Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

When in Rome - Sarah Adamsová

Amelia Rose, known as Rae Rose to her fans, is burnt out from years of maintaining her 'princess of pop' image. Inspired by her favourite Audrey Hepburn film Roman Holiday, and desperate for a getaway from the music business, she drives off in the middle of the night for a respite in Rome . . . Rome, Kentucky, that is. When Noah Walker finds Amelia on his front lawn in her broken-down car, he makes it clear he doesn't have the time or patience for celebrity problems. He's too busy running the pie shop his grandmother left him and reminding his nosy but lovable neighbours to mind their own damn business. But his heart softens when it becomes clear that years in the public eye have left Amelia lonely and isolated. Soon she'll have to return to her glamorous life on tour, but until then Noah will show Amelia all the charming small-town experiences she's been missing and she'll show him how to open his heart to more. Amelia can't resist falling for Rome and her grumpy tour guide, but she keeps reminding herself that even Audrey had to go back to her real life in the end . . .

Podívejte se také Deep Purple: Live In Rome 2013 (2x CD) - CD (4029759144311)

cena 268.0 Kč

The Enemy - Sarah Adamsová

Enemies should never get a second chance. But this one might . . . It's been twelve years since June Broaden has seen her high school enemy (and secret crush), Ryan Henderson.That's a long time to hold a grudge over some petty feud, but the sharp memory of him dangling a kiss at graduation, then pulling away at the last second, has fuelled many angry fantasies since. Now's her chance to get even. Ryan, along with most of her high school class, is back in town for her best friend's wedding, and June is eager to show the former bully exactly what he missed out on.A lot has changed since their high school days; June is the Southern queen of gourmet donuts now, not to mention one of the most desired bachelorettes in her small town. What's she's not expecting, though, is for Ryan to show up looking like Adonis and touting his own career success as the youngest chef to ever win three Michelin stars. How dare he try to one up her revenge plot? Luckily June never backs down from a challenge . . .

Podívejte se také Fillikid Rome giraffe grey (9120073605696)

cena 325.0 Kč

The Match - Sarah Adamsová

Sometimes, love finds you when you least expect it . .. Evie Jones has dedicated her life to Southern Service Paws, the company that matched her with the love of her life: Charlie, a service dog trained to assist with her epilepsy. But, as the company struggles to make ends meet, it's up to her and her longtime mentor and boss to keep the doors open with the fundraiser of the century.When Evie meets Jacob Broaden at a client consultation for his daughter, Sam, there are instant sparks - but not the good kind. Still, it doesn't take long for Jacob to be convinced that a service dog, and possibly Evie, might just be the best thing for his family. As Evie spends more time with Jacob and helps Sam find her perfect match, she starts longing for the loving family she's never had.For Jacob, falling in love with Evie is the last thing he should be doing, but love has a way of finding those who need it most . . .

Podívejte se také Rome (978-80-7411-267-6)

cena 312.0 Kč

The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adamsová

Discover the heartwarming friends-to-lovers romance that became a sensation on TikTok! Bree Camden is helplessly (and secretly) in love with her longtime best friend and NFL legend, Nathan Donelson. And that's the least of her problems. After a car accident ended her chance of becoming a ballerina, Bree now runs her own dance studio - if she can afford the rent to keep it open, that is. When Nathan comes to the rescue and buys the entire building, a stubborn Bree is not happy about it. Rebelling with a couple - okay, maybe more than a couple - of tequila shots, she spills her deepest, darkest secret to a TMZ reporter. One viral video later, the world thinks Nathan and Bree are the perfect couple and Nathan's publicist has an idea that could mean financial security for Bree. The catch? They have to pretend to be in love. For three. whole. weeks. Is now the moment for Bree to finally act on her hidden feelings? And is it possible that Nathan has been hiding some of his own? FEATURES A NEW CHAPTER AND Q&A WITH SARAH!

Objev podobné jako The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adamsová

cena 294.0 Kč

Útěk do Říma - Sarah Adamsová

Protiklady se přitahují. To platí i v případě popové hvězdy, která uvízne na malém městě, a tamního pekaře. Amélie Rose, kterou její obdivovatelé znají jako Rae Rose, si po letech, kdy svůj život podřizuje image "popové princezny", připadá vyhořelá. Nechá se inspirovat filmem Prázdniny v Římě se svou oblíbenou Audrey Hepburnovou a uprostřed noci uteče do Říma. Jenže tenhle Řím je v Kentucky v USA. Když Noah Walker objeví Amélii v porouchaném autě na svojí předzahrádce, dá jí jasně najevo, že na problémy celebrit nemá čas ani trpělivost. Má plné ruce práce s pekárnou, kterou mu odkázala babička, a umravňováním milých, ale všetečných sousedů. Se smíšenými pocity nakonec nechá popovou hvězdu bydlet ve svém domě v pokoji pro hosty - ale jen do té doby, než jí opraví auto. Časem ovšem začne Noah v Rae Rose vidět Amélii, dobrosrdečnou, trochu praštěnou, ale po letech strávených na očích veřejnosti osamělou dívku, a proti své vůli se s ní začne pomalu sbližovat. Amélie mu na oplátku pomůže s proměnou ze starého bručouna na člověka s otevřeným srdcem. Postupně si svého společníka i jeho kouzelné městečko zamiluje. Ale i Audrey nakonec musela z Říma odjet…

Objev podobné jako Útěk do Říma - Sarah Adamsová

cena 411.0 Kč

Útek do Ríma - Sarah Adamsová

Amelia Rosová, fanúšikom známa ako Rae Rosová, je vyčerpaná z dlhoročného pestovania imidžu popovej princeznej. Inšpirovaná obľúbeným filmom Audrey Hepburnovej Prázdniny v Ríme odchádza uprostred noci na dovolenku do Ríma... Do Ríma v Kentucky.Keď Noah Walker nájde Ameliu v pokazenom aute na svojom trávniku, dá jej jasne najavo, že na problémy celebrít nemá čas ani trpezlivosť. Je priveľmi zaneprázdnený vedením obchodu s koláčmi, ktorý mu odkázala stará mama, a napomínaním milých, no zvedavých susedov, aby sa starali o vlastné záležitosti. Nechá ju síce bývať v hosťovskej izbe, ale len dovtedy, kým jej neopravia auto – potom bude odkázaná sama na seba.Zrazu však vidí inú stránku Rae Rosovej – je dobrosrdečná a bláznivá, ale po rokoch strávených na očiach verejnosti sa cíti osamelo. Nemôže si pomôcť a podľahne jej šarmu. Amelia sa čoskoro bude musieť vrátiť k oslnivému životu celebrity, no dovtedy s Noahom strávi čarovné chvíle v malom mestečku a jeho zatrpknuté srdce znova otvorí láske.Ani Amelia napokon neodolá a zamiluje sa nielen do malebného Ríma, ale i do svojho nevrlého sprievodcu. Aj Audrey však nakoniec musela Rím opustiť...

Objev podobné jako Útek do Ríma - Sarah Adamsová

cena 568.0 Kč

The Temporary Roomie - Sarah Adamsová

From the New York Times bestselling author of Practice Makes Perfect comes an expanded edition of The Temporary Roomie - a witty and relatable romantic comedy about finding joy in the unexpected, with a never-before-seen chapter. No one said fair trade needed to be 'fair.' As the owner of Honeysuckle Salon, Jessie Barnes usually has everything managed and on track, but now in her third trimester of an unexpected pregnancy, she feels a bit lost and increasingly desperate after faulty plumbing floods her apartment. Unfortunately, her knight in shining armour is actually Dr. Drew Marshall, her best friend's brother, and also the man she chewed out not too long ago for being a chauvinistic dirtbag. Every moment Drew's had to prove her wrong since then has failed, so Jessie's opinion of him hasn't improved. That remains the case when he agrees to let her stay with him during renovations, under one condition: she pretends to be his girlfriend for upcoming work festivities.For the sake of her brother, Jessie is willing to make the tough situation work, and giving Drew a taste of his own medicine sounds . . . intriguing. But when their rivalry sparks a deeper connection, Jessie's future gets even more unclear - and with a baby on the way, she'll have to make a decision soon.

Objev podobné jako The Temporary Roomie - Sarah Adamsová

cena 325.0 Kč

Practice Makes Perfect - Sarah Adamsová

Annie Walker is on a quest to find her perfect match - someone who nicely compliments her happy, quiet life running her flower shop in Rome, Kentucky. Unfortunately, she worries her goal might be too far out of reach when she overhears her date saying she is 'sounbelievably boring'. Is it too late to become flirtatious and fun like the leading ladies in her favorite romance movies? Maybe she only needs a little practice...and Annie has the perfect person in mind to become her tutor: Will Griffin.Will - the flirtatious, tattooed, and absolutely gorgeous bodyguard - is temporarily back in Rome, providing security for Amelia Rose as excitement grows for her upcoming marriage to Noah Walker. He has one personal objective during his time in town: stay away from Annie Walker. But no sooner than he gets settled, Will soon finds himself not only breaking his rule, but tasked with far more than simply providing security.Will wants no part in changing the sweet and lovely Annie, but he can't bring himself to say no to her request, so he officially agrees to teach her how to be the next leading lady of Rome, Kentucky, and find the love of her life-even if he doesn't believe in love himself. Between faking a relationship so the meddling town doesn't catch on to what's really happening on their practice dates, and tutoring lessons that convince Annie to add passion to her list of must-haves in a mate, it doesn't take long for the lines of their friendship to blur...

Objev podobné jako Practice Makes Perfect - Sarah Adamsová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Rule Book - Sarah Adamsová

College sweethearts meet again years later, in this highly anticipated sequel to the viral TikTok sensation The Cheat Sheet!'Adams dazzles in her latest, a saucy second chance rom-com' Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW ?'The Rule Book did not disappoint. . .Their banter, the quirkiness, the iou he keeps GAHHH. I could keep going on for how much I loved this' ? ? ? ? ?'I knew I would be obsessed with this book, but truly this one blew me away. I swear, Sarah's writing just keeps getting better and better' ? ? ? ? ?'This book was such a fun ride.I loved Derek and Nora's story. It was a joy to see them process through their individual challenges and insecurities, grow, and ultimately reconnect. It was so so sweet.Sarah Adams just keeps getting better!' ? ? ? ? ?'This was by far one of the funniest and exciting sports romance books I've read. I literally loved everything about it' ? ? ? ? ?................................................. Nora Mackenzie's entire career lies in the hands of famous NFL tight end Derek Pender who also happens to be her extremely hot college ex-boyfriend.Nora didn't end things as gracefully as she could have back then, and now it's come back to haunt her. Derek is her first client as an official full-time sports agent and he's holding a grudge. Derek has set his sights on a little friendly revenge.If Nora Mackenzie, the first girl to ever break his heart, wants to be his agent, oh he'll let her be his agent. The plan is simple: make Nora's life absolutely miserable. But if Derek knows anything about the woman he once loved-she won't quit easily.Instead of giving in, Nora starts a scheme of her own. But then a wild night in Vegas leads to Nora and Derek in bed the next morning married. With their rule book out the window, could this new relationship be the thing to save their careers?

Objev podobné jako The Rule Book - Sarah Adamsová

cena 312.0 Kč

Útěk do Říma - Sarah Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Protiklady se přitahují. To platí i v případě popové hvězdy, která uvízne na malém městě, a tamního pekaře. Amélie Rose, kterou její obdivovatelé znají jako Rae Rose, si po letech, kdy svůj život podřizuje image „popové princezny“, připadá vyhořelá. Nechá se inspirovat filmem Prázdniny v Římě se svou oblíbenou Audrey Hepburnovou a uprostřed noci uteče do Říma. Jenže tenhle Řím je v Kentucky v USA. Když Noah Walker objeví Amélii v porouchaném autě na svojí předzahrádce, dá jí jasně najevo, že na problémy celebrit nemá čas ani trpělivost. Má plné ruce práce s pekárnou, kterou mu odkázala babička, a umravňováním milých, ale všetečných sousedů. Se smíšenými pocity nakonec nechá popovou hvězdu bydlet ve svém domě v pokoji pro hosty – ale jen do té doby, než jí opraví auto. Časem ovšem začne Noah v Rae Rose vidět Amélii, dobrosrdečnou, trochu praštěnou, ale po letech strávených na očích veřejnosti osamělou dívku, a proti své vůli se s ní začne pomalu sbližovat. Amélie mu na oplátku pomůže s proměnou ze starého bručouna na člověka s otevřeným srdcem. Postupně si svého společníka i jeho kouzelné městečko zamiluje. Ale i Audrey nakonec musela z Říma odjet…

Objev podobné jako Útěk do Říma - Sarah Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 299.0 Kč

When God Was a Rabbit - Sarah Winmannová

1968. The year Paris takes to the streets. The year Martin Luther King loses his life for a dream. The year Eleanor Maud Portman is born. Young Elly's world is shaped by those who inhabit it: her loving but maddeningly distractible parents; a best friend who smells of chips and knows exotic words like 'slag'; an ageing fop who tapdances his way into her home, a Shirley Bassey impersonator who trails close behind; lastly, of course, a rabbit called God. In a childhood peppered with moments both ordinary and extraordinary, Elly's one constant is her brother Joe. Twenty years on, Elly and Joe are fully grown and as close as they ever were. Until, that is, one bright morning when a single, earth-shattering event threatens to destroy their bond forever. Spanning four decades and moving between suburban Essex, the wild coast of Cornwall and the streets of New York, this is a story about childhood, eccentricity, the darker side of love and sex, the pull and power of family ties, loss and life. More than anything, it's a story about love in all its forms.

Objev podobné jako When God Was a Rabbit - Sarah Winmannová

cena 268.0 Kč

When the Moon Hatched - Sarah A. Parker

He's fire and brimstone.I'm shattered ice ...I'll gladly burn beneath him until the world comes crumbling down.As an assassin for the rebellion, Raeve's job is to complete orders and never get caught. When a rival bounty hunter shatters her world, Raeve finds herself captured by the Guild of Nobles - a group of powerful fae.Crushed by the loss of his great love, dragon rider Kaan Vaegor took the head of a king and donned his melted crown.Now on a tireless quest to quell the never-ebbing ache in his chest, a clue lures him into the capital's high-security prison where he stumbles upon the imprisoned Raeve ...Together, they seek truths that threaten to unravel everything they knew about their world - and each other.Bestselling sensation When the Moon Hatched will transport you into a world filled with magic, dragons and a love that blazes through the ages...

Objev podobné jako When the Moon Hatched - Sarah A. Parker

cena 402.0 Kč

When the Moon Hatched (The Moonfall Series, Book 1) - Sarah A. Parker

He's fire and brimstone. I'm shattered ice … I'll gladly burn beneath him until the world comes crumbling down.As an assassin for the rebellion, Raeve’s job is to complete orders and never get caught. When a rival bounty hunter shatters her world, Raeve finds herself captured by the Guild of Nobles – a group of powerful fae. Crushed by the loss of his great love, dragon rider Kaan Vaegor took the head of a king and donned his melted crown.Now on a tireless quest to quell the never-ebbing ache in his chest, a clue lures him into the capital’s high-security prison where he stumbles upon the imprisoned Raeve … Together, they seek truths that threaten to unravel everything they knew about their world – and each other. Bestselling sensation When the Moon Hatched will transport you into a world filled with magic, dragons and a love that blazes through the ages…

Objev podobné jako When the Moon Hatched (The Moonfall Series, Book 1) - Sarah A. Parker

cena 536.0 Kč

When Courage Calls: Josephine Butler and the Radical Pursuit of Justice for Women - Sarah C. Williams

''A crucial and compelling read'' NATALIE COLLINS @GodLovesWomen ''The story of Josephine Butler is astonishing, shocking, inspiring, recounted here by a narrator who understands the very core of her subject. A powerful read.'' CLAIRE GILBERT, author of I, Julian ''When Courage Calls allows us to hear Butler''s message afresh at a time when women''s value and safety is again at risk.'' ALISON MILBANK, Professor of Literature and Theology, University of Nottingham''This is an inspiring book written by an inspiring writer'' RACHAEL TREWEEK, Bishop of Gloucester Millicent Fawcett, the leader of the British suffragist movement, described Josephine Butler as ''the most distinguished English woman of the nineteenth century''. Among the first feminist activists, Butler raised public awareness of the plight of destitute women, worked to address human trafficking and led a vigorous campaign to secure equal rights for women before the law. In her pursuit of justice, Butler did as much for women as William Wilberforce did for African slaves within the British Empire, and yet, while Wilberforce remains a household name, Butler is forgotten.Social historian Sarah C. Williams presents a re-examined biography of the radical political activist Josephine Butler. From the beauty of her childhood in Northumbria, to the stifling intellectual environment of mid-Victorian Oxford; from the impoverished streets of Liverpool and the brothels of London, Brussels and Paris, to the offices of Westminster and the Houses of Parliament. Butler''s relentless drive to secure rights for women against the sexual double standard of her day captures a remarkable woman with deeply held values for equality.Underpinning Butler''s public life of political activism lies the full corpus of her writing and the spirituality that grounded her activism. When Courage Calls offers a profound examination of Butler''s inner life of prayer, defined by her radical sense of justice that was able to transform Victorian society. Such conviction offers us a taste of the possibility for our time and culture.This biography presents a fresh interpretation of the relationship between Josephine Butler''s public leadership, her political activism and her spirituality.

Objev podobné jako When Courage Calls: Josephine Butler and the Radical Pursuit of Justice for Women - Sarah C. Williams

cena 738.0 Kč

Wolves in Helicopters - Tagholm Sarah

Nominated for the Carnegie Medal for IllustrationCan Hop find a way to escape the wolves in her nightmares, even if they chase her in helicopters? Mummy thinks so... Every night, Hop has nightmares filled with, scary, hungry-eyed wolves. She knows they only exist in her dreams but they still seem very real.Her mummy comforts her and has some good advice, but can Hop find the courage to conquer the wolves?Practical advice for children who suffer night fears and terrors, in a gentle and funny story for the youngest of readers, illustrated by Sainsbury's Children's Book Award-Winning Paddy Donnelly.

Objev podobné jako Wolves in Helicopters - Tagholm Sarah

cena 268.0 Kč

Modrá čarodějka - Alane Adamsová

Dobrodružství plné kouzel, skřekoňů, krysoňů, zlivočáků a dalších tajemných tvorů i obřích krvelačných pavouků.Abigail Tarkanová by se jednou chtěla stát nejmocnější čarodějkou ze všech. Chodí do Tarkanské čarodějnické akademie, ale kouzlení jí moc nejde – asi brzy propadne ze zázračných zaklínadel a efektivních elixírů. A navíc jí ztrpčuje život protivná spolužačka Endera. Jako by jí byl neúspěch souzen. Abigail ale ve skutečnosti není taková, jak působí na ostatní a jak se i sama cítí. Aniž by to tušila, je obdařena jedinečnou mocí, kterou zdědila po svých rodičích, které však nikdy nepoznala.Tuto magickou sílu v sobě musí nejprve objevit. A také se musí naučit ji zkrotit. Zatímco každá čarodějka vládne zeleným čarohněm, ten její hoří jasně modře. A to něco znamená! Ale je potřeba to skrýt. Podaří se jí to, nebo ji modrý plamen zákonitě dostane dřív nebo později do potíží?Zvládne malá čarodějka obejít nástrahy studia a své výjimečnosti? Dokáže si ochočit mocného okřídleného tvora, jenž každého roztrhá na kusy? A najde si nakonec i cestu k Endeře, kterou musí se svým kamarádem Hugem zachránit z temného podsvětí plného zákeřných pavouků? A jak je to vlastně u čarodějek s tím dobrem a zlem?Pro fanoušky Percyho Jacksona a Harryho Pottera.

Objev podobné jako Modrá čarodějka - Alane Adamsová

cena 268.0 Kč

Brightman Sarah: Hymn In Concert - CD+DVD (0021162)

Hudební CD - Toto filmové představení je jedinečným hybridem hudebního filmu a rozsáhlé koncertní produkce. Hymn je dvanácté album anglické herečky, tanečnice, a především nejprodávanější a nejúspěšnější sopranistky na světě Sarah Brightman z roku 2018. Toto filmové představení je jedinečným hybridem hudebního filmu a rozsáhlé koncertní produkce. Hymn je dvanácté album anglické herečky, tanečnice, a především nejprodávanější a nejúspěšnější sopranistky na světě Sarah Brightman z roku 2018. Sarah Brightman je známá především díky svému rozsahu, který se rozprostírá přes tři oktávy. Za svou kariéru prodala přes 30 milionů desek, jako jediná interpretka měla svou skladbu jako čísla jedna v Billboard žebříčku taneční i klasické hudby zároveň a získala přes 180 zlatých a platinových certifikátů ve vice než 40 zemích. Je rovněž známá pro své ikonické vystupování ve Fantomovi opery, nazpívala duet s Andreou Bocellim Time To Say Goodbye a vystupovala na Koncertě pro...

Objev podobné jako Brightman Sarah: Hymn In Concert - CD+DVD (0021162)

cena 499.0 Kč

Popelčina kouzla - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Morgan správně z Constantinea vycítila temnotu. A ta temnota, která ovládala jeho život, teď hrozila pohltit i ji. To, co se mezi nimi odehrávalo, bylo temné a smyslné, ne sladké a omamné. A Morgan chtěla… potřebovala se nechat omámit láskou! „Nemusíme čekat na dokonalost, abychom se přihlásili o štěstí!“ to mu Morgan řekla, když se jí zeptal, co chce. A Constantine postupně začíná chápat, jako moc pravdy v těchto slovech je!

Objev podobné jako Popelčina kouzla - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

Ukradená princezna - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Nastal čas platit dluhy… A Violet zjistila, že tou splátkou za otcův dluh je ona sama. Že se musí stát královnou! Aspoň to tvrdí ten tajemný muž, který se rozhodl odvézt ji na druhý konec planety a předat ji svému vládci a bratrovi. Javier má v hlavě zmatek, byť to na sobě nedává znát. Ta žena, na kterou nesmí pomyslet, protože patří někomu jinému, ho ovládla! A on to nesmí připustit. Nesmí jí dovolit, aby ho milovala! (V červnu vyjde volné pokračování pod názvem Bez tebe jsem ztracen!)

Objev podobné jako Ukradená princezna - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

Modrá čarodějka - Alane Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Dobrodružství plné kouzel, skřekoňů, krysoňů, zlivočáků a dalších tajemných tvorů i obřích krvelačných pavouků. Abigail Tarkanová by se jednou chtěla stát nejmocnější čarodějkou ze všech. Chodí do Tarkanské čarodějnické akademie, ale kouzlení jí moc nejde – asi brzy propadne ze zázračných zaklínadel a efektivních elixírů. A navíc jí ztrpčuje život protivná spolužačka Endera. Jako by jí byl neúspěch souzen. Abigail ale ve skutečnosti není taková, jak působí na ostatní a jak se i sama cítí. Aniž by to tušila, je obdařena jedinečnou mocí, kterou zdědila po svých rodičích, které však nikdy nepoznala. Tuto magickou sílu v sobě musí nejprve objevit. A také se musí naučit ji zkrotit. Zatímco každá čarodějka vládne zeleným čarohněm, ten její hoří jasně modře. A to něco znamená! Ale je potřeba to skrýt. Podaří se jí to, nebo ji modrý plamen zákonitě dostane dřív nebo později do potíží? Zvládne malá čarodějka obejít nástrahy studia a své výjimečnosti? Dokáže si ochočit mocného okřídleného tvora, jenž každého roztrhá na kusy? A najde si nakonec i cestu k Endeře, kterou musí se svým kamarádem Hugem zachránit z temného podsvětí plného zákeřných pavouků? A jak je to vlastně u čarodějek s tím dobrem a zlem? Pro fanoušky Percyho Jacksona a Harryho Pottera.

Objev podobné jako Modrá čarodějka - Alane Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 254.0 Kč

Astley Rick: Love This Christmas / When I Fall In Love (Single vinyl) (Coloured) - LP (4050538809558)

LP vinyl - Speciální 12" singl s jednou vánoční skladbou doplněnou o další dvě skladby z repertoáru Ricka Astleyho vychází na červeném vinylu. Speciální 12„ singl s jednou vánoční skladbou doplněnou o další dvě skladby z repertoáru Ricka Astleyho vychází na červeném vinylu. Britský zpěvák a skladatel se nejvýrazněji proslavil singlem ”Never Gonna Give You Up" z roku 1987, který se stal číslem 1 v pětadvaceti zemích světa. Spolupracoval na něm s památnou trojicí Stock Aitken Waterman, která pomáhala i dalším tehdejším hvězdám včetně Kylie Minogue. Za nahrávku získal Astley cenu Brit Awards. Do roku 1993, kdy ukončil kariéru, prodal přes 40 milionů desek. Na scénu se potom vrátil až v roce 2001 s albem Keep It Turned On. Barva LP : Červená Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop LP (12" red vinyl) A1 Love this Christmas / B1 When I Fall in Love (2022 - Remaster) / B2 My Arms Keep Missing You

Objev podobné jako Astley Rick: Love This Christmas / When I Fall In Love (Single vinyl) (Coloured) - LP (4050538809558)

cena 399.0 Kč

Tajný pánský knižní klub - Adamsová Lyssa Kay

"Manželství Gavina Scotta je v troskách. Baseballová hvězda Gavin nedávno odhalil ponižující tajemství: jeho žena Thea vždy předstírala to velké O. Toto odhalení je poslední kapkou pro jejich už tak dosti napjatý vztah. Thea požádá o rozvod a Gavin si uvědomí, že se nechal ovládnout pýchou a strachem. Ale o vztah nechce přijít. Rozrušený a zoufalý Gavin nachází pomoc na neobvyklém místě, v tajném knižním klubu romantických knih, který tvoří největší alfa samci města Nashville. S pomocí jejich aktuální četby, žhavého románu z období regentství zvaného Námluvy s hraběnkou, se parta drsných svalovců pokusí zachránit Gavinovo manželství. Protože když to tak hezky funguje v knize, musí to jít i ve skutečnosti! Jenže náš nešťastný Romeo bude potřebovat víc než květnatá slova a velká gesta, aby našel svého vnitřního hrdinu a získal zpět důvěru své milované ženy. Podaří se mu zachránit manželství? "

Objev podobné jako Tajný pánský knižní klub - Adamsová Lyssa Kay

cena 156.0 Kč

The Bromance Book Club - Adamsová Lyssa Kay

The first rule of book club:You don't talk about book club.Gavin Scott's marriage is trouble. The Nashville Legends baseball star has recently discovered a humiliating secret: his wife Thea has always faked the Big O. His reaction to the revelation is the final straw for their already strained relationship. Thea asks for a divorce, and Gavin realizes he's let his pride and fear get the better of him.Welcome to the Bromance Book Club.Distraught and desperate, Gavin finds help from an unlikely source: a secret romance book club made up of Nashville's top alpha men. With the help of their current read, a steamy Regency called Courting the Countess, the guys coach Gavin on saving his marriage. But it'll take a lot more than flowery words and grand gestures for this hapless Romeo to find his inner hero and win back the trust of his beloved wife.

Objev podobné jako The Bromance Book Club - Adamsová Lyssa Kay

cena 268.0 Kč

Můj nepřítel viking - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Byl to viking. Byl dobyvatel. A ona ho zradila. Vztah mezi Gunnarem a Olive byl složitý. Znali se od dětství, od dětství spolu soupeřili… od dětství se přitahovali. A Olive, aby se navždy zbavila své závislosti na tomto krásném islandském nájezdníkovi, porazila ho… tím, že mu podlehla! Jenže se přitom zpronevěřila zásadám. Jeho zásadám. A musí za to podle něj nést trest. Gunnar byl chladný a odtažitý. Byl jako promrzlá pustina. Na Olive bylo, aby ten led rozpustila!

Objev podobné jako Můj nepřítel viking - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

Bez tebe jsem ztracen - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: „Měla bys být mou ženou, Livio.“ Ale Livia řekla králi Matteovi, muži, kterého milovala, „ne“. Právě proto, že ho milovala! Už totiž nebyla tím ubohým nalezencem, kterému Matteo poskytl přístřeší. A věděla, že má dost síly na to od něj raději odejít než přijmout jeho nabídku a stát se královnou. Bez jeho lásky! (Příběh navazující na Ukradenou princeznu z dubna!)

Objev podobné jako Bez tebe jsem ztracen - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

Buď můj jediný král! - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Buď můj jediný král! „Potřebuju, abyste byl můj ochránce a můj rádce…“ Ta malá princezna, Annick, Maxima pořád překvapovala. Nenechala se odradit a nenechala se ani zastrašit. A když ji odmítl – prostě ho unesla! Z pocitu zodpovědnosti nabídl Annick manželství, ale srdce jí Maximus nenabídl. Jenže ona chce všechno – nebo nic! A Maximus nakonec pochopil, že celou dobu to byl on, kdo potřeboval pomoc, ne Annick!

Objev podobné jako Buď můj jediný král! - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

Malá bojovnice - Jennifer Adamsová, Carme Lemniscatesová - e-kniha

eBook: Malá bojovnice je silná a přitom milá. Kamarádí se se sluncem a s větrem. Stará se o své tělo i duši. Pomáhá ostatním a svět je díky ní lepší. Každý může udělat něco dobrého dnes a tady. Díky promyšlené hře mezi úsporným textem a ilustracemi malí čtenáři vytuší, že každý den je plný příležitostí pro dělání lepšího, milejšího a spravedlivějšího světa. Nemusí jít o velké činy, často i ty nejběžnější každodenní rituály mohou mít velkou sílu. Záleží jen, jak se provedou. Inspirací této příjemně zářivě ilustrované knihy byla slavná HeatherAsh Amara, autorka Warrior Goddess Training zabývajícího se povzbuzením sebevědomí a sebeuvědomění žen. V současném boomu povzbuzujících knížek (nejen) pro děti je Malá bojovnice výjimečná svým poselstvím, že skutečná síla a statečnost je v bytí dobrým člověkem. Jednoduchá knížka s poselstvím, které osloví malé i velké holky.

Objev podobné jako Malá bojovnice - Jennifer Adamsová, Carme Lemniscatesová - e-kniha

cena 169.0 Kč

Kráska a osamělý miliardář - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

eBook: Z Camerona, muže, který okouzloval svět zevnějškem a inteligencí, zůstalo zlomené a znetvořené „zvíře“. A co udělá zvíře, když se přes práh jeho doupěte dostane kráska? Nechá si ji, zařadí ji do své sbírky krásných věcí… Tou kráskou je Athena – bohyně války, moudrosti a statečných mužů. Cameron si myslel, že ji bude potřebovat, proto si ji ponechal. A Athena se rozhodla, že ona zase potřebuje jeho!

Objev podobné jako Kráska a osamělý miliardář - Millie Adamsová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

Tajný pánský knižní klub - Adamsová Lyssa Kay - e-kniha

eBook: Manželství Gavina Scotta je v troskách. Baseballová hvězda Gavin nedávno odhalil ponižující tajemství: jeho žena Thea vždy předstírala to velké O. Toto odhalení je poslední kapkou pro jejich už tak dosti napjatý vztah. Thea požádá o rozvod a Gavin si uvědomí, že se nechal ovládnout pýchou a strachem. Ale o vztah nechce přijít.Rozrušený a zoufalý Gavin nachází pomoc na neobvyklém místě, v tajném knižním klubu romantických knih, který tvoří největší alfa samci města Nashville. S pomocí jejich aktuální četby, žhavého románu z období regentství zvaného Námluvy s hraběnkou, se parta drsných svalovců pokusí zachránit Gavinovo manželství. Protože když to tak hezky funguje v knize, musí to jít i ve skutečnosti!Jenže náš nešťastný Romeo bude potřebovat víc než květnatá slova a velká gesta, aby našel svého vnitřního hrdinu a získal zpět důvěru své milované ženy.Podaří se mu zachránit manželství?

Objev podobné jako Tajný pánský knižní klub - Adamsová Lyssa Kay - e-kniha

cena 228.0 Kč

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World - Haemin Sunim

The Times Top 10 BestsellerTHE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER, WITH OVER THREE MILLION COPIES SOLD AROUND THE WORLD'Is it the world that's busy, or my mind?'The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on everything from handling setbacks to dealing with rest and relationships, in a beautiful book combining his teachings with calming full-colour illustrations. Haemin Sunim's simple messages - which he first wrote when he responded to requests for advice on social media - speak directly to the anxieties that have become part of modern life and remind us of the strength and joy that come from slowing down.Hugely popular in Korea, Haemin Sunim is a Zen meditation teacher whose teachings transcend religion, borders and ages. With insight and compassion drawn from a life full of change, the bestselling monk succeeds at encouraging all of us to notice that when you slow down, the world slows down with you.

Objev podobné jako The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World - Haemin Sunim

cena 312.0 Kč

Realside - When I See Your Smile / When I See Your Smile (Extended Version) (7" Vinyl)

Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: 7" Vinyl Subžánr: Hip Hop;Funk;Soul Žánr: Funk;Hip Hop;Soul Typ: 7" vinylová deska;Single Varianta: When I See Your Smile/When I See Your Smile (Extended Version) (7'' Vinyl) Interpret / Téma: Realside Vydavatelství: Epsilon Record Co. Rok vydání: 2021.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 45 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: Kanada

Objev podobné jako Realside - When I See Your Smile / When I See Your Smile (Extended Version) (7" Vinyl)

cena 266.0 Kč

Only When I Larf

The three confidence tricksters - two blokes and a bird - had a style that earned them millions.Silas was the leader, slick and self-assured - but dissatisfied. Bob was the junior partner, longing for the open road where pickings were rich and the living was easy. And Liz, Silas' mistress, was... in between. Theirs was a built-in love triangle with its own rewards... and its own dangers.In New York these con-artists do a 'business deal' worth millions. But back in London Silas' plan to bilk an emergent African nation misfires. Then Bob takes over the running of the operation - and Liz. A Beirut bank is their target and each member of the trio gets what he or she deserves - each with a twist of lemon.This new reissue includes a foreword from the cover designer, Oscar-winning filmmaker Arnold Schwartzman, and a brand new introduction by Len Deighton, which offers a fascinating insight into the writing of the story.

Objev podobné jako Only When I Larf

cena 149.0 Kč

When We Were Birds

Mesmerising, mythic and timeless - the most unmissable debut novel of 2022 - for fans of Arundhati Roy, Toni Morrison and Monique Roffey'Exceptional' Jacob Ross'Exquisite' Avni Doshi'Combining the richness of myth with razor-sharp observation of contemporary life, When We Were Birds marks the emergence of a distinctive and powerful voice' Pat Barker'It's a knockout, and Ayanna Lloyd Banwo is a star. I want to read everything she writes' Niven GovindenDarwin is a down-on-his-luck gravedigger, newly arrived in the Trinidadian city of Port Angeles to seek his fortune, young and beautiful and lost. Estranged from his mother and the Rastafari faith she taught him, he is convinced that the father he never met may be waiting for him somewhere amid these bustling streets.Meanwhile in an old house on a hill, where the city meets the rainforest, Yejide's mother is dying. And she is leaving behind a legacy that now passes to Yejide: the power to talk to the dead. The women of Yejide's family are human but also not - descended from corbeau, the black birds that fly east at sunset, taking with them the souls of the dead.Darwin and Yejide both have something that the other needs. Their destinies are intertwined, and they will find one another in the sprawling, ancient cemetery at the heart of the island, where trouble is brewing...Rich with magic and wisdom, When We Were Birds is an exuberant masterpiece that conjures and mesmerises on every line. Ayanna Lloyd Banwo weaves an unforgettable story of loss and renewal, darkness and light; a triumphant reckoning with a grief that runs back generations and a defiant, joyful affirmation of hope.

Objev podobné jako When We Were Birds

cena 399.0 Kč

When Nietzsche Wept (0062009303)

Kniha - autor Irvin D Yalom, 310 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Irvin D Yalom, 310 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "P.S. read exclusive extras including: interviews, features, If you loved this..., and more inside"--P. (4) of cover.

Objev podobné jako When Nietzsche Wept (0062009303)

cena 450.0 Kč

Clap When You Land (1471409120)

Kniha - autor Elizabeth Acevedo, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Clap When You Land (1471409120)

cena 233.0 Kč

When Breath Becomes Air (1984801821)

Kniha - 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako When Breath Becomes Air (1984801821)

cena 265.0 Kč

Clap When You Land (0062882767)

Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Clap When You Land (0062882767)

cena 324.0 Kč

When All is Said (1473683025)

Kniha - 266 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 266 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako When All is Said (1473683025)

cena 252.0 Kč

When She Was Good (0751573493)

Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An explosive new thriller from world-renowned multi-million-copy bestselling author Michael Robotham, this is an pulse-racing novel featuring the brilliant criminal psychologist Cyrus Haven, a man who will stop at nothing to get to the truth.

Objev podobné jako When She Was Good (0751573493)

cena 252.0 Kč

When Cicadas Cry - Caroline Cleveland

A young white woman has been bludgeoned to death in a rural church on Cicada Road, just outside the small town of Walterboro, South Carolina-a state that has been roiling with racial tenson since the shooting of an unarmed Black man by a white police officer.

Objev podobné jako When Cicadas Cry - Caroline Cleveland

cena 384.0 Kč

The Great When - Alan Moore

A propulsive tour through a fantastical London, where history and myth collide, murder stalks the streets and the mundane becomes very magical indeed...The year is 1949, the city London. Amidst the smog of the capital is Dennis Knuckleyard, a hapless eighteen-year-old employed by a second-hand bookshop. One day, on an errand to acquire books for sale, Dennis discovers a novel that simply does not exist.It is a fictitious book, a figment from another novel. Yet it is physically there in his hands. How?Dennis has stumbled on a book from the Great When, a magical version of London beyond time and space, where reality blurs with fiction and concepts such as Crime and Poetry are incarnated as wondrous, terrible beings.But this other, magical London must remain a secret: if Dennis cannot find a way to return this book to where it belongs, he risks bizarre and disastrous repercussions, such as his body being turned inside out (or worse).So begins a journey delving deep into the city's occult underbelly and tarrying with an eccentric cast of sorcerers, gangsters, and murderers - some from legend, some all too real, and all with plans of their own. Soon Dennis finds himself at the centre of an explosive series of events that may alter and endanger both Londons forever.Thrilling, lyrical and sparkling with dark humour, The Great When is the first book in a new series by Sunday Times-bestseller and icon, Alan Moore.

Objev podobné jako The Great When - Alan Moore

cena 402.0 Kč

The Great When - Alan Moore

A propulsive tour through a fantastical London, where history and myth collide, murder stalks the streets and the mundane becomes very magical indeed…The year is 1949, the city London. Amidst the smog of the capital is Dennis Knuckleyard, a hapless eighteen-year-old employed by a second-hand bookshop. One day, on an errand to acquire books for sale, Dennis discovers a novel that simply does not exist.It is a fictitious book, a figment from another novel. Yet it is physically there in his hands. How?Dennis has stumbled on a book from the Great When, a magical version of London beyond time and space, where reality blurs with fiction and concepts such as Crime and Poetry are incarnated as wondrous, terrible beings.But this other, magical London must remain a secret: if Dennis cannot find a way to return this book to where it belongs, he risks bizarre and disastrous repercussions, such as his body being turned inside out (or worse). So begins a journey delving deep into the city’s occult underbelly and tarrying with an eccentric cast of sorcerers, gangsters, and murderers – some from legend, some all too real, and all with plans of their own. Soon Dennis finds himself at the centre of an explosive series of events that may alter and endanger both Londons forever.

Objev podobné jako The Great When - Alan Moore

cena 591.0 Kč

Heartland : A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth - Smarsh Sarah

*Longlisted for the National Book Award for Nonfiction and Finalist for the Kirkus Prize* An eye-opening memoir of working-class poverty in the American Midwest. During Sarah Smarsh's turbulent childhood in Kansas in the 1980s and 1990s, the forces of cyclical poverty and the country's changing economic policies solidified her family's place among the working poor. By telling the story of her life and the lives of the people she loves, Smarsh challenges us to look more closely at the class divide in our country and examine the myths about people thought to be less because they earn less. Her personal history affirms the corrosive impact intergenerational poverty can have on individuals, families, and communities, and she explores this idea as lived experience, metaphor, and level of consciousness. Smarsh was born a fifth generation Kansas wheat farmer on her paternal side and the product of generations of teen mothers on her maternal side. Through her experiences growing up as the daughter of a dissatisfied young mother and raised predominantly by her grandmother on a farm thirty miles west of Wichita, we are given a unique and essential look into the lives of poor and working class Americans living in the heartland. Combining memoir with powerful analysis and cultural commentary, Heartland is an uncompromising look at class, identity, and the particular perils of having less in a country known for its excess. "Sarah Smarsh--tough-minded and rough-hewn--draws us into the real lives of her family, barely making it out there on the American plains. There's not a false note. Smarsh, as a writer, is Authentic with a capital A...This is just what the world needs to hear" (George Hodgman, author of Bettyville).

Objev podobné jako Heartland : A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth - Smarsh Sarah

cena 536.0 Kč

When Breath Becomes Air pb (9781784701994)

Kniha - anglicky 'Finishing this book and then forgetting about it is simply not an option...Unmissable' New York Times At the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade's training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, the next he was a patient struggling to live. When Breath Becomes Air chronicles Kalanithi's transformation from a medical student asking what makes a virtuous and meaningful life into a neurosurgeon working in the core of human identity - the brain - and finally into a patient and a new father. What makes life worth living in the face of death? What do you do when when life is catastrophically interrupted? What does it mean to have a child as your own life fades away? Paul Kalanithi died while working on this profoundly moving book, yet his words live on as a guide to us all. When Breath Becomes Air is a life-affirming reflection on facing our...

Objev podobné jako When Breath Becomes Air pb (9781784701994)

cena 289.0 Kč

When I See Blue - Lily Bailey

New town, new school, but the bully is in Ben's head ...There are 4 things you should know about Ben:1. He's 12 years old2. He's the new kid at school3. His special number is 44. He has a bully in his brainSometimes Ben's brain makes him count to 4 to prevent bad things happening. Sometimes it makes him tap or blink in 4s. Mostly it makes the smallest things feel impossible. And with a new school, a moody big brother, an absent dad and a mum battling her own demons, Ben feels more out of control than ever. But then he meets April, and with his new friend, Ben might finally figure out how to stand up to the bully in his brain, once and for all.An authentic and affecting #ownvoices story about living life with OCD, from the inspiring author and mental health activist, Lily Bailey. Perfect for readers of A Kind of Spark and The Goldfish Boy.

Objev podobné jako When I See Blue - Lily Bailey

cena 232.0 Kč

When We Were Young - Richard Roper

A tender and funny story about wanting to go back - when you know it's time to move on.---------Theo has been living in his parents' shed, nursing a broken heart and a wounded ego, convinced life can't get any worse. Then he gets evicted on his 30th birthday. Theo thinks he's done with the real world - until it shows up on his doorstep...Joel is a successful TV scriptwriter, still in love with his teenage sweetheart. A proper grown-up - and yet he's falling apart at the seams. He's headed home to reconnect with best friend Theo - except they haven't spoken since the summer they turned 16.One of them is keeping a secret, and the other is living a lie. But can the promise they once made to walk all 184 miles of the Thames Path help them find their way back to the truth - and to their friendship?

Objev podobné jako When We Were Young - Richard Roper

cena 279.0 Kč

Fiona Apple - When The Pawn (LP)

Subžánr: Indie Pop;Pop;Vocal Varianta: When The Pawn (LP) Interpret / Téma: Fiona Apple Datum vydání: 2023-12-08 Rok vydání: 2023.0 Žánr: Pop Vydavatelství: Epic Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska

Objev podobné jako Fiona Apple - When The Pawn (LP)

cena 546.0 Kč

When Our Worlds Collided - Jawando Danielle

A powerful coming-of-age story about chance encounters, injustice and how the choices that we make can completely change our future. The second YA novel from the critically acclaimed Danielle Jawando, perfect for fans of Angie Thomas, Gayle Foreman, Jennifer Niven and Nikesh Shukla.'Jawando's writing is incredibly raw and real; I felt completely immersed' Alice OsemanWhen fourteen-year-old Shaq is stabbed outside of a busy shopping centre in Manchester, three teenagers from very different walks of life are unexpectedly brought together. What follows flips their worlds upside down and makes Chantelle, Jackson, and Marc question the deep-rooted prejudice and racism that exists within the police, the media, and the rest of society.

Objev podobné jako When Our Worlds Collided - Jawando Danielle

cena 232.0 Kč

When the Sky Falls - Phil Earle

An extraordinary story with historical and family truth at its heart, that tells us as much about the present as the past. Deeply felt, movingly written, a remarkable achievement' Michael Morpurgo 1941. War is raging. And one angry boy has been sent to the city, where bombers rule the skies. There, Joseph will live with Mrs F, a gruff woman with no fondness for children. Her only loves are the rundown zoo she owns and its mighty silverback gorilla, Adonis. As the weeks pass, bonds deepen and secrets are revealed, but if the bombers set Adonis rampaging free, will either of them be able to end the life of the one thing they truly love? Inspired by a true story.

Objev podobné jako When the Sky Falls - Phil Earle

cena 241.0 Kč

When Haru Was Here - Dustin Thao

We Are Okay meets Wandavision in this novel about loss and learning to let go. After the death of his best friend, Eric Ly creates imaginary scenarios in his head to deal with his grief. Until one of them becomes real when a boy he met last summer in Japan finds his way back into his life.When he least expects it, Haru Tanaka walks into the coffee shop and sits down next to him. The only thing is, nobody else can see him. In a magical turn of events, Eric suddenly has someone to connect with, making him feel less alone in the world.But as they spend more and more time together, he begins to question what is real. When he starts losing control of the very thing that is holding him together, Eric must finally confront his reality. Even if it means losing Haru forever.

Objev podobné jako When Haru Was Here - Dustin Thao

cena 268.0 Kč

When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

Raymond Briggs'' world-famous graphic account of one ordinary couple''s attempt to stand firm in the face of nuclear annihilation remains as powerful today as it was when it was first published in 1982.Following Jim and Hilda Blogg in the days before and after a nuclear attack on Britain, When the Wind Blows is alternately funny, shocking, heartbreaking and devastating. Few can read it and not be deeply moved.Despite writing some of the most beloved and enduring children''s books of all time - The Snowman, Father Christmas and Fungus the Bogeyman - When the Wind Blows is very much a story for adults. Not only does it articulate the fears of the generations who grew up in the shadow of the Cold War, but it also speaks today of our own fears, living as we do in a nuclear age.Written and illustrated by Briggs, When the Wind Blows has never been out of print.

Objev podobné jako When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

cena 325.0 Kč

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