Aristotle’s nicomachean ethics (a macat analysis) - gellera

Produkt Aristotle’s nicomachean ethics (a macat analysis) - gellera sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Aristotle’s nicomachean ethics (a macat analysis) - gellera upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (A Macat Analysis) - Gellera


Aristotle, a student of Plato, wrote Nicomachean Ethics in 350 BCE, in a time of extraordinary intellectual development. Over two millennia later, his thorough exploration of virtue, reason, and the ultimate human good still forms the basis of the values at the heart of Western civilization. According to Aristotle, the ultimate human good is eudaimonia, or happiness, which comes from a life of virtuous action. He argues that virtues like justice, restraint, and practical wisdom cannot simply be taught but must be developed over time by cultivating virtuous habits, which can be developed by using practical wisdom and recognizing the desirable middle ground between extremes of human behavior. Dr Giovanni Gellera holds a doctorate from the University of Glasgow on the reception of Aristotle in seventeenth-century Scotland. He curently a postdoctoral researcher in erly modern philosophy and science at the University of Glasgow. Table of Contents Ways in to the text Who was Aristotle? What does Nichomachean Ethics say? Why does Nichomachean Ethics matter? Section 1: Influences Module 1: The Author and the Historical Context Module 2: Academic Context Module 3: The Problem Module 4: The Author's Contribution Section 2: Ideas Module 5: Main Ideas Module 6: Secondary Ideas Module 7: Achievement Module 8: Place in the Author's Work Section 3: Impact Module 9: The First Responses Module 10: The Evolving Debate Module 11: Impact and Influence Today Module 12: Where Next? Glossary of Terms People Mentioned in the Text Works Cited (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (A Macat Analysis) - Gellera , Temperate herbs: an architectural analysis (978-80-200-2760-3)

The Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle, Drummond Percy Chase - e-kniha


eBook: One of the most important philosophical works in history, a work that has had tremendous influence on philosophy, literature, and psychology, and has helped lay the foundations of the modern day intellectual landscape. The influence of \'The Nicomachean Ethics\' is still visible in the works of philosophers of the 21st century, such as Martha Nussbaum and Alasdair MacIntyre. With remarkable lucidity, Aristotle tackles the question of the nature of happiness, and that of moral and intellectual virtues. He aims to prove that both are linked to and indivisible from one another—that virtuous behaviour is necessary if happiness is to be obtained—and from this he maps out the steps to follow and the requirements to achieve it. In short, \'The Nicomachean Ethics\' sketches out a hierarchy of virtues to find the highest good a human can accomplish, which in turn will lead them to true happiness. Aristotle (384–322 BC) is one of the most influential philosophers in history. His achievements and the breadth of his knowledge, though, do not stop at philosophy. He is also among the rare thinkers to have approached all the fields of knowledge he came across (biology, physics, metaphysics, logic, poetics, politics, rhetoric, ethics, economics) with success. Among his works, the most lauded are: \"Metaphysics\", \"On the Soul\" and \"Poetics\". (

Podobné produkty ako The Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle, Drummond Percy Chase - e-kniha , Modern analysis of biological data (978-80-210-8019-5)

Søren Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death (A Macat Analysis) - Shafaie

Søren Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death (A Macat Analysis) - Shafaie

Søren Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death is widely recognized as one of the most significant and influential works of Christian philosophy written in the nineteenth century. One of the cornerstones of Kierkegaard’s reputation as a writer and thinker, the book is also a masterclass in the art of interpretation. In critical thinking, interpretation is all about defining and clarifying terms – making sure that everyone is on the same page. But it can also be about redefining terms: showing old concepts in a new light by interpreting them in a certain way. This skill is at the heart of The Sickness unto Death. Kierkegaard’s book focuses on the meaning of “despair” – the sickness named in the title. For Kierkegaard, the key problem of existence was an individual’s relationship with God, and he defines true despair as equating to the idea of sin – something that separates people from God, or from the idea of a higher standard beyond ourselves. Kierkegaard’s interpretative journey into the ideas of despair, sin and death is a Christian exploration of the place of the individual in the world. But its interpretative skills inspired generations of philosophers of all stripes – including notorious atheists like Jean-Paul Sartre. Dr Shirin Shafaie holds masters degrees in philosophy and Middle Eastern studies from the University of Tehran and SOAS. She took her PhD at SOAS, where she now teaches in the Department of Politics and International Studies. Table of Contents Ways in to the text Who was Soren Kierkegaard? What does The Sickness Unto Death say? Why does The Sickness Unto Death matter? Section 1: Influences Module 1: The Author and the Historical Context Module 2: Academic Context Module 3: The Problem Module 4: The Author's Contribution Section 2: Ideas Module 5: Main Ideas Module 6: Secondary Ideas Module 7: Achievement Module 8: Place in the Author's Work Section 3: Impact Module 9: The First Responses Module 10: The Evolving Debate Module 11: Impact and Influence Today Module 12: Where Next? Glossary of Terms People Mentioned in the Text Works Cited (

Podobné produkty ako Søren Kierkegaard’s The Sickness unto Death (A Macat Analysis) - Shafaie , Vssl a.1x (a.1x)

Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks (A Macat Analysis) - Rachele Dini


Frantz Fanon’s explosive Black Skin, White Masks is a merciless exposé of the psychological damage done by colonial rule across the world. Using Fanon’s incisive analytical abilities to expose the consequences of colonialism on the psyches of colonized peoples, it is both a crucial text in post-colonial theory, and a lesson in the power of analytical skills to reveal the realities that hide beneath the surface of things. Fanon was himself part of a colonized nation – Martinique – and grew up with the values and beliefs of French culture imposed upon him, while remaining relegated to an inferior status in society. Qualifying as a psychiatrist in France before working in Algeria (a French colony subject to brutal repression), his own experiences granted him a sharp insight into the psychological problems associated with colonial rule. Like any good analytical thinker, Fanon’s particular skill was in breaking things down and joining dots. His analysis of colonial rule exposed its implicit assumptions – and how they were replicated in colonised populations – allowing Fanon to unpick the hidden reasons behind his own conflicted psychological make up, and those of his patients. Unflinchingly clear-sighted in doing so, Black Skin White Masks remains a shocking read today. (

Podobné produkty ako Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks (A Macat Analysis) - Rachele Dini , Hyundai hch40v26-a (hch40v26-a)

Gordon W. Allport's The Nature of Prejudice (A Macat Analysis) - Alexander O’Connor


With his 1954 book The Nature of Prejudice, American psychologist Gordon Allport displays the crucial skill of reasoning, producing and organizing an argument that was persuasive enough to have a major impact not only in universities, but also on government policy. The question that Allport tackled was an old one: why are people so disposed to prejudice against those from other groups? Earlier psychologists had suggested a number of reasons, especially in the case of racial prejudice. Some had suggested that racism was a learned behaviour, conditioned by negative experiences of other races; others that there was an objective rationale to negative racial stereotypes. Allport, however, reasoned that prejudice is essentially a by-product of the necessary mental shortcuts the human brain uses to process the vast amount of information it takes in. Because our brains want to use as little effort as possible, they regularly fall back on simple stereotypes – which easily generate prejudice. Gathering strong evidence for this hypothesis, he reasoned, clearly and persuasively, that our natural cognitive approach is the most significant factor in accounting for prejudice. Going further still, Allport also reasoned that, once this was better understood, social scientists would be able to influence policy-makers to curb discrimination by law. (

Podobné produkty ako Gordon W. Allport's The Nature of Prejudice (A Macat Analysis) - Alexander O’Connor , Hyundai hbat40v4-a (hbat40v4-a)

David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (A Macat Analysis) - John Donaldson, Ian Jackson


David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a philosophical classic that displays a powerful mastery of the critical thinking skills of reasoning and evaluation. Hume’s subject, the question of the existence and possible nature of God, was, and still is, a persistent topic of philosophical and theological debate. What makes Hume’s text a classic of reasoning, though, is less what he says, than how he says it. As he noted in his preface to the book, the question of ‘natural religion’ was unanswerable: so ‘obscure and uncertain’ that ‘human reason can reach no fixed determination with regard to it.’ Hume chose, as a result, to cast his thoughts on the topic in the form of a dialogue – allowing different points of view to be reasoned out, evaluated and answered by different characters. Considering and judging different or opposing points of view, as Hume’s characters do, is an important part of reasoning, and is vital to building strong persuasive arguments. Even if, as Hume suggests, there can be no final answer to what a god might be like, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion shows high-level reasoning and evaluation at their best. Dr John Donaldson holds a Phd in philosophy from the University of Glasgow, where he now teaches. His work focuses on philosophy of mind, particularly the metaphysics of mind: the problem of mental causation, the mind-body problem, and the prospects for materialist accounts of mental phenomena. Ian Jackson is a PhD student in the Politics, Philosophy and Religion department at Lancaster University. He is interested in the role new media plays in the dissemination of ideas. Ways in to the text Who was David Hume? What does Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion say? Why does Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion matter? Section 1: Influences Module 1: The Author and the Historical Context Module 2: Academic Context Module 3: The Problem Module 4: The Author's Contribution Section 2: Ideas Module 5: Main Ideas Module 6: Secondary Ideas Module 7: Achievement Module 8: Place in the Author's Work Section 3: Impact Module 9: The First Responses Module 10: The Evolving Debate Module 11: Impact and Influence Today Module 12: Where Next? Glossary of Terms People Mentioned in the Text Works Cited (

Podobné produkty ako David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (A Macat Analysis) - John Donaldson, Ian Jackson , Fieldmann fzn 4101-a (fzn4101-a)

C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man (A Macat Analysis) - Brittany Pheiffer Noble, Ruth Jackson


C.S. Lewis's 1943 The Abolition of Man is a set of three essays that encapsulate some of the most important elements of good critical thinking. Lewis considers a weighty topic, moral philosophy - and more precisely how we teach it, and where morality comes from. As critics and enthusiasts for Lewis's work alike have noted, though, he was not a philosopher as such, but a professor of literature. And rather than presenting novel or original ideas, the essays' true qualities lie in the ways in which they evaluate and judge the arguments of prior philosophers, and how they construct a coherent, highly persuasive argument for Lewis's own point of view. Lewis takes issue with textbooks and philosophies that argue for (or imply) that all morals and moral judgments are relative. He deploys evaluative skills to point out the weaknesses in such arguments and then sets out for his readers the kind of moral future such relativism could lead to. This hard-hitting evaluation, in turn, provides a solid base upon which to construct a well-argued counter-proposal, that moral laws can be absolute, and stem from objective, universal values. Persuasive and enthralling, The Abolition of Man showcases reasoning at its best. (

Podobné produkty ako C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man (A Macat Analysis) - Brittany Pheiffer Noble, Ruth Jackson , Orel a lev: orel a had

Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics (A Macat Analysis) - Laura E.B. Key, Brittany Pheiffer Noble


Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics is one of the most influential texts of the 20th-century – an astonishing feat for what is, at heart, a series of deeply technical lectures about the structure of human languages. What the Course’s vast influence shows, fundamentally, is the power of good interpretative skills. The interpretative tasks of laying down and clarifying definitions are often vital to providing the logical framework for all kinds of critical thinking – whether it be solving problems in business, or esoteric academic research. At the time sat which Saussure gave his lectures, linguistics was a scattered and inconsistent field, without a unified method or rigorous approach. He aimed to change that by setting down and clarifying definitions and distinctions that would provide a coherent methodological framework for the study of language. The terms laid down in the Course did exactly that – and they still make up the core of linguistic terminology a full century later. More than this, however, Saussure also highlighted the centrality of linguistic interpretation to understanding how we relate to the world, founding “semiotics”, or the study of signs – a field whose influence on academics across the humanities and social sciences is unparalleled. (

Podobné produkty ako Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics (A Macat Analysis) - Laura E.B. Key, Brittany Pheiffer Noble , Bludičky a jakoubek a další pohádky

Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime (A Macat Analysis) - William Jenkins


Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi’s 1990 A General Theory of Crime is a classic text that helped reshape the discipline of criminology. It is also a testament to the powers of clear reasoning and interpretation. In critical thinking terms, reasoning is all about presenting a solid and persuasive case – and as many people instinctively understand, the most persuasive reasoning is that which bases itself on a single, simple hook. In Gottfredson and Hirschi’s case, this hook was what has come to be known as the “self-control theory of crime” – the idea that the tendency to commit crime is directly related to an individual’s level of self-control. While the dominant schools of thought of the time tended to focus on crime as the product of complex environmental factors, with little attempt to unify different theories, Gottfredson and Hirschi sought to interpret things so as to provide a single overarching concept that explained why crimes of all sorts were committed. Moreover, while other theories of crime concentrated on understanding and explaining specific types of law-breaking, the self-control model could, in Gottfredson and Hirschi’s view, be seen as the basis for understanding the root cause for all crime in all contexts. While such simplicity inevitably attracted as much criticism as agreement, subsequent studies have provided real-world corroboration for the General Theory’s persuasive reasoning. (

Podobné produkty ako Michael R. Gottfredson and Travish Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime (A Macat Analysis) - William Jenkins , Kabelky a tasky hackovane a pletene

Alan D. Baddeley and Graham Hitch's Working Memory (A Macat Analysis) - Alexander O’Connor, Birgit Koopmann-Holm


The work of memory researchers Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch is a prime example of the ways in which good critical thinkers approach questions and the problems they raise. In the 1960s, researchers into human memory began to understand memory as comprising not one, but two systems. The first was a short-term system handling information for mere seconds. The second was a long-term system capable of managing information indefinitely. They also discovered, however, that short-term memory was not simply a ‘filing cabinet,’ as many had thought, but was actively working on cognitive – or mental – tasks. This is how the phrase “working memory” developed. The hypothesis remained unproven, however, presenting Baddeley and Hitch with the problem of working out how to produce definitive evidence that short term memory was a working system that actively manipulated and processed information. They responded by designing a series of ten experiments aimed at showing just this – presenting the results in their 1974 article, ‘Working memory.’ The research was a masterpiece of problem-solving that proved revelatory. The authors not only generated new solutions and made sound decisions between alternative possibilities – they also showed that short-term memory is indeed an active system responsible for information processing and managing, while also influencing attention, reasoning, reading comprehension and learning. While their work has since been refined by others, Baddeley and Hitch’s problem-solving approach helped to create the dominant understanding of working memory that underpins psychological research throughout the world today. (

Podobné produkty ako Alan D. Baddeley and Graham Hitch's Working Memory (A Macat Analysis) - Alexander O’Connor, Birgit Koopmann-Holm , Tajné výlety fany a beryho a po stopách fany a beryho ()

The Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotelés


Aristotle (384-322BC) is the philosopher who has most influence on the development of western culture, writing on a wide variety of subjects including the natural sciences as well as the more strictly philosophical topics of logic, metaphysics and ethics. To the poet Dante, he was simply 'the master of those who know'. The Ethics contains his views on what makes a good human life.While the work continues to stimulate and challenge modern philosophers, the general course of the argument is easily accessible to the non-specialist. Both as a key influence in the history of ideas and as a work containing unique insights into the human condition, this is a book that simply demands to be read. (

Podobné produkty ako The Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotelés , 3x vladana a prasopes: vladana a prasopes 1, vladana a prasopes 2, vladana a prasopes 3

Ethics - Spinoza Benedictus de


Translated by W.H.White and A.K.Stirling. With an Introduction by Don Garrett. Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime he was expelled from the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic, and after his death his works were first banned by the Christian authorities as atheistic, then hailed by humanists as the gospel of Pantheism. His Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order shows us the reality behind this enigmatic figure. First published by his friends after his premature death at the age of forty-four, the Ethics uses the methods of Euclid to describe a single entity, properly called both 'God' and 'Nature', of which mind and matter are two manifestations. From this follow, in ways that are strikingly modern, the identity of mind and body, the necessary causation of events and actions, and the illusory nature of free will. (

Podobné produkty ako Ethics - Spinoza Benedictus de , Pazuchin a... ()

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia měří váhu, procento tuku, vody, svalů a kostí v těle + BMI index tělesné hmotnosti pro sledování ideální váhy. Vyberte si své osobní číslo (paměť až pro 8 členů domácnosti) a zadejte osobní data (věk, výšku, pohlaví a zda provozujete kondiční cvičení). Stoupněte si na váhu a vyčkejte na uložení vaší hmotnosti. Po několika vteřinách se na displeji zobrazí procento tělesného tuku, BMI index, procento vody, svalů a kostí v těle. Zapište si údaje do přiloženého deníku. Poznámka: Váhu nesmí používat osoby s kardiostimulátorem! Přesný digitální systém - váží s přesností na 0,1 kg Maximální nosnost až 160 kg Snadné přenášení díky pevnému úchopu Velká plocha a stabilita Baterie součástí balení 5 let záruka Základní parametry: Výška: 2,5 cm Šířka: 31 cm Hloubka: 35 cm (chefshop.cz_japan)

Podobné produkty ako Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia , Dievča a ()

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia měří váhu, procento tuku, vody, svalů a kostí v těle + BMI index tělesné hmotnosti pro sledování ideální váhy. Vyberte si své osobní číslo (paměť až pro 8 členů domácnosti) a zadejte osobní data (věk, výšku, pohlaví a zda provozujete kondiční cvičení). Stoupněte si na váhu a vyčkejte na uložení vaší hmotnosti. Po několika vteřinách se na displeji zobrazí procento tělesného tuku, BMI index, procento vody, svalů a kostí v těle. Zapište si údaje do přiloženého deníku. Poznámka: Váhu nesmí používat osoby s kardiostimulátorem! Přesný digitální systém - váží s přesností na 0,1 kg Maximální nosnost až 160 kg Snadné přenášení díky pevnému úchopu Velká plocha a stabilita Baterie součástí balení 5 let záruka Základní parametry: Výška: 2,5 cm Šířka: 31 cm Hloubka: 35 cm (

Podobné produkty ako Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia , Md463zm a

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia

Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia měří váhu, procento tuku, vody, svalů a kostí v těle + BMI index tělesné hmotnosti pro sledování ideální váhy. Vyberte si své osobní číslo (paměť až pro 8 členů domácnosti) a zadejte osobní data (věk, výšku, pohlaví a zda provozujete kondiční cvičení). Stoupněte si na váhu a vyčkejte na uložení vaší hmotnosti. Po několika vteřinách se na displeji zobrazí procento tělesného tuku, BMI index, procento vody, svalů a kostí v těle. Zapište si údaje do přiloženého deníku. Poznámka: Váhu nesmí používat osoby s kardiostimulátorem! Přesný digitální systém - váží s přesností na 0,1 kg Maximální nosnost až 160 kg Snadné přenášení díky pevnému úchopu Velká plocha a stabilita Baterie součástí balení 5 let záruka Základní parametry: Výška: 2,5 cm Šířka: 31 cm Hloubka: 35 cm (chefshop.cz_ine)

Podobné produkty ako Osobní váha Body Analysis Brabantia , Msi z490-a pro (z490-a pro)

Blue Cat Audio Analysis Pack (Digitální produkt)

Blue Cat Audio Analysis Pack (Digitální produkt)

Analysis pack obsahuje:Blue Cat's DP Meter ProBlue Cat's FreqAnalyst MultiBlue Cat's FreqAnalyst ProBlue Cat's Oscilloscope MultiBlue Cat's StereoScope MultiBlue Cat's StereoScope ProDOWNLOAD Licence: Plná verze Software: Effect Plugins Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Země původu: Francie Podporované formáty pluginů: VST3;VST;AAX;AU Set: Ano Typ: Virtuální efekt;Audio Meter Kompatibilní s: Všechny hlavní DAW (

Podobné produkty ako Blue Cat Audio Analysis Pack (Digitální produkt) , Anka a adam: chcemka a mudrlant (9786188014619)

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (1442408936)

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (1442408936)

Kniha - autor Benjamin Alire Saenz, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Aristotle, an angry teen with a brother in prison, and know-it-all Dante form a lifelong friendship, discovering truths about themselves. A Printz Honour Book and a Stonewall Award winner. (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (1442408936) , Prim wave - a w02p.10302.a (8591212863276)

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World

Kniha - autor Benjamin Alire Saenz, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Sáenz. This lyrical novel will enrapture readers of Adam Silvera (They Both Die at the End), The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call me by your Name. A love story like no other. In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, two boys fell in love. Now they must discover what it means to stay in love and build a relationship in a world that seems to challenge their very existence. Ari has spent all of high school hiding who he really is, staying silent and invisible. He expected his senior year to be the same. But something in him cracked open when he fell in love with Dante, and he can’t go back. Suddenly he finds himself reaching out to new friends, standing up to bullies and making his voice heard. And, always,... (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World , Mpm modern a w02m.11268.a (368407)

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (1398505242)

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (1398505242)

Kniha - autor Benjamin Alire Sáenz, 358 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The highly acclaimed cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Saenz. (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (1398505242) , Pioneer a-40ae-b (a-40ae-b)

Ethics, Life and Institutions. An Attempt at Practical Philosophy - Jan Sokol - e-kniha

Ethics, Life and Institutions. An Attempt at Practical Philosophy - Jan Sokol - e-kniha

eBook:,Výsledky moderní evoluční biologie naznačují, že mravnost v lidských společnostech není jen nějakou konvenční „nadstavbou“, nýbrž navazuje na podstatné rysy všeho živého a rozvíjí je specificky lidskou kulturou. Jednající člověk tak není jen svébytná osoba, odpovídající pouze za své vlastní činy, nýbrž nese faktickou odpovědnost i za to, co ve své kultuře a společnosti přebírá. Tato nesmírně široká odpovědnost se musí v současných společnostech rozdělit, podobně jako se dělí a specializují i naše činnosti. Není to však jen břemeno, které by náš život omezovalo, nýbrž může mu také dávat obsah a smysl, který v současné společnosti citelně chybí. A právě tento chybějící smysl, stejně jako společná naděje, jsou možná jednou z hlavních příčin často připomínané „krize“ současných společností. Společný náboženský základ starších společností nemůže filosofie sice nahradit, může však připomenout, bez čeho se ani moderní pluralitní společnosti patrně neobejdou. Knížka, v řadě bodů přepracovávající předchozí autorovu knihu Etika a život, vznikla z přednášek na Karlově univerzitě a je určena studentům, učitelům etické výchovy a všem, kdo si o budoucnost nejen české společnosti dělají starosti. (

Podobné produkty ako Ethics, Life and Institutions. An Attempt at Practical Philosophy - Jan Sokol - e-kniha , Fieldmann fds 10102-a (fds 10102-a)

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is the beloved cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Saenz. This lyrical novel will enrapture readers of Adam Silvera (They Both Die at the End), The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call Me by Your Name.Aristotle is an angry teen with a brother in prison.Dante is a know-it-all who has a unique perspective on life.When the two meet at the swimming pool, they seem to have nothing in common. But as the loners start spending time together, they develop a special friendship - the kind that changes lives and lasts a lifetime. And it is through this friendship that Ari and Dante will learn the most important truths about the universe, themselves and the kind of people they want to be.This incredibly moving and powerful Printz Honor Book follows two teen boys learning to open themselves up to love, despite the world being against them.'A tender, honest exploration of identity' - Publishers Weekly'The absolute peak of YA perfection. There are few words to describe the beauty and love and force that is Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Aristotle and Dante changed my life.' - Kacen Callender, author of Felix Ever After (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz , Mpm flower a w02m.11270.a (368423)

Temperate herbs: An architectural analysis (978-80-200-2760-3)

Temperate herbs: An architectural analysis (978-80-200-2760-3)

Kniha - autor Jitka Klimešová, 276 stran, česky Kniha je určena botanikům a rostlinným ekologům, amatérům i odborníkům. Přibližuje opomíjený svět podzemních orgánů bylin a v něm se zaměřuje na orgány nesoucí pupeny, tedy ty, které slouží k přezimování, regeneraci po narušení a ke klonálnímu růstu rostliny. Tyto ekologické funkce jsou také v úvodu uvedeny do souvislosti se současnými poznatky o architektuře rostlin, kniha tak představuje syntézu předchozích pokusů klasifikovat základní architekturní modely rostlin. Funkční vlastnosti odvozené z podzemních orgánů nesoucích pupeny jsou dokumentovány na více než 1000 kresbách, pořízených během dvou dekád studia podzemních částí rostlin střední Evropy. Rhizomes, tubers, bulbs and roots of herbaceous plants are overlooked not only due to their position in the soil but also because they are wrongly considered unimportant. This book focuses on these belowground organs as they are responsible for key ecological... (

Podobné produkty ako Temperate herbs: An architectural analysis (978-80-200-2760-3) , Gator gc-elec-a (gc-elec-a)

Modern Analysis of Biological Data (978-80-210-8019-5)

Modern Analysis of Biological Data (978-80-210-8019-5)

Elektronická kniha - autor Stanislav Pekár, 256 stran, anglicky Kniha je zaměřena na regresní modely, konkrétně jednorozměrné zobecněné lineární modely (GLM). Je určena především studentům a kolegům z biologických oborů a vyžaduje pouze základní statistické vzdělání, jakým je např. jednosemestrový kurz biostatistiky. Text knihy obsahuje nezbytné minimum statistické teorie, především však řešení 18 reálných příkladů z oblasti biologie. Každý příklad je rozpracován od popisu a stanovení cíle přes vývoj statistického modelu až po závěr. K analýze dat je použit populární a volně dostupný statistický software R. Příklady byly záměrně vybrány tak, aby upozornily na leckteré problémy a chyby, které se mohou v průběhu analýzy dat vyskytnout. Zároveň mají čtenáře motivovat k tomu, jak o statistických modelech přemýšlet a jak je používat. Řešení příkladů si může čtenář vyzkoušet sám na datech, jež jsou dodávána spolu s knihou. (

Podobné produkty ako Modern Analysis of Biological Data (978-80-210-8019-5) , Fieldmann fzp 9029-a ( fzp 9029-a)

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz


The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Saenz. This lyrical novel will enrapture readers of Adam Silvera (They Both Die at the End), The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call me by your Name.A love story like no other.In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, two boys fell in love. Now they must discover what it means to stay in love and build a relationship in a world that seems to challenge their very existence.Ari has spent all of high school hiding who he really is, staying silent and invisible. He expected his senior year to be the same. But something in him cracked open when he fell in love with Dante, and he can't go back. Suddenly he finds himself reaching out to new friends, standing up to bullies and making his voice heard. And, always, there is Dante - dreamy, witty Dante - who can get on Ari's nerves and fill him with desire all at once.The boys are determined to forge a path for themselves in a world that doesn't understand them. But when Ari is faced with a shocking loss, he'll have to fight like never before to create a life that is truthfully, joyfully his own. (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz , Báje a pověsti starého egypta a mezopotámie

Modern Analysis of Biological Data - Marek Brabec, Stanislav Pekár - e-kniha

Modern Analysis of Biological Data - Marek Brabec, Stanislav Pekár - e-kniha

eBook:,Kniha je zaměřena na regresní modely, konkrétně jednorozměrné zobecněné lineární modely (GLM). Je určena především studentům a kolegům z biologických oborů a vyžaduje pouze základní statistické vzdělání, jakým je např. jednosemestrový kurz biostatistiky. Text knihy obsahuje nezbytné minimum statistické teorie, především však řešení 18 reálných příkladů z oblasti biologie. Každý příklad je rozpracován od popisu a stanovení cíle přes vývoj statistického modelu až po závěr. K analýze dat je použit populární a volně dostupný statistický software R. Příklady byly záměrně vybrány tak, aby upozornily na leckteré problémy a chyby, které se mohou v průběhu analýzy dat vyskytnout. Zároveň mají čtenáře motivovat k tomu, jak o statistických modelech přemýšlet a jak je používat. Řešení příkladů si může čtenář vyzkoušet sám na datech, jež jsou dodávána spolu s knihou. (

Podobné produkty ako Modern Analysis of Biological Data - Marek Brabec, Stanislav Pekár - e-kniha , Gravity ma 3d a (ma 3d a)

Information - Studies in information science and ethics with regard to users with visual impairment - Jiří Stodola

Information - Studies in information science and ethics with regard to users with visual impairment - Jiří Stodola

Informace. Studie z informační vědy a etiky se zřetelem k uživatelům se zrakovým postiženímPráce se skládá ze sedmi studií. Každá studie tvoří uzavřený systém, ve kterém je argumentováno pro určité závěry, a je proto možné číst každou studii zvlášť. Dohromady však studie tvoří jednotný celek, který představuje jistou koncepci informační vědy. Veškerá argumentace pro toto pojetí je vystavěna na specifickém chápání stěžejního pojmu informační vědy, pojmu informace, který je konfrontován s několika pojmy příbuznými, s určitým metodologickým přístupem a různými problematickými otázkami. Četbou práce získáváme odpovědi na konkrétní otázky, které jsou řešeny v rámci jednotlivých studií, ale také na otázky, které úzký rámec jednotlivých studií přesahují a získávají svůj význam teprve ve chvíli, kdy promýšlíme práci jako celek. Můžeme říci, že práce představuje poměrně komplexní obraz velmi obecných filosoficko-informačněvědních otázek spojených s fenoménem informace. (

Podobné produkty ako Information - Studies in information science and ethics with regard to users with visual impairment - Jiří Stodola , Poezie m. j.lermontova a a. s. puškina ()

Withings Body Comp Complete Body Analysis Wi-Fi Scale - White (WBS12-White-All-Inter)

Withings Body Comp Complete Body Analysis Wi-Fi Scale - White (WBS12-White-All-Inter)

Osobní váha - digitální diagnostická, chytrá, nosnost 200 kg, měření tuku, měření svalů, měření vody a párování s mobilní aplikací, možnost připojení skrze Bluetooth a wifi, materiál desky sklo, přesnost měření 50 g, 4 senzory, kompatibilní s iOS a Android, k napájení slouží AAA baterie, bílá barva Withings Body Comp – nejúplnější a nejpřesnější přehled tělesných ukazatelů, jaký byl kdy nabízenChytrá váha Withings Body Comp nabízí celkové vyhodnocení těla s přesností vážení na 50 gramů. Kromě toho poskytuje hodnoty jako složení těla, hodnocení kardiovaskulárního systému, včetně klidové tepová frekvence a cévního věku, a skóre nervového zdraví. Withings Body Comp také umí posoudit stav nervů v chodidlech a může odhalit známky periferní autonomní neuropatie – poškození drobných nervů, které může být známkou komplikací běžných chronických onemocnění. Je vybavena barevným displejem s vysokým rozlišením, automatickým sledováním až pro 8... (

Podobné produkty ako Withings Body Comp Complete Body Analysis Wi-Fi Scale - White (WBS12-White-All-Inter) , Rcf art 915-a (art 915-a)

Withings Body Comp Complete Body Analysis Wi-Fi Scale - Black (WBS12-Black-All-Inter)

Withings Body Comp Complete Body Analysis Wi-Fi Scale - Black (WBS12-Black-All-Inter)

Osobní váha - digitální diagnostická, chytrá, nosnost 200 kg, měření tuku, měření svalů, měření vody a párování s mobilní aplikací, možnost připojení skrze Bluetooth a wifi, materiál desky sklo, přesnost měření 50 g, 4 senzory, kompatibilní s iOS a Android, k napájení slouží AAA baterie, černá barva Withings Body Comp – nejúplnější a nejpřesnější přehled tělesných ukazatelů, jaký byl kdy nabízenChytrá váha Withings Body Comp nabízí celkové vyhodnocení těla s přesností vážení na 50 gramů. Kromě toho poskytuje hodnoty jako složení těla, hodnocení kardiovaskulárního systému, včetně klidové tepová frekvence a cévního věku, a skóre nervového zdraví. Withings Body Comp také umí posoudit stav nervů v chodidlech a může odhalit známky periferní autonomní neuropatie – poškození drobných nervů, které může být známkou komplikací běžných chronických onemocnění. Je vybavena barevným displejem s vysokým rozlišením, automatickým sledováním až... (

Podobné produkty ako Withings Body Comp Complete Body Analysis Wi-Fi Scale - Black (WBS12-Black-All-Inter) , Mpm fashion a w02m.11265.a (368387)

Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries - Renata Kociánová


The "Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries" is based on national studies which are systematically compared in an attempt to address four key themes. First, the authors place the education of older adults in context, along with focusing on political, legal, economic, social and cultural aspects. Second, the publication, which is also dedicated to the working life of older adults and examines the labour market, the issues of discrimination and equal treatment, age management, education and human development in organizations. Third, the system of older adult education is described, including the process of institutionalization, the providers of older adult education, and the content of this education. Fourth, the publication explores the themes of traditional methods, current trends and outlooks for the education of older adults. (

Podobné produkty ako Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries - Renata Kociánová , Dom a záhrada: dom a záhrada (9771335914355)

Zahrej jako velmistři I - Richard Biolek ml.


Obsahuje 200 kombinací od 25 šachistů od Greca po Gellera, vždy 8 příkladů od každého. Všechny příklady jsou s diagramy, na konci řešení. (

Podobné produkty ako Zahrej jako velmistři I - Richard Biolek ml. , Prim prestige a w01p.13177.a (382751)

The New Breed - Darling Kate


A bold, optimistic exploration of the relationship between robots and humans based on our history with animals, from a renowned MIT researcherThe robots are here. They make our cars, they deliver fast food, they mine the sea floor. And in the near-future their presence will increasingly enter our homes and workplaces - making human-robot interaction a frequent, everyday occurrence. What will this future look like? What will define the relationship between humans and robots?Here Kate Darling, a world-renowned expert in robot ethics, shows that in order to understand the new robot world, we must first move beyond the idea that this technology will be something like us. Instead, she argues, we should look to our relationship with animals. Just as we have harnessed the power of animals to aid us in war and work, so too will robots supplement - rather than replace - our own skills and abilities.A deeply original analysis of our technological future and the ethical dilemmas that await us, The New Breed explains how the treatment of machines can reveal a new understanding of our own history, our own systems and how we relate - not just to non-humans, but also to each other. (

Podobné produkty ako The New Breed - Darling Kate

The Philosophy of the Commentators, 200-600 AD


This is the first work to draw on the four hundred years of transition from ancient Greek philosophy to the medieval philosophy of Islam and the West. During this period, philosophy was often written in the form of commentaries on the works of Plato and Aristotle. Many ideas wrongly credited to the Middle Ages derive from these centuries, such as that of impetus in dynamics and intentional objects in philosophy of mind. The later Neoplatonist commentators fought a losing battle with Christianity, but inadvertently made Aristotle acceptable to Christians by ascribing to him belief in a Creator God and human immortality. The commentators provide a panorama of up to a thousand years of Greek philosophy, much of which would otherwise be lost. They also serve as the missing link essential for understanding the subsequent history of Western philosophy. Volume 1 of this indispensable sourcebook deals with psychology, which for the Neoplatonist commentators was the gatewa.. (

Podobné produkty ako The Philosophy of the Commentators, 200-600 AD

Doktorka Micka - Zachráňte Bertíka! - Jane Clarkeová - e-kniha

Doktorka Micka - Zachráňte Bertíka! - Jane Clarkeová - e-kniha

eBook:,Zoznámte sa s novými hrdinami – doktorkou Mickou a sestričkou Piškótkou! V Bodliakove majú nové kúpalisko a zvieratká sa už nevedia dočkať, kedy si zaplávajú. Doktorka Micka a sestrička Piškótka však musia ešte vydržať, lebo ich pomoc potrebuje zranené šteniatko. Aj Bertík je z toho celý nešťastný, no pani doktorka ho hneď ošetrí, a tak si bude môcť máčať labky vo vode, ani sa nenazdá. (

Podobné produkty ako Doktorka Micka - Zachráňte Bertíka! - Jane Clarkeová - e-kniha

5. DIMENZE (2. díl) - Mysl ovládající hmotu (DVD) (papírový obal)


DVD dokumentární film 5. DIMENZE (2. díl) - Mysl ovládající hmotu. Český dabing. Dolby Digital. Dokáže vědomí člověka ovlivňovat hmotu? Mnoho lidí v průběhu dějin tvrdilo, že tyto úžasné schopnosti mají. Od Uriho Gellera k Davidu Copperfieldovi – ale nejsou to jen kouzelnické triky? V šedesátých letech v Rusku jedna žena popřela vědeckou logiku tak, že hýbala předměty pouze silou své mysli. Ve Francii ovládají roboty spící pokusné osoby. Dosud nikdo nebyl schopen dokázat existenci těchto podivných sil. Vědci v laboratořích Princetonské University, pracující na projektu Globálního vědomí možná získají klíč ke skrytým silám mysli na celosvětové úrovni. (

Podobné produkty ako 5. DIMENZE (2. díl) - Mysl ovládající hmotu (DVD) (papírový obal)

Armenian Diaspora in Dynamics - Sona Nersisyan, Ruben Karapetyan, Marta Mezhlumyan


This publication is devoted to the analysis of historical experience and modern trends in the development of Armenians in some countries, to determine the prospects for methodological developments in their study. It consists of three parts. The first part concerns to the methodological problems of studying the Diaspora and includes articles that examine the principles of resource analysis of Diasporas, as well analysis of integration and relationships with the homeland and social involvement. The second part presents studies of the modern Armenian communities of Kuwait, Belarus, Czech Republic, Lebanon, and Cyprus, which refer to specific research issues. The third part is a historical excursus of the past of the Armenian communities of Medieval Europe, Constantinople of the 10th century, and an analysis on the cultural heritage of the Armenians of Turkey and Iran created over a thousand years. (

Podobné produkty ako Armenian Diaspora in Dynamics - Sona Nersisyan, Ruben Karapetyan, Marta Mezhlumyan

The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith


For philosophically minded Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, getting through life with a clear conscience requires careful thought. And with the arrival of baby Charlie, not to mention a passionate relationship with his father Jamie, fourteen years her junior, Isabel enters deeper and rougher waters.Late motherhood is not the only challenge facing Isabel. Even as she negotiates a truce with her furious niece Cat, and struggles for authority over her son with her formidable housekeeper Grace, Isabel finds herself drawn into the story of a painter's mysterious death off the island of Jura. Perhaps most seriously of all, Isabel's professional existence and that of her beloved Review come under attack from the machiavellian and suspiciously handsome Professor Dove.A master storyteller whether debating ethics in Edinburgh or pursuing lady detectives in Africa, here Alexander McCall Smith is as witty and wise as his irresistibly spirited heroine. (

Podobné produkty ako The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith

Poetics - Aristotelés


'What is poetry, how many kinds of it are there, and what are their specific effects?'Aristotle's Poetics is the most influential book on poetry ever written. A founding text of European aesthetics and literary criticism, from it stems much of our modern understanding of the creation and impact of imaginative writing, including poetry, drama, and fiction. For Aristotle, the art of representation conveys universal truths which we can appreciate more easily than the lessons of history or philosophy.In his short treatise Aristotle discusses the origins of poetry andits early development, the nature of tragedy and plot, and offers practical advice to playwrights. This new translation by Anthony Kenny is accompanied by associated material from Plato and a range of responses from more modern literary practitioners: Sir Philip Sidney, P. B.Shelley, and Dorothy L. Sayers. The book includes a wide-ranging introduction and notes, making this the most accessible and attractive modern edition.ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more. (

Podobné produkty ako Poetics - Aristotelés

Poetics (Defekt) - Aristotelés


'What is poetry, how many kinds of it are there, and what are their specific effects?'Aristotle's Poetics is the most influential book on poetry ever written. A founding text of European aesthetics and literary criticism, from it stems much of our modern understanding of the creation and impact of imaginative writing, including poetry, drama, and fiction. For Aristotle, the art of representation conveys universal truths which we can appreciate more easily than the lessons of history or philosophy.In his short treatise Aristotle discusses the origins of poetry andits early development, the nature of tragedy and plot, and offers practical advice to playwrights. This new translation by Anthony Kenny is accompanied by associated material from Plato and a range of responses from more modern literary practitioners: Sir Philip Sidney, P. B.Shelley, and Dorothy L. Sayers. The book includes a wide-ranging introduction and notes, making this the most accessible and attractive modern edition.ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more. (

Podobné produkty ako Poetics (Defekt) - Aristotelés

Argentine Nights - Marek Orko Vácha

Argentine Nights - Marek Orko Vácha

To walk through life not just collecting photographs and souvenirs but insight and revelation. Ethics lecturer, naturalist and explorer describes the journey to God and spiritual dimensions of life through travel, nature, prayer, meeting with others and rituals both Christian and Non-Christian. (

Podobné produkty ako Argentine Nights - Marek Orko Vácha

Argentine Nights - Vácha Marek

Argentine Nights - Vácha Marek

To walk through life not just collecting photographs and souvenirs but insight and revelation. Ethics lecturer, naturalist and explorer describes the journey to God and spiritual dimensions of life through travel, nature, prayer, meeting with others and rituals both Christian and Non-Christian. (

Podobné produkty ako Argentine Nights - Vácha Marek

How to Think Like an Economist - Robbie Mochrie


An entertaining collection of biographical portraits of history's most influential and inspiring economists from Aristotle to Keynes, and Karl Marx to Friedrich Hayek and what they can teach us about the world today. We all live in the economy, whether we know it or not. The current cost-of-living crisis is an economic problem. Brexit might be a political project, but it has already changed how much money we have to spend and which products we can buy.Climate change may seem to be an ecological, or a social, or a technological problem, but it is also an economic problem, because its solution will transform the structure of the global economy. This book provides a readable and entertaining guide to the great thinkers who help us understand how economics works. It looks at how Aristotle invented the household budget, why Adam Smith wanted to abolish rent, and how modern Nobel prize winners shape the world around us.From the Greeks and Romans to the thinkers behind Enron and the financial crash of 2008, this is the ultimate guide to the greatest economists of the human age, and what their extraordinary thinking can teach us about how to see the world. Mochrie explores how the largely Western, White and male dominated field of economics is beginning to diversify, and shows how the great ideas of complex economics can be applied to our day-to-day existence. (

Podobné produkty ako How to Think Like an Economist - Robbie Mochrie

A Natural History of Negation - Horn Laurence R.


This book offers a unique synthesis of past and current work on the structure, meaning, and use of negation and negative expressions, a topic that has engaged thinkers from Aristotle and the Buddha to Freud and Chomsky. Horn's masterful study melds a review of scholarship in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics with original research, providing a full picture of negation in natural language and thought; this new edition adds a comprehensive preface and bibliography, surveying research since the book's original publication. (

Podobné produkty ako A Natural History of Negation - Horn Laurence R.

Argentine Nights (9783033067493)

Argentine Nights (9783033067493)

Kniha - autor Marek Vácha, 192 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá To walk through life not just collecting photographs and souvenirs but insight and revelation. Ethics lecturer, naturalist and explorer describes the journey to God and spiritual dimensions of life through travel, nature, prayer, meeting with others and rituals both Christian and Non-Christian. (

Podobné produkty ako Argentine Nights (9783033067493)

The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco


The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night." (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco

The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night." (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco

Moral Absolutes : Tradition, Revision and Truth - Finnis John


Moral Absolutes sets forth a vigorous but careful critique of much recent work in moral theology. It is illustrated with examples from the most controversial aspects of Christian moral doctrine, and a frank account is given of the roots of the upheaval in Roman Catholic moral theology in and after the 1960s. Essential reading for students of theology, ethics, and philosophy. McGivney Lectures. (

Podobné produkty ako Moral Absolutes : Tradition, Revision and Truth - Finnis John

Common Mistakes at KET - Liz Driscoll

Common Mistakes at KET - Liz Driscoll

This invaluable little book highlights the real mistakes that students make in the exam - and shows how to avoid them. Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts, each unit targets a key problem area. Clear explanations and exercises help students to use the language accurately. Regular tests offer students a further opportunity to check and consolidate what they have learnt. * Highlights common mistakes that learners really make. * Based on analysis of thousands of exam scripts. * Short, snappy explanations focus on key problem areas. * Includes exam-style exercises. (

Podobné produkty ako Common Mistakes at KET - Liz Driscoll

The Young Alexander (Defekt) - Alex Rowson


'Popular history at its very best, thought-provoking and accessible. Underpinned by serious research, and written with panache, it summons up a vanished world' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH This is an astonishing new account of Alexander the Great - one of the most important figures of the ancient world, whose earlier years have until now been a mystery. Alexander the Great's story often reads like fiction: son to a snake-loving mother and a battle-scarred father; tutored by Aristotle; a youth from the periphery of the Greek world who took part in his first campaign aged sixteen, becoming king of Macedon at twenty and king of Asia by twenty-five; leading his armies into battle like a Homeric figure.Each generation has peered through the frosted glass of history and come to their own conclusion about Alexander, be it enlightened ruler, military genius, megalomaniac, drunkard or despot. Yet the first two decades of his life have until now been a mystery - a matter of legend and myth. This extraordinary history draws on new discoveries in archaeology to tell the early story of Alexander and his rise - including detail on the tempestuous relationship between Alexander's parents, Philip and the Molossian princess Olympias, his education by Aristotle and the strict military training which would serve him so well in later years.And more than ever, it emerges, the story of Alexander's reign confronts us with difficult questions that are still relevant today - of the relationship between East and West, the legacy of colonialism and the impacts of authoritarian rule. Drawing together startling modern archaeological discoveries, this book brings Alexander's ancient world back into focus. With each fragment of this shattered past, excavated by shovel, pick and trowel, a new history is being written.The forgotten story of young Alexander is being unearthed. (

Podobné produkty ako The Young Alexander (Defekt) - Alex Rowson

Economics Book


All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to economics. This title brings economics to life with "The Economics Book", an essential guide to more that 100 of the big ideas in economic theory and practice covering everything from ancient theories right up to cutting-edge modern developments. From Aristotle to John Maynard Keynes and beyond, all the greatest economists and their theories are featured and the innovative graphics, step-by-step summaries and mind maps help clarify hard-to-grasp concepts. "The Economics Book" is perfect for economic students and anyone who has an interest in how economies work. (

Podobné produkty ako Economics Book

Keep It Together: Philosophy for everyday emergencies - Robert Marie

Keep It Together: Philosophy for everyday emergencies - Robert Marie

Twelve great thinkers guide you calmly through life's difficult times, and help you to keep it together, even when everything seems to be falling apart. Whether you are dealing with an unexpected breakup, a nightmare social occasion, or the spurious urge to go on a radical juice detox, as philosophy professor Marie Robert shows, sometimes the best solutions to today's problems are timeless. Discover Epicurus's answer to how to disconnect from digital media, let Aristotle cure your hangover, get into shape with Nietzsche, and find answers to all of life's most pressing dilemmas in this little book of philosophy for the real world. (

Podobné produkty ako Keep It Together: Philosophy for everyday emergencies - Robert Marie
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