Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Woody Allen - Film za filmem (Defekt) - Jason Solomons
Všichni jsme už asi slyšeli jméno Woody Allen. Jenže co se nám ve spojení s ním vybaví? Komedie? Milostný skandál? New York? Neurotická postava s typickými brýlemi? Jason Solomons se z pozice vlivného znalce a kritika filmové tvorby pokouší propojit všechny představy, které o Woodym Allenovi máme, a porovnat je s mnohdy odlišnou realitou. Ale kde vlastně ve světě tohoto režiséra a scénáristy končí skutečnost a začíná fikce? Autor nás krok za krokem provádí takřka nekonečnou řadou Allenových filmů. Každý z nich hodnotí, v každém z nich se nenásilně snaží najít důvody, pro které se máme na snímek podívat, ale nijak nepopírá nedostatky – naopak nás nabádá k tomu, abychom si udělali vlastní úsudek. Psychoanalýza, výchova v židovské rodině, komplikované vztahy, životní styl ve velkoměstě, obava ze smrti – nejenom tato témata jsou pro Allena typická a nejeden fanoušek si jeho tvorbu právě kvůli nim oblíbil. Solomons nám jako odborník odkrývá důvody, proč nikdy nebude možné Woodyho Allena vymazat z historie kinematografie, ale ani z populární kultury obecně. Svým čtivým a poutavým textem i rozhovorem, který pořídil s Woodym v Cannes, čtenáře téměř nutí se ponořit hlouběji do komplikované mysli umělce, jenž o sobě a svých blízkých ve filmech možná prozrazuje víc, než kolik by si sám přál… Kdyby to šlo, natočil bych je všechny znova, všechny svoje snímky. Ale nemůžu si to dovolit, protože když vytvořím film, už se na něj nikdy nedívám, poněvadž člověk vždycky vidí, co udělal špatně a co by se na něm dalo zlepšit.
Podívejte se také Woody Allen: Kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9)
Mimochodem - Woody Allen
Slavný režisér ve svých pamětech nic neskrývá a jeho pohled na vlastní bouřlivé životní osudy nepostrádá humor. Popisuje dětství v Brooklynu, jak získával autorské ostruhy, vypráví, jak se těžce protloukal jako komik na standupových pódiích. Svým šťavnatým vypravěčským stylem vykládá, jak došlo k tomu, že posléze přeběhl k filmu; provede nás celou svou dlouhou režisérskou kariérou, od komediálního debutu Seber prachy a vypadni přes klasické filmy jako Annie Hallová či Manhattan až po poslední snímky. Průběžně se přitom vyjadřuje ke svým manželstvím, láskám a velkým přátelstvím, hovoří o jazzu, knihách a divadelních hrách, kterých má za půl století na kontě pěknou řádku. Odhalí před čtenáři své démony a omyly, ale i to, nač je nejvíc hrdý, seznámí nás s lidmi, které miloval, s nimiž pracoval a od nichž se přitom mnohému naučil. Woody Allen, vlastním jménem Allen Stewart Konigsberg (*1. prosince 1935 v Bronxu), je světově proslulý režisér, scenárista, spisovatel, herec a komik. Patří k hrstce amerických filmařů, kteří se dokázali prosadit coby tvůrci ryze autorských snímků. Vděčil za to široké škále svých talentů. Ačkoli nedokončil ani první semestr na Newyorské univerzitě, bezesporu se řadí k významným intelektuálům své doby, se zvláštní citlivostí pro neuralgické body moderní společnosti. Jeho osobní život byl a je plný výstřelků a eskapád, ale i díky tomu se mohl stát inspirací pro Allenovou nadobyčej bohatou tvůrčí kariéru. S obojím se vyrovnává v rozsáhlé vzpomínkové knize, která vyvolala pořádný rozruch ještě před vydáním.
Podívejte se také Rusell Allen, Olzon Anette: Army Of Dreamers - CD (8024391125021)
Stav beztíže - Woody Allen
Stav beztíže je pátá sbírka humoristických próz z pera Woodyho Allena; podobně jako čtyři předchozí knihy Vyřídit si účty, Bez peří, Vedlejší účinky a Čirá anarchie nabízí i Stav beztíže to, na co jsme od Woodyho Allena zvyklí z jeho nezapomenutelných filmů: osobitý, inteligentní a absurdní humor, kombinovaný s jistou plachostí a notnou dávkou nervózní sebereflexe. Kniha se přitom vyznačuje pozoruhodnou tematickou šíří; ať už však autor píše o koních, kteří malují, o autech, která myslí, o sexuálním životě celebrit, nebo o čínské kuchyni, vždy zůstává nezaměnitelným originálem. Osobitý, inteligentní a absurdní humor!
Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
Podívejte se také
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Mimochodem - Woody Allen - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Woody Allen „Nechci dosáhnout nesmrtelnosti svým dílem, ale tím, že nezemřu.“ ... „Je pěkné, když si někdo najde ženu na celý život. Ještě hezčí je, když kromě toho pozná i pár dalších.“ Ve vzpomínkách Woody Allena nejen o ženách. Dlouho očekávané vzpomínky jednoho z nejznámějších amerických režisérů jsou konečně tu! Dobrodružný tatínek a přísná maminka, dospívání v New Yorku a neutuchající snaha dělat jen to, co ho baví. První snahy, kdy píše vtipy pro známější komiky, aby se postupně stal svébytným stand-up komikem, scenáristou, dramatikem a režisérem autorských filmů. Tomáš Černý vás provede zákulisím legendárních snímků jako Annie Hallová, Zelig, Manhattan, Hana a její sestry. S ironií sobě vlastní se autor nevyhýbá ani osobnímu životu, láskám, zklamáním i nejkontroverznější části života, tři desetiletí probíhajícímu sporu s bývalou partnerkou Miou Farrow.
Objev podobné jako Mimochodem - Woody Allen - audiokniha
Woody Allen: Film By Film
The quintessential guide to Woody Allen's lifetime of work, Woody Allen: Film by Film examines each of Allen's movies, from when he vented his first neuroses in 1965 with What's New Pussycat, by way of Oscar winner Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, all the way to his latest works of Wonder Wheel and Cafe Society. Woody Allen has enjoyed a career unlike any other writer or director in Hollywood. The impact of his comedy and his psychoanalysis of the modern world have been hugely influential and had a profound effect on popular culture ever since. Filled with key images of his films, as well as lots of behind-the-scenes content.As Woody said about himself: 'The two biggest myths about me are that I'm an intellectual, because I wear these glasses, and that I'm an artist because my films lose money.' As self-critical as ever - and with a hotly tipped Oscar material new film scheduled for the end of 2017 - Woody Allen remains a force to be reckoned with.
Objev podobné jako Woody Allen: Film By Film
Woody Allen - Mimochodem (2 MP3-CD) - audiokniha
Audioknihu Mimochodem napsal autor: Woody Allen, čte: Tomáš Černý. Celková stopáž: 14 hodin, 30 minut.
Objev podobné jako Woody Allen - Mimochodem (2 MP3-CD) - audiokniha
Woody Allen: Kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9)
Kniha – autor Jason Bailey, 196 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu matná Kniha přináší profily všech dosavadních Allenových snímků - od debutu What´s Up, Tiger Lily?, přes klasické grotesky Seber prachy a zmiz a Spáč, Oscarem oceněné snímky typu Annie Hall a Hanna a její sestry až po současné skvosty jako Půlnoc v Paříži a Jasmíniny slzy. Zabývá se tématy, zápletkami, vlivy a dopady každého z nich a zároveň nabízí unikátní postřehy a detaily ze zákulisí. Průvodní eseje jdou nad rámec shrnutí jednotlivých filmů. Zkoumají Allenovy pracovní metody, vývoj jeho osobitého stylu, osobní i profesní vlivy a styčné body v jeho filmografii. Další pohled pak nabízejí příspěvky čtyř autorů o roli hudby, judaismu a filozofie v Allenových filmech a v konkrétních fázích jeho filmografie. Kniha plná citací, fotografií a výrobních detailů je velkou a láskyplnou poctou kultovnímu filmaři.
Objev podobné jako Woody Allen: Kompletní průvodce tvorbou (978-80-7391-997-9)
Epiphone Allen Woody Kufr pro baskytaru
Tvrdé pouzdro pro baskytaru Epiphone Allen Woody. Barva podle výrobce: Black;Černá Typ: Kufr Země původu: Čína Barva: Černá Rukojeť: Ano Nožičky: Ano
Objev podobné jako Epiphone Allen Woody Kufr pro baskytaru
Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat WR Wine Red Elektrická baskytara
Elektrická baskytara vyrobená na obraz hudebníka jménem Allen Woody známý z formace Allman brothers, 4-strunná ve tvaru Les Paul ze série RumbleKAT, tělo vyrobeno z mahagonu s javorovou vrchní deskou, mahagonový krk s palisandrovým hmatníkem a 20 pražci, pevná kobylka se samostatnými sedly, zlatý hardware, snímače 2x NYT Bass Mini humbucker, ovládání 2x Volume a 1x Tone, provedení Wine Red. Barva: Červená Počet pražců: 20 Snímače: Pasivní Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Země původu: Čína Počet strun: 4 Tělo: Chambered Mahogany Tloušťka: 050" / 105" Povrchová úprava: Polished Konstrukce: Set Neck Profil krku: Slim Taper C Krk: Mahogany Barva podle výrobce: Wine Red Ladící mechanika: Epiphone Premium Covered Hmatník: Palisandr Ovládací knoflíky: Amber Top Hats Konfigurace snímačů: Mini H - Mini H Snímač u krku: NYT mini humbucker Interpret / Téma: Allen Woody Přední deska: 5-Ply Maple Menzura (mm): 762.0 Kobylka/tremolo: 3-Point Adjustable Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 42.672 Vykládání hmatníku: Dot Střední snímač: NYT mini humbucker Rádius hmatníku: 12" Úchyt na pás: Standard Ovládání: Tónová clona;Hlasitost Velikost pražců: Medium Jumbo Typ: Singlecut;Les Paul Hardware: Pozlacené Struny: Poniklovaná ocel Povrchová úprava krku: Gloss Výztuha krku: Dual Action Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Ne
Objev podobné jako Epiphone Allen Woody Rumblekat WR Wine Red Elektrická baskytara
Queen of Nothing (1471407594)
Kniha - 306 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling The Cruel Prince, nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019, and New York Times bestseller The Wicked King, winner of the Best YA Fantasy category in the Goodreads Choice Awards After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie. When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world.
Objev podobné jako Queen of Nothing (1471407594)
King of Nothing - Nathanael Lessore
From the Yoto Carnegie Medal shortlisted author of Steady For This comes a hilarious and heartwarming new teen comedy!'Rib-achingly funny, poignant and thoughtful' - Guardian'Immensely readable . . . confirms [Nathanael Lessore] as a major new name in writing for teenagers' - ObserverANTON AND HIS FRIENDS ARE THE KINGS OF YEAR 9.They're used to ruling the school and Anton wears the crown. The other kids run away when he's about but that's the way he wants it - he's got a reputation to live up to after all.So when he gets into serious trouble at school, he doesn't really care, but his mum most definitely does. She decides it's time for Anton to make some new friends and join the Happy Campers, a local activity group. Anton would quite literally rather do anything else, especially when he finds out Matthew, the biggest loser in school, is also a member.But after Matthew unexpectedly saves Anton's life, Anton figures maybe this kid is worth a shot. Teaching him some game is the least Anton can do to repay the debt.As the boys strike up an unlikely friendship, Anton finds himself questioning everything he thought was important. Does he want ruling the school to be his crowning glory or should he set his sights on better things?Perfect for teen readers of Alex Wheatle, Jason Reynolds and Patrice Lawrence.
Objev podobné jako King of Nothing - Nathanael Lessore
The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black
After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie.When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world.
Objev podobné jako The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black
Rusell Allen, Olzon Anette: Army Of Dreamers - CD (8024391125021)
Hudební CD - Army Of Dreamers je druhé společné album amerického zpěváka Russella Allena ( Symphony X , Adrenaline Mob , Allen-Lande ) a švédské zpěvačky Anette Olzon (ex- Nightwish ) z roku 2022. Army Of Dreamers je druhé společné album amerického zpěváka Russella Allena ( Symphony X , Adrenaline Mob , Allen-Lande ) a švédské zpěvačky Anette Olzon (ex- Nightwish ) z roku 2022. Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD Army Of Dreamers / So Quiet Here / Out Of Nowhere / A Million Skies / Carved Into Stone / All Alone / Look At Me / Until It's Over / I Am Gone / Are We Really Strangers / Never Too Late
Objev podobné jako Rusell Allen, Olzon Anette: Army Of Dreamers - CD (8024391125021)
Theory of a Deadman: Say Nothing - CD (1686173942)
Hudební CD - Say Nothing je sedmé studiové album kanadské rockové skupiny Theory of a Deadman. Mezi tématy písní jsou násilí a rasismus. Say Nothing je sedmé studiové album kanadské rockové skupiny Theory of a Deadman. Mezi tématy písní jsou násilí a rasismus. Kapela, která se zformovala v roce 2001, tvoří hudbu ovlivněnou nejrůznějšími styly. V písních kvarteta lze vystopovat vlivy grunge, ale i country. Seznam stop CD1 Black Hole In Your Heart / History of Violence / Affluenza / Say Nothing / Strangers / Ted Bundy / World Keeps Spinning / Quicksand / White Boy / It's All Good
Objev podobné jako Theory of a Deadman: Say Nothing - CD (1686173942)
Odolné silikonové pouzdro iSaprio - Stripes of Glass - Nothing Phone (1)
Silikonové pouzdro dodá vašemu telefonu originální vzhled. Pouzdro má zesílené rohy pro větší odolnost proti nárazu. Je tenké, lehké a padne dobře do ruky. Je vyrobeno ze silikonu a ochrání váš telefon ze všech stran. Zároveň umožňuje snadný přístup ke všem tlačítkům a portům.
Objev podobné jako Odolné silikonové pouzdro iSaprio - Stripes of Glass - Nothing Phone (1)
You Will be Able to Macrame by the End of This Book - Tiffany Allen
In recent years, macrame has gone from a nostalgic '70s trend to a mainstay in contemporary crafting, and no modern home is complete without a stylish knotted creation. This new book takes you back to complete basics, with clear step-by-step illustrations showing every knot you'll need in order to get started plus all the techniques, styles, tools and materials to take you from novice to pro.Once you've aced the essentials, move on to 20 clear, stylish and straightforward projects to practise the skills you've learned. By the end of the book, you will be able to macrame beautiful items to gift or keep, from a stunning wall hanging to a chic plant holder or a handy market bag.
Objev podobné jako You Will be Able to Macrame by the End of This Book - Tiffany Allen
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the greatest collection of detective stories ever written. From his residence at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes solves a series of baffling and bizarre cases, including those of a man terrified by the arrival of an envelope containing orange pips, and a woman whose fiance disappeared on his way to their wedding. Each story showcases the great detective's inimitable and extraordinary deductive powers, recounted to us by his faithful friend and colleague, Dr Watson. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by David Stuart Davies - a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and an authority on Sherlock Holmes.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)
Moments Of Being (Defekt) - Virginia Woolfová
Virginia Woolf's only autobiographical writing is to be found in this collection of five unpublished pieces. Despite Quentin Bell's comprehensive biography and numerous recent studies of her, the author's own account of her early life holds new fascination - for its unexpected detail, the strength of its emotion, and its clear-sighted judgement of Victorian values. In 'Reminiscences' Virginia Woolf focuses on the death of her mother, 'the greatest disaster that could happen', and its effect on her father, the demanding patriarch who took a high toll of the women in his household. She surveys some of the same ground in 'A Sketch of the Past', the most important memoir in this collection, which she wrote with greater detachment and supreme command of her art shortly before her death. Readers will be struck by the extent to which she drew on these early experiences for her novels, as she tells how she exorcised the obsessive presence of her mother by writing To the Lighthouse. The last three papers were composed to be read to the Memoir Club, a postwar regrouping of Bloomsbury, which exacted absolute candour of its members. Virginia Woolf's contributions were not only bold but also original and amusing. She describes George Duckworth's passionate efforts to launch the Stephen girls; gives her own version of 'Old Bloomsbury'; and, with wit and some malice, reflects on her connections with titled society.
Objev podobné jako Moments Of Being (Defekt) - Virginia Woolfová
Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Geralt of Rivia is on a mission to save his ward, Ciri, and with her the world, in this third novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times.But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries.While war rages across all of the lands, the future of magic is under threat and those sorcerers who survive are determined to protect it. It's an impossible situation in which to find one girl - Ciri, the heiress to the throne of Cintra, has vanished - until a rumour places her in the Niflgaard court, preparing to marry the Emperor.Injured or not, Geralt has a rescue mission on his hands.Translated by David French.
Objev podobné jako Baptism of Fire (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, fromNew York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. The fourth series in The Shadowhunter Chronicles, following on from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices
Objev podobné jako Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte
After the stunning success of DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte Smith offers another irresistible glimpse inside the wardrobe every women would love to own Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true.But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. From the moment Charlotte uncovered her first treasure, an exquisite 1920s evening dress, she was enchanted. But when she found her godmother's book of stories, the true value of her inheritancehit home. this wasn't a mere collection of beautiful things, it was a preciouscollection of women's lives. tiny glimpses of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. In DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte shared some of her treasures and the stories of the women who wore them for the first time. Now, in DREAMING OF CHANE;, with special appearances by Chanel, VivienneWestwood, Zandra Rhodes, Pucci and many more, Charlotte offers another unforgettable glimpse inside the magic wardrobe every woman would love to own. Charlotte Smith is custodian of a priceless vintage clothing collection, the Darnell Collection, she inherited from her Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States, Charlotte has a degree in art history and has lived and worked in the United States, England and France. She now lives in Australia. After studying fashion design Grant Cowan moved to London to further his career and has worked as an illustrator on magazines like Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour and Red Magazine.
Objev podobné jako Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte
Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam
Adam Dvořák není klasický český foodbloger. Nejí moc zdravě, miluje kolu, nepeče chleba, nepozná drobné nuance v odrůdách kávy, a dokonce se ani neotužuje! Přesto z něj jeho vtip a neotřelé recepty (především neotřele napsané) udělaly OBJEV ROKU na Foodblogu roku 2019! Adam se živí jako fotograf, grafik a ilustrátor, a tak není divu, že je jeho první kuchařská kniha, kterou od prvního písmenka až do poslední tečky vytvořil se svou ženou Kateřinou, úplně jiná než ostatní české kuchařky. Především jde o kuchařku plnou povídek a o beletrii plnou receptů, což dělá z knížky jakéhosi kulinářského transformera. Stať je rozdělena do 5 kapitol, mapujicích život mladého chlapce, který se postupem času a vlivem okolí mění v dospělého muže (mentálně ovšem zůstává chlapcem). V knize najdete spoustu originálních fotek a ilustrací autora. Co je ale na knize, pojmenované podle Adamova blogu Taste of Red, to nejvíc? Budete se popadat za břicho! A to už při čtení jeho vtipných, lehce dehonestujících povídek, i při toužení po jeho parádních jídlech, českých nebo třeba portugalských. Taste of Red bude bavit muže i ženy. No, ty muže možná o malinko víc, i když...!
Objev podobné jako Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam
Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King
WOLVES OF THE CALLA is the fifth volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the fifth novel in StephenKing's bestselling fantasy series, Roland and his ka-tet are bearing through the forests of the Mid-World on their journey to the Dark Tower. Tracking their every move is a group of farmers from the town of Calla Bryn Sturgis. The trackers have been warned that the Wolves, a band of masked riders, are about to gallop out of the dark land of Thunderclap and raid their town. And they want to enlist the help of the four gunslingers.How can Roland and his tet both protect the innocent community and return to New York to save our world's incarnation of the Dark Tower from the machinations of the evil Sombra Corporation?
Objev podobné jako Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King
Chain of Thorns (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
Cordelia Carstairs has lost everything that matters to her.In only a few short weeks, she has seen her father murdered, her plans to become parabatai with her best friend, Lucie, destroyed, and her marriage to James Herondale crumble before her eyes. Even worse, she is now bound to an ancient demon, Lilith, stripping her of her power as a Shadowhunter.After fleeing to Paris with Matthew Fairchild, Cordelia hopes to forget her sorrows in the city’s glittering nightlife. But reality intrudes when shocking news comes from home: Tatiana Blackthorn has escaped the Adamant Citadel, and London is under new threat by the Prince of Hell, Belial.Cordelia returns to a London riven by chaos and dissent. The long-kept secret that Belial is James and Lucie’s grandfather has been revealed by an unexpected enemy, and the Herondales find themselves under suspicion of dealings with demons. Cordelia longs to protect James, but is torn between a love for James she has long believed hopeless, and the possibility of a new life with Matthew. Nor can her friends help — ripped apart by their own secrets, they seem destined to face what is coming alone.For time is short, and Belial’s plan is about to crash into the Shadowhunters of London like a deadly wave, one that will separate Cordelia, Lucie, and the Merry Thieves from help of any kind. Left alone in a shadowy London, they must face Belial’s deadly army. If Cordelia and her friends are going to save their city — and their families — they will have to muster their courage, swallow their pride, and trust one another again. For if they fail, they may lose everything — even their souls.
Objev podobné jako Chain of Thorns (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová
'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.' The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. They are the confidants and bankers of governments and emperors. Little happens without their say-so and even less without their knowledge. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. While power lies in wealth, strength lies in family. Greta's union with cousin Albert will strengthen the bond between the Austrian and the English branches of the dynasty. It is sensible and strategic. Greta is neither. Defiant and unhappy, she is desperate to find a place that belongs to her, free from duty and responsibility. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course. For the first time in two hundred years, the family will find themselves on opposing sides. The House of Goldbaum, along with Europe herself, is about to break apart.
Objev podobné jako House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová
Leap of Faith (Defekt) - Danielle Steel
In her fifty-second bestselling novel, Danielle Steel weaves a compelling story of the power of lies, the misuse of trust--and of one woman's triumph over a devastating betrayal. Marie-Ange Hawkins has the kind of childhood that most people dream of. Freedom, love, security in a beautiful old French château. But when Marie-Ange is just eleven, a tragic accident marks the end of her idyllic life. Orphaned and alone, she is sent to America, to live with her great-aunt on a farm in Iowa. Bitterly resented by the old woman, cut off from everything she has known and loved, Marie-Ange is forced to work tirelessly on the farm, dreaming only of the day she can return to her beloved Château de Marmouton. In Marie-Ange's isolated existence, only the friendship of a local boy, Billy Parker, offers comfort and hope. But her only wish is to gain an education--and escape. Then, just after her twenty-first birthday, an unexpected visitor brings startling news and an extraordinary gift: the freedom to return to France, to Château de Marmouton. When she arrives in France, Marie-Ange learns that the château's new owner is Comte Bernard de Beauchamp, a dashing young widower who invites her into his home, then into his heart. But their magical life together, which soon includes marriage, children, and lavish homes, slowly takes an ominous turn. A mysterious woman tells Marie-Ange a shocking story, a story so chilling she doesn't want to believe it. Not even her dear friend Billy can help her now. He is thousands of miles away. And as the darkness gathers around her, Marie-Ange must find the faith and courage to take one, last desperate step to save her loved ones and herself. Danielle Steel's powerful novel is about being pulled into a place where nothing is what it seems. It is about being seduced and lied to and turned around, and wanting to believe the lies--until the moment comes, in one blinding instant, when survival and salvation depend on a final Leap of Faith the only path to freedom, and life.
Objev podobné jako Leap of Faith (Defekt) - Danielle Steel
Mosnsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness
A new edition of this award-winning conclusion to the Chaos Walking trilogy, with a bonus short story, Snowscape.
Objev podobné jako Mosnsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness
Monsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness
A special anniversary edition, with a striking new cover design, to celebrate 10 years of the Chaos Walking trilogy. Three armies march on New Prentisstown. The New World is at war. Todd and Viola are caught in the middle, with no chance of escape. How can they hope to stop the fighting? How can there ever be peace when they're so hopelessly outnumbered? And if war makes monsters of men, what terrible choices await? This new edition marks the 10th anniversary of the award-winning modern classic, soon to be a major motion picture starring Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley.
Objev podobné jako Monsters of Men (Defekt) - Patrick Ness
Icons of England (Defekt) - Bill Bryson
This celebration of the English countryside does not only focus on the rolling green landscapes and magnificent monuments that set England apart from the rest of the world. Many of the contributors bring their own special touch, presenting a refreshingly eclectic variety of personal icons, from pub signs to seaside piers, from cattle grids to canal boats, and from village cricket to nimbies. First published as a lavish colour coffeetable book, this new expanded paperback edition has double the original number of contributions from many celebrities including Bill Bryson, Michael Palin, Eric Clapton, Bryan Ferry, Sebastian Faulks, Kate Adie, Kevin Spacey, Gavin Pretor-Pinney, Richard Mabey , Simon Jenkins, John Sergeant, Benjamin Zephaniah, Joan Bakewell, Antony Beevor, Libby Purves, Jonathan Dimbleby, and many more: and a new preface by HRH Prince Charles.
Objev podobné jako Icons of England (Defekt) - Bill Bryson
Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam
Adam Dvořák není klasický český foodbloger. Nejí moc zdravě, miluje kolu, nepeče chleba, nepozná drobné nuance v odrůdách kávy, a dokonce se ani neotužuje! Přesto z něj jeho vtip a neotřelé recepty (především neotřele napsané) udělaly OBJEV ROKU na Foodblogu roku 2019! Adam se živí jako fotograf, grafik a ilustrátor, a tak není divu, že je jeho první kuchařská kniha, kterou od prvního písmenka až do poslední tečky vytvořil se svou ženou Kateřinou, úplně jiná než ostatní české kuchařky. Především jde o kuchařku plnou povídek a o beletrii plnou receptů, což dělá z knížky jakéhosi kulinářského transformera. Stať je rozdělena do 5 kapitol, mapujicích život mladého chlapce, který se postupem času a vlivem okolí mění v dospělého muže (mentálně ovšem zůstává chlapcem). V knize najdete spoustu originálních fotek a ilustrací autora. Co je ale na knize, pojmenované podle Adamova blogu Taste of Red, to nejvíc? Budete se popadat za břicho! A to už při čtení jeho vtipných, lehce dehonestujících povídek, i při toužení po jeho parádních jídlech, českých nebo třeba portugalských. Taste of Red bude bavit muže i ženy. No, ty muže možná o malinko víc, i když...!
Objev podobné jako Taste of Red (Defekt) - Dvořák Adam
Line of Fire (Defekt) - Andy McNab
'Like the best action films in book form' FHM Nick Stone is back in London but if he thought he was home for a break, he's very, very wrong. Backed into a corner by a man he knows he cannot trust, ex-deniable operator Nick Stone strikes a devil's bargain. In exchange for his own safety - a life for a life - Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn't want to be found, currently hiding out in the one of the remotest corners of the UK. And for the first time in a long time, he's not operating alone. But Stone and his team don't find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head. Before he finally knows which way to turn, the choice is ripped out of his hands. Most people might think of home as safety but Nick Stone isn't most people. For him and his team, it's just another place to get caught in the line of fire...
Objev podobné jako Line of Fire (Defekt) - Andy McNab
On the Origin of Species (Defekt)
When Darwin set sail at the end of 1831, it was only with a vague notion that all life forms, both present and extinct, were more strongly related than the Christian version of the world's creation purported them to be. During his five-year voyage of research and discovery on board HMS Beagle, and later from his home in Kent, he painstakingly collected a mass of evidence from across the planet - from Paraguay and the Galapagos Islands to Staffordshire and Scotland - building a compelling case for a theory that would change the world we live in - and the way we look at it - for ever.The foundation of evolutionary biology and natural selection - which prompted as huge a revolution in the fields of science and religion as Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe and Newton's law of gravity, Darwin's On the Origin of Species is perhaps the most important book of scientific observation ever written.
Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species (Defekt)
Force of Nature (Defekt) - Jane Harperová
The gripping new novel from the author of the Sunday Times top ten bestseller, Waterstones Thriller of the Month, Sunday Times Crime Book of the Month, and Simon Mayo Radio 2 Book Club Choice, The Dry. FIVE WENT OUT. FOUR CAME BACK...Is Alice here? Did she make it? Is she safe? In the chaos, in the night, it was impossible to say which of the four had asked after Alice's welfare. Later, when everything got worse, each would insist it had been them.Five women reluctantly pick up their backpacks and start walking along the muddy track. Only four come out the other side.The hike through the rugged landscape is meant to take the office colleagues out of their air-conditioned comfort zone and teach resilience and team building. At least that is what the corporate retreat website advertises.Federal Police Agent Aaron Falk has a particularly keen interest in the whereabouts of the missing bushwalker. Alice Russell is the whistleblower in his latest case - and Alice knew secrets. About the company she worked for and the people she worked with.Far from the hike encouraging teamwork, the women tell Falk a tale of suspicion, violence and disintegrating trust. And as he delves into the disappearance, it seems some dangers may run far deeper than anyone knew.
Objev podobné jako Force of Nature (Defekt) - Jane Harperová
King of Swords (Defekt) - Nick Stone
This book is set in Miami, 1981. When Detective Max Mingus and his partner Joe are called to the scene of a death at Miami's Primate Park, it looks like another routine - if slightly bizarre - investigation. Until two things turn up: the victim's family, slaughtered; and a partly digested tarot card in the dead man's stomach; 'The King of Swords'. An increasingly bloody trail leads Max and Joe first to a sinister fortune-teller and her scheming pimp son, then to the infamous Solomon Boukman. Few have ever met the most feared criminal in Miami, but rumours abound of a forked tongue, voodoo ceremonies and friends in very high places. Against a backdrop of black magic and police corruption, Max and Joe must distinguish the good guys from the bad - and track down some answers. What is the significance of the King of Swords? What makes those who have swallowed the card go on a killing spree just before they die? And can Max find out the truth about Solomon Boukman, before death's shadow reaches his own front door?
Objev podobné jako King of Swords (Defekt) - Nick Stone
Empress of Flames (Defekt) - Mimi Yu
Sisters torn apart by war. Shapeshifters fighting to regain their long-lost magic. And an empire in need of a leader. In this dark, sweeping fantasy perfect for fans of Girls of Paper and Fire and Wicked Saints, two princesses must save their home, no matter the cost. Princess Lu knows that the throne of the Empire of the First Flame rightfully belongs to her. After all, she is the late Emperor's firstborn and has trained for the role all her life. And she can't forget made a promise to shapeshifter Nok, the boy she came to love, to win justice for his now powerless people. But even with an army at her side, Lu will need to face down a major obstacle: the current sitting Empress, her once beloved younger sister, Min.Princess Min used to live in Lu's shadow. But now she can control a powerful, ancient magic, and she's determined to use it to forge her own path and a strong future for the Empire, even if that means making enemies in court. But Min's magic isn't entirely under her control, and she must learn how to tame it before it consumes her . . . and the entire realm.Lu and Min are set for a confrontation that can't be stopped. But the Empire faces threats greater than their rivalry, and even if they choose to stand together, it could cost them both the throne-or their lives.
Objev podobné jako Empress of Flames (Defekt) - Mimi Yu
Tower of Fools (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
A BRAND NEW TRILOGY from the author of the legendary WITCHER series, set during the vibrantly depicted Hussite wars.Reinmar of Bielau, called Reynevan, flees after being caught in an affair with a knight's wife.With strange, mystical forces gathering in the shadows and pursued not only by the Stercza brothers bent on vengeance, but also by the Holy Inquisition, Reynevan finds himself in the Narrenturm, the Tower of Fools, a medieval asylum for the mad, or for those who dare to think differently and challenge the prevailing order.The 'patients' of this institution form an incomparable gallery of colourful types: including, among others, the young Copernicus, proclaiming the truth of the heliocentric solar system.
Objev podobné jako Tower of Fools (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, fromNew York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. The fourth series in The Shadowhunter Chronicles, following on from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices
Objev podobné jako Chain of Iron (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
Tread of Angels (Defekt) - Rebecca Roanhorse
In the mining town of Goetia, the world is divided between The Fallen, descendants of demonkind, and The Virtues, the winners in an ancient war. Celeste and Mariel are two Fallen sisters, bound by blood but raised in separate worlds.Celeste grew up with their father, passing in privileged society, while Mariel stayed with their mother in Goetia's slums. Celeste is wracked by guilt for leaving her sister behind, and when their father dies, she becomes Mariel's fiercest protector. But their lives are upended when Mariel is arrested for the murder of a Virtue.Determined to save her sister and prove her innocence, Celeste turns to her ex-lover, a former general in the armies of Hell, for help. Soon Celeste is making her own deals with devils and angels alike to prove her sister's innocence. However the journey to discover the truth threatens to become more than Celeste ever bargained for.
Objev podobné jako Tread of Angels (Defekt) - Rebecca Roanhorse
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba-The Flower of Happiness - Aya Yajima, Koyoharu Gotouge, Jocelyne Allen
Complete the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba experience with these exciting novels featuring original stories.Revisit the Demon Slayer Corps in these novels that each contain five tales of love, friendship, and courage!A mystical flower offers a prosperous future for its bearer. Determined to find the flower for Nezuko, Tanjiro makes a harrowing journey up a mountain—but Inosuke reveals the flower’s true worth. In other tales, Zenitsu recalls the day he battled a demon to save a crying girl, a fortune-teller warns Zenitsu that he’ll die if a girl falls for him, Kanao helps Aoi learn her value apart from killing demons, and when Kimetsu Academy students search for the recipe to win over Mr. Tomioka, Mr. Rengoku ropes them into cooking!
Objev podobné jako Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba-The Flower of Happiness - Aya Yajima, Koyoharu Gotouge, Jocelyne Allen
The Art of Fielding (Defekt) - Chad Harbach
A wonderful, warm novel from a major new American voice.
Objev podobné jako The Art of Fielding (Defekt) - Chad Harbach
Siren of the Waters (Defekt) - Michael Genelin
Jana entered the Czechoslovak police force as young woman, married an actor, and became a mother. The Communist regime destroyed her husband, their love for one another, and her daughter's respect for her. But she has never stopped being a seeker of justi
Objev podobné jako Siren of the Waters (Defekt) - Michael Genelin
Queen of Shadows (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová
No masters. No limits. No regrets. Aelin Galathynius takes her place as queen in the fourth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Celaena Sardothien has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But before she can reclaim her throne, she must fight. She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die for her. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queen's triumphant return. Everyone Aelin loves has been taken from her. Everything she holds dear is in danger. But she has the heart of a queen - and that heart beats for vengeance. In this fourth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series, no one will escape the queen's wrath.
Objev podobné jako Queen of Shadows (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová
The Hero of Ages (Defekt) - Brandon Sanderson
Tricked into releasing the evil spirit Ruin while attempting to close the Well of Ascension, new emperor Elend Venture and his wife, the assassin Vin, are now hard-pressed to save the world.This adventure brings the Mistborn epic fantasy trilogy to a dramatic and surprising climax as Sanderson's saga offers complex characters and a compelling plot, asking hard questions about loyalty, faith and responsibility.
Objev podobné jako The Hero of Ages (Defekt) - Brandon Sanderson
The Republic of Thieves (Defekt) - Scott Lynch
After their adventures on the high seas, Locke and Jean are brought back to earth with a thump. Jean is mourning the loss of his lover and Locke must live with the fallout of crossing the all-powerful magical assassins, the Bonds Magi.It is a fallout that will pit both men against Locke's own long-lost love. Sabetha is Locke's childhood sweetheart, the love of Locke's life and now it is time for them to meet again. Employed on different sides of a vicious dispute between factions of the Bonds, Sabetha has just one goal - to destroy Locke for ever.The Gentleman Bastard sequence has become a literary sensation in fantasy circles and now, with the third book, Scott Lynch is set to seal that success.
Objev podobné jako The Republic of Thieves (Defekt) - Scott Lynch
The Best of Me (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks
The new epic love story by the bestselling author of The Lucky One and The NotebookThey were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks - with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip . . . Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter when they needed it most, they are faced with each other once again, and forced to confront the paths they chose. Can true love ever rewrite the past?This is the new epic love story from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Notebook, The Lucky One and The Last Song. Nicholas Sparks is one of the world's most beloved authors.
Objev podobné jako The Best of Me (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks
The Image of You (Defekt) - Adele Parks
The Image of You is the utterly gripping new novel from Adele Parks, author of the No. 1 bestselling ebook, The Stranger In My Home. This story of families, love, deception and secrets is perfect for fans of TV's Doctor Foster, Liar, The Replacement, Liane Moriarty's Big Little Lies and Shari Lapena. 'Brilliant storyline, great characters, very clever, loved it!' B A Paris'Addictive and perceptive' Lucy Atkins'A compelling and gripping story of secrets and lies' Daily ExpressCan you ever trust someone you meet online?Anna and Zoe are twins. Identical in appearance, utterly different in personality, they share a bond so close that nothing - or no one - can rip them apart.Until Anna meets charismatic Nick.Anna is trusting, romantic and hopeful; she thinks Nick is perfect.Zoe is daring, dangerous and extreme; she thinks Nick is a liar.Zoe has seen Anna betrayed by men before. She'll stop at nothing to discover if Nick is as good as he seems.Lies may hurt. But honesty can kill.
Objev podobné jako The Image of You (Defekt) - Adele Parks
The Tales of Ise (Defekt) - Macmillan Peter
One of the three seminal works of Japanese literature, this beautiful collection of poems and tales offers an unparalleled insight into ancient Japan.Along with the Tale of Genji and One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each, The Tales of Ise is considered one of the three most important works of Japanese literature. A poem-tale collection from the early Heian period, it contains many stories of amorous adventures, faithful friendship and travels in exile, framing the exquisite poems at the work's heart.The Tales of Ise has influenced waka, Noh, tales and diaries since the time it was written, and is still the source of endless inspiration in novels, poetry, manga and cartoons. This volume has been translated by Peter MacMillan and includes a preface by the renowned Japanologist Donald Keene.
Objev podobné jako The Tales of Ise (Defekt) - Macmillan Peter
God Emperor of Dune (Defekt) - Frank Herbert
Book Four in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles--the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time Millennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world's savior, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity's future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as God Emperor of Dune for the past thirty-five hundred years. Leto's rule is not a benevolent one. His transformation has made not only his appearance but his morality inhuman. A rebellion, led by Siona, a member of the Atreides family, has risen to oppose the despot's rule. But Siona is unaware that Leto's vision of a Golden Path for humanity requires her to fulfill a destiny she never wanted--or could possibly conceive....
Objev podobné jako God Emperor of Dune (Defekt) - Frank Herbert
An Argumentation of Historians (Defekt) - Jodi Taylor
The ninth book in the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series which follows a group of tea-soaked disaster magnets as they hurtle their way around History. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor. They say you shouldn't push your luck. Max gives her own luck a massive shove every day - and it's only a matter of time until luck pushes back... January 1536 - the day of Henry VIII's infamous jousting accident. Historians from St Mary's are there in force, recording and documenting. And, arguing - obviously. A chance meeting between Max and the Time Police leads to a plan of action. And, it's one that will have very serious consequences - especially for Max. Her private life is already more than a little rocky. But with Leon recovering and Matthew safe in the future there will never be a better opportunity to bring down Clive Ronan, once and for all. From Tudor England to the burning city of Persepolis - and from a medieval siege to a very nasty case of 19th century incarceration - Max is determined that this time, he will not escape.
Objev podobné jako An Argumentation of Historians (Defekt) - Jodi Taylor
Count Of Monte Cristo (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas
With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren, University of Kent at Canterbury. The story of Edmund Dantes, self-styled Count of Monte Cristo, is told with consummate skill. The victim of a miscarriage of justice, Dantes is fired by a desire for retribution and empowered by a stroke of providence. In his campaign of vengeance, he becomes an anonymous agent of fate. The sensational narrative of intrigue, betrayal, escape, and triumphant revenge moves at a cracking pace. Dumas' novel presents a powerful conflict between good and evil embodied in an epic saga of rich diversity that is complicated by the hero's ultimate discomfort with the hubristic implication of his own actions. Our edition is based on the most popular and enduring translation first published by Chapman and Hall in 1846. The name of the translator was never revealed.
Objev podobné jako Count Of Monte Cristo (Defekt) - Alexandre Dumas
Three Daughters Of Eve (Defekt) - Elif Shafaková
Set across Istanbul and Oxford, from the 1980s to the present day, Three Daughters of Eve is a sweeping tale of faith and friendship, tradition and modernity, love and an unexpected betrayal.Peri, a wealthy Turkish housewife and mother, is on her way to a dinner party at a seaside mansion in Istanbul when a beggar snatches her handbag. As she wrestles to get it back, a photograph falls to the ground - an old polaroid of three young women and their university professor. A relic from a past - and a love Peri had tried desperately to forget.The photograph takes Peri back to Oxford University, as nineteen year old sent abroad for the first time. To her dazzling, rebellious Professor and his life-changing course on God. To the house she shares with her two best friends, Shirin and Mona, and their arguments about identity, Islam and feminism. And finally, to the scandal that tore them all apart.Shirin, Peri and Mona, they were the most unlikely of friends. They were the Sinner, the Believer and the Confused.
Objev podobné jako Three Daughters Of Eve (Defekt) - Elif Shafaková
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