělali významnou změnu.
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Books Burn Badly - Manuel Rivas
On 19 August 1936 Hercules the boxer stands on the quayside at Coruna and watches Fascist soldiers piling up books and setting them alight. With this moment a young carefree group of friends are transformed into a broken generation.
Objev podobné jako Books Burn Badly - Manuel Rivas
Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Kniha z kolekce Hardie Grant Books (UK). Tutoriál s praktickými kroky, které vám pomohou učinit prostředí vašeho města zelenějším.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK)
Busy Easter Chicks - Campbell Books
Push, pull and slide the tabs to meet the Busy Easter Chicks - cheep cheep! Join them on a very special Easter Egg Hunt at the farm – but who will find all the eggs first?A perfect Easter gift for young children with inquisitive fingers and minds, toddlers will love playing with this bright and colourful board book with a gentle rhyme and wonderful illustrations by Steph Hinton, part of the popular Busy Book series. Busy Easter Chicks has been endorsed and recommended by Dr Amanda Gummer's Good Toy Guide.Listen along to an audio recording of this story by scanning the QR code on the back cover. Discover more seasonal Busy Book titles including Busy Easter, Busy Chinese New Year, Busy Halloween and Busy Christmas.
Objev podobné jako Busy Easter Chicks - Campbell Books
No More Nappies - Campbell Books
Gold Winner of the Junior Design Awards Best Baby Books 0-2 Years.The Big Steps series is designed to help little ones cope with everyday experiences in their lives. In No More Nappies, meet Millie and Mo – two adorable toddlers who are ready to ditch their nappies and learn how to use the potty. Follow the ups and downs of their potty-training journey brought to life with fun flaps and mechanisms. Each page has really helpful potty-training tips for parents and carers that are endorsed by The Good Play Guide and leading Early Years Consultant, Dr Amanda Gummer. With delightful illustrations from Marion Cocklico, No More Nappies is a brilliant way to introduce potty-training in a fun and relatable way.For more toddler tips read I'm Not Sleepy: Helping Toddlers Go To Sleep and I'm Starting Nursery.
Objev podobné jako No More Nappies - Campbell Books
Paddington’s Holiday - HarperCollins Children’s Books
Grab your bucket and spade and join Paddington and the Browns for an unforgettable holiday by the seaside in this bear-shaped board book based on the award-winning animated preschool series The Adventures of Paddington.Paddington has packed his marmalade, a rubber duck, a frying pan and four toothbrushes and is ready for his first holiday by the sea. Read about his amazing adventures camping, snorkelling, fossil hunting, playing pirates, building sandcastles, and rescuing dolphins in this charming board book with sturdy pages for little paws.It’s the perfect summer read for young Paddington fans!
Objev podobné jako Paddington’s Holiday - HarperCollins Children’s Books
Reception Maths Workout - CGP Books
This brilliant Maths Workout Book has stacks of quick and simple practice questions matched to the Early Years curriculum - perfect for Reception (ages 4-5). It''s presented in a fun and friendly style and is a great way to help make sure children have really got to grips with all the important skills.What’s more, the answers are included at the back of the book, so it’s super easy to find out how well they’re progressing.
Objev podobné jako Reception Maths Workout - CGP Books
The Four Books - Yan Lianke
SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE 2016. "One of China's greatest living authors and fiercest satirists". (Guardian). In the ninety-ninth district of a sprawling labour camp, the Author, Musician, Scholar, Theologian and Technician - and hundreds just like them - are undergoing Re-education, to restore their revolutionary zeal and credentials. In charge of this process is the Child, who delights in draconian rules, monitoring behaviour and confiscating treasured books. But when bad weather arrives, followed by the 'three bitter years', the intellectuals are abandoned by the regime and left on their own to survive. Divided into four narratives, The Four Books tells the story of the Great Famine, one of China's most devastating and controversial periods. WINNER OF THE FRANZ KAFKA PRIZE 2014. NOMINATED FOR CZECH AWARD MAGNESIA LITERA 2014. HUA ZHONG WORLD CHINESE LITERATURE PRIZE 2013. FINALIST FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE 2013. WINNER OF THE HUA ZHONG WORLD CHINESE LITERATURE PRIZE 2013. SHORTLISTED FOR THE INDEPENDENT FOREIGN FICTION PRIZE 2012. SHORTLISTED FOR THE PRIX FEMINA ETRANGER 2012. SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN ASIAN LITERARY PRIZE 2011. WINNER OF THE LAO SHE LITERATURE AWARD 2004. WINNER OF THE LU XUN AWARD 1997
Objev podobné jako The Four Books - Yan Lianke
Books do Furnish a Life (1787633691)
Kniha - autor Richard Dawkins, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná At a time when science can seem complex and remote, it has a greater impact on our lives, and to the future of our planet, than ever before. It really matters that its discoveries and truths should be clearly and widely communicated. That its enemies, from the malicious to the muddled, the self-deluding to the self-interested, be challenged and exposed. That science should be brought out of the laboratory, taken into the corridors of power and defended in the maelstrom of popular culture. No one does this better than Richard Dawkins. In bringing together his forewords, afterwords and introductions to works by some of the leading thinkers of our age - Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss, Jacob Bronowski, Lewis Wolpert - and a selection of his reviews, both admiring and critical, of a wide range of scientific and other works, Books do Furnish a Life celebrates the writers who communicate the ideas of...
Objev podobné jako Books do Furnish a Life (1787633691)
The Four Books (Defekt) - Yan Lianke
SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE 2016. "One of China's greatest living authors and fiercest satirists". (Guardian). In the ninety-ninth district of a sprawling labour camp, the Author, Musician, Scholar, Theologian and Technician - and hundreds just like them - are undergoing Re-education, to restore their revolutionary zeal and credentials. In charge of this process is the Child, who delights in draconian rules, monitoring behaviour and confiscating treasured books. But when bad weather arrives, followed by the 'three bitter years', the intellectuals are abandoned by the regime and left on their own to survive. Divided into four narratives, The Four Books tells the story of the Great Famine, one of China's most devastating and controversial periods. WINNER OF THE FRANZ KAFKA PRIZE 2014. NOMINATED FOR CZECH AWARD MAGNESIA LITERA 2014. HUA ZHONG WORLD CHINESE LITERATURE PRIZE 2013. FINALIST FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE 2013. WINNER OF THE HUA ZHONG WORLD CHINESE LITERATURE PRIZE 2013. SHORTLISTED FOR THE INDEPENDENT FOREIGN FICTION PRIZE 2012. SHORTLISTED FOR THE PRIX FEMINA ETRANGER 2012. SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN ASIAN LITERARY PRIZE 2011. WINNER OF THE LAO SHE LITERATURE AWARD 2004. WINNER OF THE LU XUN AWARD 1997
Objev podobné jako The Four Books (Defekt) - Yan Lianke
Stickyscapes Superheroes (Sticker Books) - Aidan Onn
Try out your superpowers with this superhero sticker book! This astonishing double-sided panoramic play scene folds out to a length of 126cm (four feet) and contains a superheroes' cityscape on one side and supervillains' underground lair, complete with laser defence system and sinister research lab, on the other. Decorate the scene with more than 150 stickers of super men, women, kids and animals, plus their villainous counterparts, and a whole range of props and objects.
Objev podobné jako Stickyscapes Superheroes (Sticker Books) - Aidan Onn
Karlsson Designové stolní hodiny - Books KA5730
Objev podobné jako Karlsson Designové stolní hodiny - Books KA5730
A Child of Books - Winston Sam
Winner of the prestigious international Bologna Ragazzi Award for Fiction 2017 "A gorgeous homage to the power of the written word" Guardian "A fresh and fascinating collaboration between two gifted masters" The New York Times In this inspiring, lyrical tale about the rewards of reading and sharing stories, a little girl sails her raft "across a sea of words" to arrive at the house of a small boy. There she invites him to come away with her on an adventure. Through forests of fairy tales and across mountains of make-believe, the two travel together on a fantastical journey that unlocks the boy's imagination. Now a lifetime of magic lies ahead of him... But who will be next?
Objev podobné jako A Child of Books - Winston Sam
tidy BOOKS Police na knihy, přírodní
Podrobnosti o produktu: Jedinečná knihovna do dětského pokoje z Tidy Books je přizpůsobena potřebám dětí a zaujme svým mimořádně elegantním designem. Nabízí prostor až pro 85 knih všech tvarů a velikostí Jednoduché přední panely usnadňují dětem, aby si samy vybíraly a uspořádávaly knihy Velká úložná kapacita, ale malé rozměry Police se pod tíhou knih neprohýbají Zadní panel zabraňuje sklouznutí knih z police Bezpečné připevnění ke stěně, nelze převrátit Originální Design , vytvořený maminkou a zakladatelkou Tidy Books Geraldine, zatraktivňuje knihy a umožňuje dětem samostatné používání. Rozměry a materiál: Rozměry ve smontovaném stavu (délka x šířka x výška): 7 x 77 x 115 cm Materiál: lipové dřevo, lak na vodní bázi Součástí dodávky: Součástí dodávky je: 1 x regál Tidy Book, přírodní barva Upozornění: Knihy nejsou součástí dodávky!
Objev podobné jako tidy BOOKS Police na knihy, přírodní
The Spooktacular Activity Book - Buster Books
Filled with more spooky surprises than a haunted mansion, this fang-tastic activity book is guaranteed to keep kids entertained for hours on end during the holidays.This book is packed with over 40 fun puzzles to complete, from mysterious matching pairs and monster mazes to supernatural spot-the-differences, chilling search-and-find challenges and other ghoulish games. With creepy yet adorably cute illustrations by artist Kathryn Selbert, this is the perfect activity book for kids who love all things spooky.Also available:9781780558172 The Egg-cellent Easter Activity Book 9781780559186 The Tree-mendous Christmas Activity Book9781780559735 The Sun-sational Summer Activity Book9781837250523 The School's Out Activity Book (May 2025)
Objev podobné jako The Spooktacular Activity Book - Buster Books
Ultimate Dinosaur Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
This is the ultimate activity book for dino-mad kids, with 100 sensational stickers on fun themes for youngsters to explore.
Objev podobné jako Ultimate Dinosaur Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
Ultimate Dog Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
Children will jump at the chance to learn more about these furry friends, and finding out which dog is the biggest, the smallest, the fastest and even the funniest!
Objev podobné jako Ultimate Dog Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
We're Having a Baby - Campbell Books
The Big Steps series is designed to help little ones cope with everyday experiences in their little lives. In We're Having a Baby, Nancy is going to be a big sister. Her family help her prepare for the new baby. See Grandma and Grandpa come to look after her when Mummy and Daddy go to hospital, then watch as she welcomes her new brother home in this sweet and very practical novelty book with flaps and mechanisms. Each page has really helpful tips for parents and carers that are endorsed by The Good Play Guide and leading Early Years Consultant, Dr Amanda Gummer. With delightful illustrations from Marion Cocklico, We're Having a Baby is the perfect story book to share and reassure every little person about to have a sibling.The Big Steps series has been endorsed and recommended by Dr Amanda Gummer's Good Toy Guide.For more toddler tips read I'm Starting Nursery, I'm Not Sleepy and No More Nappies: A potty-training guide
Objev podobné jako We're Having a Baby - Campbell Books
Let's Brush our Teeth - Campbell Books
The Big Steps series is designed to help little ones cope with everyday experiences and important milestones. In Let's Brush Our Teeth, meet two cousins as they learn all about how to best brush their teeth!Follow the ups and downs of their journey, brought to life with fun flaps and mechanisms. Each page has helpful tips for parents and carers that are endorsed by The Good Toy Guide and leading Early Years Consultant, Dr Amanda Gummer. With delightful illustrations from Marie Kyprianou, Let's Brush Our Teeth is a brilliant first toothbrushing book, introducing it in a fun and relatable way.For more toddler tips read No More Nappies, Let's Wash Our Hands and No More Dummies.
Objev podobné jako Let's Brush our Teeth - Campbell Books
Nursery Rhymes - Roger Priddy, Priddy Books
Roger Priddy's Lift the Flap: Nursery Rhymes is a chunky board book with colourful, beautifully illustrated artwork and large flaps that reveal lots of fun surprises.Each page features kooky characters in a classic nursery rhyme and includes a fun flap to lift. Children will love finding the mouse in Hickory Dickory Dock, seeing the cow jump over the moon, and finding out what happens to Jack and Jill in this delightfully charming book.Illustrated by Craig Shuttlewood.
Objev podobné jako Nursery Rhymes - Roger Priddy, Priddy Books
What Pedro Says - Hardie Grant Books
What Pedro Says is an inspiring and entertaining collection of quotes from the internationally acclaimed Hollywood actor, known for his roles in Games of Thrones, Narcos and The Last of Us. Featuring words of wisdom on acting, determination and friendship, Pedro also shares his thoughts on being dubbed ‘The Internet’s Daddy’ and encourages us all not to take life too seriously! Some quotes from Pedro: “The smallest of opportunities kept me going. So much so that I resolved to struggle until I couldn’t walk anymore.” “I didn't go to church, I was raised by HBO, Spielberg and Prince.” “I always die. In everything.”
Objev podobné jako What Pedro Says - Hardie Grant Books
The Leaf Hunt - HarperCollins Children’s Books
Bing plays with autumn leaves in this lovely, bright picture book based on the award-winning CBeebies series Bing!Amma has taken Bing and his friends to Howly Woods to make pictures from autumn leaves. When the wind blows Coco’s leaf away . . .WHOOOOOOOSH!Bing tries to catch it but it doesn’t go quite to plan.A picture book that helps young children understand their emotions, recognise other people’s feelings, and build emotional resilience to cope when things go wrong.
Objev podobné jako The Leaf Hunt - HarperCollins Children’s Books
Who's Hiding At Halloween? - Campbell Books
Help Little Ghost look for her friends this Halloween. Lift the felt flaps to see where they are hiding and who will say BOO!With soft flaps on every spread that are easy for babies to lift and help develop their fine motor skills, this gorgeous book by Axel Scheffler, bestselling illustrator of The Gruffalo, is the perfect Halloween gift for little ones.Discover more adventures from Axel Scheffler: Who's Hiding on Safari?, Hide and Seek: On the Farm and In the Jungle.
Objev podobné jako Who's Hiding At Halloween? - Campbell Books
Wand Books: Wizard Magic - Sam Taplin
Would you like to be a wizard? Just grab the wand that comes with this book, and you're ready to go! When you press it onto each page and say the magic words, you'll hear an amazing sparkly spell. You'll learn how to conjure up a thunderstorm, make a cello play all on its own, and even make a kitten sound like an elephant! Step into an enchanting world where YOU get to make the magic happen in this beautifully illustrated book. Discover more magical Usborne Wand Books:- Fairy Magic- Unicorn Magic
Objev podobné jako Wand Books: Wizard Magic - Sam Taplin
Ultimate Butterfly Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
A fun-packed interactive book for children who wanto find out more about butterflies and moths, with over 100 amazing stickers.
Objev podobné jako Ultimate Butterfly Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
Ultimate Bird Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
Explore the diverse world of these feathered friends, in an interactive and informative sticker book with gorgeous picture stickers.
Objev podobné jako Ultimate Bird Sticker Book - Armadillo Books
Pocket Dolly Wisdom - Hardie Grant Books
Dolly Parton's best quotes compiled into a handy pocket-sized edition, perfect for reading on the go. Dolly Parton, the Queen of Country, or the Dolly Lama, as she has been called is renowned for her hilarious quotes, witty one-liners, and self-deprecating humour.I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I m not dumb and I'm not blonde either. Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. People are always asking me in interviews, What do you think of foreign affairs? I just say, I've had a few. So if yo' re feeling blue, need a laugh, a hug, or some solid Southern advice, this is the book for you. From love to diets, life advice, and more, there's something for every Dolly fan.
Objev podobné jako Pocket Dolly Wisdom - Hardie Grant Books
Cheep! Cheep! Chick (Super Noisy Books)
Babies and toddlers will love flipping through the pages of this sturdy board book about a super cute, very musical chick called Roxie. Inside the pages of this entertaining children's book, you'll discover: - A delightful, read-aloud rhyming story that encourages early learning and language development - "Can you spot?" activities that reward curiosity - Fun activities and text that help build social skills and teaches kids to consider each other's feelings Meet Roxie and all her lovable animal friends in this delightful, rhyming picture book. Get ready to join in with Roxie's chirpy singing and listen to the cool sounds from her drum, guitar, and xylophone - biff, bang, twang, ting, ding! Roxie absolutely loves singing and playing music. She's a very chirpy chick! However, all her friends are having some quiet time. Follow Roxie on her adventures to find out if she ever gets to sing and make her friends happy. Along the way, they'll get to meet the cutest, cuddliest animals ever! Boost your little one's curiosity, as they enjoy the easy-to-follow bedtime story and play along by spotting Smiley Snail. He's quietly hiding on every page in this adventure book. This encourages interactive play by rewarding curiosity with surprising and engaging characters. Fun First Storybook Packed with bold, brightly coloured pictures, look-and-find activities, and charming, read-aloud rhymes, this educational book is perfect for pre-schoolers. It provides lots of opportunities for parent-and-child interaction and hours of Easter entertainment. It's the ultimate gift for kids who love cute animals and cuddly toys. More from DK Books: Cheep! Cheep! Chick is part of a series of adorable animal board books that young readers will want to collect. It follows on from Bounce! Bounce! Bunny, which features the same group of entertaining characters.
Objev podobné jako Cheep! Cheep! Chick (Super Noisy Books)
Wand Books: Fairy Magic - Sam Taplin
Touch the pictures with the wand in this unique novelty book to hear the magic spells that bring fairyland to life! Children will be amazed to discover their own magic powers as they use the wand to help the forest fairies solve their problems and get everything ready for the visit of the fairy queen. Beautiful artwork and glittering sounds create a world of enchanting surprises to explore.
Objev podobné jako Wand Books: Fairy Magic - Sam Taplin
Books do Furnish a Life - Richard Dawkins
At a time when science can seem complex and remote, it has a greater impact on our lives, and to the future of our planet, than ever before. It really matters that its discoveries and truths should be clearly and widely communicated. That its enemies, from the malicious to the muddled, the self-deluding to the self-interested, be challenged and exposed. That science should be brought out of the laboratory, taken into the corridors of power and defended in the maelstrom of popular culture. No one does this better than Richard Dawkins. In bringing together his forewords, afterwords and introductions to works by some of the leading thinkers of our age - Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss, Jacob Bronowski, Lewis Wolpert - and a selection of his reviews, both admiring and critical, of a wide range of scientific and other works, Books do Furnish a Life celebrates the writers who communicate the ideas of science and the natural world in both fiction and non-fiction. It celebrates the courage of those who write about their experiences of escaping religion and embracing rationality, of protecting the truths of science and analytical rigour against charlatanry and obfuscation.
Objev podobné jako Books do Furnish a Life - Richard Dawkins
Wolfgang Tillmans. four books. 40th Anniversary Edition
Like hardly any other artist of his generation, Wolfgang Tillmans has shaped our perception of the world. From early portraits of his friends to still lifes, travel shots, nudes, landscape and sky photographs, to his abstract work, Tillmans has created a multitude of iconic works in his unmistakable visual language, opening up new paths and possibilities for both photography and contemporary art. In 2000 he was the first photographer and the first non-British person to receive the renowned Turner Prize.His first volume for TASCHEN (1995) shows the young generation of the 1990s, of which Tillmans himself was a member, in clubs, at Gay Pride, at fashion events, and in everyday life. His dense, realistic photographs conjure up tangible utopias of community and society and are important documents of their time as well. With the follow-up volume Burg (1998), Tillmans enriches his subject matter with another array of beautiful, now iconic photographs. In truth study center (2005), his images condense into even more subtle compositions and now stand alongside completely abstract works. Finally, Neue Welt (2012) documents Wolfgang Tillmans' travels around the globe: from London to Tierra del Fuego, India, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, and Central Africa, we follow his ever-inquisitive eye for the realities of our planet, for social situations with people and markets, technology and architecture, and last but not least, nature and astronomy. For this volume, the artist for the first time made use of the new possibilities of digital photography. This enabled a density of information and incisiveness hardly seen in photographs until then.This 40th-anniversary publication from TASCHEN combines the best of the four books in one volume. Wolfgang Tillmans himself has compiled this edition, partly redesigned it, added some recent works, and written a new foreword.Paging through this collection of images, which spans three decades, there are countless moments to delight in, moments that are held not only in our collective memory but in our individual ones too.
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Pocket The Queen Wisdom - Hardie Grant Books
Pocket The Queen Wisdom is an inspiring collection of Her Majesty’s best loved quotes on life, family, politics, fame and history, and celebrates her immense legacy. Queen Elizabeth II is one of the most important cultural and political icons in modern British history. As the United Kingdom’s longest reigning monarch, she is known for her poise, wit and class. Some quotes from Queen Elizabeth II: ‘Grief is the price we pay for love.’ ‘The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually your parents leave you and nobody is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass.’ ‘I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else - I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.’ ‘I have to be seen to be believed’
Objev podobné jako Pocket The Queen Wisdom - Hardie Grant Books
Knížka Mirror Books Laura Tobin, Laura Tobin
Kniha z kolekce Mirror Books. Autorka Laura Tobin nás přátelskou a snadno stravitelnou formou provede jednoduchými a často překvapivými akcemi, které můžeme všichni udělat pro záchranu naší planety.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Mirror Books Laura Tobin, Laura Tobin
The Great Gatsby: Penguin Merchandise Books (0141389931)
Kniha - autor F. Scott Fitzgerald, 184 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby: Penguin Merchandise Books (0141389931)
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