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What About Men? - Caitlin Moranová

'A must-read eye-opener that makes you laugh, cry, get angry and get happy on every page. It's magnificent' Bob Mortimer'I fall passionately in love with absolutely every single thing Caitlin Moran writes - and I've fallen very hard for this book... Eye-opener, page-turner, women-translator, guy-empowerer - put like that, I hope you'll agree it's incredibly reasonably priced' Marina Hyde'Our greatest modern writer on women turns her eyes on men - and it's all good' David BaddielAs any feminist who talks about the problems of girls and women will know, the first question you will ever be asked is 'But what about MEN?' After eleven years of writing bestsellers about women and dismissing this question, having been very sure that the concerns of feminism and men are very different things, Caitlin Moran realised that this wasn't quite right, and that the problems of feminism are also the problems of, yes, men.So, what about men? Why do they only go to the doctor if their wife or girlfriend makes them? Why do they never discuss their penises with each other - but make endless jokes about their balls? What is porn doing for young men? Is their fondness for super-skinny jeans leading to an epidemic of bad mental health? Are men allowed to be sad? Are men allowed to lose? Have Men's Rights Activists confused 'power' with 'empowerment'? And is Jordan B Peterson just your mum - but with some mad theory about a lobster?In this book, Caitlin intends to answer all this and more - because if men haven't yet answered the question 'What About Men?', it's going to be down to a busy woman to do it.

Podívejte se také Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - LP (7567864979)

cena 325.0 Kč

What About Men? - Caitlin Moranová

As any feminist who talks about the problems of girls and women will know, the first question you will ever be asked is 'But what about MEN?' After eleven years of writing bestsellers about women and dismissing this question, having been very sure that the concerns of feminism and men are very different things, Caitlin Moran realised that this wasn't quite right, and that the problems of feminism are also the problems of, yes, men.So, what about men? Why do they only go to the doctor if their wife or girlfriend makes them? Why do they never discuss their penises with each other - but make endless jokes about their balls? What is porn doing for young men? Is their fondness for super-skinny jeans leading to an epidemic of bad mental health? Are men allowed to be sad? Are men allowed to lose? Have Men's Rights Activists confused 'power' with 'empowerment'? And is Jordan B Peterson just your mum - but with some mad theory about a lobster?In this book, Caitlin intends to answer all this and more - because if men haven't yet answered the question 'What About Men?', it's going to be down to a busy woman to do it.

Podívejte se také Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - CD (7567864978)

cena 447.0 Kč

Moranthology - Caitlin Moranová

Including cultural, social and political issues which are usually left to hot-shot wonks and not a woman who sometimes keeps a falafel in her handbag, this title also deals with subjects such as Caffeine; Ghostbusters; Being Poor; Twitter; Caravans; Obama; Wales; Paul McCartney; The Welfare State; Sherlock; and more.

Podívejte se také Česká filharmonie, Bělohlávek Jiří: What Men Live By, Symfonie č. 1, H 289 - CD (SU4233-2)

cena 250.0 Kč

Moranthology (Defekt) - Caitlin Moranová

Including cultural, social and political issues which are usually left to hot-shot wonks and not a woman who sometimes keeps a falafel in her handbag, this title also deals with subjects such as Caffeine; Ghostbusters; Being Poor; Twitter; Caravans; Obama; Wales; Paul McCartney; The Welfare State; Sherlock; and more.

Objev podobné jako Moranthology (Defekt) - Caitlin Moranová

cena 129.0 Kč

Víc než žena - Caitlin Moranová

Autorka bestselleru Jak být ženou se vrací. Starší a zkušenější — a ještě vtipnější! Caitlin Moranová před deseti lety předpokládala, že má všechny trable za sebou. V globálním bestselleru Jak být ženou se vypořádala s patriarchátem, feminismem a vůbec vším, co obnáší moderní „ženství“, a měl ji čekat spokojený dospělý život plný skvělého sexu a harmonického rodičovství. Víc se mýlit nemohla. V nové a neméně úspěšné knize se proto populární spisovatelka zaobírá výzvami, které v současnosti čekají na „zralé“ ženy. Víc než žena je břitkým průvodcem dospělostí i smířením s faktem, že seznam povinností, potřeb a potíží se bude jen prodlužovat. Ale ať už to jsou stárnoucí rodiče, dospívající a náladové děti, odcizující se partner, nebo proměňující se vlastní tělo, Moranová neztrácí nadhled a smysl pro řádně kousavý humor. Stárnutí je v jejím pojetí oslavou života — i když obnáší nudný sex, protivné puberťáky a nezničitelné faldy. Nebo možná právě proto.

Objev podobné jako Víc než žena - Caitlin Moranová

cena 294.0 Kč

Jak být ženou - Caitlin Moranová

V roce 1913 se sufražetka Emily Wilding Davisonová vrhla pod kopyta králova koně… V roce 1970 vzaly feministky útokem Miss World… A nyní přichází kniha Caitlin Moranové…Nikdy v minulosti nebylo lepší být ženou. Máme volební právo, pilulky a od roku 1727 nás neupalují jako čarodějnice. Ale přece jen zbývá položit pár rýpavých otázek…Proč se od nás čeká, že budeme chodit na brazilskou depilaci? Měla byste zajít na botox? Je pravda, že nás muži vskrytu nenávidí? Jak máme nazývat svou vagínu? Proč bolí nosit podprsenku? A proč se vás všichni ptají, kdy už budete mít dítě?Caitlin Moranová zodpovídá tyto a další otázky v knize Jak být ženou, která je zčásti vyprávěním o životě autorky a zčásti plamennou tirádou. Moranovou sledujeme od jejích strašlivých třináctých narozenin („vážím osmdesát kilo, nemám žádné kamarády, a když mě vidí kluci, házejí na mě štěrk“) přes dospívání až po práci, striptýzové kluby, lásku, obezitu, potrat, nakupování, mateřství a ještě mnohem dál. V roce 2011 získala Caitlin Moranová ocenění Galaxy National Book Award.

Objev podobné jako Jak být ženou - Caitlin Moranová

cena 259.0 Kč

Víc než žena - Caitlin Moranová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Ve středním věku vám nejúžasnější ze všech lidí nevyhnutelně přijdou právě vrstevnice. Autorka bestselleru Jak být ženou se vrací. Starší, zkušenější — a ještě vtipnější! Caitlin Moranová před deseti lety předpokládala, že má všechny trable za sebou. Ve svém globálním bestselleru Jak být ženou se vypořádala s patriarchátem, feminismem a vším tím, co obnáší moderní „ženství“, a měl ji čekat spokojený dospělý život plný skvělého sexu a harmonického rodičovství. Nečekal. V nové knize se proto zaobírá výzvami, které v současnosti čekají na „zralé“ ženy a stává se tak naším břitkým průvodcem dospělostí i smířením s faktem, že seznam povinností, potřeb a potíží se bude jen prodlužovat - stárnoucí rodiče, dospívající a náladové děti, odcizující se partner, nebo proměňující se vlastní tělo. Moranová přesto neztrácí nadhled a smysl pro řádně kousavý humor. Stárnutí je v jejím pojetí oslavou života — i když obnáší nudný sex, protivné puberťáky a nezničitelné faldy. Nebo možná právě proto.

Objev podobné jako Víc než žena - Caitlin Moranová - audiokniha

cena 368.0 Kč

More Than a Woman - Caitlin Moranová

A decade ago, Caitlin Moran thought she had it all figured out. Her instant bestseller How to Be a Woman was a game-changing take on feminism, the patriarchy, and the general 'hoo-ha' of becoming a woman. Back then, she firmly believed 'the difficult bit' was over, and her forties were going to be a doddle.If only she had known: when middle age arrives, a whole new bunch of tough questions need answering. Why isn't there such a thing as a 'Mum Bod'? How did sex get boring? What are men really thinking? Where did all that stuff in the kitchen drawers come from? Can feminists have Botox? Why has wine turned against you? How can you tell the difference between a Teenage Micro-Breakdown, and The Real Thing? Has feminism gone too far? And, as always, WHO'S LOOKING AFTER THE CHILDREN? Now with ageing parents, teenage daughters, a bigger bum and a To-Do list without end, Caitlin Moran is back with More Than A Woman: a guide to growing older, a manifesto for change, and a celebration of all those middle-aged women who keep the world turning.

Objev podobné jako More Than a Woman - Caitlin Moranová

cena 250.0 Kč

Víc než žena - Caitlin Moranová - e-kniha

eBook: Autorka bestselleru Jak být ženou se vrací. Starší a zkušenější — a ještě vtipnější! Caitlin Moranová před deseti lety předpokládala, že má všechny trable za sebou. V globálním bestselleru Jak být ženou se vypořádala s patriarchátem, feminismem a vůbec vším, co obnáší moderní „ženství“, a měl ji čekat spokojený život plný skvělého sexu, času na vlastní zájmy a harmonického rodičovství. Víc se mýlit nemohla. V nové a neméně úspěšné knize se proto populární spisovatelka zaobírá výzvami, které v současnosti čekají na „zralé“ ženy. Víc než žena je břitkým průvodcem dospělostí i smířením s faktem, že seznam povinností, potřeb a potíží se bude jen prodlužovat. Ale ať už to jsou stárnoucí rodiče, dospívající a náladové děti, odcizující se partner nebo proměňující se vlastní tělo, Moranová neztrácí nadhled a smysl pro řádně kousavý humor. Stárnutí je v jejím pojetí oslavou života — i když obnáší nudný sex, protivné puberťáky a nezničitelné faldy. Nebo možná právě proto. ––– Kniha britské fejetonistky Caitlin Moranové Jak být ženou není ani uplakaným deníčkem, ani červenou knihovnou. Naopak — mohla by změnit k lepšímu život mnoha ženám… Moranová nepřichází s radikálně novými koncepcemi, „jenom“ je předkládá natolik stravitelně a s takovým vtipem, že naštve snad jen lidi beze smyslu pro humor.— Kamil Fila, Respekt Jak být ženou je nebývale otevřený a nezkrášlený punkový pohled pětatřicetileté rebelky s proříznutou pusou, která byla na party s Lady Gaga. Ale taky je to normální ženská, která popsala svou klikatou cestu k ženství.— Martina Siwek Macáková, iLiteratura.cz Skoro nelze vyjádřit, jak příjemné je trávit čas ve společnosti Caitlin Moranové. Víc než žena je vtipné, povznášející a moudré čtení.— The Observer Nesmírně vtipný a dojímavý manifest, jak být slušným člověkem a navzdory nespočetným stresům vést šťastný život. — The Sunday Times

Objev podobné jako Víc než žena - Caitlin Moranová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Jak být ženou - Caitlin Moranová - e-kniha

eBook: 1913: Sufražetka se vrhá pod kopyta králova koně. 1970: Feministky berou útokem Miss World v Londýně. 2011: Caitlin Moranová přichází a ptá se, proč jsou kalhotky stále menší a menší. Nikdy dříve nebylo lepší být ženou. Máme volební právo, antikoncepci a od roku 1727 nás neupalují jako čarodějnice. Ale pořád ještě zbývá položit pár rýpavých otázek… Proč se od nás čeká, že budeme vyholené? Měly bychom chodit na botox? Opravdu nás muži vskrytu nenávidí? Jak máme říkat své vagině? Proč nošení podprsenky bolí? Proč se nás všichni ptají, kdy už budeme mít dítě? Kniha Caitlin Moranové je famózní one-woman show, v níž autorka nestydatě vtipným způsobem deklasuje veškeré nároky, jež na moderní ženu klade společnost. Vážná zamyšlení nad náměty jako dospívání, práce či mateřství střídá neméně moudré glosování témat jako striptýzové kluby, celebrity nebo svatby. Caitlin Moranová zkrátka útočí na všechny zbytečnosti beroucí ženám drahocenný čas. Její kniha je nezbytným průvodcem současné ženy. Caitlin Moranová neměla v roce 1990 žádné kamarády, a tak jí zbývala spousta času na psaní jejího prvního románu Kronika rodiny Narmů. Tehdy jí bylo patnáct let. O rok později začala pracovat v hudebním týdeníku Melody Maker a v osmnácti se stala moderátorkou pořadu o pop music Naked City na britském televizním kanálu Channel 4. Po tomto raketovém startu věnovala následujících osmnáct let své kariéry psaní sloupků do deníku The Times — a to jako recenzentka i jako autorka nejčtenější části novin, satirického sloupku o slavných osobnostech nazvaného Celebrity Watch. Za svou práci získala v roce 2010 publicistickou cenu Columnist of The Year udělovanou v rámci British Press Awards, nejprestižnějších ocenění britského tisku. Je nejstarší z osmi dětí a rodiče ji spolu s jejími sourozenci vzdělávali doma, v obecním domku ve Wolverhamptonu. Četla řadu knih o feminismu — především proto, aby svému bratrovi Eddiemu vědecky dokázala, že je lepší než on.

Objev podobné jako Jak být ženou - Caitlin Moranová - e-kniha

cena 189.0 Kč

How to Build a Girl (yellow) - Caitlin Moranová

I'm fourteen, and I've just decided to kill myself. I don't really want to die, of course! I just need to kill Johanna, and build a new girl. Dolly Wilde will be everything I want to be, and more! But as with all the best coming-of-age stories, it doesn't exactly go to plan...

Objev podobné jako How to Build a Girl (yellow) - Caitlin Moranová

cena 259.0 Kč

What I Love About You

Often we find it difficult to express our true feelings to the one we love. This beautiful journal is a very special way to say "I love you." Fill in the prompted pages and gift to your significant other as a sign of your deep connection to one another. Let your other half know how you felt when you first met them, draw a portrait of them, cast yourselves as movie stars and write down your heart's desire. With a range of prompts to answer from the hilarious to the heartfelt, this is a unique and personalized gift.

Objev podobné jako What I Love About You

cena 268.0 Kč

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (0307473392)

Kniha - autor Haruki Murakami, 180 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Haruki Murakami, 180 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In 1982, having sold his jazz bar to devote himself to writing, Murakami began running to keep fit. A year later, he'd completed a solo course from Athens to Marathon, and now, after dozens of such races, not to mention triathlons and a dozen critically acclaimed books, he reflects upon the influence the sport has had on his life and-even more important-on his writing. Funny, sobering, playful and philosophical, this book is rich and revelatory, both for fans of this masterful yet guardedly private writer and for the exploding population of athletes who find similar satisfaction in running.

Objev podobné jako What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (0307473392)

cena 224.0 Kč

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami

''Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional''A compelling mediation on the power of running and a fascinating insight into the life of this internationally bestselling writer. A perfect reading companion for runners.In 1982, having sold his jazz bar to devote himself to writing, Murakami began running to keep fit. A year later, he''d completed a solo course from Athens to Marathon, and now, after dozens of such races, he reflects upon the influence the sport has had on his life and on his writing.Equal parts travelogue, training log and reminiscence, this revealing memoir covers his four-month preparation for the 2005 New York City Marathon and settings ranging from Tokyo''s Jingu Gaien gardens, where he once shared the course with an Olympian, to the Charles River in Boston.By turns funny and sobering, playful and philosophical, this is a must-read for fans of this masterful yet private writer as well as for the exploding population of athletes who find similar satisfaction in distance running.*Murakami''s new book Novelist as a Vocation is available now*''There can never have been a book quite like this memoir of running and writing before. In its self-contained way, it''s nothing less than an inspiration'' Evening Standard''Hugely enjoyable...You don''t have to have run a marathon to be captivated'' Sunday Telegraph''Comical, charming and philosophical...an excellent memoir'' GQ

Objev podobné jako What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami

cena 295.0 Kč

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami

In 1982, having sold his jazz bar to devote himself to writing, Murakami began running to keep fit. A year later, he'd completed a solo course from Athens to Marathon, and now, after dozens of such races, not to mention triathlons and a slew of critically acclaimed books, he reflects upon the influence the sport has had on his life and on his writing. Equal parts travelogue, training log, and reminiscence, this revealing memoir covers his four-month preparation for the 2005 New York City Marathon and settings ranging from Tokyo's Jingu Gaien gardens, where he once shared the course with an Olympian, to the Charles River in Boston among young women who outpace him. Through this marvellous lens of sport emerges a cornucopia of memories and insights: the eureka moment when he decided to become a writer, his greatest triumphs and disappointments, his passion for vintage LPs, and the experience, after fifty, of seeing his race times improve and then fall back.By turns funny and sobering, playful and philosophical, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running is rich and revealing, both for fans of this masterful yet private writer and for the exploding population of athletes who find similar satisfaction in distance running.

Objev podobné jako What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami

cena 268.0 Kč

What I Know About You - Eric Chacour

"A mesmerizing and achingly beautiful novel that will linger in your memory indefinitely" Jon Ransom, author of The Whale TattooA heartbreaking tale of impossible love in late-twentieth century Egypt.Cairo, 1980s. Tarek’s whole life is laid out for him. A doctor like his father, he has taken over the family medical practice, married his childhood sweetheart and is well respected in society. When he opens a clinic in a disadvantaged area of the city, he meets Ali, a young man who is free from the societal pressures that govern Tarek’s life. This chance encounter will change everything, throwing Tarek’s marriage, career and his entire existence into question. From bustling Cairo to the harsh winters of Montréal, from the reign of Nasser to the dawn of a new century, Tarek wanders and reminisces. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, someone is compiling the chapters of his story . . .

Objev podobné jako What I Know About You - Eric Chacour

cena 295.0 Kč

BRUNO BANANI About Men EdT 30 ml (8005610340975)

Toaletní voda - pro muže, citrusová hlavní vůně, německé výroby, objem 30 ml

Objev podobné jako BRUNO BANANI About Men EdT 30 ml (8005610340975)

cena 208.0 Kč

What I’d Rather Not Think About - Jente Posthuma

SHORTLISTED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZEWhat if one half of a pair of twins no longer wants to live? What if the other can’t live without them?This question lies at the heart of Jente Posthuma’s deceptively simple What I’d Rather Not Think About. The narrator is a twin whose brother has recently taken his own life. She looks back on their childhood, and tells of their adult lives: how her brother tried to find happiness, but lost himself in various men and the Bhagwan movement, though never completely. In brief, precise vignettes, full of gentle melancholy and surprising humour, Posthuma tells the story of a depressive brother, viewed from the perspective of the sister who both loves and resents her twin, struggles to understand him, and misses him terribly.

Objev podobné jako What I’d Rather Not Think About - Jente Posthuma

cena 295.0 Kč

What Does Baby Want? A Book About Breastfeeding - Tupera Tupera

This baby is not comforted by a teddy bear or toy. This baby wants only one thing: milk! When baby is hungry, neither his teddy bear, his ball, nor even his shiny tambourine will soothe him. This tribute to the nursing baby - and even more so, to the breastfeeding mother - will read as conventional to babies and toddlers but as taboo-busting to parents. Celebrate the natural magic of growing a baby with this simply worded, expertly illustrated, and shockingly honest shaped board book. Perfect for nursing babies, older siblings, and expectant parents. A sure-to-be favorite baby shower gift!

Objev podobné jako What Does Baby Want? A Book About Breastfeeding - Tupera Tupera

cena 286.0 Kč

Knížka Bonnier Books Ltd What I Love About You, Studio Press

Kniha z kolekce Bonnier Books Ltd. Staňte se autorem svého vlastního milostného příběhu a vyjádřete na stránkách tohoto deníku své city ke svému milovanému.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Bonnier Books Ltd What I Love About You, Studio Press

cena 469.0 Kč

Drive : The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us - Daniel H. Pink

A book that will change how you think and transform how you live Forget everything you thought you knew about how to motivate people - at work, at school, at home. It is wrong. As Daniel H. Pink explains in his paradigm-shattering book Drive, the secret to high performance and satisfaction in today's world is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and the world. Along the way, he takes us to companies that are enlisting new approaches to motivation, and introduces us to the scientists and entrepreneurs who are pointing a bold way forward.

Objev podobné jako Drive : The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us - Daniel H. Pink

cena 268.0 Kč

Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - CD (7567864978)

Hudební CD - What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. Trivium na nahrávce zvukově navazují na předchozí desku The Sin And The Sentence z roku 2017, která jim přinesla uznání kritiky i různá ocenění (např. časopis Metal Hammer ji zařadil mezi zásadní počiny roku). What The Dead Men Say je k dispozici na CD nebo LP. Kapela Trivium vznikla v roce 2000 v Orlandu na Floridě. Věnuje se melodickému death metalu, trash metalu i metalcore. Seznam stop IX / What The Dead Men Say / Catastrophist / Amongst The Shadows & The Stones / Bleed Into Me / The Defiant / Sickness Unto You / Scattering The Ashes / Bending The Arc To Fear / The Ones We Leave Behind

Objev podobné jako Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - CD (7567864978)

cena 389.0 Kč

Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - LP (7567864979)

LP vinyl - What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. Trivium na nahrávce zvukově navazují na předchozí desku The Sin And The Sentence z roku 2017, která jim přinesla uznání kritiky i různá ocenění (např. časopis Metal Hammer ji zařadil mezi zásadní počiny roku). What The Dead Men Say je k dispozici na CD nebo LP. Kapela Trivium vznikla v roce 2000 v Orlandu na Floridě. Věnuje se melodickému death metalu, trash metalu i metalcore. Obsah: IX What The Dead Men Say Catastrophist Amongst The Shadows & The Stones Bleed Into Me The Defiant Sickness Unto You The Ones We Leave Behind

Objev podobné jako Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - LP (7567864979)

cena 539.0 Kč

SEX/LIFE: 44 Chapters About 4 Men - BB Easton

One woman's secret journal completely changes her marriage in this hilarious and biting memoir - the inspiration for the Netflix Original Series. School psychologists aren't supposed to write books about sex. Doing so would be considered 'unethical' and 'a fireable offense'. Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit. Sex/Life: 44 Chapters About 4 Men is a laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest look at female sexuality, as told through the razor-sharp lens of domesticated bad girl BB Easton. No one and nothing is off limits as BB revisits the ex-boyfriends - a sadistic tattoo artist, a punk rock parolee, and a heavy metal bass player - that led her to finally find true love with a straight-laced, drop-dead-gorgeous . . . accountant. After settling down and starting a family with her perfectly vanilla 'husbot', Ken, BB finds herself longing for the reckless passion she had in her youth. She begins to write about these escapades in a secret journal, just for fun, but when Ken starts to act out the words on the pages, BB realizes that she might have stumbled upon the holy grail of behaviour modification techniques. The psychological dance that ensues is nothing short of hilarious as BB wields her journal like a blowtorch, trying to light a fire under her cold, distant partner. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but in the end, BB learns that the man she was trying so hard to change was perfect for her all along.

Objev podobné jako SEX/LIFE: 44 Chapters About 4 Men - BB Easton

cena 294.0 Kč

Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know (0316462918)

Kniha - autor Malcolm Gladwell, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The routine traffic stop that ends in tragedy. The spy who spends years undetected at the highest levels of the Pentagon. The false conviction of Amanda Knox. Why do we so often get other people wrong? Why is it so hard to detect a lie, read a face or judge a stranger's motives? Through a series of encounters and misunderstandings - from history, psychology and infamous legal cases - Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual adventure into the darker side of human nature, where strangers are never simple and misreading them can have disastrous consequences. No one challenges our shared assumptions like Malcolm Gladwell. Here he uses stories of deceit and fatal errors to cast doubt on our strategies for dealing with the unknown, inviting us to rethink our thinking in these troubled times.

Objev podobné jako Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know (0316462918)

cena 280.0 Kč

Knížka QeeBoo What Coco Chanel Can Teach You About Fashion by Caroline Young, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Objevte život, dílo a odkaz Chanel v této pečlivě zpracované biografii zaměřené na jejího uměleckého ducha.

Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo What Coco Chanel Can Teach You About Fashion by Caroline Young, English

cena 399.0 Kč

The Bilingual Brain: And What It Tells Us about the Science of Language (0141990384)

Kniha - autor Albert Costa, 176 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fascinating. . . This engaging book explores just how multiple languages are acquired and sorted out by the brain. . . Costa's work derives from a great fund of knowledge, considerable curiosity and solidly scientific spirit' Philip Hensher SpectatorThe definitive study of bilingualism and the human brain from a leading neuropsychologistOver half of the world's population is bilingual and yet few of us understand how this extraordinary, complex ability really works. How do two languages co-exist in the same brain? What are the advantages and challenges of being bilingual? How do we learn - and forget - a language?In the first study of its kind, leading expert Albert Costa shares twenty years of experience to explore the science of language. Looking at studies and examples from Canada to France to South Korea, The Bilingual Brain investigates the significant impact of bilingualism on...

Objev podobné jako The Bilingual Brain: And What It Tells Us about the Science of Language (0141990384)

cena 271.0 Kč

If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal: What Animal Intelligence Reveals About Human Stupidity - Justin Gregg

CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY WATERSTONES AND THE TIMES'Nothing less than brilliant' Wall Street Journal'Entertaining and original' Guardian'Accessible and insightful, it's a thought-provoking read' Observer'Highly readable' The Times__________What's it like to be a bat, a bee, or a bed bug? From narwhals to slugs, Dr Justin Gregg offers a window into the minds of other creatures and debunks many of the myths of human exceptionalism. With the latest research on animal minds and cognitive psychology, he shows us what animal minds can teach us about humanity's shortcomings. Mind-bending, humbling and hilarious, If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal will change how you think about animals, humans, and the meaning of life itself.__________'Provides real insight into how we think'Financial Times'Witty and instructive' New Statesman

Objev podobné jako If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal: What Animal Intelligence Reveals About Human Stupidity - Justin Gregg

cena 349.0 Kč

The Road to Ruin: What the Global Elite Knows About the Next Financial Crisis (0241189209)

Kniha - autor James Rickards, 340 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor James Rickards, 340 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The global economy has made what seems like an incredible comeback after the financial crisis of 2008. Yet this comeback is artificial. Central banks have propped up markets by keeping interest rates low and the supply of money free-flowing. They won't bail us out again next time. And there will be a next time - soon.In The Road to Ruin, bestselling author James Rickards identifies how governments around the world are secretly preparing an alternative strategy for the next big crisis: a lockdown. Instead of printing money to reliquify markets and prop up assets, governments are preparing to close banks, shut down exchanges and order powerful asset managers not to sell. They're putting provisions in place that will allow them to do so legally. What's more, the global elite has already started making their own...

Objev podobné jako The Road to Ruin: What the Global Elite Knows About the Next Financial Crisis (0241189209)

cena 412.0 Kč

Knížka QeeBoo What Alexander McQueen Can Teach You About Fashion by Ana Finel Honigman, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Kniha odhaluje McQueenův tvůrčí talent, jeho inspiraci, smysl pro obchod a detaily, které činí jeho návrhy tak fascinujícími.

Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo What Alexander McQueen Can Teach You About Fashion by Ana Finel Honigman, English

cena 399.0 Kč

The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens - and Ourselves (0241986842)

Kniha - autor Arik Kershenbaum, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A Times/Sunday Times Book of the Year DISCOVER HOW LIFE REALLY WORKS - ON EARTH AND IN SPACE 'A wonderfully insightful sidelong look at Earthly biology' Richard Dawkins 'Crawls with curious facts' Sunday Times. We are unprepared for the greatest discovery of modern science. Scientists are confident that there is alien life across the universe yet we have not moved beyond our perception of 'aliens' as Hollywood stereotypes. The time has come to abandon our fixation on alien monsters and place our expectations on solid scientific footing. Using his own expert understanding of life on Earth and Darwin's theory of evolution - which applies throughout the universe - Cambridge zoologist Dr Arik Kershenbaum explains what alien life must be like. This is the story of how life really works, on Earth and in space. _________________________ 'An entertaining, eye-opening and, above all, a...

Objev podobné jako The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens - and Ourselves (0241986842)

cena 295.0 Kč

Talking to Strangers : What We Should Know about the People We Don´t Know - Malcolm Gladwell

The routine traffic stop that ends in tragedy. The spy who spends years undetected at the highest levels of the Pentagon. The false conviction of Amanda Knox. Why do we so often get other people wrong? Why is it so hard to detect a lie, read a face or judge a stranger's motives? Through a series of encounters and misunderstandings - from history, psychology and infamous legal cases - Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual adventure into the darker side of human nature, where strangers are never simple and misreading them can have disastrous consequences. No one challenges our shared assumptions like Malcolm Gladwell. Here he uses stories of deceit and fatal errors to cast doubt on our strategies for dealing with the unknown, inviting us to rethink our thinking in these troubled times.

Objev podobné jako Talking to Strangers : What We Should Know about the People We Don´t Know - Malcolm Gladwell

cena 214.0 Kč

Bullshit Jobs : The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It - David Graeber

Be honest: if your job didn't exist, would anybody miss it? Have you ever wondered why not? Up to 40% of us secretly believe our jobs probably aren't necessary. In other words: they are bullshit jobs. This book shows why, and what we can do about it. In the early twentieth century, people prophesied that technology would see us all working fifteen-hour weeks and driving flying cars. Instead, something curious happened. Not only have the flying cars not materialised, but average working hours have increased rather than decreased. And now, across the developed world, three-quarters of all jobs are in services, finance or admin: jobs that don't seem to contribute anything to society. In Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber explores how this phenomenon - one more associated with the Soviet Union, but which capitalism was supposed to eliminate - has happened. In doing so, he looks at how, rather than producing anything, work has become an end in itself; the way such work maintains the current broken system of finance capital; and, finally, how we can get out of it. This book is for anyone whose heart has sunk at the sight of a whiteboard, who believes 'workshops' should only be for making things, or who just suspects that there might be a better way to run our world.

Objev podobné jako Bullshit Jobs : The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It - David Graeber

cena 312.0 Kč

How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It - Louis Weinstock

I know of no one better qualified to understand what young people are facing today - Philippa PerryLouis cares deeply about children and the world they are growing up in. In this book, he provides a brilliant, nurturing, much needed voice to children and anyone who cares about children - Jessie WareIn this book, rich in edifying insight and illuminating case examples, Louis Weinstock confronts us with uncomfortable truths and guides us towards creating a world that is comfortable for our children and supports their healthy development - Gabor MatéHow can we raise children in a world that appears to have gone so wrong?We all want our children to grow up in a world where they feel safe, and where people are kind to each other and the planet. But when we hear about climate change, a mental health crisis, war, it's hard not to worry about the future and how they will cope. Drawing on over 20 years of helping children and families, psychotherapist Louis Weinstock is here to help. Combining case studies, playful meditations and simple exercises with life-changing insights from history, science, psychology and anthropology, this is a parenting book like no other.Whether your child is struggling with mental health issues already, or you want to build their capacity to handle change and uncertainty, this book is a safe place to catch your breath and develop the skills to help your child through life's challenges.You will discover ways to find peace in the middle of chaos, bring deeper levels of love and healing to the troubled parts of your child (and yourself) and find hope when things feel hopeless. Most importantly, you will see that inside of you there is strength, wisdom and beauty, and no matter what is going on in this mad world, you can guide your child towards a more beautiful tomorrow.

Objev podobné jako How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It - Louis Weinstock

cena 447.0 Kč

E-Myth Revisited: 'Why Most Small Businesses Don''t Work and What to Do About It' (0887307280)

Kniha - autor Michael E. Gerber, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a new and totally revised edition of his groundbreaking bestseller The E-Myth, Gerber completely revolutionizes the idea of starting, growing, and maintaining a small business.

Objev podobné jako E-Myth Revisited: 'Why Most Small Businesses Don''t Work and What to Do About It' (0887307280)

cena 502.0 Kč

Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future?and What to Do About It (0241363667)

Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future?and What to Do About It (0241363667)

cena 403.0 Kč

Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It - Dean Burnett

''A wonderfully useful book, told with Dean Burnett''s trademark wit and wisdom'' - Adam Kay on Why Your Parents Are Driving You up the Wall“Can you get off your phone/ PS5/ Xbox!? NOW!” - Your parents (probably)I bet that you and your parents argue about phones.Maybe you want one, but your parents don’t agree? Or maybe you do have a phone, but your parents think you use it too much. Or even make you leave it downstairs at night when you want to scroll before sleep.Either way, the result is: arguments. Between you and your parents. About phones.Meet brain scientist and bestselling author Dean Burnett. He’ll show you why your parents are sometimes wrong about phones (and why, annoyingly, they can be a bit right), how you can both understand them a bit better and how you can stop arguing about them. You’ll learn about:Why turning off TikTok can be so hardHow video games can change your brain for the betterHow Snapchat can make us sad (and lots of other complicated feelings)Because screens can be a good thing. And a bad thing. But they’re definitely not worth getting hung up about.

Objev podobné jako Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It - Dean Burnett

cena 295.0 Kč

What You Really Want to Know About Life with Dementia - Christine Reddall, Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo

Selected for Reading Well for Dementia 2024: endorsed by health experts, charities and people affected by dementia.A family-led vision of what carers of people with dementia need and want to know. Supporting families and carers in their day-to-day life with dementia, this unique resource combines real stories from families with expert responses and advice for specific issues and concerns.This resource is based on the real stories and real questions brought to the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, peer support groups and clinical networks. Including questions around diagnosis, peer support, balancing risks, care transitions and end of life planning, the chapters are devised to support you, and give you the tools to live better, when dementia enters your life.

Objev podobné jako What You Really Want to Know About Life with Dementia - Christine Reddall, Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo

cena 473.0 Kč

FOAMIE 3in1 Shower Body Bar For Men What A Man 90 g (4063528008886)

Tuhé mýdlo - pánské, pro všechny typy pleti, přírodní, hmotnost 90 g Tuhá mýdla jsou naprostou klasikou v oblasti každodenní hygieny. Tuhé mýdlo FOAMIE se postará o jakýkoliv druh pokožky. Je nabité poctivými ingrediencemi ze světa přírody. Dopřejte svým rukám pravidelnou potřebnou péči a hygienu s tuhým mýdlem FOAMIE. Hlavní vlastnosti tuhého mýdla FOAMIE 3in1 Shower Body Bar For Men What A Man 90 g Tuhé mýdlo FOAMIE je ideální na každodenní hygienu Jednoduchá aplikace Je nabité poctivými, čistě přírodními látkami Určeno zejména pro muže

Objev podobné jako FOAMIE 3in1 Shower Body Bar For Men What A Man 90 g (4063528008886)

cena 129.0 Kč

Rich Forever: What They Didn’t Teach You about Money, Finance and Investments in School - Bianca Miller-Cole, Byron Cole

Remember when talking about money was taboo? Times have changed and in our times, with so many radical and disruptive changes to the economy, the role of the entrepreneur now embedded at the centre of so much societal and technological change, and digital currencies changing the way we think about exchange, money has become a vital, insistent of conversation for everyone. All of us acknowledge it matters desperately; yet so few of us really understand it. The press and social media are awash with rags to riches stories, stories of kitchen table businesses that become multi-million-pound enterprises.Stories of teenagers and young adults investing in digital currencies from their bedrooms. On the flip side of these aspirational stories there is the reality of the everyday person who simply wants to understand what to and what not to do with their money. Should they save or invest, if they invest - what in, if they save - what for? Should they buy a home or rent, should they live for the moment or live for retirement.How does having credit provide more credit and would insurance be the best bet if all falls around you and what the hell is APR anyway?Finance and money are topics we all wish we learnt at school but instead we find ourselves having to 'learn on the job', having to do deep investigations and 'trust' the advice from online experts. There must be a better way and a better place to go to for this insight and here we have it, courtesy of two authors who have known hardship and huge success - "What they should have taught you about money, finance and investment at school' to fill that void.

Objev podobné jako Rich Forever: What They Didn’t Teach You about Money, Finance and Investments in School - Bianca Miller-Cole, Byron Cole

cena 518.0 Kč

Martinů: What Men Live By, Symfonie č. 1, H 289, Česká filharmonie, Jiří Bělohlávek (CD)

Poslední slovo Jiřího Bělohlávka k dílu Bohuslava Martinů. What Men Live By (Čím lidé žijí, H 336, 1952) - jednoaktová pastorální opera podle povídky L. N. Tolstého "Pohádka o ševci". Symfonie č. 1 H 289 (1942) Ivan Kusnjer, Petr Svoboda, Jan Martiník, Lucie Silkenová, Ester Pavlů, Jaroslav Březina, Josef Špaček (vypravěč), Lukáš Mareček. Martinů Voices, sbormistr Lukáš Vasilek, Česká filharmonie, dirigent Jiří BělohlávekJiří Bělohlávek (1946-2017) byl významným světovým ambasadorem díla Bohuslava Martinů. Jen pro Supraphon natočil na čtyři desítky jeho symfonických, koncertantních a jevištních děl, mnohé z nich s přívlastkem světové premiéry. Navzdory rozsáhlým plánům představuje tato nahrávka současně vrchol i závěr Bělohlávkovy pozoruhodné diskografie ze skladatelova díla. Premiérová nahrávka pastorální opery What Men Live By vznikla ze tří koncertních provedení v prosinci 2014 (nastudování si vysloužilo nominaci na cenu The International Opera Award). Martinů ji zkomponoval na vlastní libreto v Americe na přelomu let 1951-52 a měl jasnou představu o jejím provedení: "Nesmí se to hráti 'patheticky', ale radostně. ... Ten text svádí mnoho k velice vážnému a ‚hlubokému' pojetí, ale to nebylo v mém plánu. Pro mne to je jaksi radostné dílo a posluchač musí cítit ne náboženskou jakoby morálku (poučení), ale radost. Ta morálka je právě v té radosti." Snímek Symfonie č. 1 z ledna 2016 doplňuje dříve vydané symfonie č. 3-6 (SU3631-2, SU4007-2) a byl součástí zamýšleného, žel nedokončeného kompletu pozdního symfonického díla Martinů. Bělohlávkovo spojení s Českou filharmonií v posledních pěti letech jeho života bylo velmi šťastné období pro obě strany a dalo rozvinout novým kvalitám ve zvuku orchestru. Předkládaná nahrávka zůstane živým dokladem této zcela výjimečné lidské a umělecké konstelace.

Objev podobné jako Martinů: What Men Live By, Symfonie č. 1, H 289, Česká filharmonie, Jiří Bělohlávek (CD)

cena 275.0 Kč

Až moc blízko - Eleanor Moranová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Mia je úspěšná psychoterapeutka s prosperující praxí, přesto neváhá všeho nechat, když se v telefonu ozve její dlouholetá přítelkyně Lysette a celá zoufalá ji prosí, aby hned přijela. Její kamarádka Sarah totiž spáchala sebevraždu skokem ze střechy parkovacího domu. Zůstal po ní jen mobil s neodeslanou zprávou LITUJI. Mia je odhodlaná zjistit, co se stalo. Jak vysokou cenu za to ale bude muset zaplatit? Jana Štvrtecká (1971) Jana Štvrtecká pochází z města Lanžhot na jihu Moravy. Vystudovala gymnázium Břeclav a JAMU. Nyní je členkou Mahenova divadla Brno. Pracuje i v dabingu ( Komisař Rex, Klinika, Doktor z hor, Pohotovost, Divoká kočka, Plameny vášně, Scary movie 3, Bratz, 8 žen, Rosmary má dětátko, Horká čokoláda, Baba na zabití, Frida, Devět rukojmí, Dallas, Pobřežní hlídka, Akta x, Rodinná válka, Nikdy to nevzdávej, Ženy v balíku, Tatínkův andílek). V ČT komentuje pořad Kuchařská pohotovost a na PRIMĚ Autosalon.

Objev podobné jako Až moc blízko - Eleanor Moranová - audiokniha

cena 299.0 Kč

Česká filharmonie, Bělohlávek Jiří: What Men Live By, Symfonie č. 1, H 289 - CD (SU4233-2)

Hudební CD - What Men Live By (Čím lidé žijí, H 336, 1952) - jednoaktová pastorální opera podle povídky L. N. Tolstého „Pohádka o ševci”. What Men Live By (Čím lidé žijí, H 336, 1952) - jednoaktová pastorální opera podle povídky L. N. Tolstého „Pohádka o ševci”. Symfonie č. 1 H 289 (1942) Ivan Kusnjer, Petr Svoboda, Jan Martiník, Lucie Silkenová, Ester Pavlů, Jaroslav Březina, Josef Špaček (vypravěč), Lukáš Mareček. Martinů Voices, sbormistr Lukáš Vasilek, Česká filharmonie, dirigent Jiří Bělohlávek Seznam stop Čím lidé žijí, H 336 Předehra / Scéna 1 „V jistém městě žil starý muž” / Scéna 2 „Jeho žena a dítě zemřeli” / Scéna 3 „Ráno Avdějič vstal před rozbřeskem” / Scéna 4 „Má milá, jářku, má milá” / Scéna 5 „Nech ho jít!”Symfonie č. 1, H 289 Moderato / Scherzo - Allegro / Largo / Allegro non troppo

Objev podobné jako Česká filharmonie, Bělohlávek Jiří: What Men Live By, Symfonie č. 1, H 289 - CD (SU4233-2)

cena 339.0 Kč

Až moc blízko - Eleanor Moranová - e-kniha

eBook: Mia je úspěšná psychoterapeutka s prosperující praxí, přesto neváhá všeho nechat, když se v telefonu ozve její dlouholetá přítelkyně Lysette a celá zoufalá ji prosí, aby hned přijela. Její kamarádka Sarah totiž spáchala sebevraždu skokem ze střechy parkovacího domu. Zůstal po ní jen mobil s neodeslanou zprávou LITUJI. Mia je odhodlaná zjistit, co se stalo. Jak vysokou cenu za to ale bude muset zaplatit?

Objev podobné jako Až moc blízko - Eleanor Moranová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! - Robert T. Kiyosaki

Today Rich Dad Poor Dad consistently ranks among bestsellers around the world in the categories of Personal Finance, Parenting, and Investing, has been translated into 38 languages, and has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide.Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads - his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad - and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explainsthe difference between working for money and having your money work for you.In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad, messages that were challenged and criticized 25 ago, are more meaningful, relevant, and important today than ever.

Objev podobné jako Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! - Robert T. Kiyosaki

cena 268.0 Kč

Insecure in Love : How Anxious Attachment Can Make You Feel Jealous, Needy, and Worried and What You Can Do About It - Becker-Phelps Leslie

Has your romantic partner called you clingy, insecure, desperate, or jealous? No one wants to admit that they possess these qualities; but if you find yourself constantly on the alert, anxious, or worried when it comes to your significant other, you may suffer from anxious attachment, a fear of abandonment that is often rooted in early childhood experiences.In Freeing Your Love From Insecurity, you'll learn how to overcome attachment anxiety using compassionate self-awareness, a technique that can help you recognize your negative thoughts or unhealthy behavior patterns and respond to them in a nurturing way-rather than beating yourself up. You'll also learn how insecurity can negatively affect healthy dialog between you and your partner (or potential partners) and develop the skills needed to stop you from reverting back to old patterns of neediness and possessiveness.If you suffer from anxious attachment, you probably know that you need to change, and yet you have remained stuck. With compassionate self-awareness, you can successfully explore old anxiety perpetuating perceptions and habits without being overwhelmed or paralyzed by them. By understanding the psychological factors at the root of your attachment anxiety, you will learn to cultivate secure, healthy relationships to last a lifetime.If you're ready to stop getting stuck in the same hurtful relationship patterns and finally break the cycle of heartache, this book can show you how to get the love you deserve-and keep it!

Objev podobné jako Insecure in Love : How Anxious Attachment Can Make You Feel Jealous, Needy, and Worried and What You Can Do About It - Becker-Phelps Leslie

cena 439.0 Kč

Medici Heist - Caitlin Schneiderhan

''A stunning debut. Weaving together a cast of loveable rogues, a richly detailed historical setting, and a cinematic thrill ride of a story, Medici Heist knocked us flat!''The Duffer Brothers, creators of Netflix''s STRANGER THINGS''Riotously readable''the GuardianWelcome to Florence, 1517, a world of intrigue and opulence, murder and betrayal. Sharp-witted conwoman Rosa Cellini arrives in the city the same day that the Medici Pope, Leo X, returns to take up the reins of power. This is not a coincidence. The new Pope is extorting a mountain of indulgence money from the people of Florence to bolster his power and standing, and Rosa has a plan to take it back. To pull off the Renaissance''s greatest robbery, she''ll recruit a team of highly skilled misfits: Sarra the tinkerer, Khalid the fighter, and Giacomo, the irrepressible master of disguise. But as the authorities draw closer and the Medici''s noose pulls tighter around the land, old secrets resurface and tensions in the group start to flare. What began as a robbery could be the key to saving the city itself - if Rosa and company don''t destroy each other first.Get ready for an absolute swashbuckling riot, beginning with a ''mud'' pie to the Pope''s face, and ending with a climactic heist that would give Danny Ocean a run for his money. Bursting with action, Medici Heist is your next un-put-downable obsession.''I can''t remember the last time I had as much fun with a book . . . I couldn''t put this down!''Mackenzi Lee, bestselling author of The Gentleman''s Guide to Vice and Virtue

Objev podobné jako Medici Heist - Caitlin Schneiderhan

cena 502.0 Kč

Deník snů - Keeganová Caitlin

Výpravná knížka se zajímavým designem, kterou autorka podmanivě ilustrovala, přináší základní informace o spánku i snění a základní rady pro zachycování snů. Výklad mnoha častých i vzácnějších symbolů, jež se ve snech objevují, je abecedně uspořádaný a doprovází ho řada přehledných tematických tabulek. Zbývající stránky jsou vyhrazeny pro zaznamenávání. Deník je určen všem, kdo mají zájem o rozbor vlastních snů a nalezení jejich skrytého smyslu.

Objev podobné jako Deník snů - Keeganová Caitlin

cena 299.0 Kč

Hledání dobré smrti - Caitlin Doughtyová

Majitelku pohřebního ústavu Caitlin Doughtyovou fascinuje všudypřítomný strach ze smrti, pokouší se proto zjistit, jak o své mrtvé pečují lidé v jiných kulturách. Hledání dobré smrti je poutavá cesta do různých koutů světa, na které poznáte tajemné a působivé pohřební rituály, o kterých se v našem prostředí téměř nic neví. Na indonéském venkově sleduje muže, jak umývá a obléká tělo svého mumifikovaného dědečka, s nímž už dva roky pobývá v rodinném domě. V La Paz objevuje bolivijské natitas (oslavované lidské lebky, co kouří cigarety a plní lidem přání). V Tokiu se seznamuje s japonským zvykem kotsuage, během kterého pozůstalí vybírají čínskými hůlkami kosti svých milovaných z popela. Píše o inovátorech v oblasti pohřebních služeb, kteří zkoumají kompostování lidského těla a ekologické pohřby. Snaží se zjistit, jak by nám různé tradice, od mexického svátku Día de los Muertos až po zoroastrijský nebeský pohřeb, mohly pomoci vidět naše vlastní pohřební zvyklosti v jiném světle. Vydejte se spolu s autorkou po světě za hledáním "dobré smrti". Je to cesta možná trochu morbidní, ale dobrodružná a nesmírně zajímavá, je to příběh o mnoha překvapivých a fascinujících způsobech, kterými se lidé po celém světě vyrovnávají s velmi lidskou výzvou - se smrtí.

Objev podobné jako Hledání dobré smrti - Caitlin Doughtyová

cena 329.0 Kč

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