A story of heartbreak and survival by the step-sister of Anne FrankEva was arrested by the Nazis on her fifteenth birthday and sent to Auschwitz. Her survival depended on endless strokes of luck, her own determination and the love and protection of her mother Fritzi, who was deported with her.When Auschwitz was liberated, Eva and Fritzi began the long journey home. They searched desperately for Eva's father and brother, from whom they had been separated. The news came some months later. Tragically, both men had been killed.Before the war, in Amsterdam, Eva had become friendly with a young girl called Anne Frank. Though their fates were very different, Eva's life was set to be entwined with her friend's for ever more, after her mother Fritzi married Anne's father Otto Frank in 1953.This is a searingly honest account of how an ordinary person survived the Holocaust. Eva's memories and descriptions are heartbreakingly clear, her account brings the horror as close as it can possibly be. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako After Auschwitz - Schloss Eva , Auschwitz, auschwitz… (978-80-87683-30-9)A story of heartbreak and survival by the step-sister of Anne FrankEva was arrested by the Nazis on her fifteenth birthday and sent to Auschwitz. Her survival depended on endless strokes of luck, her own determination and the love and protection of her mother Fritzi, who was deported with her.When Auschwitz was liberated, Eva and Fritzi began the long journey home. They searched desperately for Eva's father and brother, from whom they had been separated. The news came some months later. Tragically, both men had been killed.Before the war, in Amsterdam, Eva had become friendly with a young girl called Anne Frank. Though their fates were very different, Eva's life was set to be entwined with her friend's for ever more, after her mother Fritzi married Anne's father Otto Frank in 1953.This is a searingly honest account of how an ordinary person survived the Holocaust. Eva's memories and descriptions are heartbreakingly clear, her account brings the horror as close as it can possibly be. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako After Auschwitz (Defekt) - Schloss Eva , Eva karimatkaKniha o vůli k životu. Max Rodrigues Garcia (1924) přežil v letech 1943–1945 čtyři koncentrační tábory i pochod smrti; Američané ho osvobodili v rakouském Ebensee. Začal pro ně pracovat jako tlumočník a rozhodl se, že se do rodného Nizozemska už nevrátí. Byl přesvědčený, že z jeho židovské rodiny stejně nikdo nezůstal naživu. Po válce se chtěl stát Američanem se vším všudy – od imitace amerického vystupování a pití coca-coly po sdílení víry v zemi neomezených možností. Po několika pokusech o nový začátek si natrvalo vybral San Francisco. Teprve devět let po svém osvobození právě tam dokázal zakotvit. Garciova kniha je neobvyklým vzpomínáním. Autor totiž nevypráví jen o prožitém utrpení, ale především o důsledcích, které mělo pro celý jeho další život – a o tom, jak musel své představy měnit. V závěru jsou připojeny zpovědi jeho dětí a vnuků, což naznačuje, že se mu podařilo v životě uspět. Takže přece jen americký happy-end? Ne tak docela. Další generace totiž kriticky popisují, jak se vyrůstá s traumaty holocaustu. Přesto ani jejich svědectví nevyvolává skepsi a smutek. Naopak. Příběh Maxe Garcii je plný tvrdohlavé životní energie. Vypráví o tom, že i tak děsivou zkušenost lze zkrotit a znovu naplno žít. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz, Auschwitz… - Rodrigues Garcia Max , Karimatka evaKniha o vůli k životu. Max Rodrigues Garcia (1924) přežil v letech 1943–1945 čtyři koncentrační tábory i pochod smrti; Američané ho osvobodili v rakouském Ebensee. Začal pro ně pracovat jako tlumočník a rozhodl se, že se do rodného Nizozemska už nevrátí. Byl přesvědčený, že z jeho židovské rodiny stejně nikdo nezůstal naživu. Po válce se chtěl stát Američanem se vším všudy – od imitace amerického vystupování a pití coca-coly po sdílení víry v zemi neomezených možností. Po několika pokusech o nový začátek si natrvalo vybral San Francisco. Teprve devět let po svém osvobození právě tam dokázal zakotvit. Garciova kniha je neobvyklým vzpomínáním. Autor totiž nevypráví jen o prožitém utrpení, ale především o důsledcích, které mělo pro celý jeho další život – a o tom, jak musel své představy měnit. V závěru jsou připojeny zpovědi jeho dětí a vnuků, což naznačuje, že se mu podařilo v životě uspět. Takže přece jen americký happy-end? Ne tak docela. Další generace totiž kriticky popisují, jak se vyrůstá s traumaty holocaustu. Přesto ani jejich svědectví nevyvolává skepsi a smutek. Naopak. Příběh Maxe Garcii je plný tvrdohlavé životní energie. Vypráví o tom, že i tak děsivou zkušenost lze zkrotit a znovu naplno žít. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz, Auschwitz… - Max Rodrigues Garcia , Schloss reinhartshausen rheingau riesling 2019 0,75l (4005055734609)Kniha - autor Garcia Max Rodrigues, 308 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha o vůli k životu. Max Rodrigues Garcia (1924) přežil v letech 1943–1945 čtyři koncentrační tábory i pochod smrti; Američané ho osvobodili v rakouském Ebensee. Začal pro ně pracovat jako tlumočník a rozhodl se, že se do rodného Nizozemska už nevrátí. Byl přesvědčený, že z jeho židovské rodiny stejně nikdo nezůstal naživu. Po válce se chtěl stát Američanem se vším všudy – od imitace amerického vystupování a pití coca-coly po sdílení víry v zemi neomezených možností. Po několika pokusech o nový začátek si natrvalo vybral San Francisco. Teprve devět let po svém osvobození právě tam dokázal zakotvit. Garciova kniha je neobvyklým vzpomínáním. Autor totiž nevypráví jen o prožitém utrpení, ale především o důsledcích, které mělo pro celý jeho další život – a o tom, jak musel své představy měnit. V závěru jsou připojeny zpovědi jeho dětí a vnuků, což naznačuje, že se mu podařilo v... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz, Auschwitz… (978-80-87683-30-9) , Podvazek enjoy evaThe powerful chronicle of the women who used their sewing skills to survive the Holocaust, stitching beautiful clothes at an extraordinary fashion workshop created within one of the most notorious WWII death camps. At the height of the Holocaust twenty-five young inmates of the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp - mainly Jewish women and girls - were selected to design, cut, and sew beautiful fashions for elite Nazi women in a dedicated salon. It was work that they hoped would spare them from the gas chambers. This fashion workshop - called the Upper Tailoring Studio - was established by Hedwig Höss, the camp commandant's wife, and patronized by the wives of SS guards and officers. Here, the dressmakers produced high-quality garments for SS social functions in Auschwitz, and for ladies from Nazi Berlin's upper crust. Drawing on diverse sources - including interviews with the last surviving seamstress - The Dressmakers of Auschwitz follows the fates of these brave women. Their bonds of family and friendship not only helped them endure persecution, but also to play their part in camp resistance. Weaving the dressmakers' remarkable experiences within the context of Nazi policies for plunder and exploitation, historian Lucy Adlington exposes the greed, cruelty, and hypocrisy of the Third Reich and offers a fresh look at a little-known chapter of World War II and the Holocaust. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Dressmakers of Auschwitz , Hama eva (84113)Heart-breaking - a tale of love and survival amidst the horrors of AuschwitzHuman - the real story behind one of the most potent symbols of the Holocaust - the blue numbers tattooed on prisoners' armsInspirational - the very best of humanity in the very worst of circumstancesUnforgettable - a story untold for over seventy years is finally sharedLife-affirming - one man's determination to survive and live a full life with the woman he lovedFully verified - Lale Sokolov's background and story has been fact-checked against all available documentary evidenceThe Tattooist of Auschwitz is based on the true story of Lale and Gita Sokolov, two Slovakian Jews who survived Auschwitz. When Lale, given the job of tattooing the prisoners, saw Gita waiting in line, it was love at first sight. In that moment he determined to keep them both alive. This is a story of hope and of courage. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Tattooist of Auschwitz , Porkert eva (7011900)Toto nádherné víno se vyznačuje jasně žlutou barvou se zelenkavými odlesky, kde ve vůni najdeme výraznou citrónovou svěžest doprovázenou chutí zeleného jablka a bylinného koření. Na patře pak cítíme sladkost a zároveň svěží kyselinku, které dotvářejí dlouhotrvající závěr. (osobnivinoteka.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Riesling Gelblack feinherb 2019 Schloss Johannisberg 0.75l , Eva tropí hloupostiVíno - bílé, suché, Riesling, oblast Rheingau, vinařství Schloss Reinhartshausen, Německo, ročník 2019, objem 0,75 l, obsah alkoholu 11 %. Zboží určené pro osoby starší 18 let. Přepočet Poohlížíte se po opravdu dobrém bílém vínu? To si jistě zamilujete bílé víno Schloss Reinhartshausen z odrůdy Riesling. Víno se chlubí výraznou chutí s výraznější aciditou, proto jej řadíme mezi suchá. Německo je domovinou tohoto produktu. V balení dostanete 0,75 l vína Schloss Reinhartshausen. Nabízené víno Schloss Reinhartshausen má 11 % alkoholu. Hlavní vlastnosti vína SCHLOSS REINHARTSHAUSEN Rheingau Riesling 2019 0,75l Bílé víno Schloss Reinhartshausen ideální pro všední dny i oslavy Svým obsahem cukru se označuje jako suché Vyrobeno z odrůdy Riesling Víno má původ ve vinařství Schloss Reinhartshausen Obsah alkoholu je 11 % Chuť skvěle doplňuje vůně ovocná Ročník 2019 Jeho produkcí se pyšní Německo Oblast Rheingau Obsahuje oxid siřičitý (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako SCHLOSS REINHARTSHAUSEN Rheingau Riesling 2019 0,75l (4005055734609) , Karimatka eva 20mmVíno má zlatavou barvu s velmi dobrou viskozitou. Vůně vína je expresivní, připomínající sušené meruňky a broskve doplněné o minerální tón připomínající petrolej typický pro oblast Rheingau. Chuť je komplexní až opulentní, plná sušeného ovoce, typické minerality oblasti Rheingau s velmi dobrou kyselinou. Dochuť vína je dlouhá. Jedná se o výjimečný ryzlink z oblasti Rheingau vhodný pro dlouhodobou archivaci. Dochuť vína je dlouhá. (osobnivinoteka.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Riesling Silberlack Riesling Trocken 2018 Schloss Johannisberg , Urbanová eva: best of eva urbanová - cd (su3935-2)For readers of Schindler's List, The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas comes a heart-breaking story of the very best of humanity in the very worst of circumstances. I tattooed a number on her arm. She tattooed her name on my heart. In 1942, Lale Sokolov arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was given the job of tattooing the prisoners marked for survival - scratching numbers into his fellow victims' arms in indelible ink to create what would become one of the most potent symbols of the Holocaust. Waiting in line to be tattooed, terrified and shaking, was a young girl. For Lale - a dandy, a jack-the-lad, a bit of a chancer - it was love at first sight. And he was determined not only to survive himself, but to ensure this woman, Gita, did, too. So begins one of the most life-affirming, courageous, unforgettable and human stories of the Holocaust: the love story of the tattooist of Auschwitz. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morrisová , Auschwitz a spojenci (978-80-200-3110-5)Autor na základě rozsáhlého výzkumu v archivech několika zemí a komunikace s očitými svědky holokaustu předkládá drtivou zprávu o spletité cestě informací o táboru Auschwitz na Západ a o tom, jak na ně Západ reagoval, či přesněji řečeno nereagoval. Směs nezájmu, úřednického šlendriánu a alibismu nacistům umožnila realizovat plán na vyhlazení Židů prakticky nerušeně po několik let. Nakonec se spojenci pro akci přece jen rozhodli; to však již bylo pozdě. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz a spojenci - Gilbert Martin , 3d puzzle revell 00151 - schloss neuschwanstein (led edition) (4009803001517)Autor na základě rozsáhlého výzkumu v archivech několika zemí a komunikace s očitými svědky holokaustu předkládá drtivou zprávu o spletité cestě informací o táboru Auschwitz na Západ a o tom, jak na ně Západ reagoval, či přesněji řečeno nereagoval. Směs nezájmu, úřednického šlendriánu a alibismu nacistům umožnila realizovat plán na vyhlazení Židů prakticky nerušeně po několik let. Nakonec se spojenci pro akci přece jen rozhodli; to však již bylo pozdě. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz a spojenci - Martin Gilbert , The after party (0399573186)At the terrible heart of the modern age lies Auschwitz. In a total inversion of earlier hopes about the use of science and technology to improve, extend and protect human life, Auschwitz manipulated the same systems to quite different ends. In Sybille Steinbacher's terse, powerful new book, the reader is led through the process by which something unthinkable to any European in the 1930s had become a sprawling, industrial reality during the course of the world war. How Auschwitz grew and mutated into an entire dreadful city, how both those who managed it and those who were killed by it came to be in Poland in the 1940s, and how it was allowed to happen, is something everyone needs to understand. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz: A History - Steinbacher Sybille , After 2: přiznání (9788024267371)Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Librarian of Auschwitz (1529104777) , Badger balm after sunVíno má zlatavou barvu s delikátní aromatikou citrusů a sušených meruněk s medovými podtóny. Víno je v chuti výborně strukturované. V chuti převládá sušené ovoce s medovými tóny. V dochuti je patrný zbytkový cukr v kombinaci s příjemnou kyselinkou. (osobnivinoteka.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Riesling Bronzelack Riesling Trocken 2018 Schloss Johannisberg 0.75l , Yoga eva roller (sptmsgv015nad)Víno má zlatavou barvu s velmi dobrou viskozitou. Vůně vína je expresivní, připomínající sušené meruňky a broskve doplněné o minerální tón připomínající petrolej typický pro oblast Rheingau. Chuť je komplexní až opulentní, plná sušeného ovoce, typické minerality oblasti Rheingau s velmi dobrou kyselinou. Dochuť vína je dlouhá. Jedná se o výjimečný ryzlink z oblasti Rheingau vhodný pro dlouhodobou archivaci. Dochuť vína je dlouhá. (osobnivinoteka.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Riesling Silberlack Riesling Trocken 2017 Schloss Johannisberg 0.75l , Eva cerny kozesinovy kabatZábavná práce pro mladší i starší! S Revell 3D puzzle můžete postavit světoznámé budovy, působivá panorama nebo legendární vozidla, jakožto 3D modely pro každého. Precizně děrované pěnové komponenty umožňující snadné smontování, žádné lepidlo ani nářadí není potřeba. V závislosti na velikosti a složitosti modelu můžete stavěním strávit buď pár minut a nebo až několik hodin. (mall.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Revell 3D Puzzle 00151 - Schloss Neuschwanstein (LED Edition) , Přehoz na postel evaMy brother’s tears left a delicate, clean line on his face. I stroked his cheek, whispered, it’s really you… Dov and Yitzhak live in a small village in the mountains of Hungary, isolated both from the world and from the horrors of the war. But one day in 1944, everything changes. The Nazis storm the homes of the Jewish villagers and inform them they have one hour. One hour before the train will take them to Auschwitz. Six decades later, from the safety of their living rooms at home in Israel, the brothers finally break their silence to a friend who will never let their stories be forgotten. Malka Adler’s extraordinary novel of a family separated by the Holocaust and their harrowing journey back to each other is based on interviews with the brothers she grew up with by the Sea of Galilee. When they decided to tell their story, she was the only one they would talk to. Narrated in a poetic style reminiscent of Margaret Atwood, this is a visceral yet essential read for those who have found strength, solace and above all, hope, in books like The Choice, The Librarian of Auschwitz, and The Tattooist of Auschwitz. Praise for The Brothers of Auschwitz (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Brothers of Auschwitz - Malka Adler , Diktaty eva vyjmenovana slovaFor readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Choice: this is the story of the smallest library in the world - and the most dangerous. 'It wasn't an extensive library. In fact, it consisted of eight books and some of them were in poor condition. But they were books. In this incredibly dark place, they were a reminder of less sombre times, when words rang out more loudly than machine guns…' Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezín ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious books the prisoners have managed to smuggle past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the secret librarian of Auschwitz, responsible for the safekeeping of the small collection of titles, as well as the ‘living books' - prisoners of Auschwitz who know certain books so well, they too can be ‘borrowed' to educate the children in the camp. But books are extremely dangerous. They make people think. And nowhere are they more dangerous than in Block 31 of Auschwitz, the children's block, where the slightest transgression can result in execution, no matter how young the transgressor… The Sunday Times bestseller for readers of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Choice. Based on the incredible and moving true story of Dita Kraus, holocaust survivor and secret librarian for the children's block in Auschwitz. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Librarian of Auschwitz - Antonio G. Iturbe , A breath after drowning (1785656406)For readers of Schindler's List, The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas comes a heart-breaking story of the very best of humanity in the very worst of circumstances. I tattooed a number on her arm. She tattooed her name on my heart. In 1942, Lale Sokolov arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was given the job of tattooing the prisoners marked for survival - scratching numbers into his fellow victims' arms in indelible ink to create what would become one of the most potent symbols of the Holocaust. Waiting in line to be tattooed, terrified and shaking, was a young girl. For Lale - a dandy, a jack-the-lad, a bit of a chancer - it was love at first sight. And he was determined not only to survive himself, but to ensure this woman, Gita, did, too. So begins one of the most life-affirming, courageous, unforgettable and human stories of the Holocaust: the love story of the tattooist of Auschwitz. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morrisová , Before the ever after (0593324668)One of the bestselling books of the 21st century, soon to be a major new TV series starring Harvey Keitel and Melanie LynskeyI tattooed a number on her arm. She tattooed her name on my heart... In 1942, Lale Sokolov arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau.He was given the job of tattooing the prisoners marked for survival - scratching numbers into his fellow victims' arms in indelible ink to create what would become one of the most potent symbols of the Holocaust. Waiting in line to be tattooed, terrified and shaking, was a young girl. For Lale - a dandy, a jack-the-lad, a bit of a chancer - it was love at first sight.And he was determined not only to survive himself, but to ensure this woman, Gita, did, too. So begins one of the most life-affirming, courageous, unforgettable and human stories of the Holocaust: the love story of the tattooist of Auschwitz. Discover the incredible bestselling The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy, with Cilka's Journey and Three Sisters also available now.Sisters under the Rising Sun, Heather Morris's exceptional new novel, based on a true story of women in Japanese prison of war camps, is available in hardback now. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morrisová , Zep klasické eva born (0109_0027)Výpravná obrazová publikace představuje poprvé unikátní nástěnné malby z poloviny 18. století vytvořené malířem Josefem Ledererem na téma italsko-francouzské commedie dell´arte. Kniha navíc přibližuje tajemné prostředí maškarního sálu českokrumlovského zámku, včetně dobových kostýmů a přináší i nevšední pohledy na město Český Krumlov. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Geschichte des Maskensaals im Schloss Český Krumlov - Michal Tůma , Peanuts doza na kavu before after3D puzzle - 128 dílků v balení, téma hrady a zámky, nepravidelný tvar a svítící, materiál papír, rozměry sestaveného puzzle 38 × 48,7 cm, vhodné od 10 let Skládání puzzle zkrátí dlouhé zimní večery a zároveň přispívá k rozvoji logického myšlení. Sice spatřilo světlo světa již dávno, ale stále se jedná o nadčasovou aktivitu. Kvalitní 3D puzzle Revell je určeno od 10 let. Balení obsahuje celkem 128 dílků, jejichž skládání zvládnou i méně trpěliví jedinci. Patří mezi 3D puzzle, které se sestavuje do prostoru. Puzzle není standardní, protože každý dílek má specifický tvar. Příjemně svítí, tak si ho užijete i večer po zhasnutí světel. Materiálem použitým k výrobě tohoto 3D puzzle je papír. Rozměry již sestaveného puzzle jsou 38 × 48,7 cm (vך). Zásadní přednosti produktu 3D Puzzle Revell 00151 - Schloss Neuschwanstein (LED Edition) Puzzle pomáhá rozvíjet jemnou motoriku, koncentraci i předvídavost 3D puzzle Revell se perfektně hodí pro děti od 10 let Obsahuje... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako 3D Puzzle Revell 00151 - Schloss Neuschwanstein (LED Edition) (4009803001517) , The weeknd: after hours - lp (0881840)Se zámkem Neuschwanstein uskutečnil bavorský král Ludwig II svůj sen o středověkém rytířském zámku z roku 1869. Nyní se i vy můžete stát králem sídlícím ve svém vlastním zámku – s kouzelně osvětleným 3D Puzzle zámkem Neuschwanstein od Revellu! Informace o modelu Vrcholem 3D Puzzle zámku Neuschwanstein je však jeho osvětlení! LED diody koupou hrad v okouzlujícím světle a pomalou, harmonickou změnou barvy vytvářejí jeho vlastní náladu. Specifikace produktu Počet dílků: 128 Délka: 487 mm Šířka: 214 mm Výška: 380 mm cca 240 minut času stavby DOPORUČENÍ Doporučeno pro děti od 10 let. Upozornění: Nebezpečí udušení! Výrobek obsahuje malé části. NEVHODNÉ PRO DĚTI DO 3 LET! (nejlevnejsizbozi.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Revell 3D puzzle Schloss Neuschwanstein (LED Edition) 128 ks , Cougar ranger eva růžové (3mrapink.0001)In 1942, young British soldier Arthur Dodd was taken prisoner by the German Army and transported to Oswiecim in Polish Upper Silesia. The Germans gave it another name, now synonymous with mankind's darkest hours. They called it Auschwitz. Forced to do hard labour, starved and savagely beaten, Arthur thought his life would end in Auschwitz. Determined to go down fighting, he sabotaged Nazi industrial work, risked his life to alleviate the suffering of the Jewish prisoners and aided a partisan group planning a mass break-out. This shocking true story sheds new light on the operations at the camp, exposes a hierarchy of prisoner treatment by the SS and presents the largely unknown story of the military POWs held there. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Saboteur of Auschwitz (Defekt) - Colin Rushton , Eva (978-80-89666-68-3)For readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Choice: this is the story of the smallest library in the world - and the most dangerous. 'It wasn't an extensive library. In fact, it consisted of eight books and some of them were in poor condition. But they were books. In this incredibly dark place, they were a reminder of less sombre times, when words rang out more loudly than machine guns…' Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezín ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious books the prisoners have managed to smuggle past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the secret librarian of Auschwitz, responsible for the safekeeping of the small collection of titles, as well as the ‘living books' - prisoners of Auschwitz who know certain books so well, they too can be ‘borrowed' to educate the children in the camp. But books are extremely dangerous. They make people think. And nowhere are they more dangerous than in Block 31 of Auschwitz, the children's block, where the slightest transgression can result in execution, no matter how young the transgressor… The Sunday Times bestseller for readers of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Choice. Based on the incredible and moving true story of Dita Kraus, holocaust survivor and secret librarian for the children's block in Auschwitz. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Librarian of Auschwitz (Defekt) - Antonio G. Iturbe , Eva solo kvetinac na orchideje cernyFor readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Choice: this is the story of the smallest library in the world - and the most dangerous. 'It wasn't an extensive library. In fact, it consisted of eight books and some of them were in poor condition. But they were books. In this incredibly dark place, they were a reminder of less sombre times, when words rang out more loudly than machine guns...' Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezin ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious books the prisoners have managed to smuggle past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the secret librarian of Auschwitz, responsible for the safekeeping of the small collection of titles, as well as the `living books' - prisoners of Auschwitz who know certain books so well, they too can be `borrowed' to educate the children in the camp. But books are extremely dangerous. They make people think. And nowhere are they more dangerous than in Block 31 of Auschwitz, the children's block, where the slightest transgression can result in execution, no matter how young the transgressor... (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Librarian of Auschwitz (Defekt) - Antonio G. Iturbe , Yate eva classic wide antracit (8595053912124)The harrowing, moving and poignant account of one of the youngest survivors of Auschwitz: a girl who was only five years old when she was sent to an extermination camp, and was one of the few people who entered a gas chamber and lived to tell her story.'I am a survivor. That comes with a survivor's obligation to represent one and half million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis. They cannot speak. So I must speak on their behalf.'AN INCREDIBLE STORY OF COURAGE, RESILIENCE AND SURVIVAL Tova Friedman was one of the youngest people to emerge from Auschwitz. After surviving the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Central Poland where she lived as a toddler, Tova was five when she and her parents were sent to a Nazi labour camp, and almost six when she and her mother were forced into a packed cattle truck and sent to Auschwitz II, also known as the Birkenau extermination camp, while her father was transported to Dachau. During six months of incarceration in Birkenau, Tova witnessed atrocities that she could never forget, and experienced numerous escapes from death. She is one of a handful of Jews to have entered a gas chamber and lived to tell the tale. As Nazi killing squads roamed Birkenau before abandoning the camp in January 1945, Tova and her mother hid among corpses. After being liberated by the Russians they made their way back to their hometown in Poland. Eventually Tova's father tracked them down and the family was reunited.In The Daughter of Auschwitz, Tova immortalizes what she saw, to keep the story of the Holocaust alive, at a time when it is in danger of fading from memory. She has used those memories that have shaped her life to honour the victims. Written with award-winning former war reporter Malcolm Brabant, this is an extremely important book. Brabant's thorough research has helped Tova recall her experiences in searing detail. Together they have painstakingly recreated Tova's extraordinary story about one of the worst ever crimes against humanity. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Daughter of Auschwitz - Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant , Emingerová eva: smile - cd (cr1129-2)The Librarian of Auschwitz is ideal for readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and The Choice, this graphic novel is the story of the smallest library in the world - and the most dangerous. Based on a true story, it is an extraordinary novel of courage and hope by Antonio Iturbe and Loreto Aroca. 'It wasn't an extensive library. In fact, it consisted of eight books and some of them were in poor condition. But they were books. In this incredibly dark place, they were a reminder of less sombre times, when words rang out more loudly than machine guns . . .' Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezin ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious books the prisoners have managed to smuggle past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the secret librarian of Auschwitz, responsible for the safekeeping of the small collection of titles, as well as the 'living books' - prisoners of Auschwitz who know certain books so well, they too can be 'borrowed' to educate the children in the camp. But books are extremely dangerous. They make people think. And nowhere are they more dangerous than in Block 31 of Auschwitz, the children's block, where the slightest transgression can result in execution, no matter how young the transgressor . . . Based on the incredible and moving true story of Dita Kraus, holocaust survivor and secret librarian for the children's block in Auschwitz. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Librarian of Auschwitz - Antonio G. Iturbe, Rubio Salva , Pilarová eva: proměny - dvd (su7102-9)Tova Friedman was one of the youngest people to emerge from Auschwitz. After surviving the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Central Poland where she lived as a toddler, Tova was four when she and her parents were sent to a Nazi labour camp, and almost six when she and her mother were forced into a packed cattle truck and sent to Auschwitz II, also known as the Birkenau extermination camp, while her father was transported to Dachau.During six months of incarceration in Birkenau, Tova witnessed atrocities that she could never forget, and experienced numerous escapes from death. She is one of a handful of Jews to have entered a gas chamber and lived to tell the tale.As Nazi killing squads roamed Birkenau before abandoning the camp in January 1945, Tova and her mother hid among corpses. After being liberated by the Russians they made their way back to their hometown in Poland. Eventually Tova's father tracked them down and the family was reunited.In The Daughter of Auschwitz, Tova immortalizes what she saw, to keep the story of the Holocaust alive, at a time when it's in danger of fading from memory. She has used those memories that have shaped her life to honour the victims. Written with award-winning former war reporter Malcolm Brabant, this is an extremely important book. Brabant's meticulous research has helped Tova recall her experiences in searing detail. Together they have painstakingly recreated Tova's extraordinary story about the world's worst ever crime. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Daughter of Auschwitz - Tova Friedman, Malcolm BrabantKniha - autor Martin Gilbert, 640 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Autor na základě rozsáhlého výzkumu v archivech několika zemí a komunikace s očitými svědky holokaustu předkládá drtivou zprávu o spletité cestě informací o táboru Auschwitz na Západ a o tom, jak na ně Západ reagoval, či přesněji řečeno nereagoval. Směs nezájmu, úřednického šlendriánu a alibismu nacistům umožnila realizovat plán na vyhlazení Židů prakticky nerušeně po několik let. Nakonec se spojenci pro akci přece jen rozhodli; to však již bylo pozdě. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Auschwitz a spojenci (978-80-200-3110-5)The harrowing, moving and poignant account of one of the youngest survivors of Auschwitz: a girl who was only five years old when she was sent to an extermination camp, and was one of the few people who entered a gas chamber and lived to tell her story.'I am a survivor. That comes with a survivor's obligation to represent one and half million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis. They cannot speak. So I must speak on their behalf.'AN INCREDIBLE STORY OF COURAGE, RESILIENCE AND SURVIVAL Tova Friedman was one of the youngest people to emerge from Auschwitz. After surviving the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Central Poland where she lived as a toddler, Tova was five when she and her parents were sent to a Nazi labour camp, and almost six when she and her mother were forced into a packed cattle truck and sent to Auschwitz II, also known as the Birkenau extermination camp, while her father was transported to Dachau. During six months of incarceration in Birkenau, Tova witnessed atrocities that she could never forget, and experienced numerous escapes from death. She is one of a handful of Jews to have entered a gas chamber and lived to tell the tale. As Nazi killing squads roamed Birkenau before abandoning the camp in January 1945, Tova and her mother hid among corpses. After being liberated by the Russians they made their way back to their hometown in Poland. Eventually Tova's father tracked them down and the family was reunited.In The Daughter of Auschwitz, Tova immortalizes what she saw, to keep the story of the Holocaust alive, at a time when it is in danger of fading from memory. She has used those memories that have shaped her life to honour the victims. Written with award-winning former war reporter Malcolm Brabant, this is an extremely important book. Brabant's thorough research has helped Tova recall her experiences in searing detail. Together they have painstakingly recreated Tova's extraordinary story about one of the worst ever crimes against humanity. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Daughter of Auschwitz (Defekt) - Tova Friedman, Malcolm BrabantTéměř padesát let je jméno KT Auschwitz (Osvětim) pro miliony lidí na celém světě spojeno s hitlerovským masovým vražděním, zločinem, jaký nemá v dějinách civilizace obdoby. Za necelých pět let existence tohoto tábora v něm nacisté zavraždili více než milion lidí, převážně Židů, ale také značný počet Poláků, Čechů, Romů a představitelů dalších národností. Publikace představuje základní pramen informující o dění v KT Auschwitz. Autorka den po dni odhaluje historii koncentračního tábora, uvádí, kdy a odkud přijížděly jednotlivé transporty, kolik osob v nich bylo, kolik jich bylo ihned po příjezdu posláno po selekci do plynových komor, kolik do tábora. Popisuje nejdůležitější události v táboře, popravy, útěky vězňů, budování, rozšiřování a konečně i likvidaci a evakuaci tábora. Všechny události jsou doloženy jak svědecky, tak podloženy dochovanými dokumenty. Sama autorka na knize pracovala téměř do posledních let svého života a z jejího díla vycházejí či se na něj odvolávají všechny významné vědecké práce autorů z celého světa. Kniha původně vycházela na pokračování v letech 1958-1963 v časopise Zeszyty Oświęcimskie, v následujících letech vycházela doplněná a rozšířená vydání. Byla přeložena do několika jazyků, mimo jiné do němčiny, angličtiny a italštiny. Danuta Czechová (1922-2004) byla polskou historičkou a mnohaletou vědeckou pracovnicí Státního muzea v Osvětimi. Jak v Polsku, tak v zahraničí publikovala mnoho vědeckých prací, vystupovala v Německu jako odborná znalkyně v procesech s esesmany působícími v KT Auschwitz. Kniha Kalendář událostí v KT Auschwitz je jejím nejdůležitějším dílem. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Kalendář událostí v KT Auschwitz (2 svazky) - Danuta CzechováIn 1939, Gustav Kleinmann, a Jewish upholsterer in Vienna, was seized by the Nazis. Along with his teenage son, Fritz, he was sent to Buchenwald in Germany. There began an unimaginable ordeal that saw the pair beaten, starved and forced to build the very concentration camp they were held in. When Gustav was set to be transferred to Auschwitz, a certain death sentence, Fritz refused to leave his side. Throughout the horrors they witnessed and the suffering they endured, there was one constant that kept them alive: the love between father and son. Based on Gustav's secret diary and meticulous archive research, this book tells his and Fritz's story for the first time - a story of courage and survival unparalleled in the history of the Holocaust. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Boy Who Followed His Father Into Auschwitz - Jeremy DronfieldTHE MAN WHO BROKE INTO AUSCHWITZ is the extraordinary true story of a British soldier who marched willingly into Buna-Monowitz, the concentration camp known as Auschwitz III. In the summer of 1944, Denis Avey was being held in a POW labour camp, E715, near Auschwitz III. He had heard of the brutality meted out to the prisoners there and he was determined to witness what he could. He hatched a plan to swap places with a Jewish inmate and smuggled himself into his sector of the camp. He spent the night there on two occasions and experienced at first-hand the cruelty of a place where slave workers, had been sentenced to death through labour. Astonishingly, he survived to witness the aftermath of the Death March where thousands of prisoners were murdered by the Nazis as the Soviet Army advanced. After his own long trek right across central Europe he was repatriated to Britain. For decades he couldn't bring himself to revisit the past, but now Denis Avey feels able to tell the full story - a tale as gripping as it is moving - which offers us a unique insight into the mind of an ordinary man whose moral and physical courage are almost beyond belief. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz - Denis Avey, Rob BroombyKniha - autor Heather Morris, 470 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Her beauty saved her life - and condemned her. Cilka is just sixteen years old when she is taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp, in 1942. The Commandant at Birkenau, Schwarzhuber, notices her long beautiful hair, and forces her separation from the other women prisoners. Cilka learns quickly that power, even unwillingly given, equals survival. In a Siberian prison camp, Cilka faces challenges both new and horribly familiar, including the unwanted attention of the guards. But when she makes an impression on a woman doctor, Cilka is taken under her wing and taught new skills. Cilka begins to tend to the ill in the camp, struggling to care for them under brutal conditions. Cilka finds endless resources within herself as she daily confronts death and faces terror. And when she nurses a man called Ivan, Cilka finds that despite everything that has happened to her, there is room... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Cilka's Journey: The Sequel to 'The Tattooist of Auschwitz' (1838770437)Book Two of the After series-the internet sensation with millionsof readers. Tessa didn't plan on meeting H. during her freshmanyear of college. But now that she has, her life will never be thesame. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako After We Collided (After 2) - Anna ToddBalení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Partisan Records Barva: Černá Varianta: Cigarettes After Sex (Vinyl LP) Subžánr: Dream Pop;Shoegaze Interpret / Téma: Cigarettes After Sex Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Pop;Rock Typ: Album;LP deska Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Datum vydání: 2017-06-09 Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2017.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Cigarettes After Sex - Cigarettes After Sex (LP)Book Three of the After series-the internet sensation with millionsof readers. Tessa didn't plan on meeting H. during her freshmanyear of college. But now that she has, her life will never be thesame. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako After We Fell (After 3) (Defekt) - Anna ToddBook Two of the After series-the internet sensation with millionsof readers. Tessa didn't plan on meeting H. during her freshmanyear of college. But now that she has, her life will never be thesame. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako After We Collided (After 2) (Defekt) - Anna ToddBarva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Blues Rock Typ: Album;LP deska;Nové vydání Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2023.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Hmotnost: 180 g Žánr: Blues;Rock Datum vydání: 2023-02-24 Vydavatelství: UMC Interpret / Téma: Ten Years After Varianta: Ten Years After (Reissue) (180g) (LP) Balení obsahuje: LP (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Ten Years After - Ten Years After (Reissue) (180g) (LP)A promise to stay together. An unbreakable bond. A fierce will to survive. From international bestselling author Heather Morris comes the breath-taking conclusion to The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy. When they are girls, Cibi, Magda and Livia make a promise to their father - that they will stay together, no matter what. Years later, at just 15 years old, Livia is ordered to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Cibi, only 19 herself, remembers their promise and follows Livia, determined to protect her sister, or die with her. In their hometown in Slovakia, 17-year-old Magda hides, desperate to evade the barbaric Nazi forces. But it is not long before she is captured and condemned to Auschwitz. In the horror of the death camp, these three beautiful sisters are reunited. Though traumatised by their experiences, they are together. They make another promise: that they will live. Their fight for survival takes them from the hell of Auschwitz, to a death march across war-torn Europe and eventually home to Slovakia, now under iron Communist rule. Determined to begin again, they embark on a voyage of renewal, to the new Jewish homeland, Israel. Rich in vivid detail, and beautifully told, Three Sisters will break your heart, but leave you amazed and uplifted by the courage and fierce love of three sisters, whose promise to each other kept them alive. Two of the sisters are in Israel today, surrounded by family and friends. They have chosen Heather Morris to reimagine their story in her astonishing new novel, Three Sisters. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy - Heather MorrisováZuzana Ruzickova grew up in 1930s Czechoslovakia dreaming of two things: Johann Sebastian Bach and the piano. But her peaceful, melodic childhood was torn apart when, in 1939, the Nazis invaded. Uprooted from her home, transported from Auschwitz to Hamburg to Bergen-Belsen, bereaved, starved, and afflicted with crippling injuries to her musician's hands, the teenage Zuzana faced a series of devastating losses. Yet with every truck and train ride, a small slip of paper printed with her favourite piece of Bach's music became her talisman.Armed with this 'proof that beauty still existed', Zuzana's fierce bravery and passion ensured her survival of the greatest human atrocities of all time, and would continue to sustain her through the brutalities of post-war Communist rule. Harnessing her talent and dedication, and fortified by the love of her husband, the Czech composer Viktor Kalabis, Zuzana went on to become one of the twentieth century's most renowned musicians and the first harpsichordist to record the entirety of Bach's keyboard works.Zuzana's story, told here in her own words before her death in 2017, is a profound and powerful testimony of the horrors of the Holocaust, and a testament in itself to the importance of amplifying the voices of its survivors today. It is also a joyful celebration of art and resistance that defined the life of the 'first lady of the harpsichord'- a woman who spent her life being ceaselessly reborn through her music. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako One Hundred Miracles: Music, Auschwitz, Survival and Love - Wendy Holdenová, Zuzana RůžičkováHer beauty saved her life - and condemned her. In 1942 Cilka Klein is just sixteen years old when she is taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. The Commandant at Birkenau, Schwarzhuber, notices her long beautiful hair, and forces her separation from the other women prisoners. Cilka learns quickly that power, even unwillingly given, equals survival. After liberation, Cilka is charged as a collaborator by the Russians and sent to a desolate, brutal prison camp in Siberia known as Vorkuta, inside the Arctic Circle. Innocent and imprisoned once again, Cilka faces challenges both new and horribly familiar, each day a battle for survival. Cilka befriends a woman doctor, and learns to nurse the ill in the camp, struggling to care for them under unimaginable conditions. And when she tends to a man called Alexandr, Cilka finds that despite everything, there is room in her heart for love. Based on what is known of Cilka Klein's time in Auschwitz, and on the experience of women in Siberian prison camps, Cilka's Journey is the breathtaking sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz. A powerful testament to the triumph of the human will, this novel will make you weep, but it will also leave you astonished and uplifted by one woman's fierce determination to survive, against all odds. 'She was the bravest person I ever met' Lale Sokolov, The Tattooist of Auschwitz (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Cilka´s Journey : The sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather MorrisováThe powerful, heart-breaking memoir of Dita Kraus, the real-life Librarian of AuschwitzBorn in Prague to a Jewish family in 1929, Dita Kraus has lived through the most turbulent decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Here, Dita writes with startling clarity on the horrors and joys of a life delayed by the Holocaust. From her earliest memories and childhood friendships in Prague before the war, to the Nazi-occupation that saw her and her family sent to the Jewish ghetto at Terezin, to the unimaginable fear and bravery of her imprisonment in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, and life after liberation.Dita writes unflinchingly about the harsh conditions of the camps and her role as librarian of the precious books that her fellow prisoners managed to smuggle past the guards. But she also looks beyond the Holocaust - to the life she rebuilt after the war: her marriage to fellow survivor Otto B Kraus, a new life in Israel and the happiness and heartbreaks of motherhood.Part of Dita's story was told in fictional form in the Sunday Times bestseller The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe. Her memoir tells the full story in her own words. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako A Delayed Life: The true story of the Librarian of Auschwitz - Dita KrausováA promise to stay together. An unbreakable bond. A fierce will to survive. From international bestselling author Heather Morris comes the breath-taking conclusion to The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy. When they are girls, Cibi, Magda and Livia make a promise to their father - that they will stay together, no matter what. Years later, at just 15 years old, Livia is ordered to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Cibi, only 19 herself, remembers their promise and follows Livia, determined to protect her sister, or die with her. In their hometown in Slovakia, 17-year-old Magda hides, desperate to evade the barbaric Nazi forces. But it is not long before she is captured and condemned to Auschwitz. In the horror of the death camp, these three beautiful sisters are reunited. Though traumatised by their experiences, they are together. They make another promise: that they will live. Their fight for survival takes them from the hell of Auschwitz, to a death march across war-torn Europe and eventually home to Slovakia, now under iron Communist rule. Determined to begin again, they embark on a voyage of renewal, to the new Jewish homeland, Israel. Rich in vivid detail, and beautifully told, Three Sisters will break your heart, but leave you amazed and uplifted by the courage and fierce love of three sisters, whose promise to each other kept them alive. Two of the sisters are in Israel today, surrounded by family and friends. They have chosen Heather Morris to reimagine their story in her astonishing new novel, Three Sisters. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather MorrisováKniha - autor Danuta Czechová, 1192 stran, česky, polotuhá flexo Téměř padesát let je jméno KT Auschwitz (Osvětim) pro miliony lidí na celém světě spojeno s hitlerovským masovým vražděním, zločinem, jaký nemá v dějinách civilizace obdoby. Za necelých pět let existence tohoto tábora v něm nacisté zavraždili více než milion lidí, převážně Židů, ale také značný počet Poláků, Čechů, Romů a představitelů dalších národností. Publikace představuje základní pramen informující o dění v KT Auschwitz. Autorka den po dni odhaluje historii koncentračního tábora, uvádí, kdy a odkud přijížděly jednotlivé transporty, kolik osob v nich bylo, kolik jich bylo ihned po příjezdu posláno po selekci do plynových komor, kolik do tábora. Popisuje nejdůležitější události v táboře, popravy, útěky vězňů, budování, rozšiřování a konečně i likvidaci a evakuaci tábora. Všechny události jsou doloženy jak svědecky, tak podloženy dochovanými dokumenty. Sama autorka na knize pracovala téměř do... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Kalendář událostí v KT Auschwitz: obsahuje 2 svazky (978-80-200-3139-6)Eddy de Wind, a Dutch doctor and psychiatrist, was shipped to Auschwitz with his wife Friedel, whom he had met and married at the Westerbork labour camp in the Netherlands. At Auschwitz, they made it through the brutal selection process and were put to work. Each day, each hour became a battle for survival.For Eddy, this meant negotiating with the volatile guards in the medical barracks. For Friedel, it meant avoiding the Nazis' barbaric medical experiments. As the end of the war approached and the Russian Army drew closer, the last Nazis fled, taking many prisoners with them, including Friedel. Eddy hid under a pile of old clothes and stayed behind. Finding a notebook and pencil, he began to write with furious energy about his experiences.Last Stop Auschwitz is an extraordinary account of life as a prisoner, a near real-time record of the daily struggle to survive but also of the flickering moments of joy Eddy and Friedel found in each other - passing notes through the fence, sometimes stealing a brief embrace. Documenting the best and the worst of humanity, it is a unique and timeless story that reminds us of what we as humans are capable of, but that there is hope, even in Hell. Thought to be the only complete book written within Auschwitz itself, it will linger with you long after the final page has been turned. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Last Stop Auschwitz: My story of survival from within the camp - de Wind EddieThe powerful, heart-breaking memoir of Dita Kraus, the real-life Librarian of AuschwitzBorn in Prague to a Jewish family in 1929, Dita Kraus has lived through the most turbulent decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Here, Dita writes with startling clarity on the horrors and joys of a life delayed by the Holocaust. From her earliest memories and childhood friendships in Prague before the war, to the Nazi-occupation that saw her and her family sent to the Jewish ghetto at Terezin, to the unimaginable fear and bravery of her imprisonment in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, and life after liberation.Dita writes unflinchingly about the harsh conditions of the camps and her role as librarian of the precious books that her fellow prisoners managed to smuggle past the guards. But she also looks beyond the Holocaust - to the life she rebuilt after the war: her marriage to fellow survivor Otto B Kraus, a new life in Israel and the happiness and heartbreaks of motherhood.Part of Dita's story was told in fictional form in the Sunday Times bestseller The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe. Her memoir tells the full story in her own words. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako A Delayed Life: The true story of the Librarian of Auschwitz (Defekt) - Dita Krausová