Apropos of nothing (defekt) - woody allen

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Apropos of Nothing (Defekt) - Woody Allen

Apropos of Nothing (Defekt) - Woody Allen

The Long-Awaited, Enormously Entertaining Memoir by One of the Great Artists of Our Time--Now a New York Times, USA Today,Los Angeles Times, and Publisher's Weekly Bestseller. In this candid and often hilarious memoir, the celebrated director, comedian, writer, and actor offers a comprehensive, personal look at his tumultuous life. Beginning with his Brooklyn childhood and his stint as a writer for the Sid Caesar variety show in the early days of television, working alongside comedy greats, Allen tells of his difficult early days doing standup before he achieved recognition and success. With his unique storytelling pizzazz, he recounts his departure into moviemaking, with such slapstick comedies as Take the Money and Run, and revisits his entire, sixty-year-long, and enormously productive career as a writer and director, from his classics Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Annie and Her Sisters to his most recent films, including Midnight in Paris. Along the way, he discusses his marriages, his romances and famous friendships, his jazz playing, and his books and plays. We learn about his demons, his mistakes, his successes, and those he loved, worked with, and learned from in equal measure.This is a hugely entertaining, deeply honest, rich and brilliant self-portrait of a celebrated artist who is ranked among the greatest filmmakers of our time. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Apropos of Nothing (Defekt) - Woody Allen , Woody allen: kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9)

Apropos of Nothing - Woody Allen

Apropos of Nothing - Woody Allen

The Long-Awaited, Enormously Entertaining Memoir by One of the Great Artists of Our Time--Now a New York Times, USA Today,Los Angeles Times, and Publisher's Weekly Bestseller. In this candid and often hilarious memoir, the celebrated director, comedian, writer, and actor offers a comprehensive, personal look at his tumultuous life. Beginning with his Brooklyn childhood and his stint as a writer for the Sid Caesar variety show in the early days of television, working alongside comedy greats, Allen tells of his difficult early days doing standup before he achieved recognition and success. With his unique storytelling pizzazz, he recounts his departure into moviemaking, with such slapstick comedies as Take the Money and Run, and revisits his entire, sixty-year-long, and enormously productive career as a writer and director, from his classics Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Annie and Her Sisters to his most recent films, including Midnight in Paris. Along the way, he discusses his marriages, his romances and famous friendships, his jazz playing, and his books and plays. We learn about his demons, his mistakes, his successes, and those he loved, worked with, and learned from in equal measure.This is a hugely entertaining, deeply honest, rich and brilliant self-portrait of a celebrated artist who is ranked among the greatest filmmakers of our time. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Apropos of Nothing - Woody Allen , Rusell allen, olzon anette: army of dreamers - cd (8024391125021)

Mimochodem - Woody Allen


Slavný režisér ve svých pamětech nic neskrývá a jeho pohled na vlastní bouřlivé životní osudy nepostrádá humor. Popisuje dětství v Brooklynu, jak získával autorské ostruhy, vypráví, jak se těžce protloukal jako komik na standupových pódiích. Svým šťavnatým vypravěčským stylem vykládá, jak došlo k tomu, že posléze přeběhl k filmu; provede nás celou svou dlouhou režisérskou kariérou, od komediálního debutu Seber prachy a vypadni přes klasické filmy jako Annie Hallová či Manhattan až po poslední snímky. Průběžně se přitom vyjadřuje ke svým manželstvím, láskám a velkým přátelstvím, hovoří o jazzu, knihách a divadelních hrách, kterých má za půl století na kontě pěknou řádku. Odhalí před čtenáři své démony a omyly, ale i to, nač je nejvíc hrdý, seznámí nás s lidmi, které miloval, s nimiž pracoval a od nichž se přitom mnohému naučil. Woody Allen, vlastním jménem Allen Stewart Konigsberg (*1. prosince 1935 v Bronxu), je světově proslulý režisér, scenárista, spisovatel, herec a komik. Patří k hrstce amerických filmařů, kteří se dokázali prosadit coby tvůrci ryze autorských snímků. Vděčil za to široké škále svých talentů. Ačkoli nedokončil ani první semestr na Newyorské univerzitě, bezesporu se řadí k významným intelektuálům své doby, se zvláštní citlivostí pro neuralgické body moderní společnosti. Jeho osobní život byl a je plný výstřelků a eskapád, ale i díky tomu se mohl stát inspirací pro Allenovou nadobyčej bohatou tvůrčí kariéru. S obojím se vyrovnává v rozsáhlé vzpomínkové knize, která vyvolala pořádný rozruch ještě před vydáním. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Mimochodem - Woody Allen , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)

Woody Allen - Bailey Jason

Woody Allen - Bailey Jason

Kniha přináší profily všech dosavadních Allenových snímků - od debutu What´s Up, Tiger Lily?, přes klasické grotesky Seber prachy a zmiz a Spáč, Oscarem oceněné snímky typu Annie Hall a Hanna a její sestry až po současné skvosty jako Půlnoc v Paříži a Jasmíniny slzy. Zabývá se tématy, zápletkami, vlivy a dopady každého z nich a zároveň nabízí unikátní postřehy a detaily ze zákulisí. Průvodní eseje jdou nad rámec shrnutí jednotlivých filmů. Zkoumají Allenovy pracovní metody, vývoj jeho osobitého stylu, osobní i profesní vlivy a styčné body v jeho filmografii. Další pohled pak nabízejí příspěvky čtyř autorů o roli hudby, judaismu a filozofie v Allenových filmech a v konkrétních fázích jeho filmografie. Kniha plná citací, fotografií a výrobních detailů je velkou a láskyplnou poctou kultovnímu filmaři. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Woody Allen - Bailey Jason , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)

Mimochodem - Woody Allen - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Woody Allen „Nechci dosáhnout nesmrtelnosti svým dílem, ale tím, že nezemřu.“ ... „Je pěkné, když si někdo najde ženu na celý život. Ještě hezčí je, když kromě toho pozná i pár dalších.“ Ve vzpomínkách Woody Allena nejen o ženách. Dlouho očekávané vzpomínky jednoho z nejznámějších amerických režisérů jsou konečně tu! Dobrodružný tatínek a přísná maminka, dospívání v New Yorku a neutuchající snaha dělat jen to, co ho baví. První snahy, kdy píše vtipy pro známější komiky, aby se postupně stal svébytným stand-up komikem, scenáristou, dramatikem a režisérem autorských filmů. Tomáš Černý vás provede zákulisím legendárních snímků jako Annie Hallová, Zelig, Manhattan, Hana a její sestry. S ironií sobě vlastní se autor nevyhýbá ani osobnímu životu, láskám, zklamáním i nejkontroverznější části života, tři desetiletí probíhajícímu sporu s bývalou partnerkou Miou Farrow. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Mimochodem - Woody Allen - audiokniha , Nothing ear (stick) (a10600014)

Obhajoba šílencova - Woody Allen


„Opět jsem se pokusil spáchat sebevraždu. Tentokrát jsem si navlhčil nos a strčil jej do zástrčky. Naneštěstí nastal zkrat a pouze jsem vykopl ledničku. Stále posedlý myšlenkou na smrt, ustavičně přemítám. Jestlipak je posmrtný život? Pokud ano, rozmění mi tam dvacku?“ V Obhajobě šílencově, téměř souborném vydání povídkového díla Woodyho Allena (obsahuje sbírky Vyřídit si účty, Bez peří a Vedlejší účinky) narazíte nejen na šílenou filozofii, ale též filozofické šílení. Je to totéž? A jak to poznat? Jak se vyrovnat s géniem, který pod vámi neustále podtrhává sesli? Obhajoba šílencova potěší každého fanouška Woodyho Allena. A koho nepotěší, tak je prostě šílenec. V programu „The Comedian´s Comedian“ vysílaném v roce 2005 britskou televizí byl Woody Allen zařazen do první padesátky nejlepších komiků a bavičů všech dob, skončil na třetím místě a i to svědčí o jeho velké oblíbenosti u diváků. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Obhajoba šílencova - Woody Allen , Meshuggah: nothing - cd (5054197281822)

Stav beztíže - Woody Allen


Stav beztíže je pátá sbírka humoristických próz z pera Woodyho Allena; podobně jako čtyři předchozí knihy Vyřídit si účty, Bez peří, Vedlejší účinky a Čirá anarchie nabízí i Stav beztíže to, na co jsme od Woodyho Allena zvyklí z jeho nezapomenutelných filmů: osobitý, inteligentní a absurdní humor, kombinovaný s jistou plachostí a notnou dávkou nervózní sebereflexe. Kniha se přitom vyznačuje pozoruhodnou tematickou šíří; ať už však autor píše o koních, kteří malují, o autech, která myslí, o sexuálním životě celebrit, nebo o čínské kuchyni, vždy zůstává nezaměnitelným originálem. Osobitý, inteligentní a absurdní humor! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Stav beztíže - Woody Allen , Allen lily: no shame (2018) - cd (9029567366)

Woody Allen: Film By Film


The quintessential guide to Woody Allen's lifetime of work, Woody Allen: Film by Film examines each of Allen's movies, from when he vented his first neuroses in 1965 with What's New Pussycat, by way of Oscar winner Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, all the way to his latest works of Wonder Wheel and Cafe Society. Woody Allen has enjoyed a career unlike any other writer or director in Hollywood. The impact of his comedy and his psychoanalysis of the modern world have been hugely influential and had a profound effect on popular culture ever since. Filled with key images of his films, as well as lots of behind-the-scenes content.As Woody said about himself: 'The two biggest myths about me are that I'm an intellectual, because I wear these glasses, and that I'm an artist because my films lose money.' As self-critical as ever - and with a hotly tipped Oscar material new film scheduled for the end of 2017 - Woody Allen remains a force to be reckoned with. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Woody Allen: Film By Film , Allen jimmie: bettie james (gold edition) - cd (4050538698978)

Mimochodem - Allen Woody

Mimochodem - Allen Woody

Slavný režisér ve svých pamětech nic neskrývá a jeho pohled na vlastní bouřlivé životní osudy nepostrádá humor. Popisuje dětství v Brooklynu, jak získával autorské ostruhy, vypráví, jak se těžce protloukal jako komik na standupových pódiích. Svým šťavnatým vypravěčským stylem vykládá, jak došlo k tomu, že posléze přeběhl k filmu; provede nás celou svou dlouhou režisérskou kariérou, od komediálního debutu Seber prachy a vypadni přes klasické filmy jako Annie Hallová či Manhattan až po poslední snímky. Průběžně se přitom vyjadřuje ke svým manželstvím, láskám a velkým přátelstvím, hovoří o jazzu, knihách a divadelních hrách, kterých má za půl století na kontě pěknou řádku. Odhalí před čtenáři své démony a omyly, ale i to, nač je nejvíc hrdý, seznámí nás s lidmi, které miloval, s nimiž pracoval a od nichž se přitom mnohému naučil. Woody Allen, vlastním jménem Allen Stewart Konigsberg (*1. prosince 1935 v Bronxu), je světově proslulý režisér, scenárista, spisovatel, herec a komik. Patří k hrstce amerických filmařů, kteří se dokázali prosadit coby tvůrci ryze autorských snímků. Vděčil za to široké škále svých talentů. Ačkoli nedokončil ani první semestr na Newyorské univerzitě, bezesporu se řadí k významným intelektuálům své doby, se zvláštní citlivostí pro neuralgické body moderní společnosti. Jeho osobní život byl a je plný výstřelků a eskapád, ale i díky tomu se mohl stát inspirací pro Allenovou nadobyčej bohatou tvůrčí kariéru. S obojím se vyrovnává v rozsáhlé vzpomínkové knize, která vyvolala pořádný rozruch ještě před vydáním. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Mimochodem - Allen Woody , Korn: the nothing - cd (1686174092)

Woody Allen Film za filmem - Solomons Jason

Woody Allen Film za filmem - Solomons Jason

Film za filmem obsahuje úvodní rozhovor s Woodym Allenem. Všichni jsme už asi slyšeli jméno Woody Allen. Jenže co se nám ve spojení s ním vybaví? Komedie? Milostný skandál? New York? Neurotická postava s typickými brýlemi? Jason Solomons se z pozice vlivného znalce a kritika filmové tvorby pokouší propojit všechny představy, které o Woodym Allenovi máme, a porovnat je s mnohdy odlišnou realitou. Ale kde vlastně ve světě tohoto režiséra a scénáristy končí skutečnost a začíná fikce? Autor nás krok za krokem provádí takřka nekonečnou řadou Allenových filmů. Každý z nich hodnotí, v každém z nich se nenásilně snaží najít důvody, pro které se máme na snímek podívat, ale nijak nepopírá nedostatky – naopak nás nabádá k tomu, abychom si udělali vlastní úsudek. Psychoanalýza, výchova v židovské rodině, komplikované vztahy, životní styl ve velkoměstě, obava ze smrti – nejenom tato témata jsou pro Allena typická a nejeden fanoušek si jeho tvorbu právě kvůli nim oblíbil. Solomons nám jako odborník odkrývá důvody, proč nikdy nebude možné Woodyho Allena vymazat z historie kinematografie, ale ani z populární kultury obecně. Svým čtivým a poutavým textem i rozhovorem, který pořídil s Woodym v Cannes, čtenáře téměř nutí se ponořit hlouběji do komplikované mysli umělce, jenž o sobě a svých blízkých ve filmech možná prozrazuje víc, než kolik by si sám přál… (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Woody Allen Film za filmem - Solomons Jason , Woody ukulele

Woody Allen - Mimochodem (2 MP3-CD) - audiokniha

Woody Allen - Mimochodem (2 MP3-CD) - audiokniha

Audioknihu Mimochodem napsal autor: Woody Allen, čte: Tomáš Černý. Celková stopáž: 14 hodin, 30 minut. (dvd-premiery.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Woody Allen - Mimochodem (2 MP3-CD) - audiokniha , Nothing: the great dismal - lp (rr44351)

Obhajoba šílencova - Allen Woody

Obhajoba šílencova - Allen Woody

„Opět jsem se pokusil spáchat sebevraždu. Tentokrát jsem si navlhčil nos a strčil jej do zástrčky. Naneštěstí nastal zkrat a pouze jsem vykopl ledničku. Stále posedlý myšlenkou na smrt, ustavičně přemítám. Jestlipak je posmrtný život? Pokud ano, rozmění mi tam dvacku?“ V Obhajobě šílencově, téměř souborném vydání povídkového díla Woodyho Allena (obsahuje sbírky Vyřídit si účty, Bez peří a Vedlejší účinky) narazíte nejen na šílenou filozofii, ale též filozofické šílení. Je to totéž? A jak to poznat? Jak se vyrovnat s géniem, který pod vámi neustále podtrhává sesli? Obhajoba šílencova potěší každého fanouška Woodyho Allena. A koho nepotěší, tak je prostě šílenec. V programu „The Comedian´s Comedian“ vysílaném v roce 2005 britskou televizí byl Woody Allen zařazen do první padesátky nejlepších komiků a bavičů všech dob, skončil na třetím místě a i to svědčí o jeho velké oblíbenosti u diváků. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Obhajoba šílencova - Allen Woody , Blackbear: everything means nothing - lp (0744461)

Woody Allen: Kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9)

Woody Allen: Kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9)

Kniha - Kniha přináší profily všech dosavadních Allenových snímků - od debutu What´s Up, Tiger Lily?, přes klasické grotesky Seber prachy a zmiz a Spáč, Oscarem oceněné snímky typu Annie Hall a Hanna a její sestry až po současné skvosty jako Půlnoc v Paříži a Jasmíniny slzy. Zabývá se tématy, zápletkami, vlivy a dopady každého z nich a zároveň nabízí unikátní postřehy a detaily ze zákulisí. Průvodní eseje jdou nad rámec shrnutí jednotlivých filmů. Zkoumají Allenovy pracovní metody, vývoj jeho osobitého stylu, osobní i profesní vlivy a styčné body v jeho filmografii. Další pohled pak nabízejí příspěvky čtyř autorů o roli hudby, judaismu a filozofie v Allenových filmech a v konkrétních fázích jeho filmografie. Kniha plná citací, fotografií a výrobních detailů je velkou a láskyplnou poctou kultovnímu filmaři. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Woody Allen: Kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9) , Nothing,nowhere: trauma factory - cd (7567864593)

Nothing More to Tell (Defekt) - Karen McManus


From the internationally bestselling author of Netflix's hottest new show, One of Us is Lying, comes a new, page-turning thriller . . . True crime can leave a false trail. Four years ago, Brynn left Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favourite teacher. The case was never solved, but she's sure that the three kids who found Mr. Larkin's body know more than they're telling, especially her ex-best friend Tripp Talbot. He's definitely hiding something. When Brynn gets an internship working on a popular true-crime show, she decides to investigate what really happened that day in the woods. But the further she dives into the past, the more secrets she finds. Four years ago someone got away with murder. Now it's time to uncover the truth . . . (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Nothing More to Tell (Defekt) - Karen McManus , Nothing,nowhere: trauma factory - lp (7567864594)

Queen of Nothing (1471407594)

Queen of Nothing (1471407594)

Kniha - 306 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling The Cruel Prince, nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019, and New York Times bestseller The Wicked King, winner of the Best YA Fantasy category in the Goodreads Choice Awards After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie. When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Queen of Nothing (1471407594) , Nothing phone (1) 12+256gb bílá (a10400010)

Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat WR Wine Red Elektrická baskytara

Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat WR Wine Red Elektrická baskytara

Elektrická baskytara vyrobená na obraz hudebníka jménem Allen Woody známý z formace Allman brothers, 4-strunná ve tvaru Les Paul ze série RumbleKAT, tělo vyrobeno z mahagonu s javorovou vrchní deskou, mahagonový krk s palisandrovým hmatníkem a 20 pražci, pevná kobylka se samostatnými sedly, zlatý hardware, snímače 2x NYT Bass Mini humbucker, ovládání 2x Volume a 1x Tone, provedení Wine Red. Barva podle výrobce: Wine Red Ovládání: Tónová clona;Hlasitost Střední snímač: NYT mini humbucker Snímač u krku: NYT mini humbucker Menzura (mm): 762.0 Typ: Les Paul;Singlecut Počet strun: 4 Ladící mechanika: Epiphone Premium Covered Počet pražců: 20 Barva: Červená Konfigurace snímačů: Mini H - Mini H Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Ne Snímače: Pasivní Konstrukce: Set Neck Tloušťka: 050" / 105" Interpret / Téma: Allen Woody Krk: Mahogany Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 42.672 Přední deska: 5-Ply Maple Tělo: Chambered Mahogany Velikost pražců: Medium Jumbo Hmatník: Palisandr Povrchová úprava: Polished Rádius hmatníku: 12" Země původu: Čína Profil krku: Slim Taper C Hardware: Pozlacené Kobylka/tremolo: 3-Point Adjustable Vykládání hmatníku: Dot Výztuha krku: Dual Action Povrchová úprava krku: Gloss Ovládací knoflíky: Amber Top Hats Struny: Poniklovaná ocel Úchyt na pás: Standard Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat WR Wine Red Elektrická baskytara , Nothing phone (1) 12+256gb černá (a10400008)

The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling The Cruel Prince, nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019, and New York Times bestseller The Wicked King, winner of the Best YA Fantasy category in the Goodreads Choice AwardsAfter being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie.When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black , Nothing phone (1) 8+256gb černá (a10400007)

Theory of a Deadman: Say Nothing - CD (1686173942)

Theory of a Deadman: Say Nothing - CD (1686173942)

Hudební CD - Say Nothing je sedmé studiové album kanadské rockové skupiny Theory of a Deadman. Mezi tématy písní jsou násilí a rasismus. Say Nothing je sedmé studiové album kanadské rockové skupiny Theory of a Deadman. Mezi tématy písní jsou násilí a rasismus. Kapela, která se zformovala v roce 2001, tvoří hudbu ovlivněnou nejrůznějšími styly. V písních kvarteta lze vystopovat vlivy grunge, ale i country. Seznam stop CD1 Black Hole In Your Heart / History of Violence / Affluenza / Say Nothing / Strangers / Ted Bundy / World Keeps Spinning / Quicksand / White Boy / It's All Good (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Theory of a Deadman: Say Nothing - CD (1686173942) , Epico ochranné sklo pro nothing phone (70112151000001)

Rusell Allen, Olzon Anette: Army Of Dreamers - CD (8024391125021)

Rusell Allen, Olzon Anette: Army Of Dreamers - CD (8024391125021)

Hudební CD - Army Of Dreamers je druhé společné album amerického zpěváka Russella Allena ( Symphony X , Adrenaline Mob , Allen-Lande ) a švédské zpěvačky Anette Olzon (ex- Nightwish ) z roku 2022. Army Of Dreamers je druhé společné album amerického zpěváka Russella Allena ( Symphony X , Adrenaline Mob , Allen-Lande ) a švédské zpěvačky Anette Olzon (ex- Nightwish ) z roku 2022. Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD Army Of Dreamers / So Quiet Here / Out Of Nowhere / A Million Skies / Carved Into Stone / All Alone / Look At Me / Until It's Over / I Am Gone / Are We Really Strangers / Never Too Late (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rusell Allen, Olzon Anette: Army Of Dreamers - CD (8024391125021) , Korn: the nothing (white vinyl) - lp (1686174091)

Voices of 1968 (Defekt)

Voices of 1968 (Defekt)

The year 1968 witnessed one of the great upheavals of the twentieth century, as social movements shook every continent. Across the Global North, people rebelled against post-war conformity and patriarchy, authoritarian education and factory work, imperialism and the Cold War. They took over workplaces and universities, created their own media, art and humour, and imagined another world. The legacy of 1968 lives on in many of today's struggles, yet it is often misunderstood and caricatured.Voices of 1968 is a vivid collection of original texts from the movements of the long 1968. We hear these struggles in their own words, showing their creativity and diversity. We see feminism, black power, anti-war activism, armed struggle, indigenous movements, ecology, dissidence, counter-culture, trade unionism, radical education, lesbian and gay struggles, and more take the stage.Chapters cover France, Czechoslovakia, Northern Ireland, Britain, the USA, Canada, Italy, West Germany, Denmark, Mexico, Yugoslavia and Japan. Introductory essays frame the rich material - posters, speeches, manifestos, flyers, underground documents, images and more - to help readers explore the era's revolutionary voices and ideas and understand their enduring impact on society, culture and politics today. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Voices of 1968 (Defekt) , Woody rybolov (8591864900268)

Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-free Productivity - David Allen


'The Bible of business and personal productivity' Lifehack 'A completely revised and updated edition of the blockbuster bestseller from 'the personal productivity guru' Fast Company Since it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allen's Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. 'GTD' is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots. Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text with important perspectives on the new workplace, and adding material that will make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of Getting Things Done will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-free Productivity - David Allen , Motoricke hracky woody

Odolné silikonové pouzdro iSaprio - Stripes of Glass - Nothing Phone (1)

Odolné silikonové pouzdro iSaprio - Stripes of Glass - Nothing Phone (1)

Silikonové pouzdro dodá vašemu telefonu originální vzhled. Pouzdro má zesílené rohy pro větší odolnost proti nárazu. Je tenké, lehké a padne dobře do ruky. Je vyrobeno ze silikonu a ochrání váš telefon ze všech stran. Zároveň umožňuje snadný přístup ke všem tlačítkům a portům. (isaprio.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Odolné silikonové pouzdro iSaprio - Stripes of Glass - Nothing Phone (1) , Woody křižovatka (8591864900497)

Atlas of Amazing Architecture : The most incredible buildings you´ve (probably) never heard of - Allen Peter

Atlas of Amazing Architecture : The most incredible buildings you´ve (probably) never heard of - Allen Peter

This atlas of architectural wonders eschews the classic children's book fare of the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal, and instead takes a broader view of what constitutes amazing architecture. Buildings include: the Jameh mosque of Isfahan? in Iran, Native American plank houses in New Mexico, Stave Churches in Norway, The Djinguereber mosque in Mali, and extraordinary 18th century wooden churches on Kizhi Island, Russia.Over 50 buildings span all the continents equally throughout history. Each of these buildings is visually striking and architecturally noteworthy; they introduce new engineering technologies or define a movement or capture the essence of a moment in human history. They epitomise the ambition and vison of an architect or a patron. But although most of them have been recognized by UNESCO or other agencies, they are not part of the main Western architectural canon. This book seeks out a more diverse, inclusive approach to what constitutes amazing architecture, and presents it with fresh illustration and clear, punchy text. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Atlas of Amazing Architecture : The most incredible buildings you´ve (probably) never heard of - Allen Peter , Woody twist kubus

The Son of Neptune - Heroes of Olympus (Defekt) - Rick Riordan

The Son of Neptune - Heroes of Olympus (Defekt) - Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, God of the Sea, has woken from a very deep sleep and come face to face with two snake-haired ladies who refuse to die. But they're the least of his problems. Because Percy finds himself at a camp for half-bloods, which doesn't ring any bells for him. There's just one name he remembers from his past. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Son of Neptune - Heroes of Olympus (Defekt) - Rick Riordan , Woody dětská kytara

Time of Contempt (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski


The adventures of Geralt the Witcher continue in this second novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The kings and armies are manoeuvring for position, each fearing invasion from across the river, each fearing their neighbours more. Intrigue, dissent and rebellion fester on all sides.After decades of oppression, the elves and other races are fighting each other and attacking the humans - and with growing numbers preparing for battle, the threat of all-out war looms ever greater.Against this backdrop of fear, Geralt and Yennefer must protect Ciri, the orphaned heir who is sought by all sides. For the child of prophecy has the power to change the world - if she lives to use it.Translated by David French. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Time of Contempt (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski , Woody pískoviště dřevěné

Edge of Eternity (Defekt) - Ken Follett


As the decisions made in the corridors of power bring the world to the brink of oblivion, five families from across the globe are brought together in an unforgettable tale of passion and conflict during the Cold War. When Rebecca Hoffmann, a teacher in East Germany, finds herself pursued by the secret police, she discovers that she has been living a lie. Her younger brother, Walli, longs to escape across the Berlin Wall to Britain to become part of the burgeoning music scene. In the United States, George Jakes, a bright young lawyer in the Kennedy administration, is a fierce supporter of the Civil Rights movement - as is the woman he is in love with, Verena, who works for Martin Luther King, Jr. Boarding a Greyhound bus in Washington to protest against segregation, they begin a fateful journey together. Russian activist, Tania Dvorkin, narrowly evades capture for producing an illegal news sheet. Her actions are made all the more perilous as her brother, Dimka, is a rising star in the heart of the Communist Party in the Kremlin.From the deep south of America to the vast expanses of Siberia, from the shores of Cuba to the swinging streets of Sixties' London, Ken Follett's Edge of Eternity is a sweeping tale of the fight for individual freedom in a world gripped by the mightiest clash of superpowers anyone has ever known. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Edge of Eternity (Defekt) - Ken Follett , Woody montážní automíchačka

Knife Of Dreams (Defekt) - Robert Jordan


The eleventh novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.As the very fabric of reality wears thin, all portents indicate that Tarmon Gai'don, the Last Battle, is imminent - and Rand al'Thor must ready himself to confront the Dark One. But Rand must first negotiate a truce with the Seanchan armies, as their forces increasingly sap his strength.All is in flux as established powers falter . . . In Caemlyn, Elayne fights to gain the Lion Throne while trying to avert civil war and Egwene finds that even the White Tower is no longer a place of safety.The winds of time have whirled into a storm, and Rand and his companions ride in the vortex. This small company must prevail against the trials of fate and fortune - or the Dark One will triumph and the world will be lost. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Knife Of Dreams (Defekt) - Robert Jordan , Woody házení kroužků

Warriors of God (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski


WARRIORS OF GOD, the second volume of the Hussite Trilogy by Andrzej Sapkowski, author of the bestselling Witcher series, depicts the adventures of Reynevan and his friends in the years 1427-28 as war erupts across Europe. Reynevan begins by hiding away in Bohemia but soon leaves for Silesia, where he carries out dangerous, secret missions entrusted to him by the leaders of the Hussite religion. At the same time he strives to avenge the death of his brother and discover the whereabouts of his beloved.Once again pursued by multiple enemies, Reynevan is constantly getting into and out of trouble. Sapkowski's deftly written novel delivers gripping action full of numerous twists and mysteries, seasoned with elements of magic and Sapkowski's ever-present - and occasionally bawdy - sense of humour. Fans of the Witcher will appreciate the rich panorama of this slice of the Middle Ages. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Warriors of God (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski , Woody kroket zahradní

Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte


After the stunning success of DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte Smith offers another irresistible glimpse inside the wardrobe every women would love to own Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true.But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. From the moment Charlotte uncovered her first treasure, an exquisite 1920s evening dress, she was enchanted. But when she found her godmother's book of stories, the true value of her inheritancehit home. this wasn't a mere collection of beautiful things, it was a preciouscollection of women's lives. tiny glimpses of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. In DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte shared some of her treasures and the stories of the women who wore them for the first time. Now, in DREAMING OF CHANE;, with special appearances by Chanel, VivienneWestwood, Zandra Rhodes, Pucci and many more, Charlotte offers another unforgettable glimpse inside the magic wardrobe every woman would love to own. Charlotte Smith is custodian of a priceless vintage clothing collection, the Darnell Collection, she inherited from her Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States, Charlotte has a degree in art history and has lived and worked in the United States, England and France. She now lives in Australia. After studying fashion design Grant Cowan moved to London to further his career and has worked as an illustrator on magazines like Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour and Red Magazine. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte , Woody houpačka jednoduchá

Edge of Eternity (Defekt) - Ken Follett

Edge of Eternity (Defekt) - Ken Follett

Edge of Eternity is the epic, final novel in Ken Follett's captivating and hugely ambitious Century trilogy. On its own or read in sequence with Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, this is an irresistible and spellbinding epic about the fight for personal freedom set during the Cold War.A FIGHT AGAINST INJUSTICE1961, and in the United States George Jakes, a bright young lawyer in the Kennedy administration and fierce supporter of the civil rights movement, boards a Greyhound bus in Washington with Verena, an employee of Martin Luther King whom he is in love with, to protest against segregation.A RISING TIDE OF DANGERIn East Germany, teacher Rebecca Hoffmann finds her entire life has been a lie as she is targeted by the secret police, even as her younger brother, Walli, dreams of escape across the Berlin Wall to Britain. In Russia, activist Tania Dvorkin narrowly evades capture for producing an illegal news-sheet, her actions all the more perilous because her brother, Dimka, is an emerging star of the Communist Party.A COLD WAR THAT COULD ELIMINATE THE WORLD FOREVERIn a sweeping tale that began in 1911, the descendants of five families will now find their true destiny as they fight for their individual freedom in a world facing the mightiest clash of superpowers it has ever seen. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Edge of Eternity (Defekt) - Ken Follett , Woody šplhací lano

Forges of Mars (Defekt) - Graham McNeill


A great explorator fleet sets out into uncharted space, the Halo Worlds at the galaxy's edge. The armada contains contingents from every aspect of the humanity's Imperium, from the humble guardsmen, to the mighty Space Marines, all lead by the ancient tech-scholars of the Martian priesthood. They seek an ancient and priceless technology from the birth of history, but what they find is more powerful and deadly than any of them could have imagined.CONTENTSPriests of MarsLords of MarsGods of MarsZero Day Exploit (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Forges of Mars (Defekt) - Graham McNeill

Family of Liars (Defekt) - E. Lockhartová


The instant New York Times bestseller and prequel to the TikTok phenomenon We Were Liars. Return to the story of another summer, another generation, and the secrets that will haunt them for decades to come.A windswept private island off the coast of Massachusetts.A hungry ocean, churning with secrets and sorrow.A fiery, addicted heiress. An irresistible, unpredictable boy.A summer of unforgivable betrayal and terrible mistakes.Welcome back to the Sinclair family.They were always liars. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Family of Liars (Defekt) - E. Lockhartová

East of Eden (Defekt) - John Steinbeck


Follows the intertwined destinies of two families - the Trasks and the Hamiltons - whose generations hopelessly re-enact the fall of Adam and Eve and the poisonous rivalry of Cain and Abel. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako East of Eden (Defekt) - John Steinbeck

Pieces of Her (Defekt) - Karin Slaughter


The gripping standalone thriller from Sunday Times No. 1 bestselling author Karin Slaughter, soon to be a Netflix seriesA terrifying act of violence...It takes a split second for your life to change forever. And for Andrea Oliver that split second is a mass shooting in her local mall.A woman whose life is built on a lie...But this shocking act is only the start. Because then, as the bodies fall around them, Andy's mother Laura takes a step forward into the line of fire.A fight for survival...Hours later, Laura is in hospital, her face splashed over the newspapers. But the danger has only just begun. Now Andy must embark on a desperate race against time to uncover the secrets of her mother's past before any more blood is shed... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Pieces of Her (Defekt) - Karin Slaughter

Chronicles of Dissent (Defekt) - Noam Chomsky


An accessible, powerful overview of Noam Chomsky's political thought In sixteen extended talks with Alternative Radio's David Barsamian, Noam Chomsky explains why the 'war on drugs' is really a war on poor people; how attacks on political correctness are attacks on independent thought; how historical revisionism has recast the United States as the victim in the Vietnam War. Widely recognized as one of the most original and important thinkers of our age, Chomsky's trenchant analysis of current events is a breath of fresh air in a world more and more polluted by mainstream media. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Chronicles of Dissent (Defekt) - Noam Chomsky

House of Hunger (Defekt) - Hendersonová Alexis


WANTED: A bloodmaid of exceptional taste. Must have a keen proclivity for life's finer pleasures. Girls of weak will need not apply.A young woman is drawn into the upper echelons of a society where blood is power, in this dark and enthralling Gothic novel from the author of The Year of the Witching.Marion Shaw has been raised in the slums, where want and deprivation are all she knows. Despite longing to leave the city and its miseries, she has no real hope of escape until the day she spots a strange advertisement in the newspaper, seeking a 'bloodmaid'.Though she knows little about the far north - where wealthy nobles live in luxury and drink the blood of those in their service - Marion applies to the position. In a matter of days, she finds herself at the notorious House of Hunger. There, Marion is swept into a world of dark debauchery - and there, at the centre of it all is her.Her name is Countess Lisavet. Loved and feared in equal measure, she presides over this hedonistic court. And she takes a special interest in Marion. Lisavet is magnetic, charismatic, seductive - and Marion is eager to please her new mistress. But when her fellow bloodmaids begin to go missing in the night, Marion is thrust into a vicious game of cat and mouse. She'll need to learn the rules of her new home - and fast - or its halls will soon become her grave. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako House of Hunger (Defekt) - Hendersonová Alexis

Bridge of Clay (Defekt) - Markus Zusak


The breathtaking story of five brothers who bring each other up in a world run by their own rules. As the Dunbar boys love and fight and learn to reckon with the adult world, they discover the moving secret behind their father’s disappearance. At the center of the Dunbar family is Clay, a boy who will build a bridge—for his family, for his past, for greatness, for his sins, for a miracle. The question is, how far is Clay willing to go? And how much can he overcome? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Bridge of Clay (Defekt) - Markus Zusak

Age of Vice (Defekt) - Deepti Kapoor


This is the age of vice, where pleasure and power are everything, and the family ties that bind can also killNew Delhi, 3 a.m. A speeding Mercedes jumps the kerb, and in the blink of an eye five people are dead. It's a rich man's car, but when the dust settles there is no rich man at all, just a shell-shocked servant who cannot explain the strange series of events that led to this crime. Nor can he foresee the dark drama that is about to unfold.Deftly shifting through time and perspective in contemporary India, Age of Vice is an epic, action-packed story propelled by the seductive wealth, startling corruption, and bloodthirsty violence of the Wadia family-loved by some, loathed by others, feared by all.In the shadow of lavish estates, extravagant parties, predatory business deals, and calculated political influence, three lives become dangerously intertwined: Ajay is the watchful servant, born into poverty, who rises through the family's ranks. Sunny is the playboy heir who dreams of outshining his father, whatever the cost. And Neda is the curious journalist caught between morality and desire. Against a sweeping plot fueled by loss, pleasure, greed, yearning, violence, and revenge, will these characters' connections become a path to escape, or a trigger of further destruction?Equal parts crime thriller and family saga, transporting readers from the dusty villages of Uttar Pradesh to the urban energy of New Delhi, Age of Vice is an intoxicating novel of gangsters and lovers, false friendships, forbidden romance, and the consequences of corruption. It is binge-worthy entertainment at its literary best. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Age of Vice (Defekt) - Deepti Kapoor

Beasts of Prey (Defekt) - Gray Ayana


Fate binds two Black teenagers as they strike a dangerous alliance to hunt down the ancient creature terrorising their home. Magic doesn't exist in the broken city of Lkossa anymore, especially for girls like sixteen-year-old Koffi. Indentured to the notorious Night Zoo, she cares for its fearsome and mythical creatures to pay off her family's debts and secure their freedom. But when her loved ones' safety is threatened by the Zoo's cruel master, Koffi unleashes a power she doesn't fully understand . . . As the son of a decorated hero, Ekon is all but destined to become an elite warrior. Until a fire at the Night Zoo upends his certain future and, on the brink of his final rite of passage, Ekon is cast out - his reputation left in tatters. For Koffi and Ekon, the outlook is bleak - unless they can capture the Shetani, the vicious monster that plagues their city, and recover their futures. But defeating the Shetani is something no one has yet achieved, though many have tried. As Koffi and Ekon enter the Greater Jungle, a world steeped in wild magic and untold dangers, the tentative alliance between them is tested to the extreme. The hunt begins - but are they the hunters or the hunted? This is an extraordinary adventure inspired by Pan-African mythology, from exciting debut author Ayana Gray. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Beasts of Prey (Defekt) - Gray Ayana

Six of Crows (Defekt) - Leigh Bardugová


Nominated for the CILIP Carnegie Medal 2017, this fantasy epic from the No. 1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author of the Grisha trilogy is gripping, sweeping and memorable - perfect for fans of George R. R. Martin, Laini Taylor and Kristin Cashore. Criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams - but he can't pull it off alone. A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction - if they don't kill each other first. An epic new exploration of the Grisha universe from the writer of SHADOW AND BONE, SIEGE AND STORM and RUIN AND RISING, totally consuming for both old fans and new. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Six of Crows (Defekt) - Leigh Bardugová

The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich (Defekt)


On 4 June 1942 one of the most powerful figures of the Nazi regime died in agony from wounds sustained during an assassination attempt in Prague. This is the story of the killing of Reinhard Heydrich, a man of extraordinary intelligence, ruthlessness and ambition who had risen from obscurity to become head of the Nazi security police and Governor of Bohemia-Moravia. Regarded by many as Hitler's most likely successor, he was feared and hated even by other high-ranking Nazi officials.Heydrich's death caused shockwaves throughout the Nazi leadership, provoking ferocious reprisals against Czechs and Jews. Those who carried out the assassination were hunted down, and, trapped like rats in the cellar of a Prague church, committed suicide rather than face the certainty of torture and execution at the hands of the SS.Based on original archive material, interviews with surviving members of the Special Operations Executive, who trained the Czech assassins in the UK, and Czech military intelligence, Callum MacDonald's book is a well-researched and gripping account of one of the most audacious assassinations of the Second World War. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich (Defekt)

Shards of Earth (Defekt) - Adrian Tchaikovsky


From the author of the thrilling science-fiction epic Children of Time, winner of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award. Shards of Earth is the first high-octane, far-future space adventure in Adrian Tchaikovsky's Final Architecture trilogy.'One of the most interesting and accomplished writers in speculative fiction' - Christopher PaoliniThe war is over. Its heroes forgotten. Until one chance discovery . . .Idris has neither aged nor slept since they remade his mind in the war. And one of humanity's heroes now scrapes by on a freelance salvage vessel, to avoid the attention of greater powers.Eighty years ago, Earth was destroyed by an alien enemy. Many escaped, but millions more died. So mankind created enhanced humans such as Idris - who could communicate mind-to-mind with our aggressors. Then these 'Architects' simply disappeared and Idris and his kind became obsolete.Now, Idris and his crew have something strange, abandoned in space. It's clearly the work of the Architects - but are they really returning? And if so, why? Hunted by gangsters, cults and governments, Idris and his crew race across the galaxy as they search for answers. For they now possess something of incalculable value, and many would kill to obtain it.Praise for Adrian Tchaikovsky:'Enthralling, epic, immersive and hugely intelligent' - Stephen Baxter on Shards of Earth'He writes incredibly enjoyable sci-fi, full of life and ideas' - Patrick Ness'Brilliant science fiction' - James McAvoy on Children of Time (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Shards of Earth (Defekt) - Adrian Tchaikovsky

Out Of Bounds (Defekt) - Val McDermidová

Out Of Bounds (Defekt) - Val McDermidová

Number one bestseller Val McDermid is back with her most gripping, chilling and suspenseful novel yet. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Out Of Bounds (Defekt) - Val McDermidová

Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski


Geralt of Rivia is on a mission to save his ward, Ciri, and with her the world, in this third novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times.But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries.While war rages across all of the lands, the future of magic is under threat and those sorcerers who survive are determined to protect it. It's an impossible situation in which to find one girl - Ciri, the heiress to the throne of Cintra, has vanished - until a rumour places her in the Niflgaard court, preparing to marry the Emperor.Injured or not, Geralt has a rescue mission on his hands.Translated by David French. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

Spaceman Of Bohemia (Defekt) - Jaroslav Kalfař

Spaceman Of Bohemia (Defekt) - Jaroslav Kalfař

'An incredible experience... I can honestly say I loved every page. Every sentence. Spaceman of Bohemia is unforgettable: a work of breathtaking scope and heart, and a reflection of humanity that's raw and strange and profound and true.' Lisa McInerney, Baileys-Prize-winning author of The Glorious Heresies Set in the near-distant future, Spaceman follows a Czech astronaut as he launches into space to investigate a mysterious dust cloud covering Venus, a suicide mission sponsored by a proud nation. Suddenly a world celebrity, Jakub's marriage starts to fail as the weeks go by, and his sanity comes into question. After his mission is derailed he must make a violent decision that will force him to come to terms with his family's dark political past.An extraordinary vision of the endless human capacity to persist-and risk everything-in the name of love and home, by a startlingly talented young debut novelist. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Spaceman Of Bohemia (Defekt) - Jaroslav Kalfař

Both Of You (Defekt) - Adele Parks


The newest stunning book from the Sunday Times Number One bestselling author of domestic thrillers like Just My Luck In a marriage built on lies, the truth will destroy BOTH OF YOU. Happy. Married. Missing. Leigh Fletcher, devoted wife and stepmum, goes to work one day and never returns home. Same week, different world … Kai Janssen leaves her sexy, wealthy husband and their luxurious penthouse, and vanishes into thin air. Both husbands seem distraught, claiming they have no idea where their wives have gone. DC Clements wants answers. Did these women run away or were they taken? Most importantly, where are they now? When the detective discovers a shocking link between the missing women, it’s clear the truth can devastate. Now Clements must work against a ticking clock, before both wives disappear forever. The Sunday Times Number One bestseller Adele Parks returns with her most provocative book to date: Both Of You. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Both Of You (Defekt) - Adele Parks

Masters of Death (Defekt) - Olivie Blake


From the internationally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, Masters of Death by Olivie Blake is a gripping, page-turning fantasy with vampires, ghosts and death itself. This book is about an estate agent. Only she's a vampire, the house on sale is haunted, and its ghost was murdered. When Viola Marek hires Fox D'Mora to deal with her ghost-infested mansion, she expects a competent medium. But unbeknownst to Viola, Fox is a fraud - despite being the godson of Death. As the mystery unfolds, Viola and Fox are drawn into a quest that neither wants nor expects. And they'll need the help of a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel and a love-stricken reaper. And it transpires that the difference between a mysterious lost love and a dead body isn't nearly as distinct as you'd hope. This edition features beautiful interior illustrations from Little Chmura. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Masters of Death (Defekt) - Olivie Blake

House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová


'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.' The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. They are the confidants and bankers of governments and emperors. Little happens without their say-so and even less without their knowledge. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. While power lies in wealth, strength lies in family. Greta's union with cousin Albert will strengthen the bond between the Austrian and the English branches of the dynasty. It is sensible and strategic. Greta is neither. Defiant and unhappy, she is desperate to find a place that belongs to her, free from duty and responsibility. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course. For the first time in two hundred years, the family will find themselves on opposing sides. The House of Goldbaum, along with Europe herself, is about to break apart. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová

Mosnsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness


A new edition of this award-winning conclusion to the Chaos Walking trilogy, with a bonus short story, Snowscape. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Mosnsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness

Force of Nature (Defekt) - Jane Harperová

Force of Nature (Defekt) - Jane Harperová

The gripping new novel from the author of the Sunday Times top ten bestseller, Waterstones Thriller of the Month, Sunday Times Crime Book of the Month, and Simon Mayo Radio 2 Book Club Choice, The Dry. FIVE WENT OUT. FOUR CAME BACK...Is Alice here? Did she make it? Is she safe? In the chaos, in the night, it was impossible to say which of the four had asked after Alice's welfare. Later, when everything got worse, each would insist it had been them.Five women reluctantly pick up their backpacks and start walking along the muddy track. Only four come out the other side.The hike through the rugged landscape is meant to take the office colleagues out of their air-conditioned comfort zone and teach resilience and team building. At least that is what the corporate retreat website advertises.Federal Police Agent Aaron Falk has a particularly keen interest in the whereabouts of the missing bushwalker. Alice Russell is the whistleblower in his latest case - and Alice knew secrets. About the company she worked for and the people she worked with.Far from the hike encouraging teamwork, the women tell Falk a tale of suspicion, violence and disintegrating trust. And as he delves into the disappearance, it seems some dangers may run far deeper than anyone knew. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

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